aMBjgjuja. um0&. ?", j - -Wwtfv- ,- &.,. vWi &m'rm!miK vwtfHWMliMi EVENING LEDCiKli PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914 M ttfrtA? si.eiituiJ M. r 1 HI m 1 3Bf tf BOND TRADING IN NEW YORK MAY BE STARTED TOMORROW , Financial Circles Have Re port That Business Will Be Resumed on Stock Ex change Floor. financial quarters were Interested to 6&y In a raltarjt from Ndw York that tho B(tjclt Exchange there would open for trading; In bonds tomorrow, or that an announcement of arrangements for trad ing In bond 8 would be made then. The report found believers In the usually best Informed house?, and was not denied In ofnclal quarters. Stock exchange brokers and others were, of the opinion that action of this sort would not be at all unloosed for, In vlow of tho generally better feeling and Improved conditions, helped to a largo 5eK'o by the opening of the Cotton Ex changes, the Federal reserve banks and tHto" New York curb. Some of those concerned In the confer ence betneen tho Special Committee of l'lvo of tho New York Block Exchange and tho Clearing House members said th'at this question of dealings In bonds Is so broad In Its application that many matters must bo taken Into considera tion, and that It had not been definitely decided yet what leeway will be per muted In conducting transactions In these securities on the Moor. There was good reason to expect that, In spite of many faults. It will bo do elded to revive tho old call system, espe cially In tho case of guaranteed stocks. PtflbabJy n list of bonds will be named Injwhieh transactions at minimum prices wfil be permitted, and facilities will ltn fuftilshcd for liquidation on a larger scale than Is now possible. As far us umestrlctcd trndlnc Is con cerned, It was asserted that no date In the' near future caw ho rrinalrtornl. The prospect of allowing bond sales caused mofco cheorful feelings In the street, and many Stork Exchange llrms have al ready commenced to put their houses In order; so as to be prepared for any" busi ness that may come their way Trading in the open markets showed lltt(o change from recently prevailing con ditions. Thore was the usual scalping of customers on tho New York street curb, where customers pay litis for United States steel common, while the seller re ceives only 41M. Many more of tho listed Block? traded In on the Now street curb are selling above July 3D prices, but too much enthusiasm should not be shown over tho strength In a score of Issues out of a couple of hundred issues that are being traded In. Standard Oil stocks on Broad street held firm, with Ohio OH quoted at 172 to in, and Anglo American at 15. Chicago stock Exchange governors will rote tomorrow on a proposition to re open that board on Monday. Foreign Exchange was quiet. Demand sterling was 4.271,, cables 4 S7TA. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR ,.TCP.,:AT' n'P. .JW . The PJ.Vl".1. ws ault with no chtiM In prless. guoutlor Car lots, in expert eltator No. 2Jdv.?p0 nd .November, 1 1581 lfl. No. t. ratWiVT-21' No- Nortbtrn COIWr-Jtm'n1"! 7M83 bush. Prices rated steady, but trade was quiet, quotations; Car lots for local trade, as to locution. No. liftmT' w8Via ite&mer yellow, old, ..?ATS,"7.n,c,Pj- .82a bush. Trade mod fatslr active and priced etetdy. quotations: 8; 2rnl,S' B.4Ffl4e : standard whit, 639 63He.: No. S whit, 62W2tic Heeelnt. In7a Kl.1 inttiM lka l i.r.i.a Ti?..n,r,t oulet. with' moderate but ample quotation per 2-ffi '-. tralKht, Jute, e.ckii, u 20$ ""?' . . i""nt, jute aeka, I5.0B0 03 EUROPE'S VISIBLE SDPPLY OF WHEAT SHOWS BIG FALL mint at unchkm 0,"."l.woi Wlnl iretsnt, yjo.23; red prices. iVWi MV ,S.33BR.eO do.nalent. STOan.90j do, favor- JV-?- ."l3il'.e,W.". choice "! "$" ?" lotto SOj city mill, reaulai '.r,d,ftrvYln,,.,.rv. e'r, 4.TJlM4it0s do, stralrht. Jan 25i do. patent. Js.B0eft.7R. rR HIK Fl.nilTl faba A.l. K..J .-... in wqqo. At fO.BOftfl. PROVISIONS iS.!? a"ajl,"djt.,,.i Svtrwc.i Western beef, ?'. ?ra. SSiffWc: city beer, knuckle v..i!nJr,,. V nd alr-drled, 30331e.i iaStiKI ,beftnuckleii and tenders, amoked, 2!?5 l.! '"" hlmi'- (WS pork, family, f2i KiSi,mf s px red, looo, 14314MC,: do., fw?iniuA .Io!!, ilHc.l .do , do.. moke.l, lnulotte.: oilier ham, amoked. city cured, aa amnVb.r3n,U- ,"1- !H,.,1ftBHq.l ftms, , '" 'uic( JU7ii iutt uu i injiicti, boncleea, 20fl21q.! picnic ahoulder. 8, P. curd, loos, "hj.slle.: do., moked. ihotAt.; ;.1i.'., lr' Pl'kle, accordlnr to average, looee, KlttluHc i breakfaet bacon, to brand ami average, city cured. 10320c: breakfast bacon, Weattrn cured, luirfoo.: lard, Weatern, re P.nyd., tierce. 10fille.. do, do, do., tub, lutOlle : lard, pure city, kettle rendered, In d,e,rn.d.B-.nteCiUiitc.PUr cAr' ktMt ""' REFINED SUGARS Th matkot firm, but trad quiet. lie nnpra Hat of prlcea: standard granulated. 0.10c.; fin granulated. B.lOc.i powdered, .1 20o. t.uu,uviiuiiera a. oc , ou fraaea, .xovi.eoc. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTElt. llecelpta of fancy atotk light ami Trillin buyers were operating only for actual wants, demand naa utllclent to ab aprb tho offerlnK at full prlcea. quotation: western, freih, aolld-packed creamery, fancy apeclaU. a.c, extra, .130., extra nrta, 330 We: nrats, aOffOlc; second. 2oB-28o.i ladle. Packed. 2JQ23C, aa to quality: nearby prim, lany, aje., do., avcraa extra, 30rraTc. do, flrati, 32fi.1Sr., do., aeconda. 30031c. Special fancy brand of prima Jobbing at 430. 1X1(18. The market for fine freah egg was firm under email aupplloa and a good de mand. Quotation: In free cae, ncarb), extra. 3Sc. per doa.: nearby flrata, IM.SO per atandard caee, nearby current receipt. Ill.tK) , ....av ,, BiHiivmru ce: eaiern ano aoum weatorn. ,oxtra, HrBt, 110.80 par caej do., nrat, $0,00ri0.10 per cat: do., aeconda, JT.20 O7.80 per caaei Uoulhern, S.4MM) per caao. rerriKerator egga, Zlfpiic. per dox aa to quality. Fancy selected candled freah egga were jobbed out at 43045c. per dox. CIlI.EHn. Valuea steadily maintained un der small aunplle. but trade nulet. iimu. t- lorn, lull-cream, cnoico, do., do., fnlr to good, K1Q1, 0!iJC. 14tVffloc.; POULTRY quota ISMc, do., pari Ln E, The market quiet, with moderate put ample offering at former rate. Quota tion I on li, 12Jl4c old roosters, XOfflllo ; jprlng chickens, according to-'quallty, lltfllc: JurKeys, lSjrvuc., ducks, 1314cj goeae, 130 14c. gulneos. joung. weighing 3 lba, and SStl' ?.?"" .p'r lr. T3c-: d0- weighing Hi T iVJ ""; "I"8'. Pr pair, 00?0c ; weighing 1 lb. apiece, per pair, SOc.i old. per pair, 00c; plreona. per pair, 15018c. .vf,,,F8SKD'"TDmnd 'air for flno dealr-nSlV-'.'iV11 "tK and aluea (Irmly maintained. rwf. . k olAl'-- ordinary. ia2ilc7. i lii.,V .. w'-tcu ,im.v, inc., qo.. weign lllnlic; do., 314 lba. apiece. l15c. do! 7 ""i ,''' .".-. , M4VII1UH vutuKona, near by, fair to good. ltt18c: chlckena. Western. 4 bs. and oer apiece, 17c; do., do., 314 lba PlST' ' llc.i do. do., 24Jr3lba. apiece. uriic; nroiiinff cntcken. Western, lVfrfl2 lbs to good. 1214c: equab. per do. welsrhlnir 11 tn 1 1Kb ni An 1 per dox, Wealern, fair wnito. weighing U to J2 lb, per dot.. 13.00 ";"", .TriKums v lu xt ma, )S4 ao; ia.isoij .FINANCIAL BRIEFS The price of lead was advanced from J3.60 to 70 by tho American Smelting nna .Retinitis Company today. Tho dep6slts of Hock Island collateral trust, bonds-now total J5O.018.00O. Including 17.(7)0.000 dinnalr,.i1 In Tnlinn.i mi, to.i lace committee received $1,185,000 yester day and 1211,090 Saturdiij. IWew York's exports of general mer chandise csteiday showed a decided de cjqnsp over the week before, while the rnpoits Increased. The exports totaled SZX03.413, a decrease of $l,377,lt7; Imports iMtiiitu j,jij,'j5, nn increase of JK9.607. tirhe retiring directors of the West Phil adelphia Title and Trust Company wero rs-.cieciea ar tno annual meeting today. lTew York banks lost $1,061,000 to1 the. rlObtreasury yesterday and since Friday rjjlye lost J6.1S7.000. ffTames R. McClure. Jr., was elected U3rstdent of the First Stortgage Ouar BntcQ and Trust Company, succeeding Atylng President Wharton B. Harris. Ijjr. BtcClure, who wos at one time con nected with the Glrard Trust Company, iSpresented the Boston banking firm of QJpdgot & Co. Iates for war risk ii insurance now easier Underwriters Hero and in London p' Make Many Reductions, Ttatcs for war risk Insurance are show. Ifi? an easier tendency. I-ondon uiider Miriters have reduced many of the recent liSh rates, and American underwriters ore following In their footsteps. Rates IOC the west COSBt Of South America JgiWever, continue high, due to the pre. aco ui me uerman neet in those waters. JKlle, , German cruiser Karlsruhe's lvltles ort the cost of Brazil keeps the rates for voyaeres to tho east rnmi tmiX tho West Indies above normal. he following table gives the prevailing 3tes, which are subject to chansa at n? rnqment's notice: 9 tl.TR: WhltC. WftlffhtnP A lTta nan .n 2.7:1 fin rill 7 lha ,.. n ') Ok j- S- Hi&. i1?.- .R'r S"- 1-236'l.lBr dark, an'ii No, 2, S0c.9f 1 10. FRESH FRUITS Th market quiet at resd dgurea. Quota U0I": .PP16'. Pr . bW. Jonathan, I3B3.D0: ,?Sif?-ni08?;!8i Bun' 00JW.-J3; Baldwin. 173f2fl0, Orcenlng, S1.T8Z.S0; Twenty "?," K'SfSls P,pwpln- il.70e2.2Bs York 1m-ff-r?Jjl,,,i?i oth.r?1 eating varletlea, 1.732; medium. 11.B0: Crab, ttifN.W). Crap applea, per buah. basket, I1.EOS1.7S; ap 5,.!' eiteni pr. box- JHT1.B0, applea. Uela waro and Pennsylvania, per hampor, 60900c. ?,1ilJCX per bbl-t Vat-tO- lmona. per box. l4. Ornnse-. Florida, per'box. Sl.B0e2.8O. Grapefruit. Florida, per box. tl.SOs2.2S. I'lnei apple per crate-Forto rtli-o, tt.23B3.23; F orlda, tie2.50. Cmnlverrle. caje Cod; Cariy "lack, twr bbl.. 3.304- do., do. do., rier crate, tie 1.40 Cranberries. j-ra-vV ni?n i Ji. lJi2' 'car' Neft Yrl. per bbl Bcckel' J 32 60: other varieties, 2flfl. draper New York-Cpneord. per 8-lb, baakct. 13015&- do ket"IbVlff,V,,et'r,1?911c-i Niagara? peT 4-lV. SuiBtOf. r "" " "r -U1D- oasKst, VEGETABLES .nttltit?. fa,rl liberal, but valuea n. erally well austafned. Quotation Uhita Pa. So? Swilt pXA'"' JtTfy- SSr ba.Uet. 350 vin' i i? m Vwi. Ea,trn Shore, per bbl. er Pb.i.1-,3-.',, 8?f5iS? W fi"..jvl:prw.kVt:"bcTl,l,nJ2- IfiVt 7,W'Ji 1B;,0.e;' do., choice per 100-lb baa 68,144,000 Bushels in Sight Against 84,100,000 Year Ago U. S. Market Opened Firmer Today. CHICAGO, Nov. 17, Wheat opened firmer today, Influenced ty better cables: from Liverpool and estimates that yes terday's export sales would exceed 5,000, 000 bushelB. Prices then reacted on heavy preastire. The market at Paris was lower. Ite celpts In the United States were a little smaller. Advices from abroad indicated that world shipments were not up to the requirements. Word has been received from the United States Consul at Mel bourne thnt, owing to the dry weather, Australia probably will have to Import wneat next year. Tho visible supply f wheat In Europe Is frMH.OOO bushels, against 6I.ZJ3.0OO the previous week nnd 81,100,000 bushels a. year ago. An official report from Germany de clared thtt the outlook for seeding of the new crop Is satisfactory on a full acreage. The receipts of wheat nt Minneapolis and Duluth today wero 658 cars, against Dfit cars a year ago: nt Winnipeg 608 cars, against 1033; at Chicago 437, against 47. Corn was heavy on liberal receipts and Ideal weather for grading, marketing and hurrying the completion of husking. Traders were bearish. Tho receipts hero today were 668 cars. Oats were coaler, with tho trade local. The receipts hero today were 335 cars. Leading futures ranged aa follows: Noon. Test'd a Wheat Open. High. Low. cloae. December l.HIl 1.14J1 tl.lttt May 1 20 I.267I 1 10i U.20V4 torn mew aeuvcryj December A7H May 0t Oola- December 40H Mar flit Lard KoMMnber 113B January 10.17 May '. lO.r.O nibs January 10.17 Mav 1045 Pork November January ln.oo May 10.40 illd fAskad. I7U 70T4 4011 G3 ft 40U MV4 1?IM ll.SO 10 37 U0 27 11)42 10,50 10.35 10.53 10.17 10.45 10.10 10.33 10,21 10.52 10.00 fls.77 tlMS 10.40 10.20 il8 53 LIVE STOCJt. QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Nov. 17. HOOa Receipts, 20,000, market, steady; mUed and butchers. 7i4C3S, good heavy, T.S0S8; rough heavy, 7.4W71: lUht, tt.4O7.0O; pigs, t5.75tf7,05; bullc, I7.B01JT.S5. CATTIjR riecelpto, 3000, market eak; heexes, tnSOOlOKO, cows and halters, t3.733 l no; atockera and feeders. 13,0097.50, Texan, t7.40B8 2fi, Cftlve. 8 73A0.25. BHUEP Receipts, 20,000. market, woak; native and western t-1.3083,73; lambs, 15.75 (211,25. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Federal Mining and Smelting, quarterly 1 per cent., payable December 15 to stock of record November 20. Ohio Oil. quarterly tl.25 and 75 cent extra, pajablo December 10 to stock of record No vember 21 Fetcraon Lake Silver Cobalt Mining, quar terly 1 per cent., payable December 10 to stock of record November 21. Standard. Oil of New Jersoy, quarterly 13, payable December 15 to atock of record No vember 20. International Smokeless Powder and Chem Icul. quarterly i of 1 per cent, on common atock, payable January 2 to stock of recqrd December 21. Du Tont International Towder, l' per cont on full share of preferred atock, payable January 2 to Block of record Docernbcr 21, ISSUES TO MEMBERS TAX PREE Building and loan associations aro ex empted from tho provisions of tho emer gency tax law to the extent of the tax on stocks and bonds that they Issuo to members only, according to a statement from the Internal Revenue Department at Washington. The stamp taxes im posed on documents will apply to all other documents, such as conveyances, mortsagos and promissory notes. This In formation was received In the Federal Building today. Iff' ;. N. ft, per basket, J1.73H2 So Celery,: N. Y.. per bunch. lSsrasS:' ?:,"?' per 4-lb. baaket. tltfl.eo. "" a Amerl can. 8 CMiland and tcotland (west coast) and Ire Jlund ' ivmaon WP,,bwn Havre Tpiid Olbraltar aunirland and fiootland fet (.oast), except London ...,......;. 1 IJrtllterrantan, not east Slclly , V. rlatfo ....,.,..,,.,.. Urteca . lray. not aouth Sta. SVanser 8 Krlimark. Norway and a, r"' nM oeyoiiu Japan, Other nefr'ro, nu- Krench, tral. Ilritiih. 1 Malmn ocliholm ana 9,l.. duuiii Ainc ........ y. JuiMt ralla and New Zea- land ' SVU Sue or Caix of B: aopd Hop 1 tyja Panama Canal.-, 1 v 1 racino coast Via. United Klmrdom. dla. ta. Sue or Cap ijf fiooU tjope 011A- V. dffi Sf Uod Hope . 1 SVIa Panama Canal,, I EVIa Pacific coast... ft m t'uuwi musupni. funa japan ana ,' Java I la Suex Cap of ! (load Hod 1 Mia Panama Canal. 1 gjla PuJAo coast .. ,;a unitea nmsaom. x m nuiieraam . . d s. and Porto Rloo, IBUlr, anri nlha. i.5rr"T" .. - . -. . t"fi inaiea except Brtlb) nan wHi inaie uupt Jamaica), .entral America and 'artbbean aaiorta. t eotn Central kmeraan port . . . t o o a a t Ceatral vmujLU port .... her Plat '..'. '.'.'.'. cm ioat so. Amer- 11a Strait of Ma. i .il14 j la Panama Canal H, -- -i)V oi BOUI 1 3 '& 3 S 10 2 2 I JM 2 2 a i l 1H a 3 3 IiIVERPOOI( COTTON MARKET lilVERPOOU Noy. 17.-There was a steady foundation to the quiet opening of cotton futures today. Spots were quieter and prlcea unchanged shortly after mid-day with American middling at 1.56 pence. Up to 13:30 o'clock, sales amounted to 6000 bales. Receipts totaled 31,182 bales, all American. J WANT A FINANCIAL BACKER J.ilr'h withdrawal of financial Sunday Evening Journal 33,000 Copies Were Sold i,.Ti Zi'.?b,ipV": mut appear at once" y' Iov,,ltt" invited J. LAZAR, Editor 28 8. 7th street. Mark,t i3s0. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET NEW VOBK. Nov. 17Tradlng In cot ton was quiet and confined largely to further liquidation. The opening prices were from two to six points lower. Al though not active the market wob steady and spot houses were the best buyers. There was evidence that Wnll Street In terests were accumulating long cotton. Opening quotations were: December, old, 7.30c.; January, old, 7.35c bid, Janu ary, new, 7.55c. J March, old. 7.33c. bid; March, new, 7.HQ7.75o.; May, new, 7.8c; July, new, 8,0&3MOfl.; October, now, 8.31c. RESORTS IHPTEL PENNDS AlLAlMilLlliT Fa. IN AUTUMN Provides a charm of comfort and ease amidst characteristic environ ment that ha established It as as Ideal seashore horn. i1 t. Directly on the ocean front, Capacity COO. WALTER J, TJOZRY. RUCK HILL FALLH. PA. FOR REST. Recuperation, RECREATION The Winter Inn RUCK HILL FJLI.LS PENNA. JACKSONVILLE. TLA. ROOM. WITH BATH, I.B0 HOTEL BURBRIDGE NEW UODERN FinEPHOOT LAUKWOOP N. J. OAK COURT A modern hotel with quiet ar of domesticity and a homelike atmospher. E. B. BPANOKNPKIta Ur, CBNTBitRRlntthiug bu( gltvt$ ih(t 1870, Ftrtyfaur y(n ttmtant mfrtvtmtnl. H H H 1 1 1 s V 8 IK a grain, rahbar ar and roppar are not OAVna In th . ?.... .it . ... " . ' t- 1n wwe. A uftutrailly ctaM la In- For Holiday Gifts WHAT gift could be more welcome than Centcmer i Gloves, which in quality, in character and fn'good taste are the same today as when presented on Christmas Day over to generatiomago? The variety of ityle, range of colors and complete assortment of sixes in every tylc njkei our Hock particularly suitable for gift selections. FOR WOMEN rOR MEN Whit and Ta Cap . '. l.BO Cray Mocba . 1.78 8.00 S.SO iiu quality KU . . 15 T.nCp . 1,00 1,7B t S.OO Nsrahy Baadalctt . 3J2S Buck . 3.00 - 3.0 O TbFUUr .... 2.BO Silk ...... l.OO CrayMecKa .... 1.7S Silk Un4 Mocha , 2.00 . 2.BO a4ou.B,ubcUc, .4itttea . 3.00 WMhWOMe r . 1. 78 ivatu. P, Cbntemeri & Co, 1 Q.2.R rUsnatTsiif &tr.nc4 Brooh Store "i !., Kow YoV. 5t-lul B.e41 Ptoa. G6 Wahwt OarFaotsry Bmighte. Piaase COTTON EXPORTS LARGE Reached ft Total of $0,384,000,000 In Twenty-five Team. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-Cotton and cotton manufactures comprised more than one-fourth of h entire value of domestic products exported from the United states to foreign countries during the last is years, their total for that period being; 9,S81,oqp,O00 out of an as-ft-rosate of US,789,O0O,00o for all articles ex ported, according to a report Issued to day by the Department of Commerce. Haw cotton exports. from 1890 to 1914 were valued at 8,676.000.000. havinc In- ro ild,OwOnli!?,'000'00 '" J to tfilO.OOO.. J .. 'JLe0."0" manu'notures In the tSnkiSSfl? 1,,0;ed a ,otal exPf' " lT'iMIrn1B lncad ttom 10,M. ule report! "" accord,"f t0 Km-UrtrrlrK,nlile w,i?r K' ot thl8 Period, rlTeotton ki.pJacllea,,,f ftl1 the American raw cotton, but recent y Japan has taken Increasing quantities. In 12. eMrts to J .rneaohed.m'000-000 Pound. mer a?., Mt,l0n B00da '"-v sone chleflly to took Whh AmerIcft- North AmerlcS Porta SMaK-- "COTTON LOAN STILL A NECESSITY," SAYS RUE Declares Opening- of Exohanges Will Have Little Effect. -jvlf L;, nuf- President of tho Phlladel PhUade?Dh.anl n"n"d chaimanof 1l ,e The openlna; of Uifl exchnnireB mm ?ho'0Sou,.!llBaire,Ct r? uSaUon" n ISTn W,, 8aaMnecS oT'the Mrvo nonrCA,!lnd lho deral He "ftmr raised'" a"lng," '"S,St th rrflTsed """f !! b0nks' whlcl1 nt flrat quota of 10St(Ir,bUta ,0 p""delphla' to tho ?,5 i W0, are now "Ubscrlblng; week J fl r?;p0nso t0 R mtet,nf t J!; M the"Wncy r the sltua i!0 .emphBallted- T"e boards of di rectors of other banks will decide today ptadire rrW What amount3 they will .,;.l'Il,0 ,$A thnt Philadelphia's con tribution will not exceed JS.000.000, the limit determined upon at last week's meotlnir. The reluctance of Chicago' and Boston bankers to subscrlbo Is cnuslnir concern that the fund will not be raised. Tho Plan provided that the non-cotton produc InR States should provide $100,000,000, the romalnlntr $33,000,000 to bo raised by tho Southern States. The Northern States have to date pledjred $00,000,000. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NRW YORK, Nov 17.-BltTTER.-Markst eal.irecolPt 13,711 package, creamery, ex vTii h'ther corln(r, 33Hc: State dairy, MlAMic : Imitation creamcir. Xltut,iiu.p. " tnas.-Morkct Irresular: M'ADOO IS ELATED OVER THE FIRST DAY OF RESERVE SYSTEM mot.; iresn. extra, flmln .1TvTn . rr.v. 12,401 mTx'e'i "iSSS? J ne,"b-white. 'wSbTc: nearby mleil. SOff-llc.; apaclal marks, 2aOS.1Vic. Characterizes Operations of New Banks as '"Wonder ful" Secretary Willis Gills for Reports. WASHINGTON, Nov. U.-Stamplne the first day's operations of the Federal re serve system and Its banks aP'Vonder full" Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo said today that it would require ot least a week to determine necessary changes in the routine. I3ut lie stated that, Judg ing by the Initial day's operations alone, it was certain that the now plan was an even more eMlclont weapon against finan cial panics and upsets In tho system of national finances than had been antici pated by Its framcrs. Secretary Willis, of tho board, has sent for reports from each bank on their total first day's rediscount business, and these figures were being compiled today. They will show Just what can bo expected of this branch of the work, and the figures avallablo today Indicated that the bus iness was brisk everywhere. It Is esti mated on the basis of preliminary reports that tho now system will augment the cash In the banks of tho country within n weok by at least $150,000,000, The Federal Keserve Board Is expected to deposit In tho branch banks the sur plus cash of the Troasury and part, at least, of the Government funds now held In national bnnks. But this action will bo taken only after careful consideration of the operation of the now banks. It will all depend on whether the report of tho first week's operations show that tho reserve banks need more cash for their rediscount business than they already have on hand. Action of this kind would furnish to the roservo lmnkn $110,000,000 direct from the Treasury and some $61, 000,000 from the national banks. SITUATION PLEASES WILSON President Believes Conditions In South Are Improving. WASHINGTON. Nov. 17. - Optimism over the cotton situation was expressed today by President Wilson, Ho thinks the situation In tho South Is steadily im proving In Justification of this belief, the President pointed out that the quota tions on tho Cotton Exchange wero by no means any worso than they frequent ly have been In other years. Knowledge of further efforts to bring about an emergency currency issue based on cotton na security, at tlo coming ses sion of Congress, has not reached tho White House. M'ADOO DENIES COTTON POOL WILL BE DROPPED Believes the Fund Would Benefit Whole Country WASHINGTON, Nov 17-Ttep6rts that the Treasury Department Is preparing to drop the $138,000,000 cotton pool were denied this afternoon by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, who declared that the reports emanate undoubtedly from cer tain selfish Interests. The required sub scriptions are almost complete, he said, Ho denied emphatically that the plan has been abandoned or that It will likely fall. "Tho Secretary said that notwithstand ing the great Improvoinent In the busi ness situation," read nn ofllclal state ment, "his associates on tho Federal Ite servo Board as well as he were aa firmly convinced now as they were at the out set that the creation of tho cotton loan fund would bo of great benefit to th entire country, and that tho general be lief that tho fund would be successfully raised has been a contributing factor In crcntlng tho Improved conditions and the greater confidence which now prevails, particularly in the cotton market." KEW YORK CURB MARKET NEW TpTtK, Nov. 17. The curb market opened quiet today Quotation were as fol low. Lehigh Valley Coal, 14 off 16.": Tobacco &ruc..r.rA,er.rLdi soffit. C'" ?'?.. 8S J '74 . '.;iot rtimi, j.pqiu, .Mnxweil AlOlOrS, i.i-iun; no., nrt prererred. 4210; do., sec ond preferred. U'tltlO! Marconi, 2H92: .Manhattan Transit. 7-10BS1-J0. Draden Con!. MiSii. Nlnlaslmr. 6SS1. aiamlarrl on w v ISiCIIK), fltandartl Oil Calif , 2SJW2W: Sland- 174: Analo-Amerlcan Oil, 11((M3, National Transit, 3030. Bryan's Secretary Gets Appointment WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-Manton M. Wyvcll, of Wollavllle, N. Y., prlvnto sec retary to Secretary of State Bryan, today was nppolnted counsel to the Interna tional Joint Commission, which will deal with disputes that may arise In connec tion with the Joint waterways. RAILWAY OFFICIAL FAVOfjS. U. S. OWNED HAILROADS President t. B. J?lnn Addresses Con vention of Commlstoners. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-Presldent Lawrence B. Finn, of tho National As sociation of Hallway Commissioners, in an address at their convention's opening session today favored Government owner ship of railroads. , "Economy demands the elimination of competition between public aervlco enter prises," lie said, 'nhd ry force df this economle condition 'ai monopoly In trans portation Is necessary If a private monoply Is Indefensible and Intolerable, should not a necessary tnOnoply be pub licly owned?" Ho favored having Federal and State regulation of common carriers Include every detail of these agencies' activi ties bo the public would not suffer as In the past by lack of such Control In his address of welcome, Interstate Commerce Commissioner Cleniem u.i the necessity for Federal and Slate' co operation In railroad regulation nnd pointed out that divergent and conflicting State policies are a serious hindrance to the railroads and public alike. Bull on Spree Tails Into Well NEW YOBK, Nov. J17.-Wlllls Howell's pet bull ate so many applies in an orchard near Newton, N, J ha peoame Intoxicated, according to. Willis. Yes terday tho bull, apparently afflicted with a terrible thirst, moved the boards cov ering the well and cither Jell 05 Jumpe4 into it. Gardner to Learn War Condition: WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-ncpresent tlvo Gardner, of Massachusetts, who is urging an Investigation by Congress 9 to the preparedness ot the United States for war, announced that Chairman Henry, of the House Rules Committee, had prom ised him a hearing on his resolution. Mfc Henry and Mr. Gardner will meet hsra December 1 to discuss plans. Mahogany Furniture For WcrJdmfj and Holiday Gifts We specialize in these handsome useful articles' and our stock comprises the newest ideas in great variety- Muffin Stands or Curate" Book Racks Book Ends Cellarettes Chimes Sewing Tables Sewing Stands Drop Leaf Tea Tallies ! f Candle Sticks Tea Tables Nested Tables Tea "Wagons Telephone Tatlcs . Serving Trays Wasre Baskets rvTijTT4';h Wright, Xyndale & van R.oden, Inc.1 1212 CHESTNUT STREET sxonc orcNs 8no a. m. closes at cao p. 31. MAIL OR PIIONH OIlDEllS FILLEP A Wonderful Combination t rj r Victrola IX Outfit at . . P'0 An exceptionally fine Victrola IX at toO a pennlne Pooley cabinet, fully worth J30. for $16 and twelve ten-Inch double-faced records of your own se lection at ?9 making this entire outfit only $TB, TI,.F2"1' p're "a Our Club Plan vr, Tr?.1;?,5.." Week or So n Month. OR JIECORDS. SECOND FLOOIt HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE a Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh It Is tho kind of merchandise iou fret jit premiums that makes YELLOW TRADING STAMPS 30 very desirable. The highest aualliVi and largest variety of vierchandise is offered for iour choice toheti you exchange- yellow stamps. Thousands of enthusiastic collectors will verify this. vk, ;20c Crash Toweling, yard I5c Heavy nil pure linen Ilanisley craalu jtoft nnd nbarbejat vslll not lint. Pant-color blue, red nnd nil-while borders. Annual Thanksgiving LINEN SALE Many Thousands of Dollars' Worth for the Holiday Feast and All Year Around Are Temptingly Spread for Your Choosing. NICE TOWELS AND TOWELING IN THIS SALLE. TOO. About this time every year we announce such an event many thrifty housewives wait for it to supply their needs. 1UESE ARE GOOD, STAPLE QUALITY AT AN AVERAGE SAVING OF ONE-THIRD &U&SJ IrLsh Tatle $1 Damask, Yard . 72 Inches Wide Kxtra henvj- Imported linen it Kit licnullful satin ilnUIt. Twite J am nnil exclusive pattern, Including;! ( Rose-and-Striiie, Scroll-and-Stripc, Scroll-and-Spot, Poppy-, und-Stripe, Roae-and-Spot, Valley Lily, Tulip, Calla Lily, snryBuninemum-ana-apai, ana oiners. Napkins (to match) 22-inch, dozen $0 Austrian Cluny Lace Scarfs & Shams Fine wide cluny lace with medallion centre. All match Into sets. Size 18x45 Inches, each, S()r Size 18x54 Inches, each, 08a Size 30x30 Inches, each, 08a $1.39 Dinner NaDkins. dozen $1 In 20-Inch size. Heavy German mercerized damask, satin flnjsn. Twelve now floral and striped effects. r $6 Hemstitched Damask Sets, $4.98 Slzo 68x84 inches Ono cloth and one dozen hemstitched napkins to match. Heavy German all pure linen, with satin finish. 75c German Damask, yard 59c Kxtra heavy all pure linen, silver bleach. In a dozen now patterne. Excellent for wear. i 9VTABLEFEtT75o7. 5 yard OUG ' Comes 54 Inches Wide I Kstrn heavy tlonblr-fnerdi Kuarnntred tn pro- ) l' tret joar tnhle from hot dlliej. J.lmltrd 1 i Quantity. 69c Mercerized Table Damask, yard C Wide 64 and 72 inches wide : Floral and Satm-Stripe Effects Heavy Herman table dnntnslc, tilth luxtrou xntln finish, Matty attractive patterns. n.982.49 $3.75 Irish Damask Napkins, doz. $3 Extra heavy all pure flax yarns; rich satin finish. Only six patterns in this special lot; 24 inch size. $3 Irish Linen Napkins, $0 J Q dozen !.& Size 22x22 inches : Specially Purchased for This Sale Extra heavy quality with rich ant in flnUH and In elrunnt pattern. FinST FLOOR. NORTH 75c Damask & Huck Towels, ea. 49c Pure flax yarns: best Irish and German makes. All monperamed patterns; various designs. iMyvVVVVVVVV2' $$2.50 nnrl 3 25 (Tl AH Ctl Mf .Pattern Cloths. Sire 2x2 and 2x2 IS Yards S ' ISxtrn heavy IrUli double damask, with rich ' .,.. K.l.l. ... ..., .... .. .1.1. --t I . nuuu iui,i. will IU( . fill wnio uui. JVVVVVVVVA.VVVVVVVAVVVV'VVViVVyit German Cluny Scarfs & Shams All pure linen centres with wide edare match into sets. Size 18x38 Inches, each, $1.80 Size 18x54 Inches, each, $1.08 Size 18x45 Inches, each, 81.75 Size 30x30 inches, each, 91.03 One Cannol Be Too Careful in the All of the beat new styles From the least expensive to the costliest is backed, by our broad guarantee for true representation of name and value. Choosing of Furs $50.00 Fur ?39 75 OwLS ...... Include Illuck Fox, Red Fox, bkuak-Dyrd Raccoon and Isa bella and Sable Fox. $110 White Fox Sets, $77.50 Double effect animal scarf and novelty rug muff. 70 Hudson Seal (Fltch tfcCQ 7tt Trlrumrd) Set BVIJ I00 Dyed Blue Fox 7l Cf. JVovelty Seta 'tiOU 940 Illuck and Red Fox Sets, tfiOC t, ,,,. . . .... ,,- i SECOND FLOOR fllo to -! Hudson Seul Coats, $70.75 to $187 35 ta $100 Freuvb Seal Coats, MatW tn 77J5Q $40 to $75 Russian Pony Coats, $25 to $57,50 Several attractive new models with plain or contrasting fur collars; beautifully lined, SPECIALS IN VERY HIGH-GRADE Winter UNDERWEAR & HOSIERY Women's $3 Import ed UNION $9 0C SUITS ... ' Silk nilxrd Imported Sl rlli lifill IiIkIi nrck, Ioiib leec, unkle length. Women's $1.25 and 70-, $1.50 Silk Stopklngs, 0V, Famous "Onyx1 brand; have extra high spliced heels, doubla soles and reinforced tops, mack, white and many shades. Women's $1 Vests, 75c Imported Swiss ribbed cotton; hltrh neck, lone, elbow or short sleeves. Misses' $1 Union Suits, Each 75c and 85c According '" Sli. Kxtra heavy ileece-llned cotton rib bed. Drop backs. KS 50c to 65c According to SUe, Winter waight; pari wool vests and pants. Children's 35c Stockings, 25c "Proteotoa"' brand In sllk-flnlshed cotton; heel, toe and half of feet are reinforced. IS lack, white and tun. Size & to 10 FIRST FI.OOR. SOUTH CURTAI attractive Neiu S& DRAPERIES jhter Goods in Fullest Assort7nenta Very Low Prices SI Curtains prrfj7c Fine quality scrim, vrlth Iac or plain bruuitltchcd cdsei alo cable net tilth Iteualssance lace Insertion i :Vi yards lone. $1,75 Couch Covers .,.. 98c Kuivv tnti&jitrv In nrettv Oriental dsslgns; 54 tnohw wide. Full length. ",v y nn ... p:f m r ri $6.50 Portieres, Pfcr $4.98 Efo,;. .;; O.VQ Fine aiercerlzad figured rwur Is Iwpvrtd flu sat, with scroll and variety of colors, with heavy tal flTiird ctptr aaat wile aplliud frlnee. braldad edire or wide tanas- lusrdara af alaburate aeafzns. 1U i try inftixvtm. rrrr i WF uuQTUuua yareU long THIRD FLOOR A Thanksgiving Sale of Dinnerware From leading Knglish, Austrian and Amerkau makers. me newest pattern Wide assortment of ENGLISH PORCELAIN HbdrKUzed blue onion pattern, including INNUll PI.ATHS, UHEAKKAST 1 f s JjA'itsa, iii.i i-i.vrns. racn xviv $12 Din- 7 0n nerSets.. Pi7o 1M vic Bpr and MrMr deorUoA. a)o plain aold band THIRD FLOOR via. cups t -i .tSAUCKHS 1UC IIURn .6 WITTJSB Dum 4X3C mil it 8Ai- en.. I iiits. iiofn OUC 2?JK $12.50 10u places AutrUn uMM, pink rusobud de l(pa. gold traced handle. OATMEAL in. UUWLS,ravh 1UC MEAT DIKIIKS. a. earetable 1 Ef IUhM.rah IOC i I I II mmmmm. III. 15c 520 Dm- f -I r nn nw Stfj iO.yq is gv mu usmmM'mumu w mtmswxst us &9t vtm.xih-urtHtMo. krr H&avnsm m ssrvxstvsiil SI tHftr tin i raa X fan tto Invlcg Iprlsos Im tt lorr illl :eg ?J do Anil in the . AttoH house! pr a r-f such M felted. 3 f'certn Iporml Btlcfl ,- X "- -'"'? "lilifljftiislliffritir -iiini in'' 'Viiifeiiliiiiyiiiiiiii all - -itAssr ' P' wwlfMMWIWIiWi1Miiffi sMsk.! isiBilBilB&BBBiaBilBHlEBilBiaBiaB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers