znni o EVENING- LEDGEK PHlLADELPniA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1015. TEXAS HURRICANE COST $60,000,000; LOSS OF LIFE ROUGHLY ESTIMATED AT 113 SCENES IN GEORGIA WHEN MOB LYNCHED LEO M. FRANK NEAR MARIETTA GERMANS DASH ON GRODNO AND BREST LITOVSK m: ' X s Exceeded in Violence and Duration the Storm of 1900 Gal veston's Seawall Its Salvation Great Causeway Connecting City on Gulf With Mainland practically Destroyed ; Many Vessels Wrecked and Death Toll May Grow Terrific Force of the Wind mul Waves Swept Many Miles Inlnml, Carry ing Destruction In Their Truck. Scones of Terror in Stricken Com munities of the South Torn bv n tempest and overwhelmed by flood which In duration and the property loss Inlllctcd hnvcv apparently surpassed the destructive troplcnl storm of IW. Southwestern Tcxns and n largo section of the country bordering on the Gulf of Mexico and extending many miles Inland, today approximate the dnmago caused by the war of the elements which began last Monday at $00,000,000. A - tentative esti mate; of loss of life at aalvcstoii and In jv' score of cities and towns within a rad ius of 100 miles or more pliices the total at 113. These figures are subject to nUcrntlon as dcllnlte reports from the devastated districts filter through the mass of con flicting and fraKmentary stories which three days after the first blow fell upon the stricken communities are wired by correspondents who have been able to communicate facts through a crippled telegraphic and wireless service. Thu damage to buildings Is roughly estimated at $40,000,(00; to cotton and other crops, JtO.OOOCOO. and to oil fields, $2,000,000. Miles of railroad nnd Interurhan tracks were demolished, and long lines of tele graph nnd telephone wires arc down. It will be Weeks before normal conditions are restored. Galveston was saved from a fate sim ilar to the one it experienced In 1000, when 4000 persons perished, by Its gigan tic sea wall. While huge waves dashed qver tho wall at the height of the storm, the barrier held and only 31 known deaths occurred there. The craft In tho harbor did not faro so well. Fully two score small boats ore believed to have been sunk with their crews. Tho great causeway which connects the city of Galveston with tho mainland was partly wrecked, but cnglncorR hopo to have communication established by Fri day. Southeastern texas and . gulf region devastated Enormous Loss Inflicted by the Tropi cal Hurricane By PERRY YOUNG 'GALVESTON. Tex. (via Hcnumont. Te.),v Aug. ID Galveston has survived the. moBt severe storm In her history with a, known los of 33 Uvea nnd a property loss of about $1.1,000.000. This loss, how ever. Is negligible when compared with tho destruction wrought by tho terrible hurrlimir thnt blew out of the West In dies nnil tonchrd with death many towns and cities along the Gulf coast from Sa bine Pns to Motagoida Hay. Ih GnlvoHton the storm roared In fright ful menace through the city for more tfan 21 hourc, and to the strength of tho (Treat seawall alone Galveston owes Its salvation. Had It not been for this Im mense bulwark thousands of lives would h'avo been lost. Not a, business house or residence In tho city escaped damage In somo de gree and the property loss Is enormous. The principal destruction of property oc curred near tho wharves. 'The cotton piers nil suffered, one or two being wnshed away. Two elevators iXere seriously damaged by tho wind. Five ocean-going steamers are nground on Pelican Island, nnd the United States army transport McCIellan Is stuck there also, Small craft wero destroyed by the score. The prlnrlpnl damage to residence prop erty was on the water front nnd beach. The dead Include four soldiers, one civ ilian and a young boy, nil unidentified ex cept Krnest Rohel. GALVESTON (JNDKR MAimAL LAW go far, there are no reported cases of destitution, and a maBs-mectIng of citizens called together by Mnyor Lewis Fisher took stepa to tnko care of such cases as develop At the mass-meeting a commlt tro of tS citizens wns appointed to super vise the city's safety, nnd it was decided tb place the city under martial law, as looting had been reported In scattered lo calities. ' -Requests have been sent for companies of regular Infantry to patrol the city, and they nre expected to arrive by boat today. The local naval mllltla company and a number of private citizens have been created special policemen to pro tect property. All saloons have been closed by order Of Mayor Fisher. The looting was done In most cases by negroes, who were discovered at work when daylight broke on Wednesday. Prompt steps were taken to prevent further depredation. Although' the seawall stood the test of the terrific storm the great Galvoston boulevard, better known as the "cause way," through a greater part of Its ex tent washed up and was today only a series of brick piles. It is Uttered In all direction with debris and it will take months to restore conditions to normal. Although all public, buildings and most of the downtown stores were crowded With terrified citizens, as soon as the storm moderated they began returning to their homes. Titers were fully 1000 people quartered lp the courthouse, and an equal number was rounq in many otner buildings. The moat pathetlo tight, perhaps, was presented at the City Hall and police station. Here were gathered hundreds of refugees, who had been picked up by police and fire department patrols which worked without rest, bringing in men, women and children who were In danger on tr.H streets or In the shanties In which they had lived, in the number were per haps 44 women with babes In arms, and the alli pf these little creatures and the tfltorta of frightened mothers to soothe them wore heartrending. There were some eots, but the few who slept made their beds o the bare floor. Karly Tuesday peliee ottleers found two wandering cw whleh they drove ihrougta itt Minding rain and the waist up water Into the city hall. The sows were taken Into the ball and there a mother with four tiny teta filled a tin pall froui their bags, thus obtaining a milk mipply for her own brood and for the other babies. It was the Jtrst real meal many of them had had In U or more hours. rUUUT TO TUB MAINLAND. The wiod began blowing Monday, and .- . iiliwm began Uuviug the city for u,. n ., i.Liiiij Toe fitful gust of wind i.h tta w i-dtd the ateady blow of the LIFE AND PROPERTY LOSS IN THE TEXAS STORM titles. Item), t'roprrti l.nw. (iiilirMon ... ,19 515,000,000 llmiotnn 3 3,000.000 Tn city IK tnn.noo 1'nrl Arthur 1 3(10,000 MiiTOn's Point ,, 7 100,000 Wrxtnln Point ... U loo.OOO tienhrnok g 100,000 Hnlilno J ' loo.oim Xnlilnr I'm 100,000 llllrhrnrk , 7 611,000 I.eporle ? .10,000 l.ynrhlitirg J 10,000 Mliun ltrnch .... !1 3.1,000 ItilJ llldgr 3 ,1,0011 Dlrtilninn ....... I ..... Pnttnn Ill Tolal 11.1 M HV'M.000 storm was n warning to those who knew the characteristics of tho West liullnn hurricane. Tho tintometer dropped rnp Idly. The Weather Huroim nnd sent out ntnple warning nnd this precaution In great iiicnsuro saved ninny lives. The exodus was too grcnl Tor the ca pacity of trains, nnd tho Inicrurbunfl nnd those who could not net nwny settled down to "fnco the music." Virtually nil the people living nnr the waterfront, or the bench, cninc uptown fr. Mifety onrlv Monday afternoon. The gale steadily Increased lo n velocltv of 70 nillvH nt 4 o'clock Tui-silty. Street car service had then been suspended for n considerable time. Lights and power were gone nnd wires nnd l,;ns began to crash to tho streets from every direction. At thnt lime the wind wns nortli-nmth-enst, and It wns hoped the hurrlcar.o would pass Galveston In thu east. A troplcut downpour had augmented lltu fnicc of tnc wind from II n'cloi k, mul shortly after noon the stieets began f,i Mil with water. Uy four o'clock the waters of Galves ton liny were being bnektd up by thu north wind, nnd soon the stieels worn covered to a depth of two feet, and water began lo run Into nil stores nnd base ments. The ilse continued until midnight, when throughout the business district the depth rouged Troni shoulder deep to over n man's hend. This put nil tho telegraph companies nut of commission, but I remained ni tlm telegraph olllce until nftcr 9 o'clock Mon day night, wilting messages which 1 knew could not be delivered. In the estern Pnlon ofllce I sat until the water was waist deep, In hopes that a wlrj would bo opened. I saw watm al most nil the wny to where I" had my family, 15 blocks nwny Terror over the ominous situation was further Increased shortly after 10 o'clock thnt night by the slmtiltnncoiiM uppenr anec of two Hies which cast n glow ovor the wholo city. The O. K. Laundry and a large cotton warehouse on the water front were hurned to the ground. Mnny feared that the city would bo destroyed by llr.. A fortunate veer in tho wind which turned to tho southeast was received with shouts of Joy by lefugees In tho bulld Ingt nnd there wore many Joyous slioutB of "She's letting up: she's letting up." Hut tlls Joy was short-lived. Tho storm king had been binclng himself for an other blow from n dlffcicnt direction. Soon the llerco roar of tho stoitn was heard nnd In n short time the velocity of tho wind was 90 miles an hour. This wind came directly off the gulf nnd wntcr was dashed over tho seawall In torrents. The force of the waves tore down the bathhouses nloug the beaches and destroyed long sections of the splen did cnuscwoy. It added also to the great swamps of water In nil the streets. The gale continued for hours and while the Velocity never reached the proportions of the 1U00 fltorm. It was of greater dura tion than nny other and had the added .danger of blowing from tho northeast for hours nnd then repeating worse than ever from the southeast. Ah I write the wind has subsided nnd practically all the water has run off into the bay. The tug Pilot Hoy nnd the launch H. Wavorly, with IS men. have not been accounted for nnd nro given up by their owners for lost. Dredges, Including the Miller Davis, the San Jacinto, tho Sam Houston, the Sudormun and tho Dol son and Nanson, It Is expected are also lost with their crews. Ono schooner blew nil the way Into Galveston from Mobile, loaded with hemp, nnd was deposited on top of the sea wall near Fort Crockett. Two of her Bailors suffered broken limbs, but no lives were lost. SHIPS BATTERED AND MANY BELIEVED LOST IN STORM Reports From Gulf District Indicate Heavy Mortnllty WASHINGTON. Aug. 1.-I.atest radio grams from the gulf district to the const guard service told of tho boats Kl Slglo and Maachorn, battling the hurricane about 100 miles west of Key West. At first It was understood tho Maachorn had rescued the El Hlglo's crew, but later this was changed to show the rescue of the Maachorn's crew by El Hlglo, the Maa chorn being waterlogged and derelict. The Government dredge Ban Jnclnto Is ashore on Ited Ash reef, on Galveston. Her crew Is alive. The dredge HouBton Is ashore off Saint Edward's Point. No word hns been received regarding her crew. The launch Pelican arrived at Galves ton late Wednesday afternoon with 75 persons. She had rescued them from the middle part of the causeway. They had Bpent two days marooned and were In a deuperate condition from exposure to the full force of the storm. They were mostly Houston residents nnd others coming here to get relatives. They wero In three Interurban cars. The steamship nibston, high and dry, with plates badly smashed, lies on the railroad tracks In the Galveeton causeway, Qua Carlson, sailor on the United states dredge boat San Bernard, was rescued from the eurf 15 miles from Galveston Tuesday night with life belt about him. Ho was unconscious. He had been in the water U hours following the wreck of his boat At noon yesterday he regained con sciousness, and said that probabl) 27 f the complement of the Ban Bernard were drowned. He said the deckhouse was washed off the boat at 19 o'clock Monday morning, IS miles south of here. The ves sel sank immediately and the crew took to the bargee, The barges soon were beaten to pieces and Carlson believes no one but himself was saved. O. T. Larsen, her master, and several of the erew happened to bo ashore. The dredge boats Sam Houston, San Jacinto No. I and Galveeton, and the Government tug San Luis, may be loet. The dredge Miller Is reported safe. Ten Dollars for City Conscience Fund Philadelphia's "Conscience Fund" was a welled 10 today when the Mayor re ceived that amount In hie mall, witb tlie words attached. "This money belong to city of Philadelphia " The money was contained in an envelope marked "Wut Philadelphia " It was turned over to ths treui JITNEY BUSINESS IS PRACTICALLY KILLED; CAN'T RUN AFTER TODAY Director Porter Tells Commit tee That He Must Enforce Ordinance According to Ryan's Opinion TEST CASE PROBABLE An extension of lime In tho onfoivcinctit of the Jltnev oidlmiuco was denied lo Jit ney nwiiern by Director Porter today fol lowing ti cinifcieiiee with a coiumlttoe from the Philadelphia Jitney Association, and the popular cms will bo practically wiped from the streets lotnonow. Only one application for a llccnso had been made to tho Director's ofllce up to noon, when he sent n letter to tho Superin tendent of Pollco ordering tho enforce ment of the ordinance. Tho lcttoi 13 as follows; "Tomorrow, the 20th. Is the dnto decided upon tor tlio enioicenicni ui mo hu-in jitney ordlnnnce. According to an opinion ' from the City Solicitor under date of , August 17, I nin advised that the entile i ordinance Is effective, except for the poi- j tlon referring to 'zones of tiavol,' the en- I forcoment of which Is enjoined until afliv i the hearing on September :o. j "You will therefore issue orders to the police to enforce the terms of the or dlnunce on nil those who fall to display a temporary license which rends 'Auto Hit License No. . Georgo D. Porter, Director of Public Safety.' "Jitneys operating as sight-seeing curs, nie not, miliar tho terms of the ordinance, permitted to opctnte." rOItTKU UHKl'SRS KXTENSION. Willlain McGlll. Hicham C'nslello and Harry Sheatz, ns a committee fiom tho Philadelphia Jitney Association, were lu celved by Director Poller nt 11 o'clock. They nsked If an extension of time could ho granted. The dlrcctoi n piled thnt am extension he might make would pioo ably be misconstrued, and, ux much as he wns In sympathy with tne men, ho would hnve to enforco the ordinance to moriow. Tho Director and the Jltncynion seemed to be of the opinion thnt the enforcement of the ordlnnnce wns the best thing that could happen to both the drivers nnd tho public They said thu absence of tho ears would make tho public realize the convenience and tlme-snvlng advantages of this mode of transportation nnd would mnke the owners nnd drivels realize the effectiveness of a solid orgunlzntlon. It was pointed out that while many of the drivers, possibly 70 In the associa tion, could meet tho fee and bond ro fiulromentti, they felt thnt they could not nftord to curry on their shnulili-rs the bur dons of the Irresponsible drivers who would not nupport them. Again, tho men said thoy would be practlcnlh throwing away money by put ting up $200 nt this time, when they would only have u short time to run bc foie the told weather begins, when thoy would have to go to the ndded expense of buying closed tops for their machines. ltlchard ostello, secretary of the asso ciation, told Director Porter that a, meet ing would be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, nt the headquarters, 673 North Brood htreet, when an effort would bo made to provide tho funds necessary to make a test case. TEST CASE PROnAIlM: "Wo realize that tho Jltneya will bo lrtunlly driven from tho streets tomor row," ho snld. "Hut It Is perhaps the best tiling that could happen at this time It will probablv bring tho 1100 drivers to rralUo tho valuo of organization. Now wo may ho nblo to raise the necessary funds to provide a test case. It Is cer tain that an effort will be nindo any wny, hut the members of this association did not feel that they could afford, after all these months of effort, to put up moro money for the benefit of the others." Ono of the members of the committee t"ld Director Torter that It had been openly boasted by many. Jitney drivers that the Director "would not daro enforce tne orainance." Director Porter smiled. "Let those drivci s run tomorrow without a license and they'll soon find out," he said. It was then that he displayed the signed order ready to be sent to the Superintendent of Police. Mr. Porter read the opinion of City So licitor ltyan on the bond phase of the ordinance. Mr. Hyan said, in the letter, that tho Jitneys should be encouraged, but regretted the fact that neither he nor the dliector could modify the terms of the ordinance or make their burdens any lighter in the matter of the bond and license. "You see," concluded the director, "all we can do Is to enforce the otdlnance, even .though we would like to help you " Ryan also explained today the statement that was made yesterday In which he Is alleged to have asked a deposit of )190, 000 In cash In this city from a bonding company that proposed providing secur ity for the Jitney drivers. Mr, Ryan said that the deposit la required under an ordinance- passed in 1S8T for corporations not chartered under tliej laws of l'ennujl vanla. Bonfire Fatally Burns Child Charles Parrlsh, five years old, is In the University Hospital, so severely burned that the physicians say be cannot live. The lad, who Is an Inmate of the Baptist Orphanage. Mth street and Thomas ave nue, wm playing near a bonnre on the grounds when his UotbM caught fire A workman wrapped A coat around the lad and sojotnered the flames. I'lintn b Kturr. I'opyrlKht hy Undorwoodl Undernood. The upper picture shows the morbid crowd thnt gathered in front of tho undertaker's office after tho body had been taken to Atlantn. Tho lower photo shows Judge Morris under tho tree where Frank was hanged urging the mob to spare tho body and lot tho inquest be held. SWIFT TROLLEY TRAIN KILLS FOUR AUTOISTS; SIGNAL BELL BLAMED Lehigh Valley Transit Company Express Strikes Motorcar at Crossing, Sweeping Occu pants Under' Curs ' - MRS. MURPHY IMPROVES A signal boll that wuh wild today to fmvo been out of order Is believed to linvo been rcsponslblo for tho death or threo women and n man nnd the Injury of another woman, when n two-car cx ptcts tiollcy train nt tho I.ehlgh Valley Transit Company hit a touring car lust night, llvo miles north of Norrlstown. nt the Yost roud crobslng. Tho dead: tilANK Mflll'liy. H2 VMirs old. miss ni..Ncui: sirrti'iiv, his h.ter, 28 MIKHCI. VIIA MUttlilV, a Utcr, 20 yenra f"il8l I. UNA lirrZNCll, t scars ol.l, of Ijo .1 itowi. Tho Injured woman In Mrs. Mny Mur phy, Kl yon ib old, mother of Prank, Illnmhe nnd Clara Murphy. She wns hur ried tn t'hmity Hospital, Norrlstown, nf tor being taken fiom under tho llrst of the two ttolloy enrs. Physicians found that sho wuh Injured Intcrnnlly and her Bkull Is fractuird. An oporntlon will be performed to iclleve pressuro. She wns nllghtly Improved this afternoon and semiconscious. Sho Iiob not been told of the death of hor children. The signal bell nr tho crossing Is being made tho subject of a rigid Invcstignt'on todav. The windows of tho trolley cars wero closed, nnd none of tho pnssengera was nblo to say whothcr or not tho bell rang. So grcnt was the speed of the trolley trnin that tho automobile was shoved 150 feet along tho track boforo tho car could bo brought to n stop. Hy that tlmo tho auto was a shapeless mnss of wreckage. All Its occupants had been thrown out ns tho machine wns rolled over and ovor. Members of tho trolley crow and pas sengers found tho bodies, mangled be yond recognition, under the cms. All wero so cut up and tangled In the wheels that It wns ImpoBslbto to remove them, with the exception of Mrs. Murphy. Her body was found lying on tne ties uetween two of the trucks of tho forwaid car. 'A pBs senger dived under the car and put his oar to her bieast. He found she was still "ve' . . , Another automobile that camo along was requisitioned. Sirs. Murphy was rushed to the hospital. A call at the same time, was sent to Allentuwn for a wrecking crew. The umbulonco from Charity Hospital hurried to the scene, but the phyBlclans coulu do nothing. Murphy, his two sisters nnd Miss Ultzner had been killed Instantly. Trarfle on the lino was tied up for more than an hour until the wrecking train arrived and lifted the heavy trolley cara with Jacks. The cars are of steel and heavily built- They wero not derailed or damaged by the collision. The Murphys lived In Yost 'road, less than a half mile from the scene of the accident. Two minutes before It happened they had left the house. lienjamln Murphy, husband of tho woman now In the hospital, stood at the front door and saw the. party off. He became hysterical 10 or 15 minutes later wnen ne received word of tho tragedy. Dies on Return From Trip NOllHISTOWN, Pa.. Aug. 19. Return ing from a trip to the Panama Exposi tion on Saturday, William A. Decalndry, of Washington, died suddenly yesterday at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. lltlen Hovendtn, widow of the world famed artist, at Plymouth Meeting. PHILADELPHIA GETTOTRCT am-e Diagram LANCASTER COUNTY BEGINS ASSAULT ON TOLL ROADS TONIGHT Monster Mass-Meeting to Be Hold in Columbia State Ownership Will Be Urged by Auto Owners MOTOR PARADE FEATURE From a Staff Correspondent, COM'MKIA, Pit., Aug. 19,-Tho llrst or ganized effort for tho abolition of toll roads In Lnucnstcr County will huvo Its Incoptlon hero tonight, when hundreds of motorcar owners .BSomb!o In the fitato Armory to voice tliolr protest ugnlnBt prlvntoly-controllcd highways, which they bollevo should bo operated and kept up by tho Commonwealth. The. mnss-mcetliig, which Is to be held under tho auspices of tho Columbia Auto mnbllo Club, will bo preceded by a pnindu of more than Cifl motor-driven vo lilclcs. Automobile owuoih from uenrly every section of the northern end of Lan caster County, nnd also from the adja cent counties of Lebanon, York nnd Adupis, will tako part In the demonstra tion. Olllclala of tho Columbia Automobllo Club, hended by Its president, Alfred H MeycrH, havo left no stone unturned to make tho meeting a success. Several days ago the Free Roads Committee of tho otganlzutlon in threo automobiles covered practically 125 miles of tho north ern end of tho county. Hugo posters, an nouncing the purpose of tho meeting, and speakers to bo present, were placed In conspicuous places. Thousands of adver tising folders: outlining the frco roads propaganda were distributed. Every where the Columbians were received with cnthuslnsm. Motorcar owners approved of the movement, announced their Inten tion of attending tho meeting and con gratulated tho tourists for taking the In itiative In the matter of free roads in Lancaster County. At tho State armory preparations havo been made to seat nearly 2000 persons It is expected this will be inadequate, and arrangements have been made to hold an overflow meeting. Addrcssos will be mado by President Meyers of the local club; State Highway Commtisloner R. J. Cuu nlnghnm; D. V. Magee, chairman of tho Good ltoads Committee of the Lancaster City Chambor of Commerce; Frunk r, liosch, president of the Harrlsburg Motor Club, and otheis. It Is expected that a permanent organi zation will bo formed, to arrange for the State to maintain ali the roads In the county. It Is said Lancaster County has tho greatest number of toll roads in Penn sylvania. About 30 miles of these are in cluded In the proposed Lincoln Highway. A chart, showing the various tolls paid in traveling over privately maintained roads In the State, will, be exhibited. Speakers will point out that, In traveling from Philadelphia to Gettysburg, tho following tolls are exacted: Overhrook to 1'aoll, TO cents; Westminster tq Lancas ter. 26 cents; I.aiicaster to Columbia, 35 cents; Columbia to Wrightsvllle, via Pennsylvania RatlroVd bridge (car and four persons), 40 cents; Wriglitsville to York, 15 cents; York to Gettysburg, cents. This makes a total of JZ.07 for the trip. The next toll paid, according to members of the local organisation Is li cciitu to cross the Mississippi Itlver atl at. Louis. showing high coat of toll road travel in 4 j-& ;,, rt:;.,uK LEO INNOCENT," SOBS WIDOW, HERE WITH BODY Cmitlntird frnm I'liRn One tried to perundo her in change her mind. Sho hernmo hysterical. letter sho bo cumo calm "I MI'ST UK NEAIl LEO." "They tool; Leo away fiom mo and now ho belongs to mo until ho Is put Into his grave! 1 must ho ncur hlml" sho snld. Her request wns grnntcd. She was led Into the bnggngo cnr. There sho took u glanco ot tho dark blown box. On tho box were several wreaths of lowers, most of them lilies of tho vulley. Homo were placed In the baggage car whllo en route from Atlnntn. As .Mrs. Frank gazed down on the box sho suw fastened to it the death ccrtlllcato issueti uy tlio Georgia State Hoard of Health. Tho cnillllcnle was nindo nut iih follows: "Georgia Stnto Hoard of Health. Deceased Leo Moses Frunk. Occupation Superintendent of lead pencil fuctoiy. Horn July 1, ISM, in Germany. Mothur'u maiden nnmo Judith lllrsch. Fnthor J. Frunk. Died Near Marietta, On., August 17, 1015. Cnliso ot denth Strangulation. Signed Dr. L. Thornton. SIis. Frank didn't read tho words. Tho strain wns too much for her. She was led back to her dinwing room. Thcio sho lemnlned until the train icticlicd Now Vol k. The train cmryhig Mia. Finnk, who Is an attrnctlvo young woman, with jet black halrjiud dark eyes, left Atlnntn nt 12:ul ostonlay morning. Sho wns accom panied by her brother-In-Inw nnd tho Rev. David Mm x, of Atlantn. Tho car In which the widow wns traveling was tho sixth sleeper attached to tho b.iggnge car ot the "Death Tinln," as that tialn came to ho known durinf tho long Join nay. SAD WIFJ3 SLEEPLESS. Mrs. Frunlc didn't (deep a wink during the'ttlp fiom Atlnntn to Washington. When not calling her dead husband's nnmo she gnzed nt his plctuio. Once, near Ilnltlmoro, sho fell asleep. Tho pho tograph of her husband wns found clutched in her two bands. Tlio hands seemed to bo fastened to the picture. Two hundred Atlnntn Hebrews boarded the trnin when It deimltcd fiom thnt city. Seveinl mcichunta boarded tho Hum hi. .ikii miiu, .. vv. nu piiysiciailS also got on tho train. Thoy remained nt Mrs. Frank's side until tho train reached Richmond. As tho train reached Washington a delo gntlon of merchnnts, with their wives, daughters and sons, stood on the plut form stntlon. In tho group wero &ovcrnl salesmen, saleswom and laborcis. Two largo wrcuths of 111 j of the valley wero handed to the hitRg,! - mastor. On tho rough box containing tho collln wero nlfco several wicaths, mndo up by nn Atlanta florist, but gnvo no Informa tion as to the Identity of tho senders. A trainman said a negro jouth placed onu of tho wreaths on the box Just bo foro tho trnin pulled out ot Atlantn. TRAVELERS SUBDUED The United States fast mail of tbo Southern Railway is well known nmong commercial travelers who llvo in tho North. Thoy usually como homo to visit their families on tills train. Tills train often is tlio sccno of Jubilation among tiavclera who know each other. During the cntlro trip uono of the usual scenes not oven u card game was visible. PassengerH kept Inijulilng about Mrs Frank's condition. Those occupying nuuciuuiiiM near mu ono occupied by the widow could hear her sobbing nnd calling' "My Leo! Don't lot them tako his bodv nwny!" Tiie moment Mrs. Frank boarded the train hho began froven davs of niniimi.. The mourning Is known as "SchlVo." It tcquircs tho inournor to lemaln In her stocking feet for nevcn dnys. Not once during the trip did Mrs. Frank wear shoes. At different intervals Rabbi Marx visited Mrs. Frank In her stateroom. Ha tried to comfort her. Sometimes ho suc ceeded and sometimes ho failed. Between Washington und Baltimore Mrs. I-ronk collapsed. A physician who was on tho train administered a sedative to her. Sho fell asleep for a short time UtlVl lUUl. Tho "Death Train" nrrlved nt wiimin. ton nt 3.02 this morning. Mr. Marcus her brother-in-law, who had been con tinually awake during the trip, was asleep for tho llrst time. Mrs. Frank was half awako. Both were lying In their cots, which adjoined each other. " We are glad we are near our home " said Marcus ' THINKS HUSBAND LIVES "I have no message, but I desire to ox press our thanks to our sympathizers Frank Is dead and gone. Now we are trying to prevent another tragedy I mean the death of Mrs. Frank, who simply can't believe that her husband actua ly is dead. Often she Imagine he is standing near her. Mrs. Frank and her husband Idolized each other. Later we may have a statement for the press " While Mr. Marcus was speaking 'Mrs Frank looked at the interviewer. A dim light was burning In the stateroom. Out side of the stateroom stood several women and men, "I am beginning to feel a little better " said Mrs. Frank in a choking voice. "Please don't excite yourstlf," pleaded Mr Marcus. ST.10U15 1O50MIU5 vv -TCU15CEM5TOCP055-W; MISSISSIPPI RIVER Pennsylvania, Russians Hasten Retreat North to Protect Rail road to Czar's Capital QUIT NIEMEN-BUG LINE nnm,Lv. Aug. a Striking hat (I nt both ends of tho itUa. slnn line, the Germans have scored lm" portnnt successes In the last 21 hours " General Mnckonsen's troops have pen, trilled tho outer positions ot Hrtst-UI. ovsk, near llokllno, tho War Olllce tm' nounccil this afternoon. Two more forti or .novo (ieorglcvsk have been enntbrcd " tilth luoo pi I; oners and 125 cannon. Following up his victory nt Kovno, acn'i' crni von Illnilcnbuig Is driving the Rus.t sinus southward In lh,. regi011 fcc,t 0j$ tho fortress of Grodno. The Slavs hat hunledly evacuated nil their positions bcWJ tween Knlv.irln nnd Suwalkl and are re-' tiring In tho dliectlon of the Waiaaw-' Pcirognid Railway. ; Tlio Important developments In tlioeast'' em llicntic, according to n,e General ' Stuff, nro: 1. The Russians huvn evacuated the eastern bank of tho Hug lllvor, nbove ihd below Wlodowo, south of Ihest-Lltovsk. " - 2. North or Hlelsk (loininn troops have ' ronched the Ulelostok rallwnv, taking "000'' 1 1 Isoncrs. v . Third. In the capture of Kovno the -Germans captured SO olllcers nnd 3000 men. - t Fourth. Tho Russians havo evacuated : their positions opposite Ki.hmrja and s Suwalkl, KouthwcHt of Kovno. i Fifth. Tho Germans have crossed the I Nnrcw River, west of Tykocln, taking 800 ' more piisoneis. j TBUTONS ALII TO CRUSH FOB AND KEACH CAPITAL" LONDON, Aug. . Two objectives nre now before the vic torious Austro Hungarian aiinlcs In tho catsent theatre of wur. They nro the further pursuit ir tho Russian nrmlcs,' with tlio object of accomplishing their complete demoralization, nnd, second, an advance on Pctrogrnd. Tho ultlmnto (dm of these objnj'tlvcg, howevci, is to force Russia to conclude n separate pence. Attention Is being centred now upon what tho next movo of tho Germans In the Last will bo. With tlio capture of Kovno by Field Mur-sliol von Hlndetiburs' and Hie rapid advance of Von Mnckensen on Brest Lltovsk. tho southernmoit fortress of the second lino of Russian ' defense, tho entlro lino has become un- ' tenable for tlio Russians. In fact, un olllclul dispatched received hero today say' that the retreat of the Russians all along tho lino has already begun. I'cislstcnt icpoits have leached here that the Cicrmuns are transferring whole nrmy corps fiom tho southern to the northern front and aro preparing tor a dilvo on Pctiogrnd, after seizing the railway at Vllna. In some quarters It Is believed bore that tho movement through Kovno in Vilnn is moro than an effoit to reach the Wnrsaw-Petrojrsd Railway nnd turn the Russian Hank, The (lormaus, some London critics bflleve,' plun to drlvo a wedge In the Russian, Hue , enst of Vllna nnd send nrmlcs matcMni. to un nttuck on Potrogrnd while holding off tho Russians to til south. To meet the offenslt i movement It wai pointed out hero tod:,- the Grand, Dukt, must evacuate Hrcst ...Itovsk nnd retreat not (award with his armies or leave a( ganlson In Hies L.tovsk to Impedo the movementH of the Germans In the south-, enst. a It Is bclloved In mllltmy cliclcs here, . at the (lormaiiK will continue their pur- - suit of tho Russian armies In an at-,, tempt to envelope thoni and compel a huge sunondcr. Somo military men, how- i ovor, aro Inclined to believe thnt the Germans will push their ndvunce up north, against Riga, and after occupying thnt port will launch a move on Petro-. grail. Tho arnnd Duko, It is behoved, , will wheel his nrmlcs northward, to de- " fend tlio Russian capital. s' With tho fall of Kovno Into German ,; hands, the eastern battlo front Is mors nearly straight than it Iuib been since early last spring. From near Riga, south! along tho Petrogrnd-Vlna-Blclostok Rail-" way, tho lino runs along tho arc of a very largo circle, clear to Kovel, which Is on the edge of the vast swamps of Volhynlu, covering the Russian southern (lank. The Russians' position, however, Is trf far from comfortable, because most of , their few railway connections run P-r- ' nllcl to tho front Instead of directly away" from it, nnd if these lines aro cut their Loinmunientlona will be seriously em" barraHscd. Tho enormous difficulties, on the other hand, In tho way of a Gorman advance on , piitrograd nro cited. Fiom tho r.ereat , point to tho Russian capital yet reached, by tho Germans tho dlstnnco ! nore umu 330 miles, and nearly nil -tl'J way the land Is a vast marsh, Interspersed with Mnnll nnd large lakes and rivers, BBS there Is only one easily destroyed railroad. The objoctlvo of the Germans In tM future, us In tho past, Is likely to bo the Russian Hold nrmy, which Btll! refuses to, bo cornered nnd still retreats into tM Interior. , Military men hero today expressed tne, belief that Drest-Lltovsk will bo evacu-, atcd by tho Russians possibly within a js fortnight. , J An olllclai statement from Petrograd x early today admitted tho capture, byGn; erul von Hindonburg, ot the principal defenses of Kovno. A portion of tne a works on tho right bank of the river is ,1 still held by tho Russians, who are using j tho samo tuctlca they employed ui)0nia evucuutlng Warsaw. From their po'1" S tlons on tho light bank, ne K"88''"1?! artillery Is covering tlm rctieat of 'tne j Kovno garrison in tho direction of Vllna. gg tho railway centre, towaid which mj German ruxu Is dliected. ? Petrograd also admitted nenvy Q"rB'5 nituoKs upon tno tons ot '" ""-- ovsk, but declared thero had been n , change in the situation around ii y Litovsk. ! PLEADS nUILTV OF ASSAULT OX WEALTHY I'lTTSBUHGHEIl'J , '4 McIIenry, Implicated With Schneiders, Son-in-law, Says He'll Tell Story ; .,..,, ,,,,,, it ,i. A,,tr 19 GeerMr Mollenry, implicated with A'ton". J' s Q. Forney, of wasiungton, u. .- "y-v murderous attack on ""Tj Sohnelder. a, wealthy capital olty &w. . t V, Aiirlamnn IlOtfiJ Uwt. - (vat) til lit ! -- - - - aJM olty, on June 31, today pleaded guilty vm five charges, two of conspiracy, tw ; felonious assault and battery and " , entering a building with intent iu - mu muraer. ...,- Mcllenry announced ut tae ni "-! ho wuuld zo on the stand and teu w entire story of th affair when the PWJ time comes Forney Is Schneiders imr -. i-iaw. and It b alleged that lie was ing to the put th latter out of ths W si mat lit could obimu 75,0i. """ j) hntidei had reiciMd on inaliiwo -dow u nt liK insuruiiba uolKi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers