-igwm - yyw-rri m , IIMilm SgpMliiig 4 WwMiA 'Pi iK!UiL3if ik 'sVfET1!!!'' afrlj:I1fH'! 'w:' ! """" ell till is) Uji thi Lag pod pan by Ph n bdtf fa IIP rfl thef Dlad Cleti sel In mar Thnl Confl cfnf S"? on CM c-onil tnte2 ?! Cohi v Ited FWnhi liitieo pa rt ' " r 3wJ TOUol ir. 9ra tf&Pairy nc Aim iJtidge H fpr,st wl' o Walsh. Republb fJNSjj f Grand I p,-mu Federal --Oojran Amerlc Comnad rf ire m Wn fol ,-promln ,o 0 you.rnedH Fay. anl Bifli SiWt. 1 UJently IS wrltd Won. nooo.ooo In, prern 1 M IH)S-16iS uWiou MR t Wup l refiud SERBS Iff VALIANT ASSAULTS DRIVE AUSTRIANS BRITISH ADVANCE DMVES FOE FROM ELAHDERS FOREST ; -4t German Artillery Forcccf to Retreat From Strategic Position South of Ypres After, Stubborn Fighting. PAIU8, Dee. 1R. British troop have captured a small forest In Slanders, wist of Wytschaete ftv Wilts oulh of Tpres), over whloh harp fighting has been In progress for ever! days, This woodland had been ttsedliy lbs aermans to better their artll 1(17, but has now been occupied by the JBnsIlsh troop. Offldtt announcement of He capture wu Btsda In . statement Issued her this ait- 4S7to0H Tb SVaooh troops have rained ground npwA of IZoUebafc (four mtlos southeast f Tprss), and hvs tietd this despite A Ttgotw oounter-attnak by the Gorroatis. Tho SfrtxuCi hare tin mad lome progress ia & Arajrmne and har held tho abound Slod; in th Vcagea. Cteftth of JJt Die the Germans hare tabarflid Qm atatlon of I. Leonard at fee taoffev Hi Alsxcs the German artll. Ury IS showing great aotirity. Gsnsral Ttm BelmlmK, the German acmtnajvUr entrusted. It th Kaiser with IS etpeeSal task of breaking the English Unas at Trren. now ha his hands full to keep W own lines intact under the Iterant blows of the ITrenoh and British. the German are In Imminent danger of being forced eastward across the Veer Canal eonth of Ypres. The French troop lying btwen 'Wameton and St Klol oro jTrssstng home vigorous attacks, but It Must be Bald for the invaders that they are deallnsr hard blows In return. These attacks are taking place over a battle field alrad7 soaked with Triood and strewn with the carnage of former at tacks south of the Tpres-Monln road. The territory In this district over which tho fighting is taking place forms almost a perfect quadrangle with Tpres, Armen tleres. Courtral and Boulra at tho corners. . On the heights of the Ileus e there are further Indications' of an Impending Ger man retirement from St Mlhlel. The German artillery has been shifted north ward along the Meuee, because of the dangerous Increase of pressure- on tho part of tho French. s In .Alsace, particularly near Altktrch, ajsevero artillery" duel la progressing. Tno FrencIT have succeeded In getting an enormous number of heavy guns through tho snow-titled passes of the Vosges, their object being to get as much artillery Into Alsace as possible be fore midwinter storms block the passes ntlrelv. It Is indicated that thero has been nq appreciable change In the posi tion jof the French, troops lying to the west of Meti, Strassburg and Muelhauaen during the last 24 hours. ISLAM MENACED. CAUSE OF WAR, DECLARES SULTAN Turks Forced to Proteqt Religion, Buler Explains. CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. IS. Turkey entered the war because It was menaced. This was tho explanation vouchsafed by Sultan Mohammed V, in his speech from the throne opening the Tbrklsh 'Parliament. WhIIe our Government bad firmly re lieved on the strictest neutrality," he asserted, "our fleet was suddenly at tacked by Russian vessels In the Black Sa. England and France then opened hostilities on our frontUr. We were there fore compelled, to resist the policy of dtatructton whloh these Powers have at all times pursued against the Islamltlo world, s, polkry "which has assumed the character of a religious persecution. Be cause of this fact I nailed all Moslems Into a holy war," KAISER BRAVE AT LOSS OF VON SPEE'S SQUADRON Stella? Peopla to Star SUsfortuno ens They So Fortune. BERLIN, Sao. 1& In response to a mes aags front the President or the Reichstag ttxpfestins sorrow over the loss of the squadron of Admiral Oraf von Spee, Em para? William sent this reply; May the heavy ofTers whloh we are fOToaa to make In this battle for our crx litano be torne by all of us as a single nn. Supported by unahaken hope in God. oar Lord, from whose gracious hands w humbly receive fortune or mis tferttnUTloy or sorrow, -wo will turn th most duacult hour Into a blesainr for the nation and. Sutherland." TWO STEAMSHIPS WRECKED trhlrty-ioar lost In Sinking- of Dutch liner. LISBON Dec IS. The British steam ship Slluroln and a Dutch Royal Mall Steamship have been wrecked near Oporto, according to a wireless dispatch received here today. Tblrtv-four men of the Dutch ahln'a U IdHBV .di.wa ai a rf.AnniBif M WestKp . 1 - k& ! SMlburg Asraia Attacked X AISTBRDAM, Dec. U.-Frenh avla- j, ts- again new over a-reiourg, uaaen, dropping bombs upon the city yesterday, adviees received here today -state. This it the fourth time Freiburg has been "a t- ""tstf.s4: by aeroplants. lor Presents &vrjme. o Better Than This- i1! 9 ijjkri (Idal) O iMiSaffiPen "H&r IK MT WIMIIilsl !" III ill in II I I I ill I r " - I- II I ri-il-jnill in Cfismsl ' J; W JKrifflKr JT .fflssssW jsIssbbbbbV I a SM I .jIKt jiiKr V t Wtionu CZAR BEATS BACK GERMAN INVADERS . m i Contlnurcl from l'ft(t( One lebeke (four mile southeast Of Ypres), repulsing vigorous counter attacks. , The French claim further progress in the Argonne, but the 1'aris official statement shows little change clsc- hwhere along the, line. The German official statement de clares lhat the Allies' attacks south east of YpHj., failed, being repulsed with heavy loss. pthcC attacks north east of Suippcs, northeast of Oiiics and northeast of Vcrdutl were also re pulsed and repeated attempts to take the German positions southeast tf St. Michiel were frustrated. Scbastapol, on the JJIack Sea. has been bombarded by n Turkish cruiser. Italy has set a time limit, it is report ed, for Turkey's apology for the seiz ure of the British Consul at Ho dcidah Rout of Turkish forces south of Erzerum is announced by Russia. The Turks were driven across the Euphrates. SERBS WREST BELGRADE FROM AUSTRIAN GARRISON Conquerors' accent Occupation Capital Proves Short-lived. , LONDON, Dec. 15. The Bel-vians, after a florce battle, hae reoccupled Belgrade, according to a Nlsh dispatch to neuter's Telegram Company. Th Austrlans occupied Belgrade De cember I, after having besieged It since July 19, bombarding from batteries near Bemlln, and from monitors on the Dan ube. A large portion of the city was said to have been destrojed by the Are of tho Austrlans. When war was de clared, the Servian Government moved from Bofgrade to Kragurycvalz and later went further south to Nlsh, where It re mains A striking feature of the day's ofllclat news Is the candid admission by tho Aus trian Government of the defeat of the Austrian army In Servla and apparently of the abandonment of Its third attemnt to Invade the territory of Its small Slav neighbor While- attributing the failure to the en emy's superior forco, as all Government bullotlns explain failure the Austrian War Olllce announces plainly an extend ed retirement and heavy losses "Now decisions and measures conse quently will bo taken to repel the en einy. enys tho Austrian statement Ad- parently this means that the Austrian "Urm5r, IrccteU against Servla will assume a defensive line. The Servians claim to be pressing home their victory with more captures of pris oners and to have driven part of tho Invading army across the Drlna Itlvor Moreover, they express confidence that they are about to expel the Invaders from Servian territory. WARSHIPS LIE IN WAIT FOR DRESDEN IN STRAITS Humored British Will