fc-smfl WWJWW ''fWWWWUNMWWBP'WS friy,iwji,wwai'iw'''iilHi''''iy-t'Wii EVENING LEDaETC PHTUADELPHIA-, SATURDAY, 'APRIE 24, 1915. 9 OUTSIDE RA GirFs Adventures in Socia By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE, Author of "The Lone Wolf," "The Brass Bowl," Etc. i! iAN Piracy Rebellion CHAP i, hi nn " t.oui Joseph vnnre .fought "l" become it Social pirate." irl s.it'1 to herself, amt smiled. i I"1 ' ,.. ,,i,ii ei, h, Mnnvers. Hl"" "'- Cd " as ,ho "rsl Inw 8f rlrnry I? .- w mind "There's never n law tffloil or nnn run" north of M." tf "., rtt 2T, unmarried, linllutipy. out I ',ob i lmt mid-June New York. P. .n't she mornllv norlli nf M7 Hat Uc-o had n-: mo store mey nan Kr that sl.p wns to 1 "1111.1 off." iW " . .1,A una frn JiJdWn't mat !"" - " I starve through the summer? Sho Ldn't SP"'"-'" on U,oy Spm'e nny , ,r Win, thp ,m,m pnp wns lttltllf I"1"' ' r. u.lllnl, Hnllt. no wis I-"" " IWtiy pld ,,r "hn,r Bti ms bnd nin.icM t no broke 111 New v but fav MiniriB iw dospcrnto - i'oll She -"iicil " ''"J' "f r'nl M' '! henn,rl " r' " ,,cUy B0Wni'' snmP Xhtv lingerie " mr''1 "nt '" ,l "I'llPk W'L1'... A, she wnntod life' f-i't'i no ""0 t"1'1 iKTRPlf. "I've Lin he a puni"' ' Anil again. In spite 1'v.imi. mid In spite "f her lnncll- i ,8 sho emllr.l a Httlr. : JtH. " ... ,,, ,,,,,, .i, iMienrtl 3 Hut tier si'"1 -.. .-. i'.nilf to on evening whose loneliness Lmi.fld to be unhinkon: that fnlnt llnali IS. course of her hnlf-whlmslcnl. hnlf-so-,M medltallnn. "lio looked onco nioio t!.t life lia'l micle llPI- a vvnik-wnrn lwAi'i r i.i l..lntrp I'linrui. on tho ? lo'l P'enntiiiPl middle-aged hopo Iku iplnsterhonil 'Another fit months of tlllB llfP would lltVikhfr, boh .mil -plrlt. beyond repair. I Her tyev. that ranged tho confines of time mean quarters, darkened quickly Sirlth their expression of Jatlril discontent. ft Another six. niomnH. oiiw ii-ii iih llhOUgh BnO CUllIU WJL HIII..-4 ...IMI.II. I D1A boon kAtte r a time -"bo roso and moved lan- When Burglar CHAPTKU II ck. nslcnpil In shnip panic, bewlldeied v ti,9 Broteauerlc of some lialf-icincm-llred dream In mntinst with tho hnish zhi of Inclement fact, drowsily lealizInK tltt since sho hud 1 illen asleep It had coce on to rain 'maitlv out of a shiouded hir- Without the Int warning a lilinriliig Violet Clare cut the gloom, tho atmophcio nuled with a tci rifle shoik of thunder rMd the downpoui In cum- heavier. Appalled, the sirl sprang from her chair fM groped her wn to th scuttlo thiough 'tdirkncss ipsembllng lato twilight, t Jt was closed Jomebod. preMimably tho Jnnltor, hnrt ilut It agalnt tho Inipendlng storm wlth 'cut troubling to mnko sure thero was no rets on the roof, for her chair had been hvliiblo behind tho shoulder of tho top- With a cry of illnrav the girl knelt and. Uss'ns fingers beneath the cover, tugged 'wllh all her might But It wnn secuioly hooked beneath and held fast, i Then, driven half fiantic, less hv tho Uihlns rain thnn bv a dread of lightning hleh ihe had never outgrown, shn stum bled back to the glns fnco of tho top Bjht and pounded it with hot flsti, Warning for some one to como nnd let itrln But no llglit"! showed In the stu 'illoanii no one answered J! The long, rollinc. gilndlng broadsides of thunder made almost continuous nccom piclmert bmken wih by the briefest In .ttrmlsilons tu the per, sword-plnv that ilohed Incessanth thiough and through that rrlm tilt of swollen black cloud. tHiU (tunned and wholly tcrilflcd. daz lledand deafened n) well, tho girl dashed the rain from her ees and stroo to rec 'clltct her wits and grapple sanely -with lr plight. 'Already she was wet to her skin water esuldno moro haiti her but tho mad ele tacatal tumult co.''ounded nil her senses; kir fole conscious Impulse was to gain lielter ot some sort from tho sound nnd fun; ef the tempest. fit was a bare chance that a scuttle on ions one ot the adjicent roofs might be, it least, not fHitened down. t'Flrhtlng the buffeting wind, the scourg !tra!n and hep panic fright, sho gained IM scuttle of the roof to tho west, but found It Immovable f She tried the tiet loof, with no better fortune. Pantlng, even sobbing a little In her terror, sho suamhled on through a sort I nlehlmarlsh progress to tho ne:t roof, iadon and on to the next nnd tho next. 8hekeptno rerUoning, and couldn't havo lild how manv roofs sho had crossed, hen at length nln- discovered n scuttlo Jilt was nituilh ajar, propped ulilo to lie pounding flood and without pause to yonder at this circumstance, or what pltht ho her reception nnd how to nc tount for herself, shn sivunir down Into jUt hospltablo blai-k hole, found footing ra uio laaaor. let herself farther clown ndby mlschanco dislodged tho Iron arm COSOrtlnt 41in i. ut lit fell with a bing and a click, and Jiny barelv es.-aped crushed llugors by fil'aslng the nm and tunihllng Inconti- ttDtlV tn tlin llnm il'iPPlly sho hadn't far to fall, wasn't Wt, and hastily picking herself up. una naif dazed, listening for sounds of IColncldently tho stoim sounded a crisis J3,a series of tremendous, shattering' f """. so heavy and so prolonged that l tho world seemed to rock and brate, Spaing (ho upioar like a gigantic sound- Khll passed, but from the body ot tha .M'JJ Rail.. hnj ........ ...i.. .k. fi'Pltatlon of rain on the roof and tho uuant splatter of drops trickling from r saturated skirts into the puddle that ft formed beneath the scuttle. iS11 'tood In what at first seemed un tSi.Vl darIi-ess but for glimpses re Vrt. i y tha Incessant slash and flare ot TOtning-at onu end of a short hallway. MM rail of a staircase well. Three or K,r,?r8 opened upon this hall; but she SS'etefl no sign of any movement in th Kiv V' &M S1U1 Ue!iTd n0 soun1 FWdlng-iiiiit now, as sho began to jpreclate her position, almost as un t?W la her refuge as sho had been In S 'win-Sally crept to the rail and SkJ. j onn 15ut ,ler stralnlner senses ?ctea nothing below more than shad Si 1id' ana s'lenco; which, how- jt , ,v convey reassurance; th jju" "'" u'en scuuie woum seem to Brnv.Kirhat 8h hadn't stumbled Into an SShabltea house 'l!hl5f ene Proceeded to Investigate .,! , rooms of that topmost slory- .1 V. Huaiiers, comfortably fur. : but tenantless Wi step by timid step she descended wo next rloor. wiiini, !.. ,,..! a. Sil',"1",6 handsomely appointed bed- ,werS, also amnv JkA nln..,1 a tTaz? rved, another flight took CtWn i2,i; ""' K ven over wholly ni "w".a"-oers -with bath, dressing' ?rt.n? boudolrs adjolnlntr, all very ;? to a hasty survev. ' 7 ,hl T'i was an entrance hall. and a the f,arK of , hou$p, a 7" "ip f i'n Biat mnt' in its vay . ""'S I in , ,. - . .. - l.nn.A ' V W1" Inflltini. tuaqllh n.l imn.t u1 14 r&ed In rarlv harmontnul nation kJCli.J fc-i-Jy the tasemeat; prov4 to be TKIl I ftulilly nut into the hall, fiom which an Iron inrlilpr led up throuRh a ocultlp to the roof, tho refuse nnil rettoal of tho Bludlo's tenants on lhop hrealhless, Interminable, wimmrr lilshls when I heir qiiartd nerp unpniliirnhl oti'rf. llnrp thpx were free to Inuncp nt pane, en deuhubllle; neither the I'rpssmakpr nnr the teacher of volco lirndiii'Ilon pn itoubled their privacy, and spldnin tt Id nther llRiircs appear on nn, of tho toofs which ran to the Park nAPluie comer on an ccnct piano broken onlv by low dlvnlliiR walls and chimney stacks. Three (hairs of the steampr type, nil ma meit. eomprlseil the (iirnlturo of this roof bhitIpii, with (hy the nay of loeat color) on one ot tho copings a row of four red day flower pots filled with sun-baked dust frnn which gnarled and rmty stalks tin tut themselves up Uko withered elfin lltnh.i. SiteclInK thft soundest chair, Sally illnsgul it Into the shadow cast In the hood of the studio lopllRht. and. Pettllnt; down with her feet on Ihp adtacPiit cop lntr, closed her o.es and sntiRht to retnx from her temper of high, almost hster leal, nervous tension Thoughts for a time distracted her. bliMirilnfr Inlo Incoheront cssavs at lm nclnntlvo adventure stflaed In the homes nnd paiks of tin wealthy, ns pictured bv the arnph mttc fislilon mnRar.lne and cast wllh the people ot Its Rallory ot pho toBraph subllmch smart women In frncljj nf marvelous lnplrntlnn, nnd polo plavhiK, inol'ir-ilrlvlnc, clothes-mad men ot on Insouciance appalling. On tho cilgo of unconsciousness she said aloud, hut without knowing that sho spoke, threi) nords. These were. Charmeuso P.iquln llrlilp " And then she slept, her pallid foeo up turned In tint high-arched sky of brass, from which light and heat heat down In biutnl waxes, she slept the sleep of ox liauitlon, deep mid heavy, dark and stu poflnc sleep possessed Iter utteily, as overpowering nnd obliterating ns though Induced by drugs. Meets Burglar ns deserted ns nnv room nhove; this though tho kitchen clock still ticked on teitnrously, though the flrp In tho range had been banked rather than drawn, though ono had hut to touch tho boiler to learn it still hold water piping hot. It required, however, onlv a moment's sober thought, onco satisfied sho was alone, to suggest as ono leiiionnble solu tion to tho puzzlo that tho owneis had fled town for tho week-end, leaving tho establishment In uuo of untrustworthy tcrvants, who hnd promptly elected to fceok their own pleasuro elsowhero. Content with this theory. Sally choso ono of tho windows of the servant's dlnlnc-room from which to spy out stealthily, between tho shndo nnd tho sill, over a flooded aren and street; first re marking a sensible modification of tho gloom In splto of an unabated downpour, then that tho houso was near the Tark Avenun corner, finally a policeman shel tered In tho tradesman's entrance of tho dwelling across tho way. At this Inst disquieting discovery Sally refloated expeditiously fiom tho winnow, for tho lirst time leallzlng th.it her pres ence In that houe, however adventitious and Innocent, wouldn't bo easy to oxplntn to ono of a policeman's Incredulous Idlosjncrasv, the legal definition of bur glar, strictly applied, fitted Sarah Man vcrs with disconcerting neatness. Hut nobody knew. It was only hnlf.paat six by tho clock In tho kitchen; It was icnsonably Impiobable that the faithless servant would como back much before midnight; and she need only wait for tho storm to pass to return across tho roofs, or. for that matter, to leave circumspect ly by tho front door. Tor It would cer tainly bo daik by tho tlmo tho storm ut tered Its last surly growl and ti ailed Its bedraggled skirts oft across Long Island. For an instant finely thrilled with a de licious sensn of tho wild ndventuio of he ing nlono in a strango house, free to range and pry nt will, sho found the full piquancy a bit difficult to relish with sodden clothing clinging clammily to her body nnd limbs. Xono the less it was qulto without defi nite design that Sally retraced her way to that suite of rooms In the second story which seemed to bo tho quarters ot tha mistress of tho establishment: nnd It was no moro than common-senso precaution (prompted, it's true, hy sheer, Idln curi osity) which moved her to daiken win dows already shuttered by drawing tnelr draperies nf heavj, rne-colored silk be fore switching on tho lights. It may have been merely tho reflection of rose-tinted walls that lent the face of tho girl unwonted color, hut tho glow that Informed her eyes as sho looked about was unquestionably kindled hy envy as much as hy excitement. Nothing, Indeed. lacked to exclto envy In thnt hungry heart of hers. Tho bed chamber nnd Its boudoir nnd bath wero not only exquisitely appointed, but stood piepared for use at a moment's notion; tho bed Itself was beautifully dressed: tho dressing-table was decked with all mannor nf scent-bottles, mirrors, and trays, together with every conceivable toilet Implement In tortoise-shell, with silver-Inlay monogrnm-apparcntly A-5I-S; the rugs wcie silken, princely, price loss; elusive wialths of seductive per fumes haunted the nlr like memories of lost caresses. And when tho girl pursued her Investi gations to the point of opening closed doors sho found clothes-presses contain ing a wardiobo to cops with every Imaginable emergency frocks of silk, of lace, of satin, of linen; gowns for dinner, tho theatre, tho street, tho opera, bou doir-robes and negligees without end; wraps Innumerable, hats, shoes, slippers, mules and a store of lingerie to ravish any woman's heart And against all this sybaritic store the Intruder had to set the figure mirrored by a great cheval-glass the counterfeit of a Jaded shop-girl In shabby, shapeless, sodden garments, Jier damp, dark hair framing strlnglly a pinched and haggard faco with wistful, careworn eyes Her heart ached with a reawakened sense of the cruel unfairness of life, tier flesh crept with the touch of her rain soaked clothing. And In her thoughts temptation stirred like a whispering ser pent. Beyond dispute It was wronfr what she contemplated, utterly wrong, and wild to madness; but the girl was ripe for suoh temptation and frail with a weakness consequent upon long years of depriva tion. Full half of her heart's desire was here, free to her covetous fingers a queen's trousseau of beautiful belong ings. "It's only for an hour. No one need ever know. I'll leave everything Just as I found It. And I'm so uncomfortable I" She hesitated a moment longer, but only a moment; of a sudden smoldering embers of Jealousy and desire broke into devastating flame, consuming doubts and scruples In a trice Swift action ensued; this was no more an affair of conscience, I but of persuasion ana resistless, impulse. She flew about U'e one possessed -as, in deed she a no less Her first move was to turn on hot water j In the shining porcelain tub. Then, In- I stincUvely dpslng and locking the bsili door ha sdppe4 from her despised ew ments nnd, hanging litem up to dry In a tiled corner where their dampness could hnrm nothing, slipped Into the bath. Half nil hour later, dellclnusly caressed hy garments of soft white silk beneath n fenlher-welBhl rnbe-de-cbambre. slip srtt before the dressing table, diving her hilt In the warm draft of nn electric fan nnrt nuolntlng fnce. hands, nnd nrmn wllh creams nnd delicately scented Intlons. A fnlnt smile touched lips how guilt tca of any hint of Riillennoss; she bummed softly to herself, whose heart hnd almost forgotten Its birthright of song nnd Hughter; never tho lenst pang of onsclencrt Unwed tho serene sur face nf .ier content. T'rnpcrlj dressed, hep hnlr was beauti ful, soft, fine, and plentiful, with n nat ural wave that lent nil nrrent to Its brownish luster. When sho finished nr langing It to her complete satisfaction sho hardly knew the faro thnt smiled back nt her rrotn the mlrror'B depth?. Miraculously It seemed to have gained new lines of charms; lis vpry thinness wns now attractive, its color unquestion ably intrinsic: and her eyes were ns tho eves of a happy child, exulting in the nttnlninent or tniig-cnvpted poscsslon It wasn't In huinnn mttiite to cor'em plate this transformation nnd fpp contrl- tlon for whatever steps had been neces sary to bring it about. And when sho could do no more to beautify her parson Pally turned again to tho clothes-presses, hy now so far gono In self-indulgence, her moral senso so Insidiously sappptl by tho sheer sen sual delight shn had of all this piltercd luxury, that sho could contomplato with out a qunlm less venial experiments vtltn tho law of nieum et tmim. Sho entertained, In short, a project whoso lawless daring enchanted her Imagination. If one as yet nf vague do. tall. But with command of the icsnuices nf this wonderful wardrobe, what was to prevent her from appropriating n sultablo costume nnd stealing forth, when the storm had passed, to seek adventure, per haps to tasto for a night those Joys thn had read about, and dreamed about, longed for nnd coveted, nil her llfo long? Nothing could bo moro mad; thero wna no telling vvhnt might not happen; thero was every warrant for believing that tho outcome might be most unpleasant. But adventures oro to tha adventurous, nnd surely this one had started off propitious ly enough. "And what I need sho'll never miss. Besides, I enn Bend back everything In the morning, anonymously, by parcel post. It's only borrowing." Already she had passed from contem plation to purpose nnd stood committed to the enterprise, reckless of Its consn quences. But she found It far from easy to rrutko her selection; it wouldn't do to faro forth en decollette without an escort a con sideration that sadly complicated the search for Just the right thing, nt onco simple and extravagant, modish and be coming. Moreover, any numbor of capti vating garments positively demanded to be tried on, then clung tenaciously to her pretty shoulders, refusing to be rejected. Accessory After the Fact CHAPTER III At the foot ot the stairs Sally paused In the entry hall, thoughtfully considering the front door, the palo rectangle of whose plate-glass was stenciled blade with the pattern of Its lace panel. But she decided against risking that avenue of escape; It would bo far less foolhardy to steal away via the basement, unosten tatiously, that the alwaa possible passer-by might more readily take her for a servant Turning back, then, toward the base ment staircase, she began to grope her way through blinding darkness, but had taken only a few uncertain steps when, of a sudden, she stopped short and for a little stood Ilka a stricken thing, quite motionless save that she quaked to her very marrow In the grasp of a great and enervating fear If she could pot havo said what pre cisely H was that she feared, her frl.'ht was i ss aesperateij real fine couta '". ."" "":-'i'J ' "-"" tee notning, bob nan neaia no soJna. per i hands hail toucnea nothing more start- I iin than tha banister rati, and vet ' It fia aa U sensiUva filaments. $ jpari Sho wasted many a sigh over her choice, which was ultimately something darkish, n frock (I thlnkl of dark bluo ciepe-de-chlnc, designed primarily for afternoon wear, hut, supplemented bv a light silk wrap, qultp piosenlnble fur evening, nnd It fitted In nilinlrntloii. This question once settled, she experi enced little trouble finding slippers and a hat to her tnste Tho testimony of a small gill clock pin rtlcil her when nt length she stood leatly for tho next step In her nefallous career the hour hand wan passing 10. That seemed almost Impossible. Hunning Into the unllrjlitnl boudoir slnv caught hack tho window draperies, raised the sash, and peered cautiously out through the slanted slats of the wooden blinds The sky that now shone down upon the city w-as n fair shield of sttira unblurred by cloud; the storm had passed without her Imowlpilge. t'loslng thp window Sally delayed for one Inst, rapturous survey of heieclf In thp chevnl glass, then put out thn lights nnd went to the door. thp hardly knew why It was that Phe nppticd it sn getilly and wnlled so lonu upon thp threshold, pvory nerve tensed in detect alien sound In the ntlllness of Hrl fit ip Msir-P llShrO HER HEART'S DESIRE the empty house. But It was as If with darkness those vacant looms and pass ages hud liocorno populous with stinnge. hosttlo spirits. Sho heard nothing what ever, nt It was with un effect of peril strong upon her senses that she stolo foi th thiough the hallway and up tho stairs to tho topmost floor, where, I crched precnriouslv upon tho Iron bid der, she tried her p.itlcneo sorely with a stubborn scuttle-cover before recalling tho click thnt hnd accompanied Its closing the click of a spring-latch Hut this last, when gropingly lni ated, proved equally obdurate, sho fumbled doggedly until hack and limbs ached with tho strain of her position; but her fingers lacked cunning to solvo tho secict, and In tho end, when on tho point of climbing down to fetch matches, sho henril a sound that chilled her heart and cheoked her breath In a twinkling nn odd, pcuflllng Iiolsa on tho roof. At fit fit remote and confused, It drew nearer and grew more clear a sound of light footfalls on tho shect-tln. Ker self-confldenco and satisfaction measurably dashed, she climbed down, so feat fill of betraying herself to tho person on tho roof that she went to thn absurd extremo of gathering her aklrts up tightly to still their sllknn murmur. . Now sho must leave by tho Street. And now she remembered tho policeman who kopt nightly vigil nt tho avenue crosslngl Sho was beginning to bo definitely frightened, vividly picturing to hersolf the punishment that must follow detec tion. And as sho crept downstairs, gJlded only by tho banister rail, the sense of her loneliness and hopelessness there In that strango, dark place worked upon the tem per of the girl until her plight, however real, was exaggerated hideously and en dued with terrors so frightful that bhe was ready to scream at the least alarm. ceptlons even finer than sight, touch and hearing had found and recoiled from something strange and terriblo skulking there, masked by the encompassing murk. Probably less than 30 seconds elapsed, but It seemed a long minute before her heart stirred anew, leaping Into action with a quickened heat, and she was able to reassert command of her reason and reassured, persuaded her fright lacked any real founditlon move on. Five paces moro brought hor to the el bow of the rail; here, In the very act of turning to follow It down to the base ment, she halted Involuntarily, again transfixed with terror. But this time her alarm had visible ex cuse; that there was something wrong In that strange house, so strangely deserted, was evident beyond dispute She stood facing the dining room door, the door to the library on the left, if not In any way evident to her senses ih rollid fl, ... , i -;.-. -. r - - " ,.. vnununir - "- memory, out mrouja m former opening her vision, ranglmr at random. Instinctively seeking relief, from t the oppression of blank darknewi, delect ed it slender beam nf niilfici.il ligbi no thicker than n lead pendl-n golden blade that Inured lite obscurltv, gleam ing dull upon a rue, more bright cm linked pnrquetrv, vivid athwart the dust rlnih shrnuillng the dining tnhle Tor n moment or two the girl lingered, unstlrrlng, fnsrlnntcd hv that slender, swpivpIbss rn : then, slowly, holding her breath, urged against her will bv Impor tunnlo curiosity, sho crossed the thresh old n r tho dining rnnm. following thn light hack 1o Its souree-it narrow crmk In the roldliig doors mmmunlcntlng with the llbrarv. Now Pally remomherpcl clearly thnt the folding doors had been wide open nt th' time of her first tour ot Invest igntlon: ns. Indeed, had the door between the Ithrnrv nnd hall now tight shut, else this lijjht would have been perwptlbln in the hull as well. It wns undehlnblp, then, thnt since she had c'losptecl hprself upslnlrs nnother per son hnd entered the house somp one whs had shut himoplf up therp In the llhinrv for n purpose apparently ns liandcstlne its her own. Or whv such pains to maslt the light, nnd whv such carp not to dis turb tho silence of the house? To havo gono on nnd mndn good an es- cr.pe without trvlng to read this riddle would have heen hardly human of tho girl, for all her misgivings, she stolo on to the folding doors with less noise than a mouse hnd mado and put nil ve to the crack, which, piovlng somewhit wider thnn sho nnd anticipated, nfforded a fair view of the best part nf tho other room. An electric chandelier was on full blaze ubovo the broad and heavy centre tablo of mahngauv, hevond which, against the farther wall, stood on the ono hand a bookcase, on tho other a desk of the roll top type closed Above each of the.se the wnll was decorated with trophies of omlent armor; between them hung a hugo canvas in n maesivo gilt frame tho portrait of a beautiful woman beautifully painted And Immediately beneath the portrait stood a young man, posed In profound abstraction, staring nt the desk Ho rested lightly ngnlnst tho table, hU back square to Sally's view, revealing a woll-turneil hoad thati-hed with daik hair, clipped snugly by well-formed ears and tho salient lino of ono Joan, brown cheek. But even so, with his countenance hidden, homethlng convoyed a strong im pression to the girl of a perplexed nnd disconcerted humor. Sho was frankly disappointed. For soma reason sho had expected to discover a burglar of nno or another accepted type either a dashing cracksman In full blown evening dress, lltho. polished, pan thertsh, or a common yegg, a rod -overt, unshaven, burly bruto in iho rags and tatters of a tramp But this man wore unromantlc blue sergo upon a pprson neither fasclnntlng nor repellent She could hardly Imagine him either stealing ft diamond tiara or hopping a freight. But that he was of a truly criminal disposition pho was not permitted long to doubt; for In nnother moment ho started from his pensive pose with tho animation of ono Inspired, strode alertly to tho wall, stepped upon the seat of a chair beside the desk, and straining on tiptoes (though tolerably talll contrived to ginsp the handle nf a ehort-bladed Itnman sword which formed part of one of the tro phies. With some dlfllculty and, In the end. a grunt nf satisfaction, ho worked the weapon loose and, Jumping down, turned to the desk, thrust the point of the sword between the writing pad and tho edge of the roll-top, forced tho blado well in, and bore all hi weight upon thn haft of this Improvised Jimmy. Promptly, with a sound of rending wood, the top flew half way up. At this the man released the sword, which fell with a thump to the rug at his feet, pushed the top as far bark as It would go, and, bending over the desk, ex plored Us rack of pigeonholes and draw ers. One ot the latter eventually yielded the object ot his search; he took from It 11 rat a small automatic pistol, whioh he placed carelessly to one side, then a small leather-bound book, whose pages ho thumbed in nervous haste, evidently seek ing some memorandum essential to his ends. This found, he paused, conned it attentively for an Instant then turned and tonk the book with Mm arross the room hevond the bookcase thus vanishing from the field of Salh s vision Now was her chance to slip down stairs and. undetected, awav But, sur prisingly enough, she proved of two minds about advantaging berelf ot the oppoitunltv. To begin with, sho was no moro afraid nt least, not to any great OMlent What, sho argued scornfully, was ono man, niter nil'' especially otm who had no more lawful business thnn she upon those irrftnlsesl Hlie wasn't afraid of men. and even were this one to catch her watching dim (something Snllv meant to tnko good rare he shouldn't) he could hardly denounce her to thn police tie sides, vvhnt was he up to, nnv how, over there In thnt i ortier, out or sight? Sho simply had to know tho meutilng of l hose, noises he was making. They wero illfllcult to diagnose -nn odd whirring sound broken hy repeated muf fled clanks nnd bv several tubers as baf fling, nnlnbly n muled metallic knocking and rnltllna. She pxperleneed nn exflspeinllng effect of trying to see around a corner But In the end she Identified thosr sounds beyond mistake; the man was fretting the combination of the safe, pausing now nnd then to try tho handle For vvhnt. Indeed, hnd he forced that deslt If not to find tho combination'' In due course the noises censpd and the malefactor reappeared, bringing with him a morocco-hound bos of good sire Shh marie no doubt whatever thai this vvn n Jewel i use, and look his smile fin confirm ntlon of her surmise, though It was really less a smllo thnn satisfaction twitching the full llpa beneath his dark little mus tache tone of those modishly flat affairs so widely advertised hy collar manufac turers). For now the miscreant was facing Snlly as ho bent over the tablo and fumbled with tho lock of tho Jewel case, and she mado good ui.0 of this chnnro to memoilzo a countenance of mildly snrdonic cast, not unhandsome tho facn of a conventional modern voluptuary, self-conscious, self satisfied, selfish rather nttractlvo withal In the eyes of nn eclted voung woman But a moment Inter, finding the case ti. bo font-locked, the burglar gave uttor aneo to an exclamation that verv nearly cost him his appeal to her ndmiratlon. She couldn't he.ir'dlstlnctlv, for tho in patient mnnosyllahlo wns breathed rather than spoken, but nt that distance It sounded damnably llko "Pshaw!" And immediately tho man turned back tu tho desk to renew his rummaging In search of a key to fit tho case, she guessed. Hut his business there was sur prisingly ahbrcviated-inten noted In n. fashion certainly as startling to him as to her who skulked and bpled on tho dark sldo of the folding doors. Neither received the least Intimation thnt tho door from tho library to the hall had been opened. Sallv. for one, remained firmly persuov'd that they two wero alone In tho shot houso until the In stant when sho sa.v a second man hurl himself upon tho back of the first ,i swift-moving shapo of darkness, some thins almost feline in his grim, violent furv that afforded tho victim no time either to turn or lift a hand In self, defense. In a twinkling the two went headlong to. the floor and disappeared, screened hy tho broad top of tho centre table. There, presumably, Blue Sergo recov ered suffciently from the shook of sur prise to mako some show of fighting back. Confused sounds of scuffling nnd hard breathing became audible, with a thump or two deadened by the rug, hut more than that, nothing never a word from either combatant. Thero wns something uncanny In the silence of It all. For nn Instant Sally remained where sho was, rooted In fright .and wonder; but the next, and without In the least understanding how she had come there, she found herself by the open door In the entry-hall. Just beyond 'the threshold to the library, commanding nn unobstruct ed view of the conflict. Apparently this neared Its rulmlnatlon. Though he had gone down face forward. The Gentle Art CHAPTER IV There was a breathless Instant -while the combination of knobs, bolts and looks defied her Importunity so obstinately that Bally was tempted to despair. And when 'the door suddenly yielded she heard or fancied that she heard his voice. Its accent permptor 'Stop'" Or perhaps It was '-Walt''' But she did neither the door sUnuned behind hr with a crash that threatened Its glass. sl was at the foot of the front steps before that sound had falrl regis tered on her consciousness, and her panic--vrineed heals had carried, tha yountr Blue Seige had contrived to turn over on his back. In which position he now Inv, still stiuggllng, but helpless, beneath tho hulk of his nssnllnnt-n burly, black nvlsed scoundtel who straddled tho chest of his prey, a knee pinning clown either arm both hnlids busy wllh efforts to make nn unnppellrlng bniulntm serve ns n ung. Pardonably rewarded for this Incon siderate treatment, the fnt one suddenly sunt, tied one hand awnj, conveved a bit ten flncer to his mouth. Insinntlv spat It out together with n gust of masterful prnf.mltv nnd, the other taking advantage, of the opportunity In renew his struggles, shirted his grip to nine Serge's throat and, bending forunul, strove with pur pose undoubtedly murderous to get pos session of tho short Unman sword. It lay lust nn Inch hevond his reach. He stialned his inmost toward It, al most touched Its haft with eager finger tips. At this a Mrance thing happened strongest of nil tn Snllv For she. who never in her life had touched firearm or viewed scetie of violence moro desperate thnn n schonlhni squabble, discovered herself inside the llbrHrv, stnndlng besldo the desk nnd leveling nt the head of the henvv villain the nutoniatlc pistol that had rested there. Rlniultntieouslv she was awaro of the sound of her own voice, its accents per haps a hit shaky, hut none the less sharp, cnlng: "Stop! Don't you dare' Drop thnt swoid nnd put up vour hands' I say, put up your hands'" The stout assassin ntnrted back nnd turned up to the iimnzlng apparition of her a ludicrous mnsk of nstonlshmcnt, e.ves ncnggle, mouth agnpe, pendulous, beard-rust v chin nqulver like some un savory soit of tells Then slowly thanks to something convincing In tho manner of this oung woman, nflnme ns she was with Indignant championship of the under dog he elevated two grimy hands to the point ot conspicuous futll It.v : nnd a liuskv whisper. like a stifled roar, rustled pnst bis lips "Well inn villi beat If" A thrill of self-confidence galvanized the person of Mips Mnnvers, steadying at once her hand nnd her voice "(Jet up'" she snnpped "Nn keep your hands In sight. Oct up somehow, and be quick nbotit It!" WI'hout visible leluctnncc. If with somo dlfllculty. like n clumsy automaton ani mated hv unwilling springs, the fat scoun drel lurched awkwardly to his feet and paused. "Very good " She was surptlsed at the cold, level menace of her tone Now, stand back to the wall' Quick'" Slip was abruptly Interrupted by a vaBt, discordant bellow- "Look out. lady' Look out! That gun might go off'" And as If hoping by that sudden and deafening roar tn stnitle her off guard, the man started toward her l,ut pulled up as nuleklv, dashed nnd sullen. For she did tiol flinch nn Inch "That's vonr lookout'" she retoited In clslvelv "If you'ie afraid of It stand buck nnd keep jour hands up"' Wllh a flicker of n sheepish grin tho logue obeved. falling back until his shoulders touched the wnll and Keeping his bunds level with his cars Still holding the pistol ready, the girl shifted her glance tn Blue Serge He had altpadv picked himself up, and now stood surveUng hl nlly with a re gard which wnvcred between amaze and admiration, suspicion and surprise. Mean wlulo he felt glngerls of his throat as though it were still sore, nnd nervously enrU-nvored to readjust n collar which had broken fiom Its moorings c'ntching her Inquiring eve, he bowed Jerkily. "Thinks"' he panted. "I nil good of j ou. I'm sure" She checked him roollv "Take vour time plenty nf it, you know get your' bredlh and pull vourself together" He laughed uncei tnlnlv "Ah thanks again .lust a minute I'm all as dum founded as grateful, vou knoiv." Sho nodded with a eurlnesis due to dis illusionment, tho man was palpably frightened, and. whatever his excuse, a timid Baffles was a sorrv object higher esteem at that Instant. She had antici pated of him she h.irdlv knew w hat something brilliant, bold, and dashing, something as romantic ns one has every right to expect of a hero of romantlo fiction. But this ono stood panting, trombllng, "sparring for wind," for all the world like any commonplace person fresh from rough handling' It was most disappointing, so much so that sho conceded giudglnglv the testi mony tif her senses to the rapidity with which ho regained his normal poise and command of resource, for one evidence of whlrh last she noted that he backed up to the ccntertable with a casual air, as if needing Its support, unci with a deft, certnln. swift gestuio bllpped tho Jewel easo Into his coat pocket And she noted, too, n flash of anxiety In his eves, as though ho wero wondering whether she had noticed. At this she lost patience "Well"' sho said brusquely, "If you've had time to think " "To ba sure," Blue Serge leturned easl lv. "Yov mean, about this gentleman? If you ns, me. I think he'd be far less potentially inlsohlevous facing the wall " "All right." Sally ngreod, nnd added with a fine flourish of tho pistol: "Face about, jou!" With fluttering docility tho fat rascal faced about. "And now." Bluo Sergo suggested, "by your leave " Drawing near the girl, he held out his hand for the pistol, and to her own sur prise sho surrendered It without demur, suddenly conscious that ho was no more afraid, that he vvas rapidly assuming com prehensive command of the situation he vond her to gainsay, and that he knew, nnd knew that she knew he knew, that sho had nover entertained nny real In tention of pulling the trigger, however despernte the emeigenry might become. And incontinently, as though he had taken away all her courage, together with that nlckel-plated symbol, she started back, almost cringing In a panto of sadly Jangled nerves. Happily for her conceit, once he had disarmed hor, Blue Serge transferred his interest exclusively to his late assailant. Calmly showing the girl his back, he stepped over, poked the pistol's nose sig nificantly Into the folds of the ruffian's neck, and with a sharp word of warning slapped smartly his two hip-pockets, in consequenco of which singular perform ance he thrust a hand beneath the tall of the fellow's coat and brought away a bulldog revolver of heavy calibre. And then he stepped back, (milling, with a sidelong glance of triumph for Sally's benefit a glance that spent Itself on emptiness. For Sally was no more there; her untn structed fingers wero already fumbling with the fastenings nf the front door when Blue Serge discovered her defection. of Blackmail woman well round the corner and Into Park avenue before she appreciated how Interesting her tempestuous flight front that rather thoroughly burglarized man sion would be apt to sees to a peg-poit policeman And then she pulled up short, ah if reckoning to divert suspicion with a semblance of mmi haljjic now Hut sh had escaped' Continued in Monday's Evening Ledger $. :t ,ft Ml 4ti -1 3 isf mngj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers