WNHNUALWANZAfA DELLE FORZE ITALIANE SlICOmZIAETOLMWO ,Le Due Piazze Forti sul- l'fronzo Minacciate di Awiluppamento d a 1 1 e Arm ate di Cadorna. Borgo Bombardata.- ItOMA, 6 Alfoslo. VoitenslVA IthVnna sul Cnrso continue. B contro' dell foo Italian hn Mtto ontiivnii nrnDi mentre l'ala destra Jrtanea rapldamente helln Bona di Monte Set Burt dove il avolgono ancora- ostinati c -lolf ntt combattlmentl. Inttlvlta" detrll auatrlacl si llmlta a contrattaccni aim tKMlxlonl Italians dl Monte Sel Hull, cue toero' sono facllmente c constantemente t-eaplntl dagli itallanl. Nel fratternpo lo batterle d'assedlo Ital ian conllnua.no It Invoro. dl demolitions del foftl cho abarrano le vallate del dadore ed hnnno gla rldottoal sllenslo alWno batterle auatrlaehe nella sona for ttacntn dt Mnlborshetto. . La tenacta die gll austrfacl mostrano nel loro centratlacchl contro le poslilonl ltallarie dl Mont Scl Husi l aplega facll mente col fatto.ehe l'avnntatft Italian In quelle tcglone mlnaccia scrlnmonte dl taallare bkII austrlacl lo loro llneo dl eomiinlcaxlone e dl rltlrata dello quail deve users la RuarnlBione dl OorUla, glncche' It generalo Cadorna contlnua n. sviluppare la sua manovra nvvlluppante clie pUo' dlventaro nssal minacciosa da tin memento all'nltro, K' evident clic, Una volta tagllatft le llnee dl rltarata alia guarnlslone dl Oorlula ed aU'armata aus- ' trtara cho opera In quella rcglone, la nuarnlslone dl Oorlila l vedrebbe cos- ' tretta ad arremleral od a perire non sol tino perchc non potrebb nvore I rlfornl nentl necessnrll, ma nnclie perclic' l Volta tagltato lo llnee dl rltlrata alia Vfdrcbbo prcclusa ognl via dl palveno. ' Intanlo, oltro che rcsplnnere I contrat lacohl niutrlacl gll Itallanl mandano truppe contro le forso nttaccantl, coslcclie I tcntatlvl del nemlco sono non soltanto Inutlll. ma nnche perlcolosl, come 'si vlto nel tentatlvo del Jaegers contro le poslxlonl occupato dal DerBagllcrl nella reglono dl Jfonto Bel Bus!. lie truppo Italians eontlnunno' anche Trivanzata verso Itovereto, I cul fortl sono ora bombsrclatl daU'artlgllerla Itallana. In queite condUlonl dl Inferlqrlta' gu austrlacl devono non soltanto dlfendero ffflcacomente le fortcxe dl Gorilla 'e dl Tolmlno, che sono altaccato dagll Itatlanl. ma devono anche opporsl all 'nvanznta rte.711 Itallanl sul nanchl dl quello plane fortl. II comandante austrlaco ha chlcsto rlnforzl at suo governo per poter organlz- B,i tar M seconaa unea ai auesn, senza ucim i quale t'lnvastono Itallana asaumcrebbe ' propomom verameme grnnui. ua priiim Unea di dlfesa auatrlaca puo conslderarsl come superata dagll Italian). II CA8TELLO DI DANTE DISTOUTTO. L'Idea Kazlonale dlco che gll aus trlacl, per sempltce atto dl vandallsmo, hsnno dlatrutto lo storico castello dt I.Iirann. chlamdto tl,CastcIlo dt Dante, pcrche II poeta vt pas'so' II suo cslllo. II Castcllo dl Danto sorge sulla des tra deU'Adlge, tra Hoveroto e Mori, dove nppunto si avolge ora la lotta tra aus trlacl ed Italian!) ed era meta dl grand Intercast per I turistt o per gll studios). Ivl Dante nveVa -vlssuto versl II 1303, quando (u cslllato da Flrenze. II prlnclpo Vlttorlo Nnpoleone, che non potette ottencro dl essero arruolato nelVeserclto franceso ed In quclll dcgll - alleatl, a' atalo ora nomlnato nddetto mllltnre russo al quartlere generalo Itallano. II prlnclpe e dunto al nuar- tlerc generalo del generate Cadorna, dove ' stato ricevuto da re Vlttorlo Era mnnuelc, 11 prlnclpo Vlttorlo Napoleon o" cuglno dl ro Vlttorlo, essondo flsllo del prlnclpo Qerolamo Ponaparte o della prlnctpcssa Clotlldc, sorella dl re Uroberto. Flno a pochl annl or eono' II princlp Vlttorlo Napolcone era generate dl brlgata nel 1'czcrcltQ TUISO. IL COMUNICATO UFFICIALE. Hero II ttsto deU'ultlrno comunlcato uf flclale Itallano pubbllcato dal mtnlstero della Querra: "La nostra sroasa artlgllerla ha bom bardato con successo la stailone ferro . vlarla dl Borgo, nella Val Bugana. "Sull'altoplana del Carso la notto del 3 Agosto passo' tranqullla. Nella mattl nata nol bombardammo cotonne dl (an terla nerr.lca nelle vlclnanzo dl Marcot tlnl e alt re cotonne nemlche che marcla Vano tra Itubbla e Doberdo'. Nol abbl amo rlpresa la nostra avanzata al centro. mentr la nosfa sinistra ha progredlto Mntamente e la nostra destra al e' llm lt&ta a. mantenere lo sue poilzlonl. II nemlco ha safterto perdlte gravlsslme In un vano tentatlvo dl rlconqulstare le post xfonl dl Monte Sel Bust." PER LA QUERRA ALLA TURCIHA. La. stluazione e gll Incident! che pre cedettero e determlnarono la guerra Halo turca del 1311 at rlpetono ora ognl glorno In forma dl provocazlonl da parte delta Turchla vorso l'ltalla. La mogBlor parte del glornall Itallanl dlcono che ormal la pazlenza ha" raggl unto II suo llmlte e che 11 tempo dell muure energlch e gla' arrlvato, L'opln tone pubblica certamente e pronta ad approvare qualslasl provvedlmento che sis, per essere preso datla autorlta mill Url in rlguardo alia Turchla. Da circa un mese parecehi consoll Ital ian! neli'lropero ottomano al sono vlsto tolto ocnl mezzo d comunlcaro con II loro rverno o con 1'ambasclatore itallano a Conitantlnopoll, j In Italia si terao serl nmente della loro slcurerza. 50,000 DU PONT EMPLOYES PIACED ON AN 8-HQCH DAY "WUmlaeton Powder Company Reduces Workday One-flfth. ' WILMINGTON. Del.. Aug. tU was announced by the d'u pont Company to day that the order posted yesterday, civ. lng the men an eight-hour day at tlio same pay now given for 10 hours,' will apply to all the men in the emplpy of (he company. The order affeata B0,W mfn, and although officials decline to give the figure of additional cost, they estimate that the operating expenses will be in creased aboiH one-third by the new order. Heretofore men nova- been working dif ferent hours in different departments, , now all wl.ll wo tight hours altka. JWOM OF COL. J. G. TOWNSEND JCeot County Man Urged for Goverribr of Delaware. fUMRNGTON. Del. Aug, B.-Rpqbt. esa Ik Ub lower part of the State have started a, boom for Cotauti Jpfca C Twa- eso, or usnr county, as easwujai jw ttM Hayubucan noaiDj,uoD tor Bprejner, ileilU th taet that Kant County U urtf u.a Colonel Alvtn B. Confvw for l iOnce. TiAOnd U a. p4rOHl frt4 of Qenerat T Coleman 4 PoaU. ,aa4 waa ous -jl the promlnegt JgMsl Of PMa4jX Count who QbUIsa JP, ftifct Of vay w th du Pont bSBeWW fedn galby Wlte to Oeorgatewn. Tt.natiid was a candidate for Comrisss la the Lust campaign, but withdrew In wclw tbdt tho nominatku) of Thomas W. ilttjtr, ti present Cuitgresanwin, miajat li mvte unanimous He ha not n tnnncwi bill. c if b4 uindldate for GvVcr U, eat tis..f fta ttxvn iu.jidfrst't ilk 4 V& e0u4-iueai ti iQU H tv exuded Dt wil t"! liv.j .u(itat Uteo Jt un4 Suwws. ! jMiitui J!r tt pott- 8 COURT'S DECISION WILL PROTECT SHOKE VISITORS Prnctleo of Holding; BoggajfO for Ex cess Charges Declared Illegal. ATt.AMTifl rrrrv. N. J.. Ausr. &. Scores Of seashore visitors who have encoun tered dimculUes In reclaiming baggngo held by small hotel proprietor In an at tempt to fore excess payments, will re joice over a new Interpretation of the hotel net by Judge Bmathert, of the DIs- , trlct CourL It will apply to all of the , resorts on the Jersey coast i Miss Mildred Kaplan, of rhlladelph a, j engaged necommddatlons at the Hotel nmrtkAhiirnt for a week, but when ne i arrived at the hotel found the accomo dations not to her liking and decided to go elsewhere. . , . , , Bamuel Blnger, proprietor of the hotel, however, refused to surrender the youwc woman's baggage, declarfng she i had con tracted to pay him for one weeks board. The same claim has been raised In scores of caaea- here this summer and strangers have ben mulced for hundreds of doi- Judse Bmathers holds In the case of Mlas Kaplan that a mere engagement of board Is not a completed contract. lie i.m. .i.n ihnt nroor etors can collect only for service actually provided. M0VIEMAMAWAR TAKES A NEW TURN William Fox, Engaging Robert Mnntell, Announces That No Photoplay Star of His Com pany May Appear in Drama During Current Season. By (he Photoplay 'Editor Several exciting If problematic events have Just taken place In the photoplay world. One Is the engagement of Robert Mantell and his wife. Genevieve Hamper, by the Fox Film Corporation and the pos sibility that ho la not to play Shnko spenre In tho regular theatre this sea son. The other Is tho announcement of n retaliatory fight by the photoplay mca against the ordora.of tho Frohman Inter ests and Al. II. Woods forbidding any ot jhetr players to appear In the movies. When Mr. Fpx announced the engage ment of Robert. Mantell he added: Artists appearing under my management in pho toplays In future will not be permitted to appear on the speaking stage during tho current season of their picture per formances. This specification will be em bodied In contracts. Tho movlng-plcture stage today has reached n magnitude, .artistic and commercial, sufficient for us to assure the patrons of the silent drama the exclusive services of the greatest dramatic artists." ,,..ii William A. Brady, with whom Mantell made Shakespearean plays pay In ww York, sees the doom of speaking plays because ot the movies, and Is much dis turbed because of Mantell's decla.on. 'The motion-picture Industry Is going to kill the drama within II months, ho declared. "Sevcnty-flve per cent, of . tne stars of the legitimate drama are In Cali fornia now, where the majority of the big phot'o-productlon companies are gath ered for the opening- ot the picture aea aon. They have practically got all our best talent And not only have they got .1 A.n. hf hav hnv the Dlaywrlghts, And they have the wealth of the world for matertats. They can go to tje pub lie library and get a thousand old books, from Shakespeare to Marie Corelll and Jolm Halifax, Gentleman and boldly put them on the screen. It's no use In talking, the motion-picture business has made giant strides. And we have been standing still or sleeping, "The movies will hand us a couple of quick kicks soon-ln fact, they are doing It already wlilch la going to wake us up." , A group of Easanay Players "bor rowed,t a Clark, street surface car at Arsyle street several days ago and photographed It ,ln a scene for "The Woman Hater" before the conductor realized tho picture was being taken. ltr.,!pr command of Henry B. Walthall and Bryant Washburn, the car was hailed nnd stopped. Every one was on the rear platform when the final man, carrying a camera, called out "hold the car a minute." The players all stepped off while the camera clicked. "We are SO seconds late." said the conductor as ho rung the bell, "but It was worth it to get In a picture." Daniel C. Goodman had written a photo play In one- net entitled "The Son," in which Octavla Handworth and .Jack Standing play the principal roles. Tho play has one climax so enthralling that the director In charge forgot himself and his work and unthinkingly walked In front of the camera, necessitating the re taking of the scene. Fay Tlncher Is much more fortunately situated than the average motion picture actress when It comes to the question of a vacation. She has only to express her wish to Director Edward "Komlo" Dillon, of the Komlc Comedy Company, and Dil lon says: "Let's see. you say you wish to go to Ban Franclaco for u few days. I think I have an Idea for. a scenario that will take you there." And so Mlsa Tlncher goes, accompanied by some of the Komla comedians, n cam era man and the director, ever fertile In Ideas. The other day Miss Tlncher decided that she wished lo go to the San Diego Ex position, atao she would like to go to the Panama-Pacirio Exposition In San Fran ciacp. ' Dillon promptly brought out a mental scenario and decided that Cheater Wlthey, Olga Orey and Frank Darlen would appear with .Miss Tlncher In scenes at' the two expositions. But on one point Miss Tlncher was dis appointed. Bhe wished to travel by rail and suggested that mode ot transports, tlon to Dillon. "Won't do at all." said the director, "the scenario positively calls for scenes on a steamer." .And so they are going by water. Victor otel was hurled through a door and blown M feet out Into the street by the explosion of a cartridge in a s'tavo In. the Kssanay comedy, "SnakevlUe's Hen Media." Potel'a clothing Was almost tom off and he was bruised from head to foot, but otherwise escaped uninjured. The cartridge exploded prematurely, hence Potel's hasty exit. "But It makes a darn goo4 scene," said Fotel with a satisfied smile. -! ' " GUARDSMEN TO BE ASSIGNED American Security League, Will Over sea Distribution of First Regiment, In ooBneotlen with the prejMrattons et the American Security Lsasue for lbs fall mH)brsblp earapatsn. Thaedajre B. WtewtMlm. Breatdtftt et the organiza tion, tfrfcur anjWMiicaat ttmt the Veteran Corps, tfe 1st Raalment. N. Q. P., has takaa active, step to begin the aa- aiariueBi 9 snwura to Miner active ssrvlee or home defense. A comqUttae has been appointed to eon duct the vftltmlnary work; !i the earn-pataTB- Tb coromltwe is cetnpottd of R. Dale Benaen, aaolor vice commander ot the ciwv; J. Campbell OUmors. ad jutant, &b4 Jolm A Oaborn. command ant ot a comyany. It was also aosounced that Aljutur.t OtUnor baa Un la Wesb. tagtaii for the last few days, where he U la su.sulie.Uun with the War Devarumuit : un th iUtO. gyBNING LEPOBR-PHILAPBLPI CHESTNUT STREET FASCINATED BY Il i, m l,tfMfTr; - Tf f II MBJSff II f I K-I HK", ' r - 4fBRKI BaHaLVHIlBVaaB9saH?lQinKn)sBmHaaH MWlMaMMaKMalMHllmlJIMsfci&y, - 7 nSftyHiM 6sstBBastViAVYrSi' HlrrJfc LirT"w fii7irvSSBma''- f aSrafPEMb lm&Mi?mmK LEysBsfBHsflsWsi :'W&alSfBSttiutaiW-4r':i -jJfleKlBo wm xttlmr msHBUWuf 1 1 II hmsbbmSHw&i HctL&' p$ijwjfc Mtsflsyiii HBBBHBflw'EslwSanaKialillsyBBV alfeCTIJrMaslislsK'' Ki52s-ieiiSsSsHHsHssssWW v v ' , fi,j,i-(jHBHBBPRfeKw I watch Crowds etiind around and TAYLOR READY TO OPEN BIDS ON TRANSIT WORK Director Hopes Commission De cision on Certificate Will Be Favorable. Although the State Public Service Com mission has slvcn no Indication of what its decision will be In the matter of granting n certificate of public conven ience to permit tho beginning of con struction work on tho Broad street sub way and tho Frankford elevated lines, Director Taylor has made every arrange ment to open bids for tho work on Au gust 16.' The withdrawal of the opposition of tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has left only the Dallam taxpayer's suit to be considered by the commission. Mr. Vnlc, attorney for Mr. Dallam, has until AuK'Ust 13 to file his briefs with tho commission, and It Is hoped that the com nilielon will bo nblo to reach Its decision before August IB . , . . . .. I The bids, which aro scheduled to bo , opened on August 16, cover the construe- tion of part of tho Broad street subway, extending ironi rimon " ......... - west side of City Hall to Broad street nnd South Venn Square, and column founda tions for tho Frankford elevated for a distance of five miles. The contractors will have four weeks from the dato tho bids aro opened to file bonds and have the contracts approved by tho Mayor. In tho meanwhile the re location work In Buttonwood street, be tween Broad and 13th streets, which Is preliminary to tho construction of the Broad street subway, will bo begun. Last month the contract was awarded to John McMcnamy for 117,600, and the work will bo begun next week. COURTS MAY DECIDE ON 'FOURTH' EXPENSES Failure of Committee to Adver tise for Bids May Cause Com plications. Following the discovery that bids were not asked according to the law on sir Items Incidental to 'the 4th of July cele bration In this city, it Is expected tnat the courts will be asked to give an opin ion on the matter should Councils make an additional appropriation of J2500 to settle outstanding obligations of the celebration. , Inquiry Into the expenditures ef the Fourth of July Committee questions the legality of the actions of that body in incurring $2600 expenses in excess of the 112,000 appropriated for the occasion by CouncllB, and again for having failed to advertise for bids Incidental to the field sports at Belmont, badges, music, stands, printing r.nd engraving and a dinner. Each of these items was in excess ot JJ00, and comes under an opinion of tho city solicitor in jaw emus mo .. u. MM. It is as follows: "For all amounts exceeding 500 there must be preliminary advertising and, of course, bidding, awards and written con John II. BaUley, chairman of the com mittee of Counctls to supervise the cele bration, admitted yesterday that he had not advertised tho bids, and said he did not believe the law required such adver tising, but that he "asked for three bid der?." When asked how this was done he replied! "Oh, I Just sent after them." "IS MILADY IN HER BATHING SUIT DISORDERLY ?"-t-QUEIIY Postmaster at Rockaway Beach, New York, Thinks So. WASHINGTON, Aug. B. "Ie milady's bathing suit, especially If designed to display her charms, disorderly!" This is the question that soon may be put up to Postmaster Oeneral Burleson by the fair bathers of Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Reports from the Beach say William A. McAvoy, postmaster there, has prohibited Women from entering the postofllce in their bathing costumes. He la understood to have Issued this ukase under his blanket authority to "maintain order in the poatofflce." No action will be taken here until a formal appeal has been made and the fair bathers present their attire for the Inspection ot the Postmaster General, WILMINGTON REAPS FINES City Beneflta Mos, While County Pays Prisoners' Board. "vTILMINQTON, Del, Aug. B, County Officials are Inclined to' think that despite the fact that Wilmington is complaining of powder workmen from Carney's Point coming here and getting drunk with the result that they are arrested, this city has the better pf the-county In the matter. When the men are unable to pay their fines they are sent to the workhouse and the county is compelled to pay their board. If they pay 4 the fine the city gets IL The reeajpta from the City Caurt for Jtily, according to the report of the elerk, were ihwitw. wruie not au tnese nnw were paid by powder men, a cotifld rable part of It was. Qn the other hand, the elty says It niaks little dilfereneo who pays the board of the men as the elty Is In the ceuqty and pays the greater part ot the taxes. Reichstag Speaker Wins Cross BERLIN, Aug. 6. -The Overeeas News Ageaey reports teal JobawiM Xsews& ! :i .. .. i i i p ut u ftvwnafca. ass awai mteA wttte the Iron &n. " "" " HIA, THTTRS blK tractor oas.lv rsuplnp up the totuth jMK SI3 &S by ConTractor J P. McN.chol WANT LAWSON SET FREE 10,000 United Mine Workers Protest to President Afralnat Imprisonmont. MOUNT CARMEL, To., Aug. B.-Up-ward of 10,000 United Mine WorkeVs, at the suggestion of National President John P. White, who delivered an ad dress here yesterday, unanimously ndopted a resolution protesting to Presi dent Wilson ngalnst the Imprisonment of John R. Lawson. Lnwson, n national board member, who headed tho striking miners at Colorado, Is In Jail at Trinidad, Col., charged with conspiracy In the killing of Deputy John Nelnot during the recent strike. lie is a former Mount Carmcl man. rJGeutfnffs f 4 mSemi-Anrmal V) Hmt-rrice for Mem, Women and Childn 1 7 ' . :AA '.-' V AX mi &, - - .'. llllll '. ' . ", ''.' '- ' BBO '' $5.00 Bostonian Shoes for Men Both Stores) Including Tans and Black smart new English lasts, both leather' and rubber soled. Also many Outing Shoes. All sizes in the lot. ' ' - . k Also $3.90 for $S to $7' Shoes - . $4.90 for $6 to 8 Shoes ": $5.90 for 8 to 10 Shoes. Two Views of Goutlng's Wonder Arch Form Shoes for Children Children's and Mutes' AnkU-Sttaps, hrwrly f onP,tO Cl tfW and f3M. Nowiv&.Ol) In Babies' sizes, 9Se , 1230 Market Street Shoes and Stockings fox the Family Exclusive Men's' Shop pav, AtmtlST ASPHALT PLOW pavoment ntmh street, where INDEPENDENT VOTERS ASKED TO REGISTER "One Hundred" and Washing ton Party Committee Work ing on Campaign Plans. A call for the registration of all inde pendents in Philadelphia, tho unbossed voters, lias bzeen soundod by tho Execu tive Committer of tho Commltteo of One Hundred ns tho first step toward mobili zation of the reform forces In the fight '. ',. " .I jfTtfc Attention, Mothers A clean-up of Children's Shoes of various models. All sizes in the lot, rariging from Babies' to Growing Girls', Values up to $3,00 now Boys' ?4 arid $4.50 Double - kifld you can't get days of high leather Boys $3.50 Trotmpc Children's $2.50 and $3,00 Sure Treads $145 and $1.90 M JZl mr Every Foot ProfeMionally Fitted Both Stores Closed AU Day 5, lO1 . .... ti.nnr nnil Coun- to elect i an inw"g" r constituent, cils, controlled only n 'K. l0 nftVo ftn n elect an Inaepenaenv ..- M Kvery enrort '". " poiteat views voters of Ihd'pen'ient po rM,siralIon ffi? 'The ZTArn day. .rj September S, 7 and it. ' of befieve to be impending otneihran)nde lh nepuDiican "."" -th t the balance awing to tnci r u " hfl nihcr brfl- A meotlng of the entire mmebersnip oi it Committee of One Hundred ha. been railed for next Thursday, when n. suo ?ommltt from the executive committee win submit recommendations draf ed as I "inri "of procedure" for the ; general com mlitee In the coming election contest. Th. Washington Party city comwU tee has named a subcommittee to consult with the Committee of One Hundred In the effort to btlng out the nil quota of in dependent votes. Candidates 1 W J receive the indorsement of the indepen pendents haV not ben dslgnatea, FIVE RESCUED FROM YACHT Men Tnkcn Off by Life Guards in a Precarious Condition. ronTSMouTir, n. h., Aug. B. Five - et.jk. . BAhAAriAf savers and landed In a Precarious con dition at Newcastle, N. II.. 'b'0tdoy' Their namca aro not ldwn. but il is supposed they are wealthy friends of Stanley Clark, of Wilmington, Del., mil lionaire, who is thought to be the.yaehfa owner. WILMINGTON, Aug. B.-Nlther Stan ley Clark nor the schooner yacht Caro line Is known here. Mcrion Wants to Vote at Home Merlon-on-the-Moln Line will havo Its own voting place If a movement backed by tho Morion Civic Asoolatlon Is suc cessful. Tho distance of tho present poll ing place, from Merlon, causing residents of that community great Inconvenience in reaching them, 1b given as tho-renson for the proposed change. A petition for tho change, which will make Merlon a eepn rate election dl.trlct, has been fled nt Norrlstown. Tho petition asks that the polling place be located In a garage on tho property of Frank Graham Thomp son, close to the railway station. avium on $4.00 Queen Quality Shoes for Women 2 dam Smart, snappy Low Shoe style Louis and Cuban heels, models for street or dress wear patents, dulls and some whites ; also some rubber soled. All sizes in the lot. Also $2.90 for $4.50 to 6.50 Shoes . $3.90 for Shoes up to ,7.50 $4.90 for Shoes up to $8 And Finest Custom Models. at $5.50 95c wear Oxfords the elsewhere In these prices ..'..,.,.... $2.45 and $2.90 Play Shoes, $1.90 Growing Girls' $3,50 and $4.00 ramps ---I.... Growing Gals' $.S0 WhUeCenvas rutnps ---.,.... (pronounced oytiho) m fitting Three Geuling Brothera Supervising on Saturdays During August EXILE OR JAIL FACES PUZZLED RESERVISTS Must Return to fight, But May Not Go Until Families Aro Provided For. Lulgl Nlccolo, the Italian reservist, la In a quandaty.j 'If I go to fight for Ita-lee, I become ' a hero, but I am arrested boforo 1 leave. If I go not to answer the BummoAs of my coun-tree, I am not arrested here, but I may Base upon tnai sunny li-a-ies nToday'the first day In a campaign to,v raise funda for the subport of the families of Italian reservist, who answer the call to their colors. Director Zlegler, ot the Department of Public Health nnd Char!, ties, Is expected to take action to prose cute reservists, causing them to bo held by the authorities If they leave without clvlng surety that their families wilt not become public charges. City Solicitor Ryan emphatically advised Doctor Zlegler yosterday to prosecute nil reservists who, salt to enter mo i-v - . ..,, Many prominent Italians, realblng thati whatever notion 1 tnkcn will affect' their people more than those of any other nation In the city, met last night and ftr rnired for the Immediate raising of . fund, either to give "" u". , ltles or to support the families 'MU. pendent by the departure of their heajij Most families, It wo pointed out, ,,. "There ! no Intention on my part Qf singling pu . o "": -;ir,"i . IZZZf. so that I might be guided In case manyj'S. Instances of dependency should arise, is am hctlng In tho cases of all reservlstsi Italians. Germans, iiingnsn, x-roncn anoj any other nation at war. a nave naa ..f ..... mmn un wherein no nrrw vision hnd been made for the support of, j tne acpcnoemii m. " - ,j Stork nolds Up P. R. R- Trnin ! The stork held up a Pennsylvania train at Plqua, O,, according- to dispatches re-"i celved today,' when Mrs. H. H. Palmer, of,: tv.i Mtv cruvn birth to a baby girl. The' city directory does not show tho namern of H. H. maimer. Boys' , Rubber Solo . Oxford ! $2.85 $1.90 The Geuting Idea is a shoe servicfi unfrpm, r.nrvi bining style anthnWHr in famous shoes with orthopedifi knowledge. I SSSSBft 7 W - -iS-TSS JPi ?fSf'prWWl -: vs .3t;is --; sa'j -Asjrfs et .-.- -?: 3?:zm8KZs?Bsm&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers