"J m 10 HEN'S TRIBE ANNIVERSARY i T " " Dies, .. . "Jta The nniimi V!S n "ore for an wha Frisco on AugustM rlrnutv icay, f0r and several EfcL','! Atnrust It, One ot th fm"r? if . Jfe i'l ? obllMtM very Urge uii!JS!.J)I .?.' Association is th ftns of the Deputy Great ' ?WKS'' .-.,. .. reside. tJMB KirthStp itreit SSKS S'i'tMa.BS a!t".w "" Hull, whe i)ke on thi ? iur. " nrotn In the Foresters of SHilA riy" by l9ln Messed thosa "resent Wlih 'filK He lso im. btr are ursea to sttlli JtS "d01, All mem tilghU l Mtena ,h wetting tomorrow ayawiwa ledger-Philadelphia. Thursday, Aim Sachems Pacortta's Activi iles and Wingohockihg's Ded cj&Mon. HKin Tribe celebrated Ha 13th until MKlr? at Its wigwam, Broad and Chris imr.7.uH with a banquet Logan was SJJkttd on July 30. 1886, at the old $ Post Hall on id street below !'" -.,., if nnuncll flro haa been iBBi hrlirhtly ever Since. There were IP&'wecbt8, but Brothers Alex. It. .V find tho cniei ot recoras, ueorge .rn. nave Interesting talks on. the '.j ot the tribe since the time otlhe dtndllrs. , Mb. kn,ns meeting ot the Deputy Orest PBt'.V AMOdatlor. w held last Monday Rvfe'.t the ftreal council office, 124 North Irifriyf " Most of the deputies were prca 111 "Vvnralled their namen to go on a trip o Kit nJ0iy oh Auguet 28 to vlilt the great l&MOW Alio re. John Coombe. The depultes rS WitrMtea by areat Sachem Walker f wi' il?5l in lending out tho commissions ns; -Viiltlng-UP ceremonies n uciomr. ?Ir?M deputies have already got their . if Vff. - .....lln TA strlcta listed un. SmLW ""' "-"- iad the " "1.. ! thtul at '.!. iinnnn cvciiiua .. vsa.a Siw boast that on these hot evenings the S. ire ever ready to do their eliaro ot rii.: .;. vorv row tribe that can E!ritna on the floor during- the summer SSfWfor 'the fall rklslbgs. This la not rlth Illro, snowing .mat me mem- tfis eood ot tho tribe and order at aWVifiitFa were one adoption ana , inree Sla.t$ut with several more to be adopted furHtatienai "" . .-., hreaka I. 8. Neerm. n.hTribe, give tho prophet's chargo to StotKt' Hiro extend, to all visitors a fill til ?:;. m n r.nuncll any Monday's fggSm W """' Pfe.,., Tribe, with .a large, attendance, IPra two more candidates on la.t Friday's ."luh oroapecta of more this week. A- "S3 Si; one ot tile lortunaie trices auring tti a. ",", h matter of Increase, unu . 'S, M? that th.. Vart sun' will'uo Its 6 f.?f In the history of the order. Chief -rf?fMres. In which he congratulated the ML?a in renewed Interest by tholn "Sr'S.mSirV and urged them to continue Kt jffl Committee desires to thank all J?.' .ha responded to the call tor tickets 'KTtW the "bowing made by the attendance ! tSonta at Point Urceie I'ark. feeling SLiJ-noald for Its work. Tho committee ff.Tworfcon accounts, and expects to present f.J5S,i ananolal report. It any member !.JVt iittlea or returned his tickets, he will tJYrrtt'y aiding the committee by doing so "nSSatV dreat Sachem John M. Camero is JStfil with much success in hlsnow poiltlon. hJ iifl I pay a visit to Pluto Tribe on next TsnriSty'e lecp, and hopes to see a largo .ffince. ConsUerlng tho general confl ff.Jvii thinks the progress of tho order en Sftiris a mors cheerful outlook and that JKUVulutlons will bear much frujt In spirit 'Vswnta'has nearly all the past sachems of tMirtSi as regular attendants, who are actlvo SiSiarious committees. Now members ara ?.!?M f.i t home and given somo little in 22? jV Among those who responded to .mA talks were Past Sachems Memn, Bullen Piii Uellaah and uroincrs tienry, u inch ana ina IH, . zr .i, " IMber. Minrto aeorgs W, Arnold, collector of mm. ' .' kA i rnnnnin to nis nomo uv nineds. rfw(sor Linus will soon bo ready to call tho iin4 m nr&ctlCO. i ltitatton of 30 members of Seneca Tribe, if Ojakertown, trailed to sspinnersiown ana S(rri.ii the three degrees on 16 palefaces tor TU'COla Tribe. The meotlnp was large Sa enthuslastlr, and the visiting brothers were nlertitncd In an enjoyable manner. feliontour Tribe, of Dubois, has been enjoying ti Miion ot "rroiperlty since the session of tho ftlSPySLnJiinthai cltv. Keen Interest ha. R SiS manifested In the tribe, which has ro '"iraltti In the. admission of 20 new members, t& work being periormea Dy ine aegree team. VAiwithatftnnine tna wnrui tvvuiuti, mc m- tendance bis been largo. DetMr Qreat Bachem Cyrus Stern, of Al tiona, has officially visited each tribe In his dutrict anil has made arraneements for the ralilw of their chiefs. He writes that, though th attcndincejhas been small and little work done, tie tribes' in tho district have promised him an increaso In memberahlp during his una. as deputy Great Chief of Records Donalley has mailed mpIm of the records to the tribes, great chiefs, ommlttecs, deputies and vartouasother mem ters He has recoled many letters' congratu lating hiro on the excellence of the report. IV Tie ledlcatory ecrvlco of the council cham- SEK Vk II lllfcUlluniiito ai.ug, ,(..,,. mun ..avu Slut baturoay, was ot an unusual cnaraccer. Ta Ceremony was perieciiy nuniicu, mhu aSfflntroductory remarks by P. S. Edward oiin of the various sneoches were Kema Wt ceiemonles had Just been concluded, when Wj&i ratherlng was somewhat surprised by the fittinco ot the great chancellor, Benjamin tor;; the great Keeper or records ana seats, jouet wilt, the head of tho military depart jutt. Barney Boale. and Georee Pollock, all ref Ue Knights ot Pythias. Bach of these was (Moore; the great keeper of records and seals. SUE ir F1I,1 unon. and Rrand Chancellor loore de- luvued an elegant address upon the tencta of llraternlty, relerrelng to patriotism and the ipltamrs he had in observing tnat tno room u decorated with tbo American (lag. O. KlttlL and 8. Wilt snoke of Pvthlanllm and iBidmanshlp. The meeting was Intensely en- joie to an. ItAINMAKEnS OF AMEniCA. I'hiilts a Seldcl. ot Shawneso Loft, 8 ',4: 'nnilt I'vtrt nl Wnnaltn T nt XTn IILt nnl Wtam needier, of Crow Tribe, visited Man- I1A Loft. No lim&. Iintl vam ttfnnrAnA A Ihwnr welcome In tho abeenco ot other State oieU!s who forgot to-make good on Thura y Ut Mandon Tribe and Loft will start KbUlness at their new hall, nt KiA nt,l Ttnl. Wa atreets. Their lecelpts are lmreaslng, I ',rjn ln hls warm moon they hold v.ell- a-iiviMjrM mvrimiii stun enawnese 'mce and Rain Loft, No. BH. .. , ,c, llo iuoa ol lroner josepn wooper, lis leates a nost of friends In and out of the !"H: ,A'e"eriO'.condlence has been sent i bl father, who Is crippled by an accident. Bid POW WOW toniuht. !SclatJon"liMlPhh',MI?.'1'an ani Haymakers' S5SS1 1 wl" nol,J " annual pow pow be- DeSlnr todav at ('antral Tul j?i hKl iT,- BiWft There will be mi "...S" "" SiV?r.'.,0.nJht' yhen h"e w be con- anliev,nn1,.h Jarlou.s '"" " councils rtonsyivanla. New Jhhav faianH nMr, sfflaVrbhn' k8 f at Wftn-'or EaKo Trlbo, of l;H?yor the famous Uncas Tribe of Tren. ffif'.A7:guw. V168- f hs city, well known Kbi-rrik.r;'"0 "am worm Nentlnalah, fSSFT. J .nd the famous WambultavJ i for the contest prizes ton.ght. r evenlncp npln k .... . ,.h SS . s A"d " Pcial program wilt be w tor the public. turday afternoon th win h n hauhnii at rtjlt) betWMn Iha ama n WnnMh.l.h ' Sllil IlnnffnrA IIa.h.ia mu.. i .1. ..... Uwln J. "-"" ituuilD AllUn. WUUI IVUII1S iKf.!?' .l1 '" the lied Men's Kagua. ...Ti.'"11 ""! De given over to dancing 1 aaotner special program for the nubile Maociatlon expecta this to be the ban- ' or the order, The membership In t of about 20OO. wiowuig are the officer of the asso- rrniaent, jouls iteuDeni nrst vice :Uner 0 Johnson, 'third vice president. i H fA-l. .AAA...n T 3 T rinHm.n ... auun IIVMUISi, II. , IViltUDi secretary Walter T Orosa, financial Ueorge Amy, trustees, 1'Oillp Edwaril rinilniaihp nnit James directors William Petltt, .3, H. llead- " anaw jr , Joaepn warenail, trratiK H Barauel McElroy. rpurt Patrick H-hm,-. -.., piete, succetn Thfei .nf-niSii " w" .R. com" member, or th cSSr? lir?' conalnlnir 80 at 8 n m SunSav rnJ' ri5i. .'"t,."1.?"'0? nail nr-..iii. .?.ntJRy ior ureen'a ntntinn m t in ter n t-iai tt.. ii. . . - ifimv y;ri.""u.. "" wb wromt .- ., . . "IO II El liarfl Tift (Via. .LLi ""?.. f e.cwed, nd wh.n .T,."'.'..'.'.' ""' .r?"'i t me hlte Fawn rii..K .VJi. .,0yiro arrivea mfnt counter by "lego ,h'y took th! ffr"h- be'.lleentht1,ebln;a"rrreUnnln,U.Fame w" "tlt4 court, th lwf. M,r.lSir,V,,un,l. f fa lb8B5,"r.T.!5rVH-S. e ,.b.lber. d.i B.t.. 3b. Ann.bMg. ft ! wafntra ftf'1' (,, Conrad BToirS'' &t ""Ubra k'er,t' "' Nee'maklng1 1 .'" Pr, support. Mc perfect rapport th. nffiC'KW6 1br hd This Is tho wit Vim? K5. bffth,f featurlna;. have won In "any t'erfr, """ "!"ow, ofAcouVse?"'?. ?h,ndn?r.n',Bhk th "'" Ples, Nameo wore a D,L?cB0un,fl,,&,ln, Dro,nr " were.othermo'urn'e'rs? fo'o. Cwra?t8't.l,ThS?t IND. ORDER ODD FELLOWS Grand Master Institutes New Lodge and Presents Prize Banner. Pleasure or presenting to Orwlgsburs ffi& 'i0, 1B7' th0 banncr won "" . cellenco In exemplltylng tho second de- 5,,' 'cc'1 Pfnying him were Grand Srnnf0tor Mc,althry. representative or Montgomery Lodge, No. 67, and B. F. -ttlttcnhouso. nf Mnr-I. r j xt. i-.. At tho samo tlmo at a special session ot tno Grand Lodge i3 past guards were ad mitted Into membership. &MMiiK?nti!La,te.' accompanied by Assistant nJiinhtiK. Law!? A' Meng.l and Oeorge F, a "nat"-""-?. rana marshal. Instituted Count? ThS.ei-it.-.Cro" 9re.olt' Washington v?r ?.ti.r.ha. 'nlllai?-rr' ?ni1 de" work was ahf? "? m.'SE"' Thi? JodRe ha a member smn of 20. and a probabll ty of Increasing it renmonoday""1"" "' U""' tha Pe"-Mar irw'i'a'v ErnJlch hAa ""'o' " bS nights la.t Friday evening, CO members belnp present. P. S.,I'trt P' O. John Pflium and Brother Jullu. I flaum addressed tho lodge After tho regular busincita was oer refreshments were sened and fRf..k0" were entertained by Brother W. J. Overbeck. P. o. W. S. McCandless and P. U. v Vi' Krousltopf, who each sang a song, and .7-' J...whl.V.' ,wh. recited his telephone f.t0..entIlllu "A, Hole in the Roof," P. a. 11. O. Wilson, fir., told a good story. Merchants' Lodge recorded another "red lot Ur ,,"X. fflt ,he outing held at Jlountwcll Park, Haddonflcld, N. J., on Saturday atternoon last. Tho members, with their wives, families ana friends, numbering about 78, made tho atter noon one continual round of pleasure. Lery one ln the shade of the large trees forgot the Intense heat. The baseball game and other sports for the men and the games for the ladles ana cnuaren were among the features, prizes being awarded tho successful participants. Ice cream, lemonade and'enke were amply pro uded. The committee ln charge, Brother Prank Shutnun, chairman, was congratulated on th success of the outing. Imperial Lodge conferred the first degree ln full form last Thursday ovenlnp on Brother Russel K. Young, and the able manner in which the degree was put on was a subject of much comment. There was a large attendance, with sevoral visitors, and some cry gratl eral visitors were present and eome very grati fying remarks were mado by seteral brothers. Visitors will always find a hearty welcome at Imperial. Peace and Love Lodge, of Jenklntown. con ferred the third degiee on six candidates and admitted one by card last Friday evening. The lodge now has a membership of 187 and has lt candidates for membership, who will not bo admitted until September 2. as tho lodge has decided to do no degree work during the month ot August. Arrangements are under way for a public In stallation of the officers of the lodge In Oc- tooer, wnen it is expected tnat ttarry u. uo;, D. D, Q. M., of Bethayres, will do the work. John. 'Le win, 84 years of age and H years a member of Peace and Love Lodge, was buried on July 23. By reason of Brother Lewis having no relative In this country, the funeral servkts were held ln the lodgeroom and the remains were burled In the lot owned by the lodge ln Lawmlew Cemeterj. The Ilev. Dr. William Barnes Lower, of Wyncote, officiated. Brother Lewis' delivery of tho -warden's charge ln the degree work for Influence and effect has sel dom been excelled. ii U3$. TtfBSSK BflBsfsBBTBTsTf REWL-atSSBPBsYBBBi if VBYsTBfEBfBBfBTBn JOHN HOWARD KEELY LUMBER MERCHANT DIES John Howard Kcely Victim of Apo plexy at Roxborough Home. John Howard Kcely, one of the most widely known residents of Boxborough, died at his homo yesterday, after an Ill ness of more than two weeks. Apoploxy Is given as tho causo of death. He Is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Emma II, War ren Keely; four sons, William A. Kcely. II. Warren Keely, Frank Oliver Kcely nnd Russell Conwell Kcely, and three daughters, Miss Jessie C. Kcoly, Mrs( Charles F. Miller and Mrs. Bobert B. Hayes. Ho was Gt years old. Funeral services will be held 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, at the realdcrice, 331 Green lane, by the Bev. Dr. John Gordon, the Bv. Dr. Orlando Steward and tho BeV. Dr. Divld Spencer. Interment will bo prlvnto In West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Mr. Keely was engaged In tho lumber business for about .5 years, and was a member of tho firm of S. S. Keely & Sons, i. im.iu niiu umona streets, no was a member of Harmony Chapter, Phllates Lodge, F. and A. M., and a member of the Boxborough Lodge and Roxborough Encampment of Odd Follows. P. O. SONS OF AMERICA JR. ORDER U. A. M. Marlin Guard and Debating Society Still Doing Business. The John B. Mnrlln Guard Association will have Its monthly meeting this month at the home of Brother Fred C, Weber. 7426 J street. In the afternoon the mombers nnd their friends will as semble ln Burkholme Park, Five Points, where various sports will be held and supper served. The Marlin Debating Society has set the 12th of August for Its next debate. It Is Promised that there will be an Interesting discussion; but the subject will not be disclosed until the night of the debate. The Committee on Kalcndar is putting tho flni tmihi0 nn Its monthly magazine, mis magazine, containing the doings of the coun cil, v. 1)1 be sent to the members once a month. The Committee on Hail reported that the build ing was ery near completion. Brothers Past State Councilor Thomas H. Walters. P. C. Ernest Stead and John P. Kue, Jr.. paid a fraternal visit on Saturday last to noltvllle. Council, No. m which he d a public flag presentation ' the school In Its district. The address was made by P. 8. C. waiters. FEDDItATION JK. O. U. A. M. The Federation of Jr. O.U.A, M. held Its first annual outing at Durholme Ptvwj;S nroved a great success. Very nearly mw neDmb.r.aarfd"th.!r families were present An extensive program of sports was arrangea, in eluding baseball, quoits, 100-yard dash. 60 yird dash, one-mllo1 relay, sack & race, standing broad jump, running oroaa Jump, shoe race, potato race. race, tug or war peanut scramble and many o herrts i amusement. Ice cream was plentifully servea tItali,s the. opinion of most of the members Keystone Commandory and Gorman town Camp's Plans for Big Outing. Keystone Commandery, No. 48, will hold a monster carnival at 65th and Price streets from August 11 to 21, Inclusive. It promises everything In tho fun and amusement' line to be found at any of the nmusement parks, Including a Ferris wheel, raz1c-daz7le, carrousel, etc. Free hand concerts by tho famous Keystone Commandery Band will be n drawing card. A novel feature will bo a voting contest; every 5-cent ticket for the riding devices entitles the holder to one vote for tho most popular man ln tho district. Thero are many of tho brothers who ap pear unusually cordial already. The proceeds of tho affair will go toward de fraying the etpenscs ot 12S men ot tho uni formed rank, together with their band of 40 pieces, to Reading on August 20 for the annual parade at the State Camp Session. Past Commander-in-Chief Charles II Davis Is tho cap tain of the commandery, which Is the largest ln the order. Camp 307, Germantotvn, has accepted an Invitation from Camp 110, Llndenwold, N. J.. to take part ln tho demonstration and sports of the order on P. O S. A. Dar on Saturday afternoon and evening. Augujt 14. Camp 307 win nave its oasLoau tcom ana oana with It. About 2S00 persons arc expected. Camp 307 and Its ladles visited and pre sented Camp. 1311 In July. 1014 with regalias and flacs and took Dart ln thn nuhtin imtniia. tlnn ot Its officers. All those who attended last year will remember tho ploasures and hospi tality extended by 130 Better times are ex poctod this year. H. O. Hanllne and Godfrey Dieter, of '187, and John MacDowslI, ot 138. are the active workers. It was with a feellnc of sorrow thnt eh members collected for tho meeting of Camp Nor no.1. July 20. duo to the death of President J. Fred Korn Bro. Korn was well known to not only tho members of his own camp, but to the members of the 11th District as well. A delegation from the ltth District paid a visit to Camp 120. of Lansdale. and was hnartlly received. Among those ln the party were Bros. Keyser, No. 48S: Hoegey, 583. and "Live Wlro" rrank Abel, of 03. The trip was tuuug ujr ituurj. suctes of the organlatlort generallyidur n the last year were heard with great pleasure. D D. fi. C Freeman, one of the most actlVA rnmhinr nr Kl -mimi.. r. . treasurer and representative of No. hi. ? Ann It flsa tt-.i. a- a a . i T ....... Tery Buracuvo manner wel comed the visiting brethren. State Coun ell Secretary Ford and many deputies were In attendance aemmnSni,nAnla.i2rS. 11Jlon f members, ?TirKm!eJ5' Jbe Frankford Band, will go trenlt'!1 SSSKL" J 21. Bristol, leaving vii 5J i S,,BI,d,'rest. Frankford. at 7 30 to an iwi lord. "a0"' Interesting evening n? ?h.,22S.Sh0 can be present. This Is one 2L.:n TJral means adopted by No. 21 to Jr.SVn2fl,,? '?. contemplated pro" win hJ c5eSSJ.'-'3bJ!r ift wh.?.n fsfs and Bibles ill" ?HJKeE.n,d..e l Public school, of IlrU- . '. ov' ijounciior unenemsn Is very anxious evenV".8,,? ia.tM Aln for this T TmroJtam Si5.nl!l,. lh" co-operallon of all. All with Mm i'fl".! i '" thwM et I" ouch be" provided0 fw. "'""""nodatlon. can r-'S"1 wBilUhrMYi.!fl,5en ,D'"nt Council, ( titlJu!. n?IA "" 47th anniversary field day at Belmont, Falrmount Park, when the mem. iSKm"?! ,m'e w'l assemble for an en ihL'-.t,.5' .No' .,"-Dn " the largest In HJn.!!! 5H? .rong! financially of any sub- . v.rVbS?yuinh,r, Bl-. "tf th men.?. !I..T r'r Lrotia .' " Hefreshments will m ?rfsi ml"11"1 Proram rendered and .ports indulged in. No. 4 Is the "banner connM! a m.9mbr.?;n,h,o'i!lon.' and ?' tnSJvotlSr'of lu R JISS?' 'f 19 remain such ror manv yea"! to come. p. a. C Brother John n. McKelvey hss been moat act ve In Its work for 35 year. ,52,'i.D' M "ouston Council. No. 730. will ft .'If, "n,uaL"K'on Saturday Tn.xtWt fln. affair;' TO. basEm. ."ch.dul.S "t wlfl SryVftec3.0 IUm",0n: 8"' balpfayVd'WfolRwV,' '" nMt Mara "' vsEfir.JSi.'yfnt; 1T,n Rnl Cambrlaj Lo Sue, SiTp.r,ni. "lml I"S "rrlngton af.1 .u'm1rnel?,wn!'lti?iJi05iSi Band for th. SfaAa.TlK Sfanr inti"t theevent a memorable ono. Si t"'rrp8?ean?anVniCea,."as'.ud.''''CUMtJ' WHEN SOLDIERS CLASH Result Is That a German Artilleryman Gets Black Eye. Joaeph Shecber. who calls himself a for T?...?Jrn,BJJ ar"eryman, clashed with Tfnii.Y Sv rvans' w.h0 aw service In tho united Staten rnvnlr., HT......1 -a... Thompson streets todny, Sheeber later Svr'd ,bei?ro M"Blstrate Glenn n( tho Front and Master streets police station with a swo'Ien and bleeding nose, ono eye ii . ST : ." .ho otllcr nnd several bumps distributed, about his face. The Magis trate gave him 10 days In tho county prison to recuperate. Patrolman Evans Bays he found Shee ber, who Is 30 years old nnd lives on 4th Btrcet near Diamond, creating a disturb ance on Thompson street. "I'm a German artilleryman and don't have to move on," Evans aajs Sheeber assured him. Then he launched Into 'a eulogy of Germany and ended up by con signing the United States and Ha policies to decidedly torrid regions. "Well, I didn't see three years In the cavalry In the Philippines for nothing," said Evans. "I'm going to run ou In without even using my club." Witnesses of the Journey of Sheeber to tho Front and Master streets station say that Evans made good his promise. Shcher In six ft tall and husky. Evans is sugntiy smauer. Philadelphlans to Nurse French Two young women who have enlisted as Bed Cross nurses In tho French army left this city today for New York, whero thoy will embark on the steamship Chicago for Bordeaux. They are Miss Mary Nevltt Oates, of 4629 Saneom street, nnd Miss Stewart Gait, of Toronto, who hns been, studying at tho Pennsylvania Orthopedic Institute. Miss Gait's Philadelphia ad dress was 1709 Green street. SU.MMKIt HES0KT8 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OS T E N D Occupying an entire block of ocean front and runnecicu ivi.u ma lamous uoarawalk .1. unilla, Ph.l... am.Imb .MB lAJI"...! .MC:.OCC DCV.IIUII, Vn(ICIt OUUI unusually large, cool roomswith unobstructed in capacity 0U0 FRAT. PATRIOTIC AMERICANS Official Visitation With Frankford Band Anniversary Field Day. An olllclal visitation was made last Monday evening to Port Blchmond Coun cil, N,o, 234, by State Vice Councilor Shen eman. The Frankford Band attended In a body and, with many visiting brethren, the occasion was a great success, not only as to numbers, but as well as to cnthu slams and Interest. Mnny selections were rendered by the band, and remarks of interesting character as to the work and SUMMER, JlESOTtTS view of the ocean from all: sea anri fresh water ln all baths; running water In rooms: 4000 ft. of porches surround the hotel; the new dining room overlooks the sea; finest cuisine and white service; orchestra of solo ists; dancing twice dally; social diversions; resident physician; magnificent new Palm Lounge. Special S17.S0 up weekly; booklet mailed, auto meets trains; management by owners. JOHN C. QOSSLCR. Mgr. FIREPROOF HOTEL W1LLARD New Tork avenue and beach; delightfully cool location; open surroundings; centrally located; full ocean view; newly furnished; private batbs: running water In rooms; bathing privileges; excellent tsble and serv ice; elevator: capacity 400; 112.50 up week ly. up uauy, uesenpuve dookibi. WILMINGTON, Del. thl1, he'outuTg will b. VM njU' year ta view of the.encourag,m.nt and support given by Tb. comm e on the grounds". ' th. T council. SLJ&iMS honS?, ln matter of attendance I """-- -..!.. alaha RtcheJ. The coun- . . n..lu ausnlir No! 1, mlnole Hall, a.rm.ntown Kenslng; ton. .No o. nui.o ,-t "'JTiTraTd .v.; PRESTERS OF AMERICA Snent Organization of the Grand ef Rangers of This County. Btetlng of the denutv Brand chief W Qf Philadelphia County was held l evening at the call of Grand Banger Pilot The following offl- ere unanimously elected: M. J. PC?, CresIAeni! rtniHil Pnnrnni vice 6Mwt, Louta Strometz. secretary; L Swotland. treasurer. There about 60 deputies present, and all a willingness to form a per- ' organuation of all the deputies county E"''84 not lo charge any membership IBfSf'5 xhS 0rand iieMttv.e Councft --. igKH a,Tea w gnaMo ia w- ." M 3 Clancy, wtfo U grand gd a, good chalrroas. and will d " n eiiMiivo organiitatioa. io SSaresstd hy O. a H. P'Wt. ?TJ Farley, Orarj Secretary Tri G P il llannn. bihI Vh m3ns nf fti thsf1 fWfd ttUr vjw toward i tim? 1 no111 ril i SPt' tamiur-'fl1. ? .lW CBaifUMO B sTSi ' "1B as-oBtattan wtll W the bt- iTiu i't oroer Ti as- ttw uesuty uraaa f hUi&elwiU Ul l known a.a th JlSJOttttlUB Of T.rSXf . 604 1.1-, TkrU i -JBL ... SZL M 1 ' lt B.eiltat'"" tun U iaUut Urn afcar toward k.CBttve CouaeU'a adsobUf- lather, tau j, rt w w " -u wirNe5rW Hutchinson and Olrard avenue .,1 m a,. . m.1 nnH fllrard BVO- nXT, IKE, Ho .,, Thomas E Clemen. of wi.hlnitpn Council, wSsTppoTnted pandmarshal , of th federation XES.iSntnt the natrtotlo demonstration on mj street In October. The federation ex gjcTs to hwV 1000 m ind tour bands In line. BOY SCOUTS IN ACCIDENT One Cut and Bruised When Auto Hita Motortruck. several members of a troop of Boy swuts suffered cuts and bruises when a inree rnotortruek In which all were re !?nsf from a Vlilt to the Philadelphia Sn T& - struck by an automobile oV Broad and Pine streets last night. Bobert Smith. 12 years old. of M36 Baltl m"o -VenSl. cut ad bruised, was taken, to the Polyclinic HespltaJ. Arthur Hlilman. of 5 eut&1,DrS82 street the driver of the automobile, had I bwrlns at the "th pd Pine struts police statign inw OVER 39,800,000 IjIPB INSURANCE POLICIES Are Jn force in hla country at this winute. Is your certificate one of them, or are your wife mf ww Best One-Day Trip In All The Country Wilson -Line Boats to Wilmington and Trolley Cars to Brandywine Springs Park and Return Only 00 rents for adults and SS cent, for children on .Saturdays, Sunday, and holidays and Only 35 cents for adults and 25 cents for children on all other days. These Special Excursion Tickets ara for sale only on THE WILSON LINE BOATS A splendid pleasure trip of eighty miles over beautiful river and through a pretty country to the I'ark which entertains thousands of I'hiladelphlans each season. WOMEN AND CHILDREN unaccompanied will find this an Ideal resort. No Intoxicating liquor Is sold within six mile ot the Park and order is always excellent. Free Band Concerts and all Amusement, to be found In a real park. To arrange excursion, apply to James K. Henry. I'ark Jlrtiiager, 4 It Shipley atreet, WUmlnf ton, Ile. tiaoisT rrairaoor arjonr both. "" A Bold Original Creation with th. Loral Color of 111. nil! Citr TUI.il.r- lUilMlfint Tuinwrt CHILL !H.CT"slJUMritti m Leading High-Class Moderate-Hate Hotel. ALBEMARLE Virginia ave. near Btaca. HLDCfflAIl.C Cap. 850. Elevator, private baths, etc.; excellent table Summer rate, to up weekly; $2 up dally, Bklt. J, p, COPE. CAl'K MAY. N. J. THE ELWARD JEffi &;$, EDWAllD P. NJTTINQIHi. Rlhomn Col CP Myi near beach; rales UlDerUll onab!e J n Wilson Son NEW HOTEL BALDWIN Ideal modern hotel; capastty 400; sea tratir paths, etc,; cafe and grill; garage, fioc-lclst. J1IVEH STEAMBOATS THOMAS CLYDE Family Excursion Steamer to AUGUSTINE BEACH 100.Mtl8-50 Cents Stepping at Chester and l'fnnij-rot Only Boat a Augustine Heath Landtsf lo frmt of greve, sf salt-vrat batlWl sanitary taiMtfUU ilill or KJ1? onhoat and aaeh daactar all diy. pl.nty tables, ttatvehis, anj &asliin witar. shade All kia4s of assiMeouBU at bfaeh, fa Hawd Tto, m. WM, toWm- X.w,ea Art sfiw wm. Auto Road Maps Free Showing best roads to all the popular Eastern summer resort regions, such as Asbury Park and North Jersey coast points. Atlantic City, Ocean City, Wildwood, Capo May and all other South Jersey places. New England to Canada, Cat skills and Adirondacks, Delaware Water Gap and Poconos also map show ing auto routes to the Panama -Pacific Expoai. tion, Before you start your vacation trip ov week end tour, drop into Led ger Central and ask for the map you want. All free. The fqlder illus trates and describes each resort, ancj directs you to the best hotels in each place, All vacation ques tions are cheerfully and quickly answered on tha Balcony, LEDGER CENTRAL Chswtniit St. at Broad TTBT 5, 1915. itf.sf' 5 Stampi You can secure val' ttable premiums free. f BTOnn OPiran luiiv . . .- .. . " ,.u aMu a. m rft f7r.nm3a iiukh -Bc.,n, .........-. t A t?r rnn -.. . rami i uivjiuiit iftjTICH Yellow Trading HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. Lit BmiiMi ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eiahth Piltrt Seventh -mir Mens Fine S $1.50 Silk Gloves 8Sc mDesA The Clothing Store Announces a Most Important jSale of Stxttrn-bHm SlyUi Extra ouallty Mllantt silk, Pri.-pofnt fcaelt snd double finger tips. White and Maek FIRST FLOOIt. BOtTTtt ummerClo The Pick of Our Fin' Sunim .?, n...K..j With Several T.nrne Purihntt 1?... Ar-J nt.it.' .... ;; ?s2$gg$sgs for As",rtmonta indudo Au th s thincr ii $11.50 Bluel An! ' jSerge Suits j pOi; ;; $12.50 All-Wool Blue Q 7ZL ISercreSuits O.D $16.50 All-Wool Blue Jii Serge Suits " a One-half silk lined. $20 All-Wool Blue $ij Serge Suits w $4 All-Wool Blue $9 no Serge Trousers . . - O M& ml $ 2mj Palm Beach Suits and Other Featherweight Clothing Special Values 54.50, $5.50 & '7.50 In all shades, light and dark. Many x.ivuii huij.u.k Bt.yies lnciuaou f All -Wool White Flannel Trousers. $2.98 All-Wool Black-and-Whito Serge Outing $0 Trnimnra - Thin Coats and $1 to $f Dusters at 5 Boys' Wash Suits 39c, 63c, 95c,- $1.49 gs?f ' su?t-sU.d 'fifiWSB nusslnn, etc. 3 to 8 years. w,8t' Boys' Kimki Trousers 'O In oil shads. G to 17 years. SECONn irr.nnn. SEVENTH STREET Boys' All-Wool Blue Serge Nor- ?0 no folk Suits.-. d.VO 8 to 17 years. A AA Ai llflfc AA AA AA A. .. " '" " "-ir tp WW-0e&-4t4- AL,b JIAT8 TRIMMED FREE Boys' All-Wool Blue ?tf Serge Suits & 7 to 18 years. with Extra Pair Trousers. $1.50Mid-Season Satin Hats One nketclietl. Special lot o( vory nloo quality satin, with rich velvet fac ings. Large, stylish, dr o say shapes In white and black and a. few colors. New Hats In fine Lyons velvet. i 5 i Fresh Redactions' Have Swept The f omen's & Misses' Salons The great clearance sale is now at its height and is carrying away Hosts of the smartest styles we have shown this season at whole sale cost and less. Poke $2.98 $g.98 Allvblaclc. $1-50 Panama Hats, 79' For outing and seashore. 79c $1.50 Ostrich Pompons. . . . White or black Jn tho new and wanted shapes. FIRST FLOOR, NORTH i A Limited Number of Fine s8 Dress $ Trunks J Enamel Covered With Sheet Iron Binding Of thoroughly seasoned lumber with brass-plated hardware, hardwood slats, excelsior lock, deep divided tray and sheet-Iron bottom. Sizes range from 28 to 40 Inches. FIFTH FLOOR I Mo $15 to $20 Suits, $10 . Of white and rose golfine. White, navy and black serge. Natural color silk pongee. Mostly Norfolk effects with large patch pockets, some lined with peau do cygne. One sketched. Misses' $6.50 to $8.50 Slimmer Jo 7C Dresses -'- Picture Show's One Women's $6.50 to $9 Summer $4 nvt Dresses - Various pretty styles ln natural, whlto and colored linens; plain, llgured' nnd striped lawns and voiles; daintily fashioned with vestees or collars of organdie or other effective finishing touches. $4 to $5 Swimming & Gymnasium $1 1 Suits Navy and black Sicilian mohair, 1 $1.50 Skirts, 95c Fine quality cordaline and ratine. Pure white with patch pockets, separate belts and high walat line. SECOND FLOOR ftVVVVVlVAVVV.'VVVVVV-V,i-VVt,V,VVVVAAVVtVVVVtAVUVl OTpif m !! Iffi Clearance of Girls' Wear pSL Stylish, sturdy frocks, middles and skirts for late Summer and school days. mmiinrrTT Big Girls' $1.50 Tub g9c DreSSeS One Sketched. Sensational disposal of several hundred ot these smart, pretty frocks In ginghams, percales and cham brays; some In apron effects, with white lawn blouse and variously showing pearl buttons, pipings or contrasting collars and cuffs. Sizes 6 to 1 years. Big Girls' $1.50 Middies Q9C Special purcftoss; on sale 9,S0 A. M. Of Jean clotht several styles; trimmed with contrasting collars, cuffs and pockets; others have braided collar and cuffs and side pocket or are smocked in contrasting colors. Sizes 8 to 20 years. SECOND FLOOR I $2 to $4 Waists Three Hundred Reduced to i H.29 & $2.98 Fews of a kind and 1 samples. Include French voiles and fine lawns; charminRly embroidered t hem stitched! finished with French bead. inKa; broad, cool collars and dainty lace. Sketch shows one $1S9 style. SECOND FLOOR lVVWVVMUlUUlMUVttVlVlUU t2T Women's !?! Low Shoes, $ Values Have Reached the Mar velous in First Quality Merchandise in the Very Newest and Most Desirable Styles Colonials and Savoy Pumps in patent leather and gun-metal calf. Leather Louis heels, the new covered heel and low heels. Sizes 2V4 to 7. FIRST FLOOR AND SUBWAY. Men's $3 to $5 $1 Qg Oxfords Includes JS Lenards, 18.50 LH Brothers' Special. H Stratforda and J5 custom-made; ln all leath ers. All slses ln tha lot. $1 Play Oxfords, 59c Tan grain. Stitched elk soles. Nat ural shape. Sizes 6 to 2. FIRST FLOOR AND BUBWAT ''We Looked All Over Before We Purchased here," Said a Customer of Our August Sale of Furniture That was caly one of the many times la -which these wonder ful sali f pWals hav won out a?Ur nxMrt. emplson wHh tBf hMt vajuw offered any where. Savings of 10 to 50 Per Cent JW Tkk Augutt Fitrmtur Sofo Witkml SBtti. IN SUBWAY Men's (3.50, 3, St & S 1 SI Olford. ,. 1 In eunmetal, tan Eussla calf and patent colt- skin. Button, Bluchtr and lace, All sites In lot tio Matt or Phans Orders ani Won. Sold fa Dialers Women's Ii, S3 43.50 Shoes, 1 KQC Oxford & rumps '. f " O Sols, to 4 it. No Hall fir JTioiw Oritr,, In gunnutsl, tan Itussla calf, patent colt skin, klilnkln, white canvas and nuklds. All flses lo th. lot. Misses and Children's $1.75 to $2.50 Mary Jane I $ 1Q Pumps ' 1av Patent coltskln and dull gun-motal calf. Broad toe, spring and half heels. Sizes child's I to misses' 2 Boys' $2.50 to $3 Oxfords, $1.50 Tan Russia oalf, patent coltskln and gun-metal calf. Mostly all sizes 8 to 644. FIRST FLOOR, NORTH Campers' Equipment & Supplies Clearance of Articles Now Priced Regardless of Coat SR SQ.ROnnrl S10 Wall Si" h $3 Yacht or Veranda Tents Full slse, full height. Of heaviest rrade 8-oz dusk. Biles 7x7, 7x9 and xlO feet, complete with poles, guy ropas, pegs, stakes, ete. 13,59 Wall Teats, ret?.". $6 f W4H Wall Teuts, 75c and $1 Folding Camp QQ Cirnnla sJiVV, 8ason4 wood frame, lra-bre4. wltii eanvas seat. 2 RecUaing HamiHock Chiirg, 98c PoUk4 (.'. with sjbm, Hd bk wt. canvas Mat and fcck rs- Ifc-.fswX.SI SMI Chair, S1.69 BucX and foot resta. Strcns; aud jdurable. Men's & Boya' $2.50 Bathing $1 AQ Suits... & atr. btwvr ribbed two W wits tu fast :. nyjr SUM with tnertcr tetjr rtHueU (Olds,! WWWulnf or miiltr ylsv(W(- $3.50 ConibinRtloH Fhiftg fft slt water Ta-pl-e uioifi. rod. wrd-wourid r&ap lara- reel r, latin a rd linu j Tri I u tijf U'l MHOTMMKS sMAlL & 1'llCl.Mbi OROJUi frlUMO, toshs &d u.kr Iff UH.U l HMt&a (m$ -JB m .WM
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