:'.-i - f ''"t' v -"-v';r. "' -";,'. -'". s r-;? t -.--- -- j "r "t r:T. v -. . v " -'. r - S .?-.- - ", , - ;,-. , LANCASTER DAILY UfTfiUIGEKCEB. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1880 .! THE FAIH At the Northern Merket Heuse. In addition te the list of exhibits printed en the first page of the Intelli gencer te-day, we netice the following which have been added te the secretary's boeks: Cla 1. Daniel Smcycli, Telegraph and Isabella grapes. Jacob M. Mayer, Concord, Martha, Per kins, Hartferd Prolific and Telegraph grapes, and Shelden pears. Class s. Jacob M. Mayer, ornamental grasses Eiilalia Jajwiiica Zebrina, Krianthus Ha vennaand Eulalia Japonica variegated. ClUKS 3. Jacob M. Mayer, collection of field pumpkins, collection of squashes, sweet immpkius. M. B. Eshlcman, blue peerless potatoes, white peerless potatoes. Class 4. Jacob M. Mayer, cornstalk with car. Christian Hestcttcr, 1 car of com, very large. Peter TIcrshey, peck of wheat. TI. It. Eslilcmnn, Fultz wheat. Clans r,. Francis Ivrcady, Diana gr.ic wine (1 years old and 2 years old), blackberry wine (11 years old), quince jelly, apple jelly and cured pears. Levi w. (JreiT, l dozen blackberry wine (1872). Class X, &c. Miss (Sable, " tidies and sofa cushion. Miss Anne Crawford, braided sacque. Miss G. It. Kcrfoet, 1 chair tidy. Mrs. Isaac Stirk, wf:i pillow and table r.prcad. Class !" Isaac Stener, G wises insects, 2"i bottles reptiles, -1-cnrner cabinets, 51 pieces scroll work. Samuel II. Heailmaii, coop Dominique Leghorns, coop Gelden Polish fowls. Israel L. Laudis. model of hay-rake and hay-ladder combined, beef and bread cut ter, post-helo digger. Mrs. Kerfoel, ornamented jar. Walter Madig.ui, New England Weekly Journal, 1728 ; New Yerk Morning Pest, 17S3 ; Bosten Cu.zctU, March 1770. Antheny Isfcc, copying and writing beard, secretary t:ible. J. F. Turner, rotary harness. There may be a few additional entries accidentally emitted from the secretary's Iwek during the uenfiisiaii of the ejiening, and quite a number of entries were made (net for competition) after the books had finally closed. " OBITUARY. Death of Ex-SherUT isare. Adam Bare, one of the eldest residents of the county, died at the residence of his son, Diller Bare, of Bareville, this morn ing at 4 o'clock, aged 92 years. He was, in years gene by, an influential member of the old Anti-Masonic party, of which Thaddcus Stevens was the leading spirit. In 1830 he was elected high sheriff of the county, and in 1844 he was elected one of the county commissioners. He was a genial old man and was widely known throughout the county. Until a month or two past he was in excellent health and was after seen walking erect upon our streets chatting pleasantly with his friends. The time for his funeral has net yet been fixed. Cara Continued. The case of A. C. Welchans, assessor of the First ward, and J. B. Lichty.assessoref the Second ward, vs. the city of Lancaster, for compensation for making registration of voters, was te have been heard before Alderman Spurrier te-day, but owing te a misunderstanding as te the hour of the hearing the case was continued until Mon day, at 1 o'clock p. m. The assessors claim f 97..ri0 and $73.50 respectively, and the county commissioners refuse te pay mere than $60 each. KH1CKEHVII.I.E KKtt'S. Intelligence. Frem Northeastern l. ncaster County. Our Regular Correspondence. On Tuesday, Win. Williams left Eliza beth farm and went, te ML lVnii, Berks county. Gee. M. Zenlinyer, esq., lias returned from I'hiladclphia. M.Samuel Shilling contemplates going te Oakland, California. Our district schools-, six in number, opened some time age, The average at tendance is fair. The tcuchcis seem te be very much in earnest.. We hope that their zeal will net decrease throughout the term. Mr. Celin Cameren intends sending stock te the Yerk county agricultural fair, which .opens en Monday, October 4th. Rev. .), II. Laudis delivered his last ser mon te a large congregation in Elizabeth hapcl, en Sunday night. Tears filled the eyes of the members of his beloved Heek wben he spoke of leaving, and he will cer tainly depart with the best wishes of the entire community. Carry the news te what de you say Elizabeth township is going te have a mounted club numbering two hundred members. Seme of the most prominent Republicans in the township are interest ed, and they may succeed in organizing a club, but we'll bet a Mexican twenty -live cent piece that it will never reach two hundred; and if they suc ceed in begging, borrowing or stealing a sufficient number of horses, jackasses or mules te mount the club it will put any ether mounted club in the county in the shade. It will be like one of the glor ious old menageries we used te read about. There are only about 140 or 150 Republi can voters in the township. They must cither swear in recruits from ever the line, or make up the deficit by enlisting a let of boys in "Itrubakcr's cavalry." COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Inline Judge Livingston. This morning Judge Livingston, after hearing the argument en the motion for a nensuit, in the case of Mary Kissinger vs. the city of Lancaster, refused the non-suit and the case will therefore go te the jury. The defense is that the gutter was net in as bad condition as represented, and if it bad been, the gutter was net the cause of the man's death, but it was owing te his carelessness and te the negligent manner in which the boxes were leaded en the wagon. On trial. llefbrc Judge Patterson. Jehn B. Bachmau and Geerge Dellulf, partners as Bachmau & Del In If, vs. Chris tian llershey owner or reputed owner and William II. lloiigcndebler, contractor. This was a mechanic; lien case and was similar te the one tried yesterday. Verdict in favor of plaintill' for $210.03 upon which sum both parties agreed the verdict should be taken. "Jehn B. Bachman vs. David K. Hiukle, owner or reputed owner, ami W.H.IIougcn W.H.IIeugcn W.H.IIougcn deblcr, contractor, sri.fa. mechanics lien. Judgment bv convent in favor of the plain tiff for $75. Jehn B. Bachman vs William Leckard, owner or reputed owner, and Win. II. lloiigcndebler, contractor, sr.Vr.mcchanics lien. Judgment in favor of the plaintiff for 75. IMeri In Ohie. Werd has been received in this city that Jacob Ilcrzeg, aged about CO years, for merly of this city, died at Lima, Ohie, en Sunday. Mr. Ilcrzeg left for the West about 15 years age. Previous te that time be was employed at the Fountain Inn, which was then kept by Franklin Heckert. He was a step-brother of Michael Brccht, who died recently. lingers Cnt Oil'. This afternoon, Mr. B. F. Skccn, pro prietor of tin; Empire bending works at the junction of Lemen street and New Helland pike, met with an accident. While working at a circular saw the fingers of his left hand came in contact with the saw and the end of forefinger was cnt off. The middle linger was se much mangled that it had te be amputated and the third linger was also badly mangled. The wounds were dressed by Dr. Gee. 11. Welehens. Meney Stelen. A thief entered the house of A. II. Ball, en East Lemen street,ycstcrday, and stele $25 belonging te Mr. Hall's son. Ne one was at the house at the time, and it is be lieved that the thief was acquainted with the premises. A Fine Jeb. Messrs. Nerbcck A SI iley, carriage manufac turers, have just finished a covered express wagon which they te-day shipped te Keine, Georgia, where it will tie used by J. J. Spi eager, formerly et'thls city, who Is In the hettting business In that town. The wagon Is very substantially built with phttterm.sprlngs uudullthe latest Imprevcinciis. The paint ing, which was denu by Eugene Nerbcck, Is bcaiilllul. The sides of the wagon arc of n bright scarlet with gilt letters, shaded In blue. In the middle are I he letters " R. I!. W." In u monogram. The body of the wagon lsatun color with beautiful scrollwork en the sides and back. Sir. Sprengcr certainly knows where te procure geed work, tilt heugh he sends a long distance for it. Dialvlcs, dropsy, gravel, Bright' disease mid nervous debility, nre all cured by Prof. CJiillin.'UeV French Kidney Pud. Try It. m Lancaster Lycctli". Lancaster Lyceum meets this evening In V. SI. C. A. hall, at 8 p. in. Members of Lyceum and ethers having any Interest In this direc tion are desired te be present. Amusements. "Acress the Continent." Tills evening this popular play will be presented by Oliver J eud Byren and a strong company, which in cludes a number of strong specialty people. A live tlonkey will be seen en the stage. Shaving becomes an indispensable luxury with Cntlcura Shaving Seap. Hydrophobia, Dogs transmit it through their teeth. Teeth should be kept free lrem virus. Use SOZO DONT, keep the human teeth clean, and no damage can be done by tlm man who says te his girl, " I feel like eating yen up, dearest." s20-lwcedAw Nervous, sleepless ami overworks! find lest and nourishment In Slalt Hitler. The Parade To-Jlerrow Evening. Soldiers who de net belong te the Han cock Veteran association, but wish te parade te-morrow evening, will please bring with them te the headquarters in Centre Square, their caps and blouses, if they liavc them, and a place will be as signed them in the parade. The Eighth ward will form en West Orange, net West Chestnut, as published yesterday. The staff officers and aids will call a Lane's store, 24 East King street, between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening for their caps and belts. Caps, torches and badges are being procured for Ces. C and I) of the Veterans and will be distributed at headquarters at G::U) p. m., sharp, Friday. l'oer Emigrant. Yesterday a family of peer Polish emi grants, of very respectable appearance, arrived in this city, entirely destitute of means te carry them any farther AVest. The family consisted of two brothers, ene of whom had a wife and three small chil dren. They were cared for by a few kind hearted people in the vicinity of the depot. Jeseph Kautz gave them their dinner and Jehn Scheenberger, of the Tremont house, funiishcd them with supper and lodging. This morning Fred Brimmer collected for them 10.80 and bought them tickets for Millcrsburg, Dauphin county, in the vici nity of which place they said they had friends, and they went en their way rejoic ing. They could speak no language ex cept the Polish, And it was difficult them te make themselves understood. for Arm llreken. Lewis Stravely, aged 1U years, residing en Strawberry street, fell from the steps at his home this morning and broke his arm. Dr. Warren set the limb. M'O.J. t TIC a i. n 171.1. IJTjy. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vote in November should leek alter the payment of his tax. Col lector Warlel sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVENING frnmG te ! o'clock te receive it go thscim: axi pay it. Ftr Assembly. The name of WILLIAM MeCOSLSKY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Dcmo Dcme eraiie electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. KM SI (i. SNYDER, et the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination totlicLcgi-ilatiire from Lancaster City. Sub feet te Democratic rules. til POLITICAL MEETINGS. Company "C," Hancock Veterans, will meet. at. headquarters this evening at 7 o'clock. Every member Is expected te be present. Company C and I Veterans will meet at Headquarters for uniforms en Friday evening at () o'clock sharp. ilaiicecl; Letien. Theie will be a special meeting et Hie Han cock Legien this evening at ,i o'eleck at Central Headquarters. Business of the utmost importance, requiring theattendaiice of every member, will be transacted. Let there be a full turnout. Attention, First IVard. A meeting of the. club will be held this even ing at S o'clock, for distributing uniforms. Attention, Second Ward. A special meeting of tlm Second ward club will be held at Kuusing's Union hotel, opposite Pennsylvania II. It. depot, Chestnut strcet, Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. Every Dem ocrat in the ward is requested te be present. These net wishing te uniform will be lurnlwh ed with a torch. On Friday evening the club will meet at. the above place, nt 7 o'clock sharp, fully uniformed, te participate in gen eral parade. The members will wear white gloves. Third Ward Club. The members of the Third Want Hancock and Engl ish club arc requested te meet at the Central Headquarters this evening at "o'clock. The uniforms will be distributed. Attention, Fourth Ward. The club will meet at ilethwcllcr's hall this (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'cleck,whcn torches, ticsand hats will be distributed. Shirts will positively be distributed te-morrow In time ler parade. Finn Ward. The Finn Ward Hancock club will meet at their headquarters en Friday evening, nt fi:4." sharp, for parade. Sixth Ward-Aiiicrlcus Club. The regular meeting of the club will be held ta-morrow (Friday) eveningat To'clecksharp. An important business meeting will be held bclere inarching In the parade. The numbers ("C") ler the caps can be had at Ban &, Slc Culley's store free te all members. Seventh Ward. Tin: Yeung Sicii's club et the Seventh ward are requested te meet at thelr hcadquarlerj en Friday evening nt 7 o'clock, sharp, uni formed. The members will wear whlte gloves. Attention Eighth Ward! Turn out for the great torchlight parade to morrow ( Friday) evening. The Eighth Ward battalion will lerm nt C:4S p. m. en High street, right resting en Filbert alley, and pro ceed lrem thence te West Orange street and take their place in the line. By order of Fred. E. Shread, commanding Battalion. Ninth "Ward. The regular stated meeting of the Ninth Want Hancock and Englsh club will be held at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, en Thursday evening, at o'clock. Every member is desired te be present ns arrangements will be made ler the parade en Friday evening. Alse the balance of equipments will be distributed te these members who liavenetrccelvcd them yet. Ib lABcaater. General torchlight parade en Friday even ing, October 1. Ne speaking. Welsh Mountain Inn. Trl-county meeting Wednesday afternoon and evening, Oct. 6. Speakers, E. B. WIegand, 2 of Beading ; K. J . Menagnan, of West Chester ; E. McCaa, B. F. Davis, D. McMullen, J. M. Walker. J. L. Sielnmetz, W. U. iicnsci, w. Keland, Jno. H. H. Dellaven. Ouarryrllle. 1'elc raising, Thursday afternoon Oct. 7. Falmouth, Friday evening, October 8. Speakers: S. W. Sbadlc, W. II. Beland. At Meuntvllle en Monday, October 11. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Ilingwelt, E. McCaa, J. L. Stelnmetz, B. F. David, W. V. Iicnsci and Wni. B. Given. Ac Quarrj-TlIIe Tuesday, October li Speakers: J. W.Ferney J. Luther KIngwalt, Cel. Jehn E. TBItchle, E. McCaa and ethers. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 1.1. Speakers : Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther llingwalt. Cel. Jehn II. Ritchie, E. McCaa, et Alabama, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas, Win. II. Keland, Wm. B. Given and ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Sneakers : Jehn W.Ferney, J. Luther Itlngwa'.t, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. Millport, East Lampeter Twp. Thursday evening, October 14. Speakers: B F. Davis, J. L. SteinmcUr, E. D. North, W. U. Iicnsci, J. A. Coyla. I'eivnianKvilfe. Friday evening. October 15. Speakers Hen. D. Erincntreut, of Heading; W. II. Wilsen, 1. McMullen, W. II. Keland, J. B. German, II. N Mehler. Litlt7. Friday evening, October 15. Speakers : E. Mc Caa, E. It. WIegand, B. F. Davis, W. I llenscl. aiaytewn. Saturday evening, October IB. Speakers: W. U. Iicnsci, D. McMullen. McCall's Ferry. Ch. Ollleman's hotel, Saturday afternoon amf evening, October 10. Speakers: Hen. J. L. Steiiimctz. E. D. North, It. B. Bi-k. Strasburg. Saturday evening, October 1(5. E. McCaa, B. F. Davis, W. II. Beland. Midway. Tuesday evening, October 19. Kirkwood. Thursday nflei neon and evening, October 21. ICpbrata. Friday afternoon and evening, October 51. Hen. E. K. Apgar and ethers. Lancaster. Friday evening, October 22. Speakers: Hen E. K. Apgar and ethers. Italiibridge. Saturday, Octebcr23. Keamsteivn. Tuesday, October 20. Lancaster. Wednesday evening, October 27. Speaker Hen. S. .1. Kaud.ill. Christiana. Wednesday, October 27,alternoen an. levelling. Intercourse. Thursday evening, October 23. IIJIW AHYXMXZ8XMXNT8. LIBKAKT OF Universal Knowledge. r.ARftfi TYPE Edition. A verbatim reprint of the last (1830) Londen edition et Chambers's UAiiuu inu Encyclepaedia, with copious additions (about 15,000 topics) by American edi tors; the whole under one alphabet, with such illustrations as are necessary te elucidate the text, 'l'rinted from new electrotype plates, brevier type, en superior paper, and bound In 15 ciriwi ucuiiu iviuiura ui UWU19W jnigra vacu. it win contain, complete, aoeui in per ceeu mere than Appleton's and 20 per cent, mere than Jehnsen's Cyclenxdia, and though, in all re- 0jv..ie iuipuiian. its uiu (jcuciai icuuvt, iii3 lai aitviiutr iaj vnucrei mem, lis cesi Is Dut uac- tien of their price. Volumes 1 and II are ready October I, and ether volumes will fellow at least two each month, the entire work being completed by April, 1831, and probably sooner. Frice per volume. In cloth, $1 ; In half Russia, gUt top, 91 M ; postage, per volume, 21 cents. It THIED EDITION THURSDAY SVENTKQ, SEPT. 30JL880. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC times complete for the nominal price of J10 for the edition In cloth, and 15 for the edition in hairKussiu, gilt top. The price during November will be advanced te $10.50 and $15.75 ami a lurther advance will be made each month till the work Is completed. It Is net supposed that the mass of these who will In time become purchasers of the Encyclepaedia will make payment in advance as they new liave the opportunity te de, though most of them de pa y for their news papers and magazines a lull year in advance but the old, tried friends of the Literary Bevolu Bevelu Bevolu tien, who knew that the American Bcek Exchange always accomplishes what It undertakes, and docs what It premises te de, will be glad te save $5 by Investing $10 and get the earliest and consequently best printed copies of the largest anil best Encyclepaedia ever published ;in .this country, even at ten times Its cost. Volumes will be shipped as may be directed, as they are iuuu, ui n ijuii iuu aui in cuuipicie. CHAMBERS'S ENOYOLOP-fflDIA. As a portion of the Library el Universal Knowledge, we Issue Chambers's Encyclepaedia scnai-atelv. without the American additions, eemnlctn fn is volume in me in this ixrn it i printed lrem new clcctretypa plates mode from very clear nonpareil type. Price, Acme edi tion, cloth, $7.50; Aldus edition (liner, tibry rift heavier paper, wide margins). halt Rus sia, gilt lop. K. In this style 11 volumes UU. are Issued October 1, and volume 15 will be ready about October 23 completing the work. Te theso ordering during the month of Oc tober, the price of the 15 volumes complete wUl be $7 for the cloth. fU for the half Russia, gilt top. During November the price will be advanced te $7.25 and JU-50 for the set. AMERICAN ADDITIONS. The very large Additions te Chambers's Encyclopedia (about 15,000 topics) which are made by the American editors of the Library of Universal Knowledge, will also be Issued sepa- 1.U1.1.V i .wi. i wfiuui.3 ,11 (.w iu jwu ucuvu jiuua isitu, mrgu lyjiu; 1110 price eemg;pi per vol ume in cloth, 1.50 In half Russia, gilt top; postage, per velume, 21 cents. Volume 1 will be ready In October, and ether volumes will fellow as rapidly as possible, the (whole being com pleted by April, lSsl, and probably sooner. Price for the set of four volumes ilurina October only, net, $2.05 ter the cloth, $4 for the half Russia, gilt top. The four volumes et American Ad ditions will be found well-nigh Indispensable by all owners of Chambers's, Appleton's, John John Jehn eon's and all ether Cyclopedias except the large Jyne edition or the Library of Universal Knowledge, from which It is compiled. STANDARD BOOKS: NEWS BY WIRE AND CABLE. THE TROUBLE IN TURKEY. MAXKJKT&. CELEBRATING CUABUORO'S DAT. IUKT11. THE PBESBYTERIAN3. General News. OVER THE OCEAN. HfEVlAJj yOTIVJSS. SAMPLE NOTICE. It Is Impossible for a woman after a fulthlul ceurse of treatment with Lydla E. Pinkliam's Vegetablc Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Piuklmm, 23.1 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jy2tMydeed&w The secret of perfect health Is Invariably found by these who take "Sellers' Liver Pill." Mire Sign. If you see a lad v drop her glove and a gen tleman by the side of her, kindly telling her te pick it up. you need net hesitate In forming an opinion that they nre married, and it you scan man or woman's face all covered with blotches and pimples, you must net hesitate but tell them te use Spring Blossoms. Prices : 50 cents ; trial bottles 10 cents. Fer sale by U . B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 anil 13tf North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 15 The Value et Pure AVine In Sickness. The chief difficulty wfth reliable wines has been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this has been removed by the introduction of a Pure Native Wine, produced lrem thcOporle grape by Mr. Alfred Spccr, of New Jersey. We understand that he has submitted his wine te the test etmany of our celebrated physicians, and all concur in its purity, medicinal prop erties and superiority te the best imported Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe It in eases of debility, affections of the kidneys, mid chronic complaints, requiring a Ionic, su su eorific or diuretic treatment. l&amiticr. This wine Is endorsed by Drs. Alice and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. 8l5-2wdw A lady In East Liberty. Pa., whose face was covered with sores, was cured, by using one bottle of " Dr. I.tndscy's Blecu" Searcher." The Pleasures of Hepo. When the body Isbewedwlthpalnan intense longing for relief brings hope. This mav brighten the suffering but it docs net euro. At a time like this hew welcome Is such a friend as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, bringing hope, health and happiness and Vie Jeys of a renewed life. I DOCTORS GAVi: HIM UP. " Is It possible that Mr. Ced Trey, is up and nt work, and cured by se simple a remedy t" "I assure you It Is true that he fs entirely cured, and with nothing but Hep Bitters and only ten days age his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" "Wcll-a-day! IT that Is se, 1 will go this minute and get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops are geed." t Library of Universal Knowledge, 15 vels. $15. tChamhcr's Encyclopedia., 15 vels-, $7.50. American Additions te Chambers's Encyclo Encycle paedia, 4 vels., 2. Milmau's Gibben's Reme, 5 vels., ?J. ; Mecaulay's History of England, 3 vels., $1.25. Macaulay's Life and Letters, 50c. Maeaulay's E.asaysand Poems, 3 vels., $1.80. Chambers's Cyclepaedia of Eng. Literature, I Knight's7llstoryer England. 4 vels,, $3. Plutarch's Lives et Illustrious Men. 3 vels. $1.50. Geikle's Life and Words of Christ, 50e. Voting's Bibii; Concordance, 3II,(XW refer ences, $i Acme Library of Biography, 2 vels., 40 -11111 ."Uie. Boek et Fables,.llsep, etc., illns., 40e. Milten's Complete Poetical Works. 40c. 'Shakespeare's Complete Works, $1,50. Works of Dante, translated hv Caw. :iile- Worksef Virgil, translated by Dryden, aie. The Keran et Mohammed, by Sale, 30e. Adventures or Den Quixote, lllus., 50e. Abrabian Nights, Bins., 40e. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, illus., 10c. Robinson Crusoe, Illus., lite. Munchausen and Gulliver's Travels, illils.,IOc. Stories and Ballads, by E. T. Alden, Bins., 50e. Each of the above bound in cloth. If by mail, postage extra. Most of the books are also published in line editions and line bindings at higher prices. Beeks () ill press; (t) some but net all vels, issued. Descriptive Catalogues sent free en request. Remit by bank draft, money order, registered letter or by Express. Fractions of one dollar may be sent In postage stamps. AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B. ALDEN, Manager. Tribune Building, Mew Yerk. AftV.Nr.TRK lesion, II. L. Hastings; I'hiladclphia, Leary & Ce.; Cincinnati, Rebert Clarke nuuiiuiuu. & Ce.; Indianapolis, Bewen, Stewart Ce.; Cleveland, Ingham, Clurke & Ce.; Teledo, Brown, Eager & Ce.; Chicago, Alden & Chad wick : in smaller towns, the leading book beok boek seller: Agency for Pacilic coast, Cunningham, Curtiss& Welch, San Fmiiclsee. Liberal terms te clubs where there are no agents. scp30-4td&4lw Karl In Queer Land, illus., GOc. Acme Library of Modern Classics, 40c. American Patriotism, 50c. Tuine's History of English Literature, fiec Cecil's Beeks et Natural History, $1. Pictorial Handy Lexicon, 17c. Sayings, by author et Sparrewgniss Papers, Mrs. Ilemans' Poetical Works, 00c. KittO's Cyclepaedia of Bib. Ltteratnre, 2 vels., Rell In's Ancient Ilisterv, $1.73.t Smith's Dictionary of the Bible,50e. Works of Flavlus Jesephns, $1.50. Comic History et U. S.., Hepkins, illus., 50c. Health by Exercise. Dr. Gee. II. Tayler. 40c. Health for Women, Dr. Gee. 11. Tayler. 30c. Library Magazine. 5 bound volumes, se te 0c. Leaves from the Diary et tin old Lawyer, $1. Republican Manual, lsSO, 50c. Hemer's Iliad, translated by Pepe, 30c. Hemer,8 Odyssey, translated by Pepe, 3Hc. Scott's Ivanliee. 50c' Bulwcr's Last Days of Pompeii, 50c. The Cure or Paralysis, Dr. Ge.e II. Tayler, Sic. Froissart's Chronicles, illus.. $1.50. The Llghtet" Asia, Arneld, 25c. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and completo equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short netice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. XJiW AltVEllTINEMEXTS. Yeung Sawbones. Seme ynnng surgeons when accidents happen, In order their great skill te show, cut tne leg en close 10 1110 tiugn. When they only .should cut oil the tee; Like cutting off a deg's tall by the cars, Or the skinning alive or t he treg, 1 t's nil very wel I as a surgical case, But devilish tough 011 the deg. 'TIs much better by far when you're wounded. Or have either Cut. Bruise or Burn, Te find Eclcctric Oil is the very bast tiling. And it won't take you long se te learn. Kclectric Oil Paragraphcr. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l.'Kt North Queen street, lmcastcr. Pa. 10 Mothers! Met hers! I Mothers!!! AroyeiOUaturbcd at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? If se, go ntonceandgetabnttlcefMRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is 110 mistake about It. There Is net a met tier en earth who lias ever used It, who will net. tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating .like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians nnd nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. f 17-lvd&wM.W&S Coughs. "Urewn'M Branchial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sore Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been In use, with annually Increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple rcmcdlesef the age. The Threat. "Jlrewii's Urenchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, cither lrem cold or ovcr-exertlen of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speakers ami Hingars find the Treclics useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. i?j-oin'4rencli"ol2Vocie" will almost In variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which arc Injurious. The genu ine ".Brown' Urenchial Troches" arc sold only in boxes. ianl5-lyd&wTu,Th&S WAKIIill- T1IK PENNSYLVANIA Mutual Protective Association of Pitts burgh wants a first-class agent in Lancaster county. This Is 11 line company, managed by responsible men, and affords its agents great working facilities. Address. E. C. Presper, Gcuerul Agent, 520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ltd EXECUTORS SALE OP CITY PROP ERTY. On FRIDAY, OCIOBER 15. 1880, the undersigned executer of Henry Stclgcr Walt, deccased, will expose te sale, at 7 o'clock p.m., at the Leepard Hele, East King street, a Let or Piece of Ground, situated 011 the east sldoersouth Queen 8trcot,ln.the city of Lan caster, Ne. 335. Said let containing in front, en said Seuth Queen street, 17 feet amf 4 Incites, and extending in depth of that width eastward te Strawberry street, whereon is erected a geed two-stery-and-a-lialf DKICK DWELLING-HOUSE, with a two-story Back Building attached, Hydrant, Fruit Trees, and ether im provements thereon. Terms made known at. time of sale bv M 1CIIAKL V. STKIGEItWALT, WM. B. STEIGEItWALT, Executers of Henry Stclgcrwnlt, dec'.l. IlnxnvSiiciiKirr, Auct. s::o-ei,7,ll,U XJ1N' AliVlillTlSElUJElfTS. CHAS. BRIMMER, CRAYON PORTRAIT ARTIST, SHJN AND ORNAMENTAL FAINTIM!, scp2Mind 4 WEST KING STREET. e I'ERA CLASSICS. Largest Aisnrtnienl el 0P1A M8& FOR SALE AND TO HIRE, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 Kasl Kinsr Street, Lancaster, Pa. 1IAKGA1NS!! TQszmsr 0, Bark. At Bareville, en September Adam Bare, in the 93d year 01 1113 age. Netice of funeral hcrcaltcr. Hebzoe. September 2C, 1830, Jacob Ilcrzeg, of Lima, Allen county, Ohie, termcrly or Lancas ter, in his CDth year. ltd KIDNEY Wekx rOR. SALE AT LOCH. era' Drug Stere, 9 East King street 1)UKLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. On THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1SS0, lit the Franklin Heuse, North Queen street, will be sold nt public sale the following valuable Teal estate, viz : Ne. 1. A two-story and munsnrd-roer BItICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building attached, and let or plcce of ground, situate at the corner of North Duke and Frcderlckstrecta, In the city et Lancaster, containing CO feet In front and 145 feet In the rear, There Is a well of excellent water with pump therein ; .also a cistern with ruin water and pump therein In back building ; there is much choice fruit en the let. Ne. 2. A two-story STONE WAREHOUSE. SO feet sqnare, with olllce attached, 10 by 3 fcet, Fnuiie Stable nnd ether improvements, and let or plcce el grennd fronting 1SS fcet en Frederick street, und extends CO leet In the renr. The above properties will be sold separate as described or us a whole, as may suit pur chasers. Possession and geed title en April 1. 1RR1. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, m., when due attendance will be given and tercr.sef sale made known by LEMAN L. REDDIG. S. Hbss & Sex, Aucts. scpia-Std TAKUAINS! SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! Rathven & Fisher Offer their entire-stock el Ready-Made Clothing at and below Cost, witlin view nt discontinu ing the READY-MADE CLOTHING business, and devoting their attention exclusively te CUSTOM WORK. CLOTHING made promptly te order, and satisfaction in nil cases guaranteed. A select line of Cleths, Cassimcrcs, Worsteds, Ceutlngs, Suitings, Cheviots. Meltons, Overceatings, VestingB, Ac., nlwaysen hand and orders re spectfully 'solicited. Alse, a general line or Furnishing Goods. RATHVON& FISHER Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Ne. 101 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. SPECIAL. Theso in want of Rcady-Madc Clothing will consult their own interest by giving them n call before purchasing else where, as their Clothing nre mainly of their own manufacture and substantially made. scpMmd Oarsmen la England. Londen, Sept. 80 The Sportsman this morning says : "Messrs. Gibsen, Putney, Messenger, Tcildingten and Wallace Ress will enter for the prizes offered by the American firm iu the international regat ta. Trickctt and Laycock did somehartl work yesterday. Hanlan and Trickctt will be en the river at half-past ten o'clock this merninjr." The War In Turkey. Londen, Sept. SO. A despatch from Gravase te the Daily Telegraph, says three Turkish officers who arrived at Ragusa e:i Tuesday are en their way te Trobinge te take ever war material in Herzegovina from the Attstrians. A Rumer Denied. Londen, Sept. 80. A dispatch from Rome te the Times says : "The statement that moditicatiens have been introduced in the instructions te Rear Admiral Fini Fini cate, of the Italian fleet iu Turkish waters, is absolutely false." TurkUh Banditti. A dispatch from Vienna te the daily TVfe- graph says : A telegram has been received from Constantinople stating that robbers have assassinated the wife of the Russian consul at Van and that several of the ladies' traveling companions were seriously wounded. Count Climnberd's Birthday. Paris, Sept. 80. The Count DeCham DeCham berd completed yesterday bis sixtieth year The occasion was celebrated by about a dozen banquets in various parts of Paris and A commemorative mass at the Church of St. Germain Dcs Pres was attended by a thousand persons. Masses were also cele brated at Marseilles, lierricaux and ether towns. PUtedelpkte Market. f25?!!?A' &- -Meur Arm; super fine $2 7303 05 ; extra $3 33fl4 00 : Ohie and In ras2i, f Pl rpenn'., tanUly de W 875 35 ; St. Leuis family at $5 50tf 23 ; Min nesota family 005 75: straight ;edS50: patent and high grades TSfiSSiL wl,ew5 Rye flour at 00. Wheat linn, with geed demand: Ne. 2 be?07K5aS?-; a-KeUcl; Al corn scarce and wanted by local trade; stfSlcr.5lc,: y"w55ejc: mixed Mi55c! Oate steady : Ne. 1. White. K9c; N6V2 de W5; no. j 110 we; A'e. -, Mixed 39 SJe. Rye Arm nt 93c. Previsions in Arm lobbing trade; mtss perk $1G 5017 00; beef hams $17 0i3!S 00 : In dian Buss beet at $18 SO ; smoked hams lljrf 12?; Plckled hams !) 10c ; bacon smoked shoulders' 6?i07c . gait ae 6&ic.- Lard firm ; city kettle at 8K0 ; loeo butch ers' SJc ; prime steam S3 50. Butter steady with mere inquiry; Creamery extra 32c ; de geed te choice a::ic ; Bradford county and New Yort extra. 2G2e; Western reserve extra 22a-.Sc ; !e geed te choice lCfl2iic Leus quiet: Pcnn'a extra 2023; Western re serve extra 2023c. Eggs qnlct ; Pnna at 2l22e; Western Cheese Arm; light stock; New Yerk full cream 1314c ; Western full cream llS'ic: derfalr te geed 12ai2c; de hair skims ll llc. v Petroleum nominal ; refined at llje. Whisky at $112. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $7.'.0 63 00 ; Timethy Arm at 12 75uVJ 30: Klavsee.1 uniuuii se. m ' New Yerk Market. Nkw Yebk. Sept. 30. Fleur State and West -em linn ; market without decided ehaiiga in prices and with moderate expert and home trade Inquiry; Superllne, t.'.0150: extra de $1 00Q4 25 ; choice, de. $4 :Mi " ; fancy de. $1 7095 1& : round hoop Ohie 4 S04 8.". : choice de HSOita 00; superfine western r&JI 00; common te geed extra de $4 oel 30 : choice de de $1 3S0 25 ; choice white wheat de $1 15 HI CO; Southern Arm and unchanged ; com mon te fair extra 7.'j.r. 35; goal te choice lit! 4U(fcJ 3U. Wheat a shade stronger nnd fairly active ; l.Uh,,l, Oct., $1 lis;xl 0S?;N.S Red. Oct. $1 eajBl i-jif ; de Nev. $1 UJJi. Cern shade better and moderately active; Mixed western spot, 5I?h51; de future, 51k: 65.-y4c. Outs.:witceut change; Ne. 2, Oct.. SOe; de Nev,. 4Sc ;de Dec., SSc ; State, 42 13c ; West ern, 41t5c. Stock Market New Yeus Sre. : Stocks strong. MISSION WORK. Te-day's Session erthePan-Prcsbyterlan Al liance. P UiLADELPiiiA, Sept. 30. At te-day's sc ssien of the Pan-Presby tcrian alliance the cemmittee en creeds and confessions was enlarged by the addition of two elders. This cemmittee read a com munication from the Reformed presbytery of Philadelphia, making application for representation in the council ; declaring its creed te be in conformity with the cencensus of the Refermed confessiens,aud agreeing te accept the censtitutisn of the alliance. The representative of the presby tery was admitted. The report of foreign missionary work was read. It suggests the establishment of a great training college atPckin, China, nnd a mere Jcnergctic prosecution of mission work in heathen countries. During the past seventy years two million Pagans have been rescued from darkness by Protestant missionaries. Dr. Paxton, of New Yerk, submitted a written history of the mission enterprises connected with the follow ing churches: Presbyterian church of Canada, United Presbyterian church in the United States, Refermed Dutch church, Reformed Presbyterian church (general synod), Associate Reformed church, Presbyterian church North and Presbyterian church Seuth. Among the summary of statistics submitted in the re port may thus be stated : Missionaries iu the field, 1D5 ; native missionaries, lSfi ; communicants, 19,000. . SUHUYfiKKVIL.I.K SCORCHED. Ilig Flre In a New Yerk Town. Sakatecja. N. Y.. Sent. 30. A larjic fire at Sclinylcrville, began in Oliver Hris bin's dry goods store at 2 o'clock this morning. The following business houses were burned : Oliver Rrisbin tfc Ce., E. Washburn, dry goods ; J. Ilarin Broek hardware ; Seth Lawrence, drugs, and the Western Union telegraph office ; Jeseph L. Smith, jeweler; Miles Reet, furniture Seward Winney, meat market, and the Schuylerville Standard printing office. The total less is estimated at $60,000. Tlie Philadelphia Mint. Piiii.adri.paia, Sept. 30. The coinage executed at the U. S. mint, in this city during the month ending te-day, aggre gated 3,700,716 pieces, valued at $2,102, 864. Of this amount there were 16 deuble eagles, .r5,076 eagles, 65,!57G half eagles, 16 Unco dollar geld pieces, 16 quarter eaglcs, 16 geld dollars, 1,200,000 silver dollars and 2,380,000 cents. AM USEMENTS. 100 Tens of Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2K CKNTS PKR POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAUS. 3-K CENTS PKR POUND FOR WHITE RAUS. The highest price paid for Woelcni, Old Paper, Beeks, &c. Ten Rag Asserters wuatcd, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBEB, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yO-tfdlt Lancaster, Pa WANTED AT THIS OFFICE COPIES et the Wekkiy Istklmeexcimi of the fol lowing dutes : JAN. 1. 1S80, JULY 23, 1880. tf.l HUlrOX OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1880. Engagement of the Popular Yeung Acter, OLIVER D0UD BYRON, Who will appear In his world-renowned play, depicting life-like incidents in New Tork and California, entitled ACROSS TOE CUNTINEMT, Supported by the Charming Artist, MISS KATE BYRON, ami an onscmble of 20 Artists, including the Excellent Comedian. JOE 11. HANKS, who will lntrodnce his old Cremona and IH-wang wce. MASTER CHAS. IIAUEN, in his great imi tations or Pat Rooney. CHARLES ARNOLD, in fill wonderful Ger man Specialties. JOHN PENDV, in laughable Songs and Dances. Mera fun, mere pathos, than nny thrce dramas new before the public. Produced with New Scenery nnd a powerful cost. Admission. 35, SO St 76c. Secure scats at Opera Heuse Offlee. Harbv 1. Uuahame, lliislncss Manager. scp28-3Ul WAXTJBJt. ADVER. -lirANTED .EVERYBODY TO TV Use, free of charge, In the IvrxLuenr ckk, who wants something te de. f ul. Call nt 331 East King street. WANTED. A MAN WANTS JL 81TUA 81TUA tlen at which lie can make himself use- It Omen or tub Mxnear Mutdai. Lira Asae-1 CIATIOX OF SELIlfBOBOVB, 1'X. WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, BKSPONSI BKSPONSI ble Agents In each township of the county el Lancaster. Apply in liana writing of Applicant te the Heme Office. L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Sellnsgreve, Snyder county, Pa., iSeptember 17-lSse. seplC-lmdsstw Tapsen Extradited. Philadelphia, Sept. 30. The extradi tion papers for Jeseph Tapsen, charged witli embezzlement of funds from the Met ropolitan railway company's provident saving's bank, of Londen, who was arrest ed in this city two weeks age, were receiv ed by the United States marshal te-day. The prisoner will start for Europe to morrow in charge of English officers. Suicide of an Octogenarian. PifffiNIXviMJ!, Sept. CO. Alexander Russell, aged 80, committed suicide this morning by blowing his brains out with a musket while temporarily insane. WEATHER- INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. .10. Fer the Middle states, northwest te southwest winds, with clear or fair weather, slight rise in barometer, and stationary or a slight fall in temperature. Fire In Uarrlsbarg. IlARRiar.URO, Pa., Sept. 30. A flre this forenoon destroyed Early's National Greenback hall and sevcral ether frame buildings in West Ilarrisburg. Less, net known, but is covered by insurance. $50 REWARD. On Wednesday morning last n DAP PLED GRAY HORSE, flea-bitten about the head, sere under tell and sero back, and tall switched en short, attached te a Tep Buggy, was stolen from the undersigned, a rewaru efS25 will be paid for the re turn et the team and $-25 for I no arrest anil conviction or the thief. -epLT-.lt.l FREDERICK BRIMMER. Meney Erie R. R Michigan S. I..S. Mtchigun Cent. R. U Chicago & N. W Cldeage, M St. P.. Han. A St. . I. Coin.... a. 11. September :a. A. M. A. V. 1. M. 1-. II 11:10 ll:.Y l:li .t:uj :as .. :w :w :m :tH-. .tU7J.4 flW', KHJ.J llS"-M ' tft III : " " P'ld.... S3 Teledo A Wabash.... 37 Ohie A Mississippi.... :tl-7, St. Leuis, I. M. AS. R rM Ontario and Western C. C. A I. C. R. R IS New Jersey Central. . 71 Del. A Hudsen Canal. 84 Del., Lack. A Western UOti Western Union Tel... !H Pucillc Mall S. S. Ce.. :ZVH Man hat bm Etevuted. !): Unlea Pacific 89 Kansas A Texas 35 NiiwYerlcCentr.il Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago A Reck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W American U.Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania It, It.... 51 Phll'a. A Reading..... l.Vrt Lehigh Valley Kl Lchtgli Navigation... : Northern Paelllc Coin 21; P'd l'ltts.,Tflusv'eA li.... It: Northern Central 37 Phll'a A Erie R. R Northern Penn'a Un.lCR'serN.J Hcstenvilln Pass Central Trans. Ce. ; no w' si.; isi'i Wi s 41) JO i ur ml si?;; 411 a a '.-.? llf.!;, UI St'.-". 3Hi Mi's is4 nil !-.; Ml 311 13)1 l-.'l uny. 131 " (!l 5SV 1 .-. 5 :rT" I5 ... 4S ... 1?2 ... 30 in 5S KIJ5 1 37 -IS I7i ns no. en; BSVi It nt" I.ncal Stocks and ItenilH. Par val. Liiuc.City K per et. Lean, due ISSO.. .$ li.e iwi tee 1SS3.. 1H... lsye... im 1WJ5. f per ct. Ill 1 or 30 years. . 10O Kill I4111C. and Quarry v'e R. R.bend.... 100 " " " stock 50 Lancaster and Ephratatiirnpike... 'J5 Idiiic , Elizabetht'ii amlMiddlet'ii.. IU) Lancaster and Krultville turnpike. .Ml Lancaster and LltitK turnpike -J5 Lancaster ami Maner turnpike.... ftl Lancaster and Manhclm turnpike. -Z' Lancaster and Marietta turnpike., i". Lane. an. I New Helland turnpike., loe Lane, and Strashurg turnpike. 2f Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. ::ee Lane, anil Willow Street turnpike. 25 Farmers' Nat. Ban k et 1 jinrnster.. . SO First Nat. Rank of Lancaster tim Lancaster Cennty Nat. Rank M Inquirer Printing Ce 50 Lauciia Light unit Fuel Ce. stock. - " " " bends. I1W Last sale. $1U0.' 105 114 1IS.75 ta 105 HHiAIn 3.25 17.25 r.t :.t ; J2 lid. Id 25 Kf 211 275.25 40.15 100 15; Hii M 27 MisvEi.i.ANEevs. )ORTRAITS OP HANCOCK Fer sale at AND ENGLISH THIS OFFICE. AtilUCULTUKAL AND HORTI CULTURAL FAIR. The Annual Exhibition of the Lancaster County Society will open 011 Wednesday, the 21U h of September, ISM0, and continue until 111 o'clock p. 111., October I, ut the Northern Market, North Queen street, luicater. Pa. Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, Oniins. Seeds, Demestic Productions, Household Manufac tures, Mechanical Implements, Tobacco, l'ce Products, Fancy Werk, Cabinet Ware, Furs, Dairy Produce. Saddlery, Sewing Machines and general household articles will he re ceived anil placed in competition, governed by the rules published in premium list. Noentranco fee rcipiircd trem exhibitors; and open te all lu the county and state be yond. Single Tickets 20 cents. Children 10 cents, and satisfactory arrangements made for the admission of Exhibitors. On Monday, the 27th Inst., the elllccrs will be in attendance nt the place of exhibition te un sign space and make ether preliminary ar rangements. Premium IMh can be had at 101 North Queen street until the Opening of the Fair. SPECIAL. Exhibitors should have written lista of their exhibits lieferu they enter them in order te prevent Inaccuracy and contusion. Careful officers will be appointed, and everything guarded with fidelity. MANAGERS: JefephP. Wltnier, Paradise; Calvin Cooper, ISird-lu-Hund; Jehn C. I.in vllle, Uap; Peter S. Relst. I.ltftz: H. M. Engle, Marietta: Jehn 11. Land Is, Mlllcrsville: M. D. Kvndig, Cresswell ; K. S. Hoever anil S. S. Ruthven, Lancaster; W. M. Hreslus, Liberty Square. sep2U-2td Puiii.ic sale. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, ISfiO. lu pursuance or nn alias order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned administrator with the will annexed of Joan Jean na Hurry, deceased, will sell ut public sale at tile Leepard hotel, East Ling street. In the city of Lancaster, the following described property, viz : AH that certain two-story and attic RRICK DWELLING HOUSE ami ether buildings und Let or Piece or Ground belong ing thereto, situated en the North side of East King street, in the city of Lancaster, being Ne. 313, containing in front 21 feet, mere or less, nnd extending In depth northward '215 feet, mere or lass, te a 14 feet wide public alley, and having a front efsaid alley of 2S feet, mere or less, with 11 geed Mrlck Stable. Terms : Purchase money te be paid cash en the 1st day et April, A. D. 1881. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m.. or said day when nttendance will be given and terms made known by. PHILIP RARRV, Hksrv SiicitEirr, Administrator, C. T. A. Auctioneer. 2-e2,j,Il,12.:: YAIXAHLK HEAL. ESTATE AT PRI VATE SALE. Is offered at private sale all that valuable property situated in Wi-st Lampeter township, known as "Recky Springs," containing 27 ACRES, mere or less, et which about 22 Acres Is fertile farm land, and the remainder weeds, lielng the well known Picnic Grounds, en which aruerpctcd a large Twe-story slatcroef ttitICK DWELL ING, with a Twc-Bter7 slate-reef Brick Hack lluildlng, and a large and commodious Rani, new Tobacco Shed, Heg Sty. Cern Crib, and ether outbuildings. Alse contains a thriving young Apple Orchard and a large spring of never-tailing water. The farm land l fertile, well-watered and especially adapted te raising tobacco, and the weeds lias long been a popu lar picnic ground, with a large dancing pfat pfat lerm, tables, benches, etc. Being situated within a mile of Lancaster city limits, it Is eay et access te markets, stores, etc. Fer terms applet, CATHABIJfB TK1SSLEK. 130 East King street, Lancaster. Pa. 3tlWSfti) 1. Z-,-.' .-'-!3Siy; '-JMf&tga j?. ;-?,!-;.. s ..-.-. : -. -sT,-?-:saga--... . v' '"I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers