fiZP rtf frHT L tfiGHT tfXTRA iir .P ! - - -A-LA i 1. it -i - "' " ' . .. . J.ULJ.LH. .-.-..I"'.. !"."" '" '".ww,w '"" i ! w in i , ii'iwww ism imii i .aaa mm as i iwwiii ip)iw w wmmii wimiiiiiww -J-asBtasaaaspssssssssjis-s 1H SmVWaSaWttViiJmS TIT TTKTTTT1 TTTaA'RT Joseph Chambers, captain of tho Lob- VI" JTI TT "T1 Th TXT feSmS'SIS&S JM ipl$ ?4VSlim).WWI i 1 III Bilill U II BJoBaXI ator Naw Year-a Club, at City ft M fW II D O O I fl ' fMWM?hWM" ffl feKIWpifWfil 1 M g I t1 9 V Vl B I r 1 1 1M 1Ial1 ln tn9 ' parade today. His 11 IM D f I H H K f 8,T Mlf4W,l ' 11 WffPg AJL1 iIIIIJJ Ul VII Immense capo, carried by n pages. XlllV 1 II Li II UlXA BP4vWS8'' 'HI iHuumv'u4?' a jrfi vi v? .ffl -- - . v. .v vviji;' j(j.ij.iim. ).) 'i awjt. siiiriLPn i nnii- Am-kn nnri nuaraMfiAM nninnn i n n .i i i ii ni ii u i i . i . i i 1 1 ti m h i i i i mi .w i bm i firmiaa CHARLES DUMONT Lobster Club captain, who won prize for fancy costumes. MOTHER KILLS CHILD BY-FIRE AND SEEKS DESTHINSAMEWiY Disheartened Woman Satu rates Clothing of Herself I ana opn witn ixerosene and Applies Match. ' A woman Beeklng escape, from frequent family quarrels poured ooal olt over her elf and her E-year-old son today and set Are to It. The child Is dead and the woman Is dying-. The husband and father, arrested on suspicion, calmly went to sleep, the police say, half an hour later on the bench In a cell at (the Fourth and ' Tork Btreets station. . - The woman,, Is at the -Episcopal Hos pital. She Is Lyflla, Rhelnbolder, 28 years V old, 2247 North Laurence street Iter son i was Raymond, 5 years old, Tho husband la Anthony Rhelnholaer, 31 years old, formerly a cook at the Hotel Walton. A half dressed man ran to the police station shortly before B o'clock, this morning- and excitedly told the police there was either a murder or a Ararat; tho North Lawrence street address. Special, policeman Clifton and Redmond, ah4'?er geant Brady went to tho. house ln the patrol wagon. ' , FIND PAIR. IN. BLAMES. They forced, open the front door. The hall was fog;gy with the pungent smoke of burning kerosene. Penetrating' through this to. the second floor, the bluecoats aw what appeared to be a bed ln flames In a twondrstory front room, Shrieks thatflUed the ah- seemed to he emanat ing from una room. Alorissldo the, bed they found the writh ing forms ot tho woman and boy, the clothing of each blazing fiercely. The flamef wera extinrulahed with ruKS and rubber blankets. After the woman and child had been started for the hospitals the special policemen stayed ' behind to fleut the lira and search the house. Rhemholder was arrested on suspicion of arion, but'boforo his arraignment be fore Magistrate Glenn for & hearing1 this was dropped. The woman absolved her husband ln & statement to the magistrate at tho hos . -pltal. Bhe, declared she had lunlted the ' oil-soaked clothing of herself and- he--. son. When she was told the boy was etlll alive she expressed disappointment Me died a short time later. Elw explain ed that ahe and her husband had. quar Teled frequently and ahe was tired ot life. He told her he would rather be In dall than live with her, she said. The rnan was held without ball to await tho result of the bums sustained by his wife and child. No specific charge has been made against him. Prior to his arraignment Rhelnholder was 'looked In a cell at the station house- rhe turnkey, who went tor mm vnen tne taurine was called a short time later. J-fpun him curled up oa the narrow eel JOI'V- pu"11 """"W .. John JJouRneriy, ""f-n wrouH street. Is the man who discovered the Ore In the house- When he ran Into the t he SAW inroua w lecvaa-uuvr : windows of the Rheinholder hout itisg4re of flame, and Immediately noti fied tbejBQllce. Neighbors of tho family say the woman has been drinking at-d there have been many flghU ln the horn within the last few weeks. Mrs. Rheloholdsr lapsed into unwcIou-neaa oon after being ad mitUd to the hospital, and this out Abort Jwr fttaiemefit a MtstetraU Qlan. NOTED IMPERSONATOR, PRIZE WmNIGMUMMER CLUB AND VICTORIOUS IT'S 1915 DON'T FORGET WHEN YOUWRITE DATES This Arlvica is Sure to Ba IgnoTed by Army olt the Absent-minded, This Is 1915. " " "' r -3t'"- lien and women who write letters or anything else requiring' a date should beware of being a,year behind the times. Tho yoar of 19H is dying hard, as did Its predecessor, Moro stationery will be destroyed to day than any. other day of tho year, due to slips -of the pen and tho fingers of blonde typists, some of whom probably do it with malice aforethought because they do not get a holiday. Untold wealth In checks will be torn up for being a .year old, which the makers will dlscoverafter blotting them. Many a letter mode on this flrst day of the glad New Year will bo a year old long before It Is made, owing to the absentmlndedness of the writer In affixing the date. Beware of habit Hewaro of the lurking . THE WEATHER Well, It wsb a great time, wasn't it? And today, as a holiday, you probably have lots of time for contemplation 'of to just what extent it was so. Which Is half 'the, joy of say good tlmo. Were you on Broad street at one end of a horn or were you at home explaining the racket to the kiddles? Ilowover, it does not mako much difference. It Is simply a matter of taste concerning resolutions It would not be today If something Was no said about them. Ex-Governor Stuart was. approached recently- and asked to make an address At a business men's luncheon, "Are you," he replied, "an or ganization 'of reoolvers or an organiza tion of doersT", Nuff sed. ' FORECAST For Phttadilphia and vicinity Fair, with not rnuoK ohanga in tem perature j , . Observations' at Philadelphia a Si M,'" . TMnSraMre "'" "'." . .i 0- Vlj1SF7y,, .,...'..,,,',., .".', ,'." .S3&oVt!',' Ji" mlUi l'clt!uflon lint ii tuMira ...'.vx.V. V'wSl Miiftllr-... -.- " .-."..'" 'W "' j; BCimiS (V4.VVV"""""' 2. uton 'tom'tfrVEre 'I!:;:::!:::::;;:::: Almanac of the Say HUB ML U '. '. 4:4! Bun r! tomorrow as P.m. a.Tm. TJ.'in. Uoon ruts ;! Lamps to Be lighted Autos and other vMlir: ,-SiOOp.ta. Tb.a'ride'B PORT RICHMOND. Ijw water ......,.;.,..,,,......, iWp. m, Utw water tomorrow 0;SQ. m, CIIB3TKUT PTIlHJ?r WIfAH, Low wattr MS p. m. Low watr tomorrow V 5iila!ml RW3DT 13UWQ, Ijdv water f, , 8:3 mm. niU iMr ji.i iii?ap. in. l4XYt Wf liuyi.ww .,...,.... (jQB. to BR8&KWATBB. Lprw water .....,,",.,.,.. 3 HIsO wawr. .........,...,i U)yt wr lotnorrow. ..-.,. - J. . inJaiW. BKATltiQ TODAY There it sfcafinji ioday- on C7e court and OuiHwi X.a Jft ystfr mpunt Park aiwS on WtdsaMetetn Qreek o&ow KWfe avtm. .i in --- 1 1 - r-r ' ' " r n mnmn KAISER GAINS IN DRIVE UPON FOE'S LINE IN THE ARGONN French YieJ3 Ground Be fore Violent Assaults in Forest of La Grurie,But Concentrate Fresh Forces for Counter At tacks at Threatened Point. German Forces Fail in Six Attempts to Take Trenches Between Meuse and Moselle Fierce Can nonade Continues on West Flanders Front. THe French War Office today ad mits, in Unofficial communique, that mc vjcunauj iiuvc (jauicu jjiuuuu in the fighting in the Argonne-region. This gain Is" measured in yards only, but the .ground was won after "desper ate fightlnffjand is being held despite furious counter attacks. On the other hand, the French are again on the offensive in the region of Verdun and are slowly advancing to ward the northeast. Between the Meuie and the Moselle six violent at tacks by the Germans have been re pulsed. Petrograd chronicles enormous. slaughter of Gerpians-in an attempt to control the Bzura River. The Kaiser's picked troops were mowed down in a desperate fight at Bollnow, in which Russian losses were admittedly heavy, Berlin does not admit loss of this contested ground, but in an official re port relates that heavy fighting con tinues on the cast bank of the Bzura as well as along the Rawka. This would, indicate that the Russian re ports of Von Hindenburgs retire ment were premature. Renewed naval activity Is shown in the attack by 30 ships of the AllieV fleets pn Pola, Austria's naval base, on, the Adriatic '.'A heavy Turkish detachment Is Concluded on Page Fonr ;man, starving, colupses fells' Police Be Had Wot Eatea Jfor Six Days. A utarrlnff rnan collapsed today at tn and Market streets and ho was sur rounded by men, women and children hurrying to View the mummers parade. The man was helped tp hla feet and then Uiea to th detective bureau were h.e wo given food, The man sail he was Herman Baird, a former cock on the Atlanta liner, He lost bis postUon whA thai war brot out H jd Its fati btt -mthwt l,c4 lor MX UajJl, tmto. -Basff-Lasa, Ms, jKKjf i THILADELPIHA, FRIDAY, JANITAHY 1, 1015. Pluckily ItesumoB Burden of Cape, nnd Marches On. Joseph Chambers, captain of tho Lob ster New Year's Club, collapsed at City Hall ln tho mummers' parade today. Ills Immense cape, carried by 75 pages, parted. The capo weighed 1000 pounds. Several policemen and bystanders helped him to his feet and ln a fow minutes ho conducted his court triumphantly past tho Judges. Ho wan rewarded with prolonged applause. His capo was then carried in two sections. Tho collapse was caused by tho weight of the cape, which extended from curb to curb and which was supported by Chambers' shoulders. DAZZLING SHOW IN PAGEANTRY Beauty and Splendor, Fun and Frolic Held Sway in Parade of New Year's Merry Men. rniZES AWARDED FANCY CIAJI13 LOBSTER CLOTJ Ftnt Frlze ....- .....1059 COTAHUES KLEIN Second Frlxo 400 SILVER OHOWN Third rrize ....... K ZOO JOSEPH CHAMBERS, of Lobater-Cluh -Rut Dreued Captain 100 MICHAEL J. QUrOLET, Silver Crown ' Club. Handaomeat Contains A 1 SO cosno CLUDS WHITE CAPS First Prixo . .1080 M. A. -BRUDER Second rrize , ....,,...' too FEDERAL Third rrize zoo D. R. OSWALD roorth Prize ,'...... 1B0 ROBERT E. MORROIV Fifth Prize .,., It D. CAMPBELL Slzth rrlio , ,. 00 FRED ALLOEIER, of Whlto Caps Moat Comlo Dreized Captain .......... 100 WM. J. REMBNTBR. Captain, Bruder Club, Uwt Comleat Coitnme .,,.,.......,.. SO FXOAT8 YELLOW CONVICT SHIP, OF WHITE CAPS. Firtt Prize ,, ,. ...SIM "MADE IN PHILADEIPHIA,M OFM. A. BRUPER QLtJB, Second Prize ,,,..,..,.,,,.,,. 100 EVA- FAY, MIND READER, OF FED ERAL CLUB, Third Prize , M IRISH QUEEN, OF BRUDBR CLUB. Fourth Prize . .,.,...,,.,... ,. W ITALIAN HOTEL, OF FEDBRAIi CLTJxt. rifin Prize .v ,...,..,..,.,. IS 15IUaADK9 BAUER KRAUT BAND. POTTSVILLH. Pint Prize ...100 TRILT STRING BAND, SaconJ Prize . . W FEDERAL LEAGUE JUMPERS OFy BRUPER CLUB. Third Prize . 0 IRISH SHARPSIIOOTER3 OF WHITE CAPS. Fourth Prize M SPECIAL FEATURES OAKBY HTTRINO BAND, ylrat Prize , .1100 FRANK CJARTBR, ,,FBMALX3 IMPBR lONATOB, OF LOpfiraR QLpB. Seas4 PlM- f KAFFIR CHIEF, J. VmWBX MBYBR8. 0F 30HH BORRBLJ4 0&&&. Third Priw u The nw year sUft4 oft MjMstl)r tfcU jaoruisa wtth lt mxiamw ira4e. A m " " - t ANOTHER Bl ATTLESHIP 700 YICTIM ormidablej 15,000 Tond War Craft, Senf to Bottom In English Channel, Supposedly by German Submarine. Only 71 of Crew Res cued. Admiralty Admits Loss of , Vessel, Sister Ship of Bul wark, of Second Line of Defense Icy Waters Destroy Hope of Saving Others of Crew Victim Was Patroling Coast. LONDON, Jan. 1. Britain today lost another of her seo-ond-llns battleships. The Formidable, sister. ship to the Bulwark, which was destroyed on Thanksgiving Day, was blown up in the English Channel. It la feared that at least 700 members of the crew of 780 have been lost The Admi ralty says 71 aurvlvqrs are known to have been picked up. Hope is held out that at least a few others may have been saved. Wltlle the official announcement says It Is' not yet known whether the disaster was -due to a submarine or a mine, it Is generally believed that the submarines have scored again. The German under seas craft have been active In the chan nel and along1 the Belgian coast for the last month, and It has required the ut most precautions on the part of the Brit ish naval commanders to keep their ves sels out of danger. While the loss of the battleship herself is minimized ln official circles, inasmuch as ahe was not considered In the first line strength, the loss of the trained- officers and men who manned her Is most serious. Just what other warships wero In com pany with the Formidable when she was destroyed is not permitted to become known. That they made for safety im. mediately, abandoning the Formidable to her fate, in accordance wtlh the Ad miralty rules, I certain. a-o,thls is due the heavy casualty Ust, The water of the Channel Is so cold at present that the sailors had little chance for life. The Admiralty's announcement was: The battleship Formidable was sunk this morning In th Channel. It a un certain whether by mine or sub marine. Seventy-one survivors have been picked up. and it Is possible that toer may he others ot yet rewrted. Th ae$ttatJe- in the AdJraJty tafea mnt ei oid; H survivors tedlate4'tbat tlw tote) death list would rwich at least 76 unless late report add a tho Tk FwwWlabU was a. lUr sttte of tha CopTinont, 19H,nr tni rcsuo Ltnxitn Counter. CLOWN CAPTAIN CHARLES Famous for his ballet THIEVES IN 7 LOGAN HOMES, 4 OF THEM IN ONE BLOCK Carry 0f Loot From Four, Scared Off at Others. For tho second time within a week thieves niado n raid on seven Logan homes and carried off nearly J350 worth of Jewelry, according to reports mado to police headquarters today. A short tlmo ago a band of robbers visited Logan homes and carried off Jewels from nine residences, after fenst Ing and playing the piano ln one of the homes. Special policemen of the Branch town station are of the opinion that the robberies last night wore the work of the samo gang. Tho thieves wero successful In robbing four 'houses, but were scared off after they hod forced their way Into three others. During the absence of Mrs. Thomas Corcoran, Sill North 15th street, they forced an outside cellar window and got Into tho house. They carried off jewels valued at JSR At tho homo of J. H. Gtmml, 5110 North Broad street, tho thloves smashed a dining room window and carried off Jewelry valued at 151. They entered the home ot Charles F. Puff, 612J North 15th street, and after smashing the glass In a second-story window carried off $30 worth of Jewelry. Next door, at the home of Ebll J, Bchwat, 6127 North 15th street, n pair of golf cuff links valued at J12 was taken. After they had smashed a front win dow at the home of Frederick Krepp. 5129 North 15th street, the thieves wero fright ened off. Unsuccessful attempts were also made to rob the homes of Thomas F. Shuster, 4637 Old York road, and John Gluck, 5123 North Broad street. WOMAN'S ACT SAVES 70 WHEN ALMSHOUSE BURNS Telephone Operator Summons Aid aa Flames Sweep Institution. BALTIMORE, Md Jan. 1. The Balti more County Almshouse, at Texas, 12, miles from Baltimore, was swept by Are today. Tiiat 7Q 'Inmates escaped despite a panla Is due to the promptness of Mrs. Ella Foreman, tho teWIiono operator at Cockeysvllle, thieo miles away. Six. In firm Inmates wero carried from the fourth floor of tho Institution by Superin tendent Chllcote Residents of Cockeysvllle, who saw the blaze on the almshouse roof, called Mrs. Fpreman. She In turn called the alma house and informed tho superintendent that the place was a (Ire. Then she called the county firemen and volunteers. Mrs. Foreman says when she told the man who answered the almshouse phone that the place was afire she could hear screams. The building was a three-story frame structure on top of a hill. The upper floors were burned away, and the fire men won praise because they saved the lower portions in the face pf cold and wind. Frozen ponds hampered firemen, who found it necessary to pump water 120Q feet. ANXIOUS HUSBAND A SUICIDE m-iiasy-spi s Fearing for Wife's Safety ln Bel gium, Han Kills Himself. Worry pver the safety of hla wife In Belgium is believed to have been re sponsible for the sulolda of Narian Gubernat, 221& Wood street, who died early today in the German Hospital from a bullet wound in the right temple. Qubernat shot hlmsejf late yesterday atyernoon ln Psirtuoujit Park near the Lincoln monument Fark Guard KUv of the WoeJford Quard House heard 4 revolver stot and found Gubernat Wm g th " a abort dMaaw from the t(ntu(at. Ha li ki8.H revolver hi hU right bapd. Physicians At the German HospMsl, wtieie be was taaen. believed Gvtbernat wight survive, hut ea'ir tula monuwr Us eondilien grw more serious. He died, shortly afterward Attempts will o niada to K-mnmweate with H'f. Wuhei-at " "" .T.W-W-.M. . . - M,lBd.IM. . - . . f yj.;. fry ft f.-p-ff Ht'. Ftf Wt ft ffll . I .M' . .'' l'l'l 1 J1. JllUBHMJSJi-tt. ifllii "" " "' ' ' "" i" .H..1M u ThH NIGHT -..;), PBIOIBOKEdJSHaC t 1 " V V BEIX girl impersonations. SCIENTISTS OFFER - THEIR BRA1SF01 WORK IN RESEARCH. Three Noted Savants 'ri-; nounce Willingness to Aid Science After, Death by $ Bequests. Three noted scientists of the many at. .-...... .1..- M,U ........a ....ln.. -.4 .W.. 4 convention of the American Association for tho Advancement of Science, at the University of Pennsylvania today- de cleared themselves In faVbr 'of willing their brains to science after death for re search work. Their action Is looked upon aa the first step In a revival of this Idea, first put forth generally by Prof, 3art G, Wilder, retired, who formerly held the chair of physiology at Cornell. The question is being discussed Informally today amoitif tho scientists, and several are expected to announce the Intention of bequeathing their brains for researchS-work. The professors who Intimated an in tention to do this are Dr. L, Q. Howard, of the Department of Agriculture Wash ington; Dr. JI. Skinner,', of the' PhUsdeJk phla Academy of Natural Sciences., ap4 Prof. Edward C. Pickering, pot ad. astron omer, of Harvard University. Doctor Howard is the most enthuslasUa of the three. He bollave remarkable achievements would fqUdwj lf,valt Ms scientists willed their brants fop. medical research and unequlvocalljjJeclared him-, self in favor of the IdeW Doctor Piefc. erlng and Doctor Hklnner ar mpre, re served. Doth say the study ot brains ptscletittstsi should clear up many problems, but, with other scientists attending; the oenvenllou, they point out that the sueli men must be consulted before the plain. Is promised for research work. New Year's Day fouBif Uhe, voting brain worker In the different laboratories of the University pf Pew-syjvania. Letter-carriers prougnt many naga r mall to Houston HU today- "J-,3 tasar consietea or new rears cams ior too educators. The cards were sent by na tives and friends. Of the W or .more mm who for years have been respecting JH the world ot science, who are here, at tending the convention, not on? has turned home to spend the holidays. The grounds pf the University today were crowdod with the country's .picke) men the men who bars given the b$ -years pf their Uvea to dl-orjnr hMdea secrets relating to lmBortnt xroblwoj. SECOND JOB, -RAID OUT DTJSrXnt LONDON, Jan, t It is rfrt4 sl the Germans have made a s4oM mesjil raid over Dunkirk. dropt hoa M killed a number of persona, i,)4'i'iflt r i' lm.i,''ltiiilHJM COST AND SOUND xui. '..urn ANI FOUND' - - A Aae 4v v.rUsoa IB we tvu; Centre! WUrbe UUA fer .n .!- b, Aa at to- . ?h.,mjil mti. "Iit mat ar eaa b left t met X (ti4ftBS LHsae U. r i dtialr. Jf MS vM- ,. CfML wS!S, arvwaBf. Dsint-if b-a.-k s .-id sHaa -aSb ' .lot Ht4i.l, i5 mittmm. M i-!"BK," U itftw SliiiWk fa. V---Jr UMi-Bf TZ'mm p?' &:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers