ft SCHUYLKILL PLOOD THREATENS TO CUT Cenl toned (mm r One li 1ft feet above normal. At 10:30 o'clock the water receded two Inches there, but at, noon naa (rone no lower. WABMNGI GIVEN IK TIME. frive thousand men are thrown out ot -work already and the loss to them and lhlr families wilt be great. They were called front their bed early this morning to aava valuables from the mills as the rive rose with the Intensity of the storm. The monetary loss from the flood will not be as great as from less; serious flood be cause ample warning was given In time. Bad It not been for this the loss would hnvo betri tremendous. The Schuylkill at Manayunk Is a roar Intf cataract. As the waters race by, carrying everything In their path with them, the roar can be heard half a mite away, Chicken coops, benches and hugo trees can be seen floating upon the crest Ot the flood. No cattle have been seen, but It Is feared persons living up the rirer bank In rural section have lost much live stock. Tllverslde drive, between Mldvale avenue and KerrV road. Is under three feet of water, and the police have roped the sec Hon off from pedestrians and motorists. The water has backed up to the high fence on the htlt side of the drive and Is now within a few feet of the deserted house In which Michael Igoe was drowned 1J years ago In a freshet of the Schuylkill. "Wlasahlckon Creek Is 15 feet above normal and within 4 feet of the bottom of the big arch bridge. Mounted policemen were dispatched to all factories and residences along the Schuylkill from Falrmount Park to Gray's Ferry avenue with the message from the Weather Bureau. They wore ordered to save as much property as pos sible before the flood was at Its height. HAMAOE AT NORRISTOWN. River-front Industries at Norrlstawn are seriously affected by the highest flood In the river this winter, and thou sands of dollars damage has been wrought by the 12-foot rise there. Brown's Mills, at De Kalb street bridge, Is the heaviest loser, and employes were called from thtlr beds early tills morning to uld In moving stock. At Pottstown the river Is 18 or 20 feet above normal. Residents of South Potts town are being taken from their homes In rowhoats and some are using these and hastily constructed rafts to move house hold effects. Pottstown Itself Is not thought to be In danger. An ice Jam at Pequea, on tho Susque hanna River, where tho stream is about a mile wide, is adding to the damage caused by a 12-foot rise In tho Aver. Residents have been warned to move what effects they can to higher ground. The Columbia and Port Deposit Rail road tracks are Inundated unci at some townB along tho river occupants had to bo taken from their homes In boats. At Safe Harbor the water Is up to the sec ond floor windows of houses. This point Is five miles above McCall's Ferry dnm. McCALL'S FERRT DAM IN PERIL. Dynamite may be used to smaBh the ica Jam above McCall's Ferry dam, which may injure that structure unless it breaks soon. The water is rapidly piling up behind it. If it gets much higher in calculable damage will be done when the Jam of ice gives way. Twenty-three feet of water now covers the rocks below Flat Rock Dam that are ordinarily dry enough to permit persons This photograp.atjfiraphed by Billy Sunday anif cgd in beautiful photogravure; 10x13 inches, will be eent free on receipt of the attached coupon. No undertaking of Billy Sunday has matched in importance his Philadelphia campaign. Because of the intense interest in it the Public Ledger and Evening Ledger have arranged to cover every detail of Sunday's activities. Mr. Sunday's sermons will be printed in full every day. All of the articles will be generously illus trated. The Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will give the clearest and fullest conception of what the Billy Sunday campaign means. Pin a dollar bill to the cpupon below and tend it in. The paper will be served to you without delay wherever you reside and this beautiful photogravure, especially suitable for framing, will be mailed to you- BILLY SUNDAY Subscription Blank Public Ledger Company: Independence Square, Philadelphia. Enclosed find One Dollar for which send me com bination number 1 Public Ledger Daily only for 9 weeks 2 Public Ledger Dally and Sunday for 6 weeks S Public Ledger Daily and Evening Ledger for 6 week i Evening Ledger Daily for 16 weeks Evening Ledger and Sunday Ledger for 9 weeks Name .........I,,.,...,,......,..,. ,).. ...... V 6mA remittance, in tft fgpm EVENING to cross the river. The landing stage ot the Evermont and the Alpha Boat Clubs near Lafayette were swept away at noon The Rending station at Spring's Mllle. near the Montgomery County One, Is sur rounded by water and rafts are being used by passengers to reach It. Boat clubs at Shawmont and Lafayette arc en dangered, CITY STREWN Wlf H WRECKAGE. Every section of Philadelphia and Its suburbs Is littered today with tho wreck age of the worst storm In years, from the viewpoint of the damage done. One woman was killed In Camden and scores were Injured In this city. House tops In nil parts ot the city, trees, signs, awnings, tele'graph, tele phone and electric light wires were torn down by tho wind, that at times reached a velocity of GO miles an hour, the third hlgho.it wind In the history of the local Weather Bureau. The record for wind velocity In this city was made October 23, 1878, with a 76-mllcs-an-hour wind. On December 10. of tho same year, the wind blew 63 miles an hour SHIPPING TIED UP On the Delaware River and bay the. wind Inorcaicd In Us Intensity. At the Delawaro Breakwater the official record er reported an SO-mlle-an-hour gale. Tho water was whipped Into plant waves, lee In tha upper river was piled tip on the Pennsylvania shore. The steamships Drown Point and Man chester Exchange. Inward bound, wer compelled to anchor, tho former at the Breakwater and the latter at Marcus Hook. The battleship Michigan, bound from tho Navy Yard for target practice at Hampton Roads, anchored abovo Reedy Island. A fleet ot schooners Bought shel ter behind the breakwater. Telegraph wires to tho various teportlng stations were crippled early this morning, nnd It was Impossible to get further de tails of tho storm dnmago to shipping. MANY WIRES DOWN. Squads of men are at work nil along the lines of tho Western Union nnd Postal Tclegiaph Companies In and near this city today, repairing tho damage done by tho stoim. At midnight tho Western Union Company had lost nearly every wire out of this city. It was impossible to get dispatches from Philadelphia be yond Trenton, in tho dliectlon of New York, nnd the Wilmington wlro was tha only one working to the South. Jinny of the lines tout down by tho storm had been put back Into service temporarily this morning, and the com pany was accepting messages as usual. The Postal Company was more fortunate and tllii not suffer as heavily. Moat of the telegraph wires put out of commis sion wore said to havo been duo to elec tric light wires falling on them and burn ing them out. TRAINS HOURS LATE. Trains from the South wcro several hours late In some Instances, owing to the storm and to a derailment near Havie do Grace, Md. At Primos, on tho P.. W. and B.. the contents of a lumber ynrd were strewn over the tracks, forcing several local trains to West Chester to halt while tho crew cleared the right of way. A field near the ard was littered with lumber, in cluding somo heavy beams, today. The storm today is central south of Long Island, according to reports re ceived by Forecaster Bliss. Lust night It swept over southern New Jersey and great damage was done to various towns uml cities in that State, including some most convenient for you. LKDOBB-PHILADBLPHIA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY MRS. W A. SUNDAY The photograph shows the wife of the evangelist In her automobile as she greeted friends after the dis trict meeting in St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, Broad and Venango streets. of the seashore resorts. Nearly all of western Penngylvnla was Bwept by tho storm and snow Is reported from various points up-State. At many places thou sands of dollars of damage was done. WIND SMASHES STORES' WINDOWS AND SIGNS IN CITY'S CENTRAL SECTION Damage that will cost thousands ot dollars to repair was done In tho central section of tho city. TI10 cost of bulk windows smashed alone will bo enoimous. That more ncro not destroyed was duo to tho action of the department stores In having gangs of carpenters brace their big show windows. Three windows of tho Wanomaker storo weio blown In, one In Juniper street and two in Market street. Glmbel Brothers lost two in Market street, and windows on tho first, second and third flora of tho Berg & Berg store were smashed, All the windows of the Krcsge flvo and 10-cent store 027-935 Market street, wero smashed while the wind was It Its highest. Bulk windows also wero blown in at tho following places: 319 North Broad street. 24th and Walnut strcts, 1217 Callowhlll street, 12U Vine street, 26 South 15th street, 213 Market street, 16th and Chestnut streets ar(d Berg Brothers, 11th and Market streets. At Berg Brothers cooking utensils on display In the window wcro scattered all over the street. Policeman Rosenbeigcr was badly cut by glass at Wanamakcr's after the first window was blown In, when he stood on guard warning passers by ot the danger. Ho plunged Into the window In spite ot his Injury, attempting to get the stuff on dis'play to a safer place and managed to prevent much de struction. Rosonbcrger also did good work at the other stores along Market street near his post. A big tin and wood sign was torn from the Berg & Berg building and hurled Into the street. Several persons narrowly escaped being struck by it. Plastering was torn from the cornice of 211 Market street by the wind, and Harry Cummlsky, of 2S1 Bast Kdgemont street, was struck, by a section, but refused to go to a hos pital. Awnings or signs were torn from .the fronts of. 704 Market street, 430 Market street, 3 South Sth street, the Henford Jewelry Company store, 932 Market street, and Starr & Reed's store, 1UJS Chestnut. Two women hurt In the central section of tho city are In the Pennsylvania Hos pital. They aio Jennie Royokaskl and Josephine Serufsku. both of 1023 Liberty street, Camden. While wind and rain forced them to keep their umbrellas down over their faces they walked into a tidlley car at Sth and Cherry streets. The big skylight In the Eastland Studio, 911 Chestnut street, was blown in by the wind with a terrific crash that brought policemen and pedestrians running from all directions, and great damage in the studio was done by the rain. DAMAGE AT CITY HAUL. In City Hall courtyard the building bo Ing used to house tho "Know Your City Bettor" Exhibit wns damaged by the wind, part ot tho cornice being bldwn off. A bay tree was broken off and rolled about tho courtj ard. It whs almost im possible to walk through tho couityurd because of the wind. The front of a hmnll house at t Smith Couit. near 10th and 1'lne .streets, lias blown In. Ulectiic lights In Chestnut street wero out for 15 minutes last night, and various other wire troubles were etpeilenced in the district, owing to the storm. A plate-glabs door ot tho Strawbrldge & Clothier storo was blown awuy at the entrance ut 6th and Market streets. A 90-foot tree snapped In front of the home of Felect Councilman John V. Flaherl). of 65'i North Sth btieet. The tiee fell forward against tho windows of the house. Members In the Flaherty fam ily weie aroused. Mr. Flaherty hurried his wtfo and daughter out of the house. Windows of several houses on the same side of the street were shattered by the branches of tha tree. A chimney on the roof of 425 North 10th street caved In. Occupants of the house lK-came panic-stricken. They Hurried out ot bed. No one was injured. A lias-pole in the -yard of the Wlstar Public School. 8th and Parrish streets, was blown down Telephone service at the Electrical Bureau in the City Hall was badly hampered. Wires were reported down In all parts of the city and the operator at the bureau worked under dltrtcultles ail night, They kept Mre engines on the Job, however, by relaying their calls. Roofs on several buildings on the east side of 15th street between Saneom and Walnut streets were blown off and the police of the 15th and Locust streets sta tion hive roped off the whole, block, on the east side of the street. A largo sign fastened to the fifth floor of the building at 931-55 Market street was loosened by the wind and fell to the street but no one was Injured. Many big signs on th joofs of buildings along Delaware avenue were blown down, and a 10-foot sign on a building at 1W3 Weat Glrard avenue was blown Into the street. Awnings all over the city were blown down and carried away. The police re ported that awnings at the following places had been damaged by the storm: It- Levlngatein's store, 1703 North 7th street: Keystone Upholstery Company. I 1224 West Qlrard avenue; Walt & Co , 927 West Utraru avenue; Ueory.s Gro cery store, southeast corner of 10th and Montgomery avenue: Exchange Storage House, 1M North &fh street; stores of L. Rubenttein, southwest corner of 6th and Jefferson streets, and Louie Schwart, Kg Girard avenue. The front windows and a part at the joof of trie furniture store of Otto Scblaget, MI-S3 Oifprd street, were AT WOMEN'S PKAYER MEETING HELD TODAY broken and catrlcd away by the wind. A portion of tho root on the Fret Build ing, 10th nnd Diamond streets, was also carried away during the storm. An electric wire which dropped In Chestnut street In front of tho Belgrnvla endangered tho lives of pedestrians nnd horses who hnd occasion to pass tho spot. Tho Electrical Bureau sent men who removed tho wire. Several trees in Ulttenhouso Square snapped olT during the storm. Two large plato glass windows in tho showroom of tlio Packer Motor Car Com pany. Broad nnd Wood streets, were blown out by tho high wind early this morning. NORTHEAST HOMES IN PERIL AS SMOKESTACK TOTTERS; LOSS BY GALE ON ALL SIDES Homes and buildings in the vicinity of Roeso street and Huntingdon avenuo ate In danger of being demolished by an 80 foot Bmokcstack on tho building ot tho Quaker City Moiocco Company, which was so badly bent by the wind last night that It threatens any moment to plunge down upon the numerous small residences around It. The stack wns bent to a dangerous angle and is hanging above tho house by only a few wlro ropes and chains. A number of telegraph poles at 5th street -ind Krio avenue were undermined by water and sunk Into tho ground al most up to their cross poles. The pave ment aiound these poles Is In a danger ous condition, and tho police have been detailed to watch It and warn pedes trians away from the dangerous part. From tho early part or the evening until after midnight tho district was entirely without electric light, tho power being shut off to lessen tho possibility ot Injury from fallen wires. FIRE TRUCK BLOCKED. Fire Company 42, after extinguishing a blaze In the brickyard of the Sitters Com pany, at G street and NIcetown lane, was hold up for more than half an hour on tho way h.ck to the engine house, at Front and Westmoreland streets, by full en wires, .trees nnd other obstructions. The firemen had to use their axes to cut a path for tho trucks. Tho fire was caused by the roof being blown from a kiln from which ttio flro spread to a shed. Two largo front doors of tho Dill Manufacturing Company's plant. Maschcr and Somerset streets, wcro blown In, the locks being torn from their bolts. Part of the roof of the Dickey & Mc Master carpet mills, at 2d and Hunting ton avenue, was blown away. The Hheet Iron awning Jbi front of the pork packing establishment of Louis Burk. at 3d street and Olrard avenue was destrocd. and several other metal awnings In the same vicinity suffered. Tho wooden fence surroundlnp tho Falrhiil Baseball Park was partly de molished. Telephone service on tho Keystone lines In the vicinity of Frankford avenue and Somersot street Is crippled. STORM WROUGHT HAVOC IN WEST PHILADELPHIA; MAN INJURED, MAY DIE One man was Injured so seriously In West Philadelphia that ho probably will die and many others sufieird minor In Jurlen whim tho storm raged. Tho In jured man is George Kessler, of 6235 Mar ket street. He sought piotcctlon from tho driving rain beneath the Market street elevated structure.and was struck by un automobile driven by Charles A. Dlohl, of US South G2d street. Kessler is In the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. Hundreds of passengers were marooned on trolley cars in various parts of the distiict west of the Schujlklll River, whero trees, felled by the stoim, blocked traillc. Two lines were .blocked nt 42d street and Baltimore avenue. Trees also wero blown down at SSth and Walnut streetB, at 4Sth nnd Walnut streets and at 31st and Walnut streets. Somo of the mort beautiful sections of Falrmount Park were davnstated by the wind Trees that have been landmarks In the Park for years were snapped off branch by branch or blown down. Even the shrubbery nnd saplings In some sec tions ot the park wero damaged by the wind, Tho entire roof was blown from the three-story Drummond Storage House, 42d street and Woodland avenue. Thirteen trees were blown down In Bartram's Garden and elsewhere In the southwestern section, of West Philadel phia much damage was done to trees, signs and uwulugs. CAMDEN SUFFERS HEAVY LOSS FROM TERRIFIC WIND; ONE WOMAN MEETS DEATH Camden was dark at 1 o'clock this morning- All lights wrre ordered out and the power shut off by Chief of Police Gray mar because of tlio danger to pedestrians from fallen live wlrs which ttmtchwl along practically all of the principal streets. Roofs were torn off. buildings and house demolished, trees uprooted and sent spinning down the street, as though In the grip of a giant (hand, and feaeen were reduced to epl!nt.rs by the terrific. wind, which lashed the olty from one end to another all night long. A young woman was killed and thousands ot dol lars of damage was done during the night. Bartha Werthold, 24 years old, (31 North Front street. Camden, was the only victim of the storm reported early this morning. She had just left bar place ot buslnesa and was crossing Cooper street, at .Front, with several friends. Tha rain and wind blinded her so that she did not M the automobile ot Henry I. Hanford, (IS Cooper nett, appi curbing. Kha was hurled several feet and suffered a fia-. turcil skull. Before sho reached tho Cooper Hospital she died In the Hnnford automobile The Camden car barn, at 12lh nnd New ton streets, suffered severely. The entire roof wns ripped oft and sent hurtling lo the yaid, a tangled mass of tin nnd steel. Woodland Park, Camden's most popular summer pleasure lesort, was devastated. Every building on tho giounds wns de molished, tho high fenro that surrounded the place was scattered over a radius of two blocks and the ticcs In the park were snapped oft nnd scnttcicd over the jsiounds. The homo of Herbert Ware, which Is located In tho pnrk, wns un roofed, and the front porch was torn awn. No one In tho house wns injured. PLATE-GLASS WINDOWS SMASHED. Hundreds of laige plate-glass windows In stores on East nnd West street nnd along Kiondwny, fioin Fodoml street to Kalgn avenue, were shattered. Windows In residences throughout tho city wero blown In, and virtually all Camden slept but llltlo duilng tho night. Tho north face of the town clock In the City Hall dome was blown out, and not a splinter of It wns to bo seen this morning. One of tho tieaks of this acci dent was that, though tho face was blown out and the niocliniiWm of tho clock exposed to the wind nnd rain, It did not stop running for a minute. Tho resldenco of John B. Clay, HI Line' stieet, was unroofed. Pennsylvania Ilallrond trains coming in this morning wero late. Many times tho trains had to be stopped while tho crew cleared the tracks of debris. Tho new sheet Iron roof on tho tialn shed of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, Fed 01 al stieet terminal, was ripped oft ond blown to the middle of Federal street where It tied up traffic for a short time. VVoiknien cleared nwav the dcbils in quick timp, however. Vlitunlly the entire roof, which wns put on only a few weeks ugo, was ruined nnd will havo to bo rebuilt. Severn! persons narrowly escaped t,erl oub injury or dentil when a hugo adver tising sign, weighing several hundred pounds, was hurled from the top of the Cnmdon'und Philadelphia Express Com pnny'i Jlulldtng at Front and Federal streets. Tho Ilaffpolc In front ot tho Cfty Hall was shorn of Its ornaments, nnd the flag that had been on It was ripped to ribbons. The concrcto garage of Mr. LeCato, at Iladdnn Heights, wns mined. One of the solid concrete wnlls was blown In and destroyed .-.evenil articles Inside. DOWNTOWN SUFFERED DAMAGE IN STORM; BLUEC0AT INJURED Pollcemnn James Butler was walking down Pine street toward the station house nt 12th nnd Pino streets during tho height of the storm last night when an overcoat blow out of an open window and wrapped Itself around his head. While he wns struggling to free him self, 11 big slam, lorn from tho store front of Joseph D. Stefntio, n cleilrul vestment maker, 1110 Pine street, came rumbling down tho street nnd grazed Butler. A minute later 11 tree fell and tha pollcemnn Jumped, only to. fall in the path of a tin chimney. Ho Is nurs ing lnulses today. The roof of tho house at 301 South 10th street was blown off. The house Is occupied by Mrs. Mnry Brooks. Bricks and debils Bhowered Into the stieet, but no 0110 was luut. Throe high board fences sklitlng va cant lots nt 75S, SOii nnd 72il Hwnuson street were carried away by tho high wind and deposited In the centre ot the street, forming 11 b.nrlcndo which blocked traffic for houis. Lights were, out In the south east section for sovcrul hours last eve ning duilng the storm. South Sth street presented many terrorn to the superstitious people of the neigh borhood Early pedestrians court led to cover when they saw a push rurt bounc ing over the cobble-stones, propelled by no vlilble force Shaken from Its resting place against the curb the push cart traveled before the wind at great speed for several squares. Scarcely had tha frightened people gained sufficient courage to Ven tura forth again when a hugo eye came apparently from nowhere and flew de liberately across the ttreet. The less feaiful upon Invcstlsatiori found It to be tho lanse sign In front of the ofilce of Dr. N. Hermann, an optician, ot 415 South Sth street. Policemen were ktpt busy trying to stop milk bottles In their proclpltuous fllshts up and down the street, while when the ashmen came around luter In tho mornlm; they found that a snow plow would be more prac ticable than a mere curt to carry away tho scattered ashes and irarbage. Even the magical symbol of the Mys terious Order of the Pawnbrokers was not immune to the caprices of the wind. The three sacred golden balls wcro torn from their moorings before the temple of Louis Cohen, 10th and Tasker streets. As tho emblem struck the ground the chain holding them broke and the triad became thiee sepurate mid distinct balls. As they scattered In various directions an urchin got In the way atj one. MAIN LINE PROPERTY , LOSS HEAVY! MOUNTED ' POLICEMAN HIT BY LIMB A mountad pollreman was Injured ami an automobile party nuru.wly eseapad be ing cruihed twneath'a big tree that was blown down in Ardmore avenue whlla the storm was at Its height. Damage along the Main Line town will run into thousands of dollars. Soma of tha finest trees in the suburbs wera blown down. Policeman Relehner was thrown by bla horse when a limb was blown from a trea In Montgomery avnu He ascaped with severe cum an4 bruieti The ani mal also waa lujuraa The tr that was blown down In Ardmor avnu just Kraied the hume of uttphtn Hiui5y 'fh? chauffeji of an stutuuiuoilc mopped 13, 11)16. his car just In time to avoid being 'a show window at the store of the Ardmoro Hardware Company was flooded and considerable damage was done to the stock. Damage to trees and wires In Bryn Mnwr was extensive. Many cellars In Merlon were flooded. GERMANT0WN FIERCELY BATTERED; HOUSES DAMAGED BY STORM The storm wrought grent havoc In Qer mnntown. Part of tho roof nnd cornice was blown off Hie homo of Leland I), nnker, at 6603 McMahon nvontlo, and a quantity of lumber and plaster fell on Mr and Mrs. Baker while they wero aslep. Their 2-year-old son Leland, who was sleeping In a crib nearby, was also partly hurled under a deluge of plaster. None of the family was Injured. The interior of tho house was badly damaged by water. The roof was blown off tho home of n.,.t Mntnv. nl ltrnnd street and Green I lane, and numerous chimneys were dcmol- i.t.A.1 I. It,,! tinlirlihnrhnnrl. Scores of trees wero uprooted In all sections of Germantown. SOUTH JERSEY COAST HARD HIT BY GALE; SHIP REPORTED IN DISTRESS ATLANTIC CITT, N .T . Jail. 13. Fcdeial Const Guard stations heio made fulllo efforts this morning to confirm persistent reports that a steamship, pie sumablv n tramp, was ashore at New Inlet. 12 mites above this city. The craft Is said to havo been tooting for an hour or more In tho murk overhanging the sta shortly after daybroak. Lack ot mora definite details leads the Govern ment guards to bellove tho vessel was "feeling" Its way and avoided the shoala upon which It was at first thought she had struck. Bulkheads at Vcntnor nnd I.ongport were lilt hnrd by the heavy sea kicked up last nlRht by a northenst gale, which for several hours attained the velocity of noarly 40 miles. Tho sea broko through tho timber seawall nt Cam bridge avenue, but tho bulkhead with stood tho attack elsewhere. A cottnao In course of erection for Thomas G. Sheen, of this city, at Vcntnor avenuo nnd Derby place, Vcntnor, wns swept from Its foundations nnd demolished. The big music hall over the sea here, which wns badly damaged by the De cember storm, showed new cracks this morning. HIGH WATER IN RIVERS OF EAST PENNSYLVANIA, COMMISSION'S FORECAST llARRlSBFRG, Pa., Jan. 13 -Forecasting high stnecs of the streams through out eastern Pennsylvania and the Schuyl kill and Ptinit(hnnna valleys particular ly, the Stnte Water Supply Commission this morning Issued the following bulletin- "There will bo considerable rises In the nmlii river." of eastern Pennsylvania to dny and tomorrow, duo to a condition over tho watersheds that occurs very seldom. The upper portions, which nro usually linpoitnnt factors In mining the streams, are not high, and probably will not go very high bocatise the precipitation in tho higher altitudes wns In tho form of snow, while over tho lower portions It was heavy rain, which Is rapidly driving up "high tho trllmtniles throughout this poi tlon of the State. "At Wllllnmsport. Harrlsburg and other points the tnln amounted to about three Inches, nnd there wns from one to two feet of snow In the nrea above. As It Is turning colder In the mountains, this snow will not melt Immediately. "The Susquehanna and SchuUklll Rivers will be tho most nffoctcd, and tho AVtcr PuTPly Commission has sent out largo forcos of engineers to mako meas urements ot tho flow. It the snow on tho upper part of the watershed had been rain, ns It was at the lower points, there would hHVe been an unusual flood. "Tho following are this morning's stages at Important points, with tho streams rising at all of them: "Ilanlsburg, 10.2; Danville, 10.7: Wil llamspnrt. G.fi; Renovo, 4.1; Towandn. 4.9; Wllkcs-Iiarre, 12; Reading, 12." A washout near Sunbury and a land slide at Clark's Feiry, dr-tnlncd tialns on the Northern Central Itallioatl. west of liarrlhurg for a tlmo Inst night, but no serious damage Is reported ns a result of last night's heavy Etorm In this t-ectlon. ORDERS FOR RAILS POINT TO RETURN OF PROSPERITY Pennsylvania Steel Company Expects Increasing Demand From Railroads. Tho Pennsylvania Steel Company today received orders for about 10.000 tons of steel rails, girders and castlngR. While this business Is not unusually large for this time of the 'year, company officials miy, It Is nevertheless Indicative of larger orders to come. Within u few weeks they expect tho railroads to be In the market for a largo quantity of rails. The advent of general rnllrond buying, they Bay, will ludicute a return to comparative pros perity for all business. The orders received today Include; 3500 tons of Htuudiird steel rails for the Phila delphia and Rending Railway, 3000 open hearth rails for tho Norfolk Southern, COO tons ot heavy girders for shipment to tho Pacific Const and 500 tons of standard "T" rails for the Florida East Const Rall- oad. In addition orders amounting to about 2000 tons of steel castings were re ceived. "There Is nothing remarkable In these orders," said T. H. Tachaberry, assistant general Bales manager of the company, "but we expect loiii ereally big orders In a few weeks. When these come hard times will he over." BAYARD HENRY MADE PENNA. R. R. DIRECTOR Succeeds U". Parjter Shortvldge, Who Died Decently. J. Bayard Henry, former member of the State Legislature and City Councils, was elected a member of the Pennsyl vanla Railroad's board of directors at the meeting ot the board held at noon today In Broad Street Station. Mr. Henry sue ceeds N- Parker Shortrldgc, who died a little more than a week ago. Mr. Henry was born In Qermaniown, January 15, 1957. and resided tlfere all his Ufa, On leaving college he took up the study of law In the ofPces of George Jilnkln, Esq, and was admitted to prac tice in 1870. From that time to 1890 he was associated with Lawrenco Lewis, Jr. When Mr. Lewis died in 18S0 ho became associated with George Wharton Pepper, with whom he has Men In practice ovar since Sir. Htnry first became a candidate for publlo office when he ran for State Sena. tor from the Fourth Legislative district on the Republican tlckat in 18918, antl. Quay candidate Besides balng actively engaged In the practice of law, Mr. Hentv hud extensive business Interests.) He is a member of the Scotch Irish So ciety' of Pennsylvania,. trustee of Prince ton UnlveuBlty and o? the First Presby terian Church, and is a member of the Junior Order of United American Me chanic. He also was president of the Young Men's Christian Association of Germantawu. ltUAllINOH 1K11UV KKKVirK liKSUMED TUAI lU'XSIXO HEmrLvHLY 5?w "10r. ttat JUndtuj'. Atlantic City I Branch he eunilniwd running iba lrela ruUrlY. ana "rfy Service ha non tnn return trvm Cfeemov" t bulb vehiu jiiJ i.st, aud fioja guuta t, IUIU r tmJ - ,t4v. AUTO EXHIBITORS 1 FORESEE A BOOM , WHEN MR E13 f 1 11 fN 1 Splendid development of! American Industry p' dieted Outcome of Patalyl sis of Foreign Manufarj ture. Automobile exhibitors at the luh i," nual show of tho Philadelphia AiitomoW irnuc Association, now a feature at th Metropolitan Building, Broad ana yP lace streets, nro cognizant of the tt inni wnon ino European war is enae4 iv. Amorlean automobile Industry will HiM progressed oy leaps ana bounds. ThsiW lopment will bo so great thit the m2t optimistic will be uslonlshcd Ths (S tlon hns been neked a number ot dultn nt thi local show, nnd with on accM they aro of tho opinion that with theMji once over American factories wilt ,' bo nble to keep up with tha home J luieiKit uumuiiu. ju-ji vmai iiir-rcauiiinif oucct inn .. will havo on tho output In this coubuti may bo Judged by tho fact that liundfa of oxtrn skilled workmen are now belni"? nnectallv rronmd to taka un th kl-,u i It Is known that tho great mnnufschiriW plants In the war-ridden countrln Germany, France, Belgium and Austrfi havo bcon practically destroyed. Thit Isn't nil of Hie damage. Tho wondtrfully, trained workmen necessary to turn out tho car products havo been either kllltjn .... ,nt,nl u.. tl.nt If ., Ill l, ., I., 'J the countries reach tho point tbcv tu' attained before the war. Men who wi artists m steel, wno ran mo ainerent macmncry necessary to turn out car 14 ccssorlcs and parts, arc now using their, valuable arms and muscles In thi bnndllng of Implements of war. A tfittfl contrast to their tiMial pcftceiul vocation.,;! just wnnt uamngo lias uocn uone in iner, rank? of the automobile nianufacturen' abroad, as In other Industrial branchet' can' lot be calculated. It's on 111 nn4i! that blows nobody good, and America liM nbout to oxncilcnce the dawn of a njew era In tho manufacture of nutomobllet, ' Conservative estimates place tho num.'! her of machines now used b the Allied lij in tho Ileitis of Kurope for warring puKt) poses at .'0,000, while others believe this tj' scon it is ended, this great mass ot metal will only be fit for tho Junk heap, iV l,n.i Tf ...111 tnonti lliaf thn ?rnw.A heads of Europe, tho better classes 5 common people, and owners will wt. cars. Where will they get them? Th only plausible answer Is, from America,' Representatives of tho greatest Ameri can factories and agents at tho autoaJ-jjt bile Bliow aro sure me Ainem-un rail wcro qulto as popular as the foreign one, when tho war broko out. With the let- l.l. V.nft ..nl.tpnll,. fnllnul nil atftf III. UilVIV II1U.I lllkvl a.,j ..,.,.. un.... ..j: lanaeo rnae is nu.u iu u ma mm, .m, every respect now. 14 Tho Mitchell car representative at ttnj local show, who declined to give his nara,f mndn the following statement, uur con., cein has alieady shipped 20 cars to Rus-' sla, and from present Indications the ( shipments will be greater than over t 1 foreign countries If tho present great nil;; continues. I think the American automc-1 bile Industry will profit to a wonderful?1: extent, na It will bo years beloro tne M"f uent, nntntnnhlla erntres recover fromfh the staggering blow that has been straJt by the destruction of factories and worfc't men. f "Jose Villa, the Mexican czar, has te1 using 10 Mitchell cars for the purpose etjf transporting squads of men from one '4 point to another, for carrying light arng nnd for other military purposes. The Ian 3 used In modern warfare generally arenota I,,, hnnvo nrnnr,,l tvnfi hilt the ned?A light touting ones. It seems stran5i,3 doesn't it? Prior to tho war the nngllaalf demand for American cars was on mj tho best Indications of what the future has In store. In my mind the American,! industry will experience one of its greet-, est booms. Can anything more Intern I112 be said?" "li Secretary W. A. Kuser, of the Biseloif; . 1 au a ntnninni n :nrnm,nv. m huid iu. big foreign car manufacturers will be .elnnluH flint Tnf IVil,, tlHV Will M UO nble to make up tho lost ground. "I l' neve, remarKeu eecremry jvuser, .mu,i ic.i's most sensational flight to great ,nn.Al.lU fllntita .. Ill Y.n .vnit.nn, Willi the European cataclysm Is ended Wlll-J foreign competition practically Kiuea, w American manufacturers will step out acl set such a pace that tho European world( will bo astonished. This Is not Idle cou ment, but tho situation as It ImpresiM, me, "Little ieathersmith" to Speak Charles If. gassaman, one of tEfj " 'Level! Little Leathersmlths," will M the principal speaker at tho luncheon Mj the Rotary Club this afternoon at tne on tel St. James. J. Mlnford HumrlcbomM wholesnlo shipper of coal, will presloe- THE WEATHER 1 Official Forecast Tr oxiTXTfinriM Ittn li For eastern Pennsylvania: Fair 1 colder tonight; Thursday falrj dlminUW lng northwest winds. Jn For New Jersey: Fair tonight, oO.Wj in west portion; Thursday ralr; mminuaj lng northwest wlnda. A Tho eastern storm has moved up til, coast from near Cape Hatteraa durWj thn lnnl 91 hnnra ni,1 la pAnfral off t&t southern coast of New England ttlflt morning. It was accompanied by PBJ of wind and heavy rains extendlnj IM iana aoout IW miles, wiuie oeyoqu u--j limit til BtnrtTi Hna r, ntinAftr to uVf been severe. A velocity of 60 mllea Pt nour occurea at pnnaaeipnia just us midnight, ana 76 miles per hour v ii ported from Nantucket. A disturbance flnin thn Nnrthwpat I .tviwrilner IntO t& UDDer Lake reition. and Is modertUtl1, tha temperatures so that no decided drf3 will follow the storm In (his locality- M U. S. Weather Bureau Dulletin Obervatlon made at 8jini. EatrnjisJ T-nw last Rain- veioe.. -Station. a ajnnjt. jwinvinajty Woug ADiiena, Toxaa. 44. 4 .. aw w Vf: Atlantic ,... J ... ,n x, c 01 ftll& Bismarck. & 6'. il St.. NW 1 lu Beaton. ua .. ,13 12J 12 NB 2J fSJ t uu&io, pi- I. , n 3l .04 I Chlrazo, III. ... SS M ..a Cleveland. O. . . IS 23 N s nam& 8 llti 1 D(n Molnea. la,. 31 42 . S Detroit, Mich. . . i !M ,, a sw io Mi n cijutfi Hatt.rM N. 6.. fi 10 .U NW 4J S"S lI.Itna.Mont. .. Is 1 s -& imnw. a. lias . .ii si ww " , ;r; JaykeooyllU.. ..St SJ W eO. istn uuy, no. . an . w m ;r New Orleans .. 42 40 .. NW A tflf Ntw York . . Hi S22 23 N M B3 f hlladilphia . . 41 JH3.29 NW 2 BjH J rnotnix. aru. .. as un r . v nr.; Ptttlburgh, ra Portland Or. lubc. Caa 9i !cut. Ma an to i rw vri 1A Rl& 4 4S 4n SI biv Id la PI MS II SlU Hi an s l CM ft Paul. Mlun S4 fi Salt tH UUb 2-1 it 81V 9 10s au FuuKttuo 4a a 8 ranlon. Pa 31 4 NW U tteta fiiniia 4(1 44 rft w 4 n i A aahtactua WlealjMig 44 42 111 N 1 19 U ""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers