Firr1'V4. mm of bonds ABOYE MINIMUM IN TRADING TODAY advances, However, Left the Quotation of a Major ity of Securities Below July 30 Closing. Thn reMimhtlon of honrl business: on ih rJw York Stock Exchange naturally i overshadowed everything else In the mat 'ter of financial Interest today. Prices i retorted In the short session generally hawed fralhs fanglng from H to JVt points over the figures designated as mini mum prices by the Clearing House Com mittee, but these advances still left the mnjorltv of bonds dealt In nt a rnnge of nbout 2 points under the flnat prices on July 80, There are a number of Important ex ceptions to this range however, New York traction bonds- and some Industrial Issucn ruling above July 30 prices. Busi ness In bonds was far smaller than had been popularly expected, but this was In harmony with tho arrangements made between bond dealers at the meeting on Wdnesday night. The transactions In the first hour amounted to (292,000, second hour 1377,000, making a total for the two-hour session of $669,000. Only flvo Government bonds were sold. Tho largest slnglo transac tion was In Chtcago, Milwaukee and St, .Paul convertible VSs, tho total sales be ing $20,000. Tho bonds sold nt 9SH. while the minimum price was 97. Among transactions made In tho two hour session tho following were regarded Important! Southern Hallway i at 63; Central Leather 6s, nt K Baltimore and Ohio convertibles, at 8tM: St. Paul 4Hs. at 97iJ Northern Pacific 4s, nt 89: United States Steel 6b, at 99?; to B9H: Rock Island 4s, nt Mi Southern Pacific 4s, at 84; Chesapeake and Ohio convertibles, nt 69 VS; Marine 4',ts, at 32; Telephone convertibles, at M'H:- Atlantic Coast Lino 4s, nt 87T&; Interborough Metropolitan 4V4s, at "1T to 72!i'. Southern Hallway 6s, at BS'i; Now York City Hallway 4s, nt 70; Beth lehem Steel proferred, nt 8t?; Brooklyn Itapld Transit 6s, nt 9SU- Tho Exchange was closed with tho noundlnc of the gong by Secretary Ely and the half day's business wound up with Kencrnl cheering by nil the brokers on tho floor. Thero "wns an Interruption to sterling exchange trading caused by the fact that no Bteamor Is scheduled to leave New York port until next Saturday. Tho Wecanthlc was booked to leave on Wed ncsday, but that, steamer Is still In Liver pool. Some efforts wero mado to buy exchange for today's steamer, which left at 11:30 o'clock, and 4.89U was bid for demand bills, but bankers refused to sell. Cables were quotod at 4.90W. There was little business In Continental oxchange and francs and Relchsmarks wero un changed. BOND SALES IN NEW YORK Salon High, Low. Closa. 3II0O Amer Tel clt 4a S7W . 1S00O Amcr Tel cvt 4 Us lV 0U 8SU 2000 Anmour Co 00 S00O Atchison Ken 4s.. .. flOijJ 00i OOVi niu Aicnison aaj is ni 2000 Atian Co Line 1st 4s S7U MO0O Bait A Ohio ov 4J4a. RJ4 8414 844 iiuu uoin otnei nu i. . . rc? SO0O Urook Rixp Tr Ss OS'i . . 300O Canada South Ca 102 2C00O Cent Leath lit 6a.... OH IMli IXHJ 21000 A Ohio cv 4s. OS (5 0S es 2000 Cht M & St P CD Es. 1004 140OO ilo conv 4Kb .... 00 mji rm; 28000 do ncn V,t 114 071 1)74 TOOO Oil II I ft F col 4a. .20 8000 Clev Sh Una 44a (oi 1000 TCrls Ken 4n . ,s ... . ., -fl.'i ... 25000 Distil Secur Corp 8s. W5 Mi 3St 1000 Indiana Btel P...w oft?; .. 20O0O Interbor Mt 4V4s. . T2K 71T4 72U uw inierDor u 1 rer 09... vayt ., ftnoo Inter Mer -lr 4Uj.. .12 1000 Lake 6h deb 4s ltfll.. 801. .. S00O Llsr A Mey Tob 7a... 120 5000 Lorlllard 8 97H .. 20OO N Y Canal 10l)2s 00 1000 N Y City 4 1003.. 102 .. 11000 If TT N II Hart Os OOJS . . 1000 N Y Hwy ret 4a 70 3000"N Y Tlwy adj 60 .... 4714 .. fl.VMYl Nor Pan nrlor 4s . 80(4 8!) 80 6000 'Ray Con Copper 6a..l0OU 100'fc IOO14 6000 icraainir sen -is ikw OOOO Itock Island rfd 4a.. (Htf .. 1000 Seaboard A L adj Ss. 02 1000 South I'ao col 4s. ... 84 20000 South Pao ov 4a 80, 801 SO, BIB00 do cv ret t p Bs.,. im 04i 115 HOOO South Rwy gen 4a. ... 03 02 l.l loouo nouin Jiwy oon os. . . jti i?i uojt 2000 Texas Co cv Os 0SV4 5 0-I new 11 0 uov res is ivn 1HOOO TT H nubbor Gai 10041 102000 17 s Steel fla 00T l)lj 804 jw union i'-o jsi -ia.... wire TOOO Union Pac ov 4a fid 800O Wabash lat 6a U7 HOOO Weat Blectrlo 8a 100 Total, tjond aalos, J 5C0,OOa DEPOSITS INCREASE IN WEEK Advance of g317,5Q7 Made by local Beservo Bank. The weekly report of the Federal He- serve Bank of Philadelphia up to the close of business last night, which Is the second Issued since the institution was placed in operation. November 14, shows an Increase or J617.657 in deposits over the' previous week and a, falling' off of !51,2S7 In cash holdings. The loans and discounts of the bonk, which were all mado durlnc the last week, totaled jsaj.ow. Up to last night the bank had issued 420,000 In new Federal reserve notes. All of these were Issued during the week. This week's statement, compares with last week as follows: r'esourcbs. Nov. 27. Nov. 50. Leans and dlacounta 8b0, 000.00 HaM ..nln and raid certificates 18.803,ft.00 17.!2,042.S0 Ointr ISWTUl money d,oia,l.on J,lUt,OOS.41 Doe from ank, tc 68,819.78 .... ...,. Expenses, etc , 23,017.10 LIAJJlLlTTEa. Capital S3.0SS.114.41 !2,0S3,lU.4l Federal reaerve notes outoUnd 11 ...... 420,000,00 ., DposuT ..;,-:'..!: 18,824:423.87 17.708.8J8.60 FINANCIAL BRIEFS New York banks lost to the Subtreaa uary yesterday J,587,000. Application has been made to the Mis sourt Publlo Bervlce Commission by the Kansas City Terminal Company for au thority to Issue 11,600,000 notes to be se cured by deposit of ?2.000,000 of Its first mortgage 4 pel- cent, bonds. State Auditor Brady, of Illinois, has 1 Issued a call for the condition of State banks a? of November 25. The nit profits of the Cudaby Packing Company for the year ending October 31 were .403.0l. compared with fl.3S9.17S in the same period of the previous year. The surplus, after dividends this year, was ?320,016, again J509.178 last year. The first mortgage 6 per cent, bonds of the American AIalttng Company, due December 1. of which there are fl,353,Q00 outstanding, have all been extended to June 1, l17.j The Qirard National Bank has retired 1600,000 emergency currency. NEW YOBK BUTTER AND EOfiS N8-YV YORK. Nov 38. Butter-OKirkat. UB. seiueo neeeuxs, iwi piiuiu. Lveanery, extra 31. blnit scoring, 34 32i;33c , boltaltoa craam . Steady fUselpts, 0D9T '.Ulr iory 2SUi exes' hi CMKisaal atitL. flraU. 2A&4Q& . i iro, nrsu. .Ltrty vluU 7)iJwr' onix4, BANK OLEABINQS Bun cijirtags ta4ay eaaaptrW wHa Wps. UiUllf vmf - J- -te . ."f- EVENING LONDON UNDERTONE STRONG Victory of Russian Troops Helped Sentiment; War loan nt Premium. LONDON. Nov SS Trading In securi ties In the street today was cheeked by ram, but the undertone was sironn. J. no mIaIa.i. Mf thtk tlnaalnn trnATWI And the speeches of t,ord Kitchener nnd Chan cellor JJavm L.ioj'u-ueorge neipeu senti ment, ns did tno impcnainc; reopening 01 the rarls uourse ror ensn tiaoinB on December 7. TI.A map TTrlllal, Wftr Innn WAN minim at a premium of U. Applicants for amounts up to jtuw.wu win up mioncu the mil amount. Applicants for amounts more than JC100.COO will receive 96 per cent, of their subscriptions, Many Btnall subscribers to the loan are expected to pay for their allotments In full, Instead of In Instalments, owing to the fact that n discount of 3 per cent, will be allowed to thdse who take tho former course. Ilussiflh securities wefo strong. Ameri can and Argentine mils had" a good tone. Canadian Pacific's were loi'o It Is understood that the Stock Ex change Committee Is preparing to fix n buyltig-lu day In respect to bargains mode for the account otlgtnally fixed for mid November. This Is a further step toward reopening tho Exchange. LOAN CERTIFICATES RETIRED Chairman Rue Notifies Comptroller Williams That None Is Outstanding. Levi 1 nuo. chairman o'f tho Clcnrlng House Committee of the Philadelphia Clearing House Association, today sent a telegram to Comptroller of the Currency John Skelton Williams, notifying him that nil of tho Clearing House loan certificates taken out by the banks In this city have been retired. The maximum amount of certificates Issued Is understood to have been between $11,000,000 and 112,000,000. Now that the certificates have been retired It Is probable that tho weekly bank statement showing the conditions of' the member Institutions of tho Clearing House will be changed fihortly. Tho coming week's statement will ho Issued In the old form, but tho next one will un doubtedly be In n new form. A special committee of the Clearing Houso Is now working1 on tho form of stntoment which will bo ndopted, nnd a meeting of this committee will be held nt the Clearing House on Monday, when some definite de cision may bo reached. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHKAT. Hecelpta. 07.850 huh Uxnort den-aml fair and Allies steadily held. Quo tations' Car lots. In export elevator. No. 2 red, spot and November, St,13l.lll: No. 2 red Weetern, 1,1SI1.21; No 1 Northern Duluth, Sl.24l4g1.27i. CORN. Receipts, 12,311 hush The mar ket quiet, with moderato but ample offerlnga nt former rates. Quotations Car lota for local trade, as to location No 2 yellow, eld, W4r82Hc . steamer yellow, old Sl'fl2c OATS. Receipts, 23.403 hush. '1 he market steidlly held, but quiet. Quotations: No. J white, MWlfS"- standard white. M'itiBlc : Mo. 3 white, B5ffS3Mc. PROVISIONS Trade quiet and the market without Import ant chanire We quote. City beef In ata, smoked and alr-drled, 29330c, Western beef. In sets, smoked, 20C!;30c.; city beef knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried, 30'itOlo.; West ern beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 300 31c.) beef hams, $30338, pork family, f-'l02.v, hams. S P. cured, loose, 14ll'4c.; do., skin ned, loose, l.liifjltc ; do., do., smoked, HViO ISa., other hamn smoked, city cured, as to brand nnd mcrairo, 15310V&c. ; hams, smoked, Western cured, lAOlRV&c. ; do, boiled, bonoles, 2021c, picnic shoulders, S. P. cured, loose, UWB12c. ; do., smoked, 1313Ma; bellies, In Elckle, Hccordln? to average, loose, lOJHOJSc. ; reakfant bacon as to brand and nvcrage, city cured, 1DS20C.; breakfast bacon. Western cured, 10820c; lard. Western, refined, tierces, 1212Uc; do., do., do., tubs, lSJjUUc.; lard, pure city, kettlo rendered. In tierces, 121; 12'Jc. : lard, puro city, kettle rendcrod. In tubs, 12I2'ic. REFINED SUGARS Trade slow, but values steadily maintained. Tleflners' list of prices: Standard gran ulated, 5.15c: fine granulated, 5.10a: ponder ed, 5 20c.; confectioners' A, 6c; soft grades, . 2504.85a. DAIRY PRODUCTS I1UTTER Offerings of desirable stock light and values steadily held, but wholesale trade aa usual on Saturday quiet Quotations. Western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, 37c, extra, iljo. : extra firsts, aJJlc., Hrsts, 30631c; seconds, 20S2SC, ladle-packed. sitj'JSc., as to quality; nearby prints, rancy, 38c; do, averago extra, 3SJ7c, do., firsts, 32183V., do., aoconda, 3031c. Special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 438-15C. KGGH. 8trlctly lino fresh eggs scarce nnd values well sustained. Quotations. In freo rases, nearby extras, -4042c. per doz. . nearby tints, IIO80 per standard case, innrliy cur ront receipts. ?0.9O31O.2O per standard case; Western extra firsts, $10.80 per case; do , firsts, tD.0Oitl0.20 per rase: do., seconds. X7.21) O7.80; Southern, VJ.OOft 10.20 per case. Refrig erator eggs, as to quality. 214227c. per doz Xancy selected candlod fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 40M7c per doz. CHISIStJK. Trade quiet, but supplies small and alues steady. Quotations: Sey York full-cream, earlier receipts, choice, lSiyoiUc. 1 do., do., current make, choice, lOMc , do., do, fair to good, HHW15C. , do., part sklma, 813c POULTRY LIVE. The market quiet, with ample of ferings at the late decline. Quotations Fowls, 12fHc; old roosters, lOOllo., spring chick ens, 12011c; turkey. 13S10c. ducks, 13 14c; geese, 13 14c. ; guineas, young, weighing 2 lbs. and over apiece, per pair, buc., weigh ing l'-WflJi lbs. apiece, per pair, fiOSSSc, neighing 1 lb. apiece, per pair, 40g-!5c , do,, old, 40c.; pigeons, per pair, 15018c. DltESSKI). Offerings moderate but am ple and the market quiet at tho recent decline. Quotations: Turkeys 'Fancy, large, spring, 21 tj22c; average receipts, spring, lb2oc Infe rior, spring, UW5a: No. 1, old, 20c, fowls, per lb. Weighing -4VSSO' lbs. apiece, luc, do., 4 lbs. aiilece, 17gpl8c; do, .'l'.l lbs, uplece, 10c, do., 3 lbs, and under, 13914c, old roosters, dry-picked. 13Uc; broiling chickens, nearb), weighing V.iU- lbs. apiece, 2022c, broiling chickens, nearby, fair to good,, lufjl&c; chick ens. Western, fancy fat, milk-fed, A lbs, and over apiece. In boxes, dry-picked, lUc. . chick ens. Western, corn-fed. 4 Iba nplece. In boxM, dry-packed, 18c: chickens. Western. 4HS lbs. In bbls., dry-packed, 17c, chickens. Western, UU3V, lbs; apiece, loQlaUc ; broiling chickens, Western. ltt2 lbs. apiece, 18c, broiling chickens. Western, fair to goal, 12815c, spring ducks, l&S18c. ; spring feese, I3d15c, Kquabs, per doz. White, neighing It to 13 lbs., per doz., t3.00i94.SO: white, weighing 11 to 10 lbs. per doz., f3.10ffO.7S; white, weigh ing 8 lbs. per doa., 12.60S2-7S: do., do.. 7 lbs. r' er doz, I22.25; do., do., 04A lbs per doz., 1.2S4jl.e3; dark and No, 2, eOc.etl 10. FRESH FRUITS The general market quiet and without im portant change. Quotations: Apples, per bbl Jonathan. I383.G0; King. K.B0tiO23; Baldwin, Sl.7o02.9O; Greening. X1.7t2.e0, Twenty-ounce, t2.50J, Pippin. 41.7002.70: York Imperial, 1.60S2; other good eating varieties, $1.T52.80, medium, aiwl.fifl; apples. Western, ptr box. It 01.60; do , Delaware and Pennsylvania, per hmpr, MiCtWo.; lemons, per box, J3S4, oranges. Florida, per box. JfJ.7fkS2.60i grape fruit, Florida, per 6u. l.M4j8i pineapplee. per crate, Porto Rico, tl.-3S-l.2i; do , Florida, 110 2.60, cranberrlea, fancy later varieties, per bbl.. ttwi.tO: do., Cape Cod. early black, per bbl.. ersey, per crate, JIIoJWl 23; pears, New York, cer bbL. Seektl, 13.6009; Deurre IJoae, S480.60, bheldcn, 4S6, Reurre qairgeau. I2.6OQ6.&0: Beurre d-ArTJou. 12.2580.26. Duccm.2J; iioweii. m'J wier i,cii, tiw jsrapca. New York. Concord, per 8-lb. baaket. 13813a.; do., per 4.1 Daettet, fwufti Niagara, per 4 lie,; do., Concord, per 20-1 b. bu- lb. basket, 1 kct, soaioc VEGETABLES Offerings fairly liberal and the market showed little change. Demand only moderate. Quotations Whit potatoes, per bush.. Penn slvanla, 5S3X!c.l do., New York, 43fCOa; do., Jersey, per baaket, 36fM0e-; sweet pota toes. Eastern bhore, per bbl. So. 1, i42,73; do., No. 2. tl 60l.fS; sweets, Jersey, per bbl.. No. J, lf3.50; do.. No. S. 2S.2S: aweeul Jersey, per basket, 00STOC. ; Onions, oholce, per bush., 60070c ; do., ordinary, per bush., 60 55c, do., choice, per lt)0-tb bag, SI 2691-85; dc.. medium, per 100-lb bag, SJctfll; do., seconds, psr JOO-lb. bag, 6otr76c, oabbage, domestic per ton, 10010; do., Panlsh, per ton, I13SHJ; caullnower, New York, per orate, 76c.6ll.25. lettuce. Florid, per basket. tlO 1.60. do. North Carolina, per basket, 5p473c; 1.60, do . North Carolina, per basket, titans. Florida, rjer basket. . S1.2&at!.f beans. Florida, per .basket. . I l.SSge.fiO; egg- plant. Florida, per box. SJSS 60. cucumbers, Florida, per basket. Sl.t&arz 60; squash, nf Ida, per basket, 11.6CX82, celery, New Yorlc, per bunc2S45c . lAujhrooms, per' 4-rb. 81'ECIAI, NOTICES IrSSo- A SIEETINO TN MHslOHV OV l1" Henry V. llbur will Im hela at Hrlfli' Meeting House. 15th and Race. Kleventh "leath, StU (rirst-Day), at I. o'clock, . za. Act Invltutioa ta-titeaded. PROPOSALS TIIB USFAKT1IBNT OF THE CORONER will receive bid fr supplies far 1916, Bohsdule on nle In Oeroaers office and aaa ME&JA&m m& SS A.A2.! -e:" tbvT-tf I.EIHIKK-I'HILAPKLPHIA, HATIJRDAY. NOVEMBER OBITUARIES LEWIS J. LEVIOK Iewlo 3. Levlek, president of the Crow Levlck Company, and n. prominent mem ber of the Society of Friend, died yes terday nt his Home, 'ChantUly," Uel mont nvenue, BbI. lie waa ill but n short lime. Mr. l,evlck wnii born nt Qutikertown, Pn., the son of tho lute Samuel 1. T-dVlok, wldelv known In the ministry of Friends. He t-ntererl the petroleum oil business early In life, nnd In 18T8 established -forelfrn trade with agencies and Stations In everv commercial city on the" globe He was a member, of the Civil Service Commission, uridor the Ashbrldfte and Weaver Administrations, n director of tho Chnmber of Commerce, find a member of the Executive Committee of the Phila delphia Hoard of Trndc. Mr. Levlek was at one time vice president of the Penn sylvania Pnrafflne Works, of Tltusvltle, Pa., nnd formerly a director of the 1 nlted Ufiht and Heatlnfi Company of Phila delphia. Mr, Levlek leaves a widow, who, befort her marriage, was Miss Mary d'lnvllllers, of Philadelphia, and four chlldren-Hcnrj Ij. Levlek. Mrs. Wlnthrop C. Nelson, Mrs. Oeorgo P. Atlec, .Tr., nnd MIrs Suzanne Levlek. The funeral will be held Mondni mornlns from Mr. Levlck's late residence JOHN D. DUBNELL .inhti r. TJurnell. 81 years, a teteran of the Civil War nnd on Odd Fellow for many years, died Thursday at the homo of his grandson. T. Henry Walnut, at torne), M13 Hamilton atrect. Ho was a member of tho Apollo Lodge, No. 296, I. O. O. F. Mrs. Thomas 11. Wnlnut, mother of tho attorney, is a sur viving daughter. The funeral services will be held Mon day afternoon from tho residence of his grandson. ADMIRAL W. L. FIELD Retired Veteran of Forty Years' NaVal Service. WASHINGTON. Nov 2?.-Hcar Admiral Weils L. Field, rotlred, 69 years old. tiled' here yesterday after a lingering Illness. Ho was a native of St. Louts, Mo. Admiral Field was graduated from the Naval Academy In 1SS7 and was gazetted an ensign the following year He be came n master In 1870, a lieutenant In 1871, nnd a llctitennnt commander In 1S92. In 183? ho was made a commander and reached the grado of captain In June, 10OJ. In September of the unmo oar ho was ro tiled nftcr 40 yenrs' service nshorp and afloat with the ranking of rear admiral DR. FREDERICK W. KOHLER Dr. Frederick W. Kohlcr, ES years old, widely known In this city ns a homeo pathlst, tiled today nt tho German Hos pital after a long illness from Ilrlght'fl disease Doctor ICohlor was graduated frpm tho Jefferson Collego nnd wns resi dent physician at the Hahnemann Hos pital. He studied for several years In tho universities of Franco and Germany. For many years ho had offices nt 8th nnd Cumberland streets. Two sisters, Mrs James IJ Flnley, of Wyndmoor, nnd Mrs John 13. Mulford. widow of the late Itev. John 15. Mulford, survive. The funeral wilt be held Monday afternoon, from the apartments of John H. Wetzel, 232S Ger mantown avenue. WILLIAM WHITE ALLEN Word of tho doath of William White Allen, nirillated for many years with tho Lehigh Valley Railroad nnd Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, was leceived hero yesterday. No details were given In the notice other than that he died nt Pnu, Franco, on November 12. Mr. Allen was born In Ennlscorthy, County AVcx ford, Ireland, and was n naturalized American citizen. His extensive travels nbtoad nnd tours through Egypt made him the possessor of one of the rarest collections of European and Egyptian relics. AVhllo In this city he lived with friends, nnd nt times had apartments near 16th and Arch streets. He was mar ried In Ireland two years ago. WILLIAM' T. REED William T. Reed, formerly a resident of Camden, died Thursday at his home in Washington. D. C , nfter a stroke of paralysis. He was 71 years old, and for 10 years employed In the Government Printing Olllce. He If survived by his widow. The Interment will be made In West Chester, Pa., where his parent.- are buried. 1' M4 . 4J 5S OUND Q tujcu; JV.,,1 Fit. tu M0tTT lv X AU XrK Ss. VAVV . . Ellen Adair's Letters to "The Girl Who Works" Based upon investigation and an in timate knowledge of the girl wage earner's struggles, Ellen Adair has written a series of personal articles to help girl workers get the most out of their lives, These letters will appear, with many suggestions from the girls them selves, every day beginning Monday, November 30, in the Aliening rTi - IMiml REV. WILLIAM JMAQTJIRE The Rev William Maguire. formerly a resident of Gexmantown, Is dead at Franklin, III. Ho was rector of tho Cath olic Church there. He was pie son of the late John Maguire, and received his early education In 8t. Vincent's parochial school, Germantown. Ho Is survived by his sister, Margaret Maguire, who Is n sister of charity. MARQUIS VISCONTI VENOSTA HOMES, Nov 28 The Marquis Vlscontl Venosta, former Minister of Foreign Af fairs, died this morning. IN MF.MOHIAM n.VI9 In loving remembrance of F.UZA POLLOCK DAVIS, who died Nov. 2S, 100S. )catl)3 Al.f.EN. WILLIAM WHITE, of Philadel phia. Bom at Ennlscorthy, (,'ounty Wex ford, Ireland. , Died at Pau, France, on No vember 12, 1014 llAltrtKTT - EDITH 1JAIIRKTT. 13(8 Cypress at Iir.NSON.- On November 20. 19H, MAT1T M., widow of floors A. Benson, funeral services on Monday, at 2 p. m. precliely, at 103 Rsat Haines at,, Oermantonn. Inter ment strictly prUate IlIIH.K.It. On November 25, 1914, JOHN V. husband of the late Alice U. Uleler (nee O'Urlen). Funeral on Monday, at 7 3o a, m from 2428 North 7th at. Solemn Jlcqulem Mass at Bt lionltaclua' Church, at n a. m Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. lirtOAHUISI.T. -At Uurllngton, N. J., on No vember 27, 1014, .TAMKB linOAHHELT. Funeral from tho residence of hla nenhnw. Thomas Uroadbelt. 24 West Union at., Uurllngton, N. J., on Tuesday, December 1 1014, at X p. m Interment Old rcllowa' Cemetery. nilOWN. On November 20, 1014, CONFtAD nnowN Funeral sen Ices at his late resi dence, northwest corner Falrmount a. and Shirley at., on Monday, at 1 p. m. precisely. Interment private. CAMl'Iini.I.. On November 27, 1014. MAItY I, . daughter of Oeorgo W. nnd Annie O. Campbell. Funeral on Monday, at 7 'in a. m , from 1711 South GGth st. Solemn High Maes of Itequlem at Church of the Most lllcsicd Sacrnment. at 0 a. m Interment at 1'yleavIIIe, Md. CI.AIlt. On November 2.1, 10H, JOHN, hue band of Bridget Clair. Funeral on Monda, at 8..10 a. tn , from .100" Uoudlnot at. Solemn Itequlcm Mass at the church of the Aarrn slon nt 10 a m Interment nt New Cathe dral Cemetery. COOK. On November 20, 1914, HELEN. Funeral on Monday, at 0 a. m., from 20t Ilnet Indiana ave. tnterment at St. Francis il Halea Cemetery, Lennt. COOI'RIt. - At Mooreatown. N. .7., on 11th Month 20th. 1014, MAIIV II. COOPER widow of Claylon Cooper. Funeral on 2d day, 11th Month, at 2 p m, from Camden and Talrvlew axes., Moorestawn, N J. In terment pilvate IlllNPIIV. On November 2S. 1914, near Mansfield. N. J . WILLIAM DI'Nl'HY Fu neral from the residence of his son-in-law, William U Potts, near Mansfield, N. J., on Monday, November 3d, at It a. m. Interment at Ilaptlst Cemelerj. .lacobstonn, N. J. I'OCl). In Trenton, N .!., on November 27. 1014. CAM1LLE V. , lfe of Dallas II. Fogg Funeril from her hubnnd'n residence. 120 Second st . Trenton, N. J , on Monday after noon, nt 2 .10 p. m Interment at IUvcrvlcw remptory OI.OVKIt, -Suddenlv, on November 20, 1014 JAMES a . beloved eon of Martha 8. and James 7.. Glover; Funeral on Monday, at 10 80 n m . from the resldenca of his par ents, near lllaclcnood, N. J. Hervlces at tho house. OHIEll At the residence of hla daughter, Mr. O. Ktenkcr, 02:10 Spruce st , on No vember 20, 1014, JAMES L. OltlBU. Funeral servicer and Interment private. GItirriN.On November 21. 1014, MAIty A , v Idow of Thomas M. Oriffln Funeral on Monday, nt 8 30 n. m., from 7107 York road, Oak Lane. Solemn Itequlem Maas at Church of the Holy Anjrels, nt 10 a. m Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, IIUI'I'NAni.K.-Oii November 23, 1014, LULU L . wife of Charles HufTnaKle. Fu neral on .Monilnj, nt 8.30 h, m, from Ji.iO cst Arizona street. HlKh Mass of Itequlem at the Church of tho Moat Precious Illood at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery JOHNSON. On November 27, 1014, FKANK v., husband of Ella S. Johnson and son of James A. and Ella Johnson, nt hla parcnta' resldenre, iiain North rnrk ave Due nottco of thi funeral will bo given KALAHAN. On November 25. 1014, MI t HAEI, F . hupband or the late Mary E Kalahari Funeral, Monday, at 8:30 a m , from 817 North 23th treet. Solemn Ma of Itequlem at St Francis' Church at 10 o'clock precisely Interment Holy Cross Cemetery KINKAII). On November 27. lOlt, WILL IAM, husband or tho inte Louisa Klnkald Funeral on Monday. November SO, at 2:30 p m precisely, from 2144 Christian st In terment Mount Morlah Cemetcrv. KOHI.LH. On November 27. 1914. Dr. FUDUERICK W. KOHLER Funeral 01 Monilaj, at 2 p m . from the (.Impel of John It. Wetzel. 232S Ocrmnntown avenue. In terment private. I.F.VICIC. Eleventh Month 27th. 1014, LEWIS J LEVIl'K Tlie funeral will take place nt his late resldenco nt Bala, E'a , Second-day, Eloventh Month .totli. nt 11-45 a. m. Train leaves Ilroad Strcot Station for Itala 11.IH a. m Interment private. I.OULSOI1ER On November 20. 1014, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Albert Herr mann, Ilrooklvn, N. Y. CECELIA, widow of Joseph Loulsoder Funeral on Monday, at 8 a m , from 1504 North Lawrenco street. Itequlem Mnia nt St I'oter's Church at U o'clock Interment at St Teter's Cemetery MACKLNTAC1L On November 20. 1014, at Mt Holl). N. J . WILLIAM MACKI.NTAC1I. Funetat from Pine st , Mt. Holly, N, J., on Sunday, at 2 p. m Interment at Baptist Cemetery. Pemberton, N. J MrCHEAHV. On November 20. 1014. VIO LET c Funeral from 20 Thomas avenue, Bryn Mawr, Fa . on Monday, at 11 a. m. Services at the Church of the flood Shepherd, fj sJ L L v"i y jl USE A YEAR- XlVCC ' vx COMBINATION Vt-C, RANGE AND HAVE Ar COMFORTABLE KITCHE N Wl THE WHOLE YEAR AROUND WWJ? W If BURNS COAL AND GAS MAKES HOUSEKEEPING A PLEASURE mo. la 1MB I in.nnria i'fitIK HVOA nml HITCHES' it A.M. A I.- it's FKtlK i ADDAita rrw tK crrwrr rr A. XO, iJlUYlJV - u. LlXs. ni.sijii.f vt; rnijaacipiua r a v-y Sq MM t jflzhgtz -Z.i &. ii4jilQfa, .r jiK i- mSf JfV K DEATH! ftoeemont, Pn. . st 11 o'clock interment private, at uien vock. j-a. MflLAt'OHLIN. Suddenly, on November 2S, 1914, JAMB8, husband of the late MAry T, MeLaufthlln. Funeral en Monday. tp 80 ft, m, from 1483 Montroa at. (beWw Chris tian at.) Solemn Itequlem Mass st St, Teres' church, t 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MoNnil.L.- AUSTIN McNEILL, SOlO Njtth . 24th at. MEItEDITir. On November 27, 1914, DAVID II MRrtF-DlTH, hitibftml of Harsh M. Meredith Funeral servlres on Tuesday, t 2 p. m , st his late twldenc. 179 North Owen ave , Lanadowne, Delaware County, . rs tnterment at Arlington Cemetery. MONAQHAN, On November 27, 1B14, NEL LIE V MONACHIAN. Funeral on Tuesday, at S to n. tn., from 298 Nnrth Oth at Solemn Itequlem Mass at Bt. Bdvinrd' Church, st JO a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MOOItlV -AMimoaE MOOHB, H31 Wallace street. .MOSES. On Novemb'rk 28, 1014, ADDISON W. M0SE8, aged OS years, at hla residence, 60.1 North Allison at. Due notice of the funeral will be Riven. MURI'IIV. On November 56, 1914. entered Into reef. MARTHA T-. daughter of the late John and Mary Anna Murphy. Ilelattvei and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, at her late residence, 1719 Fair mount ave , on Monday, 30th Inst, Inter ment private. MKYEI18. At Monessen, r., nn November 28, 1014, BBLINA, .wife of Meyer Meyers, Ilelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeml, on Sunday, at 10 a. m., from the residence of hor daughter, Mrs. I. Wag man, 2210 Weat Venango at. Interment at Mount Blnal Cemetery. ItA.MIHI. On November 27, 1814, WALTEM. fiuaband. of Ulllan K. Itnmbo, and son of William nnd tho late Mary A. Itnmbo. at hl father's residence. 4r.;o Wlldo at , Malta Junk Due notice of the funeral will be given. HBIIMONI!. On November 25, 1914, MATtT, widow of I,awrenee Itedmond (nee McDrlde), ut iramuru, county ijuneKsi, irriana, i it nral on Monday, at 8 30 a. m from 000.1 aermantown ave. Bolemn High Mass of He oulem at Holy Cross Church, Mt, Airy, at 10 a m Interment at Holy cross Cemetery 1IEI1VK. JOHN AHMSTrtONO. Infant son of II. Mark and Mary A. Iteevc, on No vember 27 Funeral private, at Monument Cemetery. ItOTH, On November 27, 1014. CATH LRINA, wife of Goorge Itoth, Sr Funeral se-vlces on Mondnj', at 2 p. m , nt her lato reliience, 370 Clinton St., Camden N J Interment private, nt Evergreen Cemetery 8CHLECIIT. On November 27, 1014, (HltlsviNA, widow of Martin SchlecM Fvinernl on Monday, November 30, nt 2 p Tlie Highest Point in Logan 13th at. : Somervllte nve. (5400 North) 2-story, modern and semi-detached homes, 0 rm. Ilullt by day's work. This la a very pretty part of Logan and where vnluea are bound to rise. Take Willow Grove cars Noa. 21, 03 and 03 to Somervtllo nve , 4 block to 13th sl or train to Logan atatlon. Also corner house, sultnhle for doctor or dentist. F. & E. AUBEL builders & Owners on Premises. ItEAlj ESTATE roil KAI,K West Philadelphia BOULEVARD HOMES RESTRICTED SECTION COBBS CREEK BOULEVARD ROTH TO OOTH ST. (AHOVE BALTIMORE AVE.) IflO-1'OOT STREET. 142 FEET BETWEEN FRONTS. 4 ROWS OF TREES i n.Wfc mm mmmma . i . , nEAUTIFUL HOMES "Or ADVANCED IDEAS" Sample house, fully furnished with period furniture and Orlontal rugs. Mne exceptionally large rooms. Tile baths and ahower baths. Tile kitchens, sras kitchens, air-chromed (hand-colored) wall decorations. Open fireplace of Fompclian brick. Hot-water heat Entire front polished plate and art Elass. PARQUETRY FLOORING THROUOIIOUT Reautltul electric fixtures of artistic design, found only In private manslona Lots 110 feet deep Terms to Suit Choice of decoratlona and finish. Rest ot car service Take any car crossing 00th street, including Elevated, and pass direct to houses for one fare Also Baltimore avenue Subway cars (Route No. 34). FOX & ARMSTRONG BUILDERS AND OWNERS. ON PREMISES. OR 1308 SOUTH 10TH ST. 0VERBR00K Somelhing Entirely Different Semi-Suburban Homes in the New up-to-date houses, S3 ft, front, with lots 35 ft. wide Ileantlfui residences amidst delightful surrounding" Nassau Road between 61st and 63rd Sts. fAL SOUTH OF OXFORD ST. Within easy reach of centre of city by wny of Elevated, pausing1 north on COth street: Over brook cars on Arch street or Penna. It. It. from Overbroolc Station. W. PERCIVAL on iremlsea or 4039 LANCASTER AVE. Clty LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME SEE Mahon's New Houses FRONTING ON THE 300. FOOT BOULEVARD AT TENTH ST. AND DIRECTLY OPPOSITE HUNTING PARK LAWN TENNIS PLAYQROUND FOR CHILDREN Large --story, 0-room. porch-front homes, open fireplaces, parquetry floors, tils bathrooms, laundry, hot. water heat, eas and electrlo llchts. (as kltchsna, terraced fronts -wittr old shade. Several with carage privileges. Sample house open every day and on Sunday. Heated and Illuminated throughout. Come and se these attractive homes. Take Bouts No. 21 on 16th street: No. BS on 11th street, or No. OS on Oth street, dst off at Boulevard (North SIda) and walk two aquarea saat. pries 10.30. Small caah payment, balance at terms to ault purchaasr. X fen for rent at H5. For further information writs or call. E. R. STACKHOUSE Logan, HOMES OF ARTISTIC DESIGN &STERLING QUALITY Bg'SSffl?rarfflSKKSTt1g1lrfflhK?fX New Jersey REAL HOME A -' ,'Ut "" "5..". . ' x '"'"."'.' T,-fy.lgBaesA-fJilt-WW-----l-aa-M :L ' raJteTft i, - , iamHHHHH---HU " j;i;'.' . OjiiBtiiffe."'' 'HwlnBaBBHHl-W-BV 28. 1914.. mUTttn m . frem the residence, of her B-ln-Uir, Walter Atkinson, 119 Colonist ave., "aiMon Aelo, N. J. Interment private, Harlech Cemetery. SINOTT. WILLIAM SlNOTT, 1S4T Illckl street. BTACKEn-On November 27, 1914. An- BAllErr S,. wife of John M. Stek4r. Fu neral services en Monday, nt ll . m., st her lato realdenee, JWSS North Camao st. Interment private 8TItATTON-On Nevertber 28, IBM, MARY E., wife of Edward Stratton Funeml en High Ileoulem MK at the Church etiy Aionaay, m n ov n m., uum p." """v-.v. iv. jtv n ju n in., iiuiii ,., vawivu. w-. in Interment Hely Croti tnutlffv 8TI5INBIL TniNEIL-MAXWELL 8TE1NEK, Sfl4 SHIFT. On, November 2B, 1914, CATH AHINK, widow, of Henry Bwlft (lata of 'lttaburh, Pn.) Funeral on Monday, at 8-30 a, m , from 1801 Jefferson at. Requiem High Mass at Church of. the Oeau at 10 a. m Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery WARREN. MARGARET WARREN, 471S WELL8, Uln November 29. 1914. at Bar anao Lake. X. Y, WILLIAM CtATTON WELLS. live notice of the funeral will WIDMAYER. On November ,85. 1914. ERNEBT FREDnnlCK W1DMAYER. Fu neral services on Monday, at a p. m at SJOT North Carllale at. Interment private, at ML Vernon cemetery. . tt II.HELM. On November 25. 1914, FRKD KItICK " , husband of Elliabeth M. WI1 helm. Funeral Tueaday, at 8'80 a. itK. from 1200 North Rlngrold it. (nesr 24th st, arid North Colleite ave.). High Mass of Ree,ul at fat Elliabeth's Church, 10 a, m. Inter ment nt nw Cathedral Cemetery. UOOI1WARII. At Beverly, N. .7, on Ne vember 27. 1814, REBECCA W., daughter Of Joseph and Buean Deacons Woodward, In her Sttli year. Relatives and friend of, the fam ily are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, nt 2 o'oloek. at her late residence, 439 Church st IKverlr. N. J. interment at St, Mary's Church Tart, Bur lington, N J. REAL ESTATE rOR BALE City A New Operation OF THOSE LOUGHRAN HOUSES JUST LIKE TUB 118 THAT WE DUILT AND BOLD LAST TEAR Sec Sample Houses 4832 North Fifth Street Price $4000 ALSO 516 Eleanor St Price $3200 Thee have porch fronts, all modern im provements basement laundry, Iictrla lights. Built with the stability that ha; made tho Loughran house a atandara ot good construction. See JOHN LOUGHRAN'S SONS 5TH ST., BELOW ROCKLAND 8T. West Philadelphia, SECTION City Limits - JOHNSON, Builder City AGENT ON OPERATION OFFICE; 935 N. E. BOULEVARD Logan. 10th St boutii of nociciurc Six largs rooms and oath and out-llchan, basement laun dry silt to yardj tsrraesd fronts, hot-water haat, (as and electrlo lights, Isras Eorchas. Vermont slat roofs, aclt stairway: muit bs aasn to b appreciated. Impossible & q uupiicatcu la these) homes Vr. He- ried eat Candleu has car: many new Idaas in Interior dscorattnr. a business h nsa epscianssq in lor ys ars. Cbas. C. McCandlesa BUILDER AND OWNER On Prtmisss, or 4IJI Tork Kd. New Jersey AT A BARGAIN For lounedUt sals, a spscUl prk la sst upon this beaxitlful Colonial horns situated on best tmt ia Palmyra Ceotalns ntos rooms and bath. opca. Orsaess, eleciria lights, hirJwsod lOHshsd floors -U cooveateaees tbat nutte Tor hOBM comfarts. Lot KSxleTW ft Threa mlautsa to staUoa. with nx.-lld train srlc to Cam-en li minutes) Just cBplts4 under owner persaaal aupervlalon. $4840Trmi to Suit R. G. GAMBU WMltMOtM Av$, jm VMta si iJgij 3J5JBSIESB3-iB mf&mmma&m :ki a rV. .' - Wt ' ". t, On This Page Next Wednesday December 2d and Daily TheteaffeVi All Help Wanted and "'v Situations Wanted advertising which appears 3 in the Public Ledger . ; will be inserted in the ' ' Euming ffieftger the same day without extra charge. ; - Want ads under all other classifications will be accepted' for insertion in both the morn ing and evening papers of the same date at an extra cost of only Four Cents per agate line over Public Ledger rates. The combined circulation is: exceedingly High. The combined rate is exceed ingly low. DA1LT ONLT COMBINATION RATE For Inssrtlea in Voth the raomlar and STenlog papers) of asms day; EUJBLIC LEDGER EVENING LEDGER! -t THIfl S1ZB TTPSI (or like this) One or two times ..., 10a porllue Three tlmu a vreeK... HJJc per line Seven times- eensecutlfely.. .....Ho per line , THIS SIZE TYPE (or likeJhfj) Oa r tw times...... Zta psrillr.s" .'(- TDree tunas ev .wee,-........ .,vv.? ";?" Seven or mof Maseeattre Inter- " , tlone f, m tfclfo peril e . t I j-". t 'Xt, f V' t' ynjl mtwmiiwnwwwimf?! : -' immwimammKmmKtsmiamm-- II II , . . . v teM.3A-Slf--JSK&. .' ? v AiJ v-i :1 ; wz tob .tl ill 1 Ji $- - S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers