ffirasMfnjwrsrJii ijf Ks& l! an few U. f TAtt TWISTING STOPPED. ' til IMTKf LIM FACES BLAISE WITH v KETBRMINM WSITlOTi. Aa Urgati Ot tbe Canadian Uuverumciil rrnlc Salisbury Pep Metnnmllnir English IttRhti In ltrliriuKScii. Toneftro, July 2LTlie Jiiiic, 1 he chief government organ, te-tlny snys: "Tbe diplomatic corrMpedcncB " lll nc'irlllB IM question, rrescutel te tbe United Stntci Heuse of HcpresontntUes en Wednesday, will be read with Interest, thetiKh It really contains very lltlle that Is new or that might net Imve been anticipated, at least in tbe main outlines. That Lord Salisbury staunchly maintained the rights of rtrltlsh bjejts, Including Canadian Is proved beyond question. Secretary Dlalno'seeurso U net aurprlMng. HIh contentions cranily void the main potnt'thattheBolzuresucro contrary te lnlornfttlenal law as beltiR out aide territorial valers and United Stales Jnrlsdlctlen. All fall legends about Russian rights acquired, his complaints of Injury done te United States Interest and his claim te Insist upon the preservation of ncals even If as well founded as they are inaccurate would be quite boslde the mark, for no amount of wroiiBdelnuor less would justify Interference outsldellieJurlKlli'tlon. He might as well nssume le send his iollce te Terente te innke arrests and selrttres, because nome citizens or the United States had been robbed. The cessation of these high-handed outrages is net due te any nlgbberly feellug of fulr play pr any respect for law and rights of ethors, but te recognition of the fact that the end of nritish patlonce and rorbcarance had heen reached." 1HTTEX BY 1119 POO. A Sen or Ocorce Smith Severely lujured by the Unite. Celvmiiia. July 21.-A young son of Geergo Smith, living en Locust street, was severely bitten by a deg belonging te the family "vcHlerdny. He was bitten In llie face, which Is badly swellen. The deg has been given te the deg catchers. Twe boys, ene by the name of I.e.miaii, living In this place, had a narrow es cape from receiving serieus and per haps fatal Injuries last night en the Heading A Columbia railroad. The boys are about sixteen yearn of age, and bearded the eight o'clock passonger train en the IVuiriii street crossing, Jehn Wil Wil eon, trainmaster, alie get en beard the trelii at that point te ride te the utatlen. The boys uaw Mr. WIIhoe, and misunder standing his motlve for getting en the train, started te jump off. One of the boys succeeded and fortuuately In his tuinble rolled away from the wheels. Mr. Wilsen, who Is ever six feet tall and el powerful build, caught held of the ethor boy Just as be was leaving the fetep. Te leave go of him would put the boy's llfe in peril and tbelralu master held en te him. The young fellow was swinging between the outer ends of the bumpers with his feet dangling near the top of the rails. He Anally was pulled te the platform without receiving uy Injury. Thoexcurslou of the Hrotlierliood el St. Audrew te l'enryn park te-day has been postpenod en account of the rain. Thore nre a large mimuoref disappointed peeple In town te-day en account of the rain causing a postponement of the excur sion te Mount Gretna. If the weather Is favorable the excursion will be run te morrow. Miss Kuste Affcnbuch, of I'hlladelphhi, and MIhs Mamle Oreir, of Laiu-a.-.ter, 1110 visiting Mrs. Ocorge Smith. Geerge Zerger, caller of the I'. H. It., is off dnty en account of nlcknesa. Jehn Wilsen caught a tlve and ene-half .peutuhl salmon yesterday. It Im ene of the biggest llshes caught about here this hoii heii hoii sen. IMckorliiK'isTcutiibiii'remtorctL Ofllcer Jcfl'eris, of West Chester, and County Dotectlvo Geerge K. Jenes were In Lancaster te-day en business connected with the Pickering arrest. They bieuglit Svlth them an order from District Attorney Ilahlwlu, of West Chester, ou Chlof Hor Her Iter fer-the team abandoned by Pickering. Chief Uorger consulted District Atterney Relniehl and this einclal tlieught it was 4the proper thing for tliociiief te turn nver the property, as It was net stelen In tills county. llvan dene and the WctstChoster etllciaU paid the oxpense of the keep of the ltorsealnco Pickerlng brought It te this vicinity. The West Chester elllyflrM say that they have an owner for the wagon, a Mr. Mo Me Falls. The owner of the horse Is net known, but through it they expect te be able te fasten u charge of herse stealing ou Pickerlng, who traded the herse stolen for the ene he loll here. Creager, the accoiupllce of Pickering, is still in the Wostminster Jail. Thu eftlcers have testimony te convict him of n herse theft in this county. Tim Prcsbj terlun Memerial PIcutu. There was a large uttondaiice at Hie pic nic of the I'resbytci lull Momeilal Sunday ichoel.held at Peuryn Park.yesterday, anil the agieable woatlier and excellent pro pre gram uie of sports prepared by the com cem com inittee In charge iimde tiie day a xery pleasant ene. A watermelen eating niatuh created a great deal of amusement. It was wen by a darkey bootblack after an excit ing contest. In the evuniug a beat race en the lake came off, In which thore were even contestants. Jacob Htmiller was the victor, and after the oxcuisienlsls had as sembled at the station District Attorney llelneekl, in a humorous, speech, presented him with the champion cup and belt. Dr. H. K.W. Urban responded furMr.Staufler. Their Team Stelon. On Tuesday ovening Harry Shirk und Jehn Halllgan, both of Kphrata, attended a weeds meeting at TeneIIIll, und xvlien they wanted te go home their team was ml89lng. They had the herse tied at the school liouse. Wednesday morning tliey found the herse In the shed at Hlnklctewn. The herse was caught by Mr. Itoldenbach and tied In front or his store in the morn ing, and taken from there te Hluklotewn, wliore the team was known and the herse unhltched. Uyall appearances tlienminal was driven far, as he was very tired. I!:i!e Hall at Penryn. A game of base ball was played at Peu ryn park yesterday botweon the Conesteg-i and Cress Cut nine-, or tills city, w hich ro re eulted in a were or 31 te J, in favor or the former. Decbler and Krlsman did the bat tery work for the former, whlle Khier and Sing filled thosume positions for the latter. A game was also played In the aftornoen between the StiewllakeH and the Nine Stars, which n Hilled in a score of 10 te 13, m favor of the former. I'eist and Stauffer were the battery for the former, and Potts und I-awreiice for the latter. A Mlllersvllle Graduate. On Wednesday the public school beard of West Cbcacr, Pa., olected Professer Charles Yardley, of Sandy Hill, X. Y., auperlntendeut of public schools, in place of Professer Slocum, of Haverferd, do de cltned. Tl.e new eillclal Is u graduate of thoMIUcrhvllle Stute Xeruul fechoel, and he will enler upon his new position at the opening or the fall school term in Septem ber. ProkectitleiiH Withdrawn. The suits of assault und battery, surety of the pcace and drunkenness and disor derly conduct pi eferred by Geerge PauU and Louisa lloejior against Christian Miller and Mary Mlller, nt Alderman Itarr1, have been withdrawn aud the ces'at laid. Wall rilled With ClettfW. The trunk of James K. Wardthe Kngllsh man killed en the railroad, was opened at the station beusa last night by Sergeant Jlroemo. It was found te lie well llllru with clothing. The sergeant will probably dispose of the effects by auctlon.teiiay the funeral expenses. atw.etH) rim:. , At! ThU Mernlnir the noens Mwuiib Opeu nnil Crowded te the Hldewnlk. Owing le the heroic cflerts of llie braxe fire men nt the Inte Hertford street fire, In Bosten, Mt of NevctiibcrHth last, when the front portion only or five entire floors of one of the largest manufacturing clothiers of that city was alilurr, r.fl.fW) worth of men's, boys' and children's cliitlilnp, i eiisUtliic or nils and me dium tirades of milts of all nunllth-s midline pautaloetiH, have hctii faxed and untouched, net damaged, and the entire sleck has been or er dcrcd te be rcmeted te Ijiucmtcr, Pu. llie linmenw billldlns, Ne. 21 C.'ntre8qliare,l tnecn Seuth Queen and Kant Klnj street, lias been rented nt an enormous expense for this Orent Flre Insurance Hale of Clelhlnf. As all goods nrc appraised at fertycents en the dollar, this wntidcrfnl sale will eimhle the eeple or this city nnd nurreiindliiit riuntry te buy their clothing rer " almost nothing." The entire leek wilt be sold and turned Inte cash money te effect nn Immediate settlement of lniirniire policies. We will swing open the doers for this wonderful shIe Tliursdny morning, July2Uh, at 0 o'clock promptly, at the nhoe named building, and contlnue for ten days, and ten dnrs only. Here's hew they'll go : CSc. men's geed working pants, worth I IO. l"Se. buys bet ter ones, 10 Miles, worth J2. 11.03 for flue hII hII hII woel casslmere punt, nebby styles, worth H.M. Just think or It ! J2.13 tak( s choice or plaids or strlpe men's tulli, nil sire, worth very much mere WW buys splendid men's suits, all Hies, and (nil te inn ten), t wcnlyflx e st les, w erth 113, 10.19 bujswlde wale hlnck ertd or diagonal suit, cutaways or sacks, north llfl. Sf.SOfer extra fine dress suits, dark or light colors, cost te mniiuractiira ngnln ns much. ViM special quality snlln faced, black Prince Albert dress suits nnd flne black wide wnle cheviot suits, worth IM. Just think of It," Jfeie you'll tte" BX) gplendld children's suits, nil ages, t8c, and .100 clilldtcn'a plaited school suits will go for tl.30, but are reully worth 13 M, with 100 bejs' (long pants) suits for JiM, and 1,000 pairs knee pants nt He ier pair, (while they lust). 00c washnble sevrsuckcr coats and xests, worth ll.M). All ether gfKMls will be sold In Ihesaine proportion us llie nhote mentioned articles, llluhly liiipertuut. The Insurnuee agents wish te ImprtRS you with the Tact that tliern are thousands or lluu tailor made suits nnd pniilnloeiis all Included In Oils great sale. I'.very man nnd woman nltliln klxtv miles of Lancaster, Ph., should visit tills " Ureal Ilosten Kirn Haloef Clothing," which will contlnue Ter 10 days only. Donel stay away for renr or net gutting waited upon ns ten extra salesmen will ee here te serve jeu rer this gicitt event. Come rain or lilne, get your dollars nnd pennies together us here's a chance or a llfetlme Insecure ctullilng at one ene one hntrcesttoninnutuctuic. All street curser the city railway pass the deer. During this" great sale or clothing " salesroom remains open till D at night and Kuturday till 11. Car rare will lie paid leall purilinKers residing out or the city. The malingers ngalu wish le state Hint they may boceiupellidnt any uiemcul throughout lli day te Heio the doers wheu the crowd Is loegnat.nud earnestly lequest one and all te be patient until ethers Inside are watted en, us this mammoth building Is intlrcly tee Mimll te admit the rush wlthotiliseiiiesjstem. Loek rer sign and number. " Orent Uosten Klru Hale or Clothing," Ne. 21 Centre Sijusic, aelween Seuth Queen and ICust King sireuU. Nonuetlen sale, strictly prlvnte. P. H. Country merchants will de well te visit this great Mile. J)2J-tfd TJiKplcule of St. Stephen's Lulhrr.ui Sunday school has been positioned until next Tlmrk duy, July ill, Cheiip Kxournleii toAtlailtle CltJ , Via Heading rnllre.id, en Wednesday, J ul :. Ileuud trip tleltets, gimd for tlirce days. Kure enlySJ. Special train teuxes Lancaster (King St.)at0u. in Irf'iie Columbia at Cu. m. Take the Keudlng's Uej ill route te the hrn, the fniiieus llcrs. J2l,20,2S,20d llill'gulllH 111 Kollnble Ooeds. On Friday morning theie will exnu special wtluef KemiiHiits In Dry Ooeds. IteimiiinUi uf the nntlra stock, unieugst which I litre me many full Dress Putterns nt about half prices. WILLIAMSON A KOSTUU. Vel- it Werthy Cinise. In Martin's hnll, en August T, Mr. II. II. Mou Meu kaditlmaud nil orchestra of Kgjptlnuehorlt Kgjptlnueherlt ters will ghenu entertainment rer the benefit erthu Hecklnud Street MUslflu Sunday school. The causa is u worthy one nnd iIcmtx lug or n liberal patrenngc. Jlcuthe. Mil I.Kit III this city, en Julv22, Mugglu A., daughter or Jehn nnd Anna Miller, In the 20th jcuriirhirnge. Tici) 1 Hath is mid friends of the family, also the 1'rckbytt rlan Suiidnj school nre respect fully lux licit te ulteud the ruuernl, from her pareuU' icsldcnee, Nn.SIISeutliQueen street, en Saturday nfli moon. Strvlee at llie heun at lo'cleckby ltrv. Mr. llershey, und nt the chapel In W owl ward Hill cemetery by Hew J. Y. Mitchell nt 2 o'clock. Interment at Weed. wnrd 11 tit cemetery. lilavltfte. Plillndnliihln Produce .xiuruett PHILADKLi'lllA, July 2INwiii-l''leurtiulet; l'enu'n siiikts, 2 2,'s2(); extra. 2T543U0; riimlly, W iSciJ'J 75 ; roller, 13 73(5)1 2.5; patent, 14 7t(i5 15. Wlie.it tinner: Ne.2 lied new HlV&pPfc; Ne. 2 u. de, Uij; h. 1 lVun'ii Kcd.lisv. Cern llrni: Ne. 2. new. ise. -i, new, iiunse; out, m sic. OaU uulct; Ne. 2 White HJjgVjUc.; Ne. 2 mixed, 40c limn llrni ; Wlittci, 1ICI13 23; Spring, HI73CS1325. lluled hay dull: tlOUKSl:) 00 us te imnllty; tlmelliy loueauiio rer cheice: mlxeii ;w,gi II Ui); baleil re straw, new, I1I0OS15UO. llutter dull; I'cun'a ereuiuerv extra 1113170; Peuu'a firsts extra, 21c; Jebldng, 28 23. Kjrs ilrmer; l'enu'n firsts, 17e; held lets lljtlic, us te mutiny. Cheese "inlet; part kliu,60c; roll hklins ldi2c. 1'ctreleum Heady; refined In bbls., 17 20. I'ututec unlet ; 45(3KHj per bukctfer new. Lecal Moelc unit HeiiiIh, Heperted by J, II. Leut. Pur Lnsl Milne, sale. laiucasK reity, 10-20) earl's or issi 100 10J " " le-tt))iar I'miriXN) " " lS-iW.M.irlVuf 1SW " Scheel Vsduu l(8:i " ' I'KduelsM ' " l's dun 11x10 Columbia llorengh l's due Uxll . MaLhelm Uoreugh 41; lean. MISCKI.I.ANKOUHSrOlKS, tjuarryxllhi It. 11 - Mlllers llie Street Car Imiulre Printing t.'empHiiy Uasllghtand I'uel Company .. Stcxcns Iliuika (HeuJs).. . . Columbia Oas Oeinpuny t'elumbla Water Cemiuui) . .. Suknuehiiuua Iren Ceiiipany lurlettu llollew-uuro Stescns liouse . Mllleravllle Nermal Scheel . . Neithern Mnrket. liistern Market Ons Cemiuinr llemts (5 pir ct, 1UO0).. (uarryxlllelt. lt.7's.. lleadlue A Columbia It. ll.&'s Kittson Light Company .. .. Western Market Southern Market liiinciutcrCltyHtriil ltutluii) Ce... West Knit Street Itnlln a) Hehetlu Itallar Ce., Wutih Factory B's . .. Lane. Chem. Ce... .. - 100 100 KM 100 Hl 100 100 '. !') . U) S1- . M) 2r . 10 110 110 . M 101 lir, 102 Ktl 101 lit! 102 1 M 10 l 11 2U,i.21 210.10 l.U) is 75 M lttt 107.20 lOs.23 17.00 47 35 fi 10 10 101 133 M M no 100 1110 w w fiO . CO . se w 10J , lW TfiiNriKE arecKa Laucneter A Krultvllle laiucaster.t Lltltz . Ijiucasler A. WHIIamstesrii Ktncustcr V Maner Kiiicuslcr iV Manheliu . Lanni!itcr A Marietta. IJiucnsUriV New llnllund Illg Sjirlng A Hoaxer Valley .. HrTdgvpertuud lloeshee Jolumela A Chestnut II 111 Columbia Washington Conestegn A- lll Hprlng Marietta a. Mount Jey . . . .1 .. LnucMt. Jey a. KlUubethmuu. LiuH'Uiter ,V MiMiiK'lmiuia Lunc.utcr .V New UauMlle.. Oulumbtu A. Marietta Maytown A. KlUHtiethtewii .. . IjuicasUt A Kpliralu Ijinrastir A Willow street Stnisburg A XUIlert Marietta A Mayteun HANK HTOl'KS. First National llauk Kurmcrs' Nutlenul Hank Fulton National Hunk.. I-TiirasUr County Nutlenul Hank Northern Nutlenul Hank. Ml 4R0 HJ.Ti 100 140 !!7 25 VJ Wl ( 101 25 4.75 1'1; 21 , 20 20 , 25 25 1(11 . seu a 21) IS 25 00 300 11 20 e-J 40 4V75 20 W) 100 fiO lue 'JVi.2j 120 2lU W 11H.25 HO 100 lii rceplcv National Hank ID li.i IM 125 lus 175 115 141 200.23 n.7 110 100 ld.75 61 175 117 131 123 11J Kc) stone National llaiilt, .Manlalin 1(0 Columbia National Hank . U Chrlttlanu Nutlenul Hank... Conestoga National Hank-.. Knhrutu Nnltei.al llank . First National Hank, Columbia... . Flrkt Natleual Hunk, Strasburg, ..... First National Hank, Marietta . First National Hank, Mt. Jey, Lltlts National Hunk Mounlvllle National Hauk. ,..,., Muuhelm National Hank ... Union National Hank, Mount Jey ... .'.erf Helland Nutlenul Hank. (lap National Hauk , Quarryvllle National llank.... KUtabetlitewn National Uun Central 'atlenul Hank. Columbia ... 100 100 KO 100 lue 100 100 loe 100 100 m 1(0 100 inn 100 100 arala and rosrurieaa furnished by H. K. Ynndt, Breker. CntcAoe, July 21, 1KW oeieca p.re. WbesU Cern. OaU. Perk. IMtA. July M I August w,i Bcp1euiler..... HUM October .. - , . . Nnx rmtcr Iicccmber.. W Year i....;........a ...... ly (ls!!!)..... . Crudi Oil-July.. 577 6 HO 0IU 10 20 ieM 1W'. "iieieiptsT Uarlxju. WlnterWlieat.. Spring Wheat... Uem ' Oats lt)C.....-........ tlartey Consels ... i12 ISO Head. lleeelpts-llecs. Kccelnts -Cattle.. htve Meck Markets. CtilUAOe,July23.-llccclpU,Sl,0(W; slilpments, HjOtn; weak; beeves, II I0S1 W: steers, II 40(81 40;steckcrs and feeders, ti 0O.i4O; caws, bull and mixed, II 0?1 40 ; Texas cattle, IITCKMM) Hogs Ilecelpls, 22,0001 shipments, Onen: mr. ketflrni! mixed, M (151 0(1 1 heavy, MT03J8JJ light, riTOVlO'i: skills 12 W3 00. ftheep ltceelpts, lO.OfiO: lilpnicnl.2000:mnr. ket lowers natives, tl 05:M J Western. II 00 CUM', Texans,l3 (ni 40 1 lambs, II 000 15. KASTLtBKRTr.JuIy 2;).-Cattlo-lttcelpU.sn0j shipment, 7N1; market dull ; prime. (I 2-1 4 40; fair te geed, 1.1 K014 15; common, ITSW); bulls, cows and slags, It M32 80. Hogs ltecelpts, 1100; shipment, loot); market rnlr: medium and selected, J 004 00: common te best Yorkers, H RV33 D5 ; Pigs, r) 80 an no ; no cars shl pjied te New Yerk. Hheeii llecelpt. 1"0; shipment. 1000; mnrkcl slew; prime. IS 1VM 10; fntr te gee;l. frl I SO 5le; common, 12 6073 23: yearling lambs, JI80ia2'i; sprint: lambs II HKtO ZV. llDrFAUi.July'A'Cattle-llecelpu, alWhcad ; 100 for sain; nlifet. t , Hhe'p and lAinbs Itecelpl.22,0iU head ', WW en sale: market was dull und weak. Hhcep chnleii te extra, ! 2TSt5 W ; medium te gwd. It mirilS 20: common te geed, II 25(1 M. Lnmt;; g(sxl te choice. 0 T0a W) fair le geed,Mi 6(i-,; medlumte ralr.liUMloae. JInzs-lteielpts, 2,M); 1400 en sale; market flrin ; selected medium weight and selected heavy ends, l 1CK-M 10 t geed le chplee heavy, 14 10At 10: K'lected erk weUhts.ll l Miaij mixed pigs nnd light YerUsrs.lt M MI10; light nigs, H00i4 Oft troughs, W0ft3 15; stags, 12 75(S,3. eK Murkets. tluolatleiis by Heed, McOrann A Ce., bankers Lancaster, Pa. , , . NEW VOIIK LIST. . 11 A.M. 12 M. S P. M. Atclilson,Tep.,Buntale... 455i HX i Caniidu 1'HClilc-. O.C.C.AI - ..... ..... ,; Colerado Ceal 57 e, sU Central I'uclflc- .. . - Canada Sen lhern....rA.. ..... .... ..i Cht. St. U A 1'bg ..n - Den. A llie (J. .. ... Del. L. A W -. Wi h, , ,- Krle , 2tl 2K "U Krle 2nd! . ' ,'... ...... Jer C. ...'.... ,.... ;. -.' &nz::z::::z::::::z:: :. r mi U Shere 110 110 110 Mich. Cen ,, . Missouri l'cllle 7.) 7K Wi Heck. Valley N. P. - - , '& N.P.Pref. m - . ..- ,? N.West.. -. 112 N. Y. O .. ... - NewKngland &U4 4'QS ViV, KastTeuuefcseC4. Oinnlin - - Oregon Transcontinental.. 47i 47 474 Ontario A W ml Wi mi J'acltle Mall 47i 17',? 47 Klehmend Terminal 22 22'tf 22'4 St, Paul '7t TiljJ 7lU Texas I'ucine... ...... t 20 Union l'aelflc ttl llljf HJJi Wiihash Cem.. ... ,. . Wnbiish Fret. SU'J 20J IV.i Western U S-Bi West Shere bends , iMiti.AUEM-iiiA i.iar. Ih. Val - 11. N. Y. A 1'lilla, Pa.lt.lt. Heading 2.1 23 2:1 1-10 Leh. Nav . . Hcvteuv. Pass P. A i: N. Cent, i Peeples Pass . Itdg4,H MSi W!i 3J OH . Itctu gxhticvtioemi'itte. U 1III.VP-PUKK H5K WHISKII, HLACIC- berry, tilngernnd ivummei iirunuiis, UOHUKH'H LIQUOR STOUK, Ne. 22 Centre Squnrc. 1AHU1AU1.AC oi:e. s. NenmccK's Doersom Carriage Works, Cerner or Duke nnd Vine Street. All the Lntest Mtylis or FINK VKIUOLKS new ou band. Ureal JlnrgulnslnNcwnndbeC' eiid-Ilaiid Werk. Fer snle at n cry low prlce : A (ecend-hand MeCull Wagen ; u secund-hnnil Phn ten a sec-eiid-liand Light Tretting Huggy; it second-hand .lump-ScnlCiirrluge; tun secenddiand Market Wngens; three Ktceuil-hand Tep Hugglvs : ene Ceupe HiK'knu ay. Call und get bargains at Gee. s. Norbeck's Doersein Carriage Works, comer orilukeuiid VlueStriets. lUMydAMll TCNCH- A UIIOUM) HOO LUNCH WILL J heserxetl tills evening ill Hetel tjiiicuitcr. Sen Shell Crubs, Clnnis, Lobsters and Frogs. -Meals nt all hours. It JOHN SNYDF.lt, Prep, BALTlMOlli: MUTUAL All) hOClKTY. " Henulres sexural rempi,tuut and trust trust Merlby men ergeiitleinuuly np)enrniiee te net us collectors. Alse te nn nus ussl Mints. W.J.HAHN1.T1'. JeO-tfd llil Cist IClngSU, laineasUr, Pa. A T OlTireKFJCC'vOU CAN UET ANY j(V iimouutef LANCASTKIl CHKMICAL COMPANY , LAWN F.NHICHKU. JOSIMFTHKOKN'rirKTMAN wllO FOUND J thu piKkrlboek with ,'iMiislUiiinormeney and a pocket kulreal Potts' iJiudlngycsterd.iy xilll return H te the, owner ntNe. 328eulh Duke street or this ellke he will greatly oblige, ltd "UhVritKLI.ACOCHH j Ik Hast Dinger Ale. Ala Imported tu thn U.S. HANK'S DUHLIN AND llie xery best Ginger 2j KAsr kine sritnirr, city, II. K.SLAYMAKKIt. AgL ITtOH HOlHONTAh SI'ATIONAHY KN 3 glues, from 2 te se horse-neirer. und Vertl cal Ixuglnes from 2 te 40 boisi-pewer, )ou will uniiineui nl .mtl.N m.bl W, ssi Knst Knsl Fulton street. TTIOIIAMKIIICANSKIHTFKKDCYLINDKH .. i.iiuricniers, iiiussuii cups rei iieurlngs, Llibrlcnlers. (llassUII Cutis fei Heurlmrs. .... . ., : ... ,.,... , ... .." ' lii-srs, ;ui ion Fulton street. m7-tfd 171011 IIOILCH '1 Ulli: IIHUSIIKS, STILhSON J Pipe Wieiielies,PlHiuiid.XIeukey Wicnches eenibliiul. Files, till Cims, ulc , go le JOHN UKST, 3.1.1 liist Fulton street. ui7-tM A m:imViJT, lawn, hewkvkh kinall It iiinv be, Is a great luxury. LAN- Li??.T:!;,..Vm'MK'A1' company lawn KNItlClil.lt. IrHVKDOI.LAltSHKW.Utll. - -- I will pay thpiiboxe tewuril for Inrorina Inrerina Inrorina Hen that -xx 111 lead te conviction or panic xthe hae been bnaklng tbe windows lu thn hall and fuotery of tbe Doersom prepertxM2ilanil IA liist King street, and 120 and I2S Mlltllu street OKO.S, NOltHKCK. lt Cerner of Duke and VlneSls. 1 JUMPS, HOILKltS, M1NIND. CKNTHIFU gal and steam Pumps, et any capacity, nl JOHN HINT'S, 3.11 liist rullen stnet. luT-llil -rjADIATeitS, t)F ANY MAKi:OlFl)f: IV sign. can be fiirnlslieitnlrcaiieiiulilellgures. by JOll.NUIMr JU.4 l'jist Fulton strtsjl. ni7-trd! 17x011 CASlINllS, 1UON OH 1IHASS, I.IOHT .. n ,!'?!" i.u "llerl notice, go le JOHN Lsr, ;.U ljist Fulton street. m7-tfd rpiu:Y"cAN Ai7hijin''Y" nuf "mink can X. Initial Hilly NS'aitz's HaMina Filler Cigar III NOS.5AlttlNOKTHQttKKNhT. decern M,Tu,Tli.S TpitOPOSAlJs FOlt OHADIND. Sealed proposal xrlll be rccclxed by the Street Commlllee iergrudins Fremont street, xvest or 1 llbert, 114 rwt. Speclflcitleiis can besccuul the ofllce or A. A. Herr. Cliy Heguluter. Proposals te be deposited lu Street Commtttce box up te 5 p. in., July t, WM and toboaccom teboaccom tobeaccom ulcd with certified cheek of 10 per cent. .... KllW. s. hMKLTZ, Ji. .si1 c"y Commissioner. " ,1 .CNNfaRCHOUSCMMKH THKATHC. Week Cemnmuciug MONDAY, JULY2I. MilliKfii & Cerlr Opera l'e., In the Favorite Oicra, "OLIVETTE," With MUs Citrrle Tutcln us " Olivette. ' 49-Adinlslen, 10 cents. - CUIUS HUHGKH, , , , .Proprietor and Manager. WcckCommenelngMenday, Jnly'JVClllMWl OFNOUAIANDY. n!i8incl "1JKNSIONS. BOUNTY. INCREASE. PENSIONS Fer nil beluxirs und Soldiers' plying te Widows by up. M. V. Kilburn, AUTIIOHIZKU ATIOHNKY, Ne. f0X N. Water St. Ktltrencts ClUN H. A. lUMLiuenT, Hen V. , . rATTtBhON Wounded nt Perry vllle, Ky., Octobers, 1S02. NEW DI8CUAROE8. REM0VAL8 OP DE8ERTIOH. Jy'At-JWdlt fjUn 3lfctertlment ( 'Jt c s JULY BARGAINS! A Illg Let of WONDKIIVUL IIAHOAIN8 AT Tl Bargain Table OK THE COMMON SENSE Shee Stere, NO. 40 KAST KINO STREET. -l.0001'AIIlSOFSHOKSAThAROK, Ill.DUCKD PHICKS. ii.'-J'- S t -I Jyll-tfd AIHKTTA PHESEHV1NO KhmLEsT AT HEINHOLD'S. tNFIVi:,TEN,TWCNTY-FIVi:ANDFllTY Pound Packages. LAN CA8TK II U1I KM IC A h COM PAN V LAWN KNHICHEH. Sold everywhere, rpiIK NKW SKAMLKSS STKCLCOOKINO I Ware Is better than granite and sells Ter lirwf thn lirli'i, AT,'ilEINHOLD'H. 1JASS ALK. WH1TK LAULC AND GUIN- m i,,r.. iiiiiir. Lti NESS XXX STOUT. 20 KAST KINO STllKIJT. rpili: SEAMLESS COOKING WAHK IS L strong, dutahle and clieap, AT HEINHOLD'S. TTIHISMAN'S. OXFORDSASHES. 3710H UOILEHS, H01lt.ONTAL,TAHULAH. j Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, .Murine, or any slre or power, of the best mnterlil and workmanship, go te JOHN HEHT, S3! East Ful ton streel. niT-trd CHEHHY HHANDY-SLAYMAICEHS SU SU lwrler Cherry Brandy for Diarrheea and Summer Complaint. 20 EAST KINO ST., 11. E. SLAYM AICEIt, Agt. BILLY WAIT. HAH THE ISEST TWO HOK 6c and &c Cigars In the Stale, at NOS.li A 101 NOHTH CiUEEN ST. decMmd.M.Tu.ThS WKHAVETHKBKSr AfiSOHTMENT OK Pipes and Cigar Helders. French lirlar Pipes In Cases, 50c each. All the tine Brands of Smoking Tobaccos. DKMUTU'S CIOAH STOKE. alS-tMlt 111 East King slreeL SCHOOL TAX, lWO-THi: DUPLICATE IS new in the hands of the Treasurer. Tluee icr cent. etT If paid before August 1. OHlce hours from V a. in. till 4 p. in. W. O. M AIISH ALL, Treasurer, Jc'itnulilU Ne. 12 Centre Sxiuare. BEST TWO KOll K1VECENT.CIOAHH the city, t HILLY WA1T.S, Nes. 5 & 100 North Queen St. decWImdM.Tu.ThJs "psltlSMAN'S. BLACK SUSPENDERS. ACAHD-WE MAKE "THE NATIONAL Safety Firth Wheel In threu sizes (Cox Andersen's Patent.) ForsherlturntiiK', strength and dumhlllty nre matchless. They also make u neat finish. Try them. Ex eiy wheel U guar anteed. NATIONALMANUFACI'UINOCO., Jyl l-2wd 20 le M Shermau St., Lancaster, Pa. 1: JAHTICULAH ATTENTION PAID TO 3MK1PI jiiiiKing. I'uiierns, i;rawings ami no Prints, nl prices reasonable, at JOHN S.ICU East Fill ten fctrecL m7-trd CJTEAM O dwell theugli hi nEATISTHECOMINGHEATFOIl dwellings, churches, school houses, etc., nil successfully liked ene hundred years age. When you contemplale n change call en JOHN 1IKST n, who will glxe you a satisfactory Jeb. nt a fair price. m7-tld N TI3W HILLIAKD HOO.M. City Hetel Billiard Roem. I Iinve taken the Hllllard Roem In the City Hetel, which 'I haxe greatly Improved. It Is new lighted by electric, lty nnd Is the coolest room In the city. I would be pleased te have levers of billiards glx onion cull. Jj tS-Tll.ThAS W. S. WEAVER. VTOHTIIKHN NATIONAL HANK. J Uancastfii, PA,, JulylS, 1800. IlESOUllCKS. Leans and Discounts. .. . ,$ 302.UI B4 O. S. bends te secure circulation M.one 00 Ileal estate, furnlture and fixtures 20,151 U) Current expeiLscs and taxes paid 1,0.11 .17 Prcinliiuis paid 7000 00 Keserxc, cash In xault und due from batiks 4S OCa S3 Total - 8 411,07.1 21 I.IAllII.ITir-S. (.'a pi Inl stock paid lu Surplus I unit Circulation.... Dividends unpaid Deposits J 200,000 00 . M.OsO 01 II.SOII 00 filtl 00 . 147,bKl 3.1 411,(.7n2l Total ltd K.J. HYDEH, Cashier. REPOHT OF '11115 CONDITION OF THE Farmers' National Hunk, of LnuH,tir. in the Stnte of Pciinsjlxnnln, nt the ilese of luisliiCKS, Frldaj.July 18, IS'.O. 1IUMOUUC1A. I juius mid discounts. l'.S. I portent, bends (nnr Millie) Eln 11-es and la ion paid . Due Ireiii bunks und hnukeis Cash and ici.erc Heal estate and mite deposit vault 51,197,212 15 110,00000 :t.i5207 . 2(li7 45 3I7.2S0 IS 10,010 00 3I,l.I.SV)S" Total l.iAim.irn. Cniltal stixk imtd In.. .. . .... Surplus and undlv ided prullls Cticulatlen Deposits Due te luniks and hunker Dividends unpaid .......... . Total 40,0fliUU .ll,145 71 4ri,(XH)00 777, 1' H) 07 73.S27 07 l,n.S!, (M S1,0M,S.V)R5 ltd JACOI1 UAUS.MAN, President. 1-i;POHT OF THE CONDITION OF TII15 A Ffl.TeN National Hxnk of jncnster. In the Slate of Pemisjlviiula, ut the clese of business July IS, Ism: itcseuncts. Leans and discounts $.V0,0.iO 42 Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecurcd 101 19 IT S bends te secure circulation 50,(00 CO Stocks, securities, Judgments, claims, etc ... 10,010 00 Due from nppievcd n serve agents (!,9I i; Due from ether National Hanks 50,1'JS 2, Due fiem "'ate bunks nnd bankers JTO NJ ltniiklng home ami Cerll.s hafe De posit System , SS.OOO 00 Current rxiiises aud tuxrs paid 2 41 Prcmliiliisen I', s.beuds 5..VK1 10 Clucks and ether cash Items li,OI2 73 Hills ofelher bunks 17,272 00 Fractional uipcr currency, nickels, und cents . . . . 730 5S Siecle ... 32,0:5 75 lA'gul lender notes . . . 22,s.'l (k) Hodeinptlen fund with U. ?. treasurer (5 inr lent, of circulation 2,250 00 Total ... l.IAlltllTIKv tipltal itis'k uiid In . .. Surplus fund I'ndlv Ided profits National Hank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject tu check Iiemund certierates of deposit . Due te ether national banks .. . Due te Hale banks and bankers .. . Tetul . , 010.I109 7S 1200.000 00 SO.IWO 00 17,tl trl 41.700 00 . S.7I 1 01 51.I..V2 ml . 2.000 U . 17,570 61 ,. S 217 04 tJlO.VJl 78 itatr e lYnntirfiimui, Oiunty of l.umuntrr, it. 1, Jehn C. Carter, cashier of thoabevo liuincd bank, de solemnly sucar that thvubove stnti. meut Is true te the be.t of mv knuUslceiind belief. JOHN C. CAltTKlt, Cashier. bubtcrllsslu ud sworn te before mc this 21th day or July, iwe. JEHUMIAHHIri:. Notary Public. Correct Attest- JOHN D.sKILES, F. II. HAHF. J.H. 11ITNKH. ltd Directors. llcnt &frMMmmt w ILLI AMSON rOHijCK. Net a Meck Auction, -en SHODDY SACRIFICE, -BUTA- GENUINE FASHIONABLE AMD RBLIA1LB aOODI. MENS CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES. 112.00 Men's Hulls cut te f 10.00. f 11.00 Men's Suits cut te 112.00. 116.00 Men's Suits cut te 114.00. t 4.50 Heys' Hulls cut te t &60. f 6.00 Heys' Suits cut tot 4.00. t COO Heys' Suits cut te I 5.00. t 7.60 Heys' Bulls cut le t 6.50. Men's Summer Coats, 60e, Wc, 75c and tl. Men's Summer Coats and Vests, tl, tl.25, tl JO, tl.75andt2. Men's Flannel nnd Mebalr Coats and Vests, $2.75. S3, H.50, 14 and tS. Unn lennls Pnnt. 12.50. Clerical Coats, In Alpaca and Drap de Ele. Walter Jackets In Alpaca and White Duck. Children's Clothing AT REDUCED PRICES. t 5 50 Dark Suits cut te $1.50. t 8.00 Dark Suit cut te tO.00. 110 00 Dark Suits cut te t0.00. t K00 Dark SulU cut te 15.00. t 6.0O Dark Suits out te t5 00. te 00 Kilt Knits cut te ta. 50. M 00 Kilt SulU cut te tl.50. 1 10 Kilt Suits cut te $2.50. $3.00 Kilt Suits cut te (2.00. tl.00 Kilt Suits cut te it.OO. ?2.00 Kilt Suits cut te 81.75. Ladies' Wraps and Jackets AT REDUCED PRICES. tll.50 Embroidered Wrap cut tetl2. til Hlnck Worsted Jackets cut te 112. IIJ tlleck Worsted Jackets cut te til, t 0.00 Light Cleth Jackets cut te tS. tlOM Light Cleth Jackets cut te 55. t 0.00 Light Cleth Jackets cut te Je. t 8.50 Light Cleth Jackets cut te 15. J10 Embroidered Silk Oupes cut te . til Silk Lace Mantles cut te til. NOTIONS AT REDUCED PRICES. 75c Black Net, 4S Inches wide, cut te 50c. $1.25 Hlack Net, 4S Inches wide, cut te tl.00. tl.rM Hlack Net, 48 Inches wide, cut te tl.25. ti 00 Black Net,4S Inches wide, cut te 11.75. 12.50 Black Net. 4S Inches wide, cut te r2.25. 11.00 Embroidered Caps cut te 50c. tl.25 Embroidered Caps cut te tl.00. tl.: Embreldeied Caps cut te tl.00. OO0M11II Hats and Bennets cut le 50c. $1.00 Mull Hats and Bennets cut te 75c. $1.25 Mull Hats nnd Bennets cut te tl.00. $1.75 Mull Hatsnnd Bennets cut te tl.25. $2.00 Mull Hats and Bennets cut te tl.25. FURNISHING GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. 12.00 Flannel Shirts cut te $1.50. $1.25 Flannel Shlrta.eut te $2.00. $.1.00 Flannel Shirts cut te$2.0n. tl 00 Flannel Shirts cut te $.1.50. $1.50 Flannel Shirts cut te $1(0. tISIlK Shirts cut te $.1.50. SI White Pongee Shirts cut te $.Ui0. fe Whlle Pongee Shirts cut te S5.50. $7 Blank Pongee Shirts cut te$5 60. SOeSIlk Neckwear cut te 25c. 25c German Linen Cellars cut le lie. Silk Neckwear, 10c. Fine bilk Finished Suspenders, 25c. Dry Goods AT REDUCED PRICES. Special lteninautSale will commence on'Frl en'Frl day next and continue several days. Among the Remnants you will find Dress Ginghams, Outing Cleths, Challles and India Pongees, They will be found all en one counter, where our patrons can make their selections. The prices are In plain figures and nre about HALF COST. Garden Hese AT REDUCED PRICES. Three-euarter Inch three-ply, fully guaran teed, at the following prices ier foet: 10c Hese cat le8c. 12c Wire Wound Hese, 10c. 18c Wire Wound Hese, He. 18c Wire Wound Hese, llc Gent's Straw Hats AT REDUCED PRICES. $.1 00 Light SUIT Hals cut tel.50. $2.50 Light Stin Hats cut te $2.00. Straw llat-s carried ever at lOn aud 15eriich, A Special Discount of 10 per cent, allowed en all Straw Hats, regardless of former reductleus and low prices. Trunks and Traveling Bags. The Best Qualities ut the Lew est Prices. Fifty per cent, less than cost Is the mark en a limited quantity of Odd bUcs In Traveling Bags. BOOTS AND SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. $.1.50 Opem Tee Turned cut te $J.O0. tt.sy Square Ten Welts cut te fd.60. hi u uougein vv $4.83 Opera Toe 1 1.8 1 Oner Waukenphast Tipped cut te SI. M Turned. land lU.cuttelS.50. si.siupera 100 iiirneu cm ion. j. . : ... ." . ' ri;- $1.50 Richmond Toe Turned cut te$3. $J Dongola Square Tee cut te 52.50. $2 50 UDcrn Tee Tins cut te F2. $2.50 Misses' Spring Heel cut te $1.50. tl.SO Patent Leather Vamps cut te $1 25. $1.75 Child's Spring Heel cut te $1.50. $1 Mlsi.es Kid Opera Slippers cut te 75c. $1.25 Ladles' Dongola Slippers cut te 75c, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA -AND NO. 814 MARKET ST.. UAHHISHURU. PA Mid-Summer Cut Price Sale Williamson & Fester, Hem 9ltttrHcmett. N KXT DOOKTOTMK COCBT ROUHK. -OF- DRESS GOODS REMNANTS IS STILL ON. Many ends have been added this week, owing Saturday, as we had expected. Our whole Cotten Dress Ooeds Stock has been looked evl the result Is Hundrcdsef KcmnanUI of Whlte.Ooeds, Olnghams, Zephyrs, Mulls, Sateens ana xvnite urgandlcs, Challles, Uuung cieins, and the prices cut te or their former value. M-Yeu should make an early Inspection, prices uiey are innrKta win last uui a lew uays. RRHNESTOCK' 35 and 37 East King Jtcm 2lbtJCt?ttcmcnt. J 71 VERY DAY A CHEAP DAY It AT ItEINHOLD'S. WHAT IS TWKNTY-FIVE CENTS TO create a Beautiful Lawn or Renew an Old One. FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY. AT LOW figures, go te .101 IN BEST, ail East Fulton street. m7-tfd WANTED-HORSKS TO PASTURE. Address, aprSMfd W. W. OHOSn, NerTsvllle, Pa, miN TOP JELLY OLASSFJ 'AT 25c PER 1 uezeu, AT HEINHOLD'S. ANOTHER LOTOFQUEENSWAHE FROM Auction, AT ItEINHOLD'S. TUOSTEH'B CORNER SALOON. L A NICE HOT LUNCH will be served every morning from 9 te 12.30. Huppert's Celebrated Beer drawn from the keg. apr.W-tfd U O YOU WANT WORK? OOTO LANCAS TER EMPLOYMENT BUllhlAU. KO. til erth Duke street. TTIRISMAN'S. NEW DRESS SCARFS. m"E ONLY CIOAH STORE WHERE YOU X can purchase Imported and Key West CI gars, and B.F.Orax-eley's Superior Caxendlsh. DEMUTU'S CIOAH STORK, 114 East King Street, Telephene. als-tfdH rnHOUT&BHANK. ELAMELSHIRTS. nl-lvd "VUR CIGARS, GOLDEN LION AND MIA f Uncrtda, are clear Havana filler 5 cent cigars, hand-madp. In boxes of 25. SO and 100. DEMUTH'S CIGAR STORK. Established 1770. lit uasl King street. 18-tfdlt JUDGES HAVE LONG SINCE DECIDED that Billy Waltz's Cigar Is the Best In the State. Fer sale at NOS. 5 A 10.1 NORTH QUEEN ST. dec5-6mdM.Tu.Th.S M USIC CATALOGUE WITH NKW EDI- tlen and price list sent upon application, AT ItEINHOLD'S, Opposite P. R. R. Depot. YOU WANT HELP 7 GOTO LANCAS TER EMPIX)YMENT BUREAU, Ne. 01 North duke sircci. -IIT-ANTED- TV An energetic young man is wanted te takecharcoef a Grocery Stere In this clt.v. A geed business stand at a desirable location is open te a responsible party, A small amount 01 capital isrcquireu Fer further particulars call at PENN'A KMI'LOl MENT BUREAU, . Ne. 12 Seuth Duke Street. TTtRfSMAN'S. NEW WINDSOR TIES, FOR BOYS AND MEN, NO. 42 WEST KING ST. "DAIiACE OK FASHION. THE THIRTY DAYS CLEARING SALE -AT- ASTRICH'S Pate of Fashion, 115 & 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER. PA. SPECIAL BARGAINS -FOR- TO-MORROW, Y, JULY 25. Fer that day only we will sell all our Trimmed Hats regard less of former price, at the uni form figure of 9SC. Any Spray or Bunch of Flowers in the store for 5c. One let of remnants of Rib bon at 5c a yard. One let of Black Gres-Grain Silk Ribbon, satin edge, Nes. 1 2, 16 and 22, at 10c a yard. One let of Stamped Pillow Shams at 2 pairs for 25c. Any parasol in the house at $1. One let of Ladies' Fast Black Hese at qc a pair. One let of Children's Plain 9c a Black Hese, 5 te 814, at pair. One let of Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloves at 9c a pair. One let of Children's Gloves at ic a pair. One let of Ladies' Ribbed Vests at 7c apiece ; no mere than three sold te one customer. One let of Children Gauze Vests, long sleeves, size 28, 30, 32, 34, at 14c apiece. Closing out the balance of Gent's Night Shirts at 49c. FRM te enr Inability te set them all lu sham j etc., elc, running In lengths of freul 2 te 1 as they are being rapidly picked out, nnd St., Lancaster, Pa. ettem cKbMcytUcmtttt T7I0R RENT-NO. 118VJEAKT KINO 8T ju- riium lermeriy encupira Dy Jenn AJ MiJO-IUilllKSIU AUUAH A. Ill -TKV GOODS, LOW PRIOKH AND I .jl otero noein makes shopping pleasl AT ilElNUOI A OREAT IMPROVEMENT TO Oil jtjl. rsewijawnsDyusingLAreCASTKKl n-anvuMraa x 1jvvv is, ti.ftiiiuiir.il. tlOARMAKERS WANTED. Kj Wanted nt STRAUSS HttOS., Nel ana smeuui cnrutlan street, 20Cigan iinu -u ucurners. jx niOR HARLEQUIN FRUIT. PURE JAMAICA SPIRITS. 29 K.-KINO. H. E. SLAYMAKER.I 1EIO ART'S OLD BRANDY. Ki Ne family should be without a be this season of the venr. 20 E. K INO ST. 20 E. KINO ST., H.I junci. i-l 11,1 OiVf) "lirlUTE COTTON WASTE. COI'1'1 TV the pound, 10c l lea nt l .sJ IIUi IVU 111 IUU UI IV ITUIB ever.Oc. Allgi oeds dcUvereil te any parti city Free. Cut! en JOHN BEST. Ne. Fulton street. OLD BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND Si ' for steam work, at JOHN BESTS, zl Full ten street. nl TJEST 5e HAVANA FILLER CIO,vl JJ the city, ut BILLY' WAIT.' Ne.5 KM North 0 lie dccM)mdM.Tu,Th.S "DECEIVED DIKKCT FROM NAPA XV ley Witie Ce., California, superior del Claret. Uutadel and Frenlliruan ' The last named Wlne U xery dellcale anl IIcIeuh Ladles' Wine. I 2U EAST KINO STREET. CHI II. E. SLAYMAKER.I TUll'mvinu .jde ...., v .iriM. X cock Inspiraters and Electors. Ebl Beiler Feeder, Pcnberthy Inpeetnr, Ami Injectors, nil In stock, at JOHN BEST! LnslFullenslrecl. nil TaUKTHB BEST HOT AIR FURNAtl JC the market, go te JOHN BEST, 33.1 Fulton street. -OARRY IN STOCK BEST CHAlWl V Hammered Bar Iren. Deuble Helmed Burden's Rivet Iren. Rivets. Het and) Beiler Iren, Steel, Sheet Iren U-1H te Nel JOHN BESTS, sett East Fulton street, ml INCY FOR CALLAHAN & COl JX. m hulk It l ment te take the place of Red lel il niaices live nines me auaniiiv lead and Is far superior In mitklntiMcninJ packing man and hand hole plates en bl Ac, .vc, I'rice ie cenw wr pound, at BEST'S. SH East Fulton street. mfl ff KEET OF PIPE, FHlj OV,JV-fV Inch te a Inch dlametl snlontalevrllirure. and the only house I city with apliHicuttluc machine, cutting e incn aiameicr. ai juum uivsr e,ii.uiuih ten street. te QAW MILKS, BARK MILIJ1, COB M i j ijcainer lieiicrs, inn i-iicKtrs, i ripie Powers, Milling and Mining MiKhlnei JOHN BEST'S. !CW Eiwt Fulton street, I X7IOR BOLTS, LAO SCREWS, SET SCR M' Hiiuarennu Jiexagen jxiiui, incsofet stock, at JOHN BEST'S, 1U3 East Fulton ml J. B. MARTIN CO. Midsummer Reiki -AT- J. B. MARTIN & CO. 2,000 yards Dress Gingha reduced Irem 10c te 5c a ya 1,000 yards 16c Secrsuckl at 5c a yard. One let of 8c Dress Chall at 4c a yard. 10 pieces of Outing Cleth duced from 1214c te 614 c yard. 25c Scotch Ginghams duced te 1 5c a yard. i2ic Dress Satines at 7 yard. "Kc French Satines at 18c yard. 12 Dress Batistes at 8c yard. Entire stock of Summer Sill reduced te 25c a yard. J. B. Martin & Ce Cor, Prince & W. King Sts.. LANCASTER, PA. fTlANKS FOR WATER.OIIJS, ACID OR Oj 1 01 any Miape or capacity, ui nnr prices,! lUJOIl.i lll-il .fcn iwisi r 011011 hirtei. 1UU' T-F IN WANT OF BRASS OH IRON S'l I Cooks. Ahla'htes Packed t?ecks. Pet and I Lecks, lAixer Cocks, SwIiik Joints, call and k mem, or Keuu jour oret-r uj-mail, iujuuj lllvl . sci 1-Jlst I' iiiieu siru'i. iiwuu -refill IMIATT .t I'ADY ASIiliSTOS DIh 1 Valvts, Jenkins Valvcs.Ilrassdlobe 'alv ItrniiCflln VilUfK troll HlklV Olebe XalVtl Iverhafetv Valven. Ped Safety Valves, Al Valves, Ibullater Valve. Pnitt's bwlnchl rt.Ani. V',.u..u iinit rhwk x iilve.roet x ulvd Angle Valves,' call at JOHN BESTS, 3S1 Eal Fulton StrecL mT-lfdl -nit PULLEYS. SHAITINO. COLLAR.1! Jl' Hangers, I'l.uup Bexes, Couplings, etc., x tojen: ? Jtrvl. u IIB, I UHUII mitt btriTI. Jll7-tl.: TTCKINOH,AH FOLLOWS: DIHIllO, KOI 1 hlcamand lljilnuille l'ai kln.Asbcsl Iteiw Woven and Wltk Packing, Hemp PackWg, A A ImteiMlll Beunl, Asbestos Cciueut, Asbcstc Sheathing, tluiii Pae'-'iu'.Oum Kings for Wute Gauges, PlumlMge Packing, Iteed's Patent Ai lK-tes, Lined Sectional Pipe Cever, at JOIi: ii ,.i,,ie, 1 uuuueiaxi. iii.-iiu 17XOR STEA.M OAUOIi, HIOIl OR LOW! Pressure, Water liaiiges. Gauge CecktJ Weixl hetls or Weighted, lihut Tube-il vv iiitdicx, iy piiens for sttain Gauge, Cjlludc Oilers Plain. Water Uania Columns. Cocks fe Steam Gauge, cull en JOHN BEST, 3.J.I liisil r uiiensimei. uiT-ira T7OROAST IRON PIPE FITTINOS, BOTH I U plain and reducing, np te u-lnch diameter. Malleable Fittings. Flunucs. Flanxe Unions! Manifolds American ('nluiis, Tul)C Supports;! mincers, i loerniiii i.Kiniig nates, goiejuiioii uuintiu)uui ruauutuiti, iui-iiu ' -xes. ' L . -gM. -k. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers