vJ FINANCIAL EDITION hlGHT feXTRA Ifeiger NIGHT trcttmg fob. I-NO. 105. PIIHiADELPniA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915. PRICE ONE OBNT CortimnT. 101S, st Tin rcsMo LctKira ColiriKT. 1,000 MAY HAVE DELAWARE RIVER OVERFLOWS BOUNDS INTO CITY STREETS CITY'S MIGHTY CALL FOR RAPID TRANSIT WILL RING TONIGHT PERISHED IN ITALY, OFFICIALS ADMIT fBjKw W flint v Paid. & . - Jj& in Charge of Relief ftVork Troops Arc Rushed to Aid of Sufferers Hoi "ji n.'.ivj girt ohickch iioinv-i. Si (eitlmated), 25,000. , 7L ..tlmatedl. 33.000. jimv destroyed or damaged, 31. HmeiMi iw,vw. ijfB, Jan. H.-:onnlctlnB reports of 5uujoak completely bewildered Gov ment officials hero today. At 5 o'clock "Si afternoon It was admitted that tho Sffiritfes wero unablo to dctermlno SEjiiK the death Hat would bo fixx or jij. Most of tho casualties are In tho jEHlly of Avezzano, which was do- nnt- fijjidJJj reported that at least half of VJOTulatlon of 12,000 had been killed Slit Nearly all of the others had tJETmore or less seriously Injured. In SSiih !h vlplnltv there wero reDorted 'j&iial dead. Ilnnlly a city In tho Eigrtraent of tho Abruzzl but suffcrod tTKreater or lesser degree. In many It sStrfportcd that hundreds had been iofciil news of the destruction by the tnthquake of 11 more towns and villages, ssnnff a total population of more than Si pawns was received by Premier Sa fcaWfate this afternoon. Thoso places tnf.CtcUtrello, Cappello, Colurmale. Ce liac Fitterno, St. Pcllno. Qlola,, Jtarsl, farcola, Antrosano and Caatrenucvo. JH,yr yie 4000 Inhabitants of aCplstrello i&yslj to havo perished. These towns tfifewj that all the other villages of that Mftl'wfre wrecked. StEnt Usht earth tremors In central 111 ii today increased the terror caused tiffiiya shocks. roMTJMQltntlof the'threo shocks to. SuTenlitW ut'3 IS'olocR-'thiB-mornT ft created a panic among the people nfle. who already were badly terrl- .thousands rushed Into the streets itu- msni. ciowing. so tar as is a no additional damaze resulted. MJaa,- unconfirmed report says the mat was especially severe at Avezzano, M(conpteted the destruction of tho tarn. Kfltfc reports received from Potenzo, Itttlnjr" dtflnltelv that thprn hnrt been no fas of life In that province. Government .tffidilj early this afternoon declared that iMMittf list would not be aa large as at knteerned likely, and Premier Salandra M at that time that nrohnhlv not mora Ji 000 were dead. Later, he said that niw7 nve umes that number had Mrtshd. MsUNT KILLED IN AVEZZANO. Hu uovemment todoy officially an MiMtt that Avezzano has been com. WW destroyed and, tho town of Sora Tjfjwaiy aamaged. Xot of thoso who wero killed In Avez- Concluded on raze Three fFAl R. W you think of this seesaw 52fe -weather anyhow T Rain, wet, J5 aa umbrellas one day; sun ideax skies, and other Dleosant .tt Bext, and then back tho next to formula No. L Or maybe It L different direction. Tempera or above one day, and then up & next. But It has one virtue at i. It keeps us from getting too Contrast Is the verv best cure &Wshnes. For Instance, while to- 6"ly Partly clear there Is not "CSC COmlnar if, naaf- fu, .-, fifth- enough, at that I FORECAST Philadelphia and vicinity Oen ifolr iodau and tontahtt ne q&anoo in, temperature. $etailt, tee page St emuona at Philadelphia 8 X. II. 80.M ...aa . Est. 9 miles S miles iMt-'ti'Liii" "; ? t;aipjtur ;;;;;;; .so .33 "prtur , AJmanao of tho Day 1 toawrrow'V!; '"""'' J:Mp.za. OPS to Be IdKhUd fm other v.Md.i....... BUBp.ra. the dea TORT RICltMOKO. totnrti'ffUM SiIjOd. m. ' tbmAi-Mj ... lata, m. f QtasTNiM. w,'; v-; :?.- isiiun. t., .., nar. WteasK.- .... 7:P. m. .... j-.' L03s m. 89m.m. IUmnV Tar n- 2LWA- - wAtA H. .-..::: J3I 4itTp. r - kwuorrow , .fci : zr- O. m. B&MlAVTk, twux. Ww "" i.sw tuw "-wi Jav? aifc.rr .., i ,. & More Towns Are pTflflM IMVfl ftenorted Destroyed by v y " " WAUJlu fe?l"SKJJ FRENCH BACK FROM NORT AISNESHORE Line of Communications Menaced and Retire ment Is ForcedGer mans Attack Lines at Soissons With Fresh Troops, But Fail to Gain. Tho French havo been compelled to abandon several positions at Vrcgny, on tho north sldo of tho Alsnc, nnd retire to tho south bank of tho river. This Is ndmltted In tqday'H omclal statement of the Paris War Oillco, but It Is maintained that tho retirement was due to tho sweeping away of temporary bridges by tho river floods, tho lino of communications thus being menaced. Berlin, however, reports that tho French retirement across tho Alsno rosulted from a vigorous German at tack, witnessed by tho Kaiser himself, and that a largo number of prisoners wero taken! Heavy fighting Is continuing in tho region of Soissons, where tho Germans have massed fresh troops and aio at tacking with Increased vigor to regain lost positions. Tho French bollevo that tho Invaders aro aiming a now drlvo at this point of the lino In an effort to brpak through, and General Jo ft re has rusKeiUTttDfprcomeatvto- Ho-tVicat-v4 oncd point. , Tho bombardment of Rhelms has been resumed and further damage has been inflicted by German shells. Ber lin reports that tho bombardment was made necessary becauso tho French had mounted guns In tho city and wero shelling tho German lines. Tho Turkish advance into Persia Is being marked by tho massacre of Christians, according to reports from Tlflls. At Minadoab, south of Tabriz, the Kurds killed 300 Christians. Tho Turkish army is now pushing on to ward tho Russian province of Erivan, the city of Tiflls being tho objeotivo. Potrogrod announces another victory over the Turks in tho Caucasus, claim ing tho destruction of an entire bat talion. East Prussia is menaced both within and without. Russian forces have taken advantage of tho frozen Mazu rlan Lakes to make a vigorous advance while a new drive Is under way from northwest Poland. Activity also Is re ported on the border near Mlawa. Petrograd reports repulse of German nssaulto west of Warsaw. Rifle Are broke charging columns in four attacks at Samlce, nnd near BorJImow a now assaults wm beaten back. , .The Austrian Var Office states that the Czar has been defeated in Hungary in the Upper Ung Valley. Today's German official report as serts that the Russian offensive In East Prussia has been checked at Gumbln nen and Loetzen, FLOODS DRIVE FRENCH BACK ACROSS AISNE Compelled to Retire When Bridges Aro Swept Away. PAIUS. Jan. 1C Admission was made today that the French troops holding positions north of the Alsne have been compelled to retire to the south of the river- Severe floods, which carried away the temporary tariaa. ad not the German attacks. L are giverf as the cause. It Is stated that It was necessary mv w n,w. ...... . made In order that communications should be preserved. The flghtin around Soissons continues, with the Germans throwing heavy forces Into action In an effort to regain lost ground. Despite this, the French are said to have sained a Usbt advantago at oar tain point. .. In ths extreme north the cannonading1 continues, despite the fact that a thick blanket of fog now shrouds the entire ' i ' ' Concluded on !' Feur DRY WAVE SWEEPS STATE Alabama House Passes Prohibition. Bill, 78 to 28. UONTOOMBRV, Ala., Jan, H.-The "prohibition" steam roller In tho Alabama Legislature had high speed on today. By a vote of 75 to 24, the House today passed the 0t-twide prohibition bill, and the measure was read for the first Urn la the Senate. ,..,. Strong pleas of local optlonlsts for de lay were turnd down by the "drn," who have complete control of the Leg islature. Although the Legislature has been In session only two days, comW finn of nrcubluon legislation before Sat- r4ay sew omuIb. It I not 6UYd JM tha-tifc -Gvrae wlU vto tfc bi&k, """ m -- - - This photograph shows how the swollen river, five feet above normal, ran over into Delaware avenue at Arch street today, virtually stopping vehicular traffic and giving merchants much uneasiness. At some points manholes leading to city sewers were entirely covered by the water. The picture was taken today at high tide. SUMYHURLS SHAFTS OF FIRE ATSIN'SSHAME Evangelist Again Stirs Throngs in Attacks on Evils of Day Hits at Ministers. TRANSIT PARADERS CAN HEAR "BILLY" SUNDAY Members o the "Billy" Bunday conorcgation tonight can ace the transit demonstration and then go to the tabernacle. Mr. Sunday says he never starts to preach until 8 o'clock. Because of the crowds who wait for many hours, Mr. Sunday said, he could not delay theftlme for be ginning the service. Tha Ilapld Transit Company has "There are some of you right here to day who havo the devil In you!" howled "Billy" Sunday, as ho Jumped to the edgo of the platform In tho tabemaclo and pointed his finger first at some clorgymen and then at tho audience Ho was once moro attacking hypocrisy In the church, and demanding that all who profess them solves as followers of Jesus Christ should "trot square every day of their lives." Tlmo and time again be whirled about during his discourse and fired his blazing brands of denunciation Into their mldat. Preachers who plRy to popular fancy by gtvlnc sermons on "the hobblo skirt," "the merry widow hat," and other sub jects Intended to bring the people to the church because of the curiosity they arouse were severely criticised. Bunday said that the people aro always anxious to hear real sermons on Jesus tho Christ, and there would never bo only a handful of people at the church services If the ministers would preach about Him and the truths of the Bible. Ethical cuIturlstB and "highbrows" ho held up to scorn, comparing them with the Pharisees, "tho hypocritical, churchy knockers of the days when Jcaus was on earth." The subject of this afternoon's sermon was "Why Could We Not Cast Out the Devil?" and he took for his text the words, "Why could we not cast him out?" found In the 28th verse of the Oth chapter of the Gospel according to St. Mark. It was a stirring appeal for men and women to be devout followers of the Master every day of the week. It waa a severo lashing for those who profess hrlst and pretend to follow Ills teachings, Christ and' pretend to follow His teach ings, but betray them in the simplest actions of their lives. ANOTHER KNOCK FOR BOOZE. At the same time the evangelist took more shots at the boozo business and urged tho men who have left It alone or taken it moderately to keep their hands off of it And, supplementing his declara tion of yesterday that no man couia stop drinking and "lapping up the damnable stun; by his own will power," he said the only hope for the drunkard was In having Christ with htm as his constant com panion. "A man might bear the scars causea ny the devil being In him In the shape ot Whisky," he said, "but it would be death to the demon If the man keep tho Lord In his heart," In his attack on ministers who are con- Confchiaed on Face Sic 'in EVERY GERMAN SYMPATHIZER should read tha smashing story on Belgium to be printed Saturday and Monday on the editorial page of Tliq Even jug- Ledger This story I in the jorm oft a . letter from a welUknoum newspa per in.an, a trained observer and an absolutely Impartial writer, a staff, correspondent of the Chicago Tri bune in the war tone, James O'Dounell Bennett who replies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's widely circulated story. "A Policy of Murder," and sets forth facts, incident and proof which ab solutely deny the stories of Prussian atrocities related by tha famous English author. This article It without any doubt the tnot forceful narrative vet pro duced in connection with the- great tear Place your orders for- the Svming XMaet with, your tmwtiwUr etrh. Q0V. COLE BLEASE RESIGNS South Carolina Executive Quits Five Bays Before Term Ends. COLUMBIA, S. C Jan. 11. Governor Cole L. Illcase, with but flvo moro dnys to serve as Governor of South Carolina, resigned nt noon today. Ten minutes later Lieutenant Governor Charles A. Smith was sworn In as Gov ernor of tho State. GIRL, 15, SUPPORT OF FAMILY, LEAPS FROM HER WINDOW Crushed In Hospital, She Has Sur cease From Unremitting Labor. Little Rosle Do Frons, of Ei7 Kenll worth strict, found surcease from tho unremitting labor of the last year to day. The child, who Is 15 yearn old. Is at tho Pennsylvania Hospltnl with her legs broken and other Injuries suffered when she Jumped from the .second story window of her homo in an attempt to end her life. For ncarlv a year and a half Rosle's father, Pnsqualo, has been out of work. He and her mother, her grandfather, about 90 years old. and her seven little brothers nnd sisters have been depend ing entirely on the earnings of Rosle. who worked In a shoe factory, to keep Intact their savings. Sometimes Rosle didn't earn enough to do this, and some of the money saved by the father when he had work had to be'apfln r fJ ..-Rut the child-did tho best she coWSt-1'8 morning she waa tired. She faljod.tp get up tha first time her father called. The next time ha scolded her and accused her of trying to shirk. When Pasquale Do Frons walked out of the room In which Rosle and several of tho other children sleep she ran to tho window and Jumped out. Roalo Salva dor, of 515 Kenllworth street, her friend, heard her scream and went to her as sistance. Sho found the child a broken, uncon scious heap on the sidewalk. Physicians say sho has a chnnco to recover, but It will be many weeks before she can re turn to her bench In the shoe factory. MAY WHEAT LEAPS TO HIGHEST POINT IN YEARS; DIN IN PIT Options Close at $1.43$ as Market Closes in Great Excitement Record Fig gures Announced. CHICAGO. Jan. It-Wheat Jumpjed to tl.S per bushel In the local pit today. It was the highest price reached here In many years for May options. The mar ket closed In great excitement, with hoavy bidding at l.t2. The lowest point touched during the day was 1.H per bushel. The top price reached during the fore noon was around It o'clock, when May options sold for JL42K per bushel. Even the riotous scenes enacted last week were surpassed as brokers raved and stormed as the record figures were an nounced. NEW YORK, Jan. U. Wheat sold at ft,6lU 'on ths Consolidated Exchange to day, a new high record. MOTHER AND CHILD BURNED Victims Hushed by Train, to Camden Hospital. A mother and child, both dying from burns, were brought 20 miles from Wll llamstown, N. J., to a Camden hospital by train, today lq a utl) effort to save their lives. There Is no hospital at Wit llama town. Four-year-old Rose Lorenzo and her mother, Maxy Lorenzo, S5 years old, were In the kitchen of their homo when the child's dress touched the stove and ig nited. lUr mother was fatally burned in trying to extinguish the flames. 'An ambulance waa at the ICaJghn'a Point terminal when the train arrived, but phy sicians said there was little hope for the reepvery of the victims. HTNB WOBKEBS PLEDaB AUX COLUMBUS. O, Jan. ll-The United Vine Workers of Ohio In annual con vention bare today unanimously adopted A resolution, declaring for the oontlou aace of the opal strike la eastern Ohio. They offered the striking mUieri of Uuit Sutton, their metal ami jfaa-iwtU support. RISING WATERS OF DELAWARE FLOOD STREET Delaware Avenue From Cal lowhill to Chestnut Street Covered Merchants Move Their Goods. Delaware Ilivor front activities were lrtuall) paralyzed today by a rise In the stream, the like of which has not been seen before for 40 years, according to tho oldest river workers The water seeped up through "made" ground, or spouted up through manholes like mlnla turo gcscn, nnd formed large lakes which flooded cellars and Isolated ninny business places Considerable damage was done by the flood, but far greater havoq Is expected to be wrought tonight when the tldo again rises. The rapid rise of the river Is duo fo tho recent heavy rains, and merchants mlong the rlyer front aro moving their goods tn the second floors of the buildings to save what they cnn'frotn iota'osaj-nuIaa-m$f. ulc-ltt'i thu rlvoiare 'mak ing every effort to stave off the mad rush of the waters. CARRY GOODS TO SECOND FLOOn. In order that business may not be in terrupted, many are carrying their office equipments to the second floor. There Is every Indication that conditions will be moro serious before nightfall. Longshoremen and others are being preflsed Into service to protect goods and property wherever possible. In many places rags, pnper, sawdust and other materials are being stuffed Into doors and cellar windows In others rail road ties are being used as barricades Already the first floors of the following places have been entirely flooded: Uhler &. English, ship supplies, 10$ North Delaware avenue O'Nell & Oayne, provisions, 108 North Delaware avenue. L K. Cunningham, 110 North Delaware avenue. J. G. Brown, 112 North Delaware ave nue. Several barrels of salt fish, which were standing In front of the store of F. H. Levins' Sons, SO and 32 South Delaware avenue, were weighted down to prevent them from being washed away. The sud denness of the flood prevented the fish from being moved. WATERS SURROUND WAREHOUSE. Other concerns on North Delaware ave nue which aro flooded and which moved their goods to safety as fast aa possible are the Pennsylvania Buttertne Company, No. 12; Armour 4 Co., !32 and 1S0-133, Sulzberger A Co., 133-142; lllrd & Co., IMj Wilson & Rogers, 131. and Alfred Lowry, 1HMS2 Profit was extracted from the situation by small boys, who spent tha day salv ing timber washed down by the flood. Trees and branches were cast up against tho wharves by the Bwell of waters. They wero sawn on tho scene and carted away on soapbox "automobiles." The boys alono seemed optimistic. Stevedores and dock workers lounged about the piers. Jhey wre unable to work becauso the loading or discharging of cargoes was not possible, Rargcn, lighters and steamers moored to tha docks towered like build ings above the piers, so high did the water lift them, and trafflo between the piers and the vessels had to pass over ladders set perpendicularly. Passengers on the ferries had to climb grades of 50 dsgrees or more because the boats were so high In the water that the Concluded on I'sgo Three Freak Laws It's hard to pet big, vital laws tn a spoiled, selfish village. Washing tons mental attitude is retponsibla for much of the freak legislation of Congress, Seems funny, doesn't It, when you think of tha dignity and overwhelming wisdom of our Sen ators and M, O st But a man who Is on the spot, who Indeed has a seat among the mighty, E. W. Townsend knows how It Is. Put the capital in a real city and It would hum, he says. Mr. Townsend always says something and always says it most interestingly In the articles which he occasionally contributes to the editorial page of the Evening Ledger Ills remarkable story of tho eo centricltles of national legislation will appear tomorrow. Every day in the week two or three special articles on timely subjects, written by men or women who are compe tent to give our reader first-hand information in an entertaining way, are printed on th4 editorial page. THREE DIQ EVENT8 IN RAPID TRANSIT FIGHT The ctty-tclde demonstration to night in Broad street and the Acad emy of Music, tohtch will be at tended by determined citizens In every walk of life and distinguished representatives of the city. Stale and nation. Senator Penrose's support of the high-speed transit fight, which proves that tho Organization has at last bowed to public opinion and an aroused rltizcnshlp. The declaration of George W. r.lldntt, a director of the Union Traction Company and icprcienta tlvc of a large numocr of stockhold ers, for the Taylor transit plan in the face of opposition of the Union Tractionlsts. GEORGE W.ELKINS FAVORS TAYLOR'S HIGH-SPEED PLAN Union Traction Director for Proposed System if Pro tection Is Provided for Stockholders. George W. Elklns, a director of the Union Traction Company nnd a repre sentative of a large number of stock holders, Is In favor of Director Tailor's high-speed transit plans, providing pro tection ta given the Union Traction stock holders This definite statement, made by Mr. Elklns on tho day of the city-wide transit demonstration. Ii regarded by supporters of tho Taylor plan aB n great moral vic tory It Is known that thero are a num ber of the trnctlon company shareholders whe believe In the Director's plans, as they realize that the construction of tha high-speed system on the lines proposed by him will redound to their benefit. They have been confused, however, by pessimistic views circulated by opposing Influences, nnd this alone. It is said. Is the cause of their silence. It la snld to be highly probable, there fore, that the positive assertion of Mr. Elklns will make a material change In tho situation. When asked today to express his vlewr. on tho transit situation, he snld: ' ' .- t. "At present 117.60 a share has been paid In on Union Traction and I32.E0 a share can bo called. If the city or any respon sible company will guarantee, 6 per cent, on J32K), which brings the stock up to par. I am In favor of Director Taylor's plan." The conditions under which the Union Traction Company can co-operate in the establishment of the proposed high-speed system liav been explained by Director Taylor in addresses. In discussing the transit program and the relation of the Union Traction Company to It, Director Talorenld: "The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com pany expects tho Union Traction Com pany to aid In securing only such funds as will bo required for the normal exten sion of the existing system, the require ments for which will be greatly lessened br the establishment of the now high speed lines, and the Union Traction Com pany Is required to become a party to and be bound by the terms of the pro- "It has been stated that about J50O.OOO will be required annually to provide for the normal extension of the existing sys- "Thls amounts to one-half of the rentals paid to tho Union Traction Company stockholders The Union Traction Com pany stock Is not full paid. The par value la M per share, upon which only 1T.M has been paid In. The Union Trac tion Company stockholders now receive 11,800,000 In dividends per jear. which is Concluded on Page Two BIG PITTSBURGH ATTORNEY ACCUSED OF OFFERING BRIBE A. Leo Well, Head of Voters' league, Arrested on Train. nTi-vomYnniT p. Jan. H. A Leo Well, head of the Voters' League of Pitts burgh and attorney for the Manufac turers Light and Heat Company here. was arrested early mis morninir on k Baltimore and Ohio train en route to Parkersburg, W. Va. -urAif n,a un nn n. warrant charnlns' him with attempting to bribe Commis sioner Bronson, of the Public Service Commission, to innuence we lauers ac- .1 I .,... ai.l. niraln,, .Via fllhll R.PV. HUH III W" ff"fc o.,.m. ..... ........ . - ice Commission brought by the Manufac turers' Light ana mat company. The warrant for Weil was sworn out by Prosecuting Attorney T. C. Townsend, ot Kanawha County. A habeas corpus omainea rrom reaerai Judge A, C, Dayton, who waa awakened In a Parkersburg hotel, could not be served and Well nas taken to Charles, town, where he was admitted to U,O0O bail for a hearing next Tuesday. Well Is one of the leading attorneys of Pittsburgh and for years has been re garded as a reformer As head of the Voters' League he has been responsible for several upheavals In municipal poll- ,.... T . than fti.MA vara utrn aalln. uv. M .. ...-.. rf. - , .,M for the league, Weil died sweeping charge Pittsburgh. DRESSED AS A TRAMP, ELOPES WITH GOULD KIN Buae fcy Denver Man to Escape Bride's Mother. DENVER. Col., Jan. H. Dressed aa a tramp. Bert Beard, of this city, son of a well-to-do family, will reich Dallas, Tex., some time today accompanledjjby Mrs, Bessie Myera Robinson, a grand' niece of Jay Could. The couple will be married on their arrival there. Mrs. Myers, mother of the bride, was much opposed to tho wedding. Bhe proposed a vUU to Pallas to hr daughter Beard was advised ot the pUn and promptly disguised himself. lvtor town on the came train under the. ey of Mra. Myers, Great Parade, Martial Music and Fireworks Will Emphasize De mand for High Speed. Leaders of City in Church, Industry and Social Serv ice Will Join in Support of Taylor Plans. An aroused citizenship, backed by dis tinguished representatives of the city, Btnto and nation, will make emphatic de mands tonight at the Academy ot Mutle for the high-speed transit system rttom mended by Director Taylor. Before the meeting there will be a dem onstration In Broad strett. from Spruce to City Hall, In which thousands who havo been enduring the chaotic transit conditions wilt participate to prove that tho demand for 20th century street rail ways extends to every -nook and corner of Philadelphia. Staid business men and their employes, the bank president and the mechanic will march shoulder to shoulder to the ac companiment of martial music, provided by tho pollco band ,and the navy -yard band, and there will be a booming ot cannon during the parade as a reminder of the sentiment of the people. Fireworks will Illuminate the entire route of the parade as a final Illustration of the optimism of the people and their determination to ke.ep the city apace with progress A representative of the Rapid Transit Company promised that adequate provision would be mode for handling the crowd. Action will be taken at the Acad omy" which will permit of no subterfuge on tho part of Councils, and the demand will be made that the special election enabling the people to ote for funds for transit development. In accordance with Director Taylor's pinna, be held In March. "IGNORANCE NO EXCUSE." Aa the Director has brought the .plant virtually to the door of every Councilman1 by addresalng the residents In all sections of the city, the excuse of some local leg islators that they are pat familiar wtn the details, of the proposed trafftlt -sys tin? wlirtiptSccepte3rnr?Uvi2ifit . ent tlmeyaJmaJorltV of the memTiviilflfQ each Chamber have gbne on record favor Inc a March election. ' He has shown 'conclusively, by Irrefu table statements, that tho highspeed sys. tern will redound to the benefit of every resident of Philadelphia, from the school boy to the millionaire, and his assertions have not been challenged. In view of conditions the temperament of the peoplt can no longer be tested by legislative or political aversions. Prominent men representing every phass of activity, who have participated In for mer successful civic mqvements, will act as vice presidents of the meeting. Captain William S. Benson, command ant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, will Introduce Congressman George 3, Graham, who will act as chairman. The presence of Mr. Graham and Senator Penrose will have a far reaching effect among pes simists who nurse any doubts as to the ultimate results. In addition to addresses by Director Taylor and the Senator, the views 1t others prominent In city affairs will be heard. NAVT TARD MEN'S PARADEL The parade preceding the meeting will be In charge of Grand Marshal Harvey A. Zahn. representing the employes of the League Island Nary Tard. and will. t form In four divisions, as follows: The first division will assemble on the east side of Broad street, facing north, the right resting on Spruce street, and will be preceded by mounted police. Then will come the Grand Marshal. Harvey A. Zahn, and his aides, Lewie II. Kenney, Andrew A- Olsen. William F. O'Brien, Edward II. Coward, John R. Chlaholm, George II. Williams, Thomas F, Maher, Clifford T Moore. Joseph O. Kane, John K. MacMlllan; Marine Band, U. S. N.l Marines, U. 8. N.i Bailors, V. 3. N, The second division will form on Pine street facing west, the right jesting on Broad street, and will be accompanied by a band. The Captain, Lewie H. Ken ney, will have as aides George Tufts, Vic tor Johnson and Joseph H- Munyon. Navy Yard employes will follow In this order; Planning Department. Machinery Divi sion; Planning Department, Hull Division; Progress Department. Machinery Divi sion; Progress Department, Hull Division; Drafting Room. Machinery Division; Drafting Room. Hull Division; Clerks, Machinery Divisions Clerks, Hull Dl lslon; Clerks, Commandant's Building; Shtpkeepers, Storeroom Employes, G. 8. It. Department The third division will assemble on the east side ot Broad street, facing the north, the right resting on Pine street, with the left of the line extending down I,ombard street, east of Broad. It wilt consist of the shops of the machinery division. Captain Andrew E. Olien, and Concluded on Fs Tw LOST AND "FOTJUD. AIM "LOST AHO roUNp- AlTICLKf atlvsrtlMd ta the Kvtalag Looser r nwrtiJ to ta "Laii o4 irmfc4 Hurtau" t t4ir Central will t listed (or to oars. Vtff lists can also be " at tbt Mala OJtlc, eth u4 Chestnut - "Lt es4 ruu4" silxctlx, nwnis cat tie left at sty of M drw( ilttM rtcetvlns L4ir ail, or can fee tlhul dlrtctly to Ldtr Central. Call W'alou-i t uain win. STOLEN On Fowars No, 6 tcackuilta he. ITOi literal reward tor ttur ot uui any Information, Calohitfl SubbI? Com?n. ISO! Raoe st. CSSPfrrUr nUbt la drmlajr ream il jiavr yard dance. rray epouum fur njna, ?; vard Hturo ta P lloffmaa. SA4 toeuit wm .- LOST TuuSiLf. Jaouanr "Hi loTTKVi&J stt.iJ to. fatfecaall wtb. f-.rJ. Tt- Iip8fTjiABts, eat St ward U retunwt Oiktr tUm.iiiaWwmi rf n w H l UUI(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers