tiPfQT&fWv B??p(98W$W! PWWPWiPSBfWif11 P" T I 14 EVEX i INTERSTATE SHOOT WILL BE FEATURE AT DU PONT AFFAIR .Newcomb - McCarty Team, of This City, Will Oppose Ridhardson and Foord, of Wilmington, at the Lat ter Place Today. BRAVES, IN STRAITS, MAY USE BILL JAMES AGAINST PHILS TODAY Boston Pitcher, Good Some Days This Season, Bad Others, May Be Only Chance Mayer Prob able Choice of Moran. Every follow ci of trotnliootlng 111 this section of the country li.ts his ejes flxeil on the battle bptvvcen the two mlgllij nhootr representing Hils city nml the dUo uoholdlng horiois for Dclnunlu. for " tho champlon-hlp of tho two Stntrs, to-! Iiutiiler Iuih been any, nt the trnps of thp luil'ont Trap hooting Club, Wlliiilimton, tietuwnro. - The four well-known shooters nro Charles B. Newcomb nntl Oenrfio S. .Mc Carty, of this city, nml Allien U. Itlcli- r. atdson and William U. I'oortl, of WIN iniiigtoii. Some valuable tiophlcs limp been lo- ., nuted for this match, which w III be at slngli taisets only, each man shooting nt 100 clay ulitK tho I0O target total de ciding the match. It ! expected that other two-man State team matches will be singed following this one, New Jers"y with Maryland and the winner with I he suctcsofttl pair In today's contest. Some of the notowoithy nihlevemcnts In the phootlnjr history of these men nro Intel cstlntr. Newcomb won the Eastern Handicap, Midwinter IJiwdlmp at Tine- ' hurst, N C, twice, the last time brenli Ine MxlOO from 21 jnnl, high amateir tvernffe at the nastcin llundl.-t.p on two occasions: amatur .ivar'ai- at the West Hoean's touinamonl twice. Westy Ho Kan's championship New York Athletic Club's national amnteui rhnmplnriHhlp at Trnvcrs Island In 10 U, inteiclub and In tercollegiate chntnplonhip in I'll.', IVnn sylvanla Stnte Challenfio Troph twice, , tied for Southern Hniiu nip amateur nv- j craBo in mu, ai KoanoKc, vn ; open ; champlonshlii tropb In lennslvanut Stato shoot with MM stralcht: tied lor ,' Southern Handicap piellminnrv with OeorKe Lyor. at 21 j-nnlH. and won the , shoot-off, 40 straight to Kt. mide createKt averase ever shot In 1'cnnnylvnnl.i State ; championship last Slav, with 411x500 Georse S McCnrtv Is always IiIkIi rnr- ins man nt the Camden Rlmntliii: Ancla . tlon and at the HlchUml run Club Mc ' Carty has won the Southern Handicap; amateur championship nt Ti.ivns Mntul, In 1900; hlRh avcrnce nt one nf the Indlm shoots, hlch nvornRe at Wfttv Howm s shoot; Pennsylvania. State championship; preliminary handicap, at rinelmrst. N. C William U. Foord has -toot! well up In the ranks of "s,rin mn ' with an of ficial averaco last year of otm per cent He also won tho nm.iteui champlonsnlp at Trnvers Is'nnrl. N V, In WW, and the Delaware State championship on several occasions Aiacn u. Itlcliardspti hns been State chamolon of Dalavvnrc a number of tlmr-h. the last t'me nciiulrinE pennancnt pos session of the cup nt the same shoot he won the du Pont amiteui championship of Delaware, ihe H.'reulcs open Stato championship nml the tiophv for hlsh amateur store for n Iiclaware shooter Richardson's record foi rlas "killed" In registered tournaments during 1911 v.nu .93S0 per cent Other events to be stnsetl nt clubs this afternoon are the following Philadel phia Rlectrlc Companv dun Club. High land Park Countrv citih, Reldnman, Mt Morlah, Meadow Spring", fuitls rountry Club, Cedar Park nnd a team match be tween the Ulue IJoek Hun Chili, ot Chester, and the rnrrnffut Spoilsmen's -voj?uciaiiiiii, iii camuen. l-rlven to desperate stralRlits In the oli slnuRht of the Phillies, .Mnmifscr rtenrge SlrtlllfiRs. or the llostnn llraves, ma be forced to use trig tilll .lames In the cum tills afternoon All spring the big rlglu- an Itl-rtnd-nuter He still bus several kinks In his mm, but mailings Is so walked tip over Ihe present baseball situation that ho may have I" resort to J times, taking n chahec that he inny come throiiRh In good stvle IT Stnlllngs does not take this rash ste he will use Strand Hank llovvtl.v will ill tho receiving and Kltzpatrlik will agniu be seen nt second base Pat Mornn did nnt announce posltlveh this morning whom he would use bit Mner is the probable pitcher lip-tnim Is suffering from a sore arm nnd will not ho nbln to work for several davs Today's gnmo will begin at .1 o'clock at the Phillies' pnrk The pei fool uenUiei this morning Indicated that tlioie wood be a Mip.nltv irowd at Hiond and Hunt ' ingilnn treets tnrlnv when the gong ' sounilerl. PENNOCK MAY PITCH FOR ATHLETICS TODAY ING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APBIL 24, r ; " S 1 f v1? "i WHAT tVAY CRIkuC t JAV TO A fl CITTU I UTTtt , ite. t 1 f l -.r- Srifi.1 . .i-lXM Mm, 'J ..."" i M that J SerEM TMi4 1$'J--LJ ;:j: r iV,, wni-i. WBTMER- WCCU I V . -J OUT OF THAT S ,. I wa S3t The. LeM- K? CT smlm BUMKOR? I ( i l ILL Wlkl TMlU MOLE ytsNi. 5? LAID MEn'RlfiHT) I ruR you- we rcallV frJJiiV TP't'7 tip 01J The r- ! i ifyttStSBkd&l J ltyji WS&SVZ&S. Tr3&E 'III. 1 11 IJ i3IVl U X IUL4 f .. .rt , .... . (Li mi uiintiie5, vm i, no, vnanrsioun, per 1 HVI htintllLS. AH4, tfimnlnrs. rinrlrta. Hflr rar- 1915. Mack Expected to Use Kopf or USINKSS smali,Kk"ix"m)XI)ON McConnell at Third Leon-1 artl for Red Sox. I American Sltaios Declined; Afccntinu Railway Notes at Picmtum. Ln.Mio.V A rll SI Miwineu In rr iirlllrn nn th Ptvk t:xihutiKo shimeil liirlher tnlllnB erf todav. The nuirUeig wire Irresular The nt icndanee wn small, oniv :,o trokers being In the houne. The undertone hocer, miulmied sound. Americans dropned, ulTri ird h Ihe iniie Ht Now urk Ihe dr.llnm, Imwever. !ni knef .is Hie revsn went nn ( nnadluns , were unlet ISHSTON, Mass, Apitl L'l Theie nro rumorst around the camp thnt Connie Mack Is not satisfied with LMdlo Murph.v's work nt third base If tint proves to be the e.ise. Muiph.v will be hack at bis leg ul.ir station In right Held this afternoon in the lied Hos gillie. Should Muiph.v be sent to the outfield again, the ehnnccs are that Bill Kopf will be used However, the icport gained eur leney cteidn.v that Mack might glvo vming McConnell. a Philadelphia hoy, n chnnee to show onre more MrCounell Is a fall Inllcldir, but Is not stiong enough with the .tck nt jiresen tto be of nn.v great value to Mnek The batteries foi this afternoon will llkelv ho Pcnnni'K nnd McAvo.v for thu Athletlch. and l.conaid and CjiiIktii for the Boston flub The weather londltlons me ninth inoie favorable than estcrda, although the game might have been play ed vesterday afternoon had not Piesldcnt I-innln e.illed It off so emlv About 'JOflO fans went out vesterdaj fulh cvpeetins to sec the ( ontest PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR tMIKAl' -lleielpls 1011(1(1 lulull llxpnrt letniml fnli nnd the market Him nnd lr hlRht r Cjilotntlimi Car lets In export ele vnlnr Nn L' nil. wpnt, M IIJ-I IC,, ,Vn 2 red Westoiii, t usiil To Hiiiiml luts. In oxport el vnlnr No 1! red, spot uml April l HPjUl ns'ii Mil"d llrni nnd n.iBliril rhrd rhr c phrdlu 'ci lno tmnclies, J2'iri. do, Chnrlrstovvn, per Oil litintllLS. Ht?I. tnin.llnrs. rinrlrin. hflr por. rli-l ann $.V.'.'Hi?-'i, ihoke, Jl ,v2 celer, Mm Ida r time, Jl Mfls do, Nen York, pei liiiinh, I-Won' . n'paniRin. ier bunch, -0'iiOr muolironm- per l-lb basket, floc.fp PRR.MITTEI) TO OPERATE SHIPS Southern Pacific Is Granted Plea by Commetce Board. WASHt.VOTON, April 24 -The Intei state Commerce Commission today giaiited permission to the Southern Pa tillc Compnnj to continue operating tho Pacific mall steamships between Han Nn J led Uemeni. $1 liS'li 1 73's, No 1 Nortll ein liiiluth. 1 T.Tfil Til I llll m. .m H t.to I. IIU t.l.ull I'nl.l frilpl,. nn.l The unr Innn w.ot dull, In iimli lenllon f the I firm nnd V hlUitr'due to strunB-r VV'i stern IMvment of the nnnl Instilim nt of In i er lent I ?'';l!". Qw"'"llni , f'nr lot? In export elo- ..... ' ' ntOI n. J Rli.il nil I Arll TflCTCOo nlndmnr M, ,i-,ii(ui Alter ntivnnclpu. Home rnl s tt-,twi . v.: -..i .--. ,-... .."... rpnnn uM n.l n,.n.n. ., ,i.- r,,,i.. .., .. . " , ' ' - '" ' ''I I'll It' -! IOll l"l I "".-' in.-, KIIMiU.1, uu tin- i uuiiic irauped Ihe new Argentine rtnllwn ft per loml trade, ns to lorntlou So 2 elloti, Rii sdc of the T'nnnma Onnni under the cent ilve-enr not ei. strotig at ii premium S1'J,:..p"'n"1"r "1,nV,' K,1t'r'',11' Xo J1 "lo,it ' watervvav net of tij, pe, Lnt. Hriuillan mils Improve I ?,'""' .: Al. ' vidlovi Ti1Mic. toh. per 7n i "'"-in.it nit " . ' v ' ' ' u"n"'i (, I't'111-'1! '" int. intuitu- iiAts itecelpts, WTTin hush The mnrkel . (.rn I'neinL' naked to ooernto lis mi. ni tlrm nnl uJ( hlKlier with demnnd tnlr ',,',.', "! ' opcrntc its steam Quntntlons No -j white illijillv stnmlnrd ''nips fiom San Francisco to Colon, on wiuie cifii.-ii-ji., No ,i winte, (,jfiiaie tne Atlantic side of tho canal. This np- vve rpinto nt Nl ll.il IN per I plication W a8-denletl. hut the rnnimls. inert w.ia tiroHt.iiiLfinir in .,,.. .., :....i,i. funding the rise In thi price or the metnl Oils liiul a roo I tone tin i ihe Shell group ""'' riiviihlll FORDHAM RELAY STAR HARREI) McNulty FINAL HOWMXf. .11 TCIIES AT TEHMIXALAIiLKVS TOXIfiHT Two-men Tourneys to End in Atlantic Coast Play. The two-man matches in tenpins and duckpins in the Atlantic Coast Howling Association tournaments will be conclud ed tonight on the Tcrmlnn! nllejs. when about a dozen strong squads will en deavor to surpass the present high scores rolled by Charien Trutks and R Klipg. muller. who are leading with 1-w; pn8 for their ttve games The second team l, G.'"os3r"an nnd Knox, with lfm, nhie iintlley and Iungren are thittl with 1S..J So far the tournament has attracted much attention nnd it is epPeted theie will be a big attendance til enthusiasts to witness the tln.il efforts of the bowleg tp win the handsome mednls nnd other prizes to be given those who knock down the most pins, spares, etc ine squads et to roll nie ns follows. At S o'clock. Sam Haney and Sam Mc Fall. J. S. .Sinclon and P. Clayberger. O Davidson and C Hlgsinh, (',. M Moss and I. r. King, A. Baltr and H. Hoffman, I,. Mjers and E. Rhodesi. 9 r. o'clock F SUff.ya,nd. H Kllne- G aac nd E. Helltebeltel, E r. Johnson unti V Foc " dlach, Joe Trucks and W Mc.Mlchael. In duckpins the leading team Is .Mai and Vol, with W53 pins Redden nnd Stew are are second, with 1009, and Ferris and Kurtz third, with l:! The individual contests will begin on Monday night. One-year Kule Prevents Runninp; Hcie Today. XEW YORK. Apiil -M -rorilhnm'H chances of a vletoij in Its class lelav race at the Penn enrnivnl, at Philadel phia, todav, rcteivetl a had Jolt vestertl.iv when Malinger Harden announced thnt McXultv, who has been limning In flist lilnt i' on the M.noon iiinrtet, would be In eligible foi today's race McNultv whs a membei of the Ceoige town team last 5 ear. ami II wns onlv esteiday that Fordham's track mnunger learned that JleNultv would be debairt'd today under the one-year rule In vogue nt the larger intercollegiate meets Kenr. who has been running the furlong In open competition under the Maroon colors, was selected b) Senile efers .vesterdav to till In the vacant) Fordham has been mixed from Class fi to Class ". and will meet Colbv. Snnrthmore, Carlisle, Pcnn State and Georgetown Amalgamated Copper At hlson , liiiltlmiiro i OHo 1 atii'linn IMcltlc Clieiiapeake s. (ihln hle.ii.i Ureal Western 1 nit ago M .V. Ht p tenter lllo Oramif. I. He I" iKl I 11 Illinois iVntrnl .Ml p.uirl KatiHtiH A. Tin Neu Vork 1 Htilrul .Norfolk e. WeMtin . N. n inrk "niarlo Went 1'enn-n Itnnlu Iteu'tlng Sm, hern Purine . . 1 ni hi I'.itdli I nltt.l S-tilea Meel -Imreai-e lie.rease London N V 1 lore eijiih. 1 'iP, - 1 HIT PC, , Ml T7. 1 I'l 17 i - 1, 1 .'j 12', - 1, ";.; uv - Jli L".', - JV, IT -P. 11 Mi 11IIT, . l-'4 IP. T '. . PJij ss , 1, 11 II l'lpt I '.J !1 Jill, - 1, -,7 Ili'H. l, 7ii', r.jij - ', lll. Iljl, I, nm, 1 i, - 'u :.ii ;i, - ., SUNDAY'S PUBLIC LEDGER "Back of the Scenes in the Third House" An interesting account of the inner workings of Hamsburg-'s legislative mill. Featuring Joseph R. Grundy, leader of the manufac turers' lobby, his work on child labor bills and other important measures affecting the wel fare of men, women and child wage earners" "The Liberty Bell As a Traveler ' ' A local historian dug- up reminiscences of former jaunts and relates tales of patriotic homage paid to the most venerate! of American relics. Of particular interest at this season be cause the famous bell is on the eve of its greatest journev We Need A irships" Uncle Sam's present predic ament and the efforts being made to build up an ade quate aerial fleet are told by an expert. An article to back up your arguments if you are pulling to make the nation's air craft defense on a par with Europe's. (if Electrifying the P. R. R." Latest news in story form of the remarkable electrified system between Philadel phia and Paoli. Tells of master strokes of construe tion, including the use of standard cars on a steam road and the peculiar, effl. cient overhead devices. itvr: rinn Iii.dI. .... trt ..nil.. In ........ .n n.n n...1 r. . l.flll .,-, U .4.1 III.. Ill VAIM'1 I I'll', , IIIII , IIIMI 111 . I 1 .1 .1 I MO.M7l.ll for small lots of mar by grain In st0" s'hl .111 application to operate as J "ass iar as unino.i would lie entertained. This I I III It rterelpts, inn lihl and 4!)R 11" 1 application then mn-s filed IPs In sneltK "Mill limits were held hlclier In , "I'l'iicn.ion men as tiled ywnininv t nil uneai, mit iratln nan quiet Me .mine per inn lhs In ioo.l Winter. .I'ar Jil7i7 do utralslit S7fi7 i" do patent, 7-ifi7'll KattAan Ftlnlgllt lute tfarku 7 o f7 I". 1I1 patem lute mrki., J7 'IS i.-l' "lnliiB fltai. ile.ir ! 'mff T 'Jn do. straight 7'J"T(7."o do patent 7 r.OI'i' 7 tin do . favorite brands, ts-fis vi ett mlllt thniie nnd fanei pnteiii .17' vi 1 lit mills, reaulnr pradrj VVIntPr ilcai 71); d. -trnlBht J71i7 -J". do patent. 7J'Ti7ro Hv I; rt.fll'lt nan In small supph and llrni Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to IO.i'IO A. M. 1. Penna '"alt lun lonoimh H t lllit no I'll I III do II. I HI ."11 lonnp ih I ', lllll ilfl 1 I 1 Iii I'll, lilt hior .IJ'j III .'ion ToiioimI! I!el. -I1 11 1 '4 PHI .111al t tipper. (Ml Knmm Tel 1 1 1, V. Toliomih liel I' 111 Toiioimh Ilel. l" -jl I'hllu l.ln . L'P, "u do . V "ji Tonopah llel. 4'1,, .Hi I'enna . ."."4 J"i do , . i M do .. . ,v.i, mil do . . I', "11 do ... IJM,, Itin Ph Co mm pf In lli 'loiinpah llol. "w 10" Tonopah llel. PH 1IHI do In Keyatmie Tel lll4 L'u li. 10 Cambria Sieel 4'is NOBODY LOVES THE CUIDIXALS; THEY 31AY HE SOLI) A.Y DAY Schuyler Britton Merely W.titin"; to Get Right Price. ST. LOUIS, April 21 -Bob. Headier, re cently acquired by main .strength from the Giants, ia not the only one who does not look upon the Cardinals with favor j. 1fit St. Louis Nationals huve few sup porters these days, as was Instanced to day by a statement given out by Schuyler Britton, The owner of the Caidlnalu admitted that he would be willing to sell the club, If the price he wanted could be met. Since It Is generally acknowledged that Sirs. Britton holds the purse for the St. Louis team, the significance attached to r the statement of her better half is tome what lessened. It Is thought here, how ever, thjit the Brittona would both be witling to dlipbse of their Interest in the Club other things being equal IV lURDWICK TO COACH NAVY Star Harvard End Takes Football Joh at Annapolis. , BOSTON, April 2L - Tack Hardwick. tor thiee years Harvard's varsity foot- -Jal sur, plajlng end on the victorious Crimson eleven during the season of I9H, today announced that he would accept the position of coach at Annapolis next tall, Hardwlck's decision -will mean an en tire change In the coaching policj of the Middles. The Vale system has been J;i use at Annapolis for ars and the effect on the Navy of the shift to the , Jlsrvard, method Is likely to furnish in- t cresting comparison, fallowing, as It does. Harvard's two banner years In foot- falU llersey Manufacturers Form League XJ01Y VORK AwU II - Tb tttw Jersey fjalKd by 1 uaati. rapt4MMilax tk Was Itimfaciuxlajs Coniiijr bi EUwtwtti fii ee,t & wUaut iwnwo) o( Bayooo. 0ld ptdi Elarith. omvu or Ntwarij YVvtli.x hut) Etavtru t'txiimnj of Ntwark Pib tr$s HBiimi n tun 1 QG.)iiii or Jtin fn 48? tie iwicciiift 1 it n ia jr .41 41 tiua .toi satilj Bf-.JM'al'fc , 1. 1 . jtj4434? WtSJ 9ya on JH4. A.MATEUK SOCCEFt CUF' TFIIAL Big Game at Washington Patk. Benefit for Pete Wilson. The final game of the Allied Amateur Cup soccer competition will bring to gether the Wanderers and Puritan V. JI L. at Washington Park, 16th street and Allegheny avenue, this afternoon. 1m medlatelv after the contest Mrs. John M. I'arrell, wife of the president of the Allied Ameilean I'ooihall .ssoelation, will present the captain of the winning team with the trophy . bras'! hind of JS pieces will be in attendance This af let noon nt Falrhlll baseball ground a benefit soccer game will he piaved for "Pete" Wilson, tho veteran fullback of the Hibernian team, between tho Hibernians nnd Dlsston tennis Wil son is one of the best-known nnd gient eat fullbacks that ever placd fcotcer In this clt, and a big turnout of fans is expected to be In attendance Amateur Cup competition, final Wanderers vs Puritan V M. L.. nt Wash ting Park, :6th street and Allegheny nve nue, referee, John Walder; linemen, W. H Hinds and J Kerr. Piellmlnary game, Peahody vs. Smith, referee, John Shaw tleneflt game, Hibernians vs. Dlsiton. at Kali hlil grounds, 3d street and Lehigh avenue .t Bethlehem. Pn-Allentown V M. C. A. vs. Bethlehem Heserves. Wtlbiir Chal lenge Cup series Referee, James Walder. CHICK EVANS DEFEATED BY HEIXItlCII SCHMIDT, 4-3 Amateur Golf Champion Loses in Coast Match. SAX FJtANCIrU'O. April Jl - Charles (Chick) Evant, Jr , of Chicago, Western amateur golf champion, was defeated by Heinrlch Schmidt, of the Claremont Club, of Berkeley, Cal , 4 and 3, In the Panama. Pacific Kxposltlon amateur golf tourna ment jesterday, in what was said to be one of the inost sensational matches seen on the Pacific coast The play was over .1 M-hole coutse. Schmidt gained his lead when Evans drove two balls out of bounds fiom the ISth tee. He covered the ttrst nine holes in St, two atiokes better than anj icore made on tho Inglenide course since the links were recentlj lengthened. The match ended unexpectedly on the 15th green. E. II. Bankaid, of Chicago, kept up hU winning streak b defeating E S. Arm. strong, of Loe Angeles, southern Califor nia champion, i and 1 II. Chandler Egan, of Portland, former national and Weetern champion, defeated ituroia ianiD, oi L,oa Angeles, 3 and I. uarry t, a uavis, of Ban Francisco. Incent, of San Francisco. Ill l b nleel ll) KcjHtolii. Tel H0 do in I 8 Steel ism Kevslom Tel 1MI do Sun Tonopah Hel ;.-. do 111 V Steel HO Tonopall llel .in do. 1. KeHlnne Tel -'I'l do lii do 4ti Tonopah Bel I no do inn ket stone Tel. llll Tnnopall Hel J 1'hlU Tra , i I i Bleel. luu lialduln inn l O 1 . do .-.) ft III) Tont.nah Hel 11 tun do l.i lun Aniitl ( opp. r. (i1., ."iii'i 'J Tonopah I'd. 4T I'i'i ..0 lveslone IV I. Irt'i. IV, in 1 rt Steel . ," l 111 I'enna Salt . HI i1H '"'l l-ike Sup Cor 7!9 "iii, luu Baldwin . , I', lun lta iVina SI', l' in do -jit; !. II) M.i K A. Tex 1 1 M's r.11 Iluldnln .... .!-', 13 S' Readlns . 77 I'i. .1 l-eli Vnllet . T ' IVV In Traction . IV i. 1 Pi nna t"i -ii mice sup i or ' 7V I.VS ! It T it in IIIs, r.ii fambrli Steel sn viii inn Ml I i i in M'i, I -tn ipilpt Wo ijiiote nearln nnd Western In voo.i at $ts L'.iir, ,,n, a to qualltv. I'FlOVISIONvS Thern n litil trading, hut alurs upre ttenHlU heh QiintatlotiB It href In vet. ti nkoil nml nlr-drlod ''Ti-'iic , Wept or n hrot. In nets mnoltpfl, Jfi'-V. (tv hnf, Knmklcs onil ten'U rs, Hinnknl nn I alr-drfp I -7'fi Jw Wpptorn hpcf Knin klo liiid ttirlei smoked iT fii-M , Iipo hams llii tj nrk. fanillj, JJ1 U) t JJ iinniH S I i urnl Ii np, L l?i 1 P,r , do , kfnnei lnort IJ'.-fdJt. tin, dci , pmnked lJl 'fiVMr oilier hump, -nmkpd, c t tuipd, ns to hrnrni nnd axoniKO, lllflh , lnms, smoked, U t KUin iiirl, 1 lrt He d boiled, botip lepfl, 2-TiJi , pknlr shnuMprs S P tured. looe l01MOic . do, smoked, inijKHje hel Urn In pitklp. (irtordlnK to aeruKts loose, l-li &2o htcakfnst bamn ap tn hrnnd nnd apracp, !t tured, ltuaiil"ijC ; breakfast ba con WeMern tured, lfiii;ijL Inrd, West ern refined tlon.es UffilU'iC , do , do,, tubs, lliSJUUc lard pure rit, krttlo rendered. In Meiers, iMill'iC. lard, pure Uty, kettlo ren dered, tn tubs, lMjfU'ic. KEPIiEI) SUGARS Thp in irket rulPtl trld hut nufet Mo MUtttP Uted lundjrd Krunul itpl i Ik inwtiere'i u h jfi Rrndew ". ti'ft " h" r,ir,i , Hue cranu- i onie tinners a DAIItV F,IOF)UCTS IU Tlnit TI.p wholeKile niarkft was quiet, n- up Ml on Saturriux , but offerings of both fioloii-pai krd irranvtv and prima Tere moder ate and alueu wtp p1I malntalnrri, Quota tions w stern, frpj-n. poiiu-t at keu creimerv, fart, spprlil ijt , extra, o0c . extra, ttratp, TO SEEK REJIOVAL OF MUFJGE Xnw YORK, .Mirll Jl -Counsel for 4mster Interests now tontemplate merely demanding the iemov.il of President H. L Mudge ns a iccelver of tho Chicago. Hock Island and Pacific nailro.nl, heiMnso he Is one of the defendants In the suit brought against the directors ch.uging misappropriation of $7,50O.0")O In winding up the St Louis and San I-'rnnci&cn trans action The pioposal to applj to have the rtcelvershlp vacated will he abandoned. SHIPPING NEWS POUT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today .Motorehlp Knianucl .NoticI illelg ) ballast Joipph C '.aliriel Mr llaulvien (Itr) Nu Yorli. Muniiin Line htr Hististara iHr.i, Itotterd.itii, ballast. rilnt, i.ocrlng A. f'o 'J?' J I ";" BrMii J7T"."- . netonda 'JIi2V hrtle- rri1. . narkpil, lwjt't in- to oualltv nrarh iirlntt-. iani' .it . nvi'rair etra, a-c nr-ts -".n 1WXIW, llll I'MU IJIeeirlt. I , Mi Imiti LehlBh .S'av con. I'j. imv SK10 tehlEh Nav cons Itjs Wivj 1in.ii Iwhlgh Nav tons iis uiH-j lOiSO to IF A. ;F. 10 Kleitrle Sior .'J'4 Vn Tonopah llel. v,t 1"0 Vn Traction, tvj lo Phll.i illee... 'Jft! V. V S bteel .17 Lilt) I i I Mi; 17 Camhrli Steel .10 '.nil Cambria Steel flu in 1' Jt Tie. in ai I'enna .. mi, 7 Am Ilvvs. ion lno 'Joiitipali llel. " inn War I .4 . m,. 5u v S steel ... wK W ltay Cona . iU'i, 11m IT U I mi? nno Tonopah Uel. 4'j 73 do MUj Ml ltay 1.01111 . . 3 ' BONDS ..(110 IViina eons -I'jii JUG0 lull. 5ii(i l'hll.i i:iee r.s I..., 101(4. IMK) 1'hlla Ulft-trtc la 1 . 7UI iuti UhtEh .S'av tons I'l . iijij ami Market M Ulev U ,..' p.'ii I11O11 Heading pen U tut; .sunn Ililsh Nav tons l's (ijU llinft IrfjilBh Valley sen tons 4K .... l"1" IbtXI Leiden Vullry True lat Oa Hr:i U lo ll;;iO A. .M. : Chl II I & l 2ll ltw f s bieel ni ror.opan Ml llay Cona lun f s Metd .i7 too ItV) Baldwin S-M, vi f.u i.iKe ftup i;or i'i 2s nil 1 1,-1 n 1 n -. ii 1(1(1 llaldnln tu Lake Hup Cor 7', 1.1 innopan uel -"i do do . Ti) do VII L S Eiteel 7U Hel 4",; 1 ." .lit . nt.iindii. V i?iV7i snecl.ll fan. tiramls of prints Jnbblne at I7fi In Kill is Tht niaiket ruled thni under moder ate re. elpts and a fair demand Quotations In free tiH.i. netnlit extras IMc per doz , nturbv flrFls ii.l.'i jier stanilard cafe, nearhv rurrent ntolpts, S-tJ.n per tate Western extra Ursts, ?i 11 per eaie di , fs-ets, (fd.-lO per cans: Southern. 5" 7nfii! IS per cape, fane telected landlen xreali enffs vero Jdbbed out at Vu'd'JOc. pvr d07. CIIBCSE naa tiulsi, but offcrlnpq ere llpht and valuer were ttrml held. Quotatlnnn New York full cream, fall make, fantj, 17M( I7ise do do, fair to irood, lil'iUnc.. do do, current make, lj'Tililt.. do, part skims, MJISc 4 I'OULTRV I.IVK. -Offirlnes were tnnilerate and tho market ruled stead) hut quiet Quotations l'owls, 17 .fllSt.; old roosters. ISfllSUc , Sours cblckena, soft-meited. 17W18e.. do. tlo Blacky. 1 I'll Itr.. turkeis, LlfflSc, dtit'ks I'l yl.'.i- : KtCKi', IDiUlr.. Kiilueas. as tn nuulltv. per pair WWITOt . . piKtons old per pair, liM uH'. dn souns, per pair. L'Jfll'.'it. nitEhSUl) -Tht market ruled ilnu under lleht ufftrliiBS but there uus little trad- inij. t;iioiniiiin rrtsn-Kiueu low is, 1 to Pox. dr-piiked aiul drv-i.ieKed, lanes seintiii. rn , no, weiKllinK I'sSI i us ....lr... 1.. .4.. .I.A. II... n.l ' ni"" .'" ' .. .-n .en iifce, le , do. 3 lbs. a niece. Ijitil7c.. do., under 1 luu apiece HiflAt. 1 own hbls,, ury-i lcked nnd dr -packed Western, 45f.1 lbs urine, 171,, UflSc , do, dn Shi lbs ltlliUITi., do., do I Ibi and under. Ufilbc. Fowls Ite-packed thnlee 171st Old roosters dr-picked ll'ic L?..iV.o &m iln, nihil. .. I !. I .- ., .. an .. tua..,., ii, '." . "line, nciallinS 41 to 1 IDS. Steamships to Arrive I'.VSSK.ST.im N'nnjf Prom. Dominion Liverpool . . Ancona Palermo .. Sardinian rjlasKm. .. . rnnioHT. JjiM, Hotterdnm Kandahar Algiers Prlkes lluehn, . . Kentutklnn Hn .. ., Atf Snnr1nri.rrl v!nlulund VIethel ... ''Ina ,, Huolva llenrlk Ibs-n Valparaiso Vbsalon Copenhasen Mansurla Ciieutta .... Ivikotan tn . .. Narvik Narvik . .. '.' Shields . . iiluteppo r, Venlie . .. Mnltbv iavona . .. U. Xan, Nassau Amsterdam West Point l-ondon Princeton Tuxpom ... CalderBrnvo Aiders , Qrena Italboa Beckenham Balboa Itillanla Huelva Clohllde Cuneo Jamaica ,J.ot Port Antonio Manchester Bxchinge Manchester Arpenine Middlesboro . Olltra. RhleldH . . .. nrekland Copenhacen ., BHIta Port Antonio . Steamships to l4cave PASSRNOBR. NJ"f Per Dominion Liverpool Ancnni Nnples Ma PltEIOJIT. AlBerlnaii . .ljndon Anr West Point London . . .iu Scottish Monarch ....Glasgow ... Ma, California Copenhagen ..May balled A.nr u Apr. Apr Jl .Peb IS Mar ;. -Mar Ti Mnr in Mar 1 1 Mar. 11 Mar 1 1 .Mar I'l Apr 1 Apr it Apr il .Vpi 7 Apr . 4-V.pr In Apr 111 Apr Hi .Apr U .Apr 11 Apr P. .Apr IN Apr. IS .Apr. IM Apr in .4pr. -:i Apr :m Apr HI Apr il Apr .... Apr. il Date Ma 1 American Humorists ' By Montague Glass The author of "Potash and Perlmutter" speaks freely about others and with much diffidence concerning himself. Mark Iwain, 0. Henry, Artemus Ward, Invin Cobb and other b-asts in the gallery of fame are discussed and commended? America Will Fix War Blame Another authority takes the field in the great who-startetl-the-war controversy. Professor Ladd, of Yale, declares that while Washington must observe strict neutrality, yet the judgment of the American people soon will hold Germany as the guilty party The author's prominence and the force of inis assertions make this contribution one of the most powerful anti-German articles ever published. I'i. per do . ) hJm.iil white, wiishliig 0 to li i. I lbs. ier do iflWfilkii do. do, 8 lbs irf I Per doz , 2 7.W.' 8 do do., 7 lbs. per doi , I--., 4-IWI4l iiei. -",. 10 Am Loio STi. mi I' K t.lp4l . All. Iml 1. hi .CIUQI ..71 1 l'n Cost N J Siii, is Tonopah Bel. 4I 10.1 Tonopah Bel I",. Km V s bleel S7U 1W .do . " lim Tonopah Bel. HI J do ,''i in V 8 Steel.... BTlJ IDd do 4 111 do . 675 40 Tonopah Mill 7J,, 1 Keystone Tel 13 11 I U 8 steel J7J, 6U West Blectrlc S31, ;ii Am Can R'ttJ BONIM, lOm) itartvood l.lec lis tniO Lehlch Valley Trac 1st Sa lPM I.olilsli Valley gen cqns 41-3 2inn liarwood Klec a . . . . 50.10 Phlla Co cons 5a IT'-i ''.,j2d3 do, do.. IlljUb lbs." per doz . Jl ;uj 41'.- , 4.1, ..nt. l K.I.CI .1. ..m.ll ..4 I Ti "." I du. uarx, 41 oint4)i bu, small and No .', jt POUT OF iEV YOKK Steamships Due Today ."ainc From. njndik Port Talbot Lapland Liverpool ,, Lusltanla Liverpool Steamships to Leave Name. For ......... .fBrdllla 1 lozen pouurj rnwis as 10 quality, lUUlbc , I Kuriiu Tiiiiiii chickens, dn-plcked and dry.packsd In boxes T.Vnin. n?.. " in.lk.fed. atflJs lbs to rtoi... I80 . do. a704. fiSn?! '..'..""""SKSSSS US . us Kit, lbs to doz , ISe , do 4 1S47 lbs. to doz , 18c . An AQ IK. In 4n '.On Ar. 111. . ... nJ ' -lc. , corn-fed .ll-jl'.' lbs to doz., lUc , do llil 47 lbs to doz . 17t. . do . 48 lbs to doz . iuc do.. 00 lbs. and over, sue Thickens, dry-picked and dr packed. In bbls Western corn-fed S lbs and oer, lbc do do I lbs. t7817v,o : do do . 3v lbs , 13V4c . do , tio JVB i "bs.? 15 44-.WV , ui-uuei-B muit-icu. luuc-y, 19434 lbl. Sailed Mar .11 ..Apr IIS Apr. IS Date Apr. SH . Apr. i'7 . Apr K7 ..Apr. M to utiz, sic , no. fancy. ssiki lb. n -i io to dot.. 11;30 A. M. tn 12 .M. inn I'hlla Klec 2IJ..VI U S Steel 50 V s Steel 57S 100 do ... rn Key Tel pfd liUl-i Ksl do 2 Phlla Klec '-'I'I lllll rtn 111) V s Sieel. . 57; luu do luu do t!ni) tlti 100 U S Steel SO do 10 Keystone Tel ij; inn do r.7',, 574 57J S7! .it; 10(1 Ke stone Tel n m " o meet H. defeated A 3 an4 1. IMvia U ichtduled to tnwl; Euan and Bankard pla sk'hmidt In h MjnianaU today Princeton Meet Today PRIVCfcTON N J April "M The annual a.le liniiiii satnea atbletl mi..t in pr,n.4.,An ' v tl 1 u tu 1 luil..! uli cbu.c from ciioauant i ifcMiiiitjra c4?Uejjii4, ' 7t JW lOD Erie ;8; "I1V 'Jill Lflll. Run fn- IX W Lake Sup Cor 7i ita (Jen Asiih pfd 07 10 U B Bteel . SSvJ 100 Anial LVpper 7S 'JS do .. KMi ih it s. aiT mi 100 Tonopah Bel ii m do .-" 10U do . ',, 5D do . . 5M? SO Nevada Cons. 1.1), 20 do . ist lun U B Steel 5S ion do . sstJ 1.WJ d0. ' '.. 5 39" Toiuipah Min 7i; M Cen Asph pfd 07 CO Tonopah 111. 4,I lt IJ S Sttel X8I, lOD Lake Sup Cor 75 v SO Am Gas 1031S MJj '.HH) Tonopah Bel. C jsjf 100 Kejstune Tel in "iU 1 ...5S'. 5W, SO do 5Tl t!7 10 U S Steel 5)il 6S 100 Tonopah Bel !,! Jg US &tee lur,' n 111 An. VL.' 11.0 ir s Steel so do . i(N) do in do 100 do .. 160 Gen Asphalt 100 U S Steel . 10 do no do 100 ilo so no as 10 do ssii n . ."., 4T4 .-., aw iui .-eaoa cons. 10 Caltu ("oppr I7 101) u S Stl 120 U S Steel ftgi; 100 U S Steel loo Toaosub BI 4",, 10 da 300 Brie 3tt 10 du 6 do ... 4!T 100 du... 30 Phlla Blec H BfiNDS. Vvo Auwr Gas & KI41 ." SOOt) ttblsb. alty Trat In 5j . . 1000 Anr Oas ik lc as ii0o Phil t Elm s 14.13" ffUB vui iU J360 . .?.,., s. i5; doz.. U4c. : corn-ted fancy. IS: jBc, dp., prime, '.'J8',0 lbs to dos . :Jc lur. j4o. irj.-iiic-iteu ami nr-pacKea, fancy, L'i 22c : fjjr to Bood, lSlJJOc .old toms. lS35oJ!; ducks, fancy In boxes, 17Slfcc., do. ordinary ic?.0o..,2jll81.i itSinicMs ntl """"' lsa FFtESFI FRUITS The market was quiet and without Important fhdPee Quotatlona Apples. Nan Wit, tier bid -ork liiiperlal ifiS. Greening, tehj. King. .'75S-16iO fanj. - SOij.'l 21. Baldwin tl '83 25 lien Pain.: Jl 75ld 50 other good eating varieties Ifl nmi'.'.SO, medium, J1H150. anll.u Vi4lrn .... hnw tf ntfiO .:... V.-Y' --'-- -.--..... ,. ", V. . ,UW, 4LIL44rO Ud arrived aware anti rcnnsjltanu, per namper. bOfiOOc lemons per boz, UU2 75 oranges, I'lorida. per tiov. tl 708J urapefrult Klorida per bo SlJ'ifi'-'M, plnsapples per rule Porto nito. (2i': F orld.i. t ".'.fi ".7S . ilrn b'li-ll, nan n. IIUMtfl .., VEGETABLES Offerlnsa wero fairly liberal and the market was iiulet and unchanged Quotations Whits potatoes, per bush Pennsilianla, 304j63c Maine. .V)4Mt , New Vork as to iiualltv 10 45c white jiotatoes, Florida, per bbl No 1. JI.75B5. No. S. UQ4 an sweet PotalQM Delaware, per hamper Large, fl 'J5l 75 med ium, nOiiBll. sweet potatoes Eastern Shore, per bbl -No, I, timitVil. No. S. 1 1 50ft 1 ff sweets, Jerse, per bbl No. 1. W.75fi4 75" No a. JSfiS.M, sweets. Jersey per basket An ltl tK nn.nna , hn M ns in, il ---. W.W.I.bu. V444V41B.. Vl.w.fcw tJ 4 ..V.-JD D.11 Cw- H 2531.50, do., medium, per 100-lb bag. 75c, ?. oris. ifl6c.. l; 1 nnkkina flin oh Tidl tun f4 V W ! k V4S MHUU "V ", Horlda. per basket T3c Bl do, fharleston. Der tr.ir. 44144 444. tsui nun er. aeH rnru na- ciate. ?1 753--'ft. spinach. Norfolk per 'bbl. ?102J '.. 4'nar 7ic i8t. kale. Norfolk, per bbl luce Texas, per bun -oasitet Florida, per basket. 75c t3 I 28 68c.. do. n VaboK 4n-.-.ei ".--. .-.i,-. rptn 4ct .. .""" iiiujiiMi, jjwr -iiib, iuv uf . ueini, ioriaa -wax, pr bakt 2S 150. do Florida i.r ba.skt. H&X 50 pM. Florida pr basket 2M ifplnr Florid tr box I231 Vi uffjmtieja Florida. P r taalir, $t ijoad -. it i. is.-! i- if- rta i s.r DjU 3.1 iiAj i l"4b ps, ioriU. pr arrMr, iJ.J beets, yioxida. .88U lout? if i Movements of Vessels htr Dakotan. Hllo for Philadelphia at nalboa ADrll SI ' ' rifeS aStaNnaPpa.e,,artiW'rom X,w Tork' "" fr" D,o.,onnBTPV..,S5.hUad"P,,la' Bt"" Str I'labrand (Nor ) for Philadelphia steam, ed from Norfolk April S3. ' ' Btn'- Rtr New York. Liverpool for New Vork was 1151 miles east of Ambrose Channel llehtshln at .1 3G p m. April 23 '"" "nsn"P Str Gulfstream. Port Arthur for Phlladel phia, passed Jupiter at noon April jsi Str Toledo lowing ochr Delaware Sun rtillidelphla for fcablne, was in miles east nf Sshlne bar at 0 P. m April 2:1 " ot iftr Paragua. Sabine Paes for Philadelphia passed Diamond Shoal lightship at T p in! Schr Laura C Anderwn for Phlladelnhla sailed from Gulfport April 52 - ""aattipnia Schr Henry O Barrett, from Philadelphia, arrived at San Juan, P It. April 2.1. "'" FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Business continues limited with light fralehi offerings being supplied hv a moderate amouSt of tonnsee Hates are unthanged ' STDAMSI11PS Wacousta (Nor 1, 10HS tons. ttv,i..i c. and Brazil trade, one round trio. miT. 3272 " The Mushroom Growth of Pennsgrove" An investigated report of the little New Jersey town's phenomenal growth due to the wholesale hiring of men to fill Europe's gigantic powder orders. Interesting as the over-night bigness of famous mining camps back in '49. "The City Club's Boom" Outline of the club's cam paign for new members. Methods and proposed plans of this worthy civic associa tion for a better Philadel phia. Perhaps you didn't realize the importance of this work. "The Cure for Philadelphia's Dirty Streets'' A recital of the facts ob tained by the Public Led ger's investigation. A report that places the blame largely upon every individual and a plea for clean-up week every day. Of Interest to Women Peggy Shippen's usual Sun day letter on affairs in smart society tells of recent functions in Peggy Ship pen's own way. Read the other absorbing articles on style, women's clubs and the home beautiful. terms. DromDt. Newton (Amer ) trade, one. round Ulp private terms. rrnmf.t Kdlson 1 Jgnt (Amer ), lew. ton. -.imi ions. West India npi George Haw ley (Amer ), ima tons. same. trails and New Zealand, general cargo, private terms, prompt ' "" tTgda (Nor ), 1010 tons, Philadelphia in Antlila. coal Private te-ms, prompt PU '" Thorsa (Nor.). B1 tons. Philadelphia to Manzanlllo. coal, private terms, prompt ?.!. L, "EL , 'S-,ftbo V. West -J.y ' ' ""444., Stella det Mare (Ui , lom tona Baltimore to west cot Hall, private terms" """,mor" SdHGONBHS. vSZ2r&J??iiU t0M- "wpw to Big Collection of Sporting Features "THE EVOLUTION OF WHEELS," by John G. Painter, traces the wheel game from the old high-pedal vehicle to the modern, road-burning motorcycle. A history of the develop ment and popularity of each type, with many interesting motorcycle illustrations. "THE TEMPERATE HABIT'S OF THE PUGILISTIC CHAMPIONSHIP SEXTET." William H. Rocap lets you in on the habits of all of the present six title holders. Here 13 a good, snappy sporting article that shows the importance ot clean living to championship honors. "BASEBALL'S 400." George E. McLinn segregates the ex clusive set of baseball's select batting society. If you don t believe there is such a thing, see how McLinn draws the line between average "stick men" and the hard hitters who batted over 400. Read Hovey on billiards, Evans on golf, Mitchell on chess and checkers, Ziegler on horse racing, Long on trapshooting and other experts in various sports. All in the Sunday, April 25th PUBLICsLEDGER Order from Your Dealer Today II memmm-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers