Cl-wSf SmSrTSTSpSSxTWW' UNA J msaus. i.-rt'wajm 'i..1 rr, j-.iZf tirr ii r .J i GRESLT WEATHER. We'll away te the weed ter a day of delight, We'll colt the tweet flowers of Iho plain ; The tkie will be cloudless, the day will be bright, Fer Oreely predict It will rein. Vem lAe ration Courier. A RUSSIAN " HOJAIt" AHltttsrKD. A Queer lilt of Neble BrlcBrc Whose SwBlty Is Questioned. Count Theodere Itegal, of Klev, Huiwla, u arrested for rainiutr dlstn rlianus In ib.IUitier lieuas, Chicago, enWlneiay night. He save he ffliils rrem Kiev, Rural, in 1872, and worked aa a eJerk In various drug aterea. ue left Russia In onier te wed the ,WltV he new has with him, Adelanle 'Rosalie Van llergs of Doriren, Norway. She wm rich, owning a line of eteaiBshlps bat piled between Norway and the Wert ladles. The count was oer, and the jreung lady'a practical mother therefore apposed the marriage. They Hed te RuritmrUmi mirf wpm married and then eanwte Amerlua. Hamburger Brethers, 1 atterueya, of New verk. nw neiinet nun that Jeseph Paetekcwsky, count or Kiev, waa dead, nnd he (Mr. llegtd) was Hojar, Oniint de Ilegat, owner of estates consisting of 10,000 acres of blue-grata prairie, and heir te 200,000 rubles. This was apparently what upset the Ilus alan, for his disturbance in tbe Palmer house consisted of proclaiming In the cor cer cor ridersMich announcements ns "Hurrah 1 fm new a Bejnr, which beats my father's title by one point t I'm captain in the Royal Guard! I'll go back teHiiislaanil, a Hiisklti says of Fetor the Great, I'll teach all Europe hew te fight." After his arrest " the Bejar" aald that he Was a personal friend of Count Tolstoi. " My mether," he" said, "will rocclve her seu In reynl style. I will go te Washing ton II rat and moo President Harrison and ftromlse him oue of the finest bear skins be czar can find in his store rooms." Opinions diller te the count's sanity. He is highly educated and carries n geld medal earned at thq University of Heldelberg. Death or n Pearl. Vteia the Philadelphia Inquirer. One peculiarity of pearls is that, unlike ether precious gems, tlieyire liable te de cay. Occasloniillviiviiliiiiblepeiirl changes color, Heyms te be utt&eked with a deadly dlseaseand crumble- Inte dust. Such is reputed te have been the fate of tbe most inagnittceiit specimen evor known. It was found by an ignorant flsherman, who dis posed of It for an insignificant sum. Pas ding through Hiiecosslve hands, it finally becatne the proterty of a Ilusstan nior nier chant and feuiid a possessor who knew its immeiiHO valne and prized It accordingly. He kept it carefully in a secluded room of ids meguiflcent mansion, apart from all ethor of his treasures. It was the wonder and admira tion of favored friends who wero permitted te leek nl it. The merchant finally bocame involved in a political conspiracy and fled te Paris, taking Ills one great troastire with blin. He kept it hidden for a time, but at last consented te show it te some distin guished levers of precious stones. But when he opened the casket he fell back In dismay and staggered as though stricken with death. The gem had begun te change color. A fatal disease had attacked it. It seen wasaworthlesshoapof whlte pewder, and the ouce wealthy merchant was a pauper. The death of a pearl is caused by decomposition of the animal mumbrane which enters into its substance Supremely Delightful Te the emaciated and debilitated Invalid Is the sense of returning health and strength pro duced by Hestcttcr's Htemach flitters. When , that promoter of vigor Is tested by persons In feeble health, its restorative and vitalizing po tency seen evinces itself In Improved appetite, digestion aud nightly repose, the sole condi tions under which strength and nerve quietude Is vouchsafed te the human system. A gain In flesh of course ensues upon the restoration of digestion and assimilation. As surely as win ter fellows the full or the leaf, docs tllsca-e shadow the foots tcpsefdecllnlng sire ngth.when the premature decadence of vitality Is nut ar rested. Marasmus, consumption and ether wasting maladies are prompt te fasten upon ... a.......,.,..., ..,... disease, increierc, wwi this grand enabling tonic, which net only re news falllnc strength, but mitigate? andceun- terartsthe infirmities of age and these of the gentler sex. Ilheumatlsm, malaria liver and Kidney troubles yield te It. maySK7 A Cure for Constipation and Hlck-Head-nche. J)r.HlIasLane,whllc-ln the Itecky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with ether herbs, makes an easy and certain euro for constipation. It Is In the form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known ns J.nne's Family Medi cine. It will cure slck.headache in one night. Fer the bleed, liver and kidneys, and for clear ing up the complexion It does wonders. Drug gists sll it at 50 cents a package. (3) leek Here, Frleml, Are Yeu Sick f De you sutler from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Ullleusncss, Tired Feel ing, Fains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Lews of Power, or nny form of Consumption ? If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo raplexten, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. Floraplcxlen Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable, medicinal roots nnd herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies full. Valu able book, "Tilings Werth Knewing," sent Tree. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Wnrreu street, N. Y. nprl7-l-Uw yccil llattcgg, Holped Her Out. " Fer years have been n fcevere sutt'erer from Sitlnslntlicback. Tried various applications, ae oelr of Themas' Jklectric Oil entirely cured me. Cured elhersequnlly quick." Mrs. Ken ning, of Hth street, llutrult), wrete this. Held In Lancaster by W. T. llech, 1S7 uud IX) North Queen street. Hueklen's Arnica Salve. Tits Best Salvk m Uie world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Ithuum, Fer Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te give per per per foctsatlstactleu, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. llech, Drug gist, Ner. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lan caster, Fa. )une27-iyd The New Trluyole. This machine Is propelled by steam, and will carry two peeple twenty miles In an hour, It Is said. It Is quite tin Invention, but docs net compare, with Ilunleck Jlloeit Jlttlcra, which will carry the invalid along the read t health lebeatull. Held in Lancabter by v.T.;uecu, 137 and l.iil North Queen street. Epoch. The transition from long, llngcrlngau(pnln fill sickness te tebust health marks an epoch In the life of the Individual. Such a remarkable event Is treasured In the memory nnd the agency whereby the geed health has been at tained Is gratefully blessed. Hence it Is that se much is heard In pralse of Electric Bitters. He many reel they ewe their restoration te hlalth, te the use of the Great Alterative aud Tonic. If you nre troubled with liny disease of kldheys, Liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bit ters. Beld lit We and Jl per bottle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere. 137 uud 13S North Queen street, Lancaster. Fa. (1 A rieusatit Acknowledgment. " Had sour stomach and miserable appetite for months, nnd grew thin eery day. fused JIurdecK. Bleed UMert with the most niur cleus results; feel splendid." Mrs. Jeseph Jehnsen, I'lttsburg, lu bold in Lancaster by W, T. llech, 137 and 139Nerth Queen street. A Sufe Investment. Is one which Is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In ense or failure n return or Rurehnse price. On this safe plan you can buy em our advertised Druggist n bettle or Dr. King's New Discovery tat Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring idler lu every case, when used for nny olfaction of Threat, Lungs or Chest, such us Consumption, Inllammntlen of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleasant und ugrixnble te taste, iierTectly', anil can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles rree at W. T. Hoeh's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, 1'a. (1) Humbug: ! Inipouteru ! XIiIevch I The above are terms applied te the unreliable enddUhenest Thenuu' t.lKtrtc Oil for diphthe ria, catarrh, asthma. rheumutUni, nnd all aches, sprains nnd pains. Is net a thing of deception, buta pleasant and honest remedy. It Is hon estly put up, honestly sold, and does whnt Is claimed for It. Held In Lancaster by W. T. Hoeh 137 and 11!) North Queen street. Mothers! Mothers I I Met hern I I I Are you dlttuibed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If te, goat once and get a bottle efMltS. WINb LOW'B SOOTHING HYRUF. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There It net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at euee that It will regu late the bowels, and giver est te the mother, and reiici sua uvaii.ii w ma vuiiu, operating nice magic. It Is perfectly tare te uw In all cases aud pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United State. Held everywhere, ', cents a tr.inn, lunegsivd&w Try ury jer Irest for every iwekHi-n a.iM that Tired Feeling; Ten eaaaet always eM what nay be Iti caase. rwtihly.K assy be 4Ve te change of tetsen.eHtMte, tflMet pettrbtv te arrrwetk or eTerstndr, te Mental taterlnf , or nervous aliments. Bat there It no mistaking Its effect. Yeu knew yen feel" almost ttred te death" without strength te de anything) ambition-teems te be all gene, and In Its place tedllcrtnce te bow the world wags aa la Heed's Sarsaparilla. descrlbable languor and weakness. Ten have no appetite, de net care about feed, and only eat because it Is the hour for eating, or from force of baML Hilt mutt be stepped. Your condition must be changed at once, or llkeatblp drifting with the Inward tide, you TV III seen be dashed upon the rocks of Incurable disease and death. Itouse the torpid kidneys and liter, tone the digestive organs, create a aew appetite, purify and vitalize the Impure and tmggtth bleed, Makes the Weak Streng cure the headache, and overcome all tbe pros trating effect of That Tired Feeling, by taklug Heed's Sarsaparilla. It Is Just what you need, and te delay taking It Is unwise. "Since taking Heed's Parsapartlla that extreme tired feeling has gene, my appctlte relumed, and It has toned me np generally." Ci.aha W. rrjELrs, Shirley, Has. "My wife suffered from sick kcadaclie and neuralgia. After taking Heed's Sarsaparilla she was nmch relieved." W. B. Babb, Wilmington, O. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla SoldbyslldregitiU. fit slxfergS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apethecart3. Lewell. Mm. IOO Deses One Dellar I tj! WIFT SPECIFIC CO. Lingered Between Life and Death. Mrs. Uce. V. Hmoetc, a highly cultivated And estimable lady nl l'rcscett, Ark,, writes under date of April 2),'.c During the summer of lbST my eyes became Inllamed, and my sto mach nnd liver almost hopelessly disordered. Nothing Inte agreed with me. I toekchronlo dlarrhcea, nnd for home, tlra my life was de spaired of by my family. The leading physi cians of the country were consulted, and the medicines administered by them never did any permanent geed, and I lingered between Ilfe and death, the later being preferable te the agonies I was enduring. In May, I8S8, I be came disgusted with physicians and their medicines. I dropped them all, and depended solely en Hwlft's Specific (H.8. H.), a few bottles of which made me permanently well well from then until new." MADE HIS LIFE A BUItDEN. I have had scrofula until it made my life a burden. I was inexpressibly miserable, sick, weak, sleepless, nnd unhappy; desiring that the short time which seemed te have been allotted te me en this earth would hasten te an end. 1 tried doctors' treatment and medicine, and travel, but nene of thee did nny geed, for thelscrefUla gradually grew worse-. Onephysl! clan, who I traveled far te see, nnd te whom 1 paid H50, gave up the casans hepelesx. 1 then gaveiup nil ether medicines, and took only Swifts Specific (H. 8. H.) Four bottles of that medicine cured me, nnd for the past four years I have had as excellent health and I am ns free from disease us anybody living " Z. Nelsen, Fremont, Neh. Trcutte en Bleed and Hkln mulled (j) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. AY IJNDEVEIAH'ED l'AKTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Declened, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting ttdverilHC- ment long run In our paper. jii rHuy uj iii- qulrles we will say that ihnre Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, theud- vertlscrs are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may gel scaiea circulars giving nu imr- llculars. by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL, CO., 6 Swan St., llutfule, N Y.Datlu niede lite. ni-lyu4w "I RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ORAYS SPE0OT0 MEDICINE. TllR CI it eat Knei.isii Hf.medv. All unfail ing cure rer Seminal WcakncHs.Hpermaterrhca, Impetcney and nil Diseases that fellow us n se quence or Heir-Abuse ; ns Less or Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Fnln In the Back, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, aud many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption nud a Premature Grave. - Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we dcslre te send tree by mull te every one. B- The Specific Medicine Is sold by nil drug gists at II per package or six packnges for te, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by nddresslnp THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Butlale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow wrapper : the only genuine. Sold In l.ancaster. Fa., by W.T. I: , Hecil. mar3-lyd JcmelcvB. TEWELER AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL! JKWELEIl St QUA J) UA TE OPTICIAN. Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that Grew Tired, Eyes that are Dim, Eyes that Burn or Itch, come under this head uud should have immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free I Ne Dreps Used ! CHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10-WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. H AVE VOUR EXES EXAMINED I PROF. LITTLE, Graduate Optician, -WILL BE AT MY STORE AGA1N MAY Will te 21th. That we treat all correctable defects of vision and troubles of the eye for which lenses are worn, nud save you the OCULISTS examina tion fee. This Is a rnre opportunity te linve your eycn examined. Mnltu an engagement new and aeld waiting. Walter C. Herr, (JEWELER,) Ne. 101 N. Queen St. . . 1 -11 . . gcutiatrit. TMI.NATH0U8T, DENTIST. J J 2U CENTRE SQUARE. Filling Teeth and 1'alnless Kxtrac(lpn Hpe claltles. New Sets made, breKen ent-smeniud and remodeled. Teeth liuertetl without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naiherstls the ONLY Dentist lu this county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well us of Den tistry, an advantage that Is obvious. mar! PACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: DlltlUO, rOlt gteamnnd Hydraulic l'acklnj.Asbest Repe, Woven und Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Heard. Asliesti Cement, .Ulx-sle Hhtiithlng, Gum I'acklng.Uum Rings for Water (iHUges, riuiuli.ige l'ucking, Heed's Patent A A iMhieH, Lined Hii-llenul l'le Cever, utJOIIN BEST'S, 8Si East Fulteu street. u7-tfd Every Ingredient employed In producing Reed's Sarsaparilla U strictly pure, and Is the best of Its kind It la posslble te buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, per. tonally examined, and only the best retained. Alt are ground in our own drag-milt, te that tram the time of porcbate satll the medicine It prepared, everything' Is carefully watched with a view te attaining the best result. Heed's Sartaparilia "Every spring I take from tbate te flve bottles of Heed's Sarsaparilla, because I knew It purines the bleed and thoroughly cleanses the system et all Impurities. That tired feeling will never visit the system that has been properly cared for by Heed's Sarsa parilla." W. H. Lawuejjce, Editor Agrlcul turat Epltemlst, Indianapolis, Ind. "It Is a pleasure te tell euch geed as Heed's ftarsapartlla ha proved te be." C. Bbewx, Milten, renn. Makes the Weak Streng "My daughter had an abscess en her neck for flve or six years, being all the tlme under care et physicians, without any pcrccptlble relief. Hoed'a Sarsaparilla was then recom mended te me for her, and It has entirely cured her." S. Tuoiirses, Hazclnoed, Pittsburgh, renn. " I highly recommend Heed's Sarsaparilla as the best remedy for sick headache. I ha e been telling this medicine e yours mid net ene bottle proved unsatisfactory." P. J, Fihck, Prick's, Duck Ce., renn. Beld by all druggists, ft) six for ft. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A. CO., Apothecaries . Lewell, Mass. IOO Deses One Dellar I 5U M ETZOER AiIIAUGJIMAN. lSrletzsrer 3c Haughman. IWASH DRESS GOODS. OUTING STUIPIV3 AND PliAlDS, . IJHKSS GINGHAMS, l'LAIN CIIAMItHAYS, SEEIISUCKEKS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIIMCS AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED Fl.OUNCINUS, ALL AT THE LOWEST ntlCES. y Metzger& Haughman Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE TnE COOPER HOUSE.) 13 ARD & MCELROY. Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, CAKl'inX Havlllir cut down our nreflln Carpets, In order te lnrrense our Miles, we have be plened tohae you cull, see and Judge for yourself. FEATHERS Headquarters rer the Best Feathers ul the lowest price In Lnncastcr. A lower grnde at COc. RUGS Smvrua Rugs at it bargain: St size at "3c,fl.Zslatltfl,f3sleatf2,flzeattZ&0, Cecpil RugK at 15c, .Vw and ftX1. OILCLOTH Fleer OH Cleth, the largest line, the best sensened, nnd the best goods for the money In the city, nil widths from te 2 ynrds wide. Table OH Cleth, feet wldeUKeper yard. SUiirundHhelf OH flelh. . WINDOW HHAUES Bargains In WlndewHhudes. A Mew number lnDudeatS7c. Shading by the yard In Paper. Helland mid OH. AUeHprlng Fixtures. WASH DRESS (i(M)UH The best llneoreiitlng Cleths lu the cllv. Dress Ginghams In elegant styles nU.U'c, 8c, 10c and 12Jc. ilen's Shirting ul5X;,,'!i0 and 8c. The best styles In panting for men nud ImukiiI thuprlceeer ellvred. NAVY BLUE CA LlCO-One Ce Navy Blue Calice nt OJe J never before sold for less than go One let of hklrtlng nt -IV ; reduced from iNic. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier Hafelv Blejclcs for ladles, men and children. Alseagenta for the Sweeting Cycle Ce., el I'lilliidelphla, l'.i., rer the Celebrated Rival Sureties. High Grade Cycles at cut prices. See tlieSISnud $." Coventry Illvnl Safety, ballbearing te parts. Beys' Rival Safety tit (eO. Sielt, eempaie It with nnyntS.Ki, and If nny difference In favor of the Rival. bard& Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. H RHOADS & SON. SILVER-MOUNTED -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM ? They Are Werthy of Your Clese Inspection We knew you will he Interested, as you will also be In the, STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. Have en nn thing Intricate, In Watch, Cleck or Musle Bex. that needs repairing? , Our skilled workmen can uinke the needed repairs. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Cufrlflcvntove. 3T LINN URENEMAN. is CHEAP ICE! TURN ANY nKI-'HIGCHATOlt WIM, ANSWKK. MUST UAVKTHB 66 KLHSKM." THK UKST AND ONLY I'KItKICCThY DHY MIX UKKItiaKItATOH IN TIIK MAHKKT. FLINlir & BRENElMiLXT, OltL'AT RUFItlOKItATOK AND WATEH COOLKH STOKE, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA Vavaoelo. TAKAS01.S AND UM11HELLAB ! Rese Bres. & Hartman, IIEAIMiUARTEltSFOIt "Umbrellas and Parasols. l'AUASOI.S! 1'AItASOI.S! l'AHA.SOIS! lu Great Varieties. Gleria ami I'ulen Hllk I'mlirtllas. I'mbrellas. All IClndsef I'inbicllas, Wagen Parasols Made te Order. A He Net aud Coach l'ur.i'wU, 00-Repalrlngund Itecnerlng Neatly Denettl AT THE MAKERS, R. B. & H.. 14 East King St. apr)2Sind' 80,000 FEfrr OF FIFE. FROM H Inch te ti Inch dlninclcr. for Mileut alew figure, and the only liouselu Iho city wlthaplpeftitlliii: mai-htiii-, cutting up te 0 Inch dlumitcr, at JOHN HU-JT S.XUEast I'm. ten street, m7-tfd Weak Women The mere teartMre aatare el the I tauli m rttMterS WOWWti MtS SCej sWSSWWtW WM men te these Bumereas Ills watch tprtag from lack of harmony In the tpten. Rervetjtaess, tick headache and ether altmeBtepteaHarte women cans great suffering. Reed's Bans ptrllla It admirably adapted ter sach eases. It gives great nerve, mental, bodily and diges tive strength, cares headache, tadtgeatten, and creates an appetite. " Fer nine years I wa In a state of constant lufterlng, scarcely able at any time te walk Heed's Sarsaparilla about the house, and part et the time unabls te be out et bed. By adtlee et local physi cians I went te Philadelphia for treatment, which gave me relief ter a time, bnt I wit seen worse again and gire up hope et ever getting well. The physician said 1 had a fibroid tumor. I began taking Heed's Barsa parllla and It geed effect was toen apparent. I began te Improve lu health, and continued taking the medicine till new I feel perfectly well, and can walk six or (even mile a day Makes the Weak Streng without feeling tired. I think Heed's Sarsa parilla Is Just the medicine for women and nnyone who has bad bleed." Jkmkik E. Smith, East Rread Tep, Pcnn. " I roust say need's Sarsaparilla Is the best medicine I ever used. Last spring I had no appetite, and the least work I did fatigued ma ever se much. I began te take Heed's Sarsa parilla, and seen I felt as If I could de a much In a day as I had formerly done In a week. My appctlte Is veracious." Mrs. M. V. IMyabd, Atlantic City, N. J, Setdbyalldrnggtst. fl ttxferSS. Prepared only by C.I. HOOD A CO., Apetheea.Us, Lewell, Mata. IOO Deses One Dellar 3oet0. & Mcelrey, Opposite FeunUta las. en our Heme-nindeRair. Incruln. Chain and Htalr sold mero than any season since we opened, would Opposite Fountain Inn gUltCCIUCU'V. LEATHER GOODS Consult HUT THIS KEASON YOU )ltotenvaplt0. K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Rust aud Three-quarter length Fhotegrapbt. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer U the Fustefflce. sn7Jimrt SUtecuctj. y I rHEIl S. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNftY-AT-L W. Seoe 11 Fleer Eshleman La North Diikemreet. ulldlng. Ne. 4 prit-lydw gev alc ev Stent. 1011 RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM ,1 011 2d Iloer, Ne. 12 WcslKlngstrvct; finest locution In th city for etllcu or Unlit buslm-M. Inquire or . W.W.AMOS, m2Mfd Allcr't Oallery, ( nHa. -neon AMD SHOES. piTT'pi OO TO STACKneUBE'S. ??1717, AND COMreRT GO TO JCJ III Hi Hi HTACKHOUSK'S. EEEE AND HAVINO GO TO STACKnOUSE. OUR ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR SPRING AND HUMMER BTYLE3 ARE NOW COMPLETE. M-The Frlret are " FOR purses, and the Stylet are your feet. EASE" te your FOR EASE " te D. P. STACKH0USE, 28 et 30 EAST KINO STREET, THE LEADER IN FINE H1IOEMAK1NG AND LOW FRICES. "IT ARQEST ASSORTMENT I Oxfords and Slippers. The largest Assortment of Ladlas. Misses', Children's and Inrnnta' Oxfords and Slippers In till city. This statement, te some people, may Mint t,i tin an Idls beast, bnt te our nuinv cus temers who have been buying their Oxfords and Slippers here for the past two teasent, knew hew trulhmt It Is, at then we had the Largest Stock nnd Assortment in the city, and this season we have added a great many of the Latest Styles. LARGEST AND FINEST DISPLAY IN THE CITY IN OUR WEST WINDOW. Ladies' Dnniela Patent Leather Tip Oxfords at tt&c, 75c, II 00, II 33 and upwards. Lndles' Dongola Plain Tee Oxfords at II 00, II 2, II 50, 00 nnd upwards. Ladles' Patent Leather Frent Oxfords at It 35, II 60, and 12 00. Ladles' Russet or Tan Oxfords with Tips and Plain Tees, 5c, 75c. II 00, II 25 and upwards. Indies' Kid Opera Sllppcn at 60c, 75c, II 00, US5.llBOandttOO. Ladles' Fine Headed Slippers, with Ruckles, Rows, Eta, II 35, II 80 and ti 00. Mlseet' Dongola and Russet, Tip and Plain Tee Oxferdt, at 75c, SOc, II 19 and upwards. Child's Dongola and Russet Oxfords at 00c, 75c, II 00,1125 and II 60. Infant's Dongola and Russet Oxferdt at Mc, 60c, 76c and fl 00. And ethers net mentioned. In fact we have everything front the cheapest te the best. J The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY 4 ECK.ERT) the Leader of Lew Prlcea In , BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. B A 6 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. M-Htere closed Every Evening at 6 o'clock Except Meuaay ana eaiurauy. flrttft. O IIR LEADING HATTERS. STRAW HATS, ALliHTVLKSI ALLFKICES! mw Our Stock is new Full and Complete and we have a hat that will please you. DUNLAP tc CO.'S Celebrated Hata AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All have made thslr appearance. Only place In the city where you can get them. Rest II 00;and 1200 STIFF FUR HATS ever thewn. BOY'S ANDCHILDREN'H Nobby Ooedt and URKN'S Nobby Ooedt and ally. Fancy utyiet a specialty, STAUFFttlT&CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. FA. mitiitn Ctcoevt. -1AMUR1 DOE-ATLANTIC CITY. WM. E. COCHRAN, Manager. Complete Hetel ; 100 bed-rooms ; ocean front : liest bathing grounds ; bread platzas ; elegant bullet. rny21-2md rplIEMINNEQUA, JL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Pacific Ave., between Arkansas aud Missouri Aves; central location; refurnished; under new management; everything tlrst-class. Write for circular. myllWmd C. A. UROWNE. OTEL BRUNSWICK, ATLANTIU CITY, N. J. New, Modern, First-Class, Cemplctii. Faclfle avenue, between New Yerk and Tennessee avenues, will open May 81. aprSUImd JOBEl'H B. DAVIH. A TLANTIC CITY. HOTEL CHiTWOODE l'acine Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New aud First-Class. Steam Heat; Call bells. Twe minutes walk rem beach. IVL60 and I3.0U lcruay. Opens June 1 tnl0-3md MRS. ANNIE GRUI1II. T HE CHALFONTE, THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC ClTT, NKW JEKSr.r, SITUATED ON THE RKACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. my2-md E. ROBERTS A HONS. Scflrtl tetice. I" T18TATE OF ELIZAHETII WEAVER, LATE It of Ijmcaster city, deceased. letters tesla. uientary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, till persons Indebted thereto are requested te muke Immediate payment, and Ihuic having claims or demanusagalnst the same, will nrckcnt them without delay for einu iinuersigiieu. WILLIAM WEAVER, Executer. Smith A Kkxnkiiv, Altternejs, mayv-tiiur HTAT i: 0"F FRANCIS IIRINKMAN, LATE of IjincaiU-r city, dceeaH-d. Ittirs ti-slnmentary en said (stale having been grant ed te the underslg'K'd, all erseus Indebted thereto are requested te muke lininedlate payment, uud these having claims erdemnnds aiealnst the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, resid ing lu the city of Lancaster. W.A. IIRINKMAN, Executer. Jehn E.Bnri)Kn. Attorney. apltmtdF &eaU I- UMIIKR AND COAL. J TUUACCOHIIOOKHANDCASEH. WEST. UN HARD WOODS. Wholesale aud ReUII. by B. B. MARTIN A CO., n3-lyd 424 Water Htreet, Luncaster, Fa. O AUMGARDNERH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. JKSStitSlElXS!?1 nw'. Ne' YAUiw-NertU Frlute, Blreet, near Reading Depot augU-Ud LANOAbTKR, FA. .thing F INE TAILORING. 1890 --SPRING.--8ge Fine Tailoring. The Largest aud Most Elegant Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES t New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also, announce the purchase of a Jeb let of English Hutting and Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we win tell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. -Cull early goods. te secure a bargain In these H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THEOrTY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dr-trd c LOTH1NG. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Men's, Beys' & Children's Clothing. Sprriitl Bnrgniiu Net Fer Sale Elsewhere. All-Weel Colored Chovlet Suits at M, V, 19. All-Weel Dlue or lllack Chovlet Stiitt at W, 17, W, 110. . All-Weel Casslmere Suits, IX&O, 17.60, VIM. Iluslness KulUt at ft, 5, 16. English Wlde-WaleCeat and Vest at MO, 17, , 110, 112. Indigo Illiie Flannel Suits, with two set of buttons, nt 15.50. 6, IS, 110. Heys' Light Colored Cheviot Suits at 13.75, I3.W,H,MA0,3, te. Beys' All-Weel Worsted Hulls at M.M.r.tH. Beys' All-Weel Casslmere HulUat ll,K,fl, H.W.OT. Children's Suits, II, 11.25, II JO. 12. All-Weel Chltdreu'i nulls at ilM. (2.75, H, II, K'ffl. Men's Fine Worsted or Casslniere I'anls at 12. 13, H, tv Mtu'a All-Weel Cheviot Pants, 11.87, 11.75, 12,, 13. 13.50. Men's Working Pants, 60c, 75c, BOc, 11. Reys' I'anls. 7Se, 00c, II, II 25, II 75. Children's l'ants, SOc, 25c. 35c. 75c, It. Mflltr Is a chauce for elg ant economy. L. Gansman & Bre.. Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Dey't and Chlldren'i Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 aad 01 KORTB QUEEK IT., .W.COBimerOBANCIB, LAMCAITIB, PA. -Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse lu the city. JVBe cautious nnd make no mistake te that you get te the rlaht place. 1 M1 ERBAHATHFOlf. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We've many attractions lu our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $15.00 te Almest Any Price' Bitch stylet as these are net offered anywhere In Ivincaster for the price. Much an assortment you'll find uowhere else. ELEGANT 8TLYES IN Men's Treusering .! I Mere tin J from II te Mere thnn you'll ram te leek nt. Prices range lis, we 11 ni you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST SING STREET LANCASTER." A. H AGER A UROI'IIER. Ready-Made CLOTHING! Our Own Manufacture. INTERESTING VALUES IN HEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'S SUITS. Excellent Canlmcre and Cheviot BulU at PW,H and t'J. Stylish All-Weel Plaid and Check Cheviot BulU nl 110. Union Cuiilmcre Sack Hulls a 1 8-J mid W. Stylish All-Weel Hiack Cheviot ult at 110. Fine Hair Cord Casslmere Hulls, Ail Weel, three shades of Cirey, at tl-'. Flne All-Weel Casslmere and Worsted Suits at 112. Nehby lllack Diagonal Cheviot Suits, Skele ton, Patch Pocket and ltpp Scams, at ILL Vcrv Stylish Light I'lald Cheviot Suits. Skel eton, Patch Pocket and Lapp Beams, at 111. Special Quality in lllack Worsted Hulls at 111. Finest lllack Walu Diagonal Coats and Vests, Stylish Trousers te match, at 119. CHILDREN'S SUITS. Nobby Styles iu Heys' Knee Pants Suits nl K, 12 V) und 12 75. Beys' Excellent Weel Cheviot Hulls at IS 2J, II aud II W. Beys' Stylish' All-Weel Chovel, Caulraere and Worsted SulU ut 3, W and te. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St,, LANCfr)l'ER,FA. Ili'i;il1liiriil HI umwmw Gvavtltvm' ttatfrr PENNSYLVANIA HAILROADRCHBB In effect from Ner. 10. 1MB. .iv- '! Trains i.kavb LAJtCAftriR and leaf aa uw 1 nnaqeipnia aa roiiewsi Lrmvts TLatvJT -.; ,. 'WESTWARD, Philadelphia. 1.4km. a. News Expressf... 1179 p. in. :.'! a. m. t:m a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8JSB.BB. .'. War I'Atnptiirer . t:w a. m ? MalltralnvlaMUeyf Na2MnllTralnt..... Nlagam Express.... Hanover Acceiii...... Fast Llnjt . via Columbia MBtvair ruiOn. In IQMtkV M 110 a. a -' via Columbia into a. m. via Columbia ana p. m. 7. , .111 C M "m. Frederick Accem..... jaucnstcr Aecem... lAhenater Acoem..., Harrlsburg-Accem. (ViHlint)la Arcem... iitnn. m. via ML Jey., InTsa. 1' t-SKn . K- km p. in. 4:41 p. m. 5.-21 p. m. ;30p. in. SCZ : 7ra.'A1 Harrlsburg ExpretaJ 11. inn v! fSf Vm B. .l f. Lancaster Acce...... 60 p. m. I Ar.CeLMl J Leave Lancaster. 2:20 a. ra. 4:45 a. m. 8:20 a. m l:lils, ra, 8:65 a. is, M0 a. m. 11:35 a. m. 1M p. m. &55p. m. Siep. m. 4:45 p. m. 8:45 p. m. AltlT.. .t' . EASTWARD. Fhlla. Exprcsst...... FastLluel....J. Lancaster Aeee. Harrlsburg Express. Lancaster Accem... Columbia Aceein-... Atlantic. KxpreMf..... Beasbere Express. Fhtladelphla Accem. Sunday MalU...... Day RxprcMt...M...M Harrlsburg Accem.. Mall Train t. ...... Frederick Accem...... tAKt 4tf !l MliwBli; ,ws t F "" -r O I vis p. am ,, KV.,1T- fum.m.:i Mn siK4., wr.m:m 12:5.1 p'.tti, s:yi pm. 5i H. , tThe enlr trains which run dan v. On Sunday the Mall train wett runt by way1 uuiuiuuia enij inlr. J. K. Wt WOOD, Genera, Pastenter Atect. uV 5 I'UOH. General slanager. '? C1IA8.E. ... ....... . ....... .. ...Kil XJ RAILROAD. "v.r.v.v.."..",'""""" " " :J& ArrangemenU of Passenger Trains enaattaAtsT. NORTHWARD. IjMLVK A.M. r. M. 9. 1 King Street, Lane. 7:00 U:0 636 Lancaster 7.-07 1240 MB Columbia. 12-.S5 1:45 Manhelm. 7:13 1:20 COl Cornwall 7:50 I:M 6:26 Arrlve aL Lebanon Ml LH 6:40 HUUTHWAHI), unifv A. m. r. m. w. m. I,ebanen .7:12 12: 7:16 Oernwall .. . 7:27 12:41 1M Manhelm;. 7:M l:l tm Lancaster.,. .... . 8:27 1:48 8:18 Arrive at King Street, Lane, 8:35 1:55 835 Columbia V.-22 2.-02 A. M. WILHON, Sitpt. It. 4 C. RaUread. B. . NEFF. Supt. 0, R. IV TUILADELPUIA A READING RAILBOADB A '.T ttKAUlflU SLVLUnillA VlVltlVBi T; u miu mir nmiujr iu it loam ie,e ijnutvsiur iiwuk niit-vii. nm iwiiuwai Fer Renillmr anil Intermediate belnta. ' days, 7:40 a. m., 12:40, SM p. ra.; Sunday, 846 111., KDa p, m, Fer Fh llHrtelnhla, week dayt, 7:40 a. m., 3:4.1 p. m.; Sundays, J;W p. m, nays, ,twt p. m. ,-, Kernew verK via 11 7:40 a. m.. 12:35. 11:48 n. ill In Philadelphia, week Oaf, 8a4y.' fcu ml M7 MR, J TV 1 tm mm 4 8:18 Mti KB 604) t w ii-a Fer New Yerk via Allentown, "w'"Wt7i u:iu p. m. Fer Allentown, week dayt, 7:40 a. m., Ml eiji nunujij.wnp, iu, ,: Fer Fettavnie, week aayi, 7:40a. ., Km p. aa Bandar. 3:65 n. m. Fer Lebanon, week da; ' Lebanon, week dayt. 7:80 a. OL, HI ; Sunday, M a. m, 8:55 p. m. ' Harrlsbnrg, week dayt; 70 a. mu. 7) a.mrMI,gsl p. m. 1 iijr. rer &3T, n. m. t Hiinda v. 8:05 m m. Feruuarryvllle, week days. M0 a. K, 146 , 1 e, ami p. m. 1 eunaay, ki v p. hi, - Ttuuntt run ijAjMUAHiajs. ,i,.-;- Leave Reading, week dayt. 730, UtttM. mix Ij2i Plillulaitnhl. ,, rt 4.1B. laV" m., 4.-00 p. m. it ueave new xers via 1 niitiiiiipniaj tieea iff t Leave New Yerk via Allentown, weak 1 ciki a. m.( iasi p. in. yr" Lave Allentown, week dayt, 6:47 a.m.tW . p.m. !' n. m. Leave Lebanon, week dayt, 7:13 1 7:15 p. m. : Sunday, 7:65 a. m.. 8:45 P. m. -,j w ijeave iiarnsnurg, week aayi, eat a. aa, ; mmtf . Leave (tuarryvllle, week dayt, 80, U4Ba. gWtf 1:00 : Hunaay, 7:iu a. m. Ktf ATIiANTIU CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut aUeet'1 X aud south street wnarr. Fer Atlantle City, wesk dayt, M0 a. m. ana 4.-00 p. m.; Aoeemma 7: a. m. and 4:ae p. m. ; Bunaay, 6.-00 a, m., Aoeommodatlon, 8K a. Returning leave Atlantle City, dsnet'i AUantleand Arkansas Avenue. Weak4 Express 7::e a, m. ana 4 p. m. j mrklatlnn.8.-OSa.m. nnd 4:50 D. m. Hen Express, 4 p. in. Accommodation, 1M snu ss, p. in. DeUlled time tablet can be ebUlne all ofneea. A. A. Mnl.KOD. (3. G. MANC Vice ITes. A Gen'l M'gr. Ueel Faafr i Sanxp. H: EW LAMPS AND ART GrOODS.1 SV, Call MRT COODSffl U11 (HMiVllV aV t4VVH .".-' JohnLArneld'sBuilc NORTH QUEEN STREET. UMB1NG. QAS FITTING, AC Jonii P. Scliaum & Seil PLUMBING, 4! '& ' fr z:- LXld 8M' THE .,p NlLffl FINE Wi GAS SBft ' . 26 8QUTH QUEEN ST., Vf LANCASTER PA..Jfes QCIttttaumvc. -,M HIGH A MARTIN. 8 Ohina, 6BW m uiass,j -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- Wk are new opening our Spring Importation of Quccutware and will U5) prepared te supply our custemera with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heusestircs recelva esjieclal attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. &avvlaac OTANDAJID CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. UilJijriSiJtVLili x , u CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40.42.4345 MAlWCTRWKW.lHtjr of ViulnirirWl liAnilADlinilAt hv . ......,. .,,. ,.ia. Vnmllv nr'fS All me laiesi sij ra iu ..uj,,,,.-. ...--y.-j:'.--.-ir. rlages, Phietens, Surreys, Cabriolet, FhateM, B5cktird..TroUnKWagent.HUtlonW Market Wagons, etc., new iw -- "r- j ' "?".?' ii r u-.,.i.iitiit Werk. . Ne .; thhnefderr Hnriiig. 8UU, nrKias wera. "".- ,,Ti Juntv for Um "ZJSSSiiSZX of k. Give mi call 'and ;1 amine my work. . .. ...... .i -lj. iu iMiliilliig and iiepai""S i,'",i'"' .CTia .";?'. LSTi .inne In a nrst-clesii maimer. ()M?iJ wt oTwerkinco especially cmpleyiKj for IMI purpose, fci ' ri xu ' ." 4) 3f . ,: ret? it SiJ ," M WCS in jfi-SI ' fia ii -m m M ? m f?t srH I.M.. in tit. ,.i.i- . . r - n,,V4 ,v I14C UlltCf eiiU. vJjl siv: ,fei ?W.,.y aUMimA -, &&.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers