ii'.i.t!i9tj.-imtnmv.m.,r,im nti.imm wapjwwrai Q,t,.fi')fF?iimmmmi,W'. IW'rlilplWMptPI FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA iErtrger NIGHT EXTRA U0 IKO. 18 vol PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL I !), MM".. -A'nrtmoiiT, lnlS, st TntroM.io Lijnorn CottrAM. PRICE ONE CENT i npupiwpn w iwwwmmm ,m'j' tcuem Germany aims sea and air attack on britain; austrian . envoy's family quits rome Raiser's Master Stroke Against Hated Foe Awaited by London Every Available Submarine Ordered Out to Cripple English Fleet Battleships 1 and Cruisers to Follow. 'Flotilla of Torpedoboats and Squadron of Warships ' Sighted in North Sea Italy on Verge of Long-expected Break With Former Teutonic Allies Nego ' tiations Over Land Cession a Failure Rumanian I 'Statesman rieuww vvcii laiiy in mciy. p Aliofier rfcTflopmcuf of tifi irnr o rco:J Importance is lir action of the biustrtin Ambassador at Home in scitdiiiii his family, as well as the. art'hivci '- the Embassy, to Vienna. I'arls dispatches declare that this is regarded P., Indicating that the long awaited break between Italu and Austria Is about CM materialize, l.ondnn hears from Vienna that the staff nf the Italian .'Hi fi nil Is preparing to leave anil that tear Is regarded as Inevitable. In coii Ktmatloit of this belief a Rumanian statesman Is quoted as sailing that both IIL oicii country and Italy will enter the war early in May. W Germany is preparing its aerial and submarine forces for a terrific attach .' .. . r, ...,i. miiI nrcnrdlmi to the general belict In London. The recent ti ii in the operations of the undersea -I Heie craft arc being concentrated for fj. , web's aerial raids are regarded as preparation for heavier work. W fcEBMAXY AIMS NKW ATTACK BY SKA AMI HI It " wnui LONDON, April 19. German) 'a master stroke against Kng- !Und-a comlilncil nttuck by sea and a u i, believed I" be Imminent. Accord ng i o aMce hero toilny. the Hernial. Ad foMUy l endliiB nisiilnHl the Brills C" every available submarine, with CUnUon of crippling ' .. Brl tah FJert If possible, planning to fo low this ?..... Jim. ,. ..other liv the Fatherlands 'most powerful battleships and cruisers. nhltC' ZCPPC MIS nilCI mOlll.uirn ."-"1 'Il.br assailing the coast formications Mid inlaml towns. AnAnistcrdam dispatch state that Hvn German lorpedolioats were sighted near North Hinder Lightship by the captain of i London steamship on Sunday, while a Newcastle vessel sighted severa torptiio I'oala and four submarines 23 miles north west of ymuldcn steaming ttost-- . , l Trawlers just returned to r.uK...... ."" towns report that a llotltln. of small wnr 'ihlps, believed to bo Germans. Is cruls- Ins In the Norm fea. tlhe forte of special constables called 19 .duty following the Zeppelin raid near London is still held In readiness for ': - I rr..n..n ii.nii n llfnVV fOg i.ciiicrfiviii.ic.'.. inv-.c ...... lover the Channel and North Sea today, end It is possible that the Herman ueum Beet may take ndvnntnKe of this. ?Tn-o new Zeppelins arc leporled to have irrlved at Hnissels, whilo all the Ger man aeroplanes formerly at Braafthact hive been transferred to Antwerp. THE WEATHER I h, UNSETTLED f Kin contlnulni; our previous thought as to whether or not, on the whole, weather iptt or does not matter enormously in toe general scheme of things, wo come to contlderntlon of Ilriggs' friend, the K!rr- We said, did we not. that Ufa and death. If thi tvnlt fnr nn mnn. neither dl Btsy uir much over illlss" forecast? Bn"l the genius golfus Is n genuine aub- .unuauon of that theory. You Know xno Ife-and-death nsnect of a well-laid Btvinle " not a cartoon Josh. Wo have In our urnipy contemplation of the Iloyal anu Ancient Pnstlfntt nenn the miss of a two- Uxt putt pile 10 years Into the life of the "r in in seconds, just line mat. .Mere jicainer, you understand, cannot hold us ,n against competition like that. The rt remains they play rain or shine. So, Jblle earnestly trying to maintain the fllffnltt. r. !.- . .1 ll,.. t., 1... k?'', ui iiie iiiiir ui huh uaiiy bpiei ii !"litng upon It as u supreme cotiBldera tIoiy we will have to set them up In the nmr auey as far nsgolf la concerned. Ujumover, we would not mind a game "pelf today. FonnoAsr fpr Philadelphia and vicinity: Un- J'Cl this afternoon, with possibly Wenhowera; generally fair tanlnht U4 I'ucsday; mild temperatures; mod Ujale tclmls, mostly southwest. 9r details, see page S. Observations at Philadelphia a A f ISfWeter M.Tfl iMrature 58 SJ"1"- South, 10 inllea iafc'fon'ia.t sY hour.:.::.,::::.:.-:.c!lNoni "Mimum temperature JO On the Pacific Coast g Francl.co, , ...Weather, cloudy; temp., 52 jJDeso ...... ...Wtalher) cloudy; temp., 58 Almanac of the Day i ittfc (... . ? ......,...... . . 0:43 p.m. ,. 5:15 H.ni. ..U.OS a.m. ISS? eta tomcrrgw... ' Lamps to Be Lighted j . and other vehicle ...7:00 p. m. The Tides POUT RICHMOND. Water evTwa... . " 5:20 p. in. 1JJI a. in. . . 6:1 a.m. BS3. !ler tomorrow . . . OHLSTSl V ITHEKT WHARf. L ftairr 5:08 p. m. y2-.iai.ia. i-Jt a.m. Inifalfr t niioriow .'!.' ''.'.'.'. kt tomonow RKEDV ISLAND. t ter gag P- W- s.-at a. ui. . a :11a.m. ii '4lfl I tomorrow otqi row f fcin KRKAKWAt'HIL I C3 vvl rJJ jLafL. tin "tt. orcorrow boats is accepted as an Indication Hint a sudden descent upon Kngtnnd, while having been merely reconnaissances in . AUSTRIAN AND ITALIAN ENVOYS KKADY TO LKAVK I.ONPON, April 10. A dispatch tn the Kxchiiiigi- Ti'legriiiili Company says Hint It is lepnrted fioM Vienna that a war lietwcnn Austria and Italy Is Inevitable in the near futuie. 'Ill" staff or th Italian Kmliassj In Vienna is preparing to leave. I'AIIIS. April 1!. IJ.i i on Von Macchlo, Austrian Ambassa dor to Italy, has sent his family and the archives of the embassy tn Vienna from Home, according lo a disputed from the Italian capital today. Tills new and other development!) In dicate Hint Italy Is on the brink of war. While leports of it clash between Italian and Austrian troops at the fron tier are unconllinied. It Is understood that war will come fiom Just such nn Indl dent. The Italian Cabinet Ministers ore holding dally conferences. Hope Benedict XV. and Emperor Krnncls Jnscpli aio ex changing letters. Prlnre von Bnclow's negotiations for Austrian concessions to Italy are reported to have been broken orr. The dispatch announcing the departure of the Austrian Ambassador's family fiom Rome states that Baron von Mac chlo Is remaining with only one servant and the Embassy's Chancellor. I The Petit Parislen dilutes a prominent Ktatesmaii nf Ituinanla as saying: "Italy will light wltli the Allies. Po will Rumania. We shall enter the war simultaneously with Italy. We are nego tiating the linnl dctnllH nf our agreement with Italy and awaiting her linnl mllltnry preparation!!. I expect action to begin early in May." v. RO.MK. April 13. Notwithstanding Gel ninny's efforts, Italy and Austria have failed to reach an agreement Willi reference to territorial concessions. This Is learned from an I authoritative source. Many reports have been current re specting the proposals said to have been made by influential Austrinns anxious to preserve peace with Italy, for the tem porary disposition ot tno province oi Trent, provided Austrln consented to cede It to Itnlly. The latest proposal, accord ing to these reports, was that the terri tory bo ceded to the Pope and that the Pontiff turn the territory over to Itnly ufter the war. Prince von Huelnw. the German Ambas sador at Home, is said to havo frowned upon this suggestion, because he feared that It would he a new source of friction between Austria and Itnly, something which he hail been striving to eliminate. GOiNUREflATIOtVATi CIjEROYMBN PRAISB WORK OF SUNDAY HERB Resolve to Send Him Letter Indors ing Campaign and Results. Congregutlonnl clergymen of Philadel phia today voted to send "Billy" Sunday a letter or resolution advising him that they Indorse his campaign recently con ducted In this city, and testifying to Its value for the religious anil moral ad vancement of the community. The action was taken following a dis cussion of articles printed In newspapers In which statements were mude that In dicated the Congregntlonalists considered tde campaign u failure. None of the speakers desired it understood that he was opposed to Mr. Sunday, unci all those who hnd spoken last week expressed a desire that the evangelist should not be led to believe that they or the Congre gational churches of the city criticised the work he had dono here. The Jtev. Kdwln Rice, one of the clergymen who has no charge and was recorded as saying some or tney uncom plimentary things nbout the campaign, declared ' that he believed Mr. Huuduy had done much good, but that he did not think the churches had received as great gains directly from the campaign as they had anticipated. Tho Rev. William II. Medlar, modera tor of the association, who presided and had much to say In praise of "nilly" Sunday, epoke on his trip with the local option forces to Harrlaburg to attend the public hearing on the Williams local option bill. Ho praised Governor Brum baugh for his stand, and criticised the Rev. Mr, Von Bosse, of Wilmington, the Lutheran clergyman who spoke against the bill. One of the ministers asked Mr. Medlar concerning the minister of the gospel who had spoken for the (Iquor dealers, and In reply, the moderator said; "He made a mesa of himself. He eyl dtntly was hired by the liquor crowd. I believe he did the booze men more harm than good." Automobile Crank Breaks His Arm A backward turn of the crank handle of hla aut6mobll broke the rlsht arm of George Spee. first vice president of the George B. Newton Coal Company, while he waa erankln- the car at Chelten and Wayne avenue HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS GET PRACTICAL OFFICE: EXPERIENCE P3MWJMmWlfiiW& lbsSSM83Mg Mie Knthryn Wurst, Idn Mayer nntl Edith Price nt work in Ilounl of Kducnthm rooms i Stock ExcliiinRC ltuililini;. They arc students nt the William Pcnn llijh School and mo learning how to put theories into prnctice by doing this actual office work. N. Y. MINISTERS CHEER SUNDAY AS HE LASHES THEM UNMERCIFULLY Doesn't Give " T h r e e Whoops This Side of Per dition" Whether He Gets Call From Gotham or Not, Is Opening Thrust. ImilM A HTAHM'illinKSIIIMiKVr. I Ni:V YORK. Apiii I'.i.-'MJIII.C Sunday is in Gotham and he is ilpiilng Inln New York's brand nT devils for all lie Is worth, lie Is particularly concerned with the devils In the pulpits and pews or the great tity's chinches. And lie doesn't can-"three- whoops this side of penlltlnil" whether he gets a call tn cumpulgii in New Yolk or not, Ho spoko tn moit' Hum h'lO or t lie city's most prominent cleigjmen at Baptist Cal vary Church, on "7th mi ret, today, and he laid down the evangelistic law li them In "liiinest-to-giioilness" "Hilly" fashion. Before he started in. and not mure than three minutes after he, "Mn" mid .lack Cardiff bail left the limousine In which they came heie Troiii Paterson, "Hilly." grinning all over, wassiiylng: "Don't ou ministers think for one min ute that I have cinne here to talk lo you to disarm your prejudices against inc. Let me pi'l It to you straight. I wouldn't go across the slieet looking for a cull to conduct a revival In New Vnik. If God tails me. well and good. I would take God's call. Now lei me hand you a few plain truths." GIVEN GREAT OVATION. Tile 1.1i) cleigymen, scores of students from the Drew and I'nion Theological Seminaries, pinmincnt laymen and their wives, who had been sitting nearly an hour milting for "Hllly's" arrival, leaped to their feet when'hc entered the church mid all but splinted down the aisles. They gave him a great reception, every one or them arising, applauding and cheering. Two policemen and n half dozen detcc thes escorted "Billy" Into the church. He lumped upon the platform, shook hands with the Rev. G. V. Wenner, the ('iiiiihidnl nn 1'iiki' Ti. Ciiliimn Sit SAYS EVIL RESULTS FOLLOW SUNDAY HERE New York World Writer Says Third of "Converts" Gave False Names. NKW YORK, April 19. Much comment was excited among clergymen and laymen of this city who have been watching "Billy" Sunday's spectacular riso in the church world by an article appearing this morning In tho New York World, in which It is asserted that of l,ri "Irall-hltters"' won by the evangelist in Philadelphia almost one-third gave false names or were "repeateis," who were converted, "backslid" and professed repentance again. Director of Public Safety Porter, of Philadelphia, Is quoted to show that crime Increased during tho revival cam paign, and the assertion Is made that the saloon business Is "back to normal, with tango restuurnnts using 'Brighten the Corner Where You Aie' for a two-step." The article appeals under a Philadel phia da,te line and was wiitten by .i special stuff correspondent, who observes that Philadelphia has passed Judgment upon "Billy" Sunday sooner than the evangelist anticipated, mid asserts that 12,000 conversions were fictitious nnd that "only SO per cent, oi inose wno siirneu Concluded on 1'uire Thii, Column i'lvo OPTOMETRISTS WIN SUIT Supreme Court Upholds Decision Ex empting Them From Examination. Optometrists, are not Included In the category of "Drugless Healers," They are not subject to the rules and regula tions of the State Bureau of Medical Kxamluation and Licensure, and tho State cannot require opticians to pass a certain fixed examination. This was the decision of Hie Supreme Court today, confirming the decision of Judge Wlllaon, of Court of Common Pleas No. 1, handed down some time ago In the light waged by members of the State Association of Optometrists against certain attempted exactions of the State Board. The Supreme Court also continued Judge WHUon's ruling that the acts of assembly invoked by the State board to Include optometrists lu the yategory of "Drugless Healers" was unconstitutional as applying to eyeglass men who prac ticed no branch of surgery or medicine. It was said that the work of optome trists consists In finding defects In the vision by mechanical means and the use of certain measuring instruments and glasses. If any suspicion of disease In the ees exist, the patients are referr4 tj; a physician or opulut. MTOSIHS DENIES REPORTED ESTRANGEMENT FROM WIFE Democratic Chairman Refuses to "Dignify" Story by Reply. NEW YORK, Aim II W.-Dcnlnl that lie and Ills wife have separated or bine con templated divorce, as was said In n slory primed todn. was made by William !'. McCninbs. chairman of Hit! Di'miicratle Nntlnnal Committee, nt his office nt 9t Broadway. "Any statement of sepiiinttnn or In tended Is entire news to tun," said .Mr. .McComlis. "There Is nn truth In this leport. hut I don't wMi to illgnlf.t it with a rormdl denial " LEO FRANK LOSES LAST FIGHT FOR LIFE IN SUPREME COURT Justice Pitney, in Refusing Majority Opinion Writ of Habeas Corpus, De- ; nies "Mob Domination" and Alleged Unfair Trial WASHINGTON. Apiil IS. -Tho Si line Couit of the I'nlted States today dis missed tile appeal of I.eo M. Fran!;, of Atlanta, Ga., convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, fiom Hie decision nf the I'nlted Slates District Com t of Georgia, denying him a writ cifliiibeas corpus. The court lefused tn take Frank out of the Jurisdiction of the Stale cotutH of Georgia, which now ale free to carry out a death sentence Imposed upon hiiii for the murder of tho factory girl. The court held that the absence of Crank from the coiiilrooin when the Jury brought In the verdict of guilty, nlwi the alleged mob iiilhience in Atlanta at ihe time of the trial, could not be con strued as nullifying ihu Judgment of guilty. The decision seems to Indicate that Crank has exhausted every legal device to prevent hanging, and Hint now lie must pay the penalty tor Hie cilme for which he was convicted, unless the Georgia Governor grants tiemenc.v. Tile decision was by n divided court. Justice Pitney delivered tho opinion of Hie court, .lustlco I Inline' delivered a dissenting opinion. In w Ii loll Juxtlco Hughes coucnricd. JUSTICE PITNEY'S OPINION. Justice Pitney, In his decision, said in part: "Tile allegations of disorder in mid nbout the courtroom amounting to mod domination were submitted to the trial court in a mot Ion for a trial made about two months after Hie conviction and were nfterward submitted to tho Supremo Court of Georgia on appeal. In both courts evi dence was presented pro and con and Concluded mi Page Tim, Cidiimn I'uiir C.IRL A "NEEDLE" VICTIM Bank Employe Escapes Alleged "White Slaver." NKW YORK. April 19. "Where are you going, little girl?" asked n well-dressed, middle-aged man of lft-yenr-nhl Lillian Cohen, whom be met near the Kssex ami Canal street entrnnre to Soward Park, today. Miss Cohen, who was on her way tn the Greenwich Nationni Bank, where she Is employed, iiulekened her pace without replying. Then tho inun suddenly caught her by the arm and Jabbed her wrist six times with a "poisoned needle," after which he fled. The girl staggered Into a nearby drug stoie, where she foil unconscious. The police expiensed Hie belief that tiie man had planned to make a "white slave" victim of Miss Cohen. Horse Burned in Manayunl Fire early today destroyed a ik Fire Rllltiln t.l 1ST Kast street, Manayunk. while Passy Grosae. a baker and his family! who live nearby, were absent. A horse and wagon were burned. The loss is esti mated at I2S0. Another Intaglio secffoH will be Issued as a part of Wednesday's EVKXIXO l.tWOlUt. if rain does not prevent the open ino of tho Rational League seascti on that day. In this supplement will be shown photographs of the new manager, Moranf and all the individual Phillies Tell your newsdealer lo save jMr copy of Wednesday' Evening Ledger One Cent ""."" " ---- rr-rssssKZKKnsJSssmtSWT ROOSEVELT FACES BARNES IN MOMENTOUS CONFLICT IN COURT Trial of $50,000 Libel Suit, in Which Ex-President Is Defendant, Fraught With Political Conse quences of Importance. SYRACUSE. N. V.. April 15. Theodoie l!nosevell, Progressive lender nnd former President of the United States, nnd Wil liam Haines. Republican leader, today eiilood upon their polltlcnl life and death hatt'le. Allen territory here, personally to hot Ii political gladiators, was the battleground for the trial begun today of Barnes' $S0.Ono libel suit against the former President. Thin eltv, where both are comparative sirnnijcrs, was chosen so Hint a "squnic deal" would be assured. Tnn'iy'H pmct'Cillug weie devoted to securing a Jury. Extrnoidlnary care in sifting out Jurors, because of big political issue enmeshed III Ihe lllihiue litigation, ciiukiiI ninth delay in the linnl selection. Barnes' lawjers vlgoiously attempted to submerge the big politics involved. They told the jurymen Hint Barnes' ac tion was a personal defensp of his good naive and not a political war. Hut nil Involved in the case leallzed t lull its result may change Hie polltlcnl limp of the nation and alto tho careers of both principals. Roosevelt's future course toward Hie Republican party was involved. So was Barnes' political IITf, Including hit. le puled senatorial aspl'iilluiis, according to general heller. A l adjacent tables, barely 10 reel npurl, Raines and Roosevelt Ignoied each other completely. They exchanged no glances ami eillier might have been 1000 miles away so fur as the other was concerned. With the small courtroom einwded In capacity and the corridors llllcd with peo ple, mostly women, anxious for admis sion, tho suit came to trial at 10:10 o'clork today before Justice William S. Andrewc m part one of the Supieme Court of On ondaga County. Colonel Roosevelt, accompanied by Horace Wilkinson. Progressive Slate Chairman, anil John I). Rowets, his chief Ciinihiili'd nn I'liee Tun. Column Twn BRUMBAUGH EXPECTS LOCAL OPTION VICTORY "Situation Looks Very Good," Says Governor on Eve of Sec ond Reading' in House. IIARRlSHl'ltG. April l9.-"The sltua Hon looks very good to me," declared Governor Brumbaugh this afternoon, when asked concerning the piospects of the local option hill, which comes up In tho House for second reading this even ing nnd on Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock, on thin! passage. "1 nssurcdly expect that It will pass the House," he continued. "Just see What Philadelphia is doing for the meas ure. It Is it good sign when business men, piolessloiial men and physiciuns united with people of all walks of life iu holding meetings and petitioning for the passage of the hill. It shows that they are stirred up, and I doubt If ever Philadelphia has been as much aroused on any question of Slnle-uide Importance us It Is on this. The people are taking a hlg luteiest In the bill." It was Intimated Hist the Governor hopes to lino up a few more voles for Hie Williams hill befoie Wednesduy. There will he no speaking on the mens, lire tonight. "The understanding Is," re plied the Governor to n question, "that the debate will take place on Wednesday morning, when I expect the bill to be passed." It was rumored about Hie Capitol that C. A. Rowell, member from Philadelphia, will declare for local option on the ground that bis constituents want the bill passed, ho having received only 21 letters oppos ing the meusure to hundreds In its favor, as a result of requests for expressions nf opinion from the voters of his district. The Kensingtonian Says: While debating on various subjects up at the club last Sunday evening James 'Pop) )lillet passed the remark that no body could call his bluff, but we heard that he refused to propose to a pretty younji lady living on Firth street. Is that right , Pop I LOST AND FOUND LOST A small roll of wrltlne paper wltu story written by a child. Spring Garden ti tniuue of 1'ark; K reward. Return itigo Kertb Broad. LOST Itaraou4 bar pin, platinuiit stttlns. 82 diamond., probably st Broad Street Sutton al.,ul 1I.1& p. ui. April HI: suitable reward. AdtUe 133M Heal Katata Trust Blcfg. LOST-Diamond bar. platinum satilat. 12 dla nwuda. probably Broad St. Station, about 11.10 p. ni . April U: suitable reward. Ad vise l&A K. E. Trust HulUlng- Lotrr Pot ketbeok. . double fold. atUsator: owner's name, uuiue. Kewara mente. :unb and Chestnut. Tiraejr Apart- utn, : ctaaiKAcd tdvtriutmats Pan ti BULLETINS MURDER AT BLUE ANCHOR A malls believed to he nn Italian laborer, was found murdered I.ito tliifi afternoon oil a farm, rtbfltlt it quarter of a mile from the railroad station at Blue Anchor, Wlnslow township, N. J. The mail's skull was crushed. Nearby wnt it biood-Biiilncd hammer. SIX-YEAR-OLD GIRL, STRUCK BY WAG0W, IN HOSPITAL An tinicleiitlfJrrt Oneiroid girl to In a critical condition In tho M. Final ilaspit.il nflfr bdii;? run over at .'3d street and Snyder avenue iha afternoon by a wagon driven Ity Frank Griffeu, of 12813 Taney utrecl. Oriifeu wnti arrested. The child had blue eycu and chestnut linir and wore a white strJpeU. tltcsu with black shoca. FABRE WINS BOSTON MARATHON BOSTON, April 10. l'abre, of Montreal, won tho Boston' mara thon today, last year Fnbro wis runner-up.. l'abro'u time was 2:31 :dl 1-8. Home, of Dorclnster, wao sec ond. Time, 8:33:01. Sidney Hatch, of Chicago, was third.' Time, U:3Ei:17. . t i. .. DUTCH STEAMSHIP SUNK IN NORTH SEA LONDON, April 10. The Dutch steamship Olanda was sunk in the North Sea on Sunday while ou her way from Seaham, England, lo Rotterdam with a cargo of coal. Her crew wao lauded at Grimsby today by tho tiawkr Ouward. It iu believed tho Olanda ctruck a mine. niUTISH NOTABLES URGE SUNDAY TO COME LONDON, April !!. The slienglh of the appeal to "Billy" Sunday to corn here und conduct a prohibition and revival campaign became plain today when a full-page call lo the evangelist wa.t printed In the Times. In addition to Henry ,1. Randal, oiganlzer and chairman of the committee of Hie campaign for piolilbltlon In Knghind, tho appeal was Indorsed by Sir 'Walter Runciinan, or Newcastle, n Cabinet member: Sir Walter Lever, Sir Charles W Macara, the nt, Hon. TIioiuiib Robinson Kerens, member or Parliament; Angus Watson, or Newcastle; Wesley Petty, or Leeds; Andrew Brown ,t Co., of London; Chamberlain. Pole & Co., or Bristol: tho Bilstol-Alnswortli Mercerizing Company, or llolton: Armltnge & Rlgby. til Manchester; J. & R. Smith, of Liverpool; Hollas, Ltd., of Bolton; Tuke &. Boll, of London; T. Blnckliurn & Sons, of Preston; Ben Davles ,t Sou, 'of Loudon, llollowny Brothers, of London; AY, H, Bridge, Ltd., of Manclicsier, and the Longrldge Manufacturing. Company, of Preston. .TJieaar only a few of Hie names that appeared iu connection with the summons to thi evangelist. SUBMARINE SINKS BRITISH TRAWLER VANILLA HULL, Knglnnd, Apiil 11'. The IlrltNh trawler Vanilla was ' torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea by a German submarine on Sunday. The trawler Kermo tried to save the Vanilla's crew, but was drixen olT by the German boat. BARON l)E RKUTER COMMITS SUICIDE RK1GATK. SURRKY. Kiiglaml, April 19. Union Augnste Julius Clemens Her bert tic Renter, managing director of Renter's Telegram Company, committed sui cide heie today. Grief over the death of Ills wife, who died last week, Is be lieved to have been the leasnn. MEN, RUN DOWN BY TRAINS. DIE FROM INJURIES i John C. Duncan, 21 yearn old, of Wakefield street, died at St. Timothy's Hospital and the Garrctson Hospital, re spective, us a lesult of liijuiles lecelved yesterday when run down by trains on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway. Diiucau was struck when crossing the tracks at West Kails, while Gavin, who is an employe of the railroad, had both legs cut nfr uhuu he stumbled iu flonl of a train at "Dili and Hamilton streets. DRIVEN TO SUICIDE BY DOMESTIC WOES Blooding over ilumcstlu tiniibll-a caused George Stiohn, Til years old, of 015 Kast Llpiiiuciitt street, lo end lib" life with u levolver today In the rear room or the James II. Hllllngton woodwoiklng factory,- l.'itr. Randolph street, nccordlnf to the police. Clarence Stiohn, n sou, employed ut the factory, discovered his rather after hearing a shot. THREATENING FOREST FIRES RAGING UP STATE WILl.IA.MBPORT, Pa., April 19. Potest Hies near McKlliattnn, Clinton County, tin eaten the Lock Haven Reservoir property and the summer home of Henry W. Shoemaker, owner of the Altooiui Tribune. UNITED STATES STAYS AMERICAN'S EXECUTION WASHINGTON, April 19. Consul General Sllllmaii. nt Vent Crun, today re ported to President Wilson that Arthur Tappun. of New York, under sentence of death In Yucatan, lias been granted a respite as n result of American Intervention. It Is expected his life will be saved. ACCUSED OF DISPENSING COCAINE Tenderloin policemen watching for the soutces of cocaine that has been found recently lu the district, arrested Patrick Kelly, of 1130 Spring street, early today, as Kelly, wap standing at Darleu and Vine streets. Might packages, believed, by Acting Detectives Krnest nnd Weckasser. of the 11th and Winter streets police station, to contain cocaine were found tn Kelly's pockets. H will be turned over to the Federal authorities. AUSTRIA RECALLS FORCES FROM WESTERN FRONT GKNKVA, April 19. Upon the-advice of Maishal von Hindeuburg. Austria will withdraw the Austrian artillery and cavalry, now ou the western front. The heavy Austrian guns now before Verdun will be sent to Poland und the Austrian cavalry to Cracow. A Vienna dispatch to the Tribune today brought news of this .notion. BODY FOUND AFLOAT IN TIIE DELAWARE The body of a man bejleved to be Vinceip Macello, 10 years, of 505 Christian street, was found floating tn the Delaware River this morning at 6M5 o'clock; near the Greenwich coal piers by the pollceboat King. The' body was taken to the Morgue. SWOBODA CLEARED OF LA TOURAINE CHARGE PARIS, April 19. The accusation that Raymond Swoboda attempted to destroy the liner La Touralne has collapsed, the Journal announces, and Captain Bouchardon, who is conducting the military Inquiry, Is now Investigating the charge of espionage. It is possible that Swoboda will never be brought to trial. STATE FIREMEN'S SECRETARY KILLED BY AUTO RKADING. Pai April 19. William W. Wunder, deputy State fire, marshal and. secretary of State Firemen's Association, was killed today by being struck by an automqblle. BATTLE OP CONCORD COMMEMORATED BOSTON. April IS, With htstmriaal jot-vicM in Boston, LexlBRte and Con cord, the Math anniversary of that rovefutioaary eUt at LsslKKton and Coamoid was cljbratd today. Goverupr Walsh roada a pa.lfistl6 fteh at the Uomcord. excrcisei Hala, and Morris Gavin, IS years old, 583a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers