;i!ra-,i?:q25 STHWST r" A - . ;T. ... . 'A .'. ' TV" , . "'...: -" . .' . .',.? . 0B. jfBIDAY, MAY: 23, 1690. A"" LANCASTER DAILY INT ri i - ' aeaa y m 0tllt JtttcUtcncctr. s-u I 1 fi? AJtwww j. titmtm aw, : rBiitmiTirniUtN mLTI. Milan. ' BOMRT CLARK Peblliber. . " . IlTKLLtGKNCER.-Publthcd ma ast in the rear, but Bandar. Bcrved J2 eirricr In this city mid surrounding iMMil ! Ian Mfelk mlr H mall fltm dnl- ' i ! k rr In advance ! GO rent, month. l.i BUUT UrrELLlcTuMCER-One dollar and 5V' ftTcentnTcAr. lu advance. rOTICK TO BhBSORIBERS-neinlt by check c postefflee order, and where neither or ittMNa be' procured tend In a registered - letter. M Mi the Postefflon, as second cimii man V ADOkass, THK'ltKTSLLiaBMOBS, l$ft , Lancaster. Pa. LAH0A8TB,PA., May 23, 1890. SM ShellenHerger's Sentence. is- , Judge Yerkes rejected the appeal of JBUeutneerger'scquDBCl that he should temper justbze wlthtmercy, ana nn jfceanrj could sec uething in idttettdftnt's crimes calling for mercy i their punishment : that he had ceu- ptitied Ihem through many years, while e naa ueea an attorney iirnctisiiigr in iat court, audeven. nerlinns. while he jbed been the prosecuting nttorney of lib commonwealth, seeklnir the con- i 'rkmuatien and punishment of men no ',ere guilty than himself. Judira erkes - ncluded that, with the constant warn ing against crime presented te him, 1 had no excuse or palliation te WBfer' for falling Inte It himself. !;. All of which seems te be true ; and yet ? Mde nel think that the judge did well M impose upon the confessed nnil wpll- warned criminal the punishment of llfu ..imprisonment. We de net think that ; the law contemplated se heavy a pun- ' wbment for this class of ollenses, .though it may be visited upon n re- ..StAttefl mmmlitlnii nf them. I'- iiWe de net npprove Judco Ycrkes' P-utfacverlty, because we de net think that r.punisinueni sueuia iniiinte crime in wbruiallty. The judge desired le mark t" his sense of thehcinousnessef thoellunc ?Ulfad te make nn oxample of this f Ifjlioterlous Offender Hut he overshot the & .3?.lttttrlr In trlvltlrr ft tmiilcthtllt'tlt. U'lllldl SH.5gtherc Is fair reason te suspect as vlndlc- 'Uve nnd te condemn us brutal. TTe a man who has lived in W YaaB. .... ,1.1a ..... tins A ... I . . .t a . .. lUUIJf IIS I.III9 II1JIJ nun. AUJ IIUII niiii- Tfjnent is a severe punishment; and te olio ehwb.e has had such position and usplra- liens, imprisonment for life Is far.werne f yMJBU UVUIU. UUU Ul l-Ulll-J-tU JCH1D iii' ?srnnlrl hava Iran un in the lilirli wutpr E markef penalty se far meted out te this 'f:Nua eflenders: and Judge Ycrkes, when ijLyhe set out te make au examples of Bhel S.v 'lenrxirL'-er. vrlie hut voslerdnv w.ih r hIiIii. t" ."; .v " ;:r. -'::. '.t::-. t .. :: -. i.u( uguk ju ins wjiuiiiuuiiy iiiiu an Heli ervu ?$ut'si, in ins own unu every nouse neuse rthhbld, did what he could towards defeat- I'alnghls evu object and drowning the J memory of the convict's efleiues in sym- M&patby for him hi his overwhelming pun- nuuiuub auu luiLiiuuiiuiu, iiu llllHJ-i:il Vk"1 senteuce which every man's heusc telk him will net stand; long before s, half of the term has gene, Shellenberger ?will be nsrdencd. as he euclit te be. ? rVl.v A. , Ar.il fllllit.tliniin 1 . . !-.. .nn.l ,JFVe believe in the punishment of the 3aw, We bcllove that it should be made JUte and speedy; but we sec no seuse in imposing a ncavy seutenee ler aiirst ; aud we revolt against a llfe seu seu aeefera first conviction. The law i net contemplate it and reason docs isanctlnu it,euy mere than humanity zettBes It. This man, doubtless, had ny warnings and was a dellber- f-J :Me crimiuel: but he never lH'fern hid' been under accusation or sus sus 'feiclen. He steed hluh anion u his fel- llkWfl. wllOSA CflrplpgHllPfc nnrl btllnlrl. ' Stiv mVA l,l,n .,,,. ,,,u.. r.. 1.1. .LV Bj"'' I vnvniiiiijr iiji ill" ";10Censes. He seems te have been as , "..UIn !,-.-, 1 -.. ,..... jnBuiji juiuutw.1 iia no hiu (lujiuiar ill -Jimannersin.IIis fellows accepted him nt Igfhte own .rating and stamped his dress tut fipure geld. He had uet the callbre they .attributed te him or the money or the 4fia'paclty te earn It with which they Wilted him. He found that their TAavnr crnl'A him nnnnrhnittt. tnmil tin. I,. omeneyand he freely availed himself of Fj$It and took advautage of their cenfl- 'gdence. The crlme was his, but net all r. .VOtAi nlllf Tf II. t lii.tl luii.ii ...M,. .... KCftXr VVJ U UttU 1I1U1U VU1U Ssf'ttX.nil they would net have lest their Smeney. r febellenberger was a confidence mau, fe'iCjabeunds, who are sometimes punished' j-fuu ui.vuerge irec. lie is ei ute class .t;ef men who seized upon the American Sf'-yiJfe Insurance company in Phlladcl- ,'il)hia. te build UOOIl It. nthpr Mtiilclnr..u ; through which they could get Hies Inte "FzSlutu net and money Inte their coffers : &.tbeugb he Is net m guilty ns thev nor E.Whtt be worthy of life- hupriseument. Xtiikek " frn , 4,t he gave the Montgomery co.n.uWe.Sli unny cause te susct mat UWl fPuBjer; jKlli?,8. l8 "u PJ-'-'BJr'HAVANA jDreuguruaii.... pi- flCorH... - flCerH... - ;genery'8 avenging justfcTi. It does net KSf no te notify men that thev nre d nre dolts. jhtt makes them savage ; and when I S'Vteth strike in they tear the heart e their ut. l The Slaughter or Illrds. The JXtw Eta is moved te hilarious but staggering efforts towards brilliant Sja.'wit by luduigence in Inteluei:xci;u , literature. Wc rejoice te 11 nd our con- 'i-k. temnernrv In se uiiilnblu n mmui mui note that " the Jnmeut of the sparrow " & and the contemplation of sparrow pie, 5" wlilnli r...rt. ri...i-.!.:. ,A.i i.t . . fe "" 4..jUi bUUK UUUOICU 1114 KICUl- ! ut. lUllir.lU. II 1. ...... .. i ii.. ij ' ""...uwi.uu, 1IIKCI CUUUIIIUgVII II1C - ''sreuial inehrtnti. (n mi m.u.i,r .... n... ;laughter of native birds. Leng age -J5" miiuij iiiiiuH me INTELI.IOC.N'Cnit H" appeaiea, as new ut last B3P fira ls uui"fe'i te the mercy pSe- genne sex towards the birds ; but P'MWet all the inUttenceef iudiguuut nutti ,"fraUsts, or the published prete.ts of sln- FmIi0 aluilrera ei American birds, has riVlllW-ifrir u,.ur,.,, , 1,., : i,e(,.. ...i .. An ST" "" ' b-hj mill JllUIlglCU '.'imriuM iiiimi luin,i..l Til.... i.i..i ...ii Rblrd, oriole aud flicker, every variety 'Awh unuiaumnu eeauuiui jiiuninge, is iSfJlln demand for hat decoration bv women .n?.Hbe like te 1h llmlli'lif ti.ul.r.li. a. ii l. ..1 . . - ---- a"r .VUUVI-HHIIII.TI .nd who could net be persuaded te nor- Kfaenally conduct the. butchery they en- &$ having u hard time. The noisy 3i """ Bparrewuus ariven him from the tevvn and the men who butcher for ibn v-jgs milliners have followed him te the ceun- Br'Sirir 'l'li. u i.. . i ... L' "'is away ins ierest ;.home, and if he lights te slug upon seme y sJbttely tree, lhat song may ixs his last. Bi lUere is no " cruel snerlsiiinn" uri,. him for fun. Oh. no n, u,w.riu....... fciBkea strong winged birds whose swift 4" K" " luvm u cnance et lire. Thn t-lMMuesla of the helpless little bird Is mild- ed, gentle-voiced, sensitive woman. -. We have often marvelled nnd lamented ! siaie ei tuiugs, ana would new like rteaeetbcJYfil' AVa trvwlth iicfnnnl .. I' , atop te It, Meanwhile us sparrow pie ap- jr-wnvnioineiuucyorourcontempo-wy,hl attention is called te "bulletin 1 of the U. S. department of agriculture," Issued by Secretary J. M.Busk" This is a volume of four hundred pages de voted te " the English sparrow," and may be considered one of the most harmless works of the present admin istration. Frem this book ltvnppcars that Immense numbers of sparrows are sold In (he city markets as they hnvc been 111 Eure)! for centuries. Ill Phila delphia they pass for reed birds ; in the Albany market reports they are regu larly (moted at about a dollar a hundred. In $er(hncta Magatinc for Ju he Henri M. HUnley hns an article en Ills rose.uo of Etnln,ln which he expresses regrct that llie pachn did net pessess sumcletit inlluencn ever his troops te make thorn pllable te tlie laws of civilisatien nnd cotnpel tliein te rcspect the natives as fellow subjects. He says that the uuttves can net be taught that lliore are l)l(iilngi In civilization If they are permltled te be op pressed and treated as unworthy of con sideration as luiinun beings te be despoiled and enslnvcd at the will of the soldiery. He insists that the luibltef rpgnrdlnglhe unthe as nothing better than pagan slaves must be utterly suppressed before any somblance of civilization can be seen out eut out sldeofa military HCltloinenU When the sup plies of the troops are paid for thn ImIIiioiue of civilization will beceme Irreilstlblc, "and (he gospel even may bit Introduced." Enrfn Iibs been doscrlbeil n a lse and able ruler In Centra! Africa, gently leading barbarous peeple in the ways of civiliza tion, and teaching thorn corn and tobacco culture, but these remarks of! Stanley pic pic tnre him as loe wenk te control his own soldiers, who brutally loppressod the peer native. Kinlii hns again dlsappeared In llie wlhlcrncs without telling the world his side of the story of the fall of his ccpia ccpia terlal prnvlnce. It may be assumed that lib could uet make a very pleasmt tale of It. m 1'iilNcr. Grcoltet:, the second son of llie I'rlnee of AVulei, lias sailed te Jein the llrltlsli Xerth American lleet in ceinmand ofthe new gunboat Hush, a voiselofabout the slze of our llttle gunboat Petrel, built at Baltimore. The fuss that the British make ever the doings of a real lit e prince has a curious Interest for Americans, butsouietlmoH it is very wearisome anil tlie llunkeyUm displayed in the colonies Often surpasses the home product. Canada is new going wild ever the Duke aud Duchess of Cenuaught, who have rou reu dcsccudcd te travel home that way from India. All ofSlauley'K willlngi slnce bis reliirn that have se Ur been published display n rallgieuS fervor that Is quile Oorden-llke. He Is renstiiutly refurring te special prtivl prtivl prtivl donce, and In recording overy geed for fer for tuiie Is careful te make devout comments en the evidence of protection by a higher power. One story of (his kind Is particu larly striking. He tells bow tvheu hlx party as In deHperate straits bis men asked htm whether he could loinom leinom loinem bor anything worse In his llfe Stanley admitted that the present state of things beat his record for' hard times, and proceeded te speculate en llie probability of a mlraele ecrurrlug ler llielr bonellt. " Thoageofiiiiiaelcsls past, it Is said, but why should they be? Messs drew water from the rock of Horeb for llie thirsty Israelites. Oftvnter we have enough and te sjare. Klljah was fed by ravens at the brook Cherlth, but lliure Is net a raven In all this forest. Christ was ministered unto by angels. I wonder If any one will min ister unto us?" "Just then lliore was a sound as of a large bird whirring through the nlr. Llttle Handy, my fox lorrler, lifted up a feet and gazed Inquiringly; we turner! our heads te see, and thut second the blid dropped boneath the jaws of Handy, who snapped at the prize aud held It fast as In a vise of Iren. It was a line fat guinea fowl." It Is ovldeut, however, from the follow ing account of llie absorption of a donkey, that a slngle guinea fewldid net count for much In that camp. "Arums nnd aniema every day since June 28 were no lit feed for a dainty Zanzibar ass, thorcfeio te end his misery I shot him. The meat was as carefully shared as though It woie the llnest venison, for a wild nnd fHiulshcd mob threatened te defy discipline. When the meat was fairly served a free light took ploee evor the skin, the bones wero talten up and crushed, the hoofs tt era bulled for hours; tliore was nothing lea of my faith ful animal but the spilled bleed and hair; a pack of hyenas could net have inade a mere thorough disposal of It." A nu.Men has been wldely published that a party of illlbusters with the nuanclal support of an Kngltsh company, wero scheinlng te wrest Lewer California from Mexico and possibly te secure Its annexa tion te the United States. The company was supposed te be the Mexican Ijuid and Colonization company. Xew Yorkers jKisted In the operations of thai company rldicule the Idea of a body of capitalists of such high standing having anything" te de with rtllbusters. Waslilfgten dis patches say that Secretary lilih'tiehad secret Information of tin eateuiug trouble iuLower California home days age- and that Ardors have-i Mittothctieons ut Kan Mimmi or, while the cruiser sea with sealed eidurs - the coast of tlie peninsula The KIU' "'Iuk reads llke n sensation evolved - r.Hni - r.Hni the brain of sotne tiettspapcr man "ii mero euterprislng than truthful. ... A SI'AltltOW " KLLCIY." A little mottled meiuter, UUturbcd by anlch'Ctrle cur, Plew te n tt Iru anil ncttlcil her Upen the copper bar. Alust thu Hew bir last lly ; The mysiterleiu power nat fine. Ami jireparcd her for "Sparrow Pie" Ter blrd-cutcr J. 11. W. O. IN CHAINS l'tn'Y VliARS. Ucalli r An A nod lillet or Wentlurliil l'liysleul Sli-unulh. Jay Hill dled en Thursday near Char lotto, N. C. He was nearly 70 years of age. H had been au idiot from blrlh, but pos sessed physical strength of rare inuility. His physiiiue was superb with the excep tion of his head, which ttas be extremely Ill-shaped as te lve him mero the appear ance et a beast than a man. Kven tt hen a child he was often se vleleut that it ttas necessary te chain him te the lloer. Twe or three times be broke loose and lied te the weeds. During bis biief llbertv he was as violent as a t Iger and it was difficult te rocaptuie him. With the exception of a few days he re mained chained te the lloer In the sauie room for about fifty years. He had an Insatiate deslre for tearing te pieces any. thing that he could get, and at times it was Impossible te keep him clothed. He has been known te tear te pieces u solid stick of hickory weed tt lib nothing but his leetli and lingers. On several occasions differ ent members of the family narrowly es caped being killed by him. His douionla deuionla douienla cal yells could be heard mero than a mile distant. His father provided for him be be bo lero his death, leaving preperty enough te maintain a wretched llfe through all fiiose years. It w.is stipulated in the will that he should net be taken te au asylum and that he should be kept en the old home stead. The Girl Who Tenalit u I)uel. Malwa Schalskl, a Croatian girl of lt educated In Guatemala, but en a tUlt in Vienna, challenged Dr. Carl Heuder te tight a duel because he would uet apologize ter speaking lightly of ene of her friends. Her seconds, an artillery ofllcer and a, student, culled en Heuder te nrrange the duel, but he treated the matter with ridi cule, whereupon Miss Schalskl threatened tphersetthlpliiui In the public-streets. He thou accepted the challenge. A room ttas hired lnjhe suburbs, and it was settled that no ene should be present but the seconds and the medical men. The weapons chosen tvere swords, -and at the second encounter the girl wounded the doctor soterely, but notdungereusly.lu tlie side. lueduel was then declared ever uud Miss Scliatskl leR the reMN without deign ing n glance nt her bleeding opponent. The seconds doclare thst the girl was the most-expert fencer they bail ever seen. JCILTEU WIIILK PrtATlNG. Ufrhtntna- Kills Six, Dllads Fenr and Injures Twenty Worshiper. A terrlble visitation of Providence was Inflicted en the inhabitant of tlie village of St. Maiden, near Hiideslieliu, net far from Herlln. The result is that six persons are dead, twenty are Injured and tour are completely blind. The village church is a wreck and the people are in the depths of despair. That soctlen of the country has been visited recently by unusually sevnre hsll storms, which have done a great deal of damage, both te preperty and te crops. The residents, wild are a doeply ro re ro llgieus clax, assembled In the village church nn Thursday te pray for the cessa tion of the storms. While tltey wero In the midst of the most deveut appeals for divine roller from their troubles a thunder storm came up, and the mighty roll of Heaven's artillery completely drowned the pleading volcesof dlstrossed vlllagers. The storm grew in Intensity, and whlle the entire congregation wero kneeling in an earnest prayer for Its obateniont the church was struck by lightning, shivering the great reef Inte hundreds of pieces. Pour persons wero Instantly killed by llie Hash nnd the falling timber. Twenty per sons tvere mere or less seriously Injured. Pour ethers were mnde entirely blind. The frightened jioeplo beeaine nanle-stricken and uiade a wild rush for the doers. In llielr mad attempts te cscape two children were (rumpled te death. , i 1 1 . i Van Heutkm'h Cocea Pure, Helulile Eco nomical. f) Mark all the belles that (trace llmball, nioniluer brunette, fuil-reriiKMl or Mlnlil, And she, 3'eu'll find, tram-eeiid.i them nil, WlHwelrctli are the most pure and whlte Whose toilet uavrr knows the waul, Of the victorious HOZODONT. -'TliatMlatJeueslsii nice looking girl, Isn't he?" " Ym, anil she'd be the bells of tbs town If It wasn't for one tlilnt;." " What's that?" " Hhe lm catarrh se hml It Is unpleasant te tm near her. Mheliuu tried n dozen thtiiRsatnl netlilnir held tier. 1 am sorry, for t likelier. but (lint ilecin't make II any less dltnifrccftble for one te be around hrr." New If he line! med Dr. Hage'n Catarrh Km city, there would have bcu nothliiRef tlie kind said, for It will cure calnrrh fvery lime F,H4Tt ii Would Have Iteen Set Upen. Had net lluritack Jllnnd Ullteri been a remedy oriiuqiiullenalilo merit limy would have been set down upon by the public as tlieiinuds of medicine hate been when their wertlilensnes wrs dlscetered. Jlurtleck Jlleuil HUlrrn luive rceeltcil uiiiuestlened praises from llie sick, thus establishing (heir merit beyond dispute. Sold In Irfturastur by W. T. lluch, 1CT and i: North tineenmreel. ".- i What In II Ooed Fer- f 1't us tell you what Dr. Tliemns' Ktcclrta OI Is ceed for. It l dentil te rlieiuniitlMii and neu raicla. It will etiru a burn, bite, or pain, mid In equally keikI for sprains. Meld In Iincasler by V. T. HiK-li. 117 and 1,'iU North (lueen streeU M ILUONB OF ANIMALS. Ten Cannet See Them but Yeu May He Devoured lly Them ir Veu Are XetUu Venr (lunril. Jiit-rfa hail air. What Is "bad air 7" Ills air leaded with millions of minute animals loe small le be seen by the naked eye and et cry ene of them poisonous, hook at a sunbeam tvhere It comes streaming tlireiiKli your win dow and notice the millions of atoms of dust that It contains. Yeu de net sen this dust ox ex eeplits It Isniade visible In a sunbeam. Then think hew iii'iuy thousands of millions of smaller animals there must be In etery breath drawn Inte the I tin i and net one of which can descent Hut they must live, uud they de live upon that portion or the human body which they can net at. 'lids Is malaria. Is It any wonder that nearly every man and woman Is troubled with It 7 Is It net rather a wonder thut they are net troubled mere? llut what can be done? Kill the germs. Hew? Nothing se iiilckly and certainly does It ns,;jre whiskey. Nothing se certainly In jures ns liiiptue whiskey, ami no whiskey was ever known that Is se absolutely pure In every resiK'CL us unity's i-ure jiaiu j-foicsser iienry A. Melt, of New Yerk, declares It , Mr. Win. T. Cutter, Htate Chemist of Connecticut, unhesi tatingly asserts It ; all prominent scientists, dnaters, and professors who have tiitestlg.tled It, fully iigrceund are unqualified hi their com mendations. Any man or woman who feels tired, weak, exhausted despondent, with all the signs of malurlaamt malarial poison, should net delay and cannot de letter than te use, In the proper manner nnd wltti moderation, thirty's l'ura Mall Whiskey, lie careful In purchasing II, however, le secure the genuine, hike ethrr tatuubUi tilings It has Imitations, nudmaiiv dealers are dishonorable enough te try mid sell etlier and Injurious khi(!s. j0 nel be deceit ed but Insist upon having tlu genuine. ('.'J &tCU', OI10KM! H1I01WI Hince our lemetiil le our present location (eppp-jlte the I'nuiklln Heuse) our trade has In rreasist ttenderfiilly. This Is easily accounted for by the fact tliut our stock is fresli and clean, nnd our pities are as low us It Is possible tu maku them. Hhecs wcre neter soclieapesiit present. We can sell ou a Man's (lenulnii Kungaioe Congress or llitl for M'i'i, wlilcli will compure faterably with any shoe sold In the city lit a much higher peire, while our $1 Hun of Calf Wines can't be approached bt ether dealexs. We bate a nice, diessy hlioe ler men at SI. hut for JI.S1 you aim getabeuutv, ljiclles' Jtrlglit hotnrela Uiitten alll.'n, fj, si'j-i una $.1, A genuine llund WeltHliw ferSi7J. Thesa are all lliirguln. . wm. hTgast, ' ' NO. IS! NORTH OKEN 15T. 3-Oppeslte the Kninklln Keute. W&V B AllOAlNa IN 8H0s Head This Adtertlsemcnt If Yeu Want Bargains in Shoes! A Jeb het of Heys' Ijire and llutten Shoes at ,ee. het of Men's Ijicc nnil Iluttuu Dress Shoes, II UO; soineoftliesooro worth fJOO. Men's Heb Nails, 81 00. Clilldreii's Hprlng Heel llutteu Shoes, lUe.&Oc and ttic. het of ladles' Kid, Dongelu and IVbble HIuh's, 1 1 en. Children's Itubliers, 'JOe. Men's Huhbcr lloeN, Jl i5. lets of oilier getsts at Iteduced t'rlees. ,, Jehn Hiemenz Ne. 07 NOHTH 0.UKUN STMIKT, fcblG-tfilK JJinTKH THAN Tl'.A AND CtUTTUfreH Till: NKKVKb. Van Heuten's Cocea Al'l'KlIZlNU-KASIhY DltlESThl). ABkjourtlreccr for It, take no ether. (Wl) jpAHTKH'S hHThK hi VKK l'lhlA CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Headache and relleve nil tlie troubles Inch dent In a bilious slate of tlie system, such as DlMiue-s, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress arter hating, I'uln In the Hide, ,1c. While their inevl remarkable success has been shuwu In curing SICK. Headache, yet CAHTKH'H WTTIiK hIVKIt 1'JhhS ure equally valuable in Coustlimdeu, curing aud pretentlng this aiiuetlug com plaint, while tliey also correct till dlsonlerser tlic stomach, stluiulatii tlie liver and regulate the bowels. Kven If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who kiirter from this distressing complaint ; but fortunately their geixlness does net end here, nnd these who once try them will rind these little pills valuably In se many Ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after till kick head ls the bane of se many lite that here is where we make our treat beash Our pills cure It while ethers de net.! UAUTKIl'H hITThK hIVKIt PJhhS are very small and tery easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and donetgriiw or uurge, but b- their gentie ac tion please nil who use them. I.i vials at 25 cts : ntotertl. beldeverw here or sent by mull. OAHTHll MEDICINK CO., NKW YORK, Small PilL Small Dese. uugU-lydced Sinull Price, "Stnim1tc '. PlttLAtisr.PHlAi Friday, Msy . WW- Thlrjy-six shades of legal Lansdewnc in stock te-day. Nesr centre of the store. It isn't alone the sheerness and lightness of Linen Lawns that make se many women like them, nor yet the neat designs. There arc ether stuffs sheerer, lighter, prettier perhaps. But where is there anything cooler, crispcr or mere comfortable for the het weather dress ? As handsome as need be, tee. Here are stripes and spots and dots and leaf scatter ings and bits of flowers as well as designs ringy and thingy and solid colors. These shades : rink blue pink red Mian black brown White grounds with colored figures ; colored grounds with wliitc figures. 20, 25, 30, and 40c. Metdhwcst of centre, with Linens. A little time back we told you of mere than 3,000 dozens of 22-inch Bohemian Napkins. Gene .in a week or se. Here's another let. Just the same goods and just the same price $1.10 a clezen. (Southwest of centre. Linen Table Cevers at $1.25, lH yarcls square, knotted fringe all around. Five shades. A day or se should end them. Southwest uf centre. I have been having all my Shoes made te measure, but I've never had a better fit than these." A very particular man said it yesterday. He had just bought a pair of our ready made $7.50 French Calf Shoes. We don't knew of their equal anywhere else under $10. Val ues run the same way all through the Shee store. Market street front, west of Main Aisle. Every going geed thing in Traveling Bags and Grips and tourists' requisites. Picking out is nothing if you keep your need in mind. The right thing at the right price is right here. Vallsriln Oraln heather. 3.7i te J15; bel lows shape, Russet leather, (IS.'JTi. 10 te 18 Inch Grips In Alligator hcelhcr, SI Ut Vi.b', In drain heather, II 2,r) te JS.73. Cnbtii Hags, Alligator, (11 te ! 1 1.75; Grain iA'iither, SO te tv. Bele hejithcr Dress Hull Cases, a sires, W.'ii tejll.75. Telescope Ceses, leather bound edges, tM 109.1; leti'iier corners, uee 10 9;; iz 10 1 Indies. heather Dressing Cases, ntled, Rjc te 10; empty, 75c teS-LSS. Cellar and Cutr llexes, lu Hush, 91.75 te t-Miu : 0010 ja?aiuer, 91 10 j-i; eancy heathers, H te SS. That's just a suggestion. Northwest of centre. The turnout of Trunks is in the Basement. Everything for packing, parade or pleasure trips. llasement, north of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. (JEttvycte. G AlU'ETM ! UAIU'UTH CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets ASfECIAhTY Byemjft "Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANVAryrjCH TANDY STKAM DYEING WORKH Arc second lonnne In Pennsylvania for finish el work erull kinds. KeathersDj ed All Shades. Order will recelte prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO., NO. ISO SOUTH WATER STREKT, hAKCASTKIt, l'A, febl.V3md rpHK hAMOAHTKIt OAUl'KT HOUHK. S. St V. Headquarters KOR Awnings, Mattings, SHADES, CARPETS. 8. A V. ntlChS, RIGHT I'RICK-S. 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street sugSMyd jHeui. y EVAN'S ri.OUK. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Hakes a BIG Lear of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf or Bread. WWHATMORE DO YOUWAKTTO -rOUNU MEN AND I.ADII-H I ,L Te proto the preat success achieved by tiiu KEYhTONE 11USINIS COhhKUE 111 H months, t Islt the College and leek at our reels ler; besides, our course Is far superior and bet ter udtijttid te attain te a geed position. W. D. MOSSER, I'lin., 18 North Queen 8t2d fleer, huncester, J'a. tfd.tw CrOTH'K TO TRKm'ASHEIW AND OUN Ll NER8. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the sernwall nd Hieedwell estates In lbanen or hsacaster bounties, whether Inclesed or uulnclosed, either for the purpose of sheeting or nailing, as the law will be rigidly enforced nealutt all tres passlue en said lands or the undersigned arte this notice WM. COhEMAN KRKKM AN U. i'EKUY AhDKN, EDW. U FHKKMAN, AtWroeys for H, W, Oeleuuia'i Htlrs. KKUcllatttt 17KKCAHTIlsUM,IRONOR BRASS, MUHT erjtsavy, at short notice, go te JOHN nuili nn mm, r i Fulton street. SaT-tM. CARRY IN HTOOK-BE3T CHARCOAh, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble IteflBed Irea. uurden's Hlvct Iren, HI vets, Het nd CeM Heller Iren, Hteel, Hheet Iren S-1S te Ne. list JOHN 1IKHT-H. 3M East Fulton streeu m?-tfd TN.1ECTORH, HUE l.irrhK UIANT, HAN- JL cork Inspiraters and KleeUiin, Kbermnn Reller Feeder, IVnliertliy Inspector, American Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN llEMT'8. sa East Knl ('in street. m"-Ud -.t, nnnivnUTil. eviTinuinv t?. .lti MMyirjm ., 13. e.ii. nii ii. elnes. fremS toSOberse-nowcr. and Verll- cnl Engines from 2 te 40 borne-pet nnd Ihem at JOHff HEST'H, 831 street. er, you win East Fulton CJAWMIhIA HARK MlhIA COR MlhhH. ' MlhlA i Litlier Hellers. Tan I'sckers. Trlule Herse rowers. Milling and Mlnlnit Machinery, at JOHN ilEHTH, ilTl East Fulton street. iu7-lfd TJIOR IlOIhERS, ilOKIZONTAU TAHUIiAH, C Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, of any size or iiuwer, of the best material and workmanship, go te JOHN I1EST, SSi Kasl Ful- len sircei.. ineiw XflOR KOhTH, hAO HCREW8, MET SCREWS, I Hanaro and Hexagon Nuts, these goods In stock, at JOHN RESTS, 8S1 East Fulton street. 1117-tfd TTIOR l'RATT 4 CADY AHlHJiTOi DISC JD Valves, Jenkins Vnlvos.llress (Hobe Valves, Brass (late Valves, Iren Iledy Glebe Valves. lverHafcty Valves, l'ep Safety Veltes, Air Valves, Radiator Valves, I'nilt's Hwlnplng Cheek Veltes, Urass Check Val vesj-'oet Valves Angle Valves, call nt JOHN HhVTH, Jttl Ees Fulton Htrceh in7-tfd DUMPS, ROIhERS. MINING, CENTJUFU. jl gal nnd Steam Pitmns, el any capacity, at JOHN RESTS, .'U') East Fulton street, mT-lfd 1 71011 IlOlhERlUHE BRUSHES, STIhhSON 3 Pipe Wrenches.Plpe and Menkey Wrenclies combined, Files, oil Dim, clc, go te JOHN REST, !$H Dial Fulton street, m7-tfd RADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OH DE sten, can lie furnlsliedntreasenabte figures, by JOHN REST. 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-tfd "git Wee OR STEAM OAUGES, HIGH OR hOW Pressure, tvnter Gauge. Gauge cocks. 001I Wheels fir Wetuhtptl. nlnss Tuties. Whistles, Syphens for Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, water Gauce Columns. Cocks for SteamOasges.callen JOHN BEST, 333 East Fulton street. m'-trd OENCY FOR CAhhAHAN & COS CK c ment te take the place of Red head. In balk It makes lite times the quantity of red lead and I far superior In making steam Joints, packing man and hand hole plates en boilers. .Ve., Ac, Prlce 20 cents per pound, at JOHN REST'S, SB East Fulton street. m7-tfd T yen CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS. ROTH plain and reducing, up te 6-Inch diameter, Malleable Flttlnzs. Flan Flange Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, luee nupperis, Hangers, Fleer nnd Celling Plates, go te JOHN RESTS. .Til East Fulton street. m7-tfd TF YOU WANT A FIRST-ChASSPORTAIlhE I Engine and Reller, en t7heels, cheap, ns Ibe following prices shew: horsepower, SI75; S horse- pewerJW, ; 10 horse-power, J."73; 15 horse power, t87Ti! 3) horse-power, 81,175, call et JOHN REST'S, 3-rf East Fulton street. m7-trd CJTEAM HEAT 1STHECOMINGHEATFOR ij dwellings, churches, sclioel houses, etc., Iheugh successfully used ene hundred years age. When you contemplate a change call en JOHN Rr.ST, who will give you a satisfactory Jeb, at a fair price. m7-lld -17"HITi: COITON WASTE, COPPED BY V the pound, 10c; lu lets of 10 pounds or ever, Oc. All goods delivered te any part of the city Wee. Call en JOHN BUST, Ne. S33 East Fulton street. m7-td rpANKS FOR WATER.OIhS, ACID OR GAS JL of any sliapu or capacity, at fair prices, go le JOHN REST. 33.1 East Fulton strict, ni7-tfd f OhD IIHONZE, hlOUIDS AND SIZING X for steam work, nt JOHN BESTS, SCI Kast Fulton street. m7-tfd IF IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet anil Rib Cocks, I.evcr Cocks, Siting Joints, cull and get them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN I! ESI', 3.13 East Fulton street. m7-tfd DAKTICUhAH ATTENTION PAID TO nnd II Jledel Medel Making, Patterns, Draw lugs HI no Prints, irlces reasonable, nt JOHN tuiu iintn. ill, in ivtn 1 ciej. BESTS. 3.M East Fulton street. IU7-IIU 1 7IOR THE BEST HOT AIR FURNACE IN 7 Ihemnrket, go teJOUN REST, 333 East fc lilten street. ni7-trd 171 NEhETUEE STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2.30. Sired by Happy Medium, slre of 59 performers from 2:1 IK lei.W. Dam Topsy Teler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire of hulu, 2:U;, c.. 4c. Terms for Spring season or lbUO, J.V) rer a foal. Fer tabulated pedigree and ether Information, address DANlEh O. ENOhE, aprlZ-linOAtv Marietta. Pa. $100,000. IN BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR IN- VKSIORS, IN SU-tIS OF lietf, $'j, ym, ti.oeu te rjo.eoo. Bends (J ier cent. Interest, pnyable quarterly. Mortgages 6 jier cent, interest, payable half i early. Send or cull for full Information. JOHN H. MKTZhEH, Me u Duke St. Y'FieicT LTi-eInsurance at cesi see King's Insiiraiirc ami llrnl Estiilc Agency, Representing hlfe, Accident, Fire, Beiler, Plate Glass and Theft Insurance. Olllce-lOS EAST KING ST., Sd Fleer Frent. np'Js-lin A. T. SAh.IGER, Manager. rplIE hANCASTER TRUST COMPANY SOLICITS CURRENT ACCOUNTS, TIME DE POSITS AND TRUST ESTATES. Acts as Assignee, Executer, Guardian, Agen t etc. Rents Bexes lu Its Fire uud Burglar Proof Steel Vaults, Stores Valuables at moderate rates. Nes, 30 and 38 NORTH QUEEN Sl upl2-lmdeed T i;r EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE "SNAP" WATERPROOF COhhARS AND CUFFS. At EHISMAN'S. -1HOICE NECKWEAR 1 WlhhlAMSPORT. Wire Buckle Suspender, AT ERISMAN'S. OUhPHUR STONE JEWELRY I Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT ERISMAN'S. Ne. U West King Street. rruiE sit. aithTNA Narrow Gauge Railway tt ill be opened for the stiuier season en MONDAYMAY 5th This read extends from tlie entrance or the Park te the summit of the Seuth -Mountain (Gotcrner Dick), n distance ofabeut four miles. Its miniature trains connect ttltli all the regu lar passenger trains en tlie Cornwall A lA'bu lA'bu lien Railroad uirlt lug at the Park, and return ing from llie summit of the mountain lu lima te connect ttltli trains leaving the Park. Frem points en Penna. R. R. and Philadel phia Reading It. ll within 1U0 miles, tlie Irlp can be accomplished lu one day. It Is tlie NARROWEST GAUGE in Hie world, it Is the met PERFECT IN ITS CONSTRUC TION, It has ale the SIOSl' COMPLETE KQU1P.MKNT. Its engines nre perfect little models of the standard engines or llie first-clan, and Its cars are especially adapted te atterd mi unobstructed view of the magnificent scenery along the line. Steel Ralls, stone Ballast. It Is one or the features of Mt. Gretna Park, hie finest day report In Central Pennsylvania. Church and Scheel, Slllltury and Cltieorgunl Cltieergunl Cltieorgunl ratleu. Clubs and Tourist Parties can secure thscxcluhltoiiheer Mt. Gretna Park en nppll nppll catien te NEIl IRISH, iiUlmd Sup't C. L. Railroad, Ibiuien, Pe, QSracvvtc. AT BUHSK'S. A CARLOAD -OF- Wholesale and Retail, -AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING 8T, &lUUntvM ARQAINB Bargain;SaleThis Week -AT THIS M 13 East King St WE ARE SELLING Trimmed Hats & Bennets At Remarkably hew Price This "Week. Trimmed Hals at S2.00 ; worth J1.0C. Trimmed Hats at J2.50 ; worth $5.00. Trimmed Hals at (3.00; worth f.0O. Trimmed Hats at 13.50 ; worth 17.00. Trimmed Hats at Jt.00 ; worth M.00. Trimmed Hals at HO; worth 19.00. Trimmed Hals nt 15.00 ; worth 110.00. Them hats are all the very latest, Best Quality Straws and Laces. New Fresh Goods, nnd Just made. Ne old or shop-worn goods. Straw Shapes. SEvcry shape, every color and every quality of straw can always be found en our Hat Coun ters. We ptace en sale this week 60 dezsn China Milan Hats, In all shapes, nt 15c each. 75 dozen Swiss Stllau Hats at M", ISc and Wc each, every color nnd every shape; Small Hats or Large Hat. 60 dozen Flne Vandyke Straws, every new shape, at 43c each. 25 dozen Large Leghorn Flats at 4Sc each ; worth SI nt wholesale. 60 dozen Large Black Chip Flats at 73c each ; worth S1.25. 60 dozen Black Leghorn Flats at 87c each ; worth 1.60. Children's Hots, Trimmed and Untrlmmed, at prices fur below what yen have been In the habit of paying. Freneh Flowers. Fine Imported Flowers, In sprays nnd long wreaths, nt 10, 12, 15, 23, 37, 48, OJ, 73, 87 and 8e each, much less than what the goods cost te Impert, We wish te impress upon our patrons that we arc net offering any of last year's styles or any old or soiled goods as bargains. Our goods are all new und fresh, latest style and best qualities. Everything In the Millinery Line below ltegu. lar Price, AT THE BON TON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St., uir27-3mdSitF LANCASTER, PA. jmvnituvc. VCHS A GIBBS. The Geed Housekeeper WILL FIRSr SEE OUR ISIMEN8E STOCK OF PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, PARLOR, FURNITURE! And Get Our Extremely LOW PRICES for NEWSTYhES. "Ochs & Gibbs, (2d, 3d & 4th Fleer,) Ne. 31 SOUTH QUKEN81REKT. W IDM iERS CORNER. DO YOU WANT A PLUSH HOOKER ? Or A FLUSH TARLK ? Or AN INLAID TAUL1J ? Or A SIDKBOAHD WITH MIHROK? Or A BL'DROOM SUIT? Or AI'ARLORSUIT? Or ALI, OF THESIS COMMNKD? Or ANYTHING YOU EVER HEARD OF IN Til K LINE OF FURNITURE ? IF 1TOTJ DO, CALL AT WIDMYER'S, EAST KING AND DUKE STREETS, LANCASTER. IA. . HE" NITSU'S FURNITURE DEfOT. WIDE AWAKE Iluycrs desiring a combination of Highest Suallty of the Manufacturer's Art In nil the ewetl and Latest Designs and the Lewest Prices In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be awake te their own Interests and call upon us when their wants will be fully sup plied. We offer te-day a spleudld assortment of Par Par eor suits lu Tapestries mid Flushes at p:ctally hew Prices.; HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street. wm fv .?.nt O PBS KVERY KVENtMO. Fer Bargains, OO TO- P.C.SNYDER4BR0., Ne. 14 West King St. ETerytbiiigSeld At indBelewst, AS WE AHE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. mayMnid rTtflB PEOPLE'S CASH STORK, 25 EAST KINO STREET. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, at 5c, 75c, I1.I1.S0, tl.73, 2, 12.25 up te $1.50 per pair. Cream and Colored Scrim Curtain Material from 5e te 20c re r yard. One let Summer Silk reduced from 8Se and 76e te r One let Summer Silk reduced from (1 and (1.25 te thn uniform price or 75c per yard. One let Solid Colored Sllki, regular price, 76 and II, reduced te 50c and (15c All our 11 Colored Satlnes reduced te 05c. au uui ,uu iuiureu cHiuics reauceu te me. Full llnpsnr Whlte (Innriu In l.ln.n TV. tnNbl rhAplrn. Ktrlnns. Plntria Vli,!irj.rt jinri rAr Piques, etc, from fie te 50c per yard. q. FIeuncliiKS and Embroideries generally tn'all widths, from 2e te J2 per yard. Black Silk Lace Fleunclngs, Nets, Spanish, French and Escurlal Laces, In Cream and Black at all prices. s 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. marDO-lydR B OSTON STORE. BEST -AND- CHEAPEST! Black Henriettas, 37H, 50, 75c, tt te I2J50 a yard. Fancy Black Goods, S7Kc, 50c, 75c, 11 00. All-Weel Black Tanilse Cleth, 50 and 75c All-Weel Black Merine Conjure, 50c, 75c, II 00. 60-Inch Black Serges, 75c and tl 00. Black Cashmeres, 25c, 37c, GOe, 75c, tl 00. Black Alpaca Brill lantlne, 25c and 50c. Nun's Veiling, for vclli, 50c, 75c, tl 00, tl 25 a yard. Black All-Silk Surahs, 37f, 60c, 75c, 87fc. All-Silk Black Merle, 75c, 87c, tl 00, tl 25. 50-Inch Colored Serges, 75c nnd tl 00 a yard. Best Silk Finish Henriettas, 75c a yard. Colored Henriettas, 25, 37J, 50c a yard. Cream Henriettas, 25, 37, 50, 75c n yard.' Cream Cleths, 50e a yard. Pink and Blue Henriettas, 37c a yard. Black Silk Veltcts, 60c, 75c, tl te II 60 a yard. Black Drapery Notts, 60c, 75c, tl, tl 25, tl 50 Black Silk Lace Fleunclngs, 02JJc, 75c letl 50 a yard. Striped nnd Figured Sateens, lile n yard. Best FrsiKh Black aud White Sateen, 20e a jard. Best Celms Plain Sateeus, Lc a yard. THE HIGHEST QUALITY, Largest Stock AND Lewest Prices AT s, 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. TTENHJ" WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, bes removed te IM East King street, having full line of Furniture or every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Cull and examine our goods. aS-tfdU H. WOLF. Ue East KlugSUwt. People (ash Stere Charles mm - v jt ( T- "-; LSV4 ..jSjeiffe-li MfcCiy2ij ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers