' luitnii W;Hyn,ihwyi - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914, MAN WITH 'SILENT RIFLE' WOULD KILL CITY HALL PIGEONS , Wr yw V "W " '". - PATTERSON MAKES LEADERS IN NORTH PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS MEN'S CARNIVAL PLEA OF RAILROADS FOR RATE INCREASE! j General Solicitor of P. R, R Alonzo B. Fox, Self-asserted Expert Exterminator, Of fers to Wipe Out Birds. Praise, But No Job. Tells Commission Advance Is Necessary to Transporta tion System. SHELLS HIS OWN CHATEAU French Officer, Longworth's Kin, Di rects Fire on Gerninni. PARIS, Oct. 29. An Interesting letter, showing tho martial spirit pervading tho French, han been received by Countess DoChambrun, sister of former Congress man Nlchblas Longworth, of Cincinnati, O., from her husband, wh6 was formerly French military attache at Washington. Count Do Chnmbrun, who Is an ar tillery officer, writes aa follows! "I am now having groat pleasure In directing tho artillery flro against our own chateau, and I take great enjoyment In seeing It shattered bit by bit." Tho chateau, which Is nar St. Mlhlcl. had been occupied by Germans. It is tha ccntro of n furious struggle which has been In progress for moro than a month. ROOSEVELT ATTACKS PENROSE'S RECORD Continued from Tnso Ono fjM3CJ&fi!r3UllbCtt&3?JL ifSil . fTaciStSxtat "t? W&,T&F-iirtiZi)tTW rkW,ll9BfcrSfVN-''TEr,Tj8?X5 fOVV BSfftdUHAf.j&trJKV jrHHHFnt , . fffffiiff TBIfffffffffffffffffffsl ' fsiiiiGl MmMMi -join ,-M Xi z I 'i'riV0 -IT It' I ." -n .'. It tl ' . -i: s - I t ' , f ! t ' ' e I J , I : l:. !!l ' . r rp Ji.. .' r W'l i " t at. i H 'I! i Sa . Alonzo B. Fox, of Burlington, N, J., wants to brlnpr his "silent rlflo" nint belt of "adamantine cattrldgos" over to Philadelphia and open sanguinary war fare on tho pigeons that flutter about City Hall, He has written tilrcclor Porter placlnc his skill as a rllleman at the disposal of tho city. Fox stands ready to "sin up" with Director Porter In a contnu t to shoot every last pigeon that ever dropped a feather lit City Hall court" yard, This Is what Vox told the director In tho letter: "A short time ago t read an account of s. suggestion to get rid erf the pigeons around the Public Buildings. While It la no small matter to get rid of them, I would llko to offer my services along thts line, and If It meets with your appioval plcaso let me hoar from you. "When I was n boy of 10 years I wa3 engaged to rid the cathedral nt isth and Race streets of this same nuisance, which cost hundreds of dollnrs rvrv spring. Thomas Burns, the Janitor at that time, secured me for this service. My grand father, who was supervisor of tho Water Department of the Otl District, tinder Frederick Graff, and who was a un known citizen of the 10th Ward, lived on the northwest corner of SOth and Sum mer streets: his namo was Simiicl M. Fox. He secured for mo the privilege of using my silent rllle on the street about the church from the lieutenant of police at 13th and Filbert streets, "My agreement with them was that they furnish the ammunition, glvo ma free access to their building, pay mo $1 for each pigeon killed, but t had to get tho last pigeon, which I did. I killed 01 birds In three weeks ar.d received $31. "The ball I uso Is an adamantine cart ridge, and will not destroy the stone on the buildings, and t will be responsible for any loss or accidents that may occur. "If you are considering onterlnc Into any agreement, I would bo glad to sign up with you." THE OFFICIALS ACT. After reading the letter. Director Porter recalled what the Society for tho Pro tection of Cruelty to Animals and a few thousand citizens said when tho sug gestion to exterminate tho pigeons was made n few weeks ago. Then ho hustled over to Director Cooke's ofllce and the two cabinet members read in unison Kox's description of his prowess with tho rifle. "Some shooter." said Director Cooke. "I think tho pigeons come under the head of City Property," said Director Porter to Director Cooke, "and. In that case It's up to you to answer this Iettor." Director Cooke buing unable to classify tho pigeons satisfactorily In the Public Safety Department accepted the commis sion and today wrote the following1 letter to Mr. Fox, of Burlington: "It Is very good of you to write as you do under date of October M, offering your assistance In the matter of exterminating the pigeons at tho Citv Hull. Your past record In pigeon shooting, as stated In your letter, shows you to be some shooter. "I have no thought, however, to do away with the pigeons On the contrarv, wo are very glad to havo them with us. They afford a good deal of amusement and pleasure to people who frequent tho neighborhood of tho City Hall. I am quite sure that any move to harass them would bo resented. In order to make these birds more comfortable In their occupancy of tho City Hall, and to make It unnecessary for them to nest In the scales of Justice nnd other sculptured decorations of the building, we have recently placed some comfortable cotes on the roof. "If your silent rifle shooting adaman tine cartridges could bo used on certain real nuisances which wo have In Phila delphia, with as much success as It has evidently been used on pigeons, I would predict a big uso for it." RUM PUT O. K. ON PENROSE SLATE Citntlnuil from I'nire One received a large paper containing tho names of the liquor candidates. This was headed "Candidates for a Square Deal." The names of Martin O. Brum baugh or Michael J. Ryan did not ap pear on tho notice. The cue to ths liquor Democrats was glvn, however. In the name of "Henry Budd," Senatorial can didate, which followed that of Boles Pen rose. Following tho names of Arthur H Ilupley. of Cumberland County, and An derson H. Walters, of Cambria County, Congressmen-at-large. wre the words, See that Huploy and Walters are de feated." They ware the anti-saloon can didates who have always fouuht Mulw hUI. U3TTERS PJtOVB "SLUSH" UNKS. Certain correspondence which has fallen into the band of the investigator of the Penrose slush fund and a number at wit nesses offer the connecting links between the oJUces In thta city and the Democratic an4 Republican liquor forces In the field. Not only was each, saloonkeeper and dealer given the names of the liquor can didates, but the cojteetora of the liquor organizations became suddenly active after th meetings and gathered hu. dreds at thousands of dollars to support the tickets. Prom a. reliable source in Washington It has been ascertained that Harry 6. Sake? and the men wbo frequently met In th olliees of the liquor association TviU be imtantly subpoenaed in the event of a Penrose election and will be Interro gated as to the meetings, but mora speci fically af to the expenditure ot the tl.000.CCO Penrose slush fund- in ii mill i in ii mmr'-m, ii .ii iiiien DR, JleKENZrE'S MOTHER BEA,B Gypinasluro Head, at UBirersity At. tending' Funeral In Toronto, Br. ft. TH McKenzie. head of the phy sical training department of tlw L'bjvsp eitr of Pesnsylvania, has left the city to attead tfra funeral of bU mother, Mrs. Catharine Shields McK'niie. wbo died last Monday In Almonte, Canada Mrs McKeiule, who died in her T8th year, was the widow of the Rev William 31cKbiJ. a famous Scotch clergyman, who was a pastor in Toronto for mauy year. Se leases two other sons. Wil liam Patrick McKeuaie, who ia a Buktoa newspaper man, and Hertrum Stuart 11c Kn e. a civil engineer of Toronto Can ada. Doctor MrKeniir .u. U rn in I mnute, where he received hid tail train-IU3. BABIES IN PARADE "TvV ' ' f Youngsters Compete at North Phila delphia Carnival Today. A baby parade In which 3M youngsters will tako part will be tho feature ot the North Philadelphia Business Men's Association carnival, homo week and Mimll aras today. Tho children will as semble at Wayne Junction and Herman- town nvcnttp and begin tho march prompt ly at 3 o'clock. 'the election of tho King and Queen of tho carnlvnl will b completed tonight and the winners will be crowned tomor row night, At present Nora Uappan is leading In the election for Queen and George Zlogler In that for King. J. DENNY O'NEIL COMES OUT AGAINST PENROSE CANDIDACY Pittsburgh County Commissioner Says Rum Will Not Rule State. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 23. .1. Donny O'Xell, County Commissioner of Alle gheny County, elected on the Republican ticket, has corns out against Senator Penrose, declaring his belief that tho t-enatrr cannot carry moro than threo counties west of tho Schuylkill River. A statement given to the Kveni.vo Lcnonn today follows: "The sentiment against Penrose In tho western part of the State Is growing; by election day It will havo assumed tho proportions of a tidal wave. I do not bellevo that he will carry more than thrco counties west of the Susquehanna Itlvcr. "In the western part of tho Stato Ten rose Is not a political Issue, but rather a moral Issue. Many Organization Re publicans will not support him since they havo come to understand that his Per sonal Liberty ticket was placed In tho Held for tho purposo of defeating all dry candidates upon tho Republican ticket. I have been Informed that the Personal Liberty ticket was placed In the field to secure tho votes of the liquor dealers for Tenrose, as the liquor dealers de clared that if they could not have any local wet candidates to vote for they would not voto at all. "The attempt on the part of a few corporations to force their employes to voto for Penrose his reacted nnd will have tho opposite effect. It Is an Insult tn the intelligence of the voters to say that the future prosperity of this great State can be Influenced by any single in dividual and the voters all know that Penrose's cry of soup houses and panic is raised to intimidate the voters. "Senator Penrose has done moro to ward making Pennsylvania dry than al ether causes combined. In order to further his Interests he has Induced the saloons and brewers to organize and so into politics as a body. By doing so he has made the saloons a State Issue and the people of this State will not stand for ram rule. "J. DENNV O'NEIL, "Counts" Commissioner." Mr. O'Neil has always been a stanch Republican and the greatest vote-setter that Senator Oliver ever bad. He carried Allegheny County for County C'nmmlMloner bv the blgsest plu rality a Republican candidate ever re ceived here. REPUDIATES BOND SIGNATURE Haa Who Obtained Immlgranto En try Arrested as Forger. Ai'-usvd o' forgin a signature on a bond df'inslted With th 1'nih i States Immigration authorities at Gloucester. N, J , Charles B. Hosa. 135 Catharine street, wus held under 11000 bail for court todav by I'nlted States Cumraiwiloner C. W, Edmunds, According to Harold Rhoads an em ploye in the immigration eervie. several month atfo Rosa gave a bond to the authorities for the admittance of an tm migrant Into this country, signing a deed on a property located at loji Latona' -tieet In the name of the real owner. Jam Julinn. ft'hui the European war broke out the question ft deporting re cnt Immigrants came up. and Julian was called to account for the man whose v,mA ha vnfl sunuased to have slSfned. but he decarod that he had never signed aucb a paper, investigation ot me case led to the arre.it iif Ros-i yrti-rday. II II ,u I i. i mi I M'AFEE'S HOME IN FLAMES Fire Onuses 55500 Loss In Residence of Secretary of Commonwealth. I'lTTSBL'KUH. Oct File started by a pair ter a turr h caused $V,'i loan In the beautiful boniK of Kolx rt McAfie. Secre. tary of thi- f'ommonwealth, this morning. Mr. McAfes's residence la oq the North Suit. Practically all the furnishings were ruined by water and many valuable paint lmrs and hunting trochlea were destroyed. Sir. McAtVe said many things could not b replaced, tine aide of the house and the roof were destioyrd. The Same from the painter's torch iifiilted tone dry tim ber Inside the wall The UcAfee home la oae of tfce oldest oa the North Side J, Hay BrewR Gats Lafayette Degree BASTO.V. Pa Oct. 3& -I.afsette Col lege estrd cunfrrred the decree of doctor of lu on J lla Broun Justice if the Suprin t'.jua at i'eniie) Ivania. d. the Founder's Uay eienUta held at tb MllCa'e. N5 v Z-H PLEADS FOR MORE EFFORT IN WORK OF SUNDAY SCHOOL The Rev. George G. Dowey, Secretary of County Asso ciation, Tells Convention Strength Depends on Youth That the real strength of the Sunday school Is dependent on the ettent of Us work among gltls nnd boys between 1J and 20 j ears was tho assertion made to day at tho third session of the Jd an nual convention of tho Philadelphia County Sunday School Association in Messiah Lutheran Church, 16th and Jef ferson streets, by the Ilov. Georgo G. Dowey, new general secretary of tho as sociation and general secretary of tho "Hilly" Sunday Cumpalgn Committee. Mr. Dowey mndo n strong plea that tho schools devoto their every effort to keep tho boys and girls In tho classes when they oro inclined to seek pleasure on Sunday instead of attending the Sunday hchool. lie also Impressed upon workers tho need of getting tho voung people actively engaged in tho work of teaching so they might become Interested in the work. "The real vigor of the Sunday school is with the young people between the Ages of 12 and 24 yeurs," declared Mr. Daw cy. The Row H. A. Musser, secretary of the prayer meetings for the Sunday Campaign Committee, who spent eight vears as a Methodist Episcopal mission ary In tho central provinces of India, told of the present conditions in the mis sion fields. Mr. Musser said there was so much work to be done In India that he was unxlous to return to the field. He showed the Oospel Is being taken to the Indians In many wnys. As an Illustration, Mr. Musser told the story of how a young priest was converted through finding a copy of a MuraCiTr, Gospel along the roadside. Walter O. Smith, assistant superin tendent of the Calvary Reformed 'Sunday school, presided, and among other speak ers at the afternoon sessions were the following: "Teacher Training nt Its Rest." Harry 13. Bartow, editor superintendents' de partment of tho Sunday School World: "Tomperanco Work In tho Secondary Ol visi ii,. ' thi lav L' Morrl Kugubxoii. educational superintendent of the Presby. terian Hunduj Si hool .Missions; "Present Conditions in the aiisslon fieuis. tno Rev. II. A. Muster. An op;n conference will be led by Mis Cmllle V. Kourney. Following a supper to bo torved from 6 to 1:45 o'clock, the evening stssiou will open with Charles Frankcnbetger, su. perintendent of Calvary Reformed Sun day School, preMding. Profefcsor Calvin O Althouse, of Central High School, will talk on "How to Make the Sunday School Appeal to tho Voung Peoplo." Tomorrow the convention will end. Tho main uusiness session will be held In the afternoon at 3-K o'clock. EVENING LEDGER NEWSBOYS PARADE TO THEATRE PARTY Three Hundred Lads See "The Great Hindu Mystery." The newsboys who sell the Evening Ledger In the northeast section were the guests of the newspaper at the Lit tle Rrodway Theatre. In Kensington ave nue last night. Three hundred of the lads gathered in front of the Leuoeb branch office at Ken sington and ehigti avenues and before they were induced to get into line the street looked as It every boy in the city a there. 'fhe boys marched along Kensington avtnue to Huntingdon street, to l'ront btreet, to Suauuehamitt avenue and coun tvrraarehed to the theatre. There nine reels weie run utt, Including "The Uitut Hindu Mystery." Mandfc'r iiachman, of the theatre, did everything in his power to make tho boys feel at home, and that they appreciated his efforts was shown by their lousing cheers when they left the playhouse. John " Smith, manager of tie brjn.'h oltiie, was lo charge of the parade whi-h wa Kd by Jin. m Blake, one of the newsi bojs from Frinkford. i,j mh, z AiS-V va At top, Carnival Committee. In centre, Paul Wcndler, Jr., marshal of baby parade. At bottom, G. A.Wick, carnival chairman. The young women are Miss Vesta Straus (above), Miss Pearl Zeider (at right) and Miss Bea trice Sweetman (at left), close com petitors for Queen in the popularity contest. MOTHERS' CONGRESS SEEKS LEGISLATIVE AID FOR CHILDREN Convention at Lancaster Hears Reports on Measures to Be Pressed at Coming Session. LANCASTER. Pn.. Oct. 23.-At this morning's session of tho 15th annual con vention of tho Pennsylvania Mothers' Congress, tile reports of olllcors and de partment chalrmon exhibited tho extent of the work accomplished during the last j oar. Miss Mary S. Qarrett, of Philadelphia, chairman of the Legislative Committee;1 reported that importunt hills would be presented at the coining session of tho Legislature, one providing for tho main tenance ot a homo for tho custodial care of all feoble-mlnded women of child bearing age. nills covering the chV labor question will bo Intioduced and further efforts will he inaugurated to obtain legislation standardising proba tion work. Indorsement of legislation providing for tho extension of Kinder gartens wns asked of the Congress. For the Committee on Organization a report was presented by Mrs- Herman II, nirney, of Philadelphia. Mrs. William Yarntli. of Svvnrthmore, of tho Commuue on Rural Improvements and Oood Roads, urged the Improvement of loads as an educational aid to children who are compelled to miss school tea slons In rurul districts owing to lm passable roads. In her annual report Sirs. Oeorgo K. Johnson, of Philadelphia, tho Stute presi dent, indorsed klndt rgartons and asked the Legislature to pas an act providing for the establishment of kindergartens by school boards whenever 25 pui-nts peti tion the board for the establishment of such schools. This U slnjllar to the syktem adopted by the State of California- She .lsu asked for the abkervance of Febiuary IT us Founder's Vi In honor of Mrs. Theodore W. Ilirnoy. of Wash ir.tfton City, who on that date In 1U7 called together the meeting that resulted In the organisation of the National Mothers' Congress. The afternoun program Included ad dressee on "Uttby Saving Work." by Mrs Charles Mercer, Philadelphia. "Tho Mothers' Pension," by Mrs. Charles fill pin. Jr. Philadelphia, and "The Work In Western Pennsylvania." by Mrs. 13. Ii. Kleruan, Somerset. A talk on tho Home for Rtuf Children In PhlUuiulpbuK was K'v'en by Mtes Mary S Garrett, of Philadelphia, who illus trated It with ten small children and a young woman, who was trained at the institution and is now in the eighth grade with hearing children. This evening Mrs Wilfred M Seboff. Philadelphia. Secretary of the l"ommr- Itl Museum, wdl deliver an Illustrated address on "WKat th Commercial mu. ee-itn Ii doing for Pennsylvania children," PREDICTS TRANSFER OF WORLD'S MONEY MART TO NEW YORK Financier of That City Tells Hardware Men Branch Banks in South America Will Be Opening Wedge. ATLANTIC CITY, Oct. 2).-Trnnsfcr-lii the money capital of the world from London to Now York Is contemplated In the movement back of the opening of American branch banks In South Anioilc.1, W. T. KIch, of the National City Bank of Now York, declared bc frte tho American Hardware Manufac turcis' Association hnre today. In dls cutsintr plnns'oT hls'ln's'tltutlon to open In Buenos Aires during tho coming month the llrst American branch bink outside tho country, tho New Yorker said: "Branch hanks will perform the func tions of a regular bank In this country so far as permitted by tho regulations of the Federal Rcservo Board. New York will bo mado tho money market for South America. American bills will be paid in dollars In Now York Instead of In pounds stcillng on London. "London has been the money market of the world for ages, and business Irt U rests of tho country must help In this movement. New York cannot become n financial city of world importance until tho dollar becomes known In all tho markets of tho world. The building up of a discount market will help to solve tho problem of long ci edits. The work wo have undertaken will of necessity do volop slowly. Tho bank Is doing pioneer work. American manufacturers seeking to enter tho South American field must upproacli it In tho tamo coniei vatlve manner. Prollts must not be expected the llrst year. "To develop successfully this new market will requite a degree of co-opera-tlon nnd co-ordination heretofore un known," Mr. Klcs continued, deploring the refusal of Americans In Buenos Aires to organlzo a board of trade for fear It might help competition. "If trade opportunities nro developed persistently and diplomatically," ho said, "this eur, marked In history by the greatest tragedy of civilisation, will be ti'cd In our own history ns tha year In which tho foundations for the future commercial supicmney of tho United States worn firmly laid." "In tho future the major pait of the money for tho development of Iitln America must como from tho United States," said John Barrett, director gen eral of tho Pan-American Union. "The bogey that tho Latin-American coun tries are necestarlly lands of revolution and Instability 1ms licon, I hope, smashed forever. In duo time thorn will bo a de velopment even In the tropical belt that will astonish tho woild." Fells H. Levy, New York, a former special counsel for the Department of Justice, In tracing tho history of anti trust legislation "from the tlmo when Standard Oil stood up the Pennsylvania Railroad and exacted secret rebates llko a fooipud." id it was grutiiving to Know that legitimate business had nothing to fear from the new legislation cnaited at tho Instance of tho Wilson Administra tion and modified to meet tho views of business mou. "It Is cltar," he said, "that tho Trade Commission will furnish a prompt and rcudily accessible method for, nbtertaln ing whether or not particular acts are luvvful or unlawful. The dual result of the Clayton unti-trust act Is clearly to dis tinguish the general business community from trusts." The New York expert on business legls latlon regretted that Congress had not seen fit to mltigato the severity of tho Sherman law. targe Order for Tent Material A contract for 309.r0 yards of duck for tents was awaided yeterday by .Major George H- Penrose, of the United States Arsenal at Mth street and Grsv's Kerry load, to Goetie & Co., of New York The specifications called for SOV.OuO vards. but as Immediate delivery was demanded It wus found tmpotbiblu 1.. obtain the en tire amount The pike of thu present shipment has nt b, n nwdt puMic lllds r Al soon be asked for the remaining 200, OuO yards. lor Plnchot. I wroto to him In substance! That tho Indorsement of McCormlck was a surprise to mo sthat tho last tlmo I had seen Lowls and Van Vnlkehburg they told mo they did not bcllovo tho action would be tnken, nnd that Plnchot, ) know, had been against tho action being taken "I state, however, that In all theso lo cal matters I stood by tho decision of the Progressive leaders who wcro re sponsible In tho State, nnd that I should support tho action that had been taken In Pennsylvania. "I think but I am not certain, that I also said, either In this letter or In some other letter, that I would personally pre fer to seo Lowls continue, but that I did not know enough ot tho Btibject to express any final Judgment and had en tire confidence In the wisdom of what ever action the Pennsylvania Progres sives would finally toko and should sup port It. "As soon ns wc get to Now Y'ork tho letter will bo given out for publication. The lottor Is not of tho slightest conso tiucnco: It wns a prlvnto letter to Mr, Quay, I cannot Imagine why hu should have talked It over with .Mr. Penrose, but fdnco he has done so I am delighted to have It published." VOTERS REALIZE ISSUES "It has beon a great trip," said tho Colonel In discussing his four days of whirlwind campaigning In Pennsylvania. "I am moro pleased than I can say with tho tour," ho continued. "And It Is hot only with the enthusiasm and size of the nudlenccs; It Is the clearness with which tho Issues aro understood. "Tako the worklngmon, tho farmers and tho business men In tho towns, big and little. They understand clearly that this Is a great light for decency nnd clean government, ngalnst tho forces of mlsrulo and corruption, corruption. "They understand that tho kind of prosperity which Pcnroso promises them Is tho prosperity that comes to a wide open city with a red-light Mayor, and they aro against that kind of prosperity becauso In tho first place it Is vicious, and In tho next plnco It Is not real pros perity at nil. They know that Gilford Plnchot stands for tho squaro deal nnd for the honest prosperity nnd that through It wlso and honest government will bo permanently secured to all honest men." Tho Colonel got out of bed to speak for a mlnuto to 500 persons waiting for him at Tyrone, whero today's trip started. When ho was told the crowd was calling for him, Roosevelt thicw an overcoat over his shoulders, and did not oven stop to comb his hair before resuming his denunciations of I'cnrose. "Good morning," ho said to tho crowd, as ho waved his hand to them. Then ho urged them, ns ho has t urged ncaily 100,000 other people who havo heard him since ho Invaded Pennsylvania, to "smash Penrose." At Mt. Union 500 greeted him. nnd ho talked for a few minutes to tho sumo number nt Lowlstown Junction. Largo crowds turned out at Mlflllti, Newport and Duncannon. At Mt. Union a large banner was displayed, which read, "Col onel Roosevelt, Mt. Union Likes You." Fully 12,000 persons managed to crowd Into the 13th Regiment Armory In Scrnnton Inst night, nnd thero was enoutth enthusiasm at first to satisfy even hard-fighting Teddy. Mrs. Maxwell Chapman, n woman suf frago speaker, forced Roosevelt to launch Into a discussion of partnership between men nnd women by bluntly demanding of tho Colonel, who followed her on thu platform, that ho plead tho cause of woman suffrage. Tho Colonel did so. The Lnckawanna County Washington party organization sold many of the scnts In tho Armory for tho meeting und staged a program which Included tho singing of tempcrnnco songs, preceding Roobovelt'a address. The Colonel Joined In the chor uses with the audience. Mr. Roosevelt announced nt the Scran ton meeting that before November 3 ho would send a message owr his own sig nature to every voter In Pennsylvania. Ho branded Penroso ns being as much of an International figure as Tammany. "Tho gunmen ot tho underworld nnd tho gunmen of high flnnnco have como together In support of him," said tho ex I'resldeut. "You seo the distillery nnd the Fnlqon, that Is Its agent. Joining with Individuals who claim eminent re spectability and who represent the special Interests In tho support of Penrose." PENROSE BROKE FAITH BY MENTIONING LETTER R. 31. Quay Had Ills Promise Not to Discuss Roosevelt Communication. PITTSBURGH, rn., Oct. SO. R. R. Quay today made It plain that Colonel Roosevelt in any lotter ha has written to Quay has not even remotely Indicated a wish to rid the Progressive movement In Pennsylvania of William Plliin. Beyond a definite statement to this ef fect Mr. Quny declined to (Uncus the matter, pending Colonel Roosevelt's au thorization to do so. Quay's comment on Fllnn was prompt ed by a statement Penroso Is ci edited to have made In HarrUburg last night, that Quay had told him Roosevelt's let ter expressed a wish to rid the party of Fllnn. Quay and Fllnn are now political ene mies, and Quay said he gave tho assur ance, not for Fllnu'a sake, but in Jubtico to Colonel Roosevelt. Roosevelt has refused Quay's permis sion to publish the letter, which Is In reply to one Quay sent Itocwevelt, pro tecting against FUnn's bundling of the Progressive movement In Pennsylvania. "There Is nothing In tho letter," said Quay today, "which I think Colonel Uoosevelt would mind having published, but thai is for him to say." Incidentally It developed that Penrose, when he mentioned the letter at all, broke fulth with Quay, huln given liU word that he would not make any public use whatever of what had been a private conversation between the two when Pen rose was In Pittsburgh. SUES WIFE FOR $50,000 Husband Declares She Withdrew Se curities Belonging to Him. NEWARK, N. J.. Oct. SK.-huit to re cover bonds and secuilttes worth $9S,000 from his wife, Mrs. Hattle Andreas, was started today by Wendell Andreas, of Tea Neck, Bergen County. The couple separated in September, 1913, when Mrs. Andreas withdrew the secu rities from a safe-deposit box. The hus band contends that Mrs. Andreas never held title to the secutltles and had no right to remove them. The wife admits she remuved the se curities, but contends they represent her share of the mate under an agreement made between herself and husband. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-Pleadtng thai upon tho welfare of tho rallronrt,, .1. , ed the entire prosperity and woll-beiJ rtt Mia AAAMnMiln i,ii.i.. .. " """"""' "'"""ro oi me United States, George Stuart Patterson, general Buuuiiui- iur mo Ji-onnsyivanla Railroad opened his argument todav i,,rn. iL' Intcrstato Commcrco Commission on the nppncnuon ot eastern railroads for a tlir riMlt. Initrntion Im f.Alut w -- ...... .-w ... ..viKiik rates, A host Of rallrnnrl nflnrnnv, AM. ... : appeared to hoar tho final argument " " "- v UUI.IUUU lumorrow A rlrni.qlnn Is ovnrrotl ffn i. ijiloalon after Its November conferenSl , uuuuv uiu iiiiuuiu ui iixi monm, Thnt tlin rrturtin fnr ilm ,... ... -.... . tw jcui ended Juno 80, 1911, Indicate that even befon tho war crisis thcro was "somethlnt fundamentally wrong with tho ralltoaa Industry," was the text of tho argument mado by Mr. Patterson. Mr. Pattenon strongly emphasized tho point that tht vuimin in, nut. uiKu mui me i ommlltlon Biioum grain tno rciiet ucsireu as a mat ter nf tfrnnn. Tho rnllrnnrt,, -.nil.. Patterson said, that It Is the function on thn f?nmmtfltlnti In i1nti.lMA ...l.., -. I reasonable rates, In view 6f the c'lrcum-l sinnces oi tno case, dui cintm, however that In this coao thoy havo shown the hrnnna.it rnlna In lta 1i,af n..1 ..........., .v.iu, .UK... .w uu jun. iiiiu ICUBUUUDie becauso these rates aro required to sun. ply a part of that Inadequacy of u, iriiiiiuio iiuauiib ji'vuiiuu wiiicn naa Deer found to exlBt nnd the existence of which is ticcmeaiy ucirimenuu to a sound pu "Wn furlnn- liptrn " nnlrl f Tin, .. ......... ...Mi., rM,l ,'.,. . UllClBOll "that tho plight of tho rallronds Is ont ot tho gravest dangers In tho present Btj.' niion, not, oniy oy reason or tno vital Im portance to tho community that Its trati. portntion machinery shall at all times bt In a stato of health and of efllclency, but niso occnusc ranronu credit is the Verj oncKnono ot mo investment structurt now so graveiy inrcaicnea ny tno pro . nnf pm.rr.nnrv Mr. Patterson then went over In dettDI siuusiics oi earnings prcsenteu at tit luriTiiu nennng last wcck. PURPOSELY WRECKS AUTO Chauffeur Runs Car Into Flro PIbj' to Avoid Collision. An automobile, tho property of Asslil nnt City Solicitor Michael J. Stctlnerr 20(1 Kast Price street, crashed Into a fin plug at Grccno and Coulter streets ant wns badly ilnmagcd this morning whf tile chauffeur steered out of tho path o another motorcar which crossed his pat) nt n high rate of speed. Tho automobile, driven by Tliomi Muiciueion, r,-as coming south on Green street. Ah tho enr reached Coulter streel tho chauffeur saw n machlno coming wen nt a high rate of speed. Rather than ruij Into the automobile, Shackleton turned his machlno to the sldo and crashed Intd a flro plug. Shackloton was unable td bring It to a stop and the car theri bumped Into n tree nnd ho was throwrj tn tho t.treet, but uninjured with the ex ceptlon or a few scratches. The police aro searching for the mo tnrlst who was rcsponslblo for tho actl ticnt. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun nnd Tides Sun rises .. 0 2.1am. I Pun sets ... 5:01 p,c PIUIiADllI.rillA. IIlKh watcr.l0.!!7a in. I HIrIi wntcr.l0:17p.n j.oiv water. K.vwi.m. i Low nntcr . o.-'ipc IIIIKDV IPUV.S'D. HlBh wntcr. "'Ill am. HIbIi miter. TMp.nJ i.ow water. x:il a in. I I.ow uiiter . 13Jpc iiki:akwati:ii. High water. I"W a.m. I HlEh wnter. S:12p,r I.ow watir.ll.Oia in. I I.oiv water. . 11 llp.W Vessels Arriving Today Str Oonlstou Water (Dr.), Santiago, ore, J, ,v .ueiartii). Htr t")ljoriCii (Dutch). Hoana. ballu Munpon Line. Htr (Junutlin, Jacksonville, etc.. merchandl Men lianta ami .Minora Transrortatlon lob puny. Mr. llcrkshlre. Boston, pas'rnsers and nrn clinnillso, 3It.rch.ints und Miners' Transrom tlon Company. Sir. Ilau (N'or.), Port do I'aix. lognotx; Cheiter. Str. Krlcsmn. Ilnltlmorc, fiuFcngeri wl' mcrcnanmsc, l.ncsion I, mo. Sailing Today fitr. NnrUk (Sued.). Thormann, Stockholm &wilctl. fju i flpn-Vorunv I.lno Str. Joseph J. Cunoo (N'or.), Anmodt. Fot .vntonio i-unco importing? i-ompnny. Ktr. Mnrltcres (Spnn.), Do Aramburu, Hoi folk, U Wostcreaanl & Co. Str. raprora (itul ). Mazedla, Not entries M. Taylor s Mn. , , . Sir Pernlon, Hillary. Savannah and J lonvllle. Merchants and Miners' Traniportt tlnn Company. , . Str. I-eMuston. Nfrkerson Iloston. Mercian htr. Anthony ciromcj, Jr.. lii-isto', nan mure. Krlrss'Hi I.lnc , ... Schr, Mararrct Olson. Cay Trani-Is, CajMr A II f'limuilna X. t n Pchr. John S. Mannl'mr. Curtis. rro 13 m tThalea T. Mcgco i. co. Steamships to Arrive PASSUNQCn. Nome. From. Ancona Naples Dominion Liverpool ... Waahlngtonlan llalboa rnuiaiiT. Ilcsperos ?,mh?.y jtuby (Ilurulur ... Oluteppo C'ran qvas Ohrlstlanla .. Stanfonl Immliisham Maine -n0J', " Toma Stotkholm .. Oldfleld Oranso -" arando. 'ftrtiinffinttin Liverpool .... Dalt ..Oct.! ..Oct.: ,.lKt.3 ,.OcU ritt. !.Oct. 1 .Oct 1 Oct 1 .Oct. 1 .Oct 1 .Oct Oct 1 .Oct. : tvt : Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 2 nt: ifanchesttr IJxcliangv.SIani'liMtcr ("rlrWlt San rrancinoo ronleton Water VVoat loint .... Vltslla Arno . Fantint'Q , . I-ondon ..Cristobal ..Cristobal nhloan liallioa .Oct S Anwtoiayk li'ii'rti!?,!;- Uau ' ort d" ""? Ullle .''. !" Antonfo Steamships to Leave iASseNrn:n. .Oct .OCt .00. Anuini Naplos Uorotnlon I.ivcipool " FHKU1HT. Canton cbrUtlanla "J; JVU'ni-AVJ-."Vff,-'S3--." S. iuiltiieivr viwn. .-";. " Vof, KumMerdrK ItotUrdara -ft" Maine Iindun ""' FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Ustu oUTerlngs of tonnage to fJ.ri; tady Inquiry kP rate In tn '"'"" til firm. An oversupply of tonnagu kP t all uittrKet uuu ra " SiSAHSIiltD' Harrovian Hlr l.'l'hlluiWphla to " nr iitnu. uruin. JW.UOO quarters, P"' lf5Xkl"Tmr.. Pb.Ude.phia t. g$ iuiri iTnlt-,1 KInadom or Franc, gram, " quarter. N'ovumber ,., Mvra fell, sum, from "hlmory. M, Wlllnrby (Ilr.). Baltimore to Lon4 A 0.0 ouarurs. 2. 4H'l- "P4.10" r lantlc imti. 3 itiil-. hoin' ru1" Kwnbraudt (Br.)!. "'' """oSSt. to livre. hrse. privai iiu-. . StUUUCO- a.uU lo ivvo trt. 1-oito Blco ' '' Pf'fei William uootn. ); . -c'alji t Dal urlvato tcrnis BAHK .r,i-tlDklui Vanadia (Nor.). Ciulf port 10 " "" j lunjtcr, i i J. . .L -... ...X. bm: .i ITiTi T-ii rf IT TUT
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