/*fillHi, IS ED . EVERY FRFRAYi RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 18, South Queen 81red,,Laneasten TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. copy, on srean. ....... $ 1.50 copies, (each name c u ff eased,) 7.00 10 copies 14 11 18.00 15 copies " If , 18.00 2°l * 22 00 4°ll' / $l.lO I c or each additional subscriber. YOB emu, 111/ PACICAOMI 6 copies, (to one address,) $ 6.60 10 oopte4 !' 46 12.00 U ec copies " ll ries " g 4 le. .60 20 lO.OO And $l.OO for each additional subscriber. Ale-All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. 0 B S ncl rc 4 iGlr Of every deeetiption,neatiymet promptly ere: exited, at short notice, and on the most reasonable teems. RaUroO'f4. ptIOTSIrLYAN . La. CENTRAL R. R. The One orthe airrliOlOwil dtitiktpte of the treble on the "Penney Ma RC M'S, tit Lan eaater, has been change:l,os follows s I ZASTWAINek. . NIZIPIPWAIID. Ofinetn.ga....lbo7.a. In. Pletabuzg Ex. LS/ a. m. pofia.sopreas4:92 " P lol6 4 , UP''' 1 " Fast Liue 2:35 " /14 4 . 1 . 11: a UM. Train,. 11112 0 2 p.m. Day Exprole. - 144 0 p.M. el a Ae. 142 Harrlelfsg An.tibi " Mall ig Ae. 504 " Southern 8a.4.1* "' Lancs./min.& 71111 " Cinein..147.....1%88 " , READING RAILROAD, , SIIMKER ARRANGEMENT, IfoN.P.AT, APRIX. 90, 1869. Great Think .reiner:ieth cold 2Prth,- 1 658 tAr "1,14141 e rb#,, Pottai a / 4 , mokin i Ltbanan, Ailenbysum, ,ofn, 44- rata, "AU' Lancaster Odittmbia, rte. 1001/, Talc ff Jnuylku . PAM , _- and SnaqUehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 8.80 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00 noon, 6.00 and 8.00 p. Philadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and itBo p, s ap.;. el ping oars accompany the _B.O O 'lll PAO M. trains from. New - iork,,wit 'out change. Way Padminger Train 'ISAVes Philadelphia at 7.80 is. in.v connecting with•siniilaltirgin on East Penna. Railroad,. returelinjr z , final , meadttif at 8.80 p. m., stopping at all motions; leave rotts ville and 845 a. and 2,46 p. in.; Shamokin at 5.26 10.86 a.tn.tAthland at7.1110.m., and 12.80 noon, Tiontiqua at B.BOA. in.; and 2.20 p. In., for Philadelphia and New YOrk.• • Leave 14:11sville, via Schnylkill and Susque hanna R inapt at 7 . 074. ' Tor Harriablirg, and ' U:80 ft tri, or fine Grove'and' Tremont. Reading Aecommdliation Train : Leaves Reading at 700 returning leaves Phila. delphis at kik p. m., „ Pottstown Aocomnpatai zrain: Leaves Pottstown at 6.25 a. m.; re Mg; leaves Phila ' delphia' at 4.80 p. m: Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. m. and , 8.15 m. for ,Epkvailitrldriz, Lan caster, Columbia, 0.41. . Perkiomea Hinlroad Tralnaleirri Perkiomen Junction at 9.'00 a. in: and eta V; rn returning, leave Sicippackat 8.15 a. In. and . 1.6% if ad., con. neoting with' .similar trains on Reading Rail road. • . . • „ . • , On Sundays: Leave New yokii it 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. an d 8.15 p. m.,the, 8.00 a. m. train roman only to Reading; POtti ville 8.00 5.20 a. in., 4.10 and 10.63 p. m.7and R d tmidnight, 2.54 and 712 Pt* it, AS a 11.56 midnight, and 7.05 a. in. for New. York ; and at 9.49 a. in. and 4.25 p. in for Philadeliphia. Commutation, HiP6age, Sesacin, School and Recursion Tiokete, to and from all points, at educed rates. B gage checked throUgh; 100 ponadsallolied eaorPasseriger. 43. -A. NIOOLLS, . Genieripahiperininallent. EVADING, Pa., April 20%,1110. Diawiligtittlaw Pr.A.DLNG :11.141) , .141,1/1. VIA 4 U. R. • 02t 410 itIPTE# THUROAV, 49.11111. 1,869, PAJNIENON2. TRAINS WILL= RIM ON THIS ROAD. 141 FOLIAWfis , , , ' MAIM. , •• , • • . WI. Lancaster See pan. Reading ~.... a. m. ... 444 p.m. " .. •.. • P. M Columbia .: .. 500 a. in. " ' • 1000 a. m. 41 •. ' 3100 p. m. " ... J. UM p. m. RETURNING,: • •• • • MAVIS. ' . . MM. Reading TAX) a: En. . l emeastar...„9:l6 a. m. , ' •.. • • 611 S pork., 44., ... 8:26 pon.. .. ...... 700 a. m, CAlallipbh .. . ~..tP a. in. s ...:. 1:15 p. m, 06 ..... Awe p.m. Trains leaving Lino* r 'and' ColuMbia sis j A yn above, make elope con t(e at Rending with Trains NOM. and Beath On elpida and Reading /11a1lreadi and. eat on • Vani r :y =ltr a t i l r 7g, Lu l a:ppA 411.111. _a d Mil ian r . : 47 ? 1 " V • eaul " wi lWelet De able i• • •' at the• 0111seo . of the NW, ,Paster Central'. • walk, foal , af ;Liberty ataistatew reek; , i tilirklW p d 1 16 13 41% * hilaliel t . 4 , d Beg: i rt o Thro ;L4 l ' 3 ••••• ' - •• • • Mathew vet for SOO or 1000 miles; Season anila i lion kat., to and from all points, at r- • i J a ngaui re run balladelubia and Reading TillZ mo is WlREMUalkater Mail Peturs itliti -; • ~..._ 1 4 ;.., • 6 ' • ' . OPLerowreas, 1, •, , .11.1 „ 4F.MakitnitiP U P,' ' ONT 111111/11. Olikrithas 4 11,4 I . • • ‘ IN, • • I.W l r oa iadyi w d i t ff„,:q •. •- t i Ic,'. .. - •) 4'l. 0 • ' • • " ,4WV ~ . Pain •W m 1/41. lambiaea ,'t ' ' UMW& 41607Mlstwiiva1-/iklad• : 2 , : i , Mold& ' Ilacflati 1664 , t ; L .', 'I46TA Ogt I 1 011; g 1 90 41.11 I es 4 1 14 V 'tpitptivid. • • M was. ow, Ana medll4l4lll pi ml . , , • AilUrriAni o l t. n t V i lll ra WI, '54.1 , 0* ,iof 4 4 P .. ; •,- - - . • ~ r ,'• ! ~;. , „r . . J Msesderzi,lnstrumentwiteth• ~ X .7,f:S r , !InvAszaiti - SHUT ••illtrike, tVaPti.' OROA/0 3 , itaLICODEO24I4, And Musical ZusisninueUts fieserally. soisAriut .fbr ST,INIVAT & lONS' WORLD ntlitOWNED' VfAXOS. ' • Also, Agent for PRINCE & MIS ORGANS and MELODEONS. ErMneio sent by Mall Wee of Poetage, No. NORTU .PRISICE STRZIT, • r Linotater, Pa. GOOK AItOILL DOHI Itooftaw . , J. B. KEVINSKi•BRIN MUSIC •ERTORE. gwasgia4, Owrat.t.t., MaLoisiess, nn elle sorts made Insbtrtnatmlat • Der Kevinikt to agent for de bereemty Stain wegr pigno platalsg—Elotreera beast am se urdeltak. Der No. * NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. . N.ll, For e Ilret Vat gook GeAg l odder an Acloordeest, odder a Torrverem-teu i odder (m -ulch moat MUSIOIII MISOWWILrt, inta Oder FOTAtire= &Zs 0.74,41:02gri to . see M7e r 4, ~tre are ire; VoL. H. Clams 0110n4Y. JAMES RLAPIC, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, alp MILITARY AND NA AL , CLAIM AfIENT I No. 56 BoAst ,Kingrst., Lancaster,'Pa. natir• didy lioepeed as a Claim Agent, ant a large etperietum, prompt attentio Will be girento the following obieemi of Claims: PADUNTY: and PAY dwidblebarged lieldliers and BigeN 9 4 l 4 •(aditional) to goldiereWlitkenlieted for not ieee than! Or relate, on were honor*. bly discharged for wounds reneived t BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Palmate of 13oldiemmp dig ihn.12 , 4 e 1. re. Prrigigi iniii i iingtrietiPat a d or . • to their widows or children. PENSIONkb fdr fathers and motlacm, 10v:others or sisters or deceased soldiers, upon When; they were dependent.• • • • • • • • I PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers qr their Widows from Pennsylvania, in ,I, t he War ale/. P. die Tlajnsters, Artificers and tales! Orin. kloWerlifeetit:' P Yd d ue fot horses lost lip , the, .United States service, fttfr altd iitioderilletisnal in 18 no ease 01 will °barges be numb, nide Sim Jimmy 090 W, , feleoPAY l r * • , falffi • v i ol! LIFE i N SURAIG.k (701f13A4iTY OF PILMAZIEI2III4V. ACCUMULATED . CAPIt'AL, 82,000,000, After paying Lome to the anoint of 0,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL All the Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITT OR STATE. For further information apply to • JOHN .1. COCHRAN, Arm% From "Father Abraham , ' Othae, niteNtf] Lancaster, Pa Dentistry. 1 4 4110.01exa, June 25th, 1888. El:wrens lix t yrusg., pr. nra; bi. 'Whiteside, the enterprising Denthit, bite' purchased from ' me a large stock of teeth add sit the fixtures, the in fOruments formerly , belonging to me, and also those used by my - hither, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the puicobiteS, the &Octet bus provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruniontel USW in 42ental practice, Mabee begot* .4nl: one of PM Oast and lar gest enlirtions tan h oto iStrutnents in the State. Person s visit h g the d mmOdious Offices of Dr. Whttesideosiiintit fail to be fully accom modated. The DtToses no opportunity of furnishing himse oe lf th °Very Me scientific improvement in hisof basineis. H. D. PARRY. DENTIST. 9FFIM' IVESMENtt, EASIT . XING STREET, Next door to the court House, over rphnes tookis Dry Goods Store, • t'ANCASTEN, IPIL•NSA. Teeth .Vxbaele4 ;without Bain by the UM of (Nitnnut Ckcids) Gas. no2o.tf Banking. DAVID 2l AIR. 11. W. 11116NIC. • BAIR .& SHEINK, BANKERS, .31010TEXABT Ascriat OP Oinrras SqtrAss, -LokigcAsTpit, PENNA. n 02043 3/ECHANICSI BANK, 'O6 Noit, , 9x'lo STRItICT, .6INQUINAN BUILDING,) betas in UNITLD STATICS BONDS. STOOK,/ GOLD, AND COUTONS. P r ,na P P 149 4 441 ? Hi"; CoNaoyloaa andelirampatp. • • • ' Ware* paid 011 Dapardia. Joint iLicumwstozoar, ' '45 JOSIPE CLARKSON. Voilkers SS • .1i 1 • id i git*NYCLikalk3Otf at CO. 104e•r4iiis • ' -4904.1. Oa& S. HOTEL, t 11111411,11. E. I. DISPOTi 1 1 4 111 1POSURG, PA.. W. H. EMMINOEB, a CO., 114041 JOB rittxtiNG. ; •••TIER BEST' AND 01111APNAT PUMA ;fig•, JOB PRINTING DON FATHER ABBAHAII OFFICE, POSTERS, win lind it to their interest to give us a NAL NEWSPAPER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 1868. 1868. sgulaz , & DROTHEX ' HATTERS, • • NO. 26 NORTH QVEEN STREET lutECASTWA. PENNA. Lateit st?ie FM and: Metal , EATS and Chits (in an iroatittee atateelees. • •I•1 4 D I AO. ..***o),lrtrgs• We rare nee , 466E4 WV Limps. *ad rt l ii"C t i"r g r ei m u mm i ritt nen t : C MAI r at von 110w51411014 . La • - ACTPV: #PO 4 4V, f ;. •490 /3, !11 Engine Robes, linen aitatiatiaadt gUdsom emu. • • WR 1 41.4. W 9 14 irgiSlOculy • • )3raitiorrs ` l AND,W Ka t i t i tertarg i all rir&auri= articles in that Eno— GLOBS, GAUNTLETS ang MITTS WI % 14 1 . SEiL, EUCHSKIN FLEStEIt, • ID, Se., Ate taitieV Fine Hi= Titte'nied Gloves, Gauntlets ' Mitts and Mott& P mIE IVAIMEERS'and EA* WHOLESALE AND•ET4U. ' .Furnishisig Goods, deo. H EADQUA.RTERS POS UNDICRCLOTKING, STOCKINGS, GLOVRS, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, Ai Wast's ware geierally, at • ERISMANI, *Li 1g NORTH QUERN ST., Lancaster. ..m.••••=44•••= lettlirargrigl er *ll lUn i ti 4 :: ll 4l 7 = MO We Bohr ,IsohnppDte ker, Hem. Ver PrlatU ° . ito l n i tattla t tase rmk , onnery atMlas ens $ lO.l. JOST! Allt (Om stAtrA l itt eb. aWkarly_ Pkitting. ' 44010104 i" .;.f .1 IS AT THE" No. 13 ' SikTTIT QU,VEN STREET, Two Doom North a Exprep: ALt IN NV,AiTT ittiOctitAthi3, OA2DB, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, (IttECIES, RAUCH & COCHRAN, LANCA.ATEIi, 14. jyth4f Hatiri Caps, , .Pura, tte, WIN AND WEAR. . .There's no novel road to greatness Men must ever climb to fame; •All the wealth in miser's coffers Wouldn't buy a destblein name. Is a noble goal before you? Would you great achievements dare ? • Brother, then be up and doing— Brother! you must "Win and Wear." TR4 sad labor—ueveracoßpigg,. Till you make the prize, you; own, ." For you know 'tie " clottetatit dropping Well* away toe hartleittstone." never slack sublime endeavor, Nor 'mid cheerless toll despair ; If _you'd ride above yens feliOws, Mother t you must "W#4 and Wear." tfi'Tia the lemon Nature twins,. All throughout her wide domiiiit . 1 ; And the text from which the reaches /s that labor leads $0 gain. g, Morel worth and honest merit— Brighter minis their ttnitterebs bear, . Thee yea never our ialierit r -• d. Bnotherl these you "Win to Wear." glibanalltaills MEG MEE TO.f,D OUT . Or SCHOOL "First person flove, second, person thou lovest, third person he loves, drawled the head boy in the class. The next, a little girl, took it up promptly: "Plural-- First person we love, second person you love, third person they love." "And we all love." • , The interruption " cam ii whisper, loud enough to be heard all theroorn, causing the older boys tri ensile and giggle; and the teacher, Mies' Olive Burnett, looked up quickly, glancing. along the row of large scholars on, 6fie bock seat-- riiing men and 'Women for thiti-WaS a country school, 'and 'in the *lnter. She had come to look for trakible • front. that quarter. Every day aome, fresh *weave tion,, some new infringement of the.. rules and offense against the discipline, made it hard work for her, a girl of' eighteen„ to maintain her authbrity over those. forty 'turbulent spirits, constantly incited to in subordination by the example . of, their acknowledged leader, Scott Goldrioit, He sat there, at the further end of the bench, quite in the corner, a goodllooking .ponng man of twenty, withaurly chestnut hair and mutinous ourve of• the Up, with bead bent low over his .slate, and fingers busy in figuring Out 'some difficult Problem in arithmetic. Thit Miss - Burnett' *as not deceived by the apparently studious air, and there was an undertone ..of resolute determination in her voice es she looking over the forty, faces lieibre her: "These interruptions inuat •conie to an end at onee, There:is:a point Where for- , imarance ceases to be a virtue and I.lhink it has been passed. From t )ls time , out I shall enforce every rule of the school. The penalty fbr the next interruption of this , kind will be twelve etrokett of the ruler," carelessly balancing the strip of cherry. • woo* latter fingers., y • ~ The clear, bright. fli w n the" comer was lifted for a moment; e dark, hazel eye , looked steadily into) Burnett* bilk eyes; only a moment, the' space of a breath; then the band went on :again steadily with that endless; MSc of. figures —Miss Burnett went on with her work. Hard work it was, especially hard work to-tley. dity long the vivid ftarlet had burned in her &sets, making her pasting lovely, while her tem • throbbed, witltod". and owe( the /keling' ne.r Amaral tonnii,.*oa • "what Made' /14181113 d tt'a NMAtivo , r 7 " She . ' must net Are tip though. • Vlstira Warta* muck dependinttn, her for .Oak, ; A, 'Aelplwe 'theL 4 . 14 1 34 two the **tom hsr4l7, more VAI dopeudeat. she' r M &Tate Upon the nverwoitedoung Whet." ' White' Mee 'etou be disaster. . , -5; , • Ent she , Mast tea, :Would thogie intearr ei t hassons, never the„figiiithedr hhe n ' to.go home match*: • • Wet urs of tolerable Order troliitiktb,.. -theidayls• work -wasinearly:enAid, ' gwbauslixighe might of , theirkeit loaitatinga " %0 4, 04/ . ' 1 41 11 !P!Fg eviir a a • ' 1 * fast a4 en* '0 - strairettler 'heart ifitheduthert "(held -she muster 'soups. 'enough . ferule. , gook ,fitoldrink, the oldestand largest boy thapiiiaap The thoug uc ht came at once that ,fi l _wtis unman !), itildto try' her O. BM, right or Wrong; her 'word' was passed and menet, be .kept 4. her authoritywae Satalladiand Ml* 130,untintnined um or lost **ether. TO falter now , was to, give upall. calling irpp ill her nerve, though her Beat throb 'b , dfr.zily, she closed her books uietly, disabused: the class; and laced the school as she said, slowly : "The soglehte.who whispered that list time, will pleibb; forward." _ r a was _d for ma Inagua*, taut SCOtt 00W cif left hit seat walk ed tip to where din young teacher stood. No bbyligh mischief In- his manner now; ao mocking deference; nosbade ofdefiance; but v indeed, a quiet maciluees that was *der to meet than. any brayado would have been. • ""Yon Can understand, Mr. Goldrick, that tidal. not a pleasant duty to mea l her voles steady, but lower than usual, so low that some prho.were listening, did not Catch the words at all, "You can under stand that it is naPleasant for me to do this, but my rule wad be respected." For an•answerhobowed and . held out his hand. They Imre nouuted out faith twelve s trobes, i s io tro w i t ry no o szoilgi t o her 1-- he did, fOr hie. eyes leers' her 'dice a il the wilt* . 411 4'WhOn' theuhist one ME PAM#IIMITS, N,OT.E, &ID rim who shall have borne the battle, and Wow and his orphan, to de all which may usd cherish a Just and a lasting peace urselyes and with all nations."-4. Z. 6, 1869. Volt* was given he walked heft to his seat, a little graver than, before, that was all,— and the rest of the, scholars opened eyes of amazement. • They had expected high words and open defiance at the least. This new gentleness • wile not fear ; they knew that well. Fear and Scott GoNrick's name never went together. If it was vol untary submission to discipline, why they might as well all yield too. Miss Burnett heard him talking to some of the older scholars outside the;door after the roll was called end the school dismissed. "What! resists lady? You'll never see me do that : ißeeldee,ll, deserved the fe&i ' ruling for breaking the rules. I didn't mean to interruptyou the last time though. I'm piing away to-morrow to my uncle's countingzhottse in C--.” Then the door closed, ' awl Miss Burnett heard no more. Going Way!' She said the words over 'and over to herself, sitting there with her head laid down on the' table before her. Going away! What. would . be do, miss ingday by day tAis hrigbt fisenin the coniss. and the . voice that, ctite '.otaggravationil without number, *is still the' pleasantest votes In Sheiworid , to bar. What should she de* ' - • The great pile of copy-books there on the tabli were still untouched, when half an our later some one opened the door and me in ; some one whose step she knew ell. Scott G►oldrick had come baek for his a ooks and slate. But she did not lift her head. lie stood before her presently with the books en his arm and his hat in hand. "I am going away, 311 es Burnett, to stay. Will you bid me good-bye?" Still she did not look up or speak. He persieted, gently. ," Have I offended you beyond all hope of fore veness ? She gavilim her hand at that. " No, but--" `. " Bus you are Melt, Miss • Burnett?" he said, as he saw her face plainly, "You are really sick. What can Ido cor you?" She tried to smile. • "It is only a, headache-I have had it all day—and a touch of fever- with it, per haps, nothing more." You have been sick all day, and I have been aggravating the life out of you," he said; remorsely4 in his earnestness down •ort one.knee beside her chair with a half bold, half-shy grace. " Ihave made you trouble constantly, not to -clay onlY, but ever since yousams here to tacit. What a brute you must AVAIL me 1 It was un manly and cows "tad tis I did.. No, youmust let me make Mt conthssion now," kissing the band she laid over his mouth to stop him. "Batt,, Miss Burnett, you are very ill," seriously alarmed now at the sight bf her white [hoe and closed' ere; for the self-control Maintained by Main force all day,. and yip to this moment, had given away suddenly, and weaker than a 'child she sat there,_her breath coming In little short geepst , . Unused to women's .moods and " ways," he Was at a lbss.what to do. He had an idea, though, that when a lady fainted, cold Water was the thing, so he sprinkled her thee with thaeupstandingon the table within reach of'his hand, and; manlike, he drew her headdown upon his shoulder. She was not altogether unconscious, for she made& weak movement to withdraw herself from hie arm, but he whispered, 4, Trust me and lie Mill, will you stet, till you are better?" conscious the while of an odd, pleasant thrill at Ala heart, as her face lay so near his own that he could have touched it with hisjips. had been, et, dcwen ypao, alder, he Meet likely' have yieledir to the plationand himea theroses. bank to her obseiukhut thersiweajnst this lernt, bit of . 1 9(kYildriKY. ys4 514 4**l4 1 topsides heamil not los:t iny tke had Wee the cant 'thha * ints, and heart sailW him regre every lime hil.kuoked hf • , ,• ,• hi 1117 4 1 40400 914 tittlinfinbYTlO. soon gAlie'ire ,was , fible $9 . 8 t pg without ! s upper. wouldziotbitlllingbleinsie without her either; thotigh ter to 10 him d o voi• she Noulddoballs heniebf do said. 4 4 4.11eiling Ailtoitc4ol4o4 IP* his eyes as M ,tO I 7 )B O , OTIZIAIit rs o "'F a 4 t o itust a pMt*ielftle:"' • ' Usiiiuntibaiktulier It this, saying earn betinif tfiand 004 . *bat you 4 14Yeik kboinOi tale the bas tlto Months?"' " I ca n igifieffidetoty your friend. ,, Thai& inn foe•Jelint: KnoWing it, I aluill.netearrlinwohimeelt troubled con- AtvfllF. Wit} ' P 4 Nri • tur never guessed mat, instead of a troubled cteniciefibei he Was carrying Olive Beftett , t heart a*ay with ilia. ilk was seven. years before they looked won each alien% fawn again. Such a long, long interval. Those seven years had changed Scott Goidrick int 6 successfei business man, eteadiiy amassing his thous ands, and alive to the brilliant, courted young widow, Mrs. Loga4. She had grown heartsick of teaching, ' and one day in a des mood gave it up and married I f & Logan, the rich land owner. Scott Gold ck, hearing of it in the distant city Where he was living, said, "Such a pity! She was a woman out of a tho hat!u"sand, and deserved a better man than t Well Paul Logan was a better man than Scott doldrick's words would seem to im ply; and, better still, his gold brought all comforts to the helpless mother until she died, and a home and all the advantages of wealth to tile little sisters. And now, with her husband two years in his grave, Mrs, Logan went freely into society again. "Such a loving woman," men always mid wins eylring of her. And Scott Geidit* 'endorsed QIN verdict when he met her sin reception one evening, and the CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING - •iY FAIVER ABRAVAN; Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a Square O O ° J., 3 6 ,cv 1 Week $ 75 sl4os 2 io ir3 30 $6 00 2 weeks... 120 180 270 4 50. 8 00 , 3 weeks... 150 220 3 30• 5 00' 10 00 1 Month.... 175 2 80• 3 901 7 00t 12 00' 2 months.. 275 4 09. 600 10 00 20 00 8 months.. 400 8 00' 900 15 00 80 00 6 months.. l 7 00 , 11 00 1 , t 8 50, 25 00 40 00 1 year 12 001 20 00! 80 00 , 40 00: GO 001 Executors' Notice • Administrators' Notice.. Assignees' Notice Auditors' Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertion anal Five cents a line for each additional insertion. N 0.38. ALL KINDS ov JOB PRLNTING executed with neatness and despatc)i. hostess,supposing them to be unacquainted Mr MM. sthe Olive Burnett of seven years ilto who smiled up at him, as she said to re. Lake, "Mr. Goldrick and I are very ' o d friends.'" . "You remember pie, then," he'said, as he led her a way. "t never forget, o siatithesweetly grave reply. 'But somehow, even with this flattering lunginning, ! they did not, pens to me t ke much progress in the reneWILI di' 'their 'old ac quaintanceship. Meethigoften as they did, et-party =Wu& weeplikmaratrommestand theaims,andnpiew ;: i gi tt ruk, always an undefinable somdillif , OM* between; and it was quite at the close of the winter r t,W, collireaorniast pp Mre. lowan .1.04, iii4o 1 i alien befibroleavip -Own, Scott 601 rick ingered'a momen t, as he bowed over her hand at parting, to say half"n= did kil sainsel eeeoot, l to hou o: se? 7 9 i i ntif " Yes, I remember. lam oing out there 1 cvor n rtmgas u p o t t itn t ar w .ol e shall meet?" It was in the flatlet Of August heats that Mrs. began, 'peeing a 'lying visit to Rye field,' procured the key ofthe old school house—empty now for summer vacation --and Walked down there alone one after noon to look at it. The door swung rustily on its hinges as she entered and looked curiously about. It was not the cleanest place in the world, for a coat of dust, raised by the last sweeping, had settled over everything; . but the rough coated walls looked as familiar as ever, and the glazed maps hanging there, and the un painted benches. It was in that corner that Scott Goldrfck used to sit—and re membering, a tide of recollections rushed over her, and she sat down In the low backed Chair and laid her head down upon Ate Rine , table, Prates she had done that evening more than seven years before. Sittingthere buried in thought, she did 'lust'liken* the, footstep that crow, the thres liefd--thite paused there at the door, and then cattle to her, whiles voice said : " Miss Burnett, lam going' away. Will you bid nie ,goe'd-bye?" She looked up with a little cry—to meet a pair of clear, hazel eyes, to see before her a bright handsbme face, and heavy waves of chestnut hair. "You really here, Mr. Goldriokl I Gould gamut believe ,that :tile ; old days had come back again." ' "Yfriu tesed td call me Scott; then," he said signlfiCantly,coming round and kneel ing on one knee beside her chair. "You are not palenow, so I shall not sprinkle your face with water," glancing at the cavi t y cup standingthere oa the table, " but I should like to lave your head on my Shoulder again." She made a movement to rise, but he de tained her. " Don't beoffended, Olive," he said earn estly. " I made confessions of my sins that nig ht ; let me make another confession now. I think I began' to love yoh that evening, but . I was a hoy;,l know now that I love. you. , Your dice liaa always been before me as the sweetest and finest in the world. You sent me away frqm you then. Don't be so cruel again. I wit* to stay with you , always, alive. I *ant to be your husband. May I?" For answer sheput, up her white hand and drew his head down uponher shoulder. And the brown walls. must have opened eyes of astonishment, if eyes they had, to see SOU Ooldrick kissingg the blushing little. wernim. You see when a map falls in love for the first time at twenty-seven he is apt to be desperately in earnest. And in the gathering gloom nf Weight they looked the door of the Schoolhouse be hind them and tinned their stare home ward, pot, tesior awl pupil. now, but 1 Plighted huisban iind wife.; , , AZ IVt A DIFFICULTY ft fosse rrgin* 1,1 etProTtlifr _vd as on a visit to , his maternal gra'ndlkthisr, who is a laadheklar.in qhio. Onods_y_attermaing NOir .4 4,4 tflobWhit:telfsi.id be d reseed with t reit ono les t theke, tea is ðer awn 4uttlie givihow' n tallier the huh of niarge walnut tree. On the war Vie Wow, yji,th tie philmophy which fesakeßf kri:} l lPnesl7 9 04• riaid" who do all these' *Odds and !fields belong te 1 111 itlPfho , Sot said the matter offaohgentle- Malk"few." 2 ".No, sit,v Ampiatically responded the child, Miner; belong to end." I The wandfathersnit), nothing , till they reached the richly laden tree, when he said: ' " Well, my boy, Whim does thistree be long to PI , This. was a poser, and for a moment the boy hesitated ; but eastiug a longing look upon the nuts, he repined : "Well, grandpa, the tree belongs to God bat the nuts are ours." Fan fast. I am independent. Fan slow. lam engaged Fan with right han u reiront of face. Corne on. Fact with left hand in front of your dice. Leave me. Open and , shut. Kiss me. Open wide. Love. Open half. Friendship. ahut. Hate. win the Am. Can I see you home? Fan by ht cheek. Yes. Fart by cheek. No. To carry , in the left band. Desirous of getting acquainted. Carry with handle to lips. t will dirt with you. FAN FLIRTATIONS. 11 60 14 00 17 00 20 00 ' 83 150 56 00 70 00 12(1 00 • 42 1i .. 2 60 N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers