MOTORISTS' TOLLS OH WILLOW GROYE TURNPIKE FOUGHT Petition Is Circulated in Suburbs to Have "Plank Road" Condemned by Montgomery Co. Courts. A movement to" condemn and free the Qermnntown and Willow drove plank road popularly known as the Willow Grove turnpike through the methods of petitions to the Montgomery County courts, has struck a popular chord with automoblllsts In Philadelphia and south eastern Pennsylvania, and with subur banites who live In tho three Important townships traversed by tho turnplk" Stony signers have been obtained for tho petitions which are being circulated. Tho toll rotul, relic of past days, tra verses a territory from aormahtown, at a point near CJermantown avenue, through tho townships of Cheltenham, jl)lngton and Morelahd, and has Its tor minus wheio It makes a Junction ulth the Old York road, nt the entrance to "Willow Ordvo Park, In that suburb. It Is a highly favored rotadvvay with motor ists, and tho tolls collected In recent ears total thousands of dollars. Head trajR which bisect tho turnpike and servo as "feeders" nro numeious Suburban towns through which the turnpike passes Include Willow Grove, Wcldon, Ardsley, Edgo Hill and OlenRlde. Tolls aro collected at a number of gates. In recent cars controversies hae. fre quently arisen, particularly nt tho g.ito In Qlensldc, located near tho Heading station, and so placed, by reason of near by Intersecting roads, tnnl motorists could "cIsMro" tho toll gato by merely driving n short dlstanco of a squnro or two Quito a few automoblllsts took ad vantage of tho condition until proceed ings were Instituted beforo a maglstrnto and lines Imposed. Tho petitions for condemnation had their Inception, It la understood, In Ah lngton township, a district which Is crossed by tho turnpike. Tho citation outlines tho course of the turnpike, as sarts that collection of tolls is exacting end burdensome and asks relief from tho courts. Tho declaration is further xnado that should tho collection of tolls be permitted to continue, It will develop a condition which will bo burdensdmo and affect tho development of tho township. Tho courts are asked to nppolnt a Jury Of view and n master, whoso duties will includo tlw lowing of tho entlro turn pike, tho condemnation of tho plko, Its dedication as a roadway freo from col lection of any foils and tho assessment of damages duo tho turnplko or "plank ronrt" corporation. Ono petition Is being kept In thoTown ohlp Building at Ablngton and has al ready been signed by theso well-known residents of tho township: Harry S. Am blor, Jr., Dnnlel Webster, John M. Bock lus, Joseph M. Bocklus, Captain, Nicholas , Saggs, James Hegcr, Edward Chester man, Chief of Police II 8. Lover, Magls strato H. Calvin Williams, Howard Ntco, William Ferguson. J. T. Wlmder, William K. Jdnes, John H. Ferguson, C. Henry Slcsaor, Allen Boutcher, T. R. Alman, Oeorgo Pnlmor, Edward A. Richardson, Harry J. Streepcr, James Kenney, Wil liam J. Kenney, H,H. Jonco and others When tho men furthering tho movo ment feel ftiat a largo enough number of signatures has been obtnlned for the pe tition and tho others which are being circulated In Morcland and Cheltenham townships, tho documents will bo for warded to Norrlstown and presented to Judges Swartz and Miller. NEUTRALITY BILl STRIKES BLOW AT WILMINGTON JPassago by Congress Would Holt 910,000,000 in Contracts There. WILMINOTON, Del.. Dec. IB. Resi dents of Wilmington are anxious to ascer tain tho chances of passage of tho pro Eosed law now beforo Congress to pro lblt tho exportation of articles used in trar to those nations now fighting. About tho only local concern now busy Is the du Pont Powder Company, nnd While It Is not shipping powder direct to tho warring nations, It' Is known that a large Quantity of powder is being loaded Into cartridges and eventually goes abroad. Not only would the bill affect the du Pont Company, but It would also affect the new projectile plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company, to be erected at New Castle, and might result In work on that plant being stopped. While those Interested will not talk on the subject, It Is generally understood that tho passage of the bill would Inter fere with contracts In which Wilmington Indirectly Is Interested to the extent of ftt least $10,000,000. WILLOW GROVE PIKE BABY BORN VrER DEATH OF MOTHER LIKELY TO LIVE Physicians at Hospital in New York Interested in Unusual Case. NEW YORK. Dec. 15.-N.ew York phy sicians today wero watching with great Interest the battle for life that an Infant A few hour 'old Is making at the Bath David Hospital The baby was born three minutes after its mother died. The caso U the second of Its kind In the city's history. The mother, Mrs. Sadla Mager, was stricken with heart disease oq the street. She was nuhed to the hospital, where she died In a few minutes. Physicians de termined to make an attempt toSavo the baby- A caesarian operation was performed. At first the Infant showed no signs or life. Two bowls of water; one cold and :he other hat. were obtained, and the in. fant was dipped first In on and then the other, being held In 'each for SO seconds Bt a time. In a few minutes It was breath-las-. Dootora say It Is a normal baby and should live. B CONGRESS HOLIDAY RECESS loose Votes to Bxtend It ITrom De cember 23 to December 20, -. WASHINGTON, Deo. 1&-The House to Bay adopted a resolution for a recess of Congress from Wednesday night, Decem ber S3, to Tuesday noon. Deoember 23, Jn offering the resolution Mr. Underwood said, the House would vote next Tuesday bn the Hobs on prohibition resolution. He declared hej was oppose) to this consti tutional amendment for nationwide pro hibition, but the people were entitled to UK expression on it from the House. The woman suffrage resolution, Mr. Underwood Indicated, would not be called tip until after tho holiday reoess. " I I . II I HIL, III ESSAD PASHA ALLY OF SEBBS fBormer Turkish Jjeader in Albania, Now Supports King Peter's Men, OOPK4.aa. Dae. L Essad Pasha, leader of the Albanians frgakut the Turk! element there. Is ttyasruag Baryta, says a dtopatah from BtrSn. 1 JSsaad Pasha ewamanrtsfl the Turkish troops at SaaUajl la the Balkan war, and f (aid to be the most Influential person in A limn In. He ha hoea kaown for some time to fat k atraox luiuuur af W.U.. ,,.... a. 9 . . W WSW JW.B B I n ' 11 1 " I ' ii 1 11 "I I' '. Hi H" f . NWwctslt I ffi Ieoap crKwtfl I fiySOl iBHAHMftM AVE. 8 I HILLSIDE V TWOS w Mr criBMti RQArt ov i 4 W o I .fr "A 1 a BTonc orrnwg sistt A. at, and closes at 0 p, ji. jsiAii, ort fjriroma oitDErtf fillbd 5 This map shows the route taken by the Gcrmantown and Willow Grove plank road better known as the Willow Grove turnpike. Petitions, asking the Montgomery County Courts to appoint a jury of view and a master to take testi mony and condemn the turnpike, so that it may be dedicated a high way free from the collection of tolls, are being widely signed in the three northern townships. ANTI-TIPPERARY" FOLK HEAR COLONEL SAIDfflSER'LLlI Kuno Meyer Tells Irish Meeting Roosevelt Pre- " dieted Victory for" the Ger mans in the War. NEW YOItK, Dec. 15 Because tho British soldiers aro Blnglnu "It's a Long Way to Tlpporary," tho members of tho nowly formed American Auxiliary of thd Irish "Women's Council of Ireland de cided at a meeting In tho Hotel McAlpln lost night to boycott the song. "It Is a scandal and a disgrace that true Irishmen and Irish women should permit the ubo by the English of a song about Ireland," said Dr. Gertrude Kelly, who presided, "Tlpporary Is the home of rebellion. It was In 1S4S, during a revolt, that a much better Tlpperary song was written by Thomas Davis." MlBs Nora Powell sang the Davis com position, entitled "Tho Vow of Tlpper ary." The chorus runs! Too lone v.0 foucht for Britain's cau. And of our blood were never chary. She rum us bade with tyrant laws Ana thinned the homes ot Tlpperary. 'Ireland," Dootor Kelly continued, "will when this war Is over take her place among the Independent nations ot the world. And we are going to start In now and raise funds with which to bny guns for the patriots of Ireland. "Conscription will soon be begun, and the Irish In Ireland will be forced to go to war for England. But It wo get guns for them they'll be able to decide what they'll do for themselves." Among the 300 persons present was Dr. Kuno Meyer, a German who Is a Qaelto scholar. It was on the program to have Doctor Meyer talk of Ireland, but he ne glected that topic to speak bf Germany. "I had dinner with Theodore Roosevelt yesterday," ho said, "and Colonel Roose velt told me Germany would win this war." Doctor Mayerjs talk embarrassed many of the members. They will meet again next week. R, It. LEGISLATION DBKEHBED Sponsor of Securities Bills AgTees to Wait Until Next Session. WASHINGTON, Deo. lS.-The fact that President Wilson has agreed to a pro gram for pressing the railroad securities measures at the next session of Congress was Informally announced at the White House yesterday. Representative Itaybum, of Texas, who wrote the original measure sidetracked at the last session because of the pro longed debate over the Clayton bill, con ferred with the President and agreed not to press the measure at this session, pro vided the Administration would lend its support at the next. jtfTJItqLAB RANSACKS HOUSE Neighbor "Watching Him Thought He "Was a Workman. NOnniSTOWN, Pa., Dec, . While J, Btroud Weber, a member ot the Mont gomery County bar, was in court yester day afternoon, and his wife, waj In Phila delphia shopping, a burglar entered their home at 10S Franklin avenue, ransacked the house and secured tlrrea gold watches, two gold rings and U In cash and escaped. A neighbor woan saw the burglar working from her window, but thought It was a workman making repairs. Iq the search for plunder the robber overlooked (10 in cash in a drawer. President Opposed to Literacy Test WASHINGTON, De 1&-Fresldeat WH son today made It known that he was opposed to the literacy teat In tha Smlth liurnett Immigration, bill He declined to sax igfcetber he would voto the measure If pasd tn Its pretest form, however The bill has many features, good, bad and In dlBarent, he ii, and be was not yet ready Do cobubU himself upon It EPIDEMICS IN TTOKISB EANKB AUIXAHDRIA. Deo. ls,-TiuusaBd of refugee of Syria axe arriving here b fight ttam the outrage tbreatonad by Turks against Christians They report tbat sptfejnlca ef typhoid and smallpox have Makes out at Daaatsoua in tha jOttojaaa umr twimiima Uia, Every Need for Christmas and the Winter long can be met here and with greatest economy. AJWL ONU 8 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS STORE OPEN 8.30 A. M. TO 6 P.M. II ATS TRIMMED FREE OF CtiAROB Market Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every lflc Pnrcliaso Until Noon Filbert Eighth AFTER THAT, UNTIL CLOSING TIME, SINGLE STAMPS Seventh Jewelry and Silverware fiStt' An Exccptiorihlly Large Assortment of Olft Suggestions. Sterling Silver Ware 51.50 Circle Brooches. 98c Oold-plated on sterling silver, with me soilings, jyiso in comui with sapphires, amethysts, rhlnestone settings. Also In combl nation with sapphires. etc., and binck enamel. Kris Kringle Is In Our Toy land Where You'll Find Thousands of Toys And Every One Reasonably Priced. Toy Pianos... 25c, 49c, 98c to $9.98 Folding Cribs 98c Folding Swings 25c Washing Machines 98c White and Oak Furniture, 25c, 29c, 49c, 98c to $1.98 Mechanical Trains, 98c, $1.25, $1.29, $1.49 to $7 Box Furniture. 25c, 29c, 49c, to $1.98 Bridges ...,k,50c, 75c and $1 Tunnels, alt kinds 50c, $1 and $1.25 Steam Engines, 49c, 98c, $1.98 to $10.98 Electric Motors 49c, 98c to $3 American Soldiers, complete with gun yoc, ?!. ana $z.49 Typewriters , $1, $2 and $3 FOURTH FLO OK $18 Solid Gold Watches at $11.98 Slen's nnd women's plain pol ished cases; open face; guaran ticd movements Men's $7 Signet Rings, $4.98 Solid gold extra heavy: fancy de signs; English finish. $1.98 Pearl Necklaces at 98c Excellent quality bead with high lustre. Ilogulnr or graduated sizes. Solid gold or rhlnestone studded clnsps. $13 Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets, $9.98 Urnutlful designs. , Other Sets In various designs, TO Hfl.7Q. Manicure Sets, $1.98 to $9.98 Completo sets, boxed ready for giv ing rancy grny or polished silver, engraved or fancy designs. 1.7fi to 7 Whisks S1.23 to SS.OS 1 to M Nail Polishers... 7o 4o2.D8 65c to $25 Frames, hllc to KZZ.bll Prom tiny card to largest size. $4 German Silver Mesh Bags, $2.98 Fine unbreaknblo mesh. Fancy engraved framo, polished Mlvor finish. $3 Fancy Gilt Clocks at $2.25 Gold-plated, fanoy designs with guaranteed movements, Other TrorUi 84 to S25, at S3.BS to S24.SO. $2 Photo Frames, $1.65 Cabinet ulse frames I all pollshod sil ver with ball feet and velvot backs. FIRST FLOOIt. STH & MAIUCBT Hosiery S Underwear Fine Qnalltlea for Gifts And ifce Price lire Terr Special. All Hosiery rnrchnsed for Qltta racked In Fane? Chrfttmn Boxes. Women's $1.75 to $2 Silk Stockings $1.50 Ingrain, pure thread silk. In extra or rog ulnr sizes All-silk, with lined tops, Illaok, white and popular shades. Women's 75c Silk Stocking at 49c Full-faehloned, silk boot! have high spliced heels, double soles and re lnforoed garter tops. Black, 'White and alt popular .shades. Infants' 50c "Onyx" Stockings at 35c Silk ribbed; oomo In hlaok, "white, sky, pink. Sizes 4H to Hi. a (or St, Women's $4 SUk Vests. $3.65 Italian silk, beautifully embroi dered, French band tops or fine lace-trlmmlng. White, pink and blue. Women's $3 Silk Bloomers at $2.25 Venetian silk, reinforced, making them strong and durable. Pink and white. FIItST FliOOIl, SOUTH Two Very Big Specials Mi U brellas Wo had to tnko a tremendous lot ot them to securo theso prlco concessions, but we're quite certain they will go quickly when you see what extra good values thoy nro. $2 Silk-ancJ-Linen Umbrel- $1 Ofi las at JLiO Both men's nnd women's elzes 26- and 28-lnch. Splendid quality wntarproof sllk-and-llnen, with plain nnd fancy handles In a big variety. Good looking silk enso nnd tassol. Women's Umbrellas $2.50 for . . Pure Silk $ Theio nro 2!-inch sire and give jou a hnpny choice of bluo, green nnd blaok, with dark mission handles that nro in vory good tasto. Thoy arc nn Immenso bnrgaln at $1.40. FIItST FLQOR. STII AND MARKET STS ilin! i H i B I Wo do not know of any gift tlmt tvill give mora pleasure to more people for a longer time than one of these special VictrolaVI $AQ OR OUTFIT FOR T"e4U WITH GENUINE POOLEY CABINET This outfit lncludos a Vlctrola VI nt 125, having a 12-Inch turntable so that It can take any size record, With this is a tic genuine Pooloy cabinet nt to 98 and twelve 10-tnch records of your own selection at JO, making tho entire out- MQ QQ lit cost only J.i70 Week Pays for It ON OUIl CLTJII Vl.XN AT TUB CASH PRICE No Trading Stamps with Vtctrotaa or Recoiaa SECOND FLOOR xiF $1 a Everyone Likes Glows They aro always so acceptable! Somo special values In the best makes and most stylish kinds. Women's $1.50 Kid Gloves. French kid In black, white and colors. -$1 Women's Globes $2.00 n.5o Ileal Kid: Dlnue and round seam; Paris point nnd flat backs; blaok, white and colors, with self or contrasting baoks. Children's $1 Kid 7C Gloves 'C One-clasp lined style tn tan Bhades. 50c $1 Long Chemois cttc Gloves la-button In white; washable. Misses' and Boys' $1.25 Cape Gloves. One-clasp; tan nnd white; F. X. M. sewn. FIRBT FLOOR, 8TH BT. BIDS r.'Wiravwswo; .wt. SjXyS'J7!S'!Kf8K&?ll " v?jt- vi s r m qpll'C. fipPas ts$2&PS1 .VM& n n v. liil -SPECIAL DISPLAY AND SALE the ad Virtually ovory kind is here and' In the newest, prot tlost styles. One of the hnndsomest gifts you could choose! And our broad guarantee assures tho quality mem. an. SECOND FLOOR. of BLACK FOX SETS $35 Sets..r $22.50 $45 Sets $32.50 S3720-SM $25.00 $50 Sets $39.75 $40 SctiftfU $29.75 $75 Sets $59.75 $60 SHat.. .., '..... $45 $95 to $150 Seta . $60 to $100 $200 Sets s $130 POINTED FOX SETS $50 Sets .., $39.75 I $70 Seta $55.00 $60 Sets $45.00'$75 Sets $59.75 $95 Sets $67.50 a RED FOX SETS 40 Sets $29.75 5 Sets $32.50 $70 Sets $59.75 $100 White Fox Sets $77.50 KIT FOX SETS $75 Sets $59.75 $120 Sets $87:50 SITKA FOX SETS $60 Sets $42.50 $75 Sets $59.75 DYED BLUE FOX SETS $100 Set ". $74.50 $150 Set $97.50 $200 Set i $130.00 $200 Cross Fox Set $120.00 wwmwwtwmwMi vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvwvvwvvvv It wvwwwwvvwvvww Christmas Slippers for Eveiyone a$K Men'a "Stratford," $4 I Worn Shoes ens $3.50 and $4 $0 OQ Newest button, lace and Blucher styles in pat ent coltskln, gun-metal calf and glazed kldskln. Hand-welted soles. Sizes 2H to 8 In lot Men's $3.50 to $6 Shoes, $2.60 Patent coltskln, skin SIzos Ci No mall or phone orders. gun-metal calf and glazed kid to 10 In lot. Footwear for the Youngsters Cancellation stocks and surplus ot Johnson Unlllle Shoe Co., of Mll lersburg, Pa. Misses' and Children's Shoes Dull and shiny leathers; some cloth tops, regular and high cut; button f,S.Ss'ia S34S0 Values (11H to 2).81.5.1 S3 & 33.25 Values (8 to 11) . .81.45 S1.75 to S3 Values (G to 8) .St.31. Little Boys $1 CA $2 Shoes . . X ' UXJ Gun-metal and patent coltskln; button and blucher. Sizes 9 to 13 'A- , SLIPPERS To Suit Every Taste and Price-Limit Men's Slippers, Romeos, Uperas, fc.veretts 98c S1.50 Value. S3JS0 M AQ Vnlne e0 S3.00 SI Ati Slippers & .ti S4 Cm niters, red and green, S3 Children's 75c Felt Slippers at 49c Various styles, including Farmer and Soldier liny. Sizes, C to 2. Men's 51.75 Slippers S3.S3 -IltST i i,OUlt, NQHTH WWWVWVWWVWlVtUM IVtVtUtlUUtMV Men's "Lenards," $3 Patent coltskln, guh-metal and tan ItUBsla calf and glazed kldskln. Sizes 6H to 11; widths A to E. Women's and Children's Felt Juliets S3 Juliets (3 to 8) ?1.4D 81.50 Values (misses' 11H to QC 2, women's 8 to 8 JOC 81.25 Values (sizes 8H to 11),. (Do SI Values (6 to 8), maroon & black, TOo Rubbers & Rubber Boots In the Subway Store Every pair gunrnnteed IOtt Ones tor Any That Fall. AH Slse and Styles. Misses' A Children's 50c A 70o Rubbers (sizes S to 35 Women's 05c to 83a Rubbers. . . .39e lloyi' Jt Youths' A J" IQ -X. -XaS OSo 80c Itubbers. Men's 81JS0 Arctic. Men's 85c to 81 Rubbers 50c .UUUWMVmtUUMVUlWWtWW DAINTY NECKWEAR That Is Very Acceptable Our holiday assortments are, exceptionally danlty also very reasonably priced. Collar and Cuff Seta A Sale A anealnl nurchnjie. T.arsra vari ety of very fine, dainty sets at prices that are exceptionally small for their kind. 50c Value, 29c and 35c 76c to $1.50 Values at 50c, 59c, 75c and $1 14 to 110 MAltAUOU JVECK- 1'inCKH All new novelties, 81.08 to SO. l to $10 MAIIAIIOU MUFFS, to sawn. f i.innivrv huffs, si and stjso. ILANlIKiniUHlUF TIES, BOo and 7Sc. 50c OUEl'15 DD CIIINU TIISS. 20 o VKST1CUS, some with high collar, BOo to 91JRO, SOAIIFS, various colors. 6O0 to aia. SI aUlsil'ES some trimmed with Oriental laces, 00c and 70c. FIIIST FLOOR, NORTH JUST THE THING FOR HIM Regular $2 Quality Satin-Stripe Shirts, Most men like gifts thnt are useful These shirts will certainly please most any man. . .... ,. . . Finn nuniitv i .mart rlph color combinations. Thoy are out full coat style, with neglige and attached French cuffs. $5 House Coats $3.98 Double-faced cheviot In pretty colorings. Well tailored and finished with shawl collar, patch pockets, silk frogs and silk cord-bound edges. i ri l . a en- Includes knitted tie, silk Combination SetS, OUC handkerchief, link cuff buttons and lovera-knot scarfpln; In pretty collar box. All match In color. In navy, royal, heliotrope, gray, purple. garnet ana prowii. $1.25 Outing Flannel Pajamas at 98c Smart patterns. Jackets out military style with silk frog fastenings. Trou sers extra full. Silk Neckwear, 50c Hundreds of new patterns in very lat est "fads"; stripes, figures, Roman and college stripes, brocades, etc. Each ill itwiuy uu,. FIRST FLOOR, 7TII & MARKET STa A Silk Clearance Lengths of Silks Intended for Gifts Will be sisiBHiailaBiaHH,aaaM.iBHsaaisMBBaaisaavisasaasBSBaasssssnMaaM Neatly Boxed Upon Request $1.25 and $1.50 Striped !M8c&1.25 Beautiful, new colored stripes on white grounds. In cluster and spaced effects. For men's shirts, women s waists, etc Serviceable, washable quali ties. 32 Inches wide. 49c 75c to 85c Pure Silk Foulards . . . Splendid variety of designs in the seasons prettiest multi-colored effects. 23 inches wide. $1.50 Fancy Silks ,50 to $2.50 New ' 9&c l0 $1.69 Variety of styles and color ings, including Roman stripes, plaids, Persians, Pompadours novelty stripes, etc. 19 to 36 Inches yrlde. $1.75 Crepe do $ Og Chines ,4 Exquisite, fine texture. In the fashionable shades for after noon and evening wear 40 inches wide. FIRST FLOOR, BOOTH 1 perfuiv Specials in Hand Bags 75c FlorasTreet Toilet Ws(i neatly boxed, bottle. Iiundborg's Assorted Odor Per fumes, neatly boxed, OCi bottle "OC Ed Plnaud'a LIUo Vege- C(-, tale, bottle. ., .... OUC Bradley's Woodland Violet Per- Duoxi.ea.r.?.t.,r.2Sc&50c Str.; 95c to '2.10 DjerKUs 1 Ofittl Perfame,boU A JJ Neatly Bottled Smtllln Sll violet, lavender, pK,, to o 2.10 Oolarate's Asserted Odors Per- fumea and Tol- pC to 74 C let Vaiep, ..... Mary Garden Perfome. 1 and 2 ounco bottles, neatly SI and So boxed ,.. XJlas da Ilesaad Perfume, SI M os. bottle ,..,,..,. Itoger A Gnt Can do Bspagae ort::'....'i.6s&'2.5o Iludnufa Extreme Violet yCc Toilet Water , Uudnufs Ilose Jars... SI Ot! a FIRST FLOOR. BOOTH And Gifts of Leather $1.49 Hand Bags 98? Of silk moire and velvet, nicely lined. Have mirror and purse fitting and gilt and gun-metal frames. $3.50 Hand Bags, $2.50 The new melon. Pompadour and all the up-to-date styles. Plaited, plain or pouch effect various vanity ntlings. German silver or gilt frames. Colors and DiaCK $4.50 Beaded Bagu $2. 9ft Beautifully blended colors, prettily designed Come in black, black-and-steel and all dainty colors blended with white. He'll to The Gilt for That Spy Useful Gifts of China $1.50 Berry Set, 98c ptS5S pS Priced Much Below Usual Value $1.90 Bowl, Plato and Ladle, 73c IffiS Fancy china, one bowl and six indi vidual nuciri te match. Various decoratloni. Like out NI: wara bora r VmH for may enneUa. & wblppa d e r a m Like rut Luoi4ii Game and Fruit Plaques, 25c Deep gold border, green tinted. Like cut. JJAIN ARCADE A: THinD FLOOR 11.15 Chnte nu Cracker Plates. SfteJ inrea cunerem atairur, ncac aprar bordarea atcoration, etc As sKatecM, mnnreclata ow holiday prices nice suit, reefer or raincoat. lit graury me Duyers, too. Our partlcrularly Boys' $5.50 Suits, Reefers, Overcoats and $0 QQ In each of these we have the newest "Winter style In thoroughly dependable, hlgn-grade materials. wide range or most lasnionaoie patterns, unis clothing Is made to stand hard service and yet is dressy in appearance, jui sixes, in u n years. Boy' $5.00 Rain Coate fO 85 at, . .......... The latest slip-on style, of double texture mate rial, with oemenUd seams. Absolutely guaran teed waterproof. All sixes for boya i to IS yar Kaa-tly packed In CSrUtaae boxes. And for That Man a $15 $A 7K Balmacaanat UmU lUodaome favoy woolens. In moat fashlonabbj coloriogB plendldly tailored aod swagger looking. They'll give sxcoptioBal ervioe. USOOKD FLOOR, 7TH AMD MARKJ3T BTS. nSSfu $1 Collapsible Drinking Cups, 49c Beal gTaln cases just the thing for school girl or boy, 49c Purses and Pocket Books, 25c Qenulne morocco and seal, nicely lined, made for coins and compartment for bills. 75c Shaving Pads, 49c With fancy calf and safflan leather covers nicely suspended with silk oord. FIHST FLOOR. NORTH SALE OF FM DAMASK FOR THE HOLIDAY FEAST The savings are very unusual. $1,50 Irish Linen Damask $f Olf Yard 1.&U Extra heavy and 72 luehus wide. Made ot One flax yarns with satin finish. Attractive floral and nMa aatln ais-lna JaVf trn SI yrtlAV BSAltiA esvJW WT"ID"' 23W $3 Dinner Napkins Dozen All aure Irish linen with satis aaiah. Rud aud square patterns tad 12-lneb. sUa. Kaatly bosad. $4 Reaaiss&nee Table Covers, $2.39 Ooms 13 laches round with baautlral lS-lach laoe border and wide lace eeatre. A eyeelal let, . F1JWT FLOOR. NORTH , Give Him a Bicycle $17 Our $25.00 Postal Bicycle at ' EQU&PED WITH MUD GUARDS Is the kind of a wheel you can be proud to give It's equipped with the newest 1915 Improvements, includiug any make coaster brake iud frvut and rear mud guards, striped motorcycle tp- Handle bar, saddle and pedals Choice of SO and 22-tat It frames high-grade, guarautaad tiros Butb wheel and tires fully guaranteed for one year $10 Angora Wool Sweaters, $4.98 The highest grade sweater roaftufao tured. "V neck oAt style, "wftl poakets. In peaooek blue & brown Boys $3 Sweaters, $1.65 Product of the famous Shlrlaad Mills AH-waal-poekets. All slsaa and colors. Men's $3 Coat Sweaters, $1.98 All-wool, with large shawl collar with "v neck Cut aotoly full ai the equal of any ( seaUfgag the $2.50 Wfttslew RoIW tts, $U4 RA01iS HBXIK6 43LJ nrnUfi SUITS lor boys tr ens ire and feathered wa JCK SKATaW- a cl -awe Jl value SPORTlMa OObW IKPT hue teTSe mi vwssssrar,, , ejesrv Wsnrn jfaf $ rauo vuxsji 3. i tK BRTHlti faSssaS 5 IK VM BIO HTAWKA HT OV HVJWVrUIMQ AT LWS tMJOP-4aWW JLMK, , :Ut I f !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers