fiipwSpS ffK J" 'W-T" w'wqift-yfrSt TPltll WlTM lMTIlV EVENING LEDGIimPHiLADKLPHlA, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 191S. ---..-. ' . - -. . 11 ""S if HE THEATRE u,B MnvG Censoring rtr Curley, of Boston, censor to llio Tcoaflsh nnd preserver of the benn " mirltv. Is out nir.iln. : .1 it Is a apeclnl mntlneo nor jf '" ! nrleux'B "Maternity," which :.,mthCe Ot ' . . -I... !,!-,,, ,I..,-I,,,r :BneUin Married" ' The Mayor SUlt Is riot to be- ,,, iWl 'Imactua.irrea.rthc'p.ay W,f?5wimW rotten, In fact they J"",i .Mien " Tho Mayor has struck iSfVZ?oot reproach which greeted 3& St Tn New York, Urlcux Is a stern :?! il this drama, said the New """J .iiles but In his search for truth jo, rjuc, Uniiics that make for :hM- m new They didn't uio the m,$s focabulary. but tho verdict was tfK"' S? Mayors ; goes' on "to feS Involved. Naturally tt tnori". ... wlll tlio great fidWjn " oersons of sense who have k"S5SwMt3 "Maternity." and who l LSrihe great French aca.le- fJV?. '.l,i.ans a llttlo foo, top moral. ttalcinti"" ' . whole, Is unclean nnd ffttVp""!?" . .,. But ?mLl For the Mayor has ills toWf' .omcthlns: "Tho law provides, ,trw , t )onst ono pcrfomanco hwt k may bo pl"cn before It can bo sfS Therefore, although 1 know the 'ffiSJto dSmceful and Immoral, I havo 'Mwer to stop It. As only one per if JESce la to bo given any way, tho ftwww ' nl tllcrefore apparently 'get Klfth what they Intended to." kuVw England must Hvo up to Us S?!i(Rn wicery and keep a censor, this ti 'Ms ood sort of censor to keep. &.LPls nt any rato no chanco ot roll Pi,n. a nlay Into oblivion without u C Ins A?d If any ph.y has a right to i dil car, ono pcrlornmnce In phto make' that fact glaringly cvl- dent in. I, P. . . . 6 Wirt and Wallack's struggle on. last . r.t tho oalmy Jays-whlch, as Mr. 'George Nathan remarks In Puck this Wk. were doubtless ma iicyuw -E. tho Great. But they are doomed. the Bijou, next door to Daly's, Is In pro ' - ..oUinp. and now tho police m Bhut up Us neighbor. Not even kurlejoue may iiouriHii mum. uu ..ccUt L sot into dllllcultles at first i,.r Installing fire extinguishers. Then KV.i- .. rvrnvpd too "warm" for tho colic: and now the custodians of tho uw nave - -- ., . k.a run nut So Wednesday nlcht :hl police closed Daly's up when they thought tho large audlenco had got about half Its money's worth. . .-.- tlMtnrltunv WnltnMf', linn hppn (.nourishing as usual, this time with Gran- v.i. n..k.ala .Amn.lrnhln MnnHn.l, Dafi. ttia. Now comes news that he may havo ( cut It short by a month, because tho Ute that owns tho stngc-hnlf of tho J.v..Mir wnntq fn r.,l!1 It Hnwn. Tlin I'twners of tho auditorium aro debating vceiner 10 sen uui or put up a utick tnd Install tho movies. Meanwhile Mr. Barker sorrows. LaBt week ho took In fiomewhcre around 512.G0O gross with that repertory systom whlcn everybody agreed kFouia never worK anywnero out in opera. Shakespeare 1916 f)"A good many peoplo In nngland, Ameri ca tnd uermany (the real homo of tho :Bar3 Of Avon. am irnttlnn- fn nnln. fcbrate what Mr. Mantell Justly calls "tho '.only certain dato wo havo In Shakcs- peareM whole- career." Mr. Manteil favon us with the followlnir account of E,Ws part in the celebration of 1918: iii ray snare or tne memorial obser vances, I propose to make a monster re ftlval of .what Is undoubtedly Shakeo peare's masterpiece, 'King Lear,' nnd to present It all over tho English-speaking gorld. The present plan Is to tour Amcrl- STUDENTS DEBATE TONIGHT Pennsylvania Will Contend' With Columbia and Cornell. ETurO debate teams will ronroHont thn University of Pennsylvania agaJnst Cor tell and Columbia tonight In their an nual triangular league series. The mih- llect debated bv both tpnms tHii h. '"Resolved, That In view of the present tffiltufltlnn IVia Trnl,j o.. i ... i-, , . .,,v u,u,tu ttlllLea BUOU1U IUKO Immediate steps to Increase Its army and inavy." f Pennsvlvntiln nnu ......i - m ,...... ,,,,. ouppurL wig murrna- lYe here asalnst Columbia, Ths nega te; team left for Ithaca last night to tsieet Cornell. (Pennsylvania's affirmative team, mado W of IV. A. Pendleton. '16 C.; H. V nal- il , C. ; E e Qould- '1J al ?h. mi8?'1' 17 U' alternate, will meet ! following Columbia team: J. w. Dan- Blt ' C' M' Earla nnd D- Jr- &,,Ql4Ml?lrB' neeatlve team to meet VB r" " tt mnae " of " p- Swan, Iwi,n.l ':.. J. '"-arier, uj u.; A. H. Kt"nSte ' n"d F- PJno,a' '15 U UNIVERSITY NOTES fui,l"l5ati2m?nm'?t- h'ld In (ha eym F,M'2.,.:1Ch .10, la he nB nlannert bv tlia Sv lein ?"?., Club. rive iovlnif runs l b fSi22,ttlSLa" r.rl"a tol tne vlclors t raraueutors In the tournament. rt.T!f .'"'ercolleitlatB evn.,,..nn M .M1.1. .yreli ?5. . This was decMe,! ' meet Is tn be H meetlni r S. i '! ;5' .,Thl8 was uecHmt from f S!'in -New York. IteDrouMitat 1 1 pa ttwitf, ColumbiannV,tKe,"a' .Nenr York Uni- b, .fi'i1.1' ?' national renutatlnn ini inrt ffi:fctemV.hVS.r8"5'' A"" 'B'SclKoffll avJe'!k"a ,lle following alms llsTSl"Sll!LSS?tei beory and prac. etlu btoa a.or;nn,!f,Commonv"al" Wl. cause I0h,nthUnfe)loli,:shl9 """ong mem. w. vi vn leachlnK Protcaalon In all hrani-liM S-,S,rmS,lJJ,rSW eIf.c' m.mberi of tha kCsl?IS,iSii.t.,"S?- Rqv-Atanaa Shew: "V Arthur timiS' Jf,w"rn. .uinjamin uow. "" "ur "Weton. Caspar W. II, Townsend, f" to wil!hDtm15n0h?,,,r"-..w, v a con- Me or Lomi5 X . b8,Jbe aecond appear lthepBoUand bu orcneatra IP ahity,,E?,i Ul'J ?n hlKheit honors lWMd by ih "?i,.ciomDetion. recently an- iJHBiral tinoiil n"..0' ,ha Principal archl. UMl "D00"' of the country were reore. 1om ?M?fn".1'lvanl men who submitted Ra5 M ivi,ayard aa follow. First KjwnoM.1. n 'aVl- 'i5i B"d W. II. I5 and Ijf.v l.aeond. medl- A. IJ. Litter rMti nuy? MP.IW-. 'W. So.; mentloncom: li BuilciVk i,i"'raion. '. Q.. and C. II, WaSia'rf l?..mnlon, T. X. Kealby. '18 U or ITi r;"ivania baa won a nw SJ.i0,..w th hl.hest nuaVi; Ji' , im" Thi.cnL.iapMjon .! pmti SSO?ylitn'ffmh'WF..'t'SS Ms4uxf,i, yi,8,?8?lfg.,tuay ttt tlU Ec10 iSS'aol vvit?) ."'I, Production by U under wiv 'WJ , ,fara.dle lilon" aro Bt th5 ?,",, w9 ?lL0.lK i"n will coa- rfcnrt"'"t-i'v Mn cpoMm for the first ElliSS. ri 'L. CarS?nt'- Carrlw. llK,.i.t"iln.ft?;. A. I. I'hlller- i.m. ii KsoihI it. "f.W'. "a Mollon. aioiie 'SSrrfeS i,taB7 ,luV?f P Iitoo. "! ZSZSyrW -P. wv WW. M?l,""la.2?. ...?.! .?' 'beaul Illlt Vivlw Uhnoi teaff ,8wliid won to .! E5S" l" "ao" "" ISf VIRGINIA PEARSON Coming to tlio Broad in "Tho Bluo Envelope." ca from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific during the early part of tho year 191(1, ending In Han I'rnnclsco, tho early pait of May. Kiom San Francisco I propose sailing for Auslrnlla, wheic their autumn Is Just sotting In and their theatrical season opening. T shall remain In Australia nbout tin or months and then go to India and then South America. From South Amerlr-i tho plan ! to go to nngland. touching nt Olhraltnr and ono or two other English ports. That will give me tho fall and early winter In England. 1 shall then sail for borne, starting my American season about Chiistmas, 1910." Margaret Anglin at Frisco The Inability of San Frnnciseo's the atres to hold more than one plav nt a time Is tho big, sad fact of fne Tan-nmn-Pnclflc Exposition to players and managers. Margaret Anglin has been ns sured a reason, however, by tho Invita tion of Prof. W. D. Armcs, of tho Univer sity of California, to present Greek plays In tho beautiful Greek theatro at Berke ley, where she has often played. The festival will oreupy tho months of July and August nnd will lncludo "Iphlgenla In AullH." Euripides' "Medea" and the "Electra" of Sophocles Wnltcr Dam rosch will conduct tho orchestra for all threo productions and compose music for the Inst two. The costumes wlll bn de signed by Livingston Piatt. So tine a venture should bo the crown ot tho dra matic work visible during the exposition. New Yoik rray bo lucky enough to bco the productions nt Madison Squaro Garden next fall. News Notes Franclne I.orrlmore, who "blllburkcs" tho misleading lady at the Broad, Is the 2S-year-old niece of Jacob Adler, the dis tinguished Yiddish tragedian. Tho publicity campaign for "The Dum my" Is starting early. Tho engagement at tho Walnut Is almost a month off, but tho management Is already distributing a pretty little booklet In sepia and black, showing 3cenes from the play. The pages aro cut to tho shape of a pair of hands spelling out letters in "dummy" lan guage. .1. 13. Larrle and George B. Hill have mnnufnrtured a satire on burglar plays called "Who Am I?" A. H. Woods has taken It under his wing. Vincent Serrano Is soon going forth In n play by Cronls Wilson called "Tho Tricky Mrs. Trevor." Local Firm Bids on War Orders A hid on 10,000 swords nnd bcnbbnrds for tho ItU3 dan Government has been made by Henry Dlsston & Sons, Inc., of Tncony, through J. P. Morgan & Co., of Now Yoik, agents for the Russian Gov ernment. This Is the third bid that the Taeony plant has made on war material. During the Spanish-American and tho Civil Wars this concern manufactured swords nnd bayonets for tho United States Government. Theatrical Baedeker AWnLnil "1'eK o' My Heart." with an ex cellent taat Hartley Manners' popular an I arrmslns loinedy of the Impetuous soi Irish ulil and what she does to a sedut., Ensllsli lamlly s.J BROAD' l"he Misleading I.ady " A "soc.o loKknl ' .arte nf a gentleman from I'ata ponla. wl u kldtians and tamos a flirtatious ouug ornament of sood socletv. Also enter Napoleon." Good amusement S.IS GAIIUICK Tho San Carlo Opera Company In repertory. For further announcement and re leus see the muslo department S 15 I.1TTIX-"Hli'b Man. Poor man," with the resident , ormmnv. A comedy by Porter Kmerson ltrown, which shone that 5th ave nuo Is but rts out of It In Vermont us a cho.-us Klrl In Slh avenue. Incenloua lnci'iiuous . .. . . .... , .J 'B I.YlllC "UancInK Around," with Al JoUon. A Winter Oarilen show with a hussar hero who Is IuoMpk tor a beauty spot and finds a whole bullroomful Al Jolson convulsively ruins tlio plot Ml, WAI.NUT "lhe Trail of the Ioneome I'lne." Kuuenn Walters orfectlvo dramatization ot John Pox, Jr.'s talo In the Cumberland U.p. Last week 8 15 Vaudeville KPITH'S Joan Sawyer: Claude Cllllnguater In "Wlies of the nich"; Fannie Ilrlct, Frank FoKarty, "Tho Dublin Minstrel"; IJ. A. Hollo's "Colonial Days"; Coakley, llatncy and Dunlevj. blackfaro comedians; lieau mnule and Arnold In "The Doctorlne": Schooler and Dickinson, and Hearst-Sells NIx'on''V'qHAND The nisht Itoyal DraKoons, sineera and Instrumentalists John p. Wade, la "Matse Shelby's Chicken Dinner", Joo Cook's 'Ono Man Vaudeville Show"; Cole, Itu8sell and Davis In "Walters Wanted"; the Dohertya In "Nutty Nonsense"; Julia Gonzales on the trape", and comedy motion pictures. , , Lil.OHR "Adventures on the Itoof of ths Karth." moving pictures In ihe Alps: rjcorgo Fellic and the Barry Girls, Harry Breen In monologue, Clajton Kenney and Martin Itooney in "The Happy Medium"; Kddle Jlarto and Florence Clark In "Marooned"; the Heddeis; Alt Grant and Master Hoaff In A Chip of the Old Block". Jerge and Ham ilton and the Three Naiarrowa WILLIAM I'HNN-Tho Five Nava Cadets; Feicy Vteltou and Company In "ills Mean Disposition", the Lelgbfons In "The Party of the Second Part", McMahon, Diamond and Chaplow in "Tho Scarecrow"; Dais For kusoi, monologist, and bore it y and Antol. CHOSH KEVS fsecond half of week) Joe Shea In "The Village Cabaret"; the ltoaebud Mln. strels. the four Donnelly. Jones and Ward, Helen I'rlmro, comedienne, and Itlce and Francis In songs and dances, , WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT Sunday Revival, tabernacle, 18th and Vine btrw-ts. T.'.u o'ctD'k Free. Pblladtlrhla Chapter American Institute of Hankers. 1101 Chestnut street. 8 o clock. Free. Philosophical eoclety, 101 South 6th street; fa o'clock Free Biislners Science Club dinner, Adelpbla M.tlag. Comnwrclal Section .Phlladelpbl. Electric, AdelplUa Hotel; 8 o'clock. nKtur. on NeltKsb and the Latter Dy Hlotcisiu, by.Charle. M. Bakewell. IJryn Mawr Uiluwir, Philadelphia Alumni West ChKster Ni-rVoaT School. Lu Lu Temple, 8 o'ololf. Class mf UW. Csrtral High School Twnlon. Supper and atrtalomnt Itlchnund Presby terian Church. Richmond atov. Cambria street. T SO o'clock ... Phluidelpbla Orchestra tinner to Mr. and M Ltipbl" BtWwwskl, Bellevue-Stratford; u Farm and erdiA ympolBro. Horticultural Trl'-Uartersity b"i 4fbai"" .ii5lel, renaylv.nts. HouMoo Hall . 8 o Hock. Licturi ' An BvTntDS Wlih the Sunt" B. C'wnpC fi'W atbktli. awet. lilasWg Puruuiid. 50 h wrest n Cbettsr avwitt?; 1M9 '5. TIME TO JOIN GREAT TRIP CONTEST NOW Lively Struggle for Places in "Lucky Fifty" Still Open to New Competitors. Nearly every point of Intcicst to tour Mb between this city nnd tho Pacific coast will bo visited by tho 60 men nnd women fltntidlns highest In tho contest of the KVRNtW! l.nuoBti nnd Pudlic t.Etnr:n nt the end of .tune, when It closes. These BO wlll tic rjlvcn frco trips to the Paiiaina.Paclllo Imposition and the Pnnnmii'Callfoliila H.tpoaltlon for their work In obtalnlin? subscriptions to tho r.VEViNct I.KUflEit nnd the Pt' I.PtiaRn. Ab has been pointed out before, con le'tnnts who foil to win one of the 60 fico trips wlll be paid the full news dralers' commissions on nil .ubserlptlons obtained. Under this s stern no ono can lose The contestant who does not win n trip to tho twin expositions will be paid for his tlmo nnd effort. Tho money will be useful for vnentlons, ns It wlll be paid Immediately nfter tho close of tho con test The contest has nearly four months yet to run nnd there Is still opportunity for men nnd women to enter and win. Pro portionately more points nro nllowcd for pald-ln-ndvnncc subscriptions than for the othct kind, and mnny of tho con testants nro taUlns ndvnntngo of this. All subscriptions from points outside of thl city nnd Camden must be paid in advance, nnd those Insldo the city nnd Camden for periods longer than six months must also be paid In ndvnnce. Send In your name now lo the contest editor, second floor of tho Lebqeii llulldlng, and get ono of these vnlunblo trips to the Pacllle const. Ho wlll pro vide full Information on how to obtain subset tptlons. Delny may mean that some ono elso will set nhend ot you. Join tho conttst now. The first of two concerts for the benefit of the Pension Fund and, Incidentally, tho only choral work scheduled by the or ganization this year, was given Inst night by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Assisting tho augmented orchestra wero Florence Hlnkle, soprano; Emma Itoberts, mezzo soprano, and John F. Brnuii, tenor, all volunteers In the splendid cnuso of tho orchestra's welfare nnd members of 16 societies which cultivate the art of choral singing in this city. Tho work was en thusiastically and, In tlio end. Impress ively done, and tho fanfnrc which greeted Mr. Stokowslti ns ho camo for acknowl edgment was a well-earned tribute to th almost superhuman exertions ho has gone through for this concert. .Mendelssohn's "Lobgcsang," composed for the festival of 1810, when Leipzig cele brated tho invention of printing, was tho work chosen. Ono cannot help thinking of Koheleth, who said In sadness that "God hath made man upright, but they have sought out mnny Inventions." It is not without significance that to com memorate tho ono Invention which has been In the highest senso a corrupter of humanity (and therefore a restorer)..tho mnn was chosen who kept the simplicity of nature uncorruptcd In his heart. Tho "Iobgesang" Is pralso perfected from the mouth or a child. If it larks tho pro fundity of Beethoven's Inst word. It has n more lilting Joy and a naivete of its own. It was played and sung last night with a full understanding of this spirit. In tho orchestra the wind choir distinguished Itself as It has on many previous occa sions, and Its work with the strings wns particularly notable. Tho soloists sang, alone or together, with ilno Intonation, clarity of utterance nnd effectivo dra matic appeal. Naturally, It was Mr. Braun with the "watchman scene" who answered particularly to this last neces sity, and It wns Miss Hlnkle who camo to lyric height in her reply. But tho chlefest pleasure of the cantata was in tho splendidly trained chorus, which ad dressed ltselr with skill to its work, nnd without hesitation or faltering carried It through to Its triumphant conclusion. It may bo questioned whether the Academy was adequate to such a. chorus, Inasmuch as a quarter of thoso in tho building took part In tho work. There wero moments when the Impact of sound on the car was terrific. But the tendency to overexpres slon was certainly suppressed, if not by tho singers, then by their director, and the total effect was pleasing and uplift ing. For tho long effort and tho patient travail of Mr. Stokowskl this was cer tainly a Just recompense. Tho Wagner Program This afternoon the second concert for tho orchestru's pension fund will be held at the Academy. Mme. Johanna Gadski Is tho soloist, and the program Is al most equally divided between purely orchestral and lyric work. Mme. Gadski wlll sing Elizabeth's '"Prayer" from "Tannhaeuser," Elsa's "Dream" from "Lohengrin" and Isolde's "Narration" and the "Llebestod" from "Tristan und Isolde." From tho tlrst of the mentioned works the orchestra will play the over ture and Venusberg music, as scored in the Paris version of the opern; from the second it will play the Vorsplel to Act I and that to Act 3, and from the last tho Vorsplel. "Rigoletto" at the Garrick "Rlgoletto" was given by the San Carlo Grand Opera Company nt the Garrick Theatre last night. Gulseppe Agostlnl, the duke, and Angelo Antola, Rlgoletto, who bore the brunt of Wednesday night's performances, were even more cordially received last night, Eldvldge Vaccari aa Gllda was much better In the last act than In any other. Miss A. Cadamarterl as Maddalena, completed the quartet In the last art, which, of course, was re peated, and not without good reason. Emilia Sesona was Sparafuclle, The sing ing and acting were very good through out. The chorus and orchestra also were liberally applauded. Ponchlelll'a 'La Gloconda" will be given this evening. Long Beach'a War on Mosrjutto The war for the extermination of the mosquito will be carried on this year with undiminished vigor at Long Beach, N, J, Members of the Board of Trade held their annual dinner last night at the Covington, 37th and Chestnut streets, and arrange' ments were made for a mass-meeting to be held In the near future to outline plans for the elimination of the Jersey pest. Dr. A. Headier delivered an address out lining tne course to be pursued In coiw tlnulng the work of the summer visitors, most of whom are Philadelphia.. Provencal Customs Described The customs and architecture of Prov ence and tile history of the troubadours, whose fascination has extended down to the present time, were described last night In a lecture by Mrs. Samuel I), Jardan, at the fourth study meet ing ot the Browning Society, at the New Century Club. Zi South 12th street Miss Margaret A. Boyle read a paper on Provencal architecture, and A. H. Qu macr. of the architectural department ot the University of Pennsylvania, read a composition on the ancient towns of southern France Harvey M. Watts read a number ot original poems. THE PHOTOPLAY kIkPsIF JIT k$5PI$ If " psl llliillll. "yililr ' llliliiiBlilliilk FAN BOUIIKE Tho Thanhousor Comedlonno llnrrv Hcnham, tho Thanhouser-Mutual musical star, used lo own n motorcar. Jack Harvey, one or tlio Thanhousor directors, tued to own ri l).njrln. or. to put It more accurately, ho owned what mod to be it benlo Hnnoy had taimlit tho beajtlo to sing or talk or whistle, or any little parlor stunt tint Ben Jiam Improved on all that. He put Ir his sparo moments training tho benRle Tho ex-tenor ot "XIadamo Sherry" fthlspertd sweet nothings Into tho dog's more or le shcll-IlUe ear. And Anally, upon tho animal's mind dawned tho grent Idea, Ho wns to tctnln all his bunting dog qualities and nleli up a tow that no other hound ever had learned Oh, the motorcar? Well. Hcnlmm, aa had been mid. owned one. YVhoo? Ho doesn't ilmelf know the answer to that, because ho rained the broglo to run nlong tho Boston tot road nt New Itocholle, nnd retrlovo parts dropped fro.n inrlous cats. The benglo adapted hlmielf reodly to tho rola or auto hound. Ho got so slick at It ho ould tell from tho clank of anything thnt rnsed Just what kind of n car It wns. ,. B,ot " kcm tnat w-hen he heard n port roll from a machine Into the gutter he wouldn't go after It unless Ilenham needed Just that part for his contraption Benhnm'B car fast took on shore The nnto nomid dragged in a corrugated Iron roof for tin bodv nnd an old broom handle for the dmo shaft Ho got a inmera crank for lhe starting hindle and n bunch of clastic bands for the tires Ho stoIe-dllbcrntely stole, for was he not a llarieylzed steil dog' tho Zudu-n sun-ray machine for the headlights and a lllg Hen alarm rlork for the differential. ultimately tho thing was finished. Bcnham nnd tho auto hound equally proud of their product, prcpoied to trv It out. Benham In vited ran Hourke. Thnnhoutor comedienne, to take the first ride with him Then the strnngest thing happeneJ The THE DUAL ALLIANCE OR A COURTROOM COURTSHIP A Glittering Story of Love Triumphant, Told in Three Reels of Heart Throbs Staged by Fate Guarding Lovers. t Scene I Frank Contl, 12 years old, a dark, handsome Italian with olivo com plexion nnd conl-black hair, sits dejected In his hall room. He Is a barber out of a Job. No money, either visible or invisible. Sceno II Nellio Henderly, 19 years old, n blushing, dimpled German maiden, mopes and pines In her parlor. She stares at the opposite wall, like Mrs, Leslie Carter. Tho door opens. She looks up. Frank enters. They embrace. Frank registers Joy. Cut In: "I'm out of money, Nellie. No marriage bells for us." They weep. Scene III Exterior homo of Dominic Contl, Enter Frank. Knocks at tho door. Dominic opens It, revealing glimpse of happy wife and children. Frank registers. Cut In: "Always I lent you money when I had It; now lend mo enough to get married, brother." Cold-hearted business with Dominic. Frank exit, In despair. Scene 4 Exterior home of Joe, another brother. The door opens, Frank comes out from within, propelled by tho hob nailed too of Bt other Joe's foot. Joe's happy family seen within, eating dill pickles. Frank shakes his list at Joe, who toesea out Frank's hat and overcoat. Scene 5 Interior of Frank's suite of one room and closet. There's a knock nt tho door. A detcctlvo enters. It Is Max Wino kur. who serves a warrant. Frank reg isters an "et tu brute" expression. Cut in: "When brothers tum on brother!" Sceno 6 Magistrate timely at his desk. Interpreters, lawyers, police reporters and courtroom loafers. Enter Frank, our hero, with his arm about tho waist of our blushing heroine, Enter brothers, sisters-in-law and a crowd of nieces and nephews. Frank Is held under ixo ball to keep the peace. Frank smiles stllletto-llne. His would-be brldo weeps. Dut hark! Spirit of romance enters the Judge's mind He calls Nellie to his side nnd arranges tho Neapolitan families before him, like In a mob scene. (Regis ters follow cut-In, which Is pretty long for a movie, but Is needed to explain the pic. ture.) "Nelllo's parents are In Germany. Your parents are In Italy. You are here to gether. Why don't you act like brothers? Dominic and Joe, lend Frank $50 and let him glvo ou his note. He'll get work soon; I'll help him, Nellie la sobbing her heart away. Have a heart!" Smiles break out over the assemblage ot olive complexions. Scene 7 Time, next Sunday. Place, (Magistrate's home. Parlor draped In In ternational colors. Dining table spread with frankfurters and spaghetti- Magis trate beams. Enter wedding party, Frank rilOTOPLAYS CHESTNUT ST, S Home at World' Greatest I'tiotoplajra Afternoon 1:30 to 4i30 10c, 19c, 23o KvrnlneK 7:30 to 10:30 10c, 83c, 60o Ilea. Heatn Helllnc I Week In Advance SENSATIONAL SUCCESS J ! ! FAMOUS PLAYERS' FILM CO.'S STUPENDOUS PHOTO-SPECTACLE "ETERNAL CITY BY HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWICE UAILY JJiSO uu.l 8:30 I'. 51. l'KKCEDED UY C031EDIES WITH CHAS. CIIAI'UN THE TIOGA 17TII AND VEMlKfifl STS Pltlla.' Finest 4 Bxelulv Photoolav Thtatn. Capacity 8000. Mntlne 2 :S0. Svg. 8:45. Ad. I ouulen. niatln and cvenlaf. 10c. CMldru, umtlneo poly, 5c. Full orch&itra- TODAY- ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE Questions and Answers Tho Photoplay Editor of the tlvnn mtl LEbciEn will bo pleased to answer questions relating to his department Questions relating to family nffalrs of actors nnd actresses nro bnricd ah solutety Queries will not bo answered by let ter All letters must be addressed to Photoplay Editor, evening Ledger darned thing ran' The nuto bound bad re trieve n ..jrk plug, riie ilelkhlcd Uenhnm and the capricious Mi.m Knuike turned Into Main street, New Itochelle and slid swlftlj downhill, gathering tremendous si eed with every Inrh. The wind I turned Mls llnurko's hnlr from Its usually secure rattening and nnirpins went iiymsr in a I dire, tlons One, Just one, little black, Invisible hnlrpln (lew nhend of tho car nnd tatidrd on the rondvvnv the right front wheel ran Into the hair pin. Tho Jolt stopped tho mnrlilne that Is, tt Ktnpped the irom of the nuuhlne Hut tlio tear or Ii vns going ho fnst It telescoped all mir the radiator. The nuto hound, innterlng underneath lhe rear axle like any well turned coach dog. had his noso rsuglit In the Jiimblv mns and his leeth closed nn the spark plug Thnt cnliaulrcd him Into real nrllon. Willi bis tail hrnvely waving, his eves flashing nnd bis lean Jaws convulsed, bis ears brought to litm tho foun; of motor pnrts dropping, dust then a motorejclo whizzed by. Iho nulo bound thought It a whole hnlf of a real ma cnlno nnd loro nfter It, Ho has not been seen since. This ltcally Happened "In getting sceies and localities nbout Iho ntlenn." mid Hcgh Ford, who directed the innklng of "The Dternal city," photo-drama, "lou can't WAlt for the red tnpo of offlclnl dom. you'd bo n llfetlmn making yojr pic tine If ou did. Most of the scones nbsolutely essential to our storv wero forbidden territory to the tnotlon-picturo camera Gome of them wrre regnrded ns too sacred for nny kind of photoarnphv It wan a case of diplomacy, llbtral baksheesh and subterfuge nil the wny through riiero Is, for Instance, a scene In the play where tho hero staggered up to the great bronro doors of tho Pope's Inviolate domain. Nobody, of course, may pass beyond this threshold Aided by one of our Inter preters, a young Italian fellow, we managed to get our camera Into nn Inconspicuous spot, mnr enough to tako our picture Then our leading mnn, Tboinan Holding, staggered up the great steps and collapsed nt tho portals ' Tho pnpai guards lookrd on motionless. They dared not coino forvord. Tlicv dared not move. Mr Holding ln there In il pitiful heap. "In due tlmo out camo ono of tho real priests. Inquiry wns In his glance, compnsslon In his mnnner Tenderly ho lirted tho hrnd nf the supposed sbk nnd fainting suppliant. This wis exactly what we wanted. Hre this pi lest had renllied that ho hn.l but succored nn actor employod by tho ramous Players' Film Comany tho scene hnd been taken Nono of Its nctors save our "Internal Clti" hero know tboy wero acting Not. at any rate, until the knowledge could do nothing moro than nrouso a iKisslng Irrttntlon." Answers to Correspondents M. A. D. No to first question. Wo will not answer questions concerning private affairs of actors, Including their ages A. M. I.. famous Player, did not produce 1'lny you mention. I. O. I, Blanche Sweet In "The Little Country Mouse." Sho Is now with tho I-nsky rominnv. I P 1. Miss Mlchelena and House Peters In "Mlgnon" and "Salomy dnnc." Blanche Sweet and Houso Peters In "Tho Warrens of Virginia." nnd Nellie, assisted by the two best men, Joo and Dominic, who started out to bo tho worst men; their wives as brides maids and their daughters ns flower girls. Frank registers embarrassment nnd Ilshes n ring out of his best corduroy waist coat. Tho Mo.slstr.tto says they aro now husband nnd wife. "Viva 1'Itnlla!" and "Hoch tier Kaiser!" cries rent tho tlr. Note Mr. Contl and Miss Henderly will positively appear at this performance. Passed by tho Philadelphia Marriage License Bureau. Noto by Photoplay Editor. Tho actors In this company may bo ndressed as fol lows: iFrnnk Contl, 6723 Poplar street. Nellie Henderly, 130 North Lawrence street. Magistrate Emely, 2729 North 12th street. Dominic C.ontl, 5S34 Morton street, Gor mnntown. Joseph Contl, 309 Cnlumet street. Falls of Schuylkill. DEATH COMES TO TWO SISTERS AS THEY PRAYED IT MIGHT Young Women Succumb to Tubercu losis Within Two Hours. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind., March 6. Tho pitiful prayers of two sisters that they die on tho same day have been answered. Icy May Griffith and Nellie Sylvia Griffith died today within two hours Icy was 20 years old, Nellie 23. They had been sufferers from tuberculosis. There was no hope of a cure. They knew that death would sooner or later grasp them They hnd been companions nil through life, each sympathizing with the other in her sufferings. One did not want to live without the other. Day and night they prayed that when the end came both would go. Tho younger sister was tho llrst to go. But the older one did not have long to mourn. She soon passed away. Both will be burled in tho same grave. It Was Onlyv an Old Battered Blue Buckle, Which She Wore at Her Breast But around it William Hamilton Osborne has woven an enthrall ing tale which will keep you on the qui vive from start to finish. This new serial story, lhe J31 will be printed, fctmtmii t- mrs. Airrntm Mccarty Mrs. McCnrty, formerly Miss Hnzcl V. Cnmcron, a member of tho "Dancing Around" company, now plnying at tho Lyric Thcn tre, wns married yesterday to Arthur McCarty, of this city, at Elkton, Md., ns tho result of nn acquaintance formed when sho was a studont nt Sweot Urinr College, Sweet Briar, Vn. J 2 Diseased Cattle Killed Forty-two head of cattle on n. farm In Frankfort! wero killed this morning by Inspectors of the United Ktntes Bureau of Animal Industry In n determined effort to stamp out once and foi all the long standing epllemlc of foot nnd mouth disease. Another herd tho well-known Gill herd, nt Hnddonlleld, N .1 will bo shot this afternoon. It Includes n bull worth sevcrnl thousand dollars. Have you tried housekeeping by using w using e So Easy, so Safe, so Sanitary, so Comfortable. Yet you do the work in half the time, and do it better than before Not rough not crude. FelsSoap Powder. Refined, sweet, and does the work. SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAY'S FEATURES CALENDAR OVERBROOK (13d St. and HaTerforrt Ave. 1'Ilth bplovr Umipliln St. JEFFERSON TULPEHOCKEN Oorninntown Ave. & Tulprbncken St. BELVIDERE Germnntnwn Ave. bel. Oraicr'a Xuine GARDEN G3d St. and I-nnmlowne Are. IRIS THEATRE Kensington and Allegheny Ares. REGENT 1033-31 Market Street $20,000,000 ABC 332.1 riintnut St. FAIRMOUNT Prnnklln St. nml Fuli-mount Ave. MIDVALE KAhT VAI.T.8 AMBER lVunkforcl Ave. nnd Amlicr St. LIBERTY .1X5 1 Lonsbliure St EPISODES MESSINA HALL 705 ClirUtlan St. HOWARD 3103 North rrunt M. ue commencing Saturday, M ONE CENT KEAL KOMANCE OP STAGE Member of "Dancing Around" Gom pany Bride of Rich Young Man. An ncqunlntnnce formed when hd wt a student nl Sweet Ilrlnr College, Bvvoet Brlnr, Vn , several years ngo, has culmi nated In tho marriage of Miss Hase! V Cameron, n member of the chorus of "Dancing Around," the Al Jotson show now plnying nt the Lyric Theatre, tt Arthur McCarty, a wealthy young mnn of this city, nt Elkton, Md. Miss Cameron nnd Mr. McCarty havfl corresponded during the last year or more while alio linn been on tho stage'but when the Al Jolson company camo to this lty sho and Mr, McCnrty suddenly made up their minds to havo tho marriage knot tied. This was done yesterday. Accompinled by Miss Helen Berkeley and Miss Charlotte Johnson, Miss Cam cron nnd Mr. McCarty motored to Elkton enrly yesterday morning. A license was quickly obtained nnd in less than one hour the young pair were man nnd wife and with their friends wer nn their way back to tho city, Mrs. McCnrty appearing In tho performanco last night Just sa If nothing out of tho ordinary routlno of her llfo had happened. Mrs. McCarty will say good-by to her friends In the com pany when the show leaves for Boston on Sunday nnd wlll make her home nt tho Bellevuc-Stratford for a week or no when tho couplo expect to start for San Francisco for their honeymoon. Upon tholr return early In the sprlnn Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy will mako tholr home In this city. Watch Your $5 Gold Pieces Short-weight gold coins have been found in circulation throughout the city during the last few weeks, Banks havo reported that they havo observed them In consider able quantities. Five dollar gold pieces that wore CO cents short were discovered In tho Stibtrcnsury. It Is said thnt the coins havo been given n "bath" In nltrp murlatlo acid, which removes a part of the gold. This removal can only bo de tectcd by weighing tho coin. so Quick, SUBJECT TO CHANQE ALICE BRADY in AS YE SOW THE CHRISTIAN Ily Hall Calne All WEEK The Hoosier Schoolmaster Kit, the Arkansas Traveler Lew Fields, Vivian Martin, In OLD DUTCH QUEEN MARGARET &&" lawyer Sawder In A Woman's Triumph MYSTERY No. 1 GENTLEMEN CROOKS No. 1 GENTLEMEN CROOKS No. 2 Message From the Heart No. 3 BAG OF .DIAMONDS No. 3 BAG OF DIAMONDS OF ZUDORA No. 2 SLEEPING HOUSE No. 2 SLEEPING HOUSE tt Jrn? :1mb M Pc miwr i 1 rtl m - I -SI 1 m ftM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers