SYT,tTM'-,ir TfigW TP - THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, MAY 15. 1600. mm7'&? W . '?. f ' . J- 611)1 gntcUHlcitt DREW J. STF.INM AN, PT..U Dt vhhtKINMAN FOLTB, Keiller. Ht.raaTEINMAW '. RnnKRT CLARK Vnbllil ROBERT CLARK 'nbllsher. lA Ok ' nttl.V IXTKLL.iaENCKIt.-rilblli.liM t vwt 0y m the year, tail Sunday. ?!? by eirrleni In thli cltr nd n"nd'nf 'n- ... - .....nail flvndOl- , towns wi len rem a wee, j.j - - - -fV, tan ft year In wlvance ; W cents a inenlli. IwKRKUT lNTKLLIOENCF.R-Oue dollar nfl & ''Vl . ."nr h.I1 br check or poKlefflce order. """I '" V'ff J thorn ran be procured send In a registered hitered'at the Poslemce, as second claa mall tfa. matter. TBS iiNTKLtlOEHCM. Lancaster. Fa. if ADORFW, i: :, LAKOASTEB.PA.. May 15, 1890. m Nwdlennlr Troubled. r Tlie AVte Era 1a disturbed Hint Mnyer lOarkwcomnierided te council uniform ikWd Increased pay for tlie firemen. The ctien Is that mien cxiienuiiurv Itruu the npiiroprltitlen. " i Bght net te be inmle uutll the appre- latieu Is big eneugu te cover n. . -U nlenr cllilllL'll te ailVbOUV. ill" - none, commit tee We belle VC recommends fthc npproprlatleus nud councils make i2,tDcin. ii mere it mi hiwhl-j ""j ete be in the treasury te cover h further Appropriation for the tire department, tncu It cannot be maoe uniess nuin ether appropriation In cut down. That Jfc clear again. Tlie city expenditure paiust be kept within the appropriations s"nd It must llve within Hi menu, Hke ?n individual. Its coat must becutne- Koerdlng te Its cloth J hut it can change the cut of the coat us mticii an h picases ;ma tlinf. I he cloth 1101(14 Olll. Tbe mayor rccemnieud toceunellssuch fcxpeuditures aud appropriations as he thinks should be made ; which councils :maKc ir tuey iiiiuk mem uuvhsiuiu ifcauid can find the money for them. Tlie gj) degree of the need of u uniformed and Abetter paid lire department is a matter ffer the consideration of ceuuells, te B'wbointhe major liriH referred it. We understand that the lltlllellilliu: U te finable the force te Ihj letter cllitin- . I.1...1 i II I... H...1.. l.l,.f .....1 ..,..!, fUWUL'U Ul. JIIV9 " men till.:. vv.i. cether. which seenn te be advisable. We bfilse understand that the house firemen sre net as well paid ni the policemen, pand there dew net seem te 1c any siifll- y.clcnt reason why they should net be, as wttaey arc steadily en duty day and night. rlf there is no money or no nppreprla- 'ilen. tlicv cannot get It; buttheArci(7'n Pt-kelT its iu assailing the mayor for giltcemmendlng n judicious expendmm, avla advance of the report of the llnanee jjffeemrnittce making the appropriations nd iu Ignorance of It. And, fuither fuither fuither h'linore. what lusnircs this new born ycal f$xet our contemporary te held up the state Met the appropriations te defeat what it SlrAaema n wfeA nTwnillfllrr. '. TWviu It. f Kit Kknew that Mayer Clark found all the appropriations overdrawn and the trens- itJry bare; And does it knew that the Impropriatiens te be made have te Umr ttue burthen of cxpendlluivs aheadv imadc : that the hese heuse en Duke ?; treet, for instaucc, was bought mouths Msge for j,000, and thut the money '3W has te be appropriated for It V This inency would have paid the proposed Mary increase four times ever : uud It T mm n sa n ar1ntju evmiiwlttiii'ii IIiIh itum 'VTsO C a4I7.,09 J 1.U III I V; tlr till tllllU since the city hns net the money te equip i. the house with tire api:inilns. il'If it is a geed thing for the tiremcu te ; n unarmed, as our i tuners ami grand- ifiathers were, whose cais uud capes hang r:yet In old houses as pleasant reminders reftbe ancestor's public service, It will fctaaruiy ueuuic inu euy 10 iiiki iiie fi, am all Mini iieeded for tlm exiwiMllliiri' lil'It may come out of the bum a)preptlutcd g,rer the general cxpeuscs or the tire de- pariuieui. Wu lint, lltiilnrl .il.'nli tit li.rtb- tutu Milu matter :it the itmllirntieti of our eon- K'temperary and te give it our opinion M'npen it. .Hut it will note that the gttuuers ei me i.M i;i,i,hh:.mi;ic iie net calntnt. r.u'nr f'lrifb'a firtln. hikI linii. Sju responsibility for it further than as '.ae is the mayor elected bv the nurtv for MrhIch it speak?. 5 " -- . t.. heiiiuck)'s lMiilcultr. The Democratic caucus of the Ken- vtUAlrtr Tjiivlalnttif n le liiillfitlinr r.i 1 T.iW.ul -"-' -"e-' - " "'b " ... .v.. mates senator, nuiiing a cheice dllllcult j te make between the hulf dozen llrst- uicn who are left In the race after 7the withdrawal of as many mere wlie 'Concluded that the pace was tee het for Uwin. This Is a remarkable number of andidates for u legislative cnucus te jsW embarrassed with, and testifies ele- ntly te the richness of Kentucky in berefstatcsmPH'r a PXdu't fur hlchsbV;ft73ra'lwayB been noted as ; much as for her Bourbon aud her colts. tSDeubtless Mr. Carlisle will finally win ttM prize, u prl7e it may Im called te lUtn. It Is a question whether 11 would 'Met be better for lilm In the lenu run te y B.A .lAfnnt.! n...! I m l.t.l.a.u.l ... . I...1... fwv uuwaitu unu UD lUMMl-VU IU M1IUKU ,$be dust of Kentucky from his feet and migrate te Kansas, where his seu is 'already established iu business, we bc Beve. Hulling from a Northern statu. Carlisle would make excellent presiden tial Umber ; una it Kentucky does net eateem hhu enough te make him her enater, he lias u fair inducement te TttaeArt luir HnutVinrii unit .mm. II... &J' "-"- " .w...w. rrw.., ujn.ii HIV tr.xDeruer eniy 01 which ne new dwells. Il& It is net geed for jircsideutial timlMjr teaseic thebenate. beuaters who uew- fe?Uys asplre te the presidency have n -i.-r isuread te travel. It is 1 ttlee I.kb hut fit Utiwctllllle lltlrlnl nlnna ciml tla e- t&L ?5iere Will net be whekKOinn fnr (Z$.amy Uu.,1 I"C- KtfV street, :? " mm ine runner' Allium e. om,arniere' Alliance reeeiillv uni n xm ' aud sentlnifiitul declaration 1$$, A.Wl te ex-President Cleveland yearsfrei fr0ml,imlhe vur' l,reIKr bA '- tiomy-her"1""-"""1111 ceiuuineu uelli- if- na of Jlr could net be fully enden-vd ''canaeniaan wlie loves his ceuutr.v. FeHthelau ImpreTed the occasion te LuLuTeneais wlioleseine lirinclnli ,Offlee. St-n taxation and tariiPreferm, OiC 4IIBI LiUUEMTB U IJ1U1J UeCJIlr K' HinciuDrcd it the purpose of the Alii r f Mrs. Iber for the education of the ag- i,J"Jl"'classe8 iu t,)0 science of "5 and cel government. rlhe present jtaeaUient, with its gigantic jienslen jii(ud devotion te the principle of '&S20n excts of Kevernment needs, 5MHHiy net economical; and the rc - of Mr. Cleveland were uppealtn iprerr. yoaeoner has Mr. Cleveland declared approval of the" purposes" than the '',w arrives that tlie Alliauuj is urging i pea me ways uuu means couiBiHtee of Bgrviis a wild cat socialistic scheme rthe wtabllshmeut of se-called "sub aarlcs." This measure would make f$m Unlicii States government ueemmis- M merchant aud In the extension of p'rlnclples would jireducv a tyrannical n et neciullsm. Neither l'resideut ifelnud nor any ether man of well laced brains would for a moment anctlen se wild a plnn, but the lMilla lMilla detphla Lcdicr calls attention te a clause of the declaration of purposes which It thinks would have attracted Mr. Clove Cleve laud's attention but for his Interest in tariff" reform. The " purpose " referred te Is as follews: "Te secure the enactment and execution of laws which will express the most advanced nubile sentiment uixm all questions In- velviugthc Interest of farmers and labor ers." The Lahirr thinks thai the phrae, "most advanced, public Hentlmciit, " hints at socialism, but that It Is net even a public ncntiment iu this country, ami the great mass of citizens of all parlks regard the socialistic, idea ns net ad vanced, but very far In the background. It Is In revallst. neldler-rldden llermaiiy that socialism thrives best te-day, end It Is weakest Iu this land where the pcople rule. SVc are In the very veiiguard of progress, aud the Socialists are iu small favor hcic. The inet advanced public sentiment cati net be said te Ikj that ad vocated by a few radical theorists but, that which has respectable public sup port and gives rational premise te ad vance the wealth and power of the republic. Such Is tnrllf reform and such is iiotHeelullsni or the sub-tteasiiry soheme, which only npears te li favored by u few ledges of tlie Alliance. "I.e, the jioer Indian!" Net "un tutored and lern," lmt graduating lu n cUsMofclgliteen from Utot'arlMe training school. TiliiMib-trtusury sehcine, which ropro repro ropre xcul.illvcs of KnriuerV Alliances Imvebeun urging, provides for the OHlahllshineut of agricultural depositories or warelioiisei, under Iho control of the treasury depart ment, In each county, where the gross amount of cotton, wheat, coin, alu and to bacco, produced and sold In two years, eicucds a half million lu value. The peti tion of n hundred cltlens, and the dona tion of land for a site makes It the duty of the secretary of the treasury te establish the waroheuscs with a iiinnnger at a Hillary of ii thousand te twenty-five hundred a yenr. Any owner of the staples named may deposit his grain, cotton or toh.icee lu the warehouse nearest te the point of production and recelve therefere treasury notes equal le eighty per cent, of the net value at the market prlce determined by thu manager, under niles prescribed by the secretary of Iho ticiisury based upon prices current In lending markets. These notes are tnade full legal tcniler, mid lu addition warehouse, receipts are le hugitcn Bhewtng the amount aud value of the pre ducts deposited, the Insurance, and the weighing, warehousing and ether i ha rues, and theso wareheuse receipts urn te be negotiable by endorsement, The Interest en Iho money advanced lu at oue per cent. per annum. All cotton, grain or tobacco remaining en deposit for a longer tluui than twolve mouths Is te he sold ut public auction and Iho priM'eeds.allnr tlie payment ofthe inouey ndvunced uud charges, te be held Ntibjecl te the order of Iho wareheuse receipt. Fifty million dollars Is nppropii npprepii nppropii ated te carry out Iho previsions of this pre posterous hill. Iu the llrst place, there would at ouce be a frightful amount of hustling for the olllce of niiiimner In the thousands of depositories uud thnjHiwcr or these (llllchils, armed with money ami patronage,! frightful te contemplate. Their term ofetllcels te be tweyenis, se that Iho olllce would be continually upon as an election bribe. Their authority te grade and prlce tlie products olfeied and se fix thu amount of the lean would mnke thniii the most In quisitors ever tolerated by an enlightened peeple. But Iho whole nature of Iho scheme Is opposed te the principles of our govern ment. H would eventually make a coin cein coin luune of this republic, for if Uuclu Ham Is te form a national trust for grain and cot ton, why net for oil, coal ami Iren and overythiug else. Ills astonishing that any alliance should push this scheme, or thut liny congressman could be leund te Intro Intre Intre duce It even "by request." 1!i-ci:ni knniai.h me net plpnlllnl, hut n Itaptlst church nt llildgctnu, N. J., cele brated its two hundredth birthday en Wednesday. I v the Heuse of Commens en Wednes day the l'arnellltes stele a uiiiieh en the Conservatives and voted the second read ing of the Irish agricultural luborei's hill, In spite of all that their opponents could de. The bill propesos the use of the church surplus te assist In the erection of laborei.s' cottuges, and Conservatives moved thu re jection of the bill en Iho ground that the surplus was net sulUctuut te cover the charges of ihe land bill and Iho lahoiern' bill. They moved te adjourn, but thu motion was defeated. Tlie defeut of the govern mint wiis due te a blunder ofthe Conserv ative whips, wlie untitled the mombeis of the government party that their presence would be required al-V o'clock. 'I his be came known Jr ,,0 Parnullites, who at tended h I'lliT'st length at neon, and, alter short speeches had been made, rushed n division before the Censul vatlvcs could be mustered. This success places the 1'arnclliles In n pokttlen te worry their opponents uud gl us thorn the prestige of a victory lu liel.uul, but Is net likely le de them any geed else else where. What may be said of (Ids ad ad iiiiulstiutieii It has certainly furnished u ury lively weather bureau. Kaln uud suiimIiIiie rapidly fellow particularly ruin. Vknkhviilk Field Marshal Ven Meltke made a strong speech before the Helehstng In fa or of thu military bill, urging the old argument thut Clerinauy must maintain the jieace by keeping her unity as strong at least as any In Kurepe. He said In conclu sion, "If w e ocenoinlro in our w ar expendi tures the most brilliant llmiuclal situation that we may be able te ereate will net Itisure Iho exclusion of our enemies from the fatherland." Thore Is ue escape from that logic except In the argument that Kiirepcau govern ments should be able te come te soiue mu tual ugrceinent whereby the pcojile would be relieved of Iho fearful expense of thu great military establishments. The gov ernment was very stubborn In mulut lining the demand for increased credits without the least modillcatleii, although llerr HIchter polnted out that Krance had short ened the term of horvlce when Increasing the stundlng army. Tliu outlook Is grow ing no brlghter in Kurop, and as Ven Meltke says : " Wee te lilm w he sets the iiuteh." Seiiutei- Wilsen's Hill liungeil, Soimter Wilsen, of low a, en Wednesday, from the committee en the Judiciary, re ported, with amendments, the bill subject ing Imported liquors te the previsions of the laws of the set end states. The amend ment is practically a new bill, and pre ides that no slate shall be held te be limited or restrained in Its jiower te prohibit, regit latu, control or tax tliosale or the transpor tation (te be delivered within its own limits) of any distilled, fortneuted, or ether intoxicating liquors, by reason of the fact that the liquors have been inqierted Inte any state from boyeud its limits, whether there shall or shall net have been paid thereon any tax, duty or import te thu UullodStates. Mr. Wilsen submitted a report en thu bill In which It was stated that the purpose of it Is le grant Hie permission of Congress te the several states toexecuto their laws te protect society aud promote Its host In In terests. ThiB bill, the rejwjrt says, is clearly within the suggestions of the decision ro re ro eeutly rendered by the United states su preuie court In the original package case, snd, therefore, thu committee recommends the passage or Hie bill. Ask for VAN HOUTKN'H COCOA-Tukene ether, j,j l.nek, In n word which should hn e nn tnce In any venibtitary. A In nil must hac ability te sue teed, nnd a medical rcfiratlen, merit. There Is no lurk about HOZODONT. It was sure te succeed from the find, bceaitftcltMil Roud, ntut did all that was claimed for IU ' Mllt.000 Veuiid In An AMi llnrrul. A New Yerk rAR picker Is ryerled te hnc found 110,000 In an Ash tinrrcl. Tlilswns A rare llcee of noed luck, but bnw much mere furlu- nn I (i Is I lie sufferer from consumption who lenrns (lint, nltheiiRli the doctors mnr linve ironeuiice.1 the nisn IiiiIi'', Dr. I'lrrce's meiucii uisceery win cure nun. j leldeu discevert will cure hlin. Consumiillen tin scrofulous illenc or the lungs. The" l)ls- rmcr ery," w lili li Is the met kiiiIIiI(msI purl of the nire. strikes rlidil lit theriKil of the fler eill. nn. I there Is no rcslilltK it, if taken In time. In nil scrofulous or ether bleed tnlnls, skin ntiil sculp diseases, old sercsnliilsuelUiigs III' eiinrnnlissl te cure, or money paid for It promptly refunded, lly ilrtlgKlsts. W,'lh4w Vhnt WeWiint. (lle llomeepnlh In pellets, Allepath In pills : but Ter rhciimiitlsin, ler aches, for pains ami sprnltis. TliiniHii' Klerliie Oil Is Imiriibly sup.. sup.. rler In either. It has b milled ns many ieople ns It hits had purchasers. All druifglsw sell II. Held In Niiicslcr ly S'. T. Ilech, 1 rfnml lil North Queen street. ' ' llrlnf Mention. "1 li'ive iikhI Jlurtlerk lllncul Jllllrrt with ureal I ncflirer Indigestion and constipation el the bentls." V. U Klslen, Hamilton, enl. Held In lAiicnsler by V. T. llech, 117 mid in North (lieen slreil. irAN IIOUrKN'ri COCOA. Til IMJItKAT COCOA ok Kiutei-i:, Till'. COM I NO ONI: OK A.MIlltlOA maim: 1IY HIT-CIAI. ritOCIXS-TlinillWT. Cocea Is of supreme Importance nit an article of diet. Van lleiilcii'.i has fifty lir rfiiMnere flesh forming prejierllcs than exist lu the best of oilier cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." The tissue of tlie cocoa bean Is se soft ened as le lender It easy of digestion, and, at the same time, the nrema Is highly developed. 9-VVN IIOHTP.N'H COCOA ("once tried, iilunjs usisl ") Is the Original, Pure, Heluble Cih'eh, Invcutid, patented ami made In Hoi Hei laud, and Is today Is'tlcr and minctntublf than any of thu inore numerous Imitations. Inflict, a cemparattte test will easily prove thai in ofnrrUecon equals this lmcU't In solubil ity, iigrccnhle taste and mitrllltn iiialltles. ' Irfirtest sale In the world." Ask for VAN HOHTI'.N'Haiid take noetlicr. (II) cj wirrHFiieTKH.' co. Scrofula in Children. "In the early part of 1SS7 scrofula npcared en the head or my tittle Krauitclilld. then only is months etil. Hherlly aflcr breaking out II spread laplilly nil etcr her body. The scabs en the sores would peal oil en the slightest leuili, and the isler thai Mould nrjse tteuld make the ntmnsphcre of the room sickening and uuhcarahli'. '1 lie dlscasi. next attacked tlie etes nud we feared she would lese bcrslght. I.mliii'iit phjslclunser the country were con sulted, hut could de nothing te relieve the llttle Innocent, aud gate It ns tin Ir opinion, ' Hull the case was hopeless nud lmHsslhhi tesate the child's ctcslKhU II was then that ttode ttede chlid tetry Sviri'sSs'inc (S. 8. H.) Tlml inisl li Ine ut once miiiln it sicedy and complete cure. Ter mere than n tear pist she has been us lieuitut as any ciiiin iu me lanu." .Mils. Kuril 1Ikuki.i:v, Hclnui, Kansas. Cancer of the Nese. In 1ST.', n sere appeared en my none, and crew rupiim . as my miner nan cancer, anil my Hus band til.'. I eflt, 1 became iilnrmcdniid consult! it my li)lcliin. Ills treatment did iiegiMKl,nnd the sere grew lurger and worse In etcry way, until I wass'rsnailed te taken. S.M.. aud a few bottles cured me. This wus after all the doc tors ami ether medicines bad fallid. I have had no return of the cancer. .Mils. M.T. .Maiip.v, Woodbury. Hall Count) , Texas, Treatise no Cancer iiiiiIIhiI frs. HWIITHPKIJIKIU CO., AllailUl.Oa. iC-Mjil (I) r ILWrlHl'l'Il'ICMnilCINI "" QRAYS SPE0IPKJ MEDICINE. TlIK (Iiikat INni.isu lli'.siiiiv. Auunmll Ingcme for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all lllkcases thai fellow as a s. iiu nce of Helf-Aliuse; as liss of Menter), t'nl tcrsal lissltuile, I'ulii III the Hack, liliiuicss e( Vision, Premature Old Age, aud many ether dlsenses that lead te liisault) or Consumption und u I'lcinatiire (Irate. A-Ker particulars In our pamphlet, which we ill sire te sunt frcu by mall diet cry one. o"TliHieclHe Medleluu Is sold by all ding gists at tl T pin Knusur six paikagcs ferli, or wilt he sent free by mull en receipt of the money, by addressing TIIUUllAY MKIUCINKCO . Ilulhile, N. Y. Onnccountef ceimlerfelts, e hateiuleptad the Yellow 'riips'r; the imlv (,'cnulne. Sold lu Ijincaslcr, l'a., by ,T. Ilecil. innrlMjil DltUNKIiNNrXS. - i.uttieu tiAiiiT. In All tlie World there Is tint One Cure. Dlt. HAINIW (i()l.l)i:N SI'KCIKIC. tlcnn be given In a cup of entice or lei, or In articles uf fissl, without the knew Icdne of ihe patient, IfiiccehKary ; II Is aliselun ly harmless and will died a NTiuaneul and sisssly cure, whether the patient Is it moderate drinker or ail alcoholic wicck. IT NHVKIt KA1I.S. It eM.-rutcs se quietly and with such certainty that the pallenl uudergis's no liicentenlciice, audi re he Is aware, his complete reformation ts ellccled, IS pimii bisik of parlleiilars ficc. CIIAH. A. I.OCIIKH, DrugK'st, Ne.U hJlNl Kill); St., tjllicaslir, l'a. (VfiLeetl-ri'liAS ITtm Pit.vrr cady ahiiisspes hisc " Valtes, Jenkins Valtcs.llrass (llulai Valtcs, brass (late Valtcs, Iren Ihsly (Ie1h Valtes, l-eterhafety Valtcs, Pep Safely Vnltes, Air Valtcs, Itadlaler Valves, Pratt's Swinging Check VultcM, llntss Check VnltcsJ'oel Valtcs Angle Valves, call at JOHN IH'Vrs, ;tll ljii KullenHtiiS't. inT-ird r 1 II lTT.A Jt UAH I'KK THlJh l'CUM PA .N V SOLICITS CUIUlKXr ACCOUNTS, TIMK DK POSITS AND TUUST 1MTATKS. Acts as Assignee, Kicruter, iiiarillaii,Amnt etc. Iteiits Bexes lu Its lire and llurghir Proof Bled Vaults. Stores Valuables lit moderute ndes. Nim. BU nud :te NOIU'lI (JL'KKN MP. apl2-lmdceit i'l'itnl itetUcn. I'riHrATK OF LUIt()LINT:iir.NNKirLATT: U or the CltV or Uiucuster. ileeeuseil. UM UM ters of adinlulstratleu en Mhl cMnte hutlni; beeiiKnilited te the uuderslKiied, all iktseiis In debted thereto are requested te mnke liiitite.ll nlum inent, and these liuvlui; claims or de liiiiiiiU aiinliisl the s.ime, will present them tiltheut delay for settlement te the under signed, resldlne In the City of Ijtnciler. (JKOUUKSMI'l'H.Adnilnlstmter. Jelts A. Covi k, Attorney. myl-Miirii l.lisTATBOF FUEDF.RICK HOEF, LATE llj efiheClty or ljincuhtcr, dwvased. 1-cttt rn Icslameiitaryen said etate hut Iiil' Ihh'ii itruuted te the undi-r1gued,ull en.ens liidchled thereto are requested te inake Immediate pu) inent, and these liavliu; eluluis or demands unulnst the same, ti III present them without delay for settlement te the umlerli;ned, residing nt 133 East Walnut street, l.aiicater. Pa. Cl.l.A 1117111 HOEFEL, Executrix, Or te O. (I. Ksiii.kti , her alternet. Ne. j North Duke street, Laiicuster. iipr.'t titilTIt riMtUsTKbrATEOP I.YDIA A.HTAUFFEH, X of Earl township. Ijincusttr county, l'a' drt'eascd. The undersigned nudlter ni istlnteil te )ass en exceitlnus toucceuut, und te distribute the lulance remululni; lu the liuiidsef A. W'Jinader, committee of said Lydla A.Stautler,dei'eused,toaiidiimeni;th(Helesally culltlcd te the same, will sit for thut purpose en Fridut, May Iti.lsSO.ut 10 o'clock n. in., lu the l.llintr) llisim of the Court Heuse, lu the city of Ijineiifcler. tthcre all ihtseiis Interesteil In said distribution may attend. It EDMOND CON VNO II AM, tipSI-tldTh Auditor. ihetanvaph. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcMigslnirg, Prussia, Twe HarkKrnimds made e$ieclully for Rust and Thrwwjuarter Iitth I'lioterapbi. go 1-2 Nertk Queen St., Next Doer te the Posteffloe. anT-trud IMmtttmaltcv'. ritli.AliKt.riitA, Thursday, May l VtlO. Gloriosa. A brief study. Seener or later every need is supplied. Zephyr weight stuffs, strong, beautiful in style, suited te tjie whole range of dress, from the plain and practical te the elaborate and elegant, were sadly needed. There was nothing te meet the need. Women were burdened with heavy stuffs or obliged te ac commodate their wants te silks, linens, or cottons. The advent of the silk-and-wool stuffs delicate and strong, wonderfully varied, remarkably beautiful Henrietta, Gloriosa, Lansdewnc, solved the ques tion. Yesterday we told of Lansdowne the true and Lans Lans dewne the false, the legal trade mark and its illegal appropria tion. Te-day we ask your thought upon Gloriosa. Gloriosa is net a protected trade-mark! Yeu may call coarse burlaps "Gloriosa" if you cheese. You'll only be laughed at for your pains. Anybody can write, print, or paint " Gloriosa " upon any fabric without fear of legal pains and penalties. If it is done with intent te mislead and deceive, another question comes in. But Gloriosa has a definite meaning : it describes a partic ular cloth, with an individuality all its own which fits it for many special uses. The Hurepcan maker that originated it alone has the wit and knack te make it properly. Many have tried it we have experimented with ethers but none successfully ; therefore our stock is limited te the one only true maker of Gloriosa. Yeu may buy ethers, imita tions, quite rightly called Gloriosa, but you need te knew what you are buying. In no ether dress stuffs can you be se easily misled by appearance. The prices of ours arc $1.50 and $1.75 for colors, stripes and plaids. Others arc lower priced and dearer. Examine with cafe. If the stuff slips en the warp, scams and button holes will break ; if it is tender across the piece, it will net wear. Only this : be intelligent before you buy. If you want te see the standard Gloriosa and form your own judgment about it, our people will show you. In stock today 60 styles of Gloriosa and 22 styles of Lans downe. Jehn Wanamaker. 1)i:il.L llll(H.i.RAlJI V "BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNS." Hew easily It can he dene w hcu J ou mny buy '.i Lawn le'wrer FOR $5.QO. The (Hs)il Werk Can be Much Helped bj the Judicious Use el LAWN GRASS SEED. It I time tnhrsln thlukliiKHbeiit REFRIGERATORS ! Ire helm; tcrv IiIkIi this) ear, the point Is te Kt-t the RefrlKeruter that will Kite tlie uteatest iiuiouutef cold air tilth the hast cou"ii!upllen of Ice. We hate lu the LEONARD. Our prices will surprise jeu. Wen re Headquarters for 111,) ties, Tilcjdes, Viloelpcdes, Tenuis (IchhIs mill FIhini;Tiukle. REILLYBROS. &MUB, (Ilaidwareund Heuse Fiirul'.hlne OoeiIk,) 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te l'ottelllce. uplMind N .TOW W THE TIME TO SOW OUR FINE -MIXED- LAWN GRASS SEED AND Lawn Fertilizer. Themas' Lawn Mowers Are the Chciptftt First-Class Mowers Sold. Ijim n Helices, Tue Ull.mli, Pl.iut Sticks, WlreTiulllsn, Rubber Hese, He.t Rcels. Rustic & Terra Cetta Vases. REFRIGERATORS. S-OPEN EVENI.NUS.-E SPREOHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KING ST. prl7-tfdTu,Tlu.S SVttevucue. T UTHER H. KAUFFMAN, A1TORNKV-AT-L? W. Hecend Fleer Eshleiuan Nerlb DukeMirnHl. iilldlng, Ne. a prHtd.v W0T,1i:.'re..:1'liKM''AKSKlw AND etIN ,131 NERH. All persons are hereby forbidden le trespass en any of the lands f jbe irnwall nd Hiieedwell estates Ibaneu or Ijinrnster ueuntlcs, whether Inclesed or uuluclescd, either for the purpose of sheeting or ruhlug, as the Uw will be rltfldly enfercrd against all tres tres iHiiwingeu said lauds of the uuderslgued Htte Uili nullee WM, COLEMAN FREEMAN K. PKRUV ALDEN, EDW.CFREKMAk, 4ttern7 te H. W. OeUbum'i Htlr QiVOCCVU. A' TltUlWK'B. A CARLOAD OF- Wholesale and Retail, -AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST. T HEIST-H. Wrlleadriunrters Ter llloelccr's Dutch Cocea. Ask ferSumple. It hns nn Equal. Try It. tfea J'rnmtnmter Widest hnrgalnsln Fruit etcr ellcrcd. Alse Nete Display in Frent of Stere Saturday. Then take up the Vne; AVd and what wonder there. CHACKKItH-a Ids Fresh Nlc-Ncs for 2Sc ,T Bis Fresh (JliiRer Snaps ter 23c. 3 Im Fresh Water Crackers for Sic. imir.D COItN-20 I. his. Fine Evaporated Dried Cern nl ti fcs for 2T. Thlslsaldg linrRnln. H ceit sonic one much mere money te evapo rate It. lint their les will hc.venr italn. ColtALINK-Curullueainsuid 10c pack Is a bargain. Wheat Uerin, Oat Meal and llelled Oats, 0 lbs for 2.V.I ItlceatO, 8 and 10c, V m. Jelly In buckets, 11 bargain, II. Kine natural colored I'lckles, He V dez. Clk'lil tubs geed street Butler utlScWftby the tub. Ten aud Ceflee nl prices that will cause yen te wonder. Itciiieinlier, we are agents for Chase A Haubern's famous roasted ceflccs. Ask ter them and jeu will uhvujs have a uniform cof fee us well ns roust. Caustic Heda tie ft l In boxes and 7c lu ket tles. Gulden's Finest Herse Hidlsli Flavored Mus tard. 15e ut. Fine Foreign Cocea Nuts at 0 and 8c. Carload Flue and Coarse Salt at wholesale prices, l'llcdeuslde patcment, cent enlent for leading. Ac. Wall ilrushrs, Hand Hcrubs and llroem at all prices. Uanlen and Flower Seeds fresh and all war ranted 10 be new. Flake nnd Pearl Tapioca, new, 3 It.s for 25e Candy at 811111I 12!nVD. Ijirtc beulis,8e VqU Urcen I'cas, TeVt. Lentils, Hpllt Pcui, H0111-. Iny nud Finest lleans. Olltcs, Mushrooms, Pickled () slers, French Mustard, HIkIi Urade Catsup, French Pcus lu bottles, Drlsy and Iiur kee'sHalad Drcsslnir, MtlshriMitn Catsilli, Unf iled Hlratt berries, Capri-s, Halford and hen t Perrln's Hame, Devllcil Crabs nnd Hindis, Spkcd Clnnis, Mhrlmps nnd 0 iters. Clam Juice. Ojster lloulllen.Chim Chowder, llettled Lebster, Maiila Mjrup, Anchovies lu Oil, Sal Sal eon Stis'k, F.xtnicl of llcef. Fruit Juices, Fruit Jams, Spanish und Frnich I'lckles, .lc., Ac, Anchetynud lllenter Paste, Petted und Iov Iev lleil .Meats, Parmesan Cheese Hiid nil kinds of Sardines. REIST T WHOLESALE AND KhTTAIL OHOCKlt, COHNEIl WEST KINO AND PItlKCEHTH., Directly OpiKwIte J. II. Mart 1 11 A Ce.'s Dry Ooeds Stere, nnd Next Doer toHerrel Herso Hetel. ittvnltttvc. rTENItl' WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, hns removed te 116 East King street, having a full line of Furniture efevery description at the lowest, prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at- veueeii ie. cuii aim examine our kikhis. aK-lfdR H. WOLF, im East K line Street. yMlSAUUlim. The Geed Housekeeper WILL FIRS!" HEP. OUR IMMENSE STOCK PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, PARLOR, FURNITURE! And Oct Our Extremely LOW PRICES for NEWSlVLEd. Ochs & Gibbs, (Jd.lsl A ttli Fleer,) Nn. 31 SOUTH QUEEN Si REET. -I1TIDM I'ER'H CORNER. Ninety Marriage Licenses in April! BIG FIGURES, HUT NOT BIGGER THAN THE BARGAINS WIDMYER'S, Cerner East King; and Duke Streets. SOMETHINQ IN FUKNITURK TO fLEASE EVERY 0HE OF THESE C0UPLE3 ?-Call nud Ht.tck. I n spm-1 the Lirge nnd Varied WIDMYER, EAST KING AND DUKE STREETS, LANCASTER. PA. T lEINrrslFrtFURNTrUHE DEPOl". ' Wk show this week In our win dows our New Line of Chair in XVI. Century Finish. HauiUeme, dura ble aud (heap. Don't miss seeing them and getting th" Special Lew Prices en them. This sale will hist for enu weett, from 12th te lUth of May, and you should taUendvatilnjeef It, HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 fc 29 Seuth Queen Street. i TLANTICCITV. HOTELCHETWOODE Paclllc Atcnne, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New and First-Class, Hleiun Heat ; Call liells. Tuemlmiles Hulk from beach. fiWumlH.UJ IH'rdat. Os!iisjune I murium MRS. ANNIE URl'lin. LargcWIiiterotatees Shccial Clair Sale ! 17IN ELLTHKE rtl OCK FARM. STORM MNG (2161.) RECORD 2.30. Slreil hv Hupp) MnUuin, sire nfffl iH.'rfermers from 2.1 1' In. M. D.imTepsy 'luler by Alci Alci Alci nudcr'sNo'man.slreof Lulu, '.Ml1;, Av 4c. Terms for Hpilmr mmmhi of 1M1, fr'nl leru i.ul. Fer lubulated pedlzrcv und ether luforniatleu, address DANIELU. ENULE,, apri'Mmiliw Martetu, Pa, hec0. B OOT8 AND 8H0IM. STILL COMING IN DAILY, -AT- D. P. Stackhouse's, 28 & 30 EAST KINO STREET, The Latest and Best IN FOOTWEAR. Lew Prices and One Price te All. Call and Bee Our Spring Nevelllc. STACK HOUSE 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. JJOFTI FLKXIIILEI VERV COMFORTA 5 BLR I Aged Ladies' Shoes. This sort of weather brines aped ladles te the shoe store for the easiest uud most comfortable shapes In footwear. Antici pating their needs we're fully prepared iesupplycvery tvunt. They are here In nil icrndcs, of course cheap, medium nnd finest makes. Made lu turleus spe cial shapes nud of leathers sort nnd plia ble, specially tanned Ter tliepurposeof Kiting the best possible results for posi tive ease aud comfort In wear. A most excellent shoe that Muds many buyers Is here In smooth, soft, pliable French Ueat leather, with what the manufacturer terms adjustable bottoms. We have them In sizes aud half sites 2K I" 8's-nml In widths 11., C. D., E. Nent, dressy nnd tcry tidy In appeal nnce. The uppers una bottoms readily adjust themselt es te nil forms of I he toot und are tery comfortable. The maktiiK, trimming end flnlsli of a superior char acter. The excellence of the mntcrlal used In them Is a guarantee thai there can be no fault ns te sert Ice. A companion low slice te thenbete stlewe hate lu Paris Kid Leather, at 12 per pair. Very light, easy nnd soft. '1 his low shea comes up en the feet n tcry llttle higher than the regular low shoe Just high enough te glve support te theunklc. The soles arc light, tlexihle nnd noiseless. Mnkcs nn elegant shoe for aged Indies, or for nurses nnd molli melli erg lint lug the enre of children. Ne trouble te slip In ; no trouble te the root when within. The uppers nnd soles nre of grsxl wearing substance, which makes these shoes economical te buy as they wear long and well for cither dress or ct ery-dny. And the cheaper kinds hate mant mant pelnts of excellence te recommend iliein In a prlce sense In n sene of cemrbrt for feet troubles. 11 00 grades, flutl grades, St 71 grades. Lidlcs who cannot be suited from these cannot be Bulled nny where else. That's sure. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. roll LOTH. LADIES' AND MISSES' $2.00 Shoes -FOR- $ 1 .75. I have Jnt purchased nnntlier Iirije Let of l.uillei' nud Mieses' Dlainend Tip lliilteiiSli('s, Mhlch wercmade le Retail at ti, but by taking the Whole Let I was enabled te buy them at such u price us te enable me te sell thm at $1.75 per pair. The iAdlra run 2 teS In Size. The Diamond Tips are uiadaeut of same material (Dongola) as the uppers. The Misses run 11 te'Jlnslre. The Tips nre made out el Patent Leather nnd mnkes a neat and beautiful contra-1 with the uppers, which nre made of UriRlit Donceln, They cannot last lone nt these prices. Only few of these f2 Ijulles' Urlcht Don Den Don Kela Uutten Square Plain Tim) Shoes left which I adterllsed u short time age us selllnif at il.75. All of these Shoes were Pesltltely J per pair. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECICERI') Iho Leader of l.ew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 A 5 EAST KINO SIRKEl", LNCASTER. PA. j-Stere Closed Etcry Evening nt II o'clock Exiept Memiuv nud Saturday, Criethinti. M ARTIN HHOS. H.vt jeu'll listk uud we'll show jeu. We probably git e mere attention te Suits nnd the details lu Men's nnd Rey's Outfits than any ether house.' Every Need Supplied. CLOTHING -AND- FURNISHING GOODS FROM BASEMENT TO ROOF. A thri e-story store full te pick from, lteidj--inudoerniude-lo-uuusuro. Our fH'clul net ci ties lu Eoj's and Children's Clothing are worth your seeing. Exceedingly Lew In Prices, flood Sults,lltt3,J5l,t.iClO. Very Handsome Suits, II rm. 100, f5 Of). Finest 17 00 and $100. See lite Little Itejs' Kilts, Sai lor Rigs, Rleuses, Waists, IIeeand Underwear. All the new" Stur" waists In stock, 23c, 60c, 75tf, f I 00. An hour In our Clothing Department will be pretlt te jen nnd us. Ittion'tbe timeineugli te see everj thing, but It w 111 be profitable le j ou te tee hew much lower our priics arc; hew much better our Clothing Is made; and hew stjllshly and perfccllj- we can fit en, und we'll hate made a new ctibtenier, as ue nlwujsde when people lslt the department. Werth always wins when there's fair pluy, j-eu knew. Men's ti te i25, from geed te handsome. iJtrge variety In our tcry popular lines nt J10, 12, 115, 118. CUSTOM TAILOR DEPARTMENT SUITS, from 115 up. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. ORTHE REST HOT AIR KURNACB IN the market, go tejuim uui, am r-ut Vel ulteu ttret. mj-ua Stu tSoefc. J-BW YOItK STORE. Piles of Dress Goods IN KVKRY DttKABUS COLOK AT THE OASHMKlti: HKNRIKTTAH, In Heliotrope, tlreys, Old Hose. Ac.Ac, at 25, 3, '), GO te Te cents a yard, MOIIAIK imiLLTANTINES, In nil the nr colerlncrs. .10 Inches wide. Inch, We 1 Oi-liieb,7Jcayrd. NEW TliAlD MOIIAIRS, Beautiful colorings, 25c a yard. ALL-WOOL SPIUNQ SUITINGS, Yard wide, Wc a yard. 30-INCH CASHMEIir. STRIPES, Spring shades, .Tc a yard. PUUE SILK SATIN 1UIADAMES, All colors, 7Sc a yard; worth It 00. FiaUHED CHINA SILKS, 21 Inches wide, Ceca yard. ELEGANT I1LACK SURAH SILKS, Fully warranted, ntC0c,C2)e, 75c tell 00 a yard' LADIES' SHOULDER CAFES, Cleth, Jl 50, JiOO, tim, H00 te WOO Encli. LADIES' ItEADED CAPES, t!50,!JW, I3G0, $IOO,t'.00 Each. LADIES' SPRING JACKETS, 12 00, $300, II 00 te S3 00 Ericn CREAM CASHMERE SHAWLS, 1 00, 1 25, 81 50 Each. WATT fiTsHAND, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. WIL! L1AMMON AFOSl'ER. Tlie Pink of Fashion ! M0US DE LAINE! The New Summer Fabrics In nil the New nnd Favorite Shades ure new upon our counters for jour acceptlen or rejection. If you arc net disposed le purchase, necciit a. cordial Invita tion loexamlne these New Summer Fabrics. Ladies' Jackets and Ready-Made Dresses. In stjles that nre original nud nt prices Hint will command attention. Lawn Tennis Suits und Wrappers, Jl nnd ileys' Knee-Pant Dre Suits, $, M.."iOnnd II. gent's fine mu:ss CUTAWAY COAT SUITS, Fancy Worsteds and Plain Cheviots, Light and Dark Celers, tU te i'.'l. Oent's StylMi Dress Snck Suits, Thibet Cleths nnd Cnsslmcrcs, Dark Ceat nud Vest and Light Trousers, 112 te CM. GENT'S SILK NECKWEAR Silk Tcck Scarfs, 10c Embroidered Ties and Windser Bows,2ec. Sailor Knets aud locks, 2m Handsome Patterns lu Flowing-End Tecks, 00e. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, 2.5c. and GOe. TH8 NOiAZ: ID9H Fer Fnshlemble Yeung (lonts (lents (lonts ercd Still Hut, with I'lut llrlin. the LlghbCol LlghbCel Call undhcalt. In CHILDREN'S STRAW SAILOR HATS We have the most complete nnd finest assort ment te be found niij where, ut the universal iiricc, 50e. Colers: lirettu. Navy, White and .llxed. Children's Whlle Embroidered Cnpsand Bon Ben nets, 'ic te (2. Infant's Leng Dresses, 23c. te 13 00. Children's Whlte, die teK.. A complete range of slicsnnd widths InE.C. Hurt's and J. A F. Cousins' High Urudc Low Lew Cut Shoes for Ladles' Hummer Wear. Ladies' Lew-Cut Shoes, Oxford Ties or Uutten, Tip and Plain Tees. Ldiiiiiioiihen-eer Oiieni llttls, T6c, Jl, tl.'Jjuud 81.M. A Meat Cutting Machine That Is unexcelled for family use price, I1.2J. The bet Muchlneotcrlnlrediicod ler Mlnclug Meat, Trljie of Clams. Easily adjusted by menus of thumb screns thut clump It te the table. THE CHICAGO SEWDTO MACHINE Will de work equal te nny ether Sewing Ma chine mnde. Prlce, tlUiO. W. A F. Caramels, 11M. tb. es-Meke j-eur purchases from the Reliable Stere, where satisfaction Is Insured en every purchase made. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., .isit NO. 318 MARKET ST.. HARRISHURO. PA. 1 !our. T EVAN a r LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Hakes a B'G L:a' of B.-ead. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. trWIIAT MORE DO YOUWANT.fW TTTSdlt AMKItllVVNHlTlTlTFKKIinYLINDER. NEW YORK STORE. Williamson & Fester, Jj Lubricators, (lla.sOII Cups for UiarlnrOl., teucuiiKei iuciu ut juun iili tlT'M, Fulton street. v S100,000. IN 1JONDS AND MOHTUAClf VESTOIW, IN SUM" iioe, rJoe, a, 11,000 CTADC Hendse per cent. Interet " sjsvifc- Merttages-in;r cent, ,t Klne street, havlnir j'earljj. ,f every description at th bend or call for full injudertaklnj prempOy at- wsai J diamine ear eoeds. IQUf, 13 Mt Kln HtnM, TuttSWUi "it- ,.lr3j I-.
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