M&, i hp? f" f r ( IJIJL Alii 1 JUL OTM SPORTS FINAL SPORTS FINAL 33: & Wnnlfl VOI. I-STO. G7 , -,- I III 1IM I I main. (iBnfiBi--ir-ffiimirnnnnTiTM,'"i "" ' ry iirTMIttiT'llMhMMWt '' " " mwm&?mmmm:iKwmmmKmmimmimmmmBm - . rfrs&'3R2tHBiaK.v MR. AND MRS. MYRON T. HERRICK, HONORED BY PARISIANS The retiring American Ambassador to France and his wife were accompanied to the railroad station by many persons prominent in French and British official life. The French newspapers give high praise to Mr. Herrick for his coolness at the time of the crisis in Paris when the Kaiser's armies were virtu ally thundering at the gates. ALLIES PRESS , ON AS GERMAN . FIRE SLACKENS Invadefson Defensive Along Belgium Lines Intensity -. . r i l - work oi -ociununaue o u o w a aM,t. 1 K I 1 Falling Off. ia!j lviarKea ferprench Report Repulse of At- Region. British tack in Argonne Fresh Troop9 Reach Front in Flandor3. The German aggressive movement In Flanders has .entirely ceased, ac cording to today's official statement of the French War Office, and the in vading" army is now on the defensive 'all along this part of the battle line. The Allies claim progress at several points, as tlie fire of the German ar tillery becomes more feeble South of Yprcs, in the neighbor hood of Fay, gains made by the Allies 10 days ago have been maintained. At Soisaons there lias been an inter mittent bombardment, but without ap preciable change in the situation there. In the Argonne region several Ger man attacks have been repulsed, the French declare", and in the Woevre a bombardment of the forest of Apre mont has produced no results. Unofficial reports declare that the British and French lines In Belgium have been heavily reinforced, and this is believed to indicate that' a new of fensive movement of the Allies is im minent On the coast (he allied fleets have again steamed close inshore, accord ing to Rotterdam dispatches, and are vigorously shelling the German lines. The German left wing in Poland has been routed and forced to flee toward its base at Thorn, the Russian semi official Army Messenger declares. The right wing in southern Poland, has been surrounded, according to the same source of information. Despite these tidings of German reverses, the War Office has deemed it expedient to issue a report curbing extravagant expectations of a vast victory. De taijs of successes along the Warthe Vistula front are asserted lm :.:...., tiou is g.vennhat Ipe great battle is Concluded on Ymgc roar THE WEATHER For Philadtlphfa and vicinityUn settled mother and -mild, timtwq-, mm WW ' fm4m mk & HERRICKS SAIL FOR HOME Itetlring Ambassador to Franco on Way to New York. HAVRE, Franco, Nov. 30. Myron T. Ifcrrlclc, tlio retiring American Ambas sador to France, and Mrs. Ilcrrlclc sailed yesterday afternoon on the steamship Rochambenu for New York. Before starting the Ambassador and the Governor exchanged viBlts. and Mr. and Mrs. Herrick called at tho Kreat military hospital, to which Mr. Herrick sent tho -flowers presented to him on leaving Paris, which nearly filled his spe cial car. FOUR SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN TROLLEY CARS CRASH Dozen Other Persons Slightly Hurt at Ninth and Dickinson Streets. Four persons vcro seriously hurt and a dozen others cut by flying glass or bruised when two trolley cars crashed at 9 o'clock this morning- at 9th and Dick inson streets. The cause of the accident was slippery rails. The Injured are Catharine Grace, 17 years old, of ISM .South Rosewood street; Harry Sesty, 60 years old, of 41 South 59th street; May Burns, 39 years old, of 16 South Ringgold street, and Victoria Capparella. IS years old, of 1816 South Hicks street. Both cars were well filled with pas sengers at the time. Approaching the corner the motormen found It Impossi ble to halt their cars. The 9th street car was thrown off tlm track, and the front of the car on Dickinson street, which was of the 3d and Dock streets line, was smashed In like an egg shell. Passengers In both cars were hurled from their seats and showered with broken glass. The Injured were taken to the Mt. Slnal Hospital. Sesty will lose one of his eyes, which was pierced by a piece of broken glass. The others are less seriously hurt and will be able to go to their homes today. A number of passengers slightly cut by glass were treated at drug stores. PASTOR DENOUNCES U. S. STEEL AND POWDER MEN Labels Manufacture of Ordnance for Belligerents a Disgrace. The manufacture of ordnance and powder for the warring countries of Europe by the Bethlehem Steel Company and the Du Pont Powder Company was scathingly denounced by the Rev. Luther De Yoe, pastor of Trinity Luthern Church, Germantown, at the weekly Luthern Ministers' Meeting, list Arch street, today. ''This traffic should be stamped by every Christian as p. disgrace," declared the speaker- "Reports say that the Du Pont Company has doubled and trebled Its output and that the steel company has Invested' additional millions In the manufacture of ordnance for the belliger ents.'' The Rev. Dr. De Yoe, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Welgle and the Rev. Dr. Grayson Stupp were appointed as a committee to Investigate arid tp draw up a resolution of protest. A committee of five ministers was up- pointed to co-operate, with similar com mittees of other ministerial associations In aiding the Brntrgeney Aid Committee's work of relieving want In the city and In the war zone. WOULDN'T PERMIT ARREST i mi Injured Janitor Said Motorcyclist Was Not to Blame. After being run down by a motorcyclist early at Broad and Chestnut atraats to day, Harry Wallace. 60 years old, SSW Trinity place, refused to have the owner of the nwjshlne placed under arrest The Injured man told a policeman the acci dent was not th fault of the motorcyclist and the nan wa released. Wallas, wbe U tk laaUor of the Arch Swt MettUMliM BpUoepal Cfeurek, wan wa W way bow, having AtK 8ttlfc4 M wrk at U? uh, wj w tat PEOPLE WHO FIGURE i-til,?. tg 4 : , y -.S HEAVY TRADING MARKS REOPENING OF STOCK EXCHANGE Sales of Shares Total 46 1 6, While Bonds .Aggregate $15,000 on FirsTDay of Business. Confidence .and optimism prevailed among brokers when the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, after a suspension of exactly four months, reopened at 10 o'clock this morning for restricted sales of bonds and local stocks. Trading was fairly heavy, and the issues holt firm. Tho bids generally ran higher than the minimum prices fixed on most of the Issues by tho special committee of the exchange, and In many Instances sales were made at prices even higher than the closing quotations of July 30, when the. exchange suspended operation on account at the war. After the close of business at 3 o'clock, the Special Committee of Five of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Issued a statement giving the total number of sales of stock on tho floor today as -IG10 shares and the total number of bonds about JlB.000. A member df the committee said that the committee was very much gratllled at the day's business. It was said that the committee was' not yet ready to make any announcement as to whether transac tions as they are made will be sent out over the ticker, as Is usually dpne. The Sales today, In shares, were as follows: Philadelphia Electric. 6J7; Pennsylvania Railroad, 95; Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates, 355; Union Traction, 670; United Gas Improvement. M9; Cambria Steel, 1519; Electric Storage Battery 65; Reading, 230; Lehigh Valley Transit pre ferred, 10; Lehigh Coal and Navigation truBt certificates, 73; Lehigh Coal and Navigation stock. 10; Keystone Telephone, 100; Keystone Telephone preferred. ,18; Mlnehlll and gchuylklll Haven. 13; Jlono pah Mining, 355; Tonopah Belmont, 322; Pennsylvania Salt, 66; Philadelphia Trac tion, 14; Lake Superior Corporation, 30; Baldwin preferred, 5; Insurance Com pany of Nprth America, 75; Cambria Iron, 4; and Lehigh Valley, 12. The belief of the 60 brokers who attend ed the reopening that confidence will be restored to a marked degree by the re sumption of sales on the Exchange, was shown by the fact that no excitement marked the opening and little that was out of the ordinary routine of the Ex change occurred, When the bell rang to notify the assem bled brokers on the floor for the opening that trading was resumed they cheered for fully a minute, and then settled down to the business of buying a'nd selling. Ftv minutes after the opening the floor of the Lxchange presented its customary scene of activity. Half an hour after the opening the firmness of the Philadelphia issues, had established confidence to such a degree that officials of the Exchange decided to follow the lead of the New York Stock Exchange and make public the quota tions. Before the opening of the Philadel phia Stock Exchange It had been decided to postpone tnia practice ror several aays. There was no movement on the part of investors to unload their securities, and the trading for the first three hours re mained slightly under normal. As In New York on Saturday, no pressure of band selling from abroad was noted bete. All of the trading today was done under the restrictions of the special committee of the Stoak exchange, which was In charge during the closing. Minimum Brioea have been fixed on all but a few of the listed stocks and bonds by this J committee, and all sales were required to be at prices equal to or higher than these minimum prices. No minimum was placed on a email number of ordinarily lnaetlve shares, and, they were traded without regardo price. Trading la the favorite. United States ml 4 acal at tlje strjeily Naw TMk lm. W Wt&. Tfea spaalal PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1914. IN THE NEWS AT HOME AND ABROAD Left to riEht Commodore M. B. Green Point, L. I., and A. C. Foster, of New York. They started hence tucauiJcuKc uiidi. Ant mai SMALL BOY "SHOOTS UP" CAMDEN SCHOOLROOM Consternation Follows His Indiscrim inate Firing of Revolver. William Vnnaruclale, n 14-year-old pupil of the Knlglin public school, Newton and Chestnut streets, Camden, entered a class room where there wero 10 pupils this aft ernoon with a rovolvcr, and began nn In discriminate shooting. No one was wounded, hilt the class rooifr was thrown Into a panic nnd the pupils fled from the building. Other Classen were dismissed Immediately. The boy with tho revolver still hot in his hands lihighed as children fell down stairs In their fright. The Janitor crept behind Vnnarndale and disarmed him after a Bcufrle. The lud wiib a pupil In the room where tho shooting happened. Two of tho bullets passed through a window out of tho danger line, but the third came within six Inches of striking one of the pupils, who was Bitting In his seat. In searchng the boy n large knife was also found In his possession. This he declared ho used to skin muskrats. The revolver, he said, he had found lying on the pavement at 7th and 'Chestnut streets, Camden. He lives nt 2d and" "Walnut streets. Vandrndale was taken before Recorder Stackhouse, who ordered him held for a further hearing tomorrow morning. BUSINESS MEN ADVISED NOT TO EMPLOY SALESWOMEN Speaker Declares Purchasers "Want to Deal With Men. "Women generally make the worst kind of salespeople, only one In a hundred ever becoming at all adept In tho art of selling goods, and the wise merchant will not employ them, but rely solely on malo help," was the declaration of Bar clay J. Doyle, salcsmauager of the Key stone Publishing Company, at the weekly luncheon qt the Walnut Street Business Association In tho Hotel St. James today. Mr. Doyle said women customers often were antagonized by salespeople of their own. sex, while men purchasers In most cases did not care to deal with women. "As a matter of fact," continued the speaker," 50 per cent, of the sales made In the retnll stores of Philadelphia are made by. the customers themselves. Peo ple pick out what they want and then wait until tho women clerks make out the sales slips," Members of the Chestnut Street Bus iness Men's Association and the Jewelers' Guild were the guests of the Walnut street association at the luncheon. ELECTRICITY KILLS TWO One Man Hurled Prom Pole, Another Palls When Pole Breaks. A shock of 3600 volts of electricity In stantly killed George Mayman, 30)5 Red ner .street, an employe of the Philadel phia Electric Company, at Point Breeze avenue and Morris street at noon today as he was descending a pole. The body was' taken from St. Agnes' Hospital to Mayman's home In a patrol wagon by the police of the 30th and Fed eral streets station without notifying Mrs. Mayman, who is prostrated by the shock. Mayman was descending the pels for lunch when he came In contact with the dangling end of a wire carrying the heavy current. He gripped the pole for an In stant and then fell to the sidewalk. Phy sicians at St. Agnes' Hospital said death had been Instantaneous. John. Kesaner. SI years old, at 36th and Odgen streets, was killed late this after noon, when a telegraph pole on which ha watt -wnrulnor n AfatrnB .trut anA an.iM avenue broke and hurled him to the eireeir a. passing auiomoswe was pressed Into service to take him to the Jewish TTnanlril Kjit It wa uU ... kn -i..ntt. had been Instantaneous. several otner eu(mBys of the FhJMa,. NEW YORK YACHT PARTY Mills, of the New York Yacht Club; mil tit t-iuiiuu win uc indue ui jatKauit COURT REBUKES "LITIGATION TRUST" OF CASUALTY. FIRMS Says Companies Have Formed Combination to Resist Claims of Humble Suitors. The existence- of a "litigation trust," operating In this city through a combi nation of casualty Insurance companies, was cited by Judge Sulzberger In Com mon Pleas Court No. 2 today. Accord ing to the observations of Judge Sulz berger, the "litigation trust" conducts un Independent department to resist and contest vUio payment uf damage claims for. injuries Inflicted by the clients of the various casualty companies comprising the trust. Judge Sulzberger said: "In the enso of Injury to n wealthy or prominent per son the companies operating through the trust make prompt settlement for claims for damages In order to benefit from the free advertising which this gives them. But' the poor and humblo person, to whom compensation for Injuries means so muoh. Is fought by the companies until It weara the very bou! out of him." The comment of Judge Sulzberger upon tho existence of this trust, and Its opera tion was occasioned by tho case of Her man Mepgolt against the A. Mccky Com pany, vehicle manufacturers. Mengolt'a arm was crushed by an elevator in the company's former plant at 3C35 North Smedley street. He sued for damages, put filed no.'bllt of particulars, statins (hat he did not know the proximate cause of the accident. His counsel presented a petition to Judge Sulzberger for leave to make photographs and inspect the elevator and shaft to ascertain If 'Its physical construction conformed (o the rules of safety. Counsel for the casualty company, which had Insured the Mecky concern against accidents, objected to the grant ing of the petition at this time, but ex pressed a willingness to pillow the Inves tigation to take place at any time after Mengolt had furnished a legal statement setting forth the allegation of negligence. The name of the casualty company does not appear n any of the' papers In the suit, and Maurice W. Sloan, Its counsel, could not recall which one of the IS sim ilar concerns he represented it was. After making his comments, Judge Sulzberger appointed Frank Fee"ney, for mer chief elevator inspector for the city, to Inspect the elevator and Its surround ings and to prepare a diagram of its physical construction and submit It tQ the court. MISS WHARTON OBLIGED TO DISCARD HAT FEATHER Bought in This City, It Is Declared Contraband at Boston. Miss Altec Taylor Wharton, daughter of Bromley Wharton, who left this city last June ' la company with her grand mother, Mrs. Anthony Taylor, intending to remain in Germany a year, returned last week by way of Boston. Mis Wharton, so a Boston daily re js. wore a hat which she had pur ehastd. here at a Chestnut atreat store before leaving for Eurojie; but the In ipotors la Boston declared the feather cootJNUMMka. awl UMitsfc Miss Wbarttw 4ljur4 gMNT had Um pV to UM CoriHIOHT, IBM, it TnsPCSLlO LtWJI CoMFAHft WAY FLORIDA Miss Emmcline Bercusen. of New York: for Beaufort, N. C, today by the inside vine, x licit crun is a Dig power yaciic. FREIGHT RATE INCREASE SUSPENDED UNTIL MARCH 31 Interstate Commissioners' Ruling Affects Roads West of tho Mississippi. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30,-Proposed In creases fn freight rates on a large num ber of commodities by railroads west of tho Mississippi River wero suspended to day by tho Interstate Commerce Com mission until March 31 next. The Increases affected coal, live stock, fresh meats, packing house products, hay, grain nnd gtaln products and cot-1 ton piece goodB. The rates proposed were generally to have gone Into effect from points In Western trunk lino territory, and from nnd to points In southwestern te" rltory. 15 IMMIGRATION EMPLOYES HERE GET YEAR'S FURLOUGH Action Taken Because Wnr Hns Cut Down Work. Owing to a decrease of 80 per cent. In the number of Immigrants entering this city, due tu tho Kuropean war, Com missioner of Immigration E. B. eircena wnlt, of the local bureau, today dis charged 13 members of his staff. The action was taken on orders from tho United States Bureau of Immigration, nnd will save the Philadelphia immigra tion offlCB JM.OOO yearly in salaries. The discharged employes Include Inspectors, clerks, stenographers and matrons who will cease work for the Immigration serv ice tonight. The order, coming from Secretary Wil son, of the Department of Labor, gives a year's furlough without pay to CS em ployes of the department assigned outside Washington. Boston was the hardest hit. 16 men .being retired on furlough, Philadelphia comes next with 13. Boltl more lost sx men and four employes of the Ellis Island Immigration Btatlon at New York were discharged. Ten employes on the Mexican border were Included In the furloughed list. QUEUE SAVES CHINAMAN Celestial Escapes Death When Case Hits His Head in Pall. A Chinaman's queue probably saved his life today. Ty Fong, of the crew of the ship Perlscan, was busy unloading the ship in the Delaware River at the foot of Fltzwater street when a packing case weighing sevoral hundreds pounds worked loose from Its moorings. Tfie heavy cose fell on Fong's head. Physicians say (hat had It nqt been, for the queue 'his .skull would have been crushed, Fong was taken to the Pennsyl vania Hospital, where it was learned that he had a fractured skull. He recover. may ELEVATOR WEIGHTS KILL Man Meets Death in Shaft of, Free man Building; Charles Simmons, of 3UI Soth Alder street, was Instantly klU4 this ftruoon In the Freeman Building at the southwest eorner of lh and Walnut streets, whan he thrust his liaad into the elevator shaft and was struck by the descending weights, weighing several tons, Simmons was employed by the WeafcMn Union Telegraph Company,, and was stringing wir in the shaft when ha was hilled. WOMAN HIT BY WAGON DIES Mrs. Catharine Clark, of 1118 South Prat itrt, wh was siruck by a depart Het toe 4Hvy Vsm at RWgo ajy mw m viw(ii fsbo U .' WAY TO iiMi, )"- Atr mf price oke cnaNtei iWHslh mm HSJStHIHVlill Mr. andMrs. Robert Mills, of route through the Delaware and ? A1 U. OF P. OFFICIAL HAS PLAN FOR Natural Ravine on Ground of Woodlands Cemetery) the Proposed Site Esti mated Cost is $500,000. If plans worked out by George B. Xltzsche. registrar of tho University oj Pennsylvania, who had chargo of tho plans for the Army and Navy; game last Saturday, are accepted, this city can hava nn athletic stadium "which will seat 100,000 persons for such contests ns tho Army-Navy game, the .Olympic games, patriotic pageants and possibly the world' series baseball , games. The project Is the direct outgrowth ot the tremendous demand for seats in con nectlon with tho Army-Navy game. Unable to get enough teats for this game and not desiring to take It to New, York unless absolutely necessary, the sug gestion was made to Mr. Nltzsche that should' draw up plans and obtain est! mates of the cost' for the construction ol such a stadium. In .his quest for thil Information, Mr. Nitzsche visited evei stadium in America, Including those all) Harvard, Princeton, Yao and Tacoma, Washington. Even various sites In Fair mount Pork were not neglected. The method of financing suclv a stadium, Mr. Nltzsche thinks, would ap peal to the business men of Philadelphia. With the assurance that the stadium, whose cost of maintenance would be, almost negligible, would pay for Itself within half a dozen years, the promoters believe Jt could be financed by the is suance of bonds which would pay inter est at 5 per cent, and which would be retired as rapidly as the receipts from! athletlo contests permitted. Although no definite sinns hi.. .. been taken for nnanolng the stadium, it is felt that the university would do a part and that the cty might make an appropriation in return for which tho stadium would be available for such sports and historical pageants the. city might wish to foster. The need for such a stadium at tho University Is extremely pressing. No only Is Franklin Field wholly tnadaquat for the ArmyNavy game, but" in tho past Jt has freiiuahtly been tested to thtf llmlt to provide for the Pifnnsyirania Cpmell garnn. Not only wJouW such st JWJd provide a new stadium, but It TOBuld furnish an additional reerwiUoa ground for the University of which it tr In tift nBA.1. l?l'Ant?11r Hf1ft n?4t. .a fplaylpe space oX less than five aerea. Concluded, on Page Tvrm GIRL KILLED Br AUTO Maehine Bklda on Sprinkled SHrt ' ajjd Hits H. Struck by a afcjMtas auhwyhtljh Mi Dev.hu. W yeaiw old. iW Katth Ctefcney street, wu lAjtttad s saveMiy lata tm afternoon that sha U4 -afewtjr artei-i wards in the iteteoe Hwniirtai. The child was. waknr on i-to-moiJ stieet. IMS4- Uanceek. The uui.njjbll was drtvou by Ma Ookltteiu, U& North Uth sifnt. a Jewelry Uuu Th bh ehlne sktd4d on tfea roadtwu' wklth h4 iMMtly Nr Hwtntwa awl Ntniek f gut 4 . . -' Mi HUGE STADIUM .:fl j3 ft A? i; i mm rami mtfltiwu mattmr. (fliK BBPJJjR? 8 wW JWevS ""lU'-'.H 8L wl . s i.V ' V Mir . riTJ Jli ' with lfatHur. nam X:;kiM't ;.tM hrtiaa Wok ku st15iF -j .BrTr-Tr. : vp. ftfasrw m,h m't 9tUKJ-, ', Sft- !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers