rJ HER FAULT. ' She I winsome, sweet and pretty, And her manner's bright sad witty, And the poetry of motion At the gaily trips along. Her voice It like the linnet. With a. touch of music In It, When by chance a word the utter Or should break forth Inte song. 'Tla tweet as song bird's chorus As It softly hovers o'er us, Making days seem bright and cheerful Frem the world's cold, proud device. In our dreams we hear It ringing Like the voice of angels singing Thre' thegutdea choir at evening, In the realms of Paradise. She can paint In oils and pastels Kurml scenes and ruined castles, Upen anything you give her, Such as panels, Jugs or plagues; She can copy any creature, But her one and simple feature Is of painting little cherubs With pink wings behind their backs. Rentlles. birds and flnhes I'Urace her mother's favorite dishes (Fer Improving en Dame Nature Her young mind seems really bent), But, alas I this winsome maiden, With accomplishments e'erladcn, Cannet, I grieve te tell you, Cook a dinner worth a cent. 1 Parker, jf., in Jlroeklyn Eaglt. WOMBS' AND HUHOLAR3. low a Timid Weman Prevented a Ilonse Robbery. Prem the Bosten Glebe. "I think burglars are mere often utterly euted bv woineu thnti bv men." haM policeman te tlie reporter the ether day. I'H is wonderful what a woman will de lometimos When alie lieara n atranirn nnlsn la her house nt night. I knew that my wn who n a nervous excitable invalid, me orten lies awake in the ti hzht when I km out en my beat, trembling in her bed kith BDnrclientlen lest a burslar mlnht bnter the house. Se far she is an absolute eward. "But let her reallvheara noise In anv hart of the liouse which might be made bv a burglar, and the opportunity for action is t positive reuet te tier, up sue gets in a ninute, and without u Hecnnd's hesitation nakes her way in the dark nil ever the louse, loeKinfr ler me intruder net a sign if fear then but ns the fact that nobody as actually cnlored the liouse becomes pparenthcr fearlest soineone miclitde se eturns, anil she geos back te bed a coward gain, strange, isn't it. j. rememuer n uosperalo burglar who vas haneed for killlmr a man whose house 10 had been discovered reblilnir telllncr inn hat the only tlme he nctually lull scared at Indlng htnuelffuue te face wltli one of the utnates of the liouse he was 'cracking' vat wnen a siigm, uaui-ate woman, clad 'lily In her night drens, ctlne running own tiie stairs, mid putting her hand en its urm Imiulred In n terrified tene: ---wnai'H inomatterr is tlierea burg ir in the house? Oh, protect me 1 ' " In her terror she did net think of him Is the robber, and the evident comfort it ve ner te niut some one te ' nrotect ' her tve him a new sensatien altetrnthnr. " lie was Ktninrnrcrt a moment liv thn lituatien, but. licarlnt? ether Inmales mev ing upstairs who had ovldeutly been sruuseu vy ner lenu oxciamallens. lie buickiv said : 'Certainly, ma'am. I'll nre- Isct you liave no fear. Just stand here emmi the deer while I leek In thn kitchen. khere tiie nolse soems te ceme from. 'Oh, lliauk you,' she replied, as he slip out Inte the kitchen. nlrked tin his Ihoes and vanished out or the window, jviiik uie uoeiy pneu upon uie noer in a lible cloth, which he was just tying when no wumaii came upon mm. Penes en Kartli K waits that countless army of marlys, whose anus are constantly recruited from the victims If nervousness and nervous diseases. The rice or me doeh is a systematic course of Hen- Eiier s siemacu in ucrs, me nncsi anu most go ge lal of tnnlc nervines, pursued with reasonable rif.lDl.niu rnil.. a. Inn.. ..... .. n A ....?.... . 1. t ttan te SWltsll the vlctuallm? dctuirtnipntwltli scude tonics, alcoholic or thn rnvcrsn. hwrnx. rncts, nerve feeds, unroet lc, sedatives and olneun In disguise. "Tired nature's sweet ro re ro tercr, balmy sleep," Is the providential reen trant, lervicna nerves and tins glorious rrnu hlsc being usually the censequcuce of sound Igesllen nnd Increasel vigor, the great slom slem chlc which Insures both Is productive nlne of i-k-c in hid rifiuiree iniie. ei unrcirenneu wakens the Individual who uses It, but vigor us, clear headed and traneull. Use the Bitters Ise In fecr and ague, rheumatism, kidney iMUUItjn, l-UUB.ll'ailUU KUU UlllUUMU'BN. Jy22te2U Olie Thousand Dellar. I will forfeit the abeve amount If I fall te rev e that Klornplcxlen Is the best medicine In xlstence for Dj gpep"la, Indigestion or Unloos ens. It Isacertalu cure, and allerdx lmmedl- le relief, Incases of Kidney and I.lver Cem- taint. Nervous Debility and Consumption. lorapiexleu eulius up the weak system and urcs vvhure ether remedies fall. Ask your mgglst Ter It and get well. Valuable book Things worth knowing," also, sample book Tent free : nil charges prepaid. Address, l'ref. franklin Hart, M Warren street, N. Y. Fer sale ly Gee. W.'Hull, Lancaster Pa. nprl7-lydiw . Cure for Constipation nnd Slok-IIead-nclie. Dr.Sllns Lane, whlle In the lteclcy Mountains, llscevcred a root that when combined vtlth Iher herbs, makes nn easy nnd certain cure for onstlpatleu. It is In the form of dry roots and paves, nnd Is known as Lane's Family Medl ine. It will euro slck-lundache In one night. I or the bleed, liver and kidneys, and for clear- rig up the complexion It docs wonders. Drug- lists sell it at 50 cents a package. (3) Buoklen'H Arnica Salve. Tuk BESTHALVKinlheweria for Cuts, Bruises Ul, UJCIB, 134,11. ..ii-ritiM, mfci OUI CO, A i- nl , 'happed Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all klu Kruptleus, and positively cures Files, or e pay required. It Is guarauteed toglveer teglveer toglveer M!tKattRfucMeii. or monev refunded. Prlea 2ft ents per box. Fer sale by W. T. llech, Drug isi, ises. jj7ana i.m iserw uueen stieei, iau- ster. Fa. uuei"Myd I'What Cnn'L Be Cured, Must Be till- iiureti." This old ndace does net sluulfy Ihat vvemust lurterthc mlseiles of djppcpsia, uhun a medl- Iino wnn uie curative properties or Jiuraeck UoedJlittcra is available. Itis one of the most liilUtutlal and icllalile remedies sold te-day. join in ijnncisirr by vv. I. ilecn, isi and iju or in ijueee street. Mothei-ttt Metliera ! 1 Mether I I t Are you disturbed at night uud broken of pour rest by a sick child suderlng and crying vlth the excruclatlug pain of cutting teeth 7 If lo.geat once and get a bottle efMlUS. WINU- JW'H BOOTIIINU HYIIUF. It will relieve he peer little millerer luimedlalcly dcjwud ipeu 11, mere is uu iuihuiku uuuui. iu iukiv is let a mother en earth who has ever used It, rhe will net tell vountence that It will reali st the bowels, nud give rest te the mother, and ellcf una neaitn te tue ciuui, operating nice naglc It Is perfectly safe te ube In all cases and Measuiu te tne taste, aim is tue iiresuripiien vi me or the eldest and best female physicians and inrses in tiie unitea elates, neia everywnere, cents a bottle. luneillydAw " Siient rifty Dollars " In docterlnir for rheumatism before I Irlcd Thnmai' Mectric Oil. Used a M-cent bottle of Mils medicine and iret out in enevveek. I'er titirns and sprains It Is excellent," .las, Dur iBin, litst l'einhreke, N. Y. Sold In Ijtncaster ly V. T. Hech, 1J7 nnd 139 North Queen street. Kpeeli. TliA tlMltahllW! fttn 1,, 1lii.in.liin nn.l n.itn- fiil sickness te robust health marks an cecli In inc. mu ui inu luuiviuuni. eucu u reinarKaeie pvent is treasured in uie memory nnd tlie .geuey wuereuy me kwhi ueuiiii nits eeen nt- uneu is uniieiuiij un.iwru. m-iife it is tnaise uch Is heanl In praise or l-.leetile Hitlers. Se ni.. Vul dim nun f lielr r.tvtitnitlmi t.i ltultli 'i thn use of the (Irent Alteratlvuand Tnnlr. if ouare troubleil with any disease of lildnejM, ,lver or Hleniaeh. of long or short standing, en will surely nnd relief by useef Klectrln Uli- Rr Kihl nt f.Ki mill (1 ier hottle at V. T. Hech's Drug Hlere. IJ7 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. " (1 A Werd olCitutleii. Railroad men. mechanics, commercial trav elers, base balllsts. farmers nnd ethers who f labor outef doers, are peculiarly llable toaccl teaccl lent nnd Injury. Themut' JXIcelrie Oil for bruises, burna, bites nnd sprains Is oucef tlie finest applications vet devised. Held InLum-us-ter by V. T. Hech, 137 und IS) North Queen street. Tlmlr BiiKlneKii IIoeiiiiiik. Probably no one tlilntr Ins enustdsuchit gen eral rcvlvnlef trade ui. 11. It. rc-elmm s lim Were as their glv lug awey te tlielr customers of ru iiiiiuy irr inui uuttiesei iir. King s .ew ins ins cevery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In tills very valuable urtiile from ihe fact that it aln a) scares and never ilis.ipiielnt Conchi, Colds, Asthma, Ureuchltls, Croup, and mi iiiii.lL ii.i, tnti u,v.u-vnifiiif-i.iy cured. J ou Heuenty the Hest I'elluy. In ndvertlslns a medlrine it la best tn li lir.n. est; deception will never de; tli people won't staud It. Let the truth the known that Ilunleck lllaeil Bitter euro scrofula, and all erupilousef me stun. m uivu mu is mjiii rirrvit nere ny IrugglsU. Sold lu lnicastcr by W.T. Ilecb. 137 und 13V North tiuveu street. can tesi iv ucui uu iur ujKt-tiinga trial botlie free, large-slie II. hvery bottle wnrrauted at II. 11. Cochran's Drug Hteru, 137 and 1JU North Queen street, Incaster, l'a. vii m r TjfcV . m&'.ii4jiL4ci r4ftftaiwfe iyf i; TTOOD-8 8 AJWAFAR1LLA. Summer Weakness It quickly oTerreme by the toning, retiring, and bleed purifying qualities of Heed' Sarsa parllla. This popular medicine drives off that tired feeling and enret tick headache, dyspep sia, scrofula, and all humors. Thousands tes tify that Heed's Barsaparllla " makes the weak strong." ,-,.- I suffered a great while with dyspepsia, and tried a geed many remedies. A friend urged me te try Heed's Sursaparllla, and I have new taken two bottles. It hat entirely cured me of dyspepsia and a scrofulous affection bat alto en tirely disappeared, lean hardly find words te express my hUh appreciation or Uoed't Harsa parilla." Allck it. Melhelx, City Hettl. Lancaster, l'a. N. B. If you decide te take Heed's Sartapa illla, de net be Induced te bay any ether, " Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggists. II ; six for 13. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Matt. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAK i M CLANK'S LIVEH FILLS. THE GENUINE DK.C, McLAlSrE'S -CELEBHATEB- LIVER PILLS! Intemperance a Disease Whenthc celebrated Dr. Rush declared that drunkcimess was a disease, he enunciated a truth which the experience and observation of medical men It every day confirming. The many apparently Insane excesses of these, who Indulge In the use or spirituous liquors may thus be accounted rar. The true cause or con duct, which Is taken for Infatuation, Is very Irequently a diseased state or the Liver. Ne or gan in the huiiinti stem when demnged, pro duces a mere frlphtful catalogue of diseases And If, Instead of applying remedies te the manifestations of the disease, as Is tee often the case physician's would prescribe with n view te the original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases 1 ndticed by a deranged state or the Liver. Tliree-reurths of the diseases enumer ated under tlie head of Consumption linvethclr seat In a diseased Liver. The genuine Dr. C. McLann's Liver Fills, prepared by Fleming lires., Fittsburg, Fu., are n sure cure. Mr. Jonathan Ileiighiunn, of West Union, Park Ce., Illinois, writes te the proprietors, Fleming Jlrntucrs, or Pittsburg, Fa., thut he had sulfered from a severe and protracted attack el rover nnd ague, nnd vi as completely restored te heallhllby the use or the genunla Dr. C. McJ Lane's Liver Fills alone. These Fills unques tionably possess great properties, nnd can be taken with decldctUid vantage rer many diseases requiring Invigorating remedies, but the Liver Fills stand pre-eminent as the means of restor ing a disorganized liver te healthy action; hence the great celebrity they have attained. Insist en having the genuine Dr. C. McLnne't Liver Fills, prrpared by Fleming Ures., Fitts burg, Fa. 'All druggists keep them. Price 25 cents a box. (2) TTUMPIIIIEY'8 DIl. MUHPHREY'8 8PECIFICH are sclcntl cally and carefully prepared prescriptions; used rer many years In private practice with success and for ever thlrtv years uscd'by the people. Every slngle Specific Is a special euro rer the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are in faci and deed Iho SOVEREIGN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. MSTOKIMUJJCU'AI. NOS. CUKES. l'KICKS 1. FKVKK8, Congestion, Inflammation .25 2. WORMS,' Werm Fever, Werm Celic .25 3. CRYINO COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .25 4. DIARRIUKA, of Children or Adults 23 5. DYSENTERY, drlplng, Hllleus Celic 25 . CHOLERA MORBUS, Vomiting 25 7. COIKJUS, Celd, Krencliltts 25 8. NF.URALUI A, Toothache. Fnceache ... .25 I). HEADACHE, Hick Headache, Vertigo... .25 10. DYHPKl'SIA, Ullleus hteniach .25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .25 12. WHITES, tee FrernsB Periods 25 II. CItOUl', Cough, Dtnicult Iircnthlng.. 25 U. HALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, Eruptions... .25 15. RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic I'alns .25 16. FEVER nud AUUE, Chills, Malaria. 50 17. PILES.llltnder Illeedlng 50 10. CATARRH, Inlluenzn, Celd In the Head, .50 20. WHOOPINIJC'OUGH. Violent Coughs... .50 21. GENERAL DEBILlTY.l'hyhlcal Weak ness M .50 27. KIDNEY DISEASE .50 2S. NERVOUS DEBILITY 41.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS. Wetting lied, .50 32. DISEASES OF" THE HEART, Falplte- tien 41.00 Held by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt efprlce. Dit. HuMriiKKV'.s Manual (Ut pages) richly bound In cloth and geld, mailed free. H mi mi itKYS' Medicine Ce.. ih)t ulten suN. Y Fer sale by Gee. W, Hull, druggist, West King stieet, Lancaster, I'u. (2) SPECIFICS. Tu.Tli.Sd-w 1 RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tiirc Uhkat Enulihic Rkhkiiy. An unmil lng cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotcney and nil Diseases that fellow as a so se so quetice of Seir-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassltnde, Fain In the Rack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Jr Fer particulars In cur pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. 3- '1 he Spocltle Medlclne Is sold by all drug gists at 81 perpuckageerslx packages for S3, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THEGRAY MEDICINE CO., Uutlale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Sold In Lancaster. I'u., by W.T. Ilecn. mar3-lyd YV lJNDEVELOFED FART'S Of the Human IJedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no ev Idence of humbug about this. On the contrary, tlie ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan St., Iluflale, N. V. Iteilv Iblede Ktr. fil-lydiw fTlEETUINa BYRUF. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAURNEY'S TEETHING HYRUF. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorphtamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Uewelsnnd Promote Difficult Teething. Preixtrtxt by DIIS.D.FAH NEVA HON, Hagentewn, Md. FnigglsU sell It; S3 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, laul-lvdeed&w DRUNKENNESS. LIQUOR HAUIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. JIU. HAINT.S' GOLDEN" SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of cofleeor tce, or In articles or reed, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary ; It la absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and sieedy cure, whether the patient Is a modernte drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It eperatts se quietly nnd with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, find ere he Is aware, hlscomplcte reformation Is etlected. 48 page book of particulars free. CHAH. A. I.6CHER. Druggist, Ne. 0 lJist King HU, Lancaster, l'a. ocUM-eed-TThAS Itcfriocvatero. "TTfelUlECHKlVH. Lew Prices ON JfAXD AND MACUIXE4EWI2D We Guarantee te Have Ymi 12.00 te 110.30 en Each Set. ,..iC0LIjA,l'S' KLY NKT. WHIIV, AHKTObKKOUU "DAISY" ROAD WAGON ANU ROAD CARTS. AT SPRECHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO.SIKAbTKINUHT. aprl7-tfdru,ThiS - i -tr'' TEM jjkmAwrm DAib m -wwg'- 1,. , . .,1 ,t "I " ' ' . "" .',.'' ' kt. B OOTBAMOSHOBSI MUST RESOLD 1AKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK, 600 PAIRS Slippers and Oxford Ties, -AT- STACKHOUSE'S, AMD 30 EAST KINO STREET, AT Less Than Half Price. STACKH0USE, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STREET. c DTK SHAPES FOR L1TTLK FEET I BABIES' SHOES. Shoes te fit little rat ankles. Shoes te nt little slim feet. Hhees tn Black Leathers. Shoes la Colored Leathers. Shoes In Russet Leathers. Shoes soft, flexible, close fitting. Shoes ly latest correct shapes. Shoes common, medium, very fine. Shoes te suit mother's Idea of cheapness. Shoes te suit mother's fashionable Ideas. Shoes In Kid Leather nt Sic. Shoes at 30c, 4.'c, 50c, 7ec Shoes hlgher'gtades at higher prices. Shoes In great assortment. Bring the babe we ran nt It. We'll please the mother, tee. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. s UMMER SHOES! TENNIS OXFORDS! I have one of the Largest Line of Men's, La dles', Misses', Beys' und Youths' Tennis Ox fords lu the city. Men's Brown Checkered Tenuis Oxfords, e. Bey's " " " " lc. Ladles' " " " " 41c. Misses' " " " " !Jle. Youths' " " " 3c. Men's Second Grade Light Tennis Oxfords, (lOc. Hey's " " " " Kc. Ladles' " " " " &rc. Misses' " " " " 60c. Youths' " " " " 60e. Men's Best tirade latest Light Stripe Ox,, tl 00 Bey's ' " " " 95c. Ladles' " " " " U5c, Men's Best OradeTennls Bnls. In Light Check and Solid Brown, llfiO. I have also a Iirge Line of Men's, Bey's, La dles' and Misses' Canvas Tennis Oxfenls, with Rubber Seles, having Leather Seles betvveeu the Rubber Seles and Insoles, at II 00, fl 25, 1 1 W and 12 00. See Large Display in East Window. The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 A 5 EAST KINU STREET, I.ANCA8TER, FA. S-Slere Closed Every Evening at (I o'clock ExccptMenday and Suturdny. gtUUUItCl tC0OVt0. S" JT. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. Ocean End Delaware Ave. New Open. JunelO-Umd JONAH WOOTTON.Jk. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. New, Modern, Klrst-Class, Complete. I'nclfie avenue, tietween New Yerk nnd Teiintssee avenues. Accommodate 200 npr3l-3md JOSEPH S. DAVIS. rpHFTeSBORNK. Cor, Arkansas nnd Pacific Avcs., ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. New Heuse. Modern Improvements. ElevaJ ter, Electric Bells. Terms moderate. JunC'-Sind , MRS. H.OSBORNE. rplIE MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Enlarged ! - Remodeled I - Refurnished t Brepliv's Orchestra from June te October. Klncly appointed Cale uud Billiard Roem. Coaches te and from depots and te beach dur lun bathing hours, Opeuall the Year. JuneH-'Jmd CHARLES MlOLADE. yyTLANTIC CITY HOTEL CHETWOODE I'Hclllc Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic, City. New and First-Class. Steam Heat ; Call liells. Twe minutes wnlk from beach. f-LSO and R.OU per day. NOW OPEN. mlMmd MRS. ANNIE (JKURB. T HE CHALKONTL, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic City, New Jehset. SITUATED ON THE BEACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. myMmd E. ROBERTS A SONS. ST0!,1.'1'0. TRESPASSERS "and OU.N .Ll NERS All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass ou any or the lands or the Jernwall nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster bounties, whether Inclesed or uulnclesed, either rer the purpose or shoetlog or fishing, ss the law will be rigidly enforced against all tres passing en laid lands of the undersigned arte Ibis notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDW. C. FREEMAN, Attorney! for R. W. Uelsinan's Htln, 9 c HAKLBBBTAMM. BOSTON Net wishing te carry ever Goods we will offer , BIO BARGAINS IN KACE CAPS. BARGAINS IN ' WHITE DRESS O00D8. BAKGAINH IN MGIITAND DAnKCH ALLIES. BARGAINS IN BLACK LACE FLOUNCINGS A NETTS. BARGAINS IN BLACK Come and see the goods. cheaply they may be yours. CHARLES STAMM, North Queen Street. TyrETZaER A HAUUHMAN-. Metzflrer Sc Haughman. IWASH DRESS GOODS. OUTINO STRirES AND PLAIDS, DRESS GINGHAMS, PLAIN CHAMBRAY8, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODST INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED KLOUNCING8, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) T ARD A MCELROY. BARD & Net. 33 and 36 8euth Queen Street. WAHH DREB.SOOOD8-Mpeclnl Valiifwln India Llneni, Victeria Lawn, Plnld Mulln,Htln Bordered Iwnn. Embreldereil or Hemstitched Robes, Outing Cleth, Drru ainghanm. Plain or Plaid Heertuckcr. Figured Lnwni, 8e per yard; One let of fine nimllty Lhwiik, brown ground with white figures, never Held lens than lne ; only Ac per ard. Extra quality, fat black, Plaid Lawn only lc ; regular price, 35c. Challlrs only ec, nlceatylca and flne quality. Indigo lllue Calicoes In neat or large flguren, only lc. HOSIERY ladles' or Mcn'a lliw, 1, 2, 11,4 and K pairs for 2.V. ladles' and Children's Fast Black Hese, all sizes, 2 pairs for 26c. This particular brand Is perfectly fast, and Is Just as geed a black after being washed its when new. FLANNEL BH1RT8 Bargains in Deme t and Hummer Flannel HhlrU for melt at Sic, 0c, MX, 75c, 11, $1.25, etc f REMNANTS Rcmnunbi of fiOc Ingrain Cnrpetx, only 25e ; of 76e grade, enlyrUic ; suitable for Rugs sr DoerBleps. Heavy Olnghwn Remnants, 5c er yard. BUMMER UNDERWEAR Our prices low en Hummer Underwear for Ladles, Men and Chil dren. Ladles' from go up. BICYCLEB-The Premier Safety Illcycles, 7 different styles, from WH te 1200. Prices tesultany purse. Every wheel guaranteed for one year. The Unlversnl Premier at MS Is the best value ettered lu the United States, ball bearing te all parta,and rer easy running Is unequalled, BARD& Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Qneen Street. Ittcrcltaut -VTERCIIANT TAILORING. HAGER Sc MERCHANT TAILORING! (A CORRECT FIT GUARANTEED.) Taking Reductions Throughout Entire Above Department Command the Interest of Lata Buyers. Special Hliewing of Cheviot and Casslmere Suitings, All Weel, Excellent Styles, ntJIO, te order ; reduced from 120. Special Showing of All-Weel Cheviot Suitings attl.1 ; reduced from 119. Special Showing or English Cheviot and Worsted Uniting!, Stylish Effects, at $20, te order ( reduced from $23. $6.00 Trousers, te Order. Hecial Showing of Fine Worsted and CawlincreTreuserBlyles, usual price, MOO, Our $20 Suits, te Order. Stylish Bluck Wide Diagonal WelMedK, ler CeuU nnd Ve.U and Nobby All-Weel fltyles for TreiiwrK. Same combination of Style and Werth usually found elsewhere at $26. Nes. 25, 27, 29, 31 RHOKDS. -uby, garnet, onyx, pearl, -ere are gems te please your girl. J xidized and silver plain ; JO rt goods that will fill a train, J3 iamends, tee, and each a gem ; gj elect stock. Come, leek at them. K. Z. RH0ADS & SON, Fine Jewelry, Watches & Art Goods, NO. I WliST KINO STRIUri'. alu F U.N.N 11RENEMAN. Cut Prices te BABY CARRIAGES ! Our I ew Priced t 7.00 Carriages.. Our 1 w I'rlced IIujjd Carriages. Our I jiw Priced 12.00 Carriages IcellJcs,7.S0.,. Ice II . 8.&0 .,. ... ,. . Refrigerators, 112 Reirlgeraters.llllOO .....,. , iteirieravers, iio.ej Ji-All the ubove are Great Ilargalns and are FLIHIT A NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STORE. a Heavy Stock of Summer BAROA1NS IN CREAM DRESS GOODS. BARGAINS IN DRESS GINGHAMS. BARGAINS IN OUTING CLOTHS. BARGAINS IN FRENCH AND AMERICAN SATINBS. AND WHITE LACES. You'll be surprised, te see hew Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn ffiailoritte. BROTHER. West King Street. 1 !! m .J.I mL .-J-HJ gHlucciuace. CTacviancB, Reduce Stock 7 ..... .Reduced te t 5.00 ... .Reduced tot D.UU Reduced te 110.00 .Reduced tot O.U) Reluted tot 7.00 Rexluced te 110.00 .... Reduced tell XUJ .........Ueduce4 te 115.00 only elfered te reduce stock and make room. ST., LANCASTER, PA. 9v0ctvttm. THINK Of THE BAItOAtNH CLARKE IS OFKERINO. THINK"OF -IT I WecansellyeitngiMKl.Mlxe.1 Tea alls cents per pound. We can sell you a regular fO Cent Tea for 23 cen la per pound. We can sell )ou a regular (0 Cent Tea for 40 cents per pound. We can sell you n regular 75 Cent Ten for M centa per pound. rTcncnuicinoBenp, per cake.-lc. Bell A Ce. Buffalo Heep, 4c HenrletU hmp,4e. Octagon Seap, le. Heiitleld A Ce. Seap. VA epncld A Ce. Seap, SUc Qtircn lOrt slfp. milv'Ai. VVn.ltlnt. I,.,v. Toilet Seap, 100 size, enlySv. Wnslilng l'ew drr. SO. LaiiIx-h Artnp. .-. !l rnlr lv.,liln. OUUI KlectrlaHenprnr2.c Try Geld Dust Wishing rowiler,4rer2.V. s Twe pounds shredded Oals or Avenn rer 5e. Hlanderd sugars nnd Rest CetTeei at AT Samuel Clarke, Agt Ten, Ceflce and Grocery Stere, 13 A 14 Seuth Queen HI., Near Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. 4WTelcphone and lree Delivery. AT IIURSK'S. HAMS! HAMS! Magnelia, Swift, and the Davis Diamond Brand. Every Ham, guaninted. Ale, the California Ham. or short cut shoulder nt 10 cents n pound these nresmall Dtled lleef-nnd Ilolegua by the piece and chipped. Picnic Plates and Picnic Goods. VUi Sardines, Plcitlcd nnd Fresh Oysters, Hetted Ham, Tongue, Chicken, Renclcfs Chicken and Turkey, I'lrkles, Jnms, Sauces lu Small Hettles, Plcnle Mire Ketchup and Sar dines. BURSKL'S, NO. 17 KAST KINU STRfillT, LANCAHTER. PA. A T HEIST'S. WANTED T HELP! HELP! HELP! -AT- The people demand It. The world moves and we move with II. Thirty competent salevncn cannot begin tn cepn with the trade wn have. SEEING IH RELIEVING. Loek IntoeiirstoreronuiHaturdny. A regular beehive. And. hnlleve us, with all the trade we have, we will net Keep you waiting half se long as ether store will where only half the clerical ferce Is cmpliijcd. Our store Is check full of Krcsh Goods noth ing stale-things mnve tee raM. Wealwajsdld claim, de new, nnd alnays will, that welmvr the Largest Stere, Heaviest Steck: and Rest lx lx catien, 4WINTO-RAY.-M Ten-pound buckets Ne. I New Mackerel, $1 40. A let of New, Eul Kmnlly Mackerel, 10 lbs. te the bucket and 40 Mackerel te the bucket, at II. AlutefDrledUrernt lOennd I2'anlt. A lotef Summer llolegnanl lien 1). A let of line I'knle Hams at 10fl u m. A lotef llrcnkliu,t llaceuut 12(e u ft. MU dnrcu Eluest CnnniHl Tomntees you ever saw, :i Ter 25c. 21 half-clients or fiOe IllackTea, as iv drive, ntSVjath. tlne barrel of Irepared Coceauut at 18(in ft. A let or Plcnlii Platen, all sites. 60 barrels Fresh Water Crack ers, 4 lbs for 2S. CO kegs Ornnge Cider, Just the thing for cnmpiiieetlngs. l-onions are high, and this takes thn place mid contains no alco hol. Chase A Hnntiern'a Famous Itosteii CelTees, the largest liouse lu the world. We are their agents. Colleen uniformly roasted nud put up In fiO-lbalr-tlght cans while hoi, no nn te prevent the aroma from escaping The electric fans nealn In motion. Ne het weather with us. Sen Morning .Vck nnd ether dally pnpern. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALK AND RETAIL UROUKR, CORNER WEST KING AND I'RINCEHTH. Directly Opposite J. II. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and ' Next Doer te Serrel Herse Held. -Loek for the Dig Sign across the pave ment. 9ctuc(cv. rATCHIM, CLOCKS, Ete. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC., HOLD AND REPAIRED. Ne. IUX North Uueen St. WEBER'S, . T-WalchM Curefully Selected for Farmer and Railroaders. up24-lyd. TKWELER AND GRADUATE OlMICIAN. GILL! Jeweler and Graduate Optician. LAROEIT STOCK OF WATCHES. WATCHES OF ALL GRADES. CALENDARS. CHRONOGRAPHS, Etc. Examination of Eyes Free I Ne Dreps Used ! CHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WF-ST KINO hTRISKT, LANCASTER. PA. H ERR, JEWELER. HERR, Jeweler. IF YOU WANT A PAIR OF Geed Glasses, Properly Fitted, call en us. All special work done Ly a Graduate Optician. REMEMBER, That for FINE WATCH AND CLOCK WORK.nnd nil kinds of JEWEI.IIV REPAIR ING, vvecaii preinlkO jeu the licst results. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., COR. OF ORANGE. (Seul. UMRER AND COAL. J TOHACCOHIIOOKHANDCAHES. WI34T UN HARD WOODS. Wholesale mid Retail, by II. II. MAUI j;k t iu. li. li. MAitur m., 421 Water Street, liiicasler. Pa. u3-lyd -TOAUMGARDNKRS. UUMl'AN V. COAIilJEALERS. Ornctn Ne. 129 North QueenBtreet, and Ne. 684 North Prince street. YAiir North l'rluce Street, near Reading .uVs-tfd LANOAHTKK, PA. 3UUvtu'u T UT1IER S. KAUFKMAN, AITORNKY-AT-Iii W. Beeend Fleer Eshleinau La NerthDukaHUeel. ulldlng. Ne. 4S Vll-l)dJW iV. iiMt.i "W 'a 'WTaitclies ,A.w . yy. .,j;ywn .v gan GvaviltV 9ttti. i I3ENNHVLVANI A RAiLHOADSCRKO . In effect from iinr. ilFisasL rive at Philadelphia aa fellows I V- IWInmii.,,,. ... ..?? . I rf 1'lilladelpbU.I Faclllc Kipressf...- .. Way PanscngertM.. MalllralnvlaMUeyl Np.2MallTralnt.....! iirdp. m. iifi a. m. tJX) a. in. 741) a. tn. sln s mm . . mi a. ms ; via Columbia 8:00 n. m. Via Columbia wtm m. !! Hanover A ccem .."'.'.'.'.li IIMB K. SB '. ti.s;"'i rasi ijinef Frederick Accem...., Mucastrr Accem.., lAncasterAccem.., Harrlnhiirg Accem., Inillltntiln A,wfcn... nwa. m. via Columbia tws,aV' 2-J6P.BS.'' 12 22 i vm. m. vlaMUJey. Kit p. m. 4'44 p. tn. Kp, m. fcsep. m. Hnrrlsburg Expreiisl" :srr p iivru .xpreiuit,. L.nucaater Acce.......m. ... lfCATWARD. Hhlla. F.xpresst.... Fastl.liiet iZZZ Lancaster Acce .. liarrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Acmi..... Columbia Accjin Allnntln Rthm..i ti'ii S. Zr.i MO 5. aa.! - Ar.OeLtdli Leave Lancaster. 2:20 a. m. 4:43 a. m, eaj a. m 8:10 a. m, 8:Ma. ra. -00a.m. ll::i'. a. m, n-M p. m. a.v, p. m. S'OOp. m. 4:iSp.m. 8:U p. m. 8:40 p. m. 12:5.1 p. in. Arrtvs -;. raiHI K4ls." Hf .' tjeaahere Kipreaa;!!!"! :u p. mi ftstlSM&t iiiinuciiiinu Accem Sunday Mnll............ Day Eiprewt Harrlsburg Accem-.. Mall TTaliif..........., Frederick Accem..., Mp.m.U up. shu; tThe only Irnlns which run flailr. en Sunday the Mall train wnatrnnsby way af ...........,,,. la mill-. nj. 'J , R. WOOD, General Psenger JkwmvtvS . E. PUen.' General ManagSr. J. I CHAM. 1 li KUANON ft, LANCASTER JOINT LIMtt luuueuiu;, x Arrnngeinrnta of Iassenger Train en and aflat , nujuiAT, may li, ibw, vj ; , NORTHWARD. Ieie A.M. p.m. King Street, Lane 7.-O0 12:40 Lancaster...,..,, fan 12:60 Celuint,a.....,.... psii Manbelm....... 7:13 1:20 Curuwall -,& l;U Arrive at Snnday. r.u. . r. 5:26 6:33 a.tn 8.-01 tw Lebanon ......... Ml m :40l nuuillWAIIU, Leave a.m. p.m. Lebanon 7:12 12 :l Cornwall 7:71 12:41 Maaliclm;....... 7:5H lil Lancaster 8:27 1:IS Arrive at r. m 7:18 7.-2S t:18 (.-33 KlngHlrect, Ijinc, K:-VS 1:M Columbia 11.22 'iffl A. M. Wl fON, Hupt. IU A C B.M. NEKF,Supl.(i.R.lt. Railroad. 8:11 laVi tM MB 3 f.tt W; Mi fcltr S a., r.ufii 7: tm.4 8:10 . .3 8:40 .? ttu Ml THIL.DELPH1A A READING KAILKOA0J J HEADING A COLUMBIA DIVISION. fi ' en ana aner Humia v. J mm 2n. isn. irainai leave Ijtncaster (King street), as follews: 4 Fer Rending and Intermediate pelnU. wsai"l '?IW , -"" ' '"' " .". v Fer Philadelphia, week dayi, 7:40 a. m., IA4C.H ,; :4H p. m.; BnnAays! 3:5S p. tn. ' ' & & Fer New. Yerk via Philadelphia. mtk.4n.VE 7:ia. ni., 12.11V, 3:4Mp. in. Vf t6 . Fer New Yerk via Allentown, week danr" 12:10 p. ni. -i r & m. j Sunday, 8:5S p.m. i-., i ' r ur i inivuic, wcea; umjs, l.Km. ra., mm P. MU - Fer Lebanon, week days, 7.00 a. tn., p. in. t Hundar. 84B a. in.3: n. m. Fer Harrlsburg, week days, 7.-00 a, BL, I v:e n. in. i nunaar. s.-uft a. in. .,4 Fer Onarryvllle, week days, 0-20 a. aa DM. ' 7.55, 8.00 p. m. Sunday, 5:10 p. m. i TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. "ff Ieave Iteadlna'. week davs. 7:20. IIMaw mm.' &M p. m. Sunday, 7rJ0 a. m.: 3:10 p. m. f i . It Leave riiuaaeinhla. week days. 4:18. MktaVf m.. i'ftl n m. iji rf ".v-. ,-...." .... .. . . . tu. iieavRxnew rera via i via Ihlladelnhla.waab'aAaL Till a, in., ISM. p. m. 12:15 nlghL jV- l.ravfl New Yei irm ttla h. Ila.ni'rti a i i i a , vm. UK AUUWU nMb HV1- iMn. m.. taw p. in ;f.'. a Imive Allen town, week days, 6:47 a, se.; itl 1 f i. Leve I'etUvllle. week days. B.M a. iu. tm .- p. ' T Leave Lebanon, week days. 7:12 a. m- Vmm' 7llS p. m. : Sunday, 7:&S a. in.. S.45 p. m. V, licavn iiarrisuurg, wees: aays, (kgsa. M.1 day,.&0a.m. ,j. is H'larrj vine, wees, uays, e:ou, Haw a. mi M J Sunday, 7:10 a. m. T7 SK! niiiAnmnjar uivjeiuti. Vf Leave. Philadelphia. Chestnut ilnjat Wkstfl ' and Seuth street wharf. 7 1 Fer Atiantie city, week nan, Hin, tH, 10:4.1a. ni. and (Saturday only p. m.; AcxMniunotUUen, 8.00 r. m. anitTfeii A !trt ti in. Miititlntr i.tR ria rnm w ijiiiuiiiiij i iMit .'!. .W. IUW. H:.T0.400.U..U a. in.. AoeommodmUrm. imZ in.. 4:S0 p. in. -"r - Returning leave Atlantic City, depot aansM ;' Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Waakaajnu S 4.00, A. 10, 0:15 p. in. Accem modatlea, MtVNaV : ri'i..M i ,im. ,.ui n.u.,. v.w. luiu bu am. ABBmi in. And 4:'w n. ni. Hiiruurit- ft 00, rt.D0L:a0t 7 OU, HMfKtTfrm, SH' u w, I dalle n. in. ' TWal Itotalled lima UblM rjui bm ebLaJna ml HaiaiLVj A.A.MeLEOD, 0. G. HANCOCK. ;- Pre. A Gen'l M'gf ueuirasaTA , ntitp. NK KW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and Sei 4 -THE FINE NEW . LAMPS? -ATD XTF? t nnnns '4 ON SECOND FLOOR TnTin T. A TiTirvl1'ci TJiTilliTin U UUli XI. .Owl J1UAU O AJULlUXJlfts - nuniu vtuivr-p, DiruLiii. w iTntitiiit TfTmftT nmnmm yitotenvapit. Xj-VERY PERSON IS ANXIOUS TO HAVB' THEIR PICTURE. X.IL1.JM.M.J tllC AJdXaA0tf nri Is the Latest St) le of 'H- PHOTdfiRAPHS MADF. . . . ( Call and tce them, at ROTE'S, 50 N. Queen St.,: LANCASTER, FA., an7-6ind Next te I'oaUimee. .M ffiljiimwnvc. qriGH A MARTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wk are new ejienlng our Spring Importation of 0ueensware und will be prepared te supply our custemers: with the very best grade of ware at Lewest l'rlccx. llouKcvllrea receive especial attention. , HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. avvtniH'8 QTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLET,-i UAitivuvuci euiiuvAn, 10. 42, 43 A45 MARKET STREET. (Rear Of Uk yoatemcej, LANCASTER, FA. All the latest style lu Uuggtes, Family Car. rlages, Plneleus, Surreys, Cabriolet, Phaeton. Ii..nlrl.n,iillj TrntHnirWaumiB HlHtlOll Wnjrntia iiuCBOuum". Annwna ii iiauu,aM.M . hwm. Market Wagons, etc, new ready ter. the Spring xraii e, A tine Hue of Seceud-Hnud Werk. New Is the tlme le oiuer i r spring. Strictly rirsWcittsii work und nil work, fully guaranteed My price, are the lewext In the county for the aaiue quality of work. Give me a cull ami ex amine my work. ... Repulutliig and Repairing promptly at tended te and done lu ilrst-cluss mniuitr. On Mil of workmen especially employed (ur that iiurpete ,vivjfct!lte it&i I ! S3 R1 i $t-H m i '"J i 4il ss &'. V' ' r AT m 4.'UAtifai.lv..J..J.- , w . s. i .m - - t m. n.!-! .
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