Attack Cruiser In Neutral Zone. BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 15 Two Biltlsh crulser3 are today reported In the Straits of Magellan, off Punta Arenas, where they are watting for the German cruiser Dresden, solo survivor of the squadron of Admiral von Spee which engaged tho British licet of Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Sturdee off the Falkland Islands. Reports reaching here are mostly from pro-German sources, since the British have cut off wireless communication with the Falklan.ds These pro-German re ports declare the two British vessels have indicated their Intention not to respect the neutrality laws In regard to the Dresden. The vessel, the British ships are sold to have asserted, must either coma out and fight, or surrender The Chilian Oovernment Is leported to have taken action to maintain Its neu trality In the situation growing out of the arrival of the Dresden at Punta Arenas. AUSTRIANS MOVE ON CZAR ALONG CARPATHIAN SLOPES Follow -Russian Hetreat Prom Hun- grury; to Believe Przeiuysl. PETROGRAD, Dec. 15 It la officially admitted here that the Austrlans are .descending the northern slopes of the Carpathians Into Gallcla through tho Dukla pass. This movement, It Is declared, may be easily controlled, however. Owing to snow and Ice the mountain passes are extremely difficult for army operations. The Austrlans will be forced to enter the valleys from the mountains In small detached commands. It is asserted here, and this means they will be attacked by the Russians before Uiey have a chance to re-form. This movement, which follows the re treat of the Itusslans from Hungary, la tnken as being directed toward the re lief of Przemysl, This will fall, as have the operations toward the relief of Cra cow, It Is asserted here. The Russians south and southeast of Cracow bold their lines after driving back Austro German farces during engagements last -week. Stylish Black and White JEWELRY GATMAN Jlth and Chestnut Sts. You Cant Self.FilUoj-, Safety and Regular Type. Iuiirata Fete MsWRit. Ckrita Ba A Sab.Ututss, at A Laading $tors. Csy. "3 sWoaJwajr, . SERVIANS DEAL CRUSHING BLOW TO AUSTRIAN ARMS pr : 1 , 2 9 T& NanyDccsherch wv' S jPanosova of H-. V.-iy,. ;ll"""" imiiiMCi,i. ' r..T-r'Ml3,; JP 2A P ' Tg IPO" ScaW o JlAles.. Austria now admits a retirement of its big army in Servia, and a report from Nish that Belgrade has been retaken by the Servians indicates that the Austrlans have been driven from practically all of the little kingdom after a crushing defeat. Paris gives official sanction to the Servian claim of the capture of 28,000 prisoners, 74 cannon and 44 machine guns up to Saturday. The loss of Belgrade by the Austrians was determined in the mountains near UBhitza, 75 miles away, as previous loss of the city by the Servians on December 2 had been caused by an Austrian victory in this region. It was In this region that the Austrian right wing, supposed to have a strength of about 150,000 men, was operating. This wing In a month of hard fighting forced its way across the Drina River and through 30 miles of rougn country until it struck past Ushitza and established Itself at the head of the great Geliska Morava Valley, leading down toward Nish. Apparently a large Servian army was secretly gathered to meet these victors, for the Austrians lay stress on the ''strong forces." The Servians here broke away through the invaders and compelled them to give up not only Ushitza, but Valjevo and the Upper Kolubara Valley, and finally forcing them to make a ha'sty retreat through the , 30 miles of wilds from Ushitza and recross the Drina. Their defeat' is so severe that the Montenegrins have again been able to cross the Bosnian frontier and take Vishegrad. The shaded portion of the map shows the territory involved in these operations. In an attempt to save their right wing the Austrians sent a column from Belgrade to Milanoyatz in an effort to swing in behind the Servians. This force was defeated In turn and driven back on Belgrade, and it seems now to have been defeated again at that city. Short -arrows show the direction of the Servian advance. AUSTRIA HURLS RUSSIANS FIFTY MILES FROM CRACOW Czar's Army Hotly Pursued in West ern Gallcln. VIENNA, Dec. 15. Russian forces that tried to reach Cra cow from tlits southeast have been driven back nearly CO miles, according to an official statement Issued hero today saying that they havo been pursued ns far as the plain of Allenthal The Aus trlans nre taking many prisoners nnd Inflicting heavy losses In killed and wounded upon the enemj "The pursuit of the Russians In western Gallcla is being continued," sajs the statement "It has already reached the plain of Allenthal, with alternately more or less important engagements. "We are taking many prisoners and the Itusslans are losing heavily In killed and wounded as they retreat." The recent reverses of the Austrlans in Servla aro nttrlbuted to the withdrawal of troops from that war to reinforce the western Gallcla forces The offensive will be resumed m Servia B0(m ns the ballclan camnalim Is .lri,i,i r,, ,.. J that Austria had attempted to arrange M fL RUntrnt nnn. milt, a . ... i 1 1 j i , J . 1 """ DC'"i were om clally denied today. It was declared that the campaign against the Servians would be carried out to a successful conclu slon GOEBEN AGAIN CRIPPLED COPENHAGEN, Dec. 15 -The battle cruiser Goeben was se.erely damaged In the action at Batum. ivhen the Turks shelled that Russian port In the Black Sea and met the answering fire of the Russians, says a dispatch from Berlin ,he rPrt declares that It will be a difficult matter to effect the repairs neces. sary In Turkey. THE LA8T WORD IN THE ART OF CANDY MAKING Xmas bags, boxes and baskets. 219 S. BROAD ST. WINTER RESORTS Ledger Central will supply you with , full information about winter regprts in any section of the country. Tell you tyeget locations, seasons, attractions, and facilK ties for recreation or rest. Give you ' particulars regarding train schedules and connections, sailing dates of steamship lings for any port, Pullman and boat accommodations, cost of; travel, and hoel rates en route and at resorts. .. This service is entirely charge. Simply call at the' . BALCONY LEDGER " Brand and MONTENEGRINS CUT OFF AUSTRIAN RETREAT IN SERVIA Capture Vishegrad nnd Occupy Hnll road to Sarajevo. ROME, Dec. 15 The Montenegrin army, Which has seized nt Vlsbograd the railway lino from Vishegrad to Sernjcvo, has cut oft the retreat of tho Austrian army, which Is being driven from western Servla, says a dispatch to tho Trlbuna from Cettlnje. DELAY OPERATION ON KAISEB LONDON. Dec 15 -A dispatch from Munich to the Central News sajs that It has been finally decided to operate on Kaiser Wllhelm's throat, but that the operation Is being deferred owing to the feverish condition of the Kaiser. Diamonds Sure to please tf.JluS.it $110 Sapphire and Diamond Ctuiter You'll flail a marnlflcent dliplar of Diamond lilacs. I-a VaUleres, llrourhi-i, Stick I'lni, tic, s Mitchell's now. Prices trr Ti-aton-ubli Boms genuine diamond and pearl T.a Vnlllcres (solid cold) only I ho Dollars, MITCHELL'S Diamond Stores 37 South 8th 56 North 8th Diamond Hook Free on Request without "--.j i j 1. .f TI..I.L.yM, lilt I II 1 I.. i .) CENTRAL Chtitnnt Sis. FROM STRONCHOLDAT BRITISH SOLDIERS PREPARE FOR HARD WINTER CAMPAIGN Troops Settling Down for Cold Weather Fighting in Flanders Trenches, "Eye witness' " Report Shows. LONDON. Deo 1", "everything has been prepared to meet the winter campaign which Is tcforo us," was tho statement of the stafT of Held Marshal. Sir John Krencti, commander of tho British troops on Hie Continent In another "eyewitness" imrrntlxe which was made public by the Clovernment Press Bureau today. "The number of communicating trenches has been Increased, dralnago systems have been Installed, provisions have been made for heating npparntus to keep tho men warm and. In short, everything pos sible to make llvlng.condltlons more com fortable In tho trenches has been ar ranged The organization 'of our supply and tho present transport service has been brought to a much higher stato of cfllclency " The narrathc. which is ilato.i rwm. i ber 10, covers the clays of December 6 i s anu v It states that tho weather has becomo warmer In west rianders and northern France, nccompanled by more rnln and that the British guns havo silenced a number of German guns. Tho account follows: ouriMAN TnnNcin:s shkllhd. "From tho 6th to 9th the operations were of tho same chnracter as those of the previous three weeks On tho Cth, on our right, our howitzers obtained direct hits on two German gun emplace ments. Other guns shelled some of tho enemy's trendies with good results. The nights am continually broken by spas modic outbursts of musketry from tho German trenches and the frequent firing of star or Illuminating shells. This pre cautionary measure Is not altogether un justified, for In many places tho trenches of the Germans nnd the Indians nro only a few yards apart. "On the centre ono of our batteries fired on a German working party (sap pers) and caused considerable loss. "Civilians In plain clothes are frequent ly observed In the hostile trenches, point ing out our positions. "A German aviator drnnneil oiv iitih. .1 on Hnzebrouck, but did Ilttlo damairp T "December 7. Heavy rain fell Tin. or- I YqJIow Trading Stamps are the ery best, be HATS cause they secure a higher grado of mer chandise In a liettei assortment than you iP&m get with a n y tirpther stamps. Double tCMnmps lu the morn- wa R.S.Howard Players 450, 475 and 575 We fully and thoroughly good for years to come. f-- '''' ':' ' -: -- SI1U OUR OTHER AH OS PAUB ggsgsgggyr::;::.:::::::-' : .-;: -Zl ' ' Ih Christmas PIayerPiaeo Jif'rTF Wp-WX iM I r iouu mm I J pl sr y Wonderful Gulbransen For the Entire Coat to You Will And you can pay this amount in small weekly or monthly sums, to suit your convenience. The Gulbransen player-action is the finest that has ever been in vented. It gives you a wonderful mastery of expression, it converts your piano into an 88-note Player without in any way injuring or dis figuring it. PIANO SALON, THIRD FLOOR The Music of the Whole World is at Your Command When You Have A Victrola in Your Home Wc can offer you the widest selection of any store in Philadelphia. We have secured a lare nurnber of the. famous Pooley cabinets, which we include in OUR SPECIAL OUTFITS.FOR QHRISTMAS GIFTS which wc will sen to you on our VICTROLA IV OUTFIT $9Q Afl FOR t mKJ This gives yon a Vietrola IV at 115, a well-matched J15 sequins Pooley cabinet for )S.?3 and six double-faced lO.lnah reeordh of jour own selection at M SO. which gives you a dozen of the latest danees entire outfit, satMs. SOc A WEEK PAYS FOR IT A NEW VICTROLA $CO QQ OUTFIT FOR UQfUQ Ws have oiabJine4,the popular VUtrola Viri at 140 wltfe a hABdMiwe genulije Pply eablaet that wa are puttlnif lgl.25 A WEEK OR $5 A MONTH PAYS FOR IT No Tradmg Stamp With Vu-troUu or JUcohU mans on this day fired rlflo grenades against our central trenches for the first time, but our artillery stopped this Inno vation. On our right nothing Importaht. "Dee. 8.-Our artillery put two German field guns out of action and also set fire to a railway station, burning some rolling Stock. An observation chimney of the enemy was destroyed. GERMANS CHEER LODZ VICTOIIT. "Dec. .-More rain fell. The Germans In tho trenches opposite our left could bo heard cheering. We presumed that the German official version of tho battle of Lodz was being read to them. The weather during tho last four dajs has been foggy and much warmer. Our avia tors succeeded In making valuablo recon naissances, nnd, despite tho absence of active operations, wo hae made further titi rrodfl " Concerning living conditions In the'1 timclies, the "eyewitness" tells of sol diers listening to grnphophone concerts eight miles away through a telephone The writer devotes about 000 words ex plaining why more Information cannot be given, It Is not to keep tho public In Ignorance, ho says, but to prevent tin Germans from getting gratis information which would otherwise cost them much money and trouble. CENTEMERlnrntng but gloves lintt 1870. Ftrlj-four yt&rl if itmtant improvement. A Luxurious Gift SEVEN Dollars and Eighty-five Cents (7.85) will buy an ideal Christmas gift of Centemeri Gloves, pro viding for all ordinary requirements. The following combination is suggested: i Florine Gun Metal, a beautiful glove ------ 1.85 ) rj q r Kan't Rip Russian Kassan Cape, a durable gloyc - 2.00 i Q?b Mouiquetaire, full elbow length, superior quality - 4.00 J Other Combinations for Women .at 4.35 - 6.00 -10.00 Special Combinations to cover any assortment or any amount. P. Centemeri & Go. 1223 Chestnut Street NowYSrk.feLouls Dell Phone, 6652 Walnut Our Factory San Francisco Sold in More Than !CC3 Cttu: and Towns Grenoble, France i i in i I T.Ii.rti in UI'VIl von A III . t " TRIMMED MARKET, FILBERT, EIGHTH, SEVENTH "li ui. and 'imioisc oitnniis riM.un That You Contemplate buying nouici tse Because we high-grade Players recognized quality. We Offer You the Most Convenient Terms with no interest charges or any other extras. We give you More Real Player Vaue at a Smaller Price than you could get anywhere else in this whole city. And we will take your Piano (if you have one) in exchange, allowing you full value for it as first payment on a Player. We give you choice of such high-grade instruments as Our $600 "Concertone" $QOC PLAYER-PIANOS at d&O Fischer Players Bush & Lane Players 675, $750 and 850 $650, ?675 and $750 guarantee every instrument that we sell, and that guarantee holds PIANO SALON, THIRD FLOOR, 8TH STREET SIDE Let us convert your piano into a player by installing the turn Flan at the cash prige. VICTROLA VI OUTFIT $Q no This Includes a Viotrola VI at J35 iVj . J"? C as?0.?,. &".:.'" $?. u arty fifzA rau.rf . v?r$Xt ..,.,,, $1 LIT BROTHERS ft&St&W trla regard Player : Victrola : Gulbransen Ha obligation cu my jmrt. "Mall8D" tfajue StnMt City StftM .jr BELGRADE PETROGRAD WATER CUT OFF BY ICE JAM; FIRE FEARED Government Soles Out Limited Gup ply to Inhabitants, PETnOORAD, Dec, 15. Petrograd was without water supply to day. There are grave fears of & possible disaster In case ofvflro and the danger of blazes being started by spies who may be In the .Russian capital Is believed to bs acute. This Is the first time In 39 years that Petrograd has suffered from a lack of water. Tho supply has been cut off by Ice blocking tho conduits from the Neva, from which the city's water Is taken. All factories, tea shops, public baths and othor Institutions wero closed today. Horses used In drawing carts and cabs In tho city, as well as other animals, were forced to go without water. Clovernment employes went from house to house dis tributing limited supplies of water for consumption by) the people of the city. The railway stations wero In darkness last night except for feeble candle light. Troops are being hold In readiness to fight any flro that may be started. CHARGE . . Victrola ON no DAYS ntni: tuial Any style, any prlcod Vlptrola you rilcslro. Let "Us know which ono ou want. No Stnmpn with Vlctrolns Purchased Mere give you a larger selection of to choose from, Players of PIayerAction Only Be $250 tiR ,.i Jr ??... .w THnHO 14 jj A WEEK PAYS FOR IT nuarawp yiinw ?i'Z tiMt m m i fi.1 C I ttMMttMmiiiinirmiim-i.iiiii- if i TiTriTrfft,nrwriiirrfTimiTiirmtmiitrfrr UV WtHiUM : UT sUMM'MaUiU 2
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