i K ' ,ct'. .vsSTRAjv, MONDAY February 8, 1915 v aa O netting SJennrc mi h' PERSONS, PLACES AND SCENES PROMINENT IN THE NEWS OF A WORLD'S DOINGS DAY BY DAY ifi - . ' 1 -I , ' ! ' ,1 . .. fc tK " , , . d i, ,:& VA'tiPc L a, , - ""y 7rv ui A" A jF g tMT Tji- jbWJKJT'BBu Jv r" i r3j HjBMF" yTEtJ ' ''j1- mifai - m frffciinrinl plr r ttUi i r- V kioB' vlHLJY IMTj jJ-JirTj wMBaBt vjK jry Wj s, ? V 'xk1UbBbH3v "&.M T , j ' wL vyjBaWnSWB. JBi $M fW j wu g jm jbBBLvEBbBba (BBJBaR IjJlTxBBIa.m-' it fcflBT iT7VVVBaHYflYBaHYflYJBl'fQ' YBc& s 2 BbWbbwBbbwBoBiPP&:' ' roKlirtt-ii H ''fIMbmBHmBH Hnft ; jbbIbf -" ' VtpfsHBHHH BBB: :-y ,,,, .-4- '' jHH 1 BBWI' WWII l iBlwIIBiWBBriii i ' - w- h a. ..-.p. SQB. I : mmsmmmKm - . - . GENERALS IN THE WAR ON THE RUM TRAFFIC Former Governor R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina, at right, and District Superintendent Homer W. Tope, of the Anti-Saloon League, caught by the camera on Chestnut street. The former sees no humor in the popular jest about what the Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina r. t yt.;. .. UW'- A , - - ' is' - "-; rv-s.u, v'l.,-:, -" .k S "' W'. ":S I ttj :v "KC HAVING A JOKE ON HIS ABSENT MASTER While his rider is away untangling a traffic snarl, this police horse has twisted around directly in the path of the passing throng. Philadelphia's traffic is the best handled in the world. ; ?'; M. T"- 4 - " 'MaKluj tf . , . " ". &iiifa -?; . ,r HKfcfc. 'U - iZ. J -. '"bs,-'j nnRgMr laM ' U v " -'a ,1. ' S-.-4,.l-"-- . -3St.r A i. ' J - if!' JM'Jm " ililll iiiiliHirrff '-f '" - et ,? i-!& -i -, !. ' a&fMw.-,'-- "W 3. ' -J-' iiirifis UjA!fPKSH9H l,tiii 'i 4 V.finr1:-'?-AHnaiBeffi3EfAsi31SaGlBKlB flmSiHiBilHraWHBiluSBBBSBBfll rirvfiVfwrlWffflrfl'TWffiSJfBflBBHBBKjB Photo br Hrrl & Ewlnj, MISS CONSTANCE DREXEL Back from nursing French soldiers, she has joined the forces of the suffra gists at Washington, be lieving that women ought to have a voice in decid ing for or against war. ENGLAND'S NATIVE BARRIER AGAINST THE TURK Egyptian warriors now serving with Australian and New Zealand troops in defense of the Suez Canal. There is a fine contrast here between the .uniformed fellaheens and the un disciplined camel corps'. i x! ? ..:-l S..Mj&U,ii T?jP)BBBpWBBaBBL53rT -TigfclEMBBBMBgT '''B uflEK wvR28NWBWs?wTffiJBp pm 'tBVBBm Mmimwmmmki Kr Jr "SBflBMilil'' 'MiiKP " "MlaVI bBHbt flMnBiBBHBSiBraBMrH9BaffiiV4 BBI BBSBe nBJlBBnBiSaflHtlKl'$oS BBBv rBKaiBaiBSBByjiiCMBraSBBfflMifflSJMl!L ?Np a BhBBSBXHvv. mhSSBBBjmHHbBj SbBBbBsKk Hb5uBhEHhBLsiI ' bmbm-bmISM 1 iBBBBBBStn'&H 1BBb9BBHHBF B I sEHBMPlPal 'IbbWvbhvR i V '" '- -- 'bP'ss ilSPVI .-,' j " j: x-r 4BddBB9?,'iy T fi ' 4"rt .. vi iVtt tlnvXlA ;MwMmi'' YOU MUST HAVE A MILITARY CLOK NOW, GIRLS A midwinter snapshot' from Nice, on the Riviera, where the modistes are flocking to get an idea of what the new season's fashions are' to be. The war influence is still strong. ' ' yf$'y JBf L bbbIbbhBBBIIbbbVpVVbbbbbbbk BBBsBlBrfBBBHPPIPBiJiBSBF' bbbVbbK1; - KMlStSllSSSSSmmtfmPtB:tm BBBhBHBJP-"' -' T" LW' iiH11' i i JBBBMBMBMMiiiiMi I1 'JFidWWi -m BBBBBBiBlPr' '''' ? 'gflHnftStfBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBMHkitS.1 ' iHii BBBBBJEF-ISk. jAiliirSL:fliBMr""WH wiytTSR NET FISHING IN THE SCHUYLKIwL CANAL aictw tafaa at ettfae loeka jit above the Falrmount dam. The fish taken arc-mostly cars. wWch gfmw to large size ia tkfte- watsfi, m BEHIND THE GUNNER ON A BRITISH TQRPEDOBOAT DESTROYER A picture taken from the deck I eon of the fast patrola to the English Channel which is trying to hit a German ccout cruiser. H i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers