-v - - Si y IP lBBESSLER or bush WILL FACE BOSTON IN TODAY'S CONTEST Southpaw Probably Mack's I Selection Because of Pen i nock's Effectiveness in Yesterday's Contest With Red Sox. t tint tflltli'B t,ic opcnlnB gnmo of llio Mrlw front tlio Hoslnti Heil Pox, tho Atli httlcs '" f"BnB -nrngnns pcopio rain this afternoon at siuuo rant, mo iucccss of Hip itiltlni vcnturo of Muck's .Integrated macuino nos pui now uio IntO thfi players mm nuiu mi" viiu unuu at the I'lillrtilclpliln fnns. Just whom t onnio win can tin lotiny ,, j0 the main ilorciisivo Blunts Is a. nilltr of guesswork. Tlio clinnc.es nrc, however, that lio will uso cither llubo fctBrMil' op Joo IIubIi, Uepcliilllie upon fovhom Carrlgnn selects from lits corps Ltfhurlcn. ';iP"a i The Bplcndltl porfnriiiiinco of Herb Vnnock npalnst the Invaders from Hog. it ton ytsterilnj Imllrntes that Mack Is Bf likely to uso Hresslcr, another southpaw. Beyond ti shift In tho battery, Mack will tljd tilO J7101I III I'lU nu.iiu iiumtiunn tunny tint ho used yestcrilny. Tho now bat tW order woikciJ voll lit tho first lilt. Lirnguii " -' "" " Is . intent Indnv. oxnonllncr. of course. hit batter men. Harold Jauvrln, tho .numr Intli'liler ho went to tho Itctl gox diirinc the latter part of the sen- jOIl Of I'H irnill mo C.I1KI1SII U1RI1 Sthool. I" Hoston. is temporarily In- f capacitated by snro eyes, miilnrr his P hospital term Heine Wagner, the o.x ' ihortfleliler, will perform around the b livtono Btatlon Yestcrilny lteltiu ft, played tlio name as lio did In 1012, when 4; h was one of tho leudlnpf light of tre r icd Box and assisted them materially ' to win tho American Lpukuo pennant ti gnii then tho world's championship from t tho Giants. f The fcaturo of tho drat pmc with Uos I t0n was the splendid work of Herb Pen j. nock. The Kcnnett Squaro lefthander Just i.-missed BcttliiB into tho Hull of Fume by E one scratch lilt. Had Harry Hooper figorto out in tho last Innlnc, Pennoclc's K mmo would havo been cmblnroncd with ft h chosen few who have koiic before if him nnd who havo let their opponents down without a slnKlo hit. Pennoek's u-nrk durlnc the sprint: cames Indicated k' tht he was solus to rise Into tho class of great nuriers tins season, mo lias twnva hnil ii lot of stuff. Hut lin ins foieve r been finite slrontf chourIi physically to CO through nine rounds nt top speed until this year. At present Pennock 'weighs moro than ho over did and Is In i "the nlnk of condition. Ho could havo one. ho paid, at least flvo moro Innlnna fljfwllhout exerting himself In tho least. irThat means thnt Mack now has ono of tho ''mosC dependable lefthanders In tho busl- f hess. MAYER, OF PHILLIES, MAY OPPOSE BRAVES r". fioston Now Looks Easier for This Series With Rudolph Out of Way. BOSION, Mass., April 13. While tho ifcteton fans wero disappointed that tho Mrorld's champions did not capturo tlio opening event of tho llilli baseball season "from tho Ph Hies jesterday, they fully realize that tlio club was up against tho ireatest pitcher In tho country. Conse uuently the Interest in tho game this aft ernoon will bo no less keen than that on Wednesday. Bright, cool weather eailv this moraine .made it iilmost certain that unotlirr 10.000 '.Croud WOUld bo out to sen Mm Mlnii-ln I Man nnd his hli clings meet Moran's toss- ers in the sei'oi (1 contest. Mor.ui had not Redded deiinlVlj this morning whom ho Wld start in tho matinee, but Mayer was told to nienaro himself. It was nlso possible, Moian said, that ho would uso iJone of his left-handers Ilaumgnrtnor or jiuey in work against the Iliavcs. With RudolDh out of thn irav fnr IliU Merles, tlie Phillies feel that they havo tetter than ah even chance to leavo Hos ton with the larger percentage of vic tories. Neither Tyler nor Jiuuoh win ever ;jery effective ngalnat tho Plilladelphlans. Ito me ennnees seem to favor tho visiting team, particularly In tho light of their lenernl good ull-round showing yesterday, iWhen they won tho game 3 to 0. hln former scars the Philadelphia club Played listless ball, displaying but initio pepper in times of victory. Hut It jjaa evident In their llrst isiimo here that Moran Is going to havo a hustling club Md ono which Is going to put all Us trength Into baseball nha not dlvldo it W extraneous affairs. Tho clever work ,CI Iho Phillies' infield, onnoelnllv. linn. croft's showing, wns a revelation to Uos- )m ians, and Instead of selecting tho JIy reconstructed team to finish far own la the second division they bellovo Woran has n rhaiRo to linger around tho noi me National League ladder. .Moran rcallv needu nniv two iiirrii.r.rn.ii. Pitchers tO (umnleto n U'ell.rrmiuln.l r-lnh .jnd If ho can land them he will give any jm in tho circuit a battlo for titular vuurg. Central Hlcll Elects Cnnlnli. Si At a. maMri0 A .- (.. . . . iiuuJa.JflW-lllh Stt track team, hold WiltitA i """"'I, iwereu nrnanoy va lijr the re; NO. 93- rwe SENT YA UP TO u inin Uie iTimvon anil Uow sQiiatl JSiiiJlhii' ,rolhcr Albert, who a ricilared Him i! .1 l'nPi for Iho Central Hleh -- tivivtiVVSt IN CON.TRAFriC'a ROOvn ANP ALU YOU FOUND' VA3 A BOX. OF DOPED C1GAR3 THAT KMOCKEP U& UNCONSClOUSlrlOWlAA SOIN'UPTO HIS ROOA- AAYseLF AMD see what I CAN FIND OUT ABOUT tllM. YOU 6TAY r.5e V3N SUARI H RESULTS IN BASEBALL AND LEAGUE STANDING YESTERDAY'S SCOIIKB American Lookup ",Jr!,r: s' "o'ton, o. J, ftolnnd. (ti Detroit, I. Ihlrnun, 7, n(. lamia, n (13 Innlnc.), Nntlonnl Lcoriic yillllM, S lloMon, O. Jejv ork, int ItronUlyn. 3. J.,1,ll1',;n' 'I ft. Louis' s. 1 lllnlMirnli, o, Cincinnati, 5, l'ctlornl League 1ltlmnre, t ltuffnlo, t. Hrnnkljn, R Nrnil, 7. KnnniM I Ity, at HI. I.nnl, J. ttlnly llirre unmet oc lintnlcil.) STANDINO OF THK CLUBS American LoaRiic w Allilrllr 1 Washfn'ii 1 (Mevel'd. 1 CIllcdRO. 1 i.. r.c. w. r P.C. .000 .noo .non .000 i .(mil Ht I.mi u n 1 o 10IW DMrnlt.. n 1 11 1.000 lloiton . . II t II 1.000 .Vow T'k 0 1 Nntlonnl Lookup. I., t'.f. v. I., n l.nnn Pt. l.niiis ii i II 1 Mid listen., n j II l.onil llrnnklvii II t li 1 0U0 Clncln'tl. 0 1 rilllllr.. I New Y'k I r'lttsi.'Rii i Chlcnen. 1 r.u. .1100 .1101) .IHiO .uou Federal Lookup W. t.. I'.C. w. Clilcnpn. i u locm Ht. l,nu! I Newark. . a 1 .7r.ii ituffiln.. t UrnnUlyn a 1 .;r,o I'lii.h'cli I Kan. City 0 1! .(inn llalilmnre I v.r. .im.i .LV.O .s-.o .2M SCHEDULU l-'Olt TODAY American LoiiKtic Itnalnn nt t'lillnitelplitn. New York nt Hn-liliiclnn. CliltiiRii nl Ml. 1,(iii. Cli'trlnnil nl Detroit. Xntinnitl LeiiRtie I'llllllea ill lln.lon. Ilrookl.iii nl New lorl,. 1'illi.liiireli nl Cliicliiiinll. l. Uiiili ut CMcbko. I'Vilorol LeaRtiP TJilfTnln nt llnlllinnrp. I'lltKlmrKli nt Clllnmn. .rwhrk nt llriinklrii. SI. I.1111N nl Itnuaat City. (( " CORBETT TO FIGHT COSTER Little Italy's Scrapper to Clash at Broadway Tonight Bor rell to Meet 'Grob. "Come-back" h'reddy Corbett, I.lttlo Italy's popular lightweight, who shaped up like n champion about tlireo years ago, will moot n rugged opponent In Jimmy Coster tit tlio Hrondway A. C, to night. Hoth fighters aro from tho snmo distilct nnd Italian ring followers nro ninnlfcstlng much interest in -tlio 'ii counter. Tlio program follows: rirst tmut 1'ranklo llnp, Foutliwnrk, c. Honk C2uinn, l'uechnll. Second Pnul Miko Ilii5cll, Fouthwnrk, vs. Low Florlne, Smoky Hollow. Third bout Johnny Adams. Tolnt Breeze, v. Bill Hlslcr. Smoky Hollow. Seml-wln.lup Tommy Livingstone, Pnlr niount, s. Churley Doyle, North Prim. Sirclal nunitier IMttlo roynl botnecn 12 cul luil gem'incn. Wlmlup Jimmy Cnstcr. I.lttlo Italy, vs. Corbett, I.lttlo Italy. Johnny Hums annouiiced this morning thnt ho had signed up his middleweight champion, Joe llorrell, of Kensington, to meet Hairy Greb, of Pittsburgh, In tho w'ndup of an nil-star show nt tho DwiucHiio Gardens. Pittsburgh, for tlio night of April 2U, the same ilny tho Na tional League ncnHons opens In Plratc vlllc. Hon ell will gel a big guaninlee with a prlvllego of a percentage of tlio gate receipts. Tomorrow night, nt tlio Quaker ritv A. A.. Jackie Clark, whom Tommy Ciilpiuiin flatly tefuscd to meet Inst week, will box Terry Mnrtin, Southwark's veteran, in tho star bout. CJus Christie will li.io nn oppoi tunity, Saturday nlglit, to prove whether or not ho should be considered u serious con tender for tho middle eight champion ship. Ho has been Vpnditlnnlng I'oii.srion tlously for hln tnatcli with Young Ahenrn, of Now York, at tho Xiitlnn.il A. C. . Pcqttv Montclth's lsions of a M-round bout between Johnny Dundee and Krod Welsh In the bnll park at .N'ew Haven, Independence Day, with thn champion ship at stake, camo to naught, when tlio chief of nollco there iiiled against tlio contest. Monteith is positive I Hindoo can win tho titlo fioni Welsh. Ho Is ready to makn a side bet of nny amount of United Stntes currency that Johnny can beat tho champion. Clover Lew Tendlor. of newsboy cham pionship fume, Is gradually taking on avoirdupois mid It li probablo ho will de velop Into a featherweight when tho 1DI0 boxing season rolls around. Lew's punching powers are Impinvliig also. UIC.OOO UASEIlALIi FANS SAW YESTERDAY'S CA31ES American and National League, Pat ronage, for Eight Games. rnii'AHO, April 15, Afii-r olllciala at both Amerlian ami National I.eaguo liead quarters had fluislied estimiitlng tlio sil ver pieces that wore dropped Into eight box olllces at opening games yesterday thoy figured somo I2R.00O had paid to go through tho turnsllles. They figured tho attendance ns follows : National League St. Louis at Chicago, 15,000; Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. SO.OOO; Brooklyn nt New York, iiO.OOO; Philadel phia at Hoston. 15,000. American League Chicago nt St. Louis, 12,000: New York nt Washington, 16,000; Hoston at Philadelphia, 1S,000; Cleveland at Detroit, :0,000. ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN s- spy SOU 1 RG. XyV A-L. RISHT SH6RIFF ,5HeRlPFS.MPSON. H WNT UP TO SPY IN ROOA AND LEFT ME or 3jard'- He!s seen up THSRe t-. FOUR HOURS ANP AAAYBS S0MeTHlN6. HAPP5NED 1" ' - r Lnii. . . s. ..mil - V I -SJSJMli I. J l.'.'IBi Jm!5i.-JL-- FOURliouirorv- ass -f EiPa fr OW anp AAAYee whrdi. fflffisg A',TCvI -1" soMeTHiNeT Wr-ZS 111 Hik,& . ffl$& -JirtJex : TO HIM.'.' TttT i ,Whl JmtfV iW&mMffQMhk m uirTiv ."A -x vii " r ai n.4juft TriMirnvv sWiasnm r ej-w-Ji' r iV 3 mk c WWnlkZKilgjwr -v v ywtm rlf '(ftkJzvO zzil ni""l'i"" sfifftftBi .SST l. .yefijpr EVENING- LEDQEB-PnilADElPnu, THURSDAY, AVRIV Independent Order Odd Fellows The tmnmltlen limine In ihnrgo the nniuifll Mnqiiei of the ttepreentnllie' AmoiiMlon or tho (Irani lJse, in l.e held nt Wrottlsh HUM imn nn aiiuriiiy. -mhv i. havo rompleteil thflr work. The otTlietn nf tho llrmul I odfie nro nthulflMI, ner the nffnlr nnd prnnilfo tn l.e thrre in forte. Tlio nrrny nf Inlent nml onuors engiiRed ntnl prnernl plnn In rrlpbrnm I lie Willi umilxcrniiy nf the filler lll lie n reielntlnn to "".".?!" "'' Lower, nf Wjmnlc, will frtnk V" ,n'0 Innil of DiM IVllounliliv thn llrolhrr hoo.1 of tlio ltne." -riie nienker nnit Ihe suli Jfi't will Im n H. li trrnt, but ho H hut one nf setcrnl "nrellblndora" of high order on the KrfhB Osrilen l.odco hnil Itx nfTlicrs Inelnlleil r?1.'1? '"."owing " trM tlrpoiy Kinnd oniceri. "rniui .Mo.trr John T. I Imer. WnrJen II. weiloug. Ticosure.' r. Dnullng. IVrrelnry ileorrfi' Wnliinmi, clinpinln P. fpnckti nn. In ''lo.iluniil A iMnnlii? nnd MnrtliAl II. .i . P.' H''1 iniiinnlat.nn wan Rhrn In tlio inMnlilmt Marf for tlio manner In uliteli Ihev irriorined tliflr woik At the Iminiutt the uaunl apeeih innhliiR wns In oMer April fi thir itrnnii Insmlllng emrf of fiptln ninleii Loilge iiinMlleil the on hero or Mrr tantlh) latino i in A rll n llicv liKinllml Hie nlflceri of I'lilliinlhroi.lo Irfoe. Un April " they lntalled Hie ml kern or liope IxkIkp. On Ainll s Uiev iae. hamo to periorni the Initiatory negtec XIIIlo Iiitgo conforroJ Iho Initiatory degree on no innalilatrs on April N. Among the Multors were f. it. h J. scanlln ami P. (I. in li, Maun, of !!.iiis nn Tipc UIrc. Arilnitiro. P. U. J'fed Knium, Ji nild Itrnther rmnli I nronl, of Qunker iMty Ijidgo: P. u. Wllllnm Prltz, of riooil Hamnrltan LoJge, No Mi. who favored with n shoit nttclros on liilrl fellow hlp. p. (1, (leorse p. Wrlnaer, SO years nf nge. pnlil a glonum irllmto to three Into promt pent Odd leiinwn. i., p. . p. . Jlenry IlligliM, niutnl Trrnnirer M. IIMi.ii.ln Mm klo nnd P. o. nnj lli'prectitiitlo to ilrnnd ljilco Ldwnrd Kepi. Mlllo Loilee lll renter the first deRree In rl form lonlxhi. with nil thr sineliiK hnr noters on the Poor. Degree Master iIooiko nrunner Is nlways lmprolng hli iteiirep ntnif, putting In irti innteriil from limn to lime. Knergpile Inline Imn lis ntfiepra lntnllpil by the Ftnrr or Miri'linliln' l.o.lito. Iicaded b Hi' tl.il IJ. I. !. M. HV.Ie. nnd Iho members of the trnm wrro ronitruiiilnted lor Ihclr exrel lent work Allir Ihe i rellinnlei tlio brnllu-rs wero lnlle.l to n hoiimlfiil ri'imil fnlloweil hv upom-hes from mnihrrn of Ihe stnfl nn.l selc -lliilm rrnm Men limits' iiiattPt. Unllipr" Ixiiulrii and llllpy. "tinll hlllM-s." from Muio IhIbp, wile among the visitors . ! iiiu iinrii. iiwiii. I up iii'v. iu. jwio npippu in inako llio meitbie nr Jlprlmnts, Lnilso nn Inlorpstlnit om- Inst Prlilny cvrnlnn. i (nod "nmirlmn I.ikIko. unrler .S'ohlo ilrnn.l i . . iieinio, hnil a irnou nlipliilanee nt tho last minting. Seon utndlilrilcs receUpil tlio Initiatory ilearee. nhly nssljtpil by Past flrniul Itcrsliaw. of IJiwkcr City, and IJrothcr lllrrle, or Iiirth Lodireii. Itrinirks Hrrr inndo iiv Jiroiheri Kershaw and lllrrle. HMernl lininn nieu.liers told what thpy nrn Enlni; to do In iho iipxI term, llrothcr Hoppe then preenlpd u lirg!' rut-glasi pltrl:cr In Urother Jenkins fur RpiMirlng the lorgrst number m cnndMntei (Inr'ns Int term. Tho seeretnrv has sIt np plluitlons for iioxt Jlondnv night. An invlln tlon Is pMi-nilei! to nil brothers. Iv I.oIbp imd the dlsllnction Inst .Siunl.iv nrtnnonn nf hpliiR the flr-t fmtpninl mtfiinl ritinn to hold serUea nt I.enKiie Island Navy Vnrn. In spile of tlio Ihrenli'nlng nutlnnk, fullv Mi people rrmvded the niidltorluni of tho Y M. I'. A. nnilex. About IT! lllemlirrH of lv tolce, aoromp.inIsd hv their irlcuds, nml nhool ".0 meniiiprs of t.ndv Miade rii'heknh I nilge mnile up thn bulk nf Ihe audience, and Ihe lemalnder ixns mnde un of inpn nf Iho vnrlnun brnnrhos nf I'm to Knm's sen Ir.-- The Itev. fir W.iliir 11 Clrrrnw.iv. pntni nf rins tnn Presbyterian CTiuteh. delticrpd tho prln elpnl ndilres9. AdilresRrs were nlsn mnde by Urother A. ,. llenl. who wns pprnoimll ni nualntpil with Thomnn AVIIdey, founder of tho order: Mr. NorrK seorrt'iry nf the . M, P. A.; Mr. Pnrrsst, for tho enllled men: Itrnlhprs A. It. Wilson, Jnsepb P. Cnllinun nnd B. S. tlorten. for hv Lodge Thelo were solo, hy Mrs M A. rirnhnm nnd Master Wrtntell VorpI, n rpnillim hv Mlsi i;iu Itiinimel nnd a diiot b Miss Agnes M, (luthrlo nnd illss LnuKi flifnnilpr. Alter tlio serleps the pnrlv. under Iho Irnil rnhlp or Urother Claude Johnson, so Remit of Cnuipniiv 2-. P. S. M P, liiniici"!!-!! the linttle nhlp Moi-pim. It wni through Urother John son's ptToris that this Islt was arranged. Tho turn nt the Mini nor ro pleased that Iy Lodge wns Inxlted In mnkp nil nlinunl ilslt to League Island to conduct her lees, nnd nt tho ineetlnir or the IndKC lnsl Mnnd.iv evenlnc It wni derided tn roniliirt sen ires nt tho ard on some Su.vlnv In Muy of eipb rar. SK rondldatpn lPro Initialed In ly Lodgo list Mnndnv evening lnfore u hirco nllend nnie Tonight the logul.ir mnrithlv mepilni; of the Ivv Worker will bo held. NpI Monday eipnlua Ihe Prst decree will he rnnreiri'd Pnltpil Mdge. ot liroid and Pedornl slroeTs. h.ul lin smrr of Mllle 1idge lii'dnll llio fnl ln.lnir nfnVerH or Pnltoil Lmlcp. Willi nn I'hnrles. nohto crand; Thomns P. I'ntton, nco Brand' William riowness, third rillef ini'inhn Tin staff of Mllle Lodge were' I) II II. M. rharlPH li. rtrenen. 1). P fl. M. Wllllnm . Mlllfr, I. P O. S. Pan In, l. Ii il W Kesnellnok, I). I) O I'haplaln T. MpMIiIiipI and P P. T. Cressm.in. Tho oenlnc huh siient In speaking, singing and run. I Ii. il. l. ilinjone ferfnss made on npproprlnle nd rtiesi in prmpntlng I'.isi ilrnnd Ilnliert Tinller an i mhlPlil of ihe order. United Ln.lcn ul on the Poor last night tho third degree In full l.onls Hinltli. an old Inmate of the (Md lvi lows' Home, Il drnd lie ivns born In thin iltv In 1'I7. He bee.ime n member or Hand. In-llnnd Lodge, No. Ill, In Pflo. nnd wns look ing loiward tn eelebrale bin firith nnnUersnrv as a uiemher of tho order next month He bad resided In the Home slneo liHV.I. Hn Is sumied liv two iiaiicnii'rs Mlnervtl Iido hud two annl cations fur Inst nlKlu'H meeting nnd Is getting up nuolt and dart mnti his The new officers are: u Ten, noble grand: A. Innes, i Ico grand. If. f'raien, lldrd relief iiipmbfr. The noble grand mnkcH an nppenl for Bcnernl 6upinrt of ihe niemhcis lownrd an nilHo and suucoHsrul ndmlnlstru- llefore one of tho largest gatbcrlrss nf Odd Pellnws ever nsspmhlfd III Darby, tho crack staff of AniuruB 1-odKe, led by a. II. I) il. M. WUjsIiis. P. il. Joseph Litchfield, mnmiger of the cmplnjmnnt bureau. l. II. O. M. Powdcn. of Chester: P. . Prank Johnton. c. H. Predd. the "ntlly Sunday" nf Arcturus Lodao: N. tl. WlllUm Iluckmon, or No. l.'SS. Tho retiring nohl" grand. (Icorgo Welsli, wan presented with a gold ling engraved with Iho emblem nf iho enli r. A irnci'fslnn led by Ihn Installing nlmf then formed Inr march in the liannuct room. nflcr which an Inspection of the building' win ninde. Tlio degree staff nf Pilgrims Homo Pin amp ment, or Ii.irhy, will Loiifer Iho roinl purplo degree nn n vmidluato at tho next uueting. All patriarchs aro wtibomc .Sll.inin llninuiiimriit held Its nnnu.il srrilco at Odd Pellows Homo on Uunday. The rer mon wns prraihed by th Ilev. II. Treslan Mellenu, pastor of Ihe Mariners' Prrbhylprlnn Lhurrli. The music was by Die ilmlr of Mariners' i'hur'h and Included solm by .Mrs. l, Pctcri.oii mid II. T. Mellenry, Jr., rnn nf the preacher. An address was made by Presi dent riinns. At tho HpIh knh Home nnd Ihe Orphans' Heme no formal iriilua wore held by lulling lodges Improved Order Hod Men Tho Dakotah Association, after a rest, re sumes business at tho snmo placo and tn tho nmo familiar manner. Tho degrca team will bo on ji.ni 1 nt Wyoming a wlgnuin on tomorrow's (Prl il.iv sKcp to tonf. r the elder's define. Any iiuallflcil hrothcr In .south Philadelphia de utrliu the advancement can rrxciit hlinsflf on Ibis iic iiiflon and be sure of iordl.il nnd i ompplent treatnient. TllU IlllClll Oil Of Ihn ria.l Men of Philadelphia and vicinity Id again i.illrd In tlu ln-iure to he delivered by llrothcr Minasslan on Pratcnul Koclttles r at the wigwam or Mriinu Tribe. M'S .South Itrofid ttrtet, on Mouduv evening next. Piery think lug mciiihir of the frnicrnli slincrely inter Cbtid l'i IU upbuild should bear the nddictfu of this eminent toi loloslat. t"r he will prebciit nialerlal that will crve iho purposo of his subject. Hloux Tribe his taken on new lire. Adop. tlons uro Ilia oribr row at almost every eleep. Vpfplns tho,"ho)s" bustling. Unltj Is llio WORRIED ABOUT COhTs CON.TRAFFIC3 NOW (Tl so r I AMn i -VAT n cee i?SSKfii vOB95?V 1 .wfc 'jLr-inn.T9m irir'-. tA frsAs ji: jjfgtri. SvaMjRf Wff!8i&z?. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES unliv '"l " "orllr"t "1" R leeii-t'kotali lllnikhawk Tribe nf cMmden. trailed in the VJ?"".," or, ""P" lh 'rrltrf. of I'hlliilelpliln April n and raised the hpfs. ThPre wns a ..it- ,1,rlv? ''elpnilnn nr Ited Men trnm nrlnus irtres lierlns tin- elrpp talks upon Hedmpn s ilp wi-ie mnifp bj IMst Crpnt Sachem Pome, In-r Sn h,,,, im pi, Iwpmv nst nneliem Mm. I'n-t ilrnit H.i. hem Nowiev, nt New Jcr spi. ind nib r prominent MolliprS. Afur the uerefiil terriiinnleti nn Intereillng nms Ml promom was ,luriii,u. hi ihe lll.iokhnwk 'r ihpwr nn,! Hielr Annrdlon Hand, thn Nnrlb-f-nst 1 l'e and Plum Kind and bv Urnihcr ! i"?r' " '""P""'! Trrsr, plnno selections, aflrr ..,,,. ii - "ii i.iiui.'i in ftprn Fprieil Mlnoiik lilho trailed to thn wigwam nr Vuitiiht.uik Tube nt Mittrn.li. nnd In full tnitiiine lalsnd lhi tbiefg In i.ublle, pprform ln thn Itautirm reremonv In nn rffl lent imiiinor. li n, iii mt SArheir Wllllnm oi p wns In elinrie of the Irani nnd nil dfsoro grrn! orodlt. Ijinirsisslntr Trlhe raised Ihe rollnnlng nrri. reM of Jllnnnk Tribe In pnhlic Sa--hrin I ii noi arne; srnior miramnre. fimlih Ynrnell, V,.1lI.."B".mo"'' P'lwsrd llahn. Mm lirl. .Ies uincll, lolle.lor of wampum. Il i". t nrlfht, ireprr of nniiipum, Pnill llemmond, .iiiif of iriorils, John A iWll. IiuHp-s. Ali'frt In I. !.' rillninn, , A. Mnrtin: rrprpicnm .' 1 .i ?.' u' A Martin Tl.o work wni mm le.uiti'ull done In Klngsp-slng 1 rlbe In rresliniPtiiB wire lurnlshed bv ilm lommliup III ihirie Mluonl! iiitemled the Hie prejuili llnn .it iho Pirih I'rrsbilninn t'liun h. nt r.i.ili "iffPt and WmiIiisIiik nenue. last Hund.n. ITUh Irlhi' Is In a nourishing cniidltlnii. takiiiit In sexernl pnlnfaees, nllh tlireo Hinndin for adoption. Miis.fisolt Tribe bad a large nnd noliible (intherliu on the ninth sleep, when KlncFr.liig Ti'llie inlsp.l its riders 0. f ot It 1onnni Ipv presented the rrilrlni! snihem, Aimer II. mini, with a cold'Iriinied urtlllcnie us nn npl roilailon nf hi Milun.ile serM cs. II P. II 1. 1 onctie nuldti i.n orrnlbp inlu. Klncncn. f Inn h liMin ent grand ited upon Iho rxi cl ient niannrr In whlih tho work wan dime Massis It shuwrd a itnin both In flnnn.'es nnd memhoMlilp tinder Ihe . limlnlsirntlon nf HniliPiu tlidd, as he had the support of ovcry member. The nilslng team of Mingo Tribe tr.illod to tho wlgunm of Yiilni Trliio on tho sleep of llio sevrntb cun nil! raised Its chiefs In nil nhlo limntii r. nn the tlrep oi the nlnili sun the li'sulni iiipntiiie nf Mlngn wns In Id nl iln lnuitin. 'jsai rleleher Ntrcet. A ii'in inlttpe wns nppolnlrd to devise rituals fnr Its new h. i hit nisi ntantlon, in ho Unnwii n tho "Jolly tm,' which wilt hold Its iucciIuks nn Hie spin.id l'r.lo of pplv month Tlip mptidiprs 'ii-e ier mm li Interested tn this orguilriitlmi nnd It In expfited to he n gnat cui'Psss All niciiiheis of Ihe tilhp ore re nin si n tn attend Mingo always lias u Mry lumc iitt Midan 'c, an I lsllorn nrc welcome Among the past sachems prisciit at the Inst i uiitu II wire P. (I, t! Puis, P. P. .1. Levy. P. S. Thompson P H Mvero. P. H. WPKiiuin, P. S Miuklcr. P. M. Williams P S A. Love, P. H (liilhlum, P. K. Wclnstn.'k. P. H, S.ivagu, P. H llleilenlhnl and P. S. l-ans. Pneontn Trlhe, uidrr Sachem Jrscpb Pnrn dlnc, o.i last l-'rlday's sleep adopted a palcfiu'n inln tho im Merles of tho orurr, the dcaron helm; rendered In a very creditable manner. Hevernl candidates havo been proposed for tomorrow's sleep, nnd all mrmhrrs nro urged tn attend the meeting ns early ns possible S'eiernl working eonimitlpps lavo been ap pointed bv the richem, tho most Important ipliur thn ppllnniiciit I'ominlltr'v, tomposcd of P. fl llenrne W. N'hliohU'll. P. S. Joseph nousherl nnd llrnthcr Puindlse. The iiipm hers nro rpilte enthused oer the jiresonl re lsl In I ln orde' nnd an linking elfoils to Incrciso the memlirrrhlp, lioiilmr In gilber 1 l iIernr"S nils term, 'llio inoniinc so mis, in whh h P.uontn Tribe tnkes mui Ii Interest, nre meeting with great succi es. mid unlor ihn new nnlcrtnlnminl Cnnimlltre. i nnirnn-d of llnthcii llniidford fiiillaBher nnd ilrlfiillis well minwn inieedlirs, n kcoi! time l iilnns looked for. The following nfflioVs of Kenesiw Tribe wer eleried -ind inlied in their rc-intlie ililcM'ln lis hv Hie rolslng chiefs of Mundaii Trlh : Rnmiiel 'l"urnir. B,ichem: Jo'eph ilrukbs. Junior BiRnniort, W. Wllllnm Ilallev. Jr senior s.lgnniorn; pn Id J. Poor" mophct, lnMd . lUlllncpr. keener nf wampum who was pa tented wltli 1 pist sachem's Jewel for having Honed Tvc celt nuns. Aftpr a spirited eo'i test for repnsintntlvo In tho Htmo coineiitliui. p. ft ,1c mis ti. Young wns elei ted oicr P S. Prank Mnr-hmaii and Tlmmas Ituell sr rhlef n' Ilecords A. It. Wnlfen wns circled for lh" third colisccullle thlie, demoting P. H, Nrll Mi IjliiKhlln bv n good malnrllv. Ilnnliuh Tribe trailed to Liniln!e April in nnd lulled the chiefs of Wnkurun Tribe in public, 'llio trlhe's land of 'J3 pl.-cis and a uel c'llilloii nf 7"i men were met nr the nl.itlnu bv enmmlilips from Vnkunic Tilbe. nnd all n.i l'.idcd throiiBh tho town if th wUwnm. The reremonv wns pcrforms'l In iimplc fnrm and bUhlv I'lmuicinied. AAi. tw s were inndo by iho einlneni Kpi-akers tl. r, of It Thomas K Tmiinnll'V, P. l M. John I. I'oine, lieint p. S. ilmrge Nle p S. H.-n. P. S Illcrni nui. P. S. Lorch, P. S JonKn. P n 1ebrnnd tho lenibr of the hand. Arthur Ojiomann. Patriotic Order Sons of America Tho annual tnhiil'ir report fn tho year end ing lie. enihec 'M. IsMiied hv Willi im Weand, State Senclnry, mntalns Ihe following 11k- iii i h fit Interest tn tlio iticm leiHhlp of the ordir. Nilmhei' nl mimbii'a llllliatc't. 1 1, MIX .idiiilttel oy lira, l!.it iclii tiuttiil. to-', tola number of niciiilurs un Iho toll liucinibci M. I ir. His. number ot iumpi InHlltuted. ."h, total iimounl of blik nnd luiicinl liLiieiltspntd. SIHI..I :u 07: total lei elnta bv Mil ordinate i.unps. 5i.l.i.rii i. ii. mill in snu oidlnnte innii treisurlea PeieuiLcr .il, S.IU.1. Ufi'.'.lli; amount Invested by hiibordliiite r.impi. f.,lM I TliUelli: VlllllC Ol Hlll'UIUIIUUt' CUIIIJl (1.1111- iiheriiulla, JTii.T.Vj.O'J: mini valuation of nub cii'dlnilo i mills. ?'.'.si.1,iill S4 rvii.in 'n .Vtll. one of ttie MlUIlCC3t camps ill tlio i 111, Is progressing raplul In membeihti mid aiong other lines. It has oiganlel n iiillitaiv i iganlratlon. to be known as iln VVUSlllllgloh ll'iop. -.i oi ennui it...- eve. i measured for uniforms mil purpose tn bo In iea Uncus lo turn nut In rull dross on Memorial Iav. llrothe- Clnrenco H. Halm, the nrgnnlrcr nl iln lanip. Is jl'o llio orginlier nf tlio troip, itnd ho Pin bveti iinanlmnibU eleiteil lis cliptnln, llroiher ciaudo IUrh llrst lieutenant, and Charles Ktsscll seinnd lliutcniut. llrothcr Charlis iinle, tho prfsldent of the amp. Is working linrd to inako his term a suicesiiul line, and tho mcnlicrn nrn biipporttng blin all thoy iiosmPiK mil. ...... .. Camp I'.'.i will present n ll.lg to ill" Me nndlst Pplsmpal church, .outliwept comer uct and Thompson st recta, mxi Sunday evening The limp mrmhrrs will iibsimble at Bnh and (llrard nvenue nt 7 m .iarp. The lom liiuil lerlcs have hiiui Invited tu attend and will have the right of line. The camp's com mittee has iiinuiBed a lino pioeram nnd np penl tn all nn mheis and irlenda tn bo present, 'Iho lommlitrp 1 inn posed of IMgar Porrcst, i hiilriuan, J. ' Malnne, W. Pager, J. Marks ""'amp ri71 'ulebfaied Ha Ifith anniversary hy nn cx client (nleriatnment nnd mlnhtrel bhow Members and their families turned out in full lorvo mid iicelvcd rerfeshmenls and rouventra for the ladies Cnmp TiTI n'eets at IClilliuond mid Indiana iivrnue uiid la ono of tho ' llvo wlref" of NnrlbpiiHl Phlliidelphl i. tn n, nolninn lust filed the Stlnreiiip Court of Now Jirsey upheld the HndlllBa nf ihe Mlato Hoard of K'lUiilUithni of Tuxes in ilecl ling tnat prupenv nf Wiiahinglnu camp, Nn s.1, ur I'alnivrn. should nut he exempt from laxatlon. Tim lodgii brnught cerlloiarl piivcealugs to revlnvv ihe in thui nf the Township Asinssora In deildliig Ihat Its lliree-slory building should be taxed The organisation clulmtsl Its prop eriv should he exempt, as It Is a frateru.il body and Its funds are used fnr sick nnd death beiifflls. The Hiiprniiie Couit, ha ever, held tliut Hie propei l wns taxable. On Hundav iiciiIiik i.iat a flag was pre sented tu the at. Murk's Ileforiued Church, .'.til Btrct nlioMi lluiiiliigilon alnel. hy Camp In I, thn intiiilicra or wtiiili attended the church In a body, accompanied by members ot l'eiiiilvania Commmiilcry and tlylvanta C'omniandeiy. I. ' -.t Camps UL -li.-S ana others The flag was lnlrodiiied by llrothcr Nugent, presented t" the church hy Siato Past I'irsldiiil S C Wells and neieplrd by Judge PiilterHon. of Ihe Common Picas Court. Addirsma wile ulo ill via by the pastor, Ilev. flcorge A. gilien. who presided, and hy llintliir II. I. 'law. The cburch was com nlclflv tilled and the services were very Im pulsive -md lniplrlng, Inhulng that patriotic ardor and spirit so well In keeping with tho ohlcd of tho visiting orsnnlrntlons. Csnip .11 on Sunday evinlng last prossnted an American ttxs lo the Third Ilaptlst Church. CON. MIGHT BE HELD -THeR.els scaMtSTHiNts funnv about THIS! THE ScaUIRS Wc5NT up to Room FIVE HOURS Acso to LOQK AFTGR. THe SHERIFF ND I NeiTHSR. ONG HAS ReTUR-NCP.' ,1b BeTTeRso !MJtSSTieATe MysecF 'VV iTinrajrFM'',"''a'''f",Aw jfn3tfSp3 Ulster Sml 'Wakffleld slreels, flfrmAnlown. being accompanied to tho cdifleo by Company No. SI, nf the Hos' Prlgado and Iho Ousnls of Washington I'ounell, No. 1. which acted ns escorts Tho presentation addiess was Inndo hy 'I homos 15. I'lfmens. a member of thn ramp nnd president of ino Cast tJertnnntown Improvement Association, ' and was neierled by the pnstor of llio cnuri-h, tho Itev. J. vnthue ilrccn. The necond Ilinllst church, Tib street below fllrard nicotic, also ivns prescnled W'llh n Mag, the donors being cnmp No. K, P. O. A., which attended the servirrs in n body. Foresters of America Court John Paul Jones, under Subfhief tt.ingcr Albert J. Iircrs, nslsled by Poet Chief Ilnngrr John II Hntlienhsusler, had several propositions nt tho last meet ing. The drgreo team, uitdir the leadership of Past Chief llonaer Milium Rcharff, enn feired tho drgreo on vnifdl rtntcs Lewis Noble nnd 5(111 ltd i.inusny in a very impressive manner On nintlnn or Dr. P. II. Jngram, ntnl tciondid b Mlllnm Shnrrr, an athletic risn in Hon wns formed nnd a (.omiulttpc wnn fllilinlnte.l l.i comei on the suiijci t Willi other lourls nt Ihe order J'be iiluni hie ti nn ninent o( Ihe three inurts hns la en postponed until Heplctn "jr. Among those who tpoke nn thn willnrn of tho Older were Harry Water, A. Stcnxcr, Muilcrt. Kelly. Dink ontl othcis! ourl Phil .slierlil.in nt the Inst mooting was entcrtnlMcil by S. II Ocorao lmetsch. Among those ivrrrnt unr lliolbcra Mills nnd Thorpe, of iMnrt ychulklll. both of whom ninda ml oresjei. rnmpllminllng the lourt on lit lint -iiiotilouj in. vtiiin nnd Its cMellent trensurj. Hli ml Walter J. Kraiinir iimuscd tho members with his mirthful savings and harmless Jokes n.Mrrt Tailor John llcrre hns prepared some thing rnr this meeting lomonow eirnlng. All nieirl.eu nre urged in ntteud. Court P.itrbk Hiiirj, meeting nl II. and , II ill, llnpimk street and nininl nveiiue, Mon d.lv even ng, elected llrntber hchrtiedcr n dels '"." .'." "p Wla'1' ronventlnii, llrolhers Mngro nnd llillln, of lourt H huvlklll, spoke on ih Kiioil work of I'orcslry. 'plio degrre bum la nt work nn.l will Initiate sovcrnl inudldiiies nt the next -ling. Llroiher Arlnsherg, caplam or the sltMi.. men s hnil temn, Issued II i llnb Ifittte to bruiher Mi Niunee, ini.inln oi the nuir rli I iiie- n icain. lor their niiiuinl ball name. i icirt lnlimniint Inrt week had vlslilng dele, gates finm Conns llnierrord ami Haddington In the interest of Hi,, Unr Harry Powers inn dld.li y icr Urnnd Treasurer The delegates elected in repietcnt Court I'lilrinount nl thn Jlinml I ourt, lliolhcrs Prcsl Juhii. e, Jamo-i no8. .Tames Ketinedv and James u'Toole, Jr., nro tint liissructpii i,v the cnurl, hut uomleil In consider tho mn'lcr tieforo liallntlng nt the lonventlnti. There was n large attendance nnd Jlii iisiuil Conn Pnlrmmint splilt prevailed rim J-oi liil Committee provided leriesliimnia and entcrlaliiment, somo of tho vocal nnd In stt uritriit.il selections bring (ontrlhuied hy thn hrolliers present. Tho Combined Ptcurslnii Cnmmlitee. Ilrothors O'Toola and Mngre. le I oiled confldfiici In having a largo delegation to represent iho court nt Heading. lirotheis lln-s uim Kennedy tn.o plnochlo Jims) nro run hustling to get tho four-tor-lined toiirnamcnr over before it gets ton warm. 'Iho claia Initiation, win li Inkii placo later this mntilh, tun ! all It wns expected to be. Iho Indlvldunl prizes for pm hieing new mem bers wct-ii it a anted I Mi st pi lo went lo Illch aid Ivliislnw, second prlro to Charles .Me. ( niilev. third pil?.e tn Pred Justice. Whllo the contest for the itunrtcr Is endeil, Ihero mo still prl7es tlml will not be decided until He lonilier next. A mrdlnl liivllntlnn Is extended to all foresters to Mit Coint Pairmount nny Tiiosdnv evening, al Owls' Hall, i:Slli street an 1 Hlraid nvenue. Court Niiriiiern Llhcitles has Imlntsed llni LnriT . Pilot, of Court Pas-junk, rnr ginnd lller innger going nil record bv imanlli oil vote to lender all aid possible in furthering his ciuii'ldnov. It Ih elnlined tint Ilm. pilot his been an in llio worker In ihe order since li" he- lime a inemlicr. over l'i) vears nsn. that ho Ins never held n silnrled nfflee, but has vol untarily spent bis m.iiiev. tlmo mid travel In inn inierest or fnresiiv. that on account of Urn. Pilot's record and nonulailiv hln rricii,iu lSol,..fnr 'its .plot lion without opposition Conn rsortliern LlbottleS il.lllllS the linnnr nf l.nlnr t tho tlrnt rourt ouieldo r Ills own louit lo In doles lilYn. Court Prosperity Is sending n delegation of rour in'mhers In the grind couu coin cm Inn, ytnto honutor Hit hard V. Parley being chair man or the delegation. Hto. Parley Is populir In Iho rinrtheist section nr tho city, and many or his frlendi ate noxious to sre him onupy an Imiiorlont tui-t In ihe nnnlrn of the order. .'.,n".,' J)0 Liuieey's Night In lielaml," nt SiN hniitli ,V.'d street, with lxwls llanlen ns ehilrmin. wns a areit sineess. iiffUerH nf the lirantl Court and prominent members nf Ihe oriln were piemil. The lourt has n ilmounlv elected Umllie. John J 'Mi'lli'lll deleuite and Ur.ithir John linlv nltenute In tho Ktilto loiurntlon. lourt Pe Inruiv's plneehde team Issues it ti.iPeiige to an cnurl ur l-'oritleis for it ncrlm V. cilices llrnlehr Jnlm .1 Mellenrv. ."K.iW Wilinii HMIH.C. wniilil be pleured to bear from am inurr mi the suble t, Th" iigiilnr meelllig of the Past chief liancMs' Vt-Hoclntlnn was largrlv alii mleil. Minv 'if the memlii r or this asmclniloii mo delvsatcH ti, Ihe Htiite i iiiivelillop rioin their iiilirlH, slid ualurnllv there linn ninth talk nod i'Isi iishIoii on tho elei'iloi nl grnnd offlcr r llrothcr I.. W. Pilot was spolu ti nf an being the right man for grand chief rangi r, while fl lends of Hint Senator Parley weie booming him tor grand treasurer. This as-ocl illnn does not permit official Indorsement or ani isndl ctair, and nnv lutlnu nr discussion In done tn nn informal vvai. I-Tve inn dilates ror i irliuis grand court offli ers are members nf this ns soelitlon. Court Olhe Hrnneli Is still tnlilug In new meinlii rs, and tlllh Ihe nhlo saslslince nf llroiher ilroma Kelly expects lo soon bnvu UOU on tho roll. Kralernal Patriotic Americans The committee on nnniinl I annuel tn lm g bell at Lu tat Temple Jlondnv evening. May 17. next, met last Saturday evening and mado lli'ul arrangcmeiits for the nc caalon Piom Hie tpiurts lecplved nnd the tickets reiiuestcd the comniemiuntlon Ihl.i ear will ho nlleinled by a grruter iiumber I lit ri in nny prcceillng event. All members nro urged to ho present us this will be n must tncuinmtiln i.rr,.i. Mule Vim Councilor William II. .Sheneniall was pirated to visit cmtrllitnil Hamuli rs Coun cil. No Mill, last Monday evening ami in leirn of I In ir sin ff'ttfiil efforts to InerciiBo the mem btrshlp. Cnngmtulalinna me due m ilm.se wb.i are striving so hard to mal.o tlio coun ill nticccstifill In eiPiy wo. Many members of the vailnua councils of "West Phtladelehla iiilendeil church at red nnd Thompson streets Inst Mnndnv evening In bear a specially Inslructlw uddiis'. ICefoliillon, No. 0; Inilependetit. No ! I'uloii, No 0: John Tt. Murphy. No Id: rbinker City. No. SI; Cnlioi ksink. No. Mil: toiiipnslng Iho Md dlsirl. t. held a district union meet ing at tho lull of Cohockslnh Coiiiu II, Nn. Mil lil.vmond streei belmv ileruuniowii nvenue' lust Tuesday veiling. Slanv Important sub jects wero discussed, and plans weio perfected when by all thn lounrlls or that district might bo benefited. Much aood work Is being dono through tin' i norm ur msirut Drpulv Hlale i nun' nor v nnrii". i . 11 luiiiitn, or niiicponueiit Council. No. S. Lookout Count II. Nn 7I.'t. iiltn attended, and Its iMiulldntcs wero Initiated hy a rpcclal staff "doited from llio various mini, tils. In addition to tlio various deputies. .State Vbo Councilor William II. .Sheneman and UlulB Count II Pecrelnry fienrgn . Cord addressed tho members and congratulated tho iniincus of the dUtrlct cm the excellent work bring done Slate Vlro Ciiiincll .Sheneman. .state Council Seiretary P"rd and the vnrlmu deputlea will pay an official visit this evening to Aeolian Couni 11, No. 17. 1S02 r'nuth llrond ttreet. An Interesting meeting Is assured every ono who will attend, hecauso No 17 is one of llio larso ond most nctlvo mid prosrcsslve councils. Old flloiv Council, No. 10. IfUR P.iltlmoro avinue. will havo a e'nss of canilldatfi lor Inltlallon tomorrow IPrldav) evening. A eoi dial lnvlmllon la extended to members to In prffeni bnaiise Old iJTnr rrvently had the most successful dag pit sciitutlon nt thn Plrst 1 nlted Prcsbvterlan Chunh. M.l nnd Chfier Bveinie. and sm k consettuence has roielved tteteial ruiiposltlons. Hon. I nf the Order Association will meet next Tuesday evening al rhoseti Friends' Council. No. sa, Tiroad snd MeKrsn streets Pelegstes RESPONSIBLE IN A fj L m h ZA, III ll 1 pS mm rl ! ! H MBUBBmmr- is - i iM rTmtrr" rs" S aM 151 15, 1015; from th vsHoui councils sliouii, attend. Many Important mmtus will eomo befors tlio meet ing and excellent addresses made, Jr. Order United Amcrlcnn. Mechanics Stephen Olrsrd Council, Ko. Ht, hss moved Its meeting place frnm Ml ljnst Allegheny svenue to Cspron Hall, SOU rtuth street, oeett pying it lonigiit ior in" "ii t I m e, The Pntfttslnnient Committee will glvo a snod time In tho Way of n house warming. The rouncll has been Increasing in tnomber ship and needed ft larger bnll. Thn officers of the 2d Ilegl mrnl, Jr. ). P. A. M. Volun teers of Pennsylvnnl.i, wero visitors nt Kcnderton coun cil No 821, on Wednesday evening. lone i'ounell. No till, vrlll niv a fmlcrnil visit Jo Denjnmin I"ranklln I'nuncll. No. , on I'rldnv evening, Mny 2S, when tho degree icnm or lonn e-ouncii win excmpiuy 1110 uinuc "oik. Marlln Counell will cflehrate lis t!th nrml versary on I'rldav evfiilng. April at, wllh a biniiiet and tlancn at the Continental Hotel Lewis Wlrlh Council. No. 3.1, Is doing somo erccllent work In llio lino ot Increasing mem bership, applications being recelveJ nt every inceiliig . Hamburg Council, No 102. hns move I Into lis new lmll, which Is one of ths lnrget and bet fiirnlslfeil In Its section of tho Hlale. JtlesplsMIle Council, No SI0, held a class Initiation on S'nturday night. Arrll in. which wns attended bv a large and enlhulistle gathering or Juniors. Tneni one eatulldales wen inched. Tlio degree wnik was pre. wile! bj thn degree team of Marlln i'ounell, No. L'O Shite Councilor M ll Scott nnd Past Ml.itr Councilor Thomas II. Walters spoke In terentlngly upon llio principles and work of the order. The semimonthly vlsllallon meeting of Iho Past Councilors' and Willing Workers' Asn-lt-lloii will be held on Tuesday evening, April 2". with JlenJamln West Council. No iS7, ii w a rlh more. Pa. Order Independent Americans Wlnrtnn Council had ns Us guests last week seiernl members nnd orfh ers of the 1Trt I.PKlmenl, O. ur 1. A Alter the rcEUlnr meet ing the iliiiir.li Association held thrlr monthly luiliits nirtilng The cnuipniiv was leised lo him' 1 mill ine visu- Ing null .is whoe intks wero leu Inleresllhg and instruc tive The guards Ihen wnt lino nonilit.itlon nnd eltillon of ,.m. ei-u fur the ensuing year. . oiler whh li llioj ndlniirned to lie terved with roireniiineiii-. lied. White mid nine council bad a new member at Ihe lam tmelliig nnd severnl nietn lers pteneiit who have lint grnced the council 100111 for n long time liiollnr Mi Nu J'"" " tnilidl flom tl spelt of sickness. Ilrothrr Wis trr, captain of ihe guanl I bilnglng h s com pany up to a state or perfection, and It Is Ids ileslle to irnkn thin ginnd setonil to nolle In tho order. 1 ouiu llor .mini Knight Is having a leiiievsltil nilmllllstrallon bemuse ho Is ile seivlng and popular. ,.,,,,.. l'ourih Pstato Council. No. lip celehintei Us I'Jlb nnnHers.irv on last I rldnv even ng nt the hill, 1 HV. S-onli SOIh tlicet. In tho Piescnie of nirniheis, wlies, dniightrrs and sweethearti. Urother Ocurge Hinnll gave nn Inlerestlng talk on the origin of I ourtb lllnie. and spoko of this muncll having orlslnnllv started with n number of news, pnper nifn. TUnugh ono of the smaller coun cils. It Is lit a. prosperous condition, urolhcrs Polhcrhrldge and Sharpless also spoko briefly. A Fiiggoellon wns mane tn tho Indies present to form nn nuxlllnry, which would bo a help lo tho coiiiu II. 'Among tho ladles present wero Mrs. J. II Pelherbrldge. Mrs. II. W. Oollel. Mrs. H. W rtnttcl. Ji.. Mrs. Wllllnm Allen. Mrs. P.. II. Shunless. Mrs .1. II. nvmtu, Mrs. t P. llarvce. Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Oeorgs Pavne nnd Mrs. Clarencn Iliiikuinn. Ilcrrcsh tnents wero served. CUTTlXfi AM) ROCHE WIS KI.OOIM1KSS TEXXIS VICTORY J. B. Lowell nnd F. lluntinsdou For feit First Round IMntch Hero. C Suydnin Cutting mid n. M. H. Hoelie, of tho Tuxedo Tennis nnd Hncnuet Club, Now York, gained a liloodlesH victory In the first round of tho court tennis doubles ehnninlonshlti of tho United Stntes thiotigh tho default of James H. Lowell anil Ford Huntingdon, of thn ltncriuet nnd Tennis Club, New York. Tho mutch wns scheduled to toko plnco at tho Itucquot Club early this morning, nnd tho default of Lowell and Huntingdon ictluces tho number of mulches to bo played today to' two, Tho mulch between fleorgo II. Hrooko nml l'Mgur Scott, ttnoquet Club, and Joshua Crano mid C. It. I'eailmr, Jr., Ten nis mid llnrnuet Club, Hoston, should provo nn interesting ono, 'although Iho ItostonlmiB mo derided favorites. Tho chninplotts. Jay Uould and V. II. T. Hiihn. linuniiet Chili, mid Lawrence Wnlerhury nnd J. U. Pouglus. Itaciiuct and TViinis Club, N'ew Yolk, will bo tho mutch of tho day, nllhougli thn cham pions should gain a fairly easy victory. MOOIM BEATS YOUNG IMcGRAW Wins 105-Pound IMntch nt Gnyety. Other Bouts. Al Moore won ilm final lut In tho in." pniind amiiteur tnurnnment at iho Haven Theatre last algid, defining oung MiC.riw lu two rounds. It was nut much of n vio lin1 for Mnoie. as he wns taller, heavier and had n longer reatli than Miitraw, nml tould ptotinhly have won In tho llrst round had. ho wauled tn. In tho lls.pound clots Charley Lelian beat Young Cl.ibhy lii lour rounds An cira miiitd was nrileted, nlthotigb 1 fhaii had the better of every round, ami th.-rn was no e t'lst' for llio extin lound. In the other bouts Jlnunv Vnleutllin mnile Jink PI11100111I unit la one round, .ouiig clibliy rtopped rrank White In one round mid ulle hurt-: won from Harry Hives In three rounds Funeral of Miss Alary J. Buzby Miss Mnry Jano Huzby. fl", years old. was buried today from tho residence of Iter ni'phoiv, Ilownid Ituzhy, 10S West Penn sticet, Cicrinantowii, wheio slio died Sunday after n brief Illness. Miss Htuby was 11 natlvo of Hurlington County, N. .1., and her father, Ainos Huzby, two brothers nnd 11 sister all lived to a great nee Milton AS'. Htuby, of ?X West Sey mour street, Ocrmantnwn, second vice president of Abbotts' Dairies, Is a nep'icw. Funeral of .Mrs. S. IJ. Lovclund Tho funeral of .Mrs. Surah Ti. Lovelnnd. wlfo of Captain It R Lovelund, formerly ot Atlantic City, Hill ho held toinortoiv front Iho homo of her daughter, .Mrs. I'liures T. Lang. 2117 Noith Garnet street Bho died Monday In her Mth jour. Mis. Lovelnnd was descended frnm an old New Jeisey family. Her husband was n sen captain for many years and is known to thousands of persons living at tho summer resorts. The old couplo recently celebrated their llftietli wi tilling uiuil veisnry. Mrs. Lovelaml is survived b two other d.'tughlcis, .Mrs. Ida Frambej and Miss OIlvo L. Lovelnnd, nnd 11 son, II. 1 Loveland, Jr. J OBITUARIES Henry G. Johannes Henry O. Johannes, 67 years old, of 2H0i Itlvcr road. Camden, who was the Hist president and one of the organisers of the WAY FOR THIS, AT Afe-rjf'X WM& f It Master riumberB Association 'of t'flnl tlcn, died nt his liohio today nt pntl inonla after an Illness ot two da ye). Jtf. Jotmnnofl wasj prominent In tho plumbing business In Camden for moro thfin years. JTo retired from active busnesfi four yenm ngo. Mr. Johanncn wns it prominent member of tho Otltl Kellow. Ho Is survived! by two children. Funeral services will bo hcM In tho family resl deneo nt 2:30 next Sunday afternoon. lames J. Myers HOSTON1. April 13,-Jnmcu J jryer, formerly Speaker of tho Massachusetts ltouso of nrprrsolitn lives and for ninny yenrs nelive in Itcpubljcftn party HfTnlrs, Is tleatl nf his home In Cambridge, Mnss. Mr. Myers was graduated from llnrrnn. In lUtnd from tho llnrvnitt Law Hchool ilrv;:. tlo had practiced law In Hoston since 1871 and In 38M ho brcamo. n tneiiihfr of tho Legislature, serving In Hint rrtpnelty Until 150.1. Tho Inst three yours of hli sorvleo Mr. Myers wns Speaker of the House. Cnptnin John C. Delnncy WAHIIINOTON. April IB.-Cnptaln John C. Ilelaney. former fllnlo factory Inspee lor of IVnnsvlvnnln, tiled hers yesterday after n lliigerlng Illness. He wae fi years rdil. t.'aptnln Uolnney saw nctlvo service, throughout tho Civil War, huvlnjf enlisted as n rlruiitmer boy In tlio 107lh Pennsyl vania Itcglmotit, and was credited with being; Iho youngest musket bearer In ths war. Ho wns a natlvo of Ireland, Inter ment will bo In Arlington National Ceme tery IN MKMOHIAM CltfMltn. In loving memory nf CH'OrtCW H. CltcxMIE. who departed this life April t3, IPiM. II t!i Wll-I. ANl OHILbflBN. IHIM'AN. In remembrnneo of our loving mother. llPUPCCA .IA.NI! DINCAN, who ds. parted this llio Apill II. mil. A patient sufferer nt rest. Badly missed HUH FAMILY. SPIPI.ltr.llfir.lt. In loving remembrance of our dear mother nnd sister KATIIAlll.Vi) P. Hl'IIU.nr.ltOP.It, who entered Into rest April 1,1, POS. siillv missed. nnri ciiiLniiKN and BiaTHiu .catljs ALI.PN. On April 14, IPIB, ANNA M widow of William II. Allen. Pun cm I serv Ken on t-aiurday, at 2 p. in., at the real deneo of her son-in-law, Charles W. Boiven, StiKO North 1ih st. Interment private, at K. of J'. Cemetery. AMIIIIllVS On April 13. 1010, VinOINIA 1. ANnnCBH, daughter of Iho lato Ilobert nnd Mary Andrews. Ileltvtlns and friends nro Invited lo attend the funernl services nt her lato residence, las McKlnley nvenue, Inneaownc, Pa., on Krldny morning, the inth Inst., at 11:13 o'clock, interment private, carriages will mctt the lu.13 n. m. train fiom Ilroid atreet .Station. HlilNTflN. On April l.T. lain, IA'DIA W.. wlie of Jesse 11, llrltitou Itolatlvca and friends nro Invite 1 lo attend the funeral serv If ea, nn IMday evening, at T:ao o'clock, at her late leslilciue, 112s houlh Mth St., Apatiment II. lnteriiifiit at Prclldowu Iltiry. In Hroitiid Trnln for Conlrsvlllo. Pa., leaves West Philadelphia Station 11:31 o'clock Futuiilcy morning. HIIOW'N. On April 14, 1111.-., THOMAS IIIIHWN. Jr. son of tho lato Harriot P.r ringer and Tlmmas Prown HPIH. Oa April 14, 10t5. FRANCES, wlfo or August Hurl. Punernl services nt her Into icslilence, ll'ii)U North With st , on Hunday, tit 'J p in IIVItNI'.g. On April 14. 1015, MAtlV QUn Tllirpn, wire of Ilobert V. Ilyrncs. and dniighler of Michael and Catherine Corley, Due notice of tho funeral will bo given rrnm UI-TS niser st , Nlcetown. co(!svi:i.i on April 11. inir., ocobob 1. , husband nr Mary II Cogswell Funeral serv lies on riitiir.lay. at 2 i in , at his 1st rinldcnce, 'lln Horcr si. Interment private. North Cedar Hill Cemeterv 1IAVJION On April II. 101.1, ISADHLLA A. IIPllv.MIIli:. widow or John Daymen. l"unettt scrvbra on Saturday, nt 2.30 p. in., nt her lato residence, :n North KOth St., West Phlla. Inlerment FVrnwood Comcteiy, 1'ItHHMAN. On April II, loin. MARIA, ilniiKliter of the lato Nelson and Hannah Krecman. at her Into resilience, 1707 Oreen nt Due notice of the funeral will be given. KI.I.I.Y. On April II. nun. IltlinOET. nliioiv of Prank Kelly, nf Kglers, County ITpperary, Ireland. Punrral nn Saturday, at "..1. a. in, Horn the iisldemr of her hrolhtr-ln-biw. James Maher, mill Necnrlno st High Moss nt the Cathedral, nt 10 a in. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. LP.IItlUt. On April 11, Illtr., FRANK M. C. huabnnd of Mary Lelbtr Duo notice of funeral will be given, from 1131 Cullowhlll tt. JIATIIP.RS. On Apill II. inir.. WILLIAM Ii., htinbniid of Matilda Muihers nnd ton of' William and Anna Mnthers I'Tinernl services nt hli lato residence, HiS Kust liersreen nve.. Chestnut Hill, mi fvitimlay, at 2 p, m. Inteimcnt at lv Hill Ceineiery .MD.MJY. At Chlciign, 111, suddenly, an Apill 12. 1111.1. I.DWAIIU PIIKSl-ON MOXIiV, 111 his mllb year. Itelatlvea and rrlclidn nro luillcd lu attend tho funeral sen i erf, on Prl lav .iiternocn. at 2 o'clock, at Ida late rcMdmio. ,"rt Cnri enter St., Mount Airy. Interment strktly private Jll'IIL On April It, 1(11.1, JAMES SfJdTT ML'IIt. husband nf llcssle . Mulr (nee StackJ. Duo notice or the fuiierul will be given, at Ids late residence. .T14 North Centre St., Merrhantvllle, n. J. Itl.MiWAI.T. On April l.T, 1015, at her Into ietd.'nce In Downlntitiiwn, Pa.. JANK KIjOB HI.N'nWALT, tlniiKliler of Hi, lato Colonel i-amuel and Anna Parke Itlnuwnlt Ilclntlves and friends me United tn attend Ihe funeral services on Prlda), April 111, 111 2 o'clock p m. Interment will take place at thoion vcnlcnio ot tho family. SCOTT. On April 14. 101.1, JP..VNIB, daugh ter of Jennie and tho late James tfeott, Punernl services at her late residence, 1.110 Houlh 2Hth st , nl I p m. precisely nn Sun day. Interment llreenhlll Cemetery. Wilming ton, pel. nu. t t,il n.. ..'..... .tM,.. mil. tn.R C.il.l.l.ee. v. 1. , .,.. .1, t.,.,j (Will, Ultl. MAMPHL, husband of Morv c Fellers, aged hS eurs. Itelatlvea and friends nre Invited to attend ihn runoinl services, on Sixth-day, Kith Inst, at 2 o'clock, nt his lato tesldlnce. Slate road, near West Chester plko. Upper Darby, Pit. Interment private. MI.IlHIlM.iN. On April 14, HH.1, AllllA HAM c . husband of mllle Sllbennan. Du notice of the funeral will be given, rrom his into rcshienic, 212.1 West Ontario tit lllAPIIP.lt. -On Arrll II, FRANCES, widow ut crus TTricher. -uneral sirvl-es on Satur day, al 2 p. in., at her late renldonce, 11 Holint rond. HolniCB, Delaware County, Ps interment private TIIOMA.On April 15, 1015, VIPTOI1IA .1 , wlfo of Dr. John tl. Thomas, nt Now low 11 Hanaro, Delaware Cnituiy, Pa. Dus liotbi or funeral will bo given. THOMPSON. On April 15, 1015, MKRIAM, wife of ihe late Carter K Thompson. Itel stives and friends arc invlitd to attend ths rmieial rervlies, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o clock, at the resident o or her slater, Mrs, Prank Hums, 212U Spring Harden street, In terment private. WALTON. On April 14. 1015, JOHN W.. husband nf Carrlo W'nltnii and son of lirorgs II. and Mary Walton. Puncral on Ritur.lai. April 17, st T..T0 a m, from 2W Tasker bl. t-olPinn Mass or Reiiulem at ths Cht-rih of Hi. Kdmond, ut II S. in, precisely Interment Holy Crots Cemetery, WAHNKIt. On April II, 1015, RnHKCCA A., widow of Ilobert H. Warner. PUnerii erviivs on Friday, at S p. 111. at tho rl. utnee nf her soii-ln-latv, Joseph Jt. Wilkin foil .111W llsien ave Interment private, Saturday morning. wv.Milllll'r-On April 14. 1013. CORDELIA M.WI1I.W. iro of I'oroollus I). W'ynkgop luneial sort lies nn S-alurday, April IT, ut II a in nt the residence of her husband, RSUii spring Harden tt. Interment private, ul Firnwood Cemetery. THAT!!! m ' " I cefuy Ivenptxxc-e
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