EIsIiH 33 t mi ii n f f imniMi"iin rJCJL JCm ry jjtg ssnsscs inf.i n irniafiBlitftiT'll H ADMIRAL RETIRES, LAST RANKING CIVIL WAR MAVY OFFICER Nicholson Was Captain's Messenger on the Warship, State of Georgia at the Age of Twelve. WASHINGTON, Dec. IB Promptly on the stroke of noon today, the last rank ing offlcer of the ttkvy who aoryed In the Md navy In tho Civil War went on the t tired list Hear Admiral Reginald F. Nicholson Is ttu -Ofllcer, and With him went tho best w.'shes of those yotiliger odleers who. had grown Up under him. When he quit the sla, where he rose to the command of Ih J United States Asiatic fleet, ho came to Washington to tako his place on the General Board of the Navy. Ip 1861, before he was 12 jearg old, young Nicholson enlisted In the navy as captain's messenger on the warship Btate of Georgia, at that ttmo com manded by his father, and took part In the btockado of Wilmington, N, C. Immediately after tho Civil War ended he left tho service, attended a local grammar school nnd In 1809 received an appointment tqtho N'mal Academy. In 45 yoars of servlco Admiral Nlch "olson has been 23 jears and two mdiiths at sea and 22 years and five months on duty ahhoro. Ho was ordnance onlcer of the Oregon on tho famous run around Cape Horn and up tho Atlantlo to Join the fleet off Santiago under Sampson In, the Spanish War. In tho onco of tho Atlantic fleet around tho world ho com manded tho battleship Nebraska, and after that voyage was ordered to Wash ington as chief of tho Bureau of Navi gation. YOUTHS CAPTURED IN FIGHT ARE HELD FOR BURGLARY r One of the Prisoners Says Companion Planned Crime. Two outlis, John Holllngs, of 1515 North Alder -street, and Syrney Mills, who says he lives at 720 Tioga street, are In cells today. Thoy were captured at pistol point at tho tinware factory of E. J. SIcAIeer A Co t 1422 North Sth street, early today, and licltl, on a burglary charge. Samuel Boston, tho factory watchman, saw them In the rear yard. Opposite the factory1 Is the police station Of tho 12th District, where Boston's brother, George Boston,1 Is a lieutenant. The watchman notified his brother, who, with a detail of his men, crossed to the factory and In tercepted the youths. After a fight, the jouthit were captured. MII1 told Magistrate McCall ho woe per suaded to "do tho factory Job" by Hol llngs, who, the ipollce say, has a record for burglary. The McAlcor factory has been broken Into half a. doxen times In the last sli months, and on one occasion H0OO In payroll envelopes was stolen. The. thief was not captured. lb' &.jriu FARM EXPERTS HERE TO INSTRUCT IN AGRICULTURE OF A WOMAN WANTS TO WHIP ALLEGED BURGLARS lyiiTE JOHN GRIBBKL Elected president of the Union League after election In which largest vote df years was cast. JOHN GRIBBEL ELECTED UNION LEAGUE PRESIDENT Succesful Candidate Received 1001 Votes Other Officers Chosen. John Gribbel was elected to the presi dency of the Union League last night over State Senntor William C. Sprout. Mr. Gribbel's total vote wng 1051, and tho combined total vote for the presi dency was 2077. Among the early voters were Qoiernor elect Brumbaugh and Major Blanken burg. , Of the six candidates for vice presi dents, the following were elected: Mlers Busch, 1028; Oeorgx B. Evans. 14SS; Charlemagne Tower, 1533; Harrison Townsend. 905. Tho ote of the candi dates defeated for vlco presidents' was: William Henry Brooks, 8"E; Wllllnm K. Haupt, 825; William It Lyman, S3I. John W. Hamer, a member of the Board of Dlrestors, was re-elected with a vote of 1657, the largest Individual to tal polled. Tho other 14 directors follow: T. Bills BarneB. re-elected, 14J3; W. Atlee Burpee, re-elected( 1432: Charles E. Cattell, 1038: William T. Elliot, re elected, 1480; George, ij. Graham, re elected, 1171; Chnrles M. Gudknccht, re elected, 1476: Robert P. Hooper, re elected, 1165; John D. Johnson, 1165; Horace C. Jones, 991; Charles B. Miller, re-elected, 1427; James E. Mitchell, re elected, 1530; Charles A. Porter. Jr., 1234; Dr. Louis Plumer Posey, re-clocted, 1140; Alexander W. Wlster, Jr., 10D7. The de feated candidates received the following votes: James OV. Aull Jr., 359; Joseph W. Cooper, 874; Herman Haupt, 858; Frederick S. Hovey, 843. Emll Rosen berger. 866; George A. Walker, 911: Dr. S. Lewis Zlegler, 487. State College Teachers Be gin Three-day Session for Discussion of Methods of Cultivation. Pleads With Magistrate fori "Just Five Minutes." A mite of a woman four feet four Inches tall begged for a chance to whip two al leged burglars this morning at the Bel grade and Clearfield streets station. Mag istrate Glenn, however, explained It would be contrary to Judicial procedure to give her permission to go ahead. The woman is Mrs. Joseph Wagner, 2014 East Ontario street Her homo was robbed December 5 of (200 worth of valuables. Borne of the loot has been Identified in a wagonload of stolen property valued at flSOO discovered by the police. Charles Berwick. 2814 North Second tatreet. and Harry Bltterson, William and Trenton' streets, arrested last week on burglary charges, were arraigned this morning before Magistrate Glenn. Mrs, (Wagner was one of the witnesses against them. "Give me Just five minutes, Judge," she pleaded, "and I'll fix them." The little woman stepped forward, rais ing her hand menacingly. The burglars started back, but a special policeman stepped In front of them and they -were aved. Magistrate Glenn held both with out ball $or court. EAGER FOR EMPLOYMENT Evening Xedger Wont Ad Brings Thousands of Applicants for 200 Jobs. A want advertisement In the Evbkimo Ledoeh jesterday asking for 200 young men brought several thousands. The "ad" read: "Distributors Two hundred young men wanted to distribute prjnted matter, Tuesday morning, 5 o'clock. Call, COO Chestnut street, second floor." Believing the early bird would catch the worm, soveral hundred answering tho "ad" assembled In front of the Ledger Building before 7 o'clock last night, ready to stand In line all night. They were sent away and told to return at 5 o'clock this morning, but being persistent they re mained nearby until another line started to form about midnight. The second line of applicants took such proportions that It stretched from the second floor in the Ledger Building to Chestnut street, down Chestnut to 6th street and south on the latter. At 5 o'clock this morning there were several thousands In llnq. The men clamored for employment All said they read the Evening Ledger. Want Ads. FIREMEN AS MINSTRELS Appear Norwood In , 0RN REACHES FfltMOUTH (Second Mercy Ship Completes Voy age Across Atlantlo. Philadelphia's second mercy ship, car rying food to ths starving Belgians, the Tforwiglan steamship Orn, arrived at Fal tnouth, Eng., today. The velsel will be Elven a pilot at the British port to navi gate her through the mine fields of the JDover Straits and the North Sea, Sha Is expected to reach Rotterdam, her Cnal destination, lata In the week. The Orn left here on November 15, In com wand of Captain Rownes. a veteran skip Mr. Shortly after sha had left port a ferrtflo storm swept the Atlantlo Ocean, put ths attach craft, although tossed mound as though she was a cork, fought fetr war through mountainous seas and turdlly dtfied ths mighty winds in her Toysge of mercy. BPBDTEBB MBIT AID IOOR Sixtieth and Market Streets Associa tion Undertakes fielief Work, Poor families in the neighborhood of 10th and Market streets will be cared for during the holiday period by the Sixtieth and Market Streets Business Men's As sociation, It was announoed today. Fundsifor the work were derived from the association's carnival and from the contributions of neighbors. A relief com mittee, including J. Warren. Sentman, A, B. Newhall, J. Rosa Burnouse, Harvey Void and T. B. Travis, Is investigating the cases that have been called to Its attention. They will be assisted by Miss A B. Grimes, a visitor for the Pennsyl vania Boclety to Protect Children from Cruelty. Volunteers Timely Skits. Knocks and Jolts at the railroads for Increasing fares, songs, parodies, skits and Jokes helped to make the first an nual minstrel show of the Norwood Fire Company, given In the Norwood Audi torium last night, a success. M. J. Dowllng made a decided hit as the interlocutor, and Brooke Pennypacker was among the "finest." Henry Ickes' parody on "Tlpperary" took the house by storm. Others who took part were 8. L. Hayes, Roy Richardson, Alan Wood, J. Howard, Sweetwood, Leslie Taylor, J. Walter Austin, J. F, Shannon, Gordon Chambers, J. Calhoun, S. C. Wright and lllss Crlsste Jenkins. The performance will be given again tonight. Several hundred persons, farmers and city dwellers, attended the opening period for the school for farmers and experi mental station conducted lj practical Agrtculturcal Extension of the Pennsyl vania 8tato f'olicgo- In Grinith Hall, iU2J Chestnut street, today. The successful ciiltuie of (loners and fruit, tho forcing of Rotables, tho breed agrlculturlsls "from the Department of Ing of cattle nnd the mating and selection Of poultry, the marketing of fruit nnd produco and the factors contributing to tho high price of meat nil! be taught and discussed at the school today, tomor row nnd Thursday. The school of ncr'ciitlnre nnd eDH- mcntal station ii one nC the flvo principal divisions of tho 8tntcColtecc. The main, department of the schoot Is located nt Stnto College, It has several hundred resident student? enrolled, and b. corps of scientific nnd practical men Is enrolled In aYnftrlniontat work. The school nnd tho extension work tliajyjlt'j Be aone ncre miring tno neii inrco uays is tho the channel thtough which the results of the research are carried to tho people Wldo Interest has been shown by the farmers In the surrounding counties In the work, nnd It Is bclteed they will make this one of the most successful sessions that tho school has ct lipid. The session opened this morning with a discussion on the marktlng of fruit by M, G. Kalns, professor of horticulture at Stuto College. M, 8. McDowell, direc tor of agricultural extension, instructed his class this afternoon on "Soil fer tility" Following- Dlrect6r McDowell, C. W. Larson, professor of dairy hus bandry, spoko on "The Production of Clean Milk." i Tho evening speakers will be C E. Myers, ho will talk about "Kperlmcnts With Vegetables," and W. H. Tomhae with "Some of the Tnctors Contributing to the High Price of Meats" as tho sub ject df his address. Tho feature of tomorrow's sessions will be demonstrations with pure-bred cattle nnd wino at tho Nichols' Bazaar, loth and Wood streets. The demonstrations will be in the charge of W. H Tomhave, professor of animal husbandry. At the same time as the cattlo demon strations tomorrow J P. Stewart, pro fessor of experimental pomology, will ad dress his class on "The Results of Or chord Experiments In Pennsylvania" and R. L. Watts, dean and director of tho School of Agriculture and experimental station, will talk on "Vegetable Forcing." In tho afternoon F D, Oardlner, pro fessor of agronomy, will lecture on "Lime " The Wednesday night meeting will be held In tho Mayor's reception room. At this meeting Pearl MacDonald will speak on "Possibilities In Hojno Economics" nnd R. L. "Watts will talk on "The Penn sylvanla Experiment Station Its Work and Lessons " M S. McDowell, director of agricultural extension, will explain what the Smith Lever bill means to the agriculturist and W H. Tomhave will give a meat-cutting" demonstration with beef and swlno car casses at the closing session of the school Thursday night. 'BILLY' SUNDAY WORK GROWS Moie Boom Required by the Cam paign Committee. Additional room has been taken for the work of the Sunday Campaign Commit tee In the. Stock Exchange Building be cause of the Increase of activity In the preparation for the evangelist's arrival and the work to be done afterwards. The work on the Tabernacle Is again progressing rapidly, since the weather has Improved, and Joe Spelce, the bulldei, Is sure It will be finished about December 20. Arrangements Were made yesterday fprvthe placing of 16 telephones in and about the structure and Its annexes, and it la expected that additional telephones will be necessary before the campaign gets far under way. It Is expected by the Rev. Dr. George II. Blckley, chairman of the Prayer Meet ing Committee, that there will be many more services in the homes tonight than have been held heretofore. Excellent re ports on the progress of the District Prayer Meeting Committees have been received. CONFERENCE OVER BILL Mayor Objects to Giving $50,000 to Unemployed aB Alms. Mayer Blankenburg was in conference today with Director Harte, of the Depart ment of Publlo Health, and Secretary Little, of the Society for Organising Char ity, over the J50.000 appropriation bill for the relief of the unemployed. When the conference ended at noon, the bill was still unsigned, but It is expected the Mayor will take action before night. What pliases of the bill were discussed the officials refused to disclose. It Is known Mayor Blankenburg- consistently has urged against giving the money to the unemployed as alms. He would pre fer to it used in a way that would give work to these mn instead. S'UN'D POB TJOTaiTIOYED IEQAXi The appropriation of 150.000, made by Councils for relief of Philadelphia's un employed, waa declared legal by City Solicitor Ryan In an opinion tp Mayor BUmkenbure The transfer bill contain ing the appropriation la before the Mayor for his signature. The City Bolloltor said, "I do not think ti ordinance so tainted with Illegality tilt you are required to disapprove of UI item. If In your Judgment the ub tasltal relief provided for is neeeaaary u4r existing conditions end the ap' praaMTlatloo not unwise in Its tendencies aitd possible efftcta." Sfcootlsjj in Boathouse AsoidentaJ, Jbn OoldsmiU). arretted after the saootlojr of CfearW Ljfltarty, KMadw utt, Uj a ooathuuie oo ths Delaware. Rlv-W. at WhUleaf lane, w ilea4 b Cefooer Knight toda. l'Ue Inquest www uule wv oiKHir.g waa aa asot- CATHOLIC SCHOOL'S JUBILEE Archblhop Celebrates Mass at Indus trial Institution. Many clergymen and prominent laymen of the archdiocese of Philadelphia! were In attendance today at the golden Jubilee celebration of the convent and Industrial school of the Bisters of the Good Shep herd, 33th and Pine streets. Archbishop Prendsrgast celebrated mass at T o'clock this morning, and at that time the sisters and Inmate received communion. At 9 o'clock Bishop MeCort celebrated Pontifical Mass, asalated by six priests. PROTECTION FOR SHOPPERS Twenty-four Bier Bluecoats Asaitrned k"' n ricntrnl Tllsrlrf. Twenty-four youthful policemen, each more than six feet tall, hae been called Into the central district by Lieutenant of Reserves William B. Mills to assist In guarding Christmas shoppers. They went on duty today. It Is the problem of these oung men to make good. There are 14 vacancies In the reserve force, and these will be filled from the ranks ot the district men who do reserve duty during the holidays, Ambitious young policemen more than 6 feet tall covet the assignment to the reserve corps. Eight lieutenants were chosen from it during the last four years. BESOBTS rOCONO MOUNTAINS. PA. FOB BEST Recuperation. BBCRnvnoN The Winter Inn BUCK HILL. FALLS PENNA. CHABLE8TO.V. S. O. CALHOUN MANSION onafira. ortjrlnat Ca. lotllat fnrntlhlCfS? Sonihftrn coolclnr. VAeht. mr, Koii.iiDaii Air. aaq uri J. u. opm far txcluitre Citron ; sm.bi tl Herlolctt. JACKSONVlU.t:. ILA BOOM, WITH BATH. 11.50 HOTEL BURBRIDGE NBW MODHRN VIBBPBOOK M AUaU&TINH, KXA. THE BARCELONA f0tuaJ$,8 D"'" Prtvt baths i uclmlvi A. N BLAIR.' Vb JKJI ' kj ' 'JH.' i" en olhlMYiisiktoe PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR XMAS GREENS Iramortelje, Helly Wreathi, Laurel Wreathing, etc We hare a large assortment of Palms, Ferns an4 Rubber Plants, also Cyclamen in bloom, the latter 35c to $U eacfj, ' Pop Corn (wWto. rice) the kind that pops, 10c lb., 3 lbs. 85c Mietiell's Seed House SIS Market Street, Philadelphia Stare Opens 8:30 A. M WANAMAKER'S The genial, gracious good will of the thousands of happy people coming nnd going of tw thousands of happy attendants not overworked in the eight to eight and a half hours of duty of the bugles of the lads with their cheerful morning call and the evening recoil of the great Organ's chimes morning and at even tide of the marvelous smoothness and rapidity of these shopping days of the wonderful quantities of new things gathered in every day to keep up the assortments. Every hour of the day strikes Christmas 9 notes and the brightness of a genuine Christmas spirit fills every nook and corner of these vast halls of commerce and conveniences. Will everybody be at home in the Store and extend welcomes to their friends? Signed December llo, 191 1 2$ Christmas Music on the Grand Organ at 8.30 a.m. and5.45p.m. Nearseal and Caracul Fur Coats for Women A nearseal (sheared coney) coat may cost $50, or it may cost $100 in the Fur Salon, but you may be quite sure that it will be made of thick-furred pelts, well-matched and lustrous. The plain nearseal coats are $50 to $65; those with col lars of chinchilla squirrel, fitch, kolinsky or natural skunk are $70 to $100. Lengths are 40 to 52 inches. Caracul coats, the skins soft and pliable, with the fur flat and well marked, are $60 to $150 fou plain styles. Those with collars of fitch, ermine or raccoon are $100 to $165. (Tlilnl rioor, Chestnut) Handkerchiefs ! Handkerchiefs! Christmas Handkerchiefs ! What kind have we? Every kind that is wanted and is pure linen. Children's school handkerchiefs. Plain, practical sorts that women and men want for everyday use. Embroidered handkerchiefs from those with simple initials at 10c to a marvel of French hand-work for $65. Fine dress handkerchiefs for men some $5 apiece. Men's and women's colored handkerchiefs from France and Ire land! Men's silk handkerchiefs from London. Women's hand-spun handkerchiefs that are veritable cobwebs. Altogether it's the most wonderful collection prob ably in this country. (Slain Floor, Central) Over 80 Shades in 'Women's $2 Silk Stockings Which means that if you want any particular color, this is the place to come. Or if you want the best $2 silk stocking made. Among the novelty types of silk stockings there is a great demand for those with dogs, mice, chickens and "sich" Em broidered on instep or ankle. $5 a pair. And we are glad to say that our importation of Paris silk stockings is complete up to $50 a pair. f (Main Floor, Market) Art Needlework Gifs Samples Some very pretty hand-embroidered centrepieces, pillow covers and scarfs, white and ecru and also hand embroidered towels. They are all especially nice for Christmas presents. The prices are $1.25 to $8, which is a third less than they would cost at other times. (West Aisle) A Gift You Can Make at the Last Moment Is. a pretty lace camisole. The shadow laces are here from 12V&cto 35c a yard, and they only need the fronts hemmed and the "ribbon run through the beading at top and bottom and attached over the shoulders. (Slain Floor, Central) If You Give Lingerie Waists Ask to see a quartet of styles just in; snowy voiles and batistes with long sleeves and low necks, and a-general air of fashion. Pricesare $1.85, $2, $2.25 and ?3. (Third Floor, Central) Parisienne Dancing Corsets Good gifts for young girls or any woman who dances much. They're partly rubber tricot and partly suede cloth, and are "stripped" with satin. Price, $8, For that matter almost any kind of corsei we have here would make a welcome gift, (Third Floor, Chestnut) t ,MWIlJiJJIllililiJJJIJtUWJJIlMI.U.II.IlHt Store Close 0 P M. Wh-e-ew! What a Day! Tllfi linw liontw unrlninvonl ntirl now linnvv plntHlflff you were going to get ' n Get Them NOW , Men's best suits and overcoats in the world readyW the First Floor, Market. ' . . Women's warm coats and suits, First Floor, Central. Furs, Third Floor. And Blankets Fifth Floor. Market I 400 Men's Suits ih a Special Sale at $18. The end season clearaway of the manufacturer with the highest rating in America for good style and good tailoring the man who makes the very finest suits we sell. Every suit shows an actual saving of at least $7, and more than half of them show $10. All sizes at the outstart. (Flr.t Floor, Market) J Still More Specially Priced Overcoats, $10 and $12 These are Balmacaan style in Winter weights and dark Winter colorings; genuine all wool; low at the price. Many another store would have to charge you this price for half cotton. Only about a hundred in this lot, so be early. ' ,. - (Stilivray rioor, Market) Men's Leather Gift Slippers Bootees come up as high as a shoe, or higher. Some have cuff at top, others haven't. They are in red and green mo rocco withs fancy cuff, brown buckskin, black kidskin and tan Russia calfskin. $3.50, $5 and $6. Homeos, with rubber gore jn the side, are a-well-known style. These are in black and brown kidskin. $2 to $4. Fausts are cut high back and front, like Romeos, but have no gore. In black and brown kidskin, $3. Opera cut slippers are the low type. They are, in, black, brown and gray kidskin, alligator and black seal. $1.75 to $3.75. (Main Floor, Market) The Christmas Show of Furniture will satisfy your sincere desire to give something genuinely good, something of real worth all through, something in which there js no sham, but abundance of those qualities of service and ornamentation which do credit to the taste as well as the judgment of the giver. There were never so many people choosing Wanamaker furniture for gifts, and never more reasons why they should. You will be well advised to go through the display on the Fifth Floor, and let jt speak to you for this store and its service. You will find sewing tables in sixty different type?, from $6.75 to $92. Muffin Stands of twelve different types, at $5.75 to $67, hii... of CR r,(l tn J I niiuii-o nnil niwlron Music Cabinets, of 100 different types, at ?8.D0 to $15. Book-Cases, of 200 different types, at $7.50 to $215. Desk Chairs of 75 different types, at $3.60 to $17. Tea Wagons of 14 different types, at $11.50 to $55. Tilt-top Tables of 20 different Chairs and Rockers of 300 dif ferent types, at $4 to $145. Desks of 310 different types, at $8.50 to $415. Library Tables of 325 different types, at $11 to $156. Dressing Tables of 220 different types, at $10.50 to $156. Wardrobe Chiffoniers in. 35 dif ferent types, at $30 to ?215j (rilth and Sixth Floors) v There's Always a Warm Welcome for Blankets and Quilts The tendency to give common sense gifts of tills kTnd has never been so noticeable. Blankets anywhere from $1 up. QuiltS, $2.50 Up. (Fifth Floor, Market) Up Until Thursday Night We Will Accept Orders to Make Men's Suits for Christmas Some fine domestic fabrics recently received to be made up at special prices $30 and $35 for young men. Fine British suitings the city's largest and most exclu sive collection will be made into suits at $40 and upward. P. S. Please observe that no Christmas orders" can be taken after Thursday evening. L.ndon Shop, Snlmay Gallery, Cheatnnt) S Live Christmas Trees With the Roots on Not to be dumped in the ash pile after Cfcrit0as, but $JantM on the lawn to grow. A frwh supply frm the gwr Vffcy ypm ingr, r - Qf Norway pww. apigtaUiy 9k, 4 awl 4& f high; 60c 7. ?1. (garden Section, bubnaj Ifler, Ctatral) r 'TV JOHN WANAMAKER i t 4 ' i J nay" ijrwi t ,
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