- iZ'i. -! "V VJ J '5- .-! -1 v ,w V-- LCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY, JANTJAEY29, 180. - f he wants te de is te inconvenience the ed itors and get a cliance te lecture them publicly in which performance, if he doesn't sail close te the wind, he will af ford them a chance te give him such a taste of the law as will net be palatable. At this writing Judge Patterson is playing with fire. Curious te Knew. Carlisle Volunteer. This'is a remarkable course of proceed preceed ure. for the iudsc makes himself presecu ter, judge, jury and all, atone fell sweep, instead of bringing a suit for libel, as any .sensible man would have done when he felt himself aggrieved in the columns of a newspaper, and submit the matter te a jury for determina tion. The press of the country is .singularly unanimous in its condemnation of this outrage upon justice, and we have the first favorable comment te see, among the very man v we have .seen, which ap proves of Judge Patterson's action. It is quite certain that this eminent jurist has get himself into a split stick, and it will b e a little curious te knew just hew he w ill extricate himself. COUKT OF COMMON PLEAS. Itefere Judge jjiingsten. Ill the case of Jehn Staley vs. Geerge Wall, William Wisncr and Geerge Wisner the testimony closed last evening, and after shaking by the counsel this morn ing the case was given te the jury, and they jendeied a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. In the cases of D. Rapp vs. St, An An teony's church, with notice te Rev. J. F Shanahan, trustee, and Rev. A. F. Ivaul, I). Rapp vs. A. F. Kaul, judgment was tutored against the defendants for costs. ilichacl S. Ilarnish (merchant) vs. Henry II. Ilarnish, administrator of Michael S. Ilarnish. Judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff for $2, 4G3.0G. In the case or Mary T. E. Hiester Levis, transferee of Ann.v L. Shcuk vs. Emeline Heffman and Samuel Heffman, in which a verdict was tendered for the plaintiff, the defeu.se made a motion for a new trial. Before Judge Patterson. The case of Jehn K. Uarr aud Hattic A. Uarr. for the use of Hattie A. Barr vs. the Fanners' Mutual insurance company is Dii trial down stairs. The defense is that the property was insured for considerably moie than it was worth, and that the le'-s by liie was net as heavy as alleged. A Preitmiiig Outlook. IMii :iiU'Il)I:i Recerd. Tile future of tobacco cultivation in Pennsylvania seems premising, if the ac complishments of the past in this direction are te be taken as evidence. In 1830, when the largest portion of the ciep was raised in Yerk county, the yield was 1,--100.000 pounds, and this was regarded as something extraordinary in tobacco cul ture. Since that time it has become a pait -of the growing crops in a number of coun ties, and Lancaster, Yerk and Lebanon counties the principal counties of the .state in which tobacco is grown at 24, 0(10,000 pounds, and this will reali.e about 4:1,000,000. A better yield even than this is expected in 1880. Oruntl Fex limit. On Friday a grand bag fox hunt will take place at the Washington hotel in Wallace township, Chester county. Harry Masen, proprietor of the hotel, will let Reynard out and has a large number te take part in the chase, anting whom are Bart Gable and Ress Ilettmau, two veteran hunters of Mor Mer Mor gantewn, Berks county, J. B. Talbot, the dashing horseman of Heney brook, the Brubaker brothers of Lancaster county, and last but net least Brisbine Skiles, the king hunter of Salisbury, Lancaster coun ty. These are all noted hunters and will no doubt make it veiy waim for his fox ship. Ileal lug 011 Habiirt Corpus. Before Judge Patterson this afternoon washeaul a writ of habeas corpus in the cases of Jacob Shcnk and James McCIune, committed yesterday by Alderman Spur rier en numerous charges of larceny. W.U. Hensel. esq., counsel for defendants, asked for a lc-hearing of the commonwealth's testimony, claiming that it had been ut terly insufficient te make out a prima facie case or warrant a conviction. VTnder such a charge the court said it felt bound te go into a re-hearing of the case, but that the commonwealth should have time te pro duce its evidence, and accordingly lixed Saturday at 2 p. in. te hear the case. Married. This afternoon a large patty assembled in the Presbyterian church at Columbia te witness the marriage of Mr. Clement B. Brown, of Philadelphia, te Miss Emily, daughter of the late Cel. James Myers, of Norwood, West Hemplield township. Rev. Jehn McCoy was the officiating clergy man and among the many friends present were a number of Lancastcrian. Leg Crushed. Last evening near Highspirc, Dauphin 'county, a boy named Sherman Kipp, in at tempting te jump upon a passing freight train, slipped and fell under the cars and had one of his legs terribly crushed. He was taken te his home at Highspirc and the mangled limb was amputated by Dr. Orth, of Harrisburg.' Strayed or Stelen. A few days age County Commissioner Ceble lest nine fine turkey gobblers, all that he had. He does net knew whether they strayed away or were stolen, but the probability is they weic gobbled up by thieves, as four turkey hens, belonging te the same Heck were left behind. In Town. J. Simpsen Africa, esq., of Huntingdon, late deputy s-ccretary of internal alfaiis and Democratic candidate for the secre taryship in 1878, is in town te-day. Mr. A. has been appointed census supervisership of his district. Uumallable Matter. Letters addressed as fellows are held at the Lancaster postefficc : "Mr. licHJainiu Palm, Abilene, Dickin Dickin eon ceuntyfKansas, box 524." Held for postage. "Mr. E. Appel. (519 Broadway, Pa." Held for direction. Farm te Change Hands. Jacob Bushenjj, of Etlcn township, in tends te sell bis personal property en tbc 4th of March, and bis son, -Edwin Busb Busb eng, of Chester county, will take charge of the farm. Amusements Roeked. This morning Cellier's " Banker's Daughter" combination was booked te ap ear at the opera house en March 2Gtb. Nick Itebcrts's pantomime troupe will be here en Api il K. A Geed Showing. The total sum cleared by the soup house entertainment en Saturday evening, after paying all expenses, ws $99.30. WHY WE LAUGH! THE SEVENTH VABD CONTESTED ELECTION CASE Merringer Elected Constable by a Majority of Twenty. Court met at 9 o'clock this morning in the orphans' court room, Judge Patterson presiding. J. L. Steinmetz, esq., called the atten tion of the court te the fact that the time set apart for opening the Seventh waid ballet-box and counting the votes declared illegal had arrived. Judge Patterson, who has had tne baleot-box in custody ever since the contest commenced last fall, produced it and handed it te the commissioners, David McMuUcu aud II. R. Fulton, esqs. The box was opened and the commis sioners examined the votes that had been declared illegal. The result was as fol fel lows : Of the votes attacked by the Republican petitioners and declared illegal by the court, it was found that Jehn McGrann, Augustus Waitz, Philip Gerz, Jeseph Beyer and Jehn F, Myerle, jr., had voted for Meninger (Democrat), aud that Jehn McManus had voted for Erisman. Of the votes attacked by the Democratic respondent and declared illegal by the court, it was found that Allen Wilsen, Matthias Rcsh, Adam Ripple, Wm. Themas Rebert Orr, Samuel Grey, James Waters, and Peter Hilliard (all of whom had sworn they had voted ler erisman; had voted for Erisman. And that the following named illegal voters, who declin ed te swear for whom they voted, had also voted for Erisman : Edward Sander.6, Spencer Weeds, Leenard Peters, Geerge W. Parks, Franklin Archey, Frank Hart, Charles Butler, Geerge Asten, Philip Thompson, Geerge Brown, Jeseph Turner, and S. J. Davidsen ; and that Edward Clark had voted for Merringer. The votes of Charles W. Schwehel and Emanuel Finefrock (numbered respect ively en the poll book 14:5 and 321 and de clared by the court te be illegal could net be positively identified, the numbering being in lead pencil, and tendered indis tinct by repealed handling. A count of all the votes in the ballet-box, however, showed the total number te be 559, the same number as shown by the tally list. Of the thirty votes declared illegal by the court Merringer received G and Erisman 24, leaving Merringer's legal majority 20. Even supposing the illegal votes of C. W. Schwcbel and Emanuel Finefrock (both of whom swore they voted for Erisman) were declared as having been cist for Merringer, Merringer's majority would still be 10 15 mere than the election offi cers gave him. The commissioners have net jet "offi cially" made known te the court the result of their examination of the ballet box. After that shall have been done, the ceuit will no doubt make an order disposing of the costs. Great credit is due te J. L. Steinmetz, esq., counsel for respondent, for the able manner in which he concluded the case. He was indefatigable in gathering and collating testimony in behalf of his client, and every law point raised by him during the trial was sustained by court. Feuling With Firearms. Last night, Harry X. Hewell made a narrow escape from being shot by Frank Jenes, at the Empire truck house. Several young men were in the house when Jenes came in and took a revolver from his pocket : he was told that Hewell was in the water closet ; he then pointed the re volver in that direction and shot. The men had had no quarrel and'it is supposed that Jenes shot "for fun."' It wascei tainly very dangerous sport. Mr. Jenes claims that the pistol contain ed nothing but a blank cartridge, and that the weapon was net pointed toward How Hew ell when discharged. Amusements. The Singiii' Skewl.'" TliK evening Aim Pelly liiu-sct and her "Singin' Skewl" will give 1111 entertainment in the opera house. This lady lias twice appeared in our city before, and lier performances have always given the greatest satisfaction. Since her last visit te this city slie lias been in many different towns throughout this state, ami she is everywhere highly spoken ei. It is a geed show, especially for young lelks. . MrsccLui Rheumatism yield te the wonder ful iulluunce of t. Jaceii's Oil. When the lips arc dry or scarreu. When the teeth are datk or dull, When the tongue is het and hard, And fills the tainted mouth tee full, The magic SOZODON'T supply, And nil these ills before it lly. j'lwdeed Ni:w Advertisements. Sining Taught by Prof. Hall. A Coachman Wants a IMac. Democratic Primaries. Opening et aSti'cct. Annual Statement. Situation Wanted. Cook Wanted. Netice. 3"Fer further details sec advertising column. special xetices. Answer Tills. Did you ever knew any person te he ill, without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kid neys, or did you erer knew- one who was well when either was obstructed or inactive ; and did yen erer knew or hear of any case of the kind that Hep Hitters would net cure. Ask your neighbor this same question. INe Lecher's Ileiscand Cattle Powders. Kcgulate the Secretion. In our endeavors te preserve health it is et the utmost importance that we keep the scc scc reterv svstem in perfect condition. The well- known remedy Kidney-Wert, has specific action upon the kidneys, liver and bowels. Use it instead of dosing with vile bitters or drastic pills. It is purely vegetable and is prompt but mild in action. j2G-lwd&w Hoarseness All suffering from Irritation of the Threat and Hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afford ed by the use of "Brown's Bronchial Troches." j27-lwdTTh&S&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. If you call en your druggist for "Dr. Sel lers' Cough Syrup," we pledge immediate re lief and cure en short notice. Piles! Pile! Files! De you knew what it is te suffer with Piles? If you de, you knew what Is one of the worst torments of the human frame. It cures con stipation, and then its tonic action restores health te the diseased bowels and prevent-, re currence of the disease. Try it without de lay, jas-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. An Important Personal Item. Charles S. Prentice, of Teledo, Ohie, went te Paris and thence te England te be treated for Brighl's disease, and after the best physicians of both countries had done what they could for him, gave up in despair and returned te America te die. Here he received further treatment from ether skillful physicians with out benefit, and while "HsUessly lingering in pain aud anguish," as lie says, heard et the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, took it, and was completely cured in a few weeks, no gives circumstantial details of his painful experi ence and astonishing cure, in a long letter te II. II. Warner & Ce., which will be forwarded en application. jl5-2wd Brews' Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. WU1 most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally, and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIX, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Side, Back or Bewel, Sere Threat, Kheumatism.Toethachc and ALL ACHES, and Is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN.' "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be In every family. Ateaspoon Ateaspeon Ateaspoen lul of the Panacea in a tumbler of het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, w ill BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty flve cents a box. fjanl5-lvdiwTuTh&S Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. " When wise men speak let the multitude give ear." Use -'Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all druggists. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. Statistics prove that twenty-flve per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in Its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? X Mether's Uriel. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and tukes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, if they have a' Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 50 cents undl$l. Fer lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miliersville. The Best I Ever Knew Of. I. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential Citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint ter several years, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitallzer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try It. I am happy te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold by D. llcitslm, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miliersville. Shiloh's Catarrh Kenicdy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector ter the mere success! ul treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by I). Heitshu, Lancaster. and M. L. Davis, Miliersville. sW-eodD&eewW MARRIAGES. Liciitv Goebel. On the 29th inst.. at St JesephV church, by the Rev. Lewis Grotter Gretter myer, Mr. Jehn C. Lichty te Miss Anna M. Goebel, both of this city. ltd&w Slaymaker Lkidieii. Jan. 22, 1S80, at the residence of the bride's father. Paradise, by the Rev. Gee. II. Duflield, assisted by the Rev. K. K. Bewer, I). D., G. Duflield Slaymaker te Miss Ella F. Leidigh. It liEXTUS. Mteiis. In this city, en the 29th inst., Ann Maria Myers, aged 83 years, S months and 1 day. The relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te attend her funeral from the residence et her son-in-law, Edward McGeehan, 414 North Mulberry street, Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. j2T-2td XET AltVKRTISEMEXTS PRO'. W3I. B. HALL WILL GIVE LES sons in singing te private pupils or te classes of four persons. Applv at aeK West King street, en I RIDAY or SATURDAY. jan29-2td INSURE YOWK PROPERTY IN TUG 1SKST CQMPANIESat BAUSMAN & BURNS'. 20-tlcedK Otllce : Ne, 10 West Orange St. Lancaster, Dec. 12, 187ft. INSURE YOUR PROPKKTV IN KEL1A UI.E COMPANIES at BENJ. P. SHENK'S, Office : 103 West King Street. decl2-3mdR IIKE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. IIERK & STAUFFKR. Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dccSO-Sindlteed 17OK KENT. ; Three-story Brick Dwelling, with 10 rooms and 2 Stere rooms, en corner of Lemen and Xertli Queen streets, Lancaster, Pa. RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 Eat King Street, j21-3td-S,MVWRl Second Fleer. TOTlCE i Is hereby given that C. K. Mellinger is no longer authorized te act for me us agent. The public is hereby netitled that I am no longer i "Visible ler anv contracts he may make. 11C.NU1 U. SJlllll, jantekJtd lid-: Lane-aster, Pa. 11AKE NOTICE That an application has been made te the Court of (Junrter Sessions of Lancaster Comity for the opening of West Marien street from Nevin street westward, and that the same will be heard en SATURDAY, the 21st day of FEB RUARY, A. D., 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. 111. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF LANCASTER C1TT AUTHORITIES.! In compliance with the Act of Assembly ap proved April 20, 1874, we rcspecttlly submit the tollewlng statement, showing the financial condition of the city en the first day of Janu ary, 1880: ASSETS. City Water Works, steam pumps and water pumps, about 31 miles et 4, C, 8, 10, 12, 20 and 24 incli mams, 3.t." "plugs, 171 steps, Aclloauil Aclleauil liian's property and waMr rights H2.:00 00 City Hall 2-1,000 00 Market houses 125,000 00 Station house and let le,(KK) 00 Let en Last Chestnut street. l.V) 00 477 lamps and pests 0,500 00 Pipes, tools, Ac., of Water Works 1,000 00 Hammers, shovels, Ac, ter street work 200 00 Safes, furniture, &c.,bclong &c.,bcleng &c.,bclong ingtecity 1,00000 Liens ter taxes, water rents, paving, &c. due city ler 1874. 1875, 1870, 1877, 1878 0.00 00 Taxes for 1879 in constables' hands for collection 12.973 42 Water rents for 187Jln Aider man's hands for collection 231 .V, Lancaster city six per cent. bends in sinking fund Cash in treasury! Jan. 1, InSJ Total assets 132,'X.S OS 21.W13 G3 $780,231 07 LIABILITIES JANUARY 1, 1880. Funded debt at six per ccnt.$02,.r12 02 Fundeddi-btnttivcpcrccnt. 49 900 00 Amount of bills presented, approved uml unapproved 17,000 00 Total indebtedness $729,412 02 Assets ever liabilities 5ti,809 Ce The funded debt above mentioned, part has matured, the balance matures in April, 1880, 183" and 1890, aud intermediate periods at the option of the city. We consider the valuation placed en the water works and market houses very reasonable, and te assist the public in judging their true value, we would report that independent of the city having the use et 335 plugs, and the use of all water required for lire department and ether city purposes, the water rent paid by consumers amounts te $.13,400 per year, and rent received from market property $8,550 per year. The Finance Committee dur ing the year put into the sinking fund $17,000, thus reducing the actual debt that amount in 1879. Taxable property, as per adjusted valua tion for 1872, $11,400,000. Signed : ROBERT A. EVAN'S, JOHN'. A. BORING, S. II. ZAHM, R. M. MORROW. Finance Committee. E. Welchaxs, Treasurer. ltd rpiiE E OLD (HEARD FIRE INSUKANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Sight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses prempUy paid. Fer policies call en KIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Laneestcr, Pa. S-MW&SGmdR XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOLID SILVEBWAEE, GOBHAM PLATED WAEB, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FBENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HASP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. BHOADS St BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. A'Eff AltrERTISEMESTS. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS PRINTED ON CHECK BOARD (Same ai used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse, Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. janl2-tfd D LUOCltATIU l'lUMAKIES. The Democracy et Lancaster city and all who are willing te co-operate wijh them in se curing an economical, honest and progressive municipal government are invited te meet at the ward houses in their respective ward from C te 8 o'clock, en SATURDAY EVESIXG, JAN. 31, te make general nominations for the eWces te be tilled at the approaching municipal elec tions. One person for Mayer and six persons ler Scheel Directors en a general ticket. Ward Ofllcers us fellows : 1st Ward, Shober's Hetel. One Select Coun cilman, tour Common Councilmen, Judge, In spector, Constable and City Cemmitteman. 2d Ward, Union Hetel. One Select Council man, three Common Councilmen, Judge, In spector, Assessor, Constable and City Com mitteeman. 3d Ward, Jacob Efllnger's Saleen. One Select Councilman, thrce Common Council men, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable aud City Cemmitteman. 4th Ward, Gee. II. Krisman's Saleen. Alder man, one Select Councilman, three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Con stable and City Committeeman. 5th Ward, Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel. Twe Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable aud City Cemmitteman. Cth Ward, Jes. Kuutz's Saleen. One Select Councilman, three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable and City Committeeman. 7tli Ward, Bernard Kuhlman's Saleen. Three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, As sessor, Constable and City Committeeman. 8th Ward, Lucas Fritz's Saleen. One Select Councilman, three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable aud City Committeeman. 9th Ward, Arneld Haas's Saleen. Aldcrjnan, three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assesser.C enstable and City Committeeman. The Judges of the Primary election will meet in Common Council Chamber at 9 p. m.t te tabulate and announce the result of the vole en Mayer and Scheel Directors. II. A. MILKY, (Jlialnnnn City Committee. SAME PRICE. Having purchased ;the exclusive right et Lancaster city and county temanufacture and use lleyiields's Metallic Stationery and Boek Binder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, we are new prepared te iurnish Check Beeks, Letter Heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Bill Heads, all sizes, Notes f all kinds, Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at tiie lowest figures. This invention, for the use of which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blank and memoranda books at the cost of printing alone, and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it, for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the case and accuracy of its operation, while business men and ethers wliec experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points of cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pro cess, and we arc willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the perfectly satisfactory char acter of its work. Specimens of Binding may be seen at the Is tklluienxeu efllcc, and all persons desiring a neat aud substantial piece of work in this line are invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in the eity. ltd KAMI'S, &V. J IGIIT. - FIIM & BREIEMAI AEB OrEUI5Q GREAT BARGAINS IS Geal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN&BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. PHW&BIM IFAJfTED. -IT7-ANTED. V Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Ixtelliqbxcku, who wants something to'de. A SALESMAN "WANTED. Nene but a tirst-class man need apply. J2-2td J. B. MARTIN CO. -IXrANTED. T V A situation by a German girl te de gen eral housework. Apply at ltd THIS OFFICE. WANTED A girl experienced in cooking and gen eral housework. Apply at It THIS OFFICE. "lirANTED. YV 50 Geed Clgarmakers by Bennett & Hal deman. Marietta, Pa. Geed wages, in weekly j2(V3tdeaw payments. Y7"ANTED. tV Twe geed Curriers. Nene but steady men need apply. Inquire at ltd THIS OFFICE. WANTED A situation as Coachman or te de gen eral work. First class reference given. Terms reasonable, and seven years' experience as a Coachman. Address ltd '"H..G.," Lancaster, Pa. MISVELLAXEU VS. ! SLEW1N M. D.. LATH OF BERLIN, 1 . Germanv, Ne. 243 West King street. Otliee hours from 8 te 10 a. in., 1 te 2 p. m. and G te 8 p.m. j28-2md AS. KOSKNKAUM Si CO., . PACK KRS OF LEAF TOBACCO, N'O. 223 Prince stieet, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSENMYEK, jaa7-3md Manager. SECOND GRAND SOCIABLE OF THE Shitller Equipment Association will be held at Rethweilrr's Hall instead et the Shinier Hese Heuse, en Tuesday evening, February 3, 1880. j-"-2td illAS. BKIMMEK. Removed te Ne. 4 West King street, first fleer, Rhoads & Bre.'s new building. j27-lmdj CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGN'S. THE ANNUAL MEET1N' OF TIIE LOT Helders of Woodward Hill Cemetery for election of Trustees will be held en MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1880, at 7 o'clock p. in., at ellice et Gee. D. Sprccher. By order of President. j2G-ttd J.B MARTIN, Sec'y. I "ELECTION OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. !i The qualified electors et the city of Lan caster are liereby netitled that en election will be held in the several wards at the usual places of holding state and county elections, en TUESDAY, FEBRUARY' 17, 1880, between the hours of 6 o'clock in the morning anil 7 o'clock in the eveniug of said day, for the purpose of electing twelve Scheel Directors for the term of three years, from the first ThursJay et Novem ber next. And the election efllcers in the sev eral wards are hereby required te make the necessary official returns et the election, and te notify the persons elected within twenty four hours after such election shall have been closed and the number of votes for each candi date or peisen voted for ascertained. J. B. WARFEL, President. C. F. Ebekm ax, Sec'y. fj28-3td PUBLIC SALE OF STOCKS OF TURN PIKE ROAD COMPANIES owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In pursu ance of the act of June 12, 1878 the Auditor General will expose te side at the Merchants' Exchange, in the city of Philadelphia, en Tues day, the 24th day of February, 1880, at 12 o'clock m., 18,815 shares of Turnpike Jtead Stock, new owned by the Commonwealth, among which are640SHARES DOWNINGTOWN.EPHRATA aud HARRISBURG TURNPIKE. The certifi cates for all these stocks cannot be found, but the interest of the Commonwealth will be sold. The purchaser will be entitled te the same number of votes as the original owner. Terms, 10 per cent, en day of sale ; the balance within Unity 1 lays te the State Treasurer, when a transfer will be given. WILLIAM P.SCHELL, j23-3tdeaw Auditor General. MEVICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in ills regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. Tills new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cu re of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these atlltcted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble annctite ami mere or less debility, will 11 nd this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and n- but one article, and that is; REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising yeiiBg friend, II. E. SLAYMAKER. This Brandv has steed the test for tuadk mark, years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matterwith hew manyjaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice t buy all the Brandy te cure any such case r cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon numl hers of witnesses one case in particular wa cite: A hard-working farmer had been a filleted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged t restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and In ids discourses efte declaimed earnesUy against all kinds of strong drink, w hen auviscu te iry Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully ana steauny; me first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.with a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practising Physician. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AQKNT TOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, I1TPOBTEK AHD DEALER ITS FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE- RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported In 1818, 1827 and 1828,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERT BRAND, SCOTCH ALE vniiTip nnnWTir btvutt 1 Ne. 20 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA l J THIRD EDITION THUBSDAY EVENING, JAN. SO, I860. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Tf A9HINGTON, Jan. 29. Fer the Middle states slightly colder, north te east winds, clear or partly cloudy weather, and rising barometer daring the rest of Thursday. CONGRESS. Proceedings In the Senate. "Washinotes, D. C, January 29. Mr. Kerdan introduced a bill providing for an exhibition in New Yerk in 1883 te celebrate the recognition of American in dependence. The Senate then went into executive session and seen afterwards adjourned until Monday. In the Heuse. The consideration of the bill declaring all public reads highways was resumed. The Heuse then went into committee en revision of the rules. The Cnrtln-Vecaui Case. The Ileuse committee did net take action te-day en the contested election case from the Twentieth district of Pennsylvania. TELEGRAPHIC TAPS. Anether Hang Jury. Bostex. Jan. 29. The jury disagreed in the case of Charles Demend, charged with embezzling funds of the Massachu setts home mission society. This Open 'Winter. "Wallaceburg, Ont., Jan. 29. Navi gation is still open here. Mere Striking Sleulilers. Reading, Pa., Jan. 29. Ninety meulders at the Reading hardware works arc en a strike because the firm refuses te run mere than one cupola. Four Times a Century. Geneva, Jan. 29. Fer the fourth time in the present century the Lake of Zurich is frozen ever. Anether Acquittal. PniLDELrniA, Jan. 29. Themas J. Ryan, charged with riot at the Democratic convention in December last, was acquitted te-day. WAR ON THE JUOONSHIXERS. Destroying the Illicit Traffic In Georgia. Washington, Jan. 29. The commis sioner of internal revenue received the fol lowing telegram from the collector at At lanta, Georgia : " The raiding force in Rabun county just reports the seizure of six distilleries. Since the 21st inst. 3,000 gallons of beer and mash have been destroyed. The revenue officers have the county under control." THE GRAND AKSPV. Election of Ofllcers by the ment. State Encamp- Reading, Pa., Jan. 29. The Grand Army encampment elected C. Hazzard, of Monongahela, department commander; Wil liam B. Rese, of Philadelphia, senior vice commander, Charles Stycr, of Philadel phia, medical director, and Jehn N. Sayres, of Reading, chaplain. Gettysburg was chosen for next summer's encampment and Pittsburgh for winter. THIS READING SEIZURE, Removal of the Case te the U. S. Court. Philadelphia, Jan. 29.-Thc question as te whether the Philadelphia and Reading railroad scrip is subject te a government tax or net has been lemeved te the United States court, and argument thereon has been postponed for the present, the prelim inary injunction already issued against the collector continuing in the meantime. THE END REACHED. FuHienists Jein the State Heuse Legislature. Augusta, Jan. 29. In the Senate seven Fusionist senators were cordially received and took their seats. In the Heuse twenty-two Fusionists took their seats. Business in both branches re ferred te matters of only local interest PRIMOGENITURE. Moving te Abolish the Ancient English Law. Londen, Jan. 29. One of the main subjects te be presented by the govern ment for legislation at the coming session of Parliament will be a bill for the aboli tion of the law of primogeniture and for the simplification of the transfer of land. FURIOUS FLAMES. The Great Fire at Jassy Still Raging. Londen, Jan. 29. A despatch from Bucharest says the great fire at Jassy, which destroyed the administrative palace, is still raging and has extended te adjacent buildings. A large number of records which cannot be replaced are destroyed. FIRE DAMP EXPLOSION. Terrible Disaster in a Mine In Saxony. Minden, Jan. 29. A fire damp ex plosion has occurred in a colliery at Meissen, Saxony. Ten of the dead and wounded have been taken out of the pit. It is believed that there are five corpses still in the pit. A CANARD. The Reported Arrrest of a Fugitive Bank Clerk. Paris, Jan. 29. The report telegraphed hence of the arrest in Paris of an ab sconding bank clerk from New Yerk, is untrue. The police knew nothing of any such occurrence. THE GAG. One Result of the Itecent Riots In Fetth. Vienna, Jan. 29. In consequence of the recent riots in Pesth, bills are being pre sented te the Legislature restricting the rights of associations and public meetings, and the liberty of the press. UNDER THE WHEELS. Little Girl Killed by the Cars. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 29. A girl named Shaffer, aged six years, was killed by Le high Valley passenger train, Ne. 1, at Whitehall this morning. SUDDEN SUMMONS. Death of a Noted Episcopal Clergyman. Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Rev. William Rudder, D. D., rector of St. Stephen's P. . church, died here suddenly this morn ing. A Hitch in the Pregramme. A correspondent of the Rochester (N. Y.) Union points out that there is likely te be a hitch in the Republican pregramme for cheesing the New Yerk electors next fall by the Legislature or by congressional districts, instead of by popular vote. A recent amendment te the constitution pro vides that " When the right te vote at any election for the choice of electors for president; and vice president of the United States is denied te any of the male inhabitants of such state, being 21 years of age and, citi zens of the United States, or in any man ner abridged, except for participation in rebellion or ether crime, the basis of rep resentation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such, male citizens shall bear te the whole number of' male citizens 21 years of age in such state. The result, then, of the Republican at tempt te deprive all the people of their elec toral votes would be te wipe out the entire congressional representation of the state. It is net probable that the Republicans will view this unexpected phase of the question with entire satisfaction. THE CUBAN EARTHQUAKES. A Visit te San Cristobal, the Centre of Dis turbance Churches Dismantled, OSces Overthrown, Jails Totter ing and a Stream Impreg nated With Salphur. Cable te the Herald. The recurrent earthquake shocks in Vuelta Abajo and Havana have thoroughly alarmed the timid inhabitants of Western Cuba. Toward five o'clock en the morn ing of Sunday, January the 25, a slight os cillation in this city reused a comparatively few from their slumber. Later a sinister heave.tessed people from their pillows and caused no little consternation. These recent tremors have been multiplied at certain points of the interior, where en the night of the 25th three shocks are recorded at nine, eleven and two o'clock. Frem San Diege, Santiage de las Vegas, Pinar del Rie, Cienfuegos, Mariel, and elsewhere, come accounts of earthquakes and public terror, monopolizing the press te the ex clusion of ether matter. San Cristobal, the apparent centre of the disturbance, is a town of about a thousand inhabitants andone hundred houses. It is seventy livp miles from Havana and seventeen miles from Majana bay, en the south coast. A visit discloses the fact that the con cussion there kut Thursday night nearly tumbled the place te ruins. The church stands tottering, with its portico disman tled in front, its pillars razed, its cupola awry, its windows shattered and its altar disturbed. The priest escaped from his house while the wall was falling. The tel egraph office is half demolished. The gov ernment aud principal buildings are unten able. A drug store, which was large and heavily stocked te supply the surrounding country, is cracked in the interior and strewn deep with debris from empty shelves. A primitive and cumbersome jail filled with prisoners and their guards, is dismembered in every part. The pres ence of mind of the inmates was unique. The prisoners instantly leaped for liberty, and the guards as promptly interfered. One convict was shot dead after emerging through a crevice made by the earthquake and bursting open an outer deer. Three guards were wounded in the melee. Four teen ethers of the inmates are in hospital with injuries sustained from falling beams and masonry. The dwellings suffered en a line distinct ly traceable through the town, intcrscctinr the afore-mentioned building and leaving ethers almost unharmed, though most ei them were badly built of adobe. An American from Portland, Me., was nearly crushed under his kitchen chimney. A small stream runs past San Cristobal, ami the railroad bridge that spans it had its foundations se shaken that trains new cress at a snail-like pace until repairs can be made. On the verge of this stream sev eral fissures are discernible, being from three te ten inches wide and from forty te one tiuudrcd feet long. Seme of them ai of considerable depth. The inhabitants aver that en the morning after the earth quake these fissures emitted sulphureus vapors, and that the stream, itself was strongly impregnated with sulphur and salt. A military guard and committee of en gineers were dispatched te San Cristobal by the government, and their decisicn is understood te be that 110 injured structures shall be repaired, but all must come down and be rebuilt. Meanwhile scores of resi dents are leaving a spot that is new deemed te be accursed. The wildest theories are rife, based en superstitions three centu ries old. In the country dozens of evil influences are held te be accountable, while in Havana the New Yerk gas company's fresh trenches arc denounced by negre preachers, who prophesy a speedy apoca lypse, preceded by a swallowing up of the earth. The captain general aud his army are in the centre of the island. Meantime the government has taken measures id temporary relief for these who have been excluded from their homes at San Cristo bal and elsewhere. MARKETS. New Yerk Market. New Yerk, January 23. Kleur State and Western linn ; moderate expert home trade in inquiry; superll lie state 4 505 20; extra di $TU55!5; choice de $."70; 15; limey de$K2f) 7&; reuud hoop Ohie $5 U6 00: eheiru de $0 007 SO; superfine western W 705 20 ; common te geed extni de $5 305 75 ; choice dode$5808U0; choice white wheat de$)'00 775; Southern steady, quiet; common te fun cxtra$600ti50; geed te choice de $ V08 00. Wheat Spring quiet aud very llrm ; winter Mic better and fairly active : Ne. 2 red Feb. $I147; de March $1 4SK14'.. Cern yie better and quiet; Mixed Western spot 58XU2c ; de future 55(2c. Oat a 11 fm; state 4750c; Western 474c Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, January 29. Fleur higher ; super-line $4 505 00 ; extra $5 -mi'.t 75 ; Ohie and Indiana family $7 00725; Peun'u family $U 50G 75 ; St, Leuis family 7 007!i0 ; Minnesota Family (S25U75; patent aud high grades $7 258 25. Rye flour $4 75. Cornmeal Brandywine unclianged. Wheat dull ; Ne. 2 Western Red 41 42KQ1 '" ; Pa. red $1 43 ; Amber 1 44. Cern dull but firmer; steamer 5Cc; yellow 33c ; mixed 57c. Oats firmer; Southern and Pcnn'a white 47 48c; Western white 4C48c; Western mixed 4546c. Rye steady ; Western 8890c ; Pa. 90c. Previsions firm, but dull; mess perk $1350 ; beet bams $160OUi 50 ; India mess beef $21 50 ; Bacen smoked shoulders 5c; &aitde4J5c : smoked hams 1010c; pickled hams t OJic Lard inactive; city kettle 7c; loose butchers' 74c ; prime steam 7Jc. Butter quiet and dull ; creamery ex tra 3234c; Bradford county and N. Y. extra 252tic; Western reerve extra at 23c; de geed te choice 1722c : rolls dull Penn'a extra 14lfic; western reserve extra 17l'Jc. Eggs dull; Choice Penn'a lGQ17e; Western 15lCc. Cheese firm; N. T. factory 14JrI5c: western lull cream 14!4c ; de for geed 13 I4 ; de half-skiuis none here. Petroleum quiet ; Refined 7c. Whisicy $i ej. stock Markets. Philadelphia, Jan. -J'J 1230 p. si. Stocks dull. Pennaji'a (third Issue) 10f. Philadelphia & Erie 1H Reading ............. 4 Pennsylvania 52! Lehigh Valley. 52 United Ces. of N.J 155 Northern Pacific 34 " Preferred 58 Northern Central 33K Lehigh Navigation 37Vi Norristown 102s Central Transportation Ce. ; Pitts., Titusville & Buffalo. 15J5 Little Schuylkill 51 Nxw leiuc, Jan. 29. Stocks strong. Meney 5C N. Y. Central 131 Eric 6J Adams Express .- 104 Michigan Central 91 Michigan Southern 1034 Illinois Central 103 Cleveland & Pittsburgh. . . .112 Chicago & Reck Island. 143 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.-.115 Western union Tel. Ce 104 Teledo & Wabash 46 New Jersey Central 81 "PSTABLISHED 1862. J. D. EOSENBEBGEE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 318 Seuth Frent St., rhUatUlphla,Va. Dealers and Farmers havIng-Eggs. Poultry, Butter pound, print, roll and solid or any kind of Country Produce, would de well te I hip te us, as we guarantee full prices and rorept returns. iij-iiw- i -'l :,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers