EVKHING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1915. 13 IT REMOVED FROM NEARLY ALL LOCAL BONDS-CALL MONEY DROPS IN NEW YORK Kti ilTED RAILWAYS (VESTMENT STOCK mm AND ACTIVE Bltfook for tympany Is Iromismg Call Money tits Another New Low 'oint. I.rn. Jnn. U, Tha Block mar- KLd alronr and active today and St'. . marts advances over tha Km terday. In tho latr trading Ttrrd?nrewaT0done."'react;d W on! to be followed by another ijtttUV .... n.nllnffR In Iho ffe&rtl Issues we" ot ft Professional liWMrn ,!, fluctuations In these KSJfstrtDt? reflected the shlfttn ot IWi(Kn of the trading dement on iWkt closed steady, but irregular, ; itooks being up and others down. sffis ?lu ,,..... wav wrnai not treat. mi en -.' '- ' Staler- turnfd to tho sharp rise Ifth cflmmon and preferred stock of WML.... n.iimav Investment Com- aV'o Ban Francisco, which became J't . m.. -.nmmnn stock roao t K t "m, md tho preferred gained Klntl to W. The sinking fund 4 per Wo"i were up Hi potnta at MM. .ViLn. the reasons advanced for the . moVement of this, company's KJk wm the report that tho net earn- ., would show an approximate ln- ;. of ll.MO.COO as a result or tno rair. ,! tlmato was based on the largo jail "V"L" ., mlw, hv thfi TTn U.1 SSSIw ot St. Louts, when the World's ?.!.. held there 13 years ago. Thla ff,,..-.i h.IlnvR that something .lhn be done on tho resumption of SSnta On the preferred stock which Snimulatlve. there Is due. it Is estl- !nridena. and with tho largo earnings It ill htld that more than likely some iRT.. ,im he taken on back rjay- jcuwii - - ntl. Anetner thing which helped the stocks ifLi iki fact that the California commls- tjHwrt ate reported to bo mora favorable ll company, ana -iiac me rompanj b Latin are sr..u uoun ohwihwhw - , iru- .)!.. In flflllfnrnln. 1m nlRn hn- !C AH- .,- ' . fysiln. more friendly to the company. ?U-in I'acinc WW ..-- u. nura !.tt, toiichlnsSB 159 for an advance of 1 totals. The advance was thought to Ft0 result of the covering of shorts by SMC! we largest room xrauors. :.. ni aula n( Bethlehem Steel eom- r ju tint nnn.ni nn the tAnA until n. fii minutes before 11 o'clock, while tho frit tale of tho preferred -was made in it. ,M,M nt thi flnt hour. Thft com. WM,up '.' as did the preferred. l-D.aAIn,, oram an np.tlVA fttandnrd issue. tavlng up from 14754 to 117 and then MtMiir to 14lJi before noon, later re- rj.iMl h- ln fnllnWArl tr, nn AXtAnt: ..." .--, ... .. IbrDnlor.Pscinc and the other Important fnilr'oidi and the chief industrials. Ll3if.d States Steel, after going above ftke doing y lay, declined V, mil action was taken an Indicating the ftmcerUlnty over the dividend outlook at F.i. .a.lr in 3ia V.al.1 n IfiA loof PiiaD- iy 01 this month. Sterling exchange was steady, witn de 'aM telling; at SSHK- Th,e low level at :iMfb BterllnB exchange rules Has cre ;ptVd ui Impression that Imports of gold r.rt certain. H).tii. inuiicy luaitcu ni. , "?. w". otiu n. Rt minutes before tho close It declined TO per cent, tue lowest since tne .u- itjtin var oegan. lONQON MARKET EASIER Wit Xoan and Short-Term Securities Favored. lONDOX.- Jan. 13. Changes were Irreg- Ur'on the Stock Exchango In the early Mini today. Trading was spotty, but ; undertone continued good. Investors r Inclined to favor the war loan and tort-term securities. Mt-edjed issues were steady. The lettiment In home rails was cheerful, but ttt Improvements were Irregular. An u!r tendency was noted In Americans uanauian racinc on advices irom ft'l'ork. Support was again In evl- tnce In Japanese, Russian and Argen- tSU QmrHnmint hnnrti W Ciscounts were weak. Treasury bills tv-jf amount of 2,000.000 will maturo iKOrrow. j, London N. Y. Ki-...., " '"'. iss::',",a "pixr teWWre'ss'lDhio... IQaslito Picme .... S!?..: Great Western.... 10 E Wo Grande B lBtl p'ret".' '.I'.' Ss2 IIS.'W. Antral '. 02 liVvLr "rn. t ;vi wet. OTfrtranta. r SUM M9i 11 . COS 03U H , 7o4T esij - :iB2 lB7Vi .H 4-Ji Affc lv U -Hi B iU 87 tl ;t; a 10(1 IB! 1 looi - i, 2l - v 10U4 'fc SMia Railway .. ', gjew.. BtiVi::;-: tUj fissoot rate, .hort bills. ! nostlia' bllla .lot . 78i , 8S K ,122U 11SH - ? SM SU 14B4S : 2 as L Inaiist. Derua'" MORE GOLD IMPORTS ,000,000 Coming From China and 9200.000 From Franca. Hf.TfORK, Jan. U.-he Guaranty rfS.,irorap&ny snnouncea the first fm- ,va ot gow to this country from That ImHlnHnn Viaa vanAH In fSSV? te'esroPh through the United ''.-" Bubtre.asnrv , nrani.i.l.n W In gold Imported directly from nx minii tne goia is stut m transit, IKWUilactlon was made by the London f th company and was transferred iv account- Ordinarily pur- 7 vmnesa merchants in this ire Paid fnr In atArlltiB Uv Araftt gJU British or Continental banks. j-ume known today that arranga- were under wdy whereby a New i I'LeornPimy would Import about fn French eolil from Tvinilnn. Thla wt gold Import from London since iftrtat of the war. MeAPOQ OFTIMISTIO ttaiat ot Emergency Currency n encouraging Bign. ttwmw, Jan. M.-The constant "t Gutern bnnlKc in aAitrtlncr !5'5nment f raenrenoy our- the TrAnmiu iK..AMfr in. m, mlr ot official of the that buslnwa conditions generally fin Hr mde h latter part of I2 ir TW country Is on the ve iS,. . . dy conoernlng thft in SS? I?,t';1 rerpect 6cretary of the MoAdoo stated thut ba would J --hwt just What the tt--- mis currency lngietd w " beitMunc thai Lankiiur and S &ft.r... .n .it.. AnK,3n..i.. a - " VF ,r S NEW YORK STOCK SALES i i..w -..u ... I-a Sale tliieh Taw Close AllOiChalraetiptef.... 3J( 38 35 !?5 ,",trt Copper... 64H B6H MU R45i .Jr.Chnm??'t 01 CO 00 BO '!'" 5et s"Bar. . . 3SH P6), PS 35 iS'.lr"1 in"' 20W W 20W 2B .i?5nS'm ?"'" B4 04H M! Bi a ViMl.d;rL.ither-: fi 4U r. Am, Illdeft Leath.pret 2 2414 22 24 Am,'C8"; 22K P2W 2!4 52 AmetlcantocomotlTe.. 58)f 2RM 28 28 IU!2ca!l!tte!Un 0M 005 no rox AmeHcanSmclUnjpref.lOO 100K 100H 100)f aS..011"; 107W 107 107 107 I?L,can 2.far rrei... .113 USJf 1MK 113W i.1canTl,""11W4 118X 11B! 11SX Ameilcan Tobacco pref. l0flO07 107 107 Ayacond&Copper 20H 26X 20W 20W AtcWaon..... P4K mh n4H 04M AtcWjonprcf. 8rW 07f 07 07M niUtaoreAOhlo prof.. 7l 711, 71 W 71W Be h lehem Steel 62 5214 6U4 6254 55th''hcsi' nt... 071f B7U 07 07 S,mVlT?I,,(,Tr8nslt-85M BUi RW SHU California Petroleum... lfij 15 15 15 Canadian Padfle 157 IBflK 157 168J4 Central Leather afi 35W 34J4 35 n,r.8,i.'.I,e, WW 101(4 10W 10U4 CliM&Ohlo 421 43 42W 42W Ui no Copper 34M 3414 33J4 33 Chlcairo.ClreatW.pref.. 27 J ( 27H 27?, 2714 CMcafo, Mil. &et. Paul 88J M f7K MH Chtc. Mil. 4 St, P. prcf,.126 125 125 125 O O O A St Loulj ptef . . .. 60 50 50 hl A Northwest 12(1 125 12514 12614 Cluett Peabody prof.... 100 tOOli 100)4 100)4 Colorado8o... 25! 25 24J4 25 5'l 22)4 22K 2114 22 Etleiatprrf 35 35 34)4 34)4 CcnrolOas m llVA 117!4 117 CornProducIs (iif p) ri)4 054 Den nio Grand pref.. 7 7)4 7H 7H General Electric 144)4 143)4 143)4 143)4 GcneralMotor ffl so 8 86 Goodrich Co 2754 20)4 274 285( Goodrich Co prff B5 05W 05W D5)4 Great Korlhern pref.... 11454 114)f 114 114 Great North Ore. Cent. 28)f 2l 27)4 2714 Gvrcenfcclm 47!f 47!f 47)f 47)4 IMtttoto-MetropolliaD. 11H ll)f 11 11 Itittrtoro Met pref 60 60 60 60 International Paper 0 f 854 834 Inter'l Paper pref 36K 3-IK 344 34)4 Int Pump pref 6' 'fH 6!X Intplrntlon 18!f 10 18! IS) Lchlch Valley 134 1345,134 134)f Lonelslantl So 31)4 31)4 31)4 T.oulslle&NashTllle..ll8 116)4 116)4 115)4 Maxwell Molor 1834' 1854 1854 18)4 Maxwell Motor 1st prof. 53)4 64)f 63 64 Maxwell Motor Zd prof. 2254 22!f 22 22X Mercantlce Marino pref. 4U 4 4 4 Minneapolis & St. Louis 11 11 11 11 MBtr8SM 100)f 11354 110 11354 Mexican Pet. prof 60 08)4 67M 07)4 Mfssoutl.Kansas&Toxas 0J4 10 03f OH MoKan&Tej pref. ... 27 27 27 27 Miami Copper. 1724 17U 1754 17W Montana Power Co .... 435f 45 44 44H Nat. Knamellne 10)f 11 11 11 NatlonalLcad 40 4B54 4054 4054 Nevada Consolidated... 13 1214 12)4 12)4 New York Central fcS'f S8! 88) 88! N. Y O. & West 22M 2234 2234 2231 Norfolk & Western 101)4 101)4 10154 101)4 North American 0fU C5H 0554 05)4 Northern Pacific 102 10234 10154 101JS Taclllc Mall 20)f 20M 20)4 20)4 PadflcTiT. 27 28)4 28)4 2SJ4 Pennsylvania 10SX 105)4 104H 105)4 People's Gas HOW 110)f 110)4 11034 PlltsburchCoal 17)4 18 17)4 18 Plttsbursh Coal pref.... 84)4 85 S45f 85 Pressed fitcel Car 38 38 35 35 Pressed Steel Car pref. .101 101 101 101 Pub Service Corp N J. . .. 100 100 100 Pullman Co 152!f 153 153 153 Railway Steel Sprint.... 25)4 25 24)4 24H Hay Consolidated 1034 16)4' 1034 1634 neadlns 147f 1473f 1465 147 Reading 1st pref 80 83 88 80 Republic Iron & Steel... 20)4 2054 20)4 20)4 Rock Island ' 54 34 54 nock Island pref. Hi l)f Hi IH RnmelyCo 1)4 2)4 IX 2)4 Rumely Co. pref 16 16 10 16 Quicksilver 1J4 I)f l!f 15f SeaboardAlrLlne...... 13H 13 13 13 Seaboard Air Line pref. 38)4 38 3S 38 Sloss-Schcffleld 25 27 27 27 Southern Pacific 86)4 85)4 8-1)4 84)4 Southern Railway 1531 - 15)4 1531 15)1 Southern Ry pref 58 58 68 58 Etcdebaker S8H S8K 38 3854 7 er.ECtsee Copper. 32)4 32H 3034 S03f TeiasCompany 135 133 133 133 Third Avcnno 41K 41)4 4034 41 Twin City RT B8 89 0834 0831 L nderwood pref 100 100)4 10034 100W Union Bag & Paper .... 4)1 5)1 5 5)4 Union Pacific. 118)4 110)1 118)4 11834 UnPaclncpref 70 80 80 80 UnionPacWar 27 2731 2731 2731 United Railways Inv... 11 13)4 11)1 13M United Rylnv pref.... 20 33)4 30 33 U 6 Rubber 67 6751 6051 5734 U.S. Rubber 1st pref... 103)4 104 104 104 United States Steel 51)1 5134 5131 51)4 US Steel pref. 108)4 108)4 10734 10734 Ltth Copper 5134 6134 61)4 6134 VaCarChem 1734 1734 17)4 1734 Western Union 60)4 6034 5034 6034 Westlnghouse Elec 73)4 7351 73)4 7334 ' Western Maryland. 13)4 15 l WoQlworth 91 02 02 02 Total sales, 131.000 sharea. REMOVAL OF BAN ON BOND PRICES HELPED TRADING York Railways Preferred Dividend in Scrip Flurry in United Railways Invest ment 5s. The lowering of the minimum price on United Railway Investment Es from 6 to a this morning facilitated the liquid ation ot n block of 111,000 whtoh has been overhanging the market for some time. Th buying was understood to be for the account of a New York house closely amllated with the company. After tho market had been cleared of these offer ings traders began tn bid the, price Up, and it did not take long Before the entire Initial decllno had been canceled. Later prollMaklng caused another reac tion The rise In the United Hallways of San Francisco Issues on the Now York market hlp(l stimulate the buying of the Investment Ss here as well as ot Phila delphia Company shares, which rose over a point, A meeting of the board ot the Philadelphia Company took place yesterday, It Is understood, and tho mat ter of the dividends on United Traction of Pittsburgh preferred was taken up, but what action, It any. occurred, was not made public. The general upswing In all these Issues was of course accom panied by optimistic forecasts of earn ings on account of the Panama Exposi tion. In all $77,000 United Railway In vestment Es changed hands here today. Tho removal of all restrictions on bonds In this city with the exception of five Is sues naturally stimulated the trading. Tho exceptions are United Railways In vpntmfnt Es. as already ntnted; Philadel phia Company first B and Consolidated 6s, Lako Superior Income Es and Har wood Electrlo 6s. It "was pointed out to day by tho head of a loading bond house that a still further stimulus could bo given the dealing In ibonds on tho ex change If tho old Vi of 1 per cent, com mission wero restored. Instead of tho present Vi of 1 per cent., which lias had b. tendency to drive business over the counter. Ho argued that there was little gambling In bonds in this olty, and that the Investor who oxpocted to hold his bonds for years was not particular whether he paid $1.25 or $2.M commission, whorcas to the bond dealer It mado a decided difference, and lie would natural ly encourage his, customers to purchase outside bonds where he hnd ft chance for Ern.tr nrofite. i The locul' stock list today ruled firm, but rot particularly ncuvc, investors picked up Pennsylvania, while Lehigh Valley Transit preferred extended yes terday's rise to 23, and. the common also Improved, ns did United Gas. Tho Knpld TrnnBit group continued to show signs of light liquidation, and Philadel phia Electric was a shado easier. North ern Central was again In demand at a fractional advance. York Hallways shares made no response to the favorable report of earnings for the fiscal year ending November 30. Tho gross gain was $2D.4S3. Operating ex penses Increased $10,611. Tho net Income after all charges was $103,191, a gain of $12,576 over the' previous year. Tho directors today decided to declare the regular preferred dividend in scrip bearing Interest at 5 per cent, and pay able January 50. Tho scrip will mature "January 30, 3318, and Is redeemable upon SO days' notice at any Interest period. HALF HOURLY SALES IjO to 10.30 A. M. 10 Cam Steel.... 4. B0 Penna ?5?-15 :t Union Trar... mVj BO Phlla Elec... i g FINANCIAL BRIEFS The American Smelting and Refining Company has .reduced the price of lead from 3.80 to 3.70c, The New Tork Stock Exchange com mlttee has established a minimum price of 112 on American Snuff Company. On January 20 the Federal Iteserve Board will hear petition of banks In northern New Jersey to have that part ot the State transferred from the .Phila delphia to the New Tork Federal re serve district .. The city of Holyolte. Mass., will receive bids until 10 a. ni. January 11, for the purchase at dlkcount of a temporary loan of J150.O00, payable November 6, 1915. Emergency currency to the amount $100,000 has been retired at the local Sub Treasury; Ninth National Bank, $55,000; Southwark National Bank, $16,000. and the iFort Worth National Bank of Fort Worth. Tex., $30,000. Ivy Ii. Lee has been added to the Board of Trustees of the Equitable Trust Company of New York, Th,e New York banks lost $1,210,000 through Subtreasury operations so far this week. George A. Huhn & Sons will officially remove tomorrow from helr .present headquarters In the .Land Title Building to new offices In Bellevue Court,, on Wain nut street, west of Broad. The Pittsburgh Steel Company has sold $5,000,000 6 per .cent, notes to local bank ers, maturing from 19W to 1920. and these are being offered the public at 99 to 99ii and Interest. . The Federal Sugar Company advanced prices ot granulated sugar 10 points to 6.05 cents. At a meeting of the directors of tlie Philadelphia National Bank, Jevl I Hue was unanimously re-elected president. Lincoln GodfrW deajlned re'lecttDft as vice president.' H. J. J?eser and William B. Maddox, were eleated vice president' jind Horace Forteseue was appointed I made that in con nection with the death of William Red wood Wright, of the firm of & I & W. H. Wright, who died Deoember 3, thaj, the business will continue under the name of Sydney I Wright. At the Glrard National Bank annual meeting Morris n. BockUja, Arthur Z Morten and William Jty Turn wer 3it rtlrectow to nil vnaanrtw-. Samuel Landia b eleeted direetm o.l b JUnuhtvtwW N.Uh1 nok, sw. CMdlAf QHtte O. oa, JeceMd. n V -k XTmr f 7A 12 I-eh Nav 25 Phlla Trao...78U ltv Phila. Trac... 78 rln . . R2 O-lft do fisn-ia 7 ll1rt fllArai'A. fiA 5 Leh Vol Tr. . IMi o Phlla Elec... 23t 10 Heading 73 0 feiec Biorage. w 10 U 8 StVel.... MTi IS Key Tol prf. (Jilt 35 eh Val Tr.. 20 100 Tonopah Bel. 4tJ 6 Key Tel pfd. 01 i S Punna 6, BONDS. $5000 Hn Itwy Inv fls J 1000 Phlla, Elec By.... li; BOO Am Ohi & Elec 5s... 83V 10OO Peop Pass Hwv t c 4s R3 WOO Atlantlo City Elec B 07)4 10.30 to 11 A.' M. 15 Penna 52 0-18 100 Phlla II T t a It JS do...... 52 11-18 80 Phlla Co .13 1 do ..52 11-18 .11) U 8 flteel.... 61 to Phlla Co HJ J" i-iuin v-o ;" I renna eau.. 250 Phlla Co IW) do Ml U 8 Steel. 10 do DO M S3 51i nnnfi. POOO TJn Ilwys lnvBa... loooo Un Ilwy Inv s EOOo Un Itwy Inv ns. . . . IftKiO Up Hwy inv 5s.... jrooo un itwy inv 5s.... r loo city 1P... SOW) Un Tlwy Inv 5 I00O Un Itwy )nv 5s 2000 Un Itwy Inv 5s 1000 Cnt Dls Tel 5... S.1 Leh Nav'i'ei 70 1 Penna B2 . . 05 , . 05 ,. 5 . 115 .. w ..wow :: JS? 11 to 11.30 A. II. o oy, i5t t ii m 'onopRh MIn. 7U oo T.2 ar .Laaulnl, 50 lileo Storasa. 4B-, n do 10- nnvrw. IMS Phlla Co scrip Ml 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. 5 Phlla Co.'.... Mtt -in Sotilli Rwy... Iju S Penna 5H 3 l'nna B2)I SO air Nt Ilsnk.3t5 BONDS. 1205 Phil Co' scrip. JJ nooil t'n Ilwy Inv 5 .....JMj noon Phlla Klco Is Th 12 to 12.30 T. M. ioo yn t. ?J J-fS'S o.lu. fta ,' in MM lt0 Olr N BIT."."!' SOO Philalt T HUttlMS. $21 Phlla Co scrip O Cam 8t"l "crip 12.30 to P. M. 100 Keystone Tel, U J J CI I. IB) Jo U 1 Penna . 38. Phlla Traa... 78 2U U U I. 10 Phlla -Eleo... SaH 101) do... 15 Ton Uel,.,..U-l BONPS. 200 Phlla KIo 4s SOD Phlla Kiss 4s iwio rniia. e . looo Un Hwy Inv 5s v MM 1000 Un Itwy Inv B..t ,t WV5 1 to 1.3U X-, m, ifPhlla Klso..,. 2851 50 Ton Bel.. 35 Isdln W. 10 Peons ?2K 5 U U t -n noNPfl. 49 Phlla. Co scrip...., , J 1000 Vhlla Eleo 5 ..- 101 1.30 to 2 P. IT, tuo 1.. 9.1 Union Trau. iwvna. lftio Interstate Kwy 4 Wt 2m lnterstata Iwr . h fJJOQ 1& Ilwy lnv WW 3 to 2,30 P, Mf 'S mMiSl&t.: 2i I8d tierlh Cent. IsssssssssssssBX 'Isssssssssssssssssfl lKtsteaLftlt mm, HH' lSr . .mH CLARENCE M. BROWN New dlrectpr of the Central Na tional Bank. He is an attorney. .... X2!4 .... 52J .... C2U .... MS .... 70U .... WW , r.a . 4 1'snna ....... 5211 , ICO Ton l IT.1 .... a lu North Cent... f .... 52Ji 50 Un Ijwy..,,,. If I .!.,. 3S1, ', 1 is . Mp" ......i :::::;:.: jft BON 08. . .IS . . leadlns n 4s. . 2,30 to 3 P. M. ! U iJ' in!' 51- PhtU DTtitl . .. .,- lair, saa ihi K aSn"K.i": $5C IK Vw a. 11 S.m .. irJs-M. n sSTaS-m: w s vSiu ::: as Reaaio Iflg StStH 0n' mtsm SUM t W' S2i 8 Cam jsTfAT' . ' S3U 10A t' (3 t i loomte.ft..... i v, H NEW YORK BOND SALES 11000 Amr Agr 5 10OU Am Dock A Imp Si luutw Amer rei cu is...... WIliOO do ovt 4',4s 5OO0 Amor Writ Pap Bs. . 21)00 Armour Co 4W KXW Atchison 4b BOO do pv 4s 155 20O0O do ov 4s PJOO 100C do 8 1000 Atfh A M Oklit 4 3000 Allan Co J.lne 1st 4s. 2000 dn clt 4s ton) Bait A Ohio 3t4s 2000 do 4s 4WOO dn cv 4'f 20011 Bolt it O Hwn 3'js... 4000 Beth Steel let 6s. ... 101)00 do rftl 5 10CKJ Brook Hap Tr tut 14000 do Rs 1II1R 17000 lliook t'n Klv tst 5s. 1(100 nnms & W 4s 13000 Cent tsther 1st 6s. fl00 Cent Pac 1st 4s 3000 Chea Oh ov 4M,s.. 22000 Chi Ot West 4.1 UtK) Chi Nwn 3Vis 10(100 Chl B & Q 4s 1000 do Ken 4s 1O0O do resr in 2X)0 Chl M i fit l Id 4U,s Ml 1000 do 4s SO 13000 do cv 4V4n WSti 2000 do gen lit" louli 10IXW Chl II I & ! col 4s.. 204 1000O Cht t P M A ddj Cs 20fi 1000 Chl & W Indians. Os.10.1 1000 Clev Cln Chl gen 4s. 73 1 (00 Col & South 4s 87 6S000 Con 4 V fls W1..113'. 1U0O Del Sc Ilud rfd 4s... 38, 1001) Den &. Klo r rfd 5s. 38 3000 Detroit Edison 5s loiv; ;wj ueiroii unuoa 4Vs... u wvi iis necur .orn os. . . (xjy. 37000 Erin conv 4s. Ser A.. 00 KOOO do Ser D 113! nun) do prior 4s 81 .1001) do 1st fxt 4s VS 4000 General Slotor fls 101 4000 Oen Elec deb 5a lial limHi nun Man rrd ns oooo Hud Man In 5s 5000 III Steel deb 4Us aoooo Iowa Central 4s 35 High. ...IOO ...lw; . . . 7'i ... fS ... 2'l ... raji ... 034 . .100? . 8R . 83'i . I MIU S-lt, . no .100 . 88 .112'i .100 . 1)1 . 08!, . 88 . i ?'b Isnv.-, Clone. W 10(1 'i 'I R2 02 D2J4 021t in i loot, loot, 03 IB 88 R8 8.V4 8514 SO). 00 saj5 sou 84 81 11" w 100 100 88 88 102'4 102J1 100 KM) 01 01 4 nn 8IJ4 115 UJi 80 0U 100 U loll 2lS inn ins 73 73 87U 87V1 1134 113)1 21 38 101i lm; 71 71 fIS'i r,t U34 0 100 V 2l)g 9 l'klli i 75V4 1 2S l 84 s 3. 34000 lnp Cop CV Os 1010.. 07W S200O Insp Cop Oi 00t, ROOD Intern Met 4lii 74',J :i8?8 4n. ret B 3100O Interb R T rei Cs ... IM aioo intern! Paper cvt 5 14000 Internl Paner fla. .. iww iru tic ui Nor -a ds.. . ISOOii Intnl Stm Pump r,a... 4() 17000 K C Kt S & 51 4s 70 2000 IC O Ft S & 5t I'.... 10S15 toco uicka fllwl 5s 105O. . or, 1500 Lorlllord 6s 101U 5000 Manhattan 4s sta sss; 1000 St .t 13 1st cn .'.... tool! 1O0O Jlont Cent 1st fls HIV, 4000 Mon Powers a 80 8000 Nat Tubo t! mill 1000 N T & Nor 5s HilfS OOOO N V C I, 8 Stta 731,4 2000 N V C H 3VjS 81 1000 N V C & Hud li S0 2000 N T Oily 4s 19J8 OOVi 40VI do 4a 1050 0l5 1000 do ret -1HS 10Sl 5000 do 4tia 1083 105 1O0O do 4'a Nov '67....104TJ 2000 N Y las 31 & V 4s.. 8012 1000 V Y If II A II 4s 1055. 72 2fl() do Ks 10.1 M, liU t Hi 5'4 fl5!4 HI 81 l8Ti 08!i 101 101 IMU 1034 T5tt 75'i 2SH 2S 44 8I 33 3D 07 OVA 1)3 00(4 74M 744 I175, !i7tl ooh nov: 101 yt 101(1 82 82 40 " 40 70 70 108tt IOSIj 05 n 101 101 8Si SS't ii7 iniS 81) 89 iiiif, no't 101 ' lot tt 73 i 7314 81 U 81 ii fin'S imi(5 niiu '.m;S nttij or,; 10S' 10815 1000 N Y Ilwv 4s 340)0 do Ss flcVX' Nor Pac prior 4s 22.VX) Nor Pac Ss 2000 Ore Short I. rer 4a. . 0000 Orolty & N 4s 2000 Pao Coast 1st 5s... 10O0O Pacific Tel 5s 0000 Penna cv 3Hs . 3000 Penna 4s 1048 1 2000 Penna 4a 1000 5000 iPubllo Sorv N J Bs... 88 13000 Itay Con Copper ns..,104!i 50OO Heading gen 4s 03 1000 nepub Cuba 5a 1014.. IM 4000 Hep lr B ."Vs 1010 02J 1000 Hock Island rfd 4s.. OS 31000 mock Island 5s 54 10011 St I, I M So 5s 07, 2000 Kt I, S V rfd 4s 01 inoo St I, & S P Ben r,s . . Mi'j 1000 fit t. Poo A N W .Is.lOl M)00 Seaboard A I. adj Bs. . flS'-i 5000 Boutlt Hell 5s OT 52000 South Pac cv 4s.... sorj 41)000 do cv ret f p 1)8 flfkV) do rfd 4s 8(1 3000 South Itwv 4s IB Ifioo Texas fr Poo 1st 5s.. 11314 l.'OOrt Texas Co cv 63 Dm isono Third Ave 4s S1W 500 do adj 5s 78 30011 Tol St t, & W 4s... 44 11000 ir R Hubber fla loir; OPjKiO U fl Btcel 6s 102; 2300 do reg 5s 102K, inoo tilster & Del con Bs.101 1W0O Union Pac 4s IW4 inoo do rfd 4s RSU 750011 Un Hwys a P 4s.... 5.1W 1i)00 Va Itwy 8s Ofl'i 3000 tvatinslt 1st fls 07 .nun Wabasli 2d 5s... SH 1X) Wab-P Ter 1st ct 4a. fl 1(100 West Electric 5s 101 llKHX) West Md 1st 4s 58(i 3000 West K & M cv 5s.. K 4000 West Shcro reg 4s... m WW) Wheeling & I. E 1s., (15 Total sales, tfl, 851.000. Kllti 83 72 10.1 72?i .13 00 KiK .t)W 80?i !I8 !) 8li 7, loofl 87V1 104',J 03 04 021i 04 .13 07 04 00!i 104 (N nr 80S 07'. six; C4 OflH noil 8i ; 78i -i4 104'4 8.1U 72 105 s OOfi cn5 KO'J !' OS OVA 08 112)4 10O-, 8S KM', OS 04 OBH AS 54 i7i; 04 no',4 101 at n7 ROTt, 07H R3U 4T n.n? nni! R1J 78f 44 ion, initi, 102 10214 loan 1021; ii,, jut nsi SO n 101 0.1'4 RSti, rou 07 SO II ini R7T, r.su 03 03 81114 snil 05 03 LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES in ,iri 12 in 177 (I 70 22.1 20 12 on 5 35 10 101 I 781 f.M 30O 213 15 411 5S ' .:tv .Ml 1IW 1111 13 Ves. close. Ills.)). n, Tel A Tel. .. iislj. Am Oa .... 100 innij, Amr Ilnll pt.Kil, mi Bald 1,00 prer.-lOJ's l(2i Cam S'eel .... 41 41 h lee MioraKu... hi,?, .h. den Asphal' pt IN Olrard iNt, Ilk.. ,. Key Te II Kev Tel t c, pt li lrfhlgli Nv ... 7H llllgh Nsv t r. 7J Irfh Val Transit 15"i tli V Tren pr. 2H Northern Cenrnl RJij Ponna Hnllrosd. 32VJ Penna Halt Mff JO Phlla Co . . . . . M Phlla BUslrlo.. 2314 Phil Jt T tr ctfs 11 Phlla Trao .... 78 lleaiilng 71 Bo Hallway .... Tnnn Helmnnt. . 4U Iiw. CIni. 1I8U 11h4 100,!, W0,i 11,1 1111 Tonopah MIn... 7S lirion 1 raL-Liuu, ... 8 315 14 Hl4 70 I" t.i; '.") 8!lti 12"2 no 31 ?i 7H 73'4 J.Vi S I 'I si I'iiIib.1 (iaa Im. KM United Itivys .... Un Coa N J... 222 l H Steel 511 Warwick lr A- St Ml 1JONP3. jut prev. sale, nitn. 1"2'4 4.1 40 IW .11.1 I3'i lilli III 70 I!i 21 R.11i SS' on 33 IR 78 73 151, R8I 8?'f 13 45 411, ns 31.1 14 fllH 7(1 7rt 131 20 S.I' . sH no 31 2314 78 7:w 1.1 M1H JIH 5I4 Vli OH lj)W. ClriM, itOOO At Untie O Kl 5 .. OTli VtU. 07 j BOO Am a Bl 3 8.1 8.1K R31S Will 0 Cain Steel -dp 0T!s OIK nili 07U iwil r-nt Ols rl 5. . , ' 07 nitf 015I 100 city 4s 1041.... iiViu inoi? inAiT tm jfli W1(l M T100Q thft- ' luivlii UI I'lllUl fc-U aVtis ' ' a PI.IIS Bleo 8,,01 101 tt 'do 4s inii 7fH$ p Ps lv TeJsM- Unit ny mv Is CU eoi lot 101 7H 7S m i 05 , eov. LOCAL BID ANB.ASKEP rxterliw'f Today1 uin. ass . ..in .. .. i uJiJ,n on,, ac Sto(c n,n ASH tU $? . m-af Knaftm TsUrl'oue do t c lAke Sun (' . Lehtah Sv . do t c. .. IhlSli Vll IrfbUh Val Tr do vrtl. Pennsylvania PDIU Wiser l'WIs It T J C d cn) P X A sttln, yip ,St t s t do fI MAY WHEAT SOARS TO $1.40 A BUSHEL 'AT OPENING TODAY Purchases Since Monday's Slump of 5,000,000 Bush els by Exporters Revive Confidence. Hi lUUb j. B -il'v -tsl 2 S Its' H t 14 134, 14 ' IfK 14 .10 .: io 7!l3 14 7 am! on, ml l4 1.1i 10 1M IB 2i4 20 i"3 so n :. ft ..:.. ?,.tl! t4 m T i IJUX ".vl. "'.',"'.".. Si's 414 ! ii', ..: si i" !' 4 CHICAGO, Jan. 13.-Wheat scored a furtherR.dvanc.0 at the opening today, with offerings light, Scattered longs sold, The purchases by exporters since tho slump In the market Monday nro stl mated at 5,000,000 bushels. This haa caused a complete revival of confidence on thn bull side, May again touched 11.10 after the start. Tho news from abroad was very bullish. Unfavorable weather was reported In Ar gentina, .where thero ha been muoh rain in the harvesting districts. An urgent demand was reported from English mill ers, and American winters at Liverpool Bhowed a rise of "Md., plato 6d. and the spot market 1 to l!4d. Prospects for ship ments from Argentina In February caused apprehension at Liverpool. A further nd vanco to 63s. has occurred In Argentine freight rates. Word has been received that Ituusla's quota for actual export, In case of tho reopening of the Dardanelles, would be small, but largo quantities would be nvall able at once from Bulgaria and Rumania. It seems an though the needs of Importing countries will not diminish In the near future, and countries outside of Europe nro expected to como Into the market soon. Brazil nnd South Africa have good buyers In Argentina, nnd Italy continues to purchase there. Corn was Btronger on light offerings and In sympathy with wheat. Tho weather over the corn belt was line. In ctreaslnc stocks are against extensive operations on the buying side. The market at Liverpool was strong, with nn urgent demand for spot. Oats also wore higher, Thero was a fair scattered demand. Provisions started a shade higher, hut met offerings at tho rise. Leading futures ranged as follows: .... Yesterday's Wheat Open. Illuh. Low. Close, close. May 1.30, 1.41 1.3814 "1.4041 1.3bi July 1.23 1.20Hi 1.2HitL25tt1.5IH Corn tnaw delivery! May 75'i 75H 744 t74'4 7.114 July, 7G'.i 70H 75H 76f4 UO Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND I'LOUIt IVHEAT ftecelpls, 48.548 bush. There was a good eiport dimann and with stronger outside advices prices advanced 3c. Quota tions! Car tola, In export elevator, No. 2 red pt and January, It.SSfl'Uli Ne. 3 red West ern, tl.4391.4Si No, 1 Sorlhem DUluth, 1.41 4J1.40. COIIN. Itecelpls, lS.lptt bush. There was a good export Inquiry and prices advanced ic. tal ... 1a( M,r milat flntl unGhange!. Quotations! far lots, In export elevator, No. a, spoi nnn January, ottirtuc.i.sieamwi, J4Uo.i No, , WOMUo. Car .lots tor local trade, a to) location. No. 2 yellow, new, 18W 7S'4o. I steamer yellow, new, 77et'!4M No' ' nw. nw. January .... .123, Ml, Sl'i t62Jt t52', May 65, fi.1V. Mi 5.l(, 'S.-n, July i 53S 53 524 52lJ 1535 LATa January ....10.B7 10.07 10.52 10.B2 lo.fi,1 May 10.95 10.05 10.80 10.80 110.02 lllu, January 49.82 a.ixi ilay 10.25 10.25 10.10 ti0.15 11U23 Pork January ... '18.20 1K.32 1R.1R 18.20 18.45 Slay, 10.00 10.00 18.75 18.80 18.03 II lil. tAsked. FIBB ASSOCIATION UP ?25 Stetson Shares Down 10 .Points nt Auction Small Changes Elsewhere. Except for a 25-poInt rlso In Fire As sociation shares price changes at the local auction eale of securities wero not especially wide or frequent today. National State Bank of Camden stock rose 114 while Third National Bank de clined 6!i. There was a 10-polnt fall In John B. Stetson stock and a recession of 314 In Citizens' Passenger Railway. AUCTION SALES The following securities were sold by Messrs. Uornes Sc Lofland, auctioneers, today: 10 sin. Tenth National Hank 11H4 25 shs People's National lira Ins Co... IB 130OU Jersey Shore Gas Co., 5 p 0 BO 11 shs Corn Exchange National Bank 200 1.000 Western New York & I'ennsylvanla Railway Co, 4 p c " 78 2000 Hudson County Uaa Co 5 p c 101'i 20CO Lehigh Valley It It Co, p c UO', inoo Kort Wayne & Wabash Valley Trao tlon Co. 5 p c 70 I01XI Wilmington Oas Co, 5 p o U14 20CO Lehigh Coal & Nav Co, 414 p o 14) 100 shs Mohave. Minerals Co pref and 1400 shs Mohave Minerals Co com Uot $23 21 shs Corn Exchange National I)ank....2H) 27 shs Corn Exchange National Bank...2tV 1500 United States ot America, D p c...lO0si 250 Cleveland & Erie It ft Co, 6'p c, and $250 Cleveland Sc Erie R It Co. B p c.LAt $100 8 shs Farm Sc Msch Nat Bank 134 10 aha National State Hank, Camden, N J. 210 2.1 slra Third National Bank 250 S ehs Continental-Equitable Trust Co... 02 10 she West End Trust Co 1115 50 aha Philadelphia Warehouse Co 101 2 shs Fire 'Association of Philadelphia. .32.1 5 shs Independence Fire Ina 8eo Co.... 2.Vi 1 in Citizens (10th and 11th sts) Pan Itwy Co , 2S0 1 sh John H. Stetson Co 310 6 shs Thirteenth & Fifteenth Sts Pass Itwy Co 210 50 shs Irfhlsh Coal & Nav Co TllU 20 shs People's National Fire Ins Co IB 70 shs People's National Fire Ins Co.... 10 82 shs Wire Class Cu 5'4 4 shs Philadelphia Bourse 44 2ft shs Glrard Nat1 Hank 313 $1000 Harrlsburg Clas Co. 6 p c 101 NEW YORK CUHB NKW YOllK. Jan. 13. The curb market Is dull ami Irregular this morning, with few, If any features, Sterling (lum developed pro nounced weakness, falling to 3U, The Listing Committee of tho New Tork Curb Market Association has admitted tn quo tation 100.000 shares of common stock of tho Stewsrt-Wartier Speedometer Corporation, hav ,w a Par value of $100. nraden ;; J4 'js Britlsh-Amerloan Tobacco old 1M 1!) Hi itlih-American Tobacco new 1SW 1!) ctolildeld Consolidated 11, It, Greene Cananea 21 , .0 l.a nose M Nlpllng 5V ' Oils KIator TJ ' nils Elevator preferred ...... WIW U.' niker-lleseman T WcS PucY.-pr-ifeVrVd":: ff jj t'nllod Cigar Stores.......... 7 United Clear Stores preferred.. X07 113 United Prodt Sharing new. ... 4 4 w'ttl.'a Dvrland nn n.1! wuivk Ovrland urt ferrtd . . . . 82 t)3 World Film 5J Tukon Gold -', Cotton Market Closed Lower NEW VOI1K, Jsn. 13. The eotton market opened In sympathy with Liverpool, two to three points net higher, but after the call offerings were more liberal and prftes weak ened to a lots of cne point from latt night's finals. Houses with German connections con Himed to buy, while l.lmpool interests ami the big spot houses sold. Literpeol opened liberal points off. but rallied later on stunt toVerlng and good spot deinatid. Closing prices wero T to 12 points below the closing ytite;, 0p. j,fc. CIM. January .. ''s.M T.05 7.06 7.BS 7.M March .... U.2 S.27 .14 s.u Miv .I. 844 S.43 8.41 S..14 8.34 July II ... 8.W "-I 8', S!SS pJiiinW.. 5-09 00 0.PQ .SO S.90 Spot. 8.00, RAILBOADS OKDER EQUIPMENT It becaw known today that the Philadel phia atid Waadln Railway ,9nwny b4 ,r 5eVed l0,a tons of steel Mil tat iwvi ol ItV roaln lK tracks, the rlrst rolf ersr given L the ra If. several wsrsi A jfei a. ion, lb present prl 'or rail, the order will cal, ihL order was pUoo.1 iib th PemldnU sutd Wmpany. Long 1,Utui Rajirosul bu ordered W paswngtr cars rrmn the Standard gteel Car CeoijABy. 4C.I 1 veltnn,. iimt. TfttntMLt i aatnhle velti heTSc.fnew cob, per TO lbs., J4J6c. OATS. Itecelpts. 12,88.1 l.uh. Trade was quiet, but price, were well maintained, Quo tnttonii Nn. 2 white, tSOHHftl .standard white, 87B3T'4c.; No. 8 white, Wli'Sfilc. H.VK was firm under very small supplies, nve quote at $1.1 101.10 per bush., as to qual ity. In eport elevator, and .at $101.10 for small lots of nearby grain In begs. . rj.Otm. rtecelpte, 3010 bbls. and 1.008... fcs, lbs. in sacks. Demand was slow and un sstlatactory and tho market was. practi cally nominal In the absence of business. We quote per 100 lbs. In woodi Winter, clear, $3.60&0j do., straight. $0.2500.501 do.. Ptfnt K..00a7! Kansas, straight, into sacks, $B.50 B.T.1; do., patent, lule ' sackO W-WSJi1'.'' spring, first, clear, $0tfn,2fll do., straight, $0.40 68.00: da, potent, Io.0oij7.15i do., favorite brands, $7.2537.50; city mills, choice nnd fancy patent, $7.2VB7.60i pity mills, res; ular giades. winter, clear, $5.r0ffflS w'ni strslght. $3.25O0.60i winter, patent, $0.O0U T.15. , ItYK I'LOUIt. Values firmly held, bilt trade quiet. Wo nuote nearby and Western, In wood, at $0.257, a to quality. PROVISIONS .The market steady, but trade quiet and largely ot a Jobbing character. ,': tionsi city beef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 2IM?27ci Western beef. n sets. smoked, 2ft4)Ie.; do., city beef, knuckles nnd lenders, smoked and alr-drled, 2S320C.I do.. MeSi?!1. b.fl knuckles, and, tenders, mok.'d :2J2!!9'L fef hams, $320331 Pork,,;smlly. $24B24,60! hams. 8. K cured, loose. 131414c.: do., skinned, loose. 13ai3Mc.i do., do., smok ed. 13l4c.j other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and avcrago. lmalSc.t .h"". smoked. Western cured. 14W4rl5c,: do., boiled, boneleis, 20!I21e.! plcnlo shoulders. B. P. cured, loose. llOU'lct do., smoked. 12012UC.: !,?!il.B.".', n Pickle, accordlne to average, loose. Hemic I breakfast bacon, as to Brand and average, cltv cured, 1718!.! do.. . Western cured, t-iftlRc.: lard. Western, refined, tierces. llWlllicj do., do., tuba. IlsJlllSc.: dp., purs city, kettlo rendered. In tierces. ilOl?;,d0 pure city, kettle rendered, In tubs. 11011vic REFINED SUGARS 1 allien nrmlv hi.t. hut irnde oulet. Tteflners' list prices- Htandard granulated, Do.; fine gran ulated. 4;5c- powdered. 0.05c.; confoctloners A, 4.85c.; oft grades, 1.10114. TOt:. DAIRY PRODUCTS HUTTKlt Buyers wero operating. only for actual Whnts. but demand was sufficient to absorb the limited receipts of fnncy stock, prices of which ruled firm. Quotations: West ern, fresh, sollil-pnckcd, creamery, fancy, spe cials, 3Uc ; extra, 34c; extra llrsts. 33c; firsts, 32c ; seconds, 2Se.i ladle-packed. 22fl.'4p., as to quality; nearby prints, fancy, 37c; do., aver age extra.. 3Bc; do., firsts. 3334c.; dp., sec onds, SSfeitUr. Special fancy brands ot prints Jobbing nt 4204 (c. l'.Ul'S Supplies nt iflne new-laid egga wero very smull and tho market ruled llrm, with trado fair. Quotatlonr In free cases: Nearby, extras, 49c. per dor..: nearby fli sts. $13.20 per standard case: mixed, hold and fresh and ordinary stock, Jlo.SOS'tl.'O per case; Western, extra firms, $13.20. per case: do., flrsts, $li!.vu Per case; Southern, fUit 12.1.0 per case, llefrlgerator eggs, spring packed, choice. 27028c. ir dos.i do., ordlnary lo fair, 23SJ25C. per dox. Fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 4!nf.ilc. per dor. , ... CIIISI'SK Trade fair and values sleadlly held under moderate offerings. Quotations: New York, full-cream, earlier receipts, choice, lUc. ; do., do., current make, choice, 15c; do.. no., lair 10 goou. i,,i(rx-?,c, , uu run. n.o, SS13c. POULTRY LIVE Demand fair for desirable slock and the market steady under moderate otrer- in?s. Quoinuons: powis. jjioc; om ruoic,, .Hi lbs. apiece, per pair, 40if43c: old, per pair. tuuMtK:.; pigeons, per pair, iuw'o. DItEHSHI). Offerings of desirable stock only moderate, and values of this description well maintained with trade fairly active. Quotations: Turkeys, dry packed I'ancy, large nearby. 2122; do.. Western. 21c; average receipts, lU01!c.: In ferior. 12Sl3c: No. I old. lSc Fowls, 12 to bov, dry-packe., telected heavy, ll)c; weighing 1V.5I3 lbs apiece, 18c: do., UiVi lbs. apiece, lt'fc: do.. I lbs. nplece, 17c; do.. 315 lbs. apiece. 15W15!'.c; do., 3 lbs. and under, 12 13. Fowls, bbls., dry-packed Western, dry picked. 4',..(B5 lbs. apiece. 17c; do., do., 4 lbs. 18o ; do., do., 3t4 lbs. 14c; do., do.. 3 lbs. and under, 124fl.lo. Old roosters, dry-picked. 13c Broiling Chickens-Nearby. l!s2lna. apiece, 2UW22e.; do., fair to good. 1 HO lso.; Western. l',42 lbs. apiece, 20c; do., fair to good. 14018c Chickens, dry-packed. In boxes Milk-fed, 31 to 30 lbs. to doz., 17c: m Ik-fed 37 to 42 lbs. 10 doz.. 17c; milk-red, 4.1 to 47 lbs. to dox.. 17c; milk-fed. 48 lbs. to dpi, 18c; milk-red, 00 lbs. and over, 10c: corn-fed, 31 to 42 Jbs. to doz., lSSJlSKc: corn-fed, 4.1 to 47 lbs. to doz. 10c; corn-fed. 48 lbs, and ovtr tn doz.. 17c; corn-fed. 00 lbs. and over, 18c Boasting chickens, dry-packed, In bbls. Western, mtlk-fcd, dry-picked. 5 lbs. and over Ho ; Western mtlk-fcd T 4 lbs., 10c; Western, milk-fed, 31, lbs., 14'4c; Western, milk-fed, dry-p eked, mixed weights. HOHWc: West em. mllk-ted, 2h3 lbs.. 14c: Y'hrn. corn fedB lbs. and uver, 10c; Western, corn-fed. 4 ids.. 13c: Western, corn-fed, dry-picked, mixed weights. 14c: W'cstern. corn -fed, 31a lbs., 14c; Western, corn-fed, 2 iJJ.I lbs., Lie. J"""- e"r?i l"J.1"Z:: SSAtt. ."'K' -iV. ,",; 12Si15c Geese, nearby, 12(frl4c; do., Western, 1 ix? 12c Bauabs, per doz. White, weighing 11 to 1J r ibB.T per doz.. $4,403.1; white weighing 10 lbs., per uoz., ..-uyn.ou; i,,., "'.? ? lbs., per doz., $30.1.30; do., do.. 7 lbs doz.. 2.50fl2.so: do., do., flgOVa bs. per doz., $1.5002.10: dark and No. ., COa. es. uciawarw aiiji , ciui,)i,ii., , '- " -;: nges, Florida, per box. 5l.5p4j2.50; .tan- ; grapciruii. uer crate $182; cran- t) tolO lbs., per doz., f3.805I4.30; white yelgn- It'B 8 ner dc ?er doz., 1.23. FRESH FRUITS The genera! market quiet and. without tn portunt change. Quotations: Apples, New York, per bbi.-Klng. $2ft; Oreenlng. $2tgl; York Imperial, $202.7.1: Ben Davis. 2j2.50; Spy" $l.W-'.50: Baldwin. $1,7552.50; other good eatln .arletles, 1.7iC2.Wi, medium, $lt'l..4); apples, esiern, per uo. hittt.. appi per, crai gertnes. Florida, per ttrap. 2.) Florida, per box. lift2-; plneupnlcs, -.rt ,,n ,1 ..ISF' ".I. Klnrldfl. berries, fancy late -.arletles, per bbl fj'tjl: -'f.-k.'iJl !,. fnrt arlv f ack. tier bbl.. $2j(t; cranberries. Cape Cod. early black, per crate 75c.a$1.3U: cranberries, Jersey, per crate 75c.B$l 25; pears. Now York, klefler. ler bbl.. 1J2. strawlierrlcs. Florida. pr quart, 5tjt:0c. VEGETABLliS Ddnand fair for choice atock and value, gen erally well sustained. Quotations. While pota toes, per bush. Penna.. free from frost, 00 (13c; New York free from frost, ise.vw. ; whlto potatoes, Jersey, per baahai, 35W10C scet potatoes, Delaware, per hamper, large, lt.10Ol.25; medium, SOfliUJc: sweet potato,, KestiTii Shore, per bbl. No. 1. $282.75; No. 2. 11.5031.73; aweeta. Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, $3.28 ;i.6u: No. 2. $21i2.5U; sweets. Jereey. per bas., ClflOOc. Onions, choice, per bush., SOc; do., 01 ill nary, per bush., 70f75c; da., choice, tier ICO-lb. bats, $1.5oai.B0; do., niedlum, wr lOu-lq bag. 11.23: do., seconds per luo-lb. bag, $1; Cabbaco, Danish, per ton. IMWIU. Caullrtower, New York, per cralo, i5c.fl$1.25. 8i)luach. Norfolk, per bbl.. $ltfl.X. Kale, Norfolk, per Ml.. W75c l.etmce, Florida, per basket. $23 . do.. North Carolina, per basket, $1.60e S Beans. Ilorlda. per basket. $203.50; Peas. Florida, uer basket, .504r.&. KsKPlant. Florida, per box, $241. Cucumbers, Florida, rer basket, $1.7383 60. Bquash, Florida, per banket. $t.sn'.. Peppers, Flprlna. per car rier $2.50ff.'1.3O. Tomatoes. Florida, per car rler-Fancy, 2.503..in: choice. $1(11.50, Cel ery New York, per bunch, 35850c JIushrooms, per 4-lb. bask). $11 sq. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS I'HICAnO. Jan. 13.-IIOOS -Itecelpts 40.. 000. market sjrung to 6.;. higher. Mid and butchers. U..1.67; snoil heavy. JO-TSWI".!'; rough heavy. Jfl.5Miil.iO: 1 slit. $0.iiOifl.!)0; p"gs. f.H.14(M00 bulk. in.TIWB.ts). . I CATTLU-Beclpts, 111.001), market steady td 1 lie lower. Beeves. WeTO.UO: vons and heifers. fflMsWAV; Jtoeker. and lasders. $t.50.4u; Te'xJinr. $04740: ials. SStii.2.1 BlISBP-necelots, H'100: tnorket weak. 'N. t?e and Westeri. '.wapqj Iflubs. $68.T5. RESERVE BOARD HEARS PROTEST OM RESERVE BANK PUteburgh "Bankers Want Bank Wo Located in Cleveland. WASHINHTOr;, JJi. Ig.-Plttsburgh'ti protest Against the setecUon of Cleveland as tho site of tha reelohat reserve bank of the fourth district, ivaa heard by tha Federal Reserve Board today. A biff dele gation ot Pittsburgh and Cleveland busi ness men were present. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoe opened the heating and excused Iilmsslf, pleading other Important business. Ha promised to read carefully the report of the hearing and assured tho protestanta that his mind was entirely unbiased, eyen though he had been a, member of tha or ganization committee which selected Cleveland. W. W. Smith, chief counsel for Pltta burgh, opened by filing a list of petition from ti largo percentage of the member1 banks of the fourth district, asking that Pittsburgh bo selected for the regional reserve bank. Tho petitions were admit ted over Cleveland's protests pending; a decision as to the legal atatua of auch admission. Cleveland was represented by .T. .1. Sullivan and S. II. Tolles. Mayor N. TJ, Baker, of Cleveland, also occupied a seat at the counsel table. Counsel for Pittsburgh summed up the alleged financial supremacy of Pitta gurgh as the ohlef argument for tha selection of that city. He aald that Cleveland had but seven member banks of the 4th District, whereas Pittsburgh had 27 banks. The bank deposits of Cleveland, he said, were $40,000,000 com pared to $130,000,000 In Pittsburgh. Northern New Jersey bankers were also hoard In opposition to tha Inclusion of northern New Jersey In the Philadel phia district. They wish to be part cf the New York reserve district, claiming that tho deflection of New Jersey busi ness to Philadelphia Is a decided setback. LIVE STOCK ClllCAOO, Jan. 1 the 'arteus centres t-hluano I'. 8. Yard, Kansas City 4fj Omaha. .,,',1 grUwU N. Stack Vl a&citv:::::-:;-tt: SfSh.:::.-:ir::: .EOEIPTS ik runs today at Cattle. Sheep. 1H,U) iifixtt 3,f0 12.500 SLVm IMU s,(ou t,jVi titau iliWu T.COO FEW FEBRUARY MATURITIES Total About $63,000,000, Exclusive of Railroad Equipments. It Is estimated that there are fewer securities maturing In February than In nny month tho first half of this year except April. Tho total la only ap proximately "133,000,000, exclusive of rail road equipment trust maturities. This compares with about $63,000,000 In January. W,0O0.O0O In March, and $133.000,K in June, thn high month. For tho February maturities, financing to moct nearly $28,000,000, or over half Of them, has already been arranged. This ha been by tho sale of $20,000,000 three year notes by the International Harvester Company of New Jersey to meet $16,000,000 notes maturing February IB and $5,000,000 (bank loans, and by tho Chicago and North Western sale of HO,000,000 6 per cent, gen eral mortgage bonds against the maturity of J12.R32.00O consolidated 7s on February 1. This lr-avcs 2,680,000 New York Central notes, due In London February 1, as the largest February maturity yet to be arranged for. INCOME TAX "BTJIiINa Corporations May Cnango oriod to VBe Covered by the Returns. Ephralm Lederer, Internal Revenue Collector, stntes that a corporation which desires to change the period to be cov ered by Its Income tax return has a right, by giving notice on or before Janu ary 2D, 1915, which Is not less than 30 days prior to March 1, 1916, to make a return ffir part of the year 1914, and later on render a return for its own fiscal year. For Instance, a corporation which made a return for the entire calendar year 191S has the right by giving such notice to render a return for six months ending June 30, 1914, and within 00 days after June 30, 1915, tile a return for Its fiscal year ending June 30, 1916, and so on from year to year. It Is Important, however, that the notice be filed In the collector's olllce on or before January 29. If tha notice Is not tiled on or before that data the corporation must make a return for tho lull calendar year ending December 31, 1914, even though tta books were not closed on that date. GOVERNMENT BONDS n nt 10.10. registered ...... Bid. Asked. . OT 2s of 11W0. coupon..... i ...... Panama 2s, registered W" ...... Panama 2s, coupon........ J? T.nnoma nnar 'ts. registered. .... .101 ... trait .no . .isn .., .B.-.-. - .... ..-- Pnnama. now 3s, coupon lot) 103' '"?'." ' .. -...5 ' ' " -" .1 mat " V .iStf- ' :""" UMI -inn' iin Ut Jil". wvuK".. ....... 4s 01 ll-o. rcsisiereu .... 4s ot 1025, coupon im '...10Q!i .... NEW YORK CO-TEE MARKET NEW YORK, Jan. 13. The l0"'". niarket tioenett week. Futures declined 2 to 3 points. Opening futures; March. T0.42c.t May. tl 5T0.n!ic. : June, n.40ea.sic; July. T.3&rj T.40c. ; September, T Klc, bid. RATES EOR MONEY Philadelphia , 4V4CO 4 IM New York 1W3 Sttfll Boston .,.,, -Jni? Chicago 4ViOSH 4UUS Mercantile paper, three to six months.. VhUtv dclphla. 4',sa4H pet cent, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cerra .ponding day last to years; S!",a,d;,u'i-!a.,l5.'7yu.'f;PrS JSliffl 333 Chicago ... 01,412.0111 M.Utll.441 f,J,oUT,Oi New York. . , .28t,SW,l)2a 30U.2T0.383 318.23l.e3U Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Days 1MJ VV New York .....,. 4U Dilladolphla 4J, Boston ??? Chicago HI, IjQUIS .., Cleveland .. lUrhmond .. Allenta .... Kansas City Mlnneattolts Dallas ,,, 6 San (rraucisco ,..,., e -it i ..., 4V a a s 3 a n s & s s s at ANNUAL MEETINGS THE riULAUEU'IIIA NAT10NAI. HANK. ThlladelpbU. January 13. 1013. At the annual election held on the 12th In stant, the following Stockholders were sleeted Wrectors of this Bank, to serve fur the eatu. ins year, vis, : k. pate uensaq Samuel Ties Pierre 8. duPont Thomas 8. dates Itlehard Aahhurst Lincoln Qodfrey t! torse Wcod Al(rl C. llaniron lvi U Hue doorae H. .r"1'' ieerss ji. aicrauusu Asa 8. Winar Samuel ST, Vauclaln William II. uonner m r.Sk. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EQGS N:W YOIJK. - ' TJ,--BrTT.--MrH s.eaay: is-f'isw. w.v -,? . ersvfiHr.,. d.ili -M4r . IralutIM) t4wrer tt4t-k f.i.us." Market atroiia. re-jpM. u vases UfcSP tMf -! V- , I,V-H, IWW, . b-i- bUu. -. . narb. uu.i 4 .. tefitiw4, ants, JfTJjf jSi. Foreign Discount Rates ; Vienna . ltauk Pau of last rate. .c A A!. . . fi Aug, 8 PeC. . .1 A us . 6, Oct ajri-it fi. UU4 FPREIGN EXCHANGE NW YOllK. Jw 13 ira.il'ig in siiiln u ,a- ttrv ILant at t hr UU !, lit th IwsUB ehWM "! Ujn,i s. uuoied BAR SI1VSR fcta$ si)t u idu aii.ru.i' .e j-i iy - 1S-18 i't-ui-ir per e ,a lo,iiv Ns Tor .all-,. j iJ,u. -I t.ut. tflnsham li. Morris Wallace D. Simmons nnd-t llor.an Samuel p. 1'-rrtper At a meeting or ine Directors cem nus aay. lilt. -r'VI U RUB was unanimously re elected President. Mr Lincoln Oodfrsy de clined re-election as Vice President. MB 11. J. UESKIt and ,M VU 8. MAtv DON were elected Vice Presidents and Mr. HOHACH FOItT-SCCB t appointed Cash- Hn,y 3NOUTinVESTJN NATIOMAI.' MANS - phllailtlpha. January 12, 1813. At the Annual Election held ibis day. tin following Dlrec tor were n-altetsd; SUnard A. Schmidt Edw, a at,mlhir Otto C. Wolf Harry A. Poth n. Ohas. Murtha Otto W. Bchaum Oodfrsy It. Bebmann Win. B. Severn John 3S. Hanlfm Unferd C. Nice A. Kaymond BaB John tt. Mvesey Andy lirann Jo-tBh I. Wlttman Apor uiWOKP C N1CB Cashier A-rxm TUB AWJOAT. MEOTlbQ OF T1IH flT C?tlbutBrs ul Manaer af the l'enu Asylum for Iiidueot liWu uuJ Sli,. gte Womfu In the dlstrlst of K.ulm;lii. in IBS VWvBe V - WlU511,.J, pivwhi -n- earner of Heler4e stand east Su-!iueliilu:i avef. will be field Thurad-y. Jan, Hth, , at S v, ruu, at th Initltutlim Mltg. WAYNB P. nAMBO. Serc4ar. i)iiti;ciouv pi' ACCiovrAVW ruhlW AfMJII4 l,f-- l -. -..., I li lur iu.lU, ltvtuir-tt. H-mu: ... -.sit.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers