PSEBSSSsT wi.mi.--i..iili,iWJ nntna a j-4uTe''.-Ts53;s5Ktt:'s ffijiiini i' Tii ssBeaxsa niflftWi---' "' '"nwa;n 777iF''rw""r j y! NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA Pjr itwenttt Hefner .- A - TBIOH ON3D CENT V u C 5 i m feHjP srCsL1 5" VOL. lNO. 71 PUHiADBIiPIIIA, FRIDAY, DEOEMBBB 4, 1914. Comionr, M14, si im Potto i.tson Coutixt. PERSONS AND EVENTS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY AS PORTRAYED BY THE QUICK EYE OF THE CAMERA A TORPEDO LIKE THIS COSTS THE UNITED 8TATES $7500 TO FIRE KINO GEORGE GOES TO THE pjMwJWter.. ', " '. 'fjfv ' - ."'' '4i ' 5 '. f 9H I This Dtcturo is of interest just now because of the part played by torpedoes in the present war and FIRING LINE Pl!SHI!lKaiHB., ' '-f? 4 ',:' Aj ; ' V - ssJiH 1 the discussion' on the preparedness of American coast defenses. 'SaaKjyJgggggj Vt"' -- $ ''.' ',..,', ,' &ImH g ? i A PHILADELPHIA DREAM AND THE PROGRESS BEING MADE TOWARD ITS REALIZATION uu ., - -i J--ii - , -ii irjtt iLt: rro&i& i2S, buffi - JUto UuT m 4, -' i;udiW tU " www W . O tifbs Jfc . b an a U m t Ct dU.U k ci h i rtrr ! ! a? ism. nd u . , ......,,.... . 'r, r rs - " ;.f,. .-, .,. uwii Kfjy ifMX. CUBU ft urt is. 3e$2i wsmm fiar feU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers