EVEKIKG LEDGEtt PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 1G, 1915; 18 m t f HfiliF WANTEP BKMALB IJIjy'fiJ .Jlurbs, gool wages. Ii 210. ledger Ti...nni'3 vihlte, Jor Mondays and for Mondays and .Turs- B df n S.u""'i- - fcirnrtN for dr. nursery; prefer HATn0". "J nifcrPiictii required, uHiiJ preferably ly trained bono Ucr- -,, ., nurcry governess, rroteBlnnt, for una?hiTrcn , in "suburbs; references required. WL K'dger Central. , -r"."nns on nil parts of shirtwaists, sltks 'rffBrtATOrts on n ,01red0rnOlIcrI company. !j2h .winnAPirBItS. bookkeepers and clerk &? rood pos lions consult Miss, penn, Minx SVV". . ..I.- ...Ill IiaIii 4ni trt nnAln F rd'r..Snii,;miBii ttie Commefclal. Uenarl- t oent-a free ! service lo ledger advertisers. f -ivrPD-Clerk to vvrlla flto Innirancs roll- r wantei-j'e o olher nork In J el.cTlon villi nro insurance agency; atalo f MKri.n!e If any. reference, salary wanted. . IlPlVJreM in own handwrlllng. tJ42U Led- s ;; office. ' "TrTrn at nnre. rellablo whlto woir.nh, for SK,!.? $mimr. U Washington i IBV ive., lladdoimeiii, .n.. ROMAN over .. J,"" c' Vrmsnenl "pis,: K mrth A") Per month to nunlMcd per E Apply 1" Pcon' Saturday, 1013 Chest- (ulftrMt. . . IS CrtttvrTwJilTIS OtHi as chambermaid! must Is- TpUM " ., dU) reffrencjg. tuu North re im...- Breaa si. Ii voirT WOMAN, as cook In suburbs. IS. M. V- T2U Ardmoro 1". O.. P. HELP WANTED-r-lttAIiE a-T.wnttMTANT for public workj glvo age, edu A?.C.?n .xVerlcnco and salary expected to ro. ?.loAnn.ldemtlon. J a4'J. Ledger Central. criin , , " itrroiionllill SAt.ES, ACCKS iW INBt'IlANCB BAU3SMi:N. iillt ilDCM'IUA AND NCW JEH- iSrtATIOX TO MAKt! SPMTNflO oYt AV IN NON-COMPKTITIVR ittfllf-ClTASS JIBS OV PBnSON AIITI AND CIIAJIACTKU CON; omrnEU WItAT IIAVK VOtf ffriiPATioN. nmnifeNCES. nit glS'Cc.NT,AU CAUINETMAKBnS WANTED Must b experienced on flno cabinet work and do hand sanding. Bring tools. Thjslcal examination necessary. Apply YICTOT. TAUCINO XIACIIINB COM PANT Application Office, 25 Market street, Camden, New Jersey. 'COrHlED MAN AND WIPE for country: rjst Class only; iuii cua.r3 01 hwwbd. j ii. Uilger Office. COJlPirrnN'T and experienced entry clerk santed lor permanent and improving posi tion In l'hetnut st. retail establishment. Addrc-s J I'.IT Ledger Central. , EXPERIENCED young man or woman wanted tor take full chargo of dark room, commer- ' clil work, Btata cxperlenco and refcrenrca. C 4K, Ledger Offic e. FIUEMAN Younc man to take chnrgo of small boiler, wages flu, 4.rj yoric ave.. between 4th and nth, below Nobln. JTR3T-CI.AS9 ESTrMATOIt, for plumbing Ilrm: reference necessary! must bo expcrl enced and capable J ".!. ledger Central. ' LIN'OTYt'E OPERATOR wanted at onco ln wfmy nowspaper ana job ornca, must bo fsst and set clean proofs; pood country town; 13 miles from Delaware Hay; Just tho Job for the man who would llko to raise chickens, etc., on tho side; boozers need not apply, fiouex Printing and Publishing1 Company, MAS and nlfe. white. Prot., tako entlro charge of house ln suburbs; good cook and liouse mtn: references lequlred. r. !!1B. Ledger Off. UAJi and wife as caretakers of small apart- nient house; rent for services; man to 1m em- . ploted; ref. Kg. Ledger llranch, L'ODQ Tloca. MAN wanted who understands repairing reod . furniture Apply S41 a. 5th st. N. SNELLENBURO & CO, TIF.QUIRB THE SERVICES OF A MAN TO CUT AND THKEA11 PIPE FOR AWNING STREET API't,Y 10T11 AND DB-UKa PRESSPRS ?JS--W3l-',ni- THOROUOHI.T EXrERI TD.J'U'SaEnS IN OUR INDIES' ALTERATION'S ltOOr. APPLY N. SNXLLENBL-RO CO. 2D rLOOrt BAlU Wf '1tuI?1IA;SnJ, rstahllahed firm tn travel K i..."'" "" selling 10 rurnituro manu K, "Cturers and woodworkers: ono with knowl K' t.'?! c.f 'a.c'ory machinery preferred: full JL . Mrtlculars 1st letter: salary. C 321. Led. Off. ?AiN,ran "P m,u traao nn" hsrdwaro. i.iJi.!0 months In year: state, reference ' 1 "PSHence. c 322, Ledger Office. JSiIAt'KKn8. wanted; must havo factory "iPenenCe Oil lln. PHhlnal un.lf, nhi,.lMl ." : SS!.wi,.0l,r.,"!cc""rjr'' Apply Victor Talking " Mirffi8..Comta5y Application Office. 25 , iiarket st . Camden. M .t. rTSS 5.A.LFSMAN wanted. experrenceTTS Ph iui. nti."""1 . on aractive. quick-ffll ng obi. Ln.h,lia cnlerprle: liberal commission; m.w. S?ab.le man "Kl Inaiiee himself can - "Jane big inonov. n n7 !, rAn..i 1 WbuS5Da.lnt S"lner w,m understands thl tir.t , aKr' reiercnco and experlenco: -I'M abstainer, a 4 111, ledger Office. f WATER RUBBERS WANTED Must hava factory experience on flna cabinet work, furniture or pianos. Physical examination necessary. ArPLT , VICTOR TALKI.NO MACHINE COMrANT Application Office, 23 Market vstreet, Camden. New Jersey, Wu.elAi-iSanliak1.?..;f.aU'.'4iI"fct..n-t V'!h.?,r.o 'lu.fdUuVKP0PoTbu K f-M26li!jtiW. """"" Addresa Situations wanted fem a r.v. LWfiSJ.BVM ou have e, vacancy foe . v,k. rr. n;r.j":t""u i?" ner : Jtrt W"SniT L!' rK v.'i she i"I K pTrlVac.39v01.u,B''?5af'Sn? ? MihM; TxZ ". and will m.VTh l.;" v"'' ne of 6ul B. ., hotel VorT'd MVlVdeVcVn: ;&P")V"K and waiting. Mn. ,h ;,: Vmitf XZ' ..Le'dg.r Off ice. tK!2SO wftrincT. i "?,' relIS- W0' I fnronririr:' il- LedlFr onice.' SeJLlSfec jTei?" YJS. ,,rS""f)' F,".mstrts7T5a BBirinc-.T? '-igA-''- ,h- Ardmore 478 W or.iiirbY.k'.,ho,,rr'a ft rV t'OOkillff fl.l iinur.kKlt.1. -l. ...".".- Icaf p,i"1?'" igSpW nt. aua aownslairs work 1m ithA vLu SITTJATIONS WANTED-I-EMAMS rifrito DS;??4KP"..MP,..te,lrM few 7T ""-' il'CITJuterjjw Christian. Die. 31 ti1t-cn . . -- . MrlSSALV-'i..!'!'. New York desires, en. - - --v".ijynHni.ea si strict. Ih Wal.4iKEMV. Gilne ,.Acl;,chn'tiiorh on Old York "road -ijnPiB.iU3 ttcrmantown. eve. 1,fam1iVPu.K-9rm"n Protestant, In priviu -J"I"JlSLlicat ref. J 254. Ldeer fJenttal. I-V,. worii T'"1 NVfr?iLRISd.uat!' wlsben permanent position; IPrOUS ft till fHfttlfAl ftfm A aitaiahvi rAn- tors reference, n am. Ledger Central. "in!J2ri ?an.,f nervous or parnlyllo cases: -?-r-?nfJjJj. N. llllh at. Locust 18'JJ V doc a-osition a- linrn room dctcrxtna: while woman, . J. A. 14.1, maid anted by home at nights. 'm1T'?n ln rto'tor's office wanted by joung eplored woman: best refercne, B. A. 181. S.7"7rA,l"YounB woman, several years' "peritnee. wishes position, stonographtr or JprlBjr-cret-ry; best ref. J 4, Led. Cent. S1;!?-vo?.-.-ctmitI:al,NDnNT-l)UBlnees worn. V 11 .'V uncommon ability to master do tans or business, desires connection as corre spondent, office mar. or other Important po ''Ion whero positive ability Is wanted nnd will bo paid for; skilled stenog., competent JLllL-?.' busy executlvo. J 160, ledger Cent. BTUNOOttA I'll nil desires pos. where accuracy and neatnesn aro necessities; would consider rnod. sal, with opp. . ref. II ,124, ledger Oft. STHNOOnAI'llElt and confidential secretory! couego education; exp. In political, literary . and commercial work. J 41. ledger Central. BTTINOORAPIimt, 8 jears' expcrlencoi fa miliar with law, real eotato and contracting; capable secrete ry. U tIO, Lodg e r Central. STHNOaitAI'irail. experienced! knowledge of bookkpg.; capable, accurata. U fun, I,ed.Cnt. STnNOOnAI'IUHl. 4 years' exp.: rapid; references. H nAT, Lwlgor Central. best STtJNOaitAPHEIt, experienced: modernto sal- ary. 1711 Chestnut. I'liono Hpruco U3.VJ, "WASHING to take homo wanted by deserv Ing woman, t;. A. 141. WIliOW, Protestant, managing housekeeper, seeks employment whero personality and ro- flnement will bo appreciated. I. ZH, lied Cent. 'OMAN, exp., desires position an housekeeper In hotel out of city. I'hona Walnut .1000. WOMAN wants Bewlng nt liomej best reference. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A IIUSINE93 man, thoroughly familiar with various departments In the manufacturing business, both sales and office, bkpg., credits, correspondence, etc.. deBlres rv connection: lnter'w will prove my ability. II "Sli.Led.Cen. ACCOUNTANT, experienced ln corporation ac counting, at present employed with firm of n publlo acoountanta, desires chango; excellent raferencea. J 14S. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT, varied experience, will In struct or audit part or full time. O 8-0, Lodger Office, AN OPrORTUNITT Is sought by a married man, 28. now employed, thorough buelnees training; prefer locating with a l'hlln. manu facturer whero salary Is secondary to future advancement. II OSS, Ledger Central, ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN Many energetic, bright boys and girls who come under our care aro now nvallablo for office, shop or factory work; no charges. juvenile woni-cnus- nunmu 1507 ARCH. TELEPHONE SPRUCE 0147. AUTO SALESMAN. TOUNO MAN. COLLEGE ENGINEER. DE. SIRES TOSITION WITH HELIAIILH CON CERN: REFINED APPEARANCE! DIPLO MATIC METHODS. rONVINCINO TALIIHR. O. E. NAOELE, llOX 03, MEDIA, PA. BOOKKEEPER, 29, well recommended; quick, but careful; 5 years experience; will accept clerkship; typist. II 057, Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER (20)-Evenlng student in ac counting, I', of P.; 2 years- experience with manufacturing concern. HSIP.Lodgcr Cent. BOOKKEEPER, nsst., billing, adding machine, clerical experience. J 247, Lodger Central. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, accurate, good writer: refs.: trial sollc. C 417, l.cdger Office. noOICKEEPER, 25. 0 yra.' exp.: familiar with credits and correspondence. J 50. Led. Cent. BOY, 10. Jewish, bright, nctivc, would llko to work In country: nrivnto or farm: good ref erence. Juvenile Workers' Bureau. 107 Arch. Telenhrno Ttnce :i.ri7 or Spruce (1147. BOY. strong. 15. Catholic, wishes position In country; either on private estnte or form: reference. Juvenile Workers' Burenu, 1MVT Arch at. Trlephono Raco 3317 or Spruce 0147. uUTLEit Young Jan., city ror.. desires pot prlvato family. TakahaBhl. .IPS N. IStn. CHAUFFEUR Young married man wishes position; good mechanic: handle any make of car: reliable and careful driver: highly recommended. Baring 1530 W. CHAUFFEUR-mechanlc, single: 10 yrs.' oxp.: speak French. German, English; beBt ref erence. H 810. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, single, sober, while, first-class man; can fumlsh best city references. C 421, Lod ger Office. CHAUFFEUR A first-class chauffeur and me chanic Is desirous of obtaining a first-class position: single; good ref. J 250. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, 21; 4 yrs.' exp.; careful driver; thorough mechanic: sober. II 750. Led, Cent. CHAUFrEUR and coachman. 10 yrs.' exp.; strictly temperate. CIS, LedgerOfflso. COACHMAN, gardener, single, wishes position gent's ploco: good In both branches: first class references. C 115, LedgerOfflce, COLLECTOR, 'married. 8 jears' faithful ex psrlenco: can handle crew, H 1157, Led. Cent. DYER, experienced on artificial silk, wants position. 300 W. Columbia ave. HARMING HOY. ltl, situation, country: 1 wl 1 m: worker, wishes with cither private family or farmer. Juvenilo Workers' Bureau. 1507 Arch. Telephone Race 33:17 or Suruce 0147 SFlRST-CLA&S WAITER, colored, would llffa position: city or suburbs, best references. HH0 8. Bancroft st. EXPEItllZNCED OARDENER. on (lowers and trees, and all kinds of gardening; good references. 11117 Cayuga St.. Nlcetown. FLORIST and gardener, first class; good ref erence. No. 1 Armstrong lane. Oermantown. UAllDENUR-coachman, understands work of gentleman's piaco: railing vegetahles, ttont-rtj, etc.: ref. 02.1 Glenbrooko ave , llrn Mavvr. UAItI)K.Sl:K and florist with long exp.; single Mueller. NS N. Hancock st. IIOTHU RUSTAl'RANT CLUB. Married, 32, no children, 17 years' thorough, practical experience, from checker and clerk up to steward and manager: economical buyer, manager of help, business Judgment, bookkeeper, wife a. stewardess and house keeper; will accept any position In this Dullness; capable manager, steward of a small hotel or club, clerk or assistant to manager, head checker or Investigator In largo house. If 117. Letter Central. I DON'T CARD WJiat your lino Is. I will Increase our SALES and decrease the amount of 5 our PURCHASES r , . , J 34, Ledger Central. JANITOR or watchman: experienced, reliable! sober: reference. J 240. Ledger Central. MAN, middle-aged, wants position; take care lawn and generally useful; not afraid of work; good ref. C 325. Ledger Office. MAN and wile, white, Prot., houiewk.. general utility; country. L 229. Ledger 0lce. (MARBLE cleaner, practical marble cleaner; best of rcfa.j estimates given. 1740 Fair-mount. MOVING picture operator wishes position; has worked on Simplex and Powers No fj ma chines, have reference Ap. 2818 N. Van Pelt. OFFICE'ASSISTANT Young man, 2J. experl . a in Africa detail, elalms. esshler. stock. etc., reliable; excellent references. J 152, Ledger Central, BPVlCE MAN. 83, bookkeeper, at present em ployed, desires chsnge with , greater oppor tunltv, either Inside or outside position. O 405. Ledger umce PURCJlXsiNO AGENT Experienced In ban dllng supplies for outside construction, as well as office and shon, wishes to locate In Philadelphia. M 852. Ledger Central SALES ENGINEER, office manager, 10 yrs.' eiper., college graduate. J 231, Led. Cent. SALES MANAGER or salesman 32. with i 10 yedfs' record of successful selling and office management! can supply satisfactory ev I dencaof still ty to produce. J 57, Led.' Cent. SALESMAN. 24. 0 .vrs.' exp.. efficient, enen getlc. producer, neat apoeiranre, pleasing nersonallty; staple line preferred: well rer SAfr&ndedY Interview solicited. J 248. Led. geri CentraL SALBSMAN. 20. experienced In Southwest statM i with mill, wholesale woolens, cottons, knit goods; remuneration secondary to good ronnectlon. H niiq Ledger Central. SALESMAN with ability, experienced In the Introduction and sale of high-class mechani cal and electrical apparatus, w ho can produce results. J 154. Ledgsr Central. hai.eSMAN 18 years' experience, desires po PA.Vg?h. city. J 157. CLedg.r Centrsl." BTBAMF1TTER. 28. wants position at trade R-rSTSoORAPHBR. bookkeeper, capable, ener relle. trustworthy, advanceu-.ent msin object. J 241. Ledger Central -RTnvrt?iP,PHHir bobkVeeoer Thoroughly .Hi?hy':?.1lLirrLmot STENOf.RAPHER.. secretary. "TW" P-,i i refs. and tMjUMgli1.J. a Led. Cent 8TENOOn.PHER-assltant JhS'fDArrf5f: com.: . njoderate Ml. P SflO, Idgr Oft VIOLIN pUr desires position wltU movlnr- SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE WANTED A poiltlon with a real rstste firm doing n suburban miilncsi, hv n young man Sf,.',d!,('?,!on and business nhllltys well ac quainted In Chester and Delaware Counties. .-i-4l,iLedgerOf(lce. , Y0J"",.MAN (.IS) with eieciitlv-A nhllllv. knowiedKO 0f mica promotion, nblc to seci ro r?""'?lm,,m service from office or ; Mies l.f ".' Present employment specialist for n. nnlloral iihilanthrnidc organltatlon whbli ?JI1!!7S. limited orportunltlea for the.e com merclil qunllncntloiis, highest Indorsement, solicits correspondence. II 850, Ledger Cent. YP-Us;n ,MA. graduatol'hira. Trades School in electrical construction, prefer electrical or merhanlenl line, with chance for ndvance- ment.. Chanav, 121 N. tttd st. Y?.t,'V0JtA'- 2. " vea"' experience Insur nnto office, clerical works now employed, but seeks grciter ontiorttmlly. supporting Invalid niotherjenetgetlr,nmliujtJin.J,dgerCent. YOU.vp MAN, 20. nt present employed, desires rosltlcn wiih manufacturing or mctvantllo l,.nJ?JtC1,,,,Ci,l n,'d general oftlco experlenco. -li-2j!?!Idger Office. Tpt'NO MAN. .1 years' business experience, has nude cood, desires connection with .firm vvnere nlilllty warrants advancement. J 05, Ldgor Central. YOUNG MAN. 1 yeira old. good roferenefs, wishes nnv rm work. Address M. Mc- Kcown.lltl Prrnon sL. YOUNG MAN. 27. now employed, but sees no futuro advancement, seeks clerical work, rot- erencestho lc8t..I4",I,cdgerCenlrnl. YtIJNO MAN, 27, technical education, desires position of any description. Richard O'Neill, 507 B. Van d'alt t OUNG MAN, 23, experienced In purchase and handling supplies, tor contractor; also office . oxpcrlence. etc 2104 Swnnson si. . YOUNO MAN. 17. good education, fond of ilrnwln, somo talent, desires work In archl teefs office. H n.v.'. Ledger Central. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY FEMALE Many urgent worthy cares nro still In the care of tho Emergency Aid Committee. Im mediate employment must bo found. A few are mentioned below. If jou can help, refer to letter nnd number and scud enro committee at Lincoln Building, CLEANING wanted by woman In northern part of city; best ref. B. A. 147. , CLMANINO, washing and sowing wanted by ..respect, white woman. West Phlla. E. A. 145. CLERICAL WORK or investigating wanted by Miung woman: best ref. B A. 140. GOOD SEWER wants ref. E. A. 14S. work by tho day, best AUTOMOBILES IVnnteil WANTED-Slghtseelng car, seating 20 to SO people: must be reasonable. Urete. Carlisle Garage, 1535 N. Carlisle st Th. f oplar 3050. WANTED Auto truck rhussls. nlro slghtseo- Ing body; seating CO. Urctz Carllslo Oarage, imp n. c Carlisle B'LDING MATEIHALSBEPAinS MINERAL TLOORINO A rrrsiNiha asset, you wouldn't LIGHT YOt'll H'lOltE, MILL OR FACTORY WITH KEROSENE LAMPS. WOt'l.D YOU7 OF COURSE NOT. Vol' KNOW THE ECO NOMIC VAl.l E Of MODERN FACILITIES, THEN U'HV llfRDEN IOUII FIXTl'HE ACCOUNT Willi THE COST 01' WEAR AND TEAR ON YOUR OLD WOODEN l'LOOIIINIl MINERAL FLOORING IS PRACTICALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE COST COMPARATIVELY LITTLE AND WE LAY IT WITHOUT INCONVENIENCING YOUR BUSINESS. I.irT US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT ITS 8AVINO FEATURES. IT WILL PAY YOU. PIIILA MINERAL FLOORING CO. 7032-34 SI 'MM Ell ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. A MAN WITH J8H00 TO M00 to underwrite a proposition whero money Is absolutely recure and profits nro very largo. Don't reply unless you mean business. L 342, Ledger Central. ITXCELLT7NT opportunity for a young man with oanltal to start a clean, legitimate busl ncrs with young man who hns in years' ex perience as manager but no capital. L 243, Ledger Central. . OIL AND GAS INVESTMENTS now nt bar gain prices; stocks, production, royalties or leases In proven territory of nil leading, Karl F. Dlvencr. Pittsburgh, Ta. CARPET CLEANING WEST rillLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD. 3370-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED DYED. MAILIIOT.lfllO Chestnut. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot caah. Room 303, JjVrmIutualBh1g.!J25j;jieatnutBt. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY FASHIONABLE dressmaking: prices renson- able: lit guaranteed, remodeling. 5150 Chcst- nut. Apartment A neimoni jn.- 1. ARTISTIC dresses, lingerie frocks reasonablo prlceajIMrJshinmodclacopled:15J10W'alnut. DRESSMAKING taught' short, prac. course. McDowell. 307 Denckla nidg..llthftMarkct. HEMSTITCHING done while you wait A. Relchard, 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. EOR SALE FOR SALE 700 fnmes nnd sashes, cheap. 211.1 Vine et 1 McCullnugh. BILLIARL pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, ox'd. Keafer. 320 Glrard nve. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Better and cheaper than hot water or steam. Pure, fresh nlr with normal moisture. CUTS COAL BILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION RAGTIME In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrlstcniten Piano Si hools, 3S20 Oermantown avi-., la'.'O Tasker st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELECTRIC MOTORS New and accond-hind. Fewliea-Whalen Co. 140 N. 11th st. Phones. STORAGE RELIABLE STORAGE MO ING. PACKING, SHIPPING. 2040-41 N. BOTH ST.. DIA. 47471 WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack-rilll-A. Ing and shipping. 3S70 Lancaster ave. WANTED Antique Furniture, Feather Beds, Old Gold, Silverware Ancient pictures, I' rearms; hi, -heat prices. Writs Pioneer, 1102 Locust. Phone Wal. 353B. ROOMS FOR RENT BARING BT., 3218 (The Chilton) Two first floor rooms; suit dentist, doctor or apart inents. Mrs, iielle McClaln, manager BROAD. N.i 001 Two rooms and bath; furn. or untum. ; modern corner house, larre ard; porvh; southern exposure, electrlo lights, ot tracttve surroundings. Photo at Led, Cent. BROWN, 1311 Nice homo for gentleman ML.-.. '.. .--Antn -ill, a a.llnlnl.. 1,.1.. owner's family; no boarders; photo Led.CVnt. GIRARD STREET, 1118 (Tho Burt)-Newy remodeled, elegantly fur.: electrlo lights, hot and cold running water; rates reasonable. LOCUST. 4400 Large second-story room -with bay window; adjoining bath; also pleasant thlrd-atory roo.n. Phone. PINE, 1312-Second-floor room; private bath; southern exposure; every comfort. RACE. 3113 Two atttacilio, -nnma. aultabla for doctor or de of trained nurse: other vac. Preston 3305 D. al'RUCE. 1115 Very desirable acanclesl PeAUHIUlU ,UH.f,BU U M,UI , SPRUCE. 1208 Attractive, single and double furn. vacs.; souiaern expoaure.wainut 713.1. VAl-LACE. B. E, COH. 21STV-"! or S cheerful yomua it . h-- .v,..w. ,,f,. iiki p WALNUT. 4034 Attract'Iy furn.; soutli.po.: single or en suite: com.bath; phone. WALNUT. 3706 Two nicely furnlsbed com. muni'"". .,mi. .-,,ii bihi iwdh iwaru on I. , AMttliNuACA, Ot.j uuiimui lino, vum. Witn bath, could be fur. for bach. apt. Wood lattu. WTH. N., 2328 Laige, well-turn. 2d-sty. rooniT nnm y.i..w i.mnj, maiiwiiu jaai vv 1IT1I, N., SBJ Very deslrtble furn. 2d floor; alngU or en suite; private family phone. STST. 8., ion lurnishsd or unfurn. rooms for aein-" vwwy.w, ...vug. -fcq I'riKTB; pnone. JerTl. S., 128-Newly furn. rms.; rerlned ten, tlemeni electricity; near L. Baring 538 W. 52 D. N-. 237-Prlvate family has pleasant 24- sty room, gentlemen or mar, couple: phone. 24 and Sansom iVrnlahed rooms, men only, meals WEST BRANCH shower bath. Dear t.; alliue Y- M. C. A. comforts of home Phone Bel. moat 41)81; Key West SSd. Suburban OVJSUBROOK-Pmate family cab accomma date, two Keotlerseu la m. e rooms, wlta brtllOMt; nut tUtlon. L S. LeOJJW. Cstlt. BOARDING i'H BSTN Ur,"7T30Very pleas.-! u rn7"room s . I n rer ronv. location; 2d-tory front, back: also . single room; table toarJ. Phone. LEHIGH, v 131,1.15 Beaiitllut rooms, wllh board, all conv.; phone: new management POWELTON AVE., S90s-Front"slt, room; also single rms.j furn . unfurti .In nlce home. 10WEI,10N AVE, 4037- Private family lias pleas furn room for refined people, phone SPRUCE, 1028-30-Deslrnblo suite wlthprlyate Jm;clmMnbJo board. Walnut 7255 W SPRUCE, 1221-20 (Urlsmondel-Furnlshed rms.. J.'"li,icJ!'"l'"ti privsto patna; tapis ooani SI'IUICE. 1230 -. BUITI1 WITH PRIVATE .- " xl Ui4ijn:ilTTIlACTI VIJ JJOUM .1 WALLACE. IS'.'l-Well-furnlfheil single nnd . uuuuic rooms; ct. table, ropiar iw-J a i WATA'ITT, .1005 Warm, pleasant rms.j beautl- - ''i'siuornoonjDoara, iTeston imi j VVALNLT. 4.10.1 Neatlv film, front room. southern expos ; good table board. Pres W50 10TH, N., 125 I-nrjte sunny front rooms, ror- ivr iiuiigp; nincr vacancies. l,ocusi aiii j. 38TH, S.. 10 Private family has handsomely nirn. room; corner; excellent tame; pnone... 40TH, N TOO Private family will board re- iineu gentlemen; convenient to ciiy, uar oin. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 2.1J W. Rltlenhouse st, be- twien Wayne and oreeno Deslrahlj rooms, singio or com : nomeilKr. utn iDi. a APARTMENTS GOING TO SEND THE FAMILY TO THE SHORE THIS SUMMER? Tf so it is Iiich time for you to rivc active thought to a location. This year the demand will be unusually larRe and earlier than licrctotorc. Whether vou want a furnished apartment or cottage or board and room at any hotel or private House Ledger Central can help you. A special investigator is now at Atlantic City and will find what you want if Ledger Central docs not have it on ltle. Similar service can be rendered on other New Tcrscv resorts. Tell Ledger Central about your requirements now, There is no cliarffc. TinnATV M. nlUTwA muni anil bath. film. or unlurn., modern corner house, largo yard. porcn. soutnern exposure, ciecirio uanui, si tractive surroundlnaa. l'hoto at Led. Cent. 1312 PINE . .. First floor, two-room apartment with bathi suitable for doctor or dentist. SPRUCE. 1429 Two or a rooms, with private batn; turn, or unnirn.: eicctria iikuis, naru wood floors, all modern Improvements. SPRING GARDEN, 1D10 Excellent npts. in 8 different houses, eome fur'd:kltohcnettes. West Philadelphia w.uvsmr ST.. 4820 Exclusive location. rimmM. bath, hardwood Hours, electric llchts. hot wntir, supplied with heat: rent $35. Small apartment In snmo row. 4442 Sansom, it looms, oain, rein i.. uiiuoru n . tinier, 57111 W. fltrard ave. BIST. S.. 1220 Nicely furnished apartment; 2d floor: private bath; modern; renned private family; beautiful neighborhood; opposite Park: housekeeping arrangement iraesirea. 65TII ST., S.. 1521 (near Chester ave.) Flvo rooms and pain. new. electric ngnts, steam heat; $28.50. novel arrangement nt rooms. App. of Janitor on premises. Ph. Filbert 4I5J. CHILTON APARTMENTS 321H uartnr st. Two flrst-ctoss rooms, with private bath; suit able oentisc or aocior or apartment, .mis, licit McClaln. mgr. nell phone Piealon t07, TO SUBLET 2d story aDt.. 5 roo'ms. bath porch; unfurnished or comfortably furn. for housekeeping; light, ulry. Preston :m'i. HID, N., 205 Attractive eond and third tloor nparrmejiia ror rsni, Lansdowne, Pn. APARTMENTS, modern In every way, refined location, near stntlon; rent $25 to I'M per montn. jujipj aluImM iN. iimniana nve., Lunsdowne. Pa. Photo of opts at Ledger Cent, FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO SUllLET-iMAY 1 OR AFTER, ATTRAC TIVE FURNISHED APARTMENT, TWO ROOMS AND HATH; lit MINUTES SOUTH OF CITY HALL. PHONE WALNUT 2lll. PINE, 1020 Housekeeping apartment, 4 rooms ntiiMmthj Phone Dickinson 5Sfi.'t W. WALNUT, 1222-21 IKenwoodJ-Deslrable npts., prlvato bath; also single rooms, running water: nenlyrenovated; sum.rates;phonci. LION'S HEAD"8'' V51?"15' Ku",1"1.M UIOi DlllflU U( Cil PUUVl HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND, 21123 rms.. bath, kitchen, hot water heat; ref.: 2d floor. $23; 4 rms.. bath, kitchen, all cor, rooms. $35. Diamond ISl'l W. UltEEN ST.. llllf Clean, aunny. attractive, central, 5 rms., unfur., hsltpg, flat, elegant hath; all convs.; very mod, rent.: owner. 23D AND PINE STS. IDE LANCBY APTS ) New, light; 4 to tl rooms; 1 and 2 baths; kltchencttu: central location: apply janitor. riNE, UOO Housckecnlng apt., 4 rooms, bath, modem, furn.. or unfum. ; all outside rooms. West Plilladelphla BALTIMORE AVE . 455C Hekg. apt., 2d lloor, i; looms, private porch, heat and hot water. Gerranntotvn. OERMANTOWN Unfurn apt. of 4 rms., bath and private porch. 2d floor. Ph. Otn. 015 A. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cliejner. I'n. O'A ACRES, $1000. 18 miles city. West Chester. Pa. A. D. Heald PENNSYLVANIA TAHMS 10 a'ORES l"Vult farm on P.. B and W. rT It.: choice proposition; $1000. J. R. Thomp son. Went Chester. P.i. NEW JERSEY BUNOAIJWS, lota 26x150; near trolley: over looking Delaware: National Park, Greater New Jersey Company. 3.1 8. Hith. Hnililnnflelil, N. .1. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, Ml Federal St.. Camden. Woodbury Heights. N. .7. SEVERAL dexlrablo homes and Improved hldg, lots at reahonahle prices. John SI a v hew Cape May. N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apts. for Bala and rent: some bargains In building lots. C. Earle Miller. 218 Ocean at.. Capo May. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payments of from $17 to $uu (or houses worth from $181X1 to $t250. II, S, HEED, 717 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR nENT City 2310 MONTROSE ST. Range, bath, zas. $11 etc six rooms; goou condition key at irjn . ONLY $33 MONTH Three-story 1C room store and dwelling. b!2 North 10th st. Business Properties anil Mores CHESTNUT, 831-Slore and lasement, suitable for nouscnoia or tun-u iwvi.iiwes. inuu r tin premises. F. W. SADDLER. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. ONE OFFICE of suite or desk room, central. 702 Abbott Bldg., Ilroad and Race. ONE-HALF OF OFFICE. 1202 Commonwealth Building. Apply 1201 Commonwealth Bldg. Professional Ofllcea 13TII ST., S.i 237-Physlclan'a office; large furnished reception room; running water. WEST PHILADELPHIA DON'T MISS TH0SnOPPORTUNlTY To good tenant; Oreenway ave, 2100 Couth, porch front: 1 square from Woodland ave. and new boulevard; 8 rms,; modern, ihos. It. Smith. 1538 Pt. Breeteave. Ph. Dlckln's 651. jledU. Pa. FOR RBNT, near Media, on trolley direct to station, stone dwelling. t rooms, modern vlurouing snu iniis. - iaum, cmcaen house, l acre ground, fruit and old shade trees. Walttr Sraedtey, S04 Stephen Glrard Building, or Media. SEASHORE Cape MayLJV. J. FURNISHED collages .ocean i view, all loea tlons: reasonable. C, Earle Miller, 218 Ocean st . Cape May. Stone Harbor. N. J. STONE HARBOR cottages, bungalows and apartments (or rent, furnished, by week, month or season at moderate prices: all con. sali.c. . Call, paope or wrlte for lllus treiwl uooaiei. n. j. vo.. . Trust Building Philadelphia. li MORTGAGES tW.UOO FOR lhT AND 2D MORraAUtS tw.w 8AMt,eL f, cIlEBTKUT W 839 RU EaUta Trvt Buildlxtfc, wMUUlW WIBW9MWM WmwmWwm ( - -71 I LI'sssfsTowet:! mHrr. V SZtfflmrrf'fi'irvf&i i i1i,ibbbbstQ4i nrrza fror ,MJty v t f iirr JKikiH .rrT.T v rs,jiffim i S3ai. liTf-i Atesmm W?fS.&JV,sEa&i r " ,K x. Mv.rafeNa i nufm JKh'vi!z&&-fwttSM& I i 1 y i5MmxtmmymKMWf3am i catwcam aws.x rs-,ari'Mjiiy?iitMai.3JiAAm.t ,, i i r i i t i i s.aa i vcMx'ymmmsminmv v mxa i MMm mmmmummh i r . x'vmj- ERSffiKit KtfJeWN WfMHTBIM ' -. XWYXXA I Hwiira la numim u i 'xmY)& mmmmimmwrmiv!exi.it. s . uma mmMmmmivMmjjm js 1 - r a xmwxx 'Mmmia&smKyfKiLvxVss ' I S I va .WSAX va klS"HilC I ,Sk w -crunch. H fwr I t nv.-i..r r..H .M.-M...e..il.,v ttrt le 1 V ' usssssh was f 1. Jtuuuiiui, iuiui lauiiuiviun, iiui 11. l .- VJbbbbsI IMF 1 I tlo ovvo cr a tanner wot's n tannor? I 'to .saLBL m i 1 'lire's mo tlilnicinff in minions millions I I tHQw .ktWtttttttWW 'I O' pahntll tO 'dp keep tllO Oltt COUntry I . 2L LsHsltlasSalafs'sflllalalalalaBl A V safe nntl there's you Rrnsliln' nbaht a I 0") siKIU'yl menslv. nattrv. lilnnmln' tltttv tnnnorl I S ' soiaXBrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsVy Wlicro's ycr patriotism? vHTf I sW, J I Force of Habit v X fflL LWZm S-y 5S . KSV && vV I r &fytt-rflmL 1 tn Z.v-Xj x-n ; k&Nzs ask&uzPpA Klc-itr-n j?zf tkWWw o sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsa, T Yii TV " ILI i ' I r y BJHL IHssVeVeVeVessVesK f . Wr:J'nmM H&S LOOSE. aam: .. &JBM &&wE222 ) n Tfcf a sti,wVM-rresui - "a Prlvato SHko Pntcrson, on meeting; Pupil Teacher, may I bo absent thl Qtirn TTn IVmilrl tho nrmy aurrjeon, absent-mindedly nfternoon7 My aunt's cousin U dead. auro no trouia niiln hl.i tnntnm nut. tnstend of anlut- Teacher "Well vofl I aunriosii ot Imfc . Inc. really I wish It waa soma nearer relative. N.:.vS" C-.-r IPR. 1.PUU.Em( Xtv.' WHICH GOES TO PROVE THAT ALL MEN ARE BORN FIBBERS DErfTIST V x- -s y ' v s i N "'.7 w21je i rn.r, tai 1 i fioTTo. iiive RoP HSMt 1 ''..'! fZrSt I v-"" " iv-v - . -. TS.i I CJlVEMEA HfvVCft'T I I0CCNTSFOB.I 1 Nf, 5on I . :; ytffeiZN. j . . . I l. 1 I ,. -TX at tr.f J V . A S.TlJfl . I UUCkHI&K. 0. KIT OF I It ID- I r .... 11 i If V r Coo ft. 1 I'llAU'.e I 1 POP? I ' ' .'i& lAf . Bed. Mister? Cl 1 ir ' ' drPPll 1J ' VV 1 jtarK. r 7mii :ivi r T1 Or 5y U --- J ri PPsSa SdLmt -" feW3S lKr Il ia-slililililHr I '' IsaivrTrVu'Srl K bji' o 11 rsPKBfeSy silVvsiliW J? tUSbP nll-S iteST z' Pliiiiji H: -Jl T3H7noJ fc s" I if V-''i lOW r!-'': -i; -sWtjg Dentist "Would you like gas? - ($ j?" A -:::hi? --JfflPSSpi't'i-m Patient-Would I like, sa7 Of ?y4k 5 V riliilM course I'd like casl Do you thlnlc Z'nT" . ,&-(s. yyssJjf- flrsW !T goln' to have you flddlln' round, tne ln $gxt&')-. . Bj the aarit7 VfTift tr c5S' " ' ' ' Sorry He Spoke sj 6 PM- t imTl l I ne?e with5 . r dim" M A nickel! StKr' i VOvR. 50IT f HAVENT NOTSOBrVDl, J MKP'flJp'K $ rno wnts Cot it. J i 1 cC?t1 WtS "sl iFlFTf CCNTSj TU.MiM C JV-ytrirW. : y. J IbCHARQB ' W Lr, :JHs wJKL. W T 'iB il3S,w 2;LJ jjjlv:S9 Funny Kellovv The difference be- "B -($8Q&r tweein a tvoman and a glass Is that i tho glass reflects without speaking. ,0 o while a woman speaks without re- t.S. llectlng. I I JIIss Sharp-And the difference be- "" j' tvveeu you unl a penknife Is that tha 7 PM IU30 P.M. ptnkmfo may be shut up. AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES IPJ HHBBHfWa '&T5PUlW CAKT I CAW HEASt-TWS 1-rS 1 i I r3 I hwaSwtjs mM-SSt( Hessie becomes I tSeors I W rS$hf ?oN$ A L- ran 15? tJHOIA1STHL ZX$&& MJ& JJg hlWM sSsss&JJgte CORHERSTOHEWR. cOf " f 'O'' S Good Night! lie DatHiff. I never dared hope you would accept me! It is too good to ba trua She Well, I'll explain. A fortune teller told me that my second mar riage would make ma very wealthy and. happy, so, of c0ur, J wanted to get pay first marriage over as toon, as I sputa; ' . 1 SCRAPPLE " -' THE PADDED CELL I-ondon Opinion. . . DOING Constable Now then, what, ara ycu de' rntortaieu uent-UH qui orijoi c-;;aaUe so'urvrof-r, pemtm Corustab'.o- What tort ol Ooverunie-t appoi:ime-;tr Jnabrtatod QeaV-Mlot 3YftUWa tor KeppJun. HIS BIT TH Pass at Eijsr - 'g here t 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers