v THE IiANOASTER DAILY INttEfcttGlSNOEB, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1890. BEAUTIFUL MAY. Tli day are longer, The heat crews stronger. I Imparting te life an added zest; wiin origin skies e cr ui, We rcuiote the porous Flatters again from tlie back and chest. The farmer knowing, 1Kb thnftnru thnwlllir. When urban dwellers den clothing thin And the flannel Bull's our, 1TL shlnirle nuts out I Announcing that boarders are ' taken In." The meadows gay are, UM.AM lha eltimtirm nf Mar are. I And the bullfrog creaks In the reedy beg, And under renees. tltl.u. . .( amal iIahbiI lal The policeman chain Ihe uuHcetwed aef . Though et I glewltiR. ItLfluaiHlli ItJaatAwlliir Where the feathered songsters their chorals hymn, - The small boys shiver Iran-, ufctnv "- They slowly peel far their first spring swim. Oh I May Is glorious When she's victorious. O'er blustering Boreas, and south winds blew, Sweet odors bringing, And the corn Is springing, lAnd the farmer lays for the thieving crew. from the notion Lvuner. A NAT1QXAL UNIVERSITY. l-tlr. Edmund-. Mill te Establish no In- Htltutten In Wnslilnnten. el....... t.Vt..i,1..t t.lll ltitrrwlnnA.1 nil outlaw. iMjiuuinin , .....-. w tA.i..A.l... tn ALlntillal. tlin ITtilffnmllv nf Ithe Unlteds'tates Intlieclty of Washington, prnviues uiai iv aunii uu juuiii. uj ""- Iporatlen and beard of rpgenta, composed of the president, members of the cabinet, nne ciiiei jusiine ui mu u ..... I a . ... ... .. ...... T twhnm ana iweive citizens, no " shall be appointed from the samp atnte. ri.AaA ...!.. niiin,iu -.hull hnul omce Inlne years, four te be elected oyery three years, ine purnose 01 hub u.i.--j I . .!... '. 1 ... .... a nAllreA nf n.1,1.. e insiiiiiie ami carry en i.uu.w . --n.. .i ........ ..it In nil nraiichca of h.. ... i.fniiliTailmi that shall. In Bhe opinion or the beard of regents. Trout Rime te tlnie, be most conducive te the ad- vanceinent anil te me increeiw unu u.wu(i ment or knowledno. The beard sunll ap ..i i. aiiimm ..film nnrnnratinn. astab- pish professorships and direct the ceurse 01 .IlSirUCUOIl. iYlllllvill.J ie B. w beard' et regents te secure wu uvmnniy .... .i .ti.lA r,a il.n nmiblriipllnn nf tlin KrUlllIU, UlUWUU UN .."- -. --- ---- I...ti,si...... ...i n iw ilm iviiiinniivAlinn ni klie professors and ethor ompleyos, for kVlllCU piirpOSO 1110 Ulll Biprui iwra vuww.vre. rhe bill also appropriates 5,00U,IWi te be AH...il.. unt ealiln lii llin trrtnnllrv of tiA TTr.iA.i kitntAu no tlia iirliiplnnl ami rer letual fund, the necessary part of the In some or whleli tuny be annually used for ,ne exponse ei me umversH.v. .." .ww lecianan uuiini or uecirmu nwh " mn" r promote 1 In the nniversily, but this '..nMnc.llln.. altnll lint t.nflftnmn.l Ifl tlXrllllln he study and loasldcratlen of Christian hoelogy. TMe bill was roierrou 10 a spuciui wu;i lominlttee of nine senators. Wlienen tlie HIjiIiSciih, Jn the rail, en n hteninbeat, nbnnrd a nMilng tmack, or yachting en the coast, Ilestctter's Htemuch Illltcrs will be round a rename means nf Bvcrtlnc and relieving nllincnts te which :ravcleri. mariners and emigrants are pecu- larly subject. Hea caphilns, ship doctors, voy vey lecrs or sojourners In tlie tropics, and all about encounter uuaecllmated, an unaccustomed ir" dancereus climate should net neglect te ivall themselves of this safeguard of well ns- ertalncd and lnng-trla menu uonsupaiieii, lilnmnnca lnnlni-l.il fnx it lllfllimttt Inn. fltPllx f Slllf i-S(i. et juttiisiitu iiiss( aiau K- - ! .. natlsinnnd allec! Ions of the bladder and klil- leys are nineng the nllincnts which 11 cniai ates, and It may be rrsnrlcd In net only with ienfldenceln Its remedial c.llcacy,butale!n t erfcct freedom from ecry ohjcctlenable In- Krcuieni, since u n ucriveu irem inu puir-nt nd most snlutarv fceiin-es. It counteracts the l-lfects of unwholcbeme foedaud water. inutesn A Siirlnir Medicine. J The druaglsts claim that people rail dally for he new cure for constipation and sick head- ichc, dlsceered by Dr. HUas Iane in tlie llecKy deuutalus. It Is said te be Oregon grape root a great remedy In the far West for these com- lalnts) combined Willi simple neres, una is nade for use by pouring en boning water 10 Iraw out the strength. It sells nt w cents a pack- ge and Is called Lime's Kiuully Medicine. (1) Loek Here, Friend, Are Yeu Sick f De veu suffer from Dyspepsia. Indigestion, lour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De illllv. Lest Appetite. Illlleusncss, Tired Feei ng, Tains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of 'ewcr, or any form of Consumption ? If se, go e your druggist and piirchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo apteiien, which will quickly restore you te eund physical health. I'loraplerlen Is a highly oncentratcd fluid exlract or the most. vaiuaDie nedlcliial roots and herbs known te science, nd cures where all ether remedies fall. Vain- bio bonk, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Vddress, l'ref. Kmnklln llarl, Warren street, . Y. nprl7-iyavtw gvcciitl Jteticce. Ilucklen's Arnica Snlve. Tub RkstSalvi: in the world for Cuts, Bruises ores, Ulcers, Ball uneum, i-ever oeres, iciier, iinniwii Hnnrts. iMillblulns. Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures l'iles, or ke pay requirea. n is guaranweu wsiieir. Mlsatlsiiicueu, or money riunueu. rnw a .. mr iinr. k'nr nale hv w. T. llech. DrUL'- ITst. Nes. 137 and l North Queen street, lu- iaster, Pa. une27-iyd A Yelllnir lluby H seuiethliig te be itreldeil. llabies u It li colds, tallies Willi croup, u.iuieH wiin hcuhis, uuum, .It... ..tin. Ul.riklltu Ot Itllllltt lirA lulllllll tfllirW eiim! iieIkv tenants of the household. Dr. Tliehuii' JXlrctrlc uil will euro an mn-eceiii-dalnts. Sold III Ijineuster by W. T. llech, 1J7 ind 13U North Umen street. Yeu Can Ilonend On it. Korfccvere toethuche uud neuralgia of the Iiead I usetl Themus' tXieetrle Oil. This Is cer alnly the bst tlilug I ever knew of for relief of lalnefnny kind. The house is ueer without It." Airs. A. ai. I'rana. 11 iuper sireei, mm mm le, N. V. Sold In Lancaster by W. T. llech J7and IS) North Queen street. Tlie New Discovery. Yeu have heard your friends and neighbors niLriiimibniit II. Yeu iiiav yourself be une of Tin imiiiv who knew from Dcrsenal exiierlenec lust hew geed a thing It Is. If you lmeeer tried it, you are one ei lis siuuucii iriciius, lh- I'ause uie weiKicriui mint; miuui n 11, iiuii lien once given n inai, xir. tvinuaiuw m ivurv nap nfier hnlds a nlaee In the house. If teu have uever used It and should be altllcted vltn aceugu, com ur nny uireui, kuiii or r-hit, trouble, secure a bottle at euce and iclve I'ta fair trlul. His guaranteed every time, or neuey refunded. Trial Uettles Free at W.T, in.h. iiriu. ntrtr. Nn. l:iu N. Oueeu street. .w,. . , -, . ancasier. in. "firuntUOut." The nbee Is an old saw us savage ns It Is leuM'lei.s. Yeu can't " grunt out " Ui Hpepsla. Iier ller complaint, nor i'ereutness If they puce gel a goeu ueiu. iue ueu i reiuuvu lueiu- IVeS 111 lliai WUV. lUD lUlilll u ICW uumtbui Burdock Bloetl UUteri Is better thun "grunting It out," What we can cure let's net endure. told In Lancaster Dy w, x, iiecn, iai ana iw ertb Queen street. A Sound J.ettul Opinion. I? nnlitlirlilfrn Mimdnv. Ksn.. fTnnlllv Altv. hv Ce.. Tex., ta.vs : "Hae used Electric Hit lers with rant happy results. My brother also, was i cry luw wiin juuiuriut ruirruiiujaiinuiee, but wus cured by timely Ube of this medicine. tm satlKUeu r.iecirie iiuiers saved Ills lire." Mr. V. I. Wlleoxken, of Herse Cave, Ky., adds i like testimony, saying; Ilcpesitlelybel!ees lie weuia uuvt; uiru, uuu it out ueen ler iiecirie This great remedy will ward off, as well as pure all Jiamrmi uisenseK, anu ler an Kidney, Liver anu nieinacii uiseruers sinnas unequuieu. Wcc60e. and II, lit W.T. llech's Drug Stere, BS7 und IJ9 N. Queen St,, I-uliaistiT, I'u. ui) Tlie Itcmirroetloii of iJizurus, Was a miraculous operation. Ne one thinks of raising metieau iih'u iiuims, iuuusu numuues- uerateiy Clese ie umui i uuer iiaie utu ceiii uletely restertsl by llurileek Meed Mitten te gen gen ineainl lasilns heallh. Sold In Ijincuster bv ptv. T. llech, 137 and 13J North Queen street. Metbera t Mothers ! ! Mothers 1 1 I Are you disturbed at night and broken of rear rest by a sick child suffering and crying ltb tbe excruciating pain et cutting teeth; If 0,yeat once and get a bottle of Mils. WINS- jV'H boethinu hykui. it win relieve kbe peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it; mere is ue misuse aoeut lu Ttiere li oet a mother en earth who has ever used It, hnvillnel teli veu at onee that It willmirn. Bate the bowels, and give rest te Uie mother, and r.Aii..f and health te the child. nnnitint- ilk... magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and .i..i.nt te Ilia taste, and Is thn nrAau.vit.ii.n .. lone of the eldsst and best female physicians and eurtes iu iue uuiu" ihk ceiu everywuere, Itt cents a bottle. luneSSlvdttw lctttietvu TV all.NATHORST, DENTIST. i'UWllir. nijUAUK, Tailing Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New Sets made, broken ones mended and remeueieu. iwiu mscm-n wiiueui plates and pivoted, etc, es,cerythlng pertaining teDentUtry will rcecle prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. NatlierstU the ONLY Dentist In thU comity who Is a graduate of Medicine as well a of Dcu. jlsuy. tn advauug that U obvious. pUirflWR Heed's Sarsaparilla Is continually pttnlng its merit as a valuable medicine, by the many cures It is accomplish ing. This positive luerlt Is the secret et Its wonderful and unparalleled success. All we ask et any one needing a geed medicine Is that Heed's Barsapnrllln be given a fair trial. We knew that It Is prepared with tlie greatest care from the best Ingredients It Is possible te obtain, that Its Peculiar Combination, Propor tion and Precess de glte It superior curative Heed's Sarsaparilla power, and that for all diseases or affections caused by Impure bleed or low state et the system, It Is absolutely unequalled. It will cure, when In the poweref medicine, Scrofula, ailt Bheum, Beres, Beils, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepala, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Catarrh, Kidney and Liter Complaints, etc. Heed's ' I suffered a great while with dyspepsia. I was urged te try Heed's Sarsaparilla, and have taken two bottles. It lias entirely cured me of dyspepsia, and a scrofulous affection has also entirely disappeared. I can hardly Ond words te express my high appre ciation et Heed's Sarsaparilla." Allen II. Mkuieui, City Hetel, Lancaster, Pciiu. Heed's Sarsaparilla BeMbyalldrnggtttl. fit six for 3. rrepireitby C I. HOOD A CO., Apelbecsrlei. Lewell, Man. 100 Desos One Dellar M OTHERS HEAD! Dr. C. Mc Lane's CKLKURATUD Vermifuge for "Worms! MOTHERS READ. Andrew Downing of Cranburg Township, Ve Ve nange County, gue his child ene teaspoenftil of tiie genuine Dr. C. Mcl-inc's Celebrated Ver mifuge, and she passed 177 worms. Next morn ing en rejietitleii of the dese she jmsscd 113 mere. Japhet C. Allen, of Amboy.gnvendosoof the genuine, Dr. C. Mcl-ane'H Celebrated Vermifuge ten child six years old, and It brought away 63 worms. He seen after gn e another done te the mime child, which brought nwny CO mere, inak lug 113 worms In about 12 hours. . Mrs. Qulgby, Ne. 1K2 Kssex St., New Yerk, writes us that she had a child which had been unwell for better than two months. She pro cured a bottle of the genulne Dr. C. McLnne's Vermifuge and administered It, The child Jiasscd n large quantity of worms, and In a few la s was as hearty ns ever It had been. Parents with such testimony before them should net hesitate when there Is any reason te suspect worms, and Iebe no time In administering the genulne Dr. C. Mclane's Vermifuge. It never falls mid Is perfectly safe. This Is te certify that I was troubled with a tape worm for mero than six months. I tried all the known remedies for this terrible mic mic teon, but without being able te destroy It. I get a bottle of the genuine Dr. C. Mcljine's Vermi fuge, prepared by Fleming llres., Pittsburg, l'u., which I took according te directions; mid the result wns I discharged one lnrue tape worm, measuring mere than a yard, licsldes a number of smnll ones. M1W. M. BCOTT. Price S3 cents a bottle. Insist en having the cnulnc. (4) TTUMPIIKEY'S DIt. HUIIPHIlEY'H SPECIFICS are sclentl cally and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for many years In private practice with success and for ever thirty years used by the people. Every single Speclllc Is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics euro without drugging, purg ing or reducing tbe system, and are In fuel and deed the SUVKKEldN UEMKDID4 OF THE WOULD. LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. CU1IK.S. VIIICES 1. FKVEIIS, Congestion, Inflammation 25 2. WOHMH, Werm Fever, Werm Celic ! 3.CIIYINH COLIC, or Teething or Infants, .15) i. DIAHKIKKA, of Children or Adults -lb 6. DYHENTKItY, Griping. Illlieus Celic .Zi 6. CHOLEUA M01U1US. Vomiting "J5 7. COUGHS, Celd, bronchitis .35 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache, Fnceache ili V. HEADACHE, Hick Headache, Vertigo... .25 10. DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach 25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL- PERIODS, .2S 12. WHITES, tee Profuse Periods .25 13. CROUP, Cough, Difficult Ilreathlng 25 14. HALT UIIEIJM. Erysipelas, Eruptions... .25 15. RHEUMATISM, llhciimatle l'ulns 25 16. FEVER and AGUE, Chills, Malaria SO 17. PI LEH, 111 Ind or llleedlng 50 19. CATARRH, Inrluenia.Celd lu the Head, .50 20. WHOOPINUCOIIUII. Violent Coughs... .50 21. GENERAL DEUILlTY.PhyslCttl Weak. ness 7. M 27. KIDNEY DISEASE .50 BS. NERVOUS DEBILITY $1.00 0. URINARY WEAKNESS. Welting Bed, .50 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palpita tion -11.00 Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Im. HUMi'iiRKY's Manual (144 pages) rlciily bound In cloth and geld, mailed free. Huui'IIUK'MKtiIciNKC'.,10ll l-ullenSUN. Y (2) SPECIFICS. Tu.Thitw V llNDEVELOPED FARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paer. lu reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get scaled circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te tbe ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan SL, Bufla'.e. N. X.Vailv lUede Bee. fll-fydAw rpEETHINU SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NeOplum orMerphlamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DRH.D.PAHR NEYASON, Hagcnitewu, Md. PrugglsU sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. laii4-lvdeed.tw -BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. .GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious stale of the system, such as Dltzlness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, l'uln In the Side, dc. While their most remarkable success baa been shown In curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equully valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all dlsordersef the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even ir they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler from this dlntresslng cemplaint: hut fortunately their goodness docs net end here, and these who once try them will And these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick bead Is the bane of se many lives that fccre Is where we make our ercat beast. Our pills cure It while ethers de net.! CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy te lake. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them, l.l vials at 25 cu ; Ave ter f 1. Sold everywhere or sent by malL CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. augl2-lydeed Small Dese. Small Price, -if fCiT "KCT 0" 'R'Bi 'tU)ll K OUUUU inch te U inch diuiuilcr, for sate at a low figure, und the only house In the city with a pipe cutllmr machine, cutting up te f inch diameter, at JOHN UESTH.ra East Ful VaaitrML raMfd Heed's Sarsaparilla The marked benefit which people In tun down or weakened state of health derive from Heed's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves the claim that this medicine " makes the weak strong." It docs nut act like a stimulant, im parting fictitious strength from which there must fellow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but possessing Just theso elements which the system needs and readily seizes, Heed's Barsaparllla builds up In a per- Heed's Sarsaparilla fectly natural way, all the weakened parts, acts upon the bleed ns a purifier and vltallzcr, assists te healthy action the kldsvys and liver. " t have sold three times as much Heed's Rarsjparllla as et all ethers combined. In my 17 years In business." W. 1. Mblick, Sunbury, Penu. Heed's Sarsaparilla " I have used Heed's Hamapirllla and find that It accomplishes all that is claimed. I was troubled Willi a breaking out of tlie skin, commonly called ' hives.' Heed's Sarsapa rilla gae me linincdlale relief. I can cheerfully recommend It te all these slmlluly troubled." M'm. (lAi.i.Aeiu.n, Welghniaster 9th Ward Gas Works, Philadelphia, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla Selitliysllilriiffilit. 51 il i fort's. Prepareilby C. 1. llOOIA.l'(l.,.Ktliiinrlea Umell, Mi. 100 Desos One Dellar Sm NJ EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. Mattings ! - Mattings ! A New Importation or China Mattings Just In. Plain While, 10, I2U, 15, 20, 25, ,11, 37Kc. Fancies 12J4H,aO,3l,37Hc. a Stair Oilcloths. Fleer Oilcloths. Hlulr Crashes, all widths. 'Window Shades. Lace Curtains, 75c te3 n pair. Scrims mid Ibices, 5c te 25c. Stair Reds, 03c, 75c and tl.25 Per Dezen. New Tuelry Carpets, 43 teCSc. New Ingrain Carpets. 25a te 00c. New Rag Carpets, 20c te 60c. New Stair Carpels, lOe te 4V Best Feathers, Warranted Pure. arJmt opened a New Assortment of Ladles' Flchues. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. M ETZQER 4 HAUGHMAN. Metzger 5c Haughman. xlWASH DRESS G00DS.I OUTIXQ STIUPKS AND I'LAIDS, DllKSSQIXGHAMH. PLAIN CHAMHIIAYS, SEiniSUCKl.nS. TRTHI INDIA I.AWNH, VICTOIirA J,AVNH, T.ACI: STIUPKS AND PI.A1 DS, IIKMSTITCIIKD KI.OUNCINGS, ALL, AT THE LOWEST PHRT-S. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE TnE B ahd Mcelrey. BARD & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Streot, CARPETS Having cut down our profits en our Heme-made Rag, Ingrnln, Chain and Stuli Cariwts, In order le Increase our miles, we have sold mere than any season since wu opened, would be pleased te have en cull, see uud Judge for yeursulf. Carpet Rags taken In exchunge. FEATHERS Headquurters for the Best Feathers at the lowest price In I,aucaster. A lower grade at 50c RUOS-Smvnia Rugs at a bargain : SI size at 75c,S1.25slzoatll,rislzeut$i,llsUeairi50' Cocea Rugs at 25c, :Ke and Mk OILCLOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seaseud, and the best goods for the money lu the city, nil widths from " te 2,' yards wide. Tuble Oil Cleth, 1 feet w Ide. 12c per yard. Stair and Sheir Oil Cleth. WINDOW SHADES-ltargalns in Window Shades. A New number lnl)adeal37e. Shading by the yard In Paper, Helland and Oil. Alse Spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS GOODS The best Hue or Outing Cleths In the rltv. Dret.s (llnghams In elegant styles at OJ-.c. Be. lOe and ne. Men's Shirting at &Kc, U;cund He. The best sly las lu panting mr men and be) sat the prlre c er ellcrcd. NAVY 11LUE CALICO-One Case Navy illue Calice atC'ic ; uever before sold for less than 8c One let or Skirting at 20c ; reduced from 25c. HICYCLICS Agents for the Premier Safety Bicycles for ladles, men and children. Alsoagents rer the SHectliig Cycle Ce., of Philadelphia, Pa., rer I lie Cslebruted Kluil Safeties. High tirade Cycles at cut prices. See the S75 and HO Ce entry Rival Safely, ball bearing le part", lleys' 1th al Safety at UO. Se It, compare It with any at A and If any dllfereuce lu fu or of tbe Rival. bard & Mcelrey, Nd3733 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Utchce. H.z HHOADS A SON. SILVER-MOUNTED -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM ? They Are Werthy of Your Cleso Inspection ! We knew j en v. Ill be Interested, ns you will also be In the STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. Have you anything Intricate, In Watch, Cleck or Music Bex, that needs repairing? Consult us. Our skilled workmen can make the needed repairs. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, -Ne. 4 WEST KlUft ST., LANCASTER, PA. iUfrincvaterft. -nJ E LINN 4 BRENEMAN. U CHEAP ICE!" THK.V ANY RI.FRK.l.l.ATOR WILL AXSWKR. MUST IIAVRTIIi: 4 TZlFLSKTSL." TIIR Itr.ST AND O.VLY PRRFKCTLY DRV AIR RRKRUUntATOR IN TIIK MARKRT. FTIT3IKr & BRENEMAN, (1RKAT REFltKJRRATOR AND WATl'.R COOLUR J STORE, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER PA. CARRY IN STOCK -REST CHARCOAL, Haiumired liar Iren, Deuble Itetlned Iren. Uurdeu's Rlet Iren, l(le(, Hei and Celd Heller Iren. Steel, Sheet Iren 3-16 toNe. 16. at JOHN ll&.rs.tuj East Fulton street. ru7-tfd Heed's Sarsaparilla "Seven years age, my llttte boy was bitten by a spider. The poison entered his bleed, and sores seen breke out about Ms body; they Itched terribly and caused htm Intense suffering. Finally we tried Heed's Sarsapa rilla, and he took ene botlle and one-third et another, when the sores disappeared. He has net a sere spot en him new, and Is per fectly cured." Wm. U. 1!, Vaiip, Downing. teu, Tenn. Heed's Sarsaparilla " I have taken two bottles et Heed's Sarsa parilla for salt rheum and dyspepsia, with which I was troubled very much. After taking this medicine I am feeling as well as ever In my life. I consider and advertise te ethers that Heed's Sarsaparilla is the best bleed purifier." (I. W. Besk, rettsvlile, renn. Heed's Sarsaparilla " Fer three j ears I suffered with dyspepsia, growing se bad that I was at ene lime com pletely broken devtn in health. I began taking Heed's Sarsaparilla en trial, and see ing that It was doing me geed, continued with It. After taking six bottles I gained strength and appetite and was restored te my former heallh." Jehn E. Hubski.l, Broek ille, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla SoMtiyallilregKlats. ftjilxfiirlU. Prepirel ly U. I. IIIMIl) A CO., AputhtH-arlei, Lewell, lliu. IOO Desos One Dellar oebe. and Misses' Jackets, Capes and Embroidered DRESS GOODS 7 COOPER HOUSE. . Mcelrey Opposite Fountain Ine. Opposite Fountain Inn LEATHER GOODS HU'P TIMS SKAS0K YOU XNJECTOIW, RIJK mTILK OlANT, HAN JL cock IiiiplmUini and Electors, Kbennun Reller Feeder, PenberUiv fLisiiecter, American Injectors, all In Meck, at JOHN BEMT'ri. 813 Eait Fulton itreeL. m7-(l4 cietitinn M VERS A KATUFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We're ninny attractions lu our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $15,00 te Almest Any Price ' Hueli styles ns these are net offered nnywnere In linni'astcr for the price. Hueli an assortment you'll II nd uowhere else, KLKOANT STLYES IN Men's Treusering 1 Mere than you'll rare te took at. Prices rauge from II te It3. We'll tit you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashienable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. "1I.OTH1NU. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS Net for Sale Elsewhere. Why net take advantage of this opportunity and select your )ui(trii new while the prices are low and the assortment full. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Black null Ulue AII-Woel Cheviot Bulls te Order, at 115. Eceleh All-Weel Suits te Order, at till, SI7, 118. Fine All-Weel Casslmcre SuIIh te Order, ll.'l, tit, 115, lift. English Worsted Wide Wa'e Worsted Ceat and Vest te Order, at 110, 1'.', Ill, $10, lis. Black and Blue Wide Wale Chet let Suits le Order, at 111, tin, J 18, t.i TROUSERS TO ORDER. All-Weel Trousers te Order, ut flfiO, l00 II ), Is 00. All-Weel English Trousers In Worsted and Casslmeres le Order, ut KM, WOO, 17 01), IS II), IV U), $1000. aljirgest Assortment, Latest Styles at Lewest Pilces. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers et Men's, Bey's ami Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 and 68 WORTH Q0EEN ST., I.W. CORNER OF ORAHaE. LANCASTER, PA. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse lu the city. n-Ile cautious and make no mlstnke se that you get te the right place. H 1RSII tfe BROTHER. CLOTHIERS! MERCHANT TAILORS I MEN'S FURNISHERS! 8IIIKTS : In Flannel, Percale, Demel, Calice, Cassl mere, Sllk-blrle. Prices, ISeteHU). Men's and Bey's Sites. WHiTtisimm.: Burt's Improved flhldd, II 00 each, un laundered, or $5 IOK-r half dozen, Burt's Standard, T!'a uiiluundered f- also laundered nt fl l)U. The Famous our Celebrated GOc Shirt, reinforced back anil front. XKCKWCAU: Twe elegant Hues nt 'Sic. anil fiOe. Teek, Pillf and Feur-lii'Ilainl Sbiies. Bews und Spring Ties, Windsors and Wush Scarfs. UNI1KRWKAR : All weights In Bulbrlggui, Flannel, Jean, Etc. All sles und colors. Frem 17c te II M cadi. KOOTWI.AH: Stockings In black, colors and stripes, or plain cotton, siiiH'r-steiit uud Balbrlg gun. Eerydny, fie, 10.-. I.lc. inter qualities, 13e, ltc, 18c, !, '-Se, Sic, IWc. COLLARS ANM) CUFFS : l.lntn, Celluloid, Arlington anil 1'apcr, Linen In Arrew and Coen llruuds. SEE THE NEW COLLAR ! The " .VARBEril," two for !H. Muea lAjokTIiieiigli Our MADE-TO-ORDER DEPARTMENT. Pants-KvOrder, II CO te 110 00. Hutts-te-Order, Hi 00 terUOO. READY-MADE SUITS AND PANTALOONS -FOR- Mun. Yeutli, Beys and Children, In the Finest Assortment bllOHII. We IIbne Ker Men's Suits, II 00 te lis CO. Bey's SilltK, 12.7) te 112 CD. Clilldren's Suits, II 00 te IS 00. CIX)TIIIERH, MERCHANT TMlJOlUi AND OE.NTS' FURNISHERS. I. Qaeen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANOAHTKR. J'A Keal. I UMHERANDCOAU J T01IACCOSHOOKSANDOASI-5. WEST. tN UAllu v, uuun. witeiewiie ami iieiaii, Custom Dwtuient HUSH & BROTHER, by - i. auii cv., nS-lyd 484 Water Street, l4iiuuler. Pa. -nAUMUARDNEltSOOMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricr-Ne. 13) North Queen Street, and Ne. 664 North Prince street ., ., YABOB-Nertl. Prince Street, near Heading 'Iskiu-tM LalNOAUTJU. PA, l-cu-clcvs. Ty-ATCHKB, CLOCKS, Etc. CLOCKS, SPECrACLES, &c, SOLI) AND REPAIRED. 1WV-NORTH IJUKKN ST.-WF.BERS. r-Watehes carefully and Railroaders, selecttsl ter Farmers npnu-lyd TKWKLKR AND OR.VDUATK OPTICIAN. GILL-! jk n'm. kii it- a had ua tk ernciA x. Is the Most Bensltlve Orgnn we IVwsess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Kycs that Aehe.Hyes thnltlrewTlretl, Kyes that are Dim, Kjes that Burn or Itch, eenie under this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free ! Ne Dreps Used 1 OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WKST KINO STRKKT, LANOAHTKR. PA. rAllM'd CORNl.i' SPECTACLES I A NKW AND PKKMANKNT DF.PARTMKNT OPKNKD AT ZAHM'SORNER. We have opened a DISTINCr OPTICAL Do De partment 111 cetineetlnn with our retail busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICK ON TUB SBCOND FLOOR OF OUR BU1LDINO eiclusUely doveled te this bruiieh,nud hae placed It lu charge of a Regular Graduate. Optician, Having had 10 yenis experience lu the best hospitals el the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the slnla. We de net proese te simply adjust correctly all eases of defective sight, and fit them with the correct lenses, but le perform nil SURGI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and te place under treatment theso who by proper atten tion! need only treatment et the eye le restore their sight without the use of spectacles, Al Ihe same time we de net propose te make the adjust ment se oxpenslvc ns te debar ourcus eurcus ourcus temcrs (tern the udvnulage el n proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATIONS FHF.E, excepting only these Hint require spe cial treatment te remedy any dcr.it Being sole agent ter Die celebrated ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for Ihe money In the country, and having tlieiuh milages of a proper ndjuit ment at n price within the reach or all, there will be no necessity for any one using glasses that nre uncomfortable or unsulted te their eyes. We shall be pleased le have nil sum-rlng with any troubleorthoeye, In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by lu ADJUST MKNTand PRICK. ERNEST ZAHM, KAIIM'S CORNER, aprJKImd LANCASTER, PA. ffirtvycte. c AHFETSI CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY HTKAM, DYEINO WORKS Are second te nene In Pennsylvania rer finish nl work of nil kinds. FeatheisDyed All Shades. Order will recule prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO, NO. IS) SOUTH WATER STREET, Lanwstkii. Pa. feblMmd T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S. 5t V. ELECTED BY A LARGE MAJORITY TO v Glean and Belay Carpets,- FURNISH CARl'l-TS, CURTAINS, RUOS.SIIADKS, OILCLOTH.S, Ac, Because they Deal Fairly, have One Price, have One Business, und Knew All About II. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange. Street antfli-lvd gate. O UR LEADING HATTERS. STRAW HATS, ALL STYLUS I ALL PRICKS ! O- Our Stock is new Full and Complete nnd we huve a hat tliul will please you. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebratea Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All have made their nppeurance. Only place In the city where you can get them. Ben II CO and 1200 STIFF FUR HATS ever shown. BOY'S ANDCHILDUEN'S Nobby Uoeds und Fancy Styles a spiclulty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. (CavvlniKe- STANDARD CARRIAOE WORK. ED'W. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, All the latest styles lu Huggles. Family Car rl.uAV. riitt'lens, Surrejs, Cabriolet, Phwleiis, lluckbeanls, Tretting Wugons.Statlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc, new ready ler the Ssprlng TAmie line of Beeend-Hand Werk. New Is the tlme te order for Spring. Strictly first-class work and all work fully gimniuteed My prices are Ihe leet 111 the county rer tlu Kaiuoiiualltyer work. Uheiuea i-all uud ex. amine my work. ... Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done lu a first-class maimer. One set of workmen especially employed fur that purpose. PENNSYLVANIA RA1LKOADBCHED Xln effect from Nev. 10, Um. iIal.nM,?fy LiteAtx watt leave and rlreatPblladelphlaaa fellows! "ijiavet "" Leave LmBcaatat 1.-1 ft. m. IWBRTWARD. Paelfle Expresst...., New Expressf..,., Way Paasengert Phltadelphli U7 p. m. 4:10 a. m. 4:W a, m. 7KK1 a. m. MalltralnvlaMUeyf M1B.M ItMlftaS au, vnaiiiTainrH. Niagara Express.. Hanover Aecem.... Fast Line via Columbia H:60 a. m. via Columbia H:0a.m. via Columbia IMLSI xsnp, ra, 10 p. nv 2:40 p. ra, MO p. m. 630 p. m. 7:p. m. 7Ma m. Frederick Accem i-nucasier Aecem Lancaster Aecem. ., llarrlsbtirg Accem... Columbia Aecem Harrlsburg Kxpresa.. Western Expresst...... Lancaster Acce......... Phlla. Expresst-.. Fast Llnef .., Lancaster Aece. Harrlsburg Exprem. lneaster Aocem.... Colombia Aeeem... Atlantle Expresst Beashere Express...... Philadelphia Aecem Sunday Mall, ....... Day Kxprcssf ....... Harrlsburg Aecem.., Mall Tralnt Frederick Accem lliu a. m. vlaMLJey. zisu p. m. i:n p. m. 5:M p. m. thM p. m. I1.M p. H. MS P. m. Ar.CelAM Leave Lancaster, two a. m. M a. m. s:50 a. m 8:10 a. m. R.'a, m. WOa. m, lPJISa, m. 12.su p, m. 8:55 p. m. 8M)p. m, 4:45 p.m. 6:4Ii p. m, K:.T5 p. m. 12&I p. m. ArrlTft .. rBiw feMftaMJ M-JVa. mf- 1MD a. id. ' vlaMUey.; un. . m. las p. m, a:Up.m :6p.n tv:46p.m, eOpaem. wsss n. m 10-5S p. m. tTbe only trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way Columbia. J. It. WOOD, Oenerai Passenger Aflftfl , CHAS. K. 1'UUU. Ueneral .lanager. f EBANON t LANCASTER JOINT UM S- XI HAILUOAD, Arrangement ei ntmengeriTaina en ftaamncr ." 8UMDAT, May It, UNO. auuiuMU), nnnasy. f. aMaae ... . r. -. r. av. a. a. aT. a. Ring Street, Lane. 7.-00 VXn J , IMS Lencasier............. 7OT lz.ae :si a:is Columbia .. VtSS 1:43 I.OS Manhelm .713 lfle .fll K:4ft Cornwall . im 1:46 : fclT Arrive al Lebanon Ml IM 6:40 Mi SOUTHWARD. IjCftve A. it. r. M. M, A.M. Iebanen .7:12 I2..10 7:15 7: Cornwall 7.-T7 13:41 7.-3S 6:10 Manhelm'....... 7:58 1:16 7:M 8:40 lAncastcr...- 827 1:46 1:18 1S Arrive at mz 8:4j fcW Klm . . XS 4J6 King Street, I Jinc, 8:15 l:M 8J5 Columbia :'. 2.-0. A. M. WIIAON. SunL H. A C It&llread. B. W. NEFF. BupL O. It. B. -nUlLADELPUlA A KEADINU RAILROAD f READING A COLUMBIA DIVIBION. , On and after Sunday, May 11. 18M, trftlas1:; eave iancasier King sireei). as ioiiews: .;y; V Fer Reading and Intermediate pelnu, wBi,4 days, 7:4J a, in., 12:40, 3:tl p. m.j Sunday, Mie.a in., il.55 p. m. &' Fer Philadelphia, week days, 7i40 a. m., U40, ?. J l:4Hp.m.; Sundays, 85 p. in. S Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week day, A-,' 7:W a. m., 12:35, 8:48 p.m. Vtk Fer New Yerk via Allentown, week daya,' 4; : Fer Allentown. week (lava. 7:40 a. m 1:4ft -Av m. ! Sunday, 8:55 p. m. tt"-; Ter l',illvlllA wra-kr 1nv T'lfl.. m 1-M -a aa.. ':1 Sunday, 8:55 p. m iindny, 8:55 p.m. fesl Fer Lebanon, week days, 7.-00 a, m., Bfcl8.6JI'l-. n. m. : Sunday. 8:05 a. m. 3M d. m. -,- V .. a. . . r. .- .1 . - .- a-..a ll,i.pl.ki,M a.,.11 .I.,,. -JVt a. aa ,. DU 5.1. n. m. : Sunday. 8.-0S a. m. ... i.nii.numi,, ntjaa un j , ..wv W, I .IIM,j FerUuarryvllle, week day. ft. atu, lf6 i.i, p.uu 1. ill., eununy, (xiu p. m, TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. Ieave Heading, week days, 740, 1146ft. m. u:iki p. m.j nuuiiny, t.M a. iu.i n:iu p. re Leave Philadelphia, week days. 4:10. KkOO m., 4KW p. m. "tifj I aA N. Vn.fr vU Mill.S.lnl,U aM.hi.M -"?' ve New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekdays, -frj in., ISO, n. m. 12:15 nlghL Z' 4 ve New Yerk via Allentown, week lay &;;4 7:4S a. in., IrfaveT saw a. in., i.sf ii. iii. $, Leave Allentown, week days, 5:47 ft.m.i 4.-T53g Leave PetUvllle, week daya, 1:50 a. xe., ide&J Ien lehinnn k dm Till m lS'i-i 7:15 n. in. : Sunday. 7:55 a. ra.. 11:45 n. in. ,' j . Leave Harrlsburg, week days, CUB ft. n,; Har-..'.'-. eay,eua.m. jw. JAU Atave Cluarry ville. week days. 8:50. UM I 8KX) ; Sunday, 7:10 a. m. fsTl ATliAN 1 IU CITY III VISION. i TK , . Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street whftrt,.1 and HeuUi street wharf. '&'' fli a. m. and 4KM 1). m.! Aeeemmndallea. 4 ' vt Alia,, via i-nitr ,b-eb- ..-- aMa '- -. ... J - A.nn .- i .' a.Ii- Z.ZZ ivi m in. huu mMi i ui., rauiiujay, ap srw .-w a. m., Aoeoramooauou, 8,-w a. rj. m. Heturnlns leave Atlantis City, deoet mtbwvj'. AllaUillnanil ArLruliBiaS AvAnnea. WHbdanLa.t-1 Kx press 7:J0 a. in. and 4 p. m. Aoeeni-V, Jl.lln. HJK. . .Hjt Jl a. a C.aZTl t IHIMmiUHH,WlhUI, HHU V.,HJ ,. .U. niaaawajeaa.- " Express, 4 p. in. Accommodation. IM ft. wti'U. ' and 4:80 p. in. l.j '$ Detailed Uine Ubles can be obtained at Uekft. - Offices. -;'$ A. A.MrLEOD. O. 0. HANCOCK. ?, Vice Pn-s. tt Uen'l M'gr. Oen'l PftM'r Afc& C:)tuftmatrc H Kill A MARTIN, China, Glass, -AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wr are new opening our Spring tfl ,... ... ..tin., nf ni,un.BM anil .! 1 I V'ff iill"ii M.n.fi. mi .(uiiinnBin hmu ... be premred te supply our customer with the very best grade of ware at Ixiwest Prloe.i. Heuscsllres receive especial atteutlen. Uiru e MADTIM niun ei mnrxiiiift x 15 East King Street. ganxy. N EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. f"t Ca.ll and See -THE- FINE NEW LAMPS! -AND ART COODS ON SECOND VIJOOH JohnLArneld'sBuildiiig, NORTH QUEEN STREET. (H-ttt V U.MI1INU, OAS FITTING, Ac, Jehn P. Schaum & Sen. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFING. 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANOAHTKR PA. TK IN WANT OF URASS OR IRON BTOP I Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cooks, Pet and Bib .T-..i. . i .. ..iv. ii. M,rliii .inlntg mil and mel them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN UESI', SW East Fulton street, EI' EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE I 1C 9$ WATERPROOF COLL-VHS AND CUFFS. At EWSMAN-S. IHOICE NECKWEAR I VILLIAM8I,0UTt Wire Buckle Suspender, AT ERISMANTJ. ULPHUR STONE JEWELRY I Complete Hue of Emblematic Marks AT KRISMAKW. N0,iIWMtJCU)ftMlttt, Va I?S.J V7 $1 '. v: r3 - - JM fc4 M ss;a fcet .'--..--. lie.VtM j -j,- zm - prV-s 'iA r-sn 4.-! & x. s.; 5A i-&rn si'Vfl m C'lS j.v im m m ,um &. a t , V1" ? t.,? ... . ,1.-H'' K I- :y-3j"r-t i.vy
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