5p5'ffW!ff?Kw' ny?' trt' EVENING LEDGER-PHIIiADEIjPHIrrTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1914; a -.1 , TURK, AS PRINCE - OF ALBANIA, MAY : STIR ITALY TO WAR MINOR TERRORS OF WAR; ITS COMEDY AND PATHOS Election of Abdul HamicTs Son, in Defiance of Powers, Necessitates Protection of Italian Interests. LONDON, Sept. 2D. The pol Is boiling over once more In Albania. The situation In that artificial principality became so serious today that Intervention by Italy Is not unlikely. 5 There In no doubt Hint such Intervention would mean a declaration of war by Austria. Necessity for "protecting Italian Inter ests In Albania" may furnish the pre text Italy openly desires for taking sides , In the. war of the nations. There Is more than vague surmise to Justify this con clusion. It Is lea. tied from re lable sources that the new crisis In Albania Is ex ercising the Italian Government and that - posltixo action Is contemplated. September 2S was the date set by proph ets for Italy's plunge Into the world war as an ally of England, France and Russia. This prophecy was based mainly on the order Issued to the Italian rc- ' eervlsts In France to report today. The day has passed without the realization of that prediction, but news of the day vastly Increases the likelihood of Italy's 'resort to arms. SENATE ELECTS TURKISH PRINCE. In Durazzo the Senate of Albania, defy ing all of the Powers, elected Prince Bur-han-Uddln, a son of Abdul Hamld, de posed Sultan of Turkey, as Prince of Albania. The Senate appointed a commis sion to go to Constantinople and deliver the Invitation to the Turkish Prince. Simultaneously Essad Pasha, the great popular leader In Albania, prepared to march on Durazzo with an army of 12.(00. He has arrived at Dlbra with a force and Is collecting an army for the over throw of the interregnum. There is mor than .1 hint here that Essad is playing Italy's game: that his new revolt is not only a development of Italy's pollcv of obstructing Albanian nationality, bu in meant to offer Italy an acceptable pretext for definitely Inter vening In Albanian affairs. If Austria, as formerh, musters strength to crush Essad, will Italy support the Moham medan leader? Such action, it Is believed here, could not fall to mean war. Essad is popular in Italy and has on joyed the favor and protection of the Ital an Government. When Austria dlb pcrsecl hid forces and took him prisoner. virtually, at the time Esad was pre- i parlns to overthrow Prince William of Wted. lth interposed, placed Etsad on j an Italian warship, guarded h!m and i later welcomed him In Italian territory, j ITALY TO PROTECT INTERESTS. The Italian Foreign Office has ignored the action of the Albanian Senate. It will neither confirm nor deny the news that Trince Burhan-Eddin has been of fered the throne. There is cause for stating that Italy's attitude depends upon events and that Italian Interes will be defended at any cost. Excludl the greatest of those interests, which is the ptrm-inent eto of Italian territorial ' aggrandizement in Albania with the con- , troi of harbors, such as Valona. that as sure dominance in the Adriatic, there Is the ncce3slt of protecting Ital.jn prop erty u-id citizens again Imperiled bv civil war. I The pressure of public opinion In Italy Increases Every day finds the Govern i ment's position more delicate. Every day j the comments of influential citizens and ' writers is holder, more aggressive. Italy' I army and navy are ready. All that is needed is a respectable pretext. This Albanian affairs mav now furnish. Italy is informed of Austrian prepara tions In the Pola district, where to (no troops are believed to be nsjemb.ed .ready to meet an Italian attack. It ran bo stated, therefore, that the eofp'ica tlons are cf th utmost impnijm.t "'ving to thi po.-s bil.ty of Italian Intervention. An eloquent comments ry on tho feel liw that exists between British officers and men, nnd n reason why the list of casualties among the British commis sioned officers has been so largo Is fur nished In the following letter written liv a noncommissioned officer of the Buffs: "No regiment fought harder than we did, nnd no regiment has better officers, who went shoulder to shoulder with their men, hut vou enn't expect absolute tin ioslbllties to be accomplished, no mat ter how bravo the boys are, when you nro lighting a force 20 to 30 times ns strong. It some of jou at home who have spoken sneerlngly of British ollteers could have seen how they handled their men and shirked nothing you would be ashamed of yourselves. We arc all de termined when It Is fit again to return and get our own back." , tlon Is so clean one soldier did not know ho had been hit for three hours, and an other bullet went through two soldiers and lodged In a cavalryman's saddle. "If oLndon were to follow tho example of the Russian capital nnd change Ha name," says the London Times, "Cos mopolls might be a sultablo title. For six weeks citizens of other nations have been pouring Into England until London has become a vast hostel. Belgians whoso homes have become smoking ruins, Frenchmen on whose lands the sotdlers of three nations are now fighting, Russians whom the outbreak of war surprised In some alien country alt have sought these shores. Here, too, are many of our ene mies' subjects Germans nnd Austrlans who were In Knglind when war broke out, and have chosen to prolong their so- GERMAN SOLDIERS FIRED ON COMRADES IN NIGHT ASSAULTS !. a iU. V.I.. i n rn nncmatii Mttin tl ... ! I .i.- -.....!-.. """'" V l"V """ "' "-"" " """ " ......... u, iiivii iruin wir odniirai i werc In pars nowed over to England, Army missions have answered the call of Lord Kitchener for services loyally and promptly. Stories of the gallantry and bravery of the Salvationists are now coming back from the front. One of the wounded served as a motor driver in the royal field artillery. He was a bandsman In the Salvation Army before war was declared nnd told of hearing other former Salvationists sing ing the favorite songs of the army on ine oatuclieius at night. Telling of the lighting, the former bandsman said: "Shells were bursting all around us and I was stiuck by a rpllnter. It was only a flesh wound, however, so I bound It up and went ahead with my work. First It seemed the enemy was getting the bet ter of us. then he would retreat and bo the battle went all day. Comrades were falling all around mo. Tho Germans were falling tu hundreds. So thick were the dead of the enemy that when the order to advance was given we simply had to force the motor over heaps of bodies. While following the retreating Germans six of us got lost. For four days we tramped without anything to eat or drink. On the third day our tongues were hanging out from thirst and two of the men went mad. It was on the fourth night that we fell In with the British ambulance sections, and one of the first sounds I heard was a wound ed man In one of the wagons singing: " 'I'm a child of a king, I'm a child of a king. With Jpsus my saviour, I'm a child of a king.' "I learned that he was a Salvationist and later In the stillness of the night ! heard a clear voice in another part of i the camp singing: i " "Then we'll roll the old chariot along, And we won't drag on behind.' i "The song was token up In other parts , of the camp until It swelled Into a chorus of voices that made the air ring with the old balvutlon Army song. Reports indicate it sometimes takes a lot to kill a modern soldier. Sergeant Fougere. of Trance, received eight bul let wounds, a broken arm and other In juries, and although shot In the calf, thigh and ankle, esciped being captured bj Germans, and limped ten miles to his teslment Another French soldier re ceived bis bullet and three baonet wounds and Is recovering. The French War 'Hlce estimate? only two men are killed out of every b) hit Tho penetra- Thls Invasion has turned London Into a city where alien tongues may bo heard everywhere. In omnibuses and trains, In tho shops and theatres one sees foreign ers and listens to foreign speech. One might almost suggest that London's new motto should be "tcl on parle Francals,' for In certain parts of the city the lan guage of our Allies In heard almost as frequently as our own." Some of the privates at least In the German ranks are under the Impression thnt Japan and the United States are taking part In the war on the German side, ncording to a letter received In Lon don from an officer of a Highland regi ment now at the front. In every camp whero Britain's new armies nre being trained the regular drill Instructors are sweating over their com pany rolls at night, desperately trying to remember the pronunciation of the names of aristocratic re-rults who do not rec ognize Cholmondley when pronounced as It is spelt. t A sergeant calling the roll for a com pany of the new "sportsmen" battalion tor the iirst time had a terrible experi ence recently. Having disposed success fully of a few "Harpers," "Mitchells," etc.. he came tn the name "Montague." "Private Montalg," shouted the ser geant. There was no reply, but when the name wis repeated a half-hearted "Here, sir," came from the ranks. "Why didn't you answer beforc7" de manded the sergeant. "Because my name is Mon-tn-gue." replied the recruit. "Well," snapped the sergeant, "you'll do seven days' fatlgew." The next name on the list, Majoribanks. brought no response, for the sergeant pronounced "Mojoreybanks." A s-econd call brought the mild response. "I er-ect you mean me, sir. My name Is 'Marshbanks.' " The sergeant almost reeled, but pro ceeded bravel with "Colouhoun." "Private Col-kew-houn." he called. "Coohoon. sir. that's me," came a brisk reply from the front rank. The drill Instructor gave up and, clos ing Ills book, he wearily gave the order "number." When this was completed he said: "One hundrel and twenty-one. That's right. Now, If there arc any more of you with fancy names just come to mo after drill and tell me how you would like to b called." Infantry Made Fatal Mistake During Advance; Says Re port From English Head quarters at the Front. KAISER'S TROOPERS REST TIRED BODIES ON BEDS OF ROYALTY DIRE FATE THREATENED GERMAN ENVOYS IN U. S. Western 3Iillworker Accused of Writ ing1 Letter to Bernstorff. RAYMOND, Wash.. Sept. M.-Edwin R. Scott, a mlllworker, who says he formerly was a lieutenant In the Dublin fusiliers. is under arrest here today on a charge sts UnaWeCl by OplenuOrS Or i of having threatened the "extermination '"- J r 0f t,p German diplomatic corps In th n, ., Dl., TLw United states in vuuijjicguc i aiatc i lie)' Seek "Nature's Sweet Re storer" in Marie Antoin ette's Apartments. the letter addressed to I Count Johann von Bernstorff, German Ambassador at Washington. I i The envoy wns to be the first victim, i The arrest was made by secret service ' operatives. The letter was dated Port i land August 30 and postmarked Raymond i It was traced through a damaged letter J of a typewriter which. It Is alleged, Scott , i used. The police say he confessed, but refused to explain his action. I PARIS. Sept. 15. Gabriel Mouroy. curator of the ancient ' ruyal palace at Complegne, reports that tho Germans when they occupied the town laid straw upon the palace floors, whore their holdlors smoked and slept. The officers did not occupy the historic royal beds, but thoy took the mattresses I and other equipment from tho beds, rotably thnt which was once the bed of LONDON, Sept. 29. The prltlah Official Press Bureau has Issued a description of the operations of the British force In Franco and the French armies In Immediate touch with It, communicated by an eyewltneso at the headquarters of Field Marshal Sir John French. This account supplements thnt Issued September 21. It says: "September 23, 19U.-For four days there has been n comparative lull nil along our front. This has been accom panied by a spell of line weather, though the nights nre now much colder. Ono cannot huve everything, huwever, nnd one evil result of the sunshine has been the release of (lies, which were torpid uuring me wet days. "Advantage has been taken of the ar rlval of .reinforcements to relievo by fresh troops the men who have been In the flrlng line for some time. Several units, therefore, have received their baptism of fire during tho week. ATTACK IN DARK. "Since tho last letter left general headquarters, evidence has been re ceived which points to the fact thn' during counter attacks on the night o? Sunday, the 20th, the German Infantry fired Into each other as the result of an attempt to carry out the dangerous ex pedient of a converging advance In the dark, "Opposite one portion of our position a considerable massing of hostile forces was observed before dark, and some hours later a furious fusillade was heard In front of our line, though no bullets came over our trenches. "This narrative begins with September 21 and covers only two days. On Monday, the 21st, there was hut little rain, and the weather took a turn for the better, which has been maintained. The action was practically confined to the artillery, our guns at ono point shelling and driv ing away the enemy, who were endeav oring to construct a redoubt. Tho Ger mans, for their part, expended a large number of heavy shells In a long range bombardment of a village. FOUND TRENCHES DESERTED. "Reconnoitring patties sent out during the night of the 21st-2.'d discovered some deserted trenches, and In them, or near them In the woods, over ICO dead ond wounded wore picked up. A number of rifles, ammunition and equipment weie also found. There were other signs that portions of tho enemv's forces had with drawn for somo distance. "Tuesday, the 22d, was also fine, with less wind, and was one of the most un eventful days that has pasod tlnco wo reached tho Aisne uneventful, that Is, for the British. There wns loss artillery work on either side, the Germans never theless giving another village a taste of tho 'Jack Johnsons.' "The spot thus honored was not far from the ridge where some of the most severe close lighting In which we have taken part has occurred. AH over thl3 No Man's Land, between the lines, tho bodies of German Infantry are still lying In heaps, where they have fallen at dif ferent times. I "Events have moved so qulcklv durlnc tho last two months thnt anything con nected with the mobilization of the British expeditionary force Is now an cient history. Nevertheless, tho follow ing extract of a German order Is evi dence of the mystification of the enemy and is a tribute to the value of secrecy, well and loyallv maintained at the time in England: " 'Tenth Reserve Army Headquarters, Mont St. Guibert. August 20, 1SU. "'Tho Fiench troops In front of the Tenth army corps havo retreated south across the Sambre, part of the Belgian army 1ms withdrawn to Antwerp. It is reported that an English army has dis embarked at Calais nnd Boulogne, en route for Brussels." " EXHAUSTED FRENCH TROOPS CAPTURED HILL BY CHARGE , Regiment Fought 72 Hours and Then i Begged to Finish Work. PARIS, Sept. 29. As an illustration of the spirit that been rr nmved to a safe place before the Germans arrived, the curator reporto. Soldiers, Supplies and Money Will Be Nothing was removed from the palace, Rushed to England's Aid. ' " ta's- and " damage done, except to animates the French resrlments th storv , . i.Mf... .... ,-.. .v wiii' ,,,.; t.wu fc ' --' --' -.. .F PAMAniAMQ PI AM TO CCMn I Mark- Antolmjtt. and slept on them on i i.i p an incident at soissons, wnere, UrtlMHUIHNi rLHN IU itNU the floors of the ancient roval bedrooms. I aUer thrt '' Incessant fighting, a KflriDC MCM Tn nnMTIMCMT The Invnluablf Beauvais tanestries had ' single Infantry regiment that had as- KIVJIIL. muu IU OUU I IHUIH I h. ,r,..i , , ia,. h.r. .k. saulted the enemy's Dositlon time and '....wit mm i-uiupcuuu io retire t uij i close of the third day. by a bayonet i charge, thev had gained a height which covered the German position, but the j latter were on a neighboring hill, where ' they were busy digging entrenchments ( It was necessary to carry the position before the digging was finished. If it was to bo taken at all, so the commanding officer, recognizing the exhausted con- i dition of his troops, sent for reinforce ments, whom he ordered to charge. ' The regiment felt humiliated at the call far r-lnf'ircements, and petitioned their colonel to be allowed to finish the work themse'ws. Permission was reluctantly given, and. despite their previous 72 hours if hr.tuous fighting the remains of the tegimt-nt charged up the hill and carried It by assault. They lost heavily n ttu -ffort, but their pride had been satisfied. , TORONTO. Ant . Sept 25 Hav:ng dispatched the flrt ''anadan war contingent of 32 '0u men on Its voy. agt- tj Europe, well guardvd by British men-of-war. the Canadian Government is ..--peeted In a few days to !ue a see. ord (.ill fur men to Join their comrades at the front. Although it is Intimated thst onlv ISOfO men will be asked for on th's oceaslon. It Is estimated that fu'Iy Kv ) will volunteer, of which 16. u' will be from Toronto and Montreal Ever since the war began the militia regiments throughout the country have be.n lnreatns their establishments to a w.ir fuutlng and adding so many re. emits that the supply of the serviie Khaki uniforms ha been exhausted, and companies are again stn paradlnu with the older uniforms of the British army Owing to the valuable service renderct by mounted infantry in the South African war it IV43 Hitld today by a prominent headquarters officer that the second con tribution ,t men by the Dominion would be particularly Ktrone In thl arm. CoupUd with a strong demand that has aiisiii th4t thi rountr shoiild send at least ioi.mii men and maintain tht-m In ilu field, a decided and spontaneous mowmerit foi the formation of rinV Uulja has utaiud every whero in th country. As tli. -,ork at getting men ready foi the ar prutf-eis it b.na riviilcd tti.it in- l .minion Government had 'Ten grudu U making preparation fur th great tru?l for the lat three veur . Th . I i-, teen done mainly through the prvisi."i of rift, ranges anij ot:ir factli. ties t pr.u-tice tn marfcmanahip. A i in i meous movement which begun mm- ti-:. 4go to provide for the de pe ndeiiU of Fuldlers at th (ram ha now ssumtd Ui pioportions Toronto and Mmfeal. wh'eh .-ie the flrit to begin thn ii lMVe iuied K'.SSH.OOm between them, m v. ritl other Wiles havt urdei takei I.. iaie f.om ).uy to ViMiio etcb, an I wl en nil thnt ht. heen pro ml :. has been ,..! eivd in 515.UJI.0XI to iltMi-KMl Will be uii I'll"! for reliif. A remarkable feature for the present war -a fi as Panuda Is concerned u tho tition,' upport of the cause of the Allies b tho mai foreign reaidrntg of the counto Hundrrds of Ucrnians have apt lied for naturalization paper, among whom is l'iofeor Muellei. of the t'nl VeralU of Toronto At U rlln. Ontario. a citv c mpord utmost nin.llv of men and women of Oermun ditioni ami of nat'iralUed Germans, u lar,e put riot c fund la being- raised, a new rel-rcr.i is lie'.n; ri'cruitcd and prominent cUiiens InHuuiln; many manufacturers have heli pu i - .feting forawo n the Kaiser some of the furniture, wh'ch can be re- paired easils. and to the ctu'ssbonrd which Quc-:i Caroline, of Naples, presented to Napoleon I. The chessboard itself was not banned, but the chessmen were taken sib souvenir. Referr.ng to the reported German viola, tlon of the Potncare vault, the Figaro says edltoi'ally "There Is ce-talnlv some profound de rangement .n the brains of those capable of such an act, which Is a form of monstrous dementia Forty years ago inolent triumphs and a kind of satura tion in the vulgarmi satisfaction have unilnte(j tf.ls race to its very marrow " The newspaper gees on to recommend the excommunication of all Germans fr'.m civilisation There should he no mure German ma ds or soverrescs em ployed and tho language should be elim inated from courses, at universities and no mre German music or plays at th upe.ru or the theatres. FLOOR SPACE 14,000 Sq. Feet As we are removing our Print ing Department to the Curtis Building, we have this space for rent, ready October 1. Robert Morris, Bldg., 919 Walnut St., 2d floor, light four sides, steam heat, 2 passenger and 2 freight elevators, low insurance rate. Apply to The Beck Engraving Co. 620 Sansom St. Phone, Walnut 1073 TYPEWRITERS nrmanufatturrd machine a' .Mml anJ nnkh t'ndi rwi ds I ' jr.li.pr'on?, Oliver, niitlis. M -r. if J . t-u , u HALF PRICE T pew nieM rent"l an-1 f i' MARCUS & CO. VUt.'r.uhst. h rulfnr tqi )g f ll lUJlUIIUUllJLLUUIUI, l DARDANELLES BLOCKED e The House that Heppe built f Turkey Closes Straits to All Classes of Shipping. UNHON. Sipt -Turhey has closed the Uurlanelles. the nurrovv strait be tween Europ. ond Asia, to all navlea- ' tlon, ari-ordlne to a dispatch from Con- i stantlnople The duration of the closure is not jMen, nor is it purpose explained, j 1I aerment among the great Powers ! lite tJarqaneues, neavuy forliner). are closed always to war vessel? other than Turkl.b ITALIAN "jnWISTER ILL HOME. Sept. JO.-Ur I'es aralo.o, of the I'nlverslty of Turin, has been s-im-mnned he.e to conult with U: Ktture Marchtafava regarding the ondltlou of llar(iil3 Antonio d' sUn Ui i.tan 1 1. Italian Minister of Foreign ffalrs who Is affcrted Uh .'outy dNsoepsij A thouK!i confi.ied to his bed, the Krreig , Minister continues to receive f.,rlgu diplomats at hit oediide and direct the affairs of U a office t FOUNDED IN 1SC5 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1S fi ! -Si C.J. Heppe & Son, 1117-IU9 Chestnut Street 6th & Thompson Streets B 5 VU "JSiv r Keener JCIIOOI.S AMI cnu.r.GKB I'KNMiU.VAMt KfllOOl FOIt MIU.M NKIttltK 419 South Flfteruth Mrert (l uik Include ii ture and rtis' ut lin on the iHnk'pntm .f .tie " lal dal and the rn-th of toclal iniuutl"-, preitnt da pr'n-!p!e of relief oreiRlsiii'n nd lnllHIImiol of tnrlal Dltrd,,. and run, -a-... ,1... - -. ' .- .. .. ""ffrii i r ari. retorm. AMC1U fr atffnril un finnnplimllu Kf ,h"r Mt3W th BrH .nuU'S'1: lBeninferUnci,,,gl,,V , ISO (J.U4C . I uamainr data ntik- " ..v - 1 pptnioff Uato OctoUr -0- ' I i l 1 m ;3 a ! AtiL.,, u MMKixax imm t&2&W: I I RWRftTtTH "-1,7 iWE$rH r,............l 1H.1B -&-;&-&-3Hj-S. -., I Het.;!!,,.! Cju sajso. 1U'J.V- -o, 1" Jtj;? L 9. ! j a A 1 &" H r ' "ill Ws - I i .-i."'- -s ii a ,.. : I . . -M1W C MA. -& A m I ?' - &&& WWwsssp. NOW ON SALE j - - ' 1 1 i I'f j 1 1 fni 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i"i 1 1 1 i"i 1 1 ii ii rrfc. i jj DISPOSITION OF PRISONERS IS PROBLEM' TO PETROGRAP 800,000 AuBtrinnB Taken la Bflport. To Be Distributed In Muscovy. PETnoaitAD, Sept, 29. Tho ntisslan reffafdd tho Austrian ns a senllemanly opponent, with whom It la n pleasure to fight. Not that tho Austrian does not flsht well. Tho struggle In Poland and Qallcla has been as bloody ns that on tho Meuse, nnd the Austrian, though beaten, hits fourtht gallantly niralnst overwhelming numbers, belter generals and better troops. . Tho Austrlans havo never levied any contribution on occupied towns, and havo treated Itusslnn prisoners and wounded with ronsonnblo humanity. It Is not eiisy to nrrlvo at a correct estlmato of tho number of Austrian pris oners Interned In various parts of Itus sin. Tho Hourso Gazette, ono of tho lending fvcnltiK newspapers of rettqgrad, sets the figure at BOO.000. Among tho intcc rmitiniTiit of prlponert at Kiev Is the former Austrian commandant of Lf moors. Tho Austrian prlsoncra arriving In Pe troerad nre a. decidedly mixed crowd. The first thing thnt strikes otic about them Is tho xtraonllnary number of Slavs. Kiev Is overflowing with prlronors. They are atso streaming Into Pctrogrnd. They nre becoming a national problem. "What shall we do with our Austrian prisoners?" Is tho cry of Hie moment As a matter of fact, thev arc being di rected to Vologda and other remote In ternal Governments of Muscovy, wht-rft they will bo as peaceful for tli next sl months as If they were snuwc.il up at the North Pole. To give tho Austrian officer his due, ho docs not often, when captured pes ter his captora for favors. Somo Aus trian officers do not acem, however, to tnlxo the war seriously. The best Aus trian ti'oiiis nro those from the Tyrol. They havo had not (itiarrol with tho Slavs, nnd ltnow nothing about them, while tho troops from eastern Austria are either half Slav themselves or arc easygoing nnd not serlour. This lack of seriousness constitutes the great moral defect of the Austro-Hun-garlan army. It explains the readiness of tho Austrlans to surrender and retreat. DISEASE-RACKED CORPS NEW BURDEN TO NATIONS AT WAR Plague and Minor Ills Among Soldiers in Rain besogged Fields Cause Concern to British. LONDON, Sept. 2). Tho British army officials admittedly aro gravely concerned 6ver tho sanitary situation lit the field. Constantly re curring reports which can hardly bo overlooked, Insist that real Asiatic cholera Is present, not only In Austria among tho wounded In Vienna and Budapest and among' the troops on the (Irlng lino in Gallclu, hut that It actually has tlcvcloned In certain parts of Itussht. In addition typhoid and typhus, as welt as dysentery, are cld Io be raging In the ranks of some of tho German armlcd and navy, French and Biltlah soldiers suffering from milder disease. As a result of these development ex traordinary activity Is In evidence at all of tho hospital cases. To the troops at the front have been sent enormous quan tities of quicklime, vrhlih Is being used wherever It Is nftccssary to clean up baUlcfUMs In the re..r of tho troops In addition, the most extraordinary pre caution"! are being taken to Insure that no walT used by the nrrny In the field is taken from contaminated souice. tn this respect the British army Is much bettet oft than any of tho other foiccs tn the field. From the first landing on French soil the commanders of the tioops have been active In safeguarding the walor supply. Whenever the field kitchens are not en gaged In supplying food for tho men they have been kept In operation boiling water. Consequently up to the present tlmo the British expeditionary forces haw been remarkably free from disease. The heavy, cold rains that continued for mors than a week-, hotvevsr, bran.),. a vcrllable epidemic of rheumatism1 the soldiers In the field. Comet Iim " stand hip deep In watar-fllled iraneha. lo fight day and nleht In clothing t,& which water actually dripped, the V tcndlnn forces naturally suffered iHa since then the percentage of tick a .,., as large an the percentage of wounded In nddltlon tho weather conditions tot severs toll of the wounded and renaM. from nil of the hospitals, both here at? t In France, show a high percentage nt pneumonia cases at the present tlms FRENCH HOLD GRAIN CROPS Government May De Forced to Tlx Maximum Pilcer PA1US, Sept- 23. The action of farmr. In withholding their supplUs awaliinr further advance In prices la caualne ani. loty tu official f-lrcles. Llttlu griln I betiiB offe'cd lo tho nitrkels. It is proposed that tho government fl a maximum price at which grain may bo sold. ' 35,000 REFUGEES FLOCK TO HAVEN IN GHENT Pcntitmts Fleo Scenes of rljhtlnR ltt Belgian Provlnccc. AMSTEItDAM. Sept 29 Thirty-live thousand refugees havo ar. rlvrd at Ghont, according to advices re ceived 'from private sourcco In noithcrn Belgium. Tho refugees arc peasants and real dents of smaller towns In the part of the country west of Brussels, In the vicinity of Alnst and Termonde, where the light. Inc haB been going on for several dayi, and from W'ctt Flanders, whero the peo ple expect conlllcta between the Germans and a force of French und British which Is now said to be marching east toward Belgium In northern France. Stupidity of London A teacher naked her class to write an of.sny on London. Later she was surprised, says the Pittsburgh Chronlclc-Telegraph, to read the following In one attempt: "The people of London are noted for their stupidity." Tho young- author wn usketl how he got that Idea. "Please, miss," was tho reply, "it snys in tho textbook tho population of London is very dense." 1915J !!LivtiSi:jcM - B&a me-Esis i lfC 3 $1650 otor Car News Right from the Front The high-sounding claims of many car builders fill the air. But don't buy any car on the conversational powers of its sales man or the lure of its printed advertisement. You are interested in performances not promises. You want to know what the car really is what it will actually do, both under ordinary conditions of service and when it has to meet extraordinary conditions. It is the ability of the 1915 "Light Six" to stand up in extraordinary service that has made it the fastest selling Chalmers car ever built. its construction, and its greater smoothness and ease in riding. This proof positive test is daily convincing scores of motor-wise buyers of Chalmers superiority. Put this Car Under Fire You don't want to make a bad investment of your money you don't want to buy a car that will prove itself a weakling when it has to meet a real road trial. We know how carefully this car is built we know the quality of the ma terials used and we know that in beauty, ruggedness, power, speed, comfort, convenience, and strength to meet any and every emergency of the road the 1915 Chalmers "Light Six" is a better car than any other "light six selling within several hun dred dollars of its price. Quality First And vhat is more, thousands of owners the country over will tell you the .same thlny. kg wp$W' The only sure way to protect yourself is to buy a car that has proved its stamina under the hardest demands of motoring. It io under rigorous conditions that the Chalmers 1915 "Light Six" most clearly reveals its great superiority over others in its price class. It is doing it right now for thousands of own ers everywhere. Of all "light sixes" the 1915 Chalmers "Light Six" is the car that can most successfully meet such serv ice because it is a "light six" built on the basis of "Quality First." Pay No Heed to Pavement Performance There's many a car bought on its pave- ment performance that would never have been considered could the purchaser have seen it perform over rough roads. Simply skimming over a boulevard is not a test of a car in any sense of the word. That is why we urge you to take this Chal mers ''Light Six" for a long trip over every kind of roads you can find. For it's then that the real quality of a motor car asserts itself. It's then you'll appreciate the higher quality of the Chalmers "Light Six," the greater power and flexibility of its master motor, the greater solidity and firmness of A few big features of the 1915 "Light Six": a different kind of automobile beauty; unusually handsome finish; Pullman-like comfort; a 48 H. P, long stroke non-stall-able motor which "stays put"; graceful molded oval fenders of both strength and beauty; 4y2.lnch tires "Nobby" tread on rear wheels; unusually complete equipment including Chalmers-made one-man top of silk mohair, quick acting storm curtains, five demountable rims, one-motion Chalmers Entz electric starter which makes the motor non-stallable, Klaxon horn, electric lights, etc. And perhaps the greatest feature of all, the unusually high quality in a car at such a price. We are anxious to take Chalmers "Real Test" Ride, day and arrange for it. you on this Come in to- Chalmers Motor Company of Philadelphia 252-254 North Broad St., Philadelphia Phone J sf-'rTf"Jmmmr!"" " iaii imrt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers