ipppppwwjwp immmwmi- aiiWifPf ia$MiS$i&fV-M3k MtelilaVHIiCiliMraiMfoWlrtltfM &V$?i!Sg&&B2BgmMZM&m47T!I31 NIGHT iSm jf. Ju 1 nm H VOL. I !tfO. 65 4f I'HILADELFIIIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1914. PRICE ONE CE CortmanT, 1914, bi TnKroBttorwjrn CoMriHi. ..tii'it British Warships Reported Disabled German Regiment Lost Regional Banks Now Open Rain Makes Millions for Farmers? PICTORIAL REPORT OF WORLD'S NEWS OF THE DAY -. i .... nil minium 4&j0ffl') , ' f '.i., " (. jtf-j"''iMjr ' -i-J,'-- f N Ji. Jwjshpwwwp - - - - WMMA!m.m?Pn '-5 ipipwsswHEsssageiBSf , -;i3fMr" ."' .'V-.! J ..' !.'" ' 1 ' L.' ''JIMHI.1 i' 'IHLI. "Mllff. jMT" '.jjmwmuhi m wwifw m ..-,, f T -TrTiMBTigwrrH wmmmmimmmmKaFmmmmmm75w: warn, hi -' k fflTffmTTifflt-- 'wiS3S:frgI?!8s MJJHBnHHKflb.MHHBEHPBSBiJSHnB,-13 lEaKPSfl? . QTiME&inHHHHEiVsas v&&S&3Hl&:9HHKB&nE9' Ki3tiaittfia SHHHHK gaKb&flMlBMHHHHHH I 4 i tit i rami i i nil imi 1 i wttiHi msr $$m jzmHmmmmmamm iMsmmz, viesH )! a " ev jm t Photo by Topical News Bcrvlc,. I. a ! UNLOADING PART OF $2,000,000 WORTH OF NOTES ai itx.uu.ttAi. HKHkHVR RANK" , The iFederal reserve notes for the Federal RESKrvf! n.nnV nf PhtlnrlVlnhi.n whliii nnn nn . u,..i.j .1 i i .. . vtr r t?t tw ponHT rtr xivr DitTMirr tmiutir. wi"wnTearch.S' pC"nS paSScd thc heavy trUcks which carrildthe money without realizing such an enormoufj amount of wealth was A Belgian woman in Dixmiftle. killed by a German shell at the door way of her .home as she was rushing from the tumbling structure0 IiJA'! v Hi-Mx.:. ,. .; ,v ---y iKSit:-"-' ' !: PCxSs- ; ' A'" ; ' T',S'ftV' " ;-VT-y- . -KrtMnbffl 01: ' .js- .' w; i - . ' A ?-.:r. -f.i - . : - - . -v " " w tfflk M .. & W T',JF mPtaMJ. Sbra fPPiieHcWpailS& m iBSBSiii- ' " !': .! ' W,?liiS.iiaMwlffliaias ,i. ' ' '' - - rfa!P xffiffisaKftWiRgffiSSawtti1 SJIsSSmbF' 1 rM MB8ir" m isaRmBm&smiv . Jtssssssi&uuimm mtMsmm'sssssmssgk . : 'M?z. m U , CANADIANS ON WAY TO CAMP ON MOTORBUS -rhoto by Tepid new. s.rvic K- f - i Th8 fir8t eonHneent of the Canadian expeditionary force arrived at Plymouth amid great enthusiasm and after disembarking pro Ria. ceeded to their camp on Salisbury Plain. They are a splendid body of men and every one looks fit and well. T I : : .. s ;vti:--- ., --'C' ",:,-.,, .-- ' , s 'rffSwiS'pf to II klPWWWMBaBMMWlwiMf , MTBKoil , .... '.' tha fln na J.-': From th Hambuner Frfrodni' 'attjja AUSTRIAN MOTOR BATTERY This piece did great execution at the siege of Belgian fortresses, and is now in use on the French fortresses. to ! IJ II -.1111111 mil'. I r i i 111 in . - r- IjlB tiKfe IN THB GERMAN TRENCHES Oe m Sriac s wift tfc MWfc tetsstry i Blium. SUkt shown in the atlo el iwib. JAPANESE ATTACK ON TSINQTAO The M8'5 wtiilerymea oofele4 their fiW pice oadr fbeai el wbat rtc. 1 ... aaatWSJ jrl-lfc. mattm-m JjEgTM isKii irr i i m i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers