WufSVK" !5VV' JMfy -I" J) T,- " Twvi t THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, APKIL 28. 1890. 5s- K "I rtlu tttelltflcnccr. Wl, i.1 RSW J. HINM AW. OSAKUBBTEINMAM rOLTZ, Editors. , HOBKRT CLARK PubHabar. , DAILY IKTLLiaKXCR,-PeMlshe- 4.; 7 t-ty tn the rear, but Bunday. Hervea fcf wrier. In this eltr and surrounding iMiHiwaaHta.m.h ttmn radel ?.TlaMavarl4-tlM lamnuinenUii k n T ; frS-BCLY tNT-LLTQKNC R-One dollar and mnr eetiU year, In advance. I TO BOBSCKIBEIU Merau ey cu-c : ar mtn -r. and where neither or ; '.Ifceaaeaa b procured send In a registered '1 the Posteffloe, m aoaend elan mall 4i AssmaM, TBI WTKLLiaEKCtX, Lancaster. Pa. ,tv .LAHOAJTEl.F.l., Aril 28, 1890. -y jw ' iwieiniienarj ncaiwti Speaker Iteed. as we have heretofore . t it '- n .i i i ! .... Ia 41. a fPInllAtia ptaymf type of statesman than anyene EWne.HOW figures en our stage. J is cuar- stle Is audacity ana nu uu- apuleusDtss that flndi no liln- inee in tee constitution te the anlishrnent or a dcslred purpose. ens flourished In tumultuous time. Mteed figures tn peaceful ones that net se well suit the rele he assumes. In the midst of avowed conflict the S-S. ll. ..,. il. t !-... naiw nreaiicui, uuin iiuiu ui uaiui in iiuv Ifropuieus te revolutionary statesmen. Bessier Heed lias net nuvanccu lils pfcrty-ln public esteem by his violation iii eorjgraeleuat precedents with the I' fifttj, purpose te confirm Republican airei vh. veugreag ; mm iiic pruinmiiuii Nftwt be new miikes Hint the United ktes shall take entire clinrgc of nil ' .a i. n ai elections, uees net conie te me feplewlth the weight it would linve lr w author had net already ruined 'Us repute for fair statesmanship. It Is a fwomnendatien very naturally flowing from a partisan who has already satis- 'fled the country that he sees nothing tteat stands In the way of his purpese te f'.Mcure the domination of his party. Ills present scheme, if It becomes operative, yr temporarily fortify the Republican party In federal control. If It can eecure M appointment of the election officers l-Ltbe manipulation of the election chlnerV at federal olcctletis. it may srbaps prolong for a while Its control 'Congress ; but only for a while. The hrsiee of the people in a free ceuutry, In- fbrmedbyan iudepeudent and power- ' All press, stich as this ceuutry enjoys, i hardly be suppressed eveu for u lit- tts time. '-'".Mr. Heed's scheme will net secure f popular favor for the geed reason that net. is no exigency calling Ter It auu that there are strong reasons against It. In Its cost, In Its IvJeng list of fed- rral.:elHcsand In ItaJUJuue lutorfer- kWith the reserved peVHaVMnlu) tates. Jledemandslt en the sole ground ithe Republican party is deprived ' lB the Bouthern states of the rote of the vBSfro'pepulatlon, which he declines aaturaliy Dciencs te it. JJe admits that li k an Ignorant vote, but vows that his party wants It just as It Is, and thinks that it is urjnucu entitled te It as the , Democratic party Is te the Ignorant vote Maf New Yerk. Mlt will net give any one any trouble te JMOgnlze the clap-trap nature of this last declaration. It is as clearly under- . AUed as the avowal that the Republican any wants the negre vete by hook or by creek. It wants It se much, iu Speaker Reed's opinion, that It is ready .i establish federal elections Iu all the ' atates that It may get the negre vete in JMM or two southern states where it con siders that the Democrats seize upon It. ' lit aeems that Mr. Reed's game Is some- Swhat small for his caudle : uud it should rb a consideration with him whether It WW worth It. $ Probably he would conclude elher- kwWlse but for a bejx) that he probably en- Qtertains in secret that whlle scmug 'klipeathe Ignorant Beuthcru vete with bls federal election machinery he may -;mw uomnve te siiatcu witn H tuat f.lfnerantclty vete In New Yerk which TtJi A..t j ! . fjuc uuw awigus iu me icmocraiie jiuny. ; Mr. Reed's plan very likely ceutem- felates a gathering In of the floating s-3?yete of the whole ceuutry by the federal elucers, which he conceives -w-wlllbe cheaper and belter than even 2 the xcclleut blocks of Ave method of Indiana. Wfl ImVA lint, nillfll fiap flint ftlililtn rrfLJ.rr.ivr ..... ""'"-"' 5 cuvnucui- win suaiaiii tins itepuuucau S;vr " "" l"""b -"" -uw.u wuuhj 11. IU :;eesi ana uonuage te enable the Republi can party te get the negre vete of Vlfl-luafnnt Aven -liniilt i 1.a Hia fu.l Eittat present Democratic metheds in that K.,. state seduce the negre from the support B.M-.er tne republican party. There is still L'fe'a sound public sentiment which forbids ir'Mtl.Tlt1a fr.rlei-itt lilirr.i.A lithl. Al.. pt"afialrs of the stales. And when the hl-eUtee generally are net deemed com- Kpetent te fairly return te the federal lE,V'lngrcB8 me represcntarives who are tfaSKtb.- choice of the people, it will be u cell ie Session or their Imbecility, which will ' argue 1)1 for the strength and perpetuity Bsf the republic. The vigor of the United Ejwates is the aggregate vigor of the r states ; and what can the nircrenate be pp'if the units are deprived of their strength ? X Mallcteui Cennnlttce. There is a committee of the lfentihll. fircan Senate of New Yerk slttimr in that lty, Investigating Its Democratic gov gev & arnrxient. It Is pmrintvird i.tr n tt.n,i Mi Bamed Ives, who is the henchman of fl. .-it rt ... ,. . .. & -iujui vjiuuv, ui ivruviaii auu etuer L.Sinaloderoua noterlctv. lve la .. r..u..i . lbut that rather helps than hurts him, In Sawpittce as puoter tbe inquiry of the ; pOenate itepuuucan committee into -Democratic misdoing. He Is the sort of laaan well adapted te uese it out. but vet Wke Is net te be believed further than hie proofs. 4i Tbe committee' has been successful In uncovering gross abuses iu the sheriffs tfl!ee; but has new come te grief in a ijsntenal attack upon Mayer Grant. - ,,wbich is se obviously unfounded as te . jaaake It clear that it has beeu mallei- iiely made. The story of a per- -l.ftODal enemv wila tnkfii nnili.rlli w jp j. ia committee, charging the mayor with MKiDg te bribe the beard of aldermen caeme years age with a fund of 5180,000, .'teeenfinnhlui as park commlsalener u, ,aad ebarglng also that the mayor when m T;JT ""':u pniuis wiui air. krener, 6 ,tM Tammany leader, giving Croker's ; tH aauguier f-,uw m the shape of a am-vm. nuvu me committee took fble witness' testimony, In the aUcnce fib accused mayor, it adjourned, obvl ebvl ily Intending the charges te affect the pabllc Judgment until the next meeting. $ The newspaper reporters, however, weat into the investigating business en their own account, and siicedlly get sough antidote te correct the poison. Tuey printed with the wltne-te eterv Ik ataUuif ut of the accused mayor, and ether witness that clearly showed the entire falsehood of the Improbable charges; and Mr. Crekcr cables from Germany, where he is lying 111, that the story of the witness, who Is his brother-in-law, Is false, and that he Is a black mailer. This performance does net reflect credit upon the Bcuate committee and wholly destroys lis usefulness, since It 'demonstrates se clearly the political and personal spite that animates Its Investigation. Mr. Jean. In his desperate efforts te keep pace with his own loquacity, Bam Jenes nearly wrecked himself en Sunday. He was preaching In Charlette, North Carolina, and before he knew what he was about he pitched Inte the Mecklenburg declaration of Inde pendence and declared It a myth and its celebration a drunken frolic. As the de claration Is a pet hobby of the Carel! n I nlans, he seen found that he was treading en very tender corns, and was forced te make a most abject ajwlegy. He said that he had found he was mistaken, but in his eagerness te explain he again made treuble for himself. JIa wild that Philadelphia pcople had misled him and that he would "stamp the feathers out of them" when he get back te that city. Whnt u fine llurclmnl Mr. Jenes would make? He could always be relied tien te say the right thing In the wrong place, and his picturesque and vigorous language would help along a campaign like a breeze. He Is only an exces sively developed specimen of n very plentiful variety of clergyman and there are many worthy preachers of the gospel who rarely venture upon secular topics without coming te grief in a similar manner. Pulpit tialnlng docs net seem te develop care 1 n observation or statement. When a man is talking about religious matters and abusing the devil nobody cares much hew he may prance along if he only manages te make his discourse eloquent, impressive ntul edlfyltlg ; but when he comes down U earth and turns himself loeso In the same way disaster Is Inevitable. Mi:iicimi'.man Meat Axe, of the Hlie. shene Indiana, tins n mysterious rival. It will be rcinenibered that Mr. Axe pro pre dieted n grent Heed uml sent out runnera te ainoinble all the Indians Iu the Wind River mountains, In Wyoming, se thnt they might deacend and k)sehh tlie earth after the whites had been swept away by the waters. New a atrange rumor comes from JiiNt ever the Mentana Ixirder, from the land of the Cuoycnnes and Crew h. thnt these Indians nre wildly oxrlted ever a rf - L pert that a great leader wllLswir nlearT who will roll the wniU-Tiver en tlie whlle rncelf-lSy.icrrffBt In persecuting tlie In LtUsWtT This louder, strange te biiv, la de- scrlbed as a whlle man who will nlde with the Indians, and they call him the I ml Inn Christ. The cemmuudant at Pert Custnr, Mentana, has aeut a ferce te watch the In dians who nre holding mw-wows and religious meetings preparing for the ap ap ap poarunce of the whlle leader who Is add te be in the Dig Hern mountains This leeks very much llke a plot of soma rascally mcdiclne man with a whlte oenfedorato who Is determined te outdo Mr, Meat Axe at all hazards. The flood Idea was grand enough, but what li It te casually rolling the earth ever en the whitest Thore in Homethlng very pathetic in the effect of thone vngue, wild rumor of miraculous Intervention for the roscue of the red man front his Inovitable fate. It Is as though they recognized thohepelexsnci of any struggle of theirs Rgalnat white advauci), but profoundly Impressed with their own wrenga, proud and deflant tliey rofuaed te bollevo that their onemloa would be permitted a llnal triumph. The jKipularlty of n whlte Christ In this ox ex ox tremity shows the Improsslen that the character of the founder of our religion box made uien the savage mind. Thk llrazlllaii "previsional gooru georu goeru mont" has Issued a decree declaring guilty of military sedition nil pontens who erigi nate or aid In circulating false reperts or alarming rumers.suclias rerorerlnstance, te the disci pllne of the troops, the stability of public hutlttitlens and publla order. Prem this tliey ozclude criticism of tlie government's acta no matter hew severe, provided It la free from porHenulttlos or de famation. The offender is In all cases te be brought te the capital far trial. The decree Is supplementary te ene Issued In Docembcr at the time of the trouble with an artillery regiment, and the trial of persons arrested under it will be bofero a military tribunal and ac cording te military forms. Tlie effect of tue December decree was te muzzle (he pros, but since then, under thooucourago theoucourago thoeucourago nient of se oral mcuibera of the previsional cabinet, who favered llberty of the press, the papers have been very bold In their criticism of publle affair. Dr. I.obe, ox ex mlnistcr of the interior, has published a letter insisting thnt there Is my-torieus and well organized conspiracy n gainst the government which it has net been able te pcnetiate. He notes that the alarming reperts that from tluie te time spring up origluate simultaneously at distant points and spread w ith great rapidity. A Hall orKleotrlo Flre. During .Sun dny nftorneon'a storm tlie 65 feet llag-stuirabent fifty feet anav fiem Life Saving nation 2, en Sandy Heek, was -truck by a ball of fire aa large as a barrel head. The topmast uud main spar were shattered from top te bottom. Surfuiau Jeseph Jtlddle sat ut a window and saw the ball sheet from the Uustern sky, preceded by a bright whlte light which Illuminated the vicinity of the station, lllddle noticed a black atreak run dewu the topmast and the ball of tire struck the mast with a report llke that era cannon. It did net linger as balls of electrie light sometimes de, but disappeared llke a flash of lightning. Ne thunder or lightning had been beard or seen before or afterward, and this did net resomble IlKhtiiing. Cantalu Jack ldwards and his crew uore dumbfounded. The former bolleves It was a meteor, but It left no trace. Twesurfmeu say they have seen such llre balls at sea In tropical w ater, but never hereabouts. The flagstaff was se thoroughly shattered that It was easily pulled ever by means of the halyards. " Mellln'a Feed und I ure old frleudF, it hat tug fulfilled all the condition! ilemuiule t efltntiny hand," Is the testimony of a well well knew n phjtlclun. 1 fl l.W CKN'-.UF.IIKNTUIIKHTOCK CKU JLVr tldcate in multlplia of IKU, eurulima guarunt cab dl Idend of 10 per c?nU per an. i1.0.1.""4' le eml-nuually, are turned Vv file Uulldfnitand Uian AMoelatlen orihketa(llon e Ofllee. Aberdeen, Beuth Dakota). Ne niember 'VlJS .eU,ler l'l incident te lnuunce of stock. Hloekmaybeceueru-d InterasTat pon-hase price after two jeurs. I nveter se cured by teal esUte mertgsites te double the anieunt of the Investment deposited with a .w-v. vv.4tvuucil ITIYlim, Manager rrhllalelpblaOffle Nt All VLul..... u. ptNELETnKKSlOCK FA KM. STORM K?NG (2161) DECOKD 2.30. Blred by Huppy Medium, sire etCO performer from a UH te iM. Dam Topsy Ta ler by Alii-ander-s Nerman, lre of Lulu. 2.111,', Ac., dc terms for Hprlng season of 1SW, for u foal, ter tabulated pedlgi'ee und ether Information, addresf DANIEL. U.KNOLK, ' aprlmdw Marletu.l'a, XORCAHT IKON iMiu vn-ivnu lfllii J'!"!1" tl?.d..reducl."K' "P te "-'"eh Ufanieter, DOTlf SJ-iA I"erI5; Union. Tube Hupperu! Mangers, Kleer and Celling Jlat BESl-H, (33 East Kulton sfreV miiq Ask for VAN IIOUTEN'M OOOOA-Uke no ether. (1) .i i Why De People Have Twe nets of leelh. They don't shed arm and lega te gti nw one. Teeth are Indlfpeaaable, and the Crea Crea eor aire two chances. When one nan BOZO DON T, even among balilsa, It preeerres the 11 decldoem teeth," and help tottrtecthea the permanent. ' TtioManWtaeTalkaMaoh, We wantterajr a word te you who makes living with your tongue. Yeu certalnlr hare rlrar, ttrenc voice te engage your lliienera 1. Themat' Kcfertrle Oil ter lore threat, cxrtde and limrneiiem la unexcelled. Ilea and admlm. Fer anln by Vf. T. flecb, 137 and 13S North Queen atreeL "uanewtcr. A Cure for Conatlpatlea aul Mick-Mead-aobe. Dr.Hllna Mne, while In the Itecky Mountain!, dlnceTcred a root that when combined with ether lierbn, makca an easy and certain cure for roiutlpatlen. It la In the form of dry root and leaves, and It known aa I-ine's Family Medi cine It will cure lek-bendache In one night, for the bleed, liver and kidneys, and fur clear ing up the complexion It deca wenden. Drug gliu sell It at 60 cent a package. )) Well As Ever. Lettie Heward write from Buffalo, N. T. t "My ayatam bccamegrratly debilitated through ardneni proleMlenaidutlea, Muffered from nan era, nick headache and blllleuineea. Tried llunleek Bleed JllltmwUh the meat beneficial erteet. Amiwell aa ever. Fer sale by W. T. Much, 137 and IS North queen afreet, Lancaa ler. V AN IIOUTEN'H COCOA " 1I1MT A OOE3 FAlTIIIT. Tliflpnreat,moHtaeluble-the original eoeoa. Invented, putented and made In Helland, nallcate, stimulating, nutrltleue, much better for Uie nerve than tea and coffee. Ask for NAN HOUTK.VH, take no ether. (SI) inr31-ly.lM,W,K etuelcf. w- ATCIItX, CLOCKS, KTC. f CIX)CKS, Bl'ECTACIiKS, Ac., BOLD AND REPAIRED, lU NOIITH QUKKN 8T-WKIIEIl'H. s-WaU-he carefully sdectad for Farmers and ItallreaJsm. apr2t-lyd TCWKI.KII AND OltADIIATB OITICIAN. GILL! jk ir;. Kit d a ii a i) ua tjc ernci. i x. In the Meit flmiiltlve Orpin we l'eMctn. If iK'Klcctcd the result t iwrleui nnd often iiruran filial. Kye thnt Actie, Kyen that OrewTlrrd, Kym thnl are Dim, Kyes that Hum or Itrh, come under thin huml and nheilld Iiate Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free ! - .Mi Rpnrtllctvf.l . 1tU ureH U!ea J OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 VlST KINO HTUEKT, I .NOAHTKH, PA. Vf Al.TRKC. 1IKKR. Are jnur K)rs troubling you because our glasses de net suit ? OAI.Ii AT HcRR S( TIIEJUWELKIt, And tliiil out the muse. We supply the want by glvliiK you n pair of GOOD GLASSES, PROPERLY FITTED. si-viteF. i.irn.i:. kxpkiit optician, will be here this weult. llltncult cusis so licited. EXAMINATIONS KltUi:. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COKNKH OK OKANUK. rVAtlM'SCOilNKK. SPECTACLES I A Ni:V AND PKHMANKNI Ol'LNKD DEI'AKTMENT ZAHM'SJCORNER. WulrnxoepenoJa DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In ceniwctlau with our retail busi ness, and have KITTED UP AN OKKICK ON THE HECOND KI)Olt OK OUU UUILDINU exclushely devoted te this brunch, and hae plated It In charge of u Regular Oraduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience Intliebest hospitals of the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propeso te simply adjust correctly nil cases of defective sight, and fit them with the correct lenses, but te perform all HUHQ1 CAL OPEHATION8 necessary, and te place undir treatment these yhe by proper atten tion! ihxhI only treatment of tlie eye te restore their sight without the use of Sectacles. At thesbine time we de net propose te make the adjustment se e.iieiiile as te debar our cus tomers from the aduntage et a proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATION8 KIIEE, excepting only these that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Helng sole agent for the celebrated ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for the money In the country, and liu lug the advantages of u proper adj ut ment at u price within the reach of all, there will be ae necessity for any one using glasses that are uncomfortable or unsulted te their eyes. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with an trouble of the e) e, In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJL'BT MENTandl'IUCE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'HCOK.NKlt, npri-Jind LANCA8TEII, KA. JJ,JJVJ Inch te Inch diameter, for sale at a low figure, and the only house In the S'ty y Ith a plpe cnttliiK machine, cutting up te lin.li diameter, at JOHN Utyra.S-i East Kul- toil street. m7'tfd TT(OIt l'IlTT A OADV A8UE8TOH DISC V aUes, Jenkins Vahes.llrass Ulebe Vahcs. llrassGate Vahes, Iren Bedy Ulebe Vfthes Lewrbafety Vahm. Pep Hafety Valves, Air V.alv"t,,'",la.t.er . I'ratt's Hwlnglng Check VaUcs, Brass Check ValvesJ-'oet Vahcs It&VtKSt:"" at J0UN UEbt8- 7r IAHItr IN HTOCK-BE8T CHAUCOAU TNJECTOHH. HUE I.lTrr.K ui-- ,. . .. 4-..cec'5 ''"Plraters and Electors. Ebermin" ueuerreeaer.renuertuv Insnectiir. Am.,i 1lnn. Iu.n !.. . . ".. . A.. -..'I- -- v .. '., null nu wtwti. u JJll!t BEST'H, 834 East Kulton street inT-tid r(i.,.l0J,U:U,'1U!!,': WHUHHE8, HTILLBON Pipe Wrenchea.l'liieaud Stenkev Wrenches combined, Kllea. Oil tans, etc Ve U JOHN BE.sr.aM East t'ulten street ' ni7-tfd Wnmktr'. PnitADaxraiA, Menasy, April as, lste. We have been giving one hundred "and eighty feet of counter space te the surprise let of French Weel Dress Goods at half prices, Net room enough. This morning yre crowd some of them en te another long coun ter, and for your convenience and etlrs they are cut into dress lengths i.oeo of them : 8-yard lengths $2.00. 10 yard lengths $2.50. That's 25c a yard. The goods are a regular 50c grade, and this year styles. Where the yardsticks are flying there are plenty mere of these quarter dollar goods, and heaps of the 40-in. Berder 30c 4e-in. Bordered Challis 30c 39-in. Strp'd or Plaid Serge 30c 39-in. Striped Serge 40c 4 1 -in. Bordered Serge 50c 38-in. Jacquard Striped and Plaid Pure Mohair Bril liantincs 50c. Deuble the price would net be out of the way for most any of them. HeutheaM and southwest of centre. Just as a reminder of hew little the Muslin Underwear need cost almost nothing te pay for the making. Gowns : I'lald Cambric, Mether Hubbard yeke trimmed with beading, ll.7,i. Klne -luslln, with Mether Hubbard yoke, ten rows of fine Hamburg Insertion ou yoke, neck aud sleeves trimmed with In sertion, edge and beading, 11.23; tlie $1.75 KIUU. Heavy Muslin, with Mether Hubbard yoke of all-ever embroidery trimmed with Hamburg, 70c. Skirts : Heavy Muslin, with embroidered rulllj slid B plaits, II. Imported English Mpersucker, with extra wide ruffle, f 1.23. Underskirts : Heed muslin, hem, and 7 plaits, ?Jic. Ooed Muslin, Hamburg rutlleaud 4 plaits, 60c. Drawers : Kine Muslin, with horn nnd 8 plaits, .10c. Klne Musllu, cambric riillle, and J styles Plaiting, 4Sc Klne Cambric, ruffle edged with Torchon . laee, and IS neat pnills, (X'c. .,:, . .. A"geed share of the women within a hundred miles of town knew the " L. R." Corset. Ne nonsense about it, and nothing te pay for name. Your money gees for style, quality, right shape, and for nothing else when you put it into the " L. R." The "L. R." Summer Corset at $i is better than any $1.25 Imported Corset we knew of. The 75c Summer " L. R." holds the same relative rank. In ceutil and jean, white or drab, there are " L. R.'s" at 75c, 95c, and $1. Hvcend fleer, first gallery, Juniper street side. Jehn Wanamaker. QHifuriumrc. TTK1H AMAUTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wi are new opening our Hprlng Importation of Quoensware nnd will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heusestlres reeehe especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. $atu acviiiKB. R EILLY 11UOS.A KAUB. We Have the Largest Line of Baby Carriages in im: city: The Prices range from f 1 00 te tx 00 See our J7.M Coach. It Is a beauty and a big favorite. We keep the Celebrated Whitney Coach. Our desuens are all the latest We luie no old styles. A geed Coach for 15.00. Our 110 Carriage Is elegautl) upholstered, rattan body.serell spring. REIILTBROS. &RATJB, 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te t'ostefllre. SPKCIALTIES-lllcyeles. Tricycles, KUhlng Tackle, Teunls Uoeds und Velocipedes. aplMmd Ceal. T UMBKKANDCOAU JJ TOBACCOHHOOKBANDCABEH. WEST KRN UAKD WOODH. Wholesale nd Itstatl, bjr., . ..... B. B. MAKTIN CO.. ns-Iyd -H Water atreat Lancaster, Pa. "DAUMQARDNERa COMPANY, COAL DEALERS. W?N,JrL?tr1,QUeen8tIel'Wl1N yVAsns-NertU Prlucs Street, near Beading SiUlVtm LANOArtTEK, PA. DJ- fCliES-- MANUPAerUKER OF 8UU . glil and OrthepHKllcal Appliances, such 11'-.iiu1"f!,.l,fapeA Urutchea. tubfect Hbees, W01?1 ,;l,nb,i.K'ft,,tl!Htec1tngs1etc.,Hplnal! Abdominal and Uterine HuoperUrl, etc. Xady slUudaucs.auT West King stretl nlmd, tf eeim tt 9ha. B OOTS AND SHOES. SPEIKfl SUG&ESTIOIS I! IF YOU WANT TO BE PEBFECTLY COM FOItTABLE.OO TO STACKHOUSE'S, AND ParctaaPair of HisLatest Slees Men, Women and Children Supplied. Ladles' Kine )ew Oxfords and the Ratlnlane Tep Bhee for Ladles. " Jnsl the Thing." -- Buying for Cash and Helling for Cash, I will yield te netnau In the trade In the matter of Lew Prices. STAOK HOUSE 28 and 30 East King Stmt, LANCASTER, PA. H AN DHOME SHAPED FOOTWEAR I Hand-Sewed Shoes. Among tlie recent arrivals or Ladles' Bhecs here Is a superb tins or hand sewed shoes, adapted for either every day or fine dress. There Is an air of grace nnd beauty about thorn that at tracts aud pleases at sight. Uppers are cut from a superior grade of bright fin ished kid, a little heavier than French kid, which adds much te their wearing qualities: are fitted, trimmed and lined excellently. Heles aravery flexible, en suring ease and comfort In wear; suffi ciently stout, tee, for satisfactory ser vice; are noiseless and de net creak. Many pretty shaped feet frequently ap ticar untidy and slip-shed becauae of net being properly fitted. There's no reason why any should be imperfectly clad If selections be made from this line or shoes. We hate them In aU'wldths from B. te K. Inclusive, and rnrely expe rience, treuble 1n fitting, whether the feet be exlru narrow or extra wide, whether It be site ler site 7. All sizes and widths between are here, of course. These shoes are certain te become popu lar among young ladles exacting In (I rets, ihey are matchless In finish, high class style and grade at a price se reasonable. f3 per pair. New lines of Misses' and Children's Hhecs made from correct models for the growing feet. Hec them, te see hew much better we cater te your wants than de our competitors On style, In grade, In price. Pointed Tee Shoes for MEtPH WEAR will ngaln be In the fashlonable swlnr this season. We've something new and pretty In Congress nnd ltals. for young Mliiffi'te l59r t ih", stylish, cheap. Ought te be tf, they're marked $1.73. Hew will that suit? SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. etfurnltuve. TTENRx- WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East King street, having a full line of Kurnlture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine enr goods. aS-Udlt H. WOLK. LIS Raat King Street. e cimaainiM. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Ooed Things wn might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Kurnlture that fits a worthy name. All the New Styles. It's no treuble te sill such Kurnlture when It's known. Here's the reason : We Hell Kurnlture for Rep utation us Well as for Meney, Ne thought of cheapness In a single piece. Made ler long wear and satisfaction, and yet sold cheap. That's what makes It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, Ne. 31 SOUTH QUEEN Hl'KRKT. w IDM iER'S CORNER. NOW. New Is the Time of All Times lOOKT The Beat Values In Furniture for THE LEAST MONEY I WIDMYER, Cemer East King and Duke Streets LANCASTER, l'A. HE EINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOf. Wiiat De Yeu De With Your Old Stock ? Was This Week Asked by a Customer, We sell It for what It will bring, was our an swer. We ullew no shopkeepers here. PLUSH ROCKERS are away down. ItEDROOM SUITS are away dewu. COUCHES andLOUNOfM. Well. anyone can rest easy en such nice goods for te little money. Lets of Other Geed Things at Popular Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street NreX1fcfT.,.T,u:s,'AI'SK,w AN gun ,L1 N ER8. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any or the lauds of the XirnwaU nd Speedwell estates Ic Lebanon or Lancaster bounties, whether Inclesed or unlnclesed, either for the purpose or sheeting or fishing, as tha law will be rhrldly enforced against all tree passing en said lands of the undersigned an this notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R.PKROVALDEN, EDW. a FREEMAN, , ttemays for U. W. Oelasuui's Hal r. m . N: EW YORK STORE. I t a GrAHSTS -IN- WATT , SHAND ARE ALWAYS ON TUE OUTLOOK FOR BARGAINS. One Case Best Quality TOILE DU:NORDS 10c a yard ; never sold for less than 12)e. MEW POINTED CH ALLIES at 5, SH. 10 and 12cUayard. A few mere pieces Woel-Kaco PIN CHECK SPRING! SUITINGS, 12c a yard; only hair price. FINE ZEPHYR GIN-HAMS, ISe a yard made te sell at 25c FINE INDIA PONGEES, 33 Inches wide, 20c a yard. ., AMERICAN PRINTKD FLANNELETTS, 12e a yard ; leek as well as French, at COc 60-Inch ALL-WOOL SPRING SUITING, 8e a yard ; regular price, GOc. FINK STRIPED HEItQE BUITIN03, Sca yard; usually sold at 60c M-Inch NEW MOHAIR PLAIDS, beautiful colorings, 2Se a yard. UO Deseu GENT'S SPRING SCARFS, 23c each ; many of them are worth 60c. LADIES' NEW CLOTH CAPES In Black, Tan, Grey, Gebelin, etc., 11.60 each, worth tf. 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. w ILLIAMHON A FOSTER. urn Damn LADIES' DRESS CLOTH I The goods are E0-lnches wide, nil wool, In all the Leading Similes and Illack. 'J hey wcre ttuuD ... dcii ni. jv u ihiui uur pneu IB sve The quantity Is limited, and cannot possibly t(itf littler nt Bttrih tin avlrnmiilv Iiubp iirlnA THIS SEASON'S FAVORITE. Beys' Cambric Tunic Bulls, In Light nnd Dark (Shades of Casslmere nnd Cheviots, ti te 17.00, and n Callepe In the bnrgaln. Ladles' Morning Wrappers, Light und Dark Celers, SI. Ladles', Misses' nnd Girls' Steckinette and Cleth Jackets. 2 te (6. Ladles' Beaded Wraps, KM te ft 25. A large assortment efHIlk Wraps and Caws, at lowest prices. " ON SECOND FLOOR can lie found n large and hnndsome assortment of Men's and Heys' Clothing, In tlie Latest Fashions for Hprlng and Hummer. The Htralght Butten Mack Ceat, In round cor ner or square cut. The Rell Cellar Back Ceat Is very stylish. The Deuble-Breasted Sack Coats, square or round corner, cut with long roll, te dress with Deuble-Brcasted Vest. The Cutaway Ceat Is tlirte and four-button, rm-stly three. Prince Albert Deuble-Breasted Coats nre worn with Pants of lighter shade. Our Pant Bleck consists of the Leading Styles of Hlrlpcsnnd Plaids. Strictly All-Weel Pants from JiOO te fS. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. The largest and finest assortment of Neck wear found nnyuhere. Light and Dark Colored Teck hearts, ITete Sl.25. r'eur-ln-HaniK all colors, "c ted 25. Club Heuse, Windsors. Tycoon Tie and Fancy Straight and Strap ttes, lu great arlety. Klghmle Shirt, (1, or f." 40 per hair dozen. Ne. 2. 75c., or St 03 per half dozen. Fermer price, SI. Dr. Warner's Llght-Welght Underwear, In Camel's Halrand White Woel.ntSI.-i. Special allies in I-tdlcs' llandkerchlcfs at 2c, Sc and 4c. All 10c Handkerchiefs new 7c. All 15c and 17c Handkerchiefs new l2Kc. Jphlte and Coleied Embroidered liundker chlefs, excellent values, 17c Hular35e and 3Se Hundkerrhlefs new 20c. Better grades, ifc, 13c aud 15c. Baltimore Shoes for Ladies' Wear are made or Ben. Bright Dongola I -father, Nar row Square Tees, Hand-Turned Seles, with Pointed and Straight Tips, Common Sense Heels. These are thu best lilting nnd most sty lish Shoes In the market. Price, S3 60. We haCe the exclusle sale tn Lancaster. HOUSEFURNISHINGS. Klat Irons, superior quality, sizes 6 te 8, at Sad Irons, with detachable, nlwaj s cool linn die, atll.fflperset. Iren Skillets. 17o.00e. 28c nnd m- Wash Boilers, rust-proof steel bottom, Nes. 8, l huu e, .. ipv. v-m auu f i.t. Sprinkling Cans, 19c, &Jc nnd 47c CANDIES. Fine Candles nt lewcu prices. Try our W. & BABY CARRIAGES. Don't fall te see our selection and get an Idea of values. Our fS Carriage Is as carefully made as our 1-3 Carriage. Ladies' Parasols. Special makes, and can give any new shade te match meit any dress. Alse, all Combination Celers and Plain Black Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. Prices, 87c up. Children's Parasols, 2Jc. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., ANI NO. 31S MARKET ST.. HARlllanURO, PA. eleur. EVAN'bLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a B'.CLeaf of Bwad. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. TWHAT MORE DO YOU WANTJTJS nti-tvt. DM M NEW MK STORE, An in Williamson I Fester TVR. NATH0R8T, DENTIST. Jl a CENTRE SQUARE. Killing Teeth aud Painless Kxtra-tien Sne claltles. New Sets made, broken one mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes,eerytblng perlaluing te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naiherstls the ONLY Dentist In this county who is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den tistry, an advantage that la obvious. mar-lyd4w UthlHg. TfllKK TA1LORXKU. I89O--SPRIN6.-I89O Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Meat Elegant Aaaertsat SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Tour Inspection. We would also announce the pnrrhaaeef s Jeb Let or English Suiting nnd Treusering at rewtwftvriui'v, wmcii we mil svi, m A8tekliigly Lew PrleM. 49-Call early ta secure a bargain In Uisse I gwus. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THR CITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. -jyTYERS MATHFOR. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We've many attractions, In enr Custom De-1 VSlattnsrtl l ova ilt(nl rtn- ttm I kisiuvuii ir w am suvniu tuc Handsomest Line SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $15.00 te Almest Any Price ! Such styles as these are net eflcred anywhere In Lancaster for the price. Such an assortment you 11 nna new nere eise, ELEGANT STLYE8 IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll enre te leek at. Fiioea rang from tl tn 114 ITaMI ft! vnn iiv I .U.- w (V V SB V J VM. w Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashiena-le Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET IiANCASTnit. PA. H IRSH A BROTHER. Is what we alwavs lh tn be. both te renr In tercsts and ours. Wldc-Auukefer your Inter-1 esui means "The Best Made Clot-leg, Tne Rest Trimmed Clothing, Tbe Lewest Prices for Geed Clothing." It Is a combination for veur benefit nnd such ou will alwnjs And here. Wide-Awake for ourewn interests, means that the selling of 8ty-llshly-Made and Well-Fitting Clothing always brings its reward in the shape, of new and de- ngniea customers, we una 11 illustrated :n our very WIDE-AWAKE MADE-TO-ORDER DEPARTMENT, Etidcnce of which Is found In the flood of orders which ere pouring In ei err day. The Ueautlful Patterns, Hupcrh Muke-Up and Ele gant Fit, together with the Extreme Lew Prices an serve te mae us nusy. TO YOUR ORUEK-SUrT8-!12teS30. TO YOUR ORDEK-PANTALOONB-meSlO. IN READY-MADE DEPARTMENT, SUITS Fer Men. Youths. Ilnvs nnd 'AmAtek. PANTALOONH Ker Men. euths. DnVs nnd Children are here In the largest and hand- uuiesi. tiasuriiueiiv w un e e er snewn. naca, Cutaway or Prince Albert Coats, stylishly made uuu wen uiiiu, eit iruumcu ana iewiu price. MEN'S surra, si te jae. MEN'3 PANTS, 70c te W. YOUTH'S SUITrt, EUOtelII. YOUTH'S I'ANTS, 75c te tl. BOYS' SUITS, 12.50 te 12. BOYS' PANTS, OZc te J3.50. CHILDREN'S SUITS, J1.00 te tS.00. CHILDREN'S PANTS, TOc te f 1.50. Everything in Furnishings. Hirsh & Brether, CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. I. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER. PA. ffierpcte. "Iarp; ETSI CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing I LANCASTER TANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Are second te none In PennsyUnnla for finish nt work or all kinds. Feathers 1) ed All Shades. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUmT SON & CO,, NO. IV SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa. fublMmd WHITE COTTON WAM"E, COPPED BY the pound. 10c ; In lets of 10 pounds or eter.Dc. All goods dellered teany part of tbe city Free. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne. Sil East Fulton street. m7-t4 Custom Ipaiwiit m-AW-B eicj-iiiv ' . iltv. . i j 1 .
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