K? t.. Q.J?gjl iJiaTitii ml "1 a ii mil in ' iimn' t irftiiaiTil ihVisfcHtfrtiiiffi liillr- 'iffrffifiiiiitisffT'ftrwWfi fli EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. RELIEF CARGOES BACKERS FORESEE '. BUSINESS REVIVAL IN EARLY FUTURE ,0timt5m the Dominant Note HOUSTON WILL TAX DEPARTMENT'S FUND TO WAR ON PLAGUE NATION'S GRANGERS URGED TO DEMAND CREDIT FROM U. S. KEATING NOT DEAD; DESERTED VESSEL TO ESCAPE TRIAL "KNOW YOUR BETTER" BY VISIT EXHIBITION cm :A 4 f W t i m 7 '.iti Speeches of Sir George Paish and Others Gather- cd at Banquet. WHAT tfANICERS SAY ' FUTURE WILL BRING .t Thti t?nftf1 Rtnt1 ! nn IhA i rfrt h& "f the greatest tnrospei Ity thta coun try has ever known. the time la not far ftwny when the Unlteil States will become the bank ing centre of the world Investment linnkers lor the coming year face the greatest opportunity for service nml profit over known. Money balances between nations enn bo settled In the future without loss by the establishment of nn In ternational clearing house. A $260,000,000 pool should be raised to receive the present financial stress anil reopen tho stock exchanges. The ilevelopment of the world's commerce In tho future wilt depend upon co-operation Instead of compe tition. Carrying with them confident prophe cies, made by great bunkers from nil over tho United States, that the period of depression In this country has pj fined ' the low ebb, and that alt Indications prom- Ise In the Immediate future a period of financial and commercial prosperity which will surpass anything this country ever has known, 400 bankers, who were dclo Kates to the third annual convention of the Investment Bankers' Association of America in this city, left for their homes this morning. Optimism was the dominant note sound ed throughout tho dally sessions of the convention. And it was this spirit of hopefulness for the future, this belief , that confidence Is being rapidly restored and that the tlmo of economic unrest Is past, which the bankers took with thorn to npply In their business. Tho final business session was held yes terday afternoon, but nt the banquet last night financial men of nntlonul promi nence spoke and gave further support to the belief that flnanco and commerce will soon resume their normal conditions. Sir George Patsh, of London, England, was tho most notable speaker of the even ing. He expressed his appreciation of the expressions of friendship and good will which have greeted him on every Bide In tills country, and then plunged directly into a discussion of the present trial Eng land Is suffering. His address, however, was not without x thought of confidence, for he said. "Great tin will be the cost of this war to England, wo hopo to pay for It out of our own savings." Sir George gave tho bankers assurance that Knglnnd would not unload American securities on the U nlted States with the opening of the stock exchanges. He added, however, that she would prob ably require the payment of short-term railway and other notes. Tho speaker told of the wonderful ef forts made by Ills Government to over coma the great difficulties which giew out of the emergency of the war. Tho greatest of these difficulties, he said, was the breaking down of the world's credit at a time when the "world's bills drawn on London amounted to 400,000,000 sterling. The financial world no less than the English people will welcome, he said, the expiration of tho mora torium. The financial obligation resting upon (America was brought plainly before the bankers when he said, no a parting word: "It Is for yoi gentlemen to nurse credit, restoro confidence, then the people will borrow In a normal way. It Is for you to Inducu Investment and restore pros perity." Politics, too, camo In for Its sharo of attention at the hands of tho banquet speakers. Tho stamp of disapproval was placed on the financial legislation of tho "Wilson Administration and the wide spread Republican victory on November 3 was hailed as a significant forecast for returning prosperity. Among the other speaker were Con gressman George 8. Graham, of this city, nnd Scott Bullitt, of Louisville; George D. Caldwell, of Chicago, retiring president of the association. Seated at the speakers' table were Sam uel Iteu, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad; E. T. Stotesbury. of the Phila delphia and Reading and the Morgan firm: John Dlunt, Jr., Robert K, Cassatt, JJ. IV. Clark. Jay Cooke, Id, George Dixon, George It. Frazler, Alba IJ. Johnson, pres ident of the Daldwin Locomotive Works; W. A. Law. Director Korrls, of the De partment of Wharves, Docks and Ferries; C. Stuart Patterson, Henry Tatnall and a number of others. WANDERLUST CLUB ABROAD School Teachers Xead Party on Tour Through Suburbs. The AVanderlust Club of the Board of Public Education is conducting a walk today through Chestnut Hill and Jenkln town. In charge of the trampers are Hiss Anna Graham, HIS North 19th treat, and Ernest P. Page, SW Vanklrk tr.et. "Those going on the excursion met at ttia. trolley waiting room. Oermantown avenue and Mermaid lane. The walk Is over country roads through Ardsley and Jenkintown. Brakeman Cut to Pieces by Cars TRBNTON, Nay. U Albert C. Dealer, about 40 years old, of Camden, employed as a brakeman by the Pennsylvania- rail road, was killed late last night when he fU through a trestle at the end-iSf the Orecnwofid avenue tunnel, this city. J3ealer was working drilling cars across Greenwood avenue and attempted to cross the trestle The members of the crew buddenly missed him and, upon looking down upon the tracks below, were horrt ?51 tP see him falling directly In front 4t PeaoJiylvanla, express train. The tody was out to pieces Covering the Case Judge Qunday. of Atehlson, tells this lwer 4ry: Ak Mate lawyer was at tray for a man ekanfed with murder. 4lsuM il J 10, Uw Uorney al4: "sjfjr honor, I shall flwt absolutely Dve tu the Jury that M prisoner eeuld u.tt have ctHonltted tlve ecfcn with Wbleh lit atenrytl! U that ds4 pet nvtnee lh Jury. I sut t9V iw i m was insane ylOY SB J- MB Viy jlMir- Plana His Own Fuaaffti JV1LJET, Ul Jl 14, 4 Bfnr4 M4CbA, ua4eUXi yaMtlM'r fcsawn a -mmuw J," HHSIHW ksa oavU ttoB It would b dd Hi a wwafe ad Mt iuMfat party t Maaim. IK, wouU PENN FRESHMEN FOOTBALL TEAM DEFEATS SYRACUSE Youngsters Battle Hard, Lo cal Eleven Winning by the Score of 13 to 0 Game Played on P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Field P. It It. Y. M. t A Field, N'ov. ll The Penn 1'rcphmen, plni Ing superior clnss of tnll throughout the game, de feated the Sjrocuse Frelitnen this morn ing by n score of 13 to 0 In the Hist period the I'enn lnd, after an exchange of punts, whacked (ho bnll to Syt active's 6-ynid line, and Welsh, nflrr two plunge". unit over for the llrst scoio. Doth tennis fought hard In the second peilod without a score. After nn exchange of punts Iti tho th'rd period. Nrnrlng got n :,- nrd forunnl pass nnd went oer for the sec ond icotp. After tho game Vincent wclili, who came to I'enn from Dean Academy, was elected captain of the freshmen team. FIRST PERIOD Penn won the toss nnd chose the north goal, llroisn kicked to Welsh on Prnn's C-yard line, who ran It back to mid field. Penn got the ball on a grounded forwatd pass on Byrncuvo's 25-yard line Ross hit the line for 3 ntils A for ward pass. Ross to Grant, tool: the bnll to the 3-yaid line. Ginnt took It tn within six Inches of tho goal line Welsh went over. I'enn Freshmen, G, Hra cu. 0. Ross kicked off on tho side to Jllller, who went to Oyiaeuse's M-yard line. Urown got Ross' forwnrd pass on Ids own 20-j nrd line. Hurrls kicked to Grant on Pcnn's (3-yard line. Urown and Giant made Mist down. Dewhurit fell on a fumble for I'enn. Welsh kicked to Harris on tho 20-vnrd line Harris got Grant's forward pnsR on Sytaeust's K jard line nnd the period ended. Seme Penn Freshmen, G; Syracuse Freshmen, 0 SKCOND PERIOD. Syracuse's forwnrd pass failed linn la kicked out of bounds on Syracuse's 10- vnrn una. iniaiey maue six yards, niant kicked out of hounds on Sjrncnse's 3. yard line. IlnrrlH kicked over the goal line. Penn brought tho ball out to the SO-jnrd Hue. Grant Kicked to Harris on Penn's 4fl-nrd line. Harris klckrd to Grant on the 10-yard line. Grant kicked to Harris on Penn's C0-ynrd line Dumoo went to tho 20-yaid lino around right end. Syracuso lost the ball on downs on Penn's 1-jnrd line. Grant kicked, and the Inlf ended. Score I'enn Freshmen, 6, Syracuse, 0. Tinno i'i:mor Kcnn limit Iti nt ouortfr for Hnrrlr rtors kldoul ntT to Dunn on Svmcusp's "i-nnt lltio. Ptrr hlocltrd Democ'i hlrU nml Jciiifn fi-ll on tlw ball nn Syrnruse'a n-anl line Penn vihs hold for ilonm On nn rxchanKe of kli-k I'enn gut tho 1ml Inn Syrneute'ii L'.-,-nl lino A for ward pa, ltos to N'pnrlnir. took the plRnkl" (ipr. Hcnrr I'enn rrerlinifn. rj, Hj raciim', 0. Miller klPked ijoal B-ore IVnn Prpnhmon II Sjrnruse 0 Demon kl-ked tn Oram m l'nn'r .lO-jon' lire nnd tl'n rerlml ended Score I'enn rrelimen, 11: Syracuse, O. roi'RTH IT.ItlOD Xnntierrv went In for Demoe flrnnt kicked tn Kran. .Svrncudi lost 20 nn!s on a iionr pair N berry klcktd out of fcoundi on Rvracueo's 4-ard line. On an cxchniiBe of kirk I'enn sained 2. varda .inner trln.i xoal from placement on Sm- euse's .Tt-yard lino but failed. Iloortn went In itir nfli-n anu iepziff I"OK muifflf) s pla llurrla repUceil Kean nt quartor for H place. cine. Nenbcrrj kicked to Oram on Hjra (Ue' IS-sard line T!ni made IS jards nn i pmu lounff neni in ror ueertnr Slll ler'a placement knjt naa tilnoked, I'enn imt frnallred half the I'latanca to the pool vVs" tor unneee-"ary roiiEhneti SraruKe'H ball on Penn's 2.1-J nrd line JOHNSON EXPECTS ANNOUNCEMENT OF CUBS' SALE SOON Charles Weeghman Will Go to Cincinnati to Have Talk With Taft Regarding the Big Deal. CHICAao, 111 , Nov. H.-Charles Weeghman will go to Cincinnati next week and at that time he will sign tht papers that will result In a change In ownership of the Cubs. Weeghmnn Is going to Cincinnati to talk with Charles P, Taft. Pan Johnson, American League presi dent, who knows the Inside workings of organized baseball ns well, or better, than any other man In the business, ex pects the olliclal announcement of tho Cub sale to be made Immediately fol lowing Weeghman's visit to Cincinnati. Denials were forthcoming today con cerning the reported purchase of the We it Side club. Such were expected, ns the Federal club president did not an nounce officially that he had bought the Cub team. However, this Information was obtained from a reliable source. The signing of the papers Is merely a mat ter of formality. Charles P. Taft is the man who can dispose of the Cubs, despite stories to the effect that Charles W, Murphy still has a "finger In the pie." Ban Johnson asserted today that Taft could dispose of the Cuba to whom he pleased, and when he pleased Taft Is said to still owe Murphy a sum of money as a result of having taken over Murphy's stock In the club last Feb ruary, but that item Is a mere trifle In the way of putting over the deal, Taft owns the Cubs' ball park, as well as the ground on which the Phillies play in Philadelphia. The Weeghman and Ward Interests are the ones to be looked after by the National Leaguers. The Wards probably are associated with Weeghman In the purchase of the Cubs PENN FRESHMEN WIN CROSS-COUNTRY RUN Defeat Dartmouth's Team Over Pair mount Course by the Sec-re of J57 to 2D. Petm's frhwes jreu-ceuntry team de feated tiie Dartmouth frehmn today over the West Side course at Falrwount Park by the score of 3T to . Walter MeCoomb. Penn. took the lead at the erask of the gun and retajnod tin lead until he broke the tap at the flnish Hne. In the lost quarter be was pushed bard by Qeri-Uh, of Dartinetttb, but be added a Httte extra, steam ami rae4 across the llftt a -yrd winner. He made the di Unu in iUlltrS. Potlatvlne is the order la which tbe mm lialsfa-ed. witb tbe time: ituor cu tub. - - MrvftBMsfc w nSSlksMBlW AEsUsQslAstfL4 SSS3r- isSliisejMl it4r : West Virginian in Resolu tion Declares Present Sys tem Does Not Relieve Farmers' Financial Problems. WILMtN'OTOX. Del , Nov. H. Rural credits liv the Government Is expected to be the stand of the N'ntlotial Gtnnge nt this session. A resolution to this effect offered by T. C Atkeson, of West Vir ginia, wns tho most Impoitnnt business of todn's cession. The i (.solution of .Mr. Atkeson states the numerous bills off inert In Congress to meet tho situation nlc not what Is desired, and dorlaiot In favor of a sjstetn of Govern ment credit. Mr. Atkeson Is a former dean of the University of West Vliglnln, nnd has spent ,venr In the studv of this subject Tho work of rending the reports fr- tn llto Stnle Granges was completed tills morning. The report of O. II. Keglev the mosler of tho Washington State tJrotme strongh chelated In lnvor of Vote foi women. Theie wort- 1)3 now granges es ttibllKhed during (he enr OPPOSES AFTO RKLIPKOi'in George W J' littntit, the State master of Now Jertipv. spoke of the work wheh hail lueii done In thnt State He de clared that the ginngc had successfully opposed nn amendment to the Constitu tion which would hne cut down the rep resentation In the Legislature of tho rutnl communities In Now Jersey . Automobile rcclpiMty wa3 condemned and drrl.ucd to be unfair to the pioplp of New JcrHP) who paid for building the ronilH In the Slntn nnd were then com pelled to allow automoblllsts from other tKnt"!t to in o them. Tho grange also favored nmontlments to tho employers liability law so as to make It practicable. I'nlfoi'm assessment nnd taxation InwB for the nrlous Staffs wpio also sug gested. Votes I ir women, peace, Irrigation, good roods nnd co-operative bujliig and selling protnlso to bo tho topics for discussion when committees repo'il bncl; on those supjcctJ'. "I-'ARMIUt" CRHASY'S Iini'ORT. Theio was moro thnn usual Interest In tho leport of T. Creas, master of tho Pennsjlvnnia State Grange, for the reason Pennsylvania' Is one of the strongholds of the grangers, having over 7'iOOd membets. The delegates lis tened with attention to the portion of the report which told how the grange had assisted In defeating tho $").n00.OM road loan bill In Pennsylvania because It did not consider thnt tho pioper way to meet the subject Co-operation received nttentlon both In tho report of Jtr Creasy nnd in the ip' port of Master Renn. of Nebraska. Mi. Creasy wns llrm In the opinion thnt some way should be found to gie the farmer the proper price for his products. Two billion riollais a cnr, ho declared, was swindled out of the farmer because It gees to thoso who handle his product while for thoso things which he buys he lb c impelled to pay high prices WOMAN LEAPS TO DEATH Hospital Patient leaped From Sec ond Story Window. Temporarily deranged as the result of her long suffering from neuralgia, for which she v,aa undergoing treatment nt St Agnes' Hospital, Miss Mnrjorle Mc Laughlin, C5 years old. of Gloucester, N". J , Jumped from a second story window of that Institution lust night nnd was Instantly killed Miss McLaughlin hnd been under the care of n nurse stneo her ndmlsslon to the hospltnl Severn! months ngo The nurse had Just left the room when she henrd the window being raised. Sho returned In tlmo Ul see the aged woman disappear over tho Bill. Physicians were called, but when they reached the woman's side she was dead. Three shots wore fired at Verlllo as he stood at the corner of the two streets lighting a cigar. His asrnllnnt occupied a sheltered po'ltlon on the elevated structure of the ralhoad. and, nfter fir ing, made his uicape. although pursued by men nnd boys who heard tho shots 11 red. MUSIC STOPPED SERVICE Three Heading Men Held for Inter fering With Worship. nCADINO. Pa.. Nov. 14. Tango strains coming from n dancing academy on the second floor of the Zable Building were so nnnojlng to the congregation IJ'Nnl ?.lon that services In a room ad joining were Interrupted last night. At tempts on the part of worshlppcrn to l.i.ve the music stopped resulted In a spirited argument which necessitated a call for police. President Harry Zable, of the congre gation today had warrants Issued for "Piofessor" Kent, proprietor of tho academy; Edwin Hawk, his secretary, and a guest. They were held under ball by Alderman Breen. PAINTS IN THAIN'3 PATH Woman Saved by Watchman's Quick Action. Mrs Mary Meehan, 61 years old, of 2-137 nclton street, narrowly escaped a hor rlblx death last night when she fainted as she walked along the bank of the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks at 33d and Thompson streets and rolled unconscious down the bank directly In the path ot a Now York express. Henry Elliot, a watchman In the Wator Bureau store, house nearby, saw the woman fall and dragged lier to safety Just tn time to save her life. Thlnklnjr she had been killed by her fall, Elliot summoned the ambulance of the German Hospital, but when the woman was taken to tho hospital Jt was found that she suffered only from shock. May Die Prom Pall Sown Shaft A 40-foot fall down the shaft o'f an ele. vator In a building being constructed at Glrard College may cause the death of Murko Bervfa, a laborer, of 1JM South Annln street The man is now at the CUrman Hospital with eoneusilon of the brain and a fractured leg. He was found by a watchman Hew he came to fall Is not known ' ' ,1 UlUlllUHU Scarf Pins A Urn sad varl4 ootmmt of ftaUaiMB sad OeU Bettt Pins styles of otettasttM ibmH t with brtstt, $10,00 to $sotoo C, R. Smith & Son Market St, at lh Popular Lieutenant Com mander of Arkansas, Re ported Killed, Left Suicide Note as Ruse. ; LIEUT. COMMANDER KEATING Former aide to the- Commandant at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, who i.i jji e was supposed to have ended his life and. who, according to dispatches from Washington, is alive, and sus pected of being a deserter. Lieutenant Commander A. B. Keatltg, former nldo to the commandant nt tho Philadelphia Navy Tnttl nnd one of the moit popular nunl ofllors ever sta tioned In thli city. Is alive, nccoidlng to dispatches received today from Wash ington. Keating dhnppenied from tho battle ship Arl.nnsns while the vessel was nt Vera Cruz about two months ngo. Sub sequently notice of his death was given In tho service papers. Detalli of Kcitlng'M dlnppentance nnd of his present wherenboutu nro still i shrouded In mystert. At tho time of his disappearance the first stories were ho hnd strojed Into tho Mexican Unci nnd had been raptured nnd that he had fallen oer the side- of the ship nnd had been drowned. Later It was Intlmnted the supposed dentil was suicidal. No verification of clthei repot t has over been mado nnd heretofore nil cffoits to clear up the caso have been fiultless. ESCAPED ritOM CABIN. Ad!ccs hae now been recelod nt Washington, howecr, to tho effect that1 Keating had beon ordered to remain In his cabin pending the nctlo'n of a navnl court-martial Thtough the aid of an other navnl ofTlcer Keating escaped and disnppcnied. it Is raid. Tho other man Is now snld to be under nrrest nnd will bo tried for giving Commander Keating opportunity to escape. - No further action Is expected to be taken by tho naval authorities. Tho naval registry will carry the name of Commander Keating for a certain tlmo ns "absent without ntiihorlty, where aboMts unknown." He then will be dropped ns n deserter. When Keating succeeded In escaping from the ship It wns said he wroto n note Indicating he was about to take his life for the double purposo of halting pursuit and shielding the ft lend who Is snld to have helped him to get away from the Arkansas. Nn olliclal announcement of Keatlng's death was mndo by tho Navy Depart ment. In spite of this. Announcement wns mnde.howcver, by tho Bureau of Navigation, on the strength of which the death notice was given In the service Journals. The commander wns aid to the commandnnt nt League Island until about a year ago. He Is 37 years old and married. Keating was a flmlllar figure at so cial affairs In this city, both naval and otherwise. He was looked upon nn one of the most popular of the younger of ficers In the service, nnd tho announce ment of hlB disappearance came as some what of a shock to his friends. No de tails of the charges made against him hnve been given out, but It is de clared In dispatches from Washington that thev nro of a serious nature. Commandnnt Benson, at the Navy Yard, today declined to discuss the case of Lieu tenant Commander Keating. He declared that ho knew no moro about tho case than ho had rend In the newspapers and rumorj. He would not explain tho nature of tho rumors. "Commander Keating Is no longer con nected with this yard." said the Com mandant. "I read the notico of his death In tho service papers, and that Is all I know of It." ARTISTB PLAN BELIEF Will Hold Exhibit to Aid War Widows and Orphans, A fund for widows and orphans nf artists killed In the European war is be ing raised by prominent artists of this city, under the auspices of the Emergency Aid Society. Plans for an art exhibition and rale of pictures were outlined today nt tho head quarters of the Kmergeney Aid Society, H2S Walnut street. The exhibition will be held from December 7 to J7 at tho galler ies of the Art Club. The proceeds of the sale of pictures will go toward helping the stricken families of artists who have lost tholr lives when fighting under their colors. Sirs. Kdward K. Rowland Is chairman of the committee, with Mr, John Freder ick Lewis honorary chairman Contri butions of paintings and statues will be received from various prominent attlsts and sculptors. Among those whose work will be ex 1 Iblted are Adolph Borie, Dr. Taft Mc ICenzle, William B. Mercer, C. C. Zant singer and others. f $1.00 a Pair MONDAY ONIVV GOLD SHELL EYE-GLASSES WOIITII 13.00 Belns maaulsolntfs la the only ittAoa w offer onJrful glasm t such a ridlculoiMly low price wo wnt ou to gt stauaintej with iu. and w know you wUi nil your fileod Our exm muwuruu sod opticians we St year service sbwlutely tit of est. Oat wvlc Is uosursasMil nd w fl oon4at that you will b STtstly bImm4. Just think u( this weadtrfsl offer A pair of Gold SbtU Kjeflaisti for il-W pair VLEXfiNEpaiC 8t0r Uptn 6u' l ,utl 9 P 31 3 Soutk Eighth Street S Bows frost Hatlut KI. if, WWl H SMravk rfKS'SSaSsS'Siii. rv!BBin i Interesting and Instructive Display Opened Under Auspices of Department of Public Works. A "Know Your City Rettcr" exhibition has iiopii arranged under the supervision of Dliector Cooke, to enlighten Phlladcl- pinans on municipal aiinirs. Tho exhibit, which wns visited today by huttdiids of women nnd men, la located In ' the pavilion In the City Hall cburUntd . leeetitly occupied by tho Child Fedcrn- t,on It Is planned to keep the ctmoii open until after the holidays Tho exhibit wns nrarnged In conjunction with the contention of Mnjols of the principal cities. ' Ilsplacd on the walls of tho palllon nnd on tnbles are plans, drawings nnd pictures of subjects relating to tho mu nicipality, livery branch of the various departments of the city In touched upon. Some of the fenturcs exhibited aro plans for new piers which are to tnko the placo of tho old-time wretchd plets now p- ,.,..m lH,nimnilflH m .nNBlHi.tlnn ttnrlr 4 1PIJUH HI, Ul ,,lilw,l ,!, kviin,iiiuii ..v.... on rnaas in mo cilj iminu mm vi Improvements nio nlr.o furnished Not only dots the exhibit deal with piers, parks, sewers, wnter conditions nnd public buildings, but literature Is on hand whlPh tells the visitors now to cumulate Pies, mosquitoes nnd rats. ttnndeting through tho pavilion tho visitors get n chance to Ilnd out what tho Dipnitmcnl of Public Safety Is doing. And then thcro Is the exhibit of tho Fire Department. Statistics are given which mil ima ninnv fires occurred In tills cltv , last year through carelessness, nnd also "w many persons were tescued by flrc- In,c" , , ,, .. . . w,.,h nn. i I'lctutes of the police boats wnicn pa- I tl0, t,,e wntei" on the Schuvlklll aro also shnuii. i:lillills on sanitary subjects which nie accompanied with volumes of literature are shown. SIiilo the exhibit opened yesterday, It Is estimated that more than MOO persons huvo been in the pavilion. Not only do visitors come from Philadelphia, but many pome from Main I.lne towns, as well an from Delawnro nnd Chester Counties. BELL HOP'S BALL LAGS NOT A MITE UNTIL DAYBREAK Hotel Employes, at Annual Dance, Display Their Usual Tenacity and See Things to a Finish. Tht Bell Hops' annual ball got away to a bad start last night. Dancing was scheduled to begin at 9 o'clock, but Presi dent Gompers was .holding a parade on Brcnd street, and It was after midnight when the swirl started. Eddlo F Hnnlin, who, in blue cloth and gold buttons, does the head bell hopping at the Hotel Vcndlg smoothed down the ruffles of his up-to-date dress shirt, kicked the wrinkles out of his dress trousers, flicked cigarette ashes off his pumps and announced around about 11 o'clock that he nlways was in favor of the bell 1ioh fotmlng a union. Hanlln's words wero received with much nttentlon be cause, being a head belt hop and a money maker, he Is also president of the ball. Tho subject was forgotten When the parade had pasiedi for the bcllbojn nnd the hotel maids and all their friends be gan arriving. They came In tnxlcabs In most cases, and had a policeman assigned right In front of the Eagles Temple on Spring Garden street to see that trafllc laws were observed. It was a real ball. President Hanlln dropped his care-worn look and smiled Just ns ho smiles when he delivers a pitcher of Ice water along about 4 o'clock In the morning and knows the gentleman who buries his fnce in it has as long a pocketbook as he has a thirst Secretary Johnny Dunleavy, tit the Bingham: Vlre President Phil Mclaugh lin, of the Vendlg, nnd Treasurer Prank J. Connollv, of the Collonade, saw their president smiling and grinned too. Bob Gallagher, of tho Beltevue-Stratford, hurried onto the dancing floor. Ho began thpt crand conducting nf thn i?rnnri man h J3,rnrd Curran, of the Adelphl, assistant conductor, seized a maid and fell Into line. Dancing went on until breakfast time. Once the ball Btarted, It could not be stopped, for there were dances dedicated to all the officers of the association, to the maids of each of many hotels, and tangoes, fox trots and hesitation In honor of the ndvertlsers in the program and to friends of the bell boys In general. The night clerks In the hoteU did most of the early morning calling. The bell hops were still at the ball. P,ANK$EF.S EEEE HOLD BACK Slow Subscribing to Wade Cotton Pool. The failure of bankers In this city and Boston to subscribe their full quota to the Wade cotton pool plan Is causing concern In Washington ns to the atti tude of the two cities. So far. In actual pledges and tentative subscriptions, about 15,000,000 has been credited to this city. This s little moretlian halt the amount exptcted. Interests here are Arm In their con viction that the amount asked will ulti mately be ra jed, and they do not expect the abandonment of the plan. Old Sheffield Center. piece. Old and Modern Shef field Plate English, Dutch and French Silver Fine China. A.Schmidt&Son lnwttrtEtaH4hf4 Hit Apprcariui WtitUng and, mh and Walaut St, Phil. New Ywk Cite Br Harbor, Mf. Newpar. R. I, MatHWll. M. M'"'' '"' " "' Secretary of Agriculture De termined to Continue Gov ernment's Campaign Against "Foot and Mouth" Disease. ,,,,,,,,,..nTnv s.-.. j Tt,er will be I ASIII.NOTON, Nov. H -There will oo j no time lost in the Government's wnr on the fool and mouth disease. Secretary Houston, of tho Department of Agri culture, announced today. More money than at first was thought has been found nvallnble Tot the campaign. Tho most llgorous methods to stamp out the dlsenso henceforth arc to be em ployed, tho Secretary said, nnd the de partment "would strain Its resources" In continuing tho campaign. Telecinmt embodying these declarations neto sent by Secretary Houston to A. O Leonard, pi cUUnt of the Stock Yards Association of Chicago; the National Wool Growers' Association In Salt Lnku Uty. and the Chicago Llvo Stock Asso ciation. Tho latter organization controls the an nual ptlze slock show, one of the principal features of the stock-breeding world. It watt In tin lecpttt tliow thnt many of tho most Undent rases of the disease were found DISEASED COWS SUPPLIED MILK FOR INSANE ASYLUM Herd Which Provided Norristown Pntients Until Thursday Ordered Killed. NOBEISTOWN, Pa., Nov. H.-Tho mill supply of tho Norristown Hospltnl fol tho Insane has been affected by the con demnntlon of tho 'herd of 93 cattle on tho farm of Frank Land's, at Centre Point. Twelve of the herd hnv the hoof and mouth disease. Landls, who has tho laigest dairy In Montgomery County, un til Thursdnv, supplied the Norristown Hospital with looo quarts of milk dolly. Stnto Vetorinlan Marshall was present Inst night nt n Indignation meeting, hold nt Gintifnrd b 100 farmcis living In tho TViKlomen Vnile The wholesalo slaugh ter of cows in tho crusade to stamp out the hoof and mouth disease was protested SHIPMENTS RESUMED Western Railroads Permitted to Carry Cattle to Chicago. CHICAGO Nov H Orders were sent out to all Western railroads this morn ing permitting them to receive ship ments of cattle, hogs and sheep to ar rive at the I'nlon stockyards here after midnight tomorrow, the hour set for re opening. Practlcnlly every pncklng house In Chicago has received n clean bill of health "nnd all are now free from foot and mouth disease germs. All of Ohio Quarantined COLUMBUS, O , Nov. 14 Tho entire State of Ohio was placed under quaran tine by the Stnto Agricultural Commission today In an effort to check tho further spread of the foot and mouth disease. This will prohibit all movements of cat tle. FREE COAL FOR THE POOR Wilmington Will Distribute 200 Tons This Winter. WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. H.-Two, hundred and sixty tons of coal Is the quantity which the mentbers of City Council have allotted to tho poor o'f the city for this winter. The amount Is con sidered small, but It Is all the money on hand for the purpose. The custom of giving coal to tho poor In winter has prevnllcd for years and the city has recolved ono or two be quests by will for Its coal fund. There has been so much talk of abuse recently that Council has been considering tho subject of appointing a charity commis sioner to look after the work. The as sociated charities have offered to fur nish one of their officers for tho com missioner If Council bo decides and to pay her salary. Thrust Hot Coals at Man's Mouth DKLAIIt, N. J., Nov. II. John Walton, 67, wns robbed of J17 by two men, who tortured him to find the hiding place of the money. They caught htm on the tracks and threw him Into hot cinders from a locomotive. Tying his hands nnd feet, they forced hot coals Into his mouth. He will die. Foundation in Interest of Musicians ALBANY, Nov. H. The Musicians' Foundation, Inc., established by "The Bohemians" ot tbe Musicians' Club of New York City, was granted a charter by the Secretary of State yesterday The ob ject of the organization Is to foster the Interest and advance the conditions and welfare of professional musicians. 23-Jewel Ruby & Sap. ;7 f9''' pbire Jewels . , '. . . lfl-slze "'. p;t VANGUARD 0 f Waltham7 M WATCHES t t X jf Guaranteed 25-year Gold-Filled ;..-Lr,, r rite ur Xmu Catalog The movement alone is sold at a fixed retail price of $40 iiT1'? ""otry-ulde estab lished price of these fa. BUHIH nDnmnl I. .In - In J-jar guaranteed gold-nUed casts tber bring moot We are going place on "le oae huada of thee superb wstchrs In it year sold-OlUd aM at tbe anutlox Bsura of M4.00I V will refund full plrifale "'J- " ?? S dyPlkste this waUU aaj where wilhla 10 days for lf tua jm Ifcr. 1 your ebuc to obtain wonderful timepiece at an absurdly low prle 9111 omer mied promptly mwm Extra nut mw BMfH9NNSt3t HVp trfWsWtMr NOT CONTRABAND, EXPERTASSERTS John F. Lewis, Admiralty Lawyer, Does Not Believe Germany Will Interfere With Belgian Mercy Ships An answer to the must-dlsciused ques tion regarding tho International legal status of mercy ships lias been given by John Frederick Lewis, Ihe admiralty lawjer, of this city. Jtr. Lewis, who has probably arguco mntP International questions before the Admiralty Court than any other lawyet In Philadelphia, maintains while food u n. "conditional contraband," tho fact thai It Is iti be supplied to tho citizens of Belgium nnd not the army precludes the possibility of It being regarded as a direct contraband. Ho does not believe Ger many will provent tho cargo of the Thclmn from reaching Its destination. Mr. .Lewis said: "When ono country Is at war with an othei tho theory of ItUernntlonnl law is that every citizen of that country Is an enemy with every citizen of the other, .....t ,U. .I.. ...,( h attnll'Orl In Settle mill tnttl fcucj lima, "v ,,.. -- thelt differences, governmental and per sonal, oetweon tnemseives mumui un Interference from outsiders. "diving aid or comfort to cither side In any form If done by tho Govern ment of the United Stntcs would be a .ini,lH nr Hit.nni imnn tlm nnrt nf this country nnd possibly Involve the country In wnr. "Aid or comfort may bo given not only In the ihapcof actual war materials, but in tho shape of actual war materials, but or may not bo applied to a military pur pose, but which nevertheless are neces sary for tho belligerent to got. War like stores nro Known ns absolute con traband, or "contraband of war," to use the old phrase. "Materials which are not distinctly mill tary but which may be applied to a mili tary use nro known as conditional con traband. Food, for instance. Is needed by soldiers as well as by Chilians, nnd food, thereforo, may be a great 'com fort' to the enemy. "In modem wnrfnrc, as In ancient, notably In the cae of sieges, starvation Is often more effective in overcoming the enemy thnn acttiallv killing or wounding him. Hence, supplying nn enemy with fond Is rendering him material assistance. "These nre general principles, but will not, 1 nm sure, bo thought nppllcablc bv any one to tho humanitarian ship ping of food to stun Ing Belgians. I am certain thnt no objection will seriously be made by Geimnny to such relief. Tho food ll not being sent to soldiers, but lo civilians, nnu cuuui naruiy ue re motely regarded as furnishing food and comion to inc ucigium uovernmem or to Its army." CRAMPS TO HELP BUILD GIANT U. S. DESTROYERS Philadelphia Shipyards May Con struct Three. The Cramp shipyards In Philadelphia will build at least two and possibly three of tho next giant torpeda destroyers au thorized by the last Congress. Though tho Navy Department refuses to disclose the successful bidders until next week. It Is asserted the Philadelphia concern will probably receive a contract. These boats will be the latest type of destroyer over built In the United States and will have nn equipment of anti aircraft guns In addition to their bat teries of 4-Inch rnpld-llre rifles and tor pedo tubes. Specifications call for a speed of 29"j knots. Of the six private firms bidding, Wil liam Cramp & Son was the lowest, with an estimate of JS(7.000 each for two and $831,000 each for three of tho destroyers. Antiseptic Cleanliness means cleanliness plus freedom from germs, When your laundry has been w a s h o 1 nnd Ironed by us It Is antl scptlcally clean. ISvery article ot wearing" apparel and household linen that enters our establish ment Is sterilized. Your family will run no risk of disease contamina tion If you send your. wnshableB HERE. Phone IMlmibtrt alio Keyttone Knee 073 TROY STEAM LAUNDRY 1323 ARCH ST. Call Up Walnut or Main 3000 Today and order your Help : Wanted Ads inserted in SUNDAY'S PUBLIC LEDGER "The right man for th$ u)gm piace win be found Monday morning mm wnp"w iipillilililljiiliTjinJWfrkiriMpM.1IIIOIOTii fP f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers