-pi '4SSsR NIGHT EXTRA ueninn Iieije NIGHT EXTRA ftob i--185 PHILADELPHIA, SATUHDAY, Al'llIL 17, H)Io. I'opTniiHT, IMff, lit tub Ptifif if t.rnorn Cnviriw. M RAIDERS CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE UPON ENGLAND Coast Guards Killed and Docks Wrecked, Berlin Semi-official Agency Says. Dozen Towns Suffer and Loss Exceds ?iuu,uuu, .London Ke- ports Capital Passes Night of Terror, Awaiting New Foray of Aircraft. Essex and Suffolk Bombarded This Morning, According 10 uncon firmed Report Authorities Be lieve Attacks Designed to Spy Out Objectives for Campaign Later. PHlOIfl OXE GENT NIGHT ATTACK ON LONDON BY GERMAy ZEPPELINS AND AEROPLANES LONDON, April 17. A German Taube flew over Selby, In 'Yorkihlre, 14 miles from York, today, cn the .fourth aerial "Invasion" of Eng. fund In the last 60 hours. I BlillMN', April 17. ! &pjS8ln airships did grent damage on ikdr recent raids of English const towns, (according to uispaicnea rttcivcu nui 'ttiiy. 1 hvmI officers of the British coast ftuird were killed or wounded, and bombn iwjre dropped upon British ships pattol fiinf the coast to protect the shipyards. iBnmlu also fell on the English docks. BThls Information Is given out by a seml- M-l.t natv. utronpl' Information concerning the damage nn. by the Zeppelins Is said to have flttn communicated to Holland In con fidential caDiegrums irum j-..nLanu. xiie British censor, according to dispatches received here, struck out other details of the results of the air raid. "The German naval airship that bom- rfcirded defended English east coast towns I'inthe night of April 15-16, despite a heavy .fire from the English guns, has returned !ufely. said an omclal statement from tie War Office today. . Reports received In London Indicate Ithit two, or possible three Zeppelins par ticipated In the air laid on Suffolk nnd ,7!,r tnurnn psirlv vpRtirln v. Tlnlr-h .twees reported three. FOURTH ZEPPELIN RAID .' Vi BKUJjAAU l.Kl'UKTKl) fc LONDON, April 17. JA third German air raid within 21 hours rts renorted from Suffolk nnd Kmiev. on the 'North" Sea- coast early tddavr' Seven I bombs were said to have been dropped iiiesr Colchester, while n German nlr IKtlder, probably a Zeppelin, was reported f itd have been seen nt Felixstowe, one of ,w puces attneked Friday morning. This would be the fourth air raid on England since Wednesday. '5 Belief was expressed In ofllclnl elreles I t that thetalds on Friday were for the llrL ,'J."ts uut liiu IUIUUU11 UL IJBrlllsh arsenals, mllltaiy denots and Mval stations for the real big aerial at tack, announced in Germrinv fnn anrlt, Iwriw. .About a dozen cities, towns and com- Concluded m Page Two, Column t'hree mzmzTi ,;.,. i;:'" -;wSf&. i Mi , iWlMWwMfiMllin rr r"Tr "IT, if lWMaMaMMaaMaIWaMMIPnWWWI ..--. -".ynjipr- BULLETINS CYCLONE SWEEPS AWAY MADAGASCAR VILLAGES I'ARIS, April 17. A violent cyclone has rnlt,cd Fevernl native villages in tho legion of Sambavn, with loss of life, tho Governor. General of Mtulngascnl- cabled tile Minisier of Colonies this afternoon. DEATH ROLL THREE IN WEST VIRGINIA MINE WILLIAMSON, W. Va., April 17. Three men wero killed, three escaping:, In the gnn explosion In the initio of the Davy Pocohoiitan Cit Company, at Davy, W. Va this aftcriioou. Larger losa of life va- -,t fhfct failed. Tho fact that it w a slack lime In themino pudental utoro men being- tiuppcd. FRENCH BOMBARD-TURKS IN PALESTINE I'AKIS, April 17. A French battleship, supporting nnvarrlal reconnoibsaiicc, bucccssfully bombarded Turkish fortifications and a bank of Turkish troops nt El Arish, near tho Palestine-Egypt boundary, according to nn official announcement from tho Ministry of Marino today. This is an actual photograph just received from Engl mill sinw nr spnrpniirrnra tifn,.,.. r..nM r.i.-: -. n pii: . m. . . . iinf in i, V.i.u . "B" ",,u"v "" v unruly wusa ouuiun in i.onuon. iiie airshins were put in by nn artist to give an idea of an aerial attack on the city. ""amps wue WOMAN TELLS STORY OF BETRAYAL BY BOY LEADER OF BANDITS Mary Sherman Describes Ctiildhood of Nathan Smith in Kiev, Their Ko mance, Coming to Amer ica and Hig Downfall. THE WEATHER 5V n 5$SSS-V j-t Jt WOUllI BeClll Hint tlipro wn. mn.M.r. Jie room for discussion as tn lust whm Itlte Of mind an Interest in ll.o .vonl!..,. rthMHn D.e,8 ." KWh evidence of mental etai.To de . "r ," ," m.os.t. evP? Jflttff..n-'.;.,!S4,.a.1!!" hapP. "refree th injT.,,i "-"""R wmt we uuriDUte to d tnVMUal ,7h0 8lnss- PeP silently thet n. . . ""K"1 e euner or boh tr, m aealn ln thlnBS that '"" i;, '.mJ"e we lo not Imagine weather Sicoln JusT'lh B0th W0Uld have Bhot lUher Au e 8ame we Buppose. with 8utrJ.0,'?,!0.act tr'bu'.e r a new life te i , " a "nlnlng sun or a w of clouds affects thine I,,., iir-h.i n way or another. "'"" iaea la rich food for thought. FOIlKriAtt'n Ifor I'Mlaileluhla m,,i ,,,.;,,(,.,. .., StoAtOMo; SltUtlall- rn,.ll,..l I (. Ki1t; rfsfiin teinni-rnl.ir a i B'e "0(fm-ejlt ,,ldSt or e(oH, see page S. Observations at Philadelphia Mary Schciman talked today of the boy she knew In Kiev yeais ago, for whoso passage to this country she paid, for whom she obtained work, to whom Bhe lent $500,. and who promised to mnrry her, though sle Is 3S nnd ho Is 22. Today, this boy, Nathan Smith, Is sought ns the leader of a band of nuto bandits who yesterday held up William Tutelmnn within sight of the shirt fac tory of which he is head, nt Jeffeison and American streets, and robbed hlin of $3500. Smith waa Mr. Tulleman's emplojo and was so well ti listed that ho wns bodyguard for his employer on tiips to the bank for the wages of the 130 em ployes at the factory. When tho bandits' auto diove up .Smith revealed himself as their confederate nnd helped in the robbery of Mr. Tiitelnuin. Knots were nred nnd .Mr. Tutelmnn was blackjacked. T hope they1 get him," suld Miss Kcher man, "because I want that $500 ho owe me. That's nil I feel toward him now. I knew him when he was a child. When ho grew up nnd I was leady to go to America and try my luck there he Bald, there In Kiev, that ho loved me. nnd told me to send him money for his trip over when 1 made good. "Well, I did make good at Tutelman'a factory, and saved enough to bring him over. He came tlueo years ago. Ho got a Job there thiough me. Hut after a, ear I saw he was getting cold nnd didn't want to marry me. "I nrgued with him. as 1 used to when lie was a little boy, but he had changed. He was American now. Ho had bad com panions. I thought It would be good for him to have him taught n lesson. So I had him arrested for breach of promise. 'Well, that case was dropped. I don't care now I hope they catch him. He's spoiled altogether." Miss Schermau Is now employed nt the Novelty shirt factory at 3d and Berks sti eels. She lives at 1313 South 4th street. I'AMLXK IX MEXICO CITY W OKHIES ADMIXISTHATION Special Agent's Report Disquieting. Outcome of Celaya Battle Doubted. WASIUXOTO.V, Apill lT.-llepuits of KenotiH food conditions In and mound Meslcn Clt, furnished the State Dcpait ment b Duvnl West, tho Piesldcnt's eon fldeullal agent in Mexico, today gave Ad ministration olllcliils much concern. The capital of the ippublir hns long been a soiiice of won because of the many oul- iiwh repoaeel against Ainei can clt .ens mid property. With tnc Mc.Mnniis Incident still fiesh In the minds of olllclals and vtlth the fnlturo of the negotiations to neutralize the railway from Mexico City to Vera Cni! still a Keen disappointment. Special Agent West's mws thnt conditions hav reached such a state ns to cause great anxiety among tho foiclgu residents was most discouraging to the Adinlnltiatlou. ""The Stnte Department Is trying tir-in-cluce Cananza to send supplies to Mexico City. Tho Issue of the big battle at Celaya contlniiPd to be a matter of doubt In of ficial (inarteis heie. No one except the uiusi mucin iiiMnna partisan nas ac cepted all the icports of the Obregon victory ns communicated tn the Car innzlMn agency here. Otllclal repoits stating the exact story and giving an account of the number of killed and wounded nre being awaited ftt the State Department. jJIAI) SCENE IX EXCIIAXIJE; STEEL RISKS, TH EX FALLS Brokers Battle for Shares in Last Ten Minutes of Trading. NM:W YORK, Apill 17 -Ten minutes befnic the close of the short session lodav the Stock Exchange was the scene of nnother of the tumultuous sppetailes thai have been common foi n week, when I'liiti'tl Stales Steel begun to lite b hlg fractions. Steel, which had opened ill 57, fiom the first was tho tcntii- of nttrai tlon; the crowd mound booth No. S nioie thnn equaled Hint mound nnv six ntlwis. I As closing time npproaclied half a dozen ! biokcrs began to buy In lots of lion nnd 5000 shoies. A mad battle ensued, but the I stock wris not fortbconiinir until thr, n, p ! began to appioach CO. near which llgum some big transactions weie lecouled When tile new higli tlguie showed theio was a liemendous clieei, but In a few moments It sold off. Itallwny equipment sliares, prluclii.illy I x .vuiuiicaii i.ocouioiixe. neia mo .nun; or the iritefehflrTtbo earllcrliarl' of the "Sen" slon, the slock llnally dropping ns low as 5G as against C0', yestcrda. It soon mi lled, however. nrokeis stated that the nctlon of the Steel stocks ptoved that shorts weie being squeezed nnd were getting out from under. SHOOTS WIFE AND HER COUSINS; SAYS SHE CONFESSED INTIMACY Coatesville Husband, Who Gives Himself Up to Po lice, Declares 20-year-old Woman Told of Visiting Her Relative. FRENCH AIRSHIP SHELLS STRASSBDRG .BEKLIN, April 17 A French airship bombarded Strassburg, wounding civilians, aaid au official statement from tho .War- Office totlajj., , STEAMSHIP CHASED RY SIMM AKIN r.ui ,vmi.k u.N TVNi:. Ihigland, Apill 17 ....... -miiiiue, nn, stemn-hlp Kgl.mtliiu of Newca.stle shlio oust. )er new were saved. KUNS ASHORE While being chnsed by a GeT- nshoro on tfie York- John Bunny's Condition Unchanged NKW YOItK, Apill 17 -The condition of .lolm Bunny, Hie motion iilctuie comedian, was unchanged today Ho Is resting comfortably.. FIREMEN BAFFLED BY VICTOR PLANT BLAZE Entire Camden Department Called Out to Fight Fire in Lubricated Pipe. Concludrd on ltt?e Two. Column Fhfl MOTHER FINDS "DEAD" SON VERY MUCH ALIVE &'!' "Uf 8 A, M, ..IV 'M li1'-. ,,".'.. North. 12 'nillts EW'"- hit :i h0Ura:r .: ci" iMalJaium M'.. ' .. " ..... A Limiim ",, ..: :: 47 " vvuiut?ranira .-.,. -. !.Jnclaeo,. Weo ' 08 S;!hr. cloudy; temp., 52 Weather, cloudy; temp. 88 On the Pacific Coast " JJ.lher, cloudy Weather, cloudy Almanac of the Day laiVi ''ow;; 8:40 p.m. o;ib a.m. .10.14 p.m. Lamps to Be Lighted lher xblcte. ;S3p.m. The Tides POHT niCHMO.ND. tat- at ' ' w,,r tomorrow 3.SA p. 11:20 p, 4 IK n CHESTNUT.STHEET WJJARK. ter " ter tomorrow ,.' ItEEDy IRTivn t- " , f r loraorrow R"f tomorrow " SJieikn lfiin L 2.tft, ..... "w xz:sz. 8 p. m. 10 N p. m. i 0 . m. T 18 p. m. 13 2a a. m. 7.32 a m. W.irp. ou Heartbroken Woman, Respond ing to jCall From Hospital, Collapses. A heartbroken woman, responding to a message that her son had died at tho Philadelphia Hospital, walked into that Institution todgy and foupd the supposed dead man sitting up "In bed, cheerfully chatting with attendants. She took one look at him and collapsed. The woman Is Mrs. Elizabeth Hngen, of 1023 South 3d street. Her son John, 33 years old, was taken to the hospital two month?, ago with tuberculosis. Karly to day she got the following message from the hospital; "You son John died yesterday at the hospital.' Please make arrangements to take the body away at once." Mrs. Hagen had been visiting her son eve'ry'llay and believed him to be recov ering. The news that he was dead was a terrible shock to her, but after a time she managed to pull herself together ana obtained an undertaker With the latter she went to the hospital. The under taker's wagon was standing at the door. "Come this way," said a nurse, smiling, when Mrs- Hagen .asked to see the body. The mother was led Into the waVd and found John sitting up ln bed. Investiga tion disclosed that another patient named John Hagen died yesterday and Mrs. Hagen is wondering what she owes the undertaker Thoiisnnds of persons on their way home f i om business and otheta bound for the senshoic weie afforded nn op portunity of watching tho Camden (he men fighting the most peculiar blaze In the history of the department today, when nn almiii was turned In from the Victor Talking Machine plunt. on Market street between Delaware avenue and Front street. Smoko poured from the supports of the big 100,000-gallon water tank on top of n tower 190 feet In height, while firemen, looking like pygmies, pouted a stream on the spqt whence the smoke Issued from a high peich on the ladder leading to the tank. For nearly nn hour the fliemen matched their wits and skill against the odd blaze. Hundreds of employes of the plant shouted directions from the ground and tlitce alarms were turned In, bringing Fiio Chief IJaxter and 3 companies to tho scene. It was at (list thought that tho tank was on lire, but as this Is made of metal the llremeu looked elswheie for the oilglu of tho smoke. After a small squad of firemen started to mount the tower It was discovered thnt there was nu hoso long enough on the scene to reach tho tank. Then a small chemical hose was carrier! aloft as for as it would reach. A stream from this was directed on the feed pipe leading into the tank. It was from this that the smoke appeared to bo issuing. For nn nour the firemen soaked the nln In chemicals, after they had cut a hole in It. Some of the lire was then found to be In a straw packing around the feed line, used to obviate freezing in winter. When the blaze ln the packing was put out the smoke continued to plunge from underneath the tank. Then a suggestion was offered, to the effect that the pipe, which was well lubricated, might be afire Inside from the top all the way to the ground. This turned out to be the case, and was gotten under control after streams of chemicals had been forced down the pipe. GIRL, EXPECTED TO DIE, WANTS BOY FORGIVEN Six-year-old Child Beat Little Marion Reilley Over I load With Iron Bar. Nine-year-old Marlon Itellley U expected to die at any moment nt tho Mnry Drexcl Home, but pleaded with her mother this morning to forgive six-year-old Holiest Miller, 2131 Wallace street, who fractuied her skull hst night by beating her over the head with an Iron bar. The little git I surprised Doctor Deaver, whoopciated on Bier, by recovering consciousness after her skull had been tiephlned. She told the physician she had been Tensing her joung assailant and that be didn't know what he was doing when he struck her icpent edly. Marion was one of the brightest pupils nt the Lincoln Public School, 20th street nnd Falrmount avenue, and livid at 2117 Wallace street. Sergeant Theodore Fenn and Malcolm son, of the 20th nnd Jluttonwood stieets station, paroled the boy in the custody of his parents. They said he was too young to know what ho was doing. Ac cording to Information gained from his older brother, Morris, 9 years old, Marlon met thef bojs In front of their home jes terday afternoon. She knew both of them well, and teased the older boy with being a "foteigner." Morris said nothing, but his brother went Into tho side jurd and procured nn iron bar covered with bolu When he came to the sidewalk Marlon was still taunting his brother, and he sud denly struck her over tho bead with the piece of metal. She fell without a cry, and the ad routined to beat her over the llOn.l ,m,l.l,Ia lit-nlhap millflil V. I . ......... h. ....... tna uiu.i.c. fu,,v.4 111,11 Mnil. Neighbors then summoned tho girl's mother, who found her little gill coered with blood. She first tiled to carry .Mar lon Into the Miller home, but the door was locked. Then she cairled her to the Drexel Home, and the police were noti fied by the superintendent Mrs, Ilellley said her husband, who Is employed at the Baldwin locomotive Works, had been working on part time, and came borne yesterday with 50 cents. This he gave to Marlon to go to the grocery store to make some nurchaaps On her way to the store the girl met the MUer boys. The nelllejs have six children. If mm a srnF i mnihsi .isni.sn cuA'rnsvii.i.r:. in.. .,ii 17,-Nm 1 since the day vvhun Zach Walker, u joung egio. wns binned at the stake, has this Jown been In such n tut moil as it Is to day . - -.- .. The centi.il llgiire of a dinuintiu tragedy enacted hero Inst night Is Thomas K. Hlce. a fin nicr shaipshooter in the United States Marine Coips and .sou of Tliuni.is K. Itice, tho Coatesville policeman who was shot to denth by Walker. While Hlce is locked up In tile Chester County J11II, chained with shooting his 20- ear-old wife. He.ssle, and her two cousins who sought to defend her, eveiy body In in, fiom tho burgess, stoiekeep ers, visiting commercial trnveleis, fteckle- i.iu.u country ooys w no sell newspapers on the mnfn street, down to the "village loustnboiit," Is again talking of Zncb Walker's lyiuhlng. When young Itlco appealed with a in volve!' In hand In flout of the home of Kvmii McCarrnher, whom he chnmes with hi caking up his home, lie stood near the spot where several yenis ago Walker pumped bullet after bullet Into his fathet's body. KNTIItK STOUY DRAMATIC 1-at.l night's shooting occurred In a succession of swiftly moving scenes. The oldest inhabitant of tills vlllnga can not recall an.v other event moie liimnnitc man me oim which nice was instru mental In creating, excepting only the lynching of Walker. Fiom his cell In the Chester County Jail Itice told why he Imd wounded his wife, whom he married nt Hlkton, Mil., in .niiy, mi.i. lie also told why he shot and wounded l-Jvnn .McCarrnher and another cousin, Itlchanl McCarrnher, who lecelved u bullet in the lung. .Mis Itice nnd Kvnn McCai inner nro slightly wounded "I loved Resale and this man IJvau I'ltKXCH CKUISER BOMBARDS TUKK CAAlI' I'.MtlS. .pill 17 Th Mlnisti.v of Maiim- minnuiiccd today that a ciulscr. .supported by hjilioaeiopliines Kn reciiiiiinlHauncn iiiirnnR. lh.rH, cessfullj bou.bnidcd the-Tvoiks of Kl AHsh and the ramps of tho Turkish "troops I hat town. 101 Arish is a Turkish fottiess on Hie Med! Ki mllr-f e.ist of the Suez Cuinl. .'rench suc- concentuited mound terimicnn Sen about GOVERNMENT YOItK. I'.i . Apill 17. stroyed -by fire SUI'I'LIKS BURN IN $100,000 FIRE -The pinning mill .of Jacob lleitstel X, Kmm .,,.. ,i. . - . . j - ?,.. loilay, cntKHinc nn allinuii.il-"1,.. nrLtiAfViitm ........ ."..; . '"" tfotvuMdi-nlilrf1? A,.. lshed Wlllk for (illlnrnmenl In, 11,11 .1 o .. .,... .,' '.. . ... ..... ... 1 " "" cnwvj-.- Alio nun curries its own Insurance. BULGARIA ATIUC.WS, Apill Iwtei culled nt the DENIES CONCENTRATION OF IRREGULARS 17. Aiting upon liistiili-tlons fiinn Snllii. the i:iil:ulri Alln. Foreign Olllee today mid iienled lh.it tlmm limi !..... ,. concunti.itloii of inegul.ir.'. on ltuls.it Imi Mill ADMIRAL HOWARD TO INVESTIGATE JAPANESE ACTS WASHINGTON, Apill 17. Secretin!' of the X'mv ii.ii0t ,.,),. ., llowmil, I'.irllic Meet ciminiiiniler, had diverted the rmlser -., .io mini .--.111 Klegn III .Mimitdll. tn Tint 11.-1 I., I... mini nn .iniuneso were doing nt the liutei place. that Admiial Orleans, on its Just NEGRO CONFESSES TO KILLING WIRE Conscious-stricken. Hubert l.nwt(.u, u Negio, of r.2d stieet near l.udlow, today confessed Hint ho killed l, wife last Thumlay by .shooting her In the abdomen. this afternoon. Lawson will be mi.tlgiied in Centiul .si. ill, .11 OIL TANK WAGON EXPLODES IN COLLISION WITH CAR CHICACO, Apill 17. A stitet car load of woik-bound iiassengeis had a narrow wnen tMP car struck u tliree-hoise oil wagon in the fog near the I'lio oil exploded, demnlbhlnir the ,-ni- ;in,i ,.nn i,.m .,- ." ,.,i, l.ttllllu LIIB dilver fell under the wheels. ,IS leg was nil off. escape today when city limits. three noises' iiistantl. The dilver fell Some nf tln imssciigers weie slightly Injured Concluded mi I'nsr Two, Cnliiiiiii Two NOT TO UUOI' STEKL TRUST SUIT SAVS DEl'AKTMKNT OF JUSTICE Reports Had It That Combine Would Transfer Underlying Company. WASHINGTON. April 17.-Heports th.it IIih steel Tiust suit ngalnst the Flilted States Steel Corporation will be diopped bnauso the combine would transfer the Tennessee Coal and lion Company, mi underlying company, to the Rethlehem Steel Corporation, were denied today at the Department of Justice. The case Is waiting decision of the Federal Court at Philadelphia and it would be dllllcult to drop It now, It waa stated MANY A.MSTI.'IJD.V.M, Apt II gians are resenting the discipline RIOTERS ARRESTED AT LIEGE 17. Illots have luokeil out in l.lece. wIipih th hi. impoHcd by the (lei man nillltnrt- n,ni,nriiia .Many civilians were anested. The King of Savmy arrived nt Liege on Thurs day. It Is reported that 50,000 Geimnn Hoops have Just arrived nt Mons. HERO-I'OLICEMAN Policeman Charles Knopp, of 1 10,1 n i tn full unifnim nnd saved JSaiJ twtsy'a UilsrMtluif utide on faeU I La Follette Believes Wilson Weaker Than When Elected wtn;n1WJ,??ApS,''r(e''c,a '""'P trough Venntvlvanla. Michigan, d!wt Wlhii. fa0,.t,-.ttf Dakotaf; "' toilette belies that Prai' "That LiJ'ti " 'll!'0, v?JUl?lv Pofc'ff. " he icas uien elected. mm ,tJt inl i"'7'.W that he w,n "0 itrono again a vear 'bad um J" it tttJLJ 'KKWl'V inre't naturally has resulted in comollThZ it Lnh? ier?,nc.joh tha! .M t0 6o d0"- ad the man that ac- i.Yr, " iu,l'ht rdly fa expect tg serve more than one term shawl a lunnXn?"? " Wttwm in thi, connection s that he has has do,?B aa!l5J? comromiie. is try to 'help buimets ' However, he uas done a great dmtl mom than either Taft or Roosevelt." K " ' "' ' - 1 1 i J iii Commits Suicide in His Cell Promised freedom did not deter Itobert Morck, 55 .vears old, 2007 Sargent street from hanging himself with a twisted blanket In the Sedgely Guard Hou.se, Falrmount Paik, today. He was found by Sergeant Albany, of the park guards, when the latter went to the cell to release the man. Morck was arrested by Paris Guard John Grant, at Mldvale avenue mm jomisoii jane, last night and taken to theguaid house. The body was taken to the German Hospital. The KensiiiRtonian Says: Jfax JtonenbUtm is tori ( dip a history ol Limburger cheese, but when he comes to trump it ne win ue iucKy if he gets a a,c,i. RESCUES MAN FROM RIVER the Fast Glrurtl avenue sintlnn .ii..a .,-- Jnmes Dlblev. of 1009 F.,ut i ii.,,.., .. . Camden, f.om drowning today at Shacknmaxon street wharf. Dibley attempted " ""' l"'l,,,nl n'lK 'i ""'i ien inu dock He fell In the river, caught him as lm was sinking for the second time ,Knopp OLD TOMBSTONE FOUND IN NEW SUBWAY ROUTE A mu.l-conte.l tombstone dug out of the new subway excavation at F.ranktln Sipmio today bote tho Inwrlpti.m: "In loving memory of Frederick Fraley, son n( Ficdeiick nnd Catherine Fraley; born ns2, died 1S07." AUSTRIAN SORTIE INTO Ittl.Mi:, April 17. An Austilan ftontlei iimian milliter and In have exchanged iHvolvr The .Ministry Is not acquainted with the details jet guaiils. ITALY REPORTED patio) is said to have crowed the shots with the Italian fn,nt,r but wilt publish an omclal n..iiniun,catin.. as soon as It leceives a ,eport Horn the local authoritloj, MISSING BOY SAID TO BE ON FARM najmond Craig Palmer, the IS.yenr-pld s.. f Hairy Palmer, of 126(1 South .1th street, who ran away from home on April S. is believed to be. Frankford working on a farm. The police are Investigating, AUSTRIA'S ZEPPELIN SINKS IN ADRIATIC; CREW PERISH PAIUS, April l-.-Ons. of the two Zeppelins Germany gave Austria fell into the Adrlatle while maneuvrlng oft Pola, according to dispatches received here today tvery member of her crew perished. "" v e gets a 1. - LOST ANDFOtJND MWT tliiaj afternoon. belween3 arid 'aiT .enlsb, on tar No. m Tn !V?y ot ran. Peart 5U1 Oreeo t., o- from 13th aud l.'oulur at., breastpin. in centre, uewsru ntantowD. LOST-Damomt bar pin, platinum aettiiiiTfe illaouod, probably at Broad S statVa about 11 15 p m Xprll 18 aullabl. F-a?d-AdvlMJ138 Ittal Kalata Tnut JWdj ww' "J ?."," dWmoad t ebi. at staatty Tea- atrt Wedaeadav cieaia. tt nth ssry ub. eral rewardJUiurn 172 S Rllttnhowa aquara Othtr Clattifci Juis m fegts'ti OmiT McADOO'S ILLNESS HALT'S RIGGS BANK cask WASHINGTON, April 17. The nines of Seeretnn- e .i.. m today was said to-have been a large faetor i .-. ., ' . ' PU7 JeAa,5 t ..,.... . - .. :-". w -? "uvernment attorney was said ,0have been a Urge faor n Z ,Ka "'1 T"' .MeAdo to ask for a continuance for a month f WlnJuucS .uft -f twffiS Bank against the Treasury othclals. Jt w, Indicated by perwn i dose Lo Ti .... . ,.v.-.... ,u, BMiuicHis. xne secretary la tnkir, .,... ,!rr.''. - " " hii intirrbst In the case, and frequently holds conferences with hla co-defendants in his gldUo', BLOODY 1IATTLK KAGES IN EAST GALlCiA Vattwv PBTROURAn inHI it..ui.Lii , . . . mum 7 -ius w particularly severe In I round Tuchla. where the narman f,au ... ., .t... . n.,ian. ,.....,-,.. .J1ZZTZ. ".""" "" ""namting nwvemsm the Stryj Vlley Russians are maintaining thoii- ns.nin. ....i. -. . . . i ,. .a.. "-".. : ,u loe " "r ftitreme risnt n, Sb log Miade Bhsht fata, a U dlrecttoa of Tstfuo, west ot Bwtfeld. o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers