xm Y.f.mVfett.IWjai.T:ifWirr7trafT-. BAmnpivttM m. tnwi jTTi"Str!aj n V!lAtwftMUBULijiIuigiii ?tf l,iu..aiijuwinuiwui wumPiw, ii BiiiwHwiyjiiPu. EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1914. p V" III III I, PLANS TO RESUME TRADING IN BONDS ARE BEING AWAITED Financial District Believes There Will Be Daily Calls of Selected Securities. Sterling Exchange Weak. Formal announcement of arrangements ,,, to resume trading In bonds on tlio floor r of the Now York Stock Bxchnnge was t Awaited with Interest In the financial dis trict today. Full details of the plnn have . not yet been decided by the special com "" irtlttee. ', It Is generally understood, however, that there wilt bo dally calls of selected V bonds' and other securities. Meanwhile transactions in bonds aro going on n through the commltteo und over counters on n. large scalo at prices 4 to 5 points above the prices prevailing a month ago, .', and additions have been mado to tho u number of stocks traded In through the , New York Stock Exchange clearing house. Tho Now street curb prices havo not maintained tho high rango established t the beginning of tho week. There has . been an increase In supply and dc liveries, both on transactions In tho open , market and through tho Clearing House, which havo been mado In foreign cer- tiflcatea. Foreign houses, however, say that this does not Indicate present foreign selling, but a rclcaso of stocks received from abroad In the first week of August by tho Olympic and other steamers which have since been carried by tho banks to whch they wcro orig inally consigned. These consignees deolro to avoid the necessity of making transfers to their own names In order to obtain dividends, for which transfer books soon close. Canadian Pacific, Union Pacific, United Stales Steel common and a number of other issues will ocll cx-dlvldond on De cember 1 and are prominent among Is sues of which foreign certificates are now being delivered. Present foreign orders are on the buy ing side. One New York houso has Just r received an order to buy 1000 Amal gamated and United States Steel from Berlin, by way of Amstcidam, and many " buying orders have been received from - Berlin, Arbltraso brokers received no cables "Z -frt"n London this morning about the set tlement, nnd they assume this meana , , that tho settlement progressed without trouble. Some of tho leading banking houses received notice by cable that tho . British loan had been offered and that their correspondents would bo pleased to place subscriptions for Now York ac count. Money was freely offered at B per cent, on both tlmo arid call loans, with banks f disposed to be liberal In regard to col lateral. Sterling exchange was weak. , because of absence of bids. Demand $1.87 nnd cables J1.87H. Fronch exchange was scarce and tho market was strong, with i caoies in acmana at 5.1ZVi. New street curb prices: United States sieei common, 47; Southern Pacific, 8254; Atchison, 8714; Pennsylvania, 101; New York Central, 70V4; Reading, 13814. With an improving demand for both stocks and bonds In the local market to day prices advanced In some cases and for some Issues they were 6 per cent, higher than a week ago. The most prominent feature In the day's trading was a demand for International Smoke less Powder common stock.. Some strength was shown In the stock yester day and there wero sales reported at 21. Today, however, a new buying move- m.nt atnrfnrl n..1 ft n.l.. & . PM' J " mv hid iJiitv went up lo w 23 bid for 100-share lots. The stock sold arouna iu ana is in July and there was e. very narrow market for It. The strength and renewed demand was attri buted to tho belief that the company has received somo larger orders from the Government as well as from European countries. Pennsylvania is of 19(8 were J?.ld atJm and the convertible 3tfs ware 8.8FheCe Wtts an '"Wiry for Spanish American Iron Company fcrat nar FINANCIAL BRIEFS Announcement was made today of the opening of two stock exchanges. On De cember 7 the Los Angeles Stock Exchange will reopen for unrestricted business while the Cleveland Stock Exchange will reopen on Monday with restricted trading in stocks other than those which are local there. A meeting will be held in Ogden, Utah, of the Amalgamated Sugar Company anH the Lewiston Sugar Company on Decem ber 13to vote on camolldatlng the cor porations unaer tno name of the Amal gamated Sugar Company. The Amalga mated has an authorised capital of J4.000 -COO and the Lewiston a capital of 11,000,000. Samuel T. Freeman & Co., auotloneers WlU resufpe their Veekly auction sale of stocks and bons subject to the rulings of the BDecIal committee of flv nt th. nv,n ;j; adelphla. Stock Exchange on Tuesday. "' Mn VifI, hanta Ina, tn .U 0..1.,.. yesterday 1891,000 and since Friday have lost $7,078,000, An order for three contractor's locomo tives and two locomotives for export of the Santa Fe type have been received by the Baldwin Locomotive Works. The. annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lehigh Valley Railroad will be held on Tuesday, January 19. The Kensington National Bank has re tired $25,000 emergency currency at the Subtreasury, Banks In New York yesterday retired emergency currency to the amount of $1,703,000. This makes the total retired to date $56,373,870, out of the maximum Issue of about $140,000,000. A New York Cotton Exchange seat has been purchased from a member of Dick Brothers & Co, by S. B. Chapln & Co. for J'JJW, an advance or zsoo from the last previous sale. The Government will issue a report on cotton sinning at 10 a. m. November 21. The report will show the amount of cot ton sinned to November It. It was learned In New York that the German Are Insurance companies are or ganizing an association, to adjust all transatlantic business outside of the Slnlted States, which will render them In ependent of the (Ire offices committee of ionaon. RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC. 1B14. eeeond wetk Novewbsr. . 11,878.000 SiooiJMlyl ,4S0.072 MISSOURI PACIFIC. Deei-Bas. $1,218,090 is.vnjm Becoad k November. 1.M0. from July 1 $112,000 4S3,4B jn.i 1.713.1 NEW YQBK BUTTER AND ECtGS &B.Yi J.yoRK: hov, 18--BUTTBR-JUI-UM ZJK? . 'w " tcangfj, crsasurr. V?!? rZ!l BNJB BWCUI, .BKfBWysHI. . BKIB, u i .iBMwsiwH Btwnayy. sski4 -TOtyysMB. i wiwiHi ctff4Bnewy. msfffittfi. 'irmssafSaom M'ADOO ANNOUNCES THAT COTTON POOL IS COMPLETE Sixteen Cities Contributed to Big Fund to Help South. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18,-Thc comple tion of the big cotton loan pool is an nounced In a statement by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. Mr. McAdoo was notified bv Ktihn, Loob H. Co.. of New York, that the tlrm had agreed to subscribe $2,000,000, and Bernard M. Baruch, of Now York, who offorcd to contribute 11,600,000, was called Upon for 11,000,000. This completed the whole $10V 000,000 of the Class A certificates, and thus assured the success of the pool. Tho following table gives a list of the cities and the amounts subscribed by each! New York , (5O.W0.liO0 Ilnltlmore a.SW.dn) "ofton , 2.0S.1,IX ChlOBRO , 1.1,0(10,00(1 Detroit 1,0A2.(KXI Cincinnati 3,wo.om Cleveland r. v,Kxi,injn Kansas Uty A 2,ono.n0O I.quImI11 1,000.000 MlnnniiH)ll l.ooo.ooo Philadelphia 4,roo,noo Pittsburgh 2,000,000 jucnmomi fit. I-oiiIk ...... San Francisco Washington .., ll.noo.ooi RI,(IO0 1,000.000 , . !7,2 tt.nno Kiihn, I.oeb & Co , 2,000,0k) Bernnrd St. tlarucli, New York. ... 1,0i0,0i)() 7io0.2TCMK'0 The committee which will have charge of the loan consists of W, G. P. Harding nnd Paul jr. Warburg, of the Federal llcscrvo Board; Albert II. Wlggln, presi dent of tho Chnso National Bank, of Now York; James S. Alexander, president of tno national unnk or Commerce, or New York; James B. Forgan, president of thVJ jrirsi national name, or umcago; i'csius J. Wade, president of the Mercantile Na tional Bank, of St. Louis; Levi I.. Rue, president of tho Philadelphia National Bank, and William A. Gaston, president of tho Shawmut National Bank, of Bos ton. Within a few days the committee will meet and appoint Stato committees to tako charge In the various cotton States of the matter of loans, and these State committees will In turn appoint commit tees In the various local cities nnd towns in tho cotton sections to take chargo of applications and examine securities of fered. All tho members of tho commltteo will Berve without compensation. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Itecelpts. 101,707 bush. The market ruled steady with a fair oiport Inquiry, but demand from millers wan light. Quota tions: Car lots. In export elevator No ' red, spot and November, f l.UlUfl.lll; No. 2 red Wctern. $1.1801.21; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.24Uffl.S7U. COIt.V. Itecelpts. K002 bush. Trade was quiet but prlcra wero well maintained. Quo tations; enr lota for locnl trade, as to location No. 2 yellow, old, 8188154c.; steamer yellow, old, 8.1VVB84C. OATH. Itecelpta, 08.823 hush. Prices ruled steady but trade was quiet. Quotations: No. 2 white, MfKMHc: standard white, sagUHc.; No. ;i white, H!tf32Mc. FI.OUII Herelpta. 1.1.17 bids, and 2,883.- 220 lbs. In sacks. Mnrlcct iiulet nnd without Important change. Oftcrlnss moderato but nmplo. Quotations per Hid lbs.. In wood; Winter, clear, ?4.7Bfi4.l0: do., straight. $.19 6.25; do., patent. ffi.nos&.7S: Kansas, straight. Juto sacks, $.V.'(JI(u.4(: do., patent, juto sacks. l3.4OQfi.0S; spring, first, clear, $5.1033.30; do., straight. fl.H.Yfh'.CO: do., patent, fS.7Off3.0O; do., favorito brands, $8fl 0.S0; city mill, choice and fancy putt'nt. i',tt 0.5O; city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, S4.7S-a-4.no; do., straight, $333.23; do., patent, $5 B0fl.1.7r,. HVE ri.Oim. Supplies smnll and values firmly held. TVc quote nearby and Western, la wood, at SEjEOgS. PROVISIONS There' wis little trading nnd tho market showed no Important change. Quotations: City beef, in sets, smoked and alr-drlcd. 29820c.; Jestern beef. In aets, smoked, 2U20c.: city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and alr drlcd, :uJ3tc.; Western beef, knuckles and Undera, smoked. 300,11c ; beef hams. VWj:i(; pork, family, J25fi-20; hams, S. I. cured, loose. 14l4t4c: do., skinned, loose, 14S14HC.: do., do., smoked, IMCISHc ; other hams, smoked. city cured, as to brand and average, i.MitrlOc.; hams, smoked. Western cured, lSVSQlRc.; do., bulled, boneless, 2021c; plcnlo shoulders, S. P. cured, loose. 11HQ12C.; do., smoked, 13tt 13ac. ; bellies, In pickle, according to RNerage. loose. lWarlVtic: breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd average, city cured. 1 0920c. ; breakfast bacon. Western curod. 10320c.; lard. Western, refined, tierces. 10-7i81lc. ; do.- do., do., tubs. lOOiJJ-llc: lard, puro city, kettle rendered. In tierces, lO-fttnic. lard, pure city, kettle ren dered. In tubs, llSUVIc REFINED SUGARS Trade quiet, but values firmly Jtald. Kefln ors' list of prices. Standard granulated, 5.15c; fine granulated, 5.10c; powdered, D.20e. ; con fectioners' A, lie.; soft grades, 4.1511 t.SJe. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTEIt, Buyers were operating only for actual wants, but rtcelpts were light and demand was equal to the offerings7 Prices ruled steady. Quotations: Western, fresh, solid packed creamery, fancy specials, 37c: extrn, 35c.; extra firsts. .13&14c.; firsts, 30331c; seconds, 20S2SC.; ladle-packed. 2HJ23c, as to quality, nearby prints, fancy. 3Sc; do., aver ago extra, 36, I.e.; do., firsts. .12635c.; do., seconds, SOiS.llc Special fanoy brands of prints Jobbing at 4345ci EGOS Demand for fine new-laid eggs was fairly active and the market ruled tlrm under scarcity. Quotations: In free cases, near by, extra, 40o. per dot,; nearby firsts, $10.S0 per standard case; nearby current receipts, tO.CXHflO.2o per standard cue: Western and Southwestern extra, firsts, tlO.SO per case; do., firsts. $9,oo10,20 per case; do., seconds, $7.2097.80 per case; Southern, $8.4000 per case; refrigerator eggs. 21627c. per dox., as ta quality. Fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 41840c. CHEEoc Tne mantel quiet nut steady under small supplies. yuoiauonsMew xorK full-cream, choice, 15V4c; do? do., fair tc to rood, HVHJ'tre.; do., port Bktms, MP13C POULTRY I.IVK. The market firm for desirable stock, with offerings of this description only moderate. Quotations: Fowls, 12Q14C.; old roos ters, lOfMlc; spring chickens, according to quality. 12014c: turkeys. I820c- ducks. 13 14o.; geese, lliillc; culneas. young, weighing 2 lbs. and over apiece, fv pair, "8c; do., weighing HrfflK lbg.'npiece. per pair. 65e7oc.: weighing 1 lb. apiece, per pair. SOc. ; old, per pair, 60c; pigeons, per pair, lMJISc. FRESH FRUITS Trade quiet, but values well sustained on cngics biock or most uescripiions, ouerinsa ub lng only moderate. i. Quotations; Apples, per IS3.50; King, 2.&(tt3.23; Iluldwln, $1.73e2.B0: areen- ddi. jonatnan. 13 tllit.U i wjYtri , injr. il.7r.ti' Ml! Twpnlv.nnnr t2.tlm3i PiD- pln. $1.73ir.VJ3. York Imoerlal, (1.7Sf2; othr cood eating var.etlef, $t,7582.D0; medium. iW ,ji; ltbo, wtj 01 ; k;to appiei, er nusn. basket, Jl.50fil.7y; appl, weatern, per box. Mi; Crab, $1174 Mi Crab applei. ier bQflh. J1M1..VI: BDnles. Delawars nnd Pennsylvania per hamper, SOfroOc, Quinces, per bbU !2tC 3.50 Lemons, per box, S.1(H. Oranges, Florida, per box. il.DO6-J.60. Qrapelrult. Fla., per box. t.5tii2.23. Pineapples, jwr crate Porto Itico, S1.253.2-l; Florida, II C 2 50. Cranberries. CP Cud, Karly lllack. per bbl , $3.50-84: do., do., do., per crjte. $ftl.40; cranberries, Jersey, per crate. $161.23. Pears. New York, per bbl. Beckel, Vl.RO-(i6; Deurre lioso. I1MB r,0; Shel don. J483; llaurrs Clalrgeau, $2.5083.50; Ueurre d'Anjou, $2.23iarJ.25; Duchess, $23; Howell. W.".50; other varieties, $23. drapes. New York Concord, per 8-lb. basket. 13&15e.: do., per -f-lb. basket, 10811c; Niagara, per 4-lb. baakdt. 8Dllc. i Dalawarea. Der 4.1b. baabnt. 1215c.; grapes, Concord, per 20-lb. basket, HO VEGETABLES The market generally steady under moderate jofferlngs and a fair demand for cholc stock, (Quotations: White polities, per bush. Penna.. COffKlc; N. Y.. 4552c.; IVhlta pota toes, Jersuy, per basket, S3640C. Sweet Pota toes. Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. $L23(j 1.7S; No 2, $1; sweets. Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, J2.501f3; No. 2. $1.5031.73; sweets. Jersey. per basket, 403GOc. Onions, per bush.. 439 00c. do., eholro. per 10O-lb. bag, $101.10; do., medium. Der 100-lb. bar. SSflOOc.: do., sec onds, per 100.1b. har. 50-liOOc. Cabbage, do mestic, per ton. JTaS; do., Danish, per ton, 39810. Cauliflower. N Y-. per crate, 66890c. ttture, Flo,, per basket. 1181.50; do., N. O., per basket J181.50. Beans. Kin.. Mr basket. llfl.TS; do,. N. C, pr basket, t.T32 23. liry, n. . per ounon. iv&anc per 4-lb. basket. $191 00. Muhrtoms, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compare with corre dTBB day last wo year,. Boston $30,131,707 $27,680,030 $21.eis;7 Philadelphia 37,671.386 32.017.SS1 33,601.061 DIVIDENDS TUB WEST PHILADELPHIA TITUS AND TRUST COMPANY Philadelphia. November 0. 1914. The Board of Directors has this day de clared ft HEMI-ANNUAI. DIVIDEND Ol" SIX (6) PER CENT., clear of tar. payable PMHuUr 1, 1814, to Stockholders as regis tered ou the books of the Company nt eioie of buiirsn atovecofcsr 6. 1814, Tfce Tt-MMW- Book will b cUj4 from Hartal Ito IfewMfthtr JTUt, WJ. HAUtJI X. USyRIM6t Trwwr, BULLISH SENTIMENT MARKED AT OPENING OF CHICAGO MARKET Prices, Although ' Firmer, Work Off Somewhat Owing to an Absence of Demand. ClflCAOO, Nov. ls.-Bulllsh sentiment predominated at the opening today. The market was firmer, hut after tho start prices Worked off a little owing to an ab sence of demand. Itecelpts nt spring wheat points were smaller nnd many per sons believe the movement will decrease from now on. While export sales yes terday were heavy ngaln nnd full pre miums were paid for cash, bulls are not satisfied with the volume of dally clear ances. The market at Liverpool was steady on smaller offerings, strength nt Winnipeg, unfavorable weather In Argentina and stronger offers from India, Winter rose 3d. In the Kngllsh mnrkct. It Is not pos sible to estimate accurately the yield of Argentina at present, as the crop Is en tering a dangerous period In the south and centre. If prospects turn out as ex pected there may bo nn exportable surplus of 110.000,000 bushels. Corn started steadier, but Bagged on flno weather and prospects for larce re ceipts. A fairly large line of long corn was sold. The market nt Liverpool was firm on a good demand ns a rcsutt of lighter offors, strength In Argentina and put chases of cargoes at higher quota tions. OatB wcro stronger on buying by com mission house and ntt trndcrs. The selling won light and scattered. Traders v,cre watching the other grains. More interest Is being shown abroad in oats from outside countries. British grades hnvo ndvanccd and the difference in values between native and foreign has narrowed. Canadian grades are held firmly and offers are small. Leading futures ranged at follows! Yesterday's Wheat Open. High. low. close, Open. High. , close, 1,14'i tl.21 December 1.15ft 1 1JK J.1J May 1.21W 1.2S 1.21 torn tnew uenvcrjj December 07H May 7lK Oats December 40 J May 5.1 I.nM 07 70 07H 171 4DS 1M, gft 031, No ember 10.05 January 10.15 May 10.21 Tlih 10.05 10.15 10.25 10.00 10.27 10.75 41I.1S 1O.10 M0.23 10 22 f 10.32 January 10.00 0.07 10.22 10.03 10.30 aiay Pork January May .10.27 . .18.5.1 . .10.02 18.70 10.12 10.02 18 97 IJId. TAsked. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Itoas IlecelpU. 20,000; markets 23c. lower; mixed and butchers, $IV 7.05; good heavy, $T..ir17.53; rough heavy, $HJ)0iS?7.23: U-rht. $0.0037.25; pigs. $O.OOm745; bulk. $5 NV57..10. CATTLE Receipts. 11.0CO; mnrkets ISc. lower: beeves. $0.40310,03; cows snd heifers, $3.75W: Blockers and feeders. $5 W7.40; Trxant. $7.40-08.25; calves. I7K11.M). SHnni' Itecelpts. 14.000:. mnrkets weak, na tive nnd Western, $.1.60-36.83; lnmbs, $3.76 0.10. TRAIN ACCIDENTS FEWER Report Shows Decrease In Killed nnd Injured on Country's Roads. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. For the quar ter of the fiscal year ended June 30 Inst, steam railroads In the United States killed 101 and Injured 2157 persons, accord ing to a report made public by the In terstate Commerce Commission today. Accidents to employes, to passengers getting1 on or off cars nnd trespassers on railroad property numbered 2040 killed and 15,911 Injured. Industrial accidents, not Involving train operation, but occur Intr to railroad employes other than trainmen, numbered 2221 killed nnd 42,728 Injured. For the corresponding quarter of 1913 the figures show, for train nccldents a decrease of 4S killed and 1260 Injured, for other than t.nln accidents, a decrease, of '216 killed and 2537 injured and for In dustrial nccldents a decrease of 17 killed and 2368 Injured. The total number of collisions and de railments repotted for the quarter was 2318 collisions nnd 2015 derailments, of which 78 collisions and 176 derailments affected passenger trains. The damage to cars, Including clearing of wrecks, amounted to $2.2$8,243. Defective roadway and defective equip ment caused 72.3 per cent, of all the de railments reported. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Texas Company, regular quarterly $2.50, payable December 31. American Oas and Kleetrlc Company, regu lar quarterly 15i per cent., payable Decem ber 1 to stock of record November 18. El Paio Electric Company, regular quarterly $2 23 on common stock, payable December IB to stock of record December 1 ajld regular eeml-annuni $3 on preferred, payable January 11 to stock of record December 24. Cincinnati. New Orleans nnd Texns Pnclfla Railway, regular quarterly IVi per cent, on preferred, payable December 1 to stock of record November 21; also regular semi-annual ;; per cent, and 2H per cent, extra on com mon, payable December 10 to stock of record November 2S, National Sugar Company, regular quarterly m per cent., payable January 2 to stock of record December 7. Pnuth I'orto ntco Sugar Company, regulur quarterly 2 per cent mi preferred nnd 1 per cent, on common, payable January 2 to slut of record December 12, PATRIOT BRITONS EAGER TO TAKE UP WAR LOAN Over Subscription Expected for $1, 750,000,000 Issue of Bonds. LONDON. Nov. U. Indications today ware that England's enormous war loan of $l,7W,00O,0OO will be oversubscribed. A long line waited outside the Bank of England before the doors were opened. There was u steady stream of applicants for the bonds. To raise the great loan the Government Is making the Issue at 93, bearing 3H per cent. Interest and re deemable at par March 1. 1923. THE commerce of Louis ville, Kentucky, Us im portant not only on ac count of its ms.nv rail road connections, but also on account of its river traffic tT Louisville is the largest leaf tobacco market in the world, selling 30,000,000 pounds of tobacco annually; one-third of all the tobacco raised in Amer ica, or about 200,000 hogs heads, is handled there. The city has also extensive trade in corn, cork and wheat. V The Louisville Gas and Elec tric Company operates without competition the entire public electric and gas utilities in the city. If The 3-year 6 Gold Notes of this company we believe to be a particularly attractive form or investment, yielding 7, ""We will be glad upon re quest to supply full informa tion. William P. UonbrightS Co. Ihc. L MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. MaBis'r t oinwrnriPT BTKicsr a saezjSBaspzaBBESHBSSSSSBSiaBi WILL GIVE 3,000,000 TROUT EGGS TO STATE SB I ll I Fish Commissioner Buller Has Prom Ibo of Colonel Henry C. Trexler. i-iW"1' Jl 'eata. N. R. BULLER AI-LENTOWN, PaT, Nov. 18.-N. It. Buller, the State Commissioner of Fish eries, was In Allcntown yesterday, and made arrangements with Colonel Harry C. Trexler to secure 3,000,000 trout eggs from the latter'a Lehigh hatchery, which Colonel Trexler will give without cost to tho State. Tho Pennsylvania Fish eries Department does not keep enough breeding fish on hnnd to supply nil tho trout eggs needed, nnd for some years Colonel Trexler and other owners oT pri vate hatcheries havo given the State their surplus, or as many eggs as were desired. Commissioner Duller will need about 5.000,000 eggs for hatching during tho winter and Is making arrangements to secure the 2,000.000 additional from hatcheries scattered throughout the Stnte. Mr. Buller has Just returned from n visit to Erlo nnd Cnnnda, where he ar ranged with the Cnnadlnn nuthorltles for a large number of white fish eggs. Tho Stnto of Pennsylvnnta and tho Ca nndlnn Government hnvo a reciprocity ngrecment, entered Into by Mr. Buller several years ngo, for tho securing and planting of these eggs In order to keep up the supply of flsli In the lake. A movement Is on foot to promote the candidacy of Mr. Buller for reappoint ment under the administration of Gov ernor Brumbaugh, who Is himself an en thusiastic fisherman, and will take par ticular Interest In tho fisheries depart ment. Among tho anglers of the Stnte, nt least, Mr. Buller has mado himself persona grata, because of the reforms nnd efllclcncy Introduced In the admin istration of his department. CURB MARKET DTJXIi NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-The curb mar ket nn.nprf dull nnd ntnnrlv T.Atilcti 1nt- loy Coal, H0-3155; Tobacco Products pre ferred, 80(083; Hcgcmnn rights, 23-&30; Anglo Amorlcnn, H;15!4; Profit Sharing, 11US11W; British American, 15154; new stock, 16ftl6; Maxwell Motors, 11311; first preferred, 43013; second preferred, 17018V4; Cigar Stores, SHlrSHlHogoman Corporntlnn, 737?; Braden Consolidated, rliW6W; Nlplsslng, MJ6V1; Sterling Gum, ViS'lT: Marconi American, 2Vi32, dp STOIIE OPENS 4?' Do not overlook the fnct that YELLOW TRADING STAMPS can be exchanged for up-to-date, high-quality merchandise. It's n splendid wny to get your Chrlstmns gifts without any ensh outlay for them. Double Stamps Herein the Mornings One Cannot Be Too in the Choosing of F2&b Handsome nacKpiece, 'pillow or 1 huk linen. ?35 Dlack and lllue Wolf fijpp Cft 27.60 Pre nah Coney 51Q 7tL NoTclty Sets OXZttO 940 Natural aiarten Muffs 2S $70 to $135 French Seal Coats, $42.50 to $97.50 Several popular styles. $7.50 LAMBS' WOOL $r (IQ BLANKETS, Pair at 070 These are Terr choice blankets of a flne quality selected yarn, made on a spool cotton vrnrp. which prevents arrrlnklnir. They're white and gray, rrlth pink and blue borders and silk tilndln weight, O lbs. to the pair. Kull bed slsr, 70x84 Inches. f$3.50 & $4 Comfortables, $2.29' Fine quality sllkollne In pink and blue figures on, white Ground with silk borders. Others extra heavy. 1 covered with figured sllkollne and trss and handsome floral borders: 4lng. Slie 73x80 Inches. FIRST FLOOR. NORTH BlashiSen SHOES FOR WINTER WEAR And every member of the family can participate In these price-economies. Women's "Lit Brothers' Special" at ?35Q "Lenards" at $3 "Stratfords" at. . ,$4. Trade-wtarfc brands that are made to our order and fully deserve to sell for one- dollar more than our prices. They come In patent coltskln, gun-metl calf and glazed kid skin, in button, lace and Blucher styles; also patent coltskln BCVkVBE9iX Men's "Lenards" at $3 "Stratfords" at $4 Patent coltskln. EU coltskln. Bun-metul calf and tan Russia calf, button, lace and Jllucher styles, hand-welted white oak soles. Sizes $H to 11, widths A to B. LlTBKQTiJBHS slK OUR WILL PROTECT INTERESTS Intenifttlonnl Mercantile Marina Bondholders Form Committee. Arttlclpatlng that tho International Mer cantile Marine Company, which was for merly the International Navigation Com pany of Now Jersey, will default on the Interest duo February 1, 191E, on the first mortgage sinking fund 5 per cent, gold bonds of the company, a protfOtlvo com mittee of the holders of tho bonds lias been formed, - The action of the bondholders In forming tho committee was Caused by tho fact that the company deforred the October 1 Interest on Its 4',4 per cent, mortgngo and collateral truit bonds. The chairman of the committee Is Wil liam P. Clcst, vice president of tho Fi delity Trust Company, which Institution Is named ns the depository for tho bonds. Tho other members of the committee nrc: .Secretary, T Homer Atherton: T. De Witt Cuyler, Samuel F. Houston, Charles D Norton nnd George S. Urewstcr. COTTON MARKET LOWER Trading Light With Prices Off From Closing. NRW YOUK, Nov. 13. There wns very little trading In cotton today nnd tho market opened quiet nnd steady 6 to 9 points under last night's close. The de cllno was In sympathy with Liverpool, nhlch reported hedge nnd trndo selling. Liverpool nlso sold In this mnrkct It appeared thnt the large spot licAiaes were continuing to accumulate December contracts on tho decline, and after the call sellers beenmo more cautious and prices rallied 2 to 3 points from tho low In the early trading. At the end of the first 15 minutes tho list wns 4 to 7 points net lower. Bates on Fabricated Materials WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-The Inter stnte Commorce Commission today held thnt there wns no necessity for rtn ex tension of the "fnbrlcntlon In transit" privileges to the pressed steel enr Indus try with respect to the steel undorfrnmes for rnilroatl enrs. The complaint of tho Mlddletown Car Company, of Mlddtetown, Pa., which sought these privileges, wns denied. A rate of two cents per 100 pounds additional to tho regular rate Is allowed on fabricated materials when de signed for bridge, building and tunnel construction. ItESOHTfl The Delights of Getting Well You cin combine the enjoyments of a mirntneent resort hotel wltn ALL the TREATMENTS given t All, Vichy, Karlsbad, Naulitlrn, or llarrogite at HOTEL CHAMBERLIN Old Toint Comfort fntemttai booklets. onedMcr1b(otrcncaeurrlM by Chimbcrtln Methods, tent on request. Addreii GEO. F. ADAMS, Mxr.. Fortress Monroe. Va. S8i BPTEL PENN11S i ATLANTIC CBTT N.& IN AUTUMN Provides a charm of comfort and ana smtdat char&cttrUtto environ ment tht haa established It aa aa Ideal aeashoro home. Directly on the ocean front. Capacity COO. WALTER J. BCZBY. 8.30 A. M. AND CLOSES AT O30 P. M. HATS TRIMMED llllllilllllllllllllll II Double YellowTrading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Careful FURS First You should be absolutely sur of the reliability of the house where you purchase. Second Tho matter of style and quality requires care- iui consideration ior one aoesn t Duy new iurs every year. Here you have choice from all of the best new styles In coats and small furs. From theleast expensive to tho costliest Is backed by our broad guarantee for truo representation of name nnd value. Many TVometi Will Want Their Furs in Time for Thanksgiving. ;$40 Black or Red Fox Sets, $25 ! new style. Including an animal-effect J irimmea wun neau and tans anu tint, bolster muff; both pieces beautifully IB French Coney Stuffs, &r g large size wiOU $110 to $250 Hudson Seal Coats, $79.75 to $167.50 Selected Chapelle dyed muskrat skins; three-quarter, seven-eighth and full-length models. SECOND FLOOR $1.39 Irish Table Damask, satlne; plain cen-S white cotton All-? S ana gun-meiai can, wun uiacK, gray or lawn (ops in button style. They have hand-welted oak solas and newest heel and toe shapes. All sliej 2 to 7, widths A w D' Shoes for the Youngsters Surplus stoek and cancellations of jQbuson Jt uauue, or nuiiersburaT, Pa. Dressy shoes that slve splendid service. J1.T5 to it values (sizes to 8) $1.25 $1.45 $1.55 $1,95 12 and tS.SO Shoes (slw IU to 11) 12.25 and I.5 Shoes (sizes 11 W to 2).. 13 and $S.S Sdom (slze H to j) FIRST FLOOR. NORTH BXQ HJSSTAVRAT BBST Of HYBKXTHIAS AT IWMW as8-gIBWt BRANCH BANK IN ARGENTINA SURPASSES SANGUINE HOPES Word From Bunos Aires Gratifies New York Financiers. NEW TOItK, Nov. 18.-Wtord 1ms been received here by cable by officials of the National City Bank of the opening of the branch of that bnnk In Buenos Aires, At pent Ilia, on November 10 nnd the favorable outlook for business for tho branch In that part of South America. In fact, although tho branch bank has bftn open only n little moro than one week, the outlook Is far moro encourag ing than had been anticipated. Argeu lino bankers nre showing every possible courtesy nnd nsststanco to the Amer lenns who nre In chargo, of the new or gnnlzntlon nnd express overy confidence In tho complete success of tho under taking. The opening followed the formal au thority to establish tup branch, which Is tho drat branch of an American bank to be establish the branch, which la tho first branch of nn American bank to bo established In South America. Tho man ager Is John If. Allen, formerly mnn ngcr of the Bank of Haiti, who, together with Ilnbert O. Ilal,l',y, formerly tut' alstant Secretary of tho Treasurer of tho United States nnd J. C. Marten, tho two SOME SCRIBNER BOOKS- The End of the Trail THE FAR WEST FROM NEW MEXICO TO BRITISH COLUMBIA By E. ALEXANDER POWELL Now more than ever the slogan "See America First" will be followed by Americans. This new book of Mr. Powell's is full of suggestions for unhackneyed exploration of the great west, in its unspoiled, unexploited portions. Profusely illustrated from photographs. $3.00 net; postage extra. A Great Peace-Maker THE DIARY OF JAMES GALLATIN IN EUROPE With an introduction by VISCOUNT BRYCE Descriptions by a high-spirited, fresh-eyed boy full of the very spirit of youth and not over weighted with reverence of the personages, great and small, with whom he was brought in contact, and of the events at the end of the Napoleonic era. $2.50 net; postage extra. Outlines of International Law By CHARLES H. STOCKTON Every one at this time finds the subject of in ternational law a subject of much discussion, and a final authority of this sort is greatly in demand. Admiral Stockton's book gives the texts of The Hague Convention, the Interna tional Naval Conference, President Wilson's Proclamation of Neutrality, etc., in addition to clear and detailed explanation of the various difficult questions which are now the subject of international dispute. $2.50 net; postage extra. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Fifth Avenue at 48th Street, New -York iniAIIj OR PHONE FREE OF CHARGE New Crepe de Chine Two Exceptional Groups But these only give nn inklinp of the many pretty styles and splen did economics offered in tho big as sortments prepared for Thanksgiv ing selection. $5.50 Crepe de ?0 Vlllllv IT (HOLE) A winsome stylo sketched: in deli cate pink and white. These blouses are beautifully em broidered, fashioned in vest effect with all seams hemstitched and deep pointed collars. $2.25 Embroidered Voile Waists. . . .$ Q Pure white in pretty fashion, illustrated Exceedingly attractive with their smart pique vest, collars and cuffa. SECOND FLOOR The LINEN SALE Continues Offering Some Very Exceptional Values $ 1 72-Inch heavy Imported linen with beautiful satin finish, 'l'nfhc new nnd exclualve drslarn. Including mw.nnil stripe, scroll-nnd-strlpe. scroll-nml-spot, popp-umU stripe, rose-and-apot, alley Illy, tulip, etc. Napkin (to match), 2! Inch, dozen. S3. $2.50 and $3.25 Pattern Cloths, $1.98 and $2.49 Size 2x2 and 2x8 H yards. Extra heavy Irish double da mask, with rich satin finish. Odd lot. FinST FLOOR. NORTH J1vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvtlV bale of Seasonable underwear and Hosiery Women's Heavy $3,50 Silk Union Suits $2.59 1 These are of heavy Venetian silk, reinforced, and are In white and pink; f icDiciooa hiiu ttiieo eiiiii iimmiiy Women's Silk Stockings, $1 $1.25 to $2 Values for... In the lot are both tngrraln and pure thread silk stock ings; some all silk, others with eotton sols and tops Extra spliced heels, double soles and reinforoed garter tops. All the popular shoe colors and the dainty evening shades are here in regular sizes; also extra sizes In black and white. A few In plain black, with dainty embroidered Insteps. Women's $1.25 Union Suits, $1 Cotton ribbed,; high nook; loner, elbow or short steav; also low ae.k; sleeveless aa wlngr sleeves; kaja and ankle lengths. Seasonable weight INFANTS' 36c STOCKINGS, 18 Cashxaere ribbed; have silk toe aad keel; wane oniy. atanuraciurer-a sugiu iniperiecueas. lurjc jmu m Women's $1.50 Vests, $1 Imported Swiss ribbed, two-third wool, high ueck, Ions, short and elbow-Unkth sleeves. Ousjraaieed uasarutaiue. AVVttVyvt,VVtV1.t.WVilAVVVt.VVVVti.VVtt.-WtVVVV1rV1H,WV4( last named having brn In Boenoa Air since August 1. attending to prcllmttMiry delnlls. M. D. Carroll, formerly of tlia Philippine Tariff Commission and for i number of years engaged In developing; commercial relations In Potto Illco, is in charge of the commercial Investlgatlona to bo undertaken by tho bank In behalf of the business Intercuts of this country. A. V. Kdwnrds, of the credit department of the National City Bank, la in charga of the credit bureau for (he purpose ct furbishing credit information to ex porters nnd Importers. PltOBINQ PIPE MNE COMPANIES WASHINGTON, Nov. ls.-As many In qulrtes have been received by the inter stnte Commerce Commission as to Its fa ture action regarding pipe line compa tiles, In view of the decision of the Su preme Court ortho United States, hold ing theso companies common carriers, tho Commission tmlrfy announced that the) proceedings and Investigation of theaa companies nre now being actively taken up. The question of reasonable rates and practices of the pipe lines will be In quired Into, ns the jurisdictional ques tion of tho Ccmmlslon'B authority ovei! these llnrs lias been settled by the court. OIlDEnS FILMS D 50c Cut Glass Tooth Pick Holders, Each 25c Like Cut. ftOc Candlesticks, nfi floral cutting, ench Ov THIRD FLOOR and lingerie Blouses $3 Irish Linen Napkins, dozen $2.19 Size 3!xS2 Inches. Kxtrn. heavy; rich satin finish; pretty patterns. 20c Crash Toweling, 15c Heavy all pure linen Barnsley crash, soft und absorbent, will not lint. Fast-color blue, red and all-white borders. $3.75 Irish Damask Napkins, dozen $3 Extra heavy pure flax yarns; rich satin finish. Six patterns in this lot; K-Inch size. ia timitcvu Misses' SOc Unrwear, 35$ : Bxtr kaavy WtUswlat - Unad iMatl ul - Hllei f i ysawi- S&yftwH. .. ii 1UDU tijfjn, saw in I MjHtg SHE;. Lit? fcTrMiaU( Sbjb3 WwtTTy 'fstyi j 5 ! I iieaiMSfeJs&iiiiaV susm MsAmmmJ-TfWmKMltk. iL.j.. , - jot. v 1 ""jMneaWssssaWsBslSSSsMssM - r :WaWSWWWBBP at8ftw!:& liiiiiSaM'nintMii;iiia1 Lllifeip - -- -: "-"s iHiiii tBWt -& WfejBSBBBBBBBSSBSBBBQaHBSSBBBB fr- T.
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