fmr NIGHT EXTftA i jcimuttQ Uxtbttet WMW MI """"" -T- NIGHT EXTRA vol. I-NO. 40 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. s. CorTMonr. 191. x n Pvbmo Ltixihi Cokmwt. PRICE CXNT3 CENT ALLIES GAIN ON LEFT AS- FOES CROSS t YSER RIVER r Advances Reported Around Ypres and South of Arras While Germans Concentrate For New Attack in Flanders. French War Office An nounces Progress Between the Aisne and the Argonne by Capture of Trenches, Also Gains in Apremont. tfAlllfirf Armv Has Bep-tin DrivA Northeastward From Ypres Toward Towns Held by Ger mans, According to London Statement. An optimistic report from the French War office today told of gains (tt three important points in Belgium land France. Progress is reported around Ypres snd south of Arras; between the Aisne and the Argonne, German jftrenches have been taken and attacks Arepulsed, and an advance has been made in the forest of Apremont. This is north of the French fort ress of Verdun, which the Kaiser's forces have been striving to isolate by in encircling movement from Apre mont to. St Mihicl on the south. Despite assertions to the contrary, it is plain that the Germans have suc ceeded in crossing the Yser River, tnd Lnnrlnn now admits this in a re- fport of fighting on the west bank. J) The Germans are concentrating an 9..... t ifnnnn ...... v..... ........ T!.. iiujy Ul U.H,UUlf men uciwccu i-vicii- port and Dixmude and are making progress between these two towns. The Allies have counterbalanced this by a drive northeastward from Ypres toward Thorout, which is on the line from Routers to Bruges. Both of these towns have been in the hands of the Germans. Belgium's defenders force enemy to retreat on sea coast as Allied army itarts drive from southwest up to ward towns held by Kaiser. Two war craft, the Russian cruiser Jemtchug and a French torpedoboat destroyer, were torpedoed and sunk by the German cruiser Emden off the Siam coast The Emden, prize raider of the Germans, entered the harbor of Penang under the Japanese flag ind fully disguised. More than 200 of the Jemtchug's crew are reported frowned. The German invasion of Poland has ken broken. Warsaw and Ivangorod, the chief objectives, are now safe. The Kaiser's army has been pushed from the Vistula and is now in retreat toward its own frontiers. Four days of battle, with the Ger- oans in retreat day after day, have bought the Kaiser's forces to Lodz ad Radom, according to the official innouncement from Petrograd which userti that the foe will be dislodged luickly by the reinforced Russian lorces. Berlin has admitted creneral retreat b the Polish field. The line of re but, extends from Warsaw on the forth to Ivancorod nn the onth. Htiry Russian reinforcements from Siberia and the Caucasus are held re iponiible for the retreat. In the East Prussian cntrmnicn tlir Russians claim a slight forward move- fpent, eay reports from Petrograd. MIC StrOnCT fortrt n( T rHr i'rp;l hv Concluded on Pate Pour Counterfeit $10 Notes In Circulation I Washington. n- i?rh. ,i .., 1)7 bounced today that a new counter- " w 6111, of the series or 1W1, has been Fint The notes bear the number E780H0. "fc Mttfr CLOUD THE WEATHER For Ph:i.i.i..Li- ..j .... - - rraUHpHu ana memuy Jttfrally cl"ly and unsettled to yht and Friday; not much change ZJlmpcraturei moderate southerly for details, tee last page. Brumbaugh to Rejuvenate State Through Justice and Progress Tn response to a request from the Evening Lbdoeh, Dr. Martin O. Brum baugh, In n special statement today, outlined his plan for the political regeneration of Pennsylvania. Doctor Brumbaugh wrote: "Everywhere In Pennsylvania I sco signs of an awakening conscience. The people are tired of following false Idols and In every county there lire unmistak able signs of a return to the Republican party nnd Its principles. He Is blind, Indeed, who does not Bee aroused cttlEcnshlp, quickened conscience and greater devotion to civic righteousness, the Blgns of an Increasingly virtuous quality In our people. "Officials of all stations must conform to this great awakening or meet the consequences Onlv those should servo the people who would lead them to the best social, Industrial and educational prpgrcss. "Through the State I have discussed with fair-minded citizens the principles of government for which I stand nnd the present-day needs of the people of this State. Theso principles are those which I set forth as my platform! Protection and Justice to the laborers of this Commonwealth; good roads, the submission of the liquor question through county local option ! a sound State civil service to guarantee efficiency of service to the people of this Commonwealth ; the submis sion of an amendment providing for the people to vote upon woman's suffrago In Pennsylvania; tho conservation of our resources, both natural and human; an enlarged educational policy for the treatment of tho childhood of our State; the reorganization of our great charities; wider freedom of control in local municipal affairs for the different cities of this Commonwealth. And for theso I now stand, as I have said throughout the campaign, and I believe that thoy will provo to be tho prlnolples for which the right-thinking citizens of this State will vote on November 3. "If 1 am elected It must be with the definite understanding that I shall be entirely free to perform my official duties solely and steadily for the people as a whole. I Bhnll reverently and humbly endeavor to do my duty In harmony with my conscience and under the guidance of the Divine. "I have nover known a boss. I never shall. I hate a boss as much as you hate a boss. Upon this plane I submit my candidacy unreservedly, and will be deeply grateful for the votes and Influence of all those who bellovo In the principles 1 have set 'forth. To their realization I shall give my full strength. I shall say nothing to get a vote that I will not do nfter that vote la given. CARRANZA, WITH 40,000 MEN, READY TO MEET VILLA ' . Will Oppose Any Attempt to Capture Mexico City. MEXICO CITY, Oct. 23.-rorty thou sand troops have ben gathered at Queretaro by Constitutionalist laadora loyal to General Carrnnza to oppose any attempt that General Villa might mako to capture the capital. General Pablo Gonzales has been placed in command of these soldlors, and sup porters of General Carranza declared to day that they would be able to repulso any attack on Mexico City. FILIBUSTERING PLOT FAILED TJ. S. Army Officers in Texns Arrest Four Aids of Villa. LAREDO, Tex., Oct. 29 A plot to orga nize a filibustering1 expedition to invade Moxlco from American soil was nipped today when United Statos military offl ccrs arrested four officers belonging to the army of General Villa. They aro charged with violating tho neutrality laws. Several other men aro also being sought. The prisoners aro accused of enlisting more than 1000 Mexicans with the pur pose of leading them across the Rio Grande and attacking tho garrison at Nuevo Laredo, now held by the Car-ranzaistas. BOTHA IN HOT PURSUIT OF ROUTED BOER REBELS Efforts to Bally Futile 80 Prisoners Taken. CAPETOWN, South Africa, Oct. 29 Offlclal announcement was made today that the troops of General Botha were hotly pursuing the Boer rebels led by Gcnornl Beyers and that all attempts of the fugitives to rally had been checked. Officials of the Union of South Africa declaie thoy have proof that General Buyers was receiving pay from German sources while he was In command of the Union's defense forces, and that he was making plans for a revolt for several months beforo ho feslgned his commis sion. LONDON. Oct. 29. This official statement was Issued re garding the rebellion In South Africa: "General Botha reports that he left Rustenbcrg (a town In the west of the Transvaal colony, 55 miles from Pretoria) on Tuesday morning and proceeded In the direction In which General Christian Beyers, with his commando, was sup posed to be. He came In touch with General Beyers' men in the forenoon and drove them in headlong rout the wholo of the day and captured 80 of them fully armed "In tho fighting whloh took place to ward tho end of the pursuit one of Gen eral Botha's men nnd several of Beyers' commando were wounded. "When the report was made the pur suit was still In progress " PROJECTILE PLANT TO BE BUILT AT CARNEY'S POINT Bethlehem Steel Oo. Starts Operation Near du Pont "Works. WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 2. Work has been begun on a projectile factory for the Bethlehem Stel Company on the River side Farm, adjoining New Caatle. The contract for the wharf has already been given out and work on It has been started. Fifty acres of land hava been purchased by agents of the Bethlehem Company from Charles S HInohman, of Camden, who purchased the farm from J. Edward Addlcks. Powder will be shipped from the Carney Point plant of the du Pont Com pany, and hero the projectiles will be loaded At the beginning it Is probable that the shells will be manufactured In Bethlehem and sent here, but later It Is expected that a plant to manufacture the shells will bo located here At present Immense quantities of shells are being shipped from Bethlehem to Carne Point and are being loaded there, but the steel company will now have Its own plant Officials of the Harlan & Holllngsworth Corporation, which concern Is owned by Charles M Schwab, who also owns the Bethlehem Company, admitted today that the land had bean purchased, but said that any Information as to the use of the plant after It was erected must come from the Bethlehem people. CONTRABAND SHIP HELD UP BY CRUISER NEAR NEW YORK As It Was for Allies, Carrier Is Bid Bon Voyage. PROVIDENCE, R I, Oct. -Carrying supplies for the Allies and Portugese armies, the French steamship Britannia, bound from New York to Marseilles, was held up by a cruiser outside New York harbor. The vessel arrived here today, but the officers refused to reveal the name or the nationality of the crusler, which per mitted the Britannia to proceed after the tatter's papers had been examined It Is believed the warship was either tho Conde, Lancaster or the Essex, on patrol duty off New York harbor, TWO WARSHIPS SUNK BY EMDEN ON SIAM COAST Russian Cruiser, Jemtchug, and French Torpedo De stroyer Wrecked in Harboi of Penang. TOKIO, Oct 29. Tho German cruiser Emden has torpedoed and sunk the Rus sian cruiser Jemtchug and a French tor pedodestroyer In the harbor of Penang (Georgetown), In the Island of Penang, off the west coast of the Malay Penin sula, according to a report received by the British Ambassador here today. The dispatch announcing this latest feat of the Emden said khat the German vessel flew a Japanese fig when she en tered the Penang harbor and was other wise disguised to conceal her Identity. The Jemtchug's regular complement wns 331 men. It Is ipported that more than 200 members of her crew and of tho crew of the French destroyer were killed by the explosions that followed the suc cessful attacks of tho Emden's torpedo end woro drowned In the harbor. The Jemtchug was placed In commis sion In 1903. She was a vessel of 3050 tons and, was capable of 24 knots. Her arma ment consisted of six 4.7-Inch guns, six three-pounders and two one-pounders. The Jemtchug had been attached to the Pacific fleet of Russia since 1903 and was interned at Manila after the battle of the Sea of Japan In the Russo-Japanese war in 1905. c ' HEDIN GERMAN HIRELING. SAYS FRENCH GEOGRAPHER Explorer Denounced by Sponsor for Legion of Honor. PARIS, Oct 29. Lemyre Vllers, president of the So clete Geographlque Francals, who pre sented the Swedish explorer, Sven Hedin, with the insignia of the Legion of Honor in th name of the French Government, has written him a letter suggesting that Hedin is in the pay of the German Kaiser, M. Vllers ends his letter, "You have meanly betrayed me." Sven Hedin recently went Into Ger many from Sweden and was the guest of the Kaiser while he visited battlefields and Investigated the charges of atroci ties by the Germans. JUDGE GRAY LAUDS WILSON Says President Surpasses AH Prede cessors Within Memory. WILMINGTON. Del., Oct 2S. Breaking k silence on matters political, which he has maintained for years, Judge Oeorge Gray, who recently retired from the Fed eral bench, has written a letter Indorsing Congressman Franklin Brockson, Demo crat, who Is a candidate for re-election. The most conspicuous feature of the letter Is the Jurist's high praise of President Wilson and his polities. He writes: "It is conceded on all sides that no predecessor of President Wilson, In the II fo of this of the preceding generation, has so entirely fulfilled the Just expec tations of his supporters." Covering bujlneas conditions, Judge Gray says; "I bellevo that the so-called business interests of the country aro better satis fied tliat a near finality has been reached In the remedial legislation directed against conditions admittedly abhorrent Some thing like certainty has been introduced Into the administration of business laws as a Bubatltute for the uncertainty which for years has disturbed the public mind and detrimentally affected business In-1 terests," MONG THOSE PRESENT TAXIGAB BANDITS STEAL $4000 FROM FACTORY AGENTS Two Messengers Returning 'From Bank With Week's Payroll Robbed on Crowd ed Street in New York. NEW YORK, Oct 29. Taxlcab bandits tr-day held up two employes of the Stan ley Soap Works, of 640 West 30th street, and robbed them of J1000, the weekly pay roll. There were four bandits. Whllo two of them held the victims prisoners with revolvers, the other two ran with the loot to 29th street, where they leaped into a taxlcab and sped away. John H. Stanley, a member of the firm, told the police that the messengers wore returning to tho factory from a bank. As they approached the corner of 11th avenue the bandits stepped out of a hallway. Two of them pointed weapons at the messengers and threatened to shoot If any outcry was made. The other two wrested the satchel containing the money from the terrified messengers and ran. As the two bandits with the money leaped Into a waiting taxlcab, tho other two pocketed their weapons and ran tn the opposite direction. The robbery, which was one of the boldest ever perpetrated In the streets of New York, took place at midday, when the thoroughfares were full of people. So qutokly was the robbery carried out that no one was able to Interfere. When detectives began their Investiga tion they were without any good clue. "THE HANDS OF ESAU" The Evening Ledger will print tomorrow another article of this remarkable series treating of po litical conditions in Philadelphia. It will deal with HEALTH AND CHARITIES and will discuss, with authority, the problems which confront the city in these two important func tions of the municipal government. U. S. CONTROL OF MINES Report That President Has Suggested Solution of Colorado Problem. WASHINGTON. Oct 29 That Presi dent Wilson has Inquired of Attorney General Gregory as to the legality of taking over the Colorado mines under Federal supervision was the broad Inti mation from a high official source today. The President and Mr. Gregory con ferred at length today. Mr Gregory re fused, however, to commit himself on the Colorado question, although he indi cated some Colorado questions had been put up to him. CITY CONTROLLER DEMANDS 'FEES FROM MAGISTRATE Second Time Thomas MacFarland Has Delayed Slaking Heturn, Cltv Controller Waltnn tnriav txrrota t lice Magistrate Thomas W. aemanaing a return or the rees collected by the magistrate during the quarter end ing September 30 Magistrate MacFnrlnnri vtiA.'. .mAA ia at 733 South 9th street. Is the only police magistrate In the city who has failed to inaKB a reiurn to ins controller of the fees collected during Jnlv Ai,r.n. BM. September Under an act of Assembly all police magistrates must make a return to the Controller and deposit In the City Treas ury within five dajs after the first Mon day of each mouth all fees collected dur ing ino preceaing monin. When Magistrate MacFarland failed to make his returns with the other magia. trates. City Controller Walton wrote htm. asking him to observe tho law The Con troller received no return or reply to his letter from the magistrate, and In today's letter Mr Walton demands a return within one week, and sas that If It is not forthcoming he will bring the matter be fore City Councils By law the magistrates are to be paid quarterly, but the City Controller is not to countersign salary warrants until the accounts of the magistrates are audited. On previous occasions the last In two years the Controller has requested Mr MacFarland to make the required returns, and In September 1912. the delay was re ported to Councils by the Controller, NORTH T0NAWANDA MENACED WITH DESTRUCTION BY FIRE Flames Cause Great Loss in Town in Western New York. NORTH TON'AWANDA. N. Y.. Oct. 29. Flro, thought to be Incendiary, early today threatened to sweep all be fore It, despite efforts of the North Tonawanda, Tonawanda and Niagara Fall flro "departments. The loss so far is estimated at be tween 350,000 and UOO.000. Railroad service wad blocked by the fire. The tracks of the New York Central and the Erie were swept by tho flamei and no trains could cross. Ralls on the Lockport trolley line and tho Erlo were warped by the Intense heat Tho Buffalo, Lockport and Rochester line waa also tied up and all service to the Falls stopped. Many telegraph wires were destroyed. Ralph Abbott, 35, a spectator at the fire, was run down by a switch engine and his left leg was cut off. The blare started In the Brady Brothers' lumber yard late last night and spread to the Adamite Abrasive Company, two blocks away. Then the situation became so desperate that help was asked from Niagara Falls. From tho Adamite plant the fire spread to the big plant of the Buffalo Sled Company and the depart ment store of F. 6 Pasohens, causing heavy loss. Many houses were damaged by the ton of water poured on them to save them Other factories In the fire zone suffered losses. While the firemen were battling with the (lames In the lumber arda a woman reported to the police that she saw a man run In between the plant and storehouse of the Adamite Abrasive Company and strike some matches A minute later this plant burst Into flames. PENROSE'S RECORD SHOULD END HIM, SAYS ROOSEVELT Ex-President, in Parting Shot, Declares Senator's Promise of a "Vicious" Prosperity Has Aroused Citizens. ASKS SI 5,000 FOU SON'S DEATH Workman Fell Into Vat of Boiling Ammonia. Suit has been begun In the Court of Common Pleas against Uaugh & Sons Company chemical manufacturers, by Antonio Marlnelli to recover $15,000 dam ages for the death of his son, Enrico Marlnelli, who met death by falling into a vat of boiling ammonia at the com pany's plant, Front and Morris streets. July 10. Marlnelli was employed in removing salts from the ammonia vats, which are six feet in diameter and two ftct above the floor. He was pulling a receptacle from one vat to another along an overhead cable when a rope broke, causing him to fall backward Into the at of scalding liquid Marlnelli Buffered burns Xrora which he died soon after. rROM A HTATT OOSSESPOMlUfT HARRISBURG, Oct. 29 "Touch not the unclean, lest It befoul you." With this final blow at Penrose and tho Penrose machine In Pennsylvania, Theodore Roosevelt closed his political Invmlon of Pennsylvania at two meet ings here. He received remarkable ova tions, both at the Chestnut Street Hall and at the Board of Trade. More than 3000 men and women packed Chestnut Street Hall. "In New York," said Rosevelt. "we have two bosses and they puzzle good men by asking them not to vote for the candidate of the other. "Hut here, praise the Lord, Penrose has put up himself It Is a distressing thing to me tnat after the revelations of the last four years, since Penrose's character was laid bare and his activities In poli tics have become known, and the main spring and reason for his actions has become known It is distressing to me that men who claim respectability set such, a miserable example for others by supporting Penrose. "Touch not the unclean thing. No man can touch It and not befoul himself mora or less. HELPED CAUSE DEPRESSION. "Mr. Penrose asks support In order to get a protective tariff. If there are men walking the streets today out of a Job, and any one is to blame, it Is Penrose " The Colonel attacked Penrose for the part the senior Senator plaed at the mi Ropubllcan national convention at Chicago He then bald "Mr Penrose promises jou prosperity. Ho never keeps his promises But grant ing that he would, what kind of pros ppnt would come? The kind of pros porltj that comes to wide-open cities nw rwusnv .Majors The prosperity that lives off ice is iclous "So I'm against Penrose I saw that ono of the Penrose organs before I came the State said that I was not really aratnst Penrose nnH that y . ..,, i.. sUo him love taps If that's a love tap he's welcome to It Friends, l never hit when I can help it. but I never hit soft, "A vote for Penrose is a vote for callous negligence that the widow and little children must pay for " ANSWERS PENROSE CHALLENGE- Before the meet!n3 Colonel Roosevelt Issued a statement in answer to Senator Penrose's challenge that he makt public a Iotter sent to Richard R. Quay of ruispurgn, soon alter Lewis uitiidiew , ard In which, according to Quaj, he pro- i tAQtcul nrvuinar ncfrin ultl. ,1... Tt .-... ......... ..,. .,,, , euwcrats on the Governorship. Roosevelt's state ment follow 8 "I am Informed that Mr Penrose at HarrUburg last night made reference to u letter written by me to R R Quay "In substance Mr Qua twice wrote to roe protesting about the Progreif indorsing McCormtck and about the with drawal of lean Lewis In effevt he said It had been arranged RUM POT 0. K. ONPENROSE SLATE HERE ON MIL 30 Senate's First Subpoena Will Be for Baker, to Explain Land Title Building Confab, If His Chief is Re-elected. List of Candidates Was Sub mitted to Liquor Dealers for Their Rubber Stamp, and at Once Sent to All Saloon keepers. , Links of Evidence Connecting Poni-030 .With $1,000,000 "Slush Fund" Grow Strongor. Letters Form Conclusive Proof of Campaign Methods. No. 4. Positive evidence haa been, obtained to link the candidacy of Boles Penrose -with tho liquor interests. So closely affiliated has he been with the leaders of the or ganizations which have raised $1,000,000 by assessing saloons, breweries and distil leries to return hlra to the United States Senate, that the principal lieutenants of the Penroso machine havo repeatedly held conferences and labored long to draw up the tickets favorable to the rum cause. Evidence has been obtained from per sons who havo attended these confer ences. They will appear, if required to do 50, before a committee in "Washington and lay bare the workings of the Pen rose liquor organization In the event of his election. Had the Senate Committee on Privi leges and Elections permitted the evi dence against Penrose to be made public before election, one of the first lines of testimony would have centred around the offices of the Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers in the Land Title Building. Here the liquor confer ences have been held, here the relative merit of the candidates was decided upon before the primary election, nnd here the arrangements were made not only to raise portions of the enormous Penrose "slush fund." but to expend the money in the counties whero it would be of the most benefit to the liquor candidates. LIQUOR O. KD CANDIDATES. It was In the office of this federation. In a room on the 15th floor of the Land Title Building, that an Important officer of the State Republican Committee, pre sented the list of candidates to the liquor men for their final rubber stamp. The meeting was held on April 30. Not only have the complete details of this gath ering been made known, but tho Inside workings of the federation havo been brought to light by the investigators who gathered material connecting Penrose with the "slush fund " The Penrose lieutenant had little diffi culty tn making final arrangements at this meeting, as tho majority of details had been decided upon at various prior conferences between Penrose representa tives and the liquor leaders. This meet ing waa simply to go over final matters and make sura that all concerned were satisfied. Conspicuous at the round table was James P. Mulvlhlll, general manager of the largest brewing Interests In the State and then an ardent supporter of City So licitor Michael J. Ryan He was the financier of the Democratic liquor cam paign In western Pennsylvania. Mulvl hlll has always been known as a Demo crat Seated near him was Nell Bonner, president of the Pennslaula Federation of Liquor Dealers, who Is charged by Representatives Palmer and Rupley with being the man who assessed the SOOO members of his association to the extent of $100,000 during the campaign. He has always been known as a Democrat. Then tame Charles F Ettla. field agent of the Pennsylvania Brewers' Association; P. II. Keefe, president of the Allegheny County Liquor Dealers' Protectee Association, and a man named Bojd, organizer of the fodi ration It Is said that Harry S Baker, secretary o the Republican Slate Committee and a recogntied Penrose leader also was present In addition. several other officials and politicians were present While It Is understood the presence of MuUIhill tn the city at th-u time was desired to pass upon the Democratic can didates. It has been said by a man who attended this particular conference that he displayed deep Interest in the Republican scnedule for State Senators, members of the House and Congressmen. At any rate, the Republican rum ticket met Atth the approval of the men present. Whether the men who attended thl$ meeting, tr several others which lock place In the same office and In the office of Senator Penrose in the Areade Build ing immediately before the primary, were responsible for the lists of the RepufelJ. can and Democratic liquor candidates being sent through the State cannot def. Initely be learned It Is known, however, that a, printed slip was sent to each sa loonkeeper, retail liquor dealer, brewer and distiller, ghiog the names of tb candidate whein they should support on May U Within a few days after the MestiBK, and after Mr Mulvlhlll had returned to Pittsburgh, and cunttnued bis flght for R)ua. cxtb. saloon keeper In bU district n 41 tt 11 f i n Concluded on Tate Two Concluded on Fate Two 'jL-Z!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers