EVESIW 'BEDGT3B PMXm3BWSSf. "OTBSrSTTsfahr.Tfl' urfMtHta -fa I PENNSYLVANIA SELLS $65,000,000 BONDS FOREIGN TRADE BALANCE $23,323,204 LAST WEEK stocks recovered IN WALL STREET littet Early Liquidation Gcn- b.-erai i-'3'' "-- um ""' "- ,'cring and Better Jucmana. ,. nfnv ' Wfl.ll Street today Mi much calmer vIMv of H... attack "M0,. Tm.rlcnn oil tanker auininht by HVrman submarine, and In consequence K? mftrkct quieted down nntl became E,i? There Vm a general disposition 'liSiiVhout the street to await someininB Sc Isl o the torpddolnR of the vessel. PiLZna this oo opinions were ex. g-J U& thnn some people thou.ht f"i the market In yesterday's session i been very much ovcr-benred on nc- ThJ opinion was held In many quarters ik.Jiv ih market was nbout rlpo for a re ,tMttho mar8. 0uf ! 'ftrtt came at a proper time to bo used kl .drive down Prices. nr,nili- .. of fiHMildatlnff orders at the opening. Com-,- 'Tlon houses also sold qulto a large of' specialties, but Impaired jmouni chiefly responsible for soll- fcSSl tt'ool".. recession and after the fcfti Jm.r an nctlvo domand appeared. 4r.V comln. larg.lr from shorts wn.cn f Wire but oil yosiernay it cniu. , Foreign being prlncl- pb. un mis session, but later was heavy In It moved lteports for o.afd..o be quite largo. Plly In I"0 eia""11'" """ KIWBldallon mfc. con, u. '?...: ,. nnnl of yestciday 'lit. It that the earnings statement fot .l,?i will .how a net of about $11,000,000. i'" '-.-...- nMnitrrnd III tho nucr noon i session, when a brisk demand np ed. In addition to Urgent covering by Short i who had figured that tho decline ,h.or,.? - fnrthrr beforo recovery. There Zr. .,. mnlrierablo absorptive buying. S-Tjilns ranged from a good-Blzcd fraction 'to 5 POlnlS. oiicuiuu-i ..-..-.- - ?5H (h UrBOSl advances. Westingnouso roso if .& from the low of the morning session. Mexican Petroleum gained 4 points. 5,'Mis" j-.nltn thn noor weekly K. (inllngs, became atroni". 2?. iu over 2 points higher. H, . Attention was -directed t. WTOUU.X ..... I'S.til-her prices, to tho copper showed great activity at Amalgamated and Utah " ,-- .i.. lanrMf nclvrinres. All Conner metal producers are now quoting 19 centH -. ti, mptnl. and tho general feeling ft Is that It will go still higher. Then, too, Lahe-Vroduetloii of tho various companies T4 li much larger than for some tlmo past. Thst market closed Irregular, with somo 'I'-nrlcM below' the final of yesterday. Stu debaker. on which an Initial quarterly V dividend of ltt per cent, was declined Vtodai'. showed n loss of nearly 3V4 points. '" . . , .-.1 InvrrnH .1 I n , f I I,, Many tracers cspeuieu u. iai "- 0.fJ . .. ..t nnnllPKA In r..OOni1 VA.wiae moveiiieiii "i""-" -- -eirit rn It sold down over six points before,.support was met and It regained nearly all or. us loss. New Haven became stronger on tho favorable Starch earnings' statement, which was tho best for somo time. Do- tiDlle the fact that London cables told of it. further decline In the price of copper Kfmetal, tho copper group becamo strong, .tithe advances being only fractional, how- Stver. NEW YORK CURB , Hrlfltn . . . . .. ,4j Dritlih-American ewrit!i,nArper.can Tobacco Tobacco old.. new Bid Askerl. tBootJfltld ConfoliJatcil WQrlcne Cananea ' tt U nos '6'teMsh. Valley Coat Salon. .pNlplHlnir , S.0il" Elevator jroili El.vator rref WRlier-Hefenian 71 Ettrllnr Gum F Tnhnprn Prnnnrl Ht!nlt(1 fries r Stnros llll ir i":7". .:" . ---- .-..-,-- .. ,. unites i.uar Morn rrei it" .wValttd Profit Sharing nan- 3'i IS . 71 (J : :7. sa '4 ?14 32 EWorld Film flukon Gold 4 2' 114 B7',j lOh 120 ;in4 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOTAH STOCKS. Hi? rVXRlw?"'?. Jlldiay Mlipah Extension Montana . . .. Northern Star - Tenorah Hlmont Tonooah Extension tonopin ateri Bid. . .'.' . .04 . .1R .IS . .30 , .80 rp :1H Tonopan Mining is tnticue Eula n .Vt End 83 nrr nviv, T CTrtrttfa ,t!nu IkFs-EEEEE ; o n omelnatton Fraction 1 umondneid n u a r ... nrncf . . luoiintid cone JOoWnelrl Merger jyunho Citnflon EKewana. ... . Ifh-o .j., ;$Bllver Pick ,3rt .0,1 .43 .0.1 .05 1. 08 .52 ,011 K- '-. jriirv Ateq aittiiiurny PtUOt till MSCEUNEOUS. ,02 .07 ,Z4 S'oa Wonder 1.70 tr Aekcd .30 .3H :i- Mi 3. .as 7 .In .h. .37 .01) .47 .04 .07 .14 'J ,OU M 1 U-lil .H i r,.m .in .10 .10 .10 .03 .00 .211 l.bO BANK CLEARINGS with corro- Btnk clearinra tndnv rnmnnrn .vvfiutna aay un iwo yaars: Boilon t!ln inn .Ui lo aivt nan w!M1 ... 31,(2!t31 2,'sw!ii-, It STork ..474,lM,0f3 833.C03.2U2 ion. 1211,1X11, 071 20.773, SSI tll.03S,(M7 309,332,201 RATES FOR MONEY . riiuaiph! R'JOrK 53SSo'V.'.'v fall. SH Time. 3'A4 2-l 35 4 4t4 re."-- " " . iffl'll I 'It-iT tiSSS?!? paJ"7' "'" tn x months. Pbll t-..,.., ul n'j i itr c.ni. FOREIGN EXCHANGE rfEW ronw m... j n . , Mrbi - V "'.."P W4CB( c4Viin.,.u 'WlMUiiel V "y. with demand eterlln e.. Sterllnr. Franca. Marka. Oulldera. 5-oiu .... . .to. R9ti H9ii .inUj.i.. unind . j v. .'i.7 -;; i.'i. "! - ii..i nn 82 33',; RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC. K;ft,t,'uk April,. ... f 2.074 000 7g,00O If rem uly 1 . . 81 4VI.1KI 2S.B5J 67J I' MlBSOUftl PACIFIC SYSTEM, Ifeurth weik Anrii . . . nafutnrn g?"i ..'... 'H I.rom jUy J .. 40138.4O4 i,. , ..,v iiviiriK.itri. Bfi iroa ,,,. ,i,74T,eas isk. ..i.i..i'"- ' i.??n a..T fwiiiiiB zrnu lu, i losntha' xroaa,.,, fa,'sa'Ri IIB.000 111,1111 1,501,507 115, BSt 228,220 1630.414 ltm02(l ,TB4,.Wl Itivnj; W.MT.8SI 1.0O.1.5R1 yiWJNNATI. NVW OrtlBANB AND TEXAS xroM, PACIFIC. ,,,,,,, 78U01 top raohthV";.:::; T.SSSS 4in laaifV 1144,541 11,810 l.ioa.oi'S fUA 4At A1.AI1AUA OnRiT srtil'niiwnKr in-i. " r- ".-?.""". tSn f0 J3BS.4K1 18,2in hlJ.', .. 81,015 18,3ft'l .jj-T .wir- Kroaa ,,., S.557.8.1A fil02t CTQLEDO, sr, LOVta ANn WESTERN, jroea..,., .,.,.. J404.6O7 Jje tnonthV 129.023 '.10,811 2IS7i :ol,30t 102.327 roa.,., 3.4W.272 IWNSMOTA, ST, PAUL. AND SAULT STE !..""??. '..... t,3.i'8f ilS" -.,;::- Hl033a HP Mtw taxea , , . 4,Tea.0U w,. "vu Ol VISION, ir? . aroaa Its 001 33. ?u attk av.i a womb' .,4,, !OS.fiHd ZTT.SU.1 IE1 l,r U.. .. 5.002658 PENVlSn AVn mr nuivnir. tth .. : ' ""v""" tttf " flpni . . iiwt.iou 18,011.330 33.05.1 581.351 V75.33.1 J87.4H 48.U1S S7ti.HU 273,183 JSOO 57, WW U80.WW KS-.r i . EimC, 3S.00D.nnn ni,i u.... c.. Mite., ..i:"'"r " " . Rir tr,ttK yv The nrm of U4rd BmL M '-elvd J.ogo,quo la fold from New York Stock Sales last close, f'Mf-Gold Mines .... 36H A llf.Chalm Mfj t Alll-Chalm Mfg pf ... j AmalcamaledCop...,. T3H AmAitf Chem f,7; Am IJcet Sugar 4S14 Am Can ;o'r Am Can pt rjij Am Car ft Foundry ... fifijj AmCar&Kdypf ijrj Am Coal Products .... 07j Am Cotton Oil ...,,.,. uii AmllldoAlxsathor ... OM Am Hide & Lcathar nf. am im ico ecurnoJ .. AmLlnseed ....... Am J.ocomotlvo ... Am Locomotive pf AmMalt Amf-nieltft Hef .. Am fcmelt ft Hof pt . Am Sucar ltollnlnu Am Sufiar llcf pf ., Am btcol Kouniltloi Am Tel ft Tel 3.3H UH 51'i 18 . . 73 .107)4 1C8 huh 111 huh 111 IUH 114'( lH'i IUH . 30!f 31 35JJ 30 ,.12lt 1'J2! 121U 19'J AmTelft Cablo ...... 01 01 01 01 Amrooacco 2.i;,U 23,i! 23IK 2,U)a jiljh. Low. Close. .W4 35Ji 37i 17 ftl MM f7 47M 30M 0!) tbU. 110 OSM f.0 o; 34M 3M UM f2M 03 0 71'f IC8 18 6'i 7fiM 07M 4M 4iM inn 60M ll'i 90 im :.MM I f.0 IS fi'f M 18 61 73W fi7M 4HM 41 Mi)f BfM 110 90 f0 OH roM 3.1M I Hi 63 t)8 5 72 108 Am Woolen 31 Am woolen pf MI5J Anaconda Copper ..... 3Al: AtchTASK loi'l AtchT&SKpf 100 HaldlnLoco C naltlmoru ft Ohio iQi Baltimore & Ohio p( ... 1H Ildhtehem Stool 13M 10 132)f 1:15 Bethlchern Steel pf HIM HIM MH HIM IlrooKlyn llap Transit.. t'O IKI SUJI 00 CnlPetroloum 17M 18 17M 31 31 31 hUM eOM 60M :.0 35 3.1M 102M 101 lOlli 100 noM 100 65U Qlt 52 Ibli 7flM "OH Hi 71 71 CalPclrolcumpf,... Canadian 1'acUlo . . . Cent Leather Cent Leather pf ...', Clies&Ohlo Chlno Cooper ChlcajoOtWcat... ChicaEoOtWestpf. Clilc Mil ft at V ... Chlft Northwest... .44 41 4 M ..101 10.1! 101 .. SUM 40M 30M ,..102f 10,1 454 40i 0H 12U ,'un OUi 45 124 33 . un 103 40 4I' 121i 3J U1M 120M 120M 129 Chi It I &P 2m 20 21M Colorado Kuol A I :1M .'12 30K 12UM 130M 12'JM 120i 14 79M 20 80M 01 Colorado ft Southern,.,. 30 30 Colorado ft Midland.... IBM 17 Consolidated Uas Corn Products Itef 14 U Corn Prod Hot pf 78 Crucible Steel Co 23M Cruclblo Steel Co, prof . . Cuban-Am Sucar....... GO Dcl&lludson lolJi 151 UcnftHloUpf 15 15 Detroit Edison 115 Dlstlllcrs'hocurltlos .... 15U Erie 27'f Erie 1st pf 13U Erie 2d pt 3CM Ocn Chemical pf 10'J General Electric 157 General Motors 112 Gen Motors pf 101 Goodrich II F Co 50M Goodrich U F Co pf . .. .102M 30 17f 17M 44 102M 40 103 4.1 40M las XH IOU 12!M 2ii aiM 30 173f UH 71)h 24f 80M (id 14 78 at i0M 10 ir.u'i 151 15 15 114M 114U 1143f 15f 14M MM 2bJ 27;i 43M 4:t 30 a&H 100 1UJ 157M 16(1 140M 142 101 101 51 50 28 43H 30 109 157 14 Uf 101 ;o' Great Northern pf 1203 120 GtN cfsfororo prop.... .-,(1 ..fri Guccenholm Exp'n C0!i (1 IlllnolsCcnt 108 110 IntHarvNJ 08 OS IntllarrCorp 1... 73M 71M IntHarvCorppf 100 lOj InterMot 21M 2JM IntcrMctpf 71M 72f International Papor pt . . 41M 40 IntStcamPump fl!J fljf Int Steam Pump pf 2W 15 Inspiration Coppor 'ol'-i 32M Julius Kayser ft Co S'.M 84M KCFtSftMpf 05 iOH Kan City oouthorn 20U "J7M KanCitySopf SOJt 5S)M Kings CoEL&P 121 Lack Steel 45 102Sf 10JM lO.'M l'.0l4 10 60)5 110 0 71M 105 21M 71M 40 GM 15 31 83M 59M Mi SSJi 120M 01 110 v VH 71M 105 l2 72M 40 GM 15 31M 83)i 50M y7?. Lehigh Valley Long Island 3(1 Loose-Wiles Illscult .... 21 Manhattan Elevated ..12cM m ax noil Motors 52M Maxu ell Moton 1st pf. 8UM Max Motors 2d pf .... 40h Minn & St Louis 10 Mexican Petroloum ... 79 Mo Kan ft Texas 13M Missouri Pacific 14M MontanaPower f.0M Miami Copper 1'5-i Nat Cloak ft Suit 74M National Illscult 120 National Enamel ft S ,. IUH NatLrad 15M 12 1M 121 47M 45'f 142M 143M 142M New York Air Drako .. 00M Nevada Con Coppor ... 15M NYN1I& II COM New York Contral 8bM NVO&West 31M Norf&Wcst 105M 105 North America .0 Northern Pacific 108M Pacific Mall 22M PaciflcTelftTel 35 Pennsylvania It H 10SM Pittsburgh Coal 22M Pittsburgh Coal pf .... 01M PittsOO&StL 70 Hessed Steel Car 62H llybtoel Spring 30M Hay Con Copper & Heading 148M 14'M V.iM 121)5 47Ji 143 3GM 21 12S)i 5214 85H 41M 15 81 H YAM 15 51 20 73 110 10M GOM 94 15 071 SOM 32M 105 77 108M 31 31 31 10SM 10HM lOdM 23 22M 22M 93 02M 02M 70M 70)4 70)4 40 36M U 30), 21 12hM f.4Vf s.M 42M 15 b.l j:'M Ifijf 51 L'OM 73! i 119 jfiVS csu 95V4 iri C8W bUM 32M 30); 21 12SM 62 r5 41M 16 to 13M MM 61 2.(4 73 11J 10)f C4M 01M 14M C0)4 S8M 31)4 105 77 77 109M 108 00 61 30 40 35M 23M lien Iron & Stool 2)'i Hep Iron ft Steal pf ... b7J4 Hock Island Co M liumelyM Co 4M Humely M Co pf MLoulsftSF BtL&SF lstpf ... bt L & S Fran 2d pf .. tiloss-SbefB&ICo .. beaboard Air Line pf bears Roe ft Co boutbern l'acillo .... ioulhernlty fcouthern Ity pf btodebakerCo btudebakcr Co pf 13 . 4M . 11 . OM . 37J4 . 81M .138 . 92 . 18 . 58M . 70M .101 Tennessee Cop 31 30 M S7 M 4M 14M 5M 0 GM 37M 38M ViSH KH 18 67 78 101M 101 33M 32 14SM 14bM 29)i 30 tGM M 4M 12M 4M (I OM 37M 38 87 U 1M rih 5. 0 0)i 37i 3SM 138M 138M 01M OUi 18 50.M 73M TexasCo 135M 130M 130M bOM Hi 41 10 30U GOM 100 43 1M 2M GOM bO 1M 13 18M 68 09 42 1M 2M 68 03 W 183i 67 74 10IM 33M 130)4 10M 63)4 103 90M OM 130 81M bOM 1M 43 10 30M G8M 'lexas&Pacirio 1QM 10M 10M Third Avenuo 63M 53M 63 Tobacco Prod pf , 100 100 100 TwtnCltyHT 09 09M 00M tnionllag ft Paper ... OM GM OM Union Pacific 129M 131M 120M Uulon Pacific pf blj MM bli U fi Undl Alchol pf .... 89 USlted&Kof 1M USHealtyft Imp .... 40M United llys Invest .... 18M United Kyi Inrpf .... SO II K Tlnhtwr' flS USltubberlst pf ....1U7M 107M 107M 107M USbteel .., 68 60M 57M 68M UbSteel pf..'. ,..10SM 108M 103M 103M Utah Coppor ObM 68 05M GM Va.Car CbemicaU .... 31M 31M 32)4 34!f Va-CarChempf ...... BO Va Iron Coal ftu 41 Wabash. 1M Wabashpf f. 2M VSestern Union Tel ... H8 eftlinshoue,Klectrlo . 98)4 103M Uctprn Xfsrvland .... G 25 Willy OvflUna 110 122H U6M 1!0 u)ottbFHCo 10JM 104 10JM 103M WoolwoitapJ 120 130 120 120 100 4J ill 00 10 1M in ROCK ISLAND PLANS Annual Meeting Postponed New Protective Committee Being Formed. NEW TOniC, May 4.-Tho annual meet ne of tfie nock Island Company of New Jeraey lias again been postponed to May 17, Meantime atepa are being taken to form a protective committee to euard the Interests of the holders of the 175,000,000 stock of the Chicago, Rock Island and Faclnp Hallway Company. The move ment, jt Is understood, originated with three f the new directors of the Rock Island, W, Emlen Roosevelt, William J. Matheson and Charles Hayden. These .v... Mr, wha wera nominated by the Sheldon proxy committee, -will ""doubt. edly tie members oi toe cuuuin. is rxpected that James S. Alexanderl president of the National Bank of Com merce; and V. A. Van Hall, of Amster. dam. Who represents the Dutch Interests In the Rock Island, will be the two other memfiers. One of the .Mncant features of the committee Is that N- U Amster. trie fourth of the new directors elected at the annual meeting" on April U. win not be a member. New York Bond Sales IOO11 Amcr Agr 5a....... ovvi Aiupr 1.01 uu t'.so. 1IOU0 Amor Tel clt 4 3uui do cvt 4'!' MOO Armour 414s Ji-Omi Atch cv 4s 105B UIXIO do lDW.' MM.) Allan Co Line let 4s 1UUII Unit ft Ohio a'js. . . IM do 4s 4000 do ev 4'4i MIWU IVth Hteei lt 6s.... CHOW do rfd 6s i.Ku KrooK Jt T Cs wis 120tu Cent Lentl cr let fls Hljli. Low. Close. ,1112 iUi IVi ,H1 I 101-1 U2' lotV. 01?i no" 100 KW, ou Ml 101J4 H2i Win lor 112 tilH l'0 87 87H 1004 10UH .'' IHUKI Cent l'acillo S'.js-rt miwi u 1st 48 .1. 2uud LVnt it It N J ris. (too Ches & Oh cv 4H "I HHI I'hAa A flhlA 4lhH..,. LWiChes A Ohio 5s...(...l! IRtttm rl,l A nn.t 111 Am...... OS Hti (.'hi (It West 4s... .. 71H ..luo .. Il .4 88J ...so; L. 70 88 luu tm)4 76 88J4 i sw.w Cht 11 & q joint is... P7 II At M Ken. 4s w'i UK ,'noixi cm UtllKI fill It A O res' 4s t'tnn,, rit.i 1, r. ,1 111 i. nl 4.I50D C M ft SI V CV 3 let. 104 U novo c M .4 St 1' cv 4(,s .?H WK0 C JI ft St I' gen 4i. 101'J HK) Col ft Booth Tit 4tlj9 . H5 Kiwi con as cv 01 "7U, fltmo Cumberland Tttl ns. . . H0i oo) Del ft nud 4s 'in.... wj. ilteo 4VJS..1 ion SiiS RHU llt '101't llll1,' 101)4 Jfa H1H Ol1 loo 1HV 100 uott He. nag 19 lot H7 71 11 02 II VI nn nn f ,10.1 I0) Detroit United 4IOOO Ills Kpciii- Corn flixei nrlo conv 4s Her A. 4000 yo prior 4s liisotl (Jroen Day 0 SlXW llud ft Man inv (is., ltonii ,n rtd lis lo-jo tlnrlt V 1st His. . :i00 lown. cpntml Is KKO lotva Central r,s ... .SHOO ( Central rffl 4s . 00 111 Cent 4 llr,2. ... mow ins cop cv s. .. . 21000 111 c U Kl I. I) .Is 2.0, O lntfrh Mnt 4Un .. 2000 intprh R T ret (is.... OHS 1000,iitt,r" M,-r Mnr 4Ws... 44 iiiio intern raper ct os.. ,i. N.I llHlt n4 sail . . 7V4 . . , 114 ... M . . KIH ... SR ... 2 ...mot 10.1.10)4 '! sr, o P4 7 r4 11.1 MM, Till. .11' '4imo Iml Alcohol Os 10OW 100 r,l . A'-noa Jsn llor ta new 4Hs IIK'il .Immnpso 1st 4'yt 77V, 7 jnini K i."i H M 4s il'n 7 Mlii) Kan t'ltv So ".. .. OIJ loon l.ukp Shore .'U.ih . V VKIil IjiIip Hh iloh 4s 11128. TO .!!" t.rh Vnl of N Y 4Hs 100 su ion iot. ;o idy. Vi M 80)4 Bli 130 7SC M"k 41 7li 100 01 Kl CrtU M'4, 12R 12-4 78U 8S 44 7014 "IKI1 Lie .? M T R 11101. Hum I.iMlllurcl r,s HiiU Minn I.ni-lllnrtl 7b .. ..122, .",000 l.nuln A Nnsh 4s 04 -.thhi Minn & Bt I. 4c M-l, IIOiSI Mo K Ar r pen 414s .. 0.1 10CHI .N" V C & II .114s.. .. H014 ,ilom) do cv lis w 1 lUIJI ll20im do 41iii Piti toon 1I0 4s T anno IN V City Is 19.17 WTV. ,'lOflo do 4s I'.niO 1IK1U, Kkiii do 4'Js '114 , .1.. ..1001 20O( do 4Vt Nov,,fi7....1l)ljl KHX) M Y Oos II & I" 4s.. Mj, hmki do r.s ioj; 5000 N Y X II A II 0S....1O2H .11100 N Y Itivy ref 4s,... 7.1 1MHX) do adl r.s MH :i000 N" Y TVI K0I1 4t4s.... II7S 10110 N Y W C A: II ls - . 7H ;iooii iorr (t west cv 11 1111! B2lJ 0.1 100 Hiflli IWi 122 U 01 M, KH NIU 10T)J Nil Il7tl 1 1 VOl7. JSRst HVl 0214 0Jl( 7.1 r,s7 ;ti 71Vj 01U Si" Ikl lno ion;. isss IIS 80 14 HKIi KO ' 07 Ij 100 I -S? 5 20O0O Nnr I'ao IHKX) .Vor I'nc Eon .Is l.vmo Ore & W It 4i nrlor 4s.. N 4s.. Kl), Mti P.1 Ittli IC a.K or, llioo rnrlile Tol r,a r.lKK) 1'eiina. cv .IHs KiOoD t'ennn 4b IU4S .1000 IVnnn. ts . . , 122010 I'cnn.i rv II58 , :iOM Piiblle S-r X. 'J. s. "lino KcsdlnK Ken 4s "Ooo Illo Or ft W clt 4. .12000 ISock l-lnnd rfd 4s. ..noil Hock Island os :(()() Snntionril A 1. ndj B. loin South Hell ,1s 2T0ii t-outh 1'ac col 4s .... .-,7! (H) Kolllh Pfl cv it. .. IImhi S 1' cv ret f i r.s 10.14. toil, WlOII Snillli I'nc rtd 4'4s 02U oioil Soulh Pac Term ,1s. . ! 70011 Houth Itwv cen 4s (17k IMMii Smith llvy con 1s t(i'i WOO Toxns Co rv fls 20011 1 hinl Ao ipw Is.. 4UX) Third Ao ndj .In... 4(Kio Third Ao ndl os. SCBH) Tol I'eo & W 4s 1000 Trlolty ,1h 4ton ti s itubner Os f.11011 I' S Sipel " omo Union l'ac 1st 4s VTonn rnlon I'nc cv 4s.... 10000 Cnlon l'ac rfd Is iihiii in itwo a i- is. . 02 I02li ,.l Klji $ imi 02 U 051, III ork ion U8J4 Ml j lltl 111, ' I llll .-Pi till' IIS 111 Kl 10m ! "li-j 117', 101) 2 IP'll ... 7SI, 78'4 78 . M .13 .11 . Ill HI IH .10.1 lot 103 .lO.'V, 1021, I112I4 . OB; out; no1! . 0I1 I'D. H . II2U 02 ltt . 4HJ" 181, 4HS, 07' 1(K) OR). Silt, urn, 8si, HIS 73 (., .vn.i 00 111.1 H.i .llll) S Mil IS,', VI "7 100 HSU si5 ions SSI, 01, 73 '. .in, lili'4 li.S 103 SJ. 101 02) MY, loot? HOT 81 SEVERAL LOCAL STOCKS SUFFERED SET-BACKS Pennsy Bond Issue at Last An nounccd Sharp Rise Standard Gas 6s, m Over-hndowlrlir nil clso In the day's flnanclnl developments hero was tho nn nouncement that tho Pennsylvania. Rail road had sold 16", 000.000 of Ita now 4"4 per t-cnt bonds to Kiihn, Locb & Com pany. No surprise was oxprensed at tho news, as it had been frenernlly expected and forecasted for Homo time. The money thua obtained, together with financing- already effected, will provide for all the requirements of the big pya tern for the current year The stock ruled a trlflo heavy today and tho IH3 now on tho mnrket were qulto active, ranging between 193T4 before the news reached tho Street down to 103'4 nfter the announcement won made. Except for the customary nctlvlty in United States Hteel, the. rhtlndetphla. market wns lacking In special features until the llitnl hour, when nevcrnl local Issues suffered sharp sotbneks. Humor pel shied that the Cambria Steel Company was tho recipient of lnrg ordors and tho stock scoicil it moderate nilvimco ns a result, coveilng pnr. There was again talk nf tho amalgama tion of loading Independent steel com panies, nnd It wns snld that tho Pennsyl vania nnd Onmbiln companies were to be merged. Lake Superior exhibited nn im proving tendency, whereas Rapid Transit continued to ho sold In moderate quan tities nt the low record price. In the lute trading sharp dcrllne oc curred In Severn I Inactive loc.il issue" IViitifivhnnla Steel preferred diopped S'4 nnd Philadelphia Company 2' 4 points while American Rnllttaya prefened will down nearly 2 points. Tho Initial snlo of the newly listed Ruf fnlo nnd Susqiiehnntia common stock vot ing trust certificates wns u block of oO at 1214. Tho next transaction wns at 121;. nnd thon tho quotation slipped hnck to 12',i. Tho bidding for tho shnres stnited nt 10, while the preferred wns bill un from 3!) to 40'. without a snlo. Later It sold at 40.4. Westmoreland C0.1l lost n, fraction, as did 1'ulted Ons Improvement. Raldwln Locomotive dropped moro thnn a point nt the close. Tho fentuio of the bond market was tho strength of Stnndnrd (las Cs, which advanced from 52', I lie Inst previous quotation, to P.I. Lehigh Navigation 4'4s were also In good demand. Sales in Philadelphia Xtn. date 2? Am T1 A Tl . . 13, 1 . ,1,. 1nj1. i Am llys pref.i'liJO . B8! 2100 USUI Loco ..... 53T .03 i ao crer iva jo. Illlth. Low. Close jJ llJ 1"B 70 Burt it Sum. . . j 2 00 pret ....... . 17 Cstn Iron, ...... 44 718 Cam Mieel . . 4H 20 cl l'etrol pret. . . 10 I'lec Stor iH 2W) Urle 28H lm) rlo 2d pref 20 lien Asphalt .. 28 ;!5 do pret tKI'i 20 Ins Co N Am. Sljt .1 Kevs Tel uref B7'.t np. . ..... ...... r..- Ml 181 l,ehlgh Nv .... 71 .1 l.elilah Vnllnv . 71 1ft I.eh Vnl Trans. . .10(4 10 Norinerti i-ent . . . i(i N Y Ont A West . . 013 I'ennn. Itnllroad. aiH 20 I'enna Salt SUk 03 10 do nref . .. Wi .".oil I'hIU Co J84 11IH I'hlln i:loo 24'i on I'hlln Itnp Trnn 11 (Kill Kay Cons 21 40 ltrndlnp 74H 3iK) atiide baker 2.1 1'nlon Trnc ... S.i 1110 U O I B4U IAMI 1" S Slrel B814 108 Wittm'il Coal... HI noNUS. Last rrev snl( Jlooo Am Ons A 1" H. I22H 1 e rj J5 S4H lt" 12i 40'4 44 M 43 rv2's 28 311 27 (Hl4 IjK 4014 Wt 28 :io 21 21 (, 09 8 74 Tl 30l 3114 -&' 6.1 30 s H 2114 74 VJ 77a III If, K4 Mill r.7-4 na( 021? -4 ii 12U 40V4 Ml 43 .VH 28 30 27 'd 21. iy 7H 7 0-1R 71W HO 8S .1114 r,i'4 11.1 0,1 .10 24M I) 22'(, 74j 7.1'S Hlj 84 714 00 8.1 31V4 4 Oil 1 30 81 1000 lloth Strel rot lis lio 371 Cnm Htl tcp WXD llaidwln HUH. 8,11 lll'i 102's OS 07 H) ii'n 811V, 10IS Low. Clor 8.11, s,'.l, III 14 102', OS 07 80 I'll', wit 10414 1st 's.ia-i in. n .i.vi rfr, lnl7 0, 2KI Kl A I'eo Tr 4s. iil'i IK"I Inlerst Iln 4s . Wi WCOO I. Nov ens 414s on'4 ICOO I, Vnl ?en 4s... So -JUKI T. V.I t-na R lO-IU. I'.IOOO ! ron 4H '00.103', 101J4 10.114 loon do conv 4s 48 OS l"!. 08H, ,'im1 Phils Co 1st Os. PO!4 0"j 78 rh co serin '10. on on fl2 do HUN 03 111 .loon Phlla El 4s 7'l ,0 2im do .Is ... 101 lorn noon iiHid-.i c-nt is m on, "nun Pland C.ns Os.. 0214 0 IH"I I'n ll"i I c 4s. 7IU 1IM1 100 Welslmrli Co ,1s 011'! I"! imii. 113 70 UU". 01 1 04 7i. no 111 1021, OS 07 SO Ssj, 10.1H 0' 00 14 on 01 II 101S 0.U, PS 711, 00 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK, May 4. Trndlnn wns qiilot on the Coffee K-chnngo f SVys April Clay Juno July Aniust Kmtpmli October oprnlnR . ll.22flll.2S .0 33 .7.1I .7'l's .7..11 cin,e. 7 M)ff7.2 11.2211 II .'.1 ll.TJWfl 31 lirrf..4l No ember Detcmncr .lanunry . March 1eh runty lOffcrcd. Hid. Pal-". 7.01 7.7C.1I7.77 7.R0 000 tings. 7.4S37 III 7 ,10fp7 01 T.r.nfj-r r,i 7,r.7l7 M 7.l'.07 112 7 mm 7 117 so B'J 74 HnRcrstown ScIIh Honds II KimtSTOWK, Md., May 4 IIiiRerstnun'f jwtioo orlerlng of 4' j park LoiiiIk went like hnt enltes" ot auct on todnv In blocks of f pnr JUKI Thw sold up to J102 So for tlio 1W4 into n itwv .is !!, i'fMa ,...- 37IKHI Waliash 4 30j- anu jo iron Wabish 1st ..is 10'J 11 J, 101', 310(10 Wabn,h 2d Ss til i'i ii? 100.1 Wob Dili ct sta 48.... -i'f -1 -- Sinn Wnb-I Ter 1st ct 4s . ' , , Un 1V, T-tnp,rlc .1, llll'S 10IU llll1. ost" (Mi'? ir.nrrt w,t Md 1st Is. 118000 West I! A M cv fts... 1000 West I'nlon 3s . . i.va mi; IJ4V. IUH, Oil '4 COTTON NI"W YOIII". May 4. Cotton opened easy this mornlne on veak cubles nnd tremendous Wall street liquidation Tho weakness of the cables was hardly a surprise, hon or. In view of tho heavy selling here by Liverpool lato VeMordny On llin decline there was heavy Inislnit bv former hull operators who bad sold out nt hluher levels. Tliero was also con siderable bmlnK hy spot IntiTests. In Hie nrtcrnoon futures milled quite sharply rccmerlnir all of their earlier declines and establishing gains over last night's (.lose rang lug from 4 lo 12 points. Vsalnrilnv unco, jiisn. 0.00 0.7S 0 RO 10.07 10.13 10 3! 10.30 10 BS 10,43 10.04 111.70 10.8-1 Close. May H.72 July 0 03 October 10 27 December ,.m 17 January ....10.31 March m 74 bpot 10.20 Lou, 1)00 I) 70 lo.ri 10 3S 10.43 10.07 Cloio. 0.70 10 0(1 10.30 10.38 10. (VI 10KO 10.30 NOTES OF THE RAIL Second Assistant Postmaster fieneral Stewart, for the Post Oflice Department, today complained to the Interstate Com merce Commission that railroads In practically all parts of tho country nre charging oxecssivo rates on Government shipments of stamped envelopes nnd newspaper wrnppers. A fifth-class rato In the I'ast and third-class In the West and South is asked by tho Government on this trnlllc. Ono hundred and seventeen of the prin cipal steam railroads of the United States earned during March net revenue of "17, EG0.4S2, tho Interstate Commerce Commis sion today announced. These roads had total operating revenue of $16:1,G2I.66S and total expenses of $116,OM,0S6. Net revenue per mile for March, 1915, was ?)l against 233 In KInrch, 19U. An Increase from 16 lo 20 cents per hundred pounds In rate on paper fioin New England points to New York city over tho Hoston and Malno and other railroads today was upheld by the Inter state Commoico Commission. 113th Dividend Philadelphia, May 4th, 1915 The Directors have this day declared a semi-annual divi dend of seven per ce.nt., free of taxes. This is an increase of one per cent, over last dividend. After paying dividend the capital is one million dollars, the surplus and profits over two million dollars and the total resources over thirty million dollars. Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut at Second Street GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s of 1010 registered 2s of 1030 coupon Panama 2s rcKletered . .. Panama new 3a reslstered. Panama new 3s coupon..,. 3s of WIS reilsiered is of 101R ioupon 4b of 102.1 registered....... 4s of 1025 couron ..... Old. Asked. PS (i0 OR 0S 1011 101'4 102 ....101U .101 ..Kit ..loo-' no ..not; .. ! Remunerative Investments The fact that certain kinds of welt-secured mortgage bonds provide larger incomes than others equally well secured deserves the consideration of every investor. In our latest circular we describe a number of long-term bonds of the kind which give the best returns that can be obtained from tested investments. We invite requests for this Circular No. 218, William P. Bonbrighi & Co., Inc. MORRIS W. 8TRQUD, Jr. Msnsrjer ,ST CHESTNUT BTItKET I'hlUdelpbts, Maw York Ilo-toa Detrall London: William P. UonbrUht A Co. Psrlsl Honb-lftu & Co. SFECIAI. MEETINQ (-i-35-A SrEClAI. MEET-Nd OF THIS VS7 .tockholdtrs of the Consolidated Ic Mfr. Co. will be hsld at ths offic- oC th cra-W, JMlSodlM .t., Phils., Pa,, on MonOiy, i June T, 1015, at t p. m.. to vet for or sl"'t lh locntsa of th Indebtea n.ia of th company from nothlni to Thirty Tbouswa (IS0.0O0) dollars. , iBS AHTWW OYBONr Secretary. DIVIDENDS KOIITUWKSTERJ" NATIONAL BANK v Philadelphia. Pa., My ', 1W&. Th Director! ha- this W dsclar4 a tralannu'l dividend of a per trot, clear of tax. CMcHi will be mailed. MNFOHD C, NICB. CUbler, c5B5a5H5gSB55a5f5cl5H55Z55aga5H5clga5H5H5'rl5H5H5a55D "A3 GlR&RD MAY 1, 1915. mis JOSKl'll WAVMi Jn., Prealilrnt. EVAN HAXIIOI.PH. Vlcc-Prealilcnt. T. I. VVIUUUKHIIISIM. Vlce-I'rcalde-nt. CHAIII.KS M. ASH'I'O.V, Caahlrr. A. W. I'lCKPOItn, Aaalatnnt Cnahler, ALIIIKIJ UAHItATT, Assistant Cashlrr DIRECTORS KIIANCIS II. IlEBVES, Cbnlrnmn of tho Hoard Dnnlcl Ilaucb Wm, NrwIiolU Kly Gen'ie n. HncnKurlci, Keorsr Bllnrtol Morrl. I,. Clolbler Joseph Warnr. Jr. IlSdman K. "rUcom John Orlbbel Il'nii llnnilolnh J Mau?an KUo.l". Gori-B MrKadileji llorrls II. Ilocklus W. Frrderlcic SoyUer TrnntlH II. IteeYe., Jr. ;fUur V. Morton Ilobrrt Toland Win. W. ITailer, Jr. Wm. Jar Turner RESOURCES Loans and Investments $36,565,557.94 Due from Banks 7,091,179.30 Exchange for Clearing House 1,441,403.16 Cash and Reserve 9,200,497.92 $54,298,638.32 LIABILITIES Capital $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 4,509,327.91 Dividend Payable May 1st 155,230.20 Circulation 1,084,000.00 Deposits 46,550,080.21 $54,298,638.32 a q-5--5Z5Z5H5E5aga5E5il5B5ara3r Local Bid and Asked Today's Yitefnaj"s Did. Asked. DM, Asked. Il-ld-nln ...... ....... ..M .51 ,(M, .VM do rrnf ,,,101 4 102 1014 102 Cambria flteel ..,,,,,. 40'4 "O Hi4 4l'"J Electric Btornir- ...... M Mil MUM!, -Jenernt Asphalt 21 i'i 2i' .do prof , ..... 09 CHlfi 00 07, K stone Telephone.... IB 1S'4 MJi J4 ' ilntc 1.1 1.V4 HH lMi . do rref. 87W 6S 07i OS .9ko Sun Coip 71). 1(1 ., ,l- 7i Jhlnh 5,-av M14 Ji 71 74 l.hlsh Valley 71 ijj IU 7ln J.h Volley Trans IRtJ VH 1ISU IJ'i .do rref M , ,10'i !tn 31 t'ennsyhnnla SI ,1.1(1 A4U 8IU, MH fblla F-leo 24il 241 2ljt 24ij i'hlla fo 38li a7M 37W 88 do " per cent met... 4 ,1.1 .11 85 do 0 per tent pref... aoji 40'4 40 41 Dill- It T -8U 0 8 O'i . do I c 8), 0 0 0V4 Ileadln 74 ji 7414 "4 741, Ton Ilfl 4j? 4$ 4',; Ton MIn 7t 7 7 7'S Union Trao "Iji nit .tit, 3.1 If O I M' 84U 81 Vl V h Hlel f,1J(, .18(5 fpSU C"?t York Ily 7(? 85 7J 8lt do pref .10 32 ,1(1 ,12 THADE UALANCE $23,323,201 WASItlNOTO.V, May 4,-Tlio balance of trnda In favor of tho United SUIes for tho week ending May 1 wns $23,523,104, the lsrftest In tho last llvo weeks. The ex ports duritiK lust week were 57,783,""8, ivhlto the Imports totaled KM, 460,652. Cot ton -Hipped during tho "line period or Bregatetl 150,610 bale?, nn Increnac over the pipvlotis week of 40.000 bales, nnd maklnir the total exported slnco August 1, the besinnlnp of the cotton year, 7,321. 420 bales. The Bank of North America Resources Loans and Plscounts t".515,i74,0 Due. from Banka and .,... Bankers , J,10T,03.88 Clearing House Exchanges 1,029.8"'. M Troaeuror of United .... States ...., .,H2H2 Cash and rte-erve, ...... 3,127. J9T83 Total $18,804,378.60 Liabilities Philadelphia, May 1, 1915, Capital ....,.,..., JI, 000,000.00 surplus ana unaiviaea Proflts 2.462.351.3S Circulation , ............ soo.ooo.oo Deposits ,... 14,842.037.22 Total 518,504,378.6 S, D. JORDAN, Cashier TffN0IAH BEUIONT MEETJiVcS Joseph C. Frnlejr ltsctcd to the BortrjJl of Directors. At the annual meeting of the Ton4petiJ Belmont Development Company, held In, Camdert today, J, JiarV'y VhHman few lded and Klah kltto acted na hecrelary. Clarence M. nnmn declined re-electforl? ns n director and Joseph C. Fratey -"-asl elected to fill the vacancy. The1 other re tiring directors Were re-elected. The stockholders voted to amend the. i bylavVa and constitution, chanslna the date of tho annual meellnir from the first -J Tuesday to the last Tuesday Jn May, President Heller stated that the Bel mont mine would havo A Inrser oro re serve at the end of next fiscal yar than reported In the annual report. Sines March 1 the company hns sold 1.000,000 ounces of sliver, and since that time th6 silver people nrd bidding-. Ons cent nd vanco In sliver adds $3000 a month to tho net Income of the company. Thus far the company never received less than El certta an ounco for silver. In answer to a question as to lhe-3 amount spent on the 8urf Inlet property, now under option until July 1, Mr. Heller said that 85,000 would cover all they have put In that proposition, nnd he was leav ing on the 6th to try to get an extension of the option of at least six months to further prove up tho latest developments. Other Financial and Commercial News on Pages 5 and U. THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia, May 1, 1Q15. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ; .$48,565,163.93 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances ,... 3849,981.26 Due from Banks 10,271,006.85 Exchanges for Clearing House $1,528,514.06 Cash and Reserve 15,466,906.00 16,995,420.06 $79,681,572.10 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $1,500,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits (Earned) 4,959,924.55 Circulation 648,997.50 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 4,476,517.09 rwc;-c. dividual ....$43,120,409.18 iVWUUtllt-l 1 Bank 24,975,723.78 68,096,132.96 $79,681,572.10 LEVI L. RUE, President. IIARRT J. KESER, Vice President. HORACE FORTESCUE, Cashier, WILLIAM S. MADDOX. Vice PresIdonL DAVID W. STEWART. Asst Cashier. DIRECTORS RICHARD ASIIIIURST. LINCOLN CODFRET. GEOnOE WOOD. ALFRED C. HARRISON. LEVI L. RUE. GEORGE H. FRAZIER. GEORGE II. McFADDEN. EFFINGHAM R. MORRIS. RANDAL MORGAN, R. DALE I1ENSON SAMUEL REA. PIERRE S. DUPONT. THOMAS S. GATES. ASA S. WING SAMUEL M. VAUCLATN. WILLIAM H. DONNER, WALLACE D. SIMMONS SAMUEL D. "WARRINER. Accounts of Mercantile Firms, Corporations, Banks and Bankers Invited 4-uiciKii jijenanee nousm ana aoia. abetters ot i-reau issuea FRANKLIN ATIONAL BANK Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, May 1, 1915. RESOURCES Loans and Discount- $27,003,296.49 Liability Under Credit . 147,353.99 Due from Br- 4,838,190.54 Cash and F 9,168,246.72 Exchange- .ij House 1,756,007.73 $42,913,095.47 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 surplus ana i-ier, rronw J,9t,y'j.y'i Circulation 445,000.00 Letters of Credit 147,353.99 Deposits . . j 37,823,813.56 $42,913,09.47 J. R. McALUSTEII, r-f-tdrnt. J. A. IIAItniS. Jr., Vlce-rrnldent. J. AVM. nARDT, Att. Caahler. E. I'. PASSUOIIB. Vies l'reildcnt ft Casblrr. J. C. rrtANKLANU, Aj.L Ca.hi.r. E. IS. SlIIKLnS, Ant. Cashier. Famn-1 T. Ilodlne Thomas Dr Witt Curler Crorae II. Frail-r 1'ihTnrrf n. Smith lltnry Talnall J. nulhrrfnrd MrAlllttrr Frederick L. Dally DIRECTORS EfllnRiiain Tl. Slorrla P-rcj O. Madeira Kllla I'u-ey ras-mor J, Andrews Ilarrli, Jr. J. Hampton names SlorrU L. Clothier C. fl. XV. raeluud Charlton Ya-nall W. W. Atlerbury Kdcar C. Fellon Robert O. Draytaa Rudolph KlUa Edivard V. Ileal FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES nked JLo!(l&vat Philadelphia. May 1, 1015. DIRECTORS T. WUtar Urown , llrnrse Ilurnham, Jr. William Wood John I'ltraun Charles II. Smith Ilenrr W. Diddle Charles Wheeler William T. EUlott Charles E. Inieri.U A. A. Jaek-on Kamutl M. Curwtn Clarence M. Urown nrcsounciss Loans and Investments.. ."15,135,439.79 Kxchang-s for Clearing House 870,167.61 Due from Hanks and .,.,. Rankers 1.577,187.66 Cash and Reserve 6,299,215.56 SS3.8S2.3IO.Oa WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT. Prcildeol. WILLIAM POST, Cuhler. LIABILITIES Capital , , .,., -l,0CP,Q0q.OO Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) .., 3.695,?S3." Clrculatlpn 397.750,00 Deposits ., ,...,,..,.. 18.7S9.3J7.18 113,883,310.(12 WILLIAM Y. CONRAD, Aut.CaliIer ANTRIM II. JONES. 2d Ant. Cajhler FIRST NATIONAL. BANN of Philadelphia Condcnted report at clo's of bu-lntu May 1, 1D1S. RESOURCES Loans and Investments, $18,246,116.86 Due from Banks 4,158,117.22 Exchanges for Clearing , . . . House ,. 1,084,821.44 Cash and Reserve , , , . . 8,452,188.10 rt-F Total. . . .$31,941,242.62 LIABILITIES Capital .,,,,,,...,.. ?1,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits , 1,652,825.00 Circulation ........... 715.0PO.OJ,? Peposits ,.,v,.,,,... 28,03,41, J. TATNAit, LEA. Chalrmaa of Board WM. A. LAW, President CHAa If. JAMES. AsUtat Cutlu KENTON WARNS. Vice President THOMAS W. ANDHKW, Cashier Tol ;. .$31,941,242,111 d H. JAMBS AMUtaat Cuklar FREA8 B. 8NYDHB, AMtHi WJf HARHV 4- HAAS, .AsUUttt 4klr
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