CHURCHES -ALL SECTIONS OF CITY REPORT BIG BENEFITS I FROM SUNDAY REVIVAL W Darby Church's Increase Breaks It e c o r a west Philadelphia, Roxbor oUgh and Frankf ord Make Big Gains. ' Further reports of the effects of tho ? niilv" Sunday cnmpftlgn In Thllndclphla ' veil from clergymen throuahoiit tho ' In. 'besides thoso published In the Kven- iKa tEDOBn heretoforo indicate that the work at tho tnbernnolo continues to bear miil In every section revival campaigns irs Seine held, with unusually largo num vr of conversions, and pastors report I "irslWiltters una cunvcim i muu uwn L mrvlccs actively engaged in lcadlnc their E 'friends to find snlvntlon through Jesus ' Christ. Tlicro hnvo been a few tllEcour t rlhK reports, but only a very few. & In V&TOy IIIU icou-m nti.u uucu us.iu- K daily encournglng. Somo of tho best ovl f 5nce of this ocourrcd last Sunday, f ,hcn 108 new members wcro received Into fk lh First 1'rcsbytcrlan Church, of which h tha Bev. James H. Kerr Is tho pastor. 1 tk church records havo no evidences of anything Hfco this mimbor over being ' received at ono service In tho history of the church. Amomr tho best reports received from churches In tiio city that havo not been i fevhllthed comes one from tho West York ' Street Methodist Church. Tho pastor nd- ifM ihnt 161 now members wero received dilute Mr. Sunday camo to Philadelphia S'tnd that 10 of theso had signed cards at the tabernacle, tho mairect results, he Mid, Vifld been better than tho direct. t Tha Rev W. 11. Smith, pastor of tho lr07ldenco Methodist Church, reports that he has received CD now members, 24 of whom hart taken Mr. Sunday's hand In the tabernacle. At tho Dales Memorial United rresbytcrlan Church, the pastor, the Fev. T. 13. Turnbull, has rccelvod 68 rw members since the camnalnrn started. '' and 53 of these had signed cards at tho f raettlngs. Mr. Turnbull says: "Doubtloss, others were led to make decisions by Mr. f iunday, who did not sign cards." WEST PHILADELPHIA ACTIVE. Special activity Is shown in West Phila delphia, particularly north of Market atreet, from reports received. Tho Kov. Frank B. Lynch, pastor of tho Ebenozcr Methodist Church, Did and Parrlsh streots, sdvlsn that 115 new members have been is. received Into his church since, the cum- ji ptlsn utartcd, besides :a who united on p profeslcn of faith and by letter. From Jj.'.Frankforu' comes tho Information from g the Rev. J. Walter Llggltt, pastor of tho f Eeventh United Presbyterian Church, that S; virtually all thoso persons whose taber , Mde cards had been turned over to him y had united with tho church and Identified t themselves with Its activities. Ho says I that the men's class In the Bible school has doubled In membership, and while not nil of theso havo "hit the trail," ho eipects them to do so scon. Since tho i campaign opened .7 new members were r. received Into this chinch. Of 42 new members received Into tha East Montgomery . Avniuin Mnttmritot ""Church, there were six Sunday converts. ine nev. John Love, pastor of the Logan .Baptist Church, reports: 'It Is too soon for a dcnnlto report I can report progress prospective results and a strong faith In tho worth nnd work of Mr. Sunday." i At tho Lcveilncton Prpshvtorlnn Church, Itoxborough. S4 new members. 73 An nrnfaQafnM nf rnt.k ......... .... , , t. . f tween the time Mr. Sunday camo imrn ind the Sunday folio. vine- his rlonnrtiit-,. F The pastor, the Itev. Dwlcht c. Hnmm. L writes. "I don't know how many of the, liiiL converted in the tabernacle, f Twenty of them signed curds there." I The Dethel Presh.vtr.rlnn r?hn-nh !, L Rev. David S. Clark, pastor, reports 101 g, additions to the church last Sunday, tho F laraest number at nnv nnn tlm in h E. history of tho church. I wine iiev. Dr. William Barnes Lowvr, Tutor of tho Calvary PrpshvtoHnn Church, Wvncote, reports that CI uersons kW received Into his church recently j". innt xix Hiiuro rnmiues wero bap tized. Doctor Lower has been conducting two weeks' campaign in North Wnlos At the Hermon Prahviopln,. r.i....i. Frankford, the pastor, the Itev. Harry H. Crawford, received 78 new member last Sunday. The Bev. I. Walton Bobst. pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Keformatlon, Ontailo and (?nrliai i.i: reports that ho has received 60 now mem bers since Mr. Sunday came to the city, three of whom woi-a 'tnii.i.inH , tr. TfrltCS" '"HlO rOVlVHl hnH 1nnn ,-1,1.1.1 . . .. . " ..w..w ,,,C4,- Th n ,no clty of p"lladelphla .J !; nVf- DZ John Alford "'Sgons, pas Ihts e N,,nth r-csbytcrian Church. Ivu. ."if6.1 ?"rt WashlnBton avenuo, ad a'ljes mat nln- church ha rni..,i iat Jew members during the year. In the Bl we class there are 250 men enrolled, tho ;y!J'moet,n,r nttondanee has doubled SkhBn"g,",Lni',,8cJi.00.1 '""'" f, V 6iwiifl huh oeen conuuet S rna.lge S" 8ervlce3. With tho thought wlta nTOV0 .far ns P"We. tho re Cn .... ?. S,und?y camP'n- "a has J JlCDoU William Mulr Auld, A ' Ferry and John Grant Newman. ?ABubiiJI!?i reporr'-0'" cleroymen will S published on this pane- next Saturday. 'The "Billy" Sunday Bible Class CENTRAL TRUTH OF T0M0RR0W8 LESSON MpHI 18, 1915 International Series S3d rsalm.) Fellowship and By GEORGE G. Jiapnv fa tha man tnhn ran xlnn thLl I0 his heart. In nhlffhnnrl 41,4 .. nW..' J nlniiM ,wl. 7 ..,r..'.. -ri... .W speech, as otic of the classic gems challenged to nxako It is the philosophy of faith in an unseen Qod. This psalm teas written oy David, a man whoso Ufa experiences were moro varied than the winds. He soared to the greatest heights of regal splendor and achievement and spiritual ecstasy; he sank to the deep' est depths of despair sin, sorrow, poverty, persecution, faithless friends, were all his lot. He ran the full gamut from shepherd's staff to kingly sceptre,' he had moro experiences than the average life is allowed. And out of this great heart of experience comes this matchless song of faith in an unseen but unfailing Jehovah, The central truth is in the first verse "The tord is my shepherd; J shall not want," A shepherd is one to la followed by the sheep; tho sheep then will be "feU lmnfA" Tiif th itlianhnrd. All that this fellawshln ot the 4 o1g,nt,i9 Imn.Jt Va Mean provision, guidance, protection, comfort, all tho human needs for , ''o and eternity supplied. But the shepherd's fellowship Is conditioned pon the sheep's followshlp. i. sometimes it means to follow down into death's dark valley of trial, Vnere the "green pastures and still waters" are not seen, where there is p "prepared table of plenty," and where the angels of "goodness and wercy ,eWrt so jar awaik gn can y0U ting n jftj aark valley "The f-ord is my Bhepherd"T ' e once knew of a wait toAo, in direst poverty of earthly goods coal tin, purse and hrnml nnx rikntu. and without orosoeot of human aid sang Kcetly "The Lord is viy Shepherd; J " veil-ted infidels around him. He fvown to them. AND THEIR GABRIEL, SONG WIIITER, HERE WITH SUNDAY MEN Chicago Mnn and Mrs. Ashcr to Sing With "Rody" and Acklcy. Additional Interest has been aroused In tho concert to b9 given In Uraco Baptist Temple, Broad and Berka streets, for the benefit of the Philadelphia Homo and School League, on Monday evening, by tho announcement that Charles It. Ga briel, of Chicago, tho noted hymn writer, and Mrs. William Ashcr. of tho "Billy" Sunday party, will participate In tho pro gram. wl? Sr'R'nal Plan was for Prof. Homer i-'.. d h,caV"" f. Sunday's choir leader, Sii B,en.llojr ; AWoy. his secretary nnd Pinnut, tn render the concert without as sistance. Mrs. Mary V. Orlce, president or the Homo and School League, howover, has received Information from Mr. Itode hcavr to the effeot that Mrs. Asher nnd sir. Gabriel will accompany him nnd Mr Ackley to this city. 'THAT'S ANARCHY CRY CHILDREN AS SUNDAY WAVES RED BANNER "That's I. W. W.," "That's Emma," Kiddies Shout in Reply to "Billy's" Ques tion on Crimson Flag. rATERSON, N. J., April y.-"K(ddles" from all over North Jersey packed Billy ' Sunday's tnbernaclo this after noon, and watched him smash to pieces 10 China dolls which, ho said, stood for tho Ten Commandmonts. Ho waved tho flags of all tho nations on earth, Includ ing flags llko yellow nnd black and whlto nnd red lings, which belong to nono of tho nations on earth. Tho red Mag did it. Peterson's kiddles "now what tho red flag menns. So, when Billy" atood up at his pulpit and flaunt ed his red. flag and asked the children, "What's thnt7" tho kiddles cried, "That's anarchy." Somo of thorn, knowing Emma Goldman would bo In town tonight, elpcd, "That's Emma." And a few of them who had evidently heard of tho I. W. W shouted, "That's I. AV. W." It was really very funny. "Billy"' thought it was, for ho Just held his sides and laughed. Before he started his children's sermon. nnd taught tho kiddles, Just ns he did In Philadelphia, moro geography than an honest-to-goodncss school teacher could In a year, he was told that tho anarch ists had accelerated their plans In oppo sition to Sunday and that Emma Gold man, nccompanlcd by Dr. Benjamin Rclt man, who would be hero at 7:30 o'clock tonight and would go to tho tabernnclo to hear him. "Well," said "Billy," I'm glad to hear It. The moro the merrier. A little social gathering. Everybody wolcome. Wo'ro not putting nny armorplato on the taber nacle because tho lady Is coming. Sho Is ns welcome as tho tulips In April." If "Billy" hasn't yet won tho ndult population of Paterson, ho certainly has got very closo to tho henrts of tho city's children. Ho had them raising Just about the merriest sort of a din for moro than an hour this nfternoon. They liked him first rato ns ho broke his dolls and said that was the way that little boys that went fishing or played marbles on Sunday when they wero sent to Sunday school and then got Into lights and had their clothes all messed and told mother flbs about it, broko com mandants nnd grieved Jesus. Patorson's ministers and tabernacle at taches aren't In the most pleasant frnme of mind Imaginable today, for. though "Billy" has won 930 convertsc In three calls to tho train and the total collection for tho 11 days of his campaign to regene rate North Jersey amounts to nearly $11. &CO, no's not satisfied, and last night he sailed into tho aforementioned ministers and tabernacle workers In characteristic fashion. Ho hit them so hard they winced and nil but wept. Ho corraled them In one corner of tho tabernnclo nftcr the night meeting nnd gave them what he termed "a regular bawling out." Ho did much tho same thing In Philadelphia, but never so vehemently. He threatened, unless something happened, to say, "Paterson, I'm through." Ho said he was tired ot working with "dead ones." "Live ones" In every big city of America, to say noth ing of England, with tho possible excep tion of New York, were calling him to campaign for God. He gavo.Jhe clergy men tho very dickens, telling them to get down and mingle with tho tnbernacls crowds and ask people to hit tho trail. Bible Students to Meet Leaders of tho neighborhood Bible classes organized duilng tho "Billy" Sun day campaign and othor persons Inter ested In them have been extended an In vitation to attend a mass-meeting In St. Paul's Beformed Kplscopal Church, Broad and Venango streets, next Tuesday after noon, at o'clock, by Mrs. Kmlllo P. Kearney, supervisor of teacher training of tho County Sunday School Association. Tho purpose of tho meeting Is to dis cuss means for tho conservation of the work of tho revival, anfl at tho same time to have a sample lesson taught. Dr. Al fred Copo Garrett will be the teacher for tho meeting and Mrs. Kearney will speak. Fellowship DOWEY n.inlm nt infi. frnM thm fonf, of literature. In manhood wo are Us philosophy the rule of our lives tti-Hrn til in tha rnl nt fArt n.tlfm. shall not want." lie was a problem enjoyed an experience of fellowship EVENING EEPftlim-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 'APRIL WORKERS ANNIVERSARY OF THE WHOSOEVER MISSION Gcrmnntown nnd Chestnut Hill to Help Observe 22d Annual Celebration The Whosoever Gospel Mission nnd Bcseuo Homo Association, Kast Chelten .,.- nit:, vjuriimniowii, win ooservc us .U anniversary touny, tomorrow nnfl Mon day. Tomorrow tho churches In German town and Chestnut IIIU will hold special services in celebration of tho event, nnd rcscuo mission workers from all rarts of tho country will speak. Tho obscrvanco at tho mission will be gin tonight at 7:43 o'clock, whon tho Rov, II. P. I). Bennett and members of tho nun's club of tho Summit Prcsbytorlan inurcn win apeaK. Tomorrow aftornoon at 3:20 o'clcclc there will bo addresses by Mrs. n. M. Whlttcinorc, tho Itev. Gcorgu S. Avery and Miss Sara Wny. Music will be provided at this sorvlco by tho quar tet of tho Market Squaro Presbyterian Church. Tomorrow night John Grlbbel, presi dent of the Union League, and C. E. Bcury will be the speakers, nnd Miss Clara K. Fling will sing. The Itev. Dr. J. G. HnlUmond, super intendent of tho Bowery Mission. New York, will speak on Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Another speaker on that evening will bo the Bev. Dr. W. Barnes Lower, pastor of tho Wyncoto Presby terian Church. George W. Sanvlllo will Blng. William H. Scott Is tho president of tho Whosoever Mission. Ho will pre side tomorrow afternoon. The Bev. Dr. Alexnnder Henry will presldo thin eve ning: Frank Lenlte, vice president of tho mission, will preside tomorrow night, nnd John C. Winston will be In tho chair on Monday evening IJIDDLE BIBLE CLASS RALLY Civic and Education Subjects to Bo Discussed at Public Meeting. The fifth In tho Berlcs of civic and edu cational rallies, with addresses upon cur rent matters, will tako placo In Holy Trinity Parish House. 217 South 20th street, on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. A speclnl musical program will bo given and tho speakers will include tho Bev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomklns, rector of Holy Trinity; William T. Tllden, ox-presldeut of tho Union League, and John W. Town sind. Tho meeting will be open to the public. Reception Tendered Pastor A reception was tendered to the Bev. and Mrs. Robert Tyson, of tho Tnylor Memorial M. P. Church, Seventh nnd Hunting Park avenue. Tho churcn and assembly room wcro beautifully decorated with flowers and electric ornamentation. Tho Rov. Tyson nnd his wlfo havo ac complished great achievements in this new rising community. TO TELL OF WORK WITH MOSLEMS IN ARABIA Physician Wife and Daughter of Central High Man Will Wear Costumes. Tomorrow will bo Arabian Day at the Susquehanna Avenue Presbyterian Church, the Rev. It. Y. Jones, pastor. Two former Phlladelphlans, who aro In this country on a furlough after five years In the heart of the land of Moham med, will bo the speakers. They are tho Rov. E. P. Calverlcy and Mrs. Calverlcy, who is a medical missionary. At the morning service Mrs. Calverley and her baby daughter will appear In tho costumes of tho Arabian women and children, nnd Mrs. Calverley will tell of her experiences ns the only whlto woman among 50,000 Moslems in Kuweit, and the first woman physician they had ever seen. In tho evening the Rev. Mr. Calverley will preach an evangelistic sermon and Illustrate it with stories of his work among the Arabs. The Rev. Mr. Calverley spent his boy hood here and was graduated from the Central High School with the class of 11)02. He completed his training for tho ministry In Princeton University and the Princeton Theological Seminary. Mrs. Calverly was a resident here for four years whllo sho pursued a course of study In tho Woman's Medical College from which she was graduated In 190$, WKnBBHutmHRirm' ym LWfMm Jill liSfli ALLAN SUTHERLAND v JH SAMUEL J. WOODS KmLijtmkW$$Bffim. 'HSR w,"i&.-i MISSIONARY AND DAUGHTER FROM ARABIA Mrs. E. F, Calverley was first whlto woman among 60,000 Moslems. Her husband, the Eev. Mr. Calverley, la a Central jiiga man. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES LEADERS OF BIG SUNDAY john n mSS&Zs WANAMAfflCassgC '-; iaBms 'IlivA 11 w .SSi.Mbt L&SMil NSflHLIaSa H . E . RAI3LEY "GOSPEL CREW" WILL CONDUCT SERVICES Railroad Men of Y. M. C. A. at the 20th Street Methodist Church Tomorrow Afternoon. Tho "Gospel Crew," nn organization of railroad men nctlvo In religious work which has been organized In tho Spring Gnrden Branch of tho Philadelphia and Beading Young Men's Christian Associa tion, will conduct services In tho Twen tieth Street Methodist L'plscopal Church, 20th and Jefferson streets, tomorrow nft ernoon under the auspices of tho Men's Organized Blhlo Clnss. A special pro gram has been arranged and there will be excellent music. Much Interest In tho study of tho Bible is mnnlfost among tho members of tho "Trail-hitters' " Blblo Class In tho North Branch. It has an enrolment of 60 young men. most of whom nro present oach Friday evening when tho regular meeting iBKes place. Tho Rov. Dr. Walter B. Grcenuay Is the teacher. Tho Bev. H. W. Luckenblll. pastor of the Ninth Street Evangelical Church, will be the speaker at tho North Branch men's meeting tomorrow nfternoon nt 4 o'clock. Mrs. C. Rldny, of tho Simpson Memorial Methodist Church, will be the soloist. Members of the North Boys' Bible Classes will hold a Joint celebration which formally closes the Blblo study season, on Tuesday evening. CENTRAL MEN'S MEETING. "How Somo Business Men Did Good Work," Is tho title of an address to be given at the 4 o'clock meeting In the Cen tral Branch Y. M. C. A. tomorrow after noon by tho Rev. Milton H. Nichols. A special program of music will bo given, including selections by tho Florence Huenlo String Quartet, composed of Flor ence Haenle, Emma Wolf, Carrie Broy ana Muriel uraKe. .menard E. Wilson, promoter of service, will lead tho meet ing and singing. The drop-In class, Thomas L. Lawton. teacher, will meet at 3 o'clock In the lobby, following 13 min utes of music. Central Branch shop meeting speakers havo been announced as follows for next week: Tuesday, tho Rov. II. J. Baldwin nt the Bemcnt Miles plant; Wednesday, Georgo Long nt Packard shop; Thurs day, the Rov. J. P. JJehren at the Wil liam Sellers Company plant, and Friday, David Hughes at the John C. Winston Company. A new class on blackboard illustration for Christian workers In Sunday school clubs and settlements has been orgnnlzed In the Central Branch. It meets each Monday night at 8 o'clock with Miss Florence Darnell as tenchcr. At tho West Brunch Y. M. O. A. Dr. Philip H. Moore will speak at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Sermon for Darby Lodgemen The Rev. David Tully, tho oldest clergy, man performing active pastoral duties In Pennsylvania, now pastor of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church, will preach tho annual sermon, marking tho 96th an niversary of the Independent Order of Odd Feljows In Darby on April 26. Orders from nearby towns will attend tho services. Doctor Tully has been In pas toral work for 63 years. SCHOOLS Trinity reformed ends its most successful year North Philadelphia Church to Mnrk Dedication Annivcrsnry. Trinity ltcformcd Church, tho Bov. Dr. J. Jr. H. lsenbcrg, minister, will eclebrato Its most successful year tomorrow when It will also observo tho third nnnlversary of tho dedication of tho church at Broad nnd Vcnnngo streets. During tho year 181 persons havo been ndmlttcd to mem bership, almost doublo tho normal in creaBe. Most of theso nro ndults, and Doctor lsenbcrg gives tho "Billy" Sunday campaign credit for about half of them. Slnco tho dedication of tho new church, In 1912, Doctor Isonberg has received 430 new members. Tho church now has nn enrollment of about 1000 members, nnd Its Sunday school Is one of tho leaders In thn city. Thcro aro 1200 pupils In tho school, of which Harry E, Paisley, treasurer of tho Beading Itullroad. Is superintendent. Doctor Isonberg gives much credit to Mr. Paisley and other men of tho school and church for the success of his work. Tomorrow tho annual thank offering will be received. In tho morning tho Bev. Dr. John H. Crugh, of Pittsburgh, will preach, and In tho evening Walter W. Wood, gcnernl secretory of tho Philadel phia T.,M. C. A., will ho tho speaker. NEGRO REVIVAL TO E'ND Evangelist Wilbanks Will Conclude Services a Week From Tomorrow. Tho Rev. Alexander AVIlIbnuks, tho negro evangelist, who has conducted a succobsful campaign in tho Vnrlck Bap tist Temple, 10th and Cathnrlno streots, during the last seven wMks, will hold his last services each night noxt wcok. On Saturday night he will pleach a sermon for a whlto audience. Ho will tako for his topic nt his closing .services a week from tomorrow night, "The Resurrection." During his campaign in this city the Rev. Mr. Willbnnks has led 12W men and women to profess conversion, nnd about double that number havo taken his hand nnd declared their Intention to lend better lives. Local Option Rally Tomorrow A local option rally .will bo held to moirow nfternoon, nt 4 p. in., at the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, :0th and Diamond streets. Among tho npcak ers will be Muglstrato Robert Carson, Dr. Philip II. Mooro and the Buy. Dr. II. Clay Ferguson, who will preside. Austin Miles will sing. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Collector of lhe Port William II. Herry will on Sunday afternoon havo charge of tho CJoa pul incotlntr that la to bn held at tha Darby Theatre, lie Hill at that time make nn uo drtrss on "Obedient to the Heavmly Vision." Thore will bo a lurRo attendnncn or the local patriotic and social organization, atj ucll s the lllbld classea nnd the nro companies. Tho Itev. Dr. rtuaaell II. Cnnnell will preach at tho morning and evening cervices In tho HnptlH Temple, Hraad and llerki trootx. to morrow. A icrvlco for the conecratlon of In fants will be hold la the morning (lertrude Hay lien Fernley will oalt tho ihnrua In tho ovonlng. Tho fiov. A. K. Harris, assnclato pastor, Is conducting a Forled of lllblo study meetings open to the public, on Wednesday nights. The nev. William Stulr Auld, pastor of 'al vary Presbyterian Church, will preach on "Tho Habitation of Oo.l" nt tomorrow morning's service ami in me evening on ixwaing unto Jesus," There will be a mldneek service on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Thn Hev. Dr. Carl K. Orammer, rector of St. Stephen's Kplsconol Church, will give a lecture nn tho Gojpels at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. At the first flutch rternrmei! Church the rtov. Dr. James I. flood will preach an his torical cermon at If) .ID o'clock In tliu morn ing, and the naslnr. the Itev. John . Hicks, will be tha pieacher In tho evening. Tho Hev Charles W. llurv ey will preach In the Church of tha New Jerusalem (Sweden borglan) tomorrow morning on "Purgatory" and fn tha evening on "Hell What? Why? Whero?" W. K cooper will he the speaker at the University of Pennavlvanla, service In Houston Hall tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Eltrabeth llonner will be the soloist "In Another Form" will be the BUbJert of a sermon by the Rev. Milton Harold Nichols, pastor of the Covenant Methodist Kptsiopnl Church, tomorrow morning, nnd In .ho evening he will preach on "Slaying niants." Alfred W. Martin will address the Kthlcal Culture Society and the public In the llrnad Street Theatre tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock on "The Supreme Poem on the Philosophy of Life." The Jiev. ur. j. uoveriage, pastor of St. Paul's rresbytcrlan Church will preach at tho morning servlco In his church tomorrow morning, and In the evening tha preacher will be tho Itev. Dr. Charles Scatilon, of Pittsburgh Tho Itev. C. U. 8t. John will preach In tho First Unitarian Courclt tomorrow morning on "The Heirs of God." The service begins at 11 o'clock. The Itev. Augustine DeoJI Ohol. of Ilombay, will address the Presbyterian ministers In Westminster Hall on Monday morning nn "Problems of the Church In India " The Itev Mr Ohol Is hero In order that Mrs. Ohnl may completo a course of study In the Woman a Medical College before returning to work for the elevation of the women of her own race. The Rev. Oeorge Chalmers Richmond will preach tomorrow morning In St John's Epis copal Church on "The Highest Joy," and In thu evening his subject will be "Is It Possible for a Twentieth Century Man to l.lve as Christ Teaches?" The latter sermon will be the first In a series on "Christianity and Modern Civ. llsatton" to oe given inrougn May. The Rev. Harry II. Crawford, pastor of the Hermon Fresbyterlan Church. Frankford, will begin a series of evening sermons tomorrow night entitled "Plain Sermons on Great Subjects." Going to Send the Family to the Shore This Summer? If so. It Is high time for you to give active thought to a location. This year the demand will bo un usually large and earlier than here tofore. Whether you want a furnished apartment or cottage or board, and room at any hotel or private house. Ledger Central can help you. A fpeclal investigator U now at Atlantic City and will find what you want If Ledger Central does not have it on file. Similar service can be rendered on other New Jericy resort. Tell Ledger Central about your re quirements now. There l no charge. 17, 1016: OF ALL DENOMINATIONS PHILADELPHIA IS LEADER IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF WORLD About 300,000 Persons En rolled for Bible Study. Bethany Takes the Lead, With Simpson, in Ken sington, Second. Philadelphia's Sunday schools lead tho world. There aro moro men, women nnd children In the locnl schools than In nny other city, nnd tho last year has seen a remarkable growth In their memberships. The schools also havo the greatest en rolment of men of any city. Thero nre now more than GO.Cm) men In tho Ulblo classes, nlinost -lO.OuO of whom were ob tained through tho campaign of the Itev. fJcorgn G. Dovvey, organizer of Dlblo classes for the "Ullly" Stindny campaign. Tho total enrolment of tho school has leached nearly SOO.WO persons this year, nn Increase of moro than 75,000 during tho last two years. JJesldes tho pupils thero nro nbout -1,000 men nnd women nctlvcly engnged n superintendents, teachers and In other work of tho schools. This great enrolment of tho Philadelphia schools contrlbute.i so heavily to tho enrolment of tho Pennsylvania schools that Secre tary AV". G. Uindes, of the State associa tion, reports that 41 per rent, of tho In ternational enrolment Is In tho Keystone atntc Philadelphia not only leads In tho total enrolment, but It also leads tho world for tho number ot exceptionally largo schools. Tho Sunday school of Bethany Presbytcrlnn Church, I2d and Halnbrldge streets, of which John U'annmaker U superintendent, has almost 4000 persons on lis rolls, the InrgeRt recorded by tho International Sunday School Association. Associated with Mr Wannmakcr In con ducting tho affairs of this school aro four nssoclato superintendents. They nro Rob ert M. Coylo, tho Rev. William Graham, Alexander Gnmble and F. G. Gallagher. KENSINGTON TAKES LEAD. Tho second largest school In tho city nnd the largest of the Methodist Church Is thnt of the Simpson Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Kensington avenuo and Cambria street. Samuel T. Woods is superintendent ot this school. Tho schools of tho Kensington section nf tho city load from point of membership those of nny oilier section ot I'liiiadeipnia, Among tho other big schools besides tho Simpson in Kensington nro the Slloam School, of which John Baker Tuttlo Is tho superintendent; thn East Baptist, which Is supervised by Harry K. Walter, and tho Summerfleld Church school, of which Dr. Henry Fisher 1b superintendent. Mr. Raker's school has about 1000 mem bers; thero nro more than 1000 In tho school of tho East Baptist Church, and tho Summerfleld School has ono of the largest enrolments In tho northeast. ST. PAUL'S ONE OF BIGGEST. Other largo schools In tho city lncludo that with St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, with tho Rev. Dr. F. E. Doger as superintendent, which has an enrol ment of moro than 1D00; tho school of tho Trinity Reformed Church, with 1200 mem bers, In charge of If, E. Paisley aa super intendent; tho Tioga Presbyterian School, superintended by Allan Sutherland, hav ing nn enrolment of about 1000 persona; tho Fletcher Methodist School, John M. Doran superintendent, with nn enrolment of nbout 1100; the Cooper Memorial Meth odist School, C. L, Kinsley superintend ent, which has about 1200 members; the Hollond Memorial Presbyterian School. Henry A. Walker superintendent, with nn enrolment of nbout 1000; Bethany Tem ple Presbyterian, John Greenwcll super intendent, which has moro than 1600 en rolled, nnd tho school of the Temple Lutheran Church, Howard W. Clair super intendent, with moro thnn 1W0 pupils. RUSSIAN MUSICAL SERVICE Thero will bo n unique musical service tomorow afternoon nt 4 o'clock In the Church of St Luke nnd the Epiphany, 13th street bolow Spruce. In which tho numbers will comprise tho cntlro pto gram ot features ot Russian music, prnc tlcally all of which have been translated and transposed for use In tho American church within tho last year. This Is virtually a repetition of tho re cital of Passion music given In this church by this notable choir on tho Wed nesday evening of Holy Week. The Rev. David M. Steele will make an address and thero will bo the usual instrumental features of organ, harp and violin. REI.IGIOUK NOTICES Ilnptlst BAITIST TEMPLE. Broad and Berks. Rtusell II. Convelt win preach Morning. 10:DO. Blblo School. 2:.".0. Evg., 7:15. OUHTRUDE HAYMJN PhltNELEY ulll nualst In the evening. Organ Recital, 7.13. Vv'm. Powell Twaddell, M. D. ' CHESTNUT "STREET BAITIST CHUUClt CheHtmit St. west of 40th. GEORGE D. ADAMS, D D.. Pastor. 0 4. Brotherhood of A. and P. 10 ftO a. m. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. 2 30 p. m. Blblo School and Men's Bible Union. 7 4 p. m Worship and Sermon by Pastor. Ilrelhrrn FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN l Bunker). Cor. Carlisle and Dauphin sta. Preaching 10'3C a. m. and 7:43 p, m. Sunday Sohool 2to p. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening. Disciples of Clirlnt THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lancaster ave., holly -ml Aspen sta. T. E. WINTER Pastor, in A T. S. Dreiel llldillr Illbla Classes DREXEL IJIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Welcome tn our civic rally In Holy Trinity Parish Houo. ai7 South tn.h nt.. on Thurs day night. Spenkera, Rev. Dr. Tomklns, Hon. William T. Tllden nnd John W. Tovvnsend No collection or carda of admission. Come. Ethical Culture MR. ALFRED W. MARTIN on "Tho Sunreme Poem nn tha Philosophy of Light. Broad Franklin Home FFRANKHN"HOMEPO'rt THE"TiE"fSITmX TION OF INEBRIATES. 01I-1.1 Locust at Sunday, 8 p. m. Services conducted by Rev W. C Alexander, Lutheran MESSLAII LPfHERAN " "The Friendly Church," Kith and Jefferunn sts . DANIEL E. WEIGLE. Pastor, Will preach, 10-30 and 7.46. At the evening service orchestra, organ and revival hymns. TABERNACLE, noth and Spruca Wm. J.' MIL" Itr Jr 104 7:4.1. 8 B.. :n d. rn. HELL: WHAT? JVhai the New Christiw,.Church .has to say on this important subjeat,': '. SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL 18th, 1915, AT EIGHT qJCLOCK By the REV. CHARLES W. HARVEY ' In the Church of the New Jerusalem, 22d and Chestnut Sts, Everyone Welcome. Spcoial Music. No Collection, To JoUqui,' Sunday, April 25; "The LortJIg Second Coming, When and Howl" Tll sastasiOsafaNsatis)i ARCHBISHOP TO OFFICIATE AT COUNErtSTONE LAYlKO Silver Jubilee of St. BonaycntUfa Pfir tali and Flag-rnlslnp; Tomorrow AlSo. Soveral events of special Interest to) Catholics will take place In Philadelphia tomorrow. Among the most Important will bo the laying of tho cornerstone ot the new chapel nt Oak Lane fqr tho Carmelite nuns, the silver jubilee tb servance of tho parish of St, Be.naven tura, Bill and Cambria streets. And a flag- raising ceremony nt the parish school of the Italian congregation ot Our Ldy of the Angels, nt 51st street and .Lan caster avenue. The latter service will tnko place at 4 o'clock In tho afternoon. Tho original plans were to lay the, cor ncrstonn for tho beautiful new Carme Itto chapel In Oak Lane In December, but a storm on that day caused a postpone ment until tomorrow. Archbishop Pren dergnst will officiate at the ceremonies, which nro scheduled to begin at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Tho Jubilee services of St. Bonavcn turn's parish will begin at 10:45 o'clock In tho morning, when Archbishop Premier gast wilt presldo nnd Bishop McCort wilt celebrate Pontifical Mass. Tho sermon on this occasion will bo preached by tho Rov. Henry Stommel, rector of St. Al phonsus' Church, which organized St. Bonaventura's, In tho ovcnlng thero will bo Solemn Vespers, at which the Itev. Theodora Hammekc, roctor of Bt. Ig natius' parish, will preach. Father Hu bert Hammeko, rector of St. Bonaven tura's. is a brother to tho prencher for the Solemn Vespers service. Ho will bo given a reception on Monday evening In honor of his pastorate at St. Bonaven tura's. ltnf.IOIOL'S NOTICES Methodist Knlsropal ....... .. uf uw LUVKNANT Spruce and Eighteenth its. MILTON HArtOM) NICHOLS. MlnUter, 10 80 VOR8lllt AND SERMON, "IN AN OTHER T'QItM." T.46 rmiOHT. POPULAR SBItVICE, 1IKAUTV UINOlNO BEItMON THEME, "SLAYING GIANTS." A Cordial Welcome to Strsngtn. New Jerusalem (Styedenborglan HELL- WHAT? WHY? WHERE?" Lectur by Ilov. cnarles w. IMrvjy- in tne Cnuroti of tl.e New Jrrurakm. 22d and Cbeatnut sta.. Sunday evcnlne at 8 o'clock. Special music. No collection, "PUnQATOrtY" Is tlin subject of tha mcrntnB'a Sormon, bv tho paator. Service at 11 o'Ooclc. Sunday School at 0:.10. All Beam are free. Everybody la wtlcoma. I'reabyterlan ARCH 8T. CHURCH, 18th nnd Arch. Itnv CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNET. 10'45 "One of Llfo'a Forgotten Rulea." 7 MO Orjtan nectlal. soo "Llfn'a Oreateat Victory." 12.00 m. Man's Class, taught by Prof. J, W. I'atton. GREEN HILL, Cllrard ave. above ICth. Treachlng at 10:flO and T:4S. Music under direction ot Mr. John Dyson, organist. Bible ma is, -an. ini'K. 3:trl nnd WhArton ata. n'.'.!r.. P?ys .r nitAv unt.TON. n. n. nv. VV1L,L1A41 TAYI.OR CALDWELL, Aaalatant 10: a. tn riflv. Mr. iT.ildwell will nreacth. 7:4. . m.. Dr. Bolton. Subject, "Jeaua tha Just JudRv." I ST. PAUL. PRESnYTERIAN CHURClt j Baltlmorn nvo.. corner Mth at. ' Rrv. J. DEVURIDQE LEE, D. D.. Mlntater. 10:45 a. m. I'ubllo Worship. Sermon by Dr. Lee. 2 .in p m Oradfd Bible School. 7: IS p. m. Evening Worahlp. Sermon by nav. Charlea Scanlon, D. D of Pittsburgh. Solo quartet choir morning and evenlnr. All seats Irea at all Bcrvlcea. Protestant Episcopal CHURCH OP THE HOLY APOSTLES 21HT AND CHRISTIAN 8TS. nev. GEORGE HERBERT TOOP, B. D.. Hector. t:txi a. m. Holy Communion. lo::io a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2:30 p. m. Sundny School and Bible Classes. 7:rj) p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. OLD ST. JOHN'S, Brown below 3d Ur. Rich- mond preaches tomorrow. 10:30 and 7MB. PARISH OP ST. I.UKB AND THE EPIPHANY 3th St. below Spruce. REV. DAVID M. STEELE. Rector. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 n. in. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 4 p. m. Serv Ico of Russian music Organ, harp und violin prelude. Interlude and pott ludo. Tho Rector will preach. EPIPHANY CHAPEL 17th and tiummrr Streets, fla. m. Holy Communion. 1 1 a. in. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2-4S p. m. Sunday School. .... s p. m. Evening prayer and Address. ItaT. IV. Arthur Warner will preach. ST. MAIIK'S CHUllt:il t Uith nnd Locust ats. Tho Rev. ELLIOT WHITE. Rector. SUNDAY. 7 nnd R-Holy Communion, in 'in Matins. It Choral Eucharist 4 Choral Evensong, with ahnrt addreaa an! Anthem, followed by Organ Recital. The Rector will preach on Sunday at 11 a. m. WEEKDAY 8ERVIOES 7. 7.45 and p n. m. and ft p. tn. Iho Lllunv will be said and Intercessions for reace made on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11' m Thursdays and Saints' Days additional cela brajtlnn, Q'10 a. m T. BTEPilEN'8 CHURCH 10th st. above Chestnut st. Rev. CARL E. ORAMMER, S. T. D., IjKtor. Sunday Services. 10:15 a. m.. Holy Com munion, 11 n m., morning prayer and ser mon: 4 p. m , evening prajor and address. In tha afternoon tho Rector Is glylnc a courso of lectures on tho "Gospels." The Rector will preach at both servlco. Henry Oordon Thunder, Organist. Reformed FIRST N. A., 13lh and Dauphin. Rav. JOHN D. HICKS, Paator, 8 p. m. Sunday SohooL J::t0. Rev. James I. Good, D, D Historical sermon. 10 .10 a. m Reformed Episcopal OUR REDEEMER. 10th and Oxford Dr. (Dar nel t 1U-.10, S:10 nnd 8. Evenlnr, "Tba Future Makes Cowards of Ua All." Bvvedenborgtan BEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH. 21S3 Chestnut b. Rev. C E. ST. JOHN, Minister. 30 a. m, Sunday School. Children and adults Invited. It a in The minister will preach on 'Tt Heirs of God. GIRAltb AVE. (152n.-10:, Mr. Bern Nowman, "Community Responsibility for Fo.-lal Endeavors." 7:45, Rev. T. W. IUman, "Spiritual Ditto of Religious Liberals." Unlverlty nf Pennsylvania VESPER SERVICE. -I.0 o'clock. Houston Hull. Anareis Ington. lololt. Hull. Address by W K, Cooper, of Wash. ansa riiuaoeui uonsir. Young Men's Christian Association REV SlILTON II NIOHOLa In 'address AT.n'M Mssltnr. 4 d. m.. In auditorium. Bo. rial muslo by Florence llsenla String Quar tet Drop In Clsss, 3 p. m.. In lobby. Strangers specially welcome, Mutlo and Eeod lesson nENEVOI.ENT ASSOCIATIONS 'IIIU SALVATION ARMY. Inc. Philadelphia Headquarters. Colonial Trust Building, 13th and Ulrkst. Colonel R. E. HoU In command. Telephones; Bell, Walnut 8153-4. Keystone. Rao 6123 A. WHY? WHERE?
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