VJ. 15)14. r i ' f -'1" 1 i ii 'e&PiSifa$F&z .Jrn- Ml-"- - " 1 1 r ir i I ,JlUILiyiniiii MimiiiH - rTtiTi "MH'ijpHiyiHilHdHP glJ)y(lpiiwi'ill'l4liiaUfJlu "' "''Xr'"J",'-wg'"''" EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1914. 0 - JM. &oci& )&t7CGcr aha TJJedding? fter? ona WrWt1 o inrrvr n o nnn. SS rS5 " .'.i.T-r7 r ., BwwMr, ffBlnWWfMiWWBlHfer ffflk N i rffswnsi w- m y J mvj i r y-- If I A 8UPPBR DANCB CLUB has been formed ! here, for which Invitations were received this morning, A series of supper dances will bo held on Saturday nights nt the Rltt-Carlton Hotel from December 5 to February 6, Inclusive. The list of membership has been limited to 4UU The dances will bo among the most exclusive affairs during the season, and professional dancers will give exhibitions each evening The dancing will hogln nt 10 o'clock, nnd Europe's orchestra will piny The affairs will be under the direction of Mis. R. V. Hawkesworlh nnd Mrs, J. Hutchinson Scott, nnd will have the ofllclal name of Rltz-Cnrlton Supper Club. Twonty-two prominent men have given their names and formed a committee. Thoy are V Lymnn Blddle, Samuel Boll, Jr , Edward Brown ing, Charles E. Coxe, Gardner Cassatt, Edward Crozer, Q Dallas Dixon, Jr., Richard McOnll Elliot, John C Groome, Sidney Emlen Hutchin son, Dr Charles E Hart, Harry Wain Harrison, Howard Houston Henry, Sidney W. Keith, Dr Robert O Lo Conte, William SI. McCawiey, J Franklin Merndden, Clement B. Newbold, John C Norrls, Louis II. Page, Judge Robert Ralston nnd Dr E Holllngsworth Slter. Mr and Mrs W. Hlchardson Thurston, of New York, are tho guests of Mrs. Thurston's sister nnd brothei -In-law, Mr. and Mrs J Loods Uarroll, of 7303 Charlton street, Mount Airy Mr. and Mrs Thurston camo ovor to spend Thanksgiving and attend tho Army-Navy game today They will leave this evening for Asho Vllle, N. C , for tho remainder of tho winter Mrs Barroll has returned from Detroit, Mich., whero she spent several weeks as the guost of her daughter, Mrs John Francis Duccy, who will bo remembered as Miss Ethel Barroll A club dinner dnnco was given last night at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club Among thoso who entertained nt dinner wcro Mr and Mrs Sidney E Hutchinson, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. I Lewis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Earle White, Mr. and Mrs Trancls L. Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. J C Martin, Mr. and Mrs Thomas E. Dunn, Mr nnd Mrs. M. M rrcemnn, Mr and Mrs. Charles West Churchman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jor dan, Mr. and Mrs. John H. IVhlttaker and Mr. and Mrs Corbett Lovcrlng. ' During tho evening there were soveral contest dances. Among tho winners were Mrs. J. Walter Steelo and partner, Mrs Henry Miller Watts nnd partner, Theodore Voorhees and partner, and Mr and Mrs Charles West Churchman vson the cup for dancing tho old-fashioned waltz. Among othors who attended wero Mr. and Mrs Archibald B Hubbard, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jo seph S Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, Mr. and Mrs Jay Cooke, 3d, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin N Benson, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilpin Loverlng and J. Walter Steele Mrs. Edward" Dcardon, of Merlon, will give a dinner party tonight at tho Philadelphia Coun try Club In honor of Miss Mary McNeely, whose debut was made last week. The guosts will remain for the club dnnce. Mrs Thomas P. Hunter, of 1S2G South Rltton house square, will glvo n luncheon followed by bridge on Monday at the Bellovue-Stratford, for her daughter, Mrs. J. Leslie Davis, a re cent bride Baskets of chrysanthemums will bo used In the decorations. Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Davis will receive the guests. Among them will be Mrs. Robert Balfour, Mrs. J. Barrle Colahan, 3d, Mrs. Samuel Clement, Jr., Mrs. Charles Webb, Mrs. William Camblos, Mrs Ernest La Place, Mrs. Frank Haehnlen, Mrs. Irwin Relter, Mrs. William Ryan, Mrs. Ralph Stewart, Mrs Charles Topping, Mrs George B. Evans and Mrs. Ernest A. Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of 431 East Mount Airy avenue, entertained a number of guests yesterday at their home. Among thoso present were Miss Mao Smith, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Anna Smith, Mr, and Mrs. James Wilson, Captain William J. McFadden and Wlllam J. Montgomery. After the opening of the opera and today's great game and tho constant round of debutante parties, It would seem as If Society would rest a bit, but the giddy whirl of dally doings for the little debs still goes on and on. A lovely bud who wilt be presented on Mon day, will bo Miss Cornelia Carter Leldy, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Leldy, at their home, 1319 Locust street. That same evening Edward Roberts will give a rabbit party for Miss Inez Drayton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J R. Evans Roberts. Miss Marjorle Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Nathan A. Taylor, of Chestnut Hill, will be honor guest at a small dinner-dance, which will be given by her uncle at his home in Merlon. On Tuesday Mrs. Austin Stevens Heckscher will present her daughter. Miss Anns. Massey Heckscher, at a large tea at her home, Z213 Walnut street. John Kay Mohr will entertain at supper at the Mask; and Wig clubhouse, after the opera, In honor of Miss Marl Louisa Wanamaker. Miss Frances Tyson will be guest of honor at a theatre party and supper at the Ritz Carlton, which will be given by Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fitter. Mr and Mrs. Henry Augustus Berwlnd will entertain In their opera box In honor of Miss Margaret Berwlnd. The guests will afterwards attend the Mohr supper. Miss Mary Evelyn Chew will be Introduced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David S, B, Chew, at the Rosa Gardens of the Bellavue-Stratford an Wednesday, That evening Mrs. John Sanders Reed will give a small theatre party for Miss Anna Mary Walthour. Thursday, Miss Gertrude Tower will be In troduced at a tea, to b given by her parents at their home, HIS Locust street. Mrs. Henry Hobart Brown will present Miss Hope Mc Michael at a the dansant at the Rltz-Carlton. '. In tha evening Mr. and Mrs. James Francis fiulllvan will give a theatre party and supper at tha R1U, In honor of MUs Margaret Ber. wind. Friday will be a very full dayw Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Beale will present their daughter, Miss Hope Beale, at a tea at their home, 130 South T3A street "Mlsa Marie Starr, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. Walter Starr, will also be presented on tha 4th. In the evening Mrs. Samuel Price Wetherlll will glvo a theatra party for MUs Ada Lambert Wetherlll, and Miss Elizabeth MaoCuen Smith will give a dinner for MUs CbrUtlne Raton feaforo tha first meeting of Mrs. froth's c& At tM 0Jf CI, WttHam Wallaw Arbury wW S? wwH dbww"., la rn tit IT ii wii l 1kM md...tmslm '-msBm ss&.U c ttfmmi I f vSS&iffJi'M 4 W j WBKkW- mm J v mB MMMx3mimwimmM J. fesi&attaftwrf ji&$iS&Pi v$jj Photo bj fcugen. O'Conoer MISS MARGARET HANDY BURTON Miss Burton is the debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Burton. Shr was introduced to society at n dansant given November 19 by her parents. honor of Miss Jean Morris Llllle and Miss Kathcrlne Tenney. Tour debutante parties will be given on Sat urday. Mr and Mrs. Edward Walter Clark will give n dlnner-danco for their daughter, Miss Chris tlno N. Clark, at their place, Keewaydln, In St Martin's. Miss Clark and Miss Elizabeth Wlstcr were two debutantes who announced their engagements before their dffbut. MIbs Elsa Reath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Rcath, will be honor guest at -ft rabbit party, which will be glen by John Wagner. Miss Ruth Coxe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe, will be guest of honor at a theatre party and supper and dancing, which will be given by Miss Rosalie Brown Dolan. A theatre party, to be followed by supper at the Bellevue-Strntford, will be given that same evening for Miss Mary Hall Laird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Warren Powers Laird. ALONG THE MAIN LINE BALA Mr. and Mrs. Edward Legge, of Bos ton, whose visit to Mrs. Legge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Stephenson, has been tho occasion of much entertaining In their honor, will give a card party tonight, followed by a buffet supper, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, on City avenue. Many and various size yellow chrysanthe mums and ferns will ba used In beautifully decorating the first floor, which, with Its wide doorways to connecting rooms, makes an Ideal place for entertaining. Card tables will bo ar ranged In the living room and drawing room, and the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Peroy A. Legge, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Tlly, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll A. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Severn Regar, Mr, and Mrs. J. Samuel Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G. Chtlds, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark Rawlins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Squler, Miss Isadora Flndelsen, Miss Louisa Myers, Miss Florence Carson, Miss Frances Weart, JIIss Laura R, Ayres, Miss Helen Baker, Miss Florence E. 1'ranck, Miss Alice McElwee, Miss Claudia Balz, Miss Dorothy Elliott, Miss Dorothy Houghton, Miss Jennie Weart, Miss Mabel Long, Miss Carolyn Jackson, Miss Mabel Stager, Miss Bertha Joyce, Miss Ellen Atkinson, Miss Edna Forrester, Albert Flndelsen, Forrest Buck. Harold Long, Henry Legge, Mr. Sullivan, Walter Daniels, Arthur J, McConnell, Mr, Gib bon, Benjamin K, Archer, Alfred J. Wilkinson. Jr., Alonzo A. BonB&ll, Frank A. Mathews, Jr., Joseph Simpson and Mr. Dennlson. IIAYERFORD Society along tha Main Llna Is much Interested in tha second reproduction of "Down on the Farm" by tha Cynwyd Boys Club, which will taka place at the Merlon Cricket dub on Friday, December i. Tha following three songs, "A Long, Long Way to Tlpperary," "Goodbye Girls and True" and "Poor Paulina," will be added to the mu sical program, besides several other new feat ures, which will make tha show even mora en joyable than when played at Cynwyd this month. Tha following prominent women will act as patronesses; Mrs. Charles S. Crosman, Mrs. Charles G, Eckles, Mrs. Edga C. Felton, Mrs. John H. Faunce, Mrs. Charles J. da V. Keefe, Mrs. Stephen B. Knowlton. Mrs. Sidney Thayer, Mrs. David B Williams. Mrs. Stephen Fuguet, Mrs, John K. Fine, Mrs. Edgar A, Fltts. Mrs. William Tyndale, Mrs. G. Roberts White, Mrs. Franols E. Putman, Mrs. Arthur Loder, Mrs. Udgar C. Jones, Mrs. Albert O. Tyler. Mrs. 0. Earl Moore, Mrs, Francis A. Putman and Mrs. Edwin M, Wilson, The affair will ba given for tha benefit of the Belgian Relief Fund. 8T. U4YtD--M,s BojrA who has bee enter UJaed by .M and Mrs. HIIwim, of St. Oa'a Mad, has retae4 to ber heme la LouiayJlU, MISS JEAN CHRISTIAN BULLITT Miss Bullitt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lopin M. Bullitt, of Torrcsdale and 126 South 23d street, and is among the season's debutantes. A number of entertainments have been planned in ber honor. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Mary S. Wurte to Be Honor Guest at ' ni j n t.. xiuucrumico luiugiu. One of the most nttractVo dinner-dances of tho season will bo given .onlght by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts In honor of their daughter, Miss Mary Stuart Wurts, who was formally Introduced at a tea given by her grandmother, Mrs. John Wlstor, at her home In Germantown on October 19. Tonight there Will be about SO guests, who will bo seated at small tables, which will be decorated with ferns, palms and chrysanthenu nis Miss Wurts will wear a l-"ly gown. The bodice will be formed of lace and tulle, nnd the Bhort skirt will have a circular tunic of tulle. Miss Elinor Judd Bean will bo honor guest at a theatre party which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. McCall will give, and which will be fol lowed by supper at tho J3e'.levue Stratford. The guests will Include Mr. and M s. Charles II. Bean, Mr and Mrs. Seymour Davis, Miss Katharine Tenney, Miss Jeai. Morris Llllle, Miss Dorothea Oberteuffer, Miss Frances L Stoughton, Miss Katharine Z. Ogden, Miss Han sell F. Earle, Phlller Lee, William Du Barry, Francisco Valdes, Hillary Rex, Howard C. McCall, Joseph B. McCall, Jr., and Richard Ellison. Another theatre party will be given by Mrs. Edwin V. Dougherty, of Haverford, In the afternoon In honor of Miss Katharine Zimmer man Ogden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dickie Ogden. Tha gi'ests will go to the Bellovue-Stratford for tea after the matinee. ALONG THE READING Miss Henrietta Howard Sturgls, daughter of Mrs. Robert Sturgls, of New York, who has been the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. H. H. G. Sharpless, at "Laburnums," Chelten Hills, left today for her home at 1S3 East SSth street, New York, for the remainder of the winter. Miss Bturgls was accompanied by Miss Anna Brown, of New York, who has been her guest for several days. Miss Sturgls spent last week In Boston, where she was tha guest of Mrs. Charles Inches, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Fowler, of Oak Lane, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Jane Fowler. Mrs. Fowler before her marriage was Miss Helens Springer. Mrs. W. S Schellenger, of Wyncote, has gone to Clifton Springs, N. Y., where she will Join Mr. Schellenger for several days. George Janrts and L. Bteler, students at Princeton University, spent Thanksgiving as the guests of Mrs. H. H. O, Sharpless and Miss Henrietta Sturgls at "Laburnums," Chel ten Hills. GERMANTOWN Mrs. E, E. Dennlston, of Schoolhousa lane, aocompanled by her daughters, Miss Anna Dennlston, Miss Margaret Dannlston and Miss Kathlyn Dennlston, la spending tha holidays with Mr. and Mr. Henry Booth, of Hunting don, Pa. Mrs. Booth was Miss Leonora Den nlston before her marrlaga in October. Mis Grace Malcolm has issued Invitations for a dinner to ba given at the Philadelphia Cricket Club on Friday night, December 11, be fore tha club dance. The guests will Include Miss Const,anca Gummey and her flanoe, Robert Cope, and Miss Gertrude Gummey and her fiance, J. Ramsey Van Roden, also several other young people who have recently an nounced their engagements. Mr, and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 133 Harvey street, have as their guests Mrs. William J, Lloyd, Mrs. William H. Easton and Doctor Easton. Mr, and Mrs. Conrad S. Grove, of 6601 Qulnoy street, Will entertain today at dinner at tha Union League after tho Army and Navy gam. Their guests will Include Miss Elizabeth Steele, of Annapolis; Conrad S. Grove. 3d, their son, who is a third classman at the Naal Academy; Miss Mary Grove and her fiance, Andrew Mo Cown. LANSDOWNE Mrs. Daniel G. Murphy, of 211 North SSth street,, has returned from Johnstown, Pa,, -where, ha vflltedher parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bert DaBr Mra, Sjanlc Btan, ot, Fort -Waahliurtsn Pa U ffaoto bj Eugene O'Conaer CHILDREN'S CONCERT Original Affair to bo given by Tive Children In Chestnut Hill A number of children In Chestnut Hill, future beaux and belles of society, who rango in age from 7 to 10 ycarB, havo arranged a concert for tho benefit of the American Red Cross Society. Tho program, tickets and all In connection with the affair have boon arranged by the little ones themselves, who will also take part. There are flvo children, headed by Clarence Clark Zantzlnger, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Clnrk Zantzlnger, of Highland and Semlnolo avenues, wtfere the concert will be held this afternoon. Tho program will open with Piano solo Austin M. Purves, Jr. Recitation, "Autumn Fires,... Alfred Zantzlnger Violin solo Dale Benson Purves Duet, "Mary Had a Little Lamb," Sarah C Zantzlngor, Mary V B. Zantzlnger Piano duet, "Tho Skaters," Austin M Purves, Jr., and Clarence C Zantzlnger, Jr. Recitation, "Tho Message of the Flowers," Sarah C. Zantzlnger After tho concert, which It will be observed will bo entirely homo talent, the flvo little boys and girls will soil chocolate and cake, hoping thereby to raise tho full $10. 'CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bodlno, of 113 Spring field avenue, will give a dinner at the Bellevue Strntford Saturday, December 5, In honor of Miss Constance Gummey and Miss Gertrude Gummey and their fiances, Robert W. Cope and J. Ramsey Van Roden. The party will afterward attend the first Orpheus concert at the Academy of Music. WEST PHILADELPHIA Charles T. Robinson, of 417 South 40th street, will give a dinner at the Manufacturers' Club, followed by a theatre party, this evening. Among tha guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Mlchell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bonsor and Miss Clair Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Reese, of 4420 Walnut street, have Issued Invitations for a dinner dance on Friday night, December H, at the Adelphlo. Mrs. II. II. Rlchmon, of 1212 North 4Jd street, entertained her Friday card club at lunoheoa and bridge yesterday. Mrs. William J. Jennings, of 4915 Walton ave nue, entertained her bridge club yesterday aft ernoon. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. William Yerkes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig, Miss Arlce Bromley and William Coghlan will attend the game this afternoon, and will dine afterward at the Bellevue-Strat-ford. Mr. and Mrs. William Carrell, of 2603 Rhawn street, will give a dinner at their home Mon day evening. Covers will be laid for 12 guests. Charles Refferts will entertain tha Frank ford Pinochle Club Monday avenlng at his home on Rhawn street. MORE BELGIAN APPEALS Mrs. Seymour Davis Is in Charge of English Relief Society for Belgian Here. The women of Philadelphia, society matrons and maids as well as those whose Interests lie mora In philanthropic and charitable channels, have turned their attention with on accord to the starving Belgians, made homeless and destitute because of the exigencies of war, and every day sees some new plan evolved to secure relief funds, and soma new name added to tha list of those endeavoring to secure aid for these sufferers. Mrs. Seymour Davis, of 10U South 46th street, who returned last spring after a year spent In Continental Europe, and who is thor oughly conversant with the conditions abroad, has been requested by Chief Justice Sir John Matthews and Lady Matthews, of Tunbrldga Well!, Bng, to represent the English Society for the Relief of tha Belgian Refugees In this olty, and to secure materials for their com fort The appeal calls for woolen materials, garments knitted or of woolen cloth, caps, mit tens, shirts and even blankets, and so gen erous has bee tha response that Mrs. Davis stripped to tfegland today a box eoatalalng W pairs of woolon socks, and another box la b4fec rajjay W, to b forward4 to tM w iasay pr Z35 i .tf m Z? i A PRETTY xout-of-town wedding xwlU take .place this evening, at 7 o'clock, at tha home of N. R, Jardlne, 839 Union street, West Chester, when his daughter, Miss Mary Jardlne, will become the brlda ot Aaron Ross Crone, ot Chatham, N. J The ceremony wilt be per formed by the Rev. Jules L. Provost, the rector of the Episcopal Church at Glen Lock, Pa. The bride, who will be given In marriage by her father, will be attired In a soft white satin gown, trimmed with chantllly lace, with a court train extending from the shoulders Her tulle veil, held In place with orange blossoms, will be made In tho new cap effect, and she will carry a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of tha valley. Miss Jardlne wlU be attended by Mrs. William Gerhab, Jr , of Philadelphia, as matron of honor. She will wear a gown of aprlcot-pink chiffon velvet, w Ith a capo of brown-and-cream lace, and will carry n shower bouquet of Ward roses The two little flower girls, nieces of the bride groom, will wear dainty white lingerie frocks, with pink ribbons, and will carry baskots ot pink sweet peas. Mr. Crane will have Elmer Reynolds, of Madi son, N. J , as best man. A reception nt the home of the bride will fol low tho coremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Crane will leave on their wedding trip. They wll be at home Tuesdas In January, at 339 Union street, West Chester, Pa. Mr. Crane wan graduated from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, and was a star on the varsity football team. , GRIFFITH JOHNS The marrlago ot Miss J. Vera Johns and Henry Porter Griffith, of Philadelphia, will tako place this evening at 6 o'clock at tho home of the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs Samuel Harlan Johns, Wilmington. The coremony will ba per formed by Dr. George Edward Reed, ex-presl-dent of Dickinson College, now pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilmington The bride will be attended by her sister, Mrs Albert Llndley Fager, of Columbia, Pa., as matron of honor, and Albert L Fager, Jr., will be ring bearer Tho bridesmaids will be Miss Helen M. Brown, a cousin of tho brldo, and Miss Madeline C. Raby. William Grimth, Jr., of New York city, the groom's brother, will act ob his best man. A reception will follow tho ceremony from 7 until 8 o'clock. After a wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Grimth will bo at home after February 1 at 735 South 67th street, Philadel phia. CENTEL CREDLC A wedding of much Interest was that of Miss Imogens M. Greble, daughter of Mrs. William R. Greble, of 1906 West Tioga street, and Horace J. Gentel, of 3619 North 19th ntrcet, both de scendants of well-known Philadelphia fnmllles. The ceremony was performed on Wodnesday night at the home of the bride's mother, by the Rev. William A. Motley, assistant rector of the Church of the Holy Souls, 19th and Tioga streets. The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Frank Greble, and attended by her elster, Mrs. Henry Tlrardo, as matron of honor. The bridegroom's sisters, Miss Nellie Gentel and Miss Daisy Gentel, were bridesmaids Henry Tlrardo was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Gentel are spending their honeymoon In the South. They will be at home after December 15, at Cliveden avenue, Germantown. WHAT MILADY WEARS Tho Shop Early Idea of the Consumers League Brings TJer Now to the Stores. The shops are beginning to take on their before-Chrlstmas activity and with the display ot calendars for the new year, together with Christmas cards and other trinkets, one Is brought face to face with the startling fact that Christmas Is but a short five weeks away. Between attending meetings for charity, sow ing classes, bridges and the numerous debu tante teas, milady tries to find time for a round of the busy shops. Miss Harriet Morgan Frailer was noticed on Chestnut street, wearing an extremely stylish suit of tete de negre combined with black. It was made on severely plain lines, the skirt being rather loose at the hips and bound around at tha ankles with narrow black braid. The loose Eton Jacket was also edged with narrow black braid and a note of comfort be ing carried ou. in a collar of brown fur. The lapels of the coat were thrown open, showing a vest of deep blue velvet, slightly embroidered In a gilt design. With this stunning suit Miss Frazler wears quite a large black velvet hat, which Is devoid of trimming except for some wired narrow black ribbon, which extends from the rim on either side. Miss Katherine Holden, whose engagement to Baron von Meyer was recently announced, looks well In a trotteur of deep blue cloth with a collar of monkey fur, the latter of which has become so fashionable this season. With this costume she wears a Tommy Atkins hat of black velvet with a cockade at the left side. A rather smart costume of emerald green broadcloth Is being worn by Mrs. Charles II. HowelL The coat Is braided tn self tones and Is trimmed with black silk tassels. With this the matron wears a small, close-fitting black chapeau. Walking through the square recently, Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury's costume attracted one's attention because ot Its smart lines. The coat was of sealskin, shaped like a smock, with the fashionable clroutar swing to It, and fell barely to tha hips over a skirt of terra-cotta colored cloth, which was short and was finished at tha hem with a wda band of seal. The matron's hat was a sailor of black, trimmed simply with goura feathers. Mrs. Christopher Petzelt, who has returned from her wedding trip, Is wearing a smart looking walking suit of gray-green cloth with taupe-colored fox stole and muff, Her hat Is of black velvet, flaring sharply at tha left side. Mrs. Petzelt was formerly Miss Frances Flor ence Polk. Miss Franees Stoughton wears an afternoon costume of gray velvet. Tha eoat Is out away In tha front and made quite long In the back. Silver fox forms the collar and euffs. The skirt is made on plain Unes. Mia Stoughtoa's hat is of black velvet with a violet plume en olreUng tha crown. Gr broadcloth has been ohse by Mrs. Henry O. Musttn for a street U. Tbe skirt has tho ooaventleaal ovarakirt bw4 && Ui the baek. and out short and s'iWo In the IfoaJtr The coat U quHe sart aad UiJIom '$? us to the throat tn military fashion. A standing collar and wide cuffs of seat form the trim ming. With this Mrs. Musttn wears a close fitting hat of slate-colored velvet and taffeta trimmed with a tiny bunoh ot fruit placed on. the 'fUS side. A huge muff of seal with brown, satin bow Aalabes this attractive costume. Miss Marjorle Edwards wears a street suit of stone-blue cloth. The military coat, which fastens close up around the neck, Is becoming to Miss Edwards and has a band of marten fur as cuffs and collar. A chie red velvet hat, worn a tittle on one side of tho head, also has a band of fur. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The Misses James will entertain their "BOO" club on Monday evening at their home, 1318 Rltner street. The gome will be followed by n luncheon. Tha members ot the club are Miss Anna DJorup, Miss Helen Brooks, Miss Blanche Dove, Miss Retells Dove, Miss May Lynch, Miss Gladys Monsalvatge, Miss Gertrude Loney, Miss Belle Lennerhlrt, Miss Irene James, Miss Mario James, Miss Augusta James, Miss Evelyn James and Miss Muriel James. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Davis, of 512 South Garnot street. In the Girard Estate, will enter tain at dinner on Tuesday next, followed by cards Their guests will be Lieutenant Com mander R, 8. Keyes, U. S. N., and Mrs. Keyos, Lieutenant Commander O. A. Blssett, U. S. N., ' and Mrs. Blssett and Lieutenant G. A. Lutz, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Lutz. Lieutenant Commander O. A. Blssett, U. S. N and Mrs. BIssott wrill have as their guests over the week-end Lieutenant A. S. Sheppard, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Sheppard, of Newbury port. Mass , and Commander E. L. Blssot, U. S. N., of Horrodsburg, Ky., who camo to tho city this morning for the Army-Navy game. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Helen A. Dunn, of 1224 North 18th street, gave a dinner Thursday after the Penn. Cornell game Her guests were Miss Alyco Hackett, of Phoenlxvlllo; Miss Anno Hahn. Elslo Huber, William O'&Ialley, Fred Schilling, of Allentown, Edmund Butler, of Brooklyn, who was captain of the Cornell team of 1912, nnd Granberry Miller, of Brooklyn, who also played on tho Cornell team In 1912. Mrs. Danlol Kennedy, Miss Helen A. Dunn and Miss Alyco M. Hackett, of Phoenlxvlllo, will spend the week-end In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rlchter, of 2830 Oxford street, will receive on December 6 from 3 to 8 o'clock In celebration of their 25th wedding nnniversary. TIOGA Mrs. Mnry C. Sandman, of Tioga, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss May Isa belle Sandman, to Joseph P. Carroll, of this city. Owing to the recent death of Mr. Sand man, the announcement was made privately, only the Immediate families being present No date has been set for the wedding. The J. F. Social has been reorganized for the winter. Miss Bessie Devlin will entertain the members tomorrow night at 3212 North Potter street. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Trlflcld, of 3718 North 17th street, will give an nt home from 3 to 8 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary, which occurred on November 26. The house win be decorated with autumn foliage and chrysanthemums. They will be assisted in receiving by their ' daughters, the Misses Delia and Clara Trlfleldj MIbs Fay Burger, Miss Reba Trompetter, Miss Adele Strauss and Miss Reba Polak. ROXBOROUGH Miss Eleanor Ashworth Morris, of 210 Ro chelle avenue, Wlssahickon, Is entertaining over the week-end Miss LIUlo Keith, of New York, n classmate at St Joseph's College, Chestnut Hll Tho Boys' Club recently organized at the home of Mrs. Charles B. Bennett, on Mana yunk avenue, has elected these officers: Presi dent, Gilbert Bucher; vice president. Jay Gneis; secretary, Raymond Imies; treasurer, Norman Stelnruck. Among other members are Paul Fleming, Leonard Van Fossen, Charles Hlnkle, Joseph Wrlgley and Alvln Soley. KENSINGTON Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Diamond, of 3023 Frank ford avenue, will give a muslcale, followed by a luncheon, this evening In honor of Miss Elsie Carman. Among the guests present will be Miss Rose Singer. Mr. nnd Mrs. IL Jacob. son, Miss Rose Baron, S, Llbron, R, Jacobson,. Mrs. it. Diamond, Miss S. Diamond and Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Diamond Morris Rlngold, of Milwaukee, Wis , Is spend ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, S. Rlngold, of 3030 Franktord avenue. Mr. and Mrs. a Mosier, of 2067 Frankford avenue, gave a dinner on Thanksgiving to 'a number of their friends. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Logan; Mr, and Mrs, Kolp, of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. T. Mosier, MUs Mary Mason, of Chester; Mrs. R. Taylor. Mss Helen Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. & Mosier. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. Volney G. Bennett, of Haddon Heights, are now occupying their new ret dence, Mrs. Mary Flthlan, formerly living at W and Cooper streets, has sold her suburban home in Moorestown and is now in agarl ments at 45th and Walnut streets, Wast PhMa delphla, for the winter. " , Mrs. H. J, Stiles, of Cleveland, Ohio, wtw formerly lived In Merchantvllle, ie vittiR$ relatives In tha suburbs, Mr. A. K. Bennett, of MerchantvUle, fci joined his wife and daughter In California. WILMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. J. Milton Bokard estwtejead at dinner last night, in honor of tha jrycT -tog marrlaga ot their daughter. WIm Sarah, Hlzabeth Sckard aad Edward O'ljerrsnu t Pittsburgh. Tse marriasa wHl take j4oe asjS Tuesday night at tha he of Mr. awt MMy-. okaTd, are Boulevard. Mr. Bokard I a known dru8t of this atty. Mr. amd Hm. Hry 8 TbouMue bv ' tMr Keejkxed sjmKji Ma 4 Mt. WtttJaaa u. or tin suu atty, .. ; or to w taut Hit 3M Jf r
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