' Vn jpw,wi,5wSSww5 ' " wiMiM wuifl.(iilMli')iipi EVENING liBDaBK PHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAT, APKIL 24, 1916. IS r CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS AT PENN TODAY PHILS PLAY BRAVES ATHLETICS VS. RED SOX P!WPPMplMIWWWWWW 'i i 4 '- "PHILLIES' PEPPERY CRUSHES Once Gamcst Baseball Team in the League Loses Old Fit ' Battle of Gamcncssllixcy's Pitching Another Step mr tuLbiiv vj B Pennanlward- Secret Manager Mown continues to rvo nt Eopa Hie ui "' 'J111' u,e "rnvrs ftlthlay incii' I-"- dv. ....... .. ..... ... in,, rtiin iiii Mi'in'vru unit mo iranin lift ft chnnce to win. nn Htutalph, lirro of the wotltl'r. strles mill premier Kr.xt-. nf SlftlllliOS' lentil. Wlin selected lo fnre the fnnt.fUlnir t'l.ila lint Mia Irtwd wnb 'lur '" """rlv" a Plcnsnnt surprise In tin- form nf nnnthcr clean-out rlClfy . . hliimnli Minima the nlb-litli ' ,-.........- . ...... .eii.ni in ........ . ri-.iT.ii LIUIII Mil' lll' -i 1 "111 -11 nflnnnl Tji'tiRUp, nnd nil tlili lriov.v wn nccomplished with u iilehef TV'1" was "nl "ri'iri'ii in urK ugnnm imp urnves, tnp I'nuitos cinncos K a. clean "'!' nro decidedly brlcht with Minor unit Alexander In reserve 'Er the two final Hnmcs with Stnlllnn.8' team. or the twe . 1 Rlxcy Able In Stnntl the Gnff In the first g-amo thp Uravcs wcrp plainly ovcrconfldpnt. Yesterday thev tsrted out In the snmo manner, nnd held the Phillies by far too cheaply Hut Swore tht pnmc was over they woro plnytiijr desperate baseball i mailings tried rvpry trick ho knew to turn tlm tide, and almost atipceed"il. kv eontnntiy "rhRftthR" Hlvoy nbout nn alleged balk motion S otendiu di I i&v keep nrter ItUey on thin score thai he ohvloualy became rattled In tlo Slit, ifiMinir. and out nut Ills nwlntr to such nn extent that ho Inil but little Km the ball A llttlo talk from Klllefer brought Klxoy bark to earth turn in I2L, ft another hit would nt lend linvo tied tho acorn. tack cf pniitldpiipp In Its vet lent fotm has been tfic Greatest dtnwbirk 'i!i Rlxcy's woik ever since ho tutored thp lentruo, and Hip woul h.i b en ,l.j nlmiit Ihn rlirult that he eould not stand thp caff. This mad Hlo w !?:.u nit flip harder becniiso tho Urnves .1 nnv minute lo see him blow up, but ,,, nxey was kept Roina at top speed tnroushnut. Mnnnscr Mnrnn Kxpcriincnts Wtlh Pitchers n-tiot nno vlrtorv will ni'-nu nuioh to la his start, anil mav come through for Jtta Morsn has prerllcteil Hrroro thn lt:.. tm must find out soon or Into ftf he cannot pet awny with It, I will have to find another pitcher who will. tnant to win nil tho ball Kniiie." I tnn, bu' I know It Is a lonR race, and I Km not Rolns to ruin our chnncei Just to keep tlili winning streak ROlnfr. I imust experiment to a ret tain pstent rlKlit now. I rather like m.ey. nnd I siMnk ho will vindicate tnp " c.irlnm lm. n cleHnei-cut pomp bePti plti bed than that shown by Imey, L'bftrrlng the ninth lnnlnp, nnd ho probably Lhkd Whltted not been playtnK bj far ton ovjr h's hemi lor two naues ino iaci fllXCy " Oiril'ii i uiiiMi'i lii u;m iniurn, iui'ii nun' juwi Atlnck of I'hillirs It The attack of the Phillies wan not me must rememuer umi iney were lacniR nno 01 mo crauicsi iniuners in ma ,..a Hnth runs werp tallied In llfrhinlnir mannpr. and on Rood clean solid (mastics to three different Holds Whltted, ktureS 01 me fftlin, li'u nil im.' huuimiu muii-.:i im n shihh '' v.,-inii-. m, 11 "SlehOlt followed with a doublo thnt lilt rlRht-ileM fonco. Tho first ball pitched ito Luderus was sm.iihed against tho bleacher wall In left for two buses, and Whlttd and Nelhofl seoied tlm wlnnlnR runs. Another chonc fur a inn wns lot In the fourth Inning, when a squcczo oily went wrong, owing in tho clevetnets of Mnrnnvllle and Kudolph Iieeker -.; n third when the signal was given for Whltted to bunt with Ueckcr on klhi move for the pinto Mnmnvllle euught the sign and shouted a warning to Rudolph, who cleverly wasted the pitch, and Becker was an easy out nt the :P1", . . - Droves Lnclc Old-time Just a word nbout the attitude of the for every inch, nnd the plnyers weie so uuoiesieu iiuu iney woum nui muu .M.nvlnir the field until the ball game was over, but a change has taken place itrhlch probablv has escaped even Manager Stulhngs. t Tho men fight hard, but they hno not thp wuno Interest. Acsterday, when Rudolph wns tnlten rrom tno gamo to nnow oiranu to nn. mr mm in mu uuim Wnlnff, ho wnlkod across tlio flold to thn clubhouse nnd never even turned to at what was going on. Ho won out of tho game, and It apparently did not (Interest him any more. , , Last season, under the snmo conditions, Itudolph would have been deeply interested, and the rest of tho team would have been standing by the bench 'polling hard for a rally. Tho Urnves appear to lie absolutely cocksure that PlMy can start in and win games when they get icad. for another mad dash, IW they should bear in mind thnt it is much easier to do this thing when a mm Is not watched as clotel:, as the Braeb- will bo this senson. t- Last j ear they enmu from thc'.icai nnd hnd a flying stnrt on their spurt IUrorean att. ntimi woo paid to them, but the find every club saving its star pitchers and righting them tooth and nail now t . . I ULI.l!... II l.'!l...l .l.n I1ni.nn iiuiieiicH mnt; i'.iuuu un niu jjaaun l The Phillies have played eight gamen nnd won eight. Tho Athletics havo ,liA MiaA.i ii.iii Tiin M,.r.linf,n wnn tu'u. lied ntifi and lost flvo E-" It-has been tlm falluie of tho Mackmen on the bases which has been 'largely responsible for their poor showing thus lar In thn American League tite. Of course, thp poor work of tho ung pitchers, upon whom Manager illaelf has to depend, has been tt big factor In tho temporary downfall of tho 'Athletics But even considering tlieir hits to win out if they hnd snowed any In short, the base-running of tho Mnckmen hns been of tho poorest quality iKopf, Ba-ry and Jimmy Wnlsh are tno itolen ba&es The other members of tho . 1 . .. . - ... i.l-l-.l , Me laiiea to periorm to tno iinieiies kind, the Phillips have shown a vast itcounts for their ecelb'nt showing g Itecnril of Phils and Athletics Compared K 'All told, the Phillies havo made f.7 nits and senied 11 luns, an avernge of S rla H hits per gamo and 5 inns Thn Athletics mndo 79 llltB in their first eight limes and scori-d but 30 times, tiio time hao been 97(. and tho runs 3 2-3. lalu. v.. n t.n.. .. .,.iAciiri,l no Itneta. Eleven more runs for tho Phillies on 12 fewer hits indicates thnt tno (Phils thU seannn mo on tho vcrpo nf n great awakening nnd that tho Ath dellcs havo forgotten somo of tho teachings of the tuH Tlogan. f'The fielding of the Mnckmen, ton, hns bepn far below par At the picsont jttte they will be far away the poorest fielding team In either mnjor league. Itheyhavo committed 18 bootn, an acragp of 2'i crrnra per game, against 7 for ineir opponents in nan Johnson s circuit. I; ... f Mackmen Hne Made Poor Showing I Not only does a comparison of tho Athletics' IlguieH with the Phillies show up the Macks in a bad light, but to compaio with tho teams they havo met en tha field in tlmir own lencuo Is enunlly discouraging to the follower of tho tWhlte Elephant. Below nro given tho UJ their oppononta In tho eight gamen f Athletics. 2 7 0; Red Sox. 01-0. Athletics, 371. Red Sox, B 12 2, Annettes, n i; ilea box, u u v. Athletics, 193; New York, 9 S 0. Athletics, 6-156, Now York, 11 11 1. Athletics, 6120, New York. 2 S 1. Athletics, 031, New York, 751 Athletics, 6 IS 6, Red Sox, 792. Athletics, 30-79 IS; opponents, 47627. Phils Gnin Favor Abroad; Chalmers Praised Baseball critics nrnnnd tho circuit nio beginning to think well of tho Phll- ' Hero is whin .inn viiin. nf Hie New K "It George Chalmers, who lot the Giants down with two measly hits, can ro Jua his effeetneness all seahon tho chances of tho sprightly Phillies to finish Jdgh In tho National League race will be gieatly Increased. Tho Giants In the ,811 series faced unbeatublo pitching bv Alexander, Uemareo, Mnyer and Chal Btrs. Stpnrnw'n mo., irami fnnK rims in 3fi consecutive Innings, onnosed by $se boxmen, who limited their hutting to 21 safo drUes. r Pat Moran furnished tho Ginnta with u disagreeable surprlso when ho at Chalmeis to the mound Chalmers had heen nt Marlin with Jici.iaw on .T-U, and although ho worked well In practice, tho Giants' lender decided tp nihlm loose, foi tho icnson thnt the team had a surfeit of pitching material. jran signed Chalmeis on Tuesday nt tho latter'B urgent request. It wns the a'tatlon' of tho Phillies' manager to reserve Chalmers for the hot weather, &t th tig New York boy aurprised Moran yesterday by demanding an im PMiate trial. The triumph of Chalmers probably will bo long lemembered by JiMe who were fortunato enough to bo on hand, .... r. JJt wag m 1910 that Chalmers lira Joined the Phillies The following C'rhe took part in 3S games, with a iccord of 13 victories and 10 defeats. His iW began to bother him in 1912, to that he remained Idle that senson. Chal gw won three nnd lost ten games in 1913. and wns finally released outright. P took a course of tieatment all last year, nnd did not attempt to throw a m until late in August, when he began practicing with tho Giants, hoping fc ?Jfa.mw wwM sicn him. .....,.,. W Chalmers quickly convinced everybody that he had fully recovered UBe of I? M'ary wing Ho wound up with a free, easy, swinging motion and put on Qitnuch vnAari i.n.. ,ti ni.a nAan.e,i t.i h. hilndpd nt timeA. 1ia worked n ?Mline spluer frequently, mixed slow M?0't perfcet control. Chalmers wnlKed 1 pner soon scored on Fletcher's single 11m niier unit 1110 uiuhih um nui CT first base until Hums lined out a second snfo hit In tho seventh period. janneu Mcritie, Robertson anu niiiiwi in ("I'm om.wra .u .... vw lnnlncr. 1 r,"When this remarkable come-back exhibition ended, with the score 4 to l gvor of the Phillies, Moran left the field with his arm around Chalmers at. whlln Aiavoirio.. Vutfn,. nnrt nther Ph ladelDh a P ayers tendered their jiPiratuiattons. Chalmers said last night that his arm never weakened nnd n Mas ready to take a regular turn ONSLAUGHT SPIRIT OF BRAVES r in of Athletics' Weakness. surprise nattier to the fnns When he in tne scrntia Rnme nf tho series cs- 11. t,iif.,..i.t.ii. rn.. .... i.... ....... i were constantly after him. evtio tins thiml'H t' the excellent work nf Kib- Illxev Itp will hno more confldeneo the lemainder of the season as Man- (tamo Sloran ealtl: "I am UMnsr l.p whether he Is colnir to cotno through Would have had n shut-out at that close for Mnrnnvllle, whoio lilt went 01 connoencp never nsscriea useu, anu Still Powerful so nnttce.ible aR on openlnp day, but whose clubbing was ono of tho fen- FiRlttinR Spirit Hiavcs rast season thnt club fought poor intoning, iney imve iii.iuovhi.ukii 101m in an in iuihhwhk um muu- un- oniv .iiacituien umiuica li.iuh.h ilh team, and oven at times these three ..1.....1.. . . .t.n KnMAa flu tlln f I ll 11 aniimaiu un u- u.u v.. .nu " amount of pepper on tho bags, which nverago nunng oi um i . Therein lies tho renroh why. thp Ath- tl - inl. rlvnln. nt Tlronrl onrl Huntingdon runs, hlta and errors of tho Athletics played through Thursday: York Evening Sun, has to say: balls with fast shoots nnd displayed Snodgrass in the opening frame, and in the box. EVENING LEDGER MOVIES IN THIS, O-LEE-LAY- STATE CHAMPIONSHIP POCKET The mntch wns held Inst night nt picture shows Morris Fink, ROBIDEAU VS. THOMAS AT NATIONAL TONIGHT Local Fighter Faces Hard Task With New Yorker Olym piad Card for Monday. Pnni rtobldenu will tncMe a lough propojltlon when lie collides with AI Tliom.is, a New York, lightweight, who nink-s his debut In thl city at the Nn tlonal A C. tonlKht. Iln bus been box ing successfully nt the Noiv York clubs nil senson Jack McCarron, of Allentown. will nppear In tho scml In combit with Tommy Tongue, middleweight ihamplon of the Navy. Tho program follow"!: Tint bout Johnm Murtiliv, t'ntlfil Stitta jtcimshtu fonneitlcut, 1. Tommy Smith, S.iuthnrk BiM.oti'1 boiii Jo Klynn. Trenton, mi Paul I'.nn. Trenton, 'rninl liuut K O. IxiiiRhlln. AUentonn. . Pcio Mnlnni' Mmnrnt. tSrmlivlml up Jiii,k Mci'niron, Atlcntown, mi. Toir.mj ToaKUe, New York. Wlnd-nii- AI Thornim, New York. . 3im Ilohl Icau. l'llllndflplila. The Franklo C011w11y-I.cn Vincent bout should icsult In n corking appetizer for tho meleo betweon Goorso Cluuiey and UilMa O'lCeofo nt the Oljmpla .Monday night, t'nnwny recently underwent un oparntlon, and he sas he Is In bettor slmpo than nt any llnie during his boxing rnieer. Herman Illndin has received two out-of-town offers Tor tho sen ices of Eddie Itevolre. of the lSth Ward. Tho match maker of tho t'uturo City A. C , at Uiuis. wants Itovolre to meet Tommy Ilurke In nn S-rouml bout Mny I. lllndln is holding out for a JiOO guarantee. A Panama promoter Is anxious to hook up tne loeul llshter with Tommy Connors I'M bent Connors here at the O'ympl.i about two j ears ago .Hobby Gulnnlss. manage! of Terry .Mar tin. Is anxious to pah off his protege with Joe Heffcmnn again Mnco Martin outpointed lleffernnn some time ago Joe has knocked out nil of Ida opponents. Cltihinlss believes Martin can iepe.it ids victory, nnd he Is leady to mnlto the match nt any old time The next time Charley White goco to the post will be May I nt the Atlas A A , Hostoii. nqalnst IMiile Murphy, the Hub lightweight, In a 12-toiiiid eiitnnnter. While lin. hnd 11 good lest since wi coch ins his bark mil pr bu'ily will tight regu lnrl nfter the Murphy match. IMdlc Caiiipl, const bantamweight, who Is hot after a leturn match with Kid Williams, will meet Billy Fltzulmmons. of Yonkers, In New York tonight. Another mntch billed In the metropolis I between Tom JlcCnrty and Tom McMohon After his mntch tonight at ihe National Club Jack McCarron will keep himself In shnpo In preparation for bouta with Jimmy Clnbby nt Bt koala. May 18. nnd Ulllv Munay, Mm 2). at Superior. Wis Frnnk Foley. Geunantown's spoiling man, has taken Young Nell, of Allentown. under his management The up-Stuter is boxing In Great form, Foley says. lib also In anxious to get Willie Houck started, followlns the latter's 32-oecond knockout over Charley Turner. Houclc wants a crack nt Sam Robldeau. Philadelphia's brace of welterweight knockout artists, Willie Moore, of South warlc. and Joe Heffernnn. of West Phila delphia, will meet In the star bout nt the Olympla A A Mny 3 Hoffernan has hung tho quietus on his last threo op ponents. SMITH TOO MUCH FOR WAGNER Inability to Time- Punrhe3 Proves Latter's Downfall at Quaker City. Harry Smith scored an ensy victory over Harry Wagner In the main bout nt tho Quaker City A A last night Wngner found his opponent's awkward atjle puz zling, and at times he launched out des perately with a series of right nnd left swings. Comparatively few of bis blows found lodgment, and when he became too active In his attack Smith would tie him up In a clinch. Smith connected with right swings to bis opponent's face and body often enough to give him the de cision by a v.lda margin. Noah Mitchell won from Young Lowry In the somlwind-up. Hoth boxers are Negroes, and It was a free exchange of punches throughout, with Mitchell land ing the greater number of blows. In the other bouts Marty Kane earned the decision over Micky nrown: Eddie Kelly defeated Young O'Donnell, while Joo Hunting won from Georgia Meehan. Two California Colleges Split BEflKEI-BY, Cal . April 21 -Student of th UnUemlty of California toted to veter alt -vanity athletlo relatlona with Stanford L'nl veralty, their chief athletlo rival, unleaa the latter ayreea to bar freihmen from all ar ally teama California la Intent an following th precedent set by the larger Eastern col ltaea, unlit Stanford, with a smaller student body, maintain that the barring o( freahmen will ruin her chances of victory over iicr larger rhal. Other Sports on Page 1 1 Kegent Acnrlcmv. 1 2 09 Market street, the Ohionn defenting the Pcniisylviinin chnmpion. From left to right, tho Pennsylvnnin titieholdcr; A. Held, referee; Jnme McCoy, Ohio chnmpion, nnd Frank .lonei, nnnouncor. pilpii Wwm'1 PITT Doth National nnd American League ' races are now well undei wn, but bow I much does It nil menu" Or rather, how 1 much of what has happened enn we take soi louslv. nnd how much ir the iiminl pre- llmltiatv nutter beforo what Is known as Clnsq begins to Tell? Or Is theie any abnormal amount of Class to do any par ticular telling this year Leading Hark lo Thin We still recnll vividly how two ycnr.i ngo the riilllle nnd Dodgers lint only Jumped to the front, but stayed thero for six or peveii weeks At nun time It looked ns If these two were on the verge of disrupting Intniest In the rnce Then the iisiml hnppenod, nnd ono fin ished second nnd the other sixth or sev enth Thnt same yenr found the White Sox lending Into Juno. Thev unshed about fifth I.nBt year Detroit whizzed merrily to the front for several weeks. Then it wns King Hump-Bump ami back to fourth pluco. Also the Iteds nround the middle of Juno were In second place, mnklnx a. 110I1.0 like the Hupping of nn October ting. SK weeks later found their pennnnt peri scope down with old MeGinty of blessed melodious memory. And so It goes und hns always gone. The Present Campaign The present campaign Is different In this respect Heretofore ono could tisunl Iv pick out one or two clubs us compos ing the clas, and sit bnck serenely un til they hit tho nild-Ecaaon stuff anil began 10 show Hut loiulitlons have been acmmbled too much of late to put any definite finger on any nnot reeking with or oozing class. On copv paper tho Braves still look to be tho bc3t-bnlnnced outfit in tho same. Hut now that Wood nnd Gregg have fulled to attain a winning mood tho Red So Hotter back to the rest of the field. What a clinm o any ball club has In either circuit this senson thnt can plko nlong at n steady, consistent pnee No great baseball will be required to win n flag this season merely a steady, even Etrldo backed up by a consistent spirit that refuses to sag nfter Juno or July bnve returned their Harvests of Hnrd l.uek. That's all "Don't forget Vench In that Detioll nntfltld. ' writes a Tiger fan. Wo wouldn't think of It. Anv outside entry who can itnnd up for even 10 days nnd slug on oven terms with Ty and Sam deserves a teiiieuibrance that shnll last. WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL LEAGUE Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win Lose. Phillies 8 0 1.00D 1.000 .778 Cincinnati .... 7 3 .700 .727 .636 Chlcano 5 4 .556 .600 .500 Boston 6 .-144 .600 .400 Pittsburgh 4 6 .444 .600 .400 Drooklyn 3 8 .333 .400 .300 St. Louis 3 7 .300 .363 .273 New York 2 6 .250 .333 222 AMERICAN LEAGUE Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win Lose. Detroit 8 2 ,BC0 .818 .727 Washlnoton .... 5 3 .625 .667 .558 Doiton 4 3 .571 .615 .500 Cleveland 5 5 .500 .645 .455 New York 4 4 ,500 .556 .444 Chlcano 4 6 .400 .455 .363 St. Louis 3 7 .300 363 .273 Athletics 2 5 .266 .333 .222 FEDERAL LEAGUE Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win Lose. Brooklyn 7 4 .636 .667 .583 Chicago 5 3 .625 ,667 .556 Newark 7 6 .583 .615 ,538 Plttsburrjh 6 5 .545 .583 ,600 Kansas City ... 5 6 .500 .543 .455 Buffalo 5 6 .455 .500 .417 St. Louis 3 6 .333 .400 .300 Baltimore 4 8 .333 .385 .308 Shubcrt Beats Simons NEW OP.LEANS, La , April 21.-AI 6hubert, of New rtedford, 5ls , won from Arthur Simons, or New Orleans, after SO grueling rounds here laat night Slmoni had the ad ontage In the nrat nve rounds and then Bhu hrt took the lead Tho komi a'd Slrroni from a knockout in the ISthgound Uraves Buy Second Baseman Egan BOSTON April 'ii. The purchaa of Dick Egan, leconit baieman and utility Infleldtr ot tha Hrookln National waa announced today by Prealdent Oarfney, of the Boaton Nationals. LOUIE, 25,000 RABID BILLIARD MATCH WON BY McGOY Colonel Tlmothv Murnnne figures that Wa'ter Johnson has gone back i- per cent Put ihe Yanks nnnoune- that Colonel Tlm 11 ut have lamped the coffeyvllli' Crnier on an off dny when he tvnl practically nothing but n lot of speed and curves I'oi tint matter, to 'ink back nn old one nnd rub off tho lrnsi, there hive lipen n lot of people who couldn't see Johnson. Hut mnfct of them hnd 11 bnt on their tbouldtr nt the nfnrrsnld moment As to These Here Phillies H ftenrrf thli C011W nnf field or hit. Or rotinf thr buiri nrlfly flit; Thrtr plteMng fluff tens ft lived or old 7ielr flclderi couldn't catch (i cold; And so hi ofhpr uvijs Ms efnb HVis l'rTl mvchtu in fie Dub; Appatrntly, nmid the din. All they're pood for Is fo win, A day or two ago the Mackmen ac cumulated 18 hits and 6 runs When a bnll eluh has tn nverago 3 hits to each tnlly 11 large element of doubt Ivglns to vanish ns to whnt the tntus of thnt club 1 will be when the nutumn leaves begin to neume n fcnrioi nue nnn me innu tumult Is confined to one city In each cir cuit. Revised "Oh, father, I hear the sound of puns Oh, pray whnt can it be"? "Old Tvr"S Cobb just come tn bnt," Thr father awixceied he. "Oh, father. I hear an Awful Solse Prnj tell m uih're It's att" "Old HV1100 Sum bats after Ty," Said father just llhc that. Onsidc Kicks An old saylnit used to run, "It Isn't what mi used to he, It's whnt you nre to dv " Hut in b.iscball It Isn't whnt you nre to da, lt'o whero you'll lie IHe months from now . When pressed for nn Interview Griff finally admitted, with great reluctance, that Washington hnd quite a chnnce to win the pennnnt this senson, and would piobably take advantage of tho pleasant occasion. If the club hustles as It did In 1012 this dope should stand. 13ut tho Sen atorial pep hasn't been as pronounced for the lust j ear or so as It was bnck hi the enrly uplift days, and minus this onei buojnnt pep the Senators hnen't enough heow artillery to give Walter Johnson his chnnce to end a world series In nbout four starts. PHILLIES' BATTING AVERAGES TO DATE batting figures, In- 1 tanw with the n. It T B.S II P C 0 n a non 8 7 k a ..Ml i l a o .en 1 n in n 121 4 II 111 1 .'IlKl 7 10 in 1 avr a it 11 t ,mt t s n t !Sii noun ono 0 o 11 o 000 3 110 1J1 o 0 0 too Tiravjs An. lljrne ?n inner jft In flecker ii Lravath . . . 21 U I itled '.'-. Nln-iolf i l.urieiut ?3 Klllefsr IS Hums o A dama (I 1-aiktrt 8 W flier 0 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY National League Boston at Phllanelphia, clear. New York at Brooklyn, clear. Cincinnati at Plltaburgh, threatening. Chicago at St. Louis, clear. American League Philadelphia at noston. clear. Washington at New York, clear. Detroit at Cleveland, clear. St, Louis at Chicago, clear. Federnl League Brooklyn at Newark, clear. Baltimore at Buffalo, clear. Pittsburgh at St l.ouls, clear. Chicago at Kansas City, threatening. Once Famous Jockey Dead UACELANP, La , April 21 Jamea I ee, co ored. once ramoua as a jocKey. is aeaa ni n noma nere iern lean 11.) ieo roue an . of the winning horsea in ona duv'a meet " ! Latona. On the New Orleans track he waa tha etar periormer. riqing nve winnera on each of two das the same week lie was ennllfi3 when he died. Savannah Cyclists in Long Grind SAVANNAH. Ga., April U -A score of motorocllats Kama have entered In a three day endurance oontest, which began here to. day, held by the bavannah Motorcyclists Club. FANS WILL JOIN YOU WITH A VIM WEST PHILLIES IN LINE TO LEAD SCHOLASTICS Victory Over Southern High Monday Will Give .800 Per centage Sports Notes. tNTBiiACAtiKMic i.rAorn STANDINU Tcame Won Lest P C cseimnntnivn Aeniiemv . '-' 1 .Tvi I'enn i hnrier hnol . 2 1 I rilrniiB' c, mrnl School .... J 1 .tVi i.piaciini Air.ceiin . . u ii i " Tndnj'n Scholastic Schedule Krlemts' Peli-ct nt Chef n it IIUI Acn lemv. S-hool of 1'odflBoej nt W llllaiua'ii 'Irnrie, I'rnnolvnnU Military Colle4e at St. John n CollcBO. West Phlladelphln High School's base ball team will hnvo a good chnnce of tnklng the lead In the Intoircholnatb 1 engue standing on Monday Southern High School, cellnr position tenni, will play the Ppeedbojs. while Noitheast High School, tied with the West Phillies for the lead, will lino up ogalnat emb olic High A victory for the Purple and Gold base bnlllnns over the red and black and a West Philadelphia High win over South ern High will drop the Mb street and Lehigh nvenue untlonnl pnstlnicrs to n percentage of CfXi. while the boys across tho Schuylkill will Increase, their average to MM and tako undisputed possession of the top ring. The race for tho Princeton Cup tills sea ton ptomUes to icsult In one of tho closest campaigns since tho Inauguration of the circuit. Although Central ..igh dropped Itn first two Kimes, tho Crimson nnd Gold Iiuh giently bolstered. Doctor O'Prlen's nine annexed Its Inst two gnmes und now hns a percentago of .500 Central High's 3-2 lctory over Northeast High School was a big surpilse. It proved the Hroad nnd Green sti cetera bnve finally pulled themselves together after a bad start. With the opening of Penn Chatters cricket season Captain Ncwklrk feels con tldfiit the Little Quakers will have a win ning aggiegatimi In the mentioned spurt. New kirk's bottling piocd a mystery to Northeast High School, nnd It he con tinues his good work tho Charter eleven shojlcl return victorious In a majority of gnmes on their schedule Two former Southern High School base ball pla.ters are more than making good with the diversity of I onnsylvanla fieshman nine. Lou Martin Is holding down his favorite position at shortstop, while Swlsler Is getting Into the llme Klare aa a mounder The last time ho appeared on the hillock he let down the Penn frcs.h opponents with but four hits. MIKE GIBBONS CANCELS BOUT Disgusted With McFnrhind's Actions in Postponing Negotiations. ST. PAUL. Minn.. April St Failure of Packcy McFarland to attend a meeting In Chhugo yesterday resulted In the can celation of all negotiations for his pro poned iiuitih with Mine Gibbous, of St Paul Gibbons arrived home oAsi Packcy I1.13 a JO.000 Interest In n brew er In Joltct, which he said needed his mention, and asked for a postponement of tho meeting Gibbons iigieed to U postponement, but when Paokey failed to put In an appearance yesterday ho said he would waste no more time "l posted a JM forfeit befoie I went to Havana to show good faith, but 31c Farland did not put up a dime. 1 am tired of being the gont In this match, and If McTarland thinks he is going to get a lot of pubhclt at my expense ho Is through now " Gibbons said the propoed match with McFarland had cost him about JSOOO. Church League Opens Today The Interdenominational I eap"e will oren Its new (rroun'ls. at pith and Butler slrertk this afternoon at 2 o cl, k The tesma will for n at leaKue headquariera at 1 50 p m und w 11 then march across the field to the flag p.de where Senator W Smith will present un American fa, which will then tf raised. A Kama will ioIIor tetween J A Henri, cham p'ons of 1011, and the Hedee-i er team. Marty O'Toole Slugs a Motorman LUltt'lllira, " arm -t jiany u inoie, iltcher for tha Columbus Ameriran Aaroclatlon . . a aa nraainlerl In nnlla oriilr nn a 1 huxra -vlns engaged In a flsht with a itiret car "an while rturnlna from jeiie-dai'a Vt the request of Secrctar (julnn of .0 heirins In the tjne was iioatoned af,., ,h. return nf tha (-nlumrum P ill. from LouUaIIIc NATIONAL I.KAOUK I'AHK PHILLIES vs. BOSTON Oama at 3 P. M. Admission, 2a, 50c and TSc Box beau, fl. On sale at Ulmbels' and Spaldlngs'. "HOW I WON WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP"-TOLD BY WILLARD HIMSELF Titleholder Loves Fighting as a Game and Places It Above Football, Which Is Unfair, He Says Finds Nothing Revolting. By JESS WILLARD Hfatnrht rhamplon of the wcf.d. The stnrv now gels dnw'n pretty Well te tie time Hint Jnrk Cnrley's n'fldleatft m-Mingni tr, snare lack Johnson lhto a mttleh for the title, anil I will h.vs something to say or the Incldfen'B leading up to thai and the culmina tion of the plans In tho city of Ha. vnna on April 3, 1916 Hut before 1 Kt Into the closlmj diopter of thl -Men t want to say a few words for , the bovlng game. in followers and the sport In gen ernl Often I am nilted the nuetloii nnd generally by doubling pet sons who know little or nothing Of boxing "lo vnu really like boxing n a pro fession ," The nuestlon uuallv Is eniBhftsIzed In ! such n wnv that ll liiui'lee astonishment 1 thnt I could posslblv think of belnB enitnored of such n thing. Now I'll replv to them t love boxing As for iti being a profession to ba nshnmed or, I will say right now thnt It Is helng legalized in many of the moat enlightened communities In tho United Slates, to Fny nothing of the foreign countries I neer have found anything In the game to be nihnmed of, and won't ns long as I stick tn the plan I mapped out early of tnklng good care of myself, phvslcnlly and In all othrr ways, espe cially morally I'm not challenging the opponents ot boxing tn cle me nnv nrcumentn Rgntntt the sport. I do not like to argue, nnd am convinced thnt boxing ha ns mnn. good points that the arguments which bring un Its bad features nre more than offset. Summed up, I believe that boxing Is the cientit of nil sports the one lhat dmws the eienten crowds the blgst gntes nnd stlm up the moat Intense Inter est. Likewise I ntn verv fond of baseball nnd co to sen It w henev-r thee Is an oppor tunity, it is n Kieat uport, clean nnd thrilling nt all times nnd worthv of the high place It has In theV regard Of the American pennle Hut for fnothnll I cannot snv ns much. It Is n one-sided gnm. to mv mind Any where fiom two to eleven men have the privilege nf liimi'lnir on one of the oppos ing Hide. Thnt ninkes a bad game of It to me Now, whnt Is fnlrer than a boxlnij match, where ou have but one man to watch' Two men equally matched in weight nnd skill can present about as stirring a contest as any red-blooded man would enre to sre And I defy nnv nns tn tlnd any bru tnllty In ihnniplniishlp contestr Take the Havana contest for Instance It was ns cleiin und stinb'ht n battle as nn one could wish for. While tlmr n plenty of desperate punching nn both sldei ther v.'ns little or no blood no punishment that mndo cither of the contestants look bad enough to dlsgus' n spertntor, and I'll cntuio to sny thnt every one of the women there, and theie were hundreds of them, would be oulte willing to return ngnln nnd see the next champion If It could bo decided in beautiful Oriental Park. "ALL-FOK-GLOItY" KUN SUCCESS Twenty Men Out for West Branch Y. JI. C. A. Event Lnst Night. Tttcnty-0110 athletes took part In tha twe-mlle "All-for-Olorv" street run of the West Hranoh Y M. C A. fiom the 62d lnnd Sniisnin streets hendnuarters last , night. Vlctilx Cntholle Club men. head 1 cd by Thomas Hurke, met the West Hinnchers. i Ittrlx Cntholle Club men who took 1 part were Frank O'Brien, Phl'.lp Stevens, 'i nomas j uurke, Heinird .aughton, John Gallagher, Kdward Hngerty, William O Oonnell and Charles Toner Wvst Branch men out were' HIndle, Schalrer. Esperano, Biumnn, Ida, Irons, t.ber. Hleler, Kopp, Mnnn, Patrick and McDonagh. English Soccer Championship MANriinSTI.n Knaland. April S4.-Ths flnsl tie fur the Kngllih f'up the blue ribbon rncr.r tnoitnll hattplonshlp troph or Ilr'tan. nl will be plaved err lo'liv on thseriounds nf the Msncherter I'rlted Club at Old Trafort. Iho flimllsw nre the i hel.ei and Sheffield I nlted Tenma It was H.e first time In SI 'rars that the flerlrMni; same hs net been pissed at th" rnnial I'place In !ondon war rundition. laustng the rlunge Exposition Athletic .Meet Today 8N rilANt IS1-0 April 84 -The handicap track "ind feld treet U echeduKd today at tha ekposttloi atadlum RACES TODAY At HAVRE DE GRACE Six Itaces Dally Including- a steeplechase. Special Trains Penna R R. leava Rrond St II 31 p m. West rhlla. i;3S P m . n & O leave !4ti iJhd Chestnut Sts 1! 45 p m Admission. (JrnniUtiinil nnd I'nddock, 1.."0. I.ndlev, Sl.no. First Race nt I 30 p. m UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BELAY CARNIVAL 13 Krenta Today. Including riillese Cham- nlnnshlp Itelays nnd Special ISrenta All bis colleges of the Kast and Wast bars. OU mplr American and Intercollegiate cham- plnns and rerord holders present. Do not miss this greatest sthlelle meet nf the season. ril.lNKMN FIKI.D, lllQ P. SI. Seals SOc to (1.30 TOMUll r TOMPHT TONltlHT iw :.. 1 n nth Catharine Sts. IVntlOnal A. L. Jack Mrt.ulrnn. I'rnp, JACK MrPimn ss. TOMMY TKAOVK a3l HOntllKAU ts. AL THOMA8 OLYMPIA A. A.lZr?il$:!'tifr. MONDAY NinitT, 8in MIAIiP (lEt)KOK t IIAM:V vs. KDDIK O'KKEPtS Adm., S3c. IlaL lies., SOc. Arena Ites., 15c, tl it i I ller. MS 1 1 1 I I BALL YARD. I HOORAY for NU -, , J ., J- T ' ' ' " f (0RT)ER) teE-oo-o ' SOME YoPCLIfG Hevj ttttfiMMBtfittl iifcn iiriimftiiiii1 i i mrirtiiifi'if gtBDhsM as Ug- ti inn "71i ---- - " ' . Lv
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