3 TpfffBlrt?B!wpffwww, EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APItlfl 15 1013' 10 ATHLETICS AND RED SOX TODAY PENNOCK'S GREAT WORK PHILLIES VS. BOSTON iRAvJl m 1 1- we m. i m m HUDE MR. HOOPER SHATTERS A PITCHER'S PET DREAM Pennock's Work Against Red Sox Notable in Baseball Annals Case of Pastorius Recalled Murphy Was Once Third Baseman Baker's Probable Return. A fllcher's drenm was shattered when u misty Mile lioiimlor csonpeil Lnjoio's grasp nnd permitted Harry Hooper to rcneli first safely, ntter two inuti had been retired In the ninth InnliiK of the opening mune here of the 1310 American Lcasuo season, l-'or elRht and two-thirds IiiiiIiirh Iterli I'mnwU, tho youthful southpaw, held Hoston helpless nnd It seemed u ccrtttimy that IVnitocU would realize tho ambition that Is dear to nil pitchers. Hooper, a left-handed hitter, was at tho hat and the crowd was preparing nil oVatlon for the youngster, who was to enrte his name In the hall of fame, when Hooper tapped a slow bounder through tho bdx. I'eiinooh stood routed tit the spot and made no attempt to Held the ball, evidently thinking It would he ray for Lnjole. Tho ball took a nitsty hop and liji.e made one desperate attempt to Held the ball with his bare hand to make a hurried play, because Hooper Is too fast n. man to Catch without a perfect piny on such a hit. The ball struck Larry's hand uid bounded ofT to one side, while Hooper renched first easily. I.ajoic Takes Ultimo for Pennock's Misfortune Almost everybody In Shlbo Park shouted to the scorers' box asking that the play be scored nn error, but this was Impossible, as much as the scribes were rooting for I'ennock to perform what Is generally cnlled "tho pitcher's dream." KAVAIVl I tlt.lnc In -....... ....... ..t , ..I. ...... t.n.. .... .....II ll. ..!..,!. I .. .. t h ... ...... i.,i,i,ci ,,, i tuvm. ji'iiiB iiuiiiuiK imu Kunt: (linn uit' iiiniii iiiiiims holding tho opposing team hltless, only to havo the record marred, but never wns a hit more of a fluke than Hooper's. After the game most of the Athletics, anxious to see Petimick gain a place In tho baseball "hall of fame," Insisted that the play should have been scored an error, nnd Lajolo himself said that It should not be counted a lilt. 'I could have got Hooper If 1 had fielded the hall cleanly." said Kajole. "I know Hooper Is a fnst man. but I had tho play timed right and ho would have been out by a step. 1 should receive nn error and I'ennock should be credited with a no-hit game." Case of CJeortfe The misfortune to Ponnock recalls - ..w ....c.,. .w,iu lu I'llHOl'll ll'l-, III HIIIKI it KU111U Mlt.MI 111. III!' 1 lllllll' park in 1900, when George Pastorius, a southpaw pitcher, of Brooklyn, who hud never been rated very highly, guvo a remarkable exhibition against the Phillies for eight and two-thirds Innings. In this game not a player reached first base until "Doc" .Muriel, a thl'rd strlng catcher, of the Phillies, was sent in In bat for Lew Itlchlc, with two men out. Martel swung on the first ball pitched and drovo it down to thu clubhouse lor three bases. The next batter was retired, and the only mini to reach Mist base was tho pinch hitter. When the players reached tho clubhouse, Instead of praising .Martel, his team mates roundly scored him for not deliberately striking out. and yet there Is hardly a player In the game who would not have tried to lilt the hall. That is Why baseball is above reproach. Martel said afterward that he was sorry to have made tho hit. hut thni in, ut,ii. i,.,,t i.. ,.. i.i,....i.... i.. .... i t..i...,.i , . ...,. ,.v .....,., j nun i, i t.j inuii;n i,, ,,in i.i'.iii, , I'li'iu IIII.-IJ writer of baseball fiction, afterward wrote n story for the Saturday livening Post. based on this Incident. The player was supposed to havo been driven from the major leagues because of the dislike his. team-mates took to him after this con test. Whether or not this is true, the fact remains that Martel soon drifted out of baseball. Hrcaks of Game With the Athletics Even witli Pennock pitching such remarkable ball, It must be admitted that tho victory of the Athletics was really a lucky otic. Moth the tallies were miulc Without hitting a ball out or the Infield. Any tlmo runs come that easily, u club must be favored with tho breaks of luck. Ernie Shore, rated as one of the best young pitchers In the country, fulfilled Cnrrigun's prediction that he would be a hard man for the champions to beat and had the Macktnen guessing throughout. Manager Carrignn also contends that Kutli and Carl Mays', his two recruits from Providence, have shown Just as well as Shore this spring, If tills proves true, the Kcd Sox pitching staff will ho well fortified. In tho International League last season .Mays was considered a bolter twlrler than Shore, but the hitter's work in the closing weeks of tho lflll season In tho American League gave him the preference over Mays and Itutli this spring. Eddie Murphy Originally a Third Unscman Tho final selection of Eddie Murphy yesterday to fill Frank Maker's position nt third was ridiculed by many tans, but Manager Mack knew that Murphy could take care of the position. Eddlo Murphy was brought here from Italtimoic as an outfielder, but his origlnnl position wns third base. Murphy ployed third base nt Scranton, and was to have played tho same position at Maltimorc until Fritz Malsel, now with tho Yankees, won that post In tho spring training season of 1912. When Maisel was finally selected for the position, .luck Uiinn switched Murphy to tho outfield, In order to make use of Murphy's exceptional ability With the bat unci on tho bases. Kcturn of Frank Iiaker Seems Assured Eddie Murphy will be played again this nfternoon at third baso that Is, it Frank Iiaker does not get into harness by that time. Murphy played the third station in good style yesterday, but tho fans and oven tho reticent Connio Mack would be delighted to seo the "Truppo terror" In his new wlilto uniform this , afternoon. There Is not much doubt now but that Baker will be back, otherwlso ho would never have allowed himself to be led around Shlbo Park yesterday by Ira Thomas. Furthermore, when tho contest wns over. Baker walked up the stairs to Mack's private ofllcc, nnd It was noticed by several belated homo-goers that Mack followed his third sacker up to his sanctum. That is taken to mean that the end of Baker's holding-out is hero and that It will bo only a question of days before the long-distance clouter is among his own once more. Undoubtedly, Baker's presence on tho Athletics" payroll will mako a differ ence in tlie work of tho club offensively. Whllo It is certain that cither Eddie Murphy or Uube Oldrlng could be drilled Into n fielder to surpass Baker, drawing either of them from tho outfield would mean tilling in with a weaker hitter. Baker Is In fine shape at tho present time nnd ho is ready to go in and take his stand at third or at tho bat at a moment's notice. One of the questions which funs aro asking themselves is: Why litis Baker come back If ho said be was. through with baseball? Tho idea Is that Baker bcJieved that Connie Mack would coax him back with an Increase in salary. Mack said he would not give Baker a penny moro than his contract called for and that he would not make any Importunities to Ids erstwlillo star. Baker remarked yesterday that he would bo willing to come back If ho were asked to do so. He well knew that Mack would not it si: him, but he probably realized that somo one else would. And he was right. Baker had scarcely set foot in Shibe Parle when he was corralled by Ira Thomas. Tho matter is said to bo settled. WILLARD SUES FILM CONCERN FOR $100,000 DAMAGES Champion Asks for Accounting on Movie Agreement. Heavyweight Champion Jess Wlllard, through bis attorneys, yesterday entered In the county clerk,'! office a summons and complaint in a uit acalnat tha Universal Film Manufacturing Company for $100,000 damages and an ac counting. Wlllard alleged that on January 1 last or thereabouts he entered Into an agreement with tha defendant! (or the production by them of a moving plctur? film entitled '"Jen WllUrd In the Heart Punch." and aays that the do. fendanta agreed to manufacture the film at their own coat, to hill and book It, to pay him a certain amount for each aim rented, 23 per cent of receipts tor rentals and to render h'ra weekly accountlnga. Ha declared furthermore that the defendant, to defeat tha terroa of the contract, purported to make aalea of copies of the film to various concerns affiliated with the defendant, but In reality controlled or partly vetted In Interest In the defendant Itself. These sales, he fa d, were reported to be made at fictitious prices, entirely disproportionate to the actual alue of the nlrrn. The tlOU.OU) Is asked as damages for brea, h of contract, the allegations In the complaint (Sting made on Inlormatlon and belief. HALT-HALT-HALJ Pastorius Hccallcd to mlntl a rrimin ulnveil nt the Phillies' WILSON, STAR VALE DIVER, TO COMPETE AGAINST I'ENN Now at Columbia, Will Enter Contest Saturday. NEW YOHK. April 15.-A little surprise that Columbia had planned for Pennsylvania when the pair meet, at Princeton Hamrday to battle for the Intercollegiate Swimming League cnamplonshlp was reiealed yesterday, when Alee Wilson, mar diver of Yale In 101S, ap. reared In the Mornlngslde Heights tanks for practice. When the Quaker team defeated Yale two weeks ago Wilson resolved to get even. He dropped his law books at Columbia and vol unteered to dive for Couch Kennedy. He has been practicing secretly ever since, and Is now In splendid form. ' Princeton Elects Team Captain per clasjea have elected the assistant manatera tor nest ear's I'rinceton baseball and tiuck Uams. Alvin Uehrer, of Oueena Uorough New York, was chosen lor track, while C. V. Don ahue, of Seattle, Wash., received the baseball e'ectton. II. II. Hosklns, of llelrut, Snla. and W D. Vandyke. Jr.. of Milwaukee, Wis.. 'were second In the balloting, and were, tberefoie chosen to manage the 11)11) freshman baseball and track teams, respectively. All are mem bers of the sophomoie cm. 'Mr-T"'"' V -'.V.t'..'' .-? inree up. EVENING LEDGER MOVIES IT WAS A BRAND (STOP I SAX) ' I LVJOIE. PULLED I I P" 5 Z-- . ohehwvJdstopto ,. N. I0U6HTTO 5S"7 5Nw Tw VJ-n i-S 'aOM'iiHNrS y sgT- V. T 'y' FLOP WHEN HE. V KLA a MflKESiTtooKA!. VT - .-S s&. "T. rtVT ? COLLIDED Vml V2fe? " ji iyy-- "-- -'- S9stom; r Jtw- 4u . ..? . j THE: PILL COUNTRY CLUE TENNIS TEAM IS SELECTED FOE WOMEN'S TOURNAMENT Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey Wins First Place and Re ceives Silver Cup From Club Miss Phyllis Walsh in Second Position Tim lln.'il matfhest of tlir ttotitul Kuliln tniiriiniiiciit licM nt tlio I'lillntlclpliln C'liinitry (.'Itilr wcip plnycil off .vcslnrrltiy itftci'inioit before nn interested sroup of HpfC'llllOI'F. .Mrs. fillhcrt A. Ilnrvoy ennlly won flrt pliieo itnil wim ptevniitril liy tho flub with ii silver eu p. Second place was I'lneoly fonlestPil liy .llsa IMiyllls Walsh anil .Miss Sophie It. Nnriis, .Miss Walsh llimlly dnfcittlNK her opponent. She, too, waa pi-csseiiti'il with a silver etip. The first team consists of Mrs. Har vey, Miss Walsh. Miss Norlis, Mlsa Small A. Halter an Mrs. S. Peinliortnn Hutchinson, tin tho spcoiiO team are Mrs. Thomas 1 IClwyn, Mis. Isaac II Si Milliter, Jr., Mrs. Chillies S Km mini, Mrs. Howard V. Lewis anil Mr.". Wil liam M. Stowart. Jr. The ilatea lor the Intercltib mulches are as follows: Mny 11, Philadelphia Country Club v.s. I'lilhulelplila CriekM Cluh, nt St. Martin's; May it. liennnn town Cricket Cluh vs. Klillaileliililn Country Club, at I'.ala; May IS, I'hllailel I hla Countiy Cluh vs. (icriiiantiiwn Ciichct Club, nt Mnnhclm; llnv "I. Oir mnntown Cliche! Club vs. Philadelphia Ctickot Club, at St. Martin's; May 23. Plitlailclpliiii Cricket Cluh vs. (iermiMi 1'iwii (Cricket Club, nt Manhelm; May ;'S. Ihllailclphia Country Club vs. Philadel phia Cricket Club, at Bala. PENN CHARTER STAFF OF HURLERS WEAK Coach Merritt, However, Round ing Team Into Shape Track Work at Radnor. Although Pcnn Charter's baseball team suffcic'i ilefeat at the hantls of Krienilb' Central in tho opening Iiilerncademlc I.eaRUo mnteli of the season liiht nook, Coach Merritt, of the Little Quakers, be lieves be lias tho boys playli.g together, after the last week of rtrcnuoiut prac tice. .Merritt Is of the opinion that IVnii Charier will wade through the remainder of the league's schedule und romp home with tlie championship. Willie the Infield and outer garden men have been showing up well, Coach Mer ritt's diflk'iilty lias been in developing n good pitching staff nnd a backstop or two. Hrown's work behind tlie bat tho last few days has greatly encouraged Merritt and lie has been working diligently with sev eral .slab aspirants, whom ho Is trylns cut to assist Captain Ouycr on the hill Tomorrow afternoon, the Charter Pas timers will meet Episcopal Academy In the second match of tho league series nt Queen l.vne. Merritt will start Guyor and El own us his battery, hut he will send In a relief twlrler In about the fifth Inning. Tho loss of Alfred Smnlloy to tlie Ccti . tral High School track team will be felt by the crimson and gold .team this tea son. He is one of the fastest sprinters in local scholastic ranks and also n crack running broad Jumper. Smalles-'s reason for retiring tor the season Is because of his scholastic conditions. It is probable he will get back Into competition as soon as he reaches tlie required mark in his studies. Track practice is tlie biggest sport at Radnor High School Just now. Hunt and Cornog aro being tried as nucleus for a relay team. The latter Is an all-round track and field star. lie Is a good man In tlie sprints, distance events and also field numbers. Northeast High School's baseball play ers proved conclusively in their contest with Catholic High School that the red and black batsmen are getting their eyes on the pellet, Rldnath, Landberg, Sil verman and Wilson each banged out a brace of bingles. Keller again twirled a corking game, allowing the purple and gold willow wielders only four hits. IvWlVW Vwi V IT IS TO pMKnpwnAiD Lines to a IJox Score Hamnil the money lual the cr; for knte, llrimnil injunctions siimbMes courf (fcrrcrs; llrimnil .in mini) other things for sale. Involving lentil sinettrs that reck with cheese Iteiniu! the off-near talk of this or Ihnt, Of etlflhip uossin under winter's hooil. Ilrinuimj uyiiin the smash of ball unit jou oo7.- pretty pooil. Willi the htnit of number campaign the flttht for tho luttire of haf-cball Is now up In I'll- bnllfibiyer. Thcie must be some thing more than a romploln end to all ibis legal Fci.nbb!lng, court business and tails of high lliiiince. There must be an f.niHft effort on the ptirt of the player to show thai be It In the game for some thing more than his salary: that he Is In the same because he likes It. because he unnts to win. And tho only way to prove It is lo he on tho Job every minute, hustling1 every Inch of tho wav. If the average player Is only lu the ciime for the kale he can draw" from It. then ho is hitched ti a waning sport. The ptiiinc nt large Is willing to realize that business plnvs (pilte a pa it In the game's uifilse-tip. Ilpt not entirely bubhiese. f the destruction or sentiment continues as It has Tor tho Inst year, the end of an other 12 months will liml old Pastime clamoring huslillv for n pulmotor and ,i stretcher. If baseball Is to retnin Its grip those who play It must hustle this season as they never hustled heroic keep o Irht condition and prove in other ways thai the gatno has an additional lure bes ond the fragrant odor of tho pay check. As Carter Sees It We were talking a day or two ago with Dutch Cnrter, tho Yale star of other times somewhat back, but still remembered. "Baseball," said Colonel Carter, "Is as gicat a gamo as it over was possibly greater, with the introduction ot addi tional skill and science. Hut it Is losing Its grip because It Is no louder being plnved with the old-time spirit, the old-fashioned love of piny Tor the sake of the gama alone. It can still bo haved by a (iulek cessation of court wrangles, talk of big salaries, and the spectacle of this or that player showing that he Is in tlie gamo for money alone. Hut unless this chango comes quickly the road wlil not only be downward, byt It will be greased." The New Genius The Unnie In general lias produced many geniuses, but few beyond tho calibre of Mr. Thomas Jones, manager of Jlr. Jess Wlllard, ot Kansas. Mr. Jones hud gone about tlie matter of making fame and popularity for the new champion by keeping him out of Bight WHAT MAY HAPPEN TODAY IN THREE BASEBALL LEAGUES AMERICAN Today's Standing. W. L. Pet. Athletics. 1 0 1.000 Chicago 1 0 1.000 Cleveland 1 0 J.000 "Washington 1 0 1.000 Boston o 1 .000 New York 0 1 .000 Detroit o 1 ,000 St. Louis 0 1 .000 NATIONAL riilllies , I 0 J.000 New York 1 0 J.OOO Chicago 1 0 J.000 Pittsburgh 1 0 1.000 Boston ..,,., ,... Q 1 ,000 Brooklyn 0 1 ,000 St. I-ouls 0 1 ,000 Cincinnati 0 I ,000 FEDERAL Chicago 2 0 1,000 Newark ,.,.?..., 3 1 ,730 Urooltlyn ,...,,... 3 1 ,750 Kansas City 3 2 ,600 St. Louis 1 2 ,333 Buffalo , , 1 3 .130 Pittsburgh ,,,,t 1 3 .250 Baltimore 1 3 .250 NEW BASEBALL, ALL RIGHT, BUT HERB PENNOCK WORKED IT TO A FINISH uADD'YE NteAN BV PUR- WHV OSSIFEB-PQ YOU j HE ASKEP ME.VHV S A ITHEN HE" 5AIP, " BECAUSE ) I U'Lt.G-ETHIM'St SU.NO YON WBETCH WITH KNOW WHAT HCPtPj BRAND NEW TENT LIKE A NDTHER HAve 0EEN S JTTi XLDji y- AJiPEWAM PITCHED YgT KHjj) Tj -.- & SMILE I except at so much per mid by nttempl- lug to make enemies at every possible turn in placq of friend. Ho hadn't treated Wlllard as A conquering tighter, returned 1 to the plaudits and acclaim of an ndniir- i Ing populace, but rather as a nioney- maklng machine Invented solely for the production of unadorned cash. I Hence tho claim of genius for Mr. ; Jones. Kor no one but an extensive i genius, playing this system, could keep I from driving his charge to utter obscurity I In about ltidays. ' Tho one remaining master stroke for 1 Mr. Jones to launch Is to rise upon his I hind legs and advise all Interested In Mr. Wlllnrd's strabismic future to go lo viranuoiu vtcuciiim. Or perhaps Mr. Jones is working on n bet that within two weeks he will mako the public mid the press forget that Mr. Wlllard ever existed, much less knocked out Jack Johnson. Cobb nnd the 1915 CampuiRii N'o other man ever led bis league nt bat over four .cart lit .succession. Cobb' ba.s led the American League parade eight seasons withorl n slip. He Is now on his way to a ninth successive cou--inest. Hut whether be arrives or fnltrrs hv the wnyslde II Ij .something to know that one has doubled any previous mark set up In -13 years of spirited endeavor. II may be that Cobb will l headed this senson. I,ut unless one Is of a superla tively speculative turn of mind, wo are not advising any wager to this effect. At that, the Standing of the Clubs looks n trifle belter In print than the glaring Iictdline, "Magnates take case to court, asking Injunction." "All my players," says "Wllbert Robin son, "want to talk golf In place ot base ball." Who knows maybe Hobby has u golf team in place ot a baseball club. Tho distinction is growing narrower year by year. LOUISI AND TAYLOR TO BOX Chancy Unable to Meet O Kccfo Be cause of Illness. Matchmaker Jack . Hanlon, ot the Olympla A. A has substituted Louis iana nnd Jimmy Taylor, of New York, to substitute In the wlndtip Monday night for ICddle O'Keefe and Cioorge Chancy. Hanlon says the latter Is suffering from a nervous breakdown and his physician ndvUed him not to box for two or three months. Lew Tendler and "Willie Mack will meet In tho semi. In the other bouts Joe llef fernan will tackle AValter Drown, of Texas. Young Uigglns will oppose Young Allen nnd Klghtlng Bob will open tho show with Joe Belmont. LEAGUE VIn. W. L. 2 0 20 2 0 2 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEAGUE 2 0 2 0 ' 2 0 2 0 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 LEAGUE 3 0 i 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 Lose. Pet. "W. L. Tct. 1.000 1 1 .500 1,000 1 1 .500 1.000 1 1 .500 1,000 1 1 .500 ,500 0 2 .000 ,500 0 2 .000 .500 0 2 .000 .500 0 2 .000 1.000 1 1 .500 1,000 1 1 .500 1,000 ' 1 1 .500 1,000 1. 1 .500 .500 0 2 ,000 ,500 p a .ooo ,500 0 2 ,000 ,500 0 2 .000 1,000 2 1 Ml ,800 3 2 .600 ,S00 3 2 ,600 ,567 3 3 .500 ,500 1 3 .250 ,400 1 4 .200 .400 1 4 .200 .400 1 4 .200 ATHLETICS' PITCHERS. GREAT) SAYS THOMAS Youngsters Will Surprise the Circuit, Declares Coach. Generally Underrated, But Strong. "our pitchers this year nre going to go far better than most people think. 1 can sec a bright future for tliem even this season, in spite ot their youth." These remarks were inntlo this morning liy Ira Thomas when talking over tho opening gamo of the season in which Pennock hurled such masterly ball. Continuing, the Athletics' pitching coach s.ald: "Vou sec that our pitchers haven't tho reputation that some on other clubs have. Hut I say right here that we will hcnellt by that. They are in great shape and they are going to pitch winning hall for lis: They will lie winning games for us while they are building up their repu tations instead of going along with n lot ot veterans and not doing much until they have ruichcil the top of their careers. "What you saw Pcuimck do yesterday Is what you will seo a lot this season. I don't mean by that that every man Is going to come nn near to pitching n per fect gamo ns Herb did, but I do mean that all of them are lu Hue condition, physically, and that they aie capnhlu (it pitching winning ball, and when they do that, they are doing nil that can lie done. "I haled to seo Hooper get that hit off Herb, becauso ho deserved to get his no hit game. Still It wns one of those things that could not be helped. 1 think that Larry played the ball Well and that ho could not hnvc gotten Hooper at first under nny circumstances. It wns Just a tough break In tlie luck at the wrong tlmo for Herb. "Pennock's game Just shows what can be dono by a young pitcher. Herb and our other pltcheis not only havo the stuff, but they have also tho advantage of not being so well known as somo veterans wo havo had in rormcr years. This means that tho other teams nre likely lo inidcriato their ability. This can result In nothing but good for us." BAKER LEAVES TOWN STILL UNDECIDED Ira Thomas, After Long Con ference, Unable to Learn Ath letics' Star's Intentions. Tho J. Franltlln Bnkor-Athlctlcs situa tion did not change during the night. An hour nftcr tho gamo yesterday Baker left Ira Thomas with whom he had been all afternoon, taking tho train for Balti more. Thomas said tills morning that ho had talked to Baker a long whllo yesterday about coming back to tho Athletics, but stated thut tho third baseman did not tiinko a dellnlto answer. "Yes, 1 had a long talk with Baker before, during and after tho gamo yes terday," said Thomas, "but 1 could not tell Just how ho felt about tho matter. I could not say one way or tho other posi tively what Bake Is going to do. All I know is that I did my best to make him see tho thine In tho right way, and It may havo had some effect. 1 saw In tho papers this morning that Baker and Con nio had reached somo kind ot an agree ment. I know nothing about that, us I have not tulkcd with Connie since I saw Baker yesterday afternoon." Mnuager Mack himself says that he had a final chat with Baker beforo the latter left tho city last night. But Connie, like Ira Thomas,' wus not willing to say definitely that Baker would be back, al though he did not deny that he would be glad to have him on the club again to assist tho Athletics in their pennant race this season. McCutcheon, Cornell Track Head ITHACA. N Y., April lS.-Tlie Cornell track team eleeteil Kenneth U. McCutcheon, of Pittsburgh, captain of the track team, to ouc. ceed Oliver A. Keller, resigned. McCutcheon, who Is a senior, tallied tor Cornell In tha hammer throw at tho Intercollfslatea last aprlns, and I tha leader lu the weight events tills year. He also played football, Ex-Wrestling Champion Dies CINCINNATI. April 13. Charles Wlttmer. for many years the undltputed champion heavyweight wrestler at tha Orueco.ltonian style, died at hla home here yesterday. Ho had been 111 for several months, ond passed away while the physicians were preparing to operate on him. He was SS year of age. " a "HOW I WON WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP," TflLI) BY WILLARD IffllSBl T Cowboy Saw His FjJ Fight, Then Resolved (o Whip JohnsonJeered al by Spectators When He Startedto Train for Rin AnTICMS III. J Dy JESS WILLARD Champion Heavyweight of th woril ii Somo of the story-tellers are IncijH to stretch ynrns about mo out to a riffi utous extent. One of them said o that 1 whipped a big fellow ivho 3 mo M because ho wouldn't pay it, gt after he bail given mo a check f0, S amount 1 bent him Into town by runnt! faster than his horse could draw B wagon. According to the story I hafS reach town llrst to get the check caitS beforo ho could have It stopped. I An I nlrendy have told you I couUrn somo those days, but I don't rcmcitiU Hint I ever Pitted my legs ngalnst thl of n horse. I think too much of mylJ Tho first man who ever paid any atf, tlon to me In n serious way so fM'g' fighting Is concerned was ,T. D, Brock-Vf Oklahoma City, That was soon afurt$ affair at Bono between .lohnson and III. fries, when the whole country was 8,S with the "Whlto Hope" erase. nowr happily wiped out by the nffalr "at nV vana. t confess rliht here that t -' lired with itn nmbltlon such ns I .... ? iv lintl before. I pictured myself th .. candidate; for the title held by johnioJ nnd in my dreams could see mritif crowned the king of them all. V So T went to see Brock, who wM mg nlng n club nt the time. He looked fcj over, nnd I thought T could dtect ii nmtiprd smile on his lips. A coupVof itlght.t Inter he Invited me to see a ficU that he was holding In his club, and yj may not believe It. but that was the fJ regular ring encounter that I evtr hi looked nt. Tho contestants were Clarence Eng&l and Harry Brewer, welterweights, ml strangely enough Brewer was at the rtsr side to seo me win the championship from .lohnson. -,i Well. T U'ns Inql In nrlMit..,.!.... . ..'I speed and skill those boys showed lidf mado up my mind then and thr iw If I could ever get to be anywhere wi. ns gooct as tncy wcro that I could wkj Johnson. Neither of them was a than. pfou, but, believe me, I thought they irtii nbout ns wonderful as could be tnrnd out. I couldn't sleep that nlght.,fp thinking about that and my ambltlonW ramo a raging lire wiinin me. A It wns with illfllciilty that I could lilts' or talk or anything hut light alter llil and Block, seeing I was in earnest, oV ckicu to give me a chance. So theyirt me to working In the gym and I cm recall now what a butt I was for a lo! of jokorn nnd kldders about the phtk They put up all soils of lobs on me, M Miilt II when 1 threatened them with sow" horrible sort of punishment and onti cuffed one of them for putting FomeshoC innkci fl wax in my boxing pumps. It was along In August, 1910, that I llrst met Brock. I think and he dkhl get mo a fight until tho following FfV ruary, saying I needed the training. Othti people scoffed nt this and said that U; more I trained the worse" I looked. That might have been so. but I surely fhourtt I was doing lino and plowed along, dolnj ii lot of things wrong and very few thlnrj vlcht. Hut the old ambition was tkeri nnd I imagined I was doing line. ,'4 The idea of bitting out strahrht nera was sliovyn to me and I clawed out wits, my punches like the rawest amiteor, something with tho motion that a rlrl uses In throwlmr a baseball. It VIM I joke, the way I fought, but you coulinl. havo made me think so. I thought I u Immense. Then ennie tho nlsht of !,' first tight and I was ns nervous as boy about to speak his first piece. j? Tlieto was a great throns oui to ". me. which dldn t do mo a nit oi pw cither. NEWARK HALL CLUB SOU); SMITH AfiAIN MANAGES Two Former Stockholders Buy InttfJ nationals' Franchise. NEW YOniC. April 15. -Tresldent Bft, row, of tho international League, w afternoon announced that the W",J club In that circuit had been sold to C. i Mcii'dlcus and George U iSolomon, .fonnjl, stockholders. The price was not' jm t i -tr T.M.U..,.., iti,..ai. nt thA Brooih lyn National League team, and who W controlled tuo majority oi mo (. ra - . .. . .,,.-. I. IaJ.W II ft Kewanc ctuo, ciosea mu nam wu, -. ...... ...111. l.n notu nwn.ri. r& cuilieiuiiiu i.iiii ixu ,,.. ... ........ . r .C..-.I.1. non.n,. .rftlnnfTPr OI IQB jiuny uiiiitu, w,,, '"'"'"",, "ii club, who was released by Ebbetts, bo brought uacic to uauuie me w -"- Willinmu Wins Iinrnuet Match In the first round of the nscqu'ivj;, Ingles bnuah championship W J. .v'ufm dsfnted A. It. Mellor In strulBht "-gSi 1.V1I, 13-B. W lllams rlayed his usual o Kame. plnclne his shots wl h such seewfg tlint Me or was kept on tho ,'"n,hTSw the time. After the first two games tM"i giowca un a nine ami nwuma - --- game wttn nine uiiiicuuj. r a r.F.s TODAYS At HAVRE DE GRACE Six Races Daily including steeplechase. jn Special Trains Penna. H. K. J'u Broad St. 12:34 P. m., West n? ,',y p. m.: B. & O. leave 24th and Chesty OIB, iilU IJ. 111. JJ AdmlHsloii, Grnndntnud j''"w First Bace at 2130 p. m. IIII'IMIIAV T.KAfiUE BASEBALL TODAYl SHIBE PARK Athletics vs. Boston ; OASIK AT 3iS0 V, M. XTii l A r .Irn-k Metlulnu.rfM rvuiiuiliu i. j. uti, and Catherine I Gus Christie vs. Young Aggjg Quaker CliXgfeaa JACKIE CLAnKBvSTl?HIVBI,Jl 4-UJllI"V uww -- 4 i.i I mi' -fo' " if'.. fce.g-AS,,, . '- f,Jj:.c. . a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers