pgyj I NIGHT EXTRA EVENING LEDGER NIGHT EXTRA i 1 VOL. I-NO, 10 PltJCLADIDLPHIA, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 11)14. PiUGE OKJE CENT MAYOR OBJECTS TO BACON'S YOTE AGAINST YETO Believes Court Order Should Have Directed Seating of Moore Pending Final Decision. Forty-Fourth Ward Soloct Coun cilman Obodlont Servant and Beneficiary of the Ponrose-Varo-McNichol Machine. Mayor Blankenburg today expressed the opinion Hint the Supremo Couit should havo seated Dr. Philip H.,Mouro as Se lect Councilman from the 44th Ward until tta decision In an election contest was an nounced, Instead of permitting Dr. Wil liam D. llacon to hold the seat. It was Bacon's vote which made possible the passage of the Municipal Court's vague land-condemning oidlnance over the Mayor's veto in Select Council on Tues day. The Mayor said Dr. Moore should hue been seated, because Judge Auden rled had declared Bacon's election had been obtained by fraud and that Dr, Moore was rightfully and legally entitled to the seat. "What do you think of the order of the Eupremo Court permitting Doctor Bacon to retain his scat in Select Council until a decision la rendered In the contested election case with Dr. Philip H. Mooie in that ward?" the Mayor was asked. "It seems to me as a layman," he answered, "that from the evidence In the case and after Ju'ge Audenrlcd had ucclaied Doctor Moore eligible to the seat, he should be the one retained In Select Council until the decision of the Supreme Court Is given, nnd not Bacon. That's the way It seems to me. "I remember the famous Conway case in the Fifth Ward .11 years ago. Conway was counted out In the contest over the election for Select Council. He spent thousands of dollars In contesting the cae in the courts and was flnnlly award ed his seat on the very day that his term In Councils expired." VOTH FOR ORGANIZATION. The vote of Dr. Bacon, political ob-r-eivers said today, will continue to bo recorded in Select Council in the interests of Pemoso, McNIchol nnd Varc, although Judge Audenrled In Common Pleas Court deelaied Bacon Ineligible to his seat. The Supreme Couit Is the medium bring Ufcfd to Keep Bacon lit his seut as the ostensible representative of the 4Uh Ward, although Judge Audenrled inter preted the decision of the voters of that ward, ilmost a year ago, to be for Dr. Philip H. Moore, a man pledged to uphold the policies ot the Blankenburg Adminis tration. An ord-r was made by the Supreme Court yesterday giving Doctor Bacon the privilege of remaining In Select Council until the appeal ho made to the higher court fiom Judge Audenricd's decision Is flnallv decided. BACON A MACHINE BENEFICIARY. Bacon Is Included among the dual office holders In Select Council, whom Mayor Blankcnbuig unsparingly denounced In his message last Thursday. He receives a salary of J'SOnO a year as real estate ati-essor. The post came as a gratuity from the Republican machine enrly this year. Bacon owes his fealty absolutely to the McNIchol branch of the Penrose machine. According to Judge Audenried's Inter pretation of the balloting in the Forty fourth Ward last fall. Doctor Moore, thi Blankcnburg candidate, was elected by SS votes. Crookedness at the official count In the ard was responsible for the opening of nil the ballot boxes. The examiners made their report to Judge Audenrlcd, declaring their finding to be in favor ot Doctor Muore. The oilgiual crooked count gave a handful majority to tho Penrose McNIchol machine candidate, Dector Bacon. Judge Audenrled. nfter hearing the arguments In the case, declared Moore entitled tu tho seat. The Ponrose-Mc-Nlchol candidate then Introduced his case Into tho ponderous mazes of tho Supreme Court In the shape of an ap pial, more for the sake of tho delay that was certain, thin for the purpose of obtaining a clean-cut decision. The trick of utilizing the law's delay has been frequently used by the Penroso- aic.Mciiol-Vare lomblne In similar cases. Bacon has already represented the Re publican machine forces in Select Coun cil for a year, under a legal expedient rather than under the legal right to his teat. The effect of the order of the Su preme Court will prolong that tenure. EARLY DECISION JUSTLY DUE. The final decision, In case it ba against Bacon, wllljie that he had no right to the seat In Select Council, although an order of the same Court allowed him to sit there, pending the decision. His term will expire next fall and reform forces are dubious of any possibility of seating their candidate In time to obtain any valuable support for the Administra tion's policies. Supporters of the Blankenburg Admin istration are questioning the feasibility 01 attempting to nullify the vote of Dr. Bacon in case the Supreme Court ulti mately decides against him. If such ac tion were possible the veto of Mayor Blankenburg on the ordinance to con demn a Lorner of the city block at 2lst and Race streets for the Municipal Court would stand. MAY CONTEST VOTE. The Administration supporters point out that Bacon's vote against the Mayor's veto was cast on Tuesday, before the definite order was handed down by tho Supreme Court declaring that Bacon had a right tu the Select Council seat. It is contended that when Bacon overruled tlic .Mayor he was not occupying his seat I" Select Council under a definite court order, and that Doctor Moore's eligibility had been declared by Judge Audenrled. On that point a contest may be started. Independent forces pointed out today that the Supreme Court can advance on Hi calendar any case that it deems of sufficient Importance to warrant Imme diate (settlement. They assert It to be Incomprehensible that tho Supreme Court will not give early consideration the definite seating of one or the etbr pt the contestants. SEARCH FOR SEGAL'S ASSETS Bankruptcy Hearing Postponed at Bequest of Counsel. The hearing In bankruptcy to trace missing assets of Adolph Regal, ekyiocket financier, now In the Noirlstown Insane Asylum, wns pentpoued this morning until Monday, when It wait repoited that sev eral attorneys representing credltoia could not be present. Joseph Mellors, the referee In bank ruptcy, waited until John SparhaWk, once Segal's counsel, appenred nnd askd for a poMtponcmcnt, because his uttorncy could not attend tho lirarlng, Flank C. Andrews, whose nrrcst was caused b Segal last January on n charge of coiKplriry, and who reprcvents several or Segal's creditors, wn thu only other pernn present when Mellors announced the postponement. Tho henrlng will bo held Monday morn ing at 10:8". Phyalclans ato expected to teatlfy'to Segal's condition before ho was taken to Norrlstown. MAYOR SIGNS BILL PUTTING $11,000,000 LOAN DP TO VOTERS General Good Features Cause Him to Overrule Objection to $400,000 Item for Municipal Court Building. Mayor Blnnkcnburg signed at noon to dny In the presence of newspapermen, tho ordinance submitting tho $U,fK),uO0 municipal loan to voters ut tho November election. He objected to the Item of T4W,(C0 contained In tho loan for the erec tion of a courthouse for the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Divisions of tho .Mu nicipal Court, but declared that ho would not withhold his signature from a loan hill that had so many other excellent fea tured. His nttltude on the Municipal Court project, ho ascrtcd, will bo one ot "watchful waiting." Tho Mayor received the oidlnance at H:r,0 thin morning, from Charles B. Hall. Sergeant-nt-Arms of Councils, but was Imsv at the time. Half an hour later ho called tho newspnpormen Into his office, where he was scnled with the ordinance on his desk bcfoie him. "I have Just received tho loan bill," he said, "and I will sign It, nlthough I do not approve of the ?400,000 item for the Municipal Court. But my disapproval of that must not Jeopardize the other ex cellent features of the loan. So here goes my signature." The Mayor then signed the bill. "Mr. Mayor, what do you think of the loan In general?" he was inked, "Some items I would like to have seen Irrgcr lu amount nnd others smaller," he nnswered. "I would like to have had more for bridges, for-the Parkway and for the Art Museum. I would like to have had money for some useful things, Instead of for come that are not so useful. "Hut on the whole, I nm satisfied with the loan, with the exception of the Mu nicipal Court Item, which I think Is an oxtiavngnncc that should not have been grunted. I am sure that If It Is permit ted to go on there will result all kinds of expenditures of money In a final amount thnt pven the advocates of th Municipal Court do not realize now. My nttltude on the Municipal Court project will be 'watchful waiting.' " CARRANZA NOTIFIES U.S. THAT HE WILL NOT ATTACK VILLA U. S. S. NORTH CAROLINA ORDERED TO TURKEY Battleship Will Protect American In terests In Ottoman Empire. WASHINGTON, Sept. SI. The battle ship North Carolina, after transferring her cargo of gold to the yacht Scorpion, today was ordered to proceed to Beirut, Turkey, to protect American Interests In 'the Ottoman empire. The Scorpion met the North Carolina at Brlndlsl and now Is on her way to Constantinople. WOULD CUT PRESIDENT'S SALARY TO SAVE MONEY Senator Shoppard Introduces Econ omy Measure. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -President Wilson's salary will be cut two, while the salary of every other Federal em ploye who draws JtOO a month or mora will be reduced, beginning November I, for a war economy measure, If a bill In troduced today by Senator Sheppard, of Texas, Is passed. The proposed cut begins at $1200 sal aries at 2 per cent., scaling up to 12 per cent, on all salaries in excess of $6000. so that the full effect of the cut would be felt by Senators, Representatives and Cabinet officers- All army and navy offi cers would also be affected by this cut. Senator Sheppard has been particularly displeased by the cut In the river and harbor appropriations on account of tho war emergencj, and he feels that all divisions of the Government service should also economize. Mexican Leader Says His Forces Will Wait on Ac tion of Rebel General, Who Rushes Army South. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-The United States Government today wan notified by Genet nl Carrnnza that he would not attack General Villa and his forces, bul would remain on the defensive and rn slst attack. i urcops of both Villa nnd Carrnnza nl rendy are moving to battle. Those of Car ranza ate being sent north from Zaca teens, whlb Villa has leen gathering his lorccfl at Chihuahua and Torrcon for sev eral weeks. General mobilization of troops In north ern Melco, lojnl to General Carranza, Is under way at Montoiey. Tho present troop movements Indicate that the first battle between the Car lanza and Villa forces will be fought In the State of Zacatecas, somewhere on the Mexican National Railway. Gencial Villa Is rushing troops south ward from Ton eon as fast as troop trains can be made up. Constitutionalists loyal to Villa throughout Chihuahua and Sonora are being concentrated. Although Carranza has the advantage of controlling the capital, Villa's big army Is tqtilppol for a long, vigorous war. Tho soldiers of the former bandit nro loyal to hlln. while Carrnnza Is be lieved to havo no general on his staff equal to Villa from a standpoint of strategic ability. VILIjA BUYS ARMS. Within the past 4S.hours. according to reports, more than 7000 rifles, half a dozen machine guns and 3,000,000 rounds of ammunition have bcon sent across tho border, consigned to Villa's headquarters. Carranza probably will be able to com mund tho tisc of a lnrgo section of the Federal nrmy, which had fought for Hucrta. Villa can raise an army of be tween 40,000 nnd 50,000 men, If not more. George C. Caiothers, special representa tive of the State Department, who was ordered last night to proceed to Chihuahua, was notified today to return hero and Interview General Obrcgon, the Carranza leader, who was arrested by General Villa nnd later pet free. 'Immediate return of Paul Fuller, of New York, and possibly John Ltnd to Mexico, n rers-onnl representatives of the President In a movement to prevent further bloodshed, Is also under considera tion. War Department officials persistently dcclnred they had heard nothing .of a. revolution In the northern States of Mexico. Secretary Garrison said he had heard from Gcnernl Bliss, In command of the troops along the border, but that the offlcnr hnd made nn mention of any trouble or that any was anticipated. TROOPS WILt, LEAVE. There will be no change In the attitude of the United States Government toward Moxlco as n result of the break between General Carrnnza nnd General Villa, It was declared at the White House today. The Administration will hold unswervingly to Its course, and Is confident that the trouble will be settled In the near future. The Amoilcan troops will b-i withdrawn ftom Vera Cruz as has been planned and officially there will be no recognition of the Villa revolt. Tho causes of tho conflict between the two men are well understood by Presi dent Wilson and he was not surprised by recent developments. Administration officials. It is said, ex pect nn entire change of potlcy by Carrnnza In tho near future and that he will yield to the major demands of Gcn- i '", ISVk I 7Kk. fa il. lPydilil ' i The War Today DUKE OF MANCHESTER DUKE OF MANCHESTER HERE WANTS SOLACE FROM VEXING CARES Tried to Interest Capitalists in Moving Picture Project. Gets Much Sympathy ies' Chorus. From Folli The Duke of Manchester, who has been nn unhcrnlded visitor In Philadelphia, left this city today after seeking ndvlce as to how he could ip-estubllsh a $10,000,000 mov ing plctuic concorn. The company col lupsed in New York, Its demise being due to the complications In Europe, and scarc ity of money generally. The Duke did not receive much en couragement from those he saw here, so he slipped quietly away from the Belle-vue-Stratford on learning that conditions were bad. The Duke Intended to make moving pictures which would Instruct and en tertain school children nnd their parents, and to get good material he proposed visiting the Holy Land and take pictures In keeping with the plan; trips to India nnd other places also were planned. The venture wns to have been backed by tho International Social Service League, which, up to a few days ago, had "umptuously appointed offices at IS East 41st street. New York city. The league wns organized last June, with n capital stock of $10,000,000. To spread In .all directions the league also absorbed the Church and School Social Service Bureau, of which Dr. William Carter, ex pastor of Mndlson Avenue Reformed .Church, was the head. Dr. Carter explained that the war, economic conditions and falluro of tho Duko's friends to buy stock, caused the collapse. When the moving picture plan was presented to the clergyman, he Im mediately made the Duke International president. H. J. Hite, of New York, a practical picture man wns made vice president, but the death of Mr. Illtc sub sequently was a blow to the concern from which It could not recover. The Duko's wife, who was formerly Miss Helena Zimmerman, nn heiress of Cincinnati, Is believed to be abroad. Whether or not she approves of her hus band's venture Is a mntter of conjecture. Th heavy worries of the affair follow ing the falluro were a little too much for the Duke to stand without relaxa tion. So he ramp to Philadelphia nnd while here called on some of the mem ber of tho Follies of 1014 company, it Is said, and told them of his troubles. They gnve him lots of sympathy and In re turn. It appears that thn Duke gave thf-m a dinner or a breakfast. At any rate. It was a good meal. The feast wns In Atlantic City When then. Duke returned here again hi could not help thinking of his trou blt. no he Just packed un. or hurl hi valet do the packing and got out. No em! Villa Institution of a new embargo on arms I one knows where he went. nnd ammunition to Mexico was another question before the President The break between General Villa and his former chief arose over Villa's de mand that the vast estates of the wealthy men of Mexico be divided up and the land parcelled out among tho peons. Since General Carrnnza has been at tho head of tho Government In Mexico City ho has made no move toward carrying out this reform, although the revolution which put him at the head of tho re public was an uprising of peons. PROMISED MEN FARMS. General Villa had promised the men of his army that each should have a, farm after the war was over. In some parts of Chihuahua, after Villa had con quorod that distilct, he acted Indepen dently of Carranza by splitting up gigantic ranches himself and giving away the ground to his soldiers. This declaration, taken from Villa's proclamation of wnr, is the real keynote of tho situation as It exists today: "In view of the attitude of Venustlano Carranza, which has been the causa of great Inlury to our country, nnd since he could never govern a republic, nor make happy a country which aspires to a rfml democracy, a country which wants to have a government emanating from the people subject to nn Interpretation nt the national feelings, we have been DANIELS ORDERS CLOSING OF SIASCONSET WIRELESS Drastic Action Follows Marconi Com pany's Resistance to Censorship. WASHINGTON. Sept. 24.-Serretnry Daniels today Issued orders for the closing of Slasconset wireless station at noon tomorrow. The drastic action was taken because of th falluro of the Marconi Wireless lelograph Company to explain Its han ding of partisan messages, or to give assurance of Its Intention In the future to observe the Government regulations. Secretary Daniels nlicd Instructions to l-.nilgn Mxnn. navy censor at Slasconset, to soe that the station waa completely closed at noon tomorrow. John W. Griggs, former Attorney Gen eral, and president of the Marconi system hnd made no reply to the Secretary, ex cept a brief telegram, requesting suspen sion of artlon, pending the tiling of suit by his company to test the right to op pose wireless censorship. It Is expected his first move will be nn application for an Injunction to restrain the navy from ciosmg me station Night assaults, directed against the Al lies' centre In an effort to relieve tho pressure against General von Kluk's nrmy, have been repulsed. General von Bochm's army has reinforced the German right wing, whero the most violent fighting continues on the 12th day of the battle In France. A general of von Kluk's staff has been captured. Russians continue westward advance toward Cracow. Skirmishes with the Austrian rear guard occupy their at tention and they are taking minor positions on the way to their objec tive. The main army has been aug mented by troops from the Interior mobilization centres. One corps has been loft to continue the investment of Przcmysl, which continues under tremendous bombardment. In the East Prussia-Poland campaign the Russians, under Rennenkampf, have successfully lured the Germans onward by their "trntegical retire ment. An unconfirmed report states that the Germans gave battle and were routed. The Germans have strongly fortified the Thorn-Czesto-ohow line In order to withhold as long as possible the Russian invasion of Silesia. Rumania will declare war within a short while, according to high offi cials of that Government. Already mobilization has been agreed to, and It Is said the Balkan State will Join the Allies. Further complications among the Balkan countries are ex- pected should Rumania take up arms. . French War Office states the offensive ! taken by the Allies continues to bo successful. Unofficial ndmisston is made In Bordeaux that Maubctigc has , been captured. Berlin made this an- i nounccment September 9, and added i that 40,000 prisoners had been taken. Berlin official statement Insists that all assaults by the Allies have been re pulsed and that the German offensive in Russia continues. Changes In command have been made necessary. Accusations arc made that Russia Is using dum-dum bullets. Petrogrnd War Office reports success In tho Galiclan campaign. No gen eral battle Is expected for a few days until reinforcements from the interior can Join the main army. Minister of War Sukhomllnoff an nounces that Russia controls more than two-thirds of the railroad lines west of tho San and leading to Cra cow. He further reports that present operations cut off possibility of Aus trian forces near Przcmysl joining the armies between the Russian front ana uracow. xne war Office in a later statement says the Russian cavalry has already penetrated to Cracow, tho inhabitants of which are fleeing In terror. Stntemcnt is made that the AustrianB havo ovacuated Gallcla with the exception of Prze mysl and Cracow. Japanese War Ofllce announces land ing of British infantry to co-operate with Japanese forces In the Klao Chau campaign. Assault of Tslng Tao, the principal fortification of tho German leasehold, is expected by tho end of the month. Japanese success continues on Shan Tung Peninsula. China Is in a ferment because of war like propaganda. The President Issued a decree ordering the Immediate ar rest of any persons seeking to agi tate the public mind. The decree re Iterates the earnest desire of the country to remain neutral. FRENCH CAPTURE PERONNE IN MOVE ON GERMAN RIGHT Official Paris Dispatch Declares Town is Being Held Against Sharp Counter Attacks German Night Assaults Fail to Pierce Allies' Centre. Invaders Make Desperate Effort to Break Through Forts Linking Verdun and Toul in East General on von Kluk's Staff a Captive in Paris. PARIS. Sept. 24. An official statement Issued here this afternoon announces that tho French left wing Is making steady progress and that Peronne has been occupied by the French. In an attempt to drive oft the French troops, who are threat- J enlng his lines of communication, Gen 1 oral von Kluk Is making a sharp at- the Ftench forces at l RESIDENT NAMES ENVOY F. J. Stimson, of Boston, Selected for Argentine Post. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 -Frederick J. Stimson. of Boston, was nominated today Secretary Daniels' Instructions to En- I President Wllstn to be United State3 sign E. B. Nixon. In charge of the Sins conset station, react: ?blIfld, to, r.t10"P" h' ?o""nander. , a, convey by word of mouth and In in-cnttT or the Constitutionalist army In charge of the executive power, and we nae ueciarea nostllltles." SARAJEVO STILL SHELLED Montenegrins Expect to Occupy Bos nian Capitol Shortly, CETTINJE, Sept. 24. It was ofllclally announced here today that the Montenegrin troops nre now bombarding Sarajevo and that they ex pect soon to take the city. This disposes of the report which was printed by the Paris Matin on Tuesday, taylng that Sarajevo had already been taken b the combined Servian-Montenegrin nrmles. The assassins of Archduke Francis Ker. dlnand and hit. wife have been removed from Saralevo to A gram, the capital of Cnatla-Slavonla. where their trial will start on November 6. MEXICAN ENVOY EXPLAINS CAUSE0FDISSENSI0N Believes Tiouble Will Be Settled Without Further Bloodshed, WASHING'IO.V. HetH 24 -The Mexi can Embassy oillclaU said they -ero without advices from their Government today, but Charge d'Affalres rrulnuldi declared that he was led to liellee that the existing Ulfllculty would be settled without bloodshed. He did not Indicate en what he based his opinion. As the embassy understands the sit uation the trouble o"curred when Gen eral Carranza and his lieutenant. Gen eral Obrcgon, broke their promise to evacuate the Stute of Sonora on the taking of Mexico City and turn it over to General Villa. This action was ti:ken. it was said, because General Carranza became suspicious of Villa's actions. Incensed at this apparent breach of faith. General Villa ordered General Obreon placed under arrest. It was reported alio that ho commanded that the, prisoner be shot. General CarraniA Immediately Interfered. w rltlnsr to persons in employ of star. conl Wireless Telegraph Company of America, In chnnre of the Slasconset radio station, the Information thnt until further orders no messages of any kind ' win do permnieq to pa sent or received through the Slasconset radio station. In other words that tho Slasconset station Is closed to the transmission of radio srams of whatever character You will further keep a close watch on that sta tion and Immediately report to the Secretary of tho Navy any attempt on tho part of any employe of the Marconi Company to send or receive any mes sage to or from ships at sea or to or from another radio station "By direction of the President "JOSEPHUS DANIELS." This action was taken by the Navy Department because of the failure of tho Marconi Wireless Company to observe tho regulations given out by the Govern ment with respect to censorship nnd the sending of neutral messages. WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Un settled and cooler tonight, with possi bly showers; Friday partly cloudy; moderate variable winds. Fjr details, see page U, Ambassador to the Argentlno Republic. Mr Stimson Is to succeed John W. Gar rett, who withdrew from his post some time ago because, of his wife's 111 health and requested a transfer to a European diplomatic post. Mr. Stimson is a well-knoun lawjer ard essayist. AMERICAN OIL FOR EUROPE Too Cargoes Exceeding 1,000,000 i tack upon , Peronne. Peronne Is 17 miles northwest of St. I Quentln and more than 70 miles north ; cast of Paris. In Its turnliiB move : ment, therefore, the French left win? has advanced about 75 miles since it was driven across the Marne by the swift advance of the German right wing; and there forced the Germans In turn to withdraw. The complete ofllcial statement fol lows: On our left wing, between the Sommo and Ihe Oise, our troops have advanced in the direction of Roye (about 25 miles southeast of St. Quentln). A detachment has occupied Peronne and is maintain ing itself there despite sharp at tacks from the enemy. Between the Olse and the Alsne tho enemy continues to maintain important forces, solidly Intrenched. WV have advanced slightly to the northwest of Berry-Au-Bac. On the centre, between the Ar gonne and Rheims. there is no change. At the east of the Argonne on the heights of the Meuse, the enemy cwntlnues his attacks with particular violence. The combat continues with alternative recoil nt certain points and advance at others. On our right wing there is no notable change in the region of Nancy and In the Vosges. Some detachments of the enemy . have attempted again to penetrate i French territory, pushing forward I light covering forces, but their of fensive has been quickly arrested. In Gallcla the Russians have captured Jaroslaw, completely In vested Przemsyl and continued their offensive against Cracow. German forces, In a series of violent night nttacks on the centre of the Al lies' line, again were repulsed. The Invaders nre making desperate efforts to relieve the crushing pressure on tho right wing, by attempting to cut through the centre and harassing tho French on the eastern end of the line. The German army of General von Boohm, containing practically all of the active army that had been left In Bel- glum, has reinforced General von Kluk and now holds the extreme north and west of his Una from Doual, 14 miles tast of Arras, south to the neighbor hood of Solssons, through Cambral and St. Quentln. Tho bloodiest fighting of the great battle of the Alsne, which now s Jn Its twelfth day. la going on there, whera the British and French are struggling furiously to surround and cut off the German right. The French have swung round a gl gantlc circle nnd now are delivering a the British who worn rushed to that point are holding valllantly. No troops nre being withdrawn from the right to reinforce tho French cen tre and left. They have been aided by soveral corps from the second lino sent from the mobilization centres to tha south and still maintain their numer ical superiority over the enemy. Tho turning movement against Von Kluk is 'necessarily slow. The ofllcial statement at midnight referred to five eighths of a mile as an excellent day's gain. series of fierce attacks on the soldiers Gallons Will Leave This Port nqin? me .mops route ot uerman Europe's demand for refined petroleum communications. has become so great that two cargoes of more wmn i.wo.wu gallons will be ship ped from this port b the Atlantic Re fining Companj One cargo of 200.000 gal lons will bo shipped In the British steam ship Bellucla. Captain Kiddle, for Hlogo Japan Another cargo of 1.000.000 eallnna will be shipped In the American tanker According to the military authorities this Is the first direct assault which the Allies have been able to deliver against the Important German line of commu nication. Desperate fighting Is going Tho impression exists hero that tho Germans much longer cannot hold their positions along the Alsne. Tho Germans are at bay. They are fighting ; in desperation to hold their present llne3 In hope that the Allies' front may be pierced at some point. Tho only hope of the invaders now seems to bo in piercing the French lint In the cen tre. To the east of Rheims, the Frencu have a tremendous number of men who nre fighting on the offensive. An idea of the fierceness of the fight ing along the western reaches .c;f Jthfl. Alsne and tho Oise is gained from the fact thnt trainloads of wounded arc being brought south every night. These soldiers tell terrible tales of night and day fighting l.i rnin and fog or in the darkness. The Germans havo put up a resistance so stubborn that even Sir John French, the British commander, and the other gi-nerals are astounded. It had been believed at first that tho Germans were merely making a stand along tho Alsne in order to cover their retreat. After a few days of fighting this idea was dispelled. A general of General von Kluk's staff, who was captured In the fighting around Amiens, has been brought to Paris, together with a number of other prisoners. He looked as though ho had been In the thick of tho fighting. Ho was hatless and one of the shoulder straps had been wrenched from hla coat. His face was covered with grlma and underneath could be detected tho redness of exposure. His uniform was dirty and caked with mud. His boots were wet. muddy and torn One was ripped as though It had been struck by a bullet or a fragment of shrapnel. The soldier wns worn and emaciated, hut he bore himself proudly before hlj captors. Tho soldiers brought word that ths Germans had blown up the railway bridge near Maraumont. between Am iens and Arras In order to hamper the ndvanco of the French against the troops defending tho line of communi cations. Three trains filled with prisoners and wounded German soldiers arrived at the Oare Nord last night. A large crowd gathered about the station, but there were no hostile demonstrations. On the train with the wounded pris oners were 132 nurses and S3 doctors. Upon the eastern end of the French war theatre, the soldiers are getting their first touch of winter Snow is fall ing In tho Vosges mountains. The French War Office Is ordering; winter clothing shipped to the troop operating In that district. Interesting stories filter in from tha front. One is to the effect that many soldiers have been driven stone deaf by the continuous detonations of tha big guns, the sound being intensified by the heavy, wet condition of the atmosphere. The strain of five weeks of continuous marching and fighting has told on the minds of some of tho men. A number of the soldiers havo broken beneath the strain, going stark mad John U ItOCkefeller. Cant.iln on nsnprfnllv nrimnH Ar.l,. i n White, for Copenhagen. Denmark ThU u , , -"". ship is not liable to capture, sliuo it Is ' cnelettes- where the Thirteenth French y.nfi rthe .Am"'Cin ""K There was a , Army Corps under General Alix is at well-denned opinion amone 1, ,., ' '"' " ,B H- hore that this oil would eventuallj reach .tempting to smash the Invaders' front. ino iJimsu ucei m ine rvortn Sea The British warships use both rni ri nii The shipment of these two cargoes of terrific attacks against the Allies' nil U.41I Ym tVta Avot UU...I i . .i. . I 7". "'r:."'Z. "" -"ffw " At- tre in tho vlelnitv nr nk.,. . ... " '?""' M.-"nin company irom this port "'"" " a" "- wno arrived here today declared that .inca the outbreak of the war In Europe. tempt to pierce It. but the French and the Germans are m powea.ion of th. 11 i X IIC rifillUH UOVBnimril A avnaAtarf The Germans are continuing their ! to make official ..-. cen- Maubeuse has fallen a vt,. 33 j.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers