teYENIffG: XjEPGB pBTljiABETJPHIA TUESDAY, SErTEMBEB 22 19U 3 SOCIETY TURNS OUT TO PAY HOMAGE TO THE HORSE AND HOUND AT BRYN MAWSHQV A GENERAL VIEW OF. THE OVAL. PAIRS OF HAW-SS.ttOfcS-S BEING JUDGED 7t JBliptP --- ! 1 'two debutantes, ivi.&s lvtargarec berwind and Miss Pauline JJisston. . bii-WART TAKING LONE BEN OVER THE juMiJS Mrs. T. Boyer Davis ana her daughters, Priscilla and Maria, and Mrs. Penn Gaskill Hall and her children, Marion and Penn Hall. SISTER OF FIANCEE HE JILTED ACCUSES MAN OF $1200 THEFT Rings and Prospective Bride groom Disappear on Day of Wedding Wife Here Proves His Undoing. Tli mmmerclal romance of Israel Diamon.l of 10th and Mifflin streets, which started List January In New York ended tocliy at City Hall, where the man was identified by Dora Wolf as her sister Anna's Dance, ana accused of turning diamonds valued at $1200 from her father. The prisoner Is also charged with stealing $300 worth of dia monds from Benjamin Shapiro, of 876 North sixth street. Miss Wolf stated that her sister met Diamond about a year ago, when he pur ported to be a single man. She stated. hemeer, that Diamond is married. Ho ald he was a rabbi and that previous to coming to New York he had lived in Beaumont, Tex He was very nttentlve to Miss Anna Wolf, and they were soon ngaged to be married The date of the eddlng wab fixed for last January. Just before the ceremony was to take Place according to Miss Dora Wolfa torv, Dnmond excused himself to take & nap for half an hour, and went up stairs in the Wolf home. That was the !at the familj saw of him. When the girl's father went to look for the prospective bridegroom he found three diamond rings valued at $1200 had disappeared and that be was not to hae on-in-law that day. Mr. Wolf, who ' a diamond merchant, hastily went through the contents of his safe, the combination of which was known to Diamond, and found the thief had over looked JlO.oro in precious stones kept In "other compartment from the three rings. When Miss Wolf arrived here this "ilng she went at once to visit Pla "ond In his cell and asked him to give tik ? r ,he ,hree rlnes or the pawn j.'"" for them The prisoner had In " ' PS3""on only one pawn ticket n'cn he gave to M,8S Wo,ft6a11IK ,nat can.' M 8W th other tw- The ticket caed for 150. Because of the Shapiro robbery, a ear l.m e'Cctlvea have been searching for trnond They have kept a close watch tnu , .ma" recclved by Mrs. Diamond ih. '. Qtty wnen- h her little son i? 5iiRSss?iHH!iE??K3B555 3Biwlj & J3f t& fl Ji( StSnmmmSl '9r? & R Wr jB ' 'js., ;i; -innFl Jmtm JiHfc4ft 9F y-ftwf? nSS Wt& 5S jrtJ?5?'ra4rS iK!f vnL v x 1 ill HtflH ' : ; ' sssss'1111i," " " """,",,,,,"'i1"11"illsissWill"iiiMMMMi t SEOAL IN ASYLUM, HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF HIS CONDITION Taken to Norristown in Auto, He Made Plans to Continue His Business Ac tivities Creditors to Act. taken If proof of Nopal's Insanity Is ad duoivt it the meeting of creditors to be held Thumtlay in the ofllce of Joseph Mrltors, the referee in bankruptcy Abraham S. Ashbrldge, attorney for Mr. SeKiil, snvs he Knows nothiiiB of the men tal condition of his client. He declares, however, that he Intends to find out. He declinrd to discuss the affairs of Segal or to mnke nn statement on the bankruptcy proceedings. Adolph Segal Is now a private patient In the State Hospital for the Insano at Norristown He was admitted to the Institution at G o'clock yesteiday after noon to spend the ear, or less, that his physician s.is remains of his life The trip was made by automobile from St. Joseph's Hospital, v. here Mr. Sega! had been virtually a prisoner since his bank ruptcy proceedings, a little more than two months ago, furnished tho climax to the collapse of his once brilliant mind. Segal did not know thnt he was being taken to spend his last days In a haven for the Insano. He has been feverishly anxious to get back to business, In his few, brief lucid Intervals He does not know thnt his physician has said he can not live more than a year and may not live more than two months. When ho slipped from the hospital by a rear door end climbed Into the waiting automobile he thought he was being taken for a rldo for no other reason than to benefit his health. Dr. S. Y. Miller, chief resident phjslclan at the Norristown Institution, said this morning that Mr. Segal had been ad mitted The mental condltlton of the former financier he would not discuss. He declared that Mr Segal is a private patient. Tho rules of the hospital for bid gUlng out Information about fuch pitletits except to relatives or others entitled to know. I'nless hit creditors take action. Segal will uer leave the Slate Hospital alive The Federal Court has the authorit) to subpoena him from the aslum in his bankruptcy proceedings, according to the attorney for the trustee, but It is not con sidered probable that such uitlou will be ARMY WORM MOTH, VISITING HERE, A HARMLESS INSECT Housewives Need Not Be Alarmed Since Stay Is Short. The army worm ninth has arrived In Philndclph'n. Many remember the visit of the arm worm several weeks ago ami the excitement caused In the millions of Insects. Several housewives of German town have discovered the new member uf the arm) worm fninlly. and no less an authoritv than the gardener at Horti cultural Hull. In Pair-mount Park, admits it hue arrived. Hut before nu start making ready for battl with him. wait This member of the family Is harmless, positively haim lehs. He comes about six or sevon weeks after the visit of the troi.ble-roiBlng mem ber of his clan, and disappears in less than a week after his arrlvnl Since manv of tho alleged farmers who toil on their la'rns dining June. July and August have again returned to the city to give battle with the Janitor for more heat, the onlv pei sons exptcted to get all worked up over the new scare are ded-ln-the-wool farmers LIGHTNING FIRES OIL TANKS Seven Set Ablaze Results in Hnlf a Million Loss. PORT AHTIU'H, Tex. Sept K-Seen oil tanks owned by the Oulf Kenning Company and the Texas Company have been set on Are here by lightning The loss of the fiulf Hennlng Company Is estimated at $50.00 and the Texas at $125,000 PICTURE-CRAZED DOYLESTOWN LAD SHOOTS OFFICER Desire to Emulate Adven tures in Wild West Drama, 18-year-old Youth Takes Constable's Life. A desire to emulate the ndventurors in molng pictures caused ' ear-old Wil liam Miller to shoot and kill Constable Henry Kolbo this morning In the pres ence of passengers at the Heading Hall way station, Doylostown. Miller, who Is known as "Broncho Billy," on account of his ability to quickly draw a revolver, was arrested by Kolbe Just as he was preparing to leave the town with a new suitcase. The man Know there was a warrant for his arrest on the charKe of forging a check In the name of Nell Stellwagnn, a coal dealer, for $75 Iast night, ac cording to the police, he told friends he expected to bo arrested and declared that no one would bring him to Jail lie bought a suitcase and packed It with things that would come in handy on the plains and the great desert, and then went with a spirit of bravado to tho railroad stutlon He was neatly dressed arid chatted pleasantly with some of his friends While he was ta king Kolbe, who knew Reginald Vanderbilt, of New York, snapped as he acted as judge in heavy harness class. shortly after the pair met There was After his trial for the robbery here In n nathetlc scene as Diamond was leil I rhiiiiH,iniiiu mn.nnnj .. m i . i uwa, his wife weeping and protestlnB I over to tho New York authorities for jus muocsuvo. mat in me wolf case. Gold Pendants We are showing- a great variety of thtse graceful neck orna ments new and artis tic designs, bet with Diamonds, Pearls, Amethysts, etc. at a price range of $2.50 to $125.00 C, R. Smith & Son v Aiarttei street at 18th GM YA Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofs watertight for five years, and ia also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. Billroplar itai KiystoneRact Ittl IfreshpaintI tSefeveAer I l Uit.V , ewifk. N J , In response I Doyle foUnui I" that Place Detective I wuowed her and made the arrest Kttmnrif!!llffSli!l!i',:'T aiiiMMmiihiliiSiiK -J-rffmirrnmrw'fe7iAi5m '-'"M- -- lATgfjQii B16WalnufStreet i Your lighting problem isn't solely , a matter of the source and kind of light. You should know how much light is absorbed or diflused by your I walls and ceilings. As an expert, Kuehnle can make the most of the light you have by painting or decorating a special color scheme perhaps save you expensive fixtures. If you are in the dark on the lighting problem, see Kuehnle Painting and Decorating Uct Our Ettxmatt Virtt Both Phones 28 South 16th St. Miller orrsonally, arrived and greeted him cordialh Then he took the man asid and told h'm confidentially that he had a warrant for his arrest Miller then stepped away from the con stable and drawing his revolver, "Broncho Billy " style, fired one shot through Kolbe's heart The constable fell dead to the platform. Most of the frightened passengers ran Into the station. Two men pounced upon Miller, but he told them to keep cool. Then he handed them his re volver nnd walked with his captors ta the police station. Miller said he drew the revolver to frighten Kolbe. The man who fired the shot Is the pro prietor of a moving picture theatre in Dovlestown. hut lately business has been very poor. This Is due. the residents say, to the fact that Miller would offer noth ing but Western dramas. The decrease in business. It is said, made Miller des perate and caused him to forge the check on the coal dealer. Perry's Invitation to see the Nobbiest Little Overcoats in America Short of skirt, fall of body; a front In which tho button-line is absolutely central At Perry's Sleeves real Balmacaan sleeves that fit under the arms and don't drag the coat-body out of shape At Perry s A deep collar but a little lapel that solves the prob lem of getting a snug button-up military effect for protection $20 At Perry's Perry & Co., n. b. t: 16th & Chestnut Sts. -tf-e - v"til isrfst(i wr -l ?3i-j t- Tr" "'y
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