"." 1 "SI "t- LANCASTER MlLt iNTELLIGMCER. THURSDAY. JAKtJAItY 29, 1880. ; ' . -" . M I E r ! I ), 1 jh. Hancaster Intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 20, 1880. THE DA'CE IX THE KITCHEN. Oil, tliat winter afternoon, - Such a merry, merry tune As the Jelly, fat tea-kettle chose IN singing te begin ! 'Twas a lilting Scottish air, . And It seemed, I de declare. As though bagpipe played by fairy win for ever joining in. Then the bagpipe ceased te play, And another tunc straightway Sang the kettle, louder, louder, till its voice grew very big ; And the feet of laughing girls (Girls with shamrock in their curie) Yeu could almost hear a-kecping time te that old Irish jig. Darling, smiling, cunning Bess Grasped with liny hands her dress, .And a pretty courtesy making, while the ket tle made a bow, " I'll your partner be," said she ; "Forward, backward, one, two. three;" And pussy cried, " Jlrave ! my dears," in one immense me-ew. And they danced right merrily Till 'twas nearly time ler tea. The kettle tilting this way and then that way eh, what fun : And its hat bobbed up and down On its moist and steamy crown, With a clatter falling off at last, and then the dance was done. TIIK OLD MAN OF MONTROSE. There was an old man of Montre-'-Who had a remaikablc no-e. Se long and se thin. And se tar from his chin, "1'wa.s always in danger of blows. One day the old man of Montrese Went out w itheut muffling his ne-c : And it grieves me te tell That this organ of smell A- still" as au icicle froze. Soen after, in sneezing, " Ker-chen," His uee into smithereens flew. And left but a stump. A lidiculeus lump. That even in summer looked bl ue. The fre-t-bitteii man et Montrese fsed erds that were equal te blew s : And se great his di-grace. He seen quitted the place. And v here he has gene no one knew-. m m m Fanners i he are Set Farmers. If we leek around at these from whom come the strongest complaints about no pretit in farming, we see that in a sur prisingly large number of erics the cry comes" from these who knew nothing about it : that is te say. it is net real genuine fanners who complain, but some counting house graduate who had an idea that money grew in the ground, that business was a hazareus operation, and that te get rich and live like a prince, with nothing te de," all that is necessary is buy and run " a farm. Seme few of these men succeed in the end. Fer a year or two they lese money, but in time they pick up or luck helps them. It is, however, but a drop in the bucket. Hardly ten per cent, of these who go from commercial pursuits te farming but sooner or later bicak up. We suppose a great deal of this misdi misdi lectien of genius comes from the influence of old country literatue, The gentleman farmer"' is one e' the happiest of Knglish pictures, but whether it is true te nature or net is altogether another thing. The typical Jehn Bull or the caricaturists is an English farmer, fat and jelly, with top beets and fine substantial clothes, and generallj having his hands thrust deep down into his breeches pockets as if in them he guarded net only his own ti ens ures but these of all the world. But it ap 1 tears the pictuie is a purely imaginary one. The "gentlemen '" are net the solid substantial farmers. There arc a few who took te farming after they became rich and had made their money first by some ether business: but most of the successful farm ers there as well as here are these who were brought up te fanning from their boyhood and who arc familiar with all the details of farm-work and farm-markets. It is a pity perhaps, te take down all these lovely pietuics of the gentleman far mer and in their places substitute mere charcoal sketches of what things really are; but poetry is all well enough in its place. Meney-making is another thing, and money-making by farm-life especially se. It has its bare, practical side. One must begin at the bottom of the ladder in order 1e reach te the top; but when began in that, the natural way, it will be found te be just as geed as any ether business, and when the failures come it will be found generally with a class who had no right te be there. Germnnteicn Telt graph. NEKVE. It is u great thing fe have what is called nerve, and nothing contributes mere te the power of physical control thus named than Warner's .safe Nervine. It also relieves all kinds of pain, and cures headache anil neu ralgia. jlfl-2wd Father is (Jetting Well. My daughters say, "Hew much better father is since he used Hep Hitters." He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease de clared incurable, and we are se glad thathe used your Bitters. A lady of Rochester, X. Y. jlS'iwtl ROUES, JiLAXKETS, JtC. s: IGX OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! 1 have new en hand the Largest, Hist axd Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Untitled BUFFALO BOBES in the city. Alse LAP AX I) HOKSK BLAXKETS of every dc-crip-tien. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, "Whips, Cellars, &c. tf3Bcpalring neatly and promptly dene.a A. MILEY, JOS Xerth Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lyd M W&S&3U1 w GIET DRA WIXGS. AU1UOBIZKU KK THE COMMON WEALTH OK 1CT., and Fairest in the World. 16th Popular Monthly Drawing OP THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Maeaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en JANUARY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by uct el the Legislature et lSttl, ami sustained by all the courts of Kentucky (all fraudulent advertise ments of ether lottery companies who elaim the sole ownership el" "all the grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and arc supervised by prominent citizens et the State. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out his number and see it placed in the wheel. The management call at tentien te the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, for only $2, any of the following prizes : l prize .. ..................... .'$ 30,000 1 prize . 10,000 . 5.000 . 10.000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 12,000 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 500 each k 100 prizes, $100 each 200 prizes 50 each 000 prizes 20 each 1000 prizes lOeach 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " 9 prizes 100 each, " " 10,000 2,700 1,800 soe 1,9C0 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $2; half tickets, $1; 27 tickets $30; 55 tickets, $100. All applications forclubratcssheuldbcmadc te the home office. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Send, all orders by money or bank draft in letter, or by ex press. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, .can be sent at our expense. Address It. M. IJOARDMAN or T. J. COMMEBFORD, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or either person, at 163 Broadway, New Yerk. . dl-TuT&S&w FOE RENT. A VEBY DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het and Celd Water, Bath, Gap, Itangc. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast comer of North Mulberry and "West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Rent reasonable. Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te CARPETS! CARPBTSr! IN NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS. Xew opening in all the best makes of Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-ply Carpets, Extra Super Ingrain Carpets, Brussels, Damask and Venitian Hall and Stair Carpets Hag and Hemp Carpets, te which wc invite examination. Alse, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Window Shading, Shade Fixtures, Table Oil Cleths, Stair Oil Cleths, Hugs and Matts, all in full assortment. In MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, &c, we have an unusually Large Stock, at Lewest Prices. GIVLEB, BOWEBS & HUBST, CLOT11IXG IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 PERSON Witnessed the Grant Reception in Philadelphia. WE WOULD LIKE ALL THE MEET AID BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD W A YES OF 1SSO. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : r..-.v li.ti nt llii'-fji Viii (lvir,?n:its. Keval Kever-iltle 1'laid Backs, sold Celers anil Woven Backs). Our I'rice Next Grade Extra Sizes in Blue and Brown Woruinbe Beaver Overcoats Next Grade A Geed Streng Serviceable Cleth-Bound Overcoat Kvervdav Working Overcoat Men's All Weel Suits The ' Auburn " D. I. Suits, for liusiness and Dress Extra Quality " Sawyer " Suitings The Finest of Cassitnere Suits Dress Suits of Best Imported Cleths reduced te Men's Everyday Pants All-wool Business and Dress Pants Extra Fine Dress Pantaloons, formerly $10, new Genuine Harris Cassintere Pants The Verv Latest Stvles in Children's Overcoats The Deuble-Shouldered Cape Beyal Bevcrsible Back Overcoats (The Nicest Little Beys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced Child ten's Suits as low as Higher Grades anil Mere Elaborately Trimmed Suits A Great Specialty in Beys' and Youths' Pants WANAMAKER & BROWN OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. jan 1 tfd THE LARGEST MILZ,ZA'j:JtY AX1 OPENING OF G-UNDAKBR'S ULLHERY &TKDOLIM STORE. LADIES, we will open te-day Xew Xevelties in Bennets, Hats, Frames, Plumes, Fancy Wings, Velvets, Satins, Ac. AVc will open te-day an elegant line of Mack and Colored Silk Fringes, Xew Styles et Silk and Jet Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, Satins, Ac. AVc will open te-day new and beautiful lines or Ladies' and Children's Hese in Cashmere and Cotten, Merine Vests for Ladies and Children in all sizes, Woolen Caps, &c, geed and cheaper than ever. We will open te-day Xew Laces, Ituchiugs, Ties, Scarfs, Kid and LisleThread Gloves, Cor sets in all the best makes and at lowest prices. Ask te see our Speen Bust Corset at 50 cts. We will open a lull line of Crape Veils Crape Bennets and Hats. Crape by the yard, and everything else that is new, desirable and cheap in Millinery and Trimmings. Call and examine our stock at GRIND ACER'S, 142 and 144 I0RTI QUEM STEM. VAllKIAGES, SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! Wc have new in stock a large let of Slclglis, consisting et PONY, TOBTLAX'D AXD ALBAXYS. TWO FIXE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, By STBEIT & LOCKWOOD. et "PenghKeepsic, X. Y". One Fine Four-Passenger PORTLAND SLEIGH. TRIMMED AND UXTRIMMEDJ PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a fine let et Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg ABewe, and a variety el ethers, second-band. All te be sold at luil f their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 430 & 432 North Queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. ecl31yl FOR BEST. BAUSMAN & KEAL ESTATE AGENTS, dry goods. 25 EAST KING STREET. reduced te . .$20.00 everywhere at $23 (Full In dige 1S.00 n;.."(t 12.110 10.00 $.M 5.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 2.V00 1.S0 ::.rn fl.00 5.00 :;.oe r.oe :s..v n.00 2.30 CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. TllIMMWO GOODS. NEW GOODS -AT- 1'HAETOXS. Jte. BURNS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. EOK SALE Olt REX1. STORK ROOM FOR RENT, NO. 114 N. Queen street. Possession given January 1st. Apply at dU-tfdl Xe. 112 North Queen Street. F OR RENT. Union Hetel. East Chestnut street, oppe site renn'a Depot. Apply at the jiK-ttd IXTELLIGEXCER OFFICE. T70R RENT. X A 1 HMJIIIS, -?. f2 lllll UVll iJlin-ii suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by j . saurman. Appiyie dcc2G-tfd Til 110s. n: tAUMUAllDXEK. 1 ;OK RENT. Stere Itoem. Ne. 13 East King street, new occupied bv Augustus Bheads. Inquire of II. G. Lipp, Millcrsville Avenue or within; also, the upstairs rooms for rent. fan.VM,vStldltw F Oil ICKMT. A flist-class Bakcrv for rent. The house contains eight rooms without the Bakehouse, and is situated en Xerth Queen street, nearly opposite the Northern Market. There is geed stabling upon the premises. Call upon ALEX. HAKUIS. Atterncy-at-Law, Olllee in Grant Hall. ' j27-lwd IOK S ALK. . A twelve te fifteen hoisC-pewcr engine and boiler. Alse a large planer, almost new; a small flooring and matching machine, and a tending and power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LEI5ZELTEB, Eagle Speke anil Bending Works, nevlO-tfd&w Lancaster. Pa. "IMKE PKOOF SAFE FOU SALE, i A Fire Proof Safe (Me,ler, Bakman ,V Ce.. Cincinnati make). III inches high, 21 wide and 21 deep, weight 1,200 pound', with Sargent's Patent Xigitt and Day Combination Leck, for hale cheap. Apply sit the Jan2-tfdl 1XTELLIGEXCEU OFFICE. uisLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTY On WEDXESDAY. FEP.RUABY 4, l&se, at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, will be sold a geed two-story IiKICK DWELLING, w ith two-story Brick Back Building, situate Xe. 257 East Chestnut street. The house con tains a hall, six rooms, kitchen, garret and ex cellent cellar, is well built, in geed repair and conveniently aii-uiged with closets, etc.; gas through the house, hydrant water in yard and kitchen ; also, cistern with pump. Let 18 feet anil 5 inches trout, and UlJ-e feet deep. This property being located in a rapidly im proving portion of the city, in the immediate vicinity of a large Cotten Factory, l'enn Iren Ce.'s Works, Best's Machine Sheps and ether industrial establishments, and must always command a geed rent cr ready sale. Here is a chance te buy a cheap property, as the owner is determined te sell. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by 1IEBK & STAUFFEB, II. SiiUBEirr, Auct. S Xoi th Duke Street. jSJ-tM KIDXJEX AXD Limit CUM:. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an iiumcdiate stimulus lera Torpid Liver euro Costiveness, DVspepsia, Biliousness. Bilious Diarrheea, Malaria, Fever and Ague ami are useful at times in nearly all Diseases te cause a freeand regular action of the Rowels. The best antidote for all Malarial Poison. These Pills are the discovery of an English army physiciat. and have been used with the greatest success among the British troops in India. Thev are enlv manufactured, in this country by II. II. WAltXEB & CO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE, The improved discovery of probably the most skillful nerve doctor in the world, quickly gives rest and sleep te the sull'ering, cures Headache and Neuralgia, prevents Epileptic Fits, anil is the best remedy for Nervous Pros tration brought en by excessive drinking.over drinking.ever drinking.over werk,mental shocksandethercauses. Itrclievcs the Pains of all Diseases, and is never injurious te the system. The best of all Nervines. Bettles of two sizes ; prices, 50 cents and SI. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and Sa ft; Tonic, arc also superior remedies unequalled in their respective liehls of disease. Warner's Safe Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. II. 11. WAKNER & CO., Rochester, X. Y. rdKi-Turh&Sd&w WALL PAl'ERS, &c. Y E HAVE LEASED THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STOBE BOOJI, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., .Just three doers below us. which we will ec- cupy en or bclere the FIRST OF FEBRUARY. It is new in course of alteration and as seen as practicable we will move our stock. WALL PAPEE WINDOW SHADES Have advanced in price like every ether class of goods. Anticipating a rise, wc placed orders ferall our goods early in the fall, and are pre pared te sell at old prices. We have ends and odd lets of Paper, which will be sold at half value in eiiler te close out before removal. PHABES W. FRY, G3 North ucen Street. T1X1VABE, XO SHERTZER, HCMPHREVILLE & KIEF FEB, manufacturers of TIN and SHEET-IKON WORK, Tin Reefing and Spouting. Alse, successors te Jacob Gable in PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING, Gas Fixtures, Housekeeping Goods, Steves, Heaters, Ranges, Ac. at Ne. 40 EAST KING STREET, Opposite Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pn. jZMlmrt ' ' DRY WALL 1880. WALLPAPERS, WALL HAGER & BROTHER Are receiving all the X K W SPK1XG STYLES of PAPEE HAlSTGHSTGrS, In large assortment or EMBOSSED GILT, BKOXK, SATIXS, GROUNDED and BLACK l'Al'KU, with Dade Frieze and Borders te match, for I'arlers, Halls. Libraries, Dining-rooms and Chambers. As our orders for the above were placed before the advance, we shall continue te sell at the old low price. Estimates made and wiper hung by experienced paper hangers. Window Shades, Shading and Fixtures, in full assortment. Alse. Weel Terrys and Cretonnes, Nottingham Lace ami Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Headings and Cornice l'eles, etc. Call and examine. HAGER & BRO. "EXTRAORDINARY SALES OF luslins and Housekeeping Goods AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 35 OASES AND BALES OP MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Selling by the piece or yard at less than Manufacturer's Trices. Special Bargains in MARSEILLES QUILTS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELING3. I AIT. SHAND & HOIKM, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. SPELM. WALL -FOR SPRING TRADE. We l'ave placed Large Orders for WALL PAPERS, And are prepared te eiler Full Unci et Latest Designs at OLD PBICKS. Endless line te Select from. Embossed Gelds, Plain and Colored Bronzes, Satins, Flats and Blanks. s mi Ms of Estimates made and work done by Practical Workmen. J. B. MAKTIST & CO. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALEB IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-PIated Ware, Ms, Jewelry aid Areisl Tintefl Spectacles. We etl'er our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department or our business. We manufacture a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only from First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its finality. 2UFirst-Class Watch and General Kepairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER, MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Oil. BBOWXIXU is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His " C. ,"fc C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere chance, but of long scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled eflicacy. The expense in its manufacture is at least five times as great its that of any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is sold at the exceedingly low price of 50c. KS Sample bottles (for a short time only) 25c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, S"FOB SALE BY di-lydeew&w JEWELERS. EXQUISITE WEDDING SILVER! Sterling Silver Ware, Soup Ladles, Oyster Ladles, Ice Cream Knives, Berry Spoons, Nut Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Bntter Knives, AUG. BHOADS, Jeweler. Triple Silver-plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Coffee Urns, Biscuit Jars, Fruit Stands, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, Baking Dishes, 13 East King St., Lancaster, Fa. "lEr LOCIIEB'S COUGH SYKUP. rpBY I OCIIEB'S COUCH SYKUP. GOODS. PAPER. 1880. ' PAPERS, WALL PAPERS. 1880. SPRING. PAPERS THE- Papers ai Lew Prices. JEWEL1SY, Ac. Lancaster, Pa., LAIS CASTER, PA. PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE PBOPBIETOB AXD ALL I)Btj'GGl.ST&. ATTOKXEYS-AT-LA W A. J. STEIXMAN, lutelligerc -r ISuilding, Southwest Cerner Cen-t-c Square, Lancaster, Pa IV. U. HEXSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cemer Cen tre Square. Lancaster, Pa. CJIAS. K. KLIM-., Atterncy-at-Law, Xe. 15 Xerth Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly diawn. matlS-lyd&w UEXKY A. KILEY, Attorney and Counseller-at-lJiw 21 Park Bew, Xew Yerk. Collections made In all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Kefcrs by permission te Steinman & Hetiscl. MAltliLE WORKS. WM. P. PRATLEITS -MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Xertn uueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GABDEN STATUABY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. S. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. m:M)L travelej guide. T ANCASTEK AJiI iKILUCRSVlLXE K. It JLi Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (1. li. Depot), at 7, 0, an.t 1130 a. mn anil 2; 4. 6 and 9iu p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JX) p. m. Leave Millersvllle (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run dally en above time except en Snn day. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 9tli, 18TJ, trains 011 the rennsylvani.i Bailread wiU arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: ViQTWAun Leave Arrive J-astward. Lane'ter Phllad'a Atlantic Express, 12t25a.v. 3.-00a.ji. Philadelphia Express 4:10 " 7:U0 Fast Line Ade " 7:40 " Yerk Acceui. Arrives; 7:30 ' .... Hurrisburg Express 7:3T " 10:00 ' Dillerville Accem. Arrives, f:45 " Columbia Accommodation, thie " 12:01 r.M Frederick- Accem. Arrives, vS " .... Pacitlc Express lri" r.M. i-M ' Sunday Mail 2:00 ' 5:00 Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5Siu Day Express, 5:20 " 7r20 ' Harrisburg Accommedat'n, 6?2Z " 0:30 ' u-KTunn Leave Arrive " est ard. PhllaiPa Lane'ter Way Passenger,. .. 12:30a.m. 5:00 a.m. Niagara Express S:00 ' lfcis Hanover Accommodation,. 10:10 ' Mail Train Xe.Lvia Mt.Jey, 8.00 " Hart " Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'bia, --- H:7 " Sunday Mai 8:00 " 10:50 ' Fast Line, 11:50 " 2:le r.M Frederick Accommodation, -- 2:1.1 " Dillerville Lot.itl.vuiMt.Jey - "-JS0 " Hurrisburg Accontmedat'n, 2:30 r.M. 5:1.1 ' Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7rJ0 Harrisburg Express 5:00 ' 7ri" Pittsburg Express, Kril " 8:50 Cincinnati Express 9:10 ' 11.30 Paciiic Express, ;il:5J " 2.10a.m. lacitie Express, rust, en biindav, when Hag Bed, will step at Middletown. Ellabethtewn Mt. Jey, Lanilisrille, lSird-in-Hnnd. I.emau Place, Hap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, Coate Ceate vtlle, Oakland and (Hen Lech. East Line, west, en Sundav, when tlaggeil. will step at Dowiiitiglewn.Coatcsvilli-. Purkes. burg, Mt..Iev,Ellzabcthtfiwti and Middletown. Hanover Accommodation, west, connects sit Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at IOSW, a. m., anil will run through te Hanover. Ercilerick Accommodation, west, cenneetsat Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 'J:1D r. 11.. and will run through te Frederick. CIOLUMISIA AJil) POUT DEPOSIT K. V. I Train new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Bailread en the following time: Statioxs-Neutiiwaui. Kxpn-ss. "- Pert Deposit (!::at 'J:I5 Peachbottein 7:i7 s:i:: Fife's Eddy 7-.JI 4:ue McCall's Ferry 7::;i 4:i7 Shenk's Ferry 7:51 1:11 Site Harber. 7.7 4-l: Columbia s::at 5s5 Statiexs Southward. Am:eih. Express. Columbia H;mi i;rJt safe Harber. 11.."; i,:rj V. M. Shenk's Ferry liie iWt McCall's Ferry li:::i 7.n: Fife's Eddy. liT.l 7.--i Peachbottein 1:11 -:il Pe'-t Deposit -2:15 s:ir IEAI)IN AND COLUMBIA KAILKOAI. t On and after MONDAY. OCT. Km. is; t passenger trains will run en this read ;;- I -i-lews: Tkaixs Goixe Seuth. a.m. ' a.m. r. m. ( i-.ji. Beading, 7:3 ! lliV r.:lu ! r.M. i . Bcinhelds, S:0I U; ! ;:!" ' .. . Ephrata, s:ls pj:i 7-.il;:, Akren, Srii lit.".! 7:ns Litiz, S:4:: l:ir 7.-J.".;... Manheim, '.WJ 1:1:; -M Lancaster Junction,.. !i:l)5 1: 7:l" Landisville, !):1K l:j 7-ii Columbia, ft:l." luVi S:'Ji ... Dillerville, Ur.7 2-.tt! ml Lancaster, 9::!:: ilw $:V i j:w) King street, 3:1." tfrJ , .":li Harnish i t"s jj:;;i , .-,:;j West Willow, HfcltTi fi-A-1 .":.-2 Baumgardner, 10:0. S:t7 ' J:U". Pequea, 10:17 .... !?iV. 1 :,ul Beften, 10ri: :01 I iiHri Xew Providence, WA .... M'l j C:I5 Hess K):li .... 'J:l: j H.--S Quarryville UtTO .ir- I i::i"i Tilaixs Goixe X'eirru. a. m. r. m. I r. m. a. m. Quarryville, t::f l i:r 7-jO Hess...... :.2 , .... .41 7V Xew Providence, i;:.7.i 'it s:l.: Kefton, 7:11 I -J-Jl') srj7 Pequea 7:IS H:tC :." Il.tumgardner, tlii S:K -AS West Willow, 7::K :::! S:l: Harnish, 7:11 :j:. y.lki King street, 7:.V ' :;:tit .-it Lancaster, S:(l i:0f :;u"-i ! KXi Dillerville S:lis l:i ' V.-V. .... Columbia s:oe i:ixt ;;::i; Ijinilisville S:.at 1:.J i J.uJ Lancaster Junction.... S-"M lri" 4:l. Manheim, S:f.t l:ts 4rJt.... Litiz l:w) iix) , 4::Jt Akren D:lt i i:l ' 4:17 .... Ephrata !t:i: sri' ' 4v; ireinheldsville, 'J:li -J:li; ."i:lt Heading, Heal I Sr.il I .ri:."i Trains connect at Heading with trams te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg.-Al-leutewn ami Xew Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON, Sunr. T OCAL MAIL AICKAXUEMEXTS. 1IOUBS FOB CLOSING THE MAILS. BY BAILROAD. Nkw Yerk thheuiih mail. 7:0(1 a in, 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and U:e0 p in. Way Mail, east, 7 a m. Goicdexville, Downiugtewn, Leamau Place, Gap C p m. ' Philadelphia, through mail, 7 and 'J a in, 12:50, 4:43 anil 110 p in. Pittsburgh and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Hariusbuke Mail, 10 am, 1:30, .'i:15 and ll:;xis m. Way Mail, west, 10 a in. Baltimekb and Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltimore and Washington?, via Yerk, ism p in. Baltimore and Washington, via Harrisburg, 11:30 pm. Ceatksville, 4:45 p in. Celumuia, 10 a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and lisai p m. Northern Central, 10 a in. 1:30 iimi 11:.'!') p in. Reading, via ireudiitg and Columbia B R, 7:30 a m and 12:30 p in. Readine, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 m. Reading way. via Junction, Litiz, Maiihciin, East Hempllelil and Ephrata, 3 p in. (Juarrxvillk. Cauiarge, Rctten, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:30 a in, and 7:30 p in. Xscw Helland, Churehtewn, Greenbatik, Blue Ball, Geedville, Be-artewn, bj- way et Downiugtewn, at 7 a m ami l p in. Save Harber, via Columbia. 10 a m. BY STAGE Millersvllle and Slackwater, te Saf u Harber, dally, at 2:30 p m. Te Millersvllle, 8 und 11 a in, and 4 p in. Binklcy's Bridge, Lcaceck, Uarevillc, New Helland, 2:30 p m. Willow Street, Smithville, Buck, Chestnut Level. Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Grovr. Beck springs. Fairmount and Bewlauilsvillc, Mil, flatly, at 7 am. Lundis Valley, Oregon, West Earl, Farmers, ville, Hlnkletewn, Terre Hill, Martindale, flaily,at2i) pin. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mill, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. Greenland ami Soudersburg, te P.inidisc. daily, at 4 p 111.. Netlsville, ilailj, at 4 p m. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticville, CIc mauville. Mount Nebo. Rawliitsville. Bcthcs.ia ami Libertv Senare, dally, at 2::l i m. WHEX OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ABRIVING BY BAIU Eastern mail, 7 a 11. 10:45 a m, 3 and U:30 p in. Eastern way mail, 10: 45 a m. Western mail, 7 ami 10 a in, 2 and t:30 p in. Beading, via Beading anil Columbia, ii'Jt p m. Western way mail, 8 a m. Beading way mall, 10:30 u m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sale Harber and Millersvllle. at 9 a 111. daily. Frem Millcrsville, 7 and 9a m, and 4 p 111. Frem New Helland, at 9-.30a in, daily. Frem Bewhuidsville, Mil. at 2:30 p in. Reading way mail, at 10:30 a 111, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a 111, dally. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 u m, dsily Frein XetTsville, at 1 p 111, daily. Frem Rawlinsville. at 11 a 111. DELIVERIES BY CABRlEltS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each flay, and en their return trips thry take up the mail matter ilcpesitei I in the letter be-es. Fer the first delivery the carriers Irave the ellice at IK a in; second delivery at 10am; third delivery &t 11 a 111; fourth delivery at 3 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the posteflice Is open from Apr 1 1 te October 1, from 8 te J a m. anil from r, tf 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 a m ami from C te 7 p 111. MEDICAL. HAPPY BELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited Vcr Vcr senally or by mail. New method of treatment New and reliable remedies. Boek ami circu lars sent free in scaled envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 X. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having ahit ahit rcputatien for honorable conduct ami prefe.1 lenal skiB. umr-lyd OCIIEB'S COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. V M :.vf... .r.i-, ,jSfas2&r. f.LiiHttifaii&t;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers