'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm BVMTO LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, MdWDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1915: ,,.l UU' J 1 ''PipiSiWiWPHiMMMMrippii i. IIWIHWMTO ISA. R.R. BUYING tOPERTY NEAR ITS FRONT ST. STATION licved Company nas 111- HUition of Enlarging Freight Depot Values High Along Water Front. L.nn-ylvanln Railroad freight Bta- (which extends nloliB Front street irBfth to a point Bouth of Car- T evidently la to bo enlarged. Slnco November mo u"" " -" i; i nlonir Front street. Wa- m PVu "nrih aid, of need street. t,.t and also on the west sldo of K,trtet ana tvimrton and Heed Jrtititre" """ $$& section to tho north, bounded by lrr.nrth and Water streets nnd n.',..nt yard of tho Pennsylvania HJSl about one-thlrd of tho proper rtboen acquired. via.: S. Assessed .-.miiir 25 Northwest ViJ wat ; nd Reed t.. IB wj?j iued St.. trroo-etory ...ooTand J.IUni.iW!lS0(, iB.;:V':! ." liiree-itory brick Iirj"", A.'.ning. lot IB 1000 200O wiffl at .throe-story .brick ,JJ 'A SUVlllntr? lot 18x70.... ISKtl.Vter?t.,thr.tory COO fA'In entirety by JamVs It. .1. sv&nt w pJnn.ylvanla Railroad 111.000 2' '... frtP .! ' " KljSffl'r '22-lMT South Print rmSonwllh Tltl Insurance 4JS STtTempar.y. to Pennsylvania 1.000 2,000 1,800 2,000 0,000 ff.feffi""?..: ttTlSSfry " i-M need ,.t.. Daniel ! ft5?.,ri Pennavlvanta Itallroad llW.tVx.O asswsod 11700 ....... IJi..lS"iiiM South Front at., WV." Ubowlli to Pennsylvania. IitrMi "'".' nSTiunr. ncluding . iwp 15PM ".- .::;' Vn -Leo at., lot 10x07. I(;a( ...... .:;....r... fYS,-tit. Anna AtM"iwin ; ." 'ifrootii., 'l" . nomDany. lot 05.7x 4,r,t5 I'. Vi.Jt.Vy 'iliunoed nt Robert I.1M5. February -J-'.'.nia nallrond iSRSlnr. lot 16x70. subject to uround IgCmrnV., Vr annum 000 irtii of course, Is a move In lccoplmr S5 the need for nil the spaco posslblo er and the Vallr'oaa-s usual policy Ijl looklne ahead. b mvnn front sauAi. Pur-nee In values along tho waterfront the river will tako placo easily. rhlla aitthla Is supposed to havo an Immenso nlerfront, and yet its most vaiuac-io froliuW begins mm uio run nicuuiuuu iri nn tho north, to the Pennsyl vania Railroad terminal at, Greenwich lFolnton the soutll, mis is npproximaieiy (11,000 feet, or a little moro than six uite. u Ovsed by the city t.'ton feet. tflUlroiJa 15.0(10 feet. Jrtfltr owners i,iuw icri. klli last-named Includes sugnr refln ,!iriM. steamship lines, shipyards, 1070 feet .tf. Cramps' Shipyard (undeveloped), tho Jennsylvania Bait Manufacturing1 com pany and 1301 reet ut uiccuwivii uim Improvement Company. P LITTLE FHONTAGE FOR SALE. pf the. entire frontage there Is not moro tun 3000 feet actually for Bate today, and "possibly only COOO feet more obtainable ilf a sharp advanco of front-foot values, jilt Is a fact, also, that Micro Is a great (Mai, pf quiet Inquiry going on In regard jta desirable property on the Schuylkill aRlTeralde of the city, nnd when facta bo- ieUriowir -It will be found-that com rparatluly a small amount expended by kq siiy on ine cnumioi unu uiu uamv tvouid result In an Increase of valuo or, tuable river property. LKSSOU. Vn-ar T-rnfttn Tfula nf nAt-rr. TToll ! - "- -... ..w ", ,.. 'A new trafllo experiment at the south 'it Of CItv Hall Is bain? miula tnilnv .under the direction of four traffic uollce- .pen. by order of Director Porter. Trol- jjtf, cars eastbound that formerly stopped ijV west smo of Broad street now are iWsj halted for tho dlschnreo of nan- ii'KJ'M In tho middle of tho crossing of w morougliforo. By this plan It Is P?d to prevont the blocking of trafllo JajQUth Tenn Squaro west of Broad street in stHMnniAT RSr-Jn lovlne memory of our mother. SKI. oaT!1:i"' wno UePrted this l!f II? ' h lx M ' sJTrJBl-nO.n-jrebruary 7, 1015. MARY ??. "" a"v.v, wire or James uruwn. srtinjnl services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., iVJi residence of her husband. 43C0 Bllver IifS?.i ": -Manayunk. Interment prlvat. i?Wlngton Cemetery. fnffEELI'J 0n February 7. 1D15. JAMES VjK' wn ot Arthur and Teresa Campbell. linEW on Thursday, at 8:30 u. m., from TM.. iv.'. . ww. emu aVVUUidll MHO. nb S.wJ:h'irl:h "' ur Mother of Sorrows, at 10 fit w Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ImSt . 9,n February 0", 1015, AMANDA T k -... v ..ciiry j, uavis. 1'unerai services on f?"Msy morning, at 10:30 o'clock, at her BC "Ideace, Lansdowno ave., Lansdowne, Interment private. Please omit flowers. ri0BEltTn- r.v -.. r,. II V.. wife of Frederick Egbert. Funoral ,ct on Wednesday. February 10, at a uAjt her lata residenco. 4W3 Ashland .'flSr'ST5' Interment private, North r RHl Cemetery. IIjEE. On Februnrv 1 mis xvir.T.TAir a.. S!hlSLof Elliabeth R. Egee and son of 'S wHne V4 the late Oeorge Ege. IMneral mil Pj.Tin, February 7, 101B. ANNID. wife ImtW.JV'0'1' TJfe funeral will take Placa Ht.a raursdav. at a.afi n m tmtn ,., Nnrtw ijni'ut ,L' 20th and Drown. Solemn Mass BUM r7ci..iV "u " """" "' KirlrWN. On February 7. . lOW. vsiaa Ki '..."' "uooana or ary uanij leiinaral tt"" TMldence. iviO North 2Sh . inter. Iris, ---"1, a ! Ti w4v' KfiHi .9" February 7, 1010. ADE, fT:r.c' A, Hartley. Funeral atrvleea on IBS? VI JWWlsely at 2Tp. m... at tha real IKl n.'Jl?r ,,,wr. Mrs. John M. Harding", f"JMlaro!ltot. t. .nterraent private. IairS.ir.v""Druary t, iujo, jujim ffWffi.FIUNCIS. son 'of Bridget and SneSi'JI1S.h.Ml.Kne' l" his 26th year, gMrtl oa Thursday, rsbruary 11. at8:tio V.ta.. from 47'ji nu.'v,oii '.V'u'.., Dhili. K&.b 1'l.h Uui at St. Francis da Balea r.o. ftt 10 a. m. Interment Cathedral liUlEj-On February 4.1015. Tlev. 1IUQI1 vtslrn n r,r 1 m Wl u' w' PuDnl . lisd Stwk,f "t the Phil.. North l'hlla. Krtaid..fr a(Waent Presbyteries, and all EI ,,11.?n., 0 which he was a member, KA J J."3 ta attend the services, on Mon- BUtm .. V t a ociock precissir, in Eaaia ts1 Memorial Prtabytarlan Church. CimttirvvT., " ? ueqy as wi.oa.sm 5J.U5 ' "Italntton, Del. IS V 88---n February B. 1915,-miA-SSi S" ot ,b t William J. and i ii! "' t 831 Spruce St., on JTueV. irnu Tt """" ,oa B1' uv srwoesi. LM3(YB'"r0n .February T, 1015, ANNIE. rWA-W1" Melllnger. runenil servUas . r-.i"n. sm. ' at p. m.. at her wte real I. Sm., S. tntermeot. at Mount pEfttra February 8, 101B, HLSIB. foj y J 1 uer. y rexjusat, mia.uum rffej?n.lbr,rJr V8. WARTHAaWldow aiiii ; Mues ana irienas sr ins ,. f"niiuiiy uvitc4 10 muni tns ",,'v "' s. on Wtalaesday afternoon, at --. - t,-vt ,4y. at qcr late reSHUOca, tvaa ? ' na .Dteru-a,t jrnatt. Mount Ban H-sjoite,, ilKV ' 'O Pettl-uartf ' wie lt J ... aoSrwiw, "at i. InsH-tA t.. Uoi "1 ' -( - c xrin ran. iftunl V i"neriy or tmenonaoan, ra. ilsFtvJ?'?0'!'. aerrnstntown. H'h Mass at KsfiaS.1 .0,,.A.,1,I' Church, at 10 a, m. !wfK!MM ""y Sepulchre Cemetery. .CJtVMASIIT. On February 7. 1015. ANNA 'If.X.'H. ui jnnn a. n.rnll..f DKATII3 Ihe funeral servieea, oh Wednesday afternoon, at 2-ao o'clock, at the 'irlnlty Itirormed rhureh, N. n. ror. Tlrona nnd Venango t. , Interment private, Rt Northwood Oemetery PAItK On February 7, lOW, JAM13S V , hunband of Kllzabcth M. rnrk.' Uue nollre of funeral will bo given from 1221 North rnZKNMAKtt. Oh February 7, lDlti, JOim O ., hunbanil of Mary H. rnrenmaer. Duo tintlco of tho funeral will bo given from Ills late residence, iwn North Mnnchcr at. nt:.l On February n, 1BW, nt Mlnpro, O, MAIIT 11KAI) (nee MeMenamln), wlfa of the lata Hobcrt C Itend nnd mother of rtev. Hurli t. Head, of 8t. .Tame' Chnfrh. ,18tH and Chestnut ata , nnd slater of th late Itev. Hugh V, McMennmln, nt Wheel' Ine;, W. Va. Itelatlvea and friends are In vited to attend the funeral, on Tuenday mornlnnr at 8:.10 o'clock, from th residence of her eon, John J. Head, 100!) West York t. Solemn Ilequlem Mass nt Our l.ndy of Mercy Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery HIIOADS. In Westtown township, on Bev enth-day. Second Month (1th. WW, tlEOnOE HIIOADS, In tho "2d year of his nge. rela tives and friends of the family nro Invited to nttend tha funeral, without further notice, from his late residence, In Westtown, on Fourth-day, tha lbth Inst. Meet at tho house at 1180 o'clock. Interment at Friends' Durlat around, Onktnnd. Carriages will meet train nt Westtown Station leaving Uroad Street 11:01 a. m. SCHMCHTlNO. On Sunday, February 7. lOlS, nt Holly Deach, N. J., IHINC8T BCHMCHTINO, aged 88 years, Itelatlvea nnd friends of the fnmlly, also members of the Llederkrans Society, are respectfully In vited to attend the tunernl services, on Wednesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock precisely, nt the funeral parlors of William It. Ktinalg, 1218 Olrnrd n.ve Philadelphia. Interment at Westminster Cemetery. Hemalns may be viewed at his lato residence, Holly Tiench, N. J., on Tuesday evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock. SinKIlOTHAM. Oh February 0. WW. BAM UEIj rnilHV, son of John ond Sarah II. Bldehntham. 1V1IAIITUN. On February 4. int.", nt Wvo missing. Pa.. Miss SUSAN FIBItltOtmN WHARTON, daughter of tho late William Flshhourn Wharton. Funeral services at St Murk's Church. Locust above 10th st , on Tuesday, the 0th Inst., nt 10 a. m. inter ment private. WIUTK. On February r.. 10W. OUVRH STUAItT, beloved husband of Mary R White (nee Dovle) nnd son of tha lato Herbert nnd Maria White, .in hla Slat year. Relatives and friends, nlso members of Independence I,odgo, No. 65. I. O. O. P.. nnd Keystone nncampmem, No. rT, I. o o. v., are invited to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday, February I), at 8 o'clock precisely, from his lato resi dence, No. llOir, Elliott si . West 1'hlla. In terment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Monday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Obituaries on Pngo 14 CLASSIFIED RATES , DAILT AND SUNDAY THIS STYLE TYrn (or like this) One Insertion Wo perllne Three Insertions In a wcok.,.. 12cr)crltna Seven cortccutlvo Insertions... lOo per lino Situations wanted, three Inser tions In a weok 100 per lino THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classifications except Help nnd Situations Wanted, Lost nnd Pound, Per sonals, Hoarding nnd Rooms. Ono Insertion 20c perllne Threo Insertions In a week.... 174c per lino Seven consecutive Insertions... Wo per lino Alt rates nre based on ngnte measurement, 14 agato lines to tho Inch. DBATH NOTICKS-elther paper 10 lines ono tlrno r.Oa Threo insertions - 1.00 DAILY ONLY fi Effect December 1, 19lk COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both tho morning- and evening papers of samo day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVCNINO) Add four cents per lino net to rates given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVF.RTISINO IN THE PUI1L1C I.EIH1RH may he iNsmiTEn in the evening LEDOER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERKS The Commercial Depart ment at Ledger Central has been re ceiving calls for experienced clerks and UpIbIp. Do not miss this op portunity to nio jour application with Miss Dean, as Ledger Adver tisers aro greatly benefited by this xcrvlce. , EXPERIENCED chlldmuree, German Trotest nnt preferred. 4'JIO Wynnefleld ave. EXPERIENCED white, Protestant chlldnurse, German preferred. 4010 W)nncllcld avo. STENOGRAPHERS AND BOOKKEEPERS Have you seen "Miss Dean" at Ledger Central? .,.., It not, call and become acquainted with her. She will give you good advlco about securing; positions, and aid you to locate a satisfactory one. The Commercial Department is constantly securlns positions for girls who havo ad vertised. Avail yourself of this service. It will pay j'ou. and In all probability, securo a good position for you. WANTED-A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED LADY TO TAKE ITJLL CHARGE. MAN ifir! AVr I1IIV ntltl OIRIS' DRESSES. COATS AND SWEATERS; ALSO A THOR OUGHLY EXPERIENCED COHSETir.ll TO TAKE FULL CHARGE AND DO ALL THE BUYINO FOR OUR CORSET DEl'AItT MENT. GOOD WAOES AND A STEADY POSITION. ALL COMMUNICATIONS .HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE GIVE REFER ENCES. LAST TWO POSITIONS AND LENGTH OF TIME IN UACII AND SAL AllV EXPECTED. WE ARE A LONG EaTABLISHED STORE. CATERING TO GOOD TRADE. ADDRESS THE UNION, COLUMBUS. OHIO. . WANTKD-A LADY ASSISTANT IV OUIl WOMENS RHADY-TO-WEAR DEPART MENT; ONE CAPABLE OF BUYING ME- dih" ; and fine dresses. s'aisi-s. KIMONOS AND BWnATEIlB. t,VlIO 1IA lTAD I EXPERIENCE IN RUNNING A FLOOR THIS 13 AN KXCE1TIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO A WOMAN WHO IS CAPABLE AND WELL ACQUAINTED IN THE ! DIFFERENT MARKETS. WE ARE A lONotESTABLTSHBD STORE. CATERING TO GOOD TRADE. ADDRESS THE UNION, COLUMBUS. Olliu. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER White rroteat ant. to do plain cooking for small adult fam ily In the country, and tako care of house; must ba entirely trustworthy and have refer Jnce,. Bee Miss Heed. Room 230, Ledger Off. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT MANAGER, upholstery mill; must understand dealgnlng and manufacturing. Ap "lyWentworth Willis. Allegheny ave. & A st. ATTRACTIVE ADVERTISING la one of the things, necessary In gaining the attention of the employer, 'ror other practical advice, stop In at Led." (Jentral. Chestnut st. at Broad, and see Mr, Hunt, of tte rommerclal Registry Bureau, who Is fc?lln Leder "advertisers to secur. thi flint kind of positions. tooOKKKEPEA-raderly .man. anoni Bu pre- erau salary s mnrt Ve f ncleht7 with beat ,.N er.n"lVd Position or right man. Reow triyldatm7aala?y expected, "b 103. Le, DRAUGHTSMAN Man experienced In detail " iMcnlnS tools: flrat-class man wanted) itste, experience and talary expected. I 111, Ledger Office. fesTIMATOR One having aeveral yeara" ex pSeMewlth targe buUdlng construction ooSpany! slate experience, salary and ref erenee. M MO. Ledger Central. SALUttltEN wanted to sell our standard br&Js of clgara. cigarettes and tobaoco; no Jwrlenc. n'ieisary. Independent Tcbicco Co' Urldaeport. Conn. WANTED-Htgb-irade specialty salesmen to aell merchants only; must have Al ref erences. D B. Ledger Office. STTaa. tjnrout. Waldron fc Co.. Mumar. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE x a flA"r t) IMtAM mib tssi9fhr Belgian younr woDSrrrUkfnrncin"b.rm;? ZSSSSl S(a&7.xSara. tngisa: CHAMBEltMAiD n4 seamstress, Swedish, Preteatant. prly. family, L 408. Led. Off. CHAMBERMAID a waltreiuv wSlJiDW poallloa In otn : ref Yhqu Utp, OSHW. VHAMUKRWDltK and walUM-JouM Ut, r ioo. Prut. 2148 Harlan st (24th & Maaterl cilTEBNOBSB-Younx girl. taexplotl..Oaid a ..t.-t ... . J Hiaia,lUwnml n KnlsLf OaAAl LalllL HiLDNLRSfc. u.mMj. Ubs pMitlon good virisut! cl rei. can, Ltdger ertlc. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK and chambermaid, two refined Clerman fl'"' &t';,.nt".tttXi. mW tosttlons in prl--atofamlllMi 1812 N Mutter t. C2fi..ani .ehambettnaM wish positions to-fi'.VL1!- "'I'aralo. Call at 205 Beraldn st.i ucrniantown, COOK and chambermaid, colored, mollier nnd dauterMfMeneaaajwbstest; COOK and chambermaid and waitress! 2 glria w2shplaceatogether.l,40lL JilgcrOnifc. cVJl.'5r.MIlllll!-Rg,':1 German wonianl small ramlly( nojtvnsiilng. y ,ia), ledger Ofncc. C90,i.T',;ng'l'ro,CB.t,,nt.wlhcs position, Oer jant'norCh8. jllll. II, u. Compton, 'C. H. cV"i,,T.o!,c?!nP.t .'.l.,.lei1 woman! best refer" ncr. 1UZ1 Ciilonhiu et. 'ySK..'1?' Position, housework, npartment, V. l'hlla. prclctieu. c 125, Ledger otiice. COOKING or houjeworki colored woman! ret . erenco. Ilesse lloodwln Ull jnin st; r:0NVUItSATlON lessons nnd coaching In Ian. gusgea; evenings. atM N, Uouvler st. HltAMATIC 80PHANO, exp. soloist, desires f"-.""'! m iiuu. uounimiin, u uo?,i,eu, ueni. Hm:s!.lAK"pllf thorougluy competent, wishes ll.8!!8 by tho rday. 1'hono Ulcklnion asi8 X, URLBsMaKKH wishes fov"more engagements by day.clty or suburbs, 212.1 Montrot.rhon. IJllLSHMAKi;!! wishes engagemente by day! ..-.man m un urunciica 101 u ;50, ixu, Uu, Dltf'SHSiAKKIl of Now York desires engat'tst nenltig gowns apeclalty, l'nono Wal, 4HOJ W, DHKSHMAKIUI desires engagements by day; best ftojk. Miss Winn, 3218 w. Montgomery. IHltlsBMAKnif-Htreet and evening gowns,ren fonah.ei latest styles; ret. 17111 Chestnut. DlUJssMAKKIt wishes engagementa by day or work at homo. Phone, Ulcklnson 3.HI X, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE GIRL, experienced, colored, wishes position as iluunbernmld. aultress or cooking. M 1118, Lelger Cuidrnl GIRL, colored, neat, wishes puslflon cooking nnd . d05.nst.alrs work; reference. 1307 Cambridge. alttL, colored, wishes 'position, general houso work; good cookj reference. It3 Datlen at. UIRL, oxnerlenced. wants housoworki refer- pine, inn n. tiouvier bi. GOVERNESS Chllurcn ot school age: con teach I'rrnch and all elomontnry branches, aiso music, P li.ll . Ledger uirico. HOUSEWORK Neat Polish girl wants general houseuork; references. 208 W. Clapler st. MOTHER'S HELl'ER or managing houiekkpr., young Scotch l'rot.; exp. l'hono Walnut 8K1S. MR. EMPLOYER: Are you In need of nn oxporlenced book keeper, stenographer, clerk ot offlco assist ant? Do sou know whoro such help can b found? Yes, nt Ledger Central. Call up "Miss Dean" nt Walnut 3000. Sho Is in chargo ot the Commercial De partment, and has a very complotg Hat of lilgli-grndc, oxporlenced girls seeking posi tions. This Is a freo torvlce to Ledger ad vertisers. Glvo It a. trial, and the outcome wilt be "SATISFACTION." NURSE lshe9 situation. Invalid nurse or attendant; best city reference. Address 07, Ledger Branch, 11th and Diamond. NURSERY GOVEUNFSS or mother's helper, English, Protestant; city and doctor's rerer- encei special imyaicui euro. 1 m, l,cu. jii. HUFlHriD "woman wants entire charge of In fant; flrat-class references. D 21. Led. Off. REFINlCD younjr woman as hskpr.; exp".! eco nomlcol ingr. 1 ref. M HIP. Ledger Central, SEVi'lNO out and helping dreesmaker by day or week. D ITS, Ledger Ortlco. STENOGRAPHER- - Experienced, competent. Industrious; moderate ealaryJJlfl, Led. ore. STENOGRAPHER, conm. and conscientious, dea. pos ; mod, snl : ref. A 115. Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER, nsslot't bookkeeper, comp., induat'B. willing mod. Bal. C 211. Led Oft. WACH1NO AND IRONING or rough washT .'lid Harlan st Writ Philadelphia, WORKING IIKPIl; good, reliable, trustwoithy wuinnn : excellent references, 778 N. 23d at. WORKING HOP.SEKEEPER In small , adult family, rcfen nro. P .nil Ledger Oftlco YOUNG GIRL wishes position. Germantowrt, chnmberwork anil waiting; reference. Phono Germantow n230." YOUNG lady dcslros bookkeeping or type writing, half day. O 010. Lodger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, CERTIFIED, will take chargo of auditing dept., supervise credits, collec tlona and mnnufnct'g costs, a 758. Led, Cent. BOOKKEEPER Efficient, reliable, able corsp.. credit man, O years' exp. O 7.T-I. Iod, Cent. BUTLER or Conk Competent Jnp wishes dosI tlon' het referenco I) 30. Ledger Offlco CIIAUPrEUR Flvo years with last prlvato family: Al references: strictly temperance. Box 50. Ovcrbrook. Pa. CHAUFFEUR First-class driver: best of ref erenda from last place, D 108, Lodger Office. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC Highest personal ref. for 10 years. Box 227. Roaemom. Pa. CHAUFFEUR. 7 yra oxp, minor repairs: roference. careful drBer, does H. 41. Led. Cent. COFFEE or wholesale grocery: oung man, age HO, strong, steady, healthy, temperate, stock or shipping department; 18 years' expe rience with ono llrni, O 741. Ledger Central. OOK or butler; Japancso wants position In fnmlly; references. S., 1534 Vine. FARMER, gardener, married, on a gentlcman'a farm; understands alt branches, gas engines, machinery: references. II 214. Ledger t-en. GARDENER. Poultry man nnd general man agir of gentleman's estate desires position; Al clt reference: married. Box U0. R. D. No, 1. NorrlHiown, Pa. HAVE sou a position to bo filled, either clerical, executlc, sales or technical, where experience and training are required? Tho Lodger's Commercial Registry Bureau hi.s on (lie at Ledger Central applications of many capable- and experienced men. Call up Walnut or Main 3000 and consult with Mr. Hunt, who will gladly placo this t(.TL- nt tho disposal of Ledger Advertisers. 18 THERE r hulldlng const, co. or an archi tect who wishes to Interview a man experi enced as an estimator, superlntudent. fore man or rlerk of the works? John F. Bowers, enro of Georgo F. Pawling & Co., Broad and Vine. MAN AND WIFE. Oerman. flrst-clasa cook and good houseman want situations; best referenco. 1210 N. Cth st. MAN, colored, wishes position, waiter, porter or houseman: refa. 30 E lUttenhouao at..atn, MAN AND WIFE, colored: houseman, butler und cook. 1010 Addison st. SALES MANAGER and correspondent Young man. Laving largo business acquaintance und thoroughly acauainttd through the East. wants to negotlato with a largo corporation who need o llvo man with personality. ,1 hayo cor retpoLdlng experience and can handle and know cor-Doratlon flgurea and methods. I can furnish tho best ot ref. C 204, Ledger oince. HTENOORAIUIEH. comp.. depend., any type writer; exn.j trustwthy.; ref. D 23. Led. Off. WSNTED Mill account, men'a wear woolens; aell direct. I 83, Ledger Ofrtce. YOUNG MAN. 34. thoroughly experienced In clerical work, with fair knowledgo of book, Veoolna. II 50. Ledger Central 55UNO MAN, high school education: offlco or clerical preferred. 11 281, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, 22. hss afternoon from 12 to 0 p. m. iree, ucuca jiuaniu,., a- -. -'.. ... AUTOMOBILES For Sale OWNER of garage will sachflce SPlsrce-Arrow llmcua nes; models 1008. 250; 1000, $1.5, tires and rat tors In excellent condition. Jacobs n.mie. Morris and Winona ave., Omtn. lull'" MAXWELL limousine, Bosch magneto, ,U.r.n,t condition. 1250.' Darlen Garage, excellent condition. 1250. Uarien Darlen and Reed sts. WESTORE VOUH AUTOMOBILE and loan money in It at low rates. Acme Loan Co 2031 Kensington avo. Phone Kenshigton U1I. AUTO LIVERY AND QARAOE3 SPACE In prlvato garage for rent. Call after 8 p. m.. 1733 Bouth Broad at. AUTO REPAIRING FORD repalr-g; carbons cleaned, IL20 valves ground. 1-'. Monument Oarage. 1134 Nonla. BUSINESS NOTICES ' FULL DRESS AND TUXi-DO TO HIR13 non'e'V? rato'V' 't fiAMUElf OOCHPBll. 1010 OlHAltO AVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Hotel business In thriving Penna. town of 5000. best location and trade la towni an all year round profltable business; price and terms reasonable. Interurban i Realty Company. 4510 FrankfoM ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Phena Frankford 1718, AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY offered to any one . . Slralilnl CLEANING AND DYEING qmSS-ln 'LHAD.o?if DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY GOWNS lor' all olsioTis7rHBOdllai. nio4arate nrU ISato Walnut Uwnst HJ7 . URL.aWMAKIN0"taughf ahoit ,r.f Jouf"- FOR BALE BILLlATlf), pool, comblnatlnn. Id-hand bought, old, rented, ex'd. Keafer, 820 (ilrard aye. INSTRUCTION MIT.LtNKriY course In 20 lesaona. American School pf Millinery, B8d tt llaee. He, 2D0.S I. OLD QOLD BOUGHT, SOLD DIAMONDS EXCHANGED WINDOLI'll, APPRAISED 21 N. 12TH ST. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto nnd pack' 1'llll.A. In? and shipping, 3870 Lnnenster nte, WANTED PI (RNltTltRP Antiques, pianos, etc., pari rUWMIUHC,,, . houae -bought. Kens. Furniture Co., 8113 Kensington Are. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH, 1416 Handsomo 2d front, prlv. bath! gentlemen', all cons. owner! reasonable UAIlING, 3218 Two drat-floor rooms; suit dentist or doctor or apartments. The Chilton, Mtw liella MtClsIn, .Manager. UHOAD, S1., B20 Visit the cleanest turn, rooms In towm ileum heat; very reasonable. BROAD, B 420 Comfortably furnished rooms, Plenty ot heat, light and Tiot water, phone. CATHAHINE, 2058-Prlvato family will rent turn, or unturn. tront room. Locust 2U27 w. CHESTNUT, 4110 Eocceji. vacs.i warm, cheer ful room; conv, ; board optlonaliphonc, CHESTNUT. 0130 Comfortably furnished 2d- floor room! rer. neignud.j conv. to cievaiwi. CHESTNUT, lll-Rooms. single end en suite, steam heat. Telephone Locust ,3l. UENTLEMAN looking for a well-fur. room In a W. Phlla. apart, can be nicely. accoinmoJ. In refined prlv, lamlly; very mod. neighbor hood, 41th nnd Walnut. Baring 237. . LOCUST, 1223 Well (urn. double room! prl vats bath; also single rooms; phone LOGAN SQ W 218-Two large com. front rooms, single or en suite, will turnlsh PINE, 800 Double and single rooms fur nlahed, steam heat, clectrlc light, phone SI'HUCE 1225 Neatly furnished slnglo room, well heated, all t.omcnlonus, reasonable ePHUCE, MSO-a gentlomen or couple for 2d lloor front, adjoining bath; board optional LPnt'CE. 2022 Desirable suite, with prlvato bath; open nro: phone! owner. , SPRUCE. 4020 Very attractive, single nnd double fur, vacs. ; all conven. Pro. 2838. VEiNANGO 1412 Private family will rent largo wou-iurn. parlor; uomu uywiio. wat.miit 1 223.4-1 HfnwnAd).Dealrabla vacs.. single or en suite; pri. baths 1 will furnish to suit tenant: moaerato rent, wainut o.ot WALNUT, 4303 Two 2d-floor rooms, unfurn.: southern cxposuro; pleasant. Preston 2720b 12TH. 8., 2O0-ulto of 2 or 3 rooms; private bath! steam heat! light housekeeping. 12TII. B., 017 Neatly furnished 2d & 3d atory front rooms in renneu pmaw mnmy. 13TH. 8.. 247 Beautifully fum. double room; slnglo room on 2d floor; reasonable. 17TH. S.. 320 Bacholor npts. 2d floor; private bnth, Apnly l.-iOQ Lnnd Title llldsr. . 1DTH, S., 332 Private family will rent 2d- story front rooms ; single or en suite. aiinr avh .qpiitinn lieiiutirui turn. front. combined alttlng nnd bedroom Preston ! :iili). OrTII. S . 137 Largo, cheerful 2d lloor room nlcelv furnished: hou.keeplnc, reasonable. I'rofeaslonnl Offices. 13TH IT., S., 237 l'liyslclan's office, wfth run. nine water: all ctmcnlcnces. BOARDINQ BALTIMORE, 4110 Very deslrablo slnglo rm.i light ond warm; pleasant Burroundlngs. tjHESTNUT ST.. 4018 Good tablo board: nice neighborhood: convenient to city. Phono Prea ton 0121 l. Photo displayed at.LedCciit SPRUCE. 1230 Second-story" sulto with prlvato iMtth: board. WALNUT, 3II0J Second front: nicely fur nished; hot-water heat; soml-prhnto balli. WALNUT. 4305 Large fiont room; southern exposure, also Bmall room: tablo board. VVALNUT, 5C00Largo room suitable for 2 gentlemen or coupic; v ,u, guuu wu.w. WALNUT. 4014 Nicely furn. room; conv. loc: exceptional table board, luring 747. 3fiT!l, S., HIS Handsomely furn. room; rorner houe; oxcep. tapie; privnojaiTiiiyL Jl'iV A GENTLEMAN who would amirociato n re fined home and aurrotmdlngs. central: ref-r-ences exchanged. Communicate with M Cj7 Ledger Central Suliurbnn OAK LAND-71t nve.. Vx ! from York road ..altni.a. mvn.r- rnniilfl. mMIl. Plione OOK I-tno 1285 W, Photo display Le.lgerCcntral. APARTMENTS CHILTON APARTMI1NT8 3218 BARING ST, Two first-floor rooms with prlv. bath; suita ble dentLpt or doctor or npmtt. Mrs Iltllo McClaln. Mgr. Bell nhone. Preston 0307. Lnnsdowne, Ta. APARTMENTS. ne.ir station, all conveniences. 123 to S-T3 per month. JOHN 5IACV. 33 N. Highland ave.. tansdowno HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments rm.r.. tuimm APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruco sts. l'hono Walnut 0S0, or write for February "Apartment Directory." THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street . HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT'S PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises KENT APARTMENTS N , OT. Housekeeping apartments, 4 rooms and bath, $'12.50 month. Janitor service. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OBRMAXTOWX CHOICE properties In all sections of atn.. Ml. Airy, Chest. II. 1 all prices. Write for special list J. II. Chadwlck & Co.,5018 Oermantown Ambler, Pa. WE SPECIALIZE In suburban property along the P. and It.. Bethlehem and Doyie-toivn branches; we otter suburban homes, farms. Improved country places and building sites: we can satisfy any reaaonable purchaaer. we can a. J DAOEH. Inc.. Ambler. Pa l'raier T ACRES. $3200; good frame buildings. 7 av..". P- 'nUA.D, We at Cheater, Pa- Atlantic City, N. 3. SNAPS In choice cottages, hotels, lots, etcaale, rent, exc.i choicest corner lot. Ventnor. UOOO helow coat. BrucKmann. :uu uua.amea inuir lladdnnfleld. N. J. B-'il Federal at.. Camden National Park. N. J. nrmnrtunitv: lots 25x150; . near trolley: 'SyVrlookfiig Del.: adjoin. Oaiiipboll Soup , --o development tireaver ,-. J -.. ' - Woodbury Heights. N. J. SF.VERAL dealrablo homes and Imbroved bjdg. John Mayhew. IQIS t IBMIUIHHW v. .--. PENNSYLVANIA I'ABMS im ACRS-Locatlon. land, buildings, water nd railroad facilities all mt claas: has Zvervtalnc that goes to makea good farm; leveral stock farms cheat). ISO. 200 and 23u Jcrei? the very best .of Und ;.nd ehf. .tat. your wants. J0NATJt CheVwrVjLa Ini. ACRES Delaware county bargain; 10 miles ulty Hall. Philadelphia; $12,U00. " j' B. THOMIPgON, Wt.t Chester, Pa. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANQB Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc. yj. - Dkilnrf. nh 1 lirODairtlea. .to ex- unas. E?!ly. VJ W-VoaT. -a-,-i.(r e! Fell, &i 8 Henna, ava. Atlantlo City. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Atlantic City. N. J. UOTEIBdgthoun....U,.fete.a T"" ' ai ;" I FOB BENT FURNISHED 7yrKLS. BOARDING MOUSES. VILLAS. craTAGEST APAUTMBNTS. any aoasoo. all Uaatloaa, Atlantlo City, Chelsea, Vernuor; U'Tl ba ItAlUUS & CX., BartUtt BWg. MORTGAGES LOANS ON REAi. ESlATsJ Blmoo J Walttman. lliu Glrard ave. tj0T&MFOR J8T ANM2l) UUKIi; OES. SAMILLH OIIsWNLT. 1510 1. hisiuut at. 3 t- M8;WlG'5DiARY.I9ll (A TRUE. DIARV Or A GeV) AFTtR SCHOOL 1 JOINED JOCELVM FINDINQ HIM HOMO.. WE THGrJ AjeNT OVR TO JOTS. HE HAS GOT A COLD ANO CAN'T TALK vUB RUFF-H003BO OVen. THGRti AT FIPXST AMD HeD A LOT OP, FUN. ,, IT RAINED A LITTLE OUTaSIDB AND 500M I CAME HOME. I -STUPIED AND REAP CAPTAIN HORN. MA, rvADB ME GO TO BEP AT HALF FaV SEVGM BECAUA I NGNT TIO BGO To LATG LAST NIGKT MV BEDTIME 13 HALF PAST CIGHT P.M. Lampoon. Sinytho I say, old dear, don't you llko Punch? Tho humor In It Is so quiet. Smith Tea, almost Inaudible. f f Bjstandcr. Old Suit (surveying tho ruins of his craft after the bombardment of Whltbjj allowed If the Geimuns ain't bin an" dropped n shell aboard the Saucy Polly, an' I'd on'y Jest glved 'cr a coat o' paint. Thoy must 'a knovvd abart It. 'WWlS, The atatue of Victoria protected by armored umbrella. GRANDMA, THE DEMON CHAPERON, DIDMT HAVE TO BRIBE WILLIE TO HELP HER BECAUSE THE SLIDE PART APPEALED TO HIM . .. i I n! ifvf sett,n n j I C RA P P L E THE PADDED CELL I HWE VOL) J I S 1"HE TME? ) "What does Dazonby do?" "Oh, 'no'a n sniper." "A sniper?" "Yes; ho'a always trylns to kill time." Exchange. GERMANS' FUN WITH LONDONERS Hosts of echoolglrla throw them selves from the Thames Bridge bo cause they havo no more Qerman toys. W "Well, I seo tho Germans havo taken Lodr." "I'll blto. Loada of what?" Buffalo Express. Bulletin, Sydney. THE TJOTTLE-FED AltllY, i All Germans above 15 Jears of age have been I mobilised, and bos are now In the firing line.) Kulser They seem rather youns, serKeant. Have they been trained In i arms? Itecrultliifv SorBennt Thoy hnvc been I In nnns all thnlr llveR. your Mnjecty. From Kladderadatcb. Berlin. Oil. HEM'! Copyright. Slmpllclsslmus. Tho Times Is coloring tho latest news, notwithstanding the scarcity of dyes. 41 ' 1 1 m rr 'nMW'frve.iSri-aSfe'rfraBs1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers