WguiJM SPORTS 'r- : EVENING LEDGER SPORTS Mm Jfk 1 H fl VOL. I-NO. 10 rillliADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEl'TEMBEB 24, 1914. FRIGE ONE CENT IAY0R OBJECTS ,T0 BACON'S VOTE : AGAINST VETO r t Believes Court Order Should Have Directed Seating of Moore Pending Final Decision. Forty-Fourth Ward Select Coun - oilman Obedient Servant and Beneficiary of 'the Ponrose-Vare-McNichol Machine. Mayor Blankenburg today expressed tho Opinion that tho Supremo Court should Jiiive seated Dr. Philip II. Moore as Se lect Councllmnn from tho 41th Ward until its decision In an election contest was an nounced, Instead of permitting Dr. Wil liam V. Bacon to hold tho sent. It was bacon's vote which made possible tho passage of tho Municipal Court's vague land-condemning ordinance over tho Major's veto In Select Cotincll on Tues day. The Mayor said Dr. Moore should Jiie been sented, becnuso Judge Auden rled had declared Bacon's election had teen obtained by fraud and tlmt Dr. Moore was rightfully and legally entitled to the seat. 'What do you think of tho order of the Supreme Court permitting Doctor Bacon to retain nis seni in oeieci v-uuutu uinu a decision Is rendered In the contested election case with Dr. Philip H. Moore In that waid?" tho Mayor was asked. "It seems to mo as a layman," ho answered, "that from the evidence In tho case and after Judge Audenrled had declarod Doctor Mooro eligible to the leat, he should bo the one retained In Select Council until the decision of the Supreme Court Is given, and not Bacon. That's the way It seems to me. "I remember tho famous Conway case In the Fifth Wnrd 34 years ago. Conway was counted out In the contest over the election for Select Council. He spent thousands of dollars In contesting tho case In the courts and was finally award ed his scat on the very day that his term In Councils expired." VOTU FOR ORGANIZATION. The vote of Dr. Bncon, political ob servers said today,' will continue to be recorded In Select Council In tho Interests of Penrose, McNIchol and Vare, although Judge Audenrled In Common Picas Court declared Bacon Ineligible to his seat. The Supiemo Court Is the medium being used to keep Bacon In his seat as the ostensible representative of the 41th Ward, although Judge Audenrled Inter preted the' decision of the voters of that ward, almost a year ago, to be for Dr. Philip H. Moore, a man pledged to uphold the policies of tho Blankenburg Adminis tration. An order wns made by the Supreme Court yesterday giving Doctor Bacon the privilege of remaining In Select Council until the appeal he made to the higher court from Judge Audenrled s decision is finally decided. BACON A MACHINE BENEFICIARY. Bacon Is Included among the dual office holders In Select Council, whom Mayor Blankenburg unsparingly denounced In his message last Thursday. Ho receives a salary of $3000 a year as real estate wessor. The post came ns a gratuity from the Republican machine early this year. Bacon owes his fealty absolutely to the McNIchol branch of tho Penrose machine. According to Judge Audenried's Inter pretation of tho balloting In the Forty fourth Word last fall. Doctor Moore, tb Blankenburg candidate, was elected by U votes. Crookedness nt the o'fllclal count In tho ard was responsible for the opening of ll tho ballot boxes. The examiners made their report to Judge Audenrled, declaring their finding to be In favor of Doctor Mooro. The original crooked count lave a handful majority to tho Penrote JIcNichol machtno candidate. Doctor Bacon . Judge Audenrled. after hearln? thr, arguments In the case, declared Moore tnlltlcd to the seat. The Penrose-Mc-Mchoi candidate then introduced his case Into the ponderous mazes of the Supreme Court in the shape of an ap peal, a proceduro frequently employed by the PenroRe-McNIchol-Vare combine In similar wises. Bacon has nlready represented the Re publican machine forces In Select Coun cil for a year, under a legal expedient rather than under the legal right to his at. The effect of the order of tho Su preme Court will prolong that tenure. EARLY DECISION JUSTLY DUE. The final decision, in case It be against Bacon, will be that he had no right to the seat In Select Council, although nn order of tho same Court allowed him to lt there, pending the decision. His term will expire next fall and reform forces are dubious of any possibility of seating their candidate in time to obtain any aluable support for tho Admlnistra lion's policies. Supporters of the Blankenburg Admin istration nro questioning the feasibility et attempting to nullify the vote of Dr. uacon In ease the Supreme Court ultl- J'aieiy decides against him. If such oc- were possible the veto of Mayor BASEBALL RESULTS AT A GLAJNCE 9 0 8 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. H. e. FIRST GAME Chicago ....... ,o 3 1 10 0 0 1 Ot- 6 Phillies 0 . n 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 Batteries Rixey and Killefer; Humphries and' Bresnahan. Umpircs-i-Riglcr and Hart. SECOND' GAME Chicago 0 0 0 ,' ' Phillies 0 4 0 0 - v Batteries Mayer and Burns; Pierce and Archer.. ' Umpires Hart and Riglcr. ) Pittsburgh 1 0 ,' " Brooklyn 1 o , ' ' ' St. Louis 1 o 0 1 ' 0 New York ...... .2 0 0 0 0 -7 ' FIRST GAME Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bwton 0 10 0 3 010 x 5 SECOND GAME Cincinnati 1 0 Boston 1 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE ' r. h. e. Athletics ....... Chicago , FIRST- GAME ' Washington 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 1 5 Cleveland 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Boston St. Louis 5 10 7 7 PASKERT OUT FOR REST OF SEASON WITH TORN MUSCLE tlon --. jivsaul, 1 -...ciiuurg on tne ordinance to con sul" 5 omer of the city block at t and Race streets for the Municipal ., wuuio. siana. MAY CONTEST VOTE. The Administration sunnorterx nnlnt nut that Bacon's vote against the Mayor's Wo was cast on Tuesday, before the definite order was handed down by the Supreme court declaim? that Bacon had right to the Select Council seat. It is eontendea that when Bacon overruled iI'b",8'' wa3 not occupying his seat ort. 'ctJCounon undor a definite court hnV i, and ihat Doctor Moore's eligibility Dn tn d.ecldrei Judge Audenrled. "ii mat point a contest may be started thai . 2 nt rces pointed out today It. Ji JSut"'eme Court can advanco on WfflSf1, any caso lhat u deems of Sf.u "' .Importance to warrant iinme Incom'i'""1.'' Ther asse-t It to be C0uPrM.nslbl tha the Supreme to h.wi.ngt B,ve tarly consideration btW definite seating of one or the r of the contestants. Phillies' Outfielder Sus tained Injuries in Yester day's Game Which Will Keep Him on Sidelines Till Next Spring. PHILADELPHIA BALL, PARK, Sept. 24. It was learned this afternoon that Dodo 1'iiskert will be out of the game for the lest of tho senson. In sliding for tho plate in yesterday's game ho was Injuied. At the time little was thought or the matter, but upon close examination, it was found that the ligaments In the muscle of his leg were badlv torn and an X-ray picture repealed the fact that one of the small bones In his foot was fractured. Chicago found Klxey easy today, scoring four runs and driving him from the rub ier before tho end of tho third Inning. After Mattison had yielded one run in the fourth, he settled down and pitched good ball through the sixth. The Phillies scored two runs in the fourth on Becker's mingle and I,iulcrus' home run to the bleachers. Doubles by Magrc and Becker In the sixth gave the locals one more run. v Lobeit was injured In tho early part of. the game by a lino drive und, although he remained at his position for several Inning, was forced to retire ultimately. Chicago won tho opening game of the doublo header from the riilllles today, 6 to 2. Timelv l'lttlng by tho Cubs, netted the visitors the game. First game: FIRST INNING, Leach walked. Knlsely hit Into a double play, Rlxoy to Irelan to Luderus. Byrne threw out Saler. No runs, no hits, no errors. Lobert singled to centre. Byrne sacri ficed, Humphries to Sater. Lobert went to third on Magee's out, Zimmerman to Saler. Cravath walked. Becker forced Cravath, Fisher to Zimmerman. No runs, one hit, no errors. SECOND INNING, Zimmerman's double bounded over Magee's head. Zimmerman took third on Schulto's out, Byrne to Luderus. Bites walked. Fisher doubled along the right field line, scoring Zimmerman and sending Bucs to third. Bresnahan drove a single through Lobert, scoring Bues and Fisher. Lobert had a finger knockmt out of Joint on his left hand by the drive, but after a physician had attend ed to the Injury he went back in to the game. Bresnahan went from first to third on a wild pitch. Humphries fanned. Lobert tossed Leach out. Three rune three hits, no errors Luderus popped to uues, irrmn mreu to Zimmerman. Killefer popped to Bresnahan. No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. Knlsely was out, Lobert to Luderus. Saler walked. Saier was allowed to take second when Rixey balked, Zimmerman singled to right, scoring Saler. Schulte filed to Cravath. Zimmerman stole sec ond. Bues walked. After passing Bues, Rixey was replaced by Mattison. Fisher forced Hues, Byrne to Ireland. One run. one hit. no errors. Mattison filed to Leach. Lobert popped to Zimmerman. Zimmerman tossed out Byrne. No runs, no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING. Bresnahan walked. Humphries sacrl tlced, Killefer to Luderus. Leach filed to Cravath. Knlsely singled to centre, scor ing Bresnahan. Saier rolled to Luderus. One run, one hit, no errors. Magee filed to Leach. Cravath fanned. Becker singled through Humphries. Luderus's drive to center field bounded Into the bleachers for four bases, Becker also scoring. Ireland Blngled to center. Humphries threw out Killefer. Two runs, three hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Zimmerman singled to left. Schulte sacrificed, Luderus to Byrne. Buea struck STUDENT DROWNED IN SWIMMING POOL AT G. H. EARLE, JR, HOME Villanova Freshman Seized With Cramps and Com panions Could Not Aid Him Long Search for Body. Slgismund Stogarskl, of Chesler, a first year student at Villanova College,' was drowned In the swimming pool on the place of George H. Earle, Jr., nt Bryn Mawr yesterday afternoon. News of the tiagedy became public late this afternoon. Taking advantage of the hospitality of Mr. Earle, who allows Vlllanovu students the use of his pool, Stogarskl, who was 10 years old, accompanied by four companions, entered the pool about 4 o'clock. Stogarskl enjoyed tho water so much that after his companions had left and were dressing he went back for ono more dip. He was seized with an attack of cramps and sank to the bottom before his companions could come to his rescue. Stogarskl's fellow students first notified an undertaker, and when he informed them he could do nothing until the Coro ner had been notified they telephoned the police. The police grappled for the body for hours with no success, and last night dynamite was exploded In the pool to bring the body to tho surface. This also proved unavailing. Finally they resorted ngaln to the grappling Irons, and early this morning succeeded In recovering the body, Stogarskl was a Pole. Until his parents died, a stv.rt time ago, he lived In Chester. The Earle pool Is from 12 to 20 feet deep. CARRATO NOTIFIES U. S. THAT HE.WILL NOT ATTACK VILLA Mexican Leader Says His . Forces Will Wait on Ac tion of Rebel General, Who Rushes Army South. out. Fisher lined to Magee. No runs, one hit, no errors. Mattison was called out on strikes. Lobert filed to Zimmerman. Fisher threw out Byrne. No 'runs, no hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Lobert retired from the game, Byrne going to third, Irelan to second and Reed playing short. Bresnahan walked. Humphries sacrificed. Byrne to Luderus. Byrne threw Leach out. Knlsely walked. Becker made a clever catch at the right field wall of Saler's drive. No runs, no hits, no errors. Magee doubled against the right field wall. Bresnahan dropped the third strike on Cravath, but threw him out at first. Magee went to third on the play. Becker doubled to left, Magee scoring. Luderus filed to Schulte. Ire lan tiled to Leach. One run, two hits, no errors, SEVENTH INNING. . Zimmerman hit a Ion flv to Becker. Byrne tossed Schulte out. Bues singled to right, but died stealing, Killefer to Ilelan. No runs, one hit, no errors. Killefer filed to Leach. Mattison sin gled to right. Reed doubled to centre, putting Mattison on third. Byrne fanned. Magee filed to Schulte. No runsj two hits, no errors. EIGHTH INNING. Fisher singled to right. Bresnahan best out a slow one to Irelan, Fisher taking second. Humphries forced Bresnahan, Byrne to Irelan, Fisher taking third. Usher Bcored on Leach's sacrifice fly to Becker. Byrne threw out Knlsely. One run, two hits, no errors. Leach backed against the centre field wall where he stabbed Cravath's drive with one hand. Fisher throw Becker out. Luderus walked. Irelan fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. NINTH INNING. Saler Blngled to right. Magee made a bare-hand catch of Zimmerman's fly Saier went to second after the out. Schulte filed to Cravath. Saler taklnir third. Mattison threw Bues out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Killefer filed to Knlsely. Burns bat ted for Mattison. Burns filed to Fisher, .., ,..reu lo feacn. r,0 runs, no nits. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2i. Tho United States Government today was notified by General Carranza that he would not attack General Villa and his forces, but would remain on the defensive and re sist attack. Trcops of both Villa and Carrnnza al ready are moving to battle. Those of Cnr rnnza are being sent north fiom Zaca tccas, while Villa has tern gathering his forces at Chihuahua and Torrcon for sev eral weeks. General Villa today ordered the mobili zation of 25,000 troops of the Constitution ntlst army of the north at Torreon, where he expects to withstand an attack by 10,000 Carranzista 'troops, said to bo moving north from soifthern Mexico via Aguacallcntcs. General Felipe Angeles, Villa's chief lieutenant nnd leader of the rebel chief tain's artillery, has been placed In charge of the Torreon forces nnd will command them 'In tho first battle of the new revo lution now Impending. "Carranza must go and go quick," said Villa today is commenting on his proc lamation of hostilities. "I have declared hostilities on lilm and I am prepared to fiStht until he Is forced to flee from Mex ico, Just as Huerta was compelled to flee. This will not take .long, 'as I expect to push the campaign I have Inaugurated with All possible speed." Negotiations for an immense loan from American capitalists are said to be In progress, and If the transaction is suc cessful Villa will have a'large fund. General mobilization of troops In north ern Mexico, loyal to General Carranza, is under way at Monterey. The present troop movements Indicate that the first battle between the Car ranza and Villa forces will be fought In the State of Zacatecas, somewhere on the Mexican National Railway. General Villa Is rushing troops south ward from Torreon, as fast as troop trains can be made up. Constitutionalists loyal to Villa throughout Chihuahua and Sonora are being concentrated. Although Carranza has the advantage of controlling the capltal. Villa's big army Is equipped for a long, vigorous war. The soldiers of the former bandit ire Joyal tohtm- while' Carranza Is be lieved ti5 have .no general on his. start equal tb Yllla, t rorn, a. standpoint of: strategic ability - VILLA BUTS ARMS. "Within the paat 48 hours, according to reports, more than 7000 rifles, half a dozen machine guns and 3,000,000 rounds of ammunition havo been sent across the border, consigned to Villa's headquarters. Carranza probably will bo able to com mand the use of a large section of the Federal army, which had fought for Huerta. Villa can raise an army of be tween 40.000 and 60,000 men. If not more. President Wilson admitted to callers this afternoon that no date had Uen fixed for withdrawal of American trjops, but he made It evident that this was not because of any uncertainty tver the outcome of the present difficulties. In the absence of official notification of the reported spilt, he wou.il make no comment on the situation. It was marl- iesi. nowever, tnat he planned no Im mediate Interference with the present em brogllo. George C. Carothers, special representa tive of tho State Department, who was ordered last night to proceed to Chihuahua, nas Instructed today to in terview General Obregon, the Carranza leader, who was arrested by General Villa and later set free. Immediate return of Paul Fuller, of New York, nnd possibly John Llnd to Mexico, as personal representatives of the President In a movement to prevent further bloodshed, Is also under considera tion. Wnr Department officials persistently declared they had heard nothing of a revolution In the northern States of (Mexico, Secretary Garrison said he had heard from General Bliss, In commnnd of tho troops along the border, but that the officer had made no mention of any trouble or that any was anticipated. TROOPS WILL LEAVE. There will be no change In the attitude of the United States Government toward Mexico as a result of the break between General Carranza and General Villa, It was declared at the White House today. The Administration will hold unswervingly to Its course, and Is confident that the trouble will be settled In the near future. The American troops will be withdrawn from Vera Cruz as has been planned nnd officially there will be no recognition of the Villa revolt. The causes of the conflict between the two men are well understood by Presi dent Wilson and he was not surprised by recent developments. Administration officials, It Is snld, ex pect an entire change of policy by Carranza In the near future and that he will yield to the major demands of Gen eral Villa. Institution of a new embargo on arms and ammunition to Mexico was another question before the President. The break between General Villa and his former chief arose over Villa's de mand that the vast estates of the wealthy men of Mexico be divided up and the land parcelled out among the peons Since General Carranza has been at the head of the Government in Mexico City ho has made no move toward carrying out this reform, although the revolution which put him at the head of the re public was an uprising of peons. PENNSYLVANIAN NAMED AS AMBASSADOR TO CHILI The War Today Capture of Pcronno by the French, nnd bombardment by the Germans of the whole line of forts linking Verdun nnd Toul, were tho most important developments of tho twelfth day of the great battle. The Allies state tho forts near tho centre nre holding firm, while the turning movement ngnlnst the ficrman right continues. Russians continue westward advnnco toward Cracow. Skirmishes with the Austrian rear guard occupy their at tention and they are taking minor positions on the way to their objec tive. The main army has been aug mented by troops from the Interior mobilization centres. Ono corps has been left to continue tho Investment of Trzemysl, which continues under tremendous bombardment. In tho East Prussia-Poland campaign tho Russians, under Rennenknmpf, have successfully lured the Germans onward by their rtrateglcal retire ment. An unconfirmed report states that the Germans gave battle and were routed. The Germans have strongly fortified the Thorn-Czesto-chow lino In order to withhold as long as possible the Russian invasion of Silesia. Rumania will declare war within a short while, according to high offi cials of that Government. Already mobilization has been agreed to, and It Is said tho Balkan State will Join tho Allies. Further complications among the Balkan countries are ex pected should Rumania take up arms. French War Office states the offensive taken by the Allies continues to bo successful. Unofficial admission is mado in Bordeaux that Maubeugo has been captured. Berlin mado this an nouncement September 9, and added that 40,000 prisoners had been taken. Berlin official statement Insists that all assaults by tho Allies have been re pulsed and that tho German offensive In Russia continues. Changes in command have been made necessary. Accusations are made that Russia is using dum-dum bullets. Petrograd "War Office reports success In the Galiqlan campaign. . No gen- eral battlels 'pectcd: for a, few days until reinforcements from tho Interior can Join tho main nrmy. Minister of War SukhomllnofT an nounces that Russia controls more than two-thirds of the railroad lines west of the San and leading to Cra cow. Ho further reports that present operations cut off possibility of Aus trian forces near Przemysl joining tho armies between tho Russian front and Cracow. Tho War Office in a later statement says tho Russian cavalry has already penetrated to Cracow, the inhabitants of which are fleeing In terror. Statement Is made that the Austrlans have ovacuated Galicia with the exception of Prze mysl and Cracow. Japancso War Ofilco announces land ing of British infantry to co-operate with Japanese forces In tho Klao Chau campaign. Assault of Tslng Tao, the principal fortification of the German leasehold, Is expected by the end of tho month. Jnpanese success continues on Shnn Tung Peninsula. China Is in a ferment because of war like propaganda. The President Issued a decree ordering the tmmedinto ar rest of any persons seeking to ngl tate tho public mind. The decree re iterates tho earnest desire of tho country to remain neutral. ALLIES ON RIGHT CHECK TERRIFIC GERMAN ATTACK French Assert Fortifications Extending From Argonne to Meuse River are Holding Firm Against Fierce Bom bardment by Kaiser's Forces. Capture of Peronne Further Imperils " Harassed Right Wing of von Kluk Both Sides Rush Forward Heavy Re inforcements on Twelfth Day of Battle. PITTSBURGH HEARS PENROSE WILL RETIRE Report Coupled With Prediction That Knox Will Succeed Him. PITTSBURGH. Sept. 24 It uas rumor, ed in political circles heie today, nnd the rumor was printed In the Leader, that United States Senator Boles Penrose, of Philadelphia, would soon retire from his present campaign to succeed himself. A "well authenticated report" wns given ns authority for the prediction. The same authority said Philander C. Knox, for merly Secietary of State and Attorney General of the United States, would;! tako the place of Mr. Penrose as the Repub lican candidate for the Senate from Penn sjlvanla. The Leader added: "U is believed Mr. Kno will announce his candidacy nt the annual fall dinner that will be given the first week in Octo ber by the Manufacturers' Club of Phila delphia. Politicians in this city said today that no such rumor as that reported from Pittsburgh had reached here. Henry P, Fletcher's Nomination to Senate By President. WASHINGTON, S.pt. 2.-Presidnt Nikon today sent to the Senate the nunuoatlon ot (Henrv P. Tnt-hi- nr PwuwlTinia! to bf Ambassador jc. Chill, j "-IP, J J. PRESIDENT NAMES ENVOY F. J. Stimson, of Boston, Selected for Argentine Post. WASHINGTON. Sept 21 Frederick J Stimson. of Boston, was nominated today by President Wilson to be I'nlted States Ambassador to the Argentine Republic Mr- Stimson Is to succeed John-W. Oar rett. who withdrew from his post some time ago because of his wife's til health and requested a transfer to a European diplomatic post. Mr. Stimson is a well-known lawyer and essayist. WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity tn- settled and cooler tonight, with poasi bly showera; Friday partly cloudy; moaeraco vartaoie winds. For details, set peja. 14, PARIS. Sept. 24. German forces have renewed their assaults on the forts guarding the centre of tho Allies' line, In a desperate effort to divert tho foe's attention from the Invaders' right wing, commanded by General von Kluk. The forts between Argonne and the Meuso so far have held firm. An olliclal statement issued here this afternoon announces that tho French left wing Is making steady progress and that Peronne has been occupied by tho French. In an attempt to drive off the French troops, who are threat ening his lines of communication, Gen eral von Kluk Is making a sharp at tack upon tho French forces at Peronne. Peronne Is 17 miles northwest of St. Quentln and more than 70 miles north east of Paris. In its turning move ment, therefore, the French left wing has advanced about 75 miles since it was driven across the Marno by the swift advance of the German right wing, and there forced the Germans in turn to withdraw. The complete official statement fol lows: On our left wing, between tho Soramo and the Olse, our troops have advanced in the direction of Royo (about 25 miles southeast of St. Quentln). A detachment has occupied Peronne and Is maintain ing Itself there despite sharp at tacks from the enemy. Between the Olse and the Alsne the enemy continues to maintain Important forces, solidly intrenched. We have advanced slightly to the northwest of Berry-Au-Bnc. On the centre, between the Ar gonne and Rheims, there Is no change. At the east of the Argonne on the heights of the Meuse, tho enemy continues his attacks with particular violence. The combat continues with alternative recoil at certain points and advanco at others. On our right wing there Is no notable change In the region of Nancy and In the Vosges. Some detachments of the enemy have attempted again to penetrato French territory, pushing forward light covering forces, but their of fensive has been quickly arrested. In Galicia the Russians have captured Jaroslaw, completely In vested Przemsyl and continued their offensive against Cracow. German forces, in a series of violent night attacks on the centre of the Al lies' line, again were repulsed. The invaders are making desperate efforts to relievo the crushing pressure on the right wing, by attempting to cut through tho centre and harassing tho French on the eastern end of the line. The German army of General von Boehm, containing practically all of tho active army that had been hft in Bel glum, has reinforced General von Kluk and now holds the extreme north and west of his line from Doual, U miles east of Arras, south to the neighbor hood of Solssons, through Cambral and St. Quentln. The bloodiest fighting ot the great battle of the Alsne, which now Is in Its twelfth day, is going on there, whera the British and French are struggling furiously to surround and cut oft the German right. The French have swung round a gN gantlc circle and now are delivering a series of fierce attacks on the soldiers defending the Mons route of German communications. According to the military authorities this Is the first direct assault which the Allies have been able to deliver against the important German line of commu nication. Desperate fighting is going on especially around Arelux and Cour- h jchelettea, where the Thirteenth French Army Corps under General AHx Is at tempting to smash tho Invaders' front. Tho Germans are continuing their terrific attacks against the Allies' cen tre in the vicinity of Rheims in an at tempt to pierce it, but tho French and tho British who were rushed to that point are holding valllantly. No troops are being withdrawn from the right to reinforce' the French cen tre and left. They havo been aided by several corps from the second line sent from the mobilization centres to tho south and still maintain their numer ical superiority over the enemy. The turning movement against Von Kluk Is necessarily slow. The official statement at midnight referred to five eighths of a milo as an excellent day's gain. Tho impression exists here that the Germans much longer cannot hold their positions along tho Alsne. The Germans are at bay. They nre fighting in desperation to hold their present lines in hope that tho Allies' front may be pierced at some point. The only hope of the Invaders now seems to be in piercing the French line in the -centre. To tho eaBt of Rheims, the Frencn have a tremendous number of men who are fighting on the offensive. An idea of the fierceness of tho fight ing along the western reaches of the Aisne and tho Oise is gained from the fact that tralnloads of wounded aro being brought south every night. Theso soldiers tell terrible tales of night and day fighting in rain and fog or in the darkness. Tho Germans have put up a resistance so stubborn that even Sir John French, the British commander, and the other generals are astounded. It had been believed nt first that tho Germans were merely making a stand along the Alsne In order to cover their retreat. After a few days of fighting this idea was dispelled. A general of General von Kluk's staff, who was captured In tHn flr-hfir, around Amiens, has been brought to Paris, together with a number of other prisoners. He looked as though he had been In the thick of the fighting. Ho was hatless and one of the shoulder straps had been wrenched from his coat. His face was covered with grime and underneath could be detected tho redness of exposure. His uniform was dirty and caked with mud. His boots were wet, muddy and torn. One was ripped as though it had been struck by a bullet or a fragment of shrapnel. The soldier was worn and emaciated, but he bore himself proudly before hU captors. Tha soldiers brought word that the Germans had blown un the railway bridge near Maraumont, between Am iens and Arras in order to hamper the advance of the French against the troops defending the line of communi cations. Three trains filled with prisoners and wounded German soldiers arrived at tho Garo Nord last night, A large crowd gathered about the station, but there were no hostile demonstrations. On the train with the wounded pris oners were 132 nurses and 12 doctorj. Upon the eastern end of the French war theatre, the soldiers are getting their first touch of w inter. Snow is fall ing In the Vosges mountains, The French War Office Is ordering winter clothing shipped to the troop operating in that district. Interesting stories filttr in from tha front. One Is to the effect that many soldiers have been driven stone deaf by the continuous detonations of tho big guns, tho sound being Intensified by the heavy, wet condition of the atmosphere. The strain of five weeks of continuous marching and fighting has told on the minds of some of the men. A number of the soldiers have broken beneath the strain, going stark mad The French Government is expected to make oftlclal admission soon that Maubeuge has fallen A Frenchman who arrived here today declared that the. Germans are in possession o thq
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers