ZBIDLY, BY R & COCHRAN, No : , fi l l P7l 6L A!f f rf flfg#C".l4er* TERMS 010111181K7RIPTION; Ow. Otsr ei rt• 4 it coptef, name addressedd 10 caplet !" •4 " ' ' ' liii 15 ropier " " 15.00 120 motor 24.ti0 JuK4l.lO for midi addittoosL subscriber. TOR tram, IV ,TAORA0111; 10 W ikrineih . (4o,?n• ciders/10 i LBO es d , 9.0 Q lee , la 16 C4O $l.OO for each edlninit:4lonli nitibt invariably be pita in aNdivnniter: . • • !,• •• 0 , • ~t • ~!. 0 043 P JAI N 'X' IPI GI. or *lnv ' ; • '''-‘l4-1111111441141* RaMvmairs. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. The time of the arrival M it orture of the trains 9n the Peruniyly a owl, at Lan caster, has been change ,as to owl; : sASTWAIIR L liieTWAVD. Mein. Ex....th.57 a. m. Pittsburg Ex. LrT S. m. Philla.Exprese4tol " I 2:39 " Fast Line 8:36 Mail. 11:115 " Laao. " feat Line . . 246 p, tn. Day Express. 1:40 p,nl.!Columbla Ao. f 45 " ffarristeg Ac..5:51 " Earrilib , g :St " Southern Ex..4:00 ' !Um& Ea " !Pinata. " --- ItEADI.NG RAILROAD. SUMMER AItRANGEMENT, MONDAY, APIILL Id, Me Great Trunk LinefromtheNorthand , /forth wed for Phikule/phia, New York, Bead. inq l'ottssitie, Tamaqua, Ashland, Bha• mokin i .4banon, Allentown, Easton., //ph. rata, Mtis, Lancaster, Columkia,' A c, Trains leave Harriaburg fir n itsw York aa fel ! lows: ,At ' t 2.35, 5.90, 8.10 a. in. 2.0 W noon. 2.00 I 10.66 p. in., Connecting withs liar trilths on th e Pennsylvania Rallread, and arriving_ at New York at • 9.46 a. m.,11.46 a. ni,11.66,6461 9.80 p.m., and 8.90 a. in, roppectively. Sleeping. Cl**. 00P61/3 , the 2.36,5.20 a. m. and 1046 p. in, tra ins withottt antige. Leave narimbi r tUr Read", = g e e Pipe rroirr i rileatown and Plioadelphist, at I t i rl iu nin k ma e k l ia a i ntiect i rmpr For Po el 2 Sabiilkrlaven and Auburn, via and niuritagurg at 8.30 p. nu Returning: Leave New Yorkjit 9.00 a. iii.. 12.00 noon, 8.05 and 8.00 U. in., Philadelphia lit 8.16 a. in. and 8.90 p. in.; sleeping oars soormipluiy the 9.00 a. m. , 6.05 and 8.00 p. in. trains !ram NeW York, without. °halms. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in, connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad returning from Reading at 8.36 p. in., stores at all asthma; leave PetU villa at 7.80, 8 a. in., and 2.46 p la.; Shamokin at 4.26 and 10.85a.m.; Ashland at 7.'oowan., and MO noon, Tamaqua at 8.53 a. in.; and 2.20 p. in., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and ?Wane- Mans Railroad at 7.00 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.89 a.• M. Atom Grove and Tremont. Reading mgodation Train I.yes R ding at 730 a. pt., returning leaves la d his at 5:16 p. In. AeCommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 8.26 0. in.; returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.20 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Readi ng at 7.00 a. in. and 8.16 p. in. for Ephrata, Lit , Lan easter, Columbia, ac. Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.00 a. lab and 6.06 p. inA returning, leave Skippack at 8.16 a. i n. and LOW P. ILI 0 0 !). nesting lath *Whir trans ou heading Rau read. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.09 p. nt., Philadelphia at One a. a. and &10 p. in., the IClii. train running only to Reading; Pone, 0.00 S o M ii iirrasaf 5.20 a. m o 4.10 Ils _p_. m.„ a es t 12,60amanight i V 71. ss. m. or Ha irg, at Pi.e6 ililall, sad 7.08 a. a. far PllairWrk; And Ms 9.0 a. in. bad 4.116 p. in. to; Philadia. • • ClOmmatett4op, .311)sage, Saimaa, adapt and En'enrigon Tailgate, re and from all points, at adhered rates: sae G. through; 100 pounds alloWed es t G. A.-111001LS, Glitnemil imeribleditt. t_. READVNG, PA., April ei.ima. ispnLw•Joymeiw READING AND COLUMBIA R. R. ON AND Arms THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1889, PA/MANGER TNAI A 3 ',Nh WI OLIO LL NAILIN ON THIS ROAD, Laava. Amity.. Lancaster Sava. M. Reeling —.Judo a. m. 310 p. m. • • • , . Neap. m Columbia ... .AM i. in. • " Wial a. in. a 30 p.m. " ..... MO p. in. NNTUANDIG: LIMY& _ Amami. Residing ..... r . a .m. Laneeter.....9:l6 a. m. a .... :16 p. tn. .....lpon. Ma. tn. Colltnitda a. tn. " ..... lidt p. nu " ....A p; in. Trains leaving Laneader and Columbia as abate, make elate mammalian at /nada* with Trailllg Ntrtie• 41 /9. 6 011t4f "" PblltidelPleta • nd 'I , , t• ' • . '' t .-- ItOliT H ZEN aIINTRAL RA , I WAY. pvasgial lt iosim ith ar ;0 . 4 L Lataage ) all gall tad 2 a AO ta.; midi IA ale •*A 108, alla ea 1 a IN. Illanrue. GM SIAM Alt, Mb a. 111.0 alli4 1:10, 0444 p. 111. NIX. /MIL alto imra ia 40 a. 11 1 1 , n aaa We and $0 to a•o Mmtit)lal $a eat. , &e. J B. KEVINSBI, DEALIMix SIISET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Muskat Instruments Genera lly. Sole Agent for STEINWAY A SONS* WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and ICSLODIONS. airliasie sent by Mail Free of No. a NORTH. PRINCE NIST_, Lamaist(); Pa. GOOK 4.31011 L DOH! ltOoft aw *nt J. B. ILIIVINBEI SEIM MUSIC ILIITOBar,, KLOYFICIMA, ORTELLA MNLODllOltil i nn alle sorts nutsitt Inshtrumtnital Der Kevinski is agent for de bereemty wehr Pianos—Klogum 'Least ther se of deitsh. Der plats is No. 3 NORD LANCASTER. lb B. FOP a lint inity•gooty Gem, odder an u, odAtep a Iliwperrleh-PeS, udder au. eat 0 41 1 8 :lere mtudml mentrumeut, ides odder VirAdept yubbt .ione Seviaudil% Ne.'d * l ErAnde Bbtcost liMaillaig• MOO , , strire oft' to It erg tff •up tyls ;laildt to lie ClaOi Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .11.71 D MILITARY AND'NAVAL CLAW AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licenseci as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims, BOUNTY and PAY duediseharged Boldiersand Sailors. BOLTNT Y (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wonnds re. ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sandra; Or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deoeused toldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their !Mcrae from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses bet in the United Mates service. CHARGIIB.—Pees fair and moderate, and in no case will obargeS be made until the money is collected. (deo 264yr* Insurance. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL . LIFE INSLIRANOE COMPANY' ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, 82,000,000, After paying• Loewe to the amount of $1,190,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL All the Surplus .Dividend amongst the Policy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TEE CITY OR STATE For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, From "Father Abraham" 0111oe_, no2o.tf I Lancaster, ra Dentistry. LANC.ASTIR, June With, 1868. Eamon, Expanse: Dr. Win. Jf. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stook of teeth and ail the diturep, the in struments formerly belongin. to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his pear tine. in the purchase, the doctor ban provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental ptsetb* and has beyond doubt one of the best and. gest collections of teeth and instruments in the state. Persona visiting the commodious tylkiees of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully wow modated. The Doctor loses no opportenity of furnishing himself With every late seientitio improvement In his line of buiMess. /3. PARRY. W . M. WHITESIDg, lirß.l 4 E T.I Ef T': OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court gouge, over iabnee- toots Dry Uotods Store, LANCASTN3t, PIeNNA Teeth Extracted without pain by the use of (Nitrous 0444 Ga d. n0204t I Banking. DAVID BAIL B Aut & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE Eklu LANCASTER, PENNA. no1114y) MECHANICS'. HAEHe NO. $6 MAWR (WENN STREIT, (INQUIRER 11117LLEING4) twos . , UNITED STATICS .BONDS. ISTOOKB,. GOLD, SILY*R, Aktt) col:irons. • • Drafts gives on sU Mts pir41 1 04001004, UoilositiOns mails promptly. tattooist paid oil Dipostto. Jona M. Ilvosigos. eatasL ammosk, Jeans* CLAMMOX. iimeltin 81 . 1111.11 AN. CAS ON it CO. House Furnishing Geed& Hotels. S. HOTEL, OPPOWTE PKNNA, IL. S. DMPQT, HARRISBURG, r.it W. if. EMMINGER it CO., Pl'aPrietopi PIZ= DAS ALT SCRUL•HAUS AN DER PRICK. BY REV. R. HARBAUDR, D. D Heit iobts exactly ratans* Yohr, Das loh bin °WA 11,4111 Nan bin toll widder lewig e'riok, Un' steh' am Schuh-heus an der Krick, Yueht neakst an's Atty's Haus. Loh bin in hundert HaieWier *'west, Von marbel, Stein un' Brick ; Un' riles was Ich hab geseh, Det Ich verschwappa any day, Fuer's Schul-heus an der Krick. Wer mued de hemp is, nu' will fort, So los UM numma geh ; Ich sag ihm awer torus nuns, Es is all Humbug Otres drags, Un' er werd's solver sob. Ich bin drans rum in rile Eck' Getrevelled high an' low ; Hab awer nosh in kennima Spot, UP e'inol so del Jay gehat, Wie iu dent Schel•haut do. Wie haetnelt midi do alles a': Ich steh, un' denk, guk ; • Un' was loh solder vergessa hab, Kummt wider z'rick, wie sus Reim Grab, Un' steht do wie e' Spook rem Kriekle spiidt verbal wie's hot, • ' Xeh rook t 140 9 ; • e a noonne isoh, Art So simart Wie long ago. Der Weisech' steht noch an der Tuehr— Macht Schatta neber's Ditch ; DioTrobqbersak is a', nooh grue'.— Un's Amsel nescht—guk yusht 'mol hi'! 0 was is des en Sach'! Die fichwalma skippa ueber's Feld— Die fedderst is die besht I Un seasht du, dont am Guebeleok, En Haus von Stopple un' von Dreck ? Sol is e' Schwalm& Nescht. Die yunge leis still just now, lan 'Chide elle sound ; Wart bis die Alta kriega Werra, Nord borscht da awer gross gelarm, Von Mettler all around ! Ys, alles des is nook wie's war Wo lob nook war e' Buhl; Doch andere Dings en ' net meh so, For alias dat slot ee do WM lob Melt merit tam'? Ich steh, wie Ossian in seam Thal, Un soh ins woika Spiel,— Bewegt it Freed us Traner.4-aolt I Die Trawls Komposwan Lob /soh ! Kanscht denka wie lab fuehl I Do bin IA gem in die 1344 Wo tch noun war pp. !Elea • Dort war der v yrdtteriti solul Stahl ; Dort wet ,un dort tel Unhi— tch kin s Me t h idles Mat I • Die langa Desks ring's an der Wand— Die .tiehnkadluin ; Uf shier gresa Seidl die , poets Mead, Und dors die Btitiooonet ea bleed Gnk wit ate peep 'rum I Der Meschter watch't she close just now— Ste beater e%tht ; Dort Seller wo love Letters schreibt, Uri seller wo tel Spoochte treibt, On' Seller Kert Wo hioht. Die grass ion' die bless all, Sin' unner ow Bole • Un dee to youth, der mitts wag; War Rules vrrhosoktdarnessonotsie Sohkg Oder yerlost die Bohai. Imitandig inn der Oft 'rum, Hocks die klene chaps ; Uhl ntudla all gar hart, you see, WO let lernt set A. B. 0, Set Ohre kridge Bitpps., Wig hart Milumka at so Beak.— Die Pus net of ear Floor ; En matiolter,kribkt in tathar Buck, tweak= Sohall leas an der Krick, Us' Bookie about sight sore I Di x e n foroP iniatirr pr l ol i t ueo 4 o o 4 t t ka i sie Es ke' Whlligilk=ll6lll my Wort— so wen* lona dort 17rimilla boob* Bonk. Mit all deDrawbaske aoyhow, Won do& o',..ftleoets Ma hal; Da ftosilette"-XM" tor so—gok such— Derha m durektposa Buck, Uslbtlipt embus lio' ebbe auk. Bois Witter ye, tla tiko;s Xea lesteb ; trwitit hot if MO • Opt Olharrsd Vio43 late' 54114 b IWO tiosarred " 1 40 46/ 12 • • • Wan's Slimier War w . us Scald war ens, Nord ass otes pi gstoolt ; DNA biordirbaftilikoso geolesst, Deli nen task Wider minasd, On deal, lom diolpie *'spills. IX! , r gg ; , italikposod. I PO' 11 1 0 s 34 05 9 r 9 1 40 4. Die Kiev& Nand has Biag popish, 17f sellout Wane da ; Wean grow Itasilvia' in der Bing— 'll is dock.' waturwProllas Ding I— SM? pose Mara a' Diagrosa ben, die Froge Die Kiwi all vermisst ! it`le eta' ale sprung% ab un' Wer g'womut Itot--verlos dick druf— Hot tnechtiglich pldest ! Am Christi)* Ws' die reehte silt-- O wan loh yusoht d'ra' dent ! Der Mesebter hen mir nano gesperrt, Do Tnehr and Vomiter Vest gebarrt,— "Nan, Mebobter, e' Gebobenck Nord hot er mightily brobirto Mit force au komme net ; On mir her--sic an hot geklopt— En Sobreiwes Mina tutus gestoipt, "Wan's seinsht don boat du red." Nan hot der Mesehter rens gelanst— Gar Kreislich sheepish vat ! Appel um' Keshta, un' nooh meh, Silver yusht a mint in fact recht whoa ; Mir hen't! mit Luschte k' sluckt ! O. wn sin' now .die Schuler All, Wo lama do gelerut? A deel sin' welt ewek 'gamest, By fortune of un' ab gochoeat,— Peel hot der Tod g.enut I Nei Hertz sohnalit mit Gedanka uff, Els lob miller gar verstiek ! .11.entip,betda's (I tit mirttau oa leed— trn' doth gebt mir die 'gro4chte Freed, Des Saul-halts an drt Kriik ! I= fatty , Good bye I alt Schul-haus—echo Kreischt Good bye ! Good bye 1 zurueck ; 0 Schill-eanstillehnl•hatuit nuts Ich geh ? Un' du atehst nord do alle' aleh— Du Schul-haus an der Krick ! 0 horcht ihr Leut wo nach mir lebt, Ich Schrelb such nooh des Stick ; lob warn euoh, dioh ouch, gebt dooht aoht Un nemmt forever gut en ht Des Schul-hans an der Krick. Pistaaneoug t [Erom the Toledo Blade.] The nomination of Roseman in Ohio—a Dream. PEITER I B, TAVERN, Holmes county, Ohio, Jooly 12, 1860. I left the Corners the day after I lost my position, and without any speshel pur pose wandeired up iate.:inr Did ststmpin grounds in Ohio., I wuz received with a coljality wich affected me profoundly.— Them Mich hed bin turned out ov offises cood sympathise with me, and them wich had never got em felt it atilt more deeply, ez they eggeaggerato the benefits to be de, rived from offishl poslshen, and actilly wonder how a man with ever held in of- laudectipittndten: "ro no difficulty in borrowinenuff do!. he. uv the sturdy yeomanry uv this seer tion to not only keep me afloat here for a tine but to pervide liens passage through an ablishn country of sich need be. My expenses here will be light, ez I am board in and drinkin on tick exclusively. I told the landlord the first day to mark it down ez it wuz inconvenient to make change fifty times per day. He possibly may wish he had taken the trouble to make change. The day after the Dimocratic State con venahen at Columbus we held a. informal meetin uv the Dimocracy at the tavern to wich I wuz stayin, the most uv the'vete rans bein there. The sceen reminded me uv Bascomls so much that I actilly abed teem. DinTcraey is alike everywhere..Ther wuz the bar, with the big-bellied bot tle with tansy in it, and the big-bellied bot tle without tansy in it; ther wuz the box ;iv pipes, the two lemmas with are doomed gever to in yoosed, ez lemon-j o ose weakens Biker ;,ther wuz Pepper, the landlord,. with his 'sleeves rolled up, a leanin onto his • el bows onto ' timber ; behind him a ilbetrnte uv Jackson, on his eomin steed, wavia his sword toward the British; beside it a hand. bill fora gums convenshun usr the Deretrick htat year, commensin with the 'trooly or thodox life: "Do you want to marry a ni g gar?" in large black type, witha &tut uf Wendell PAUips kietun a wench, at with the Dimoerasy have indignated reg lerly for ten years. Seetid on bustid cheerif empty nail kegs, and leanin on the bar; wise a poop with wuz simply a dooplikit uv the X Roads and so akkerit that I caught myself sayin "Deekin" lots uv times. I sad " captln" to a, man echo wtm so neer like MdPelter ez to justify the suspicion that the fitther Uv the present Hugh bed many years before bin a (Wein uv that vi sinity, but I wuz keerful not to do sou*. getain me by the throte, he sternly rer Markt : " Sir don't put any uv them titles onto me; sir. I wuz' no captain, thank heven." He wuz passified when I told him that his remarkable resemblance to a Conialtit 011011111WOCCalliellfd the mis take, with pleated hip se that he to moult askt me to take euthin. This epened. a new field to me wich I 'worked. r dtakiv ered to mount an atnazin resemblance be tween all uv emend olistinguleht Southern coeunnntlers. While rain the return IV '&lUlte Pet tibone, wich au; a delegate to thiState cOnvenshin, we fell to tallthi nv'the; old *Os with tried men's soles in the solder Min ur the war. Pepper, tilmolesillord, gave a molt ail ctin:rugSmut uv, On shootjn uv two retu vetetaps lit we very room in wich We t. The spot on with they • ibll be bed put the stole (net that it mite be shwa Mr. BIM* an tre l old saint , wluwe none wain lightln psth way to the tom% hed a more. a tit t¢ fell. He Wuz one uv theth 4i ered his Owns, Note to rerielet ' • is his country, and was taken by tido. coated hireling' sad carted 9ff OD, Vile* Olekleh Where he Wee kept lit &Prig** rile fir weeks, with nOthin WhateVer lb' live onto but yooeuld tafileill ur of h btogerl On. MP the old relies er the war, wish his name it win Hobbit, acoompssied Vslbuadygoui th;augh the Bosh , wk.b lines wuz commanded by Itesecrans. Lie *az present when thht accused vAittin— that tool uv the despotic ape Linldti-L-hed the impudence to abuse our martyred saint, and his blood Idled es he heered it. At this pint the entire assemblage profan ed. The letter uy Rosecrans to the Leg- Mater uy Ohio wuz dooly read, and the audashus sentiments therein contained Wl= dooly and emphatically damned. Fa the likker circulated, we got more aid niore enthoosiastic on this pint, and our blood warmed and throbbed more vilently through our veins es we toasted Vallandy. hum And forever and ever cursed the wretched hireling who ipprest him, and through him us. Finally we heard the rumblin uv wheels over the hill and we knowd that wus 'Squire Pettibone a comin from the sthshin with: the news uy the convenshin. He drove up and we rushed out to greet him. "'for for—who steel we, ror for?" ex claimed Pepper. "For Vallandygutn!" Bed another. "For Carey!" sed another. "My friends!" shouted Pettibone, "My friends, 'ror for Rosecrans and victory." "What?" remarkt a dozen ur us. "Who?" remarhi the.ethers. "Hell!" remarkt the balance. "Poor tridin with us!" remarkt Pep per. • , hall Aare borne the battle, and Ms orphan, to do all 'shish may oh a just and a lasting peace ad with an loaliese."-4.Z. NABBY. ' "None By yoor jokes," exclaimed Hor de. And the astonisht Pettibone wuz in danger uv bein roughly handled. But he finally convinst them that Rosccrans wuz reely and trooly the Dimocratic nominee, and that it was no joke whatever. I hed a great deal of trooble with em. The wuz bound not to touch Rosecrans, and they swore they hed bin betrayed and sold out. The platform, however, saved us. When I red it to em and explaned how cleerly it condemned the war by re foosin to pay, the indebtectuess incurred in prosekootin it, ho* and indignantly it spurned the administrashen and so on, they became cool. "Ef Rosecrans hes reely come to us," I sed, "let us open our arms and take him in." They retired not pleased, but in such a state that 1 hey no doubt the heft ay em will vote, as yooeual, an tmscratch ed tickit. They took down hticklelan, whinot Rosecrans?" That nite, after I retired to my virchus eottch, I fell into troobled sleep, and dreeni ed. The dreem wtdchaftletedmeWlet more instructive than entertainin. Ilethawt the Dimocrisy uv Ohio wuz in council, seekiis for a leer in the comity conflick. They trotted but , in review, all uv em; but they couldn't find a man in the party who was not so fearfully defective ez to be totally and entirely worthlls for the posishen. Vallandygum wuz ez spot ted ez a leper ; Ranney wuz tinged with the rather advanced Dimocrisy uv 1863, and the other men spoke uv wuz full uv politikle ulcers, biles and running sores. The menshun uv their names made the people hold their noses. One, more wise than the rest, in a flt uv inspirashun sung out " Rosecrans I" and the lies hit 'em. Rosecrans wuz trotted out and they fell to admirin him. He wuz well belt and comfy, and his figger showed strength and endoorance. He wuz encased into a glit terin coat uv bloo, onto wich shone the most gorgus decorashen wich cood be con ceeved. In letters uv life uv exceediu brilliancy who the *Ores e" Watt Virgin ny," " Stone River," " luky," and " Ohm camanga," with the names ay other acheevements more or less notorious, and these decorashens, with his epaulettes, military sash and sword ; spurt and etch, enveloped him from head to foot in a bril liancy the gorgeoosnis uv wich wuz be yond compare. The managers uv the &Ow wich trotted him out squinted at these things a minit but more plirtikelerly at thenuntitood w iob surrounded them, to see the effeck what It perdoost upon em, they slidin out uv site as he advanst„so that they woodent obstruet the'view. The site took the people.; tlurrlise up from the throng * most eethooldtietie cheer, and hate went up into the air by thcatiautla "lt'll do 1 it'll do I Thank the r e ord, it'll do l" shouted the managers, and they immediatelyfell to embraeht him in their exaticy. Vallandyguni fidl onto his week, but the spot where his hands struck the general obliterated " West Virginny ;" Another delegate's paw blotted out - "Stone River," and the next embrac3 bustid " " Cliicanutuipi," and the met uv it. 4.naushant delegate from Holmes county,, which had taken an active part in the resistance to drafts, slily drawd his sword and threw it away ; another del.- gate hacked orf his spurs; a third snaked orf his epileta, and, before tb poor feliOW knew wat wuz bein done to im they had gobbled pretty Much all uv t e ornaments wich had glittered so bravely onto him. " Don't—for Heaven's sake, don't," elackflotid and who wuz a candidata for a county offls in a close county. " Wat are you d otty ?" " These things' must come orf wr him to make him aeoeptable to our people," and they eagerly stripped orf one thing after another. “GU out of the slat there 1 9 + shouted another past* Wads lip ovnt.these reso looshens *OP him *id hive nindy.” TimAa i r ei r pm, l zz i plni stagger ed ant , vut ton stand up. "Per eaten% sake tv Ise said, in pleadinflone, "For Heaven's sake, take 041 °rt.', "pipoigsible rettrnoid them wich bed the mutter in hand. " You're all rite now; stand Wilde, nik Us/ ydo, and see how the psoApitsialie lidos flow." ThOy stood Wide, but to their surprise the mile Ward up thetr_ noses ea than& theLrma 1 0 1 00 1 04 and hissed ominously ins= thr t Merin. Show us our Rdseerans,” replied Val laudygum, puttint his arm round his neck We don't know him in them clothes and in Bich company," returned the multi tood, leavin in disgust. In my dreams the managers, when they saw the multitood treat their man so skorn ffilly, fell to revilen uv him. I awoke jist ez he wuz a tryin to git away, battered, bruised, besmeared, and besmiched. I thought, ez I lay ponderin on the vi sion, that possibly, when a soljer trades his military repetashen for a nomenashen at our hands, it does strike the people jist ez tho he hed traded uniforms doorin the struggle, and that possibly the speccela shen won't pay either him or us. But wat kin we do ? PETROLEUM V. NABIIY, P. M., (WWI is Postmaster.) Ix former times we heard a good deal about the " bloated bondholders," but with Twenty Million PACKER for their candidate it is presumed. that the Democ racy will not say much on that subject.— Either PACKER is an immense holder of Government bonds, or, belonging to the SEYMOUR class, who never took a bond becauso by so doing they would suppgrt the Government, has his money well in vested in something else that tap better. CASH BATES- OF ' 4! k IN FATHER ABRAHAM. Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a Square 1 . -1 .9 lima. ;_____,_—____ _.......,._ 1 week ....,$ 75;51 40 $2105350 $ 6 00 11 C 0 2 weeks... 120 180 2 70' 460 8 00 14 00 3 weeks... 1 50: 220- 930: 000 10 110 17 00 1 month...' 175 280 3 90' 700 12 00 10 0,9 2 months.. 275 400 8 00' 10 00; 20 00 35 or 3 months.. 400 1 6 09' 9 00: 14 1 41 30 66 09 6 monttut..l 7 CO I 11 111 16 401 111 sr 7010 1 year 1 11 004 10 00, 10 00 40 49 120 00 _ _ _ ... NxecutoreNotiee $2 ill Administrators , Notice... 2 II Assignees' Notice , - 1 511 Auditors' Notice 1 1 50 SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten sleets a thee for the drat insertion. and Seven cents • Ifni for eaoh subsequent Insertion. • WEAL aIIiTATE advertJeereeata Ten cents a line for the first insertion and Five eents a him for each attaltional insertion. • • - N 0.37 BALL' BINDS or JOB MINTING execnind with *esteem and despatch. r. Tat reinfifttoff aetwikkiddrell out 'flat from the port:nee created an - exetretnent which was only allayed by the new ap.- pointee prondelng to nulitylhert, THREE months of Gans administra tion have reduced the national debt $36,- 000,000; and the carrehtl nipenten of the government to one-half the sum of the last year •df Johnson's adoninistastion., IT is Sod pa Par-lora*? 1, qui' nently practical Yankee, will o er contin gent sums of money for votes. Contracts for counties wiltrouty betrmshisred. -Who will stand up for•Luuesl4lPKl THE Registry Law Wilt decrease the Copperhead. vote in Philadelphia 10,000, de infor*ing that Mai* chealinpg. It l itt er del+ ths - Dbmookcy hate thighs* Itliutti them. A little Ooy4ecj At he knew where Hart *sot, mit* 304- r ithat they went to New Y ork and otb for a eop rhead newspap if er. They don't all o t to 70k tor Th Orp604:0111a4IVIIII in Laneastdr. “Loos out for your ' pocket books,” should hav lbeen written. over the door of the Capitol et Harrisbur g, the Democratic 'Convention was in session. Billy lillualculswlthktoraugotumus theme, and some of the rascals couldn't help for aging a little, even though it was on their friends. 'iow/ the very correct Mr. Packer got into queer company when Billy McMul lin and his roughs and pickpockets, engi neered his cause at the Harrisburg Conven tion. Even Rev. John Chambers, the in tellectual Achilles of Pennsylvania De mocracy, can't stand Billy and his crowd. Politics maketh strange companions. CONTRARY to the expectations of the Treasury Department,. it is believed that its next monthly public debt statement will show a decrease of the public debt of about $5,0011,090. Owing to the heavy payment or )hiterest to' be Met In the month of July, the , statement would have been hopeful and satisfactory if it showed no increase of the dolt. • AEA PACKER is a Democrat of the old school—one of the regular hunkers that alwaywaet on tho defensive. The regular hard headed, blue shelled, crab-appled. tough ..hkled. grizzly beardod, .never vancing, anti-war, ,forever-cralrlink.back in-tbeAtente%6l4 Demeetib, B hdilfdated Asa Packet, awl he well serves to repre sent thei; head and front. THE Democratic party may be for pur poses of convenience divided into two parties—those who have been under in dictment and those who have not. The former class chiefly congregate in certain notorious 'mantles in the larger cities-- the lattur are mainly found in those por tions of the rural districts where there Are few school-houses, mail routbs, or daily newspapers. THE Northitteiterhy biallleiderit is the title of a new monthly_ pape r just com menced at Butler, btrlark Wilson, ' Esq. The paper is to be " independent, *minas, and free,t , and opposes the re-election of Hon. Alex. Leslie, on account of his vas. lag for the additional pastors and folde.rs in the last Legislature. The pester and !bider swindle has sent several to political graves, and more will follow. WAS there ever such (thane* juggleryaal is evinced in the denunciation' of the Fif teenth Amendment and the " nigger 91 in general, by the Pennsylvania Democracy, Just at the moray rit whenthe hickory-rebel mocracy of Yfithin, ' Mississippi and the South in general, are agreeing to it ; not only that, but actually—in a political sense, if no other—getting into bed with the " nigger??? THE character of the Democratic State Convention Is shown by the feet that Prank Hughes and ether delegates 41011A pbOned that thepussy wegs were *ek ed ,u,p by pickpo c kets. f thme nien were not d I elegates "they at least bad heard tbat Fielder's Monet was abOUt and SO doubt intended to kelp themselves. Gentlerma s don't go back on your Meads. Bement her, honor amount thieves! HAS the Packer feud quarter of a million lynx-money, been evenly divided &meow the Democracy? A fitir partition would - ghte seventy-five mite apiece , but haven't some of the crowd grabbed 'More thin their share? Every Democratic voter who has not received his seventy five cents, currency, should lose no 'time in calling his local member of the State Committee to account. Somebody has got the money. • How the. Hon. Asa Packer will sigh for the immunity of poverty before three months shall have rolled over his devoted head! How he must dread the plucking even now beginning, and how he must pray for it to be over! Let all good Samaritims ettend their sympathies to this unfortunate millionaire, so fallen among thieves. Three hundred thousana rapa cious copperheads, on a fresh scent of money bags, and in full cry, is a fearful sight. i• SAYS the Chicago Post : "See how the I Democrats are trying to steal Republican I thunder, or rather Republican lightning, which makes no noise at all. They have I nominated Judge Packer for Governor of Pennsylvania, who is as reticent as Grant. Not only that, but he was an original tanner. And not only that, but he was raised on the farm of one john Brown * Verily, John Brown's body lies moulder ing in the ground, but his soul is march ing on. Now let Geary put on his . Pt fighting go *r, and tau the North 8 ton tanner lively." He'll do that. Yo u may bet half Chicago on it, Mr. Post, and win.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers