nnwrrw-,.- -yw -ynroiKjP w.jnwy yp.y jin, - i j i i ii . i jpi iilWjijwii Ln'i1 . i ' ' nn iiijiniiiin W mull WIP l .. nil I I Mil IITrHfflTTTiMtTTiPtffHfrFflffPM R EVENING LEDGEE-PniLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OOTOBEE 29, 191L 717,000 IN NORTH PHILADELPHIA DEMAND QUICK WORK ON RAPID TRANSIT PROGRAM REASON FOR REAL RAPID TRANSIT Interesting Comparison Boston, with a population of 710,000, ha 20 miles of subway and elevated railway. North Philadelphia has a population, of 717,000 people, but, despite tho fact that Its testdents In number are greater than tho entire population of Boston, It Is forced to be content with congested surface transportation, The battle has just begun. North Philadelphia, ns well os every Bectlon of our great city, must have real rapid transit. 1? -t r y& !.' w nfowgiiT 1tWp" "" n i 'i i i. fl SUBWAY TO SAVE YEARLY LOSS IN TIME OF$680,000 Northern Section's 717, 000, a Population Greater Than Bostons, Demands Prompt Work on Rapid Transit Pro gram. Abolition of the Exchange Ticket System Will Cut $572,000 From Passengers' Annual Expenses. Good Traction Service, Which Has Given West Philadelphia Values So Great an Increase, Promises Millions to Property Holders in North. Transit Program in Brief Tho transit program provides for the operation of all high-speed lines In conjunction with the surface system, which will serve aa the ugont for the gathering and distributing of passen gers using the high-speed lines with out extra char Thus the ad apes of rapid tran sit will be extended as equally as practicable to every front door In Philadelphia. Passengers will be enabled to travel In a forward direction between, every Important section of the city and every other lmportnnt section of tho city quickly, conveniently and com fortably by way of the combined sur face and high-speed lines, regardless of the number of transfers required In so doing, for one 3-cent fare. Elpht-cent exchange tickets are to be abolished. The North Broad street line will save passengers $689,000 a year In time. (4,589,. 816 hours at 15 cents per hour.) Abolition of exchanne tickets will save passengers tributary to the North Broad street line $572,000 a year. Property owners of North Philadelphia and the northern suburbs within the city will make many millions. More than TIT.TuO persons who live in the nothern section of Philadelphia aro vitally Interested in the program for rapid transit. Boston has a population of about 710,000. Doston has about 20 miles of sub way and elevated railway lines. The northern taction of Philadelphia, for the purpose of this article, may bo described as that section of tho city bounded on tho east by B street, on th south by Callowhtll street and on the nest by the Schuylkill Itiver, and extending northward to tho county line .This northern area Includes many pros- flrfj- ,1, nwaww P&ESEfir TME --ZzffJWrES TTrtEBT RECOifiErCEo npc Tf?AtistT un&z2nmurEZi TIME SAVING, OLNEV TO CITY HALL The diagrams show the time consumed in the journey by the present trolley system, 42 minutes, and the saving under the rapid transit program, 20J4 minutes. perous sections Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Nlcetown. Fein Bock. Olney, Fox Chase. Oak Lane, Logan, Tioga, Falls of Schuylkill. Manayunk. Roxborough, and that densely settled section surrounding and north of Olrard College. Throughout this entire district of the city the demand for rapid transit and free transfers Is Insistent and will not down. The members of the business mm a as sociations In northern Philadelphia par tlclpatcd with those of other sections most actively in obtaining tho enactment of the enabling legislation at Harrlsburg which has placed Philadelphia In a posi tion to proceed with transit development. At Harrlsburg last year the logon im provement Association took a leading and active part. At all of tho meetings of the business men's and civic- associations tho transit question Is the main question at Issue, When Director Taylor gets ready to make his next move the various asso. clations of the northern section of the ,ity. which have accomplished bo much in the past, will be found working with h,m shoulder to shoulder for the Improve ment of the northern section of the city. TUelr united effort will be irresistible. NUMBER OP PASSBNGgRS AFFECTED. On an average 6W.C00 passngtriB travel out of, into and within the northern tlon every day on the street car It Is Interesting to note where these people travel to and from daily, as s. ecrtalned. oy me, iramv oumjr. j Between this section of PMbuJelplila, and the central business district 381.W4 travl dally. Between the northern section a4 Swath Philadelphia SI, travel daily. Between the northern section and West Philadelphia UW truvi-1 dall Between the n rtrurrn bittwo and the r-irthe-ist ri.tmn 5 ') n.url dilv Within th' nvrthrn teitK'n T&,i trive C y nverone of the residents uf this north cm section Is personally Interested in de manding the prompt ratification of thi "Transit Progium," and tho prompt con struction of the Broad street subway, which is designed to extend from Its connection with the delivery loop at oi near Arch street northward to Plki street, there dividing Into two branches, of which at least one will bo elevated, ono continuing In a northerly direction to Olney avenue: the other extending northeastwardly along McFerran, Luzerne and 9th streets, and tho Northeast Boulevard, to tho old 2d street pike. Out of tho 717,700 population of this northern section, and those having busi ness in tho northern section, 013,000 pas sengers travel dally on the cars. RIDES THAT FIVE CENTS WILL BUY It is important that every resident of this section, and every one employed there, should know the personal advan tages which should result to him or her by the adoption of tho "transit program " First. Tho discriminatory eight-cent ex change ticket is to bo wiped out, as ar ranged between Director Taylor and of ficials of tho Philadelphia Itnpid Transit Company under the terms of tho "tianslt program." Second. AH residents of thl3 section who livo beyond easy walking dlstauco of tho Broad street line will bo enabled to take surface cars to or from tho nearest station of tho Broad street line and branches on free transfor. On boarding the high-speed line they will lw carried for the same rte-cent fan to any point on that line or to any point in the cit, In a forward dirertlon on the present or future high-speed system, If not directly, then by free transfer. t'pon lea ng the high-speed system. If necessary, they will be enabled to take, a surfaco car lino from tho station at which they leave to their destination on another free trnnsfer, making tho ontiro journoy for one five-cent fare. Similar reverse movements and facilities are made available to tho thousands employed In tho northern district but who do not live thire. This means a ride from Germantown or Chestnut Hill to Darby or any point nwrwHBTBrra Tina saved -zoirtrftrES. 'J.UJJ.ULU. on the Woodland avenue elevated line for five cents. From Fos Chaso or Chestnut Hill to nny point on tho South Broa4 street lino or any point in South Philadelphia for Ave cents. From Qermantown, cjwatnut Hill, Oalt Lane or any point In the northern dls. triet to any point In the northwest eec tlun for live cents. From any of the Above points to Prank ford or to Weft Philadelphia, for five cents, uaing the privilege of g surface ear ride on fra transfer from tho rapid transit station upon leaving the high speed line. If nec4ry. BROAD STREET SCBWAY APVAN TAQBS. Evary car rider should understand the importanc of thia provision end what it moans to him in cheap awl rapid trans portation. The operation of the Oread street sub. way line will furnish comfortable accom modation for those who travel to end from the northern dlstrtet at present In greatly overcrowded aurf&ce cam This Otw wW also ave time to City Hall from North Philadelphia, and outlying sections as follows: From Roxborossb to city Hall, 30 minute. Prow Oiney to City Hall, m minutes From tb and Allegheny syanua to Cy Hall, njinu. From Oerraantown to City IfaJI, JS54 minutw. The praid rt subway gnjj delivery loop. wWcb will con North Philadl phiaaa with every point in the bualneas dJetrUt 4 with South Philadelphia, will alo coasaet tbew up by free transfer with the oiher hlgh-spMd lines, as welt us surface lines. The rapid transit system as designed will c mnect all the Important railway terminals Inclu'iinjf Nurtb Philadelphia Mutlun, the Reading Terminal, Broad, street station. West Philadelphia station, iff rrrr) JY i MUU.LUtUUt.ua fit W ". I j I v - 7-r.y.. i m i I r mmwmvlyWBmWmm.Mmi, V - -"""ST- -j. y . . . , . " j , , , ,i .,y y The workers waiting to board the already packed cars are bound for points in of cars in the lower picture shows one of the causes i Camden and the Baltimore and Ohio ! station for interchange of travel be tween them, and people will bo enabled i to travel from any one of these Impor tant railroad stations to their destina tion In practically any part of tho city for ono five-cent fare by the hlgh-sppff 1 .system and free transfers on surface lines. The North Broad street lino will servo the northern district, which Is divided into three sections. Tho first Is the dis trict between Callowhlll street and Alle gheny avenue. The cecond Is the aren nerved by the western branch of tho line, comprising Germantown and Chest nut Hill, Nlcetown and North Philadel phia proper. Tho third Is the district served by the northeastern branch of the line, comprising Fox Chase, Oak I.ane. Oln.-y and other settlements lying west of Broad street. At the present time In tho district be tween Callowhlll btreet and Allegheny avenue, the tradlc count shows that the time saving per individual is not large, but the large number of people served will make the aggregate time .saving very ImDOrtant. In the other dlfitrlcts, lying further north, the number served Is much smaller, but the time saving to each is much larger. Furthermore, the traffic survey shows that many of the passengers In the dis trict between Callowhlll street and Alle gheny avenue ride to points outside tho delivery district, and to such passengers tho high-speed facilities which will be afforded will be of Increased benefit. Furthermore, the surface car f-peed In tho district between Callowhlll street and Allegheny avenuo Is. blower, owing tu tho curs being more crowded and the street congestion being more severe than In the portion of the district farther out, and In this section also the cars are more crowded thnn In the outlying dis tricts, so that tho now high-speed facili ties will furnish a greatly needed relief and permit traveling to be done with much greater comfort than on the exist ing street cars. WANT BROAD STREET MNB START ED NOW, The operation of the Broad street line will remove fiufflclent travel from the ox Istlng surface lines to make traveling on the surface lines more comfortable for the local or ihort distance riders. The J3l,C persons who travel daily between the northern section nnd tha central business district vigorously de mand the construction of this Broad street line at once, which will cut down the time required to travel from the northern termini of the line to City Hall from ii minutes to 22 minutes, a saving of Jl minutes, each way, or II minutes a day. The CJ.OOO persons wh travel dally be tween the northern section end Isuuth Philadelphia will save Kill more time by beln? enabled to travel southward on the Broad street subway as far us league Island without transfer, or, on the other hand, they will be enabled to savu both time and money in ravelins southward from the delivery loop by free transfers on the surface lines. Of the W.COQ who travel dally between the northern section and West PWIadel. phla, thoa making the entire trip will not only save 21 minutes ech way, but will also b carriea to any point on the Market street subway-elevated line by a, frre transfer and without the payment of an additional fare Tho H.OlO person vhu trawl dally be tween the northern tuition and the north eastern section wl 1 dp enabled to use the Brond street subway nnd surface transfers on nn east and west street for one 5-cent faie, thus saving both tlmo and money. The I29.KO who travel dally within the northern district will bo largely telleved of tho present congestion on the sur face cars and travel will bo made more comfortable for them. WIPE INVESTMENT FOR CtTV. Tho Broad street line and delivery loop serving this northern section will cost only about JCI.OW.OOO. It Is undoubtedly a wlso Investment for th city to make, as this v. Ill Involve nn nnnunl Interest and sinking fund charge of only Cu per cent, on that amount, or $2,310,OCO per year, utider the existing laws of the State. Vnder the pending Constitutional amendment, If ratified by the people next yenr. this nnuual llxed charge will he reduced from 6.5 per cent, to 5 ppr cent, by a reduction In tho annual sinking fund charge from 2'i per cent, to 1 per cent. This would make the annual llxed chargo on tho Investment In the North Brnod street Una nnd delivery loop only Jl.75n.000 a yer. If tho city wore to make tho Investment now, under existing legislation, an annual charge of 2.3I0,0M would pay not only tha interest, but also would pay off In 30 years tho whole debt Incurred for building tho lino, and the city would then own the North Broad street subway and delivery loop free of nil debt without any further annual fixed charge, us a great municipal Income-producing asset. CHAROE OFFSET BY INCOME. This annual Axed charge of 12.310.00). or Jl.7CO,0OQ. os the case may be. will be offoet by the net Incomo resulting 1 from the operation of tho Broad street 1 line and delivery loop over and above tho treasonable pnjments allowed tho opera I tor, and tho estimates show that tha annual deficiency In the early years oi operation will bo compnrat!ly sllSht and that the line will toon pay tho total annual interest and sinking fund re quirements out of Its net earnings. Moreover, under tho personal property Us aot, the city has a practical sub. sidy guaranteed by tha State In aid of transit developments to orfsot any such deficiency. The following are. curtain Items, n ad dition to the net Incomo of the Broad street line, that may be used to offset tho annual fixed charge of J2.34O.OO0, or JtfaO.WU as the case may be: First. Annual saving to the residents of tho northern sectlun of the city to. suiting trom the elimination of exchange tickets. J37J,00O, In addition to the sav ing of exchange ticket charges In South Philadelphia, which will be pointed out In n later issue. Two. Annual living In time to pas een?ers tributary o the Broad street sub way, more than tea.Ofl) hours a jear, qr at 15 cents an hour, J9,QW, in addi tion to the saving of time to South Phil oriainhin. which will be pointed out In a later issue. ' Threo. Increase In revenue to tha city resulting from the Increase In taxable value In the northern and southern die' trtcts, JIQW TRANSIT AFFECTS RBAUTY. The new era which dawned for West Philadelphia with the establishment of its real rapid transit system was men tioned In Tuesday's article on rapid tran sit, and It will bo emphasised frequently On Saturday the Evening Ledger will explain the transit situation In South Philadelphia. North Philadelphia. The procession of delay. while tho battle for tho high-speed sys tem and freo transfers proceeds. For tho period from 1900 to 1912 tho in crcaso In taxable values in nil of West Philadelphia was $.$0,172,715, or 50.9 per cent., whllo the Increase of taxable value? In other residential districts of tho city, excluding West Philadelphia, was only 13.3 per cent. In the IGth Ward, which adjoins Mnr ket street on tho south, extending from 45th street to city line, and which is directly served by the Market street "L," tho valuation of unimproved real estate In 1900 was JtmJ.OOO, although It was only assessed nt SO per cent, of that amount. In 1905 the assessed valuation of tho same property in that ward was In creased to J1.8S7.000 (basis 100 per cent.). In 1912 It still further increased to f-l.3Gl.00O. or a total Increaso In 12 years of COO per cent. WEST PHILADELPHIA'S PROFIT. It Is particularly Interesting to the holders of the vast tracts of real estate tributary to tho branches of tho Broad street subway, which are undeveloped and which will remain largely unim proved so long as they continue to be unavailable for residential purpose's by teason of tho lack of capacity of the oxi&tlng lines to carry any more people to and from mich districts, nnd the great kneth of tlmo necessary to reach such property by street car transportation from tho business district. West Philadelphia is profiting largely and dlspropoitlonatcly to tho other sec tions of the city from the advantages afforded by rapid transit. It ii becom ing a city In Itself. Large and prosperous shopping districts have sprung up at 52d and Market streets andT00th and Market streets, with thea tres, bnnks, stores and other Industries. The present rapid trnnbit line running to West Philadelphia has In the last 10 jears diverted to and concentrated thq city's growth largely In West Philadel phia. This section Is now well built up, and tho residents of other tactions of the city are aware of the aduntages which they should share with their West Phlla delphla neighbors. HOW NEW YORK VALUES JUMPED. An exlmustlvB investigation of the effect of the construction of rapid transit lines on the value of real estate served was conducted by tho City Club of Now York In 1908. and Its report thereon .was filed with the Board ot Estimate nnd Appor tionment and with tho Public Service Commission, New York city. It discloses the following facts, which will be of vital Interest to real estate own. ers in Philadelphia. Tho method pursued In arriving at the values was as follows: Assessment values, as given by the De. pattment of Taxes and Assessments, were taken for the year of 1900 on vacant lots on n basis of CO per cent, of full value for the district from 79th street to Spu ten puyvil; 66 per cent, between Central Park and the Harlem River, and per cent. In the Bronx. These were compared with th assess ment valuos of W7 on a SO per cent, basis for all of these districts, and In each casa the full value was obtained by raising the assessment figures to 100 per cent. In the districts which were largely built up all vacant lots were listed. Where there were few buildings, as In the ex treme northern portion of Manhattan, a sutilclent number of such lots were taken to show the general land values, and from these was figured the total alue for the district To ascertain the proportion of increase in land value attributable to the bul'dlng of the subway, It was necessary to deduct from tho total rise what might be termed a normal rise, or tho Increase that would havo taken place through tha tiatural growth of the city without tho added stimulus of a now transit line. METHOD OF JUDGING INCREASE. The only basis of nrrlvlng at a Judg ment of what such a normnl rlso probably was Is to ascertain tho rlso for a period of equal length under normal conditions. Accordingly, tho Increaso In valuo of lie same land during the preceding years from 1803 to 1900 was determined. It was found that values roso during thli period of seven years on nn averago of nbout 50 per cent. In tho district on the west side below 133th street and on an average of about 43 per cent, from this point north to the Spuyten Duyvll. These percentages, then, may be taken In these districts aa the best basis ascer tainable for a Judgment as to tho normal Ise for a period of this length, and If subtracted from tho rise which took placo along the subway In 1900 to 1907 should Indicate the effect of tho subway on land values during tho latter period. By applying this method It was discov ered that the land from 79th up to 110th street and between Central Park and tho North River had Increased on an averago about 45 per cent., which Is nbottt the expected normal ripe. In the district along tho Lennox avenuo lino, south of the Harlem River, the average Increase was about 43 per cent., which would Indicate that the land did not Increase In value duo to tho building of the subway. Tho explanation of this unexpected condition Is, no doubt, that nn elevated rond already existed to glvo fair service to these dis tricts, so that the additional facilities had little effect on land value, except In the immediate vicinity of subway stations. WHERE SUBWAY HELPED MOST. Tho rise In land value along tho Broad way branch from 110th to 129th street was much more noticeable, averaging about 70 per cent., but the locating of Columbia University at this point nffected values to tho extent that makes It qulto Impos sible to arrive nt any reliable conclusions as to the proportion of rise which should bo attributed to the subway. The situation from 133th street north ward, however. Is entirely different. Be tween Iffith street, 155th street. Convent avenuo and tho North River tho lnnd Ircreased In valuo between 1900 and 1907 about J17.82o.000. Although the elevated read paralleled this district, yet, owing to tho topography, the road was of llttlo service, so tho subway added very ma terially to the transit facilities of tho locality. Tho district between tho Harlem nnd Ncrth Rivers from 153th to 17Sth street Increased In value about J22.430.000, from 176th street to Dyckman street the In creaso was about J15,925,000. from Dyck man street to Spuyten Duyvll the Inrrease wai about J13,100,000. Tho aggregate rlso in this land from 133th street to Spuyten Duyvll was JC9.30O.00O. If nn estimated normal rlso of J20.100, 000 based upon the rise of tho previous seven years he subtracted from this. It leaves a rlso of nbout J49.500,000. ap parently due to the building of the sub way, which Is 101 per cent. Increaso In the value of 1900. BRONX VALUES ADVANCE. Tho rlso of land values in tho Bronx Is likewise very noticeable. Taking tho dlftrlct along the juhway. extending In width one-half mllo on either side, tho Incieuso In land values was as follows: Fiom tho Harlem River to Willis and 3d avenues tho rlse was about JO.200,000: fiom that point to Prospect avenue, about 122,100,000; from the latter point to Bronx Paik, about J13.500.000. The aggregate rlso of laud values foi this district from the Hailem Rtvor to tho Bronx Park was about t4l.i00.000. Subtracting from this thu aggregate normal rise of J13.5OO.O00, It leaves an In crease of J31.300.0Q0, duo to the building of the subway. Ah previously stated, the aggregate rise of land values abovo 135th fctrtot In Manhattan caused by the subway was J43 200.0CO. The cost of building tho sub way from this point tu 230th street was J7 375,000. or but 15 per cent, of the actual rise caused by the new line. In the Biunx the bltuatlun was in most respects similar. The aggregate Increase In land values (of the district extending about one-half mile either side of the subway) due to the building of the sub way and in excels of the normal rise of JI8.500.OfiO was 4bout J11.0,0H0. The tost of tho line from H3d street to Bronx Park was about J6.760.oro. It will be nottd that the aggregate rise in land value in Manhattan from 135th street to Spuyten Duyvll and In tha Uionx due to the buildlpg of the kub w.iy was JSQ.EflO.QOQ. The cost of the on tlr subway from the Battery to Spuyten Duyvll and the Weet Farms Branch to JJronx Park was only JI3.COO.0O0. NORTH PHILADELPHIA'S DEMANDS. The people of Wtst 1'lilUdilphia and the rial estate owners are tiuivling with lomfort, convenience and saving in lime, ail factors which contribute to general prosperity The people of the northern section Justly demand that they ha placed on a basis of equality with their West Philadelphia neighbors. Tho Broad street subway, not counting the passengers from South Philadelphia, will effect a tlmo saving for 449,700 per. ons dnlly, Including those who live trlb ulary thereto In the districts served by tlio surface lines acting as feeders. The present Market street subwny-ele-vo,ted lino savos tlmo for only 165.000 In West Philadelphia. Director Taylor has pointed out the Im portance of opening tho Parkway and of grading Henry avenue from 29th street nnd Allegheny avenue through to Rox. borough, Including tho construction of tho Henry avenue bridge over the valley of tho "Wlssnhlckon. Ho calls attention to the great need for a eubway-clevatcd lino extending from the delivery loop, under tho Park way to a point near tho Green street en trance of Fntrmount Park, thence north wardly through tho northwest section, probably via 29th Btreet to Allegheny ave nue, thence via Henry avenue Into the heart of Roxborough. Thcro Is no justification for nox borough's Isolation. ADDITIONAL SURFACE LINES. Tho transit report outlines additional surfaco lines which nro urgently needed In North Philadelphia ns feeders to the high-speed system, Including a new sur faco lino leading from tho Broad street high-speed lino on Chew street through Germantown: A surfaco line extension on North !tl street for Logan, A surface lino extension on North 5th street for Oak Lane. A direct cross-town connection, Instead of tho roundabout line between tho north eastern district and tho northern district, via Wyoming avenue. And a surfneo lino oxtcnslon from Alle gheny avenuo Into Roxborough. Thn people of North Philadelphia are strongly behind tho great movement for tho adoption of the transit program. This fnct In Itself Is a guarantee of success. Tho people of tho entire city aro becom ing aroused and moro and moro deter mined to force this Issue, regardless ot any obstructions. No ono will bo more delighted to see tho new high-speed system In operation thnn tho people of Olney. Olney Grows Weary of Slow Car Service Present System Adds Two Hours to Workers' Day, and Trolleys Are Packed. Passengers who travel on the Olney line, route No. 62, will bo glad when they see a rapid transit system started In that direction. Incidentally, If there Is not soon a doflnlto sign that such a road will bo started thero promises to be an oxodui from Olney ot those who are obliged to use tho Fourth and Fifth streets line. Many of these workers aro employed nearly 11 hours a day, most of them working from 7 In tho morning until G at night. With tho present car system thev figure that their working day Is really 13 hours, as It takes nearly an hour b go and return from tholr places of em ployment It It Is In tho central part ot the city. To compare the time now required to ride from Olney to Arch street with th tlmo It will take for tho same distance when the elevated road Is completed, an EvENtNO LKnonn reporter took the trip this morning. He rode south from the starting point nt Fifth streot and Olney avenue to Fifth and Arch streets, which Is on a lino with tho proposed central subway delivery loop and the Journey took 42H minutes. As It will require only 22 minutes to make tha trip, according to calculations shown In tho report of Director Taylor, of the De partment of City Transit, each rider will thus be saved 20 minutes on each trip, or 41 minutes dally. CAR FACILITIES INADEQUATE. The car facilities on tho line do not Im provo matters. Nearly every morning from 6:30 until 7:30 there Is a crowd massed on tho southwest corner of Fifth street and Olney avenuo eagerly walling to ride to work. As soon as a car ar rives, It Is Immediately packed from door to door. Such was the caso this morning and a largo number of the passengers had to stnnd until Glrard avenue was reached, a distance of 41 blocks. As the car was jammed nt tho start, others who watted to board It on the trip south had to stand mournfully on the corner and watch It go by. As uu overflow was left at the Olney corner, those riding In tho car following un doubtedly were packed In Just the same. Although many of the passengers lett tho car at Allegheny avenue and also at Lehigh avenue, thero were crowds wait ing on these comers to tako their places and breathing space was Just as bcaroa as before, THIS MAN'S PATIENCE GIVES "I'm not going to put up with this much longer," snld ono grouchy strap hanger, as he threw his crumpled newspaper on the tlnor. "You have been saying that every morn ing for months," said a brother strap hulder. That may be," bald the disgruntled one, "but I have got a new house, and ubuut ten more of these rides will be my "n"1 Some one suggested that he ought to wait for the subway, but as this appears to be temote there was a general lau,11. The jokes about the line and the laugu ter that followed made many foigetther straphanglng troubles temjioiarlly There was no real relief until tho car arrHea at Glrard avenue. At that point a lars number of glrli employed at n """J left. Many of them expressed their "' pathy for tholr more unfortunate sisters, vho had to rldo alt the way to Market street. , Asktd why they got on a car that wa already packed, many of the riders " that If they wailed for a car with n. at they would not get to worK " " o doi-k If the sentiment of the rluors i o this trip is indicative of the general l ie nig in Olney. th-n all will unite deter ji in. U in a fiht for better transit. '? V , i . jjfc ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